(Section Number: Chapter Title) : Virginia Driver'S Manual
(Section Number: Chapter Title) : Virginia Driver'S Manual
(Section Number: Chapter Title) : Virginia Driver'S Manual
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 3
The Virginia Drivers Manual will help you learn and
understand safe driving practices. Study this manual to prepare for the knowledge
test, obtain a Virginia drivers license and become a safe driver.
The information contained in this manual should be used as a general guide to the
motor vehicle laws but not as a substitute for the Code of Virginia, which contains
the laws that govern Virginia drivers and vehicles.
If you are learning to drive, this manual will give you information you need to study
for the knowledge exam. If you already have a Virginia drivers license, review this
manual for new laws or rules of the road.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. Your drivers license carries with it a great
responsibility to be courteous of other drivers on the roadways and follow state and
federal motoring laws.
DMV offers the Virginia Drivers Manual in an audio format for Virginians with
special needs. The audio version is available at www.dmvNOW.com.
Virginia Drivers Manual:
Table of Contents
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 1
Table of Contents
Section 5 Penalties
License suspension ............................................................27
License revocation .............................................................27
Conviction-related suspensions and revocations .................27
Other DMV requirements, suspensions and revocations .....28
Driver Improvement Program ................................28
Medical review program ........................................28
Insurance monitoring program ...............................29
Suspension for failing to satisfy child
support-related requirements ................................29
Alcohol and the law ...........................................................29
Administrative License Suspension .........................29
Open alcohol containers in vehicles ......................29
Transporting children while under the influence
of alcohol/drugs .....................................................29
Vehicle impoundment ...........................................29
Restitution .............................................................29
Alcohol related violations and penalties
involving persons under age 21 .............................30
2 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Age 18 or older you must pay a $2.00 fee if you
retake the exam within 15 days.
Section 1: The exam may be taken only once per business day. An
Testing audio version of the exam is available and the exam is offered
in many different languages and American Sign Language.
Therefore, translators may not be used for tests in offered
If you fail the knowledge exam three times, you will not be
able to take it a fourth time until you complete and pass the
classroom component of driver education.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 3
Section 1: Testing
For applicants under 18, the road skills test will be given as Driving restricted to daylight hours only
part of the driver education course taken at a public, private 20/70 or better vision in one or both eyes, and
or commercial driving school. If you are home schooled, refer
to the Home-Schooled In-Car Driver Education Information 70 degrees, or better, horizontal vision. If you have
Sheet (HS 3) for more information about taking the road skills vision in only one eye, you must have horizontal vision
test. of at least 30 degrees or better when looking toward
your nose and 40 degrees or better when looking
Applicants age 18 or older must hold the learners permit for toward your temple, or comparable measurement that
60 days prior to the first road skills test or complete a course shows a field of vision within this range.
of drivers education at a driver training school approved by
DMV or the Department of Education. For applicants who A daylight driving only restricted license permits you to drive
choose to take drivers education, the road skills test will be only during the period of time beginning a half-hour after
administered by the driver training school. For those who opt sunrise and ending a half-hour before sunset.
to hold a learners permit for 60 days, the road skills test will
Bioptic telescopic lenses: If you wear bioptic telescopic
be given by a DMV staff member. The test may be taken only
lenses, read the DMV publication Drivers Licensing
once per business day. If you fail the road skills test, you must
Information for Bioptic Telescopic Lense Wearers (MED 44)
wait two days to take it again. If you fail the road skills test
available at www.dmvNOW.com or contact DMV
at DMV three times, you will not be able to take it a fourth
at (804) 497-7100.
time until you complete and pass the in-vehicle part of driver
education at a driver training school approved by DMV or
the Department of Education. The completion date for the
in-vehicle part must be after the date you failed the road skills
test the third time. Once you successfully complete the in-
vehicle part and give DMV your certificate of completion, you
can take the road skills test again.
4 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 2:
You may not turn right on red if signs are posted at the
intersection that read No Turn on Red, or if a red arrow
pointing to the right is displayed.
Signals, Signs and Left turn on red: You may turn left at a red light if you are on
Pavement Markings
a one-way street and turning left onto another one-way street
while the traffic signal displays a red light. Before turning, you
must come to a complete stop. Look both ways and yield the
right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic. Be sure to check
for less visible vehicles such as motorcycles, bicycles, and
mopeds. You may not turn left on red if signs are posted at
the intersection that read No Turn on Red, or if a red arrow
pointing to the left is displayed.
Red arrow: A red arrow means you must stop if you intend
to move in the direction of the arrow. You may not proceed
in the direction of the arrow as long as the red
arrow is displayed, unless signs are posted at
the intersection that read Right on Red Arrow
After Stop or Left on Red Arrow After Stop.
Virginia law prohibits right and left turns at red
arrow lights.
Note: If you are traveling in another state, make sure you know
In this section youll learn about: its laws for right and left turns at red and red arrow lights.
Traffic signals
Traffic signs Flashing red light: At a flashing red light, come
to a complete stop and yield to oncoming
Pavement markings
vehicles and pedestrians. You may go when the
Painted curbs way is clear. At a railroad crossing, you must
come to a complete stop even if you dont see a
Green light or arrow: At a green light, you may go if the way Sign Colors
is clear. At a green arrow, you may go in the direction of the Sign colors help you know what the intention of the sign is.
arrow if the way is clear. If you
are turning, you must yield the Red used with white conveys stop, yield, do not, and no. Stop
right-of-way to vehicles coming signs, yield signs, do not enter or wrong way signs, the circle
from the other direction and and slash in a no turn sign, and the restrictions in a parking sign
pedestrians in the intersection. are examples.
Be sure to check for less visible
vehicles such as motorcycles, Black used with white conveys regulatory information. Speed
bicycles, and mopeds. If a traffic light changes from red to limit, do not pass, no turns are examples where the operation is
green while a pedestrian is in the street, allow the pedestrian to regulated by law and the black and white sign would be found.
cross the street before turning.
Yellow used with black conveys a warning. Curve ahead,
Out of service signals: When traffic signals are not working stop ahead, overhead clearances, slippery when wet, are all
because of a power outage or other problem and not displaying examples. A specialized class of warning signs uses a strong
any lights, you are required to stop, proceeding through the yellow/green color with black to advise of school zone activities
intersection as though it were an all-way stop. This does not and other pedestrian activities.
apply if a law enforcement officer or other authorized person is
directing traffic at the intersection, or if portable stop signs are Green and white, blue and white, and brown and white signs
in use. are used to provide helpful information. The green sign is used
to provide destination types of information, while the blue sign
Lane use signals indicate lanes where you can and is used to inform regarding motorists services. The brown sign is
cannot drive during different hours of the day. used to advise of historical or cultural interests that might exist
in the area.
Red X: Never drive in a lane marked with Orange and black and pink and black signs are used to
a red X signal. advise and warn in construction (orange) and incident (pink)
areas. They are used with black and white signs that convey
regulations that might exist only because of the construction
effort or the incident.
Yellow X or Yellow Diagonal
Downward Arrow: These signals Sign Shapes
mean that you should move out
of the lane as soon as safely Octagon (Stop): This eight-sided
possible. shape always means stop. You
must come to a complete stop
at the sign, stop line, pedestrian
Green Arrow: You are permitted to drive in crosswalk or curb. Wait for any
a lane marked with a green arrow signal. vehicle or pedestrian to clear the
way. At some intersections youll find a sign beneath the stop
sign that reads All Way or 4 Way. At these intersections all
Left-turn Arrow: You are vehicles on all roads leading into the intersection must stop. If
permitted to enter in a lane you get to the intersection at the same time as other vehicles,
marked with a one-way or the driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.
two-way arrow only to turn in
Triangle (Yield): You must
the direction of the arrow.
slow down as you come to the
intersection. Be prepared to stop.
Let any vehicles, pedestrians or
Traffic Signs bicyclists safely pass before you
The color and shape of a traffic sign communicates
important information about the signs message. In poor
visibility conditions, such as heavy fog, you may be able to Rectangle (Regulatory or Guide):
make out only the shape of a sign. As you approach a sign Vertical signs generally give
and while still distant, you may see the color long before you instructions or tell you the law.
can read the message or see the symbol, giving you some Horizontal signs may give directions
advance information. or information.
6 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
Diamond (Warning): These signs warn No U-Turn: U-turns are illegal. Do not make
you of special conditions or hazards ahead. a U-turn when you see this sign.
Slow down and drive with caution. Be ready
to stop.
Pentagon (School Zone/School Crossing): No Turn on Red: You may not turn on the
This five-sided shape marks red light. Wait for the signal to turn green.
school zones and warns you
about school crossings. Two
signs may be used together to
show the actual location of the
Do Not Pass: This sign marks the beginning
of a no passing zone. You may not pass cars
ahead of you in your lane, even if the way is
Regulatory signs inform you of the law; clear.
you must obey their instructions. Remember
that a red circle with a slash means NO
the symbol inside the circle tells you what is
Left Turn Yield on Green: This sign is used
with a traffic signal. It tells you that the traffic
turning left at a green light does not have the
Speed Limit: These signs tell you the maximum legal speed right-of-way and must yield to traffic coming
that you may drive on the road where the sign from the other direction. Stop and look for
is posted when weather conditions are good. oncoming traffic, then proceed with caution.
During rain, snow and ice, you may receive
a ticket for driving too fast for the conditions
even if you are driving at or less than the Keep Right: A traffic island, median or barrier is
posted speed limit. ahead. Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
One Way: Traffic flows only High Occupancy Vehicle: These signs
in the direction of the arrow. indicate lanes reserved for buses and
vehicles with a driver and one or more
passengers as specified on the sign.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 7
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
Warning signs alert you to possible hazards ahead. Slow Roundabout: These signs indicate a circular
down and watch for other signs or signals that may follow. intersection with an island in the center is
ahead. Also called rotaries or traffic circles,
these intersections may have one or more
Advisory Speed: This sign indicates the lanes. Entering traffic must yield the right-of-
maximum safe speed for a highway exit. way to traffic already in the circle.
8 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
Open Joints: Slow down. Open joints on Winding Road: The road ahead winds with
bridges or ramps could cause a motorcyclist a series of turns or curves. On all curves, slow
to lose control of the motorcycle. down for better control.
T Intersection: The roadway you are Railroad Crossbuck and Flashing Lights:
traveling on ends ahead. Signal before Flashing lights may be used with crossbuck
turning right or left. signs. Always stop when the light begins to
flash and be alert for approaching trains.
Do not proceed until all trains or any other
Right Curve Side Road: The road ahead vehicles using the rails have passed, the tracks
curves right and a side road joins from the are clear, and the lights are no longer flashing.
left within the curve. Be alert for vehicles Be especially alert at multi-track crossings
entering the roadway you are traveling on. because a second train could be approaching
from the opposite direction.
Sharp Right Turn: Slow down and be Crossbuck, Flashing Lights and Gate: Gates
prepared for a sharp right turn in the road are used with flashing light signals at some
ahead. crossings. Stop when the lights begin to flash and
before the gate lowers. Remain stopped until the
gates are raised and the lights stop
Sharp Right and Left Turns: Slow down flashing. Do not attempt to drive
and be prepared for the road ahead to around the lowered gate.
turn sharply right, then left.
Pavement markings, consisting of an X and RR, may
be painted on the pavement at the approach to some
crossings. When approaching railroad tracks, be alert.
Right and Left Curves: The road ahead
Trains may approach the
curves right, then left. Slow down.
crossing at any time and
from either direction.
Unless you can clear the
tracks completely, never
Right Curve with Safe Speed Indicator: The
start across the tracks.
road ahead curves right. Slow down to the
Make sure there is room
safe speed limit indicated.
for your vehicle on the
other side of the tracks
before proceeding.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 9
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
Note: School buses must always stop at railroad crossings, Flaggers: Flaggers are construction
even when the lights are not flashing. workers who normally wear orange
or yellow vests, or yellow-green
If a dangerous condition exists at a rail crossing, call the shirts or jackets. They use STOP/
number listed on the emergency sign. SLOW paddles and red flags to direct
This will allow the rail company to traffic through the work zone and
stop or reroute approaching rail traffic to let other workers or construction
until the hazard is removed. Be sure vehicles cross the road.
to give the posted crossing number
so that the hazard can be identified
correctly. Traffic Control Devices:
Barricades, vertical signs, concrete
If your car barriers, drums and cones are the
stalls on the most common devices used to
tracks, dont guide drivers safely through work
hesitate. zones. When driving near the
Get out of devices, keep your vehicle in the
the car right middle of the lane and obey the
away and run posted speed limit. As you leave the
diagonally work zone, stay in your lane and
away from maintain your speed. Dont change
the tracks in lanes until you are completely clear of
the direction the work zone.
of the
oncoming Message Boards: You may see portable or permanent
train. message boards along roadways. They provide information
about traffic, road, weather or other hazardous conditions.
Always obey any directions posted on these message boards.
In a work zone, the lives of highway construction For information about road conditions or road construction,
workers depend on drivers like you obeying the posted visit the Virginia Department of Transportation website at
speed limits. If you are convicted of exceeding the speed www.virginiadot.org.
limit in a highway work zone, you may be fined up to $500.
Remember, the color orange marks a work zone and means
Slow Moving Vehicles traveling at 25 MPH or less,
slow down and be alert.
such as farm equipment and horse-drawn
vehicles, must display these signs when using
Rough Road, Bump, or Uneven Lanes: These signs are a public highway. Be prepared to adjust your
used when certain road conditions, such as loose gravel or speed or position when you see a vehicle with
road construction, one of these signs.
affect the roadway
surface and create
potentially difficult Pavement Markings
conditions for
motorists, especially Road markings guide and warn drivers as well as regulate
motorcyclists. traffic. Markings may be red, blue, yellow or white. They
may be used alone or in combinations. Each has a different
Road Construction Ahead Detour: These
signs indicate a change in the traffic pattern Red markings are generally not used; but, some communities
or route ahead. Slow down. Unusual or do use red curbs to indicate no parking zones.
potentially dangerous conditions are ahead.
Red reflectors on the pavement show areas not to be entered
or used. They are positioned on the road surface so that only
traffic flowing in the wrong direction would observe them.
Flashing Arrow Panels: Large flashing arrow Blue markings show parking spaces for persons with
panels or flashing message signs in work zones disabilities.
direct drivers to proceed into different traffic
lanes and inform them that part of the road Yellow center lines mean two-way traffic, flowing in
ahead is closed. opposite directions.
10 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
Broken yellow center Dotted white lines are actually small rectangles in a series
lines mean that passing where each is closely spaced to the next. They are used to
on the left is allowed in show lane assignment in intersections and interchanges where
either direction when there might otherwise be a tendency to drift out of a lane or
the way ahead is clear. an area of intended use. Often they are used to guide two
turning lanes through the intersection. Dotted white lines
are also used to denote the opening of a turn lane at an
intersection and entrance/exit lanes at interchanges.
A broken yellow line Solid white lines show turn lanes and discourage lane
alongside a solid yellow changes near intersections, and at other locations where lane
line means that passing is changes might
allowed from the side of be dangerous.
the broken line, but not Solid white
from the side of the solid lines also mark
line. the right edge
of pavement.
Vehicles on the solid yellow Arrows used
line side may only cross the with white lines
line to pass pedestrians, indicate which
bicyclists, and riders of turn may be
scooters or skateboards, made from the
when the opposite lane is clear and you can pass safely. lane. Stop lines,
crosswalks and
parking spaces
Double solid yellow lines also are marked
mark the center of the road by white lines.
and separate traffic traveling
in two different directions.
Passing is not allowed in White lane arrows are curved or straight. If you are in a
either direction. You may lane marked with a curved arrow or a curved arrow and the
not cross the lines unless word ONLY, you must turn in the direction of the arrow. If
you are making a left turn your lane is marked with both a curved and straight arrow,
or passing pedestrians, you may turn or go straight.
bicyclists, and riders of
scooters or skateboards, Double solid white lines separate lanes of traffic going in
when the opposite lane is the same direction. Most
clear and you can pass safely. often they are used to
designate special use lane
from conventional lanes,
as when used to separate
a High Occupancy Vehicle
Broken white lines lanes from the other lanes of
separate lanes of traffic an expressway. You may not
going in the same direction. cross these lines. You may
You may change lanes with enter the designated special
caution. use lane only where signs
and markings allow.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 11
Section 2: Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings
12 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
A painted curb means that you must follow special rules to
park there. Check with the locality for specific meanings.
Generally, the colors on the curb mean:
Section 3:
Safe Driving
White Stop only long enough to pick up or drop
off passengers.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 13
Section 3: Safe Driving
When approaching a stop sign and the car in front of you Perception time: The time it takes you to recognize a hazard.
proceeds, stop at the sign and proceed when the way is clear.
Reaction distance: The distance your vehicle travels between
the time you recognize a problem and the time you apply the
14 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 3: Safe Driving
Average stopping distance on dry, level pavement. You must yield to funeral processions. Do not cut
through, join or interfere with a funeral procession.
Unless led by a police escort, the lead vehicle in a
funeral procession must obey all traffic signs and signals.
Other drivers in the procession may follow carefully
without stopping and may use hazard lights (flashers) to
indicate they are in the procession.
You must yield to all military convoys. Never cut
through or join a military convoy.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 15
Section 3: Safe Driving
Roundabouts While inside the roundabout, stay in your lane until you
are ready to exit. Use your vehicles right turn signal to
Roundabouts, rotaries, circular intersections let drivers around you know what you want to do.
and traffic circles are all terms for intersections Do not change lanes or take an exit before checking
with a circular island in the center. for vehicles that may be continuing through the
Roundabouts may have one or more lanes. roundabout in the lane next to you or behind you.
Entering traffic must yield the right-of-way Expect vehicles to be in blind spots you cannot see in
to traffic already in the circle. Each road approaching the your rearview or side mirrors. Quickly glance over your
roundabout is marked with a yield sign and may also have shoulder and check for any vehicles that may be in your
yield line markings on the pavement. However, rotaries and blind spot.
other circles may have stop signs. Drivers must pay attention
and obey the signs.
Changing Lanes
Before changing lanes, check your side and rearview mirrors
for traffic approaching you from behind. Then, use your turn
signal to let other drivers know you plan to change lanes.
Check for other drivers who also may be moving into the
same lane. Just before you begin moving into the other lane,
quickly glance over your shoulder and check for any vehicles
that may be in your blind spot.
When passing another vehicle:
check the traffic
ahead of you,
behind you and
in your blind spot
before you attempt
When approaching a roundabout, slow down. Use your turn to pass. Signal and
signals to indicate where you want to go. If you plan to turn then accelerate to
right, stay to the right as you enter the roundabout. If you pass. Return to the
plan to go straight, you may stay in either lane (if it is a dual right lane as soon
lane circular intersection). If you plan to turn left, stay to the as you can see the
left as you enter the roundabout. front of the passed
vehicle in your
More information about driving safely through a roundabout rearview mirror.
is available at the Virginia Department of Transportation web
site at http://www.virginiadot.org/info/faq-roundabouts.asp. it is against the
law to exceed the
Tips for driving safely through a roundabout: speed limit as you
As you approach the roundabout, slow down; look for
the street and direction signs. This will help you know complete the pass before you reach a No Passing zone.
which exit to take. These signs should be posted along If youre still in the left lane when you reach the zone,
the roadside before you reach the roundabout. youre breaking the law.
When you arrive at the roundabout, yield the right-of- you may pass on the right if the vehicle you are passing
way to pedestrians and bicyclists. You also must yield has signaled and is making a left turn. Be cautious
to any vehicles already in the roundabout. Sometimes because the vehicle you are passing may be blocking
your entry point will be controlled by a stop or yield your view or blocking the view of other drivers. You
sign, or traffic signal. When the way is clear, you may may not pass on the right if you must drive off the
enter the roundabout. pavement or main portion of the roadway to get around
the other vehicle.
16 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 3: Safe Driving
when approaching or passing a person riding a bicycle, Keep your front wheels pointed straight ahead until you are
moped, or power-assisted bicycle or other device, actually going to make the left turn. This prevents you from
reduce speed and pass at least three feet to the left. being pushed into oncoming traffic if another vehicle crashes
into you from behind. When the way is clear, make the left
When being passed, dont speed up. Maintain a steady turn, yield to any vehicles (including bicycles and pedestrians)
speed or slow down. approaching from the opposite direction.
Over-correcting U-Turns
Over-correcting occurs when the driver turns the steering U-turns are not legal everywhere. Before
wheel more sharply than expected, causing the rear wheels of you make a U-turn, check for No U-Turn
the vehicle to slide toward the outside of the turn. This may or No Left Turn signs. In business districts,
result in the loss of vehicle control. cities and towns, U-turns are allowed only
at intersections. Never make a U-turn on a
Most over-correction crashes are single vehicle crashes and highway.
are often preventable. A driver should remain alert at all
times. Reduce speed and use extra caution while driving on When making a U-turn, turn on your left-turn signal, stop,
curved roads. If you veer off the road, curved or straight, do and yield for approaching traffic. When the way is clear,
not panic. Gradually reduce your speed, look in the direction proceed into the outside or right hand lane traveling in the
you want to go, slowly steer back onto the roadway. opposite direction.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 17
Section 3: Safe Driving
When you plan to turn, signal three or four seconds, 100 feet, For bad weather conditions, heavy traffic, poor
ahead of your turn. Be aware that drivers planning to turn into pavement or if your vehicle is in poor condition, add
your lane may not know exactly where you will turn; drivers extra seconds to increase your following distance.
may pull out in front of you. Be alert.
Drivers need to change following distance when speed or
After you complete the turn or lane change, be sure the turn road conditions change. Hand response time is close to a
signal stops flashing. half second. Foot response time is normally three-quarters
of a second. This does not take into account any delay in
perception time as a result of the driver being tired, on
Maintaining a Space Cushion medication, distracted, etc. Road conditions, speed, driver
alertness, and even following vehicles of different weights all
Space around your vehicle gives you distance to react in change the ability to stop.
emergencies and avoid a crash. Create a space cushion
around your vehicle by staying in the middle of your lane. Increase your following distance when driving:
Make sure there is enough room ahead of your vehicle and behind a large vehicle that blocks your vision
behind it for other vehicles to pass or stop safely.
in bad weather or heavy traffic
Use the two-, three- and four-second rule to determine if when exiting an expressway
you are following far enough behind the vehicle ahead of behind a motorcycle or bicycle
when being tailgated
Following Distance Tailgating is when the driver behind you is following too
At these posted speeds and on dry surfaces, closely. If you find yourself in this situation, do not brake
this distance, in seconds, allows the driver to steer and suddenly. If possible, move over to another lane, or gently
brake out of a problem areas. tap your brakes to flash your brake lights and slow down. This
should encourage the tailgater to pass you or slow down.
2 seconds Under 35 MPH
3 seconds 35-45 MPH Help the driver behind you by maintaining a safe following
4 seconds 46-70 MPH distance and a steady speed. Tap your brakes to warn the
driver behind you when you plan to slow down or stop.
18 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 3: Safe Driving
Check from left to right and then left again before Bicycles: Bicycles are considered vehicles and
entering an intersection. Whenever you reach a place in have the same right-of-way as motor vehicles.
the road where other cars, people or animals may cross your Bicyclists are allowed to ride in the center of the
path, look both ways to be sure it is clear. These include lane, when necessary, such as when they are
intersections, crosswalks, shopping centers, construction areas about to turn left or when the lane is too narrow
and playgrounds. At any intersection, look to the left first, to share side-by-side with a car. Bicyclists are
since cars coming from the left will be closer to you. Then legally allowed on all public roads except
look to the right and take one more quick look to the left interstates and most freeways (limited access
before you drive through. highways). Bicyclists may also be riding in either
direction on sidewalks.
Look behind. Use your rearview mirror to check the traffic
behind you frequently, about every 10 seconds. This will alert Bicyclists are expected to obey the same traffic rules and
you if someone is moving up too quickly or tailgating you. regulations as vehicle drivers; however, many are children
Check the traffic behind you when changing lanes, backing who may not know or obey the rules. Slow down when
up, slowing down quickly or driving down a long, steep hill. you approach bicyclists. State law requires motorists to pass
cyclists with at least three feet of clearance. Give them plenty
of room when passing and be prepared to stop suddenly.
Blind Spots Check your blind spots. A bicycles small size allows it to slip
into your blind spot easily. Always check for bicyclists before
Blind spots are danger areas that cannot be seen in the you pull out, change lanes, turn, back up, or proceed through
mirrors on either or both sides of the vehicle. an intersection.
The best way to see a car in your blind spot is by quickly Mopeds: It is against the law to operate a moped faster
turning your head and glancing over your shoulder to ensure than 35 MPH or on an interstate highway. Any person who
the way is clear before changing lanes or passing another operates a moped faster than 35 MPH is considered to be
vehicle. operating a motorcycle which must meet Virginia registration
requirements. In addition, the operator would be required to
Avoid driving in someone elses blind spot. This can be just as hold a valid drivers license with a motorcycle classification or
dangerous as not checking your own blind spot. Speed up or a drivers license restricted to operating motorcycles only.
drop back; but, dont stay in the other drivers blind spot.
Moped riders must be at least age 16 and obey all rules of the
road. They must carry some form of government-issued photo
Sharing the Road identification (does not have to be a drivers license) that
includes name, address and date of birth. As a driver, treat
Drivers share the road with many other users: pedestrians, moped riders with the same care given to any other vehicle
bicyclists, moped and motorcycle riders, trucks and buses, driver.
recreational vehicles and other vehicles of all shapes and
sizes. It is your responsibility to adjust your driving to avoid Riders and passengers must wear helmets, and use eye
other drivers mistakes and assure everyones safety. protection if the moped does not have a windshield. The
moped must be titled and registered with DMV.
Pedestrians are especially prone to serious injury when
struck. Although you do not need a drivers license to operate a
Be careful around schools, playgrounds and in moped, you may not operate a moped if you have been
residential areas where small children may be playing declared a habitual offender and your license is suspended or
or crossing the street. revoked for driving while intoxicated.
Look out for the elderly, who may have poor vision and
hearing. Remember that the elderly and people with Motorcycles: Approximately half of all fatal motorcycle
disabilities may move slowly. crashes involve automobiles. Many crashes are caused by the
motorists failure to see a motorcycle in traffic.
Be especially aware of pedestrians when making a
right or left turn. They have the right-of-way. Allow Look for motorcyclists. In more than half of all crashes
pedestrians to completely cross the street before involving motorcycles and automobiles, the other driver
beginning your turn. didnt see the motorcycle until it was too late. Drivers
are conditioned to look for four-wheeled vehicles;
Be alert for pedestrians at all times. Slow down and be but they dont expect to see two-wheeled vehicles. A
prepared to stop. motorcycles small size also makes it difficult to see.
Check your blind spots. A motorcycles small size allows
it to slip into your blind spot easily. Always check for
motorcycles before you pull out, change lanes, turn,
back up or proceed through an intersection.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 19
Section 3: Safe Driving
Never tailgate a motorcycle (or any other vehicle). Allow Side No-Zones:
yourself plenty of braking distance by adding an extra Trucks, tractor-
second to the following distance rule. In inclement trailers, buses
weather, double this distance. and RVs have
Anticipate the motorcyclists movements. Although a big No-Zones on
motorcycle is not as wide as the lane, the rider will use both sides that
the entire lane as traffic situations and road conditions are dangerous
change. A slight change or debris on the road surface because these
can be a major obstacle for a motorcyclist. Expect the vehicles must
motorcycle to make sudden moves within the lane. make wide turns.
Never drive beside a motorcycle in the same lane. These No-Zones
or blind spots are
Yield to motorcycles. The small size of a motorcycle much larger than
can cause you to misjudge the motorcycles speed and your cars blind
distance. Before pulling out into traffic, check twice for spots. If you cant
motorcycles and use extra caution before you pull out see the drivers
in front of one. face in his side
view mirror, then
Light Rail: There is a light rail train system in Norfolk called
he cant see you.
The Tide. Light rail trains share the road with motor vehicles
and bicyclists, and they intersect with motor vehicle traffic at Rear No-Zone: Trucks, tractor-trailers, buses and RVs
27 locations along the 7.4 mile route. Stay safe when driving have huge No-Zones directly behind them. The driver
around The Tide by obeying the tips below. cant see your car behind his vehicle and you cant see
whats happening in traffic ahead of his vehicle. If the
Pay attention to changing traffic patterns and always
truck, bus or RV brakes or stops suddenly, you have no
follow the roadway.
place to go and could crash into the vehicles rear-end.
Never drive around lowered crossing gates. Always maintain a safe following distance.
Always look both ways before turning across train Front No-Zone: You could get rear-ended by a truck, bus
tracks. or RV if you cut in front too soon after passing the vehicle
Expect trains on any track at any time. or if you cut in front and then suddenly slow down. The
Always obey signs and traffic signals. truck, bus and RV drivers would be forced to slam on
their brakes. These vehicles need nearly twice the time
Never stop, pass or shift on train tracks. and room to stop as cars. A truck and its trailer may be as
Dont cross train tracks unless you have enough room to long as 65 feet and it may take you more than half a mile
cross without stopping and can clear the tracks to a safe of clear road to pass. When passing, look for the entire
distance. front of the truck in your rearview mirror before pulling
in front. And then, maintain your speed.
For more info about light rail safety, visit www.gohrt.com or Wide Turns: Trucks, buses and RVs sometimes need to
call (757) 222-6100. swing wide to the left or right to safely make a turn. They
cant see the cars directly behind or beside them. In fact,
Low Speed Vehicles: These electrically- or gas-powered
their blind spots may stretch up to 20 feet in front of
four-wheel vehicles have a maximum speed ranging from
the cab and approximately 200 feet behind the vehicle.
21 to 25 MPH. Low speed vehicles may be operated on
Never try to squeeze between a truck, bus or RV and the
public roads with speed limits of 35 MPH or less by licensed
curb or another vehicle.
drivers or learners permit holders accompanied by a licensed
driver. Low speed vehicles must comply with all federal Light to Medium Trailers: These trailers are attached to
safety standards and must meet Virginias requirements for mid-sized cars and trucks with safety chains and a trailer hitch.
passenger vehicle registration and insurance coverage. Golf Large side mirrors are generally needed to increase visibility.
carts are not classified as low speed vehicles. Towing a trailer places additional stress on the vehicle; it takes
the vehicle twice as long to pass, stop, accelerate and turn.
Trucks, Tractor-Trailers, Buses and RVs: Trucks, tractor-
Remember the No-Zones described under Trucks,
trailers, buses and recreational vehicles (RVs) including
Tractor-Trailers and RVs.
motor homes, campers and travel trailers are longer, higher
and wider than other vehicles. They accelerate slowly and Before driving a vehicle with a light to medium trailer
require greater stopping and turning distances. Plus, there are attached, perform a safety inspection before each trip. Ensure:
danger areas around these vehicles where crashes are more
likely to occur. These areas are called No-Zones. No-Zones the pin securing the ball mount to the receiver is intact
on the side, front and rear also include blind spots where your the hitch coupler is secured
car disappears from the drivers view. Learning the No-Zones safety chains are properly attached
can save your life.
20 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 3: Safe Driving
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 21
Section 3: Safe Driving
Lights When rain begins, during the first half-hour, roads are more
likely to be slippery due to oil on the road surface mixing with
Virginia law requires motorists to use headlights during water.
inclement weather such as rain, fog, snow or sleet when
visibility is reduced to 500 feet. You must use your headlights
whenever you use your windshield wipers as a result of bad
weather. Remove snow and ice from your entire car, including the roof,
hood and rear of the vehicle, before you start driving. Snow
Hazardous Conditions and ice left on the car can fly off when the vehicle is moving
and create a hazard for other motorists. Be sure to clear all of
Driving becomes hazardous when visibility is reduced or when your windows, mirrors and front and rear lights of snow or ice
the road surface is covered with rain, snow or ice. Reducing so you can see and communicate with other drivers.
your speed should be your first response to decreased visibility
and dangerous road conditions. Increase your space cushion Equip your car with all-weather snow tires or chains to help
by doubling your normal following distance (refer to the prevent skidding and reduce stopping distance.
Maintaining a Space Cushion section for more information).
Turn on your headlights. Driving on packed snow is similar to driving on ice. When you
brake, apply the brakes gently. Slow down before stopping or
Night Driving
At sunset, as soon as light begins to fade, turn on your When driving on slippery surfaces and you need to stop,
headlights to make your vehicle more visible to others. You apply brakes gently. You have the most traction and control
must use headlights from sunset to sunrise. when the front tires are rolling. Therefore, your vehicle will
respond more effectively to steering while moving more
Use low-beams when driving in cities and towns, except slowly than hard braking.
on streets where there is no lighting. Switch to low-beams
whenever you meet oncoming traffic to avoid blinding the Watch for ice on bridges and in shady areas. Bridges freeze
other driver. When following, use low-beams whenever you before other road surfaces.
are within 200 feet of the vehicle ahead.
22 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 3: Safe Driving
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 23
Section 3: Safe Driving
Alcohol-related crashes are not accidents. They can be exchange information with other people involved
prevented! The only way to avoid the risks of drinking and in the crash as soon as possible. Be sure to get the
driving is to decide before you start drinking that you are not following information:
going to drive. Remember, alcohol affects judgment. Making name, address and drivers license number of
the decision not to drive is a lot more difficult after one or other drivers
two drinks.
license plate numbers of other vehicles
Drive to social events in groups of two or more and have name and address of anyone who was injured
the driver agree not to drink. name and address of each witness
Combining alcohol with other drugs usually multiplies the name, address and insurance policy number of
effects of both and can have a disastrous effect on your other vehicle owners
ability to drive. One drink taken when you are on another notify your insurance company immediately.
drug even an aspirin, or allergy or cold medicine could
have the same effect on your driving ability as drinking several Law enforcement officers are required to forward a written
alcoholic beverages. crash report to DMV when a traffic crash results in injury or
the death of any person or total property damage is in excess
Almost any drug can reduce your ability to drive safely. Its not of $1,500. All crash information will be recorded on the DMV
just illegal drugs that cause problems. Many over-the-counter records of each driver involved in the crash.
medications and prescription drugs for headaches, hay fever,
colds, allergies or nervous conditions can cause drowsiness You must make a reasonable effort to find the owner of an
and dizziness. This includes syrups, drops, sprays, pills and unattended vehicle or other property damaged in a crash.
tablets. They often affect driver alertness and slow reaction If you cannot locate anyone, leave a note that can be found
time. easily at the scene of the crash. Include your name, telephone
number, the date and time of the crash, and a description
Read the label before taking any drug or medicine. Look for of the damage. You must also report the crash to the police
warnings about side effects. If youre uncertain about the within 24 hours.
effects of a drug, ask your pharmacist or doctor for advice.
Remember that, while the effects may vary among users, no
drug is harmless. Deer Hazards
Thousands of deer-vehicle crashes take place in Virginia each
Traffic Crashes year, resulting in fatalities, injuries and costly vehicle damage.
To avoid hitting a deer:
If you are involved in a traffic crash, you must: Be alert at dusk and dawn especially in the fall.
stop at the scene of the crash or as close to the scene Slow down if you see a deer near or crossing the road.
as possible without blocking traffic. You may move the Deer frequently travel in groups; there are likely more
vehicles before the police arrive if the vehicles create a deer nearby.
traffic hazard.
Use the horn to scare deer away.
give any help you can if someone is injured. Do not
If a collision with a deer or other animal is unavoidable,
attempt to move an injured person from a wrecked
do not swerve. Brake firmly, stay in your lane, and come
vehicle unless you have the necessary medical training
to a controlled stop.
or there is an immediate danger such as fire.
report the crash to the police as quickly as possible. If you hit a deer, report it to law enforcement.
Motor vehicle crashes involving property damage,
personal injury or death must be reported to the police.
24 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Traffic Stops
Section 4:
Seat Belts, Air Bags and
If you are stopped by a police officer:
Remain calm.
Pull your vehicle to the side of the road in a safe
location and park. Child Safety Seats
Turn on your flashers.
If you are pulled over at night, turn on your vehicles
interior lights.
Turn off your engine, radio, and any other device that
could block communication with the officer.
Roll down your window so that you can communicate
with the officer. An officer may approach your vehicle
on the driver or passenger side for safety reasons.
Keep your safety belt fastened and ask your passengers
to keep their belts fastened.
Stay in your vehicle. Do not get out unless the officer
asks you to.
Keep your hands in plain view, preferably on the
steering wheel. Ask your passengers to keep their
hands in plain view also. In this section youll learn about:
Do not make any movement that will make the officer Seat belts
think you are hiding or reaching for something. Air bags
Carry proper identification: a valid drivers license, Child safety seats
proof of vehicle registration and proof of insurance. If
the officer asks for these documents, tell him where
they are and reach for them slowly, keeping one hand
on the steering wheel.
If the officer is driving an unmarked car or is not in
Wearing seat belts, also called safety belts,
can double your chances of surviving a crash and more than
uniform, you may ask to see his or her identification.
double your chances of avoiding serious injury.
Answer the officers questions fully and clearly. If you
disagree with the officer, do not discuss your point of
view at that time. You will have your chance to make Seat Belts
your case in court.
You will be asked to sign the citation. Sign the citation; Under Virginia law, the driver and all front seat passengers
this is not an admission of guilt. Refusal to sign the must wear safety belts. A driver transporting anyone younger
citation may result in your arrest. Or, you may be than age 18 must ensure that the passenger is properly
required to go to the police station. secured in a safety belt, booster seat or child safety seat no
matter where the child is seated in the vehicle.
Remember to wear your lap belt low on your lap and against
your thighs. Wear your shoulder belt over your shoulder and
across your chest. Never wear your shoulder belt behind your
back or under your arm. Your shoulder and lap belts should
be snug. Pregnant women are much safer if buckled up by
wearing the belt as low on the pelvis as possible.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 25
Section 4: Seat Belts, Air Bags and Child Safety Seats
If your vehicle is equipped with air bags: The driver is responsible for making sure that children are
properly secured. If you are convicted of violating the child
Always buckle up and have all passengers in the vehicle
restraint law, you will be fined $50. A second or subsequent
buckle up.
offense could mean a $500 penalty.
Move your seat back so that you are at least ten inches
from the steering wheel.
When traveling with children:
If your steering wheel is adjustable, tilt it downward.
This points the air bag toward your chest instead of your The safest place to install a child safety seat is in the
head and neck. center of the back seat.
Children ages 12 and under are safer buckled up in the Numerous child safety seat checks are held in localities
back seat. across Virginia. Attend one of these checks to make
sure that your childs safety seat is installed correctly.
For more information about air bags, including applying for Visit www.vdh.virginia.gov for more information.
an on/off switch, contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Never hold a child in your lap. In a crash, the
Administration (NHTSA) at www.nhtsa.dot.gov or toll-free child may be crushed between your body and the
hotline at 1-800-424-9393. dashboard or the back of the seat.
Make sure that all car doors are securely closed and
locked before driving. If your car is equipped with
Child Safety Seats a child safety lock, turn it on. Dont allow children
to play with door handles or locks. If you must open
Securing a child in a correctly installed child safety seat can
a door, pull the vehicle off the road and come to a
significantly reduce the possibility of death or injury.
complete stop.
All children under age 8 must be properly secured in a Never allow children to ride in the luggage area of
child safety seat or booster seat when riding in vehicles hatchbacks, station wagons or vans.
manufactured after January 1, 1968. Children should ride Never leave a hatchback open when a child is riding in
rear facing from birth to 2 years, or as long as the safety seat the back seat.
manufacturer allows. If the vehicle does not have a back seat,
It is illegal to transport children under age 16 in the
a rear facing child seat may be placed in the front passenger
bed of a pickup truck, even if equipped with a camper
seat if the vehicle is not equipped with a passenger side air
bag or if the passenger air bag is turned off. Children should
ride facing forward in a child safety seat or booster seat until
at least age 8, or until they can attain a proper seat belt fit.
26 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
If you break certain laws or
Section 5: repeatedly violate the laws of Virginia, your driving privilege
may be suspended or revoked by the court and/or DMV.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 27
Section 5: Penalties
The court may suspend or revoke your driving privilege if you Age 18 or 19: DMV will require you to complete a driver
are convicted of the following offenses: improvement clinic if you are convicted of a demerit point or
reckless or aggressive driving safety belt/child restraint violation committed while you were
age 18 or 19.
operating a motor vehicle without a valid drivers
license Age 18 or Older: DMV will require you to complete a driver
driving while your license is revoked or suspended for a improvement clinic if you accumulate 12 demerit points
non-DUI related conviction within 12 months or 18 points within 24 months. If you do
refusing to take a blood/breath test when charged with not complete the clinic within 90 days, DMV will suspend
driving while under the influence of alcohol/drugs your driving privilege.
failing to pay for gas If you receive 18 demerit points within 12 months or 24
points within 24 months, DMV will suspend your driving
If you are convicted of any traffic or criminal convictions privilege for 90 days and require that you complete a driver
and you fail to pay your court fines and costs within 30 days, improvement clinic.
the court will suspend your driving privilege. The court may
offer you the option to enter into an installment payment For more detailed information on the Driver Improvement
agreement if you are unable to pay the total amount. Program for juveniles and adults and the actions taken by
DMV, refer to www.dmvNOW.com or A Different Kind of
Refer to the DMV website under Reinstating Driving Privileges Crash Course (DMV 114) brochure.
and Restricted Driving Privileges for information on other
reasons for suspensions/revocations, requirements to reinstate
your driving privilege, and eligibility for restricted driving Medical Review Program
privileges. DMV is responsible for making sure that drivers are able to
safely operate motor vehicles. When DMV receives a report
that a driver may have a physical or mental condition that
Other DMV Requirements, affects his ability to drive safely, a medical review of the driver
Suspensions and Revocations may be conducted. DMV is concerned about any condition
that impairs the drivers:
Driver Improvement Program level of consciousness
If you are a Virginia resident, DMV is responsible for perception (vision)
maintaining a driving record of all convictions received from judgment
the court. When convictions are added to your record, DMV motor skills
assigns demerit points to traffic offenses and moving
violations. DMV also monitors your driving record to see how Depending upon the situation, DMV may require you
many demerit points you receive within a 12-month and to submit a medical or vision report completed by your
24-month period. Convictions may be assigned three, four or physician and/or to pass the two-part knowledge exam and/or
six demerit points. For more information, refer to the road skills test.
Moving Violations and Points Assessment (DMV 115)
publication available at www.dmvNOW.com or DMV Once the medical review is completed, DMV will decide
customer service centers. whether to:
suspend your driving privilege
Under Age 18: If you are convicted of a demerit point
traffic violation (or safety belt/child restraint violation) restrict your driving privilege
committed when you were under age 18, DMV will require require you to submit periodic medical and/or vision
that you complete a driver improvement clinic. If you do reports, or
not complete the clinic within 90 days, DMV will suspend end the medical review with no other requirements
your driving privilege until you complete the clinic and pay a
reinstatement fee. If DMV suspends your driving privilege as a result of medical
review action, you will not be required to present legal
After your second conviction for a demerit point traffic presence proof documents to reinstate your driving privilege
violation (or safety belt/child restraint violation) committed unless required to do so for another suspension/revocation or
when you were under age 18, DMV will suspend your driving your license expires.
privilege for 90 days. Your third conviction will result in a
revocation of your driving privilege for one year or until you Refer to the DMV publication, Medical Fitness for Safe
reach age 18, whichever is longer. Driving (MED 80), for more detailed information on the
Medical Review Program.
28 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 5: Penalties
Insurance Monitoring Program If you are convicted of DUI, the court and DMV will impose
a suspension/revocation and other penalties in addition to
DMV is responsible for making sure that all owners of vehicles
the administrative license suspension. If you receive multiple
with a valid registration comply with the Virginia laws on
DUI convictions, the suspension/revocation periods will run
insurance requirements. When registering a motor vehicle,
you must sign a statement on the registration application that
you have liability insurance coverage for your motor vehicle,
or pay the $500 uninsured motor vehicle fee. DMV will Open Alcohol Containers in Vehicles
suspend your driving privilege if:
You may be charged with drinking while operating a motor
you do not submit the requested insurance policy vehicle if you:
information to verify that you have liability insurance
are stopped by law enforcement and you have an open
container of alcohol in the passenger area and the
there is a break in your insurance policy coverage and contents have been partially removed, and
you do not return your license plates to DMV
show signs that you have been drinking
Refer to www.dmvNOW.com for more detailed information The passenger area means the area that seats the driver and
on Insurance Monitoring activities by DMV. passengers and any area within the drivers reach, including
an unlocked glove compartment.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 29
Section 5: Penalties
30 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Whenever you drive, you must carry a
Section 6: valid drivers license or learners permit with you. Any misuse
of your drivers license or learners permit is illegal. You could
License Types
be fined, sentenced to jail, or your license may be suspended.
Learners Permit
A learners permit allows you to operate a motor vehicle
when a licensed driver at least 21 years of age is seated in the
front passenger seat. The driver with you must hold a valid
drivers license, be alert and able to assist you while you are
driving. The licensed driver with you may be age 18, 19, or
20 if he or she is your legal guardian, brother, sister, half-
brother, half-sister, step brother or stepsister. If you are age
19 or older, you must hold a learners permit for 60 days, or
present a drivers education certificate of completion to apply
for a drivers license. For more information about obtaining
a learners permit, refer to the Parents in the Drivers Seat
(DMV 16) publication available at www.dmvNOW.com and
DMV customer service centers.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 31
Section 6: License Types
32 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Section 7: Whether you are learning to drive
for the first time, new to Virginia or brushing up on your safe
Other Important driving knowledge, there are additional requirements that all
Virginia drivers should know.
Address Changes
If you move, you are required to notify DMV within 30 days.
The postal service will not forward your license to another
address. If DMV does not have your correct address, the
postal service will return the license to DMV.
New to Virginia
If you are a new Virginia resident and drive, you must obtain
In this section youll learn about: a Virginia drivers license within 60 days of moving here.
Receiving your license by mail
Address changes
Titles, Registrations, License Plates,
New to Virginia
Titles, registrations, license plates, decals
Safety inspections Title and register your vehicle and obtain Virginia license
Insurance requirements plates within 30 days of moving to Virginia. License plates
must be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle. Decals
Applying to register to vote
indicating the month and year that the registration expires
Organ, eye and tissue donation must be placed in the designated areas on the plates (except
for vehicles displaying permanent plates).
You must have the vehicle registration card with you when
operating the vehicle. You must also register your vehicle
in your locality, if required. Check with your city or county
Safety Inspections
Your vehicle must pass an annual vehicle safety inspection
and display a valid safety inspection sticker. In certain
localities, your vehicle also must pass an emissions inspection.
For more information about Virginia safety inspections, visit
the Virginia State Police website at www.vsp.virginia.gov.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 33
Section 7: Other Important Information
34 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
5. This road sign means:
1. This road sign means: 8. The correct hand signal for stopping is:
a. Warning of a hazard. a. Right hand and arm pointing downward.
b. Yield right-of-way. b. Left hand and arm pointing straight out.
c. Railroad crossing. c. Left hand and arm pointing downward.
d. Speed limit. d. Left hand and arm pointing upward.
2. This road sign means: 9. When a school bus stops to load or unload children,
a. No U-turn. vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus must:
b. Curve. a. Slow down and proceed with caution.
c. Turn right or left. b. Maintain speed.
d. Traffic flows only in the direction c. Stop, then proceed with caution.
of the arrow. d. Stop until all persons are clear and the bus
moves again.
V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L | 35
Section 8: Sample Knowledge Exam
Correct Answers
1. A, 2. D, 3. A, 4. C, 5. D,
6. D, 7. A, 8. C, 9. D, 10. C
36 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L
Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles
P. O. Box 27412
Richmond, Virginia 23269
(804) 497-7100
Please recycle.
[Section Number: Chapter Title]
2 | V I R G I N I A D R I V E R S M A N U A L