Polak Et Al-2004-Water Resources Research PDF
Polak Et Al-2004-Water Resources Research PDF
Polak Et Al-2004-Water Resources Research PDF
1029/2003WR002717, 2004
sampled volumes at three different axial locations in the aperture, as the evolving flow conduit was tubular rather
core (610, 646, and 665, representing distances of 30, 66, than planar.
and 85 mm, respectively, from the core inlet). The first [16] Rates of aperture reduction, db/dt, recovered from
location (610) had nine scanning rotations each of 41 slices, recorded effluent concentrations, may be compared with
representing an axial length of 18.45 mm (50 mm for each those independently recovered from the hydraulic test. For
slice). The second location (646) had three rotations, each of dissolution from beneath the contact area between two
41 slices, representing an axial length of 6.15 mm, and the fracture surfaces, of area Ac[L2], the rate of fracture closure,
third location had a single rotation with an axial length of db/dt [L T1], may be defined as [Polak et al., 2003]
2.05 mm. " #
2.3. Experimental Analysis db Q CCACO3 CCaMgCO3 2
[11] Concurrent X-ray imaging, indirect monitoring of dt Ac rCACO3 rCaMgCO3 2
the evolution of hydraulic aperture (via differential pres-
sure measurement), and monitoring of solute mass, were where Q is the volumetric flow rate [L3 T1], C and r are
completed. the concentration and density [M L3] of CaCO3 and
2.3.1. Chemical Analysis CaMg(CO3)2 (the two components that were detected in the
[12] During the 1500 hours of the experiment, 73 water sample using the X-ray diffraction system) in the effluent,
samples were collected for chemical analysis of Al, Ba, Ca, respectively, calculated from the concentration measure-
Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Si, and Sr using an inductively ments of Ca and Mg. These calculations enable the change
coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrophotometer with an in aperture to be determined from effluent concentrations
estimated relative error of 5%. Fourteen samples were and measured flow rates.
collected from the inlet side and 59 were collected from the 2.3.3. CT Image Analysis
outlet side. The sample solutions were also analyzed for [17] The redistribution of mineral mass within the frac-
their pH values using a ROSS combination pH electrode ture was examined throughout the test by subtracting
(Thermo Orion). sequential thresholded CT images. Sequential CT image
[13] X-ray diffraction of the sample was performed using pairs were selected with prescribed threshold CT-number
a Rigaku Geigerflex system with Cu radiation. The results (1670 and 1600, for the third and fourth time sequences,
show a strong calcite peak at d = 3.03 A , with a much respectively) representing the transition from solid to pore
smaller dolomite peak at d = 2.89 A . No magnesite was space. Pixel counts define the volumetric transition from
detected in the sample. rock to pore space within the sample and enable quantifi-
[14] In order to check the ratio between calcium and cation of mineral mass redistribution. This procedure was
magnesium in the rock sample, three powder-crushed preformed on 12 pairs from different areas along the core.
samples were weighed and immersed into 5% HNO3
(1:1000 solid/liquid ratio) for 24 hours, to allow full
dissolution of the solid phase. The samples were then 3. Results and Discussion
analyzed by ICP for the ion concentrations. The results [18] Two distinct behaviors exist within the test. The first
from this batch test show that only 8% of the sample is is net reduction in aperture in the initial test period, when
magnesium, by weight, and the rest is calcium. Fe, Na, Sr, asperities are net removed, and the confining stress closed
Si, and K were also detected in the samples but with the facture. This reduction in aperture accelerates as the
concentrations of less then 0.5 ppm. The presence of these circulating fluid is first switched to distilled water. The
ions is attributed to the small amount of clays that was second is a net increase in permeability resulting from
found in the sample residue. the widening of a single dominant solution channel, termed
2.3.2. Fracture Aperture Analysis a wormhole, apparent in the differential pressure record,
[15] Differential pressure between the sample inlet and and corroborated by imaging. Contrasting models are
outlet were recorded throughout the duration of the flow- developed for these two situations.
through tests with a resolution of 40 Pa. Labview recorded [19] The ensemble balances of fluid flow and mineral
two Quartzdyn QS transducers at six cycles/min. The low mass efflux, and CT imaging provide independent measure-
porosity of the limestone matrix enabled flow rates to be ments of the process effecting mineral redistribution within
converted directly to equivalent hydraulic aperture via the the sample. Fluid flows constrain hydraulic apertures un-
parallel plate approximation [e.g., Witherspoon et al., 1980; equivocally, and cumulative measurements of mineral mass
Silliman, 1989; Piggott and Elsworth, 1993] removal may be converted to changes in mechanical aper-
ture if contact areas are known or estimated and an
DP 3 appropriate model for permeability enhancement assumed.
Q b W 1
12mL Similarly, imaging defines changes in fracture porosity if
resolution is sufficiently high. In the following we link
where m is temperature-dependent dynamic viscosity of the observations of fluid and mineral flux, and imaging, with
fluid [M L1 T1], L is length of the sample [L], W is a consistent view of dominant processes and sites of
diameter of the sample [L], Q is flow rate [L3 T1], DP is dissolution, summarized in Table 1.
the differential pressure [M T2 L1], and b is the hydraulic
aperture of the fracture [L]. The aperture was calculated 3.1. Mineral Mass Balance
only during the first 1080 hours of the experiment; for the [20] The influent and effluent concentrations of Ca and
remainder of the experiment, the changes in the differential Mg are shown in Figure 3. Only three ions were detected in
pressure are converted to an approximate equivalent fracture the inlet and outlet samples: Ca, Mg, and Na. The absence
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Table 1. Estimated Volumes of Mineral Removed Throughout the Test as Sourced From Asperities or From Free-Face Dissolution
Estimate of Volume Removed (mm3) and Source of
of Na in concentrations above 0.5 ppm in the batch (Figure 4c) in the early test and a larger and more coherent
experiment suggested its presence was introduced only change in the later test period. However, the identification
through the influent fluid, and at relatively high concen- of two periods when significant mass redistribution may
trations (20 ppm). occur is clear (70 190 and 640 890 hours), and these will
[21] The chemical composition of the influent water was be used to evaluate the mineral volume removed from the
switched after the initial 935 hours of circulation. For the system.
initial circulation of groundwater, in near-chemical equilib- [23] Mass removal rate is evaluated from the product of
rium with the limestone (0 935 hours), the inlet and outlet volumetric flow rate and species concentration, to yield
water chemistry is similar. Ca concentrations are of the cumulative mass removed. These calculations produce 265
order 45 ppm, and Mg is of the order 20 ppm for the first and 137 mg for Ca and Mg, respectively, during the first
stage, with minor variations resulting from a changing water
source. For the second stage of the experiment (935
1490 hours), distilled water is circulated, with influent Ca
and Mg concentrations under the detection limit. Effluent
concentrations of Mg remain below 0.1 ppm, and Ca
concentrations asymptote to 4 ppm. This sudden elimination
of Mg raises the suspicion that the measured inlet and outlet
concentrations of Mg were primarily as a result of the inlet
ground water and that the interaction with the rock matrix
played a minor role. Measurement error bars show that only
in two parts of the first experiment (180 and 800 hours) is
there a substantial difference between the inlet and outlet
[22] The variations between the differential concentra-
tions (inlet minus outlet) are shown in Figure 4, where the
positive numbers indicate net precipitation within the sam-
ple. The first part of the experiment is characterized by
concentration differences that reach 22 and 7 ppm for Ca
and Mg, respectively, with precipitation of mass during the
first 100 hours followed by short episodes thereafter. The
main period of active dissolution occurs after 500 hours
when large amounts of Ca are removed (Figure 4a), fol-
lowed by the delayed removal of smaller amounts of Mg
beginning at about 700 hours. Error bounds on these
measurements are relatively large, and hence the timing
and delay in removal of Mg may not be significant.
Absolute magnitudes of concentrations are of the order of
50 ppm, and relative errors are of the order of 5%, as
measured on concentration magnitudes 50 ppm. These
correspond to error magnitudes of 5 ppm on the differen-
tial concentrations between inlet and outlet (Figure 3) in the
early test and 0.25 ppm in the late test. These error
observations suggest that the early-test data represent little Figure 3. Chemical concentrations for the inlet and outlet
net mass removal, while dissolution in the later test is real. samples for (a) Ca and (b) Mg. The vertical line at 935 hours
This is substantiated by the observation of only minor signifies the change in the injected water chemistry, and the
increases in pH as the fluid transits from inlet to outlet error bars were created for a relative error of 5%.
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5. Conclusions
[40] The results from this experimental study examine
the controls exerted by dissolution and precipitation on
flow inside an artificial fracture in limestone. Processes
accompanying the continuous flow of water at ambient
temperatures for 1500 hours are constrained by the con-
tinuous measurement of differential pressure and chemical
concentration of the inflow and outflow, together with
periodic imaging by X-ray CT. The flow of groundwater
in the first part of the experiment caused the impedance
to increase monotonically as contacting asperities are
removed and the fracture walls close. Measured net
mineral efflux magnitudes are an order of magnitude larger
than those sensibly required to generate the measured
change in impedance, if the source of the mass is the
contacting asperities, alone. Correspondingly, the fractured
interior of the sample must contribute to the measured
mass removed, despite the significant errors attached to the
measured net efflux.
[41] The switch in permeant from groundwater to distilled
Figure 10. Two sets of CT images taken from two water caused accelerating changes in flow impedance; an
different locations, (a) 36 mm and (b) 84.5 mm from the initial rapid increase in impedance (closure in aperture),
core entrance. In each set of images the upper image is from subsequently halted, and spontaneously transformed into
the third (before the creation of the wormhole) scanning an exponentially decreasing impedance, corresponding to
sequence and the lower image from the fourth (after the the observed growth of a wormhole. The initial measured
creation of the wormhole) scanning sequence. In each increase in impedance is consistent with closure of the
scanning sequence a threshold value was set to signify the fracture resulting from the fast removal of asperities from
transition between the matrix and the fracture. contact areas. This rapid increase in impedance correlates
with a slow rise in effluent concentrations of Ca to an
equilibrium magnitude of 5 ppm. The cumulative mineral
sample, this represents an equivalent removed volume of volume removed during this stage (23 mm3) corresponds
170 mm3. Alternatively, for the approximately 2000 mm closely with that predicted from the hydraulic data (23 mm3),
(2 mm) wide slot observed in thin section (Figure 9), the assuming a 50% contact area across the fracture walls. Stated
same pressure drop corresponds to an increase in aperture differently, the hydraulically sampled reduction in fracture
of 91 mm, representing a total volume removed of only aperture of 6 mm corresponds closely with the 8-mm reduc-
20 mm3. A slot of 10 mm corresponds to an aperture change tion evaluated from the mineral-mass efflux data, assuming a
of 53 mm and a total volume removed of 53 mm3. 50% fracture contact area. Mineral Mass Removal [42] With continued circulation of distilled water at
[38] Finally, measurements of the mineral mass removed constant flow rate, the sample reaches a maximum imped-
following the switching of permeants may also constrain ance as the concentration of the effluent approaches a steady
total changes in porosity. The total mass removed during the maximum of 5 ppm Ca. Following this, the impedance
permeability-enhancement stage of the test is 300 mg of sharply drops with the observed development of a dominant
CaCO3 (Ca was the only ion found during that time), flow channel. This occurs with no changes in the other
representing a total volume of 108 mm3. This volume is experimental conditions, or in the resulting concentration of
smaller than that estimated from the other approaches. the effluent, recording net removal of mass in the sample.
Notably, the CT and the thin-section results are a direct Estimates of cumulative mass removed, evaluated from
measurement of the final wormhole size, while estimates the aqueous efflux data, correspond closely to estimates
from hydraulic measurements, and from cumulative mass from destructive thin-section and nondestructive X-ray CT
removed, are indirect. measurements. Estimates of conduit geometry from the
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