Reteaching 9 1

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Name Reteaching

Using Mental Math to Divide
When dividing numbers that end in zero, you can use basic
division facts, as well as patterns, to help you divide mentally.
For example:

Find 210 7. Find 4,200 6.

What You Think First, find the basic fact. Find the basic fact.
210 7 = 4,200 6 =
21 7 = 42 6 =
21 tens 7 = 42 hundreds 6 =
3 tens or 30 7 hundreds or 700

What You Write

Divide. Use mental math.

1. 250 5 = 2. 7,200 9 =

3. 200 4 = 4. 28,000 7 =

5. 810 9 = 6. 50,000 5 =

7. Number Sense What basic fact would you

use to help solve 450,000 9?
Think: 9 x ? = 45

R 91

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