Place Value

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Place Value

In Whole Numbers and Decimals

Everyday Mathematics: Unit 5 Mr. Brumfield Lawnton Elementary

What do you already know about place value?

What is place value? What does it tell us? What place values do you already know?

How well do you understand place value?

How do we read this number? What is the largest place value? What is the value of the 6? What is the value of the 4? Wat is the value of the 3? What is the value of the 1?

5.1 Place Value through the TenTenThousands To review place value through ten-thousands. Our Objective:

Can you identify the place values in order, from the ones place to the tenthousands place?

Place Value News

Online Informational Video: ustrated_Lessons/3_Place_Value/index.html

Game Time!

We are going to explore place value using a fun and interactive website: urces/853/PlaceValueChartv4.swf

Count by 10s from 730 to 800 Count by 10s from 364 to 464

Mental Math

Count by 100s from 900 t0 2,000 Count by 100s from 240 to 1,240 Count by 1000s from 16,720 to 23,720 Count by 1000s from 2,342 to 7,342

Math Message
Write the following numbers using digits: Two hundred fifty-six: fiftyThree thousand four hundred eleven: TwentyTwenty-seven thousand eight hundred fifty-three: fiftyNine thousand seventy: ThirtyThirty-five thousand eight:

Place Value Chart

TenThousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

Can you match and name the place values in the correct columns?

Lets Practice Place Value

Which number is Which number is Which number is Which number is Which number is

in in in in in

the the the the the

tens? tens? ones? ones? hundreds? hundreds? thousands? thousands? ten-thousands? ten-thousands?

What is the value of the number3

Lets Practice Place Value

Which number is Which number is Which number is Which number is Which number is

in in in in in

the the the the the

tens? tens? ones? ones? hundreds? hundreds? thousands? thousands? ten-thousands? ten-thousands?

What is the value of the number6

Lets Practice Place Value

What is the value of the ones? What is the value of the tens? What is the value of the hundreds? What is the value of the thousands? What is the value of the ten-thousands? ten-

Lets Practice Place Value

What is the value of the ones? What is the value of the tens? What is the value of the hundreds? What is the value of the thousands? What is the value of the ten-thousands? ten-

Independent Practice
I know this stuff! Place value is easy!

Complete math journal page 102 When you finish, work on math boxes page 103

Base Ten Place Value Practice

Understanding base ten blocks is a great way to remember place values. Let s use a super-cool website superto review base ten values:


Reading, Writing, and Ordering Numbers

Our Objective: To practice reading, writing, comparing, and ordering numbers

What are the signs for greater than and less than?

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Mental Math

Listen as I read you a number. Record the number on math masters page 422. Follow directions to identify various place values.

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 7? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 8? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What place values have zeroes? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 5? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 2? How many ten thousands?

Math Message

Animal Clutches
Turn to pages 218 and 219 of your SRB: List the names of the animals in the order of the most eggs they can have in a clutch to the least.

Math Message Follow Up:

Write the types of animals in order from greatest to least clutch size: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Vocabulary Review
Let s review the meaning of these two vocabulary words before applying them to our data.

Maximum Median

The greatest number in a group

The middle number in a group, after the numbers have been arranged in order from least to greatest.

1 12 7 4 3

The maximum is 12 because it is the greatest or largest number

Finding the median is a two step process: 1: Rewrite the numbers in order 2: Find the number in the middle


Math Message Follow Up:

How would we find the median of this date? What is the median of a set of numbers?

Math Message Follow Up:

How would we find the range of this date? What is the range of a set of numbers?

Look back at your list of numbers from math masters page 422. We are going to be comparing the numbers we wrote. Let s quickly review the symbols for comparing numbers.

Comparison Symbols

Greater Than Less Than Equal To

Practice Comparing Numbers

5,674 ___ 8,006 42,877 ___ 35,091 4,361 ___ 6,034 1,247,498 ___ 9,999,999
Which of these numbers are the maximum and the minimum?

Practice Comparing Numbers

5,674 8,006 42,877 35,091 4,361 6,034 1,247,498 9,999,999
What is the range of this set of numbers?

Practice Comparing Numbers

5,674 8,006 42,877 35,091 4,361 6,034 1,247,498 9,999,999
What is the median of this set of numbers?

Lets Play a Game!

Number Top-It TopDirections can be found on page 302 of your SRB. There is also a demonstration available online: A050&activitytype=dcr Basically: You and your partner each have a place value chart, with boxes labeled from the ones through the millions. You and your partner take turns drawing number cards from a deck. You place your number card on one of the place values. Once you have placed a card, you cannot move it. The goal is to create the larger number once you and your partner have filled in all of your place values.

Math Boxes 5.2

Complete the review math boxes on page 104 of your math journal. If you finish early, practice multiplication or division flashcards.


Place Value to Millions

Our Objectives: To extend our place value knowledge to the millions To read and write numbers through the millions

What are the names of the place values from the ones to the millions?

Mental Math
Identify the larger numbers from the given Sets:

2,468 ___ 6,824 9,043 ___ 9,403 12,746 ___15,422 43,066 ___ 43,606 12.42 ___ 12.24 152,324 ___ 153,324

Math Message

What is the smallest one-digit number greater onethan zero? What is the smallest two-digit whole number twogreater than zero?

Use your place value chart (math masters page 126) to make the smallest number possible, using the information that I give you. Keep in mind, you cannot use a number more than once. You also cannot begin the number with the digit zero. The smallest 3 digit number: The smallest 4 digit number: The smallest 5 digit number:

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Five hundred thousand three hundred forty-two

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Three hundred thousand six hundred eleven

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Two million eighty-one thousand two hundred

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



One million three hundred forty-five thousand four hundred two

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



7 in the ten thousands 4 in the millions 3 in the tens 1 in the hundred-thousands Zeroes in the remaining values

Practice with Place Value

Record the number on math masters page 127. Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Two million eight thousand seventy-five

Math Boxes 5.3

Complete the review math boxes on page 105 of your math journal. If you finish early, find a partner and play Number TopTop-It.


The U.S. Census

Our Objectives: To read, write, and compare large numbers To express relationships as differences and rations.

How could you calculate the population of a place?

Social Studies Link: The count of a population is called the census.

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Forty-two thousand eight hundred seventy-seven

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Fifty-six thousand eight hundred eleven

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



One hundred forty-five thousand three hundred twelve

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Two hundred eighty-nine thousand five hundred fourteen

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Six hundred seventy-eight thousand twenty-three

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



One million four hundred thousand

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Four million seven hundred sixty-four thousand

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Two million four hundred fifty-seven thousand eight hundred ninety-seven

Mental Math
Follow my directions to identify place value through the millions. Record the numbers on your slates.


Hundred Thousands

Ten Thousands Hundreds Thousands



Six million twenty

Math Message
Look over SRB pages 226 and 227. Make observations about the data with a partner. Find the population of New York City.

Population of New York City:

Facts about the U.S. Census

The official census is taken every 10 years The purpose of the census was to determine the number of Representatives each state would receive in congress.

Comparing Populations of Cities

Student Reference Book pages 226 and 227.

Which city has a population that is about 100,000 more than that of Minneapolis?
How did you determine your answer? Is the population closer to 300,000 or 400,000? What is the number that is 100,000 more than 300,000? Find a city in the map that has a population of about 400,000:

Comparing Populations of Cities

Student Reference Book pages 226 and 227.

Which city has a population that is about 1,000,000 more than that of Portland?
How did you determine your answer? Is the population closer to 500,000 or 600,000? What is the number that is 1,000,000 more than 500,000? Find a city in the map that has a population of about 1,500,000:

Comparing Populations of Cities

Student Reference Book pages 226 and 227.

Which city has a population that is about 1,000,000 less than that of Phoenix?
How did you determine your answer? What is the number that is 1,000,000 more than 1,321,045? Find a city in the map that has a population of about 321,045:

Ratio Comparisons
Which two cities have populations about double that of New Orleans?
What is the population of New Orleans? Is the population closer to 400,000 or 500,000? What is the number that is double 500,000? Find two cities on the map that have a population of about 1 million.

Ratio Comparisons
Which city has a population of about ten times that of Miami?
What is the population of Miami? What could we round the number to? What is the number that is double that? Find a city on the map with near that population.

Partner Practice
Complete math journal page 106 with your partner. You will be comparing the populations of U.S. cities using the chart on the top of the page. When you have finished, return to your seat and complete the math boxes on page 107 by yourself.


Very Large Numbers

Our Objectives: To develop a sense of very large numbers To add or subtract using large numbers

What is the largest place value you can name?

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Mental Math
Which number is a little less than 40 thousand?

39,999 or 16,110?

Mental Math
Which number is a little less than 400 thousand?

544,000 or 399,875

Mental Math
Which number is about half as much as 12 million?

3,999,674 or 6,104,000

Math Message Time Equivalents

1 year = ______ weeks

or ______ days

1 day = _______ hours 1 hour = ________ minutes 1 minute = _______ seconds

Math Message Follow Up

1 year = 52 weeks or 365 days 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

If there are 365 days in a year, how many days are there in two years?

Math Message Follow Up

1 year = 52 weeks or 365 days 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

If there are 52 weeks in a year, how many weeks are there in five years?

Math Message Follow Up

1 year = 52 weeks or 365 days 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

If there are 24 hours in one day, how many hours are there in three days?

Math Message Follow Up

1 year = 52 weeks or 365 days 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

If there are 60 minutes in one hour, how many minutes are there in four hours?

Math Message Follow Up

1 year = 52 weeks or 365 days 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes 1 minute = 60 seconds

If there are 24 hours in one day, how many hours are there in three days?

How Old Are We?

Turn to math journal page 108. We are going to use our time equivalents to find out how old we are in minutes and hours.

1. On what date were you born? 2. How old were you on your last birthday? 3. About how many minutes do you think you were on your last birthday?
How Many Minutes Estimates ______________ between 10,000 and 100,000 ____________ between 100,000 and 1,000,000 ___________ between 1,000,000 and 10,000,000

How Old Are We?

We will now use our calculators to find out how old we are in days, minutes, and hours.
4. To find out how many days old you are, multiply 365 times the number of years you were on your last birthday (8 or 9). To find the hours, multiply the number of days times 24 hours. To find the minutes, multiply the number of hours by 60 minutes.

How Old Are We?

Leap Years Change Things A leap year is a year in which we actually have 1 extra day. We had leap years in 2000 and 2004. How many days does that add to your last birthday? How many extra minutes does that add?

Math Boxes 5.5

Complete the review math boxes on page 109 of your math journal. If you finish early, work on multiplication or division flashcards.


Exploring Base 10 blocks, Polygons, Perimeter, and Area

Our Objectives: To count base ten blocks & identify polygons To compare perimeters and areas

What values do the cube, long, flat, and big cube show?

Mental Math
Complete the Fact Families:
1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

Mental Math
Complete the Fact Families:
1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

Mental Math
Complete the Fact Families:
1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

Mental Math Numbers in Expanded Notation

How would we normally write this number?

4,000 + 300 + 50 + 2

Mental Math Numbers in Expanded Notation

How would we normally write this number?

4,000 + 300 + 50 + 2

Mental Math Numbers in Expanded Notation

How would we normally write this number?

30,000 + 4,000 + 700 + 20 + 9

Mental Math Numbers in Expanded Notation

How would we normally write this number?

20,000 + 500 + 3

Mental Math Numbers in Expanded Notation

How would we normally write this number?

5,000,000 + 400,000 + 20,000 + 7,000 + 100 + 90 + 2

Multiplication Fact Power

You will have one minute to complete the multiplication facts handout. Complete as many facts as you can.

Math Message

How would you show the number below, using base ten blocks?


Base Ten Block Review

Cube equals 1 Long equals 10 Flat equals 100 Big Cube equals 1,000

Group Explorations
Exploration A: Value of Base Ten Blocks MJ 110 Exploration B: Squares, Rectangles, and Triangles MJ 111 Exploration C: Pattern Block Perimeters MJ 112

Math Boxes 5.6

Complete the review math boxes on page 113 of your math journal. If you finish early, work on multiplication or division flashcards.


Decimals with Base 10 Blocks

Our Objectives: To model decimals with base-10 blocks To review decimals with money

What does each base ten block represent? Why do we use decimals in numbers?

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 3? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 3? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 2? How many ten thousands?

Mental Math: Place Value Practice

Which digit is in the thousands? What is the value of 2? How many ten thousands?

Math Message
Complete the math message slip to identify different decimal values.
3 dollar bills, 5 dimes, and 1 penny

3 dimes and six pennies

2 dollar bills and 7 dimes

9 pennies

Why do we use decimals in numbers? What does a decimal tell us?

Base Ten Decimals

We are going to use base ten blocks to represent decimal amounts. The flat will represent the whole number 1 (just like a $1 bill). The long will represent tenths (like dimes). The cube will represent hundredths (like a penny).

Base Ten Decimals

Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Base Ten Decimals

Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Base Ten Decimals

Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Base Ten Decimals

Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Base Ten Decimals

Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Lets Practice

Complete problems 1-3 on math journal 114. 11. Fraction shaded: _______ decimal: ________ 2. Fraction shaded: _______ decimal: ________ 3. Fraction shaded: _______ decimal: ________

Independent Practice

Complete practice book page 115. Then work on the math boxes on page 116. If you finish early, find a partner and play Number Top It.


Tenths and Hundredths

Our Objectives: To use practice writing and comparing decimals values To exchange between tenths and hundredths (like trading dimes and pennies)

How are base ten blocks related to tenths and hundredths?

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Which Decimal is Greater?

Write the value that is greater.

.23 or .70

Which Decimal is Greater?

Write the value that is greater.

.66 or .56

Which Decimal is Greater?

Write the value that is greater.

3.30 or 30.03

Which Decimal is Greater?

Write the value that is greater.

.12 or .21

Math Message
Complete the math message slip to identify different monetary amounts:

FourteenFourteen-hundredths: _________ FourFour-hundredths: _________ FourFour-tenths: _________ Four hundred: _________

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Exchanging Tenths & Hundredths

How many hundredths are covered on the grid? How many cubes would be used? Is there a way to cover the same amount of cubes with fewer base-10 blocks? baseHow many tenths & hundredths do we have? Write the decimal: _____ Write the fraction: _____
Work along on math journal page 117.

Independent Practice

Complete the math boxes on page 118. If you finish early, find a partner and practice multiplication or division flashcards.


Tenths and Hundredths of a Meter

Our Objectives: To understand tenths and hundredths To exchange between tenths and hundredths




What number is represented by this picture? How would you write the number in decimal form?

Multiplication Mental Math

3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Message
Turn to page 218 and 219 in your SRB

What is the maximum length for a python?

Math Message Follow Up

What are the maximum lengths for each animal?

How would we find the median of this data?

How would we find the range of our data?

Math Message Rations

About how many times longer is the green turtle than the giant toad?

About how many times longer is the python than the Mississippi alligator?

Meter Stick Decimals

How can a meter stick show tenths and decimals?

We are going to use a meter stick to represent the whole number one. Anything less than one whole meter will represent fractions and decimals.

We are going to use a meter stick to represent the whole number one. Anything less than one whole meter will represent fractions and decimals.

How many centimeters are in a meter? How would you write 1 cm as a fraction? How would you write 1 cm as a decimal?

Meter Stick Decimals

How many centimeters are in a meter? How would you write 1 cm as a fraction? How would you write 1 cm as a decimal? If you wanted 24 cm, how many longs and cubes would you need to use? How would you write 24 cm as a fraction? How would you write 24 cm as a decimal?

Decimals for Metric Measurement

Turn to page 119 of your math journal. We will complete the chart in problem one together.
Length in cm 24 cm 36 cm _____ cm 8 cm _____ cm _____ cm # of Longs 2 _____ 0 _____ _____ 4 # of Cubes 4 _____ 3 _____ _____ 3 Length in Meters 0.24 m _____ m _____ m _____ m 0.3 m _____ m

Independent Practice

Complete the rest of the problems on 119 by yourself. Then complete the boxes on page 120. Remember to work carefully, double checking your work!


Application: Rainfall
Our Objectives: To introduce the thousandths place value To use millimeters and interpret data from a map

What is the thousandths place value?

Multiplication Mental Math

4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x 5 6x6 6x7 6x8 6x9 6 x 10 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mental Math
Online Place Value Practice 3/PlaceValueChartv4.swf

Decimals are Less Than One

A tenth is like a dime A hundredth is like a penny A thousandth is like 1/10 of a penny

Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values
Show me one tenth on your slate Show me one hundredth Show me one thousandth Show me two thousandths Three thousandths Four thousandths Five thousandths Six thousandths Seven thousandths Eight thousandths Nine thousandths What happens at ten thousandths?

Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Math Message
Turn to page 221 of your SRB.

What information is found on this page?

Rainfall: Precipitation
Which part of the country has the most rainfall in September? Which parts have the least rainfall? How much precipitation does Bismarck receive?

Understanding Millimeters
If you look at the meter side of your ruler, you will notice that every centimeter is made up of ten parts (or lines). Those parts are called millimeters.

How many millimeters are in a centimeter?

How would you write that as a fraction?

How many centimeters are in a meter?

How would you write that as a fraction?

How many millimeters are in a meter?

How would you write that as a fraction?

Centimeters and Millimeters

Read this decimal place value: 20.1 cm How many whole centimeters are there? How many partial centimeters are there? How many millimeters are in .1 centimeter?

What cities have between 9.0 and 10.0 centimeters of rain in September?
cities Precipitation in cm

Which city receives less than 1 centimeter of rain in September?

Partner Practice

Complete page 121 of your math journal with your partner. When you have finished, you may complete the math boxes on page 122.


Place Value in Decimals

Our Objectives: To practice decimal place value to the thousandths

What are the three decimal place values we have studied?

Mental Math
Online Place Value Practice 3/PlaceValueChartv4.swf

Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Mental Math

Write the value below in decimal form.







Place Value Book

We are going to use math masters page 153 to make a decimal place value flip-book. flipCut along the dashed lines. DO NOT CUT ANY SOLID LINES Assemble with the pages in order.

Independent Practice

When you have finished, return to your seat and complete math journal page 123. Then work on the math boxes on page 124.


Place Value Unit Review

Our Objectives: To review and decimal place value to the thousandths

How do we use place value in decimals?

Mental Math
Online Decimal Place Value Practice

Mental Math
Identify the larger numbers from the given Sets:

2,468 ___ 6.824 90.43 ___ 940.3 1,237.46 ___15,422 43.066 ___ 43.606 12.42 ___ 12.24 152.324 ___ 152.334

Math Review
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Review
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Review
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Math Review
Write the values shown by the given base 10 blocks. Decimal Value ____ _____ ____ _____

Fraction Out of 100

Decimal Values Review

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Review

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Review

Write the value below in decimal form.







Decimal Values Review

Write the value below in decimal form.







Number Matching
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones Tenths
Hundredths Thousandths

Link to Smart Notebook Activity

Math Boxes 5.12

Complete the math boxes on page 126 of your math journal.

Place Value Jeopardy

Are you ready to place some Jeopardy?

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