ARTICLE I - Rights and Responsibilities of The CSA: Preamble

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This constitution is effective May 2004 PREAMBLE This Constitution is established to improve the life of Carleton Students by providing

the organization necessary to express student opinions and ideas, and to take action to attain our goals. We believe that as students we have certain rights, and have concomitant responsibilities to ourselves, the academic community, and society. It shall be the purpose of the CSA to work to uphold these rights and responsibilities.

ARTICLE I - Rights and Responsibilities of the CSA

The name of this association shall be the Carleton Student Association herein referred to as CSA. Every student of Carleton College shall be a member of the CSA. We believe that: 1. The students should have the best faculty, courses, and administration possible. Towards this end, the students have the responsibility of helping to maintain an atmosphere conducive to a liberal arts education. 2. As members of the College community, the students have both the right and duty to participate responsibly in the formation of College policy. 3. Students have the liberty to write, speak, organize, and otherwise advocate their beliefs, but they should take it upon themselves to use this right in such a manner that comports with the educational atmosphere of this College. 4. Each student, seeking to improve the College community, has the right of petition through the CSA. 5. Students have the right to know and to have made public any charges whatsoever against them, and the reason for any action whatsoever taken against them. Furthermore, students have the right to speak in their own defense against these charges.

ARTICLE II - General Meetings of the CSA

Section 1: The ultimate authority of the CSA rests with the General Meeting of the members. All subsidiary organizations are ultimately responsible to the CSA, and the CSA in General Meeting may override any decision of any such organization. Section 2: A General Meeting may be called by the Senate or may be requested by petition of twenty percent of the CSA, upon the presentation of which the President must call a General Meeting within one week.

Section 3: A quorum for a General Meeting shall be twenty-five percent of the CSA. Each member shall have one vote. A majority of votes cast shall be sufficient to pass any proposal presented except amendments to this constitution and certain procedural motions as prescribed in the CSA By-Laws. Section 4: The authority of the CSA may also be vested in a referendum of the student body. Such referenda shall be governed by the preceding sections of this Article; thus, a referendum may be called by the Senate and must be called by the President upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty percent of the student body. A referendum requires ballots from at least twenty-five percent of the student body to be valid, and any referred proposal except amendments to this Constitution requires a majority of the valid ballots cast to pass.


Section 1: The Senate shall consist of eighteen Senators, including Committee Liaisons, plus three elected Officers, elected at large from the student body. Senators must be members of the CSA. Section 2: The mission of the Senate is to enhance the quality of student life by officially recognizing and supporting student groups and activities, and by assuring student representation within the College governance structure and in other decisions pertaining to student life. The Senate's principal duties include the following: A. Guaranteeing the representation of student values, concerns, and ideas to the Board of Trustees, College Council, Administration, Faculty, and Staff. B. Serving as the representative voice of students on and off campus. However, when acting as the voice off campus, Senate shall not speak on partisan or political issues unless there is a clear mandate of the student body as determined by poll, petition, or the like. C. Chartering, funding, and supporting CSA Chartered Organizations and creating opportunities for communication and cooperation among these organizations. D. Appointing student members to college advisory committees and empowering them to fulfill their duties and responsibilities to the Senate and to the student body.

Section 3: The legislative power of the CSA shall be vested in the Senate unless exercised by a General Meeting of the CSA.

Section 4: A. Senators shall be elected in the Winter and Spring Terms as outlined in the CSA ByLaws. Senators elected in regular elections shall assume office at the beginning of the next academic term and shall serve for three academic terms. B. Appointed Senators shall assume office immediately and shall serve until the end of the academic term in which the next election is held, at which point an elected Senator shall fill the seat. Specially elected Senators shall take office at the beginning of the next academic term and shall serve the remainder of the term of the seat vacated. C. Within three days of learning about a vacancy on the Senate, the President shall call for written applications for the vacant seat. After accepting applications for a minimum of five days, the President and two Senators shall conduct interviews and make a recommendation to the full Senate. This recommendation must then be approved by majority vote of the Senate. D. A Senator may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the Senate or General Meeting. E. All students must complete one academic term before they may run in a General Election. Section 5: The Senate shall meet at least twice every month while the College is in session and upon the request of the President. When so requested by a petition signed by five members of the Senate, the President shall call a meeting within three days. Voting members of the Senate constituting ten votes shall be a quorum, and a majority of votes cast shall be sufficient to pass legislation, unless otherwise provided. Section 6: Any decision of the Senate may be overruled by a majority vote of the CSA in a General Meeting as prescribed in Article II.

ARTICLE IV - Senate Officers

Section 1: The Officers of the CSA shall be a President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. These Officers must be members of the CSA. Section 2: The Officers shall be elected at-large by the members of the CSA during Winter Term. Their terms shall begin the following Spring Term.

Section 3: A. The President shall be elected as a junior. B. The President shall preside over General Meetings of the CSA and be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote except in the case of a tie; recommend legislation to the Senate; deliver to the proper authorities all resolutions and legislation; and be responsible for the functions of any office described in this Article that is temporarily vacant. Section 4: A. The Vice-President shall be elected as a sophomore or junior. B. The Vice-President shall be a voting member of the Senate except in the temporary absence of the President when he or she shall perform the duties of the Office of the President. The Vice-President will serve as chair of those committees specified in the CSA By-laws. Section 5: A. The Treasurer shall be elected as a sophomore or junior. B. The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the Senate; administer all CSA funds according to the CSA Financial Regulations stipulated in the CSA By-Laws; shall present a budget, prepared in conjunction with Budget Committee and officers of CSA chartered organizations, to the Senate for approval each academic year; and shall publish a statement of the financial status of the CSA three times a year as required by the College. Section 6: A. Any vacancy in these elected offices of the organization shall be filled by a special election to be held within twenty class days of the occurrence of the vacancy. B. Elected Officers of the CSA may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the Senate or a General Meeting.

ARTICLE V - Constitutional Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by a majority of the Senate or the CSA. Amendment proposals must be published for at least one week and approved by two-thirds of those voting in an all-school referendum or those present at a General Meeting during the same academic year to take effect.

Section 2: Amendments to the CSA By-Laws may be proposed and adopted by the same procedures defined in Section 1, or, may also be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the Senate, but not before such proposed amendments shall have been duly published and posted.

ARTICLE VI - Constitutional Ratification

This Constitution shall be ratified by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those voting in an all-school referendum and take effect immediately.

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