Debate Constitution - 24-25

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Our purpose is to participate in debates to better our understanding of speech,
argumentation and the world. The Debate Union shall engage in debates throughout the
year to inform and entertain the Capital campus. We will also bring in relevant speakers to
speak on current and debate-worthy issues to members of the Union and the campus as a
whole. This portion of the Debate Union will focus on college debaters finding, engaging,
educating, and cultivating their peers into debaters on a more personal level than our
Ludlum-Forum competition debate counterpart.
This Union will examine its fiscal resources on a yearly basis to determine how to best suit
our needs for the upcoming year and understand what educational opportunities we can
afford. All Capital students with a GPA 2.0 or above are eligible to join. Members should
attend at least one meeting a semester, with executive board members attending five or
more. Executive board members must also notify any fellow board members of any
meetings they will miss in advance.

NON-DISCRIMINATORY CLAUSE: This Union will not deny membership to an individual

based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran’s status,
or the presence of a disability.

A. Titles and Responsibilities
Executive Board
1. President: Organize and run meetings; facilitate interactions between different
branches of the Capital Debate Program; act as secondary signatory for bank
accounts; maintain contact with the Union about debate opportunities not explicitly
delegated to either team captain; organize team recruitment efforts; coordinate
team recruitment for new members; handle all administrative issues not explicitly
delegated to another officer.
2. Vice President, Finance Chair: Keep records of all financial transactions for all
branches of the Union; act as primary signatory for bank accounts; reimburse Union
members for Union related costs after approving those costs; to keep track of the
greater debate program finances and scholarships; ensure payment of debts to the
3. Secretary, Event Planning Chair: Keep minutes of all meetings; compose and
submit, upon approval, the Union’s calendar of events for the upcoming semester to
the SCE; maintain records of tournament results after released by captains; compose
newsletter at least once a year with help of financial officer to report the Union's
activities and victories for the benefit of the current members, alumni, and Stanford
4. Public Relations Chair: Maintain the debate team & Union’s social media presence;
foster outreach of all kinds, address any other technological needs that arise such as
securing internet access for participants at the high school tournament.
B. Elections and Removal Process
Elections will be held by silent, preferential ballot at the end of each Spring Term to
determine officers for the following year. The election for each office will occur one at a
time, beginning with President and proceeding individually in the order that the offices are
listed on this constitution. The only condition on offices is that they have participated
actively in the Union during the academic year prior to election and be a member in good
standing. The results will be tabulated immediately by the two or more neutral third parties
to be selected prior to elections by the Executive Board. Anyone not elected may drop down
and compete in other races.
Officers may be removed if they fail to comply with the guidelines set forth in the Union
Contract or fail to fulfill the here-enumerated duties. Executive Board officers may be
removed if they fail to fulfill duties enumerated in any contracts issued by the Executive
Board. Removal can be determined by the executive board upon consent by a majority of
the Union's active members in good standing. In the event that an individual is removed
from the executive board, the remaining executive board members shall vote to determine if
a mid-year, entire Union election shall be held to replace the removed board member.
Any matters up for decision by the Union can be decided by either 1) an entire team vote,
or 2) an executive board vote. The President will decide which method to invoke. All officers
may vote in matters relegated to the entire team. Any decisions resulting in a tie can only
be broken by a second vote of the President.
An Executive Board vote may be called by any member of the Executive Board. Any issue up
for vote shall be submitted to the President, who shall give all members of the Executive
Board notice. Members of the Executive Board shall have, at minimum, up to seven days
from time of notice to submit their vote to the President.
In the event that an individual is elected to multiple executive board positions, that
individual shall only receive one executive board vote.
C. Length of Term
Terms will last for one calendar year, beginning at the start of the Fall Semester.
D. Eligible Voters
Any member of the Union in good standing who has participated in three debates
(on-or-off-campus, Union-hosted or competitive) within the past calendar year from the
time of elections may vote.
To be in good standing, a member must fulfill all of their obligations to the Union for the
academic year. Such obligations may include working the annual Capital Middle School
Debate Tournament, plus any additional obligations set out by the Executive Board as
detailed in the annual team membership contract (to be circulated and available prior to the
first travelling tournament of the academic year).
Amendments to the Constitution can be recommended by any Union member. Any
amendment, in the spirit of the organization, will be debated before the Union. That debate
will be judged by the members of the executive board, and the majority of votes of both the
Executive Board and the Union will approve the amendment. The Executive Board shall vote
before the entire Union votes. Failure to achieve either majority will cause the Amendment
to fail.
Any amendments adopted by the Capital University Debate Union shall go into effect the
following academic year.

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