Constitution StudyLife 2017
Constitution StudyLife 2017
Constitution StudyLife 2017
4. StudyLife is an abbreviation for a whole life of a student in North Denmark.
Through organizing parties, sports events, study sessions and various other
events, both cultural and social, StudyLifes purpose is to unite every student in
Aalborg, regardless of their nationality or place of study. This is strived to be
achieved by letting students challenge themselves and reach their full potential.
5. The organization does not engage in political interests.
6. All students and people with an interest in promoting students' qualifications
can become members of the organization.
7. Permanent teachers and other non-students can become members of the
organization, but cannot occupy a seat in the Board.
8. The Board can refuse to grant admission to become member of StudyLife, if
3/5 of board members vote in favour. A refusal of admission can be given in the
written form, and submitted on the next general assembly, if the rejected
applicant wishes.
Honorary Member
9. A person, who has for a long time, and in various ways, earned such an
appreciation, may be appointed as an Honorary Member of StudyLife.
10. Appointment of Honorary member can only be done by through regular or
extraordinary General Assembly.
11. Resolution on the appointment of honorary member shall be taken by a 2/3
majority vote among those in attendance, voting members. The appointment
requires the Board's unanimous recommendation and must be included as a
separate agenda item. The proposal cannot be the subject of discussion on the
12. Honorary members do not pay dues.
13. Honorary members may be stripped of their honorary membership by the
14. Quota shall be set at the Regular General Assembly for the next year, which
will include period from 21/02 until 20/08 and period from 21/08 until 20/02.
15. The quotas are paid for a half-year period. This quota covers the
membership (along all benefits it includes) of the semester in which it is paid.
16. The quota can be paid in the following ways:
1. Handing cash to the Treasurer.
2. Sending the money to the organizations bank account.
17. All paid quotas are reported by the treasurer to the board no later than 3
days after they have been paid. Reporting can be done by the Podio app.
18. In case of member resigning from the organization, an already paid quota
will not be refunded.
The Board
19. A Board of five members elected at the Regular General Assembly manages
the organization along with its Volunteers. However, any major decision and
official representation of the organization can only be done by the Board. To be
eligible for election, the person is one of the StudyLife volunteers who is a
member of the organization for at least 2 months and enrolled in a higher
education course in Aalborg. If a person elected to the Board completes its studies
before the Regular General Assembly, that person can remain seated if desired.
The Board shall, if possible, be filled by students who have passed their first
semester exam.
20. Board members are elected for a period of one year. Members can be re-
elected. The General Assembly may at any time with a simple majority deprive
the Board or individual Board members of their duties.
21. Servings on the board are:
Vice President
Board member 1
Board member 2
22. If a member of the Board decided, because of various reasons, quit his
position or the organization as a whole, other Board members can either choose
to leave the missing position vacant or unanimously choose other eligible person
for that position. All happenings must be clearly stated and published on one of
the organizations platforms (Facebook or Podio).
23. The Board is responsible for management of the organization and it is
responsible for its planning. The Board may, when it deems it necessary, appoint
committees Volunteers to perform specially defined tasks beneficial to the
organization as a whole. In addition, Board can establish special departments
inside of the organization and determine the Volunteers as the team leaders of
the organization. All of this decisions must be clearly stated and published on one
of the organizations platforms (Facebook or Podio).
24. A Board meeting must be held at least once a semester. Furthermore, Board
meetings can be scheduled when either President or Vice President deem it
necessary or when at least three Board members demand it. The agenda should
be specified within a reasonable time.
25. Board constitutes a quorum when at least three members are present. In
case of a tie, the casting vote will be the Presidents, in his absence, it will be the
Vice Presidents.
26. The Board has a duty to inform StudyLife members about its work and major
decisions (the Board deems which decisions are considered as major) on a
mutual organizations platform (Facebook or Podio).
27. Board meetings are open to StudyLife members, unless the Board
determines otherwise at a specified meeting beforehand.
31. The organizations assets should be placed in a reputable bank and should
preferably be interest bearing.
General Assembly
32. The General Assembly is in all affairs the main authority in and of StudyLife.
33. The Regular General Assembly will happen between 20/01 and 01/03.
34. In case of a Regular General Assembly, notice of at least 14 days has to be
given in advance. Notice of Regular and Extraordinary General Assembly will (at
least) be posted on IHND website and by notification on StudyLifes Facebook
35. The financial statements and the agenda must be available to members at
least 14 days before the Assembly on the invitation specified manner.
36. Items for the agenda of the Assembly can be proposed by any member by
contacting the President at least 7 days before the General Assembly. In this case,
the new agenda is announced on the notice Boards as soon as possible.
37. An Extraordinary General Assembly can be organized when the Board
deems it necessary, and must be organized when at least 20% of the members
request it. In the latter case, the Extraordinary General Assembly has to be
arranged no later than one month after the Board has received the request.
38. Anyone who becomes member at least 7 days before the General Assembly
will have the right to vote on the General Assembly.
39. Voting right can only be casted in person at the Assembly.
40. Nominations for the elections for the Board have to be in a written form,
sent to the Board or published on a mutual organizations platform (i.e. Podio
and/or Facebook) no later than 7 days before the Assembly. All students are
eligible to be elected to the Board.
41. The Board shall, within three days before the General Assembly, publish the
alphabetical list of the candidates with an indication of their course and class
(year when they started), and when they joined StudyLife. The list will be
published on the Facebook event for that General Assembly.
42. Agenda for the Regular General Assembly shall always include:
1. Election of a Moderator and a minute taker.
2. Presidents presentation of the annual report for approval.
3. Election of one auditor and, if wished, one alternate.
4. Treasurers' presentation of the StudyLife's accounts.
5. Approval of the accounts.
6. Determination of the quotas for the next year.
7. Choosing two counters for voting, who are not any of the candidates on the
8. Election of the five Board members and, if wished, one alternate among all
of the candidates.
9. Proposals from members.
10. Any other items.
43. All decisions are taken by simple majority.
44. Voting for each Board position can be done in two ways, and is done for
each position separately (counting of the votes is done behind closed doors by, at
least, two independent counters, chosen by the existing Board and monitored by
the Moderator):
A written ballot where a Board position can be assigned only if 50% or more
of voters vote in favour of a nominee.
A written ballot where every voter votes for 3 candidates. It is weighted that
first candidate name on the list is assigned two votes and the following two
candidates on the list will be assigned one vote each. If they are only two
candidates running for a position, the first one on the list is assigned two
votes, the second one is assigned one point. After the count is done - it will
be published how many votes all of the new Board members and alternates
have received each, and also the total number of ceding votes.
45. Voting on all other matters will be done by showing the hands, unless voting
requires ballot.
46. The Moderator shall preside over the Assembly and decide on all matters
relating to the Assembly.
47. Candidates for the Board and auditors, if not present at the Assembly, are
selectable only if the written mandate exists.
48. The Board shall, within three weeks after the general Assembly, publish the
minutes of the Assembly on the StudyLife's Facebook page and other relevant
notice boards.
56. For dissolution of the Organization it requires a 2/3 majority of all its
members by a vote on the General Assembly. If 2/3 of the members are not
present, the Board shall within 30 days convene a new General Assembly at which
the dissolution may be adopted by 2/3 of the members present.
57. The last General Assembly determines to which the association any wealth
must be used - however, this use be in accordance with the association's purpose.
58. The details specified in 6, 7 and 8 are also valid and in power for
becoming a Volunteer in the organization.
59. When becoming a Volunteer, along with fulfilling 58, the person is given a
trial task in the organization. Only if the person performs well it can be offered to
sign a Volunteer Contract. Quota has to be paid before starting the trial.
60. A person involved in the organization as a Volunteer will get real-life
experience and be given the chance to reach its full potential.
61. Other details on volunteering, as well as Volunteers rights, obligations and
other issues, are written and specified in the Volunteer Contract and it should be
followed for any issues or regulations regarding volunteering.
62. Every Volunteer Contract has two copies, one belonging to the Volunteer,
and the other belonging to the Chairman.