The NTU Psychology Society Constitution.

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1. We, the members of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Psychology Society seek to improve our individual and social welfare, and to ally our selves directly with the interest of the Republic of Singapore through NTU, do hereby establish and adopt this Constitution of this Society.

2. In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires:

3. This shall be the Constitution of Psychology Society, NTU. In the event of any official change in the name of the Society, this Constitution shall continue to have effect with automatic adoption of the new official name.


4. 5. The name of the Society shall be Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Psychology Society, hereinafter referred to as The Society. Its place of business shall be Division of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Committee and approved by the Registrar of Societies.


6. The mission of The Society is: 6.1. To exercise such other functions as The Society may from time to time deem feasible and desirable to realize its aims. 6.2. To promote and disseminate knowledge in psychology and its applications for the benefit of the individual and society. 6.3. To safeguard the professional interests of members and to support all legitimate efforts to extend the knowledge and professional expertise of members, whether by research, encouragement of the publication of reports, documents or books on psychology, by facilitating access to relevant material, or by any other legal means.


7. 8. Membership is open to all full-time matriculated undergraduate and graduate students of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The Society shall consist of the following categories of membership: 8.1. Ordinary Student Membership, which shall be open to all full-time matriculated undergraduate students of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 8.2. Associate Membership, which shall be open to Psychology graduates of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and all members of the Society who have graduated from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore subject to approval of the executive committee.

8.3. Honorary Membership, which shall be open to all faculty members of the Division of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore subject to approval of the executive committee.


9. Ordinary Student Members shall be eligible to: 9.1. Have the right to attend all general meetings and be entitled to speak at the meetings. 9.2. Participate in all activities organized by The Society as approved and/ or provided by The Society. 9.3. Be eligible for membership to the various sub-committees, special committees and elected committees. 9.4. Have the right to stand for all the elections, to nominate or second any candidate for such elections, and to vote in such elections. 9.5. Have the right to sponsor motions or resolutions at General Meeting and do all other acts incidental or ancillary in addition to the right to speak and vote on such motions or resolutions. 10. Associate Members shall: 10.1. Participate in all activities organized by The Society as approved and/ or provided by The Society. 10.2. Not have any privileges and benefits of ordinary membership in resolutions at General Meetings. 11. Honorary Members shall: 11.1. Have the right to attend all general meetings and be entitled to speak at the meetings. 11.2. Participate in all activities organized by The Society as approved and/ or provided by The Society. 12. All members shall enjoy privileges and discounts when The Society offers it.


13. Members shall abide by the Constitution and shall not act in any way inconsistent with its provisions. 14. Members shall have a duty to exercise their votes. For the purpose of this provision, a vote shall include a blank or spoilt vote.


15. Applications for membership in The Society shall be made on a specified form obtainable from the Honorary Secretary or the members of the Management Committee. 16. Membership shall be conferred with the approval of the General Committee.


17. For The Societys members, the validity of membership shall correspond to the membership duration applied. The membership is renewable upon expiry. 18. If a member falls into arrears with his/ her subscription or other duties, he/she shall be duly informed by the Financial Controller. If he/she fails to settle the arrears within one month after

being served with the first notice by the Financial Controller, the President may order that he/she be denied the privileges of membership until he/she settles the outstanding amount. 19. Subscription; Members pay accordingly: 19.1. A one time entrance fee of $5 19.2. A yearly subscription rate of $2. 19.2.1. The executive committee may only vary the rate of annual subscription and increments/ reductions must be supported by valid reasons.


20. A member shall be liable to have his/her membership terminated: 20.1. If he/she does not observe the Constitution; 20.2. If he/she has been dismissed by The Society before; 20.3. If he/she has misused his/her position in The Society to obtain personal gains; 20.4. If he/she has failed to handover documents pertaining to The Societys well being; 20.5. If he/she is found to be involved in activities prejudicial to the interest and good name of The Society; 20.6. If he/she fails to pay his subscription upon the expiry of his membership even after notice from the Financial Controller; 20.7. If he/she has committed acts in the name of The Society without official approval from the Executive Committee.

21. All resolutions and decisions adopted at General Meetings shall be binding on all members of The Society. 22. Non-members shall not be admitted to any General Meeting unless invited by the Executive Committee. 23. General Meetings 23.1. The Honorary General Secretary shall convene all General Meetings which shall be either: 23.1.1. The Annual General Meeting; or 23.1.2. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. 24. The method of voting during Meetings shall be by show of hands or ballots whichever is appropriate. 24.1. No member may vote in absentia during such meetings. 24.2. All the decisions of the Executive Committee may be subjected to review during Annual General Meetings. 25. A vote of censure or of no confidence on the Executive Committee or against any member of the Executive Committee as a member of the Executive Committee may be taken only at General Meetings provided it has been tabled on the agenda for that meeting. 25.1. If a vote of censure or of no-confidence on the Executive Committee is defeated by a margin greater than 5:1, the House may consider a motion of censure on the proposer and seconder at the same meeting, notwithstanding any other provisions in the Constitution to the contrary. Such a motion can only be passed provided there is a vote for the motion by a two-thirds

(2/3) majority of those present. A count of for, against and those who abstained must be taken. 26. Annual General Meeting: 26.1. The agenda shall consist of the following: 26.1.1. Election of office-bearers; 26.1.2. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting; 26.1.3. The Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure for the academic year; 26.1.4. The Annual Report which shall include the Audited Inventories whenever applicable; 26.1.5. Any other matter of which notice in writing has been given to the Honorary General Secretary; 26.1.6. Any business for inclusion in the agenda shall be submitted in writing by any five (5) members of The Society to the Honorary General Secretary no less than forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting; 26.1.7. No matter other than those tabled in the agenda shall be discussed at the meeting. 27. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting: 27.1. The Extra-Ordinary General Meeting shall be held on: 27.1.1. The instruction of the President or the Management Committee; or 27.1.2. The written application to the Honorary General Secretary by: At least ten (10) ordinary members of The Society, together with a written Written request signed by four (4) Executive Committee members. The meeting shall be convened within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt of such request. 27.2. Any business for inclusion in the agenda shall be submitted in writing by any five (5) members to the Honorary General Secretary. 27.3. Only matters listed in the agenda shall be discussed. 28. Executive Committee meetings: 28.1. Any Executive Committee member who absents himself/herself from three (3) successive Executive Committee meetings without submitting an adequate written explanation to the Honorary General Secretary shall be given twenty-four (24) hours written notice to do so, failing which the member automatically ceases to be in the Executive Committee and a byelection will be held if necessary. statement of the object for which;


29. If a member of the Committee and/or immediate family member is/are, directly or indirectly, interested in any contract, proposed contract or other matter and is present at a meeting of the Committee at which the contract, proposed contract or other matter is the subject of consideration, the member: 29.1. Shall, at the meeting and as soon as practicable after it commences, disclose the fact. The disclosure shall be recorded in the minutes of meeting of the Committee; and

29.2. Shall not thereafter be present during the consideration or discussion of, or shall not vote, on any question with respect to, that contract or other matter.


30. No alteration to this Constitution shall be made except at a General Meeting and with the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at the General Meeting. 31. Any member who wishes to propose any amendments must submit the proposal to the HonoraryGeneral Secretary at least fourteen (14) days before the General Meeting. 32. Any amendments to the Constitution shall be made at: 32.1. The Annual General Meeting; or 32.2. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting; and 32.3. The amendments shall not come into force without the prior approval of the Director of Student Affairs, Nanyang Technological University. 33. The proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution shall be made to the Honorary General Secretary: 33.1. Fourteen (14) days before an Annual General Meeting. 33.2. The proposed amendment(s) shall be posted up in full by the Honorary General Secretary on The Societys website and all members informed via email at least seven (7) days before the meeting.


34. In the event of any dispute arising amongst members, they shall attempt to resolve the matter at an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution. Should the members fail to resolve the matter, they may bring the matter to the Psychology Division/ Student Affairs Office for settlement (depending on which authority is more appropriate considering the urgency and severity on a case by case basis).


35. Thirty members or one-third of the membership of The Society, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for the General Meeting. 36. In the event of the required number of members not being present at such meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing rules.

37. All motions (including amendments) must have a proposer and seconder. No discussion shall be allowed on a motion until it has been seconded. 38. After the moving and seconding of a motion, the proposer shall have the right to speak on the motion. The motion shall then be opened for discussion and amendments. 39. An amendment, like a main motion, must be moved, seconded and discussed in accordance with the procedure for motions outlines above. 39.1. Debate must be limited to the immediate pending question, that is, the pending question as stated by the President.

39.2. The President should rule out of order any speaker failing to adhere to the subject of discussion. 40. When an amendment had been moved and seconded, no other amendment to the original motion may be discussed until the amendment under consideration has been decided upon. It is however; permissible to serve notice of further amendments to the original amendments though there can be no discussion of these proposed amendments until the original ones have been put to the vote. 41. The mover of an original motion shall have the right to reply at the close of the debate upon this motion. When an amendment is moved, he/she shall be entitled to speak thereon in accordance with the procedure for equalization of debate, under which procedure the mover of an amendment shall also be allowed to reply at the close of the debate upon his amendment. 41.1. No further discussion of the question shall be allowed once the question has been put from the President. 42. Discussion of a motion (including amendments) may be curtailed by a procedural motion from the floor or by the President, with the approval of the session if the President intends to curtail the discussion; however, he/she shall make it clear how much time will be permitted. 43. No motion or amendment, which has been stated by the President, can be withdrawn without the unanimous consent of the meeting. 44. During discussion of a motion or an amendment, the following motions are in order and can be accepted in the following order of procedure: 44.1. Motion to close debate; 44.2. Withdrawal of a motion; 44.3. Motion that the motion be now voted upon; 44.4. Motion of no-confidence in the President; 44.5. Motion to reverse a decision of the President. 45. Other Interventions 45.1. If information is desired from or offered to, a person holding the floor, he may decide whether or not he wishes to be interrupted at that time. 45.2. Should any procedural motion be defeated, twenty (20) minutes shall elapse before such a motion can be accepted again by the President, unless the President is of the opinion that the circumstances have materially altered in the meantime. 45.3. If an equal number of votes are cast for and against any proposal twice, the motion is deemed to be lost.









46. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the overall administration and control of The Society for: 46.1. Conducting the business and day-to-day activities of The Society; 46.2. Appointing sub-committees which have the power of co-option; 46.3. Managing the financial affairs of The Society; 46.4. Processing applications for membership to The Society;

46.5. Making out an Annual Report, which shall include the financial statement of The Society. 47. The Executive Committee may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the General Meeting of members without prior reference to it, and always remains subordinate to the General Meetings of members. 48. The President shall: 48.1. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee. 48.2. Have a casting vote at meetings over which he/she presides. 48.3. Have the right to call for meetings of the Executive Committee and The Society. 48.4. Be assigned powers not assigned to any other members of the Executive Committee. 48.5. Act as the key decision-maker and chief executor for matters pertaining to The Society. 48.6. Preside and call all General Meetings and Committee Meetings. 48.7. Supervise and oversee the general management and running of The Society. 48.8. Represent The Society in its dealings with outside persons. 48.9. Report regularly to faculty advisor(s) in the Division of Psychology. 49. The Vice-President shall: 49.1. Assume all powers, duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence. 49.1.1. Be the Acting-President in the event of the Presidents position falling vacant until a new President is elected. 49.2. Have the right to call for meetings of the Executive Committee and The Society. 49.3. In consultation with the President, co-ordinate the external activities. 49.4. Attend all complaints, which do not fall under the jurisdiction of any Secretary. 49.5. Countersign all bills for payment by the Financial Secretary. 49.6. Assist the President in the management of The Society. 49.7. Assist in the planning and executing of various activities related to The Society. 49.8. Ensure the satisfactory attendance rate of all members of the Executive Committee. 50. Honorary General Secretary: 50.1. Be in charge of all Executive Committee records and all secretarial correspondence on behalf of the Executive Committee. 50.2. Convene and be the secretary for all meetings of the Executive Committee and General Meetings. 50.3. Ensure that meetings and necessary correspondences are circulated to members when necessary. 50.4. Assist the President. 50.5. Keep all records accurate, except financial, of The Society. 50.6. Maintain an up-to-date Register of Members at all times. 50.7. Present the Annual Report at the Annual General Meeting. 51. The Assistant Honorary General Secretary: 51.1. Assist the General Secretary in all matters pertaining to the latters duties. 51.2. Assume the duties and powers of the General Secretary in the latters absence. 51.3. Monitor the finances of The Society and feedback any discrepancies to the Vice President.

51.4. In the Vice Presidents absence, co-ordinate the external activities of The Society. 51.5. Assist the Vice President of The Society. 52. The Financial Secretary: 52.1. Be in charge of the finances. 52.2. Prepared and present at the AGM, on the behalf of the Executive Committee, the Audited Accounts of The society. 52.3. Receive on behalf of Executive Committee all monies due to The Society and pay these to the appropriate accounts. 52.4. Pay bills of the Executive Committee which have been countersigned by the Vice-President 52.5. In the event of resigning from his/her own office or of the Executive Committee going out of office before the completion of its term: 52.5.1. Close all accounts; and 52.5.2. Submit the audited accounts covering his period of office or the outgoing Executive Committee period of office and the Audited Inventory to the incoming Financial Secretary within fourteen (14) days of his resignation or of the Executive Committee going out of office. 52.5.3. Have the power to collect approved donations, subscriptions and grants as and when the need arises. He/she may, however, delegate this power to some responsible collectors, whose acts shall be deemed to be his/hers. 52.5.4. Collect all subscriptions, keep all funds and collect and disburse all money on behalf of The Society 52.5.5. Keep an account of all monetary transactions and be responsible for keeping the accounts of The Society 53. The Publication Secretary shall: 53.1. Design the necessary publicity materials. 53.2. Take Picture(s)/ Video(s) for events 53.3. Be in charge for the publicity for all upcoming events 53.4. Keep a comprehensive diary of all major events in The Society. 53.5. Update The Societys website and all media platforms used at all times. 53.5.1. All materials must be approved by the Student Affairs Office of NTU prior publication. 54. Four (4) Special Project Officers (SPO): 54.1. Special Projects Officer (Academic) 54.1.1. Focus on academic related issues of The Society 54.1.2. In charge of all academic-related events and activities (e.g. Exhibitions, career talks, seminars). 54.1.3. Oversee the management and execution of all academic-related events and activities. 54.1.4. In charge of preparing the budget plans and financial statements of all academicrelated events and activities.

54.1.5. Co-Chairperson of the Special Projects sub-committee, together with the Special Projects Officer (Community). 54.2. Special Projects Officer (Community) 54.2.1. Oversees the management and execution of all community service and welfare related events and activities. 54.2.2. Works closely with Publicity and Logistics teams to ensure smooth running of events, including PsychIT!, visits to IMH, movie screenings, other ad-hoc communityrelated events (eg, volunteering at various organizations such as IMH & Audible Hearts). 54.2.3. Prepares and submits proposal form, application form and event checklist before all events and activities. 54.2.4. Collects feedback and prepares event reports after all events and activities. 54.2.5. Ensure all tasks necessary for the running of the Community events and activities are assigned and completed successfully. 54.2.6. Assist the President and the Student Counseling Centre with matters pertaining to the Confidant (NTU Peer Helping Programme). 54.3. Special Projects Officer (PFOC) 54.3.1. Officiates the success for PFOC and feedbacks the progress of the camp planning to The Societys President. 54.3.2. Ensure the PFOC accounts are kept updated and accurate at all times. 54.3.3. Vet through the safety of all programs planned and ensure they are in accordance with the requirements set by the Student Affairs Office of NTU. 54.4. Special Projects Officer (Logistics) 54.4.1. Ensures that the necessary logistics are acquired and prepared before any activitys implementation. 54.4.2. Advise the Executive Committee of the status of all assets and necessary procurements. 54.4.3. Keep an updated account of The Societys assets and supervise in the safekeeping and storage. 55. In the event of the Executive Committee going out of office before the completion of its term, prepare and submit on its behalf, a report of the Executive Committee covering its period of office, for submission to the Honorary General Secretary of the incoming Executive Committee within fourteen (14) days of the Executive Committee going out of office. 56. Be responsible for making available to each member of The Society the following at least five (5) days before the Annual General Meeting: 56.1. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting; 56.2. The Audited Statement of Income and Expenditure for the previous year; 56.3. Be responsible for the safe keeping of the minutes of all General Meetings for at least three (3) consecutive years preceding his/her term of office and shall make available for inspection

the minutes of the meeting(s) requested for, provided a written request had been submitted at least seven (7) days before. 56.3.1. The request should have a minimum of five (5) signatories.


57. The Executive Committee have the power to: 57.1. Accept the resignation of any member of the sub-committees of the Executive Committee. 57.2. Appoint special committees when necessary for the proper administration of The Society, provided that the Executive Committee notifies the members of the duration, purpose, powers and duties of such committees before their appointments. 57.3. Make decisions upon any matter not provided for in the Constitution. Upon making any decision, The Society shall be duly notified and this decision may be subjected to review at a General Meeting. 57.4. Appoint in the absence (of more than one month) of the President and Vice-President from amongst them, a pro tem President who assumes all powers and duties of the President.


58. The society may, at a General Meeting, remove any member of the Executive Committee by passing a resolution, which is supported by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those present and entitled to vote. 59. When any Executive Committee member has been removed, a vacancy in the post is deemed to have arisen and the Election Committee shall proceed to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy thus arising.


60. Disciplinary action may be taken against any member who has acted contrary to this Constitution or in any manner prejudicial to the interest or prestige of The Society. 61. All matters pertaining to discipline shall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee which shall consist of: 61.1. The Dean of Psychology/ The Director of Student Affairs; 61.1.1. Depending on a case-by-case basis with regards to severity and urgency. 61.2. The Societys Advisor; 61.3. The President of the Executive Committee.

62. Any office-bearer resigning from his office shall tender his resignation in writing and shall not be deemed to have resigned until his resignation is accepted. 63. Any member of the Executive Committee wishing to resign shall tender his resignation to the Honorary General Secretary and if his resignation is accepted by the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall direct the Election Officer to hold a by-election to fill that vacancy, provided that: 63.1. If the Honorary General Secretary resigns, his/her resignation may be tendered to the President of the Executive Committee. 63.2. If the President resigns, his resignation shall be tendered to the Board.

63.3. If between one (1) and seven (7) members, inclusive, resign at any one time, it shall not be necessary to hold by-elections in respect of those vacancies created by members who, at the date when the resignations have been accepted, have served at least seven (7) months term of office. The Executive Committee shall then proceed to co-opt members to fill such vacancies. 64. If the resignation of any member of the Executive Committee is accepted, the outgoing member shall submit to, the Executive Committee a fair and complete account of his duties during his period of office. This report shall be included in the annual report of the Annual General Meeting and be posted up on the Executive Committee notice boards by any member of the Executive Committee within seven (7) days from the date the resignation is accepted. 65. Any member of a standing or special committee of the Executive Committee who wishes to resign shall tender his resignation to the Executive Committee through the President of the standing or special committee concerned. If the resignation is accepted, the Executive Committee shall proceed to fill that vacancy by appointment. 66. No resignation shall be considered an en bloc resignation unless eight (8) or more members resign at any one time. 67. In the event that the Executive Committee resigns en bloc it shall submit such resignation to The Society at an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose, whereupon The Society shall elect an Interim Committee as hereinafter provided that: 67.1. In the event of a vote of no confidence being passed on the Executive Committee at a General Meeting, The Society shall elect an Interim Committee at the same General Meeting to hold office, as hereinafter provided. 67.2. If the Executive Committee resigns en bloc or is served a vote of no confidence at a General Meeting, the Interim Committee elected at that meeting should within that same meeting, direct the Election Officer to cause a notice of an Extra-Ordinary Election to be published through the Executive Committee notice boards. 67.3. In this notice, the Election Officer shall state the dates fixed for nomination period and Polling Day. The latter shall be within three (3) weeks of the above-mentioned General Meeting.


68. The Interim Committee shall comprise a Chairman, a Secretary, a Financial Controller and two (2) other members. 69. The Interim Committee shall assume all the powers and obligations of an Executive Committee under the provisions of this Constitution until such time when a new Executive Committee is constituted. This is provided that the above powers and obligations are in addition to and not in derogation of any powers and obligations expressly conferred upon the Interim Committee under the provisions of this Constitution. 70. The tenure of Office of the Interim Committee shall extend up to but not beyond a week after the formation of the next Executive Committee, which assumes office with full powers as provided for in this Constitution.

71. The first meeting of the incoming Executive Committee shall be convened by the Secretary of the Interim Committee within one (1) week of the formation of the incoming Executive Committee. The incoming Executive Committee shall assume office from the day of the meeting. 72. The Interim Committee shall submit to the incoming Executive Committee a statement of accounts covering its period of office.


73. Election of The Society shall be held once in one year at the General Meeting. All members shall be eligible to stand for election provided they are between the ages of 15 and 35 years. 74. Composition of Election Committee 74.1. The Election Committee shall comprise one (1) Election Officer who has resided in The Society from the start of the academic year of his appointment and a maximum of two (2) Assistant Election Officers, none of whom shall be Executive Committee members. 74.2. The Election Committee shall give notice before the nomination period of the place and period for receiving nomination papers from all candidates. 74.3. No member of the Election Committee shall contest in the elections. 74.4. The Election Committee shall be empowered to conduct and supervise the annual elections, extra-ordinary elections and other by-elections. 74.5. The tenure of office of the Election Committee shall be from the date of appointment until the appointment of the next Election Committee. 75. If no nomination is received for a particular post after the official nomination period, then the nomination for that post shall be extended by twenty-four (24) hours, after which, no further extensions shall be granted. 75.1. If no nominations for the posts are received, the outgoing Executive Committee may then at its discretion co-opt a member of The Society to fill the post. 75.2. If no nomination is received for the by-elections or if the nominee fails to meet the referendum of the by-elections, the Psychology Society adviser shall appoint the President based on the recommendation of the in-coming and out-going Executive Committee. 76. If the elected candidate withdraws after the annual elections, a by-election shall be called for. If the position is uncontested for, the outgoing Executive Committee may then at its discretion co-opt a member of The Society to fill the post. 77. A nominee who fails to meet the referendum for either election shall not be so appointed. However, the affected nominee may appeal to the Board of Appeals which may reverse the ruling on a case-by-case basis, provided the reasons given are satisfactory, and the nominee can prove his/her competency, dedication and desire to serve. 78. A candidate who wishes to withdraw shall do so in writing to the Election Officer not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the close of nominations. 78.1. Any candidate who withdraws after this period shall be liable to a fine of ten (10) dollars. 79. Nominees who have withdrawn from the election as provided 79.1. Shall not be allowed to run for any vacant post during the extended nomination period. 79.2. Shall not be co-opted or appointed to any vacant post after the close of nominations.

79.3. However, the affected nominee may appeal to the Board of Appeals which may reverse the ruling on a case-by-case basis, provided the reasons given are satisfactory and the nominee can prove his/her competency, dedication and desire to serve. 80. Candidates whose nominations are rejected by the Election Committee may submit fresh nominations or appeal to the Board of Appeals. 81. Register of Voters 81.1. The Election Committee shall responsible for the preparation of the Register of Voters for the Executive Committee elections. This Register of Voters shall be used unaltered for any byelections during the rest of the academic year, subject to withdrawals from The Society and the intake of new residents. 81.2. The names of all ordinary members shall be eligible to vote in the Elections. 82. The Board of Appeals shall comprise of a non-contesting Executive Committee member, the Election Officer or an Assistant Election Officer and The Societys advisor. 82.1. The Election Committee shall set up the Board of Appeals before nomination period. The tenure of office for this Board shall cease fourteen (14) days after Election Day. 83. Polling Day for the Executive Committee Elections shall be at least seven (7) days after the close of nominations. 84. The Election Committee shall be responsible for the counting of votes. The Election Committee may appoint no more than three (3) members of The Society to help in the counting of votes when necessary. 84.1. All members of The Society are permitted to witness the counting of votes. 84.2. The Election Committee shall decide on the validity of any ballot cast and their decision shall be final. 84.3. Where the votes for the candidates for the same posts are equal, the candidates concerned shall re-contest the elections. If after such a re-contest, there is still a tie, a casting vote shall be given by the immediate outgoing Executive Committee. The outgoing Executive Committee shall decide this casting vote by a simple majority of votes taken at an Executive Committee meeting. 85. Any objections concerning the elections should be submitted in writing to the Board of Appeals within five (5) days after Polling Days. 85.1. All nominations and ballots papers shall be destroyed fourteen (14) days after Polling Day with approval from the Board of Appeals. 86. Names for the offices shall be proposed (or self-nominated) and seconded by a member of The Society to the incumbent Executive Committee at least five (5) days before Election Day 87. Elections into the Executive Committee will be held based on a simple majority vote of the members. 88. All office-bearers may be re-elected to the same or related post for a consecutive term of office 89. The term of office of the Executive Committee is one (1) year. 90. Election will be subject to the agreement of the majority of the noting members present, by a secret ballot. In the event of a tie, a re-vote shall be taken and if it still results in a tie, a lot shall be drawn

to determine who shall be the successful candidate unless the contesting candidate(s) withdrew in favor of one of themselves.


91. Two (2) student auditors, who shall not be members of the Executive Committee, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 92. The Auditors: 92.1. Shall audit the statement of Income and Expenditure and the Inventory at the end of the financial year. 92.2. May from time to time, audit the accounts and inventory as they deem necessary 93. The accounts of The Society shall be audited by a firm of Certified Public Accountants, if the gross income or expenditure of the Society exceeds $5000 in that financial year. 94. The financial year shall be from 1 August to 31 July (to be assigned by the Registry of Societies).


95. These Rules, except where otherwise expressly provided, shall apply to The Society. 96. In these Financial Rules, unless the content otherwise requires: 96.1. Bank Account means an account with any bank licensed or any finance company approved by the Monetary Authority of Singapore; 96.2. Petty Cash Float means cash held in Petty Cash Account and maintained for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenditure, and excludes cash advance approved for projects; 96.3. Schools, refer to educational institutions under Ministry of Educations formal education framework and include independent, government, government-aided, autonomous or Special Assistance Plan schools, ranging from primary schools to non-private universities; 96.4. Sub-Committee means the sub-groups including but not limited to committees, activity groups and clubs formed under the aegis or rules and regulations of the Committee; 96.5. Working day means the business day of a bank and refers to any calendar day other than a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday. 97. Unless otherwise approved by the Chief Executive Director or his authorized officer, the Committee shall not obtain other sources of funds than: 97.1. Grants and contributions from Community Development Councils, The Society and the Student Affairs Office of NTU; 97.2. Revenue or fees collected for courses and activities, membership and use of facilities and premises; and 97.3. Proceeds from approved fund-raising projects; 98. A receipt or any proof of payment with proper audit trail and serialized number, whether manually written, machine-printed or computer-generated, should be issued for each sum of money received by the Committee when: 98.1. Payment is made in cash; or 98.2. A receipt is specifically asked for. 99. COLLECTIONS

99.1. All monies due to the Committee shall be promptly collected and accounted for in accordance with the procedures currently in force. Where appropriate and necessary, the Committee may decide to accept payment by installments as stipulated in a contract. 100. PETTY CASH FLOAT 100.1. The Financial Controller may retain as petty cash of a total amount not exceeding $500.00 for the Committee. The Petty Cash Account is to be maintained and managed by the Vice-President or, in his/her absence, the Financial Controller. The Account is subject to audit and surprise check by the Auditor or authorized representatives of NTU. 101. BANKING 101.1. All collections (including cheques) must be banked within one week of receipt, or within two working days of the total amount collected exceeding the amount insured, whichever is earlier. The top-up amounts must be reported to the Committee no later than its next meeting. 102. PAYMENTS 102.1. Authority of Expenditure objects of The Society for the following: 102.2. Projects and activities organized by the Committee, its sub-committees; Gifts or souvenirs as a gesture of the Committee to any individual or 102.1.1. The Committee shall have the authority to incur expenditure in furtherance to the

organization which has contributed in one way or another to the Committee. Advance Payments satisfactorily performed. Payment in advance, including deposits, is allowed if it is the normal industry practice (e.g. for maintenance or service agreements, magazine subscriptions, telecommunication subscriptions and rental of premises), or if the approval of the President or his authorized officer has been obtained. 102.3. Payment Vouchers invoice, bill, or official receipt in the case of a reimbursement). All documents 102.3.1. Payment must be supported by an original proof of the expenditure incurred (an supporting a payment must be stamped "PAID" once the payment is made. 102.3.2. Each payment must be accompanied by a payment voucher prepared in the format currently in force. The person(s) who made the claim or prepared the payment voucher cannot be the one who approves the payment. Payment made to payees other than those named in the supporting documents must be approved by the Committee. 103. CHEQUES AND CASH 103.1. Payment should always be made by cash or cheques. Cash payment should only be made out of the petty cash float, up to $300 per claim. Cash purchases shall not be split in order to avoid complying with the petty cash claim limit. 103.2. Cheques should be crossed, with the words "Account Payee Only" inscribed. A cheque that is not crossed may be issued only at the request of the payee who does not 102.2.1. Payments are to be made only after goods are delivered or services and works

maintain any bank account, and it must be collected in person. No cheque should be made payable To the order of Cash or to Cash or Bearer. The words or bearer printed on a cheque should be crossed out. 103.3. Cheques drawn on the Committee's bank accounts shall be signed by the VicePresident or the Financial Controller, and any one of the following persons: 103.3.1. The President; 103.3.2. The Honorary General Secretary, if applicable. 103.4. 103.5. The Financial Controller shall ensure that cheques are not signed before details of The Committee shall notify the bank within three working days if there is a change in payee and amount are inscribed. any of the authorized signatories. The Committees decision on the changes in the bank signatories, including transitional arrangements, must be documented. 103.6. Recipient of a cash payment or uncrossed cheque must acknowledge receipt in writing at the point of collecting the payment. 104. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 104.1. The Financial Controller shall prepare a monthly statement of accounts and present it, together with the statements of all bank accounts held by the Committee if any, at the next meeting of the Committee. The statement of accounts shall include, if any, the accounts of the Sub-Committees that do not maintain their own bank accounts. 104.2. 104.3. The Financial Controller shall also present at the Committee meeting a statement of If the Financial Controller is unable to complete the statement in time as required in income and expenditure of each completed project including fund-raising projects. paragraph 23, the Committee may, at its meeting immediately following the completion of the project, defer presentation of the statement to no later than its next meeting. 104.4. All statements of income and expenditure and accounting records of the Committee The Financial Controller shall submit these statements and shall be properly filed. so. 104.5. Authorized representatives of The Society may require any person to furnish them with such information in the possession of that person or to which that person has access as they consider necessary for the purpose of audit and that person shall comply with such a requirement 105. ASSETS 105.1. Asset Record including furniture; fittings, equipment and other properties, received or acquired by the Committee at a cost of $500 and above, and the General Secretary shall include it in the asset record in a form prescribed by The Society. 105.1.2. The General Secretary shall maintain the asset record and inform the Executive Committee in writing of all changes to the asset record. At the end of every term of 105.1.1. The Financial Controller shall inform the General Secretary of every article,

accounting records to authorized representatives of The Society as and when required doing

office, the General Secretary shall present the asset record to the Committee and where applicable, personally hand over the asset record to the incoming General Secretary, who shall verify the asset items against the record. 105.1.3. The Auditor shall check the assets at least annually, and discrepancies reported to the Committee immediately. 105.1.4. Except with approval under Disposal of Assets, no item shall be deleted from the asset record 105.2. Disposal of Assets Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary or Financial Controller, and an authorized representative of The Society to report on asset items to be written off or disposed by sale. 105.2.2. Provided the Committee has established that there is no negligence or fraud involved, the Committee may write off asset items that are unserviceable, obsolete, uneconomical to repair or redundant or dispose of such items by sale, if the total value of their residual value does not exceed $20,000. 105.3. If the total value of their residual value exceeds $20,000, the approval of the Chief Executive Director shall be sought. Loss of Money, Asset Items and Other Properties Committee shall make a police report and submit a report to the President, who shall initiate an inquiry if necessary. The approving authority for writing off the loss shall be the President. 105.4. Irrecoverable Revenue, Debt and Overpayment concerted effort has been made to recover them, the Committee may write off any arrears of revenue to the Committee, debts due to the Committee, or overpayment by the Committee reported as irrecoverable, if the amount does not exceed $500. If the amount exceeds $500 or if negligence or fraud is involved, the approval for the writeoff shall be the President. 106. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS 106.1. Disposal Fourth Schedule. The disposal of financial documents after the retention periods shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures currently in force. The documents cannot be disposed of except with the approval of the Committee 106.2. Loss shall initiate an investigation if necessary 106.3. Register of Stocks of Receipt Books 106.2.1. Any loss of financial documents must be reported immediately to the President, who 106.1.1. All financial documents shall be prepared and kept for a period stipulated in the 105.4.1. Provided the Committee has established that no negligence or fraud is involved and 105.3.1. As soon as any loss of money, asset items or other properties is discovered, the 105.2.1. The Committee shall appoint a survey sub-committee comprising any two of the

106.3.1. The Financial Controller shall ensure that particulars of stocks of manual receipt books, including serially numbered paper receipts and similar documents of value such as printed tickets, are recorded in a stock register; and that the stocks are kept in safe custody. Loss of any receipt book, used or unused, must be reported immediately to the Committee, which shall make a police report and take steps to prevent its unauthorized use. 106.4. Defective Receipt Book 106.5. A notice to that effect shall immediately be recorded in the stock register by The book may, if the defect is not in his opinion a serious one, be used 106.4.1. Where any receipt book is found defective, the Financial Controller; and thereafter subject to such further conditions as may be noted in the register. Destruction of Receipts receipts that are no longer to be issued. The Financial Controller shall maintain a list of all receipts that are destroyed, giving such particulars of the receipts as are sufficient to enable them to be identified. 107. BANK ACCOUNT 107.1. The Committee shall maintain its own bank account. The Committee can only open a current bank account with banks recognized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. All income and expenditure shall be credited to or debited against the bank account of the Committee. 108. MISCELLANEOUS 108.1. 108.2. 108.3. 108.4. 108.5. SAO. The Committee shall not borrow any money, whether by way of overdraft or All approvals, verifications, checks and certifications mentioned in these Rules shall Statements or documents presented at a meeting for endorsement or approval by the The approval and financial limits stated in these Rules and in the relevant Schedules These Rules may only be amended by the Executive Committee with the approval of otherwise, nor pledge or charge any of its assets. be evidenced in writing. Committee shall be duly certified and the decisions recorded in the notes of the meeting. exclude the prevailing goods and services tax. 106.5.1. The approval of the Committee shall be obtained before destroying any stock of


109. All press releases on matters relating or pertaining to the Executive Committee or - within the province of the Executive Committee shall be made by the President, or in the absence of the President, by the Vice-President after due consultation with the Executive Committee. The press statements shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the activities of student organizations.


110. Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery, which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on The Societys premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited. 111. The funds of The Society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in a court of law. 112. The Society shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore. 113. The Society shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or service which adversely affect consumer interests. 114. The Society shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes. 115. The Society shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Society or its office-bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities. 116. The Society shall not raise funds from the public outside school or whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Head, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.


117. The Society shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than 3/5 of the ordinary members of The Society expressed in persons or by proxy at a general meeting convened for the purpose or by postal vote. 118. A Certificate of Dissolution signed by the President, the Vice-President, the Honorary-General Secretary and the Financial Controller shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies. 119. In the event of The Society being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of The Society shall be fully discharged, and the remaining funds will be disposed of in such manner as the General meeting of members may determine or donated to an approved charity or charities in Singapore.

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