The rubric outlines criteria for evaluating formative essays in 4 areas: claim, development, cohesion, and style/conventions. For an exceptional score, the essay must introduce a clear and arguable claim, provide convincing evidence to back it up, strategically link all sections, and demonstrate formal tone and standard English conventions with no errors.
The rubric outlines criteria for evaluating formative essays in 4 areas: claim, development, cohesion, and style/conventions. For an exceptional score, the essay must introduce a clear and arguable claim, provide convincing evidence to back it up, strategically link all sections, and demonstrate formal tone and standard English conventions with no errors.
The rubric outlines criteria for evaluating formative essays in 4 areas: claim, development, cohesion, and style/conventions. For an exceptional score, the essay must introduce a clear and arguable claim, provide convincing evidence to back it up, strategically link all sections, and demonstrate formal tone and standard English conventions with no errors.
The rubric outlines criteria for evaluating formative essays in 4 areas: claim, development, cohesion, and style/conventions. For an exceptional score, the essay must introduce a clear and arguable claim, provide convincing evidence to back it up, strategically link all sections, and demonstrate formal tone and standard English conventions with no errors.
Claim: The text introduces a clear, The text introduces a The text introduces a The text contains an The text contains an arguable claim that can be supported by compelling claim that is claim that is arguable and unclear or emerging claim unidentifiable claim or reasons and evidence. clearly arguable and takes a takes a position. The text that suggests a vague vague position. The text purposeful position on an has a structure and position. The text has limited structure and issue. The text has a organization that is attempts a structure and organization. structure and organization aligned with the claim. organization to support that is carefully crafted to the position. support the claim. Development: The text provides The text provides The text provides relevant The text provides some The text contains limited reasons and evidence to back up the convincing and relevant reasons and evidence to relevant reasons and reasons and evidence claim. reasons and evidence to back up the claim. weak evidence to back up related to the claim. back up the claim. the claim. Cohesion: The text uses words, phrases, The text strategically uses The text uses words, The text contains limited The text contains few, if and clauses as well as varied syntax to words, phrases, and clauses phrases, and clauses as words, phrases, and any, words, phrases, and link the major sections of the text, as well as varied syntax to well as varied syntax to clauses to link the major clauses to link the major creates cohesion and clarifies the link the major sections of link the major sections of sections of the text. The sections of the text. The relationship between the claim and the text. The text explains the text. The text text attempts to connect text does not connect the reasons, and between reasons and the relationships between connects the claim and the claim and reasons. claims and reasons. evidence. the claim and reasons as reasons. well as the evidence. Style and Conventions: The text The text presents an The text presents a formal The text illustrates a The text illustrates a presents a formal, objective tone that engaging, formal and tone. The text accurately limited awareness of limited awareness of or demonstrates standard English objective tone. The text demonstrates standard formal tone. The text inconsistent tone. The conventions of usage and mechanics accurately demonstrates English conventions of demonstrates some text demonstrates including correct sentence formation, standard English usage and mechanics accuracy in standard inaccuracy in standard punctuation, capitalization, grammar conventions of usage and including 1 or 2 errors. English conventions of English conventions of usage, and spelling. mechanics. usage and mechanics. usage and mechanics.