Windows Notes-Ela 6 - Rankin-Lupita Manana

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Lesson Plan Template

Candidate Name: Missy Rankin

Strategy (circle one): Task Rotation; NAL; Mystery; Decision Making;
C/C Thinking; Metaphorical; Windows Notes; Other
Unit Name
Lupita Manana Novel Study (Prior to beginning novel)
Standards (Content and TAG)
Georgia Standards of Excellence:

TAG Standards:

8. The student participates in small group discussions to argue persuasively or reinforce others good points.
1. The student asks probing, insightful, and relevant questions.

Lesson Name
Windows Notes: Lupita Manana
6th Grade

Language Arts

Time Needed
1 day (50 minutes)
Advanced Mixed Model

Essential Question(s)
What should students know when lesson is completed?
How can we connect real stories of child labor and immigration to the novel
Lupita Manana?
Teacher Lesson Preparation
Copy article Why are teens working in Tobacco Fields from Jr. Scholastic
Create windows notes
Prepare interactive notebook for handout

Activating Strategy (for example: Hook/Mini-Lesson/Warm-Up/Connection to Prior

Students will watch the video on Flocabulary on immigration. The link is
attached below

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology

1. Flocabulary Video (see above)- 5 minutes

2. Distribute a copy of the article Why are teens working in tobacco fields
from Jr. Scholastic- 1 minute
3. Distribute a copy of the windows notes. Explain to students how the
windows notes works. 4 minutes
4. Pop corn read the article out loud as a class 15 minutes
5. Students individually complete the windows notes filling in their facts,
questions, ideas, and feelings 10 minutes
6. Once completed, students will go write on chart paper something from
each quadrant of their windows notes. We will then have a discussion
about what was written in each quadrant. -15 minutes
Assessment Strategies

Observations of student discussions taking place throughout

Student recordings on windows notes
Student recordings on chart paper

Scaffolds/ Interventions/Extensions/Enrichment
Students will be placed in heterogeneous groups based on assessment
Students can further their research of immigration by reading others
Students can do background research into the people who inspired the
story of Lupita Manana
Students can discuss with parents about their ancestry and the story of
their immigration to the United States
Materials/Links/Text References/Resources
See attachments





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