Hotwells News - Spring 2007
Hotwells News - Spring 2007
Hotwells News - Spring 2007
A recent poll of the people who sion granted to Edward Ware Homes
campaigned in vain to preserve makes it clear that the whole site must
supported by
Granby Green has confirmed that be landscaped and maintained for a year
most want the remaining piece of before adoption by the Council. The
undeveloped land in Cumberland original plan for the garden was heavily
Place, Hotwells retained as a pub- criticised by members of Friends of
lic open space with local people Granby Green as over-complex and
having a say in how it is developed ‘institutional’ but FROGG members are
and managed. reviewing revised proposals that were
The consultation followed an approach produced last year. They are hopeful
Published by Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association, Hope Chapel, Hope Chapel Hill, Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4ND
Spring 2007
by solicitors to the developers Edward that a partnership can be established
Ware Homes with an offer to transfer with the Council Parks Dept. to ensure
the residual land they own to the Com- that the site is managed in a way that
munity Association. Most people who reflects local needs without it being a
responded to a questionnaire did not major financial burden for the Commu-
see ownership of the space as impor- nity Association.
tant but were concerned that it should The whole development has been the
be protected from any future develop- subject of a number of planning
ment. breaches and consequent enforcement
Part of the site intended for open space action by the Council, described as a
is owned by Bristol ‘nightmare’ by an offi-
City Council and there cer in the Planning De-
is a provision in the partment. Although
planning agreement for Granby Hill is now
the developer’s section open to traffic, the
to be transferred to planned improvements
Bristol C.C. ownership to the footpath and
as well. The offer of highway have not yet
ownership of one part taken place.
of the site to the CA If you want to be in-
would not therefore volved with the pro-
overcome the prob- posed garden or have
lems of split ownership any comment on the
or guarantee the out- scheme contact Mike
come that local people Timmins tel: 9291804
The planning permis- The site of the planned garden
legal battle to register the space as a Town Green which would have protected it from development,
regardless of ownership (ironically, this technical objection has now been removed by a recent High
Court ruling). A support group of around 100 local people (Friends of Granby Green) campaigned to
prevent the loss of the space and the group faced a professional legal team at a three day public in-
quiry. At one point, Town Green status was con-
ferred by the Bristol CC Open Spaces committee
In this edition: but later rescinded following threats of legal action
Community News - 2 by the then owners, Edward Ware Homes.
Local resident Mike Timmins has suggested that the
Winning ideas - 4 now smaller space below ‘Wallace Place’, the new
Meet Your Neighbour - 6 block of flats, should be christened ‘Gromit Gar-
Events & Activities - 7 dens’
Ray Smith
Contacts - 8
Community News
HOTWELLS & CLIFTONWOOD CA AGM tions. If you are not already a member, fill
COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION A good turnout of 50 or so members at- in the form on the left to enter our
O117 9291883 tended our Annual General Meeting in No- monthly draw. Have a little fun and help
[email protected]
vember. Ray Smith stepped down as Chair your C.A. at the same time!
£18 per year is all it costs to and Dennis Gornall nobly agreed to take
be entered into a monthly the hot seat. Faruk Choudhury and Andrew Reader’s Rant - Clifton Vale
draw for a prize of £150 and Curtis retired from the Management Com- rat runners
4 of £25. Please complete mittee and Rosemary Stibbon was elected. To the tune of the twelve days of Christmas
the bank standing order form The evening was enlivened by the vote for On the first day of January there was a po-
below and return it to the the best three ‘Top Ideas for Hotwells’. lice chase
C.A. office, 14 Hotwell Road, the results are presented in this edition of Refrain ‘up Clifton Vale’
BS8 4UD for attention of the ‘Hotwells News’. There was also a good
discussion about the future of Granby On the second day of January the City
500 Club Administrator.
Green (see article on page 1). brought to us two lost artics ..
Your full name and ad- Refrain ‘up Clifton Vale’
dress Office Move On the third day of January the City brought
It was hoped that we might find space in to us three tourist buses
the derelict basement of a Council-owned On the fourth date of January the City
property in Albemarle Row but in spite of brought to us four speeding Porsches
CA Treasurer Brenda Mclennan’s best ef-
On the fifth day of January the City brought
forts to pursue this, with support from Cllr.
to us five commuter cars
Barbara Janke, the Housing Dept. remained
Daytime phone no. evasive and eventually turned us down. On the sixth day of January the City brought
There is suspicion that, once their attention to us six white vans
Bank name had been drawn to two empty basements in On the eighth day of January the City
an area where a garage sells for more than brought to us eight airport taxis
most people can afford for a house, they
decided that selling off to a developer On the tenth day of January the City brought
Bank address
would be a better option than providing a to us ten racing motorbikes
benefit to the local community. Watch for On the eleventh day of January the City
the ‘for sale’ board to go up. A further ap- brought to us eleven four by fours
peal produced a generous offer from Rich-
On the twelth day of January the City
sort code ard Dennys of local business ’Brilliant
brought to us twelve Europ Cars!
account no. Weekends’ who has an empty office at 14
Hotwell Road that we can occupy on a In true Hotwells spirit we hope you will
flexible basis. We will move in here some- join with us to campaign to stop the rat
time in January, once a phone line is in- running on Clifton Vale, to slow traffic
Please pay the sum of £18
stalled. A permanent base with enough down and restrict cars and vans from
annually, beginning on space to hold meetings and small events is blocking up our local area.
still our long term aim. Look out for our petition on the City
____/ ____/ ____ and
Council web site and add your com-
thereafter every year to Hot- ments.
500 Club
wells & Cliftonwood Commu- Our funding from Bristol City Council is far
from secure and if we are to continue our We need action now before there is a
nity Association 500 Club serious accident on Clifton Vale.
work on improving your neighbourhood we
Account No. 61128809, Sort need to become as financially self-sufficient If you want to join our group, which is a
as possible. We need to sustain an active part of the Community Association
Code 40-14-12, HSBC Bank, CHASE transport group, contact Sandra
organisation to be able to win and adminis-
24 College Green, Bristol ter grants for various community projects. and Ian Fryer via the HCCA website
Income from the 500 Club provides that Only by working together will we get
BS1 5TI action for our neighbourhood!
core finance that can unlock other funds
and multiply the benefit of small contribu- Sandra Fryer
Your signature
New C.A. Administrator required
This post is vacant following the resignation of Sarah Adamczuk. Sarah has proved a very
capable administrator but the long commute across Bristol on public transport proved
difficult, especially for attendance at evening meetings. If you have basic admin. skills and an
date interest in community work please contact us. The post is based at our new office in Hot-
well Road and is for for a flexible 20 hrs per week. To be sent an application pack, call
0117 9291883 and leave a message with your name and address. Closing date Feb 2nd.
Next time you hoot at a senting planning and docks interests. Af-
ter an inspection by local engineer Ian
cyclist... Duncan, it seems the bridge, in spite of its COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION
Cyclists in Hotwells can be as confused as O117 9291883
age, is in reasonably good condition and [email protected]
the drivers who attempt to weave around restoration need not cost an astronomic
them on our busy roads. These signs near sum. The main problem may be the poor
Haberfield House illustrate nicely what an
At the third stroke...
condition of the hydraulic mains used for The doleful bonging of Trinity
working dock machinery which all need Church clock was probably
replacing with another source of motive not noticed by many people
power. It was agreed that the bridge until it stopped some while
would be included in a BCC funded study ago. The chimes needed re-
of the dockside area to be carried out by pair and specialist menders
consultants early in 2007. Although it are, apparently kept very
does not identify any funding for the pro- busy. Now they are working
ject this will help to establish the case for again so you know for certain
refurbishment in the context of other de- what time it is when you are
velopments around Cumberland Basin. It unable to get to sleep in the
represents the first official acknowledge- middle of the night. Surely,
ment by the City that the scheme may despite the small annoyance,
have some potential. it is the emblem of a true Hot-
wellian to live within the
No more excuses... sound of Trinity church clock
Couch potatoes in Hotwells & Clifton- and something to be proud
obstacle course it is to pedal from A to B, wood now have nowhere to hide with the of!
in spite of Hotwells being on a major Sus- opening of ‘Fitfirm’, a new hi-tech Fitness
trans national cycle route. We also have a Suite on Hotwell Road. Since we never Hotwells—no park &
cycle lane that starts and finishes in the gain any benefit from running for the bus
middle of a busy 2 lane road (Cumberland (most of them don’t stop here) our only no ride
Basin Road). A cycle lane running outside opportunity for keeping fit locally has been Are you frustrated by seeing
of a parking bay, nicely positioned to be the challenging terrain of the walk up to Park and Ride buses sail
flung off by an opening car door (ditto). In Clifton. If that never seemed an attractive past Hotwells virtually empty
prospect, here’s your opportunity to start while you stand and wait for
the Centre, we have tiny little bricks with
work on your summer six-pack (and we a country bus to come and
cycles on them amongst the multitude of
don’t mean cans of Fosters). pick you up?
different pavings and textures to indicate a
We took this up with the
cycling right of way. You need to get off
Fitfirm tel: 9102880 Council and were told that
and walk to spot them and non-cyclists
because the Council sup-
probably have no idea that they exist. The
ports the Park and Ride ser-
best cycle routes are segregated from cars
vices it is illegal for the ser-
and pedestrians, eg. across College Green,
vices to pick up along the
but even then, skateboarders and ambling
routes operated by commer-
tourists are a constant hazard. How will
cial services. Service 902
they manage the new waterside route
can pick up on the Portway
across Canons Marsh when it eventually
as no other commercial ser-
opens? Another combined cycle/
vice operates along there.
pedestrian path one suspects, maximising
So until there is a change in
the aggravation for both types of user.
the legislation, or Park and
Actually, the best thing to happen in a long
Ride itself becomes commer-
time for urban cyclists in Bristol is bus cial, it cannot serve Hotwells.
lanes. Here is a broad strip of tarmac you
can depend on having to yourself, since We did try!
buses are generally considerate. If it
weren’t for the maniac taxis drivers.... If you have any ideas
thoughts or comments, offers
Brunel Swing Bridge of help or need for informa-
We reported in the last edition on an ini- tion then contact the C.A. at
our new address: 14 Hotwell
tiative to try and restore this bridge which
Road. Tel: (unchanged)
sits beside the lock at Cumberland Basin. 0117 9291883
The ‘Brunel Swivel Bridge Group’ arranged E-mail:
a meeting in December with Council admin@hotwellscliftonwood.
Leader, Barbara Janke and officers repre-
The winning three top ideas to improve
As promised in the Summer edition of Hotwells News, your entries
Hotwells Pine for top ideas to improve Hotwells & Cliftonwood were presented at
EST. 1985 the AGM on November 28th and voted on by those who were there.
Everyone was given 3 sticky labels to allocate as they wished; all 3
Bristol for one project if they felt sufficiently enthusiastic. Here are the top
three ideas:
Telephone/Fax: 0117 92737 00
253 Hotwell Road, BS8 4SF
1st place The benefits:
• To assist in calming traffic and re-
SALE NOW ON! Traffic calming at en-
try points to the Hot- minding drivers as they enter the
area that this is a residential area
wells area (27 votes)
as well as a main thoroughfare
submitted by Dennis
into the City.
• To assist in promoting this par-
The idea: ticular area of the City by naming
To create large on-road signs painted it in the road.
against a red tarmac dye on all the • To show that people in this area
main entry roads into Hotwells. The care about the speed at which
signs to read: cars pass through it.
‘Hotwells residential area please
Such signs should be immediately pre- 2nd Place
ceded by calming rumble strip which Love and Care for
should create enough noise and vibra-
Albemarle Row (23
tion in the vehicle to make the driver
take note of the sign following.
The following places are suggested as submitted by Liz Mills
suitable/necessary for such signs:
The Portway immediately prior to Albemarle Row is grade II* listed and
The Colonnade after coming under one of the oldest terraces in Hot-
the suspension bridge. wells, built in 1763 to provide accom-
Across the Hotwell Road opposite modation for visitors to the spa. It is
the bottom of Joy Hill and before the also the main access to Hotwells
turning opposite to Dowry Square. School. The railings and footpath
On the Hotwell Road, half way be- need renovation and there are issues
tween the pelican crossings. around safety and traffic management
On Brunel Lock road around the which have caused problems for resi-
point at which it goes under the Plim- dents, school staff, parents and pupils.
soll Bridge.
The idea:
Refurbish the stone paving and the
iron railings.
Extend the pavement and better traf-
We sell a wide range of fic calming to to improve safe access
wooden products in various to the school.
Introduce chevron parking for resi-
types of hardwoods.
dents and limit through traffic.
Introduce tree planting and other
greenery. Provide a safe pedestrian space that
[email protected] can be used for occasional open air
phone: 01179262320 events like the School Fair and ‘Art
on the Railings’.
gateway to Hotwells?
Hotwells & Cliftonwood
By coincidence, these projects are all transport and traffic related and must
BA (Hons) DO MRO
reflect the concerns that many people have about the dominant ‘quality of
life’ issue in our neighbourhood. They will be developed by the C.A Manage-
ment Committee, into something that can be submitted to the Council and 39 Oldfield Road
other agencies that might provide support and funding. If you have skills
which might be useful to us (graphics, presentation, planning and transport,
fundraising etc.) we would very much like to hear from you. BRISTOL
and the main flow of traffic.
There needs to be provision for
Tel: (0117) 927 2100
a bus stop (which could be in its
own smaller lay-by), a single
Fee Based Financial
lane access road into Dowry
Planning and Asset
Square and a single lane exit Management
from Hope Chapel Hill but oth-
erwise, there is scope to create
a larger island with trees and
greenery in the triangle of space
between Carrick House and
Dowry Square without affecting
Albemarle Row during the ‘Art on the Railings’ event
last summer
the main traffic route. ‘Too many people miss the silver lining be-
cause they’re expecting gold’ - Maurice Setter
Contact Hotwells based Financial Planner-
The benefits: Mark Crofts, Partner A.I.F.P
A better, quieter environment for The benefits: Home office: 0117 9230656 [email protected]
Head office: 01225 777343
everyone who uses Albemarle Row. Create an enhanced appearance for
Enhance the appearance of this im- this important entry into the City
portant heritage site. that complements the paving and fine
Improved safety and access to the trees on the other side of the Hot-
school for parents and children. well Road.
Provide an open space that can be Encourage traffic calming by reducing
used by everyone in this densely the apparent road space.
populated neighbourhood. Create an improved environment
and a sound barrier for residents
facing the busy road.
Improve the junction layout at the
Third place Hope Chapel Hill / Dowry Square
Improve the envi- intersection and make it easier for
ronment for people pedestrians to negotiate.
living around
Dowry Parade /
Square (17 votes)
submitted by Mike Timmins/ Ray Duck the traffic &
Smith the winter weather…..
The Idea:
The Hotwell Road by Dowry
Parade has 3 lanes of traffic and
a further 2 lanes in the curious ...get the ferry!
lay-by in front of Carrick House. timetabled / reliable / heated
7 days a week / all year round
The impression is of acres of Great commuter rates (from 75p)
tarmac with no real function. Serving Hotwells Rd / Cumberland Rd /
Cascade Steps / Castle Green / Temple
With a little ingenuity, the road Meads
layout could be improved and a 0117 927 3416
green barrier created between
[email protected]
the houses on the north side
Hotwells Road tarmac wasteland 5
Meet Your Neighbour Colin Rose—Film Director & Producer
Colin Rose lives with his wife Janet and has three adult offspring who have
Are you 60+? now left home. He has been retired now for five years after a busy and in-
Living in Hot- teresting career as a film director and producer, mainly with the BBC.
wells? Colin grew up in the outskirts of Poole on Dorset heathland. His father was a carpen-
Trinity Day Centre is your ter and his mother worked in a cake shop. In 1962 Colin was the first member of the
link to New Friends, Good family to go into higher education, studying Drama and French at Bristol University.
Food, and Activities This included a year spent in Paris working and studying theatre and participating in a
Talks, Arts & Crafts, Musical Enter- programme of international productions.The summer vacation had Colin touring with
tainment, Skittles, Bingo, Raffles, a theatre company in a Circus Big Top around France, taking down the lighting and
Chiropody, Trips for Shopping, the seating and moving on to the next venue without much sleep. Back to college he
continued acting or directing (but no more lighting!). He won a Film Society script
Contact Mark Griffiths competition and collected £300 as a prize which was spent making a forty five minute
tel: 9838878, drama called “But now read on” which was
Trinity Church, Hotwell Road sold to the BBC.
We look forward to hearing from you! The head of programmes for BBC Bristol, John
Elliot, offered Colin a three month contract for
two short documentaries a week on a daily
magazine programme.These included the odd
spoof, eg. “The supposed discovery of cave
paintings in a quarry by the supposed Dr Colin
Rose of the non existent “University of
Slough”. He later made documentary films
abroad for ten years, including a series in the
1970’s with Michael Croucher and Colin Tho-
mas in Southern Europe portraying old ways of
life which were fast disappearing. This was a
way of giving viewers vicarious travel experi-
ences before package holidays were common-
He also began making half hour drama films on
location for TV with writers like David Rudkin. There was also a comedy series Big
Jim and the Figaro Club about builders after the 2nd World War.Tony Robinson se-
cured the role of Baldrick after appearing in one episode of Big Jim as a bad tempered
stable lad. With Ted Walker, the writer on Big Jim, Colin went on to make a trilogy of
one hour films called “A Family Man”about several generations of a family from the
1930’s to the 1980’s.
In the 1980s Colin moved into the role of Executive Producer and took charge of the
10x10 scheme, a virtual film school of the air which made about 130 short films and
launched numerous careers. Colin was inspired by young animators he encountered
and developed the BBC animation unit to support independent projects with editorial
advice and financial investment.The first of these was Aardman Animation’s “The
Wrong Trousers”. He had met Nick Park as a student at the National Film School.
Other Bristol based productions included Richard Goleszowski’s “Rex the Runt” and
the Bolex Brothers’ “The secret adventures of Tom Thumb”
As animation can cost up to £50,000 per minute, part of Colin’s role was to use his
reputation and that of the BBC to attract finance internationally to enable British ani-
hotwells veterinary mators to realize what might otherwise have been non-commercial products.He also
co-produced overseas productions. “Belleville Rendezvous” made in Montreal by au-
centre thor and director Sylvain Chomet was only half completed when Colin was due to
retire in 2002, so he arranged with the BBC to continue working for nothing apart
OPENING TIMES from travel costs, (to comply with Employers’ Liability legislation). For 18 months he
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 8am - 6.30pm
was on a “work experience contract” like a student, in order to finish the film. The
Wed 9am-1pm
result gained a 15 minute standing ovation in Cannes in 2004!
Having lived and breathed film for the best part of 40 years,often working 90 hour
4 Merchants Road
weeks, Colin now rarely goes to the cinema or watches TV. He likes to study the
Hotwells, Bristol BS8 4PZ
social and economic history of the part of Dorset where his family came from and to
travel to remote places , now with no responsibility to make a film about them. He
Tel: 0117 927 6394 and Janet choose places like the Outer Hebrides, Arctic Norway and Western Aus-
Fax: 0117 927 7926 tralia for their emptiness and solitude.
Helen Smith
Events and Activities
Kick Off Youth Theatre is starting up again after HOTWELLS PANTOMIME 2007
the Christmas break. This term sees both groups
performing shows in mid February. Sleeping Beauty (recycled)
As ever, the community pantomime is at the sharp end of
The younger group will star in THE GREAT POUL- contemporary trends. Recycled, not just because this is
TRY POACH OF PURPLEPLANT FARM, which the third outing for the classic tale of bad fairies and dan-
has been written specially for the group by Sam Berger. gerous pricks by the indomitable Hotwells ensemble but
The chickens have gone missing from the coop and the also because of the free-rein it gives to the (so-called)
farmer just can’t seem to stay awake. It is up to the other scriptwriters to introduce lots of crass puns about bins,
animals to follow the clues and save the day. compost and soiled nappies. You get the general idea, so
we needn’t go into further detail... suffice to say, book
The older group are performing in the ever popular THE your seats early to avoid disappointment.
HOUSE OF DRACULA by Martin Downing. This very
funny fast moving horror farce sees the Baron and Baron- Wed March 7th—Saturday March 10th, 7.30pm at
ess arrive at a Transylvanian castle. All hell breaks loose Hope Chapel
with the arrival of ghouls, ghosts and a fiendish Dr Jekyll. Tickets £7 adults, £6 concs, £5 child obtainable
Performances will be Monday 12 February. from 1st February by telephoning Carol Arnold
Next free taster session Monday 26 February 01275 461 262
Maya’s The Bear de
s we
great hospitality in the heart of Hotwells
gentle yoga real ales & home-cooked food
l co
served mon-fri (12.00– 3.00pm)
Sunday lunches (12.00-4.00pm)
classes: barbeques in the beer garden
Sui Generis
Hair & Beauty
Hotwells & Cliftonwood C.A. Security
14, Hotwell Road Anti-Social Behaviour—24 hour action line – this is
Hotwells, Bristol, BS8 4UD council run but they keep records and this can be used
by the Police to take action – 0845 605 2222
tel: 0117 9291883
e-mail: [email protected] Nick Shaw is our local Police Constable based at
Web site: Redland Police Station
0117 945 4453.
Bulletin board: e mail – [email protected] Bobby Van Scheme – Free police security assess-
ments for the over 65s
0117 927 7777