Charter Application Form AATF
Charter Application Form AATF
Charter Application Form AATF
Grade level at which French may be elected for the first time in your school system or individual school (check one):
_____Lower than 6
The SHF Sponsor must be an AATF member. Orders will not be shipped until Sponsors AATF membership is confirmed.
To obtain charter for a chapter of the Socit Honoraire de Franais at your school, please submit this application with payment of $10.
This is a one-time fee as long as your SHF Chapter remains active. An official Charter certificate will be mailed to you upon receipt of
this application and payment. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for delivery. The Constitution and By-laws of the SHF may be
found on the AATF Web, along with all forms as well as a suggested initiation ceremony, FAQs, and Student Initiation & Materials order
form at SHF materials orders may also be submitted through the AATF on-line store.
Total amount due: $10. Make checks payable to AATF SOCIETE HONORAIRE DE
FRANAIS. Checks must be payable through a U.S. bank. If payment is not enclosed,
a purchase order MUST be included.
Please bill my credit card: _____Visa
Card number____________________________________________________________
Card Holders Name_______________________________ Exp Date_______________
Billing address _______________________________Phone Number_______________