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1029/2012WR011965, 2012

A new model for the spectral induced polarization signature

of bacterial growth in porous media
A. Revil,1,2 E. Atekwana,3 C. Zhang,4 A. Jardani,5 and S. Smith6
Received 6 February 2012; revised 2 August 2012; accepted 2 August 2012; published 27 September 2012.
[1] The complex conductivity of porous materials and colloidal suspensions comprises
two components: an in-phase conductivity associated with electromigration of the charge
carriers and a quadrature conductivity associated with the reversible storage of the charges
at some polarization length scales. We developed a quantitative model to investigate the
frequency domain induced polarization response of suspensions of bacteria and bacteria
growth in porous media. Induced polarization of bacteria (a polarization) is related to
the properties of the electrical double layer of the bacteria. Surface conductivity and
a polarization are due to the Stern layer of counterions occurring in a brush of polymers
coating the surface of the bacteria. These phenomena can be related to their cation
exchange capacity. The mobility of the counterions in this Stern layer is found to
be very small (4.7  1010 m2 s1 V1 at 25 C). This implies a very low relaxation
frequency for the a polarization of the bacteria cells (typically around 0.1–5 Hz),
in agreement with experimental observations. This new model can be coupled to reactive
transport modeling codes in which the evolution of bacterial populations are usually
described by Monod kinetics. We show that the growth rate and endogenous decay
coefficients of bacteria in a porous sand can be inferred nonintrusively from
time-lapse frequency domain induced polarization data.
Citation: Revil, A., E. Atekwana, C. Zhang, A. Jardani, and S. Smith (2012), A new model for the spectral induced polarization
signature of bacterial growth in porous media, Water Resour. Res., 48, W09545, doi:10.1029/2012WR011965.

1. Introduction and bacterial growth and decay in porous media with the
possible end goal to use recently developed time-lapse fre-
[2] In situ bioremediation experiments have recently been
quency domain or time domain induced polarization tomog-
successfully monitored through time-lapse geophysical
raphy [Karaoulis et al., 2011] to monitor this process in
methods [Williams et al., 2005, 2009]. Two methods have laboratory and field conditions.
been shown to be sensitive to the growth of bacterial: the
[3] The measurement principle of frequency domain
self-potential method [Revil et al., 2010] and the induced
induced polarization is based on the injection/retrieval of a
polarization method [Atekwana and Slater, 2009]. In the
harmonic current using two electrodes and the measurement
present work, we are concerned with this second approach.
of the resulting electrical field with two other electrodes.
At high frequencies (>100 kHz), polarization is dielectric in
Ohm’s law can be used to determine the magnitude of the
nature. However, at low frequencies, polarization is due to
electrical conductivity at a given frequency of the external
the reversible storage of electrical charges moving under the
electrical field or applied current. A phase lag can also be
influence of the external electrical field and being stored at
measured between the electrical field and the applied cur-
some polarization length scales. In the present paper, we are
rent. The magnitude of the electrical conductivity and the
especially interested in understanding quantitatively the phase lag can be written as a complex conductivity with an
relationship between frequency domain induced polarization
in-phase (real) component and a quadrature (imaginary)
component. For abiotic porous media, low-frequency polari-
zation mechanisms are generally associated with the exis-
Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, Golden,
Colorado, USA.
tence of the electrical double layer coating the surface of
ISTerre, CNRS UMR 5275, Université de Savoie, Le Bourget du Lac, the minerals [Vaudelet et al., 2011a, 2011b].
France. [4] Bacteria, like minerals in contact with water, are coated
Boone Pickens School of Geology, Oklahoma State University, with electrical double layer. At near-neutral pH values, both
Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria have a net nega-
Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA.
Morphodynamique Continentale et Côtière, CNRS UMR 6143 M2C, tive charge on the surface of their membrane [e.g., van der
Université de Rouen, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France. Wal et al., 1997a, 1997b; Grosse, 2002; Dittrich and Sibler,
Chevron Energy Technology Company, Houston, Texas, USA. 2005], which attracts cations and repels anions. In addition,
Corresponding author: A. Revil, Department of Geophysics, Colorado
their activity can alter local redox conditions [e.g., Personna
School of Mines, Green Center, 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401, USA. et al., 2008]. Therefore it is not surprising that induced polar-
([email protected]) ization could be an effective tool to nonintrusively monitor
bacterial growth in porous media. Davis et al. [2006] showed
©2012. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
0043-1397/12/2012WR011965 that the formation of biofilms in a porous sand changes its

W09545 1 of 20

Figure 1. Sketch of the surface of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (not to scale). From this
sketch, it follows that the surface charge of the bacteria is located in a three-dimensional network of poly-
mers extending outward from the surface of the insulating membrane of the bacteria. The conductivity of
the cytoplasmic membrane is smaller than 106 S m1, and its thickness very small (<10 nm).

quadrature conductivity [Abdel Aal et al., 2010; Ntarlagiannis electrical double layer coating the surface of the bacteria
et al., 2005a]. Albrecht et al. [2011] showed a strong phase [Grosse, 2002].
shift change (50 mrad) associated with the formation of a [9] We will not model the high-frequency b and g polar-
biofilm of Burkholderia sp. in a phenanthrene-contaminated ization mechanisms in this paper. Indeed, we are mostly
sand. The presence of bacteria can also be detected indirectly interested in describing the low-frequency a polarization
through the induced polarization responses associated with (<0.1 MHz) because of its application to induced polariza-
byproducts of the microbial activities such as precipitation tion geophysics. Also the b polarization is not always visible
of sulfides [Ntarlagiannis et al., 2005b; Slater et al., 2007; in the polarization of suspensions of bacteria because of the
Personna et al., 2008]. In the present paper, we do not small size of these cells [Irimajiri et al., 1987; Ferris et al.,
examine the induced polarization signature associated with the 1990]. In the present paper, we provide therefore a model for
precipitation of sulfide or magnetite. We focus instead on the the a polarization of suspensions of bacteria to evaluate
role of the bacteria themselves upon induced polarization in quantitatively changes in the complex conductivity of
the absence of biomineralization. porous media during bacterial growth over time.
[5] So far, only observations have been reported in bio-
geophysics regarding the signature of bacteria in porous 2. Polarization of Bacteria
media upon induced polarization. In contrast, in colloidal
chemistry, the electrical properties of suspensions of bacteria [10] In this section, we describe the surface electrochemi-
have been measured and modeled for a long time and both at cal properties of the bacteria in contact with water. We
high frequencies (>0.1 MHz), using dielectric spectroscopy, describe in section 2.1. the bacterial cation exchange capacity
and at low frequencies (<0.1 MHz) using AC impedance and in section 2.2. the surface charging mechanisms of the
spectroscopy. Several mechanisms of polarization have been carboxyl, phosphate, and amino surface groups in the poly-
observed. meric brush made of fibrillar surface protein, capsular poly-
[6] 1. In the gigahertz to terahertz range, three g polari- saccharide, and lipopolysaccharide molecules coating the
zation mechanisms dominate. One is due to the relaxation surface of bacteria. Like for clays, most of the counterions are
of the bulk pore water, the second is due to the relaxation of contained in the Stern layer. In section 2.3., we describe a
the bound water coating the surface of the bacteria, and the new polarization model for a suspension of bacteria.
third is due to the difference of permittivity between the 2.1. Cation Exchange Capacity
bacterial cells and the electrolyte [Grosse, 2002].
[11] The low-frequency induced polarization of clays
[7] 2. In the megahertz range, the b polarization represents
seems to be due to the Stern layer coating the surface of the
the major contribution to polarization. It corresponds to the
Maxwell-Wagner (interfacial polarization) of the membrane clay particles. We argue that bacteria have a similar charging
mechanism (amphoteric surface reactions and weak sorp-
of the bacteria [Irimajiri et al., 1987; Ferris et al., 1990].
tions of counterions associated with the carboxyl, phosphate,
[8] 3. At low frequencies (<100 kHz), the so-called a
polarization prevails [Grosse, 2002]. This polarization and amino surface groups). The main property of this double
layer (Stern plus diffuse layers) is the cation exchange
mechanism is associated with the polarization of the

2 of 20

Figure 2. Difference between the electrical double layer (EDL) of clays or silica and the electrical dou-
ble layer of bacteria cell. (a) The EDL of clays occurs on a relatively flat surface with both a Stern layer
and a diffuse layer. (b) The EDL of bacteria occurs inside a polyelectrolyte coating the membrane surface,
and the counterions are located in a diffuse layer (picture E. coli).

capacity (CEC). We first focus our analysis on the excess instance 0.3 mmol (or meq) g1 = 29  103 C kg1 where C
charge per unit pore volume associated with the presence of stands for Coulomb [Heinrich et al., 2007]. This value is
bacteria. The charge per unit pore volume of a colloidal comparable to the value of illite (0.2  0.1 mmol/g [e.g.,
suspension of bacteria is (in C m3): Leroy and Revil, 2009]). The high charge density of bacteria
is usually associated with the 3D organization of these
charges on their membrane (Figure 1) [see Poortinga et al.,
QBV ≡ CiB CECBi : ð1Þ
2002]. The surface of bacteria is similar to that of a poly-
electrolyte [Ohshima, 2002] implying a high surface charge
where CECBi denotes the cation exchange capacity of bac- density on their surface (Figures 1 and 2). From a modeling
teria type i (in C kg1), M denotes the number of different point of view, Figure 1 implies clearly that the surface of the
types of bacteria, and CBi denotes the concentration of bac- bacteria cannot be modeled as a smooth surface.
teria (in kg per m3 of pore water solution). The CEC of the [12] Another way to compare the charge density of bac-
thermophilic bacterium Anoxybacillus flavithermus is for teria and clays is to look at their effective surface charge

3 of 20

Table 1. Specific Surface Area and Cation Exchange Capacity of Some Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteriaa
Bacterium Type Bacterium Surface Areab (m2/g) CECb (mmol/g live cells)
Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis 140 (1) 4.52 (3)
Gram-positive Corynebacterium DSM44016 62 (2) 2.00 (2)
Gram-positive Corynebacterium DSM6688 103 (2) 3.22 (2)
Gram-positive Rhodococcus erythropolis 90 (2) 1.94 (2)
Gram-positive R. opacus 100 (2) 1.56 (2)
Gram-positive Bacillus brevis 28 (2) 3.48 (2)
Gram-positive B. licheniformis 6.00 (3)
Gram-negative Syn. green 1.38 (3)
Gram-negative Syn. red 3.32 (3)
Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae 2.64 (3)
Gram-negative Shewanella putrefaciens 0.16 (3)
Gram-negative Calothrix cell 2.92 (3)
Gram-negative Calothrix sheath 0.36 (3)
Gram-negative Escherichia coli D21g 0.25 (4)
Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosac 1.60 (5)
Algae C. vulgaris aeruginosad 0.22 (5)
The CEC is reported per mass of living bacteria around neutral pH values (we have converted the CEC per gram of dry bacteria to per gram of hydrated
bacteria by using a dry weight to wet weight ratio W of 0.5). Note that, in general, the CEC of gram-positive bacteria is higher than the CEC of gram-
negative bacteria (3.08 mmol/g versus 1.80 mmol/g).
Numbers in parentheses indicate the following sources: 1, Leone et al. [2007]; 2, van der Wal et al. [1997a]; 3, Dittrich and Sibler [2005, Table 3];
4, Walker et al. [2005], growth phase; 5, Hadjoudja et al. [2010], growth phase.
Microcystis aeruginosa is a cyanobacteria. Its walls are stained gram-positive, but the cell appears gram negative.
Chlorella vulgaris is a species of single-celled green algae.

densities. According to van der Wal et al. [1997a], the sur- [14] Some of the carboxylic acid, amine, and phosphate
face charge density of gram-positive bacteria is in the range groups can have different dissociation constants than above, in
0.5–1.0 C m2 corresponding to 3 to 6 elementary charges equations (2) to (4), depending on the molecules they are
per nm2. This range of values is higher than for clays (usu- attached to. Gram-negative cells, on the other hand, contain
ally 1 to 3 elementary charges per nm2 [see Leroy and Revil, lipopolysaccharides instead of peptidoglycan. Lipopoly-
2009]. The specific surface area and CEC of some gram- saccharides also contain charged phosphate and carboxyl
positive and gram-negative bacteria are reported in Table 1. groups. Table 2 lists the common charged surface compounds
As a side note, the CEC is usually given in moles or charge found in both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
(in C) per unit dry mass. The dry weight to wet weight ratio [15] We take the analogy between clays and bacteria one
W for a broad number of bacteria is usually 0.31 to 0.57 step further. The electrical double layer of clays is formed by
according to Bratbak and Dundas [1984]. An average value a Stern layer including weakly sorbed counterions (forming
of 0.50 can be used to convert the values provided per unit outer-sphere complexes) and a diffuse layer in which the
dry mass into charge per unit mass of living bacteria (by cations and anions are only related to the charge of the
dividing the values of the CEC per unit dry mass by the mineral surface through Coulombic interactions. Revil
factor W). [2012] showed that most of the countercharge of clays is
located in the Stern layer (>85%), and that the Stern layer
2.2. The Electrical Double Layer of Bacteria
plays a major role in the induced polarization of clay-rich
[13] Like for clays, one can write a speciation model for materials.
the surface sites responsible for an electrical double layer at [16] The description of the Stern layer of bacteria requires
the surface of bacteria. For example, the surfaces of gram- a more sophisticated set of complexation reactions than the
positive bacteria contain peptidoglycan, whose molecule is amphoteric reactions corresponding to equations (2) to (4).
rich in three types of reactive charged surface groups: car- In addition to the protonation reactions listed, the sorption of
boxylic acid (>COOH), amine (>NH+), and phosphate (>PO) metallic cations, e.g., M+ (Na+ or K+ for instance) can be
(> means that the functional group is attached to the cell wall modeled by the following reactions involving sorption of the
structure of the bacterium [Leone et al., 2007]). For the gram-
positive bacterium investigated by Leone et al. [2007], the
relative proportion of these sites is 1.2:1:0.9. The protonation-
Table 2. Speciation at the Surface of Bacteria
deprotonation of these groups can be written as
Site pKaa
 þ 3:8 Reaction Molecule Type (25 C)
> COOH ⇔ > COO þ H ; K1 ¼ 10
; ð2Þ
> COOH0 ⇔ > COO + H+ Polysaccharide 1 2.8
> COOH0 ⇔ > COO + H+ Protein, peptidoglycan 2 4.0–5.0
> NH+3 ⇔ > NH02 + H+ Protein, peptidoglycan 3 9.0–9.8
> NHþ 0 þ
3 ⇔ > NH2 þ H ; K2 ¼ 10
; ð3Þ > HPO04 ⇔ > PO4 + H
Teichoic acids 4 2.1
> H2PO04 ⇔ > HPO 4 + H
Phospholipids 5 2.1
> HPO14 ⇔ > PO4
+ H+ Phospholipids 6 7.2
> PO þ
4 þ H ⇔ > PO4 H ; K3 ¼ 10 :
0 2:2
ð4Þ a
Here pKa represents the -log10 value of the dissociation constants [from
Poortinga et al., 2002].

4 of 20

2008] and the role of the double layer corresponds to a

perfect capacitance. Sorption/desorption implies that the
electrical double layer behaves as a “leaking” capacitance.
Such leaking capacitance behavior has been described in the
literature [Wong, 1979] and can be described by a Warburg
impedance model [Warburg, 1899].
[20] 3. van Der Wal et al. [1997b] have inferred that most
of the counterions surrounding bacteria are located in the
Stern layer and not in the diffuse layer. This means that the
classical mathematical treatment of the a polarization of
such cells may be inadequate because based on a diffuse
layer model. We provide below a simple model based on the
Stern layer model (Figure 3).
2.3. General Model
[21] We are looking first for some expressions for the
effective conductivity and permittivity of a suspension of
bacteria (Figure 4). Ampère law is given by

rH¼Jþ ; ð8Þ

where t is time (in s), J is the conduction (electromigration)

current density, Jd = ∂D/∂t denotes the displacement current
density (both in A m2), H is the magnetic field (expressed
in A m1), D = ɛ E is the dielectric displacement (in C m2),
and ɛ is the permittivity (in F m1) of the material. In linear
Figure 3. Sketch of the a-type polarization of the bacteria models, the current density is given by a linear Ohm’s law,
cell. The migration of the counterions in the direction of the J = s* E with
ffi the harmonic electrical field E = E0 exp(iwt)
electrical field is responsible for a dipole moment associated (i ¼ 1 the pure imaginary number, w = 2 p f the angular
with the cell. Note that the cells themselves try to align with frequency (in rad s1) of the external electric field, f is the
the electrical field, and therefore, there is an electrorotation frequency in Hz, and E0 is a constant electrical field mag-
of the cells in the field. Finally, during the polarization of nitude and direction). The total (subscript t) current density
the cell, cations get sorbed and desorbed, which corresponds is the sum of the conduction current and displacement cur-
to a leaking capacitance, justifying the use of the Warburg rent densities. This yields Jt = (s∗  iwɛ)E [Vinegar and
impedance model to describe the polarization of the cell. Waxman, 1984], where s* denotes the complex conductiv-
ity, s∗ = s′ + is″. The total current density can be written as

counterions in the Stern layer of the surface of the bacteria Jt ¼ seff * E; ð9Þ
[e.g., Daughney and Fein, 1998],
where s∗eff = seff  iwɛeff is the effective complex con-
> COO Mþ ⇔ > COO þ Mþ ; ð5Þ ductivity and seff and ɛeff are real scalars dependent upon
frequency. These effective parameters are the parameters
> NH2 Mþ ⇔ > NH02 þ Mþ ; ð6Þ that are measured during an experiment in the laboratory.
They contain both electromigration and true dielectric
polarization effects,
> PO þ  þ
4 M ⇔ > PO4 þ M : ð7Þ
seff ¼ s′ ; ð10Þ
[17] This sorption is weak and does not involve covalent
bounds. The implication of these equations is of paramount ɛ eff ¼ ɛ ′  s″ =w: ð11Þ
importance to our model for three reasons.
[18] 1. Sorption of some metal ions (e.g., Na+ or K+) on [22] We describe now a specific model of polarization for
the surface of bacteria occurs mostly as outer-sphere com- the effective conductivity and permittivity of the material.
plexes which means that these counterions in the Stern layer This model is shown in Figure 4 and developed further in
are mobile in an electrical field. Then at some point, we will Appendix A. We assume that (1) the dielectric constant of
need to determine their mobility later on. the polymeric brush is close to the dielectric constant of the
[19] 2. The sorption and desorption of these counterions electrolyte and (2) that the conductivity of the membrane of
during the polarization of the cells is possible like for clays. the cell is zero (see discussion in Appendix A). The con-
In the case, there is no sorption/desorption during the ductivity of a suspension of cells is therefore controlled by
polarization of the cells, the complex conductivity can be the amount of bacteria and the surface conductivity of the
described by a Debye model [Schwarz, 1962; Leroy et al., brush of polymers coating their surface.

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Figure 4. Sketch of the geometry of the bacteria used to build the polarization model. The cell is formed
by a cytoplasm surrounded by two thin shells: the membrane and an outer shell formed by the three-
dimensional network of polymers extending outward from the surface of the membrane of the bacteria.

[23] Wong [1979] provided a model describing the polar- From equations (10) to (15), the effective conductivity and
ization of conductive (sulfide) particles exchanging charge dielectric constant are expressed as
carriers with the surrounding pore water. In this case, the 8 9
< >
frequency-dependent complex conductivity can be described 1 sinh½c lnðwt Þ
seff ¼ s ∞ þ ðs 0  s ∞ Þ 1  hp i ;
by a Warburg impedance model (the Warburg component >
2 : cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ cos ð1  cÞ >
describes the leaking capacitance associated with the polar- 2
ization of the electrical double layer). We follow this idea ð16Þ
and use a Cole-Cole model to describe the a polarization of 8 hp i 9
a suspension of bacteria: > >
1 < ðs0  s∞ Þ cos 2 ð1  cÞ =
ɛ eff ¼ ɛ ′  hp i ; ð17Þ
  > cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ sin ð1  cÞ ;
2w : >
M 2
s * ðw Þ ¼ s ∞ 1  ; ð12Þ
1 þ ðiwt Þc
respectively. The effective relative permittivity is given by
dividing equation (17) by the dielectric constant of vacuum
where t = 1/ (2 p fc) denotes the main relaxation time (in s) ɛ0 = 8.85  1012 F m1 and K = ɛ′/ɛ0 denotes the permit-
(also called time constant by some geophysicists), fc denotes tivity of the suspension and Keff = ɛeff /ɛ0 denotes its effective
the associated critical frequency, and c denotes the Cole- permittivity.
Cole exponent. The Warburg model corresponds to the [24] We need now to find some expressions for ɛ′, s∞, and s0.
special case c = 0.5. In equation (12), the chargeability M is Regarding the surface conductivity, we need to assess what
computed from the ratio of the high- and low-frequency fraction f of the counterions is located in the Stern layer and what
conductivity of the suspension of bacteria (s∞ and s0) fraction (1  f ) of the counterions is located in the diffuse layer.
In agreement with van der Wal et al. [1997b], we assume that
s0 nearly all the counterions are located in the Stern layer (therefore,
M ¼1 : ð13Þ
s∞ f ≈ 1). For a suspension of bacteria, we assume that surface
conductivity is zero at very low frequency (s0S = 0 for w ≪ 1/ t)
The real and imaginary parts of the complex conductivity of and all the Stern layer participates to surface conduction at very
the Cole-Cole model are given by high frequencies (the high frequency w ≫ 1/ t, is denoted as
8 9 s∞S ). The membrane of the cell is insulating (see Appendix A)
< >
= and therefore the electrical conductivity of the bacteria is only
1 sinh½c lnðwt Þ
s ′ ¼ s ∞ þ ðs 0  s ∞ Þ 1  hp i ; due to conduction in the brush of polymers coating their sur-
2 >
: cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ cos ð1  cÞ >
2 face. With these assumptions, we obtain (see Appendix A),
ð14Þ 1  
s∞ ¼ sw þ mB bðþÞ QBV ; ð18Þ
8 hp i 9 1
> > s0 ¼ sw ; ð19Þ
1< ðs0  s∞ Þ cos
ð1  c Þ = FB
s″ ¼ p i : ð15Þ
: cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ sin ð1  cÞ > ; ɛ′ ¼
½ɛ w þ ðFB  1Þɛ B ; ð20Þ
2 FB

6 of 20

where sw and ɛw denote the conductivity and dielectric con- [33] 2. Because of equations (15) and (26), the quadrature
stant of the pore water, respectively, FB denotes the formation conductivity response is expected to depend linearly on the
factor associated with the presence of the bacteria, mB denotes bacteria cell density. Therefore, a relative change of quad-
the cementation exponent, and b (+) denotes the mobility of rature conductivity should be equal to a relative change in
the counterions in the Stern layer. The dielectric constant bacterial density (deviation from linearity may be expected
of the cell is typically given by ɛB ≈ 6ɛ [Grosse, 2002]. for high concentrations of bacteria because of its effect on
Because ðFB  1Þɛ B ¼ V B C  B ɛ B in the dilute approximation, the formation factor, FB). This is consistent with the obser-
the dielectric constant is proportional to the density of cells, vations reported by Abdel Aal et al. [2004] and Albrecht
which is in agreement with the observations of Siano [1997]. et al. [2011]. Albrecht et al. [2011] showed the existence
[25] The crucial parameter describing polarization is the of a linear relationship between the volume of biofilm
normalized chargeability defined by (which may be proportional to first approximation to the
bacteria density) and the phase lag for Burkholderia sp.
Mn ¼ M s∞ ¼ s∞  s0 : ð21Þ (strain NAH1, a rod-shaped gram-negative bacteria).
[34] 3. The final expressions for the effective conductivity
[26] Equations (18), (19), and (21) yield the following and permittivity are given by,
simple expression for the normalized chargeability: 8 9
< >
1 1 sinh½c lnðwt Þ
Mn ¼ mB b ðþÞ QBV : ð22Þ seff ¼ s ∞  Mn 1  hp i ; ð27Þ
FB 2 :> cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ cos ð1  cÞ >
[27] The term (s0  s∞) in equations (16) and (17) can
be replaced by (Mn) making clear that the frequency- hp i
  cos ð1  cÞ
dependent terms in the effective quadrature conductivity Mn 2
Keff ¼ K′ þ hp i: ð28Þ
(s″eff = wseff) and the effective conductivity and dielectric 2wɛ 0 cosh½c lnðwt Þ þ sin ð1  cÞ
constant are controlled by the normalized chargeability. 2
[28] We can now express the excess charge density in
terms of the cation exchange capacity of the bacteria using [35] In addition, we can also plot the apparent imaginary
equations (1) and (22) and using only a single bacteria spe- (quadrature) conductivity given by
cies. This yields
s″eff ≡ wɛ 0 Keff ¼ s″ þ wɛ ′ : ð29Þ
Mn ¼ mB bðþÞ CB CECB : ð23Þ
[36] In equations (27) and (28), ɛ′ and s∞ are given by,
[29] Usually, the concentration of bacteria is not reported
in kg per m3 of pore water solution but in cell density. The ɛ′ ¼  B V B ɛ B Þ;
ðɛ w þ m B C ð30Þ
relationship between these two concentrations is given by FB

 B V B rB ;
CB ¼ C ð24Þ 1 h   i
B ;
s∞ ¼ sw þ mB b ðþÞ V B rB CECB C ð31Þ
where rB represents the mass density of active bacteria
(1010 to 1020 kg m3 [Bratbak and Dundas, 1984]), V B and the normalized chargeability by equation (26). The
denotes the volume of a single bacterium (the cell volume relaxation time is given from the model of relaxation of the
 B denotes
V B is typically in the range 0.5 to 1.0 mm3), and C electrical double layer where dB denotes the mean diameter
the number of bacteria per unit pore volume (in m3) of the bacteria (diameter of an equivalent volume with the
defined by same volume than the bacteria). This yields [Wong, 1979],

 B ¼ NB =V ;
C ð25Þ dB 2 dB 2 e
t¼ ¼ ; ð32Þ
8DðþÞ 8kb T b ðþÞ
where NB is the number of bacteria and V the volume of the
colloidal suspension. Combining equations (23) and (24),
we obtain the following equation for the normalized char- where t is a relaxation time (in s) dB is the mean size of the
geability for bacteria: bacteria cell (diameter of a sphere of same volume of the
mB   bacteria, typically 1 to 3 mm), D(+) is the diffusion coefficient
Mn ¼ b ðþÞ V B rB CECB C B: ð26Þ of the counterions in the Stern layer. This diffusion coeffi-
cient is related to the mobility of the counterions in the Stern
[30] The evolution of the normalized chargeability is thus layer, b(+), by the Nernst-Einstein relationship D(+) = kbTb (+) /
a direct measurement of the bacteria density. |q(+)| (kb is the Boltzmann constant (1.3807  1023 J K1),
[31] Three points are important to consider in order to test T is the absolute temperature, and |q(+)| is the absolute value
our model. of the charge of the counterions). For a typical bacterial cell,
[32] 1. In dilute solutions (FB = 1), the quadrature con- using the value of b(+) given below in section 3 at 25 C
ductivity and the normalized chargeability are proportional (4.7  1010 m2 s1 V1), and using dB = 3 mm yields t =
to the cation exchange capacity of the bacteria and the 0.1 s (1.6 Hz). If we use dB = 1 mm instead, we obtain t =
mobility of the counterions in the electrical double layer 0.01 s (16 Hz). We obtain high relaxation times and therefore
coating the bacteria. low relaxation frequencies. The high- and low-frequency

7 of 20

Figure 5. Analysis of the conductivity of suspensions of bacteria. The plots correspond to the conduc-
tivity of the suspension versus the conductivity of the pore water for different bacteria and different values
of the volumetric fraction of bacteria. For each volume fraction of bacteria, we fit the data to obtain the
formation factor and the surface conductivity. Data are from van der Wal et al. [1997b], and pH = 6.5–7.0.

regimes for the electrical conductivity will be defined with strain DSM 44016 (spherical, length 1.1 mm, width, 0.8 mm),
respect to this relaxation frequency. Corynebacterium sp. strain DSM 6688 (rod shaped, length
2.0 mm, width, 0.6 mm), Rhodococcus opacus C125 (rod
3. Polarization of a Colloidal Suspension shaped, length 3.2 mm, width 1.2 mm), Bacillus brevis (rod
of Bacteria shaped, length 6.0 mm, width 1.0 mm), and Rhodococcus
erythropolis A177 (rod shaped, length 2.9 mm, width 1.9 mm).
3.1. Electrical Conductivity The CEC of these bacteria are reported in Table 1. Their
[37] We first test the expression of the electrical conduc- electrical conductivity data are shown in Figure 5. They were
tivity using the data set of van der Wal et al. [1997b] for var- measured at 25 C, KNO3 solutions with molarity of 0.05,
ious gram-positive bacteria including Corynebacterium sp. 0.04. 0.03, 0.02, 0.01 and 0.005 M, pH 6.5–7.0, and at 3.7 kHz
8 of 20

Figure 6. Analysis of the formation factor for a suspension of bacteria. The formation factors are
obtained from the analysis done in Figure 5, and the porosity is determined from the concentration of bac-
teria. The data are fitted by a power law relationship (Archie’s law [Archie, 1942]) to determine the value
of the cementation exponent mB of the bacteria. For Rhodococcus erythropolis A177, mB = 1.23  0.01
(R = 0.999; results not shown here).

(high enough to prevent electrode polarization). This fre- FB and the surface conductivity s∞S ¼ mB b ðþÞ V B rB CECB CB
quency of 3.7 kHz is much higher than the relaxation fre-
quency discussed at the end of section 2. This implies in turn by fitting the conductivity data versus the pore water con-
that the measured conductivity is the high-frequency conduc- ductivity (Figure 6). Then the formation factor is plotted as a
tivity s∞ and not the DC conductivity s0. function of the porosity (defined as 1 minus the volume
[38] We first use equation (A3) of Appendix A (Archie’s law  B ) and the cementation exponent mB
fraction of bacteria V B C
[Archie, 1942]) to determine the value of the formation factor is determined by fitting Archie’s law, which corresponds to a

9 of 20

Figure 7. Analysis of the surface conductivity for a suspension of bacteria. The values of the surface
conductivity are obtained from the analysis done in Figure 5. The data and the model agree with each other
in predicting a linear relationship between these two parameters. The apparent mobility is determined from
the slope and the values of the total CEC reported in Table 1. Here pH = 6.5–7.0

power law between the formation factor and the porosity. The and 3.8  1010 m2 s1 V1 at 25 C. This range of values is
cementation exponent is between 1.1 and 1.6, while in theory very close to the mobility of the counterions determined by
it should be between 1.5 and 1.7 (see Appendix A for details). Revil [2012] for clay minerals (b(+)(Na+) ≈ 1.5  1010 m2
[39] In a second step, we report the surface conductivity s1 V1). In Figure 8, we plot the slope of the surface con-
S as a function of the volumetric fraction of bacteria, V B C B ductivity trends of Figure 7 as a function of the CEC reported
(Figure 7) and we determine the apparent mobility  of the in Table 1. From Figure 8, only a fraction of the CEC par-
counterions b(+) using sS ¼ mB b ðþÞ V B rB CECB C B. The ticipate to the surface conductivity. If we wrote the slope of
the trends shown in Figure 6 as b = mBb(+)rB(dCECB) with
value for the mobility of the counterions in the Stern layer of
dCECB ≡ CECB  CECcB and where CECcB denotes the
the bacteria is between b(+)(K+) ≈ 1.7  1010 m2 s1 V1 CEC that does not contribute to surface conductivity, we
10 of 20

electrical properties. Therefore, all the CEC of gram-negative

bacteria contribute to surface conductivity and polarization.
[42] The data of van der Wal et al. [1997a] exhibit a clear
relaxation frequency that they attribute to polarization of the
double layer (including a stagnant layer). That said, this
polarization takes place well into the kHz range. We disagree
therefore with their interpretation of their dispersive data,
which is most likely related to Maxwell-Wagner polarization.
3.2. Frequency Dependence of the Conductivity
and Permittivity
[43] We use the recent data from Zhang et al. [2012] to test
the frequency dependence effective electrical properties of a
suspensions of Desulfovibrio vulgaris (strain Hildenborough/
ATCC 35115, a gram-negative bacteria). Impedance spectros-
copy was performed with a two-electrode system, which
requires a correction of electrode polarization [e.g., Gråsjö
et al., 2008]. The data were performed at frequencies from
20 Hz to 1 MHz using two different concentrations of cells
(optical density (OD) is used to represent the concentration of
cells) of cells. The OD-0.37 suspension corresponds to the
higher cell concentration. Measurements were carried out in
triplicate and the data shown in Figure 9 were corrected for
electrode polarization. The data were fitted using equations (27)
and (28) using a Gauss-Newton algorithm. The optimized value
of the five model parameters (c, t, s∞, K′ and Mn) are reported
in Table 3 with their uncertainties. The model fits the data of
Zhang et al. [2012] very well over the full spectrum of
[44] The optimized value of c (0.55  0.05) is close to the
theoretical value corresponding to the Warburg impedance
Figure 8. Slope of the surface conductivity trends (deter- model (c = 0.50). The formation factors are determined from
mined from Figure 7) as a function of the cation exchange the value of the permittivity of Table 3 and equation (30).
capacity of the individual gram-positive bacteria (from This yields FB = 1.9 for OD-0.37 and 1.5 for OD-0.28. This
Table 1). Taking mB = 1.5 and rB = 1020 kg m3 yield a is qualitatively consistent with equation (A4) of Appendix A
mean value for the mobility of the counterions of b(+) ≈ stating that FB increases with the bacteria density. Then, we
(4.7  0.8)  1010 m2 s1 V1 (R = 0.91). Here pH = 6.5–7.0. use the values of the formation factors, the optimized values
of the normalized chargeabilities reported in Table 3 and
equation (26) (time the saturation sw for a partially saturated
obtain from the trend shown in Figure 7 and using mB = 1.5 sand) to determine the concentration of bacteria. We obtain
 B = 4  1014 cell m3 for OD-0.37 and C  B = 3  1013 cell
and rB = 1020 kg m3, b (+) ≈ (4.7  0.8)  1010 m2 s1 C
V1 at 25 C and CECcB = 1.0  105 C kg1. m3 for OD-0.28. Our analysis is therefore qualitatively in
[40] According to the surface speciation of gram-positive agreement with the fact that the suspension characterized by
bacteria shown by Leone et al. [2007], this behavior is due to the higher OD corresponds to the higher cell density.
the pH dependence of the amino surface groups of the protein
and peptidoglycan molecules. Indeed, these sites can accept 4. Polarization of Bacteria in a Sand
counterions only at pH > 8. Also the value of the critical CEC [45] In sections 2 and 3, we have developed and tested a
determined above can be compared to the CEC from the model describing the low-frequency electrical behavior of a
chemical analysis made by van der Wal et al. [1997a] for the suspension of bacteria. In a porous material, the bacteria are
contribution of the amino surface groups alone: Corynebac- expected to be mostly in contact with the solid phase
terium sp. strain DSM 44016 (0.64 mM g1), Corynebacte- (adhesion). Our goal in this section is to develop a first-order
rium sp. strain DSM 6688 (0.80 mM g1), Rhodococcus model describing the complex conductivity during the
opacus C125 (0.56 mM g1), Bacillus brevis (0.96 mM g1), growth of bacteria in a porous material.
and Rhodococcus erythropolis A177 (0.52 mM g1).
[41] In gram-negative cells, on the other hand, lipopoly- 4.1. Model
saccharides replace peptidoglycan molecules (Figure 1). [46] The bacteria are now located in the pore space of the
Lipopolysaccharides also contain charged phosphate and sand (either coating the surface of the grains or in the pore
carboxyl groups but no amino surface groups. Therefore, for water). The bacteria concentration is now defined as C B ¼
gram-negative bacteria, all the CEC may contribute to the NB =Vp where NB is the number of bacteria and Vp the pore
surface conductivity and polarization. This will need to be volume between the sand grains. A model for the complex
further tested by coupling a triple layer model for different conductivity of the porous material with the bacteria located
types of bacteria and coupling such triple layer models to

11 of 20

Figure 9. Test of the model for a colloidal suspension of bacteria (Desulfovibrio vulgaris, strain
Hildenborough/ATCC 35115). Experimental data (circles) from Zhang et al. [2012] are in the frequency
range 20 Hz to 1 MHz. (a) Effective (in phase or real) conductivity. The asymptotic plateau corresponds
to s∞. (b) Effective relative permittivity. (c) Magnitude of the effective quadrature conductivity showing
the low-frequency a electrical polarization of the cells and the high-frequency dielectric effect. The opti-
mized parameters and their uncertainties are determined by a Gauss-Newton algorithm with the L2 norm
and are reported in Table 3.

in the pore space is given in Appendix B. The maximum of Table 3. Optimized Parameters for the Data From Zhang et al.
the excess quadrature conductivity of the porous medium [2012] Corresponding to a Colloidal Suspension of Desulfovibrio
containing the bacteria (quadrature conductivity above the vulgaris
background level at the polarization peak) is given by, Parameters OD-37 OD-28

  h i Cole-Cole exponent c 0.55  0.05 0.55  0.05

2 f cp Relaxation time t (s) 2.6  1.2 2.6  1.2
s″B; max ¼  tan b QB : ð33Þ Conductivity s∞ (S m1)
3 1f 2 ðþÞ V 0.0133  0.0002 0.0076  0.0002
Normalized chargeability 0.0043  0.0020 0.00047  0.00002
Mn (S m1)
[47] We can express the charge density in terms of CEC Permittivity K′ 45  2 57  3
Chargeability M = Mn/s∞ 0.32 0.06
and the quadrature conductivity in terms of the normalized
12 of 20

chargeability. This yields the following expression for concentration of 1.8  1015 cells m3 (background con-
the maximum value of the quadrature conductivity or the centration of 5.4  1014 cells m3). This can be compared to
chargeability: oil-degrading bacteria concentration of 2.4  1016 cells m3
in oil-contaminated sands (background concentration of 2 to
hc pi 9  1012 cells m3) found by Kostka et al. [2011] for beach
s″B; max ≈ tan Mn : ð34Þ
2 sands contaminated by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in
the Gulf Coast of Mexico.
    [51] Davis et al. [2006] observed peaks in the quadrature
2 f  B:
MnB ¼ mB b ðþÞ V B rB CECB C ð35Þ conductivity in the biostimulated columns coincident with
3 1f peaks in the microbial cell concentrations extracted from the
sand in the temporal data. The real conductivity component
[48] We test this model in section 4.2. did not show a relationship to microbial cell concentration.
4.2. Tests of the Model This result can be explained by the low surface conductivity
of the sand plus bacteria with respect to the bulk conduc-
[49] To test our model, we used the experimental data of tivity due to the pore water as discussed below.
Davis et al. [2006]. We choose this data set primarily [52] In Figure 10, we show the induced polarization
because the bacterial cells were extracted directly from the spectra at several distinct times during the course of the
soil surfaces. Although cell concentrations can be deter- experiment in one of the control column experiment (column 1)
mined from fluid samples, we note that this underestimates and one of the biostimulated column experiment (column 2).
the cell counts and is typically not a true representation of We see that the in-phase conductivity display only a very small
the number of cells present in the pore space of the material change that can be explained by the modest change (a factor 2)
because of the high tendency of the bacteria cells to attach to in the pore water conductivity (see discussion below). The
mineral surfaces rather than to live free in the pore water. quadrature conductivity of the stimulated column shows a clear
Davis et al. [2006] performed complex conductivity mea- change of its magnitude during the course of the experiment. To
surements over a broad range of frequencies (0.1–1000 Hz) isolate the response associated with the bacteria, we use as
in two biostimulated sand-packed columns (stimulated col- reference the induced polarization spectrum of the control
umns 1 and 2) and two abiotic control sand columns (control (unstimulated) column 1 and we performed, at each frequency,
columns 1 and 2). The bacteria present in the biostimulated the difference between the quadrature conductivity of the col-
column include mainly hydrocarbon degraders such as strains umn with the bacteria and the quadrature conductivity of the
of Variovorax and Stenotrophomonas, (both gram-negative control column. This is justified in Appendix B by the fact that
bacteria). Microbial cell concentrations were determined by the polarization is associated with the total charge density in the
direct microbial counts on a sampling column experiencing pore space of the sand, which includes the contribution from the
the same conditions as the column in which the induced grains and the contribution associated with the bacteria.
polarization measurements were performed. Direct count of [53] The type of residual spectrum is shown in Figure 11. It
microbial cell numbers were conducted by direct counting shows clearly a low-frequency a-type polarization with a peak
using an epifluorescent microscope [Bunthof et al., 2001] on at 2 Hz and a residual dielectric effect above 100 Hz. The
samples collected from the sampling columns. Bacterial cells nonlinear regression of the data yields the following values of
were extracted from 0.5 g of wet sand using an extraction the model parameters: Cole-Cole exponent c = 0.47  0.07,
technique modified after Lehman et al. [2001]. The extracted relaxation time t = 0.08  0.03 s, and a normalized charge-
bacterial cells were washed with 0.85% NaCl solution, ability Mn = (3.0  0.3)  105 S m1. The value of the Cole-
stained, and prepared for direct counts using a Live/Dead Cole exponent is close to the theoretical value corresponding
BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. The experimental uncer- to the Warburg impedance model (c = 0.5). The theo-
tainty was determined by calculating the standard deviation retical value of the relaxation time can be determined from
from the average of duplicate counts. equation (32). Using dB = 2 mm [e.g., de Oliveira-Garcia
[50] Davis et al. [2006] reported that the peak concentra- et al., 2002] for Stenotrophomonas maltophilia), b (+) = 4.7 
tion of bacterial cells reached Cm = 1.2  108 bacteria per 1010 m2 s1 V1, and T = 25 C, we obtain t = 0.04 s (4 Hz) a
gram of wet sand (and not 1.2  105 bacteria). Leone et al. value close to the inverted value (t = 0.08  0.03 s, 2 Hz).
[2007] reported that there are typically 106–109 bacteria Finally, the normalized chargeability can be also inferred from
per gram of soil. The previous concentration can be con- the model. Using b(+) ≈ 4.7  1010 m2 s1 V1, f = 0.40,
verted into a cell concentration per unit pore volume of
 B by CECB = 2.0  105 C kg1, mB = 1.5 (see Appendix B), V B =
solution C 1 mm3, and rB = 1020 kg m3, we obtain Mn = 3.8  105 S
 B ¼ Cm r :
m1, a value pretty consistent with the value inverted from the
C ð36Þ data at the peak of the magnitude of the quadrature conduc-
sw f
tivity versus time.
where sw denotes the water saturation, r = (1  f)rs + [54] During the course of the experiment, the conductivity
fswrw + f(1  sw)ro denotes the mass density of the of the pore water did not change (inside a factor 2) and the
saturated porous sands (rs is the mass density of the solid, value of the pH decreases of 0.5 pH units (Figure 12), which
2650 kg m3 for silica, rw and ro correspond to the mass is a minor change regarding its effect on the complexation
density of water and oil, respectively). Taking rw = ro = reactions discussed in section 2. The conductivity of the
1000 kg m3, we obtain r = 1990 kg m3. Taking sw = 0.33 sand is 0.01 S m1. The value of the pore water conductivity
(justified below), the calculation yields a maximum bacteria is in average sw = 0.09 S m1. At this high pore water

13 of 20

Figure 10. Raw quadrature and in-phase conductivity data for the control and stimulated columns.
(a) Quadrature conductivity spectra for control column 1. (b) Same for stimulated column 2. (c) In-phase
conductivity for control column 1. (d) Same for the stimulated column. We see that the growth of bacteria
is showing up only on the quadrature conductivity.

conductivity, the surface conductivity contribution associ- the experiment. Once the nutrient is exhausted, the saturation
ated with the sand grains plus bacteria can be neglected. The should be constant and therefore this saturation effect should
conductivity of a partially saturated sand is s = (s2w/F) sw. For not affect the decay part of the curve in Figure 13.
well-sorted sands, F  3 to 5 with a mean value 4 [e.g., [55] At each time during the course of the experiment, we
Schmutz et al., 2010]. Therefore, the saturation in hydro- determine the normalized chargeability. Figure 13a shows
carbons is estimated to be 67% (sw = 0.33). This should be the normalized chargeability as a function of time. Using
considered however as a crude estimate. In future modeling equation (35), we converted these normalized chargeability
efforts, the effect of the change in the water saturation should into bacteria concentrations. The evolution of the bacteria
be accounted for especially if it changes during the course of concentration determined from the induced polarization data

14 of 20

Equations (37) and (38) take into account (1) the growth of
bacteria associated with the availability of a substrate, (2) the
limitation of the population growth by the capacity of the
environment to sustain growth, (3) and the resource-limited
growth. In the experiments reported by Davis et al. [2006], the
initial pore water was a sterile 25% Bushnell Haas (BH)
nutrient broth (Becton Dickinson; 50 mg L1 magnesium sul-
fate, 5 mg L1 calcium chloride, 250 mg L1 monopotassium
phosphate, 250 mg L1 diammonium hydrogen phosphate,
250 mg L1 potassium nitrate, 12.5 mg L1 ferric chloride)
plus diesel fuel. The biostimulated columns were amended
with a mixed bacterial culture containing hydrocarbon
degraders such as strains of Variovorax (a gram-negative rod-
shaped bacteria) and Stenotrophomonas (a gram-negative
bacillus). That said, the degradation of the substrate was not
monitored over time and therefore it is not possible to apply
directly equations (37) and (38).
[57] There are typically 7 phases of bacterial growth in a batch
reactor experiment considered as a closed system (Figure 14).
Phases 2 to 4 correspond to the bacterial growth phase. Phase 7
corresponds to the exponential decay phase (endogenous
phase). Phase 7 contains the higher number of measurements
in the data given by Davis et al. [2006] (see Figures 13a and 15a).
Figure 11. Fit of the magnitude of the residual quadrature In this Phase 7, the substrate has already been exhausted.
conductivity associated with the growth of the bacteria in Setting S = 0 in equation (25), the bacterial decay rate is
porous sand for stimulated column 2 (data from Davis et al. therefore given by
[2006]). The fit of the model using the expression of the appar-
entimaginary(quadrature)conductivitys″ eff = s″ + wɛ′ = wɛ0Keff
1 dCB
¼ kd ; ð39Þ
(R = 0.98). The optimized values of the model parameters are CB dt
shown on the plot.

is shown in Figure 13b. The results compare fairly well with

the few observed values discussed above.
4.3. Endogenous Decay Coefficient
From Quadrature Conductivity
[56] The experiment of Davis et al. [2006] can be modeled
as a batch reactor experiment in which a certain amount of
substrate or nutrient S (concentration in mass per volume of
pore water) is used by bacteria for their growth. The bacte-
rial growth and the substrate decay can be both modeled by
Monod kinetics [Monod, 1941, 1949] as follows:
1 dCB CB S
¼ mm 1   kd ; ð37Þ
CB dt K Ks þ S

dS 1 CB S
¼ mm 1   kd CB ; ð38Þ
dt Y K Ks þ S

where mm is the maximum specific growth rate coefficient

(d1), K is the carrying capacity (units of biomass), Ks is the
half saturation constant for that nutrient, i.e., the nutrient
concentration at which the specific growth rate is one half the
maximum (in mass of nutrient per volume), the yield coeffi-
cient Y is used to quantify the yield of organisms per unit
substrate consumed; kd is the first-order rate coefficient for Figure 12. Pore water conductivity and pH versus time for
endogenous respiration (endogenous decay coefficient, the batch reactor experiment reported by Davis et al. [2006].
expressed in s1). Typical range of values are mm = 0.01– The solid black symbols represent the unstimulated (refer-
2.0 h1, Ks = 0.1–100 mg L1, kd = (5–10)  102 d1. ence) column measurements.
15 of 20

in this phase. Using the proportionality between the bacterial

concentration and the quadrature conductivity, equation (39)
can be written as,
1 ds″B
¼ kd : ð40Þ
s″B dt

[58] It is important to consider that equation (40) is based

only on the second consequence of our model (proportion-
ality between the macroscopic quadrature conductivity and
the bacteria density) and does not depend on the value of the
mobility of the counterions or the CEC of the bacteria.
[59] Equation (40) can be easily integrated to give the
following exponential decay curve
s″B ðt Þ ¼ s″B ðt0 Þ exp½kd ðt  t0 Þ; ð41Þ

where s″ B(t0) denotes the quadrature conductivity at the

beginning of the endogenous phase and t0 is the time char-
acterizing the beginning of this phase. If we add the back-
ground quadrature conductivity value of the sand s″S, the
total quadrature conductivity is
s ″ ðt Þ ¼ s M″ ″
B exp½kd ðt  t0 Þ þ s S ; ð42Þ

where sM B ″ denotes the quadrature conductivity at the

beginning of the decay curve (that is the maximum value for
Figure 13. Prediction of the bacteria density (stimulated the quadrature conductivity curve shown in Figures 15a
column 1). We use the optimized values of the normalized and 15b. A fit of the data obtained by Davis et al. [2006]
chargeability to infer the concentration of the cells in the using equation (42) is shown in Figure 15a. The optimiza-
pore space of the sand. (a) Normalized chargeabilities for tion using a nonlinear least squares fit of the data (with the
the stimulated column. (b) Determination of the number of L2 norm) yields sM B ″ = (8.8  0.4)  10 S m1, kd =
cells per unit pore volume from the normalized chargeabil- (8.5  0.8)  10 d , and s″S = (0.32  016)  106 S
2 1

ities (water saturation sw = 0.33) and comparison with the m1. The value of the endogenous decay coefficient kd is in
observed concentrations. the range of values reported by Benefield and Randall [1980],

Figure 14. The seven phases of bacterial growth defined by Buchanan [1918] for a batch reactor exper-
iment. Phase 1: stationary initial phase needed to convert the substrate in biomass (lag phase). No bacteria
growth during this phase. Phase 2: acceleration of the bacterial growing rate (acceleration phase). Phase 3:
exponential increase (maximal and constant exponential growth rate; mm is given by the slope of the line in
this phase). Phase 4: decreasing growth rate due to the gradual decrease in substrate concentration and the
increased accumulation of toxic metabolites (the substrate is typically exhausted at the end of this phase).
Phase 5: stationary phase (the nutrient is exhausted at the end of this phase, possibly leaving behind a high
concentration of toxic metabolites). Phase 6: acceleration of the bacterial decay. Phase 7: exponential
decay phase (phase with endogenous metabolism, high death rate, and cell lysis).
16 of 20

Figure 15. Quadrature conductivity data at 2 Hz for column 1 from Davis et al. [2006]. (a) Analysis of
the endogenous decay phase (Phase 7 in Figure 14). The line represents the fit of the experimental data of
Davis et al. [2006] (Phase 7, quadrature conductivity data at 2 Hz, R = 0.98) using equation (42). The
decay is exponential only at the beginning of Phase 7 before reaching the background value for the quad-
rature conductivity of the porous material with a residual concentration of bacteria. The optimized model
parameters are given in the main text together with their uncertainties. (b) Analysis of the exponential
growth phase. The plain line represents the fit of the experimental data of Davis et al. [2006] (Phases 2
to 4 in Figure 14; column 1, quadrature conductivity data at 2 Hz, R = 0.97) using the Gompertz function,
equation (44). The optimized model parameters are given in the main text together with their uncertainties
using the least squares approach.

(5 to 10)  102 d1 and similar to the value given by that the change in the nutrient is a second-order effect. This
Ostendorf et al. [2007] for aerobic biodegradation of yields
petroleum hydrocarbons in unsaturated soils (10.2  n h hm e iio
102 d1). Our estimate of the kinetic parameter kd has been s″B ðt Þ ¼ s0B″ exp A exp  exp m ðt  t Þ þ 1 ; ð44Þ
obtained with no assumption of the value of the CEC of
B ″/s B″). The data shown in Figures 13 and 15
the bacteria. where A = ln(sM 0

4.4. Fitting the Initial Bacteria Growth Curve show that the lag time is very short. Therefore we take t = 0
in equation (32). We also keep sM B ″ = (8.8  0.4)  10 S
[60] We investigate now the growth rate with the potential 1
m . Fitting the Gompertz function, equation (32), to the
contamination of the induced polarization response by the logarithm of the quadrature conductivity data (see Figure 9)
exhaustion of the nutrient, which is not taken into account in using the least square criteria yields the following values of
our model. If we assume that the initial bacteria growth is the two model parameters: s0B″ = (0.9  0.1)  106 S m1
not limited by the availability of the substrate, a simple and and mm = 0.16  0.02 d1 (6.7  103 h1). It is worth
broadly used equation to describe the exponential bacteria mentioning that the kinetic parameter mm has been estimated
growth is the Gompertz function [e.g., Zwietering et al., with no assumption regarding the value of the cation
1990]: exchange capacity of the bacteria. For aerobic degradation of
n h hm e iio petroleum hydrocarbons in unsaturated soils, Ostendorf
CB ðtÞ ¼ CB0 exp A exp  exp m ðt  t Þ þ 1 ; ð43Þ
A et al. [2007] reported mm in the range 0.02 to 0.32 d1.
Our value (mm = 0.16  0.02 d1, Figure 15b) is consistent
where A = ln(CM 0 M 0
B /CB), CB and CB denote the maximum and with this range and values from other literature sources for
initial values of the bacteria concentrations, respectively, t is the biodegradation of diesel (for instance, Britto et al. [1996]
the lag time (t ≪ t represents the lag defining Phase 1 in obtained mm = 0.11 d1).
Figure 15b), and e = exp(1). We can adapt this function to
the quadrature conductivity using the assumption (as done 5. Concluding Statements
previously) that the change of quadrature conductivity
reflects a direct change in bacteria populations and therefore [61] The following conclusions have been reached.

17 of 20

[62] 1. We have developed a model connecting directly the where V denotes the volume of the colloidal suspension, NB
density of bacteria in a porous material to its quadrature denotes the number of bacteria, VB their specific volume, and
conductivity (background contribution removed). The sur- mB denotes the cementation exponent associated with the
face of the bacteria is highly charged due to the presence of shape of the particles (the bacteria in the present case).
various structures (fibrillar surface protein, capsular poly- Equation (A4) is obtained by using a first-order Taylor
saccharide, lipopolysaccharide) extending away from the expansion of equation (A3) and would not be valid for a high
membrane into the pore water solution. The a polarization density of bacteria. The cementation exponent mB can be
model we used is based on the migration of the counterions related to the depolarization factor of the particles by [Sen
sorbed on the surface of carboxyl, phosphate, and amino et al., 1981]
groups in this brush of polymeric molecules. This is an
important step forward as the evolution of the concentration 5  3LB
mB ¼
: ðA6Þ
density of bacteria can be modeled with Monod kinetics and 3 1  LB2
therefore the change of quadrature conductivity can be pre-
dicted over time as a function of the environmental variables
affecting the growth or decline of bacterial populations. [67] For prolate spheroids (a > b = c, rod shaped), the
[63] 2. The quadrature conductivity peaks at quite low eccentricity eB and the depolarization factor LB are given by
frequencies (<10 Hz) because of the very low mobility of the  2 !1=2
counterions in the Stern layer, which was independently b
eB ¼ 1 ; ðA7Þ
estimated by low-frequency electrical conductivity to be a
b (+) = 4.7  1010 m2 s1 V1 at 25 C.
[64] 3. The change of the quadrature conductivity with    
time can be used to determine bacterial growth kinetics 1  eB 1 þ eB
LB ¼ ln  2eB ; ðA8Þ
parameters like the growth and endogenous decay coeffi- 2eB 3 1  eB
cient kd, which are derived from the change of the quadrature
conductivity with time. while for oblate spheroids (a < b = c), the eccentricity eB and
[65] Therefore the present model offers the possibility to the depolarization factor LB are given by
use 4D frequency domain induced polarization in the field to !1=2
monitor biodegradation of oil. These results have implica- b
tions for microbial enhanced oil recovery and the monitoring eB ¼ 1 ; ðA9Þ
of bioremediation of oil spills.

Appendix A: In-phase Conductivity and Permittivity 1 þ eB 2

of a Suspension of Bacteria LB ¼ eB  tan1 eB ; ðA10Þ
eB 3
[66] As shown in Revil and Florsch [2010], the conduc-
tivity of a suspension of particles can be written as [68] Through these equations, the cementation exponent
1 mB can be related to the aspect ratio of the bacteria. The
s∞ ¼ ðsw þ ðFB  1ÞsB Þ; ðA1Þ cementation exponent is given by mB = 1.5 for spherical
bacteria (this value will be taken as a default value in the
where sB denotes the conductivity of the bacteria. The bacteria main text). From equations (A7) and (A8), we obtain
is composed of a membrane encapsulating a cytoplasm. The 1.5 < m < 1.67 for rod-shaped bacteria (prolate spheroids).
conductivity of the membrane sm is below 106 S m1 at [69] Using equations (A1) and (A4), we obtain
room temperature [Asami, 2002; Di Biasio and Cametti, 2011]
and is therefore a good insulator. Therefore, the membrane of 1  B V B sB Þ:
s∞ ¼ ðsw þ mB C ðA11Þ
the bacteria screens off the high conductivity of the interior of FB
the cells (the cytoplasmic conductivity can be pretty high).
Consequently, the bacteria appear as insulating particles [70] As explained above, the conductivity of the bacteria
coated by a conductive electrical double layer and suspended is only due to their electrical double layer. Therefore, their
in the background electrolyte. For a suspension of bacteria, the conductivity can be related to the cation exchange capacity
porosity is defined by the fractional volume occupied by the using
water. Therefore the porosity and the formation factor can be sB ¼ b ðþÞ rB CECB : ðA12Þ
expressed as a function of the volumetric fraction occupied by
the bacteria. For a dilute suspension of bacteria, [71] Combining equations (A11) and (A12) yields in turn
the following relationships between the high-frequency
NB V B  B V B ; electrical conductivity and the concentration of cells or the
f¼1 ≈ 1C ðA2Þ
V charge per unit pore volume:
1 h   i
B ;
 B V B Þ
FB ≈ fmB ¼ ð1  C
; ðA3Þ s∞ ¼ sw þ mB V B bðþÞ rB CECB C ðA13Þ

 B V B ;
FB ≈ 1 þ mB C ðA4Þ
1 h i
s∞ ¼ sw þ mB bðþÞ QBV : ðA14Þ
1 FB
 B V B ;
≈ 1  mB C ðA5Þ

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trical conductivity [Sen et al., 1981]. This yields the NSF (SmartGeo, Project IGERT Intelligent Geosystems; DGE-0801692),
and Chevron Energy Technology Company (grant CW852844). We thank
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