DuPont-Bi-07 TM
DuPont-Bi-07 TM
DuPont-Bi-07 TM
TM 55-3 US 7.19
Technical Memorandum
This was of particular interest to
scientists as these bacteria are
typically the most abundant species
present in the intestine of breastfed
infants and regarded as a primary
reason for the infants’ greater
resistance to disease. Today
bifidobacteria are broadly recognized
for their key role in the human
intestinal microbiota throughout life.
A high proportion of bifidobacteria in
the intestinal tract is considered
beneficial to health.
some also involved subjects with important means of demonstrating hospital-acquired infections and are
atopic dermatitis, functional bowel the potential of an organism to be refractory to treatment. The
disorders, or infections requiring readily inactivated by the antibiotics transmissible nature of genetic
antibiotic treatment. No serious used in human therapy. Antibiotic elements that encode vancomycin
adverse effects have been associated resistance is a natural property of resistance in these enterococci is an
with the administration of B. lactis microorganisms and existed before important mechanism of
Bi-07. antibiotics became used by humans. pathogenicity.
In many cases, resistance is due to the
The safety of formulas containing Resistance to vancomycin in certain
absence of the specific antibiotic
probiotics and prebiotics as well as lactobacilli, pediococci, and
target or is a consequence of natural
fecal microbiology and colonization of leuconostoc is due to intrinsic factors
selection. Antibiotic resistance can be
the probiotic was evaluated in a related to the composition of their cell
defined as the ability of some bacteria
multicenter, double-blind, placebo- wall. It is not due to any transmissible
to survive or even grow in the
controlled, randomized study with elements (Delcour et al, 1999). B. lactis
presence of certain substances that
healthy toddlers, 12-34 months of age. Bi-07 is vancomycin-sensitive.
usually inhibit or kill other bacteria.
Toddlers were randomly divided into This resistance may be inherent/ A tetracycline resistance gene
three groups: control, probiotic (B. intrinsic or acquired. common for B. lactis is also present in
lactis Bi-07), and synbiotic (B. lactis
the B. lactis Bi-07 genome in a stable
Bi-07 and fructo-oligosaccharide, FOS). Inherent or intrinsic resistance
genomic location suggesting unlikely
B. lactis was detected significantly Most, if not all, strains of a certain
gene transferal or alteration in
more frequently in the feces of the bacterial species are not normally
phenotypic activity (Stahl and
probiotic and synbiotic group at days 7 susceptible to a certain antibiotic.
Barrangou, 2012). To date, antibiotic
and 28, compared to the control group. The antibiotic has no effect on these
resistance transfer cases have not
No significant differences were found cells, being unable to kill or inhibit
been reported for Bifidobacterium
in fecal concentrations of Bacteroides, the bacterium, for example because
used in foods and feed. Measurements
Streptococcus, or total Bifidobacterium the target for the antibiotic may
of antibiotic sensitivity did not
groups. There were no statistically be missing.
demonstrate resistance for B. lactis
significant differences across formula
Acquired resistance Bi-07 at levels exceeding any
groups in the numbers and kinds of
Most strains of a bacterial species are breakpoints defined by EFSA (Morovic
formula-related adverse effects
usually susceptible to a given et al, 2017). The expressed level of
(Bettler et al, 2006).
antibiotic. However, some strains may tetracycline resistance in B. lactis Bi-07
To investigate the safety and be resistant, having adapted to is, however, equal to the EFSA cut-off
tolerability B. lactis Bi-07 in survive antibiotic exposure. Possible value (EFSA, 2012). The antibiotic
conjunction with defined clinical explanations for this include: susceptibility patterns (antibiogram)
end-points, a cohort of healthy active for B. lactis Bi-07 are summarized in
• a mutation in the gene coding for
adults from the trial by West et al Table 1.
the antibiotic’s target can make an
(West et al, 2014b) was analyzed for
antibiotic less efficient. This type of Production of biogenic amines
routine hematology and clinical
antibiotic resistance is usually not Histamine and tyramine are biogenic
chemistry markers. Supplementation
transferable. amines that occur naturally in a wide
with a combination of L. acidophilus
• a resistance gene may have been range of foods including fermented
NCFM and B. lactis Bi-07 (5 × 109 CFU of
acquired from another bacterium. products. They are formed by the
each strain) had no impact on these
enzymes present in the raw material
markers (Cox et al, 2014). This data Of the acquired resistances, the latter or are generated by microbial
provides evidence supporting the use is of most concern, as it may be decarboxylation of amino acids. The
of this probiotic supplement over a passed on to other bacteria; including consumption of food containing large
period of 5 months in healthy active potentially pathogenic ones. amounts of these amines can induce
adults without obvious safety or
Much concern has arisen in recent adverse reactions such as nausea,
tolerability issues.
years regarding vancomycin headaches, rashes, and changes in
Antibiotic susceptibility patterns resistance. Vancomycin-resistant blood pressure (Ladero et al, 2010).
Antibiotic susceptibility profiles are an enterococci are a leading cause of
Table 1. B. lactis Bi-07 antibiotic susceptibility profiles
Antibiogram of B. lactis Bi-07 was established using ISO 10932 IDF223 method and VetMIC Lact-1 and 2 micro-dilution plates that include all
antibiotics that are recommended by The Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP). Recorded Minimum
Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs) are displayed in the table below. All MIC values are below or equal to the Microbial Break Points (MBPs) defined
for Bifidobacterium (EFSA Journal 2012;10(6):2740). According to the results B. lactis Bi-07 does not bear acquired antibiotic resistance (Morovic et al,
Gm Km Sm Tc Em Cl Ch Amp Va
In lactic acid bacteria, production of In humans, animals, plants and that probiotics have to be consumed
histamine results from the catabolism microorganisms, L(+)-lactic acid is a in sufficient numbers to provide the
of histidine by a histidine normal intermediate or end product of desired health benefit. It is likely that
decarboxylase, and production of the carbohydrate and amino acid different strains and different effects
tyramine results from the catabolism metabolic processes whereas, D(-)- require different dosages.
of tyrosine by tyrosine decarboxylase. lactic acid was thought to be “non-
Delivering the proper dose of B. lactis
A specific detection method for physiological” and a possible cause for
Bi-07 over the shelf-life of a product
histidine and tyrosine decarboxylase lactate acidosis.
can be dependent on many factors
genes has been developed internally
Although some species of probiotic such as formulation, processing,
to DuPont based on the scientific
cultures, as nutritional ingredients packaging, and storage temperature
literature and on the most updated
that may produce D(-)-lactic acid, have and humidity. It is important to
genomic databases. With this method,
been safely administered to infants consider these factors and run
no histidine or tyrosine decarboxylase
(Connolly et al, 2005), Codex specifies stability trials to develop sound
gene was identified in B. lactis Bi-07
that only L(+)-lactic acid producing products.
genome (Morovic et al, 2017).
cultures can be used for infant
Consequently, B. lactis Bi-07 is unlikely Health-related properties
formula and follow up formula. B.
to produce histamine or tyramine. B. lactis Bi-07 has been extensively
lactis Bi-07 only produces L(+)-lactic
studied for its health sustaining or
L/D-lactic acid production acid (Table 2).
promoting effects. The mechanisms
Lactic acid is the most important
Product Stability of action have been demonstrated in
metabolic end product of fermentation
Today there is a general consensus animal models and the efficacy of
processes by lactic acid bacteria and
other microorganisms. Lactic acid
Table 2. L/D Lactic acid production
fermentation has been used for
thousands of years in the production L/D Lactic acid production
of fermented foods. Due to its
molecular structure, lactic acid has 100/0
L/D lactic acid production
two optical isomers. One is known as molar ratio
Boehringer Mannheim/R-Biopharm UV-method
L(+)-lactic acid and the other, its mirror
image, is D(-)-lactic acid. Source: DuPont internally-generated data
B. lactis Bi-07 has been further Figure 2. Stability of B. lactis Bi-07 culture concentrate.
evaluated in human clinical trials. n 4°C n 25°C n 30°C
Clinical trials to date have shown that 1012
B. lactis Bi-07 has been included in
probiotic studies to understand its
potential role in resistance to
respiratory and gastrointestinal (GI) 1011
Log CFU/g
infections, functional intestinal
symptoms, and the remedy of and
incidence of symptoms of antibiotic
associated diarrhea. Studies have
been conducted by using B. lactis
Bi-07 as a single strain or in
combination with other probiotic 109
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
strains and/or prebiotics. The key
Time (months)
findings of this research are
summarized below. Source: DuPont internally-generated data
important for a number of reasons. Table 3. Acid and bile tolerance of B. lactis Bi-07
Binding to the intestinal mucosa may
Survival in GI tract conditions in vitro
prolong the time a probiotic strain
can reside in the intestine. This
++ 7 0-79% survival in hydrochloric acid and 1% pepsin at
interaction with the mucosa brings Acid tolerance
pH 3.5 for 1h at 37°C
the probiotic in close contact with the
intestinal immune system, giving it a
Bile salt tolerance ++ 70-79% survival in 0.3% bile salt-containing medium
better opportunity to modulate the
immune response. It may also protect
against enteric pathogens by limiting ++++ Excellent +++ Very good ++ Good + Fair
B. lactis Bi-07 can utilize panose, Figure 3. The probiotic mixture containing B. lactis Bi-07 protects the fecal microbiota from
disruption by antibiotics, as indicated by the greater dissimilarity of the microbiota of the placebo
sophrose, FOS, gentobiose, and
group compared to the baseline microbiota composition (Adapted from: Engelbrektson et al, 2006).
xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) of
110 Probiotic Placebo
different lengths as a carbon source
in vitro (Mäkeläinen et al, 2009; 100
associated diarrhea (CDAD) and showed a trend for more efficient patients with pre-existing abdominal
diarrhea-associated symptoms (fever, reduction in the number of days with pain benefited from probiotics in
abdominal pain, bloating, severity and abdominal pain, but the study was not number of pain days.
length of diarrhea) were also reduced sufficiently powered for evaluating
Beneficial modulation of the
in a dose-responsive manner the clinical outcome.
immune system
(Ouwehand et al, 2014).
Bowel function The human immune system is a highly
Forssten and co-workers analyzed Constipated women were evaluated efficient and complex system for
whether the resilience of the GI according to Rome III criteria before defending the body against foreign
microbiota during antibiotic and after a 30-day open-labelled infectious agents (bacteria, viruses,
consumption is enhanced with intervention with B. lactis Bi-07 and parasites) as well as from
probiotics (Forssten et al, 2014). Eighty containing fresh cheese. They malignant cells and other noxious
volunteers had a 7-day course of consumed 30g of fresh cheese daily agents. An immune system that
amoxicillin and clavulanate and were with 108 CFU of B. lactis Bi-07 per functions optimally is an important
randomized to receive a concurrent serving in the active product. The safeguard against infectious and
two-strain probiotic (L. acidophilus probiotic cheese was found to non-infectious diseases. The GI tract is
NCFM and B. lactis Bi-07 at 12.5 x 109 alleviate constipation and the body’s largest immune organ,
CFU/d each) or placebo constipation-related symptoms more containing an estimated 80% of all
supplementation ongoing for a total efficiently than plain fresh cheese, but antibody-producing cells. The
of 14 days. The microbiomes both groups responded to treatment intestinal microbiota represents one of
remained essentially stable in both (Favretto et al, 2013). the key elements in the body’s
groups except for an elevation of immune defense system (Calder et al,
Ringel-Kulka et al studied
supplemented species within the 2013).
combination of L. acidophilus NCFM
treatment group. This was in line with
and B. lactis Bi-07 versus placebo for The immune system of a newborn is
the symptom assessment during the
the symptoms of bloating in patients functionally immature. Exposure to
trial which revealed only mild GI
with functional bowel disorders in a antigens during early life is essential to
symptoms due to the antibiotic
double-blind study (Ringel-Kulka et al, drive the development of the gut
treatment and no statistically
2011). The global relief of GI symptoms mucosal immune system and to
significant differences in symptom
and satisfaction with treatment was maintain immune homeostasis.
scores between the probiotic and
not affected, but bloating symptoms Microbial antigens derived from the
placebo groups.
were significantly reduced in intestinal microbiota and the
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS treatment group. environment play a crucial role in the
Intestinal pain is one of the maturation of gut-associated lymphoid
D’Souza and colleagues studied the
symptoms of IBS. As L. acidophilus tissue and normal resistance to
effects of combination of L.
NCFM is known to induce analgesic disease. Reduced microbial exposure
acidophilus NCFM and B. lactis Bi-07
receptors in rats (Rousseaux et al, in Western societies has also been
versus placebo on the length of days
2007), Ringel-Kulka and colleagues associated with an increased incidence
to resolution of bloating, abdominal
analyzed the gene expression levels of atopic and autoimmune disorders
pain, and altered bowel function in
of mu-opioid receptor (MOR) and (Calder et al, 2013, Versini et al, 2015).
patients who undertook colonoscopy
cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) from
in a double-blind trial (D’Souza et al, There is a significant amount of
human mucosal biopsies (Ringel-
2015). A total of 320 patients were evidence to suggest that specific
Kulka et al, 2014). Twenty female
randomized post-colonoscopy to the probiotic strains are able to stimulate
subjects consumed B. lactis Bi-07 in
trial. Patients in the L. acidophilus and regulate several aspects of
combination with L. acidophilus
NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07 group had a natural and acquired immune
NCFM or only L. acidophilus NCFM
significantly lower number of pain responses. This could either be
for 21 days prior to donating biopsies
days following colonoscopy when through stimulation of the gut
during sigmoidoscopy. The L.
compared with the placebo group. immune system or modulation of
acidophilus NCFM alone enhanced
There was no difference in bloating or immune cell production and function
MOR expression whereas the
return to normal bowel habit days. (Lei et al, 2015).
combination product had no effect.
Subgroup analysis revealed that
The combination product, however,
Probiotic bacteria with the ability to Figure 5. Induction of IL-10 and IL-12 by B. lactis Bi-07 in PBMCs, compared with Lc. lactis and E. coli
modulate certain immune functions (Adapted from: Foligne et al, 2007).
other immune-based conditions 500
(Duerkop et al, 2009, Hardy et al, 2013). 400
Modulation of the immune system is 400
an area of intense study in relation to 200 100
the DuPont™ Danisco® range of 0 0
Bi-07 Lc. lactis E. coli Bi-07 Lc. lactis E. coli
probiotics. The goal is to understand
how each strain contributes to the
maintenance and balance of optimal lactis, B. lactis Bi-07 induced moderate Figure 6. Cytokine response to bacterial DNA
amounts of IL-10. However, B. lactis (cultured with PBMC) compared with the
immune function. The immune
response to LPS (Adapted from: Lammers et
system is controlled by compounds Bi-07 induced higher excretion of IL-12
al, 2003).
known as cytokines. Cytokines are from PBMCs (Figure 5). This is known
hormone-like proteins made by cells to shift the immune system towards a 4500
that affect the behavior of other cells so called Th1 type of response, which 4000
and, thereby, play an important role in plays a key role in, for example, 3500
information is generated that can whole cells differs from that of DNA. 10
help determine the ability of each It also suggests that, even when cells
strain to contribute to balanced die and their DNA is released, they
immune health. may modulate the immune system. -10
B. lactis Bi-07 was investigated in vitro B. lactis Bi-07 has demonstrated an Bi-07 Lc. lactis E. coli
for its ability to induce the PBMCs to ability to modulate the immune
secrete selected cytokines: system in an intestinal inflammation inflammation. B. lactis Bi-07 exerted
interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-12. The results animal model, adding on its ability to moderate but significant protection
were compared with a strain of contribute to a balanced immune from the intestinal inflammation in
Lactococcus (Lc.) lactis and a strain of system. Figure 7 demonstrates the this model, demonstrating its ability
non-pathogenic E. coli. Similar to Lc. percentage of protection from a to interact with and balance the
chemically-induced intestinal
intestinal mucosal immune response article, Bi-07 is called B. infantis due to species show quantitative and
(Figure 7) (Foligne et al, 2007). an identification mistake at the time. qualitative differences in their
The authors describe the strain as “a possible biotherapeutic effects
Protection from experimental human isolate obtained from Rhone- (Wagner et al, 1998).
Candida albicans infection Poulenc, Madison, Wisconsin” that
Candida yeasts are usually present in Another study has looked at the
indicates the strain origin and the
most people but uncontrolled effect of prior colonization with
strain being Bi-07. It was seen that
overgrowth, for example due to probiotic bacteria on the antibody
both bifidobacteria prolonged the
medication or underlying disease, can responses of immunodeficient mice
survival of C. albicans-colonized adult
lead to candidiasis. Candidiasis is a subject to alimentary tract
and neonatal mice. Mice diassociated
fungal infection (mycosis), caused by colonization with C. albicans.
with C. albicans and B. lactis Bi-07 or
species of the genus Candida, Although the probiotic bacteria did
the other B. lactis strain had
predominantly Candida albicans. not induce a vigorous antibody
significantly fewer C. albicans in their
Candidiasis encompasses infections response to their own antigens, the
stomachs and intestines compared
that range from superficial, such as study demonstrated that they altered
with mice monoassociated with C.
oral thrush and vaginitis, to systemic the antibody response to C. albicans
albicans. The presence of either of the
and potentially severe diseases. The in mice. The authors observed mixed
two B. lactis strains in the alimentary
increased incidence of Candida immunomodulatory effects from the
tract reduced the incidence of
infections and their increasing probiotic bacteria. The probiotic
disseminated candidiasis in mice. Less
resistance to antifungal antibiotics strains induced antibody responses to
systemic candidiasis of endogenous
provides a strong impetus for new some C. albicans antigens but
origin in mice was detected in mice
research efforts to explore the use of inhibited antibody responses to
colonized with B. lactis Bi-07 rather
probiotic bacteria for the prophylaxis others. However, the data indicate
than the other strain of B. lactis.
and therapy of candidiasis. that probiotic bacteria (such as L.
Immune responses were evaluated as
acidophilus NCFM and B. lactis Bi-07),
B. lactis Bi-07 has been evaluated in a immunoglobulins in the sera of mice
which effectively prolonged the
Candida infection model for its either monoassociated with one of
survival of immunodeficient mice
capability to protect immunodeficient the bifidobacteria or C. albicans or
colonized with C. albicans (Wagner et
mice from lethal candidiasis (Wagner diassociated with one of the
al, 1997), also strongly stimulated the
et al, 1997). Here the strain was found bifidobacteria and C. albicans.
production of antibodies to C. albicans
to reduce the level of Candida Both bifidobacteria affected the antigens. These results suggest that
colonization in all parts of the production of antibodies to C. commensal bacterial flora should be
gastrointestinal tract and significantly albicans, but the effects were considered an important component
reduce the incidence and severity of different for the two mouse types and of the humoral immune system in
candidiasis in mice. Furthermore, the the two bifidobacterial strains. protecting against candidiasis. They
study showed higher total levels of Despite these differences, both also demonstrate that the presence
IgA, IgG, and IgM and an improved mouse types monoassociated with B. of certain probiotic bacteria can
specific antibody response. In lactis Bi-07, but not the other B. lactis, enhance or suppress antibody
addition, B. lactis Bi-07 induced a had increased serum IgG, IgA, and responses to antigens administered
stronger cell-mediated immune IgM compared with sera from germ- via the mucosal surfaces of the
response against Candida. As a result, free (GF) controls. Additionally, in both alimentary tract (Wagner et al, 2000).
the lethality of the candidiasis was types of mice diassociated with C.
significantly reduced in both adult Modulation of the immune system
albicans and B. lactis Bi-07, the levels
and new-born mice. in humans
of IgG, IgA, and IgM were higher
Effects of B. lactis Bi-07
A further study evaluated the compared to the GF control sera. The
supplementation with or without GOS
capacity of two B. lactis strains, B. two bifidobacteria strains also
on immune cell activity and intestinal
lactis Bi-07 and B. lactis Bb-12, to suppressed weight loss associated
microbiota of elderly individuals was
protect two types of immunodeficient with C. albicans infection. The results
evaluated in a double-blind
mice from orogastric candidiasis and show that B. lactis Bi-07 can provide
randomized placebo-controlled
systemic candidiasis of endogenous important protection against
cross-over trial (Maneerat et al, 2013).
origin (Wagner et al, 1998). In the candidiasis in immunodeficient mice
During the trial subjects consumed
and that different strains of the same
the investigational product for 21 days lactis Bi-07. Supplementation with B. pronounced with L. acidophilus
with a 28-day wash-out period in lactis Bi-07 or the placebo started on NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07 than L.
between each treatment period. All day 0 and continued for 21 days. The acidophilus NCFM alone and
subjects consumed all four treatments subjects consumed two capsules per therefore the investigators speculated
(B. lactis Bi-07; GOS; B. lactis Bi- day with 1010 CFU B. lactis Bi-07 or two that B. lactis Bi-07 might give
07+GOS; placebo), but due to carry- capsules per day with maltodextrin additional advantage for immune
over effects only the first treatments’ (control). On day 7 and 14, the subjects defense against infections (Leyer et
samples were analyzed statistically as received the oral vaccine. Blood al, 2009).
if the study was designed for parallel samples were collected on day 0, 21,
The same probiotic combination (L.
groups. Phagocytosis and oxidative and 28, and antigen-specific
acidophilus NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07) was
burst capacity of monocytes and antibodies IgG (immunoglobulin G)
tested for enhanced resilience against
granulocytes, cytokine and chemokine were determined. Supplementation
URTI and GI illness among physically
concentrations, composition of fecal with B. lactis Bi-07 showed the
active adults in a randomized
microbiota, and intestinal organic acid tendency to increase specific IgG
placebo-controlled intervention trial
levels were determined. It was found induction compared to the placebo
with three parallel groups consuming
that phagocytic activity of monocytes group. This indicates the stimulation
L. acidophilus NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07, B.
and granulocytes was enhanced, but of specific immunity by B. lactis Bi-07
lactis Bl-04, or placebo (West et al,
intracellular reactive oxygen species (Figure 8) (Paineau et al, 2008).
2014b). During the wash-out period
were not elevated. The results indicate
and following the 150-day
that B. lactis Bi-07 augments
Figure 8. Relative change in specific IgG consumption, the number of illness
phagocytosis but not inflammation
titre in orally vaccinated humans after episodes and duration were recorded
that could be harmful on homeostatic
supplementation with B. lactis Bi-07 (Adapted and ranked according to a categorical
situation (Maneerat et al, 2013).
from: Paineau et al, 2008). subjective estimate. B. lactis BI-04
As to effects on immune markers, XOS was associated with a significant
influenced the cell-surface markers of 125 n Maltodextrin (control) reduction of risk of URTI whereas the
n B. lactis Bi-07
natural killer T cells and suppressed 120 combination product (L. acidophilus
IL-10 secretion, B. lactis Bi-07 lowered 115 NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07) only showed a
IL-4 secretion and IgA levels while trend towards effectiveness. There
% change
enhancing IL-6 secretion, and the were too few GI illness episodes for
synbiotic supplementation altered statistical analyses. However, no clear
B-cell surface markers. No significant effects were seen in innate immune
effects were seen on phagocytosis, 95 markers including 34 cytokines, white
oxidative burst, or leukocyte counts. 90 cell differentials, and natural killer
0 21 28
No clear conclusions could be made days
(NK) cell and PBMC activity, that
on mechanisms of immune effects of would explain enhanced resilience
treatments, but XOS and B. lactis Bi-07 towards URTI (West et al, 2014a).
were suggested to present an Impact on respiratory health
The beneficial effect of probiotic
immunostimulatory effect potentially The impact of a combination of B.
combination (L. acidophilus NCFM+B.
beneficial for subjects with suppressed lactis Bi-07 and L. acidophilus NCFM
lactis Bi-07) evidenced in the previous
Th1 response (elderly) or excessive Th2 on respiratory health was investigated
study was evaluated further. PBMCs
activity (atopic) (Childs et al, 2014). in a randomized placebo controlled
were isolated to examine whether
study of 326 Chinese children, 3-5
The ability of B. lactis Bi-07 to probiotic consumption had affected
years of age. Intake of two doses of L.
stimulate specific immunity has been the frequency of circulating
acidophilus NCFM+B. lactis Bi-07 daily
evaluated in a human study regulatory T (Treg) cells (West et al,
for 6 months significantly reduced the
measuring primary immune reaction 2016). CD4+ T-cells were analyzed for
incidence and duration of upper
following vaccination. Human CD127loCD25+ surface-stained markers
respiratory tract infection (URTI)
volunteers were orally vaccinated and CD127loFoxP3+ intracellular-
symptoms and antibiotic use,
using cholera vaccine as a vaccination stained markers to determine the
indicating improved efficacy
model. In addition, they received percentage of Treg-cells. Expression of
compared to a placebo or the single
either a placebo (maltodextrin) or B. CCR9 and CXCR3 was evaluated in
strain alone. The effects were more
effector/memory (CD45RO+) and naive SCORAD (scoring atopic dermatitis) groups in relation to the duration of
(CD45RO-) CD4+ T cells and Treg cells clinical evaluation tool resulted in illness or treatment. All three
using the surface-stained samples. significant improvement of scores in supplements were generally well
There were no significant differences B. lactis Bi-07 group (Gobel et al, tolerated. The results suggested that
in CD4+ T-cell or Treg-cell subsets 2010). The levels of Bifidobacterium the use of nutritional supplements
between the L. acidophilus NCFM+B. correlated positively, while the levels containing B. lactis Bi-07 is beneficial
lactis Bi-07 group and the placebo of the Lactobacillus group correlated and safe in children undergoing
group. The intensity of physical negatively with improvement of antibiotic treatment, but its effect in
activity, on the other hand, had atopic eczema evaluated by the preventing infections remains unclear
significant effect on the frequency of atopic dermatitis score (SCORAD) (Schrezenmeir et al, 2004).
Treg-cells. After dividing all the (Larsen et al, 2011). This correlation
A further study – a double-blind,
participants in the probiotics group was observed across the whole study
randomized, 4-month study – was
and the placebo group into tertiles cohort and was not attributed to
conducted at 13 locations in Brazil,
depending on the intensity of exercise probiotic intake.
Mexico, Portugal, and Spain (Fisberg
(low, medium, and high), the authors
Other health-related properties et al, 2002). The objective was to
observed a significant increase in the
Well-being and growth of children evaluate the incidence and duration
frequency of Treg-cells in the samples
Appropriate nutrition is particularly of illness plus anthropometrics in
of medium-intensity group.
important for children during acute children who received a nutritional
Combination of B. lactis Bi-07 and L.
phases of illness to maximize energy supplement with or without
acidophilus NCFM in healthy active
and fluid intake and to improve their synbiotics. Children recruited for the
adults was not associated with
recovery. B. lactis Bi-07 has been study were 1 to 6 years old and
changes in the frequency of circulating
evaluated in synbiotic nutritional underweight (as defined by a World
Treg-cells. However, regular physical
supplements administered to 1 to Health Organization/National Center
activity may have hidden the potential
10-year old children (also including L. for Health Statistics chart (WHO/
influence of probiotic supplementation
acidophilus NCFM and FOS) in two NCHS)), but otherwise healthy.
on circulating Treg-cells (West et al,
human clinical studies (Fisberg et al, Overall, the incidence of sickness,
2002; Schrezenmeir et al, 2004). A number of sick days, and antibiotic
Atopic dermatitis multicenter, open, randomized, use were similar between the two
In a human clinical trial, children with comparative study included acutely ill groups. However, the subgroup of
atopic dermatitis (AD) (7-24 months children aged 1-6 years who required children aged 3 to 5 years consuming
old) were given B. lactis Bi-07 (n=17), L. antibiotic treatment for a bacterial the synbiotic formula who had at
acidophilus NCFM (n=17), or placebo infection (Schrezenmeir et al, 2004). least one episode of sickness,
(n=16) (Gobel et al, 2010; Larsen et al, The children received either a experienced significantly fewer sick
2011). The fecal numbers of L. synbiotic nutritional supplement, a days. This suggests that the formula
acidophilus and B. lactis increased nutritional supplement without the may help to reduce the duration of
significantly after intervention, synbiotic components, or a fruit- sickness in underweight children. The
indicating survival of the ingested flavored drink with their medication. synbiotic group experienced a
bacteria. The administration of B. Total energy intake, weight gain, and significant reduction in constipation
lactis Bi-07 did not affect the fecal lactobacilli levels were across all ages. All subjects
composition and diversity of the main significantly greater in the group that experienced growth in relation to
bacterial populations in feces. consumed the synbiotic formula. This height, weight and weight/height-
Eosinophil cationic protein, IL-31, group also had the lowest absolute ratio with no differences in growth
interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-10, and IgE (total), rate of relapse or new bacterial between the synbiotic and control
IgE (egg), IgE (milk) were measured infections, but these differences were feeding groups. Both supplements
from plasma and calprotectin from not statistically significant. There were used in the study were well tolerated,
feces. No differences were found in no significant differences in fecal and the overall incidence of adverse
primary clinical or immunological bifidobacteria levels at the end of events was very low (Fisberg et al,
outcomes. In the B. lactis Bi-07 group, antibiotic therapy, although levels 2002). These studies provide further
levels of IFN-γ and IL-10 showed a were higher in the synbiotic nutritional evidence of the safe, beneficial use of
trend towards reduction. However, supplement group. There were also no B. lactis Bi-07 in child nutrition.
post-hoc analysis using subjective significant differences among the
Necrotizing enterocolitis in very low B. lactis Bi-07 were characterized as intragastric B. lactis Bi-07 dosages of
birth weight infants orthologues of oxalyl-CoA 109 CFU/ml for 4 weeks and compared
Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a decarboxylase (oxc) and formyl-CoA with uremic non-treated rats and sham
multifactorial disease that is common transferase (frc) (Turroni et al, 2010). group rats (Wei et al, 2014). The
among preterm infants with very low The results support the use of B. lactis probiotic treatment efficiently reduced
birth weight. The pathogenesis species, such as B. lactis Bi-07, over bacterial translocation during uremia
involves intestinal immaturity, other Bifidobacterium as a potential to the level of non-uremic sham group.
formula feeding, and abnormal maintenance for oxalate homeostasis Similarly, inflammatory markers (IL-6,
microbial colonization. B. lactis Bi-07 CRP, and TNF-α) and intestinal
was examined in a randomized Modulation of adipogenesis permeability were restored to the
double-blind trial where mothers of Evidence implies an association level of non-uremic rats, although
preterm infants were supplemented between gut microbiota and obesity. endotoxin levels did not react to
with combination of B. lactis Bi-07 and The molecular mechanisms on how treatment. Moreover, histological
L. acidophilus NCFM (Benor et al, 2014). gut microbes modulate adipogenesis examination showed clear
The objective was to evaluate if remain unidentified. Obesity is improvement of morphology and
maternal probiotic intake decreases characterised by dysregulated integrity. These preliminary findings on
the incidence of NEC, sepsis, and endocannabinoid system (eCB) tone B. lactis Bi-07 effects putatively have
death. Probiotic or placebo in the intestine and adipose tissue. In
value in several acute and long-term
supplementation started from 1 to 3 lean mice, activation of cannabinoid inflammatory conditions associated
days postpartum and was continued receptors leads to increased with bacterial translocation (Wei et al,
until the infant was discharged home. adipogenesis. Overactivation of the 2014).
Infants were breastfed and received at eCB system by cannabinoid receptor
least 50% of their enteral nutrition agonist leads to the leakage of the General health
from breast milk. The incidence of NEC intestinal barrier and in increase of Childs and colleagues analyzed in a
decreased by 66% and the incidence plasma LPS level in obese mice. In double-blind, randomized, cross-over
of Bell stage II NEC by 84% in those contrast, cannabinoid receptor study the effects of prebiotic (XOS,
infants whose mothers received antagonist improves gut barrier 8 g daily), probiotic (B. lactis Bi-07, 109
probiotics supplementation compared function (Muccioli et al, 2010). CFU daily) and synbiotic (XOS and B.
with infants whose mothers received lactis Bi-07) supplementation on gut
In a recent study, B. lactis Bi-07
placebo. Although the reduction of and immune function, blood lipids,
together with L. acidophilus NCFM
NEC incidence was non-significant, it and mood (Childs et al, 2014). Both
were administered to obese mice to
may be clinically relevant (Benor et al, treatments with XOS elevated fecal
evaluate the effect of probiotic
2014). There was no statistical bifidobacterial counts whereas the
treatment on gut permeability and
difference in the incidence of sepsis or probiotic supplementation only
activation of the eCB (Muccioli et al,
death between groups. elevated B. lactis. The microbiome
2010). Treatment with combination of was not observed to be affected
Oxalate-degrading activity B. lactis Bi-07+L. acidophilus NCFM otherwise although all three
In humans, accumulation of oxalic reduced eCB system tone, gut treatments had distinct effects on
acid can result in a number of permeability, and inflammation in short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). XOS
pathological conditions, including obese mice. In addition, probiotic supplementation elevated plasma
hyperoxaluria, kidney stones, renal ingestion reduced fat mass HDL, which was linked to a trend of
failure, cardiomyopathy, and cardiac development in obese mice. The lower cholesterol levels, and vitality
conductance disorders. Intestinal results suggest a mechanism that and happiness. The other
oxalate-degrading bacteria could links gut microbiota to the regulation supplementations did not affect blood
prevent hyperabsorption of oxalate of adipogenesis and that probiotics lipids or self-reported moods.
and thereby participate in the may have beneficial effects in
maintenance of oxalate homeostasis. modulation of adipogenesis.
B. lactis Bi-07 has been shown to Uremia
perform high oxalate-degrading Uremic rats presenting inflammation
activity with 100% oxalate and elevated intestinal bacterial
degradation. The putative genes translocation were subjected to daily
induced during oxalate degradation in
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DuPont™ Danisco® is the brand for a range of products that help provide enhanced bioprotection,
an improved nutritional profile, and better taste and texture with greater cost efficiency and lower
environmental impact, meeting the needs of manufacturers of food and beverages and dietary supplements.
Through the work of the global network of food scientists and technologists in DuPont, the Danisco® range
is supported by a uniquely broad spectrum of know-how across applications and processing.
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The information contained herein is based on data known to DuPont or its affiliates at the time of preparation of the information and believed by them to be reliable. This is
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DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences product. The information is provided “as is” and its use is at the recipient’s sole discretion and risk. It is the recipient’s sole responsibility to determine the suitability and legality
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