Glosario Multilingüe

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The Glossary is an alphabetical listing of many of the key terms from the
chapters, along with their meanings. The definitions listed in the Glossary are
the ones that apply to the way the words are used in this textbook. The Glossary
gives the part of speech of each word. The following abbreviations are used:

Abbasids n. a dynasty that ruled much of the
Muslim Empire from A.D. 750 to 1258.
Aborigine n. a member of any of the native peoples
of Australia.
absolute monarch n. a king or queen who has
unlimited power and seeks to control all aspects of
acropolis n. a fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city.
Aksum n. an African kingdom, in what is now
Ethiopia and Eritrea, that reached the height of its power
in the fourth century A.D.
al-Andalus n. a Muslim-ruled region in what is now
Spain, established in the eighth century A.D.
Allah n. God (an Arabic word, used mainly in Islam).
Allies n. in World War I, the nations of Great Britain,
France, and Russia, along with the other nations that
fought on their side; also, the group of nations
including Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the
United Statesthat opposed the Axis Powers in World
War II.

v. = verb

Anatolia n. the Southwest Asian peninsula now

occupied by the Asian part of Turkeyalso called Asia
Angkor Wat n. a temple complex built in the Khmer
Empire and dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu.
Anglican adj. relating to the Church of England.
animism n. the belief that spirits are present in
animals, plants, and other natural objects.
annexation n. the adding of a region to the territory
of an existing political unit.
annul v. to cancel or put an end to.
anti-Semitism n. prejudice against Jews.
apartheid n. a South African policy of complete
legal separation of the races, including the banning of all
social contacts between blacks and whites.
apostle n. one of the followers of Jesus who preached
and spread his teachings.
appeasement n. the making of concessions to an
aggressor in order to avoid war.
aqueduct n. a pipeline or channel built to carry
water to populated areas.

Almohads n. a group of Islamic reformers who

overthrew the Almoravid dynasty and established an
empire in North Africa and southern Spain in the 12th
century A.D.

aristocracy n. a government in which power is in

the hands of a hereditary ruling class or nobility.

Almoravids n. an Islamic religious brotherhood that

established an empire in North Africa and southern
Spain in the 11th century A.D.

artifact n. a human-made object, such as a tool,

weapon, or piece of jewelry.

Amritsar Massacre n. killing by British troops of

nearly 400 Indians gathered at Amritsar to protest the
Rowlatt Acts.
Anabaptists n. in the Reformation, a Protestant
group that believed in baptizing only those persons who
were old enough to decide to be Christian and believed
in the separation of church and state.
Anasazi n. an early Native American people who
lived in the American Southwest.

n. = noun


armistice n. an agreement to stop fighting.

artisan n. a skilled worker, such as a weaver or a

potter, who makes goods by hand.
Aryans n. 1. an Indo-European people who, about
1500 B.C., began to migrate into the Indian subcontinent.
2. to the Nazis, the Germanic peoples who formed a
master race.
assembly line n. in a factory, an arrangement in
which a product is moved from worker to worker, with
each person performing a single task in its manufacture.

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adj. = adjective


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assimilation n. 1. the adoption of a conquerors

culture by a conquered people. 2. a policy in which a
nation forces or encourages a subject people to adopt its
institutions and customs.
Assyria n. a Southwest Asian kingdom that
controlled a large empire from about 850 to 612 B.C.
Atlantic Charter n. a declaration of principles
issued in August 1941 by British prime minister
Winston Churchill and U.S. president Franklin
Roosevelt, on which the Allied peace plan at the
end of World War II was based.
Atlantic slave trade n. the buying, transporting,
and selling of Africans for work in the Americas.
autocracy n. a government in which the ruler has
unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary manner.
Axis Powers n. in World War II, the nations of
Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance
in 1936.
ayllu n. in Incan society, a small community or clan
whose members worked together for the common good.

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balance of power n. a political situation in which
no one nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to
Balkans n. the region of southeastern Europe now
occupied by Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, the
European part of Turkey, and the former republics of

Battle of Midway n. a 1942 sea and air battle of

World War II, in which American forces defeated
Japanese forces in the central Pacific.
Battle of Stalingrad n. a 19421943 battle of
World War II, in which German forces were defeated in
their attempt to capture the city of Stalingrad in the
Soviet Union.
Battle of the Bulge n. a 19441945 battle in
which Allied forces turned back the last major German
offensive of World War II.
Battle of Trafalgar n. an 1805 naval battle in
which Napoleons forces were defeated by a British fleet
under the command of Horatio Nelson.
Benin n. a kingdom that arose near the Niger River
delta in the 1300s and became a major West African
state in the 1400s.
Beringia n. an ancient land bridge over which the
earliest Americans are believed to have migrated from
Asia into the Americas.
Berlin Conference of 188485 n. a meeting at
which representatives of European nations agreed upon
rules for the European colonization of Africa.
Bill of Rights n. the first ten amendments to the
U.S. Constitution, which protect citizens basic rights
and freedoms.
bishop n. a high-ranking Christian official who
supervises a number of local churches.
blitzkrieg n. lightning wara form of warfare in
which surprise attacks with fast-moving airplanes are
followed by massive attacks with infantry forces.

Bantu-speaking peoples n. the speakers of a

related group of languages who, beginning about 2,000
years ago, migrated from West Africa into most of the
southern half of Africa.

blockade n. the use of troops or ships to prevent

commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or region.

baroque adj. relating to a grand, ornate style that

characterized European painting, music, and architecture
in the 1600s and early 1700s.

Boer War n. a conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in

which the Boers and the British fought for control of
territory in South Africa.

barter n. a form of trade in which people exchange

goods and services without the use of money.

Bolsheviks n. a group of revolutionary Russian

Marxists who took control of Russias government in
November 1917.

Battle of Britain n. a series of battles between

German and British air forces, fought over Britain in
Battle of Guadalcanal n. a 19421943 battle of
World War II, in which Allied troops drove Japanese
forces from the Pacific island of Guadalcanal.

Boer n. a Dutch colonist in South Africa.

Boxer Rebellion n. a 1900 revolt in China, aimed at

ending foreign influence in the country.
boyars n. landowning nobles of Russia.
Brahma n. a Hindu god considered the creator of the




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Brahmin n. in Aryan society, a member of the social

class made up of priests.


brinkmanship n. a policy of threatening to go to

war in response to any enemy aggression.
Bronze Age n. a period in human history, beginning
around 3000 B.C. in some areas, during which people
began using bronze, rather than copper or stone, to
fashion tools and weapons.
bubonic plague n. a deadly disease that spread
across Asia and Europe in the mid-14th century, killing
millions of people.
bureaucracy n. a system of departments and
agencies formed to carry out the work of government.
burgher n. a medieval town dweller.
Bushido n. the strict code of behavior followed by
samurai warriors in Japan.

cabinet n. a group of advisers or ministers chosen by
the head of a country to help make government
caliph n. a supreme political and religious leader in a
Muslim government.
calligraphy n. the art of beautiful handwriting.
Calvinism n. a body of religious teachings based on
the ideas of the reformer John Calvin.
Camp David Accords n. the first signed
agreement between Israel and an Arab country, in which
Egyptian president Anwar Sadat recognized Israel as a
legitimate state and Israeli prime minister Menachem
Begin agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
canon law n. the body of laws governing the
religious practices of a Christian church.
capitalism n. an economic system based on private
ownership and on the investment of money in business
ventures in order to make a profit.
Carolingian dynasty n. a dynasty of Frankish
rulers, lasting from A.D. 751 to 987.
caste n. one of the four classes of people in the social
system of the Aryans who settled in Indiapriests,
warriors, peasants or traders, and non-Aryan laborers
or craftsmen.


Catholic Reformation n. a 16th-century

movement in which the Roman Catholic Church
sought to make changes in response to the Protestant
caudillo n. a military dictator of a Latin American
centralized government n. a government in
which power is concentrated in a central authority to
which local governments are subject.
Central Powers n. in World War I, the nations of
Germany and Austria-Hungary, along with the other
nations that fought on their side.
Chaldeans n. a Southwest Asian people who helped
to destroy the Assyrian Empire.
Chartist movement n. in 19th-century Britain,
members of the working class demanded reforms in
Parliament and in elections, including suffrage for all
Chavn n. the first major South American civilization,
which flourished in the highlands of what is now Peru
from about 900 to 200 B.C.
checks and balances n. measures designed to
prevent any one branch of government from dominating
the others.
chivalry n. a code of behavior for knights in medieval
Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loyalty, and
CIS n. the Commonwealth of Independent Statesa
loose association of former Soviet republics that was
formed after the breakup of the Soviet Union.
city-state n. a city and its surrounding lands
functioning as an independent political unit.
civil disobedience n. a deliberate and public
refusal to obey a law considered unjust.
civilization n. a form of culture characterized by
cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record
keeping, and advanced technology.
civil service n. the administrative departments of a
governmentespecially those in which employees are
hired on the basis of their scores on examinations.
civil war n. a conflict between two political groups
within the same country.
clan n. a group of people descended from a common

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classical art n. the art of ancient Greece and Rome,

in which harmony, order, and balance were emphasized.
clergy n. a body of officials who perform religious
servicessuch as priests, ministers, or rabbis.
cloning n. the creation of plants or animals that are
genetically identical to an existing plant or animal.
coalition government n. a government controlled
by a temporary alliance of several political parties.
codex n. a book with pages that can be turned, like
the one you are reading now.
Cold War n. the state of diplomatic hostility between
the United States and the Soviet Union in the decades
following World War II.
collective bargaining n. negotiations between
workers and their employers.

concordat n. a formal agreementespecially one

between the pope and a government, dealing with the
control of Church affairs.
Congress of Vienna n. a series of meetings in
18141815, during which the European leaders sought
to establish long-lasting peace and security after the
defeat of Napoleon.
Congress Party n. a major national political party
in Indiaalso known as the Indian National Congress.
conquistadors n. the Spanish soldiers, explorers,
and fortune hunters who took part in the conquest of the
Americas in the 16th century.

colony n. a land controlled by a distant nation.

conservatives n. in the first half of the 19th

century, those Europeansmainly wealthy landowners
and nobleswho wanted to preserve the traditional
monarchies of Europe.

Colossus of Rhodes n. an enormous Hellenistic

statue that formerly stood near the harbor of Rhodes.

constitutional monarchy n. a system of

governing in which the rulers power is limited by law.

Columbian Exchange n. the global transfer of

plants, animals, and diseases that occurred during the
European colonization of the Americas.

consul n. in the Roman republic, one of the two

powerful officials elected each year to command the
army and direct the government.

comedy n. a humorous form of drama that often

includes slapstick and satire.
command economy n. an economic system in
which the government makes all economic decisions.

containment n. a U.S. foreign policy adopted by

President Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the
United States tried to stop the spread of communism by
creating alliances and helping weak countries to resist
Soviet advances.

Commercial Revolution n. the expansion of

trade and business that transformed European economies
during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Continental System n. Napoleons policy of

preventing trade between Great Britain and continental
Europe, intended to destroy Great Britains economy.

common law n. a unified body of law formed from

rulings of Englands royal judges that serves as the basis
for law in many English-speaking countries today,
including the United States.

corporation n. a business owned by stockholders

who share in its profits but are not personally
responsible for its debts.

collective farm n. a large government-controlled

farm formed by combining many small farms.

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Concert of Europe n. a series of alliances among

European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince
Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of

commune n. in Communist China, a collective farm

on which a great number of people work and live together.
Communist Party n. a political party practicing
the ideas of Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin; originally the
Russian Bolshevik Party.
communism n. an economic system in which all
means of productionland, mines, factories, railroads,
and businessesare owned by the people, private
property does not exist, and all goods and services are
shared equally.

Council of Trent n. a meeting of Roman Catholic

leaders, called by Pope Paul III to rule on doctrines
criticized by the Protestant reformers.
coup dtat n. a sudden seizure of political power in
a nation.
covenant n. a mutual promise or agreement
especially an agreement between God and the Hebrew
people as recorded in the Bible.
creoles n. in Spanish colonial society, colonists who
were born in Latin America to Spanish parents.




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Crimean War n. a conflict, lasting from 1853 to

1856, in which the Ottoman Empire, with the aid of
Britain and France, halted Russian expansion in the
region of the Black Sea.

crop rotation n. the system of growing a different

crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land.
Crusade n. one of the expeditions in which medieval
Christian warriors sought to recover control of the Holy
Land from the Muslims.
cultural diffusion n. the spreading of ideas or
products from one culture to another.
Cultural Revolution n. a 19661976 uprising
in China led by the Red Guards, with the goal of
establishing a society of peasants and workers in
which all were equal.
culture n. a peoples unique way of life, as shown by
its tools, customs, arts, and ideas.
cuneiform n. a system of writing with wedge-shaped
symbols, invented by the Sumerians around 3000 B.C.
cyberterrorism n. politically motivated attacks on
information systems.
Cyrillic alphabet n. an alphabet for the writing of
Slavic languages, devised in the ninth century A.D. by
Saints Cyril and Methodius.
czar n. a Russian emperor (from the Roman title

daimyo n. a Japanese feudal lord who commanded a
private army of samurai.

democratization n. the process of creating a

government elected by the people.
Department of Homeland Security n. U.S.
federal agency created in 2002 to coordinate national
efforts against terrorism.
dtente n. a policy of reducing Cold War tensions
that was adopted by the United States during the
presidency of Richard Nixon.
developed nation n. a nation with all the facilities
needed for the advanced production of manufactured
devshirme n. in the Ottoman Empire, the policy of
taking children from conquered Christian peoples to be
trained as Muslim soldiers.
Diaspora n. the dispersal of the Jews from their
homeland in Palestineespecially during the period of
more than 1,800 years that followed the Romans
destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
dictator n. in ancient Rome, a political leader given
absolute power to make laws and command the army for
a limited time.
direct democracy n. a government in which
citizens rule directly rather than through representatives.
dissident n. an opponent of a governments policies
or actions.
divine right n. the idea that monarchs are Gods
representatives on earth and are therefore answerable
only to God.
domestication n. the taming of animals for human

Daoism n. a philosophy based on the ideas of the

Chinese thinker Laozi, who taught that people should be
guided by a universal force called the Dao (Way).

dominion n. in the British Empire, a nation (such as

Canada) allowed to govern its own domestic affairs.

D-Day n. June 6, 1944the day on which the Allies

began their invasion of the European mainland during
World War II.

domino theory n. the idea that if a nation falls

under Communist control, nearby nations will also fall
under Communist control.

Declaration of Independence n. a statement of

the reasons for the American colonies break with Britain,
approved by the Second Continental Congress in 1776.

Dorians n. a Greek-speaking people that, according

to tradition, migrated into mainland Greece after the
destruction of the Mycenaean civilization.

delta n. a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at

the mouth of a river.

Dreyfus affair n. a controversy in France in the

1890s, centering on the trial and imprisonment of a
Jewish army officer, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who had
been falsely accused of selling military secrets to

demilitarization n. a reduction in a countrys

ability to wage war, achieved by disbanding its armed
forces and prohibiting it from acquiring weapons.

democracy n. a government controlled by its

citizens, either directly or through representatives.


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Dutch East India Company n. a company

founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century to
establish and direct trade throughout Asia.
dynastic cycle n. the historical pattern of the rise,
decline, and replacement of dynasties.
dynasty n. a series of rulers from a single family.

Eastern Front n. in World War I, the region along
the German-Russian border where Russians and Serbs
battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.
Edict of Nantes n. a 1598 declaration in which the
French king Henry IV promised that Protestants could
live in peace in France and could set up houses of
worship in some French cities.
Emancipation Proclamation n. a declaration
issued by U.S. president Abraham Lincoln in 1863,
stating that all slaves in the Confederate states were free.

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emerging nation n. a nation in which the process

of industrialization is not yet complete.
migrs n. people who leave their native country for
political reasons, like the nobles and others who fled
France during the peasant uprisings of the French
empire n. a political unit in which a number of
peoples or countries are controlled by a single ruler.

entrepreneur n. a person who organizes, manages,

and takes on the risks of a business.
epics n. long narrative poems celebrating the deeds of
legendary or traditional heroes.
estate n. one of the three social classes in France
before the French Revolutionthe First Estate
consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, of the
nobility; and the Third Estate, of the rest of the
Estates-General n. an assembly of representatives
from all three of the estates, or social classes, in France.
ethnic cleansing n. a policy of murder and other
acts of brutality by which Serbs hoped to eliminate
Bosnias Muslim population after the breakup of
excommunication n. the taking away of a persons
right of membership in a Christian church.
existentialism n. a philosophy based on the idea
that people give meaning to their lives through their
choices and actions.
extraterritorial rights n. an exemption of foreign
residents from the laws of a country.

factors of production n. the resources
including land, labor, and capitalthat are needed to
produce goods and services.

enclosure n. one of the fenced-in or hedged-in fields

created by wealthy British landowners on land that was
formerly worked by village farmers.

factory n. a large building in which machinery is

used to manufacture goods.

encomienda n. a grant of land made by Spain to a

settler in the Americas, including the right to use Native
Americans as laborers on it.

fascism n. a political movement that promotes an

extreme form of nationalism, a denial of individual
rights, and a dictatorial one-party rule.

English Civil War n. a conflict, lasting from 1642

to 1649, in which Puritan supporters of Parliament
battled supporters of Englands monarchy.

Fatimid n. a member of a Muslim dynasty that traced

its ancestry to Muhammads daughter Fatima and that
built an empire in North Africa, Arabia, and Syria in the
10th12th centuries.

enlightened despot n. one of the 18th-century

European monarchs who was inspired by Enlightenment
ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects.
enlightenment n. in Buddhism, a state of perfect
wisdom in which one understands basic truths about the
Enlightenment n. an 18th-century European
movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the
principles of reason and the scientific method to all
aspects of society.

favorable balance of trade n. an economic

situation in which a country sells more goods abroad
than it buys from abroad.
federal system n. a system of government in which
power is divided between a central authority and a
number of individual states.
Fertile Crescent n. an arc of rich farmland in
Southwest Asia, between the Persian Gulf and the
Mediterranean Sea.




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feudalism n. a political system in which nobles are

granted the use of lands that legally belong to their king,
in exchange for their loyalty, military service, and
protection of the people who live on the land.

fief n. an estate granted to a vassal by a lord under the

feudal system in medieval Europe.
filial piety n. respect shown by children for their
parents and elders.
Final Solution n. Hitlers program of systematically
killing the entire Jewish people.
Five-Year Plans n. plans outlined by Joseph Stalin
in 1928 for the development of the Soviet Unions
Four Modernizations n. a set of goals adopted by
the Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in the late 20th
century, involving progress in agriculture, industry,
defense, and science and technology.
Fourteen Points n. a series of proposals in which
U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for
achieving a lasting peace after World War I.
Franks n. a Germanic people who settled in the
Roman province of Gaul (roughly the area now occupied
by France) and established a great empire during the
Middle Ages.
free trade n. commerce between nations without
economic restrictions or barriers (such as tariffs).
French and Indian War n. a conflict between
Britain and France for control of territory in North
America, lasting from 1754 to 1763.

Ghana n. a West African kingdom that grew rich

from taxing and controlling trade and that established an
empire in the 9th11th centuries A.D.
ghazi n. a warrior for Islam.
ghettos n. city neighborhoods in which European
Jews were forced to live.
glasnost n. a Soviet policy of openness to the free
flow of ideas and information, introduced in 1985 by
Mikhail Gorbachev.
global economy n. all the financial interactions
involving people, businesses, and governmentsthat
cross international boundaries.
Glorious Revolution n. the bloodless overthrow of
the English king James II and his replacement by
William and Mary.
glyph n. a symbolic pictureespecially one used as
part of a writing system for carving messages in stone.
Gothic adj. relating to a style of church architecture
that developed in medieval Europe, featuring ribbed
vaults, stained glass windows, flying buttresses, pointed
arches, and tall spires.
Great Depression n. the severe economic slump
that followed the collapse of the U.S. stock market in
Great Fear n. a wave of senseless panic that spread
through the French countryside after the storming of the
Bastille in 1789.

gender inequality n. the difference between men

and women in terms of wealth and status.

Great Purge n. a campaign of terror in the Soviet

Union during the 1930s, in which Joseph Stalin sought
to eliminate all Communist Party members and other
citizens who threatened his power.

genetic engineering n. the transferring of genes

from one living thing to another in order to produce an
organism with new traits.

Great Schism n. a division in the medieval Roman

Catholic Church, during which rival popes were
established in Avignon and in Rome.

genocide n. the systematic killing of an entire


Greco-Roman culture n. an ancient culture that

developed from a blending of Greek, Hellenistic, and
Roman cultures.

gentry n. a class of powerful, well-to-do people who

enjoy a high social status.
geocentric theory n. in the Middle Ages, the
earth-centered view of the universe in which scholars
believed that the earth was an immovable object located
at the center of the universe.

geopolitics n. a foreign policy based on a

consideration of the strategic locations or products of
other lands.


green revolution n. a 20th-century attempt to

increase food resources worldwide, involving the use of
fertilizers and pesticides and the development of
disease-resistant crops.
griot n. a West African storyteller.

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guerrilla n. a member of a loosely organized fighting

force that makes surprise attacks on enemy troops
occupying his or her country.
guild n. a medieval association of people working at
the same occupation, which controlled its members
wages and prices.
guillotine n. a machine for beheading people, used
as a means of execution during the French Revolution.
Gupta Empire n. the second empire in India,
founded by Chandra Gupta I in A.D. 320.

habeas corpus n. a document requiring that a
prisoner be brought before a court or judge so that it can
be decided whether his or her imprisonment is legal.
Hagia Sophia n. the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in
Constantinople, built by order of the Byzantine emperor
haiku n. a Japanese form of poetry, consisting of three
unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables.

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hajj n. a pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by


Hittites n. an Indo-European people who settled in

Anatolia around 2000 B.C.
Holocaust n. a mass slaughter of Jews and other
civilians, carried out by the Nazi government of
Germany before and during World War II.
Holy Alliance n. a league of European nations
formed by the leaders of Russia, Austria, and Prussia
after the Congress of Vienna.
Holy Roman Empire n. an empire established in
Europe in the 10th century A.D., originally consisting
mainly of lands in what is now Germany and Italy.
home rule n. a control over internal matters granted
to the residents of a region by a ruling government.
hominid n. a member of a biological group including
human beings and related species that walk upright.
Homo sapiens n. the biological species to which
modern human beings belong.
House of Wisdom n. a center of learning
established in Baghdad in the 800s.
humanism n. a Renaissance intellectual movement
in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on
human potential and achievements.

Han dynasty n. a Chinese dynasty that ruled from

202 B.C. to A.D. 9 and again from A.D. 23 to 220.

Hundred Days n. the brief period during 1815 when

Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the
French king and again becoming emperor of France.

Harappan civilization n. another name for the

Indus Valley civilization that arose along the Indus
River, possibly as early as 7000 B.C.; characterized by
sophisticated city planning.

Hundred Years War n. a conflict in which

England and France battled on French soil on and off
from 1337 to 1453.

Hausa n. a West African people who lived in several

city-states in what is now northern Nigeria.

hunter-gatherer n. a member of a nomadic group

whose food supply depends on hunting animals and
collecting plant foods.

heliocentric theory n. the idea that the earth and

the other planets revolve around the sun.

Hyksos n. a group of nomadic invaders from

Southwest Asia who ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C.

Hellenistic adj. relating to the civilization,

language, art, science, and literature of the Greek world
from the reign of Alexander the Great to the late second
century B.C.

helot n. in the society of ancient Sparta, a peasant

bound to the land.
hieroglyphics n. an ancient Egyptian writing
system in which pictures were used to represent ideas
and sounds.

Ice Age n. a cold period in which huge ice sheets

spread outward from the polar regions, the last one of
which lasted from about 1,600,000 to 10,000 B.C.
I Ching n. a Chinese book of oracles, consulted to
answer ethical and practical problems.
icon n. a religious image used by eastern Christians.

Hijrah n. Muhammads migration from Mecca to

Yathrib (Medina) in A.D. 622.




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imperialism n. a policy in which a strong nation

seeks to dominate other countries politically,
economically, or socially.


impressionism n. a movement in 19th-century

painting, in which artists reacted against realism by
seeking to convey their impressions of subjects or
moments in time.
Indo-Europeans n. a group of seminomadic
peoples who, about 1700 B.C., began to migrate from
what is now southern Russia to the Indian subcontinent,
Europe, and Southwest Asia.
indulgence n. a pardon releasing a person from
punishments due for a sin.
industrialization n. the development of industries
for the machine production of goods.

Islam n. a monotheistic religion that developed in

Arabia in the seventh century A.D.
isolationism n. a policy of avoiding political or
military involvement with other countries.
Israel n. a kingdom of the united Hebrews in
Palestine, lasting from about 1020 to 922 B.C.; later, the
northernmost of the two Hebrew kingdoms; now, the
Jewish nation that was established in Palestine in 1948.

Industrial Revolution n. the shift, beginning in

England during the 18th century, from making goods by
hand to making them by machine.

Jainism n. a religion founded in India in the sixth

century B.C., whose members believe that everything in
the universe has a soul and therefore should not be

inflation n. a decline in the value of money,

accompanied by a rise in the prices of goods and

janissary n. a member of an elite force of soldiers in

the Ottoman Empire.

Inquisition n. a Roman Catholic tribunal for

investigating and prosecuting charges of heresy
especially the one active in Spain during the 1400s.
institution n. a long-lasting pattern of organization
in a community.

jazz n. a 20th-century style of popular music

developed mainly by African-American musicians.
Jesuits n. members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman
Catholic religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola.

intendant n. a French government official appointed

by the monarch to collect taxes and administer justice.

jewel in the crown n. the British colony of

Indiaso called because of its importance in the British
Empire, both as a supplier of raw materials and as a
market for British trade goods.

International Space Station n. cooperative

venture sponsored by the United States, Russia, and 14
other nations to establish and maintain a working
laboratory for scientific experimentation in space.

joint-stock company n. a business in which

investors pool their wealth for a common purpose, then
share the profits.

Internet n. a linkage of computer networks that

enables people around the world to exchange
information and communicate with one another.
intifada n. Palestinian campaign of civil
disobedience against Israeli occupation of the West
Bank and Gaza Strip, which continued into the 1990s.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) n. an unofficial
nationalist military force seeking independence for
Ireland from Great Britain.
iron curtain n. during the Cold War, the boundary
separating the Communist nations of Eastern Europe
from the mostly democratic nations of Western Europe.


Iroquois n. a group of Native American peoples who

spoke related languages, lived in the eastern Great Lakes
region of North America, and formed an alliance in
the late 1500s.


Judah n. a Hebrew kingdom in Palestine, established

around 922 B.C.
Justinian Code n. the body of Roman civil law
collected and organized by order of the Byzantine
emperor Justinian around A.D. 534.

kabuki n. a type of Japanese drama in which music,
dance, and mime are used to present stories.
kaiser n. a German emperor (from the Roman title

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kamikaze n. during World War II, Japanese suicide

pilots trained to sink Allied ships by crashing bombfilled planes into them.

legion n. a military unit of the ancient Roman army,

made up of about 5,000 foot soldiers and a group of
soldiers on horseback.

karma n. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the totality of

the good and bad deeds performed by a person, which is
believed to determine his or her fate after rebirth.

Legislative Assembly n. a French congress with

the power to create laws and approve declarations of
war, established by the Constitution of 1791.

Khmer Empire n. a Southeast Asian empire,

centered in what is now Cambodia, that reached its peak
of power around A.D. 1200.

legitimacy n. the hereditary right of a monarch to


Khmer Rouge n. a group of Communist rebels who

seized power in Cambodia in 1975.
knight n. in medieval Europe, an armored warrior
who fought on horseback.
Koryu dynasty n. a dynasty that ruled Korea from
A.D. 935 to 1392.
Kristallnacht n. Night of Broken Glassthe
night of November 9, 1938, on which Nazi storm
troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and
synagogues throughout Germany.
Kuomintang n. the Chinese Nationalist Party,
formed after the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1912.

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Kush n. an ancient Nubian kingdom whose rulers

controlled Egypt between 2000 and 1000 B.C.

laissez faire n. the idea that government should not
interfere with or regulate industries and businesses.
land reform n. a redistribution of farmland by
breaking up large estates and giving the resulting smaller
farms to peasants.
La Reforma n. a liberal reform movement in
19th-century Mexico, led by Benito Jurez.
lay investiture n. the appointment of religious
officials by kings or nobles.
League of Nations n. an international association
formed after World War I with the goal of keeping peace
among nations.
lebensraum n. living spacethe additional
territory that, according to Adolf Hitler, Germany
needed because it was overcrowded.
Legalism n. a Chinese political philosophy based on
the idea that a highly efficient and powerful government
is the key to social order.

liberals n. in the first half of the 19th century, those

Europeansmainly middle-class business leaders
and merchantswho wanted to give more political
power to elected parliaments.
lineage n. the peopleliving, dead, and unborn
who are descended from a common ancestor.
loess n. a fertile deposit of windblown soil.
Long March n. a 6,000-mile journey made in
19341935 by Chinese Communists fleeing from Jiang
Jieshis Nationalist forces.
lord n. in feudal Europe, a person who controlled land
and could therefore grant estates to vassals.
Lutheran n. a member of a Protestant church
founded on the teachings of Martin Luther.
lyce n. a government-run public school in France.

Macedonia n. an ancient kingdom north of Greece,
whose ruler Philip II conquered Greece in 338 B.C.
Maghrib n. a region of western North Africa,
consisting of the Mediterranean coastlands of what is
now Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.
Magna Carta n. Great Chartera document
guaranteeing basic political rights in England, drawn up
by nobles and approved by King John in A.D. 1215.
Mahabharata n. a great Indian epic poem,
reflecting the struggles of the Aryans as they moved
south into India.
Mahayana n. a sect of Buddhism that offers
salvation to all and allows popular worship.
maize n. a cultivated cereal grain that bears its kernels
on large earsusually called corn in the United States.
Mali n. a West African empire that flourished from
1235 to the 1400s and grew rich from trade.





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Manchus n. a people, native to Manchuria, who ruled

China during the Qing dynasty (16441912).

mercenary n. a soldier who is paid to fight in a

foreign army.

Mandate of Heaven n. in Chinese history, the

divine approval thought to be the basis of royal authority.

Mero n. center of the Kush dynasty from about 250

B.C. to A.D. 150; known for its manufacture of iron
weapons and tools.

manifest destiny n. the idea, popular among mid19th-century Americans, that it was the right and the
duty of the United States to rule North America from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
manor n. a lords estate in feudal Europe.
Maori n. a member of a Polynesian people who settled
in New Zealand around A.D. 800.
Marshall Plan n. a U.S. program of economic aid to
European countries to help them rebuild after World War
martial law n. a temporary rule by military
authorities over a civilian population, usually imposed in
times of war or civil unrest.
mass culture n. the production of works of art and
entertainment designed to appeal to a large audience.
materialism n. a placing of high value on acquiring
material possessions.
matriarchal adj. relating to a social system in which
the mother is head of the family.

mestizo n. a person of mixed Spanish and Native

American ancestry.
Middle Ages n. the era in European history that
followed the fall of the Roman Empire, lasting from
about 500 to 1500also called the medieval period.
middle class n. a social class made up of skilled
workers, professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy
middle passage n. the voyage that brought
captured Africans to the West Indies, and later to North
and South America, to be sold as slavesso called
because it was considered the middle leg of the
triangular trade route.
migration n. the act of moving from one place to
settle in another.
militarism n. a policy of glorifying military power
and keeping a standing army always prepared for war.

matrilineal adj. relating to a social system in which

family descent and inheritance rights are traced through
the mother.

Ming dynasty n. a Chinese dynasty that ruled from

1368 to 1644.

Mauryan Empire n. the first empire in India,

founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 321 B.C.

Minoans n. a seafaring and trading people that lived

on the island of Crete from about 2000 to 1400 B.C.

May Fourth Movement n. a national protest in

China in 1919, in which people demonstrated against the
Treaty of Versailles and foreign interference.

Mississippian adj. relating to a Mound Builder

culture that flourished in North America between A.D.
800 and 1500.

Medes n. a Southwest Asian people who helped to

destroy the Assyrian Empire.

mita n. in the Inca Empire, the requirement that all

able-bodied subjects work for the state a certain number
of days each year.

Meiji era n. the period of Japanese history from 1867

to 1912, during which the country was ruled by Emperor
Mein Kampf n. My Strugglea book written by
Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment in 19231924, in
which he set forth his beliefs and his goals for Germany.
mercantilism n. an economic policy under which
nations sought to increase their wealth and power by
obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling
more goods than they bought.


Mesoamerica n. an area extending from central

Mexico to Honduras, where several of the ancient
complex societies of the Americas developed.


Moche n. a civilization that flourished on what is now

the northern coast of Peru from about A.D. 100 to 700.
monarchy n. a government in which power is in the
hands of a single person.
monastery n. a religious community of men (called
monks) who have given up their possessions to devote
themselves to a life of prayer and worship.
monopoly n. a groups exclusive control over the
production and distribution of certain goods.

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monotheism n. a belief in a single god.

Monroe Doctrine n. a U.S. policy of opposition to
European interference in Latin America, announced by
President James Monroe in 1823.
monsoon n. a wind that shifts in direction at certain
times of each year.
mosque n. an Islamic place of worship.
movable type n. blocks of metal or wood, each
bearing a single character, that can be arranged to make
up a page for printing.
Mughal n. one of the nomads who invaded the Indian
subcontinent in the 16th century and established a
powerful empire there.
mujahideen n. in Afghanistan, holy warriors who
banded together to fight the Soviet-supported
government in the late 1970s.
mulattos n. persons of mixed European and African

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mummification n. a process of embalming and

drying corpses to prevent them from decaying.
Munich Conference n. a 1938 meeting of
representatives from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany,
at which Britain and France agreed to allow Nazi
Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia in return for
Adolf Hitlers pledge to respect Czechoslovakias new
Muslim n. a follower of Islam.
Muslim League n. an organization formed in 1906
to protect the interests of Indias Muslims, which later
proposed that India be divided into separate Muslim and
Hindu nations.
Mutapa adj. relating to a southern African empire
established by Mutota in the 15th century A.D.
Mycenaeans n. an Indo-European people who
settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.
myths n. traditional stories about gods, ancestors, or
heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs
and beliefs of a society.

Napoleonic Code n. a comprehensive and uniform
system of laws established for France by Napoleon.

National Assembly n. a French congress

established by representatives of the Third Estate on
June 17, 1789, to enact laws and reforms in the name of
the French people.
nationalism n. the belief that people should be loyal
mainly to their nationthat is, to the people with whom
they share a culture and historyrather than to a king or
nation-state n. an independent geopolitical unit of
people having a common culture and identity.
NATO n. the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
a defensive military alliance formed in 1949 by ten
Western European nations, the United States, and
Nazca n. a civilization that flourished on what is now
the southern coast of Peru from about 200 B.C. to A.D.
Nazism n. the fascist policies of the National
Socialist German Workers party, based on
totalitarianism, a belief in racial superiority, and state
control of industry.
Negritude movement n. a movement in which
French-speaking Africans and West Indians celebrated
their heritage of traditional African culture and values.
neoclassical adj. relating to a simple, elegant style
(based on ideas and themes from ancient Greece and
Rome) that characterized the arts in Europe during the
late 1700s.
Neolithic Age n. a prehistoric period that began
about 8000 B.C. and in some areas ended as early as
3000 B.C., during which people learned to polish stone
tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise animalsalso
called the New Stone Age.
Neolithic Revolution n. the major change in
human life caused by the beginnings of farmingthat is,
by peoples shift from food gathering to food producing.
New Deal n. U.S. president Franklin Roosevelts
economic reform program designed to solve the
problems created by the Great Depression.
New Kingdom n. the period of ancient Egyptian
history that followed the overthrow of the Hyksos rulers,
lasting from about 1570 to 1075 B.C.
nirvana n. in Buddhism, the release from pain and
suffering achieved after enlightenment.
Nok n. an African people who lived in what is now
Nigeria between 500 B.C. and A.D. 200.




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nomad n. a member of a group that has no permanent

home, wandering from place to place in search of food
and water.


nonaggression pact n. an agreement in which

nations promise not to attack one another.
nonaligned nations n. the independent countries
that remained neutral in the Cold War competition
between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Nuremberg Trials n. a series of court proceedings
held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II, in
which Nazi leaders were tried for aggression, violations
of the rules of war, and crimes against humanity.

Panama Canal n. a man-made waterway connecting

the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, built in Panama by the
United States and opened in 1914.
papyrus n. a tall reed that grows in the Nile delta,
used by the ancient Egyptians to make a paperlike
material for writing on.
parliament n. a body of representatives that makes
laws for a nation.

partition n. a division into parts, like the 1947

division of the British colony of India into the two
nations of India and Pakistan.

obsidian n. a hard, glassy volcanic rock used by early

peoples to make sharp weapons.

pastoralist n. a member of a nomadic group that

herds domesticated animals.

Old Regime n. the political and social system that

existed in France before the French Revolution.

paternalism n. a policy of treating subject people as

if they were children, providing for their needs but not
giving them rights.

oligarchy n. a government in which power is in the

hands of a few peopleespecially one in which rule is
based upon wealth.
Olmec n. the earliest-known Mesoamerican
civilization, which flourished around 1200 B.C. and
influenced later societies throughout the region.
Open Door Policy n. a policy, proposed by the
United States in 1899, under which all nations would
have equal opportunities to trade in China.
Opium War n. a conflict between Britain and China,
lasting from 1839 to 1842, over Britains opium trade in
oracle bone n. one of the animal bones or tortoise
shells used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate
with the gods.
Oslo Peace Accords n. an agreement in 1993 in
which Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian
self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
ozone layer n. a layer of the earths upper
atmosphere, which protects living things from the suns
damaging ultraviolet rays.

Pacific Rim n. the lands surrounding the Pacific
Oceanespecially those in Asia.

Paleolithic Age n. a prehistoric period that lasted

from about 2,500,000 to 8000 B.C., during which people
made use of crude stone tools and weaponsalso called
the Old Stone Age.


patriarch n. a principal bishop in the eastern branch

of Christianity.
patriarchal adj. relating to a social system in which
the father is head of the family.
patrician n. in ancient Rome, a member of the
wealthy, privileged upper class.
patrilineal adj. relating to a social system in which
family descent and inheritance rights are traced through
the father.
patron n. a person who supports artists, especially
Pax Mongolica n. the Mongol Peacethe period
from the mid-1200s to the mid-1300s when the Mongols
imposed stability and law and order across much of
Pax Romana n. a period of peace and prosperity
throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to
A.D. 180.
Peace of Augsburg n. a 1555 agreement
declaring that the religion of each German state would
be decided by its ruler.
Peloponnesian War n. a war, lasting from 431 to
404 B.C., in which Athens and its allies were defeated by
Sparta and its allies.

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penal colony n. a colony to which convicts are sent

as an alternative to prison.

polis n. a Greek city-statethe fundamental political

unit of ancient Greece after about 750 B.C.

peninsulares n. in Spanish colonial society,

colonists who were born in Spain.

Politburo n. the ruling committee of the Communist

Party in the Soviet Union.

Peninsular War n. a conflict, lasting from 1808 to

1813, in which Spanish rebels, with the aid of British
forces, fought to drive Napoleons French troops out of

political dissent n. the difference of opinion over

political issues.

perestroika n. a restructuring of the Soviet economy

to permit more local decision making, begun by Mikhail
Gorbachev in 1985.

pope n. the bishop of Rome, head of the Roman

Catholic Church.

Persian Gulf War n. a 1991 conflict in which UN

forces defeated Iraqi forces that had invaded Kuwait and
threatened to invade Saudi Arabia.
Persian Wars n. a series of wars in the fifth century
b.c., in which Greek city-states battled the Persian
perspective n. an artistic technique that creates the
appearance of three dimensions on a flat surface.
phalanx n. a military formation of foot soldiers
armed with spears and shields.

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pharaoh n. a king of ancient Egypt, considered a god

as well as a political and military leader.
philosophe n. one of a group of social thinkers in
France during the Enlightenment.
philosophers n. thinkers who use logic and reason
to investigate the nature of the universe, human society,
and morality.
Phoenicians n. a seafaring people of Southwest
Asia, who around 1100 b.c. began to trade and
established colonies throughout the Mediterranean
Pilgrims n. a group of people who, in 1620, founded
the colony of Plymouth in Massachusetts to escape
religious persecution in England.
plebeian n. in ancient Rome, one of the common
farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up most of
the population.
plebiscite n. a direct vote in which a countrys
people have the opportunity to approve or reject a
PLO n. the Palestine Liberation Organizationan
organization dedicated to the establishment of an
independent state for Palestinians in the Middle East.

polytheism n. a belief in many gods.

Popol Vuh n. a book containing a version of the

Mayan story of creation.
popular culture n. the cultural elementssports,
music, movies, clothing, and so forththat reflect a
groups common background and changing interests.
potlatch n. a ceremonial feast used to display rank
and prosperity in some Northwest Coast tribes of Native
predestination n. the doctrine that God has decided
all things beforehand, including which people will be
eternally saved.
Presbyterian n. a member of a Protestant church
governed by presbyters (elders) and founded on the
teachings of John Knox.
PRI n. the Institutional Revolutionary Partythe main
political party of Mexico.
proletariat n. in Marxist theory, the group of
workers who would overthrow the czar and come to rule
proliferation n. a growth or spreadespecially the
spread of nuclear weapons to nations that do not
currently have them.
propaganda n. information or material spread to
advance a cause or to damage an opponents cause.
Protestant n. a member of a Christian church
founded on the principles of the Reformation.
provisional government n. a temporary
psychology n. the study of the human mind and
human behavior.
pueblos n. villages of large apartment-like buildings
made of clay and stone, built by the Anasazi and later
peoples of the American Southwest.





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Punic Wars n. a series of three wars between Rome

and Carthage (264146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction
of Carthage and Romes dominance over the western

realpolitik n. the politics of realitythe practice

of tough power politics without room for idealism.

Puritans n. a group of people who sought freedom

from religious persecution in England by founding a
colony at Massachusetts Bay in the early 1600s.

Reconquista n. the effort by Christian leaders to

drive the Muslims out of Spain, lasting from the 1100s
until 1492.

push-pull factors n. conditions that draw people to

another location (pull factors) or cause people to leave
their homelands and migrate to another region (push

Red Guards n. militia units formed by young

Chinese people in 1966 in response to Mao Zedongs
call for a social and cultural revolution.

pyramid n. a massive structure with a rectangular

base and four triangular sides, like those that were built
in Egypt as burial places for Old Kingdom pharaohs.

Qin dynasty n. a short-lived Chinese dynasty that
replaced the Zhou dynasty in the third century B.C.
Qing dynasty n. Chinas last dynasty, which ruled
from 1644 to 1912.
Quetzalcoatl n. the Feathered Serpenta god of
the Toltecs and other Mesoamerican peoples.
quipu n. an arrangement of knotted strings on a cord,
used by the Inca to record numerical information.
Quran n. the holy book of Islam.

Reformation n. a 16th-century movement for

religious reform, leading to the founding of Christian
churches that rejected the popes authority.
refugee n. a person who leaves his or her country to
move to another to find safety.
Reign of Terror n. the period, from mid-1793 to
mid-1794, when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France
nearly as a dictator and thousands of political figures
and ordinary citizens were executed.
reincarnation n. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the
process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it
achieves perfect understanding.
religious toleration n. a recognition of peoples
right to hold differing religious beliefs.
Renaissance n. a period of European history, lasting
from about 1300 to 1600, during which renewed interest
in classical culture led to far-reaching changes in art,
learning, and views of the world.

racism n. the belief that one race is superior to others.

republic n. a form of government in which power is

in the hands of representatives and leaders are elected by
the people.

radicals n. in the first half of the 19th century, those

Europeans who favored drastic change to extend
democracy to all people.

Restoration n. the period of Charles IIs rule over

England, after the collapse of Oliver Cromwells

radioactivity n. a form of energy released as atoms


reunification n. a bringing together again of things

that have been separated, like the reuniting of East
Germany and West Germany in 1990.

Raj n. the British-controlled portions of India in the

years 18571947.
rationing n. the limiting of the amounts of goods
people can buyoften imposed by governments during
wartime, when goods are in short supply.
realism n. a 19th-century artistic movement in which
writers and painters sought to show life as it is rather
than life as it should be.


recession n. a slowdown in a nations economy.


romanticism n. an early-19th-century movement in

art and thought, which focused on emotion and nature
rather than reason and society.
Roosevelt Corollary n. President Theodore
Roosevelts 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, in
which he declared that the United States had the right to
exercise police power throughout the Western

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Rowlatt Acts n. laws passed in 1919 that allowed

the British government in India to jail anti-British
protesters without trial for as long as two years.
Royal Road n. a road in the Persian Empire,
stretching over 1,600 miles from Susa in Persia to Sardis
in Anatolia.
Russification n. the process of forcing Russian
culture on all ethnic groups in the Russian Empire.

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Russo-Japanese War n. a 19041905 conflict

between Russia and Japan, sparked by the two countries
efforts to dominate Manchuria and Korea.

scholastics n. scholars who gathered and taught at

medieval European universities.
scientific method n. a logical procedure for
gathering information about the natural world, in which
experimentation and observation are used to test
Scientific Revolution n. a major change in
European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which
the study of the natural world began to be characterized
by careful observation and the questioning of accepted

scorched-earth policy n. the practice of burning

crops and killing livestock during wartime so that the
enemy cannot live off the land.

sacrament n. one of the Christian ceremonies in

which Gods grace is transmitted to people.

scribe n. one of the professional record keepers in

early civilizations.

Safavid n. a member of a Shia Muslim dynasty that

built an empire in Persia in the 16th18th centuries.

secede v. to withdraw formally from an association

or alliance.

Sahel n. the African region along the southern border

of the Sahara.

secular adj. concerned with worldly rather than

spiritual matters.

salon n. a social gathering of intellectuals and artists,

like those held in the homes of wealthy women in Paris
and other European cities during the Enlightenment.

segregation n. the legal or social separation of

people of different races.

SALT n. the Strategic Arms Limitation Talksa series

of meetings in the 1970s, in which leaders of the United
States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit their nations
stocks of nuclear weapons.
Salt March n. a peaceful protest against the Salt
Acts in 1930 in India in which Mohandas Gandhi led his
followers on a 240-mile walk to the sea, where they
made their own salt from evaporated seawater.
samurai n. one of the professional warriors who
served Japanese feudal lords.
sans-culottes n. in the French Revolution, a radical
group made up of Parisian wage-earners and small
shopkeepers who wanted a greater voice in government,
lower prices, and an end to food shortages.
satrap n. a governor of a province in the Persian
savanna n. a flat, grassy plain.
Schlieffen Plan n. Germanys military plan at the
outbreak of World War I, according to which German
troops would rapidly defeat France and then move east
to attack Russia.

self-determination n. the freedom of a people to

decide under what form of government they wish to live.
Seljuks n. a Turkish group who migrated into the
Abbasid Empire in the 10th century and established their
own empire in the 11th century.
senate n. in ancient Rome, the supreme governing
body, originally made up only of aristocrats.
sepoy n. an Indian soldier serving under British
Sepoy Mutiny n. an 1857 rebellion of Hindu and
Muslim soldiers against the British in India.
serf n. a medieval peasant legally bound to live on a
lords estate.
Seven Years War n. a conflict in Europe, North
America, and India, lasting from 1756 to 1763, in which
the forces of Britain and Prussia battled those of Austria,
France, Russia, and other countries.
shah n. hereditary monarch of Iran.
sharia n. a body of law governing the lives of





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Shia n. the branch of Islam whose members

acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful
successors of Muhammad.

Spanish-American War n. an 1898 conflict

between the United States and Spain, in which the
United States supported Cubans fight for independence.

Shinto n. the native religion of Japan.

specialization n. the development of skills in a

particular kind of work, such as trading or record keeping.

Shiva n. a Hindu god considered the destroyer of the

shock therapy n. an economic program
implemented in Russia by Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s,
involving an abrupt shift from a command economy to a
free-market economy.
shogun n. in feudal Japan, a supreme military
commander who ruled in the name of the emperor.
Sikh n. a member of a nonviolent religious group
whose beliefs blend elements of Buddhism, Hinduism,
and Sufism.
Silk Roads n. a system of ancient caravan routes
across Central Asia, along which traders carried silk and
other trade goods.
simony n. the selling or buying of a position in a
Christian church.
skepticism n. a philosophy based on the idea that
nothing can be known for certain.
slash-and-burn farming n. a farming method in
which people clear fields by cutting and burning trees
and grasses, the ashes of which serve to fertilize the soil.
Slavs n. a people from the forests north of the Black
Sea, ancestors of many peoples in Eastern Europe today.
social contract n. the agreement by which people
define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an
organized society or government.
Social Darwinism n. the application of Charles
Darwins ideas about evolution and survival of the
fittest to human societiesparticularly as justification
for imperialist expansion.
socialism n. an economic system in which the
factors of production are owned by the public and
operate for the welfare of all.
Solidarity n. a Polish labor union that during the
1980s became the main force of opposition to
Communist rule in Poland.
Songhai n. a West African empire that conquered
Mali and controlled trade from the 1400s to 1591.
soviet n. one of the local representative councils
formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II.


sphere of influence n. a foreign region in which a

nation has control over trade and other economic
standard of living n. the quality of life of a person
or a population, as indicated by the goods, services, and
luxuries available to the person or people.
stateless societies n. cultural groups in which
authority is shared by lineages of equal power instead of
being exercised by a central government.
steppes n. dry, grass-covered plains.
strike v. to refuse to work in order to force an
employer to meet certain demands.
stupa n. mounded stone structures built over Buddhist
holy relics.
subcontinent n. a large landmass that forms a
distinct part of a continent.
Suez Canal n. a man-made waterway, which was
opened in 1869, connecting the Red Sea and the
Mediterranean Sea.
suffrage n. the right to vote.
Sufi n. a Muslim who seeks to achieve direct contact
with God through mystical means.
sultan n. overlord, or one with power; title for
Ottoman rulers during the rise of the Ottoman Empire.
Sunna n. an Islamic model for living, based on the
life and teachings of Muhammad.
Sunni n. the branch of Islam whose members
acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful
successors of Muhammad.
surrealism n. a 20th-century artistic movement that
focuses on the workings of the unconscious mind.
sustainable growth n. economic development
that meets peoples needs but preserves the environment
and conserves resources for future generations.
Swahili n. an Arabic-influenced Bantu language that
is spoken widely in eastern and central Africa.

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Taiping Rebellion n. a mid-19th century rebellion
against the Qing dynasty in China, led by Hong
Taj Mahal n. a beautiful tomb in Agra, India, built by
the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his wife Mumtaz
Taliban n. conservative Islamic group that took
control of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union withdrew
its troops; driven from power by U.S. forces in
December, 2001, because of its harboring of suspected
Tamil n. a language of southern India; also, the people
who speak that language.
technology n. the ways in which people apply
knowledge, tools, and inventions to meet their needs.

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Tennis Court Oath n. a pledge made by the

members of Frances National Assembly in 1789, in
which they vowed to continue meeting until they had
drawn up a new constitution.
terrace n. a new form of agriculture in Aksum, in
which stepped ridges constructed on mountain slopes
help retain water and reduce erosion.
terrorism n. the use of force or threats to frighten
people or governments to change their policies.
theocracy n. 1. a government in which the ruler is
viewed as a divine figure. 2. a government controlled by
religious leaders.

Third World n. during the Cold War, the developing

nations not allied with either the United States or the
Soviet Union.
Thirty Years War n. a European conflict over
religion and territory, and for power among ruling
families, lasting from 1618 to 1648.
three-field system n. a system of farming
developed in medieval Europe, in which farmland was
divided into three fields of equal size and each of these
was successively planted with a winter crop, planted
with a spring crop, and left unplanted.
Tiananmen Square n. a huge public space in
Beijing, China; in 1989, the site of a student uprising in
support of democratic reforms.
tithe n. a familys payment of one-tenth of its income
to a church.
Tokugawa Shogunate n. a dynasty of shoguns
that ruled a unified Japan from 1603 to 1867.
Torah n. the first five books of the Hebrew Biblethe
most sacred writings in the Jewish tradition.
totalitarianism n. government control over every
aspect of public and private life.
total war n. a conflict in which the participating
countries devote all their resources to the war effort.
totems n. animals or other natural objects that serve
as symbols of the unity of clans or other groups of
tournament n. a mock battle between groups of

theory of evolution n. the idea, proposed by

Charles Darwin in 1859, that species of plants and
animals arise by means of a process of natural selection.

tragedy n. a serious form of drama dealing with the

downfall of a heroic or noble character.

theory of relativity n. Albert Einsteins ideas

about the interrelationships between time and space and
between energy and matter.

Treaty of Kanagawa n. an 1854 agreement

between the United States and Japan, which opened two
Japanese ports to U.S. ships and allowed the United
States to set up an embassy in Japan.

Theravada n. a sect of Buddhism focusing on the

strict spiritual discipline originally advocated by the
Third Reich n. the Third German Empire,
established by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s.
Third Republic n. the republic that was established
in France after the downfall of Napoleon III and ended
with the German occupation of France during World
War II.

Treaty of Tordesillas n. a 1494 agreement

between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly
discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the
Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly
discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to
Treaty of Versailles n. the peace treaty signed by
Germany and the Allied powers after World War I.





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trench warfare n. a form of warfare in which

opposing armies fight each other from trenches dug in
the battlefield.


triangular trade n. the transatlantic trading

network along which slaves and other goods were
carried between Africa, England, Europe, the West
Indies, and the colonies in North America.
tribune n. in ancient Rome, an official elected by the
plebeians to protect their rights.
tribute n. a payment made by a weaker power to a
stronger power to obtain an assurance of peace and
Triple Alliance n. 1. an association of the city-states
of Tenochtitln, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, which led to the
formation of the Aztec Empire. 2. a military alliance
between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the
years preceding World War I.
Triple Entente n. a military alliance between Great
Britain, France, and Russia in the years preceding World
War I.
triumvirate n. in ancient Rome, a group of three
leaders sharing control of the government.
Trojan War n. a war, fought around 1200 B.C., in
which an army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the
independent trading city of Troy in Anatolia.
troubadour n. a medieval poet and musician who
traveled from place to place, entertaining people with
songs of courtly love.
Truman Doctrine n. announced by President Harry
Truman in 1947, a U.S. policy of giving economic and
military aid to free nations threatened by internal or
external opponents.
tyrant n. in ancient Greece, a powerful individual
who gained control of a city-states government by
appealing to the poor for support.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights n.

a 1948 statement in which the United Nations declared
that all human beings have rights to life, liberty, and
unrestricted submarine warfare n. the use of
submarines to sink without warning any ship (including
neutral ships and unarmed passenger liners) found in an
enemys waters.
urbanization n. the growth of cities and the
migration of people into them.
U.S.A. Patriot Act n. an antiterrorism bill of 2001
that strengthened governmental rights to detain
foreigners suspected of terrorism and prosecute terrorist
U.S. Civil War n. a conflict between Northern and
Southern states of the United States over the issue of
slavery, lasting from 1861 to 1865.
utilitarianism n. the theory, proposed by Jeremy
Bentham in the late 1700s, that government actions are
useful only if they promote the greatest good for the
greatest number of people.
Utopia n. an imaginary land described by Thomas
More in his book Utopiahence, an ideal place.

vassal n. in feudal Europe, a person who received a
grant of land from a lord in exchange for a pledge of
loyalty and services.
Vedas n. four collections of sacred writings produced
by the Aryans during an early stage of their settlement in
vernacular n. the everyday language of people in a
region or country.
Vietcong n. a group of Communist guerrillas who,
with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the
South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War.

Umayyads n. a dynasty that ruled the Muslim

Empire from A.D. 661 to 750 and later established a
kingdom in al-Andalus.

Vietnamization n. President Richard Nixons

strategy for ending U.S. involvement in the Vietnam
War, involving a gradual withdrawal of American troops
and replacement of them with South Vietnamese forces.

union n. an association of workers, formed to bargain

for better working conditions and higher wages.

Vishnu n. a Hindu god considered the preserver of

the world.

United Nations n. an international peacekeeping

organization founded in 1945 to provide security to the
nations of the world.

vizier n. a prime minister in a Muslim kingdom or



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War of the Spanish Succession n. a conflict,

lasting from 1701 to 1713, in which a number of
European states fought to prevent the Bourbon family
from controlling Spain as well as France.
Warsaw Pact n. a military alliance formed in 1955
by the Soviet Union and seven Eastern European
Weimar Republic n. the republic that was
established in Germany in 1919 and ended in 1933.
Western Front n. in World War I, the region of
northern France where the forces of the Allies and the
Central Powers battled each other.
westernization n. an adoption of the social,
political, or economic institutions of Western
especially European or Americancountries.

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yin and yang n. in Chinese thought, the two powers
that govern the natural rhythms of life (with yin
representing the feminine qualities in the universe, and
yang the masculine qualities).
Yoruba n. a West African people who formed several
kingdoms in what is now Benin and southern Nigeria.

Zapotec n. an early Mesoamerican civilization that
was centered in the Oaxaca Valley of what is now
ziggurat n. a tiered, pyramid-shaped structure that
formed part of a Sumerian temple.
Zionism n. a movement founded in the 1890s to
promote the establishment of a Jewish homeland in




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Este glosario incluye una lista en orden alfabtico de muchos de los trminos clave
usados en los captulos, acompaados de sus significados. Las definiciones que
se incluyen en el glosario corresponden a los significados de las palabras en el
contexto en que se usan en este libro de texto. El glosario incluye informacin
sobre la categora gramatical de cada palabra. Se usan las siguientes abreviaturas:


Abbasids / abasidas s. dinasta que gobern gran

parte del imperio musulmn entre 750 y 1258 d.C.
Aborigine / aborigen s. miembro de cualquiera de
los pueblos nativos de Australia.
absolute monarch / monarca absoluto s. rey
o reina que tiene poder ilimitado y que procura controlar
todos los aspectos de la sociedad.
acropolis / acrpolis s. cima fortificada de las
antiguas ciudades griegas.
Aksum s. reino africano en lo que hoy es Etiopa y
Eritrea, que alcanz su mayor auge en el siglo 4.
al-Andalus s. regin gobernada por los musulmanes
en lo que hoy es Espaa, establecida en el siglo 8 d.C.
Allah / Alah s. Dios (palabra rabe usada en el
Allies / Aliados s. durante la I Guerra Mundial, las
naciones de Gran Bretaa, Francia y Rusia, junto con
otras que lucharon a su lado; tambin, el grupo de
naciones entre ellas Gran Bretaa, la Unin Sovitica
y Estados Unidos opuestas a las Potencias del Eje en
la II Guerra Mundial.
Almohads / almohades s. grupo de reformadores
islmicos que tumbaron la dinasta de los almorvides y
que establecieron un imperio en el norte de frica y en
el sur de Espaa en el siglo 12 d.C.
Almoravids / almorvides s. hermandad
religiosa islmica que estableci un imperio en el norte
de frica y en el sur de Espaa en el siglo 11 d.C.
Amritsar Massacre / Masacre de Amritsar
s. matanza por tropas britnicas de casi 400 indios,
reunidos en Amritsar para protestar contra las Leyes
Anabaptist / anabaptista s. en la Reforma,
miembro de un grupo protestante que enseaba que slo
los adultos podan ser bautizados, y que la Iglesia y el
Estado deban estar separados.
Anasazi / anasazi s. grupo amerindio que se
estableci en el Suroeste de Norteamrica.
Anatolia s. pennsula del suroeste de Asia
actualmente ocupada por la parte asitica de Turqua;
tambin llamada Asia Menor.



Angkor Wat s. templo construido en el imperio

Khmer y dedicado al dios hind Visn.
Anglican / anglicano adj. relacionado con la
Iglesia de Inglaterra.
animism / animismo s. creencia de que en los
animales, las plantas y otros objetos naturales habitan
annexation / anexin s. aadir una regin al
territorio de una unidad poltica existente.
annul / anular v. cancelar o suspender.
anti-Semitism / antisemitismo s. prejuicio
contra los judos.
apartheid s. poltica de Sudfrica de separacin total
y legalizada de las razas; prohiba todo contacto social
entre negros y blancos.
apostle / apstol s. uno de los seguidores de Jess
que pre-dicaba y difunda sus enseanzas.
appeasement / apaciguamiento s. otorgar
concesiones a un agresor a fin de evitar la guerra.
aqueduct / acueducto s. tubera o canal para
llevar agua a zonas pobladas.
aristocracy / aristocracia s. gobierno en que el
poder est en manos de una clase dominante hereditaria
o nobleza.
armistice / armisticio s. acuerdo de suspender
artifact / artefacto s. objeto hecho por el ser
humano, como herramientas, armas o joyas.
artisan / artesano s. trabajador especializado,
como hilandero o ceramista, que hace productos a mano.
Aryans / arios s. 1. pueblo indoeuropeo que, hacia
1500 a.C., comenz a emigrar al subcontinente de India.
2. para los nazis, los pueblos germanos que formaban
una raza maestra.
assembly line / lnea de montaje s. en una
fbrica, correa que lleva un producto de un trabajador a
otro, cada uno de los cuales desempea una sola tarea.
assimilation / asimilacin s. 1. adopcin de la
cultura del conquistador por un pueblo conquistado.
2. poltica de una nacin de obligar o alentar a un pueblo
subyugado a adoptar sus instituciones y costumbres.
Assyria / Asiria s. reino del suroeste de Asia que
control un gran imperio de aproximadamente 850 a
612 a.C.

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adj. = adjetivo s. = sustantivo v. = verbo


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Atlantic Charter / Carta del Atlntico s.

declaracin de principios emitida en agosto de 1941 por
el primer mi-nistro britnico Winston Churchill y el
presidente de E.U.A. Franklin Roosevelt, en la cual se
bas el plan de paz de los Aliados al final de la II
Guerra Mundial.
Atlantic slave trade / trata de esclavos del
Atlntico s. compra, transporte y venta de africanos
para trabajar en las Amricas.
autocracy / autocracia s. gobierno en el cual el
gobernante tiene poder ilimitado y lo usa de forma
Axis Powers / Potencias del Eje s. en la II
Guerra Mundial, las naciones de Alemania, Italia y
Japn, que formaron una alianza en 1936.
ayllu s. en la sociedad inca, pequea comunidad o clan
cuyos miembros trabajaban conjuntamente para el bien

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balance of power / equilibrio de poder s.
situacin poltica en que ninguna nacin tiene suficiente
poder para ser una amenaza para las dems.
Balkans / Balcanes s. regin del sureste de Europa
ocupada actualmente por Grecia, Albania, Bulgaria,
Rumania, la parte eureopea de Turqua y las antiguas
repblicas de Yugoslavia.
Bantu-speaking peoples / pueblos de habla
bant s. hablantes de un grupo de lenguas relacionadas,
que hace aproximadamente 2,000 aos emigraron de
frica occidental a casi toda la mitad sur del continente.
baroque / barroco s. estilo grandioso y ornamentado del arte, la msica y la arquitectura a fines del siglo
17 y principios del 18.
barter / trueque s. forma de comercio en la cual se
intercambian productos y servicios sin dinero.
Battle of Britain / Batalla Britnica s. batallas
entre las fuerzas areas de Alemania y Gran Bretaa que
se libraron sobre el territorio britnico entre 19401941.
Battle of Guadalcanal / Batalla de
Guadalcanal s. batalla de la II Guerra Mundial
ocurrida en 19421943 en que las fuerzas aliadas
expulsaron a las fuerzas japonesas de la isla de
Guadalcanal en el Pacfico.
Battle of Midway / Batalla del Midway s.
batalla area y naval de la II Guerra Mundial librada en
1941 en que las fuerzas estadounidenses derrotaron a las
japonesas en el Pacfico central.
Battle of Stalingrad / Batalla de Stalingrado
s. batalla de la II Guerra Mundial ocurrida en 19421943
en que las fuerzas alemanas perdieron y no lograron
capturar la ciudad de Stalingrado en la Unin Sovitica.

Battle of the Bulge / Batalla del Bolsn s.

batalla de 194445 en que las fuerzas aliadas repulsaron
la ltima ofensiva alemana de envergadura en la II
Guerra Mundial.
Battle of Trafalgar / Batalla de Trafalgar s.
batalla naval de 1805 en que las fuerzas de Napolen
fueron derrotadas por una flota inglesa al mando de
Horacio Nelson.
Benin s. reino que surgi en el siglo 14 cerca del delta
del ro Nger y lleg a ser un gran Estado de frica
occidental en el siglo 15.
Beringia s. antiguo puente terrestre por el que se cree
que los primeros habitantes de Amrica migraron de Asia.
Berlin Conference of 188485 /
Conferencia de Berln de 1884 s. reunin en la
cual representantes de las naciones europeas acordaron
reglas para la colonizacin europea de frica.
Bill of Rights / Carta de Derechos s. primeras
diez enmiendas a la Constitucin de E.U.A., que
protegen los derechos y libertades bsicos de los
bishop / obispo s. autoridad eclesistica cristiana
que supervisa varias iglesias.
blitzkrieg s. guerra relmpago; tctica blica de
ataque sorpresa con aviones rpidos, seguidos de
numerosas fuerzas de infantera.
blockade / bloqueo s. desplazamiento de tropas o
barcos para impedir para evitar la entrada o salida de
todo trfico comercial a una ciudad o regin.
Boer / ber s. colono holands que se estableci en
Boer War / Guerra de los Bers s. conflicto
de 1899 a 1902 entre los bers y los britnicos por el
control de territorio en Sudfrica.
Bolsheviks / bolcheviques s. grupo de marxistas
revolucionarios rusos que tom el control del gobierno
ruso en noviembre de 1917.
Boxer Rebellion / Rebelin de los Bxers s.
rebelin de 1900 en China contra la influencia extranjera
en el pas.
boyars / boyardos s. nobles terratenientes de Rusia.
Brahma s. dios hind considerado creador del mundo.
Brahmin / brahamn s. en la sociedad aria,
miembro de la clase social formada por los sacerdotes.
brinkmanship / poltica arriesgada s. poltica
de amenazar con lanzarse a la guerra en respuesta a una
agresin enemiga.
Bronze Age / Edad del Bronce s. perodo de la
historia humana, que comenz aproximadamente en
3000 a.C. en algunas partes, en el cual se comenz a
usar el bronce, en vez del cobre o la piedra, para
elaborar herramientas y armas.




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bubonic plague / peste bubnica s.

enfermedad mortal que se extendi por Asia y Europa a
mediados del siglo 14 y que cobr millones de vctimas.
bureaucracy / burocracia s. sistema de
departamentos y dependencias formado para realizar
las labores del gobierno.
burgher / burgus s. habitante de un pueblo
Bushido s. estricto cdigo de conducta de los
guerreros samurai en Japn.


cabinet / gabinete s. grupo de asesores o ministros

escogidos por el jefe de gobierno de un pas para que
participen en la toma de decisiones del gobierno.
caliph / califa s. lder poltico y religioso supremo
de un gobierno musulmn.
calligraphy / caligrafa s. arte de escritura
Calvinism / calvinismo s. conjunto de enseanzas
religiosas basadas en las ideas del reformador Juan
Camp David Accords / Acuerdos de Camp
David s. primer tratado firmado entre Israel y un pas
rabe, en que el presidente Anwar Sadat de Egipto
reconoci el derecho a existir de Israel y el primer
ministro israel Menachem Begin acord devolver la
pennsula del Sina a Egipto.
canon law / derecho cannico s. conjunto de
leyes que gobierna una iglesia cristiana.
capitalism / capitalismo s. sistema econmico
basado en la propiedad privada y en la inversin de
dinero en empresas comerciales con el objetivo de
obtener ganancias.
Carolingian dynasty / dinasta carolingia
s. dinasta de los reyes francos que abarc del 751 al
887 d.C.
caste / casta s. una de las cuatro clases del sistema
social de los arios que se establecieron en India:
sacerdotes, guerreros, campesinos o comerciantes,
y trabajadores o artesanos no arios.
Catholic Reformation / Contrarreforma s.
movimiento del siglo 16 en el que la Iglesia Catlica
intent reformarse en respuesta a la Reforma
caudillo s. dictador militar de un pas
centralized government / gobierno
centralizado s. gobierno en que el poder se
concentra en una autoridad central a la cual se someten
los gobiernos locales.


Central Powers / Potencias Centrales s. en

la I Guerra Mundial, las naciones de Alemania y AustroHungra, y las dems que lucharon a su lado.
Chaldeans / caldeos s. pueblo del suroeste
asitico que contribuy a destruir el imperio asirio.
Chartist movement / movimiento cartista
s. movimiento de reforma ingls del siglo 19 en que
miembros de la clase trabajadora pidieron reformas en
el Parlamento y en las elecciones, como el voto para
todos los hombres.
Chavn s. primera de las grandes civilizaciones de
Suramrica, que floreci en las montaas de lo que hoy
es Per, aproximadamente de 900 a 200 a.C.
checks and balances / control y
compensacin de poderes s. medidas para
evitar que una rama del gobierno domine sobre las otras.
chivalry / caballera s. cdigo de conducta de los
caballeros de la Europa medieval que exaltaba ideales
como el valor, la lealtad y la dedicacin.
CIS / CEI s. Comunidad de Estados Independientes:
asociacin de los antiguos territorios soviticos formada
cuando la Unin Sovitica se desmembr.
city-state / ciudad Estado s. ciudad y tierras de
los alrededores que funcionaba como una unidad poltica
civil disobedience / desobediencia civil
s. negativa pblica y deliberada a obedecer una ley
considerada injusta.
civilization / civilizacin s. forma de cultura
que se caracteriza por tener ciudades, trabajadores
especializados, instituciones complejas, un sistema de
registro y tecnologa avanzada.
civil service / servicio pblico s.
departamentos administrativos del gobierno,
especialmente los que requieren a los candidatos a
empleo pasar ciertos exmenes.
civil war / guerra civil s. conflicto entre dos
grupos polticos dentro de un mismo pas.
clan s. grupo de descendientes de un antepasado
classical art / arte clsico s. arte comn de la
antigua Grecia y Roma, que subraya la armona, el orden
y el equilibrio.
clergy / clero s. conjunto de eclesisticos que
celebran servicios religiosos, como sacerdotes, ministros
o rabinos.
cloning / clonacin s. creacin de plantas o
animales genticamente idnticos a plantas o animales
coalition government / gobierno de
coalicin s. gobierno controlado por una alianza
temporal de varios partidos polticos.

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codex / cdice s. libro de pginas que se pueden

pasar, como ste.
Cold War / Guerra Fra s. estado de hostilidad
diplomtica entre Estados Unidos y la Unin Sovitica
en las dcadas siguientes a la II Guerra Mundial.
collective bargaining / contrato colectivo
s. negociaciones entre trabajadores y patrones.
collective farm / granja colectiva s. granja
controlada por el gobierno, formada mediante la unin
de muchas pequeas granjas.
colony / colonia s. tierra controlada por una nacin
Colossus of Rhodes / Coloso de Rodas s.
enorme estatua helnica que se ubicaba cerca del puerto
de Rodas.
Columbian Exchange / trasferencia
colombina s. transfe-rencia mundial de plantas,
animales y enfermedades durante la colonizacin
europea de Amrica.
comedy / comedia s. forma humorstica de drama
con payasadas y stira.
command economy / economa de mando
s. sistema econmico en el que el gobierno toma todas
las decisiones econmicas.
Commercial Revolution / Revolucin
Comercial s. expansin del comercio y los negocios
que transform las economas europeas en los siglos
16 y 17.
common law / derecho consuetudinario s.
sistema de leyes desarrollado en Inglaterra, basado en
costumbres y decisiones jurdicas anteriores.
commune / comuna s. en la China comunista,
granja colectiva en la que mucha gente trabaja y vive junta.
communism / comunismo s. sistema econmico
en el que todos los medios de produccin tierras, minas,
fbricas, ferrocarriles y negocios son propiedad del
pueblo, en que no existe la propiedad privada, y en que
todos los productos y servicios se comparten por igual.
Communist Party / Partido Comunista s.
partido poltico basado en las ideas de Karl Marx y V. I.
Lenin; originalmente el Partido Bolchevique ruso.
Concert of Europe / Concierto de Europa s.
serie de alianzas entre naciones europeas en el siglo 19,
ideadas por el prncipe Klemens von Metternich para
impedir revoluciones.
concordat / concordato s. acuerdo firmado entre
Napolen y el Papa para establecer una nueva relacin
entre la Iglesia y el Estado.
Congress of Vienna / Congreso de Viena
s. serie de reuniones en 1814 y 1815 en las cuales los
dirigentes europeos trataron de establecer una paz y
seguridad duraderas tras la derrota de Napolen.

Congress Party / Partido del Congreso s.

importante partido poltico nacional de India; tambin
se llama Congreso Nacional de India.
conquistadors / conquistadores s. soldados,
exploradores y aventureros espaoles que participaron
en la conquista de Amrica en el siglo 16.
conservatives / conservadores s. en la primera
mitad del siglo 19, los europeos principalmente los
terratenientes y nobles acaudalados que queran
preservar las monarquas tradicionales.
constitutional monarchy / monarqua
constitucional s. monarqua en que el poder del
gobernante est limitado por la ley.
consul / cnsul s. en la repblica romana, uno de
los dos poderosos funcionarios elegidos cada ao para
comandar el ejrcito y dirigir el gobierno.
containment / contencin s. poltica exterior
estadounidense adoptada por el presidente Harry
Truman a fines de la dcada de 1940 para impedir la
expansin del comunismo creando alianzas con pases
dbiles y ayudndolos a contener los avances soviticos.
Continental System / Sistema Continental
s. poltica de Napolen de impedir el comercio de Gran
Bretaa con la Europa continental para destruir la
economa britnica.
corporation / corporacin s. empresa de
accionistas que comparten las ganancias pero que no
son personalmente responsables de sus deudas.
Council of Trent / Concilio de Trento s.
reunin de lderes de la Iglesia Catlica Romana,
convocada por el papa Pablo III, para fallar sobre varias
doctrinas criticadas por los reformadores protestantes.
coup detat / golpe de Estado s. toma
repentina del poder poltico de una nacin.
covenant / pacto s. promesa o acuerdo mutuo,
especialmente un acuerdo entre Dios y el pueblo hebreo,
como los que registra la Biblia.
creoles / criollos s. en la sociedad espaola
colonial, los colonos nacidos en Latinoamrica de
padres espaoles.
Crimean War / Guerra de Crimea s. conflicto
de 1853 a 1856, en el cual el imperio otomano, con
ayuda de Gran Bretaa y Francia, fren la expansin
rusa en la regin del mar Negro.
crop rotation / rotacin de cultivos s.
sistema que cultiva distintos productos en un campo
cada ao para conservar la fertilidad de la tierra.
Crusade / cruzada s. una de las expediciones de
guerreros cristianos medievales para quitarle Jerusaln y
la Tierra Santa a los musulmanes.
cultural diffusion / difusin cultural s.
proceso de difusin de ideas o productos de una cultura
a otra.




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Cultural Revolution / Revolucin Cultural

s. levantamiento de 19661976 en China, encabezado
por los Guardias Rojos de Mao Tsetung, con el
propsito de establecer una sociedad de campesinos y
trabajadores donde todos fue-ran iguales.
culture / cultura s. forma distintiva de la vida
de un pueblo, representada en sus herramientas,
costumbres, artes y pensamiento.
cuneiform / cuneiforme s. sistema de escritura
que usa smbolos en forma de cua inventado por los
sumerios hacia 3000 a.C.
cyberterrorism / terrorismo ciberntico
s. ataques por motivos polticos contra sistemas de
tecnologa inform-tica.
Cyrillic alphabet / alfabeto cirlico s. alfabeto
inventado en el siglo 9 por los santos Cirilo y Metodio
para la escritura de los idiomas eslavos.
czar / zar s. emperador ruso (de la palabra latina Caesar).

daimyo s. seor feudal de Japn que comandaba un
ejrcito privado de samurais.
Daoism / taosmo s. filosofa basada en las ideas
del pensador chino Laozi, quien ense a guiarse por
una fuerza universal llamada Tao.
D-Day / Da D s. 6 de junio de 1944; da elegido
para la invasin aliada de Europa continental durante la
II Guerra Mundial.
Declaration of Independence / Declaracin
de Independencia s. declaracin de las razones de
la ruptura de las colonias americanas con Gran Bretaa,
aprobada por el Segundo Congreso Continental.
delta s. zona pantanosa que se forma con los depsitos
de lgamo en la desembocadura de un ro.
demilitarization / desmilitarizacin s.
reduccin de la capacidad blica de un pas que se logra
desbandando sus fuerzas armadas y prohibindole que
adquiera armas.
democracy / democracia s. gobierno controlado
por sus ciudadanos, bien sea directa o indirectamente,
por medio de sus representantes.
democratization / democratizacin s.
proceso de crear un gobierno elegido por el pueblo.
Department of Homeland Security /
Departamento de la Seguridad del
Territorio Nacional s. agencia federal
estadounidense creada en 2002 para coordinar una
estrategia nacional integral contra el terrorismo.
dtente s. poltica de reducir las tensiones de la
Guerra Fra, adoptada por Estados Unidos durante la
presidencia de Richard Nixon.


developed nation / pas desarrollado

s. nacin con las instalaciones necesarias para la
produccin avanzada de productos manufacturados.
devshirme s. en el imperio otomano, poltica de
llevarse a los nios de los pueblos cristianos conquistados
para entrenarlos como soldados musulmanes.
Diaspora / dispora s. dispersin de los judos
fuera de Palestina, especialmente en los ms de 1800
aos que siguieron a la destruccin romana del Templo
de Jerusaln en 70 d.C.
dictator / dictador s. en la antigua Roma, lder
poltico con poder absoluto para decretar leyes y dirigir
el ejrcito por un tiempo limitado.
direct democracy / democracia directa
s. gobierno en el cual los ciudadanos gobiernan
directamente, no a travs de sus representantes.
dissident / disidente s. opositor a la poltica
oficial de un gobierno.
divine right / derecho divino s. nocin de que
los monarcas son representantes de Dios en la Tierra y,
por lo tanto, slo le deben responder a l.
domestication / domesticacin s.
entrenamiento de animales para beneficio humano.
dominion / dominio s. en el imperio britnico, una
nacin (como Canad) a la que se permita gobernar sus
asuntos internos.
domino theory / teora del domin s. nocin
de que si una nacin cae bajo control comunista, los
pases vecinos tambin lo harn.
Dorians / dorios s. grupo de lengua griega que,
segn la tradicin, emigr a Grecia despus de la
destruccin de la civilizacin micnica.
Dreyfus affair / caso Dreyfus s. controversia
surgida en Francia en la dcada de 1890 por el juicio y
encarcelamiento del capitn Alfred Dreyfus, oficial
judo falsamente acusado de vender secretos militares
a Alemania.
Dutch East India Company / Compaa
Holandesa de las Indias Orientales s.
empresa fundada por holandeses a principios del siglo
17 para establecer y dirigir comercio por todo Asia.
dynastic cycle / ciclo dinstico s. patrn
histrico del surgimiento, cada y sustitucin de dinastas.
dynasty / dinasta s. serie de gobernantes de una
sola familia.

Eastern Front / Frente Oriental s. en la I
Guerra Mundial, regin a lo largo de la frontera rusoalemana donde rusos y servios pelearon contra
alemanes, austriacos y turcos.

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Edict of Nantes / Edicto de Nantes s.

declaracin en que el rey francs Enrique IV prometi
que los protestantes podan vivir en paz en Francia y
tener centros de vene-racin en algunas ciudades.
Emancipation Proclamation / Proclama
de Emancipacin s. declaracin emitida por el
presidente Abraham Lincoln en 1862, asentando la
libertad de todos los esclavos de los estados
emerging nation / nacin emergente s.
nacin en proceso de industrializacin cuyo desarrollo
no ha terminado todava.
migrs s. quienes abandonan su pas de origen por
razones polticas, como los nobles y otros que huyeron
de Francia durante los levantamientos campesinos de la
Revolucin Francesa.
empire / imperio s. unidad poltica en que un solo
gobernante controla varios pueblos o pases.
enclosure / cercado s. uno de los campos
rodeados de cercas o de arbustos que crearon
terratenientes britnicos ricos en tierras que antes
trabajaban los campesinos.
encomienda s. tierras otorgadas por Espaa a un
colonizador de Amrica, con el derecho de hacer
trabajar a los amerindios que vivan en ellas.
English Civil War / Guerra Civil Inglesa s.
conflicto de 1642 a 1649 en que los seguidores puritanos
del Parlamento lucharon contra los defensores de la
monarqua de Inglaterra.
enlightened despot / dspota ilustrado s.
uno de los monarcas europeos del siglo 18 inspirados
por las ideas de la Ilustracin a gobernar con justicia y
respeto a los derechos de sus sbditos.
enlightenment / iluminacin s. en budismo,
estado de perfecta sabidura en que se entienden las
verdades bsicas del universo.
Enlightenment / Ilustracin s. movimiento del
siglo 18 en Europa que trat de aplicar los principios de
la razn y el mtodo cientfico a todos los aspectos de la
entrepreneur / empresario s. persona que
organiza, admi-nistra y asume los riesgos de un negocio.
epics / epopeyas s. poemas narrativos extensos que
celebran las hazaas de hroes tradicionales o
estate / estado s. una de las tres clases sociales
existentes en Francia antes de la Revolucin Francesa; el
primer estado era el de la clereca; el segundo era el de
la nobleza; y el tercero era del resto de la poblacin.
Estates-General / Estados Generales s.
asamblea de representantes de los tres estados, o clases
sociales, de Francia.

ethnic cleansing / limpia tnica s. poltica de

asesinatos y otros actos de brutalidad con que los servios
quisieron eliminar la poblacin musulmana de Bosnia
despus de la divisin de Yugoslavia.
excommunication / excomunin s. expulsin
de una iglesia cristiana.
existentialism / existencialismo s. filosofa
basada en la idea de que el ser humano da significado a
su vida con sus decisiones y acciones.
extraterritorial rights / derechos
extraterritoriales s. exencin a los extranjeros
de las leyes de un pas.

factors of production / factores de
produccin s. recursos como tierra, mano de obra
y capital necesarios para producir bienes y servicios.
factory / fbrica s. construccin amplia en que se
manufacturan productos con maquinaria.
fascism / fascismo s. movimiento poltico que
postula una forma extrema de nacionalismo, la supresin
de los derechos individuales y un rgimen dictatorial de
un solo partido.
Fatimid / fatimitas s. dinasta musulmana cuyos
orgenes se remontan a Ftima, hija de Mahoma, y que
construy un imperio en frica del Norte, Arabia y Siria
en los siglos 9 a 12.
favorable balance of trade / balanza
comercial favorable s. situacin econmica en la
cual un pas exporta ms de lo que importa, es decir, que
vende ms productos de los que compra en el extranjero.
federal system / sistema federal s. sistema de
gobierno en el que el poder se divide entre una autoridad
central y varios estados.
Fertile Crescent / Media Luna Frtil s. arco
de ricos terrenos de cultivo en el suroeste de Asia, entre
el golfo Prsico y el mar Mediterrneo.
feudalism / feudalismo s. sistema poltico en
el cual a los nobles se les otorga el uso de tierras de
propiedad del rey, a cambio de lealtad, servicio militar
y proteccin de sus habitantes.
fief / feudo s. dominio concedido a un vasallo por un
seor, conforme al sistema feudal de la Europa medieval.
filial piety / amor filial s. respeto de los hijos a
los padres y a sus mayores.
Final Solution / solucin final s. programa de
Hitler de asesinar sistemticamente a todo el pueblo
Five-Year Plans / Planes de Cinco Aos
s. planes delineados por Jos Stalin en 1928 para
desarrollar la economa de la Unin Sovitica.




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Four Modernizations / cuatro modernizaciones s. serie de objetivos adoptados por el lder

chino Deng Xiaoping a finales del siglo 20 con miras al
progreso en agricultura, industria, defensa, y ciencia y
Fourteen Points / los catorce puntos s. serie
de propuestas en que el presidente estadounidense
Woodrow Wilson esboz un plan para alcanzar una
paz duradera despus de la I Guerra Mundial.
Franks / francos s. pueblo germano que se asent
en la provincia romana de Galia (a grandes rasgos,
donde est hoy Francia) y que form un gran imperio
durante la Edad Media.
free trade / libre comercio s. comercio entre
naciones sin restricciones o barreras econmicas
(tales como aranceles).
French and Indian War / Guerra contra
Franceses e Indgenas s. conflicto entre Gran
Bretaa y Francia por control de territorio en
Norteamrica, de 1754 a 1763.

gender inequality / desigualdad de gnero
s. diferencia entre hombres y mujeres con respecto a
riqueza y posicin social.
genetic engineering / ingeniera gentica
s. transferencia de genes de un organismo a otro para
producir un organismo con nuevos rasgos.
genocide / genocidio s. matanza sistemtica de
todo un pueblo.
gentry / pequea nobleza s. clase de ricos y
poderosos que gozan de alto nivel social.
geocentric theory / teora geocntrica
s. teora de la Edad Media en la que los eruditos crean
que la Tierra era objeto fijo, localizado en el centro del
geopolitics / geopoltica s. poltica exterior
basada en una consideracin de la ubicacin estratgica
o de los productos de otras tierras.
Ghana s. reino de frica occidental que se enriqueci
debido a recaudacin de impuestos y al control del
comercio, y que estableci un imperio en los siglos 9 a 11.
ghazi s. guerrero del islam.
ghettos s. barrios en que tenan que vivir los judos
glasnost s. poltica sovitica de apertura a la libre
circulacin de ideas e informacin introducida en 1985
por Mijail Gorbachev.
global economy / economa global s. todas las
interacciones financieras entre individuos, empresas y
gobiernos que rebasan fronteras internacionales.


Glorious Revolution / Revolucin Gloriosa

s. derrocamiento incruento del rey Jacobo II de
Inglaterra, quien fue reemplazado por Guillermo y
glyph / glifo s. dibujo simblico, especialmente el
usado como parte de un sistema de escritura para tallar
mensajes en piedra.
Gothic / gtico adj. relacionado con un nuevo
estilo de arquitectura religiosa surgido en la Europa
medieval, caracterizado por bvedas de nervadura,
vitrales emplomados, contrafuertes volantes, arcos
ojivales y altas agujas.
Great Depression / Gran Depresin s. crisis
econmica aguda que sigui a la cada del mercado de
valores en 1929.
Great Fear / Gran Miedo s. ola de temor
insensato que se extendi por las provincias francesas
despus de la toma de la Bastilla en 1789.
Great Purge / Gran Purga s. campaa de terror
en la Unin Sovitica durante la dcada de 1930, en la
cual Jos Stalin trat de eliminar a todos los miembros
del Partido Comunista y ciudadanos que amenazaban su
Great Schism / Gran Cisma s. divisin de la
Iglesia Catlica Romana medieval, durante la cual haba
dos Papas rivales, uno en Avignon y el otro en Roma.
Greco-Roman culture / cultura grecoromana s. antigua cultura producto de la mezcla de la
cultura griega, helnica y romana.
green revolution / revolucin verde s.
esfuerzo en el siglo 20 de aumentar los alimentos en
el mundo entero, a travs del uso de fertilizantes y
pesticidas, y de la creacin de cultivos resistentes a
griot s. narrador de frica occidental.
guerrilla / guerrillero s. miembro de una unidad
de combate informal que ataca por sorpresa las tropas
enemigas que ocupan su pas.
guild / gremio s. asociacin medieval de personas
que laboraban en lo mismo; controlaba salarios y
guillotine / guillotina s. mquina para decapitar
con que se hicieron ejecuciones durante la Revolucin
Gupta Empire / imperio gupta s. el segundo
imperio en India, fundado por Chandra Gupta I en el
320 d.C.

habeas corpus s. documento que requiere que un
detenido comparezca ante un tribunal o juez para que se
determine si su detencin es legal.

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Hagia Sophia / Santa Sofa s. catedral de la

Santa Sabidura en Constantinopla, construida por orden
del emperador bizantino Justiniano.
haiku s. poema japons que tiene tres versos no
rimados de cinco, siete y cinco slabas.
hajj s. peregrinacin a la Meca realizada como deber
por los musulmanes.
Han dynasty / dinasta Han s. dinasta china que
gobern del 202 a.C. al 9 d.C. y nuevamente del 23 al
220 d.C.
Harappan civilization / civilizacin harappa
s. nombre alternativo de la civilizacin del valle del
Indo que surgi a lo largo del ro Indo, posiblemente
hacia 7000 a.C; caracterizada por planificacin urbana
Hausa / hausa s. pueblo de frica occidental que
viva en varias ciudades Estado en el actual norte de
heliocentric theory / teora heliocntrica
s. idea de que la Tierra y los otros planetas giran en
torno al Sol.
Hellenistic / helnico adj. relacionado con la
civilizacin, el idioma, el arte, la ciencia y la literatura
del mundo griego a partir del reino de Alejandro el
Magno hasta el siglo 2 a.C.
helot / ilota s. en la antigua Esparta, campesino
atado a la tierra.
hieroglyphics / jeroglficos s. antiguo sistema
de escritura egipcia en el cual se usan imgenes para
representar ideas y sonidos.
Hijrah s. migracin de Mahoma de la Meca a Yathrib
(Medina) en el 622 d.C.
Hittites / hititas s. pueblo indoeuropeo que se
estableci en Anatolia hacia 2000 a.C.
Holocaust / Holocausto s. matanza en masa de
judos y otros civiles, ejecutada por el gobierno de la
Alemania nazi, antes y durante la II Guerra Mundial.
Holy Alliance / Alianza Sagrada s. liga de
naciones europeas formada por los dirigentes de Rusia,
Austria y Prusia despus del Congreso de Viena.
Holy Roman Empire / Sacro Imperio
Romano s. imperio establecido en Europa en el siglo
10, que inicialmente se form con tierras de lo que hoy
es Alemania e Italia.
home rule / autogobierno s. control sobre
asuntos internos que da el gobierno a los residentes de
una regin.
hominid / homnido s. miembro del grupo
biolgico que abarca a los seres humanos y especies
relacionadas que caminan erguidas.
Homo sapiens s. especie biolgica de los seres
humanos modernos.

House of Wisdom / Casa de la Sabidura

s. centro de enseanza en Bagdad en el siglo 9.
humanism / humanismo s. movimiento
intelectual del Renacimiento que estudi los textos
clsicos y se enfoc en el potencial y los logros
Hundred Days / Cien Das s. corto perodo de
1815 en que Napolen hizo su ltimo intento de
recuperar el poder, depuso al rey francs y de nuevo se
proclam emperador de Francia.
Hundred Years War / Guerra de los Cien
Aos s. conflicto en el cual Inglaterra y Francia
lucharon en territorio francs de 1337 a 1453, con
hunter-gatherer / cazador-recolector s.
miembro de un grupo nmada que se alimenta de la
caza de animales y la recoleccin de frutos.
Hyksos / hicsos s. grupo nmada de invasores
del suroeste de Asia que gobern Egipto de 1640 a
1570 a.C.

Ice Age / Edad de Hielo s. perodo de fros en
que enormes capas de hielo se desplazan de las regiones
polares; la ltima fue de aproximadamente 1,600,000 a
10,000 a.C.
I Ching s. libro chino de orculos consultado para
solucionar problemas ticos y prcticos.
icon / icono s. imagen religiosa usada por los
cristianos de Oriente.
imperialism / imperialismo s. poltica en que
una nacin fuerte buscar dominar la vida poltica,
econmica y social de otros pases.
impressionism / impresionismo s. movimiento
de la pintura del siglo 19 en reaccin al realismo, que
buscaba dar impresiones personales de sujetos o
Indo-Europeans / indoeuropeos s. grupo
de pueblos semi-nmadas que, hacia 1700 a.C.,
comenzaron a emigrar de lo que es hoy el sur de Rusia
al subcontinente hind, Europa y el suroeste de Asia.
indulgence / indulgencia s. perdn que libera al
pecador de la penitencia por un pecado.
industrialization / industrializacin s.
desarrollo de industrias para la produccin con mquinas.
Industrial Revolution / Revolucin
Industrial s. cambio, que comenz en Inglaterra
durante el siglo 18, de la produccin manual a la
produccin con mquinas.
inflation / inflacin s. baja del valor de la moneda,
acompaada de un alza de precios de bienes y servicios.




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Inquisition / Inquisicin s. tribunal de la Iglesia

Catlica para investigar y juzgar a los acusados de
hereja, especialmente el establecido en Espaa durante
el siglo 15.
institution / institucin s. patrn duradero de
organizacin en una comunidad.
intendant / intendente s. funcionario del
gobierno francs nombrado por el monarca para
recaudar impuestos e impartir justicia.
International Space Station / Estacin
Espacial Internacional s. colaboracin
patrocinada por Estados Unidos, Rusia y otras 14
naciones para establecer y mantener un laboratorio
activo para realizar experimentos cientficos en el
Internet s. vinculacin de redes de computadora que
permite a gente de todo el mundo comunicarse e
intercambiar informacin.
intifada / intifada s. campaa palestina de
desobediencia civil contra la ocupacin israel de
Cisjordania y la Franja de Gaza, que continu en la
dcada de 1990.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) / Ejrcito
Republicano Irlands (el IRA) s. fuerza
paramilitar nacionalista que lucha porque Gran Bretaa
d la independencia la Irlanda del Norte.
iron curtain / cortina de hierro s. durante la
Guerra Fra, divisin que separaba las naciones
comunistas de Europa oriental de las naciones
democrticas de Europa occidental.
Iroquois / iroqueses s. grupo de pueblos
amerindios que hablaban lenguas relacionadas, vivan
en la parte este de la regin de los Grandes Lagos en
Norteamrica y formaron una alianza a fines del siglo 16.
Islam / islam s. religin monotesta que se desarroll
en Arabia en el siglo 7 d.C.
isolationism / aislacionismo s. poltica de
evitar lazos polticos o militares con otros pases.
Israel s. reino de los hebreos unidos en Palestina, de
aproximadamente 1020 a 922 a.C.; despus, el reino
norte de los dos reinos hebreos; actualmente, la nacin
juda establecida en Palestina en 1948.

Jainism / jainismo s. religin fundada en India
durante el siglo 6, cuyos miembros creen que todo en el
universo tiene alma y por lo tanto no debe ser lastimado.
janissary / jansero s. miembro de una fuerza lite
de soldados del imperio otomano.
jazz s. estilo de msica popular del siglo 20 concebido
principalmente por msicos afroamericanos.


Jesuits / jesuitas s. miembros de la Sociedad de

Jess, orden catlica romana fundada por Ignacio de
jewel in the crown / joya de la corona
s. colonia britnica de India, as llamada por su importancia para el imperio britnico, tanto como proveedor de
materia prima como mercado para sus productos.
joint-stock company / sociedad de
capitales s. negocio en el que los inversionistas
renen capital para un propsito comn y despus
comparten las ganancias.
Judah / Judea s. reino hebreo establecido en
Palestina alrededor del 922 a.C.
Justinian Code / Cdigo Justiniano s. cuerpo
del derecho civil romano recopilado y organizado por
rdenes del emperador bizantino Justiniano hacia el
534 d.C.

kabuki s. forma de teatro japons en que se representa
una historia con msica, danza y mmica.
kaiser s. emperador alemn (del ttulo romano Caesar).
kamikaze s. durante la II Guerra Mundial, pilotos
suicidas japoneses entrenados para hundir barcos de los
Aliados lanzndose sobre ellos con aviones llenos de
karma s. en hinduismo y budismo, la totalidad de
actos buenos y malos que comete una persona, que
determinan su destino al renacer.
Khmer Empire / imperio Khmer s. imperio del
sureste asitico, centrado en la actual Camboya, que
alcanz su mayor auge hacia 1200 d.C.
Khmer Rouge s. grupo de rebeldes comunistas que
tomaron el poder en Camboya en 1975.
knight / caballero s. en Europa medieval, guerrero
con armadura y cabalgadura.
Koryu dynasty / dinasta koryu s. dinasta
coreana del 935 a 1392 d.C.
Kristallnacht s. Noche de cristales rotos: noche
del 9 de noviembre de 1938, en que milicianos nazis
atacaron hogares, negocios y sinagogas judos en toda
Kuomintang s. Partido Nacionalista de China,
formado despus de la cada de la dinasta Qing en 1912.
Kush s. antiguo reino nubio cuyos reyes gobernaron a
Egipto del 751 a 671 a.C.

laissez faire s. idea de que el gobierno no debe
regular ni interferir en las industrias y empresas.

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land reform / reforma agraria s. redistribucin

de tierras agrcolas con divisin de grandes latifundios y
reparto de fincas a campesinos.
La Reforma s. movimiento de reforma liberal en el
siglo 19 en Mxico fundado por Benito Jurez.
lay investiture / investidura seglar s.
nombramiento de funcionarios de la Iglesia por reyes
y nobles.
League of Nations / Liga de las Naciones
s. organizacin internacional formada despus de la I
Guerra Mundial cuyo propsito era mantener la paz
entre las naciones.
lebensraum s. espacio vital: territorio adicional
que, segn Adolfo Hitler, Alemania necesitaba porque
estaba sobrepoblada.
Legalism / legalismo s. filosofa poltica china
basada en la idea de que un gobierno altamente eficiente
y poderoso es la clave del orden social.

Maghrib / Maghreb s. regin del norte de frica

que abarca la costa del Mediterrneo de lo que en la
actualidad es Marruecos, Tnez y Argelia.
Magna Carta / Carta Magna s. Gran Carta:
documento de Inglaterra que garantiza derechos
polticos elementales, elaborado por nobles ingleses y
aprobado por el rey Juan en 1215 d.C.
Mahabharata s. gran poema pico de India que
relata las luchas arias durante su migracin al sur
de India.
Mahayana s. secta del budismo que ofrece la
salvacin a todos y permite la veneracin popular.
maize / maz s. cereal cultivado cuyos granos se
encuentran en grandes espigas, o mazorcas.
Mali s. imperio de frica occidental que floreci entre
1235 y el siglo 15, y se enriqueci con el comercio.
Manchus / manch s. pueblo originario de
Manchuria que gobern en China durante la dinasta Qing

legion / legin s. unidad militar del ejrcito de la

antigua Roma formada por aproximadamente 5,000
soldados de infantera y grupos de soldados de
Legislative Assembly / Asamblea
Legislativa s. congreso creado por la Constitucin
francesa de 1791, con poder para emitir leyes y aprobar
declaraciones de guerra.
legitimacy / legitimidad s. derecho hereditario
de un monarca a gobernar.
liberals / liberales s. en la primera mitad del siglo
19, europeos principalmente empresarios y
comerciantes de clase media que deseaban darle ms
poder poltico a los parlamentos elegidos.
lineage / linaje s. individuos vivos, muertos y sin
nacer que descienden de un antepasado comn.
loess / loes s. depsito frtil de tierra trada por el
Long March / Larga Marcha s. viaje de 6,000
millas que realizaron en 193435 las fuerzas comunistas
de China para escapar de las fuerzas nacionalistas de
Jiang Jieshi.
lord / seor s. en la Europa feudal, persona que
controlaba tierras y por lo tanto poda dar feudos a
Lutheran / luterano s. miembro de una iglesia
protestante basada en las enseanzas de Martn Lutero.
lyce / liceo s. escuela pblica en Francia.

Mandate of Heaven / Mandato del Cielo s.

en China, creencia de que la autoridad real era producto
de la aprobacin divina.
manifest destiny / destino manifiesto s.
idea popular en el siglo 19 en Estados Unidos de que era
su derecho y obligacin regir Norteamrica, desde el
oceno Atlntico hasta el Pacfico.
manor / seoro s. dominios de un seor en la
Europa feudal.
Maori / maor s. miembro de un pueblo polinesio
establecido en Nueva Zelanda hacia 800 d.C.
Marshall Plan / Plan Marshall programa
estadounidense de ayuda econmica a pases europeos
para su reconstruccin despus de la II Guerra Mundial.
martial law / ley marcial s. gobierno militar
temporal impuesto a la poblacin civil, normalmente en
poca de guerra o de trastornos civiles.
mass culture / cultura de masas s. produccin
de obras de arte y diversin concebidas con el fin de
atraer a un amplio pblico.
materialism / materialismo s. alto inters en la
adquisicin de posesiones materiales.
matriarchal / matriarcal adj. relacionado con un
sistema social en el que la madre es jefa de la familia.
matrilineal adj. relacionado con un sistema social en
el que la descendencia familiar y los derechos de
herencia se trasmiten a travs de la madre.
Mauryan Empire / imperio maurio s. primer
imperio de India, fundado por Chandragupta Mauria en
321 a.C.
May Fourth Movement / Movimiento del
4 de Mayo s. protesta nacional china en 1919 con
manifestaciones contra el Tratado de Versalles y la
interferencia extranjera.

Macedonia s. antiguo reino del norte de Grecia, cuyo
rey Felipe II conquist a Grecia en 338 a.C.





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Medes / medos s. pueblo del suroeste asitico que

contribuy a derrotar al imperio asirio.
Meiji era / era Meiji s. perodo de la historia
japonesa entre 1867 y 1912, cuando gobern el
emperador Mutshito.
Mein Kampf / Mi lucha s. libro escrito por Adolfo
Hitler en prisin (19231924), en el cual expone sus
creencias y sus ideales para Alemania.
mercantilism / mercantilismo s. poltica
econmica de aumentar la riqueza y poder de una nacin
obteniendo grandes cantidades de oro y plata, y
vendiendo ms bienes de los que se compran.
mercenary / mercenario s. soldado que recibe
sueldo por pelear en un ejrcito extranjero.
Mero / Meroe s. centro de la dinasta Kush de
aproximadamente 250 a.C. a 150 d.C.; conocido por su
manufactura de armas de hierro y herramientas.
Mesoamerica / Mesoamrica s. regin que se
extiende desde el centro de Mxico hasta Honduras,
donde se desarrollaron varias de las antiguas sociedades
complejas de Amrica.
mestizo s. mezcla de espaol y amerindio.
Middle Ages / Edad Media s. era en la historia
europea posterior a la cada del imperio romano, que
abarca aproximadamente desde el 500 hasta 1500,
tambin llamada poca medieval.
middle class / clase media s. clase social
formada por trabajadores especializados, profesionales,
comerciantes y granjeros acaudalados.
middle passage / travesa intermedia s. viaje
que trajo a africanos capturados al Caribe y, posteriormente, a Amrica del Norte y del Sur, para venderlos
como esclavos; recibi este nombre porque era considerada la porcin media del tringulo comercial trasatlntico.
migration / migracin s. acto de trasladarse de un
lugar para establecerse en otro.
militarism / militarismo s. poltica de glorificar
el poder militar y de mantener un ejrcito permanente,
siempre preparado para luchar.
Ming dynasty / dinasta Ming s. dinasta que
rein en China desde 1368 hasta 1644.
Minoans / minoicos s. pueblo de navegantes
y comerciantes que vivi en la isla de Creta de
aproximadamente 2000 a 1400 a.C.
Mississippian / misisipiense adj. relacionado
con una cultura constructora de tmulos que floreci en
Norteamrica entre el 800 y 1500 d.C.
mita s. en el imperio inca, obligacin de todo sbdito
de trabajar ciertos das al ao para el Estado.
Moche / moche s. civilizacin que floreci en la
actual costa norte de Per de aproximadamente 100 a
700 d.C.


monarchy / monarqua s. gobierno en que el

poder est en manos de una sola persona.
monastery / monasterio s. comunidad religiosa
de hombres, llamados monjes, que ceden todas sus
posesiones y se dedican a la oracin y veneracin.
monopoly / monopolio s. control exclusivo sobre
la produccin y distribucin de ciertos bienes.
monotheism / monotesmo s. creencia en un
solo dios.
Monroe Doctrine / doctrina Monroe s.
poltica estadounidense de oposicin a la interferencia
europea en Latinoamrica, anunciada por el presidente
James Monroe en 1823.
monsoon / monzn s. viento que cambia de
direccin en ciertas pocas del ao.
mosque / mezquita s. lugar de veneracin
movable type / tipo mvil s. bloques de metal o
de madera, cada uno con caracteres individuales, que
pueden distribuirse para formar una pgina de
Mughal / mogol s. uno de los nmadas que
invadieron el subcontinente de India en el siglo 16 y
establecieron un poderoso imperio.
mujahideen / muyahidin s. guerreros religiosos
afganos que se unieron para luchar contra el gobierno
apoyado por los soviticos a fines de la dcada de 1970.
mulattos / mulatos s. personas de ascendencia
europea y africana.
mummification / momificacin s. proceso de
embalsamamiento y secado de cadveres para evitar su
Munich Conference / Conferencia de
Munich s. reunin en 1938 de Inglaterra, Francia,
Italia y Alemania, en la cual Gran Bretaa y Francia
aceptaron que la Alemania nazi anexara parte de
Checoslovaquia, a cambio de la promesa de Adolfo
Hitler de respetar las nuevas fronteras checas.
Muslim / musulmn s. devoto del islam.
Muslim League / Liga Musulmana s.
organizacin formada en 1906 para proteger los
intereses de los musulmanes de India; despus propuso
la divisin del pas en dos naciones: una musulmana y
una hind.
Mutapa / mutapa adj. con un imperio de frica
del sur establecido por Mutota en el siglo 15 a.D.
Mycenaeans / micnicos s. grupo indoeuropeo
que se estableci en Grecia hacia 2000 a.C.
myths / mitos s. narraciones tradicionales sobre
dioses, antepasados o hroes, que explican el mundo
natural o las costumbres y creencias de una sociedad.

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Napoleonic Code / cdigo napolenico s.

sistema extenso y uniforme de leyes establecido para
Francia por Napolen.
National Assembly / Asamblea Nacional s.
congreso francs establecido el 17 de junio de 1789 por
representantes del Tercer Estado para promulgar leyes y
reformas en nombre del pueblo.
nationalism / nacionalismo s. creencia de que la
principal lealtad del pueblo debe ser a su nacin es
decir, a la gente con quien comparte historia y cultura
y no al rey o al imperio.
nation-state / nacin Estado s. nacin independiente de gente que tiene una cultura e identidad comn.
NATO / OTAN s. Organizacin del Tratado del
Atlntico Norte: alianza militar defensiva formada en
1949 por diez naciones de Europa occidental, Estados
Unidos y Canad.
Nazca / nazca s. civilizacin que floreci en la
actual costa sur de Per de 200 a.C. a 600 d.C.
Nazism / nazismo s. polticas fascistas del Partido
Nacional socialista de los Trabajadores de Alemania,
basadas en el totalitarismo, la creencia en superioridad
racial y el control estatal de la industria.
Negritude movement / movimiento de
negritud s. movimiento de africanos de lengua
francesa que celebra el legado de la cultura tradicional
africana y sus valores.
neoclassical / neoclsico adj. relacionado con
un estilo sencillo y elegante (inspirado en ideas y temas
de la antigua Grecia y Roma) que caracteriz las artes en
Europa a fines del siglo 18.
Neolithic Age / Neoltico s. perodo prehistrico
que comenz aproximadamente en 8000 a.C. y en
algunas partes acab desde 3000 a.C., durante el cual los
grupos humanos aprendieron a pulir herramientas de
piedra, hacer cermica, cultivar alimentos y criar
animales; tambin se llama Nueva Edad de Piedra.
Neolithic Revolution / Revolucin Neoltica
s. gran cambio en la vida humana causada por los
comienzos de la agricultura; es decir, el cambio de
recolectar a producir alimentos.
New Deal s. programa de reformas econmicas del
presidente Franklin D. Roosevelt ideado para solucionar
los problemas creados por la Gran Depresin.
New Kingdom / Reino Nuevo s. perodo
de la historia del antiguo Egipto tras la cada de los
gobernantes hicsos, desde 1570 hasta 1075 a.C.
nirvana s. en budismo, la liberacin del dolor y el
sufrimiento alcanzada despus de la iluminacin.
Nok / nok s. pueblo africano que vivi en lo que es
hoy Nigeria entre 500 a.C. y 200 d.C.

nomad / nmada s. miembro de un grupo que no

tiene hogar permanente y que va de un lugar a otro en
busca de agua y alimento.
nonaggression pact / pacto de no agresin
s. acuerdo en que dos o ms naciones prometen no
nonaligned nations / pases no alineados s.
naciones independientes que permanecieron neutrales
durante la Guerra Fra entre Estados Unidos y la Unin
Nuremberg Trials / juicios de Nuremberg s.
serie de juicios realizados en Nuremberg, Alemania, tras la
II Guerra Mundial a lderes nazis por agresin, violacin a
las leyes de guerra y crmenes contra la humanidad.

obsidian / obsidiana s. roca volcnica dura y
vtrea con que los primeros seres humanos elaboraban
herramientas de piedra.
Old Regime / antiguo rgimen s. sistema
poltico y social que exista en Francia antes de la
Revolucin Francesa.
oligarchy / oligarqua s. gobierno en que el poder
est en manos de pocas personas, particularmente un
gobierno que se basa en la riqueza.
Olmec / olmeca s. civilizacin mesoamericana ms
antigua que se conoce, que floreci hacia 1200 a.C. e
influy sobre las posteriores sociedades de la regin.
Open Door Policy / poltica de puertas
abiertas s. poltica propuesta por E.U.A. en 1899, que
postulaba que todas las naciones tuvieran las mismas
oportunidades de comerciar con China.
Opium War / Guerra del Opio s. conflicto entre
Inglaterra y China, de 1839 a 1842, por el comercio
ingls de opio en China.
oracle bone / hueso de orculo s. hueso de
animal o caparazn de tortuga que usaban los antiguos
sacerdotes chinos para comunicarse con los dioses.
Oslo Peace Accords / Acuerdos de Paz de
Oslo s. acuerdos de 1993 cuando el primer ministro
israel, Rabin, otorg autonoma a Palestina en la Franja
de Gaza y Cisjordania.
ozone layer / capa de ozono s. capa de la
atmsfera superior de la Tierra que protege a los seres
vivos de los rayos ultravioleta de la luz solar.

Pacific Rim / Cuenca del Pacfico s. tierras
que bordean el ocano Pacfico, especialmente las de




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Paleolithic Age / Paleoltico s. perodo

prehistrico que abarc aproximadamente desde 2.5
millones hasta 8000 a.C., durante el cual los seres
humanos hicieron rudimentarias herramientas y armas
de piedra; tambin se llama Antigua Edad de Piedra.
Panama Canal / canal de Panam s. va
martima que une al ocano Atlntico con el Pacfico,
construida en Panam por Estados Unidos y terminada
en 1914.
papyrus / papiro s. carrizo alto que crece en el
delta del Nilo, usado por los antiguos egipcios para
hacer hojas de escribir similares al papel.
parliament / parlamento s. cuerpo de
representantes que promulga las leyes de una nacin.
partition / particin s. divisin en partes, como la
divisin en 1947 de la colonia britnica de India en dos
naciones: India y Paquistn.
pastoralist / pastor s. miembro de un grupo
nmada que pastorea rebaos de animales domesticados.
paternalism / paternalismo s. poltica de tratar a
los gobernados como si fueran nios, atendiendo a sus
necesidades pero sin darles derechos.
patriarch / patriarca s. obispo principal de la rama
oriental de la cristiandad.
patriarchal / patriarcal adj. relacionado con un
sistema social en el que el padre es jefe de la familia.
patrician / patricio s. en la antigua Roma,
miembro de la clase alta, privilegiada y rica.
patrilineal / patrilineal adj. relacionado con un
sistema social en el que la descendencia y los derechos
de herencia se trasmiten a travs del padre.
patron / mecenas s. persona que apoya a los
artistas, especialmente, en el aspecto financiero.
Pax Mongolica / Paz Monglica s. perodo de
mediados de 1200 a mediados de 1300 d.C., cuando los
mongoles impusieron estabilidad y orden pblico en casi
toda Eurasia.
Pax Romana s. perodo de paz y prosperidad por
todo el imperio romano, de 27 a.C. a 180 d.C.
Peace of Augsburg / Paz de Augsburgo s.
acuerdo realizado en 1555 que declar que la religin de
cada Estado alemn sera decidida por su gobernante.
Peloponnesian War / Guerra del
Peloponeso s. guerra de 431 a 404 a.C., en la cual
Atenas y sus aliados resultaron derrotados por Esparta y
sus aliados.
penal colony / colonia penal s. colonia a donde
se mandan convictos como alternativa a una prisin.
peninsulares s. en la sociedad espaola colonial,
colonos nacidos en Espaa.



Peninsular War / Guerra Peninsular s.

conflicto de 18081813 en que los rebeldes espaoles
lucharon con la ayuda de Gran Bretaa para expulsar de
Espaa las tropas de Napolen.
perestroika s. reestructuracin de la economa
sovitica para permitir mayor poder de decisin local,
iniciada por Mijail Gorbachev en 1985.
Persian Gulf War / Guerra del Golfo
Prsico s. conflicto de 1991 en el que las fuerzas de
la ONU derrotaron a fuerzas iraques que invadieron a
Kuwait y amenazaban con invadir a Arabia Saudita.
Persian Wars / Guerras Prsicas s. guerras del
siglo 5 a.C. entre las ciudades Estado de Grecia y el
imperio persa.
perspective / perspectiva s. tcnica artstica que
crea la apariencia de tres dimensiones en una superficie
phalanx / falange s. formacin militar de soldados
de infantera armados con lanzas y escudos.
pharaoh / faran s. rey del antiguo Egipto,
considerado dios, as como lder poltico y militar.
philosophe s. miembro de un grupo de pensadores
sociales de la Ilustracin en Francia.
philosophers / filsofos s. pensadores que
investigan la naturaleza del universo, la sociedad
humana y la moral a travs de la lgica y la razn.
Phoenicians / fenicios s. pueblo de navegantes
del suroeste de Asia, que aproximadamente en 1100 a.C.
comenz a comerciar y a fundar colonias en la regin
Pilgrims / peregrinos s. grupo que en 1620 fund
la colonia de Plymouth en Massachusetts para escapar
de persecucin religiosa en Inglaterra.
plebeian / plebeyo s. en la antigua Roma, uno de
los agricultores, artesanos o comerciantes comunes que
conformaban la mayora de la poblacin.
plebiscite / plebiscito s. voto directo mediante el
cual la poblacin de un pas tiene la oportunidad de
aceptar o rechazar una propuesta.
PLO / OLP s. Organizacin de Liberacin Palestina:
organizacin dedicada a establecer un Estado
independiente para los palestinos en el Medio Oriente.
polis s. ciudad Estado de Grecia; unidad poltica
fundamental de la antigua Grecia a partir de 750 a.C.
Politburo / Politbur s. comit dirigente del
Partido Comunista en la Unin Sovitica.
political dissent / disidencia poltica s.
diferencia de opiniones sobre asuntos polticos.
polytheism / politesmo s. creencia en muchos
pope / Papa s. obispo de Roma y dirigente de la
Iglesia Catlica Romana.

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Popol Vuh s. libro que narra una versin de la

historia maya de la creacin.
popular culture / cultura popular s. elementos
culturalesdeportes, msica, cine, ropa, etc.que
muestran los antecedentes comunes de un grupo y sus
intereses cambiantes.
potlatch s. fiesta ceremonial celebrada para mostrar
rango y prosperidad en varias tribus del Noroeste de
predestination / predestinacin s. doctrina
que postula que Dios ha decidido todo de antemano,
incluso quines obtendrn la salvacin eterna.
Presbyterian / presbiteriano s. miembro de una
iglesia protestante gobernada por presbteros conforme a
las enseanzas de John Knox.
PRI s. Partido Revolucionario Institucional: principal
partido poltico en Mxico.
proletariat / proletariado s. segn la teora
marxista, el grupo de trabajadores que derrocara al zar
y gobernara a Rusia.
proliferation / proliferacin s. crecimiento o
expansin, especialmente la expansin de armas
nucleares a naciones que actualmente no las tienen.
propaganda s. informacin o material distribuido
para apoyar una causa o socavar una causa opuesta.
Protestant / protestante s. miembro de una
iglesia cristiana fundada de acuerdo a los principios de
la Reforma.
provisional government / gobierno
provisional s. gobierno temporal.
psychology / psicologa s. estudio de la mente y
la conducta humanas.
pueblos s. aldeas similares a complejos departamentales hechos de adobe, construidas por los anasazi y
pueblos posteriores en el Suroeste de lo que hoy es
Estados Unidos.
Punic Wars / Guerras Pnicas s. serie de tres
guerras entre Roma y Cartago (264146 a.C.); el
resultado fue la destruccin de Cartago y la dominacin
romana de toda la regin mediterrnea occidental.
Puritans / puritanos s. grupo que, para liberarse de
la persecucin religiosa en Inglaterra, fund una colonia
en la baha de Massachusetts a principios del siglo 17.
push-pull factors / factores de empuje y de
atraccin s. factores que hacen que la gente
abandone sus hogares y emigre a otra regin (factores de
empuje); o factores que atraen a la gente a otros lugares
(factores de atraccin).
pyramid / pirmide s. enorme estructura de base
rectangular y cuatro lados triangulares, como las que
servan de tumba de los faraones del Reino Antiguo de

Qin dynasty / dinasta Qin s. dinasta china que
rein brevemente y sustituy a la dinasta Zhou en el
siglo 3 a.C.
Qing dynasty / dinasta Qing s. ltima dinasta
china; rein de 1644 a 1912.
Quetzalcoatl / Quetzalcatl s. serpiente
emplumada: dios de los toltecas y otros pueblos de
quipu s. cuerda con nudos usadas para registrar
informacin numrica por los incas.
Quran / Corn s. libro sagrado del islam.

racism / racismo s. creencia de que una raza es
superior a otras.
radicals / radicales s. en la primera mitad del siglo
19, los europeos a favor de cambios drsticos para
extender la democracia a toda la poblacin.
radioactivity / radioactividad s. forma de
energa liberada mediante la descomposicin de tomos.
Raj s. porciones de India controladas por Gran Bretaa
de 1757 a 1947.
rationing / racionamiento s. limitacin de la
cantidad de bienes que la poblacin puede comprar,
generalmente impuesta por un gobierno durante una
guerra debido a escasez.
realism / realismo s. movimiento artstico del siglo
19 en que los escritores y pintores trataron de mostrar la
vida como es, no como debiera ser.
realpolitik s. poltica de la realidad; posicin
poltica dura que no da lugar al idealismo.
recession / recesin s. descenso de la economa
de una nacin.
Reconquista s. campaa de lderes cristianos para
expulsar a los musulmanes de Espaa, que empez en el
siglo 12 y termin en 1492.
Red Guards / Guardias Rojos s. unidades de
milicianos formadas por jvenes chinos en 1966 en
respuesta al llamado de Mao Zedong a llevar a cabo una
revolucin social y cultural.
Reformation / Reforma s. movimiento del siglo
16 para realizar cambios religiosos que llev a la
fundacin de iglesias cristianas que rechazaron la
autoridad del Papa.
refugee / refugiado s. persona que sale de su pas
a otro pas para buscar seguridad.





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Reign of Terror / Rgimen del Terror s.

perodo entre 17931794 en que Maximilien
Robespierre gobern a Francia casi como dictador,
durante el cual fueron ejecutados miles de personajes
polticos y de ciudadanos comunes.
reincarnation / reencarnacin s. en hinduismo
y budismo, creencia de que el alma renace una y otra
vez hasta alcanzar un conocimiento perfecto.
religious toleration / tolerancia religiosa s.
reconocimiento del derecho de otros a tener creencias
religiosas diferentes.
Renaissance / Renacimiento s. perodo de la
historia europea de aproximadamente 1300 a 1600,
durante el cual renaci un inters en la cultura clsica
que gener importantes cambios en el arte, la educacin
y la visin del mundo.
republic / repblica s. forma de gobierno en que
el poder est en manos de representantes y lderes
elegidos por los ciudadanos.
Restoration / Restauracin s. en Inglaterra,
perodo del reinado de Carlos II, despus del colapso del
gobierno de Oliver Cromwell.
reunification / reunificacin s. proceso de unir
dos elementos que estaban separados, como la reunificacin de Alemania oriental y Alemania occidental en 1990.
romanticism / romanticismo s. movimiento de
principios del siglo 19 en el arte y las ideas que recalca la
emocin y la naturaleza, ms que la razn y la sociedad.
Roosevelt Corollary / corolario Roosevelt
s. ampliacin de la doctrina Monroe, emitida por el
presidente Theodore Roosevelt en 1904, en que declar
que Estados Unidos tena el derecho de ejercer poderes
policiales en el hemisferio occidental.
Rowlatt Acts / Leyes Rowlatt s. leyes,
ratificadas en 1919, que los permitan al gobierno
britnico en India encarcelar a manifestantes por dos
aos sin juicio.
Royal Road / Camino Real s. carretera de ms de
1,600 millas que cruzaba el imperio persa, desde Susa
en Persia hasta Sardes en Anatolia.
Russification / rusificacin s. proceso que
obliga a todos los grupos tnicos a adoptar la cultura
rusa en el imperio ruso.
Russo-Japanese War / Guerra RusoJaponesa s. conflicto de 19041905 entre Rusia y
Japn, causada por el inters de los dos pases de
dominar Manchuria y Corea.

sacrament / sacramento s. una de las
ceremonias cristianas en que se trasmite la gracia
de Dios a los creyentes.


Safavid / safvido s. miembro de una dinasta

musulmana shia que construy un imperio en Persia del
siglo 16 al 18.
Sahel s. regin africana a lo largo de la frontera sur
del Sahara.
salon / saln s. reunin social de intelectuales y
artistas, como las que celebraban en sus hogares seoras
acaudaladas de Pars y otras ciudades europeas durante
la Ilustracin.
SALT s. Conversaciones para la Limitacin de Armas
Estratgicas: serie de reuniones durante la dcada de
1970 en que lderes de Estados Unidos y la Unin
Sovitica acordaron limitar el nmero de armas
nucleares de sus pases.
Salt March / Marcha de la Sal s. manifestacin
pacfica en 1930 en India ocasionada por las Leyes
de la Sal; Mohandas Gandhi condujo a sus seguidores,
caminando 240 millas al mar, donde hicieron su propia
sal del agua de mar evaporada.
samurai s. guerrero profesional que serva a los
nobles en el Japn feudal.
sans-culottes s. en la Revolucin Francesa, grupo
poltico radical de parisienses asalariados y pequeos
comerciantes que anhelaban ms voz en el gobierno,
bajas de precios y fin a la escasez de alimentos.
satrap / strapa s. gobernador de una provincia en
el imperio persa.
savanna / sabana s. planicie con pastizales.
Schlieffen Plan / Plan Schlieffen s. plan
militar alemn al comienzo de la I Guerra Mundial, que
prevea que Alemania derrotara rpidamente a Francia y
despus atacara a Rusia en el este.
scholastics / escolsticos s. acadmicos que se
reunan y enseaban en las universidades medievales de
scientific method / mtodo cientfico s.
procedimiento lgico para reunir informacin sobre el
mundo natural, en que se usa experimentacin y
observacin para poner a prueba hiptesis.
Scientific Revolution / Revolucin
Cientfica s. profundo cambio en el pensamiento
europeo que comenz a mediados del siglo 16, en que el
estudio del mundo natural se caracteriz por cuidadosa
observacin y cuestionamiento de teoras aceptadas.
scorched-earth policy / poltica de
arrasamiento de campos s. prctica de quemar
campos de cultivo y de matar ganado durante la guerra
para que el enemigo no pueda vivir de las tierras.
scribe / escriba s. profesional especializado en
llevar registros en las civilizaciones tempranas.
secede / seceder v. retirarse formalmente de una
asociacin o alianza.

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secular adj. relacionado con lo mundano ms que

con los asuntos espirituales.
segregation / segregacin s. separacin legal o
social de gente de diferentes razas.
self-determination / autodeterminacin s.
libertad de un pueblo para decidir libremente la forma
de gobierno que desea.
Seljuks / seljucs s. grupo turco que emigr al
imperio abasida en el siglo 10 y estableci su propio
imperio en el siglo 11.
senate / senado s. en la antigua Roma, organismo
supremo de gobierno formado inicialmente slo por
sepoy / cipayo s. soldado hind bajo el mando
Sepoy Mutiny / Motn de Cipayos s. rebelin
de 1857 de soldados hindes y musulmanes contra los
britnicos en India.
serf / siervo s. campesino medieval legalmente
obligado a vivir en los dominios de un seor.
Seven Years War / Guerra de los Siete
Aos s. conflicto en Europa, Norteamrica e India de
1756 a 1763, en que las fuerzas de Inglaterra y Prusia
lucharon con las de Austria, Francia, Rusia y otros
shah / sha s. monarca hereditario de Irn.
sharia s. conjunto de leyes que rigen la vida de los
Shia / shia s. rama del islam que reconoce a los
primeros cuatro califas como legtimos sucesores de
Shinto / shintosmo s. religin oriunda de Japn.
Shiva s. dios hind considerado destructor del mundo.
shock therapy / terapia de shock s.
programa econmico implementado en Rusia por Boris
Yeltsin en la dcada de 1990, que implic un cambio
abrupto de una economa de mando a una economa de
mercado libre.
shogun / shogn s. en el Japn feudal, jefe militar
supremo que rega en nombre del emperador.
Sikh / sikh s. miembro de un grupo religioso no
violento cuyas creencias combinaban elementos del
budismo, el hinduismo y el sufismo.
Silk Roads / Ruta de la Seda s. sistema de
antiguas rutas de las caravanas por Asia central, por las
que se transportaban seda y otros productos comerciales.
simony / simona s. venta o compra de una
posicin en una iglesia cristiana.
skepticism / escepticismo s. filosofa basada en
la nocin de que nada puede saberse con certeza.

slash-and-burn farming / agricultura de

tala y quema s. mtodo agrcola de desbrozar
terrenos talando y quemando rboles y pastos, cuyas
cenizas sirven como fertilizante.
Slavs / eslavos s. pueblo de los bosques al norte del
mar Negro, origen de muchos pueblos de la Europa
oriental de nuestros das.
social contract / contrato social s. acuerdo
mediante el cual el pueblo define y limita sus derechos
individuales, creando as una sociedad o gobierno
Social Darwinism / darvinismo social s.
aplicacin de las teoras de Charles Darwin sobre la
evolucin y la sobrevivencia del ms apto a las
sociedades humanas, particularmente como justificacin
para la expansin imperialista.
socialism / socialismo s. sistema econmico en el
cual los factores de produccin son propiedad del pueblo
y se administran para el bienestar de todos.
Solidarity / Solidaridad s. sindicato polaco
de trabajadores que present la principal fuerza de
oposicin al gobierno comunista en Polonia en la dcada
de 1980.
Songhai s. imperio de frica occidental que
conquist Mal y control el comercio desde el siglo 15
hasta 1591.
soviet s. consejo local de representantes formado en
Rusia despus de la cada del zar Nicols II.
Spanish-American War / Guerra HispanoAmericana s. conflicto de 1898 entre Estados
Unidos y Espaa, en que Estados Unidos apoy la lucha
de independencia cubana.
specialization / especializacin s. desarrollo
de conocimientos para realizar determinado trabajo,
como comerciar o llevar registros.
sphere of influence / esfera de influencia
s. regin extranjera en que una nacin controla el
comercio y otras actividades econmicas.
standard of living / nivel de vida s. calidad
de la vida de una persona o poblacin que se mide
conforme a los bienes, servicios y lujos que tiene a su
stateless societies / sociedades sin Estado
s. grupos culturales en los que la autoridad es
compartida por linajes de igual poder, en vez de ser
ejercida por un gobierno central.
steppes / estepas s. llanuras secas de pastizales.
strike / huelga s. paro de trabajo para obligar al
patrn a acceder a ciertas demandas.
stupa s. estructuras de piedra en forma de cpula,
construidas sobre reliquias budistas sagradas.





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subcontinent / subcontinente s. gran masa

que forma una parte claramente diferenciada de un
Suez Canal / canal de Suez s. canal martimo
que une al mar Rojo y al golfo de Suez con el mar
Mediterrneo, cuya construccin termin en 1869.
suffrage / sufragio s. derecho al voto.
Sufi / suf s. musulmn que busca contacto directo
con Dios por medio del misticismo.
sultan / sultn s. jefe supremo o el que tiene
poder; ttulo de los gobernantes otomanos durante el
auge del imperio otomano.
Sunna / sunna s. modelo islmico de vida que se
basa en las enseanzas y vida de Mahoma.
Sunni / sunni s. rama del islam que reconoce a Al y a
sus descendientes como sucesores legtimos de Mahoma.
surrealism / surrealismo s. movimiento artstico
del siglo 20 que se concentra en el inconsciente.
sustainable growth / crecimiento
sostenido s. desarrollo econmico que satisface las
necesidades de la poblacin pero preserva el entorno y
conserva recursos para futuras generaciones.
Swahili / suahili s. lengua bant con influencias
rabes que se usa en frica oriental y central.

Taiping Rebellion / Rebelin Taiping s.
rebelin a mediados del siglo 19 contra la dinasta Qing
en China, encabezada por Hong Xiuquan.
Taj Mahal s. bella tumba en Agra, India, construida
por el emperador mogol Shah Jahan para su esposa
Mumtaz Mahal.
Taliban / Talibn s. grupo musulmn conservador
que tom el poder en Afganistn despus de que la
Unin Sovitica retir sus tropas; expulsado por el
ejrcito estadounidense en diciembre de 2001 por darles
amparo a sospechosos de terrorismo.
Tamil / tamil o tamul s. idioma del sur de India;
grupo que habla dicho idioma.
technology / tecnologa s. formas de aplicar
conocimientos, herramientas e inventos para satisfacer
Tennis Court Oath / Juramento de la Cancha
de Tenis s. promesa hecha por los miembros de la
Asamblea Nacional de Francia en 1789 de permanecer
reunidos hasta que elaboraran una nueva constitucin.
terrace / cultivo en andenes/cultivo en
terrazas s. en Aksum, una tcnica nueva para cultivar
la tierra, utilizando campos horizontales a manera de
peldaos, cortados en laderas o pendientes de montaas,
para retener agua y reducir la erosin.


terrorism / terrorismo s. uso de la fuerza o de

amenazas para presionar a personas o gobiernos a que
cambien sus polticas.
theocracy / teocracia s. 1. gobierno en el cual se
ve al gobernante como una figura divina. 2. gobierno
controlado por lderes religiosos.
theory of evolution / teora de la evolucin
s. concepto propuesto por Charles Darwin en 1859 de
que las especies de plantas y animales surgen debido a
un proceso de seleccin natural.
theory of relativity / teora de la
relatividad s. ideas de Albert Einstein acerca de la
interrelacin entre el tiempo y el espacio, y entre la
energa y la materia.
Theravada s. secta del budismo que se adhiere al
nfasis original de Buda en la estricta disciplina
Third Reich / Tercer Reich s. Tercer Imperio
Alemn establecido por Adolfo Hitler en la dcada de
Third Republic / Tercera Repblica s.
repblica establecida en Francia despus de la cada de
Napolen III; acab con la ocupacin alemana de
Francia durante la II Guerra Mundial.
Third World / Tercer Mundo s. durante la
Guerra Fra, naciones que no se aliaron ni con Estados
Unidos ni con la Unin Sovitica.
Thirty Years War / Guerra de los Treinta
Aos s. conflicto europeo de 1618 a 1648 por
cuestiones religiosas, territoriales y de poder entre
familias reinantes.
three-field system / sistema de tres
campos s. sistema agrcola de la Europa medieval en
que las tierras de cultivo se dividan en tres campos de
igual tamao y cada uno se sembraba sucesivamente con
un cultivo de invierno, un cultivo de primavera y el
tercero se dejaba sin cultivar.
Tiananmen Square / Plaza Tiananmen s.
plaza pblica en Beijing, China; sede en 1989 de un
enorme levantamiento estudiantil en favor de reformas
tithe / diezmo s. pago de una familia a la Iglesia de
la dcima parte de sus ingresos.
Tokugawa Shogunate / shogunato
Tokugawa s. dinasta de shogns que gobern un
Japn unificado de 1603 a 1867.
Torah s. cinco primeros libros de la Biblia hebrea, los
ms sagrados de la tradicin juda.
totalitarianism / totalitarismo s. gobierno que
controla todo aspecto de la vida pblica y privada.
total war / guerra total s. conflicto en el que los
pases participantes dedican todos sus recursos a la

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totems / ttemes s. animales u otros objetos

naturales que sirven de smbolo de unidad de clanes u
otros grupos.
tournament / torneo s. justa deportiva entre
grupos de caballeros.
tragedy / tragedia s. obra dramtica seria profunda
acerca de la cada de un personaje heroico o noble.
Treaty of Kanagawa / Tratado de
Kanagawa s. acuerdo de 1854 entre Estados Unidos
y Japn, que abri dos puertos japoneses a los barcos de
Estados Unidos y le permiti abrir una embajada en
Treaty of Tordesillas / Tratado de
Tordesillas s. acuerdo de 1494 entre Portugal y
Espaa que estableci que las tierras descubiertas al
oeste de una lnea imaginaria en el ocano Atlntico
perteneceran a Espaa y las tierras al este perteneceran
a Portugal.
Treaty of Versailles / Tratado de Versalles
s. acuerdo de paz firmado por Alemania y los Aliados
despus de la I Guerra Mundial.
trench warfare / guerra de trincheras s.
forma de guerra en la que dos ejrcitos contrincantes
luchan detrs de trincheras cavadas en el campo de
triangular trade / tringulo comercial s. red
comercial trasatlntica que transportaba esclavos y
productos entre frica, Inglaterra, Europa continental,
el Caribe y las colonias de Norteamrica.
tribune / tribuno s. en la antigua Roma, funcionario
elegido por los plebeyos para proteger sus derechos.
tribute / tributo s. pago de una potencia ms dbil
a una potencia ms fuerte para obtener una garanta de
paz y seguridad.
Triple Alliance / Triple Alianza s. 1. asociacin
de las ciudades Estado de Tenochtitlan, Texcoco y
Tlacopan, que dio origen al imperio azteca. 2. alianza
militar establecida entre Alemania, Austro-Hungra e
Italia antes de la I Guerra Mundial.
Triple Entente / Triple Entente s. alianza
militar entre Gran Bretaa, Francia y Rusia establecida
antes de la I Guerra Mundial.
triumvirate / triunvirato s. en la Roma antigua,
grupo de tres lderes que compartan el control del
Trojan War / Guerra de Troya s. guerra,
aproximadamente en 1200 a.C., en que un ejrcito al
mando de reyes micnicos atac la ciudad comercial
independiente de Troya, ubicada en Anatolia.
troubadour / trovador s. poeta y msico medieval
que viajaba de un lugar a otro para divertir con sus
cantos de amor cortesano.

Truman Doctrine / Doctrina Truman s.

poltica estadounidense de dar ayuda econmica y
militar a las naciones libres amenazadas por oponentes
internos o externos, anunciada por el presidente Harry
Truman en 1947.
tyrant / tirano s. en la antigua Grecia, individuo
poderoso que ganaba el control del gobierno de una
ciudad Estado apelando al apoyo de los pobres.

Umayyads / omeyas s. dinasta que gobern el
imperio musulmn del 661 al 750 d.C. y despus
estableci un reino en al-Andalus.
union / sindicato s. asociacin de trabajadores
formada para negociar mejores salarios y condiciones de
United Nations / Organizacin de las
Naciones Unidas (ONU) s. organizacin
internacional fundada en 1945 con el propsito de
ofrecer seguridad a las naciones del mundo.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights /
Declaracin Universal de Derechos
Humanos s. declaracin en que la ONU proclam en
1948 que todos los seres humanos tienen derecho a la
vida, la libertad y la seguridad.
unrestricted submarine warfare / guerra
submarina irrestricta s. uso de submarinos para
hundir sin alerta previa cualquier barco (incluso barcos
neutrales y de pasajeros sin armamento) que se
encuentre en aguas enemigas.
urbanization / urbanizacin s. crecimiento de
ciudades y migracin hacia ellas.
U.S.A. Patriot Act / Ley Patriota de E.U.A.
s. proyecto de ley antiterrorista de 2001 que hizo ms
fuerte los derechos gubernamentales para detener a
extranjeros sospechosos de terrorismo y para procesar
crmenes terroristas.
U.S. Civil War / Guerra Civil de E.U.A. s.
conflicto entre los estados del Norte y el Sur de Estados
Unidos desde 1861 a 1865, sobre el asunto de la esclavitud.
utilitarianism / utilitarismo s. teora, propuesta
por Jeremy Bentham a fines del siglo 18, de que las
acciones del gobierno slo son tiles si promueven el
mayor bien para el mayor nmero de personas.
Utopia / Utopa s. tierra imaginaria descrita por
Toms Moro en su libro del mismo nombre; lugar ideal.

vassal / vasallo s. en la Europa feudal, persona que
reciba un dominio (tierras) de un seor a cambio de su
promesa de lealtad y servicios.





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Vedas s. cuatro colecciones de escritos sagrados

secretos, realizados durante la etapa temprana del
asentamiento ario en India.
vernacular s. lenguaje comn y corriente de la gente
de una regin o pas.
Vietcong s. grupo de guerrilleros comunistas que,
con la ayuda de Vietnam del Norte, pelearon contra el
gobierno de Vietnam del Sur durante la Guerra de
Vietnamization / vietnamizacin s. estrategia
del presidente de E.U.A. Richard Nixon para terminar
con la participacin en la Guerra de Vietnam, mediante
el retiro gradual de tropas estadounidenses y su
reemplazo con fuerzas survietnamitas.
Vishnu / Visn s. dios hind considerado
responsable de conservar al mundo.
vizier / visir s. primer ministro de un reino o imperio

Zapotec / zapoteca s. civilizacin mesoamericana
centrada en el valle de Oaxaca de lo que hoy es Mxico.
ziggurat / zigurat s. estructura de gradas en forma
de pirmide, que formaba parte de un templo sumerio.
Zionism / sionismo s. movimiento fundado en la
dcada de 1890 para promover el establecimiento de una
patria juda en Palestina.

War of the Spanish Succession / Guerra de

Sucesin Espaola s. conflicto de 1701 a 1713 en
que varios Estados europeos lucharon para impedir que
la familia Borbn controlara a Espaa, como a Francia.
Warsaw Pact / Pacto de Varsovia s. alianza
militar formada en 1955 por la Unin Sovitica y siete
pases de Europa oriental.
Weimar Republic / Repblica de Weimar s.
repblica establecida en Alemania en 1919 que acab en
Western Front / Frente Occidental s. en la
I Guerra Mundial, regin del norte de Francia donde
peleaban las fuerzas de los Aliados y de las Potencias
westernization / occidentalizacin s.
adopcin de las instituciones sociales, polticas o
econmicas del Occidente, especialmente de Europa o
Estados Unidos.

yin and yang / yin y yang s. en China, dos
poderes que gobiernan los ritmos naturales de la vida; el
yang representa las cualidades masculinas en el universo
y el yin las femeninas.
Yoruba / yoruba s. pueblo del frica occidental que
form varios reinos en lo que hoy es Benin y el sur de



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Thuat ng tieng Viet

Phan Thuat ng la mot danh sach theo van ABC gom nhieu nhng t ng chu
chot t cac chng, cung vi ngha cua chung. Cac nh ngha c liet ke
trong Phan Thuat ng la nhng nh ngha c ap dung cho cach s dung
cac t trong sach nay. Phan Thuat ng con co phan noi cho tng t. Cac ch
viet tat sau ay c s dung:


Abbasids dt. mot trieu ai a tr v phan nhieu e

Quoc Hoi giao t nam 750 en 1258 sau cong nguyen.
Aborigine / Tho dan dt. mot thanh vien cua bat c
bo toc ban x nao cua Uc.
absolute monarch / quan chu chuyen che dt. mot
v vua hay n hoang co quyen lc khong han che va
tm cach kiem soat moi mat hoat ong cua xa hoi.
acropolis / ve thanh dt. mot nh oi c gia co
mot thanh pho Hy Lap co.
Aksum dt. mot vng quoc chau Phi, ni ma ngay
nay la Ethiopia va Eritrea, a at en nh cao quyen
lc the ky th t sau cong nguyen.
al-Andalus dt. mot khu vc do ngi Hoi giao cai tr
ni ma ngay nay la Tay Ban Nha, c thanh lap
vao the ky th tam sau cong nguyen.
Allah / Thanh Allah dt. Chua (mot t A Rap, c
dung chu yeu trong ao Hoi).
Allies / ong Minh dt. trong Chien tranh The gii
th nhat, cac quoc gia Anh, Phap, va Nga, cung vi
cac quoc gia khac chien au ben pha ho; cung la,
nhom cac quoc gia gom Anh, Lien Xo va Hoa Ky
chong lai phe Cng Quoc Truc trong Chien tranh
The gii th hai.
Almohads dt. mot nhom cac nha cai cach Hoi giao a
lat o trieu ai Almoravid va thanh lap mot e che
Bac Phi va nam Tay Ban Nha the ky 12 sau cong
Almoravids dt. mot nhom tn o Hoi giao a thanh
lap mot e che Bac Phi va nam Tay Ban Nha trong
the ky 11 sau cong nguyen.
Amritsar Massacre / cuoc Tham sat Amritsar dt.
vu lnh anh giet chet gan 400 ngi Da o b tap trung
tai Amritsar e phan oi cac ao luat Rowlatt.
Anabaptists / s tai ra toi dt. trong Phong trao Cai
cach, mot nhom Tin Lanh tin vao viec ra toi cho ch
nhng ngi u tuoi e quyet nh theo Thien Chua va
tin vao viec tach ri cua nha th va nha nc.
Anasazi dt. mot bo toc Tho dan My thi ky au, song
vung Tay Nam nc My.
Anatolia dt. ban ao thuoc Tay Nam A hien nay thuoc
phan chau A cua Tho Nh Ky con goi la Tieu A.



dt. = danh t

t. = ong t

Angkor Wat dt. mot to hp en ai c xay dng

di e che Khmer va chuyen ve v than Hindu la
Anglican / Anh giao tt. co quan he vi Giao hoi Anh.
animism / thuyet duy linh dt. niem tin rang cac linh
hon c the hien trong ong vat, thc vat, va cac vat
the t nhien khac.
annexation / s thon tnh dt. viec them mot vung
vao phan lanh tho cua mot n v hanh chnh san co.
annul / bai bo t. huy bo hoac anh dau cham het.
anti-Semitism / chong lai Semit dt. nh kien oi
vi ngi Do Thai.
apartheid dt. mot chnh sach cua Nam Phi hoan toan
phan chia hp phap cac chung toc, bao gom viec cam
toan bo cac s tiep xuc gia ngi da en va da trang.
apostle / tong o cua chua dt. mot trong nhng
ngi theo chua Jesus, giang ao va truyen ba viec
giang day cua mnh.
appeasement / thoa hiep vo nguyen tac dt. s
nhng bo oi vi ke gay han e nham tranh chien
aqueduct / ong dan nc dt. mot ong dan hoac
mng c xay dng e a nc vao cac vung dan
aristocracy / che o quy toc dt. mot chnh phu
trong o quyen lc nam trong tay mot tang lp cai tr
cha truyen con noi hoac gii quy toc.
armistice / s nh chien dt. mot thoa hiep ngng
giao tranh.
artifact / o nhan tao dt. mot o vat do con ngi
lam, nh la mot cong cu, vu kh, hoac mon o n trang.
artisan / th thu cong dt. mot nhan cong lanh nghe,
chang han mot th det hay th o gom, ngi lam o
vat bang tay.
Aryans dt. 1. mot dan toc An-Au, khoang nam 1500
trc cong nguyen, bat au di c en tieu luc a An
o. 2. oi vi c Quoc xa, cac dan toc c tao thanh
mot "chung toc thng ang."
assembly line / day chuyen lap rap dt. trong mot
phan xng, mot s sap xep trong o mot san pham
c chuyen t cong nhan nay en cong nhan khac,
trong o moi ngi lam mot thao tac duy nhat trong
viec san xuat san pham o.

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assimilation / s hoa nhap dt. 1. viec mot dan toc

b chinh phuc chap nhan mot nen van hoa cua ke i
chinh phuc. 2. mot chnh sach trong o mot quoc gia
bat ep hay khuyen khch mot dan toc le thuoc phai
chap nhan cac the che va phong tuc cua no.
Assyria dt. mot vng quoc Tay Nam A a kiem soat
mot e che ln t khoang nam 850 en 612 trc cong
Atlantic Charter / Hien Chng ai Tay Dng
dt. mot ban cong bo cac nguyen tac c ban hanh vao
thang Tam nam 1941 bi Thu Tng Anh Winston
Churchill va Tong Thong My Franklin Roosevelt, theo
o ke hoach hoa bnh cua phe ong Minh vao cuoi
Chien tranh The gii th hai c da vao o.
Atlantic slave trade / trao oi no le ai Tay
Dng dt. viec mua, van chuyen, va ban ngi chau
Phi e lam viec chau My.
autocracy / che o chuyen quyen dt. mot chnh
quyen trong o ngi cai tr co quyen lc khong gii
han va s dung no vi mot thai o oc oan.
Axis Powers / cac Cng Quoc Truc dt. trong
Chien tranh The gii th hai, cac quoc gia c, Y va
Nhat, a hnh thanh mot lien minh nam 1936.
ayllu dt. mot xa hoi Inca, mot cong ong hoac gia toc
nho ma cac thanh vien lam viec cung nhau v li ch

balance of power / can can quyen lc dt. mot
hoan canh chnh tr trong o khong co mot quoc gia
nao u manh e cho thay mot moi e doa oi vi cac
quoc gia khac.
Balkans / vung Balkan dt. vung thuoc ong-nam
chau Au hien bao gom Hy Lap, Albania, Bulgaria,
Romania, phan chau Au cua Tho Nh Ky, va cac nc
cong hoa trc ay thuoc Nam T.
Bantu-speaking peoples / cac dan toc noi tieng
Bantu dt. nhng ngi noi mot nhom ngon ng lien
quan ma bat au khoang 2.000 nam trc, di c t Tay
Phi en phan ln na pha nam cua chau Phi.
baroque / theo loi baroque tt. lien quan en mot
phong cach hoa my, trang trong ac trng trong hoi
hoa, am nhac va kien truc chau Au trong thap nien
1600 va au thap nien 1700.
barter / oi chac dt. mot hnh thc mau dch trong o
ngi ta oi hang hoa va dch vu ma khong s dung
Battle of Britain / Tran chien Anh Quoc dt. mot
loat cac tran anh gia khong lc c va Anh e gianh
quyen kiem soat nc Anh vao nam 1940-1941.

Battle of Guadalcanal / Tran Guadalcanal dt. mot

tran anh nam 1942-1943 trong Chien tranh The gii
th hai, trong o quan oi ong Minh uoi cac lc lng
Nhat khoi ao Guadalcanal thuoc Thai Bnh Dng.
Battle of Midway / Tran Midway dt. mot tran anh
di bien va tren khong nam 1942 trong Chien tranh
The gii th hai, trong o cac lc lng My anh bai
quan Nhat trung tam Thai Bnh Dng.
Battle of Stalingrad / Tran Stalingrad dt. mot tran
chien nam 1942-1943 trong Chien tranh The gii th
hai, trong o cac lc lng c b anh bai trong mu
toan chiem lnh thanh pho Stalingrad Lien Xo.
Battle of the Bulge / Tran ay tau, dt. mot tran
anh nam 1944-1945 trong o quan ong minh ay lui
cuoc tan cong ln cuoi cung trong chien tranh cua quan
c trong Chien tranh The gii th hai.
Battle of Trafalgar / Tran Trafalgar dt. mot tran
thuy chien nam 1805 trong o cac lc lng cua
Napoleon b anh bai bi mot ao quan Anh di s
ch huy cua Horatio Nelson.
Benin dt. mot vng quoc xuat hien gan chau tho
Song Niger trong nhng nam 1300 va tr thanh mot
nha nc Tay Phi chnh yeu trong nhng nam 1400.
Beringia / eo Bering dt. mot cau at co ma nhng
ngi chau My au tien c cho rang a vt qua e
di c t chau A en chau My.
Berlin Conference of 1884-85 / Hoi Ngh Berlin
nam 1884-85 dt. mot cuoc hop tai o ai dien cua
cac quoc gia chau Au ong y ve luat le danh cho s
chiem ong thuoc a cua chau Au oi vi chau Phi.
Bill of Rights / ao luat Nhan Quyen dt. mi tu
chnh an au tien cho ban Hien phap Hoa Ky, bao ve
cac quyen c ban va quyen t do cua cong dan.
bishop / giam muc dt. mot vien chc Thien Chua
giao cao cap giam sat mot so nha th a phng.
blitzkrieg / chien tranh chp nhoang dt. mot loai
chien s trong o cac cuoc tan cong bat ng vi nhng
may bay di chuyen nhanh c theo sau bi cac cuoc
tan cong o at vi cac lc lng bo binh.
blockade / s phong toa dt. viec s dung binh lnh
hay tau e ngan can viec chuyen ch thng mai
khong cho ra vao mot thanh pho hay mot vung.
Boer dt. mot dan thuoc a Ha Lan Nam Phi.
Boer War / Chien tranh Boer dt. mot cuoc xung ot
keo dai t 1899 en 1902, trong o ngi Boers va
ngi Anh giao tranh gianh quyen kiem soat lanh tho
tai Nam Phi.
Bolsheviks / cong san Lien Xo dt. mot nhom nhng
ngi cach mang Nga theo chu ngha Mac a nam quyen
kiem soat chnh phu Nga thang Mi Mot nam 1917.
Boxer Rebellion / Cuoc Noi day Ngha Hoa oan
dt. mot cuoc khi ngha nam 1900 tai Trung Quoc, nham
cham dt anh hng cua nc ngoai tai Trung Quoc.




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boyars dt. quy toc a chu tai Nga.

Brahma dt. chua cua ao Hindu c cho la tao ra the
Brahmin / Ba La Mon dt. trong xa hoi Aryan, mot
thanh vien cua tan lp xa hoi tao bi cac tu s.
brinkmanship / b vc chien tranh dt. mot chnh
sach e doa gay chien tranh e phan ng lai bat c s
gay han nao cua ch.
Bronze Age / Thi ai o ong dt. mot thi ky
trong lch s loai ngi, bat au khoang nam 3000
trc cong nguyen tai mot so vung, khi o ngi ta bat
au dung ong, thay v ong o hay a, e tao dang
cac cong cu va vu kh.
bubonic plague / dch hach dt. mot benh chet ngi
lan tran khap chau A va chau Au gia the ky 14, giet
chet hang nhieu trieu ngi.
bureaucracy / bo may quan lieu dt. mot he thong
cac phong ban va c quan c thanh lap e thc thi
cong viec cua chnh quyen.
burgher / dan tnh dt. mot ngi dan th t thi trung
Bushido / Vo S ao dt. luat le nghiem khac ve cach
c x c cac chien binh samurai Nhat lam theo.


cabinet / noi cac dt. mot nhom cac co van hoac bo

trng c lc chon bi ngi ng au mot nc e
giup a ra cac quyet nh cua chnh phu.
caliph / vua Hoi giao dt. mot nha lanh ao chnh tr
va ton giao toi cao trong mot chnh phu Hoi giao.
calligraphy / th phap dt. nghe thuat viet ch ep.
Calvinism / thuyet Calvin dt. mot the che giang day ton
giao da tren cac y tng cua nha cai cach John Calvin.
Camp David Accords / cac Hoa c Trai David
dt. hiep c ky ket au tien gia Israel va mot nc A
Rap, trong o tong thong Ai Cap Anwar Sadat nhn
nhan Israel la mot nha nc hp phap va thu tng
Israel Menachem Begin ong y tra Ban ao Sinai cho
Ai Cap.
canon law / luat giao hoi dt. thc the luat phap cai
quan viec thc thi ton giao cua mot giao hoi Thien Chua.
capitalism / chu ngha t ban dt. mot he thong kinh
te da tren s hu t nhan va tren s au t tien vao
cac d an kinh doanh e kiem li nhuan.
Carolingian dynasty / trieu ai Carolingia dt. mot
trieu ai cac nha cai tr Frankish, keo dai t nam 751
en 987 sau cong nguyen.
caste / giai cap dt. mot trong bon tang lp nhan dan
trong he thong xa hoi cua ngi Aryan nh c An o
t s, chien binh, nong dan hoac thng nhan, va ngi
lao ong hoac th thu cong khong phai ngi Aryan.


Catholic Reformation / Cai cach C oc giao dt.

mot phong trao the ky 16 trong o Giao Hoi Thien
Chua La Ma tm cach thay oi e phan ng lai Phong
trao Cai cach Tin Lanh.
caudillo / lanh tu dt. mot nha oc tai quan s cua mot
nc My Latin.
centralized government / chnh quyen tap trung
dt. mot chnh quyen trong o quyen lc c tap trung
vao mot nha cam quyen trung ng ma cac chnh
quyen a phng le thuoc vao.
Central Powers / cac Cng Quoc Trung Tam
dt. trong Chien tranh The gii th nhat, cac quoc gia
c va Ao-Hung, cung vi cac quoc gia khac chien
au ben phe nay.
Chaldeans dt. mot dan toc Tay Nam A a gop phan
tieu diet e che Assyria.
Chartist movement / phong trao Hien Chng dt.
nc Anh the ky 19, nhng thanh vien cua tang lp
lao ong oi hoi cai cach trong Ngh Vien va trong bau
c, bao gom quyen bau c cho moi ngi.
Chavn dt. nen van minh chnh yeu au tien cua Nam
My, phon thnh vung cao nguyen ma ngay nay la
Peru t khoang nam 900 en 200 trc cong nguyen.
checks and balances / kiem tra va can oi dt. cac
tieu chuan at ra e ngan bat c nhanh nao cua chnh
quyen khoi lan at cac nhanh khac.
chivalry / tinh than thng vo dt. mot ao ly ve
cach c x cua cac hiep s chau Au thi trung co,
nhan manh cac ly tng nh long can am, long trung
thanh va s cong hien.
CIS dt. Cong ong cac Quoc gia oc lap mot hiep
hoi long leo cac nc cong hoa trc ay thuoc Lien
Xo, c thanh lap sau s tan ra cua Lien bang Xo
city-state / nha nc-o th dt. mot thanh pho va
cac vung phu can co chc nang nh mot n v hanh
chnh oc lap.
civil disobedience / s bat tuan cua thng dan
dt. mot s t choi cong khai va co chu y khong tuan
theo mot luat c xem la bat cong.
civilization / nen van minh dt. mot hnh thc van
hoa c ac trng bi cac thanh pho, nhng ngi lao
ong chuyen biet, cac the che phc hp, ghi chep s
ky, va cong nghe tien tien.
civil service / dch vu dan s dt. cac bo phan hanh
chnh cua mot chnh quyen ac biet la nhng ni
tuyen dung nhan vien da tren thanh tch thi c cua ho.
civil war / noi chien dt. mot cuoc xung ot gia hai
nhom chnh tr trong cung mot at nc.
clan / dong ho dt. mot nhom ngi xuat than t mot
to tien chung.

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classical art / nghe thuat co ien dt. nghe thuat

cua Hy Lap va La Ma co ai, trong o nhan manh s
hoa hp, trat t va s can oi.
clergy / tang l dt. mot tap the cac vien chc thc
hien cac dch vu ton giao chang han cac tu s, muc
s hay giao s.
cloning / nhan ban vo tnh dt. viec tao ra nhng
ong vat hay thc vat giong ve mat di truyen so vi
mot ong vat hay thc vat ang song.
coalition government / chnh phu lien hiep dt. mot
chnh phu c kiem soat bi mot lien minh tam thi
gom nhieu ang phai chnh tr.
codex / sach cam tay dt. mot quyen sach vi nhng
trang co the lat c, nh quyen sach ban ang oc ay.
Cold War / Chien tranh Lanh dt. tnh trang thu ch
ve ngoai giao gia Hoa Ky va Lien Xo trong nhng
thap nien sau Chien tranh The gii th hai.
collective bargaining / mac ca tap the dt. thng
lng gia cong nhan va gii chu lao ong.
collective farm / nong trang tap the dt. mot trang
trai ln do chnh phu s hu c hnh thanh bang cach
ket hp nhieu trang trai nho.
colony / thuoc a dt. mot vung at c kiem soat
bi mot quoc gia xa.
Colossus of Rhodes / Tng Khong lo x
Rhodes dt. mot pho tng Hy Lap co khong lo trc
ay ng gan ben cang Rhodes.
Columbian Exchange / s Trao oi Columbus dt.
s thuyen chuyen ong thc vat va benh tat xuat hien
trong thi thuoc a cua chau Au tai chau My.
comedy / hai kch dt. mot hnh thc khoi hai cua
kch nghe thng gom cac tro he va cham biem.
command economy / nen kinh te ch huy dt. mot
he thong kinh te trong o chnh phu ra moi quyet nh
ve kinh te.
Commercial Revolution / Cach mang Thng
nghiep dt. s lan rong thng mai va kinh doanh a
lam bien oi cac nen kinh te chau Au trong cac the ky
16 va 17.
common law / thong luat dt. mot c che luat thong
nhat c hnh thanh t viec thong tr cua cac tham
phan hoang gia cua Anh, c lu hanh nh la can ban
cho luat phap nhieu nc noi tieng Anh ngay nay, ke
ca Hoa Ky.
commune / cong xa dt. Trung Quoc Cong san,
mot nong trang tap the trong o mot so ong ngi lam
viec va sinh song cung nhau.
Communist Party / ang Cong san dt. mot ang
phai chnh tr thc thi cac y tng cua Karl Marx va
V.I. Lenin; nguyen la ang Bolshevik Nga.

communism / chu ngha cong san dt. mot he thong

kinh te trong o tat ca cac phng tien san xuat at
ai, ham mo, nha may, ng xe la, va cac doanh
nghiep c nhan dan s hu, tai san t nhan khong
ton tai, va tat ca hang hoa va dch vu c chia eu.
Concert of Europe / s Phoi hp cua chau Au dt.
mot loat cac lien minh gia cac quoc gia chau Au trong
the ky 19, do Thai T Klemens von Metternich e
xng e ngan chan s bung no cac cuoc cach mang.
concordat / giao c dt. mot hiep c nghiem chnh
ac biet la hiep c gia giao hoang va mot chnh phu,
lien quan en viec kiem soat cac cong viec cua Giao hoi.
Congress of Vienna / Hoi ngh Vienna dt. mot loat
cac cuoc hop nam 1814-1815, trong o cac lanh ao
chau Au tm cach thiet lap hoa bnh va an ninh lau dai
sau s that bai cua Napoleon.
Congress Party / ang ai hoi dt. mot ang phai
chnh tr quoc gia chnh yeu An o con c biet
en vi ten ang Quoc ai An o.
conquistadors / ke xam chiem dt. nhng ngi
lnh, nha tham hiem, va nhng ngi san van may
ngi Tay Ban Nha tham gia vao viec chinh phuc chau
My trong the ky 16.
conservatives / ngi bao thu dt. trong na au the
ky 19, nhng ngi chau Au nay chu yeu la a chu
va quy toc giau co muon gi nguyen cac nen quan
chu truyen thong cua chau Au.
constitutional monarchy / quan chu lap hien dt.
mot he thong cam quyen trong o quyen lc cua ngi
cai tr b han che bang luat.
consul / quan chap chnh dt. che o cong hoa La
Ma, mot trong hai vien chc co quyen the ln c bau
hang nam e ch huy quan oi va ch ao chnh quyen.
containment / chnh sach ngan chan dt. mot chnh
sach oi ngoai cua Hoa Ky c Tong thong Harry
Truman chap thuan cuoi nhng nam 1940, theo o Hoa
Ky co gang chan ng s lan tran cua chu ngha cong
san bang cach tao ra cac lien minh va giup cac nc
yeu chong lai bc tien cua Lien Xo.
Continental System / He thong Luc a dt. chnh
sach cua Napoleon nham ngan chan thng mai gia
Anh va chau Au luc a, nham tieu diet nen kinh te
cua Anh.
corporation / tap oan dt. doanh nghiep s hu bi
cac co ong nhng ngi chung nhau li nhuan nhng
khong chu trach nhiem ca nhan ve nhng khoan n
cua tap oan.
Council of Trent / Hoi ong Trent dt. mot cuoc hop
cua cac nha lanh ao Thien Chua La Ma, do Giao
Hoang Paul III e phan quyet ve nhng hoc thuyet b
cac nha cai cach Tin Lanh ch trch.
coup detat / cuoc ao chnh dt. mot s chiem oat
bat ng quyen lc chnh tr mot quoc gia.


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covenant / thoa c dt. mot s ha hen hoac thoa

hiep qua lai nhat la mot thoa c gia Chua va
ngi Do Thai nh ghi trong Thanh Kinh.
creoles / dan chau Au sinh tai chau My dt. trong xa
hoi thuoc a Tay Ban Nha, nhng dan thuoc a sinh tai
My Latin nhng cha me la ngi Tay Ban Nha.
Crimean War / Chien tranh Crime dt. mot cuoc
xung ot, keo dai t 1853 en 1856, trong o e che
Ottoman, vi s chi vien cua Anh va Phap, chan ng
s banh trng cua Nga trong vung Bien en.
crop rotation / luan canh dt. he thong trong o moi
nam trong mot mua vu khac mot canh ong e gi
gn s ph nhieu cua at.
Crusade / Thap t Chinh dt. mot trong nhng cuoc
vien chinh trong o nhng chien binh Thien Chua
trung co tm cach phuc hoi quyen kiem soat at Thanh
t tay ngi Hoi giao.
cultural diffusion / s truyen ba dt. viec lan toa cac
y tng hoac san pham t mot nen van hoa sang mot
nen van hoa khac.
Cultural Revolution / Cach mang Van hoa dt. mot
cuoc noi day nam 1966-1976 Trung Quoc di s
lanh ao cua quan Ve Binh o, vi muc tieu thiet lap
mot xa hoi gom nong dan va cong nhan trong o tat ca
eu bnh ang.
culture / van hoa dt. loi song oc ao cua mot dan
toc, c the hien qua nhng cong cu, phong tuc, nghe
thuat va y tng.
cuneiform / ch viet hnh nem dt. mot he thong ch
viet vi cac ky t hnh nem, c ngi Sumeria phat
minh khoang nam 3000 trc cong nguyen.
cyberterrorism / khung bo khong gian ao dt. cac
cuoc tan cong vi ong c chnh tr vao cac he thong
thong tin.
Cyrillic alphabet / bang ch cai Cyril dt. mot bang
ch cai e viet cac ngon ng ong Au, c khi
xng vao the ky th chn sau cong nguyen bi cac
Thanh Cyril va Methodius.
czar / sa hoang dt. mot hoang e Nga (lay t danh
hieu La Ma la Caesar).


daimyo dt. mot lanh chua phong kien Nhat ngi ch
huy mot ao quan samurai rieng.
Daoism / ao dt. mot triet ly da tren cac y tng
cua nha t tng Trung Hoa Lao T, ngi day rang
ngi ta nen c dan dat bi mot the lc vu tru goi la
ao (ng).
D-Day dt. Ngay 6 thang Sau nam 1944 ngay ma
quan ong Minh bat au cuoc o bo xuong luc a
chau Au trong Chien tranh The gii th hai.


Declaration of Independence / Tuyen ngon oc

lap dt. mot li tuyen bo ly do cho s oan tuyet vi
Anh cua cac thuoc a My, c chap thuan bi Hoi
ngh Thuoc a th Hai nam 1776.
delta / chau tho dt. mot vung lay hnh thanh bi chat
lang ong cua phu sa tai ca mot con song.
demilitarization / phi quan s hoa dt. mot s giam
bt kha nang cua mot nc trong viec tien hanh chien
tranh, co c bang cach giai tan cac lc lng vu
trang cua nc o va cam nc o tiep nhan vu kh.
democracy / nen dan chu dt. mot chnh phu c
kiem soat bi cac cong dan cua no, hoac trc tiep hoac
thong qua cac ai dien.
democratization / dan chu hoa dt. qua trnh tao ra
mot chnh phu do dan bau.
Department of Homeland Security / Bo An ninh
Noi vu dt. c quan lien bang Hoa Ky c thanh lap
nam 2002 e ieu phoi cac no lc quoc gia chong
khung bo.
detente / tnh hnh lang du dt. mot chnh sach giam
bt nhng cang thang Chien tranh Lanh c Hoa Ky
chap thuan trong nhiem ky tong thong cua Richard
developed nation / quoc gia phat trien dt. mot
quoc gia co moi phng tien can thiet cho viec san
xuat tien tien cac mat hang c che tao.
devshirme dt. di e che Ottoman, chnh sach lay
tre em t cac dan toc C oc b chinh phuc e huan
luyen thanh binh lnh Hoi giao.
Diaspora / Ly tan dt. s phan tan ngi Do Thai khoi
que hng ho Palestine ac biet trong giai oan hn
1.800 nam tiep sau viec ngi La Ma pha huy ngoi en
Do Thai tai Jerusalem vao nam 70 sau cong nguyen.
dictator / nha oc tai dt. La Ma co a, mot nha
lanh ao chnh tr c trao quyen lc toi cao e lam
luat va ch huy quan oi trong mot thi gian gii han.
direct democracy / nen dan chu trc tiep dt. mot
chnh phu trong o cac cong dan cai tr trc tiep thay v
thong qua cac ai dien.
dissident / ngi bat ong chnh kien dt. mot oi thu
cua cac chnh sach hay hanh ong cua mot chnh phu.
divine right / quyen thieng lieng dt. quan niem rang
cac nen quan chu la nhng ai dien cua Chua tren trai
at va do vay ch tra li c vi Chua.
domestication / thuan hoa dt. viec thuan dng suc
vat e con ngi s dung.
dominion / lanh tho t tr dt. trong e che Anh, mot
quoc gia (v du Canada) c phep t cai quan cac
cong viec oi noi.
domino theory / thuyet quan c domino dt. y kien
rang neu mot quoc gia ri vao tay Cong san, cac quoc
gia lan can cung se ri vao tay Cong san.

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Dorians dt. mot dan toc noi tieng Hy Lap ma theo

truyen thuyet, di c en at lien Hy Lap sau s huy
diet cua nen van minh Mycenae.
Dreyfus affair / vu viec Dreyfus dt. mot cuoc tranh
cai Phap trong nhng nam 1890, tap trung vao vu x
va bo tu mot quan nhan Do Thai, ai Uy Alfred
Dreyfus, ngi a b buoc lam toi ban b mat quan s
cho c.
Dutch East India Company / Cong ty ong An
cua Ha Lan dt. mot cong ty c thanh lap bi ngi
Ha Lan vao au the ky 17 e thiet lap va ch ao mau
dch khap chau A.
dynastic cycle / chu ky trieu ai dt. hnh mau lch
s cua s thang tram va s thay the cua cac trieu ai.
dynasty / trieu ai dt. mot loat cac nha cam quyen t
mot gia nh duy nhat.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Eastern Front / Mat tran pha ong dt. trong
Chien tranh The gii th nhat, vung doc theo bien gii
c-Nga ni quan Nga va Serbia anh nhau vi quan
c, Ao va Tho.
Edict of Nantes / Ch th Nantes dt. mot tuyen bo
nam 1598 trong o vua Phap Henry e T ha rang
ngi theo Tin Lanh co the song trong hoa bnh tai
Phap va co the xay dng cac ni th phung mot so
thanh pho Phap.
Emancipation Proclamation / Tuyen ngon Giai
phong dt. mot li tuyen bo c ban hanh bi tong
thong My Abraham Lincoln nam 1863, khang nh
rang tat ca no le cac bang phe mien Nam c t do.
emerging nation / quoc gia ang noi bat dt. mot
quoc gia trong o qua trnh cong nghiep hoa cha hoan
emigres / dan di c dt. nhng ngi ri to quoc ho
v ly do chnh tr, nh cac quy toc va nhng ngi khac
tron khoi nc Phap trong luc co cac cuoc noi day cua
nong dan trong cuoc Canh mang Phap.
empire / e che dt. mot n v hanh chnh trong o
mot so dan toc hoac at nc c kiem soat bi mot
ngi cai tr duy nhat.
enclosure / at rao dt. mot trong nhng canh ong
c rao lai hoac giau lai do cac a chu giau co cua
Anh tao ra tren at trc o co nong dan lang lam viec.
encomienda / at giao dt. mot s trao at cua Tay
Ban Nha cho mot ngi nh c tai chau My, bao gom
quyen s dung Tho dan chau My lam no le tren o.
English Civil War / cuoc Noi chien Anh dt. mot
cuoc xung ot keo dai t 1642 en 1649, trong o
nhng ngi Thanh giao ung ho Ngh Vien anh nhau
vi nhng ngi ung ho nen quan chu cua Anh.

enlightened despot / bao chua sang mat ra dt.

mot trong nhng v vua chua chau Au the ky 18 c
giac ngo t tng cua Thi ai Anh sang e tr v mot
cach cong bang va ton trong cac quyen cua than dan.
enlightenment / s khai sang dt. trong ao Phat,
mot trang thai hoan toan t do trong o ngi ta hieu
nhng s that c ban ve vu tru.
Enlightenment / phong trao Anh sang dt. mot
phong trao chau Au the ky 18 trong o cac nha t
tng co gang ng dung cac nguyen ly va phng phap
khoa hoc vao moi mat cua xa hoi.
entrepreneur / chu doanh nghiep dt. mot ngi to
chc, quan ly va chu moi rui ro ve mot doanh nghiep.
epics / s thi dt. nhng bai th tng thuat dai ca
ngi cac chien tch cua cac anh hung huyen thoai hay
truyen thong.
estate / giai cap dt. mot trong ba tang lp xa hoi
Phap trc cuoc Cach mang Phap Giai cap th Nhat
gom gii tang l; Giai cap th Hai, quy toc; va Giai
cap th Ba, phan dan so con lai.
Estates-General / Tng lnh Giai cap dt. mot hoi
ong cac ai dien t ca ba giai cap, hay tang lp xa
hoi, tai Phap.
ethnic cleansing / tay ra sac toc dt. mot chnh
sach giet hai va cac hanh vi tan bao qua o ngi
Serbia hy vong se loai bo so dan Hoi giao cua Bosnia
sau s sup o cua Nam T.
excommunication / tc quyen giao thiep dt. viec
lay i cua mot ngi quyen la thanh vien trong mot
nha th Thien Chua giao.
existentialism / thuyet hien sinh dt. mot triet ly da
tren quan niem rang ngi ta cho cuoc i mot y ngha
qua nhng s la chon va hanh ong cua ho.
extraterritorial rights / ac quyen ngoai giao dt.
mot s mien tr ve luat phap cua mot nc oi vi c
dan nc ngoai.

factors of production / cac yeu to san xuat dt. cac
nguon tai nguyen bao gom at ai, lao ong va von
can thiet e san xuat ra hang hoa va dch vu.
factory / nha may dt. mot toa nha ln trong o may
moc c s dung e che tao hang hoa.
fascism / chu ngha phat xt dt. mot phong trao
chnh tr co vu mot hnh thc chu ngha dan toc cc
oan, mot s khc t cac quyen ca nhan, va mot luat
le n ang oc tai.
Fatimid dt. mot thanh vien cua mot trieu ai Hoi giao
co nguon goc to tien t con gai cua Muhammad la
Fatima va xay dng mot e che Bac Phi, A Rap va
Syria cac the ky 10-12.




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favorable balance of trade / can can thng mai

co li dt. mot tnh huong kinh te trong o mot nc
ban hang ra nc ngoai nhieu hn la mua cua nc
federal system / he thong lien bang dt. mot he
thong chnh phu trong o quyen lc c phan chia gia
mot chnh quyen trung ng va mot so bang rieng le.
Fertile Crescent / Li Liem Mau m dt. mot vong
cung at canh tac ph nhieu Tay Nam A, gia Vnh
Ba T va a Trung Hai.
feudalism / che o phong kien dt. mot he thong
chnh tr trong o quy toc c giao quyen s dung at
thuoc ve vua cua ho, e oi lay long trung thanh, ngha
vu quan s va viec bao ve ngi dan song tren at cua
fief / thai ap dt. mot bat ong san c lanh chua trao
cho ch hau di che o phong kien chau Au thi
trung co.
filial piety / s hieu thao dt. long ton knh ma con
cai the hien vi cha me va nhng ngi ln tuoi.
Final Solution / Giai phap Cuoi cung dt. chng
trnh cua Hitler giet hai co he thong toan bo dan toc
Do Thai.
Five-Year Plans / cac Ke hoach 5 nam dt. cac ke
hoach c vach ra bi Joseph Stalin nam 1928 cho
viec phat trien cua nen kinh te Lien Xo.
Four Modernizations / Bon s Hien ai hoa dt.
mot tap hp nhng muc tieu c nha lanh ao Trung
Quoc ang Tieu Bnh chap thuan cuoi the ky 20, bao
gom s tien bo trong nong nghiep, cong nghiep, quoc
phong, va khoa hoc cong nghe.
Fourteen Points / Mi Bon iem dt. mot loat cac
e xuat trong o tong thong My Woodrow Wilson
vach ra mot ke hoach e at c hoa bnh lau dai sau
Chien tranh The gii th nhat.
Franks dt. mot dan toc c nh c tnh Gaul thuoc
La Ma (khoang chng khu vc bay gi la nc Phap)
va thanh lap mot e che ln trong thi Trung Co.
free trade / thng mai t do dt. mau dch gia cac
quoc gia ma khong co rao can hay han che ve kinh te
nao (chang han thue quan).
French and Indian War / Chien tranh Phap va Da
o dt. mot cuoc xung ot gia Anh va Phap ve quyen
kiem soat lanh tho Bac My, keo dai t 1754 en 1763.

gender inequality / s bat bnh ang gii tnh dt.
s khac biet gia nam gii va phu n ve mat kinh te va
a v.
genetic engineering / ky thuat di truyen dt. viec
chuyen giao gien t mot vat song nay sang vat song
khac e sinh ra mot sinh vat co ac iem mi.


genocide / diet chung dt. viec giet hai co he thong

ca mot dan toc.
gentry / tieu quy toc dt. mot tang lp ngi giau co,
quyen the, hng mot a v xa hoi cao.
geocentric theory / thuyet tam a cau dt. trong
thi Trung Co, cach nhn vu tru theo hng tap trung
vao tam trai at ma cac hoc gia tin rang trai at la mot
vat bat ong tam cua vu tru.
geopolitics / a chnh tr dt. mot chnh sach oi
ngoai da tren viec quan niem ve cac v tr hoac san
pham chien lc cua cac vung at khac.
Ghana dt. mot vng quoc Tay Phi tr nen giau co t
viec anh thue va kiem soat thng mai va thanh lap
mot e che cac the ky 9-11 sau cong nguyen.
ghazi dt. mot chien binh chien au v ao Hoi.
ghettos / o chuot dt. cac khu trong thanh pho trong
o ngi Do Thai chau Au b bat phai sinh song.
glasnost / cong khai dt. mot chnh sach ci m cua
Lien Xo oi vi cac dong y tng va thong tin t do,
c gii thieu nam 1985 bi Mikhail Gorbachev.
global economy / kinh te toan cau dt. tat ca moi
s tng tac ve tai chnh bao gom ngi dan, doanh
nghiep va chnh phu bang qua cac ranh gii quoc
Glorious Revolution / Cach mang Quang vinh dt.
cuoc lat o khong o mau oi vi vua Anh James II va
thay the bi William va Mary.
glyph / hnh cham dt. mot hnh anh bieu trng
ac biet la hnh dung nh mot phan cua mot he thong
ch viet e khac cac thong iep vao a.
Gothic tt. lien quan en mot phong cach kien truc nha
th phat trien chau Au trung co, khac hoa hnh nga
go, ca so knh mau, nui bay ngang, vong cung nhon,
va hnh chop cao.
Great Depression / cuoc ai Suy thoai dt. s nh
tre kinh te nghiem trong theo sau s sup o cua th
trng chng khoan My nam 1929.
Great Fear / s S hai Ln dt. mot lan song hoang
loan vo c lan tran nong thon nc Phap sau tran ot
kch nguc Bastille nam 1789.
Great Purge / cuoc Thanh trng Ln dt. mot chien
dch kinh hoang Lien Xo trong nhng nam 1930,
trong o Joseph Stalin tm cach loai tr tat ca ang
vien Cong san va nhng cong dan khac e doa en
quyen lc cua han.
Great Schism / cuoc Ly giao Ln dt. mot s phan
chia trong Giao Hoi Thien Chua La Ma, khi cac giao
trng ch thu c thiet lap Avignon va Rome.
Greco-Roman culture / van hoa Hy-La dt. mot
nen van hoa co ai phat trien t s pha tron cac nen
van hoa Hy Lap va La Ma.

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green revolution / cach mang xanh dt. mot no lc

the ky 20 nham tang nguon cung cap thc pham tren
toan the gii, bao gom viec s dung phan bon va thuoc
tr sau va viec phat trien cac vu mua chong c sau
griot dt. mot ngi ke chuyen Tay Phi.
guerrilla / du kch dt. mot thanh vien cua mot lc
lng c to chc long leo chuyen thc hien cac cuoc
tan cong bat ng vao quan ch chiem ong at nc ho.
guild / phng hoi dt. mot hiep hoi trung co gom
nhng ngi lam cung nganh nghe, kiem soat tien
lng va gia ca cua cac thanh vien.
guillotine / may chem dt. mot cai may dung e cat
au ngi, c s dung nh phng tien hanh quyet
trong cuoc Cach mang Phap.
Gupta Empire / e che Gupta dt. e che th hai tai
An o, thanh lap bi Chandra Gupta I nam 320 sau
cong nguyen.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

habeas corpus / trat hau toa dt. mot van ban oi
hoi mot ngi tu c em ra trc mot toa an hay
tham phap e ho quyet nh xem viec bo tu ngi o
co hp phap hay khong.
Hagia Sophia dt. nha th s Khon Ngoan cua Thanh
tai Constantinople, c xay dng theo lenh cua hoang
e Byzantine la Justinian.
haiku / hai cu dt. mot hnh thc th Nhat, bao gom ba
dong khong van co nam, bay va nam am tiet.
hajj dt. mot chuyen l hanh en Mecca, c ngi
Hoi giao thc hien nh mot ngha vu.
Han dynasty / trieu ai Han dt. mot trieu ai Trung
Quoc cai tr t nam 202 trc cong nguyen en 9 sau
cong nguyen va tiep tuc t 23 en 220 sau cong nguyen.
Harappan civilization / nen van minh Harappan
dt. mot ten goi khac ch nen van minh Thung lung
Indus noi len doc theo Song Indus, co le khoang nam
7000 trc cong nguyen; c ac trng bi quy hoach
o th tinh vi.
Hausa dt. mot dan toc Tay Phi song nhieu nha
nc-o th ma ngay nay la mien bac Nigeria.
heliocentric theory / thuyet nhat tam dt. quan
niem rang trai at va cac hanh tinh khac quay quanh
mat tri.
Hellenistic / thuoc Hy Lap tt. lien he en nen van
minh, ngon ng, nghe thuat, khoa hoc va van chng
cua the gii Hy Lap t trieu ai cua Alexander ai e
en cuoi the ky th hai trc cong nguyen.
helot / nong no dt. trong xa hoi Sparta co, mot nong
dan b gan chat vao at ai.

hieroglyphics / ch viet tng hnh dt. mot he

thong ch viet Ai Cap trong o cac hnh hoa c s
dung e tng trng cho cac khai niem va am.
Hijrah dt. Cuoc di chuyen cua Muhammad t Mecca
en Yathrib (Medina) nam 622 sau cong nguyen.
Hittites dt. mot dan toc An-Au nh c Anatolia
khoang nam 2000 trc cong nguyen.
Holocaust / cuoc Tan sat dt. s giet hai hang loat
ngi Do Thai va cac thng dan khac, do chnh phu
c Quoc xa thc hien trc va trong Chien tranh The
gii th hai.
Holy Alliance / Lien minh Than thanh dt. mot lien
oan cac quoc gia chau Au c thanh lap bi cac nha
lanh ao Nga, Ao va Pho sau Hoi ngh Vienna.
Holy Roman Empire / e che La Ma Than thanh
dt. mot e che c thanh lap chau Au trong the ky
th 10 century sau cong nguyen, khi au bao gom chu
yeu cac phan at ma ngay nay la c va Y.
home rule / le lang dt. mot s kiem soat oi vi cac
van e noi bo c mot chnh quyen cai tr trao cho c
dan cua mot khu vc.
hominid / ho bc hai chan dt. mot thanh vien cua
mot nhom sinh vat bao gom con ngi va cac loai lien
quan i bang hai chan sau va ng thang ngi.
Homo sapiens / giong ngi hien ai dt. cac loai
sinh vat ma con ngi hien ai thuoc ve.
House of Wisdom / Nha T do dt. mot trung tam
hoc hanh c thanh lap tai Baghdad trong nhng nam
humanism / chu ngha nhan van dt. mot phong
trao tr tue thi Phuc Hng trong o cac nha t tng
nghien cu sach giao khoa co ien va tap trung vao
tiem nang va cac thanh tu cua con ngi.
Hundred Days / Mot Tram Ngay dt. thi ky ngan
trong nam 1815 khi Napoleon quyet nh chay ua
quyen lc lan cuoi, ha be vua Phap va lai tr thanh
hoang e Phap lan na.
Hundred Years War / Chien tranh Mot Tram
Nam dt. mot cuoc xung ot trong o Anh va Phap
anh nhau chap chn v at cua Phap t nam 1337 en
hunter-gatherer / ngi san ban-hai lm dt. mot
thanh vien cua mot nhom du c ma nguon cung cap
thc an phu thuoc vao viec san thu va gom nhat thc
an co cay.
Hyksos dt. mot nhom nhng ngi xam lang du muc
t Tay Nam A en cai tr Ai Cap t nam 1640 en
1570 trc cong nguyen.





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Ice Age / Ky Bang ha dt. mot thi ky lanh leo trong

o cac mang bang khong lo lan tran ra t cac vung cc,
tang cuoi cung trong so o t khoang nam 1.600.000
en 10.000 trc cong nguyen.
I Ching dt. mot cuon sach Trung Hoa ve cac nha tien
tri, c thnh cau e tra li cac van e ve ao ly va
thc hanh.
icon / bieu tng dt. mot hnh anh ton giao c
ngi C oc phng ong s dung.
imperialism / chu ngha e quoc dt. mot chnh sach
trong o mot quoc gia manh tm cach chi phoi cac nc
khac ve mat chnh tr, kinh te hoac xa hoi.
impressionism / trng phai an tng dt. mot
phong trao trong hoi hoa the ky 19, trong o cac hoa s
phan ng vi trng phai hien thc bang cach truyen
at nhng cam tng an tng cua mnh ve s vat hoac
khoanh khac thi gian.
Indo-Europeans / ngi An-Au dt. mot nhom cac
dan toc ban du c ma khoang nam 1700 trc cong
nguyen bat au di c t ni ma nay la mien nam nc
Nga en tieu luc a An o, chau Au va Tay Nam A.
indulgence / s ac xa dt. mot s tha th e tha mot
ngi khong trng phat v mot toi loi.
industrialization / cong nghiep hoa dt. s phat
trien cac nganh cong nghiep v viec san xuat hang hoa
bang may moc.
Industrial Revolution / Cach mang Cong Nghiep
dt. s chuyen oi, bat au Anh trong the ky 18, t
viec lam ra hang hoa bang tay en lam chung bang
inflation / lam phat dt. mot s sut giam gia tr cua
ong tien, kem theo mot s tang gia hang hoa va dch
Inquisition / Tham tra dt. mot hoi ong xet x cua
Thien Chua La Ma e ieu tra va khi to nhng vu
pham toi d giao ac biet la Tay Ban Nha trong
nhng nam 1400s.
institution / the che dt. mot hnh mau ton tai lau dai
cua mot to chc trong mot cong ong.
intendant / quan oc dt. mot vien chc chnh phu
Phap c ch nh bi nha vua e thu thue va quan ly
ve t phap.
International Space Station / Tram Khong gian
Quoc te dt. d an hp tac c tai tr bi Hoa Ky,
Nga va 14 quoc gia khac e thiet lap va duy tr mot
phong th nghiem hoat ong cho viec th nghiem khoa
hoc trong khong gian.
Internet dt. mot s lien ket cac mang li may vi tnh
cho phep moi ngi khap the gii co the trao oi
thong tin va giao tiep vi nhau.


intifada dt. chien dch bat phuc tung dan s cua

Palestine chong viec chiem ong cua Israel oi vi vung
B Tay va Dai Gaza, tiep dien trong nhng nam 1990.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) / Quan oi Cong hoa
Ireland dt. mot lc lng quan s quoc gia khong chnh
thc tm kiem s oc lap cho Ireland khoi nc Anh.
iron curtain / bc rem sat dt. trong thi Chien tranh
Lanh, ng ranh gii phan chia cac quoc gia cong san
thuoc ong Au khoi cac quoc gia phan ln la dan chu
thuoc Tay Au.
Iroquois dt. mot nhom cac bo toc Tho dan My noi cac
th tieng co lien he vi nhau, song vung pha ong
Ngu ai Ho cua Bac My, va hnh thanh mot lien minh
cuoi nhng nam 1500.
Islam / ao Hoi dt. mot ton giao mot than phat trien
vung A Rap trong the ky th bay sau cong nguyen.
isolationism / chu ngha co lap dt. mot chnh sach
tranh ne s dnh lu ve chnh tr hay quan s vi cac
nc khac.
Israel dt. mot vng quoc cua ngi Hebrew thong
nhat Palestine, ton tai khoang t nam 1020 en 922
trc cong nguyen; sau o, la phan cc bac cua hai
vng quoc Hebrew; hien nay, quoc gia Do Thai c
thanh lap tai Palestine nam 1948.

Jainism dt. mot ton giao c thanh lap tai An o
the ky th sau trc cong nguyen, co cac thanh vien tin
rang moi th trong vu tru eu co mot linh hon va do o
khong nen b xam hai.
janissary / ve binh Tho dt. mot thanh vien cua mot
lc lng binh lnh tinh nhue cua e che Ottoman.
jazz / nhac jazz dt. mot kieu am nhac pho thong the
ky 20 c phat trien chu yeu bi cac nhac s ngi
My goc Phi.
Jesuits / ngi dong Ten dt. cac thanh vien cua Hoi
Jesus, mot tang lp ton giao thuoc Thien Chua La Ma
do Ignatius cua Loyola thanh lap.
"jewel in the crown" / "ngoc tren vng mien" dt.
thuoc a An o cua Anh c goi nh vay v tam
quan trong cua no trong e che Anh, va la nguon
cung cap nguyen lieu tho va la mot th trng cho hang
hoa thng mai cua Anh.
joint-stock company / cong ty co phan dt. mot
doanh nghiep trong o cac nha au t chung phan hun
tai san cho mot muc ch chung, sau o chia li nhuan.
Judah dt. mot vng quoc Do Thai Palestine, c
thanh lap khaong nam 922 trc cong nguyen.
Justinian Code / Bo luat Justinian dt. c quan lam
luat dan s cua La Ma c tap hp va to chc bi
lenh cua hoang e Byzantine la Justinian khoang nam
534 sau cong nguyen.

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Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

kabuki / kch cam Nhat dt. mot dang kch cua Nhat
trong o am nhac, ieu nhay va ieu bo c s dung
e minh hoa cac cau chuyen.
kaiser / c hoang dt. mot hoang e c (t chc
danh La Ma la Caesar).
kamikaze / phi oi than phong dt. trong Chien
tranh The gii th hai, cac phi cong cam t Nhat c
huan luyen e anh chm cac tau cua ong Minh bang
cach am sam cac may bay chat ay bom vao chung.
karma / nghiep chng dt. trong ao Hindu va ao
Phat, toan bo nhng hanh vi tot va xau do mot ngi
thc hien, c tin rang se quyet nh so phan cua
ngi o sau khi tai sinh.
Khmer Empire / e che Khmer dt. mot e quoc
ong Nam A, tap trung vung ma nay la Campuchia,
at en nh cao quyen lc vao khoang nam 1200 sau
cong nguyen.
Khmer Rouge / Khmer o dt. mot nhom phien loan
Cong san chiem quyen lc Campuchia nam 1975.
knight / hiep s dt. chau Au thi trung co, mot chien
binh mac quan ao giap sat chien au tren lng nga.
Koryu dynasty / trieu ai Koryu dt. mot vng trieu
a cai tr Trieu Tien t nam 935 en 1392 sau cong
Kristallnacht / Crystal Night dt. "em Thuy tinh o
V" em 9 thang Mi Mot nam 1938, khi binh
lnh xung kch c Quoc xa tan cong nha ca, doanh
nghiep va cac thanh ng cua ngi Do Thai tren
khap nc c.
Kuomintang / Quoc Dan ang dt. ang Quoc gia
Dan toc Trung Quoc, c hnh thanh sau s sup o
cua trieu ai Man Thanh nam 1912.
Kush dt. mot vng quoc Nubian co, cac nha cam
quyen x nay kiem soat Ai Cap khoang gia cac nam
2000 va 1000 trc cong nguyen.

laissez faire / chnh sach t nhan t do dt. y tng
rang chnh phu khong nen can thiep vao hoac quy nh
cac nganh cong nghiep va nganh kinh doanh.
land reform / cai cach at ai dt. mot s phan phoi
lai at nong nghiep bang cach chia nho cac manh at
ln va giao cho nong dan cac trang trai nho c chia
La Reforma dt. mot phong trao cai cach t do
Mexico the ky 19, do Benito Juarez lanh ao.
lay investiture / le phong chc dt. viec ch nh cac
giao chc bi vua hoac quy toc.

League of Nations / Hoi Quoc Lien dt. mot hiep

hoi quoc te c hnh thanh sau Chien tranh The gii
th nhat vi muc tieu gi gn hoa bnh gia cac quoc
lebensraum dt. "khong gian song" phan lanh tho
bo sung ma theo Adolf Hitler, nc c can v nc
nay a qua ong uc.
Legalism / Chu ngha Hp phap dt. mot triet ly
chnh tr Trung Hoa da tren quan niem rang mot
chnh phu rat manh me va hieu qua la b quyet cua trat
t xa hoi.
legion / quan oan La Ma dt. mot n v quan s
cua quan oi La Ma co ai, c tao thanh vi 5.000
lnh bo binh va mot nhom binh lnh ci nga.
Legislative Assembly / Hoi ong Lap phap dt.
mot quoc hoi cua Phap vi quyen lam luat va chap
thuan tuyen bo chien tranh, c thanh lap bi Hien
Phap 1791.
legitimacy / tnh chnh thong dt. quyen tha ke cua
mot che o quan chu e cai tr.
liberals / ang vien t do dt. trong na au the ky 19,
nhng ngi chau Au nay chu yeu la cac lanh ao
doanh nghiep va thng gia trung lu muon trao
them quyen lc chnh tr cho cac ngh vien c bau.
lineage / dong doi dt. nhng ngi con song, a
chet va cha sinh ra xuat than t cung mo to tien.
loess / hoang tho dt. mot chat lang ong mau m
gom at cat vang.
Long March / Trng Chinh dt. mot cuoc hanh trnh
dai 6.000 dam nam 1934-1935 cua nhng ngi Cong
san Trung Quoc chay tron khoi quan oi Quoc gia cua
Jiang Jieshi.
lord / lanh chua dt. chau Au phong kien, mot ngi
kiem soat at ai va do o co the trao tai san cho cac
ch hau.
Lutheran dt. mot thanh vien cua mot nha th Tin
Lanh c thanh lap e giang day ve Martin Luther.
lycee / trng trung hoc Phap dt. mot trng cong
lap do chnh phu ieu hanh Phap.

Macedonia dt. mot vng quoc co ai pha bac Hy
Lap, co nha cai tr Philip II xam chiem Hy Lap nam
338 trc cong nguyen.
Maghrib dt. mot vung thuoc pha tay cua Bac Phi, bao
gom at ai ven a Trung Hai thuoc nhng ni ma
nay la Morocco, Tunisia, va Algeria.
Magna Carta / ai Hien Chng dt. mot van kien
am bao cac quyen chnh tr c ban Anh, c soan
thao bi cac quy toc va c Vua John chap thuan
thong qua vao nam 1215 sau cong nguyen.




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Mahabharata dt. mot ban trng ca ln cua An o,

phan anh cuoc au tranh cua ngi Aryan khi ho di
chuyen xuong pha nam vao An o.
Mahayana dt. mot mon phai cua Phat giao a ra s
cu roi cho tat ca va cho phep th phung rong rai.
maize / ngo dt. mot loai hat ngu coc c trong, mang
hat tren cac bap ln thng c goi la corn My.
Mali dt. mot e quoc Tay Phi thnh vng vao khoang
nam 1235 en nhng nam 1400 va tr nen giau co t
buon ban.
Manchus / ngi Man Chau dt. nhng ngi goc
gac Man Chau Ly, cai tr Trung Quoc trong trieu ai
nha Thanh (1644-1912).
Mandate of Heaven / Trat hau Tri dt. trong lch
s Trung Quoc, s chap thuan thieng lieng c cho
rang la can ban cua uy quyen hoang gia.
manifest destiny / nh phan hien nhien dt. y
niem pho bien trong nhng ngi My gia the ky 19
rang Hoa Ky co quyen va ngha vu e cai tr Bac My
t ai Tay Dng en Thai Bnh Dng.
manor / trang vien dt. tai san cua mot lanh chua
chau Au thi phong kien.
Maori dt. mot thanh vien cua mot bo toc Polynesia nh
c New Zealand khoang nam 800 sau cong nguyen.
Marshall Plan / Ke hoach Marshall dt. mot chng
trnh cua Hoa Ky vien tr kinh te cho cac nc chau
Au e giup tai thiet sau Chien tranh The gii th hai.
martial law / thiet quan luat dt. mot luat tam thi bi
cac gii chc quan s oi vi dan thng, thng c
ap at trong thi chien hoac khi co noi loan dan s.
mass culture / van hoa ai chung dt. viec san xuat
cac tac pham nghe thuat va giai tr dung e loi cuon
mot lng ln khan gia.
materialism / chu ngha vat chat dt. s anh gia
cao viec at c s hu vat chat.
matriarchal / thuoc mau he tt. lien quan en mot he
thong xa hoi trong o ngi me la chu gia nh.
matrilineal / mau he tt. lien quan en mot he thong
xa hoi trong o nguon goc gia nh va quyen tha ke
c truy theo ngi me.
Mauryan Empire / e che Maurya dt. e che au
tien An o, do Chandragupta Maurya thanh lap nam
321 trc cong nguyen.
May Fourth Movement / Phong trao Mong Bon
thang Nam dt. mot cuoc bieu tnh quoc gia Trung
Quoc nam 1919, trong o ngi ta phan oi Hiep c
Versailles va s can thiep cua nc ngoai.
Medes dt. mot dan toc Tay Nam A a giup tieu diet
e che Assyrian.
Meiji era / thi ky Minh Tr dt. thi ky lch s Nhat
Ban t nam 1867 en 1912, trong o at nc c tr
v bi Hoang e Mutsuhito.


Mein Kampf dt. "Cuoc Chien Cua Toi" mot cuon

sach viet bi Adolf Hitler trong luc y b tu nam 19231924, trong o y bay to c tin va nhng muc tieu cho
nc c.
mercantilism / chu ngha trong thng dt. mot
chnh sach kinh te theo o cac quoc gia tm cach gia
tang s giau co va sc manh bang cach kiem mot
lng ln vang bac va bang cach ban nhieu hang hn
la mua.
mercenary / lnh anh thue dt. mot ngi lnh c
tra cong e chien au mot quan oi nc ngoai.
Mero dt. trung tam cua trieu ai Kush t khoang nam
250 en 150 trc cong nguyen; c biet en v
nganh che tao vu kh va cong cu kim loai.
Mesoamerica dt. mot vung trai rong t mien trung
Mexico en Honduras, ni phat trien nhieu xa hoi
phc hp co ai cua chau My.
mestizo / ngi lai dt. mot ngi lai Tay Ban Nha va
Tho dan chau My.
Middle Ages / Thi Trung Co dt. mot ky nguyen
trong lch s chau Au theo sau s sup o cua e che
La Ma, keo dai t khoang nam 500 en 1500 con
goi la thi ky trung ai.
middle class / gii trung lu dt. mot tang lp xa hoi
tao bi cac cong nhan lanh nghe, cac chuyen gia,
doanh nhan, va nhng nong gia giau co.
middle passage / chuyen i gia dt. cuoc hanh
trnh mang nhng ngi chau Phi b bat en Tay An,
va sau o en Bac My va Nam My, e ban lam no le
c goi nh vay v no c xem nh trung gian
cua viec mau dch tam giac.
migration / s di c dt. hanh vi di chuyen t mot ni
en nh c ni khac.
militarism / chu ngha quan phiet dt. mot chnh
sach bieu dng sc manh quan s va gi mot oi
quan thng trc luon san sang cho chien tranh.
Ming dynasty / trieu ai nha Minh dt. mot trieu ai
Trung Quoc cai tr t nam 1368 en 1644.
Minoans dt. mot dan toc chuyen i bien va buon ban
song tren ao Crete t khoang nam 2000 en 1400
trc cong nguyen.
Mississippian / thuoc Mississippi tt. lien quan en
mot nen van hoa Mound Builder hng thnh Bac My
gia nam 800 va 1500 sau cong nguyen.
mita dt. trong e che Inca, s oi hoi tac ca cac than
dan trng thanh phai lam viec cho nha nc mot so
ngay nhat nh moi nam.
Moche dt. mot nen van minh hng thnh tai ni ma
nay la b bien pha bac Peru t khoang nam 100 en
monarchy / nen quan chu dt. mot chnh phu trong
o quyen lc trong tay ch mot ngi.

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monastery / tu vien dt. mot cong ong ton giao gom

nhng ngi goi la tu s, nhng ngi a t bo tat ca
cua cai e cong hien than mnh cho mot cuoc song cua
s cau nguyen va th phung.
monopoly / oc quyen dt. s kiem soat oc ton cua
mot nhom oi vi viec san xuat va phan phoi cac loai
hang hoa nhat nh.
monotheism / thuyet n than dt. niem tin vao mot
v than duy nhat.
Monroe Doctrine / Hoc thuyet Monroe dt. chnh
sach phan oi cua Hoa Ky oi vi s can thiep cua
chau Au My Latin, do Tong thong James Monroe
cong bo nam 1823.
monsoon / gio mua dt. mot loai gio chuyen hng
thoi vao cac thi iem trong moi nam.
mosque / en th Hoi giao dt. mot ni th phung
cua ao Hoi.
movable type / ch in di chuyen c dt. cac khoi
kim loai hay go, moi khoi mang mot ac tnh khac nhau,
co the c sap at e tao thanh mot trang e in an.
Mughal dt. mot trong nhng ngi du muc o bo vao
tieu luc a An o the ky 16 va thanh lap mot e che
hung manh o.
mujahideen dt. Afghanistan, cac chien binh sung
ao nhom hop lai e chien au chong chnh phu c
Lien Xo ung ho cuoi nhng nam 1970.
mulattos / ngi da ngam dt. nhng ngi lai gia
ngi chau Au va chau Phi.
mummification / s p xac dt. mot qua trnh p
va say kho xac chet e ngan thoi ra.
Munich Conference / Hoi Ngh Munich dt. mot
cuoc hop nam 1938 cua cac ai dien t Anh, Phap, Y
va c, trong o Anh va Phap ong y cho phep c
Quoc xa thon tnh mot phan lanh tho Tiep Khac e oi
lay viec Adolf Hitler ha ton trong cac ng bien gii
mi cua Tiep Khac.
Muslim / ngi Hoi giao dt. mot ngi theo ao Hoi.
Muslim League / Lien oan Hoi giao dt. mot to
chc c hnh thanh nam 1906 e bao ve quyen li
cua ngi Hoi giao An o, ma sau o e ngh rang An
o phai c chia thanh cac quoc gia Hoi giao va
Hindu rieng biet.
Mutapa tt. lien quan en mot e quoc nam chau Phi
c thanh lap bi Mutota the ky 15 sau cong
Mycenaeans dt. mot dan toc An-Au nh c tren at
lien Hy Lap khoang nam 2000 trc cong nguyen.
myths / than thoai dt. cac cau chuyen truyen thuyet
ve cac v than, to tien hay anh hung, c ke e giai
thch the gii t nhien hoac phong tuc va tn ngng
cua mot xa hoi.

Napoleonic Code / Bo Luat Napoleon dt. mot he
thong luat le toan dien va thong nhat c Napoleon
thiet lap cho nc Phap.
National Assembly / Quoc Hoi dt. mot hoi ngh cua
Phap c thanh lap bi cac ai dien cua Giai cap th
Ba vao ngay 17 thang Sau nam1789, e ban hanh luat
le va cac cai cach nhan danh nhan dan Phap.
nationalism / chu ngha dan toc dt. long tin rang
ngi ta ch nen trung thanh chu yeu vi to quoc mnh
ngha la, vi nhng ngi ma ho cung chung mot nen van
hoa va lch s hn la vi mot v vua hay hoang e.
nation-state / quoc gia-nha nc dt. mot n v a
chnh oc lap gom nhng ngi co chung nen van hoa
va ac tnh.
NATO dt. To chc Hiep c Bac ai Tay Dng
mot lien minh quan s phong thu hnh thanh nam 1949
bi mi quoc gia Tay Au, Hoa Ky va Canada.
Nazca dt. mot nen van minh hng thnh tai ni ngay
nay la b bien pha nam Peru t khoang nam 200 trc
cong nguyen en 600 sau cong nguyen.
Nazism / chu ngha Quoc xa dt. cac chnh sach
phat xt cua ang Cong Nhan Quoc gia Xa hoi c,
da vao chu ngha cc quyen chuyen che, mot niem tin
vao s u viet chung toc, va s kiem soat cua nha nc
oi vi cong nghiep.
Negritude movement / phong trao Negritude dt.
mot phong trao trong o ngi chau Phi noi tieng Phap
va ngi Tay An ky niem s tha ke truyen thong van
hoa va cac gia tr chau Phi.
neoclassical / tan co ien tt. lien quan en mot
phong cach n gian, sang trong (da vao cac y tng
va chu e t Hy Lap va La Ma co ai) ac trng cho
nghe thuat chau Au trong cuoi nhng nam 1700.
Neolithic Age / thi ky o a Mi dt. mot thi ky
tien s bat au khoang nam 8000 trc cong nguyen
va vai khu vc cham dt sm khoang nam 3000
trc cong nguyen, khi o con ngi hoc cach anh
bong o a, lam o gom, trong trot va nuoi gia suc
con goi la New Stone Age.
Neolithic Revolution / Cach mang o a Mi dt.
s thay oi chnh yeu trong i song con ngi c
tao ra bi viec bat au lam nong nghiep ngha la,
bi viec con ngi chuyen oi t hai lm thc an sang
san xuat thc an.
New Deal / Tan Chnh sach dt. chng trnh cai
cach kinh te cua Tong thong My Franklin Roosevelt
c a ra e giai quyet cac van e gay nen bi cuoc
ai Suy thoai.
New Kingdom / Tan Vng Quoc dt. thi ky cua lch
s Ai Cap co ai tiep sau s lat o cac nha cai tr Hyksos,
keo dai t khoang nam 1570 en 1075 trc cong nguyen.


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nirvana / niet ban dt. trong ao Phat, s giai thoat

khoi au kho va chu ng co c sau s khai sang.
Nok dt. mot dan toc chau Phi song ni ma nay la
Nigeria gia nam 500 trc cong nguyen va 200 sau
cong nguyen.
nomad / dan du c dt. mot thanh vien cua mot nhom
ngi khong co nha co nh, lang thang t ni nay
en ni khac e tm thc an va nc.
nonaggression pact / hiep c khong gay han dt.
mot hiep c trong o cac quoc gia ha khong tan
cong nhau.
nonaligned nations / cac quoc gia khong lien ket
dt. cac nc oc lap van gi tnh trang trung lap trong
cuoc canh tranh trong Chien tranh Lanh gia Hoa Ky
va Lien Xo.
Nuremberg Trials / cac Phien toa Nuremberg dt.
mot loat cac vu xet x to chc tai Nuremberg, c,
sau Chien tranh The gii th hai, trong o cac lanh ao
c Quoc xa b truy to v toi xam lc, vi pham luat le
chien tranh, va toi ac chong lai loai ngi.


obsidian / a vo chai dt. mot loai a nui la cng,

giong thuy tinh c cac dan toc xa dung lam vu kh
sac ben.
Old Regime / Che o Cu dt. he thong chnh tr va
xa hoi ton tai Phap trc cuoc Cach mang Phap.
oligarchy / chnh the au so dt. mot chnh phu trong
o quyen lc trong tay mot so t ngi ac biet
mot chnh phu trong o luat le c da vao ong tien.
Olmec dt. nen van minh Me-My c biet en sm
nhat, hng thnh vao khoang nam 1200 trc cong
nguyen va anh hng en cac xa hoi sau nay trong
khap khu vc.
Open Door Policy / Chnh sach M Ca dt. mot
chnh sach c Hoa Ky e xuat nam 1899, theo o tat
ca cac quoc gia se co c hoi ngang nhau e buon ban
tai Trung Quoc.
Opium War / Chien tranh Thuoc Phien dt. mot
cuoc xung ot gia Anh va Trung Quoc, keo dai t
1839 en 1842, quanh viec buon ban nha phien cua
Anh tai Trung Quoc.
oracle bone / xng thay boi dt. mot cai xng suc
vat hoac mu rua c cac thay tu Trung Hoa co dung
e giao tiep vi cac v than.
Oslo Peace Accords / cac Hiep c Hoa bnh
Oslo dt. mot hiep nh nam 1993 trong o thu tng
Israeli Rabin trao quyen t tr cua ngi Palestine
Dai Gaza va B Tay.
ozone layer / tang ozone dt. mot lp kh quyen tren
cua trai at, bao ve moi s vat khoi cac tia cc tm huy
hoai cua mat tri.


Pacific Rim / Vanh ai Thai Bnh Dng dt. cac phan
at bao quanh Thai Bnh Dng ac biet chau A.
Paleolithic Age / Thi ky o a Cu dt. mot thi ky
tien s keo dai t khoang nam 2.500.000 en 8000
trc cong nguyen, khi o con ngi lam ra cac cong
cu va vu kh bang a tho con goi la Old Stone Age.
Panama Canal / Kenh ao Panama dt. mot ng
thuy do con ngi lam ra noi lien ai Tay Dng va
Thai Bnh Dng, c Hoa Ky xay dng Panama va
m ca vao nam 1914.
papyrus / cay coi giay dt. mot loai cay ho say moc
chau tho song Nile, c ngi Ai Cap co ai dung e
lam cac vat lieu giong giay e viet len.
parliament / ngh vien dt. mot c quan gom cac ai
dien e lam luat cho mot quoc gia.
partition / s phan chia dt. mot s chia cat thanh
nhieu phan, nh viec chia cat thuoc a An o cua
Anh nam 1947 thanh hai quoc gia An o va Pakistan.
pastoralist / ngi chan tha dt. mot thanh vien cua mot
nhom du muc chuyen chan cac suc vat a thuan dng.
paternalism / che o gia trng dt. mot chnh sach
oi x vi ngi di quyen nh the ho la tre em, cung
cap nhng g ho can nhng khong cho ho quyen li.
patriarch / giao trng dt. mot v trng giam muc
cua nhanh pha ong cua ao Thien Chua.
patriarchal / phu he tt. lien quan en mot he thong
xa hoi trong o ngi cha la ngi ng au gia nh.
patrician / con nha quy toc dt. La Ma co ai, mot
thanh vien cua tang lp thng lu giau co, quyen the.
patrilineal / thuoc phu he tt. lien quan en mot he
thong xa hoi trong o nguon goc va cac quyen tha ke
gia nh c truy theo ngi cha.
patron / ngi au dt. mot ngi ho tr cac nghe
s, nhat la ve tai chnh.
Pax Mongolica / Mong Co Hoa Bnh dt. thi ky t
gia nhng nam 1200 en gia nhng nam 1300 khi
ngi Mong Co ap at s bnh nh cung luat le va trat
t tren khap Au A.
Pax Romana / La Ma Hoa Bnh dt. mot giai oan
hoa bnh va thnh vng tren khap e Quoc La Ma,
keo dai t nam 27 trc cong nguyen en 180 sau
cong nguyen.
Peace of Augsburg / Hoa c Augsburg dt. mot
hiep c nam 1555 tuyen bo rang ton giao cua moi
bang cua nc c se c quyet nh bi ngi cai tr
bang o.
Peloponnesian War / Chien tranh Peloponnesia
dt. mot cuoc chien keo dai t nam 431 en 404 trc
cong nguyen, trong o Athens va cac ong minh cua
no b anh ba bi Sparta va cac ong minh.

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penal colony / thuoc a hnh s dt. mot thuoc a

ma nhng ngi b ket an tu c gi en e thay cho
viec tu.
peninsulares / dan ban ao dt. trong xa hoi thuoc
a cua Tay Ban Nha, nhng dan thuoc a sinh tai Tay
Ban Nha.
Peninsular War / Chien tranh Ban ao dt. mot
cuoc xung ot keo dai t nam 1808 en 1813, trong o
quan phien loan Tay Ban Nha, vi s tr giup cua cac
lc lng Anh, chien au e uoi quan Phap cua
Napoleon khoi Tay Ban Nha.
perestroika / cai to dt. s c cau lai nen kinh te Lien
Xo e chap nhan them nhng s quyet nh noi bo, do
Mikhail Gorbachev khi xng nam 1985.
Persian Gulf War / Chien tranh Vnh Ba T dt.
mot cuoc xung ot nam 1991 trong o cac lc lng
Lien Hiep Quoc anh bai cac lc lng Iraq a xam
lang Kuwait va e doa xam lang Saudi Arabia.
Persian Wars / cac Cuoc Chien Ba T dt. mot
loat cac cuoc chien tranh the ky th nam trc cong
nguyen, trong o cac nha nc o th Hy Lap chien
au chong e Quoc Ba T.
perspective / phoi canh dt. mot ky xao nghe thuat
tao s the hien ba chieu len mot be mat phang.
phalanx / oi ngu tinh nhue dt. mot c cau quan oi
gom cac lnh bo binh trang b giao va khien.
pharaoh dt. mot v vua Ai Cap co ai, c xem nh
mot v than cung nh mot lanh tu chnh tr va quan s.
philosophe / triet gia dt. mot trong nhng nhom cac
nha t tng Phap trong thi ai Anh Sang.
philosophers / triet gia dt. cac nha t tng chuyen
dung logic va ly le e nghien cu ban chat cua vu tru,
xa hoi loai ngi, va ao c.
Phoenicians / ngi Phoenicia dt. mot dan toc
mien bien thuoc Tay Nam A, ma khoang nam 1100
trc cong nguyen bat au giao thng va thiet lap cac
thuoc a tren khap vung a Trung Hai.
Pilgrims / L Khach dt. mot nhom ngi ma nam
1620 thanh lap thuoc a Plymouth Massachusetts e
thoat khoi s ngc ai ton giao Anh.
plebeian / ngi bnh dan dt. La Ma co ai, mot
trong nhng ngi nong dan, th thu cong va thng
gia bnh thng cau thanh nen phan ln dan so.
plebiscite / cuoc trng cau dan y dt. mot cuoc bo
phieu trc tiep trong o nhan dan mot nc co c hoi
chap thuan hay loai bo mot kien ngh.
PLO dt. To chc Giai phong Palestine mot to chc
hoat ong nham thanh lap mot nha nc oc lap cho
ngi Palestine Trung ong.
polis dt. mot o th-nha nc Hy Lap n v hanh
chnh c ban cua Hy Lap co ai sau khoang nam 750
trc cong nguyen.

Politburo / Bo Chnh tr dt. uy ban cai quan cua

ang Cong san Lien Xo.
political dissent / bat ong chnh tr dt. s khac
biet trong y kien ve cac van e chnh tr.
polytheism / a than dt. niem tin vao nhieu v than.
pope / Giao Hoang dt. v giam muc cua La Ma,
ng au Giao Hoi Thien Chua La Ma.
Popol Vuh dt. mot cuon sach cha mot phien ban cua
cau chuyen sang tao cua ngi Maya.
popular culture / van hoa ai chung dt. nhng yeu
to van hoa the thao, am nhac, phim anh, quan ao,
va van van phan anh nen tang chung va nhng s
quan tam luon thay oi cua mot nhom ngi.
potlatch dt. mot le hoi long trong dung e the hien a
v xa hoi va s phat at mot so bo lac Tho dan chau
My vung Duyen hai Tay Bac.
predestination / thuyet tien nh dt. hoc thuyet cho
rang Chua a quyet nh trc tat ca moi viec, neu co
thuyet nay ngi ta se c cu vt mai mai.
Presbyterian / Tn o giao hoi trng lao dt. mot
thanh vien cua mot nha th Tin Lanh c cai quan
bi cac trng lao va thanh lap da tren viec giang day
ve John Knox.
PRI dt. ang Cach mang To chc ang chnh tr
chnh cua Mexico.
proletariat / giai cap vo san dt. trong hoc thuyet cua
Marx, nhom cac cong nhan nhng ngi se lat o sa
hoang va en e tr v nc Nga.
proliferation / s sinh soi dt. mot s tang trng hay
lan tran ac biet la s lan tran cac vu kh hat nhan
en nhng quoc gia hien ang khong co chung.
propaganda / s tuyen truyen dt. thong tin hay tai
lieu c truyen ba e tien ti mot muc ch hoac e
pha hoai mot muc ch cua oi thu.
Protestant / Tin Lanh dt. mot thanh vien cua mot
nha th Thien Chua c thanh lap tren cac nguyen
tac cua Phong trao Cai cach.
provisional government / chnh phu lam thi dt.
mot chnh phu tam quyen.
psychology / tam ly hoc dt. mot khoa hoc nghien
cu ve tam tr va thai o con ngi.
pueblos / lang Da o dt. cac lang mac co nhieu ngoi
nha giong nh can ho lam bang at va a, c xay
dng bi ngi Anasazi va sau nay la cac bo toc thuoc
vung Tay Nam nc My.
Punic Wars / cac Cuoc Chien Punic dt. mot loat
ba cuoc chien tranh gia La Ma va Carthage (264-146
trc cong nguyen); dan en viec pha huy Carthage va
s thong tr cua La Ma tren khap vung pha tay a
Trung Hai.



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Puritans / ngi Thanh giao dt. mot nhom ngi

tm kiem t do e thoat khoi s ngc ai ton giao
Anh bang cach thanh lap mot thuoc a Vnh
Massachusetts trong nhng nam au thap ky 1600.
push-pull factors / cac nhan to ay-keo dt. cac
ieu kien loi keo ngi ta en mot a iem (nhan to
keo) hoac lam ngi ta ri khoi que hng ho va di c
en mot vung khac (nhan to ay).
pyramid / hnh chop dt. mot cau truc ln vi mot
nen e hnh t giac va bon canh hnh tam giac, giong
nh nhng Kim T Thap c xay dng Ai Cap e
lam ni chon cat cac pharaoh cua Vng Quoc Co.

Qin dynasty / nha Tan dt. mot trieu ai Trung Quoc
ngan ngui a thay the nha Chu the ky th ba trc
cong nguyen.
Qing dynasty / nha Thanh dt. trieu ai cuoi cung
cua Trung Quoc, cai tr t nam 1644 en 1912.
Quetzalcoatl dt. "con Ran co Long" mot v than
cua ngi Toltecs va cac dan toc My-Me khac.
quipu dt. mot s sap at nhng si day co that nut,
c ngi Inca dung e ghi chep nhng thong tin so.
Quran / kinh Coran dt. sach thanh cua ao Hoi.


racism / chu ngha phan biet chung toc dt. quan

niem rang chung toc nay cao cap hn cac chung toc khac.
radicals / nhng ngi cap tien dt. na au the
ky 19, nhng ngi chau Au ung ho s thay oi manh
me e m rong nen dan chu en cho toan dan.
radioactivity / phong xa dt. mot dang nang lng
c thai ra di dang phan ra nguyen t.
Raj / Anh thuoc dt. nhng phan b Anh kiem soat cua
An o trong nhng nam 1857-1947.
rationing / khau phan dt. s gii han lng hang hoa
moi ngi c mua thng c cac chnh phu ap
dung trong thi chien, khi hang hoa khan hiem.
realism / trng phai hien thc dt. mot phong trao
nghe thuat the ky 19 trong o cac tac gia va hoa s tm
cach the hien cuoc song giong nh thc te thay v
giong nh mong c.
realpolitik / chnh tr cua thc te dt. s thc thi nen
chnh tr quyen lc va khong co cho cho chu ngha ly
recession / s suy thoai dt. mot s cham lai cua
nen kinh te cua mot quoc gia.
Reconquista / s Tai Chinh phuc dt. no lc cua cac
nha lanh ao C oc e uoi ngi Hoi giao khoi Tay
Ban Nha, keo dai t nhng nam 1100 en nam 1492.


Red Guards / Ve Binh o dt. cac n v dan quan

c thanh lap bi nhng ngi Trung Hoa tre tuoi
nam 1966 e ap lai li keu goi cua Mao Trach ong
oi vi mot cuoc cach mang xa hoi va van hoa.
Reformation / Phong trao Cai cach dt. mot phong
trao the ky 16 nham cai cach ton giao, dan en s
thanh lap cac nha th Thien Chua giao khc t quyen
lc cua giao hoang.
refugee / dan t nan dt. mot ngi ri at nc mnh
e en mot nc khac tm s an toan.
Reign of Terror / Trieu ai Kinh hoang dt. thi ky
t gia nam 1793 en gia 1794, khi Maximilien
Robespierre cai tr Phap gan nh mot nha oc tai va
hang ngan nhan vat chnh tr va cong dan bnh thng
b hanh quyet.
reincarnation / s au thai dt. trong ao Hindu va
ao Phat, qua trnh theo o mot linh hon c tai sinh
lien tuc en khi no at c s am hieu hoan toan.
religious toleration / s khoan dung ton giao dt.
mot s tha nhan quyen cua moi ngi c nam gi
cac tn ngng khac nhau.
Renaissance / thi Phuc Hng dt. mot thi ky lch
s chau Au, keo dai t khoang nam 1300 en 1600, khi
s quan tam mi me oi vi van hoa co ien dan en
nhng s thay oi rong rai ve nghe thuat, hoc van va
the gii quan.
republic / nen cong hoa dt. mot hnh thc chnh phu
trong o quyen lc trong tay cac ai dien va cac nha
lanh ao c nhan dan bau ra.
Restoration dt. the period of Charles IIs rule over
England, after the collapse of Oliver Cromwells
reunification / s tai thong nhat dt. s em lai vi
nhau mot lan na cac th trc o a b phan chia, nh
s tai thong nhat ong c va Tay c nam 1990.
romanticism / trng phai lang man dt. mot phong
trao au the ky 19 trong nghe thuat va t duy, tap
trung vao cam xuc va t nhien hn la ly le va xa hoi.
Roosevelt Corollary / He Luan Roosevelt dt. s
m rong cua Tong thong Theodore Roosevelt nam
1904 oi vi Hoc Thuyet Monroe, trong o ong tuyen
bo rang Hoa Ky co quyen thc thi "quyen lc canh sat"
toan Tay Ban Cau.
Rowlatt Acts / cac ao luat Rowlatt dt. cac ieu
luat c thong qua nam 1919 cho phep chnh phu Anh
tai An o bo tu nhng ngi chong oi Anh ma khong
can xet x trong hai nam.
Royal Road / Con ng Hoang Gia dt. mot con
ng e Quoc Ba T, trai rong hn 1.600 dam t
Susa Ba T en Sardis Anatolia.
Russification / s Nga hoa dt. qua trnh ap at van
hoa Nga len tat ca cac nhom sac toc trong e Quoc

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Russo-Japanese War / Chien tranh Nga-Nhat dt.

mot cuoc xung ot nam 1904-1905 gia Nga va Nhat,
c cham ngoi bi nhng no lc cua hai nc nham
thong tr Man Chau Ly va Trieu Tien.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

sacrament / le ban phc dt. mot trong nhng buoi
le C oc trong o n hue cua Chua c truyen ti
con ngi.
Safavid dt. thanh vien cua mot trieu ai Hoi giao
Shia a xay dng mot e che Ba T trong cac the
ky 16-18.
Sahel dt. vung thuoc chau Phi doc bien gii pha nam
sa mac Sahara.
salon / trien lam tranh Paris dt. mot cuoc hoi ngo
cua cac tr thc va nghe s, nh c to chc tai nha
cua nhng phu n kha gia Paris va cac thanh pho
chau Au khac trong thi ky Anh Sang.
SALT dt. viet tat cua cac Cuoc Thao luan ve Han che
Vu kh Chien lc mot loat cac cuoc hop trong nhng
nam 1970, trong o lanh ao cua Hoa Ky va Lien Xo
ong y gii han cac kho vu kh hat nhan cua hai quoc gia.
Salt March / Thang Ba Muoi dt. mot cuoc bieu tnh
on hoa chong lai cac ao luat ve Muoi nam 1930 An
o trong o Mohandas Gandhi dan au nhng ngi
theo ong tren mot cuoc i bo dai 240 dam ti bien, ni
ho lam muoi cho chnh mnh t nc bien c lam
bay hi.
samurai dt. mot trong nhng chien binh chuyen
nghiep phung s cac chua phong kien Nhat.
sans-culottes / khong mac quan dt. trong cuoc
Cach mang Phap, mot nhom cap tien gom nhng ngi
lam cong an lng va ban tap hoa ngi Paris muon
mot tieng noi ln hn trong chnh phu, muon gia ca
thap hn va cham dt thieu thon lng thc.
satrap / tnh trng dt. mot thu lnh cua mot tnh
e Quoc Ba T.
savanna / thao nguyen ban hoang mac dt. mot,
canh ong phang va nhieu co.
Schlieffen Plan / Ke hoach Schlieffen dt. ke
hoach quan s cua c vao luc bung no cuoc Chien
tranh The gii th nhat, ma theo o quan c se mau
chong anh bai Phap va roi tien ve pha ong e tan
cong Nga.
scholastics / giao sinh dt. cac hoc gia tap hp lai va
giang day tai cac ai hoc chau Au thi trung co.
scientific method / phng phap khoa hoc dt. mot
thu tuc hp ly e thu thap thong tin ve the gii t
nhien, trong o viec th nghiem va quan sat c s
dung e kiem tra cac gia thuyet.

Scientific Revolution / Cach mang Khoa hoc dt.

mot s thay oi ln trong t tng chau Au, bat au vao
gia nhng nam 1500, trong o viec nghien cu the gii
t nhien bat au c bieu th bi s quan sat can than
va viec chat van nhng niem tin c chap nhan.
scorched-earth policy / chnh sach vn khong
nha trong dt. viec ot mua mang va giet vat nuoi trong
thi chien e quan ch khong song c tren at o.
scribe / ngi gi giay t dt. mot trong nhng ngi
gi ho s chuyen nghiep cac nen van minh s khai.
secede / ly khai t. chnh thc rut khoi mot hiep hoi
hay lien minh.
secular / tran tuc tt. quan tam en cac van e thc
tai hn la cac van e tam linh.
segregation / s tach biet chung toc dt. viec chia
cat hp phap hoac mang tnh xa hoi nhng ngi thuoc
cac chung toc khac nhau.
self-determination / quyen t quyet dt. quyen t
do cua mot dan toc e quyet nh ho muon song di
hnh thc chnh phu nao.
Seljuks dt. mot nhom ngi Tho Nh Ky di c en e
Quoc Abbasid trong the ky th 10 va thanh lap e che
cho rieng ho the ky th 11.
senate / hoi ong toi cao dt. La Ma co ai, c
quan cam quyen toi cao, khi au ch gom toan ngi
quy toc.
sepoy dt. mot ngi lnh An o phuc vu di quyen
ch huy cua Anh.
Sepoy Mutiny / cuoc Binh bien Sepoy dt. mot
cuoc noi day nam 1857 cua binh lnh Hindu va Hoi
giao chong lai quan Anh An o.
serf / nong no dt. mot nong dan trung co b luat buoc
phai song tren at ai cua mot lanh chua.
Seven Years War / Chien tranh Bay Nam dt.
mot cuoc xung ot chau Au, Bac My va An o, keo
dai t nam 1756 en 1763, trong o cac lc lng Anh
va Pho chien au vi quan Ao, Phap, Nga va cac nc
shah / quoc vng dt. vua ke tuc cua Iran.
sharia dt. mot c quan lam luat cai quan cuoc song
cua ngi Hoi giao.
Shia dt. nhanh cua ao Hoi co cac thanh vien tha
nhan Ali va cac hau due la nhng ngi ke v xng
ang cua Muhammad.
Shinto / Than ao dt. ton giao goc cua Nhat Ban.
Shiva dt. mot v than Hindu c xem la ke pha huy
the gii.
"shock therapy" / "lieu phap soc" dt. mot chng
trnh kinh te c tien hanh Nga bi Boris Yeltsin
trong nhng nam 1990, bao gom mot s chuyen oi voi
va t mot nen kinh te ch huy sang mot nen kinh te th
trng t do.




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shogun / tng quan dt. Nhat Ban thi phong

kien, mot ch huy quan s toi cao cai tr nhan danh
hoang e.
Sikh dt. mot thanh vien cua mot nhom ton giao phi
bao lc co tn ngng pha tron cac yeu to Phat giao,
Hindu giao va Sufi giao.
Silk Roads / cac Con ng T Lua dt. mot he
thong nhng con ng l hanh co ai bang qua Trung
A, ma cac thng gia mang theo lua va cac hang hoa
buon ban khac doc theo o.
simony / s mua quan ban chc dt. viec ban hoac
mua mot chc vu trong mot giao hoi Thien Chua.
skepticism / chu ngha hoai nghi dt. mot triet ly
da tren quan niem rang khong co g c biet la chac
chan ca.
slash-and-burn farming / canh tac kieu chat-vaot dt. mot phng phap trong trot trong o ngi ta
don sach canh ong bang cach cat va ot cay coi va
co, lay tro lam phan bon cho at.
Slavs / dan ong Au dt. mot dan toc cac khu rng
pha bac Bien en, la to tien cua nhieu dan toc ong
Au ngay nay.
social contract / khe c xa hoi dt. thoa thuan theo
o ngi ta nh ngha va gii han cac quyen ca nhan,
t o tao nen mot xa hoi hay chnh quyen co to chc.
Social Darwinism / Hoc thuyet Darwin ve Xa hoi
dt. viec ng dung y tng cua Charles Darwin ve s
tien hoa va "s song sot cua cac ca the thch nghi nhat"
oi vi cac xa hoi loai ngi cu the la s bien ho
cho s bang trng chu ngha e quoc.
socialism / chu ngha xa hoi dt. mot he thong kinh
te trong o cac yeu to san xuat c s hu bi cong
chung va hoat ong v li ch cua tat ca moi ngi.
Solidarity / Cong oan oan ket dt. mot cong oan
lao ong cua Ba Lan ma trong nhng nam 1980 tr
thanh lc lng chong oi chnh yeu oi vi s cai tr
cua Cong san Ba Lan.
Songhai dt. mot e quoc Tay Phi a chinh phuc Mali
va kiem soat mau dch t nhng nam 1400 en nam
soviet dt. mot trong nhng hoi ong ai dien a
phng hnh thanh Nga sau s sup o cua Sa Hoang
Nicholas II.
Spanish-American War / Chien tranh Tay Ban
Nha-My dt. mot cuoc xung ot nam 1898 gia Hoa
Ky va Tay Ban Nha, trong o Hoa Ky ung ho cuoc au
tranh v oc lap cua Cuba.
specialization / s chuyen mon hoa dt. viec phat
trien cac ky nang trong mot loai cong viec cu the, v
du buon ban hoac lu gi ho s.
sphere of influence / pham vi anh hng dt. mot
khu vc nc ngoai ma mot quoc gia co quyen kiem
soat ve thng mai va cac hoat ong kinh te khac.


standard of living / tieu chuan song dt. chat lng

cuoc song cua mot ngi hoac mot dan so, nh c
bieu hien qua hang hoa, dch vu va s sung tuc san co
cho ngi o hoac dan so o.
stateless societies / cac xa hoi khong nha nc
dt. cac nhom van hoa trong o quyen lc c phan
chia gia cac dong doi co the lc bang nhau thay v
c thc thi bi mot chnh quyen trung ng.
steppes / thao nguyen dt. nhng canh ong kho,
phu ay co.
strike / nh cong t. t choii lam viec nham ep buoc
mot chu lao ong phai ap ng cac yeu sach nao o.
stupa dt. cac cau truc a xay thanh go ben tren cac di
tch thieng lieng cua ao Phat.
subcontinent / tieu luc a dt. mot khoi at ln hnh
thanh mot phan khac biet cua mot luc a.
Suez Canal / Kenh ao Suez dt. mot ng thuy
do ngi tao nen, c m ca nam 1869, noi lien
Bien o va a Trung Hai.
suffrage dt. quyen bau c.
Sufi / ngi Sufi dt. mot ngi Hoi giao tm cach at
c s lien lac trc tiep vi Thanh qua cac cach thc
huyen b.
sultan / vua Tho dt. "chua te," hay "ngi ay sc
manh"; chc danh cua cac nha cai tr Ottoman trong
thi ky phat trien cua e che Ottoman.
Sunna / tuc Hoi giao dt. mot mo hnh Hoi giao danh
cho cuoc song, da tren cuoc i va s giang day cua
Sunni dt. nhanh cua ao Hoi co cac thanh vien chap
nhan bon vua Hoi au tien nh la nhng ngi ke v
xng ang cua Muhammad.
surrealism / chu ngha sieu thc dt. mot phong
trao nghe thuat the ky 20 tap trung vao s lam viec cua
tinh than vo thc.
sustainable growth / s tang trng trong vong
kiem soat dt. viec phat trien kinh te ap ng c
nhu cau cua nhan dan nhng gi gn c moi trng
va bao ve c cac tai nguyen thien nhien cho cac the
he tng lai.
Swahili dt. mot ngon ng Bantu chu anh hng cua A
Rap c s dung rong rai ong va trung chau Phi.

Taiping Rebellion / cuoc Noi day Thai Bnh dt.
mot cuoc noi loan gia the ky 19 chong lai trieu ai
nha Thanh tai Trung Quoc, do Hong Thieu Quan lanh
Taj Mahal dt. mot lang mo ep Agra, An o, c
xay dng bi hoang e Mughal la Shah Jahan cho v
cua ong la Mumtaz Mahal.

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Taliban dt. nhom Hoi giao bao thu nam quyen kiem
soat Afghanistan sau khi Lien Xo rut quan; b anh
uoi bi cac lc lng My vao thang Mi Hai nam
2001, v chung cha chap cac nghi can khung bo.
Tamil dt. mot ngon ng mien nam An o; cung la,
nhng ngi noi th tieng o.
technology / cong nghe dt. nhng cach ma ngi ta
ng dung kien thc, cong cu, va s sang che e ap
ng nhu cau cua ho.
Tennis Court Oath / Li Tuyen the San Quan dt.
mot li ha cua cac thanh vien Quoc Hoi cua Phap
nam 1789, trong o ho the se tiep tuc hoi hop cho en
khi ho soan thao c mot ban hien phap mi.
terrace / ruong bac thang dt. mot hnh thc nong
nghiep mi Aksum, trong o nhng luong bac thang
c tao dng tren cac doc nui giup gi lai nc va
giam xoi mon.
terrorism / chu ngha khung bo dt. viec s dung vu
lc hay li e doa e gay hoang s dan chung hoac cac
chnh phu e ho thay oi chnh sach.
theocracy / chnh tr than quyen dt. 1. mot chnh
quyen trong o ngi cam quyen c xem la mot
nhan vat than thanh. 2. mot chnh phu c kiem soat
bi cac lanh ao ton giao.
theory of evolution / thuyet tien hoa dt. y tng
c Charles Darwin e xng nam 1859, rang cac
loai ong thc vat xuat hien theo mot qua trnh chon
loc t nhien.
theory of relativity / thuyet tng oi dt. cac y
tng cua Albert Einstein ve cac moi tng quan gia
thi gian va khong gian va gia nang lc va vat chat.
Theravada dt. mot mon phai cua ao Phat tap trung
vao ky luat ton giao khat khe khi au c c Phat
ung ho.
Third Reich / e Tam Quoc Xa dt. e Che c th
Ba, do Adolf Hitler thanh lap trong nhng nam 1930.
Third Republic / e Tam Cong Hoa dt. nen cong
hoa c thiet lap Phap sau s sup o cua Napoleon
III va chat dt vi s chiem ong cua c Phap
trong Chien tranh The gii th hai.
Third World / The gii th Ba dt. trong Chien tranh
Lanh, cac quoc gia ang phat trien khong lien minh
vi ca Hoa Ky va Lien Xo.
Thirty Years War / Chien tranh Ba Mi Nam dt.
mot cuoc xung ot chau Au ve ton giao va lanh tho,
va v quyen lc gia cac gia nh cai tr, keo dai t
1618 en 1648.
three-field system / he thong ba canh ong dt.
mot he thong canh tac c phat trien chau Au thi
trung co, trong o at nong nghiep c chia thanh ba
canh ong kch thc bang nhau va moi canh ong
c lan lt trong mot vu ong, mot vu xuan, va bo
khong trong g.

Tiananmen Square / Quang trng Thien An

Mon dt. mot khoang khong cong cong rong ln Bac
Kinh; nam 1989, la ni dien ra cuoc noi day cua sinh
vien ung ho cai cach dan chu.
tithe / thue thap phan dt. s chi tra mot phan mi
thu nhap cua mot gia nh cho nha th cua ho.
Tokugawa Shogunate dt. mot trieu ai cac tng
quan cai tr mot nc Nhat Ban thong nhat t 1603 en
Torah dt. nam cuon sach au tien cua Thanh Kinh Do
Thai nhng tac pham thieng lieng nhat trong truyen
thong Do Thai.
totalitarianism / che o cc quyen chuyen che
dt. s kiem soat cua chnh phu oi vi moi kha canh
cua cuoc song xa hoi va cuoc song rieng t.
total war / chien tranh tong lc dt. mot cuoc xung
ot trong o cac nc tham chien don het toan bo tiem
lc cho no lc chien tranh.
totems / vat to dt. thu vat hoac cac vat the t nhien
khac c dung lam bieu tng cua s thong nhat cac
gia toc hoac cac nhom ngi khac.
tournament / cuoc au dt. mot tran anh gia gia
cac nhom hiep s.
tragedy / bi kch dt. mot hnh thc kch nghiem tuc
noi ve s sup o cua mot nhan vat anh hung hay quy
Treaty of Kanagawa / Hiep c Kanagawa dt.
mot hiep nh nam 1854 gia Hoa Ky va Nhat Ban,
m ca hai cang cua Nhat cho tau My va cho phep
Hoa Ky m mot toa ai s tai Nhat.
Treaty of Tordesillas / Hiep c Tordesillas dt.
mot hiep c nam 1494 gia Bo ao Nha va Tay Ban
Nha, tuyen bo rang at ai mi c kham pha ve pha
tay cua mot ng tng tng ai Tay Dng se
thuoc ve Tay Ban Nha va at ai mi c kham pha
ve pha ong cua ng o se thuoc ve Bo ao Nha.
Treaty of Versailles / Hiep c Versailles dt. hiep
nh hoa bnh ky bi c va cac cng quoc ong
Minh sau Chien tranh The gii th nhat.
trench warfare / chien s giao thong hao dt. mot
hnh thc chien s trong o cac quan oi oi nghch
anh nhau t cac hao ao di at tai chien trng.
triangular trade / mau dch hnh tam giac dt.
mang li thng mai xuyen ai Tay Dng doc theo
o cac no le va nhng hang hoa khac c chuyen ch
gia chau Phi, nc Anh, chau Au, Tay An, va cac
thuoc a Bac My.
tribune / quan bao dan dt. La Ma co ai, mot vien
chc c thng dan bau len e bao ve quyen cua ho.
tribute / vat cong nap dt. mot s chi tra cua mot the
lc yeu hn cho mot the lc manh hn e co c s
am bao ve hoa bnh va an ninh.


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Triple Alliance / Lien Minh Bo Ba dt. 1. mot hiep

hoi cac o th-nha nc Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, va
Tlacopan, dan en viec hnh thanh e Che Aztec. 2.
mot lien minh quan s gia c, Ao-Hung va Y trong
nhng nam trc Chien tranh The gii th nhat.
Triple Entente / Hiep c Than Thien Bo Ba dt.
mot lien minh quan s gia Anh, Phap va Nga trong
nhng nam trc Chien tranh The gii th nhat.
triumvirate / tam hung dt. La Ma co ai, mot
nhom ba nha lanh ao chung nhau quyen kiem soat
chnh quyen.
Trojan War / Chien tranh thanh Troy dt. mot cuoc
chien, no ra khoang nam 1200 trc cong nguyen,
trong o mot ao quan do cac vua Mycenaean dan au
tan cong thanh pho thng mai oc lap Troy
troubadour / ngi hat rong dt. mot nhac s, thi s
trung co i ay i o mua vui cho dan chung bang
nhng bai tnh ca thanh nha.
Truman Doctrine / Hoc thuyet Truman dt. c
Tong thong Harry Truman cong bo nam 1947, mot
chnh sach cua Hoa Ky vien tr kinh te va quan s cho
cac quoc gia t do b e doa bi cac ch thu trong va
ngoai nc.
tyrant / bao chua dt. Hy Lap co ai, mot ca nhan
hung manh chiem c quyen kiem soat chnh quyen
cua mot o th-nha nc bang cach keu goi ngi
ngheo ung ho.


Umayyads dt. mot trieu ai cai tr e Quoc Hoi giao

t nam 661 en 750 sau cong nguyen va sau o thanh
lap mot vng quoc al-Andalus.
union / cong oan dt. mot hiep hoi cac cong nhan,
c hnh thanh e thng lng v cac ieu kien lam
viec tot hn va lng cao hn.
United Nations / Lien Hiep Quoc dt. mot to chc
gn gia hoa bnh quoc te thanh lap nam 1945 e ong
gop an ninh cho cac quoc gia tren the gii.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights / Tuyen
Ngon Toan Cau ve Nhan Quyen dt. mot ban tuyen
bo nam 1948 trong o Lien Hiep Quoc tuyen bo rang
tat ca con ngi eu co quyen song, quyen t do va an
unrestricted submarine warfare / chien s tau
ngam khong gii han dt. viec s dung tau ngam e
anh chm khong bao trc bat c tau nao (ke ca cac
tau trung lap va cac tau ch khach khong vu trang)
c tm thay tai hai phan cua quan ch.
urbanization / o th hoa dt. s tang trng cua cac
thanh pho va s di c cua ngi dan vao cac thanh pho


U.S.A. Patriot Act / ao luat Ai Quoc Hoa Ky dt.

mot ao luat chong khung bo nam 2001 cung co
quyen cua chnh phu can tr ngi nc ngoai b tnh
nghi la khung bo va truy to nhng toi ac khung bo.
U.S. Civil War / cuoc Noi chien My dt. mot cuoc
xung ot gia mien Bac va mien Nam cua Hoa Ky v
van e no le, keo dai t 1861 en 1865.
utilitarianism / thuyet v li dt. thuyet c e xng
bi Jeremy Bentham trong cuoi thap nien 1700, cho
rang cac hanh ong cua chnh phu la hu ch neu
chung em en s tot ep nhat cho so ong ngi dan
Utopia / xa hoi khong tng dt. mot vung a tng
tng c Thomas More mo ta trong cuon sach cua
ong Utopia mot ni ly tng, ke t ay.

vassal / ch hau dt. chau Au thi phong kien, mot
ngi nhan at t mot lanh chua e oi lay s ha hen
trung thanh va phung s.
Vedas / Kinh Ve a dt. bon tap sach thieng do
ngi Aryans cho ra i trong thi ky au ho nh c
An o.
vernacular / tieng me e dt. ngon ng hang ngay
cua nhng ngi mot vung hay mot nc.
Vietcong / Viet Cong dt. mot nhom du kch Cong
san, vi s tr giup cua Bac Viet Nam, chien au
chong chnh phu Nam Viet Nam trong Chien tranh
Viet Nam.
Vietnamization / Viet Nam hoa chien tranh dt.
chien lc cua Tong thong Richard Nixon e cham dt
s dnh lu cua My trong Chien tranh Viet Nam, bao
gom viec rut dan quan My va thay the bang cac lc
lng Nam Viet Nam.
Vishnu dt. mot v than Hindu c xem la ngi gi
gn the gii.
vizier / te tng dt. mot thu tng mot vng quoc
hay e quoc Hoi giao.

War of the Spanish Succession / Chien tranh Ke
v Tay Ban Nha dt. mot cuoc xung ot keo dai t
nam 1701 en 1713, trong o mot so nha nc chau
Au chien au e ngan gia nh Bourbon khoi kiem
soat Tay Ban Nha cung nh Phap.
Warsaw Pact / Hiep c Warsaw dt. mot lien
minh quan s hnh thanh nam 1955 b Lien Xo va bay
nc ong Au.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company




7:06 PM

Page 79

Weimar Republic / Cong hoa Weimar dt. nc

cong hoa c thanh lap tai c nam 1919 va cham
dt nam 1933.
Western Front / Mat tran pha Tay dt. trong Chien
tranh The gii th nhat, khu vc pha bac nc Phap
ni cac lc lng ong Minh va Cng Quoc Trung
tam anh nhau.
westernization / s tay hoa dt. viec chap nhan cac
the che xa hoi, chnh tr hoac kinh te cua cac nc
phng Tay ac biet la chau Au hoac My.

yin and yang / am va dng dt. trong quan niem
cua ngi Trung Hoa, hai sc manh thong tr cac nhp
song t nhien (vi am ai dien cho cac ac tnh n
trong vu tru, va dng ai dien cho cac ac tnh nam).
Yoruba dt. mot dan toc Tay Phi a thanh lap nhieu
vng quoc ni ma nay la Benin va nam Nigeria.

Zapotec dt. mot nen van minh My-Me thi ky au,

tap trung Thung Lung Oaxaca ma nay la Mexico.
ziggurat dt. mot cau truc hnh chop nhieu tang hnh
thanh nen mot phan cua mot ngoi en Sumeria.
Zionism / chu ngha Phuc Quoc Do Thai dt. mot
phong trao c hnh thanh trong nhng nam 1890 e
co vu viec thanh lap mot que hng Do Thai tai


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Ku = KuNnam n = nam

Ga)asIuds_ n raCvgSEdl)anRtYtRtaPaKeRcInn
cRkPBm:UsImBIK>sqaM 750 dl; 1258.
Aborigine / GkRsukedIm n smaCiknCnCatiedImGUsalINa
absolute monarch / RBHmhakSRtpac;kar n RBHmhakSRta
b RBHmhakSRtIyanI EdlmanGMNacminkMNt; ehIyRbwgERbg
RtYtRta RKb;sgmmnusSTaMgGs;.
acropolis / GaRkUpUlIs n kMBUlPMEdl)anerobcMkarBarsRtUv
Aksum / Gak;saM n raCaNacRkGaRhVik Edl\LvKW eGtBI nig
eGrIeRTo Edl)anQandl;kMritkMBUlnGMNacrbs;xnenA stvtSr_
TI4 nK>s.
al-Andalus / Gal GandaelIs n PUmiPaKEdlRKb;RKgeday
BYkm:UsImEdl\LvKWRbeTseGs,:aj RtUv)aneKbegIteLIgenA
stvtSr_TI 8 nK>s.
Allah / RBHGaLa n RBHCamas; CaBakGara:b; RtUv)anBYk
GIusam eRbIR)as;y:ageRcIn.
Allies / sm<nmit n enAsgamelakelIkTI1 cRkPBGg;eKs
)araMg nig rUsIu CamYynwgRbeTsdTeTotEdl)anvayelIPaKImag
eTotrbs;BYkeK. ehIyk CaRkumnRbeTs EdlrYmman cRkPB
Gg;eKs shPaBsUevot nig shrdGaemrik EdlRbqaMgnwgGMNac
sm<nmit enAsgamelakelIkTI2.
Almohads / Gal;m:Uhads_ n RkumnBYkEkTRmg;GIusam Edl
)anplrMlMraCvgS Gal;m:UravId ehIy)anbegItcRkPBenAGaRhVik
xageCIg nig eGs,a:jxagt,genAstvtSr_TI 12 nK>s.
Abbasids /


ki = kiriyasB

Gal;m:UravId n PatrPaBsasnaGIusamEdl)an
begItcRkPBenAGaRhVikxageCIg nig eGs,a:jxagt,genAstvtSr_TI
11 nK>s.
Amritsar Massacre / karsmab;rgal GamrItsar_ n
karsmab; EdleFVIeLIgedayTBGg;eKselICnCati\NaCit 400
nak;Edl)an RbmUlpMKaenA GamrItsar_ edIm,Itv:anig c,ab; r:UvLat.
Anabaptists / GaNa)aTIs n enAkgkarEkTRmg; RkumRbUetsg;
RKb;RKan;eTIbGacseRmcciteFVICaRKissasnik ehIymanCMenOelI
karEbgEckRBHvihar nig rd.
Anasazi / GaNasahSI n CnCatiedImGaemrikaMgdMbUgEdlrs;enA
Anatolia / GaNatUelo n ]bTVIbGasIunirtI Edl\LvRKb;RKg
edayRbeTsTYKIEpkGasIu EdleK)anehAfa kUntUcGasIu pgEdr.
Angkor Wat / Ggrvt n R)asaTEdl)ansabnaenAcRkPBExr
Anglican / Gg;KIkg; Ku EdlTak;TgeTAnwgRBHviharenAGg;eKs.
animism / viBaaNniym n CMenOEdleCOfa stV rukCati nig
vtFmCatidTeTot manviBaaN.
annexation / eTsanuBnn_ n karbEnmtMbn;mYyeTAkgbUrNPaB
annul / TukCaemaX ki lubecal b bBab;.
anti-Semitism / RbqaMgnwgBYkniymsIumIuTIs n buernicyRbqaMg
apartheid / Gapaeft n neya)ayenAGaRhVikxagt,gelIkar
EbgEckBUCsasn_TaMgRsugedayRsbc,ab; rab;TaMgkarhamXat;elI
karTak;TgEpksgmTaMgGs;rvagBYkEs,kexA nig s.
Almoravids /

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niymnyTaMgT,ayEdl)anrayenAkgsnanuRkmKWCaGtny EdlRtUveTAnwgBakeBceRbIR)as;enAkgGtbTesovePA.
snanuuRkmpl;enARbePTnBaknimYy. xageRkamenHCaGkSrkat;TaMgT,ayEdlRtUv)aneKeRbI;

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

GMNacsm<nmit n enAsgamelakelIkTI2
RbeTsGalWm:g GIutalI nig Cb:un Edl)anbegItnUvsm<nPaBenAkg
qaM 1936.
ayllu / GaylU n enAkgsgmGiunexn shKmtUcmYy b bkS
Axis Powers /


savk n buKleKarBedIrtamRBHeysU Edl)aneTsna

nig )anpSBVpSaykarbRgonrbs;RBHeysU.
appeasement / kareFVI[sb; n kareFVIsm,Tandl;GkQan
Ban edIm,IeCosvagsgam.
aqueduct / ClmaKn bMBg;Twk bbNajTwkEdleK)ansagsg;
aristocracy / vNGPiCn n rdaPi)alEdlGMNacsitenAkgd
fak;dwknaMEdltBIjativgS b GPiCnPaB .
armistice / yuTsniPaB n kicRBmeRBogbBab;karRbyuT .
artifact / vtburaN n vtEdleFVIedaymnusS dUcCa]bkrN_
GavuF b bMENkneRKOgGlga.
artisan / CagCMnaj n kmkrCMnaj dUcCa Gkt,aj b Gksn
Aryans / GaraN n 1> mnusS\N-GWur:ub EdlenA qaMRbEhl
1500 munK>s )ancab;epImeFVIGenaRbevsn_mk]bTVIb\Na. 2>
cMeBaHBYkNasIus KWCamnusSCatiGalWmg;Edl)anbegIt {BUCsasn_
assembly line / ExScgVak;plitkm n karerobcMenAkgeragcRk
assimilation / smankm n 1> karTTYlykvb,FmGkcm,aMg
edayBYkmnusSGkcm,aMg 2> neya)ayEdlRbeTsmYy bgM b CMruj
mnusSsMxan;[TTYlyksabN nig TMnamTmab;rbs;xn.
Assyria / GasIuero n raCaNacRkGasIunirtI EdlRtYtRtacRkPBd
FM BIqaMRbEhl 850 eTA 612 munK>s.
Atlantic Charter / FmnuBaGatg;Tik n karRbkaseKalkarN_
Edl)anecjpSayenAExsIha qaM 1941 edaynaykrdmnI
Gg;eKs vInsn eqIceqol nig RbFanaFibetyGaemrik eRhVgKIn
rUesEvl Edl EpnkarsniPaBsm<nmitenAcugsgamelakelIkTI2
Atlantic slave trade / CMnYjTaskrGatg;Tik n karTij kar
dwkCBan nig karlk;CnCatiGaRhVik edIm,I[eFVIkargarenAGaemrik.
autocracy / GtaFibety n rdaPi)alEdlGkdwknaMmanGMNac
minkMNt; ehIyeRbIR)as;vaenAkglkNrMelaPbMBan.
apostle /

Balkans / )al;kg; n tMbn;GWur:ubGaeKyEdl\LvRKb;RKgeday
Rkic Gal;)anI bulharI r:Um:anI RbeTsTYKIEpkGWur:ub nig GtIt
Bantu-speaking peoples / mnusSniyayPasa)anTU n Gk
niyayRkumnPasaEdlcab;epImRbEhl 2000qaM mkehIy CaGk
baroque / EdlEbk Ku EdlTak;TgnwgrcnabTtubEtglmd
FMeFgEdlkMNt;lkNKMnUr tnI nig sabtkmrbs;GWur:ubenA
stvtSr_qaM 1600 nig edImstvtSr_qaM 1700.
barter / karbrTMnij n TRmg;nBaNiCkmEdlmnusSeFVIkarpas;
brTMnij nig esva edaymineRbIR)as;R)ak;.
Battle of Britain / smrPUmiGg;eKs n karRbyuTCabnbnab;
rvagTBGakasGalWm:g nig Gg;eKs EdlvayRbharelIGg;eKsenA
qaM 1940-1941.
Battle of Guadalcanal / smrPUmi hadlexNl n kar
RbyuT enAsgamelakelIkTI2kgqaM 1942-1943 EdlTB
sm<nmit)an beNjTBCb:unecjBIekaHhadlexNlenA
mhasmuRT )asIuhVik .
Battle of Midway / smrPUmi mItevy n karRbyuTelIsmuRT
nig Gakas nAsgam elakelIkTI2 qaM 1942 EdlTBGaemrik)an
balance of power /




liTiBlCIv n Rkumbdivtn_rU:sIu m:asIus_ Edl)an

RtYtRtardaPi)alr:UsIuenAEx vicikar qaM 1917.
Boxer Rebellion / karbHe)arGkRbdal; n karbHe)arqaM
1900 enARbeTscin manbMNgbBab;\TiBlrbs;breTsenAkg
boyars / mas;dI n GPiCnmas;dIenArUsSI.
Brahma / RBHRBh n RBHkgsasnaRBahN_EdlRtUv)aneKcat;
Brahmin / RBahN_ n enAsgmGaraN smaCiknvNsgm
brinkmanship / karKMramsRtv n neya)ayKRmamkMEhgeFVI
Bronze Age / yuKsmysMriT n smyRbvtisaRsnmnusS
Edlcab; epImkgGMLgqaM 3000 munK>s enAtMbn;xH EdlenAeBl
enaHmnusS cab;epImeRbIR)as;sMriT eRcInCags<an; nig f edIm,IeFVI
]bkrN_ nig GavuFepSg.
bubonic plague / CMgWRKun n CMgWeRKaHfak;dl;CIvit Edl)an
raldaleBjTVIbGasIu nig GWur:ub enABak;kNalstvtSr_TI 14
Edl)an smab;mnusSrab;lannak;.
bureaucracy / kariyaFibety n RbBnnRksYg nig Pak;gar
burgher / GkRkug n Gkrs;enATIRkugenAyuKsmykNal.
Bushido / bUsIudU n c,ab;GtcrikdtwgrwgEdleKarBedayBYkGk
Bolsheviks /

KNrdmnI n RkumnTIRbwkSar brdmnIEdl)aneRCIs
caliph / RBHecAkalIhV n emdwknaMneya)ay nig sasnakMBUl
calligraphy / GkrviciRtsaRs n sil,nkarsresredayd
Calvinism / xalvInniym n KNnkarbRgonsasnaeday
EpkelIKMnitnGkEkTRmg; cn xalvIn.
cabinet /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

smrPUmieslIgRhad n karRbyuTenA
sgamelakelIkTI2 qaM 1942-1943 EdlTBGalWm:gRtUv)an
enA shPaBsUevot.
Battle of the Bulge / smrPUmi )ak; n karRbyuTqaM 19441945 EdlTBsm<nmit)anvaybkelIkarvayRbharcugeRkayFM
bMputnsgamelakelIkTI2 rbs;GalWm:g;.
Battle of Trafalgar / smrPUmi RtahVlha n karRbyuTxag
navaenAqaM 1805 EdlkgkmaMgrbs;Nab:UeLGugRtUvkgnavarbs;
Gg;eKsEdlsitenAeRkamkardwknaMrbs; hUra:TIGU enlsun
vayRbhar .
Benin / binIn n raCaNacRkEdlekIteLIgenACitEdndIsNrTen
NeCI enAstvtSr_qaM 1300 ehIy)ankayCardGaRhiVkPaKxag
licdFMmYyenAstvtSr_qaM 1400.
Beringia / ebrIgeh n dIburaNmans<anqgkat; EdlCnCati
GaemrikaMgdMbUgbMput RtUv)aneKeCOfa)aneFVIGenaRbevsn_BI GasIu
Berlin Conference of 188485 / snisiTiRkugEbkLaMg qaM
1884-85 n kicRbCMuEdlGktMNagBIRbeTsenAGWur:ub)anyl;
Bill of Rights / c,ab;siTiktCn n c,ab;viesaFnkmeTAelI
rdFmnuBashrdGaemrik 10dMbUg EdlkarBarsiTimUldan nig
bishop / mnICan;x<s;sasnaRKis n mnIRKissasnikCan;x<s;
blitzkrieg / vayqk; n {sgamepkbenar} TRmg;ncm,aMgEdl
vayqk;edaynaMmuxynehaHelOn nigtamBIeRkayedaykarvay
blockade / karbiTpvKmnaKmn_ n kareRbIR)as;kgkmaMg nig
nava edIm,IbiTcracrN_BaNiCkm naMcUl b naMecjBITIRkug b tMbn;
Boer / bUeGI n GnaniKmCnhULg;enAGaRhVikxagt,g.
Boer War / sgambUeGI n CemaH EdlekIteLIgBIqaM 1899
dl; qaM 1902 EdlBYkbUeGI nig Gg;eKs )anvayKaedIm,IRtYtRtaelI
Battle of Stalingrad /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

chivalry / virFm n c,ab;sIlFmsRmab;GbSbTienAGWur:ubsmy
kNal Edl)ansgt;Fn;elI]tmKtidUcCa esckIkahan PaBesaH
Rtg; nig PkIPaB.
CIS / sIu Gay eGs n xMmunEvlnrdkraC (Commonwealth
of Independent States) smaKmesrIPaBnGtItsaFarNrd
city-state / RkugkraC n Rkug nig dIBnCMuvijRkugEdlman
civil disobedience / karmineKarBc,ab;rbs;Blrd n kar
bdiesFedaymin)anKitCamun nig CasaFarN edaymineKarBc,ab;
civilization / GarFm n TRmg;nvb,FmEdlmanlkN
sMKal; edaymanTIRkug kmkrCMnaj sabNepSgkarrkSarkar
kt;Rta nig beckviTaQanmux.
civil service / esvaBlrd nRksYgrd)alnrdaPi)alCaBiess
civil war / sgamsIuvil n CemaHrvagRkumneya)ayBIrenAkg
clan / bksm<n n RkumnmnusSEdlmanExSRsLayBIbuBVCn
classical art / sil,buraN n sil,nCnCatiRkic nig r:UmaMg
buraN Edl)ansgt;Fn;elIPaBsuxdum sNab;Fab; nig tulPaB.
clergy / buBVCit n KNnmnIEdlGnuvtesvasasna mandUcCa
GkbYs rdmnI b GkbeRgonc,ab;.
cloning / cmg n karbegItrukCati b stVEdlbgat;BUCdUcKaebH
biteTAnwgrukCati b stVEdlmanRsab;.
coalition government / rdaPi)acRmuHnrdaPi)alEdlRtYtRta
edaysm<nPaBbeNaHGasnnKNbkSneya)ayBIr bI.
codex / k,nc,ab; n esovePAmanTMBreRcInEdlGacebIk dUcrbs;
checks and balances /



kicRBmeRBogexmedvId n kicRBm
eRBogEdl)ancuHhtelxadMbUgrvagGIuRsaEGl nig RbeTsGar:ab;
EdlRbFanaFibetyeGhSIb Ganva:r sadat )anTTYlsal;
GIuRsaEGlCardFmanurUb ehIy naykrdmnIGIuRsaEGl emNacim
ebhin )anyl;RBmRbKl;]bTVIbsIuNeTA[eGhSIbvij.
canon law / c,ab;sasnb,Bati n Ggnc,ab;EdlRKb;RKgkar
capitalism / mUlFnniym n RbBnesdkicEdlEpkelIPaBCa
mas;kCn nig elIkarvinieyaKR)ak;kgkarRbfuyeFVIBaNiCkm edIm,I
Carolingian dynasty / raCvgS xarUlIgehn n raCvgSnGk
RtYtRta eRhVgXIs Edlcab;epImBIqaM 751 dl; qaM 987 nK>s.
caste / vN n vN mYykgcMeNamfak;TaMgbYnnmnusSenAkg
RbBn sgmGaranEdl)antaMgTIlMenAenA\Na EdlrYmman GkbYs
Gkcm,aMg GkERscMkar b CMnYj nig GkbeBajBlkm b sib,kr
Catholic Reformation / kMENTRmg;katUlik n clnaenA
stvtSr_TI 16 EdlRBHviharr:UmaMgkatUlik )anBayameFVIkarpas;br
caudillo / emTB n GkbBaapac;karelITahannRbeTsGaemrik
centralized government / rdaPi)almCkar nrdaPi)alEdl
Central Powers / GMNacmCwm n enAsgamelakelIkTI1
RbeTsGalWm:g; nig GURTIs-hugRKI CamYynwgRbeTsdTeTot Edl
Chaldeans / qaledon n mnusSGasIunirtIEdl)anCYybMpaj
Chartist movement / clnaqatTIs n enAGg;eKsstvtSr_TI
19 smaCiknfak;GkeFVIkar )anTamTarkarEkTRmg;enAkgsPa nig
kare)aHeqat rYmTaMg siTie)aHeqatsRmab;mnusSTaMgGs; .
Chavn / eqvin n GarFmGaemrikxagt,gcMbgTImYy Edl)an
lUtlas;enAx<g;rabEdl\LvCaRbeTseb:rU BIqaMRbEhl 900 eTA
200 munK>s.
Camp David Accords /



samKIPaBnGWr:ub n esrInsm<nkg
cMeNamRbCaCatiGWru:benAstvtSr_TI 19 Edl)anbegIteLIgeday
raCbuRta ekmin vun emeFInic edIm,ITb;sat;karekIteLIgnbdivtn_ .
concordat / GnurUbsBaa n kicRBmeRBogpvkar CaBiessekIt
eLIgrvagsgraCsasnakatUlik nig rdaPi)al EdledaHRsay
Congress of Vienna / smaCTIRkugevnNa n kicRbCMuCabn
bnab; enA qaM 1814-1815 GMLgeBlEdlemdwknaM GWru:bRbwg
ERbgedIm,IbegItnUvsniPaB nig suvtiPaByUGEgVgbnab;BI karbraCy
n Nab:UeLGug.
Congress Party / KNbkSxneRKs n KNbkSneya)ayCati
dFM EdleKsal;pgEdrfaCa sPaCati\Na.
conquistadors / GkpSgeRBgeGs,a:j n Tahan Gkrukrk nig
conservatives / GPirkS n enABak;kNalTI1nstvtSr_TI19
CnCatiGWr:ubTaMgenaHPaKeRcInCamas;dI nig GPiCnEdlmanRTB
sm,ti Edlcg;)ankarkarBarraCvgSburaNescenAGWr:ub.
constitutional monarchy / raCaniymGaRsyrdFmnuBa n
consul / kugsul n enAsaFarNrdr:UmaMg mnImak;nGkman
GMNacBIrnak;Edl)aneRCIserIsCaerogral;qaMedIm,IbBaaTB nig
containment / karTb;sat; n neya)aybreTsrbs;shrd
GaemrikEdl)anyl;RBmedayelakRbFanaFibety EhrI RTUm:an
enAcugTsvtSr_qaM 1940 EdlshrdGaemrik)anBayambBab;
karrIkraldalnlTikumynisniymedaykarbegItsm<nPaB nig
Continental System / RbBnkugTINg;tal; n neya)ayrbs;
Nab:UeLGug elIkarTb;sat;CMnYjrvagcRkPBGg;eKs nig TIVbGWur:ub
corporation / sarCIvkm n CMnYjEdlmanmas;CaGkmanbN
PaKhunnigCaGkEbgEcknUvR)ak;cMeNj b:uEnminTTYlxusRtUvCa
Concert of Europe /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

sgamRtCak; n CemaHkarTUtrvagshrdGaemrik
nig shPaBsUevot rab;TsvtSr_bnab;BIsgamelakelIkTI2.
collective bargaining / kicRBmeRBogrYmKa n karcrcarrvag
kmkr nig efAEkrbs;BYkeK.
collective farm / ksidanshkrN_ n ksidandFMEdlRtYtRta
edayrdaPi)al Edl)anbegIteLIgedaysarkarbBalksidantUc
colony / GaNaniKm ndIEdlRtYtRtaedayRbeTsEdlenAqay.
Colossus of Rhodes / bdimakrmhima rds_ n
bdimaehLinIsIk dFMEdlBImun)anQrenACitcMNtnavards_.
Columbian Exchange / karpas;brxULmebon n karpas;br
CasklnrukCati stV nig CMgWEdl)anekIteLIgenAGMLgGaNaniKm
comedy / qakkMEbg n TRmg;elanEbbkMEbgEdlCajwkjab;rYm
bBalfkkMEbg nig karedoeFH.
command economy / esdkicEpnkar n RbBnesdkicEdl
Commercial Revolution / bdivtn_BaNiCkm n karBRgIk
CMnYj nig BaNiCkm Edl)anpas;bresdkicGWr:ubenAGMLgstvtSr_
TI 16 nig 17.
common law / c,ab;saFarN n Ggnc,ab;Edl)anRc)ac;
bBalKanigcgRkgeT,IgedayecARkm Gg;eKsehIyEdleRbICa
eBlbcb,nenH rYmTaMgshrd Gaemrikpg.
commune / XMu n enARbeTscinkumynis ksidanshkrN_
Edl mnusSmYycMnYnFMeFVIkar nig rs;enACamYyKa.
Communist Party / KNbkSkumynis n KNbkSneya)ay
Edl)anGnuvtKMnitrbs;kal; m:ak; nig vI Gay eLnIn edImdMbUgKW
KNbkSbulesvIk r:UsSI.
communism / kumynisniym n RbBnesdkicEdlral;
meFa)ayplitkmTaMgGs; man dI Er: eragcRk pvrt;ePIg nig
BaNiCkm KWmanmas;CamnusS EdlRTBsm,timinEmnCarbs;k
Cn ehIyTMnij nig esvakmTaMgGs;KWRtUv)aneKEbgEckesIKa.
Cold War /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

damyU n emskiPUmiCb:unEdl)anbBaaTBsam:Ur:.
Daoism / sasnatavnTsSnviCaEdlEpkelIKMnitnGkBicarNa
rbs;cineQaH LavCI Edl)anbeRgonfa mnusSKYrEtRtUv)andwknaM
edaykMlaMgBiPBelakehAfa tav pv.
D-Day / DI-eDy n fTI 6 Ex mifuna qaM 1944 CafEdlsm<n
Declaration of Independence / karRbkaskraC n
delta / dIsNr n tMbn;dIl,ab;EdlekIteLIgedaysarkarkkCab;
demilitarization / kareFVIvieyaFkm n karkat;bnylTPaB
rbs;RbeTskgkareFVIsgam EdlseRmc)anedaykarbMEbkkg
kmaMg nig karhamXat;RbeTsBIkarTTYlGavuF.
democracy /RbCaFibetynrdaPi)alEdlRtYtRtaedayBlrd
rbs;xn edaypal; bktamryGktMNag.
democratization / RbCaFibetynIykm n dMeNIrkarnkar
Department of Homeland Security / RksYgkarBarsuvtiPaB
kgRsuk n TIPak;garshBn shrdGaemrik Edl)anbegIteLIg
enAqaM 2002 edIm,IsRmbsRmYlkicRbwgERbgrbs;CatiRbqaMgnwg
dtente / karbnrPaBtantwgEpkTMnak;TMngGnrCati n
edayshrdGaemrikkgGMLgeBlEdlelak rIqat nIsun Ca
developed nation / RbeTsGPivDn_ nRbeTsEdlmansmar
devshirme / edvesomI n enAcRkPBGUtUemn eKalneya)ay
ykkumarecjBIBYkmnusSsasnaRKwsEdlc,aMgQH edIm,I[BYkkumar
daimyo /



sni)at Rtin n kicRbCMunemdwknaMr:UmaMg

katUlIk Edl)anekaHehAeday )a:b b:Ul III edIm,IdwknaMlTi Edl
coup dtat / rdRbhar n kardeNImGMNacneya)aykgCati
covenant / ktikasBaa n kicsna b kicRBmeRBogTaMgsgxag
CaBiesskicRBmeRBogrvagRBHCamas; nig CnehRbUydUcEdl)an
creoles / eRkGUl n enAkgsgmGaNaniKmeGs,:aj CnGaNa
niKm Edl)anekItenAGaemrikLaTIn manBukmayCnCatieGs,:aj.
Crimean War / sgam RKImIn n CemaH ekItcab;BIqaM 1853
dl; qaM 1856 EdlcRkPB GUtUemn edaymanCMnYyBIGg;eKs nig
)araMg )anbBab;karBRgIkrbs;rUsSIenAkgtMbn;smuRTexA.
crop rotation / karbrdMNaMdaMduH nRbBnnkardaMduHdMNaMepSg
Crusade / bUCniykic n ebsnkmmYyEdlGkcm,aMgRKwssas
nik smykNal)anRbwgERbgRtYtRtaeLIgvijnUvTwkdIdBisiTBIBYk
cultural diffusion / karpSBVpSayvb,Fm n karpSBVpSayKMnit
b plitplBIvb,FmmYyeTAvb,FmmYyeTot.
Cultural Revolution / bdivtvb,Fm n karbHe)arqaM 19661976 enARbeTscinEdl)andwknaMedayqaMRkhm CamYynwgeKal
bMNgnkarbegItsgmGkERscMkar nig kmkr EdlesIPaBKa.
culture / vb,Fm n rebobnCIvitEbkrbs;mnusS Edl)anbgaj
tamry]bkrN_ TMnamTmab; sil, nig KMnit.
cuneiform / RbBnsresrEbbest n RbBnsresrEdlman
nimitsBaaCasNanest Edl)anqRbDiteday saemIueron
RbEhlqaM 3000 munK>s.
cyberterrorism / ParvkmRbBnkMuBTrniym n karvayRbhar
Cyrillic alphabet / GkSrRkm sIuerolIk n GkSrRkmsRmab;
karsresrPasarsavIk Edl)anbegItenAstvtSr_TI9nK>s eday
RBHRKU sIuerol nig emfUdIs.
czar / tSar n raCaFiraCrUsuI mkBIeQaHr:UmaMg xaGIusa.
Council of Trent /



CYrmuxEb:kxagekIt n enAsgamelakelIkTI
1 tMbn;EdlenARBMEdn GalWm:g - rUsSI EdlrUsSI nig esIub )anRbyuT
nwg GalWm:g GURTIs nig TYKI.
Edict of Nantes / bBati Nan;ets n karRbkasqaM 1598
Edlesc)araMg hinrI IV )ansnafaBYkRbUetsg; Gacrs;enAeday
sniPaBenARbeTs)araMg ehIyGacsg;TIskarenATIRkug)araMgxH
Emancipation Proclamation / karRbkas[putBIGkCa n
esckIRbkasEdlecjedayRbFanaFibetyGaemrik GaR)aham
lInxun enAqaM 1863 Edl)anEfgfaTaskrTaMgGs;EdlenAkgrd
emerging nation / RbeTsEdlkMBugegIbeT,Ig n RbeTsEdl
dMeNIr karn]sSaPavUbnIykmenAminTan;bBab;enAeLIy.
migrs / nirRbevsn_nmnusSEdlcakecjBIRbeTskMeNItrbs;
BYkeKedaysarmUlehtuneya)ay dUcCaGPiCn nig GkdTeTot
empire / cRkPB n GgPaBneya)ayEdlsmaCiknRbCaCn b
enclosure / karBTrbg n karhMuBnedayrbg b rbgeQI Edl
encomienda / GinxUminda n karpl;dIEdleFVIeLIgedayCnCati
eGs,a:j eTA[GktaMgTIlMenAenAGaemrik rab;bBalTaMgsiTikgkar
English Civil War / sgamsIuvilenAGg;eKs nCemaHcab;taMg
BiqaM 1642 dl; 1649 EdlGkKaMRTPYrItanrbs;sPa RbyuTnwg
enlightened despot / Gkkan;GMNacpac;kardBUEkr n esc
GsarkgkarRKb;RKgedayyutiFm nig eKarBsiTiGkenAeRkam
Eastern Front /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

daGas<ra: n karbMEbkBICIhVecjBIkEngkMeNItenA
)a:eLsIn CaBiesskgGMLgeBlCag 1800 qaM bnab;BIkarbMpaj
rbs;BYkr:UmaMgelIviharenAeyr:UsaLimkgqaM 70 nK>s.
dictator / Gkkan;lTipac;kar n enARbeTsr:UmburaN emdwknaM
neya)ayRtUv)aneKpl;[nUvGMNacpac;karedIm,IbegItc,ab; nig
direct democracy / RbCaFibetypal; n rdaPi)alEdl
BlrdRKb;RKgpal; CaCagtamryGktMNag.
dissident / GkRbqaMg n GkRbqaMgnwgneya)ay b skmPaB
divine right / siTiCaGaTieTB n KMnitEdlfaRBHmhakSRtKWCa
GktMNagRBHCamas;elIEpndI nig CaGkEdlGaceqIy)anCamYyRBH
domestication / karpSaM n karpSaMstVsRmab;kareRbIR)as;rbs;
mnusS .
dominion / viCitraC n enAcRkPBGg;eKs RbeTs dUcCa
kaNada )anGnuBaati[RKb;RKgkickarkgtMbn;rbs;xn.
domino theory / RTwsIdUmINUnKMnitEdlfaRbsinebIRbeTsmYy
Fak;cUlkgkarRKb;RKgrbs;BYkkumynis RbeTsCitxagknwgFak;
Dorians / dUeron n mnusSniyayPasaRkic EdleyageTAtam
TMnamTmab; )anGenaRbevsn_mkRbeTsRkicbnab;BIkarEbk)ak;n
GarFm mIesenon.
Dreyfus affair / erOgra:v RdiyPUs n vaTb,divaTenARbeTs
)araMgenATsvtSr_qaM 1890 edayepateTAelIkarkat;eTas nig kar
dak;BnFnaKaelImnITahanCIhV embBaakar GalRhVit RdIyPUs
rbs; TahaneTA[GalWm:g.
Dutch East India Company / Rkumhun\NabUBarbs;hULg;
n RkumhunEdl)anbegIteLIgedayhULg;enAedImstvtSr_TI 17
edIm,IbegIt nig RtYtRtaCMnYjBaseBjGasIu.
dynastic cycle / vdraCvgSnninakarRbvtisaRsnkarekIteLIg
karFak;cuH nig karCMnYsnraCvgS.
dynasty / raCvgSnGkdwknaMCabnbnab;EdlmkBIRKYsarEtmYy.
Diaspora /

pasIusniym n clnaneya)ayEdlelIktMekIgTRmg;
nCatiniymhYsehtu edaybdiesFBIsiTirbs;buKl nig KNbkS
Fatimid / ehVtFImIt n smaCiknraCvgSmU:sIm EdlykExS
RsLaykUnRsIrbs;mhamateQaH ehVtFIm:a ehIy Edl)anbegIt
cRkPBenAGaRhiVkxageCIg Gar:ab nig sIurI enAstvtSr_TI 10-12.
favorable balance of trade / tulPaBBaNiCkmEdlcg;)an
n sanPaBesdkicEdlRbeTsmYylk;TMnijeTA[breTseRcIn
federal system / RbBnshBn n
RbBnnrdaPi)alEdlGMNac RtUv)aneKEbgEckrvagGCJaFrkNal
nig cMnYnnrdnimYy.
Fertile Crescent / dIragcMNitRBHExEdlmanCICati n dIksikm
EdlsMbUrCICatiragRBHExenAGasIunirtI enArvagsmuRTEBk nig smuRT
feudalism / skiPUminiym n RbBnneya)ayEdlGPiCnRtUv)an
edaypas;brCamYynwgPaBesaHRtg;rbs;BYkeK esvaeyaFa nig kar
fief / dIEdlpl;edaymas; n dIFIEdlyl;RBmedayescRbKl;
filial piety / kareKarBRslaj;EdlCakrNIkicrbs;kUn n kar
eKarBEdlbgajedaykUncMeBaHBukmayrbs;BYkeK bkGkmanvy
Final Solution / dMeNaHRsaycugeRkay n kmviFIsmab;rgal
CnCatiCIhVTaMgGs; EdlmanlkNCaRbBnrbs;elak GIuEF .
Five-Year Plans / EpnkarR)aMqaM n EpnkarEdleRKageday
elak cUEsB salIn enAqaM 1928 sRmab;karGPivDn_esdkic
factors of production / ktaplitkm n FnFanTaMgLay rYm
Four Modernizations / TMenIbtUbnIykmTaMgbYn n sMnMun
mandI kmaMgBlkm nig edImTun EdlRtUvkaredIm,IplitTMnij nig
eKalbMNgEdldak;ecjedayemdwknaMcin elak etg EsvBIgenAcug
stvtSr_TI20 EdlTak;TgnwgkarrIkcMerInxagksikm ]sShkm kar
factory / eragcRknGaKardFMEdlma:sIunRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;edIm,I
karBar nig viTasaRs nig beckviTa.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

fascism /



smasm<FiBaaN n enAkgsasnaRBHBuT Ca
Enlightenment / clnankarEsVgyl; n clnarbs;CnCati
GWr:ubenAstvtSr_TI 18 EdlGkBicarNaCaeRCIn)anBayamRbkan;
ykeKalkarN_nmUlehtu nig viFIsaRsviTasaRseTAelITidPaB
entrepreneur / shRKin n mnusSEdlerobcM cat;Ecg nig
epics / bTkMNaB n kMNaBerobrab;ya:gEvgEdlniyayBIGMBI
erOgeRBg b vIrbursburaN.
estate / fak;sgm n fak;nsgmmYykgcMNamfak;TaMgbI enA
RbeTs )araMgmunbdivtn_)araMg - fak;TI1rYmmanGkbYs fak;TIBI
GPiCn nig fak;TIbI RbCaCnepSgeTotEdlenAsl;.
Estates-General / fak;sgm-TUeTA n karRbCMuGktMNagmk
BIfak;sgm b eGestTaMgbI enA)araMg
ethnic cleansing / karsmatCatisasn_ n neya)ayXatkm
excommunication / kardkecjBIsasna n kardksiTirbs;
existentialism / GtiPaBniymnTsSnviCaEdlBwgEpkelIKMnit
EdlfamnusSpl;Gtnydl;CIvitrbs;BYkeKtamryCeRmIs nig
extraterritorial rights / siTiRCkekaneRkARbeTs n karelIk
Elgdl;kartaMgTIlMenArbs;breTs tamc,ab;nRbeTs.
enlightenment /

neya)ayebIkcMhr neKalneya)ayebIkcMharrbs;
sUevot [manesrIPaBxagbeBajKMnit nig Btman RtUv)aneKENnaM
enAkgqaM 1985 edayelak mIkehl eha)aeqv.
global economy / esdkicBiPBelak n shRbtibtikarN_
hirBavtTaMgGs; EdlmankarTak;TgnwgmnusS BaNiCkm nig
rdaPi)al Edlqgkat;RBMEdnGnrCati.
Glorious Revolution / bdivtn_rugerOg n karTmak;esc
Gg;eKs eCm II edayminmankarbgrQam ehIyRtUv)anCMnYseday
vIelom nig ma:rI.
glyph / cmak;lib n rUbPaBnimitsBa CaBiessKWGVImYyEdlRtUv
)aneKeRbIR)as;CaEpkmYynRbBnsresr edaykarqak;GkSrelI
Gothic / ehahSik Ku EdlTak;TgeTAnwgrcnabTnsabtkm .
RBHviharEdl)anbegIteLIgenAGWr:ubsmykNal manRTg;RTay
Cabnb;egIbeLIg bgckBak; CBaaMgERCg TVaekagRsYc nig mankMBUl
gender inequality / vismPaBeynDr n PaBxusKarvagburs
nig RsI kgnyRTBsm,ti nig zan.
Great Depression / karFak;cuHdundabnesdkic n karFak;cuH
genetic engineering / visVkmbnrBUC n kareprEsnBIrbs;
manCIvitmYyeTArbs;manCIvitmYyeTot edIm,IbegItsrIrmYyEdl
PaKhunshrdGaemrik enAqaM 1929.
Great Fear / karPyxacdxaMgka n karekIneLIgnkarQWcab;
genocide / karsmab;mhaCnnkarsmab;CaRbBnelImnusSTaMg
vaylukrbs; )aeslenAqaM 1789.
gentry / mnusSmanvNx<s; n fak;nGMNac mnusSx<g;x<s;Edl
Great Purge / karedjsmatdGsar n yuTnakarePrvkmenA
shPaBsUevotkgGMLgTsvtSrqaM 1930 Edlelak cUsiB salIn
geocentric theory / RTwsIPUKBnaPI n enAsmykNal
BayamlubbM)at;smaCikKNbkSkumynisTaMgGs; nig BlrddT
TsSnmUldanEpndInsklelak EdlGkecHdwg)aneCOCak;fa
Great Schism / karExVgKMnitKadxaMgka n karEbgEckenARBH
geopolitics /PUKBneya)aynneya)aybreTsEdlEpkelIkar
viharr:UmaMgkatUlikenAsmykNal kgeBlEdlclnaRbqaMg )a:b
BicarNaelITItaMgyuTsaRs b plitplndIepSgeTot.
)an begIteLIgenA GavIKnun nig enAr:Um.
Ghana / haNa n raCaNacRkGaRhVikxaglicEdl)anrIkcMerIn
Greco-Roman culture / vb,FmRkic-r:UmaMg n vb,FmburaN
man)anBIkarykBn nig karRKb;RKgBaNiCkm ehIyEdl)anbegIt
Edl)anGPivDn_BIkarlaybBalKanvb,Fm Rkic ehLinisik nig
cRkPBenAstvtSr_TI 9-11 nK>s.
ghazi / hahSI n Gkcm,aMgedIm,IGIusam.
green revolution / bdivtn_btg nkarRbwgERbgenAstvtSr_TI
ghettos / hItUs n RkugCitxag EdlCakEngBYkCIhVGWr:ubRtUv)an
20 edIm,IbegInFnFancMNIGaharelIBiPBelak EdlTak;Tgnwgkar
eRbIR)as;CI nig faMsmab;stVlit nig karbegItdMNaMEdlFnnwgCMgW.


glasnost /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

cMnucTaMg14 n sMeNImYyesrIEdl elak

RbFanaFibetyGaemrik vURdUv evolsun)aneRKagEpnkaredIm,I
Franks / eRhVg n mnusSCnCatiGalWm:gEdl)antaMgTIlMenAenA
extr:UmaMg hl kEngEdlmankarlM)ak \LvRKb;RKgeday)araMg
ehIy )anbegItcRkPBdGsarkgGMLgsmykalkNal .
free trade / BaNiCkmesrI n BaNiCkmrvagRbeTsTaMgLay
edayminmankarritt,itxagesdkic b r)aMgBaNiCkm dUcCa
French and Indian War / sgam)araMg nig \Na n CemaH
rvagGg;eKs nig )araMg elIkarRtYtRtaEdndIenAGaemrikxageCIg cab;
BIqaM 1754 dl; 1763.
Fourteen Points /

[GkCab;BnFnaKaGacnaMmkmuneBlcUltulakar b ecARkmkat;kI
Hagia Sophia / hCa sUehV n RBHvihar hUlI vIsm enA
xnesnFInpl Edl)anksageLIgedaykarbBaarbs;raCaFiraC
bhSanTIn eQaH casIenon.
haiku / hKu n TRmg;kMNaBrbs;Cb:un Edlman3bnat;min
CYnKaEdlmanBag 5/ 7 nig 5.
hajj / ht n FmyaRtaeTAemka EdleFVIeLIgCakatBVkic rbs;
Han dynasty / raCvgS han n raCvgScinEdlRKb;RKgBIqaM
202 munK>s dl; qaM 9 nK>s nig RKb;RKgmgeTotenAqaM 23 dl;
220 nK>s.
Harappan civilization / GarFmhara:pan n nammYyeTot
rbs;GarFm eRCaH \Ns EdlekIteLIgtamdgTen \Ns GacenA
munqaM 7000 munK>s EdlmanlkNsmal;edaybg;TIRkugdsat.
Hausa / hUsa n RbCaCnGaemrikxagekItEdl)anrs;enARkug-rd
CaeRcInEdl\LvKWCa NayeCIeroPaKxageCIg.
heliocentric theory / RTwsIsuriyanaPI n KMnitEdlfaEpndI nig

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

habeas corpus /

EdlTak;TgnwgRKik Ku Tak;TgeTAnwgGarFm
Pasa sil, viTasaRs nig GkSsaRsnBiPBRkic taMgBIrCkal
GaLicsan;DW dW eRKt eTAcugstvtSr_TI2munK>s.
helot / keBaH n enAkgsgm s<ataburaN GkERscMkar ksikr
hieroglyphics / Pasaskelx n RbBnsresr EdlrUbPaB nig
nimitsBaaRtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;edIm,IbgajGkSr nig sMelg.
Hijrah / hrah n karGenarRbevsn_rbs;mhamat; BIemka eTA
yaRsIb emDINa enAqaM 622 nK>s.
Hittites / hitf n CnCati\N GWur:ub Edl)antaMgTIlMenAenA
GaNatUla kgGMLgqaM 2000 mun K>s.
Holocaust / haynPaBCnCatiCVIhV n karsmab;dFMelIBYkCIhV
nig CnsIuvildTeTot Edl)aneFVIeLIgedayrdaPi)alNahSIrbs;
GalWm:g mun nig kgGMLgsgamelakelIkTI2.
Holy Alliance / sm<nmithUlI n smaKmRbCaCatiGWr:ubEdl)an
begIteLIgedayRkumemdwknaMn r:UsSI GUsalI nig RbUseso bnab;BI
Holy Roman Empire / cRkPB hUlIr:umaMg n cRkPBEdl)an
begIteLIgenAGWr:ubenAstvtSr_TI 10nK>s edImeLIymanTwkdIEt
\LvCarbs;GalWm:g nig GIutalI.
home rule / karRKb;RKgpkg n karRtYtRtaelIbBaaxagkg
cMeBaHGksak;enAkgtMbn; EdleFVIeLIgedayrdaPi)alEdlkan;
hominid / stVelak n smaCiknRkumCIvsasrab;bBalTaMg
mnusSelak nig BUCstVelakepSgeTotEdledIrmanxnRtg;.
Homo sapiens / BUCmnusSbcb,n n BUCCIvsasnmnusS
elaksmybcb,n .
House of Wisdom / salaKtibNit n mCmNlsikSarEdl
)anbegIteLIgenA )adat enATsvtSr_qaM 800.
humanism / mnusSniym n clnabBaarIeNesSn EdlGkKit
BicarNaTaMgLay)ansikSarelIGtbTburaN nig )anepateTAelI
skanuBl nig karseRmc)anrbs;mnusSelak.
Hellenistic /



GkniyayerOg n
guerrilla / TBRB n smaCiknkgkmaMgvayRbharEdl)an
guild / GaCIvsgm n smaKmmnusSenAsmykNaleFVIkargar
GaCIvdUcKa EdlRtYtRtaelIR)ak;ebovtSr_ nig frbs;smaCikxn.
guillotine / masIunkat;k n ma:sIunsRmab;kat;k,almnusS Edl
Gupta Empire / cRkPBhta n cRkPBTI2enA\Na Edl)an
begIteLIgeday can;Rda hta I enAqaM 320 nK>s.
Griot /

]sSahPUvUbnIykm n karGPivDn_n
]sSahkmepSgedayeRbIR)as;m:asIunkgkarplitTMnij .
Industrial Revolution / bdivtn_]sSahkm n karpas;br
cab;epImeLIgenARbeTsGg;eKskgGMLgstvtSr_TI 18 EdlbrBI
karplitplTMnijedayd eTAkarplitedayeRbIma:sIun.
inflation / GtiprNa n karFak;cuHkgtmnR)ak; edayrYmpSMnwg
karekIneLIgnfrbs;TMnij nig esvakm.
Inquisition / salaesIubGegty:agmWugm:at; n tulakarr:UmaMg
katUlIk sRmab;eFVIkaresIubGegt nig bwgBIGBamti CaBiessGk
skmenAeGs,a:jkgGMLgstvtSr_qaM 1400.
institution / sabN n KMrUnGgkarEdlmanGayuEvgenAkg
intendant / Pskar n mnIrdaPi)al)araMgEdlcat;taMgeday
RBHmhakSRtedIm,IRbmUlBn nig RKb;RKgtulakar.
International Space Station / sanIyGavkasGnrCati n
karpSgeRBgEdlmankarshkarKa KaMRTeday shrdGaemrik nig
Ice Age / smyTwkkk n GMLgeBlRtCak; EdlpaMgTwkkkdFM
rUsSI nig RbeTs14epSgeTot edIm,IbegIt nig EfrrkSamnIBiesaFn_
)anrIkraldalecjBItMbn;b:Ul cugeRkaybMputKWcab;BIqaM RbEhl
1/600/000 dl; 10/000 munK>s.
Internet / GIunFWNit nkartPab;bNajkMuBTrEdlGac[mnusS
I Ching / Gay CIg n esovePATMnayrbs;cin Edl)anBieRKaHBI
enAelIBiPBelakGacpas;brBtman nig eFVIkarTMnak;TMngCamYyKa.
cemIynbBaasIlFm nig karGnuvtn_.
intifada / karbHe)ar GiunFIhVada n yuTnakarmineKarBc,ab;rbs;
icon / bdima n bdimasasnaEdleRbIR)as;edayBYkRKwssasnik
CnsIuvil)a:eLsIn RbqaMgnwgkarRKb;RKgrbs;GIuRsaEGlenA Evs
ebg nig kahSa RsIb Edlbnrdl;TsvtSr_qaM 1990.
imperialism / cRkBtiniymneKalneya)ayEdlCatimYyxaMg
Irish Republican Army (IRA) / kgTBsaFarNrdeGoLg;
CagRbwgERbgRtYtRtaelIRbeTsdTelIEpk neya)ay esdkic nig
n kgkmaMgeyaFaGkCatiniymminpvkarEdlRbwgERbgedIm,I
impressionism / GarmN_niym nclnaenAelIkarKMnUrstvtSr_
iron curtain / r)aMgEdk n kgGMLgsgamRtCak;CaRBMEdn
TI 19 Edlsil,krmanRbtikmRbqaMgnwgBYkR)akdniymedayRbwg
EdlEbgEckRbeTskumynisenAGWr:ubxagekIt BIRbeTs
ERbgdwknaMGarmN_rbs;BYkeKelIerOg b kasNamYy.
RbCaFibety enAGWr:ubxaglicCaeRcIn.
Indo-Europeans / CnCati\NGWr:ub n RkumnGkmanTIlMenA
Iroquois / GayrU:xVIs n RkumnCnCatiedImGaemrikEdlniyay
minnwgnr nig eBlxHnwgnr enAqaMRbEhl 1700 munK>s EdlCa
PasaEdlTak;Tg)anrs;enAtMbn; eRkt eLk PaKxagekItnGaemrik
xageCIg ehIy)anbegItCasm<nmitenAcugstvtSr_qaM 1500.
rUsSI eTA ]bTVIb\Na GWr:ub nig GasIunirtI .
Islam / GIusam n sasnaEdleCOfamanRBHEtmYyKt; Edl)an
indulgence / karminRbkan;eTasnkarGPyeTasEdledaHElg
begIteLIgenA Gar:ab;enAstvtSr_TI 7 n K>s.
buKlmak;[putBITNkmedaysarkarsag)ab .



industrialization /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

mYyryf n GMLgeBlxI enAqaM 1815

eBlEdlNab:UeLGug )aneFVIkarRbwgERbgcugeRkayedIm,IGMNac
eday Tmak;esc)araMg ehIyk)ankayCaGFiraCnRbeTs)araMg
Hundred Years War / sgamCagmYyryqaM n CemaHEdl
Gg;eKs nig )araMg)anRbyuTKaelITwkdI)araMg CYnQb; CYnRbyuT
taMg BIqaM 1337 dl; 1453.
hunter-gatherer / GkRbmaj;-GkRbmUl n smaCiknRkum
EdlminmanTIlMenAnwgn EdlcMNIGaharpt;pg;rbs;BYkeK KWBwgEpk
elIkarbr)aj;stV nig karRbmUlpeQI.
Hyksos / hIKsUs n RkumGkQanBanEdlmanTIlMenAminnwgnr
mkBIGasIunirtI Edl)anRKb;RKgeGhSIbBIqaM 1640 dl; 1570 mun
Hundred Days /

GFiraCexsW n GFiraCGalWm:g; mkBIeQaHedImr:UmaMg

sIusa (Caesar).
kamikaze / kamIkaehS n kgGMLgsgamelakelIkTI2 Cb:un
rbs;sm<nmit edaykarbukynehaHEdlpkRKab;eTAelInavaTaMg
enaH .
karma / kama n enAkgsasnahiN nig RBHBuT Caplsrubn
karsagGMeBIl nig GaRkk; EdlmnusSmak;)anRbRBwt EdlRtUv)an
Jainism / sasnaeCn n sasnaEdl)anbegIteLIgenARbeTs
Khmer Empire / cRkPBExr n cRkPBenAGasIuGaeKy_ Edl
\NaenAstvtSr_TI6 munK>s EdlsmaCikrbs;xneCOfaGVIEdlenA
kEngkNalKWRbeTskm<Cabcb,n Edl)anQaneTAdl;cMnuckMBUl
elIsklelakmanviBaaN dUecHehIyeyIgminKYreFVITukeTasdl;va
nGMNackgGMLgqaMRbEhl 1200 nK>s.
eT .
Khmer Rouge / ExrRkhm n RkumnBYk]TamkumynisEdl
janissary / kgTBTYKI n smaCiknkgTahanvIrCnenAcRkPB
)ankan;GMNacenAkm<CakgqaM 1975.
knight / GbSbTi n enAGWr:ubsmykNal Gkcm,aMgGaveRkaH
jazz / vg;ePghSas nRbePTtnIfImYyenAkgTsvtSr_qaM 1920
Koryu dynasty / raCvgSkUrIyU n raCvgSEdl)anRKb;RKgkUer:
Jesuits / eysUGit n smaCiknsgmRBHeysU KNsasna
BIqaM 935 dl; 1392 nK>s.
r:UmaMg katUlikEdl)anbegIteLIgeday GIukNaeTos n LyULa.
Kristallnacht / RKIsenct_ n { raRtInkarbMEbkEkv } raRtIfTI
jewel in the crown / { rtnvtenAelImd } n GaNaniKm
9 Ex vicikar qaM 1938 EdlBYkNahSIeFVIkarvaylukedayeyaFaelI
Gg;eKsenA\Na eKehAdUecHedaysarEtsarsMxan;rbs;vacMeBaH
pHsEm,g RkumhunGaCIvkm RBHviharsasna rbs;BYkCIhV eBj
cRkPBGg;eKs TaMgCaGkpt;pg;vtFatuedIm nig TaMgCaTIpSarsMrab;
Kuomintang / KYgmIgtag n KNbkSCatiniymcin Edl)an
joint-stock company / RkumhuncUlhunKa n Rkumhun
begIt eLIgbnab;BIkardYlrlMnraCvgSQIgenAqaM 1912.
BaNiCkm EdlvinieyaKin)anvinieyaKRTBsm,tirbs;BYkeKcUlKa
Kush / XUs n raCaNacRknUebonburaN EdlGkdwknaMrbs;xn
edIm,IeKalbMNgrYmmYy bnab;mkeKEckR)ak;cMeNjKa.
)anRtYtRtaRbeTs eGhSIb rvagqaM 2000 nig 1000 munK>s.
Judah / CUdah n raCaNacRkhiRbUy enA)a:eLsIn Edl)an
begIteLIgkgGMLgqaM 922 munK>s.
Justinian Code / Rkm casIenon n Ggnc,ab;sIuvilrbs;r:UmaMg
laissez faire / lTiesdsarnKMnitEdlfardaPi)alminKYrlYkd
Edl)anRbmUlpM nig erobcMeLIgedayGFiraC bhSanTIn eQaH
CamYy b RtYtRtaelI]sShkm nig RkumhunBaNiCkmTaMgLay.
casIenon kgGMLgqaM 534 nK>s.
land reform / kMENTRmg;dIFI nkarEbgEckeLIgvijndIksikm
edaykarbMEbkdIFIEdlFM ehIyRbKl;dIEdl)anEbgEckrYctUcenaH
kabuki / elankabUKI n RbePTnelanrbs;Cb:un EdltnI r)aM
La Reforma / La erhVrm:a n clnaEkTRmg;esrIPaBenAmiucsIukU
nig GkniyayRtab;tam RtUv)aneKeRbIR)as;edIm,IsEmgCaerOg.
kgstvtSr_TI 19 EdldwknaMeday ebnItU cUerhS.

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kaiser /



kekarniym n eKalneya)aynkareCosvag
karTak;TgEpkneya)ay nig eyaFaCamYyRbeTsdT.
Israel / GIuRsaEGl n raCaNacRk hIRbUvbRgYbbRgYm enA
)a:eLsIn cab;taMgBIqaM RbEhl 1020 dl; 922 munK>s. eRkay
mk enAPaKxageCIgbMputnraCaNacRk hIRbUv TaMgBIr. bcb,n Ca
RbeTsCIhV Edl)anbegIteLIgenA)a:eLsInenAqaM 1948.
isolationism /



m:aesdUeno n raCaNacRkburaNenARkicxageCIg
EdlGkRKb;RKg hVIlIb II )anc,aMgdeNIm Rkic enAqaM 338 mun
Maghrib / m:aRKIb n tMbn;enAPaKxaglicGaRhVikxageCIg Edl
maneqrsmuRTemDIETra:eN Edl\LvKWRbeTs m:Ur:ukU TuyeNsIu nig
Magna Carta / m:akNa xatfa n {FmnuBadGsar} Caksar
EdlFanaBIsiTineya)aymUldanenAGg;eKs Edl)aneRBogeday
BYkGPiCn nig TTYlyl;RBmedayesc cn enAqaM 1215 nK>s.
Mahabharata / mhaPart n bTkMNaBvIrkfarbs;\Nad
Gsar EdlqHbBaaMgBIkartsUrbs;GaraNEdlBYkeK)anpas;BImk
Mahayana / mhayan n nikaynsasnaRBHBuTEdlpl;kar
CYyeRsacRsg;eTAdl;mnusSRKb;rUb nig GnuBatinUvkareKarBEbb
maize / eBat n RKab;FBaCatiEdl)anbNH manRKab;sac;elIEp
eBat EdleKehACaFmtafa EpeBat (corn) enAshrdGaemrik.
Mali / m:alI n cRkPBGaRhVikxaglicEdl)anlUtlas;BIqaM
1235 dl;TsvtSr_qaM 1400 ehIy)anlUtlas;y:agxaMgkaeday
Manchus / m:an;CU n RbCaCnEdlmanedImkMeNItm:anCU Edl
)anRKb;RKgRbeTscinkgGMLgraCvgSQIg 1644-1912.
Mandate of Heaven / GNtinzansYK n enAkgRbvtisaRs
cin karyl;RBmrbs;GTieTBKWtamryCamUldannGMNacrbs;
manifest destiny / vasnaBitR)akd n KMnitEdleBjniymkg
cMeNamCnCatiGaemrikaMgenABak;kNalstvtSr_TI 19 Edlfa vaKW
CasiTi nig tYnaTIrbs;shrdGaemrik kgkarRKb;RKgGaemrikxageCIg
cab;BImhasmuRTGatg;TIc dl;mhasmuRT)a:sIuhVik.
manor / PUmiRKwH n dIFIrbs;mas;RsukenAskiPUmiGWr:ub.
Maori / em:ArI n smaCiknCnCatib:UlIeNsIuEdl)antaMgTIlMenA
enAj:vsIuLin kgqaMRbEhl 800 nK>s.
Macedonia /

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karRbKl;tMENgCaRKhs n karEtgtaMgmnI
sasna edayRBHmhakSRt b RBHmhakSRtIyanI.
League of Nations / smaKmnRbeTsmYycMnYn n smaKm
GnrCatiEdl)anbegIteLIgbnab;BIsgamelakelIkTI 1 edayman
lebensraum / kEngrs;enA n {TIkEngrs;enA} CabUrNPaB
EdndI bEnm EdlGalWm:g;RtUvkarBIeRBaH fakEngxnENnNan;tan;
tabeBk ebIeyageTAtam Gadul GIuEf.
Legalism / c,ab;niym n TsSnneya)ayrbs;cinEdlEpkelI
KMnitEdlfardaPi)alEdlmanRbsiTPaB nig GMNacx<s; KWKnwH
legion / kgGavuFht n GgPaBTahannkgTBr:UmaMgburaN
Edl manTahanRbEhl 5000 nak; enAeCIgeKak nig Rkumn
Legislative Assembly / sPanItibBaati n sPa)aragEdl
manGMNacedIm,IbegItc,ab; nig yl;RBmRbkassgam Edl)an
begIteLIgedayrdFmnuBa qaM 1791.
legitimacy / FmanurUPaB n siTibnraCnescedIm,IRKb;RKg.
liberals / GkesrIniym n enABak;kNalTI1nstvtSr_TI 19
CnCatiGWr:ubTaMgenaH CacMbgKWBYkemdwknaMRkumhunGaCIvkm nig Gk
CMnYjfak;kNal Edlcg;)ankarpl;nUvGMNacneya)ayeTAelIsPa
lineage / RtkUl n mnusS Edlrs;enA sab; nig minTan;cab;
kMeNIt Edl)antBUCBIbuBVCnrYmmYy.
loess / dImanCICati n RsTab;EdlmanCICatindIEdlbnSl;TukBI
Long March / k,ndMeNIrdEvg n dMeNIrRbEvg 6000 m:al
EdleFVIeLIgenAqaM 1934-1935 edayBYkkumyniscin EdlePos
xnecjBIkgkmaMgCatiniymrbs; ECg eCosWu.
lord / mas; n enAskiPUmiGWru:b CamnusSEdl)anRtYtRtaelIdI nig
dUecH Gacpl;dWenaHeTA[briva.
Lutheran / LesIern n smaCiknRBHvihaRbUetsg;Edl)an
begIteLIgEpkelIkarbeRgonrbs; ma:TI LesI.
lyce / lIsIu n salaeronsaFarNenARbeTs)araMg EdldMeNIr
lay investiture /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

PtikarI n TahanEdleKCYledIm,IRbyuT
enAkgTB rbs;breTs.
Mero / emr:U n mCmNlkNalnraCvgS xUs BIqaM RbEhl
260 munRKwsskraC dl;qaM 150 nK>s EdleKTTYlsal;
edaysarkarplitGavuF nig ]bkrN_eFVIBIEdk.
Mesoamerica / GaemrikkNal n tMbn;EdlGUsbnayBI
miucsIukUkNaldl; hugdUras EdlCakEngnsgmsKsajburaN
CaeRcInnGaemrik)anGPivDn_ .
mestizo / emsIhS n mnusSkat;sasn_eGs,aj nig CnCatiedIm
Middle Ages / yuKsmykNal n smyenAkgRbvtisaRs
GWr:ub EdlsitenAeRkaykardYlrlMncRkPBr:UmaMg cab;taMgBIqaM
RbEhl 500 dl; 1500. eKkehAvafaCayuKsmykNal.
middle class / fak;kNal n fak;sgmekItecjBIkmkr
CMnaj GkGaCIB GkCMnYj nig ksikrEdlmanRTB.
middle passage / dMeNIrqgsmuRTkNal n dMeNIrqgsmuRT
EdlnaMBYkGaRhiVkEdleKcab;xneTA\Naxaglic ehIyeRkaymkeTA
GaemrikxageCIg nig xagt,g edIm,IykeTAlk;eFVICaTaskr eKehA
dUecHedaysarfavaRtUv)aneKKitfaCa dMNak;kNalnBaNiCkm
migration / GenarRbevsn_ n skmPaBpas;TI BITIkEngmYyeTA
militarism / eyaFaniym n eKalneya)ayelIktemIgGMNac
eyaFa ehIyrkSa nig eRtomTBCanic sRmab;kareFVIsgam.
Ming dynasty / raCvgSmIg n raCvgScinEdl)anRKb;RKgBIqaM
1368 dl; qaM 1644.
Minoans / mINn n mnusSqgsmuRT nig eFVICMnYj Edlrs;enA
elIekaHeRket BIqaMRbEhl 2000 dl; 1400 munK>s.
Mississippian / mIsIusIuePon Ku EdlTak;Tgnwgvb,Fm ema:n
ebolDW EdlrIklUtlas;enAGaemrikxageCIgrvagqaM 800 nig 1500
mita / mIta n enAcRkPB GIunxatRmUvkarEdlTamTa[GksitenA
eRkamGMNacTaMgGs;EdlmansmtPaBxagragkayeFVIkar[rd kg
ryeBlCak; lak;mYycMnYnnqaMnimYy.
mercenary /



Epnkarm:asSl n kmviFICMnYyesdkicrbs;
shrdGaemrik dl;RbeTsGWr:ub edIm,ICYyBYkeK[ksagRbeTseLIg
martial law / c,ab;sgam n c,ab;beNaHGasnrbs;GCJaFr
eyaFaelIRbCaCnsIuvil Fmtadak;ecjenAeBlsgam b karrMeCIb
mass culture / vb,FmRbmUlpM n plitkmnkargarsil,
nig kMsan EdleK)anerobcMeLIgedIm,Ipl;dl;TsSnikCndeRcIn.
materialism / smarniym n karpl;tMldx<s;elIkarTTYl
matriarchal / nmataFibety Ku EdlTak;TgnwgRbBnsgm
matrilineal / EdlykExSRsLayxagmay Ku EdlTak;Tgnwg
RbBnsgm Edlkareprrbs;RKYsar nig siTiTTYlmrtk KWyktam
Mauryan Empire / cRkPB mYrIyan n cRkPBTImYyenA\Na
Edl)anbegIteLIgeday can;RDahbta mYrIya enAqaM 321
May Fourth Movement / clnaTI4kgEx]sPa n kartva:
rbs;CatienARbeTscinqaM 1919 EdlRbCaBlrd)aneFVI)atukm
RbqaMgnwg snisBaaRkugEvks nig kareRCotERCkrbs;breTs.
Medes / BYkemeds n RbCaCnGasIunirtI Edl)anCYykMeTc
Meiji era / smymICI n GMLgeBlRbvtisaRsCb:unBIqaM 1867
dl; 1912CaeBlEdlRbeTssitenAeRkamkarRKb;RKgrbs;RBHecA
GFiraC mutsUhItU.
Mein Kampf / min xam n { kartsUrbs; } CaesovePAEdl
)an niBnedayGadul GIuEF kgGMLgeBlEdlKat;Cab;BnFnaKa
enAqaM 1923-1924 EdlKat;)ankMNt;kareCOCak;rbs;Kat; nig
eKal bMNgrbs;Kat;sRmab;GalWm:g.
mercantilism / BaNiCvisyniym n eKalneya)ayesdkic
EdlRbeTsmYyRbwgERbgedIm,IbegItRTBsm,ti nig GMNacrbs;xn
edaykarTTYlnUvbrimaNmas nig R)ak;deRcIn ehIynigkarlk;
Marshall Plan /



smaKmmU:sIm n GgkarEdl)anbegIteLIg
enAqaM 1906 edIm,IkarBarplRbeyaCn_nBYkmU:sIm\Na Edl
eRkaymk)anesIr\NaRtUvEckCaRbeTsm:UsIm nig hiN.
Mutapa / mUta)a: Ku EdlTak;TgeTAnwg cRkPBGaRhVikxagt,g
Edl)anbegIteLIgeday mUtUta enAstvtSr_TI 15nK>s.
Mycenaeans / mIsIunenon n RbCaCn\N GWr:ubEdl)antaMgTI
lMenAelITwkdWRkicRbEhlqaM 2000 munK>s.
myths / eTvkfa n erOgburaNEdlniyayBIRBH buBVburs nig
vIrCn Edl)anniyayedIm,IBnl;BIBiPBFmCati b TMnamTMlab; nig
Muslim League /

Rkmrbs;Nab:UeLGug n RbBnnc,ab;
EdlTUlMTUlay nig mincMeBaHmux Edl)anbegIteLIgeday
Nab:UeLGug sRmab;RbeTs)araMg.
National Assembly / rdsPaCati n sPa)araMgEdl)anbegIt
eLIgedayGktMNagfak;sgmTI3 (Third Estate) enAf 17 Ex
mifuna qaM 1789 edIm,IGnumtic,ab; nig EkTRmg; kgnamRbCaBlrd
nationalism / Catiniym n CMenOEdlfaRbCaCnKYrEteQaHRtg;
eTAnwgCatirbs;BYkeK KWfaesaHRtg;nwgmnusSEdlBYkeKrYmcMENkkg
vb,Fm nig RbvtisaRsCamYyKa CaCagesaHRtg;EtelIesc b
nation-state / rdRbeTs n GgPaBPUBnneya)aykraCn
mnusSEdlmanvb,Fm nig lkNsmal;rYm.
NATO / NatU n GgkarsnisBaaGatg;TikxageCIg (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization) Casm<nPaBeyaFakarBar Edl
)anbegIteLIgenAqaM 1949 edayRbeTs 10 enAGWr:ubxaglic
shrdGaemrik nig kaNada.
Nazca / NahSka n GarFmEdllUtlat;xaMgelIkEngEdl
bcb,nKWenAeqxagt,gnRbeTseb:rU BIqaMRbEhl 200 munK>s dl;
qaM 600 nK>S.
Napoleonic Code /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

muq n GarFmEdlmankarrIklUtlas;enAkEngEdl
\LvenAeqxageCIgnRbeTseb:rURbEhlqaM 100 dl; 700
monarchy / raCaFibety n rdaPi)almYyEdlGMNacKWsitenA
monastery / buBVCit n shKmsasnanmnusSRbus eKehAfa
RBHsg Edl)anlHbg;ePaKRTBrbs;xnedaybUCaxnmYyCIvitCa
GkbYs nig CaTIskar.
monopoly / pac;mux nkarRtYtRtapac;muxrbs;RkummYyelIplit
pl nig karEckcayTMnijCak;lak;NamYy.
monotheism / karTieTniym n CMenOelIRBHEtmYyKt;.
Monroe Doctrine / lTimunrU n eKalneya)ayRbqaMgrbs;
Gaemrik elIkareRCotERCkrbs;BYkGWr:ubenAGaemrikLaTIn Edl
Rbkas edayelakRbFanaFibety eCm munrU enAqaM 1823.
monsoon / xl;mUsug n xl;Edlpas;brTisedAenAeBlevla
mosque / viharGIusam n kEngbUCarbs;BYkGIusam T> 267.
movable type / Bum<EdlGacrMkil)an n dMuelah b eQI Edl
manGkSrmYy EdlGacRtUv)aneKerobcMeFVICaTMBredIm,Ie)aHBum< .
Mughal / muxhal n GkmanTIlMenAminnwgnrmak;Edl)anQan
Ban]bTVIb\NaenAstvtSTI16 ehIy)anbegItcRkPBEdlman
mujahideen / mUcahIuDIn n enAGahanIsan Gkcm,aMgsasna
enAcugTsvtSr_qaM 1970.
mulattos / kUnkat;Es,ks nig exA nmnusSEdlkat;CnCatiGWr:ub
nig GaRhiVk.
mummification / karrkSasB n dMeNIrkarnkarGb;sB nig
Munich Conference / snisITRkugm:Unic n karCYbCMuGktMNag
enAqaM 1938 mkBIGg;eKs )araMg GIutalI nig GalWm:g EdlGg;eKs
nig )araMg)anyl;RBm[BYkNahSI GalWm:g;bBalEpkneqkUsv:aKI
eday )anmkvijnUvkarsnarbs; Gadul GIuEF elIkarTTYlsal;
Muslim / mU:sIm n GkeKarBsasnaGIusam.
Moche /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

ktikasBaaminmankarQanBan n kic
nonaligned nations / RbeTsmincUlbkSsm<n n RbeTs
rvagshrdGaemrik nig shPaBsUevot.
Nuremberg Trials / karkat;eTasenAnUrimebk n karRbRBwti
eTAntulakarCabnbnab;EdleFVIeLIgenA NUrimebk RbeTsGalWm:g
bnab;BIsgamelakelIkTI 2 EdlBYkemdwknaM NahSI RtUv)aneKkat;
eTasBIbTQanBan karrMelaPbMBanelIc,ab;nsgam nig ]Rkidkm
nonaggression pact /

fPMePIg n fPMePIgEdlrwgfadUckBak; RtUv)anmnusS
Old Regime / rbbcas; n RbBnneya)ay nig sgmEdlekIt
oligarchy / Gb,CnaFibety n rdaPi)alEdlGMNacKWenAkg
kNab;dnmnusSBIr bInak; CaBiessGkEdldwknaMedayEpkelI
RTB sm,ti .
Olmec / GUlmik n GarFmGaemrikkNalEdleK)ansal;BImun
mk Edl)anrIklUtlas;enAqaMRbEhl 1200 ehIyeRkaymkman
\TiBlelIsgm BaseBjtMbn;.
Open Door Policy / neya)ayebIkcMhrTVa n eKal
neya)ay Edl)anesIeLIgedayshrdGaemrikenAqaM 1899
RbeTs cin.
Opium War / sgamGaePon n CemaHrvagGg;eKs nig cincab;
BIqaM 1839 dl;qaM 1842 elICMnYjGaePonrbs;Gg;eKsenAkg
oracle bone / qwgGTieTB n qwgstVmYy b sm,kGeNIk Edl
obsidian /



NahSIniym n eKalneya)aypac;karnKNbkS
kmkrsgmniymCatiGalWm:g; EdlEpkelIlTipac;karniym Edl
manCMenOelIPaBx<g;x<s;rbs;Catisasn_mYy nig karRtYtRtarbs;rd
Negritude movement / clnabBaak;BIlkNCnEs,kexA n
clnaEdlBYkGaRhVikniyayPasa)araMg nig BYk\NaPaKxaglic
)aneFVIBiFImrtknvb,Fm nig tmrbs;GaRhiVk buraN rbs;BYkeK.
neoclassical / tnIfIniym Ku EdlTak;TgnwgrebobsamBa
RbNit EpkelIKMnit nig xwmsarBIBYkRkic nig r:Um buraN Edl)an
kMNt;lkNsil,enAGWr:ubkgGMLgcugstvtSr_qaM 1700.
Neolithic Age / yuKsmyfrfI n GMLgeBlbuerRbvtisaRs
Edlcab;epImBIqaM RbEhl 8000 munK>s ehIyenA kEngxH)an
bBab;enAedImqaM RbEhl 3000 munK>s CaGMLgeBlEdlRbCaCn
)ansikSar duHxat;]bkrN_ eFVIBIf eFVIeRKOgcanqaMg daMdMNaM nig
ciBawmstV. eKkehAvafaCayuKsmyfrfI.
Neolithic Revolution / bdivtn_enAcugyuKsmyfr n
karpas;bdFMeFgnCIvitmnusSelak EdlekIteLIgedaysarkar
cab;epImnkareFVIksikm KWfa edaysarEtkarpas;brbs;mnusSBI
New Deal / dMeNaHRsayfI n kmviFIkMENTRmg;esdkicrbs;
RbFanaFibtIGaemrik eRhVgKIn rU:sWEvl Edl)anerobcMeLIgedIm,I
New Kingdom / raCaNacRkfI n GMLgeBlnRbvtisaRs
eGhSIbburaNbnab;BIkarTmak;emdwknaM hIksus cab;BIqaM RbEhl
1570 dl; 1075 munK>s.
nirvana / niBVan n enAkgsasnaRBHBuT karrYcputBIkarQWcab;
nig TukeTas EdlseRmc)anbnab;BIyl;dwgsmasm<TijN.
Nok / nuk n RbCaCnGaRhVikEdl)anrs;enAkEngEdlbcb,nKW
nIehSrIy:a rvagqaM 500 munK>s nig qaM 200 nK>s.
nomad / GkminTIlMenAminnwgnr nsmaCiknRkumEdlminman
TIlMenAGciny_ edayRtaccrBIkEngmYyeTAkEngmYyeTotedIm,I
EsVgrkcMNIGahar nig Twk.
Nazism /


eKmnmhasmuRTpasIuhVik n dIEdlhMuBTeday
mhasmuRTpasIuhVik CaBiessdIEdlenATVIbGasIu.
Paleolithic Age / yuKsmymunfrlIg n GMLgeBlbuerRbvti
saRs cab;BIqaM RbEhl 2/500/000 dl; qaM 8000 munK>s Ca
GMLgeBl EdlmnusS)aneFVIkareRbIR)as;]bkrN_ nig GavuFeFVIBIf
EdleRKatRKat. eKkehAvafaCayuKsmyfrlIgcas;.
Panama Canal / RbLayTwkpaNam:a n pvTwkeFVIeLIgeday
mnusS EdlPab;mhasmuRTGatg;Tik nig pasIuhVik sagsg;enA
paNam:a edayshrdGaemrik ehIy)anebIkenAqaM 1914.
papyrus / edImpaPIerIus n edImbRbk;x<s;EdlduHenAdIsNrTen
nIl Edl)aneRbIR)as;edayCneGhSIbburaN edIm,IeFVICasmardUc
parliament / sPa n GgnGktMNagEdlbegItc,ab;sRmab;
partition / karbMEbk n karEbgEckeTACaEpk dUcCagkarEbg
EckGaNaKmGg;eKsenA\Na enAqaM 1947 CaBIrRbeTsKW \Na
nig paKIsan.
pastoralist / GkKgValecom n smaCiknRkummanTIlMenAmin
nwgnr EdlRbmUlstVkgRsukCahVg.
paternalism / bituniym n eKalneya)ayemIlkarxusRtUv
mnusSsitenAeRkamGMNac edaycat;TukBYkeKdUcCakUnekg eday
patriarch / GacarsasnaRKws n GacarsMxan;bMput n
sasnaRKws enAEpknPaKxagekIt.
patriarchal / nebtyka Ku EdlTak;TgeTAnwgRbBnnsgm
Pacific Rim /


GPiCn n enARbeTsrU:mburaN CasmaCiknGkman

RTBsm,ti EdlTTYl)anbuBVsiTfak;elI.
patrilineal / EdlykExStamBuk Ku EdlTak;TgeTAnwgRbBn
patron / bri)al n mnusSEdlKaMRTGksil, CaBiessKaMRTdl;
Epk hirBavt.
Pax Mongolica / paks_ m:ugehalI n {sniPaBrbs;m:ugehal}
GMLgeBlBIBak;kNalstvtSr_qaM 1200 dl; Bak;kNalstvtSr_
qaM 1300 enAeBlEdlm:ugehal )anTTYlnUvesrPaB nig )andak;
ecjnUvc,ab; nig bTbBaaeBjPaKCaeRcInnGWra:sIu.
Pax Romana / paks_ rUm:aNa n GMLgeBlsniPaB nig
vibulPaB BaseBjcRkPBr:UmaMg cab;BIqaM 27 munK>s dl; 180 n
Peace of Augsburg / kicRBmeRBogsniPaB Gkes,Ik n kic
RBmeRBogqaM 1555 Edl)anRbkasfa sasnanrdGalWm:gnimYy
Peloponnesian War / sgamepLpUeNsIu n sgam cab;BI
qaM 431 dl; 404 munK>s EdlBYk eGdSin nig sm<nmitrbs;xn
TTYlkarvayRbhar[caj; edayBYk s<ata nig sm<nmitrbs;eK.
penal colony / RkummnusSdUcKaEdlCab;bTRBhTN n kar
peninsulares / CnGaNaniKmekItenAeGs,aj n enAkgsgm
GaNaniKmeGs,a:j CaCnGaNaniKmEdlekItenARbeTseGs,aj.
Peninsular War / sgam]bTVIb n CemaH Edlcab;epImBIqaM
1808 dl;qaM 1813 EdlBYkb:He)areGs,a:j edayCaCMnYyBIkg
kmaMgGg;eKs )anvaybeNjkgTB)araMgrbs;Nab:UeLGugecjBI
RbeTseGs,:aj T> 669.
perestroika / eb:er:RsykankarsabnaesdkicsUevotedIm,IebIk
mIxaEGl eha)aqUv enAqaM 1985.
Persian Gulf War / sgamQUgsmuRTEBk n CemaHqaM
1991 EdlTBGgkarshRbCaCati)anvayplkgTBGIura:k; Edl
)anQanBanRbeTsKuyevt nig )anKRmamkMEhgQanBanRbeTs
Gara:b saGUDIt.
patrician /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

kicRBmeRBogsniPaB GUs n kicRBm

eRBogenAqaM 1993 EdlnaykrdmRnIGIuRsaEGl ra:bIun )anGnuBaati
[ )a:eLsInRKb;RKgedayxngenA kahSa RsIB nig Evs ebg.
ozone layer / RsTab;GUhSn n RsTab;briyakasxagelIEpndI
Oslo Peace Accords /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

)a:b n sgraCCnCatir:Um CaRbFannRBHviharr:UmaMg

Popol Vuh / pUpUl vUh n esovePAEdlmanbkRsaynerOgn
popular culture / vb,FmRbCaRbiy n smasFatuvb,Fmman
kILa tnI kun semkbMBak; CaedIm EdlqHbBaaMgBIRbvtirYm nig
karpas;bplRbeyaCn_ rbs;RkummYy.
potlatch / buNpt;Lac n BIFIbuNEdlR)arBeLIgedIm,Ibgaj
BIzanrnski nig vibulPaB enAkulsm<neqPaKBayBnCnCatiedIm
predestination / eRBgvasna n karbRgonEdlfaRBH)ankMNt;
GVITaMgGs;BImunrYcCaeRsc rYmTaMgfamnusSnwgsitesrcIrkalrhUt.
Presbyterian / buBVCit n smaCiknRBHviharRbUetsg;EdlRKb;
RKgedaybuBVCitepSgeTot RBwTicar ehIy)anbegIteLIttamkar
bRgonrbs; cn Nts_ .
PRI / RbI n KNbkSbdivtn_sabN (Institutional
Revolutionary Party) CaKNbkSneya)aydsMxan;enAmiucsIukU .
proletariat / vNBlCIB n enAkgRTwsIrbs;ma:sIust_ CaRkumn
GkeFVIkarEdlTmak; tSar ehIymkRKb;RKgr:UsSI.
proliferation / saykUn n karekIneLIg b karraldal
propaganda / eXasna n Btman bsmarEdlRtdagbuBVehtu
Camun b edIm,IeFVI[eFVI[Gnraydl;buBVehturbs;GkRbqaMg.
Protestant / RbUetsg; n smaCiknRBHviharRKws Edl)an
provisional government / rdaPi)albdiBaa n rdaPi)al
psychology / citviTa n karsikSarBIcitrbs;mnusS nig
pueblos / PUmi n PUminGaKarFMdUcCabnb;sak;enAEdleFVIBIdI
\d nig f Edl)ansagsg;eday GaNasahSI nig eRkaymkeTot
edayCnCatiGaemrikaMg enAnirtI.
pope /



sgamEBk n sgambnrbnab;enA stvtSr_

TI 5 munK>s EdlRkug-rd Rkic RbyuTCamYynwgcRkPB EBk.
perspective / enRtTsSn_ n vIFIsil, EdlbegItRTg;RTay
phalanx / GgPaBTB n k,neyaFanTahanefIeCIg EdlbMBak;
edaylMEBg nig Exl.
pharaoh / RBHecA par:h n escnRbeTseGhSIbburaN EdleK
cat;TukfaCaRBH nig CaemdwknaMneya)ay nig kgTB.
philosophe / TsSnviTU n RkummYynGkKitBIsgmenARbeTs
philosophers / TsSnviTU n GkKitBicarNaEdleRbIR)as;tk
nig ehtupledIm,IEsVgrkBIFmCatinBiPBelak sgmmnusS nig
Phoenicians / CnCatihVnIk n mnusSrs;enAnaysmuRTn
GasIunirtI EdlCaGkenAqaMRbEhl 1100 munK>s )ancab;epImeFVI
CMnYj nig )anbegItGaNanikmBaseBjtMbn;emDIETra:eN.
Pilgrims / GkeFVIFmyaRtaeKcxn n RkumnmnusS EdlenAkg
qaM 1620 )anbegItGaNaniKm PIemasd_enAma:saCUestedIm,IeKc
plebeian / RbCakr n enARbeTsr:UmburaN CaRkummYynBYk
ksikr sil,kr nig GkCMnYj samBa EdlCaRbCaCnPaKeRcInn
plebiscite / RbCasiTi n kare)aHeqatpal;EdlRbCaCnrbs;
RbeTsmYymankasedIm,IseRmcyl;RBm b bdiesFsMeNIr.
PLO / p n GgkaresrIPaB)a:eLsIn (Palestine Liberation
Organization) CaGgkarEdl)annaMdl;karbegItrdkraC sRmab;
polis / Rkug-rd n Rkug-rd RkicEdlCaGgPaBneya)aymUldan
nRkicburaNbnab;BIqaMRbEhl 750 munK>s.
Politburo / KNkariyalyneya)ay n KNkmaFikardwknaM
political dissent / karExVgeyabl;neya)ay n PaBepSgKan
polytheism / BhuTieTBniym n CMenOelIRBHCaeRcIn.
Persian Wars /

GFibetyPaB rac nEpknRbeTs\NaEdlsitenAeRkam

karRtYtRtarbs;\NaenAGMLgqaM 1757-1947.
rationing / karkMNt;rbbTij n karkMNt;brimaNnTMnijEdl
RbCaCnGacTij Cajwkjab;KWdak;ecjedayrdaPi)alkgGMLgeBl
mansgam enAeBlEdlTMnijsitenAkgkarpt;pg;xVHxat.
realism / R)akdniym n clnasil,enAstvtSr_TI 19 EdlGk
niBn nig CagKMnUrRbwgERbgedIm,IbgajfaCIvitKWGBawg CaCagfa CIvit
realpolitik / neya)ayBitR)akd n { neya)aynkarBit}
ti niym.
recession / dMeNIrfyeRkay n dMeNIryWtnesdkicCati.
Reconquista / rIxnxVIsa n karRbwgERbgrbs;emdwknaMsasna
stvtSr_qaM 1100 rhUtdl; 1492.
Red Guards / qaMRkhm n kgCIvBlEdl)anbegIteLIgeday
RbCaCncinekgenAqaM 1966 edayeqIytbeTAnwgkarekaHehA
Qin dynasty / raCvgS Qin n raCvgScinEdlmanGayuxI Edl
rbs;em:A esTug edIm,Ibdivtn_sgm nig vb,Fm.
)anmkCMnYsraCvgScUvenAstvtSTI3 munK>s.
Reformation / kMENTRmg; n clnaenAstvtSr_TI 16 edIm,IeFVI
Qing dynasty / raCvgSeqg n raCvgScugeRkaybMputrbs;cin
kMENTRmg;sasna EdlnaMdl;karbegItRBHviharsasnaRKws Edl
Edl)anRKb;RKgBIqaM 1644 dl; 1912.
Quetzalcoatl / RBHexIVthSakUt n {eBaHeramEs,k} CaRBHrbs;
refugee / CnePosxn n mnusSEdlcakecjBIRbeTsrbs;Kat;
flfik nig RbCaCndTeTotnGaemrikkNal.
quipu / k,ac;nBVn n karerobcM;ExScgelIdMN EdleRbIR)as;eday
Reign of Terror / rCkalnePvkm n GMLgeBlBIBak;kNal
BYk Giunxa edIm,Ikt;RtaBtmanncMnYn.
qaM 1793 dl; Bak;kNalqaM 1794 enAeBlEdl m:asIumIuelon
Quran / KUra:n n esovePABisidrbs;sasnaGIusam.
r:Uebses<er: )anRKb;RKgRbeTs)araMg EdlswgEtCaemdwknaMpac;kar
ehIy \sSrCnneya)ay nig RbCaBlrdsamBa rab;Ban;nak;
racism / BUCniym n CMenOEdlfaBUCsasn_mYyx<g;x<s;CagBUC
reincarnation / karcab;CatifI n enAkgsasnahiN nig
RBHBuT KWCadMeNIrkarEdlviBaaNekItsarCafICabnbnab; rhUtTal;
radicals / ra:DIkal n enABak;kNalTI1 nstvtSr_TI 19 KWCa
religious toleration / karGt;nxagsasna n karTTYlsal;
ety eTAdl;RbCaCnTaMgGs;.
radioactivity / viTskm n TRmg;nzamBlEdl)anbeBaj


Raj /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

sgam PUnik n sgambIelIkbnrbnab; rvag

BYkr:UmaMg nig xasak 264-146 munK>s lTplcugeRkayeFVI[
mankarEbk)ak;xasak nig karRKbdNb;rbs;r:UmelIsmuRT
Puritans / BYrIFin n RkumnusSEdlEsVgrkesrIPaBBIkareFVIkareFVI
TukbukemjEpksasnaenAGg;eKs eday)anbegItGaNaniKmenA
QUg smuRTmasaCUest enAedImstvtSr_qaM 1600.
push-pull factor / ktaruj-Taj n ktaEdlGUsTajRbCaCn
eTAkEngdT ktaTaj b bgr[BYkeKcakecjBIdIkMeNItrbs;eK
ehIy eFVIGenaRbevsn_eTAtMbn;dTeTot ktaCMruj.
pyramid / BIra:mIt n sMNg;TaMgdul EdlmanmUldanCaRtIekaN
nig manRtIekaNbYnenAEpkmag EdldUcnwgGVIEdleK)ansagsg;
enARbeTseGhSIbeFVICakEngkb;saksB sRmab;CnnraCaNacRk
Punic Wars /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

sahVavIt n smaCiknraCvgSmU:sIm sIuGa Edl)an

begItcRkPBenAEBkenAstvtSr_TI 16-18.
Sahel / saehl n tMbn;GaRhiVkEdlsitenAtambeNayRBMEdn
xagt,gn smuRTxSac;sahara:.
salon / BiBrN_ n karRbmUlpMEpksgmnbBavn nig sil,kr
)a:rIs nig enATIRkugGWr:ubepSgeTotkgGMLgeBlclnankarEsVg
SALT / salt_ n kicRbCMukarkMNt;yuTsaRsGavuF (Strategic
Arms Limitation Talks) EdlCakarRbCMubnrbnab;enATsvtSr_qaM
1970 EdlemdwknaMshrdGaemrik nig shPaBsUevot)anyl;RBm
Salt March / k,ndMeNIr GMbil n kartv:aedaysniviFI RbqaMgnwg
c,ab;GMbilenAqaM 1930 enARbeTs\NaEdl mhanda hanDI )an
dwknaMGkKaMRTrbs;Kat; edIrRbEvg 240 m:al eTAsmuRT Edl Ca
samurai / samUr: n RkumGkcm,aMgGaCIB Edl)anbeRmIRBHecA
sans-culottes / bdivtn_)araMg san-XLt; n enAeBlbdivtn_
)araMg Rkumra:DIkal;EdlekItecjBIRkumGkrkR)ak;EBk nig mas;hag
TMnijEdlcg;mansemgeRcInenAkgrdaPi)al cg;[tMlTab Cagmun
nig karbBab;nkgVHxatxagGahar.
satrap / GPi)al n GPi)alextenAcRkPBEBk.
savanna / valesA n valrabesI manesAduH.
Schlieffen Plan / Epnkar eshVin n EpnkareyaFarbs;
GalWm:g;kgkarbg[mansgamelakelIkTI1 edayeyageTAtam
GVIEdlTBGalWm:g;vayykQH)araMg)anya:grhy ehIybnab;mk
scholastics / GksikSar n GkecHdwgEdl)anRbmUlpM nig
scientific method / viFIsaRsEbbviTasaRs n EbbbTtk
sRmab;karRbmUlBtmanGMBIFmCatinBiPBelak edayeRbIR)as;
karBiesaFn_ nig karGegtedIm,IeFVIkarsakl,gsmtikm.
Safavid /

karRbsiTi n BIFImYyrbs;BYkRKwssasnik Edl


sacrament /



bunPB n ryeBlnRbvtisasGWr:ub cab;BIqaM

RbEhl 1300 dl; 1600kgGMLgeBlEdlbegItnUvcMNg;cMNUl
citCafIenAkgvb,FmburaN EdlnaMdl;karpas;bry:agTUlMTUlay
xagEpksil, karsikSa nig TsSnBiPBelak.
republic / saFarNrd n TRmg;nrdaPi)al EdlGMNacKWsit
enAkgdnGktMNag ehIyemdwknaMRtUv)aneRCIserIseday
Restoration / karsaeLIgvij n GMLgeBlnkarRKb;RKg rbs;
qal II elIRbeTsGg;eKs bnab;BIkardYlrlMn rdaPi)al GUlIevI
reunification / kPaBvUb,nIykm n karrYbrYmmgeTotnUvrbs;
Edl)anEbk)ak; dUcCakarbRgbbgYmmgeTotnGalWm:gxagekIt
nig GalWm:gxaglic enAqaM 1990.
romanticism / menaseBatniym n clnaenAedImstvtSr_TI
19 kgEpksil, nig KMnit Edl)anepatelIGarmN_ nig FmCati
CaCag ehtupl nig sgm.
Roosevelt Corollary / GnusaF rbs;r:UesEvl n vibulkmn
lTim:ugr:U enAqaM 1904 rbs;RbFanaFibety eFdU r:UesEvl EdlKat;
)anRbkasfashrdGaemrikmansiTikgkarGnuvtn_ {GMNacnK)al}
BaseBj GDeKalPaKxaglic.
Rowlatt Acts / c,ab;r:UvLat n c,ab;Edl)anGnumtenAqaM
2qaM y:agyU.
Royal Road / vifIesc n vifIenAcRkPBEBk EdlmanRbEvg Cag
1600 m:al BI sUsaenAEBk eTA saDIs enA GaNatUelo.
Russification / rUsSIvUbnIykm n dMeNIrkarnkarCMrujvb,Fm
Russo-Japanese War / sgam rUsSI - Cb:un n CemaHenAqaM
1904-1905 rvagrU:sSI nig Cb:un ekIteLIgedaysarkarRbwgERbg
rbs;RbeTsTaMgBIr edIm,IRKb;RKg ma:nCU nig kUer: .
Renaissance /



sharia /

sSarIGa n Ggnc,ab;EdlRKb;RKgkarrs;enArbs;BYk

sSIGa n EpkmYynBYkGIusamEdlsmaCikrbs;xnTTYl
sal; GalI nig kUnecArbs;Kat;faCaGksgEdleBjsiTi BI
mhamat; .
Shinto / sasnasIutU n sasnaedImrbs;Cb:un.
Shiva / RBH\sUr n RBHkgsasnahiN EdlRtUv)aneKcat;Tukfa
shock therapy / { kmviFI Ba)aldtk;st } n kmviFI
esdkicEdl)anGnuvtenArUsSI edayelakbUrI y:asIunenA TsvtSr_qaM
1990 EdlTak;Tgnwgkarpas;brPamBIesdkicEpnkar eTAesdkic
TIpSaresrI .
shogun / sUKun n enAskiPUmiCb:unCaemdwknaMeyaFaCan;x<s;Edl
Sikh / sIkh_ n smaCiknRkumsasnaGhigSaEdlmanCMenOelI
karbBalsmasFatunsasnaRBHBuT hiN nig esIhVI.
Silk Roads / pv lk;sURt n RbBndMeNIrTUrKmburaNkat;GasIu
kNal EdlBYkQjyksURt nig TMnijsRmab;lk;dTeTotlk;
tam beNatpvenaH.
simony / karTijlk;kEng n karlk; b TijtMENgenA RBHvihar
skepticism / mCFatuniymnTsSnviCaEdlEpkelIKMnitEdlfa
KanGVIEdlGacdwg)anR)akdenaHeT .
slash-and-burn farming / kab;nwgdutedIm,IeFVIksikm n
vIFIsaRsEdlmnusSsmatTIvaledaykat; nig dutedImeQI nig esA
Slavs / sav n mnusSecjmkBIRBPaKxageCIgnsmuRTexA
Edl CabuBVCnnmnusSPaKeRcInenAGWru:bxagekItbcb,n.
social contract / kicsnasgm n kicsnaEdlmnusSkMNt;
nig dak;EdnsiTbuKlrbs;BYkeK dUecHKWbegIt)anCasgmEdlman
karerobcM b rdaPi)al.
Social Darwinism / sgmdavinniym n karGnuvtn_elIKMnit
rbs;qaldavInGMBIkarvivtn_ nig {karrs;randsmrmbMput } rbs;
sgmmnusS CaBiesskareFVIyutikmsRmab;karBRgIkrbs;GkcRkBti
Shia /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

bdivtn_viTasaRs n karpas;brd
FMeFgelIKMnitrbs;BYkGWr:ub Edlcab;epImenABak;kNalTsvtSr_qaM
1500 EdlkarsikSaBIBiPBFmCati)anRtUv)aneKcab;epImkMNt;
lkNedaykarGegtedayykcitTukdak; ehIy)anelIksMNYrBI
scorched-earth policy / eKalneya)ay kemacdI n kar
Gnuvtn_ kardutdMNaM nig smab;stVciBawm kgGMLgeBlsgam
dUecHehIy sRtUvminGacrkes,g)anenAelITwkdIenaH)aneT.
scribe / GkniBn n GkniBnmYykgcMeNamGkGaCIBrkSa
kMNt;Rta enA GarFmedIm.
secede / dkecjBIshBn ki karecjCapvkarBIsmaKm b
secular / pvelak Ku EdlTak;TgnwgbBaakgelakCaCagbBaa
segregation / vieyaKkm n karEbgEckc,ab; nig sgmn
self-determination / karebCJapal;xn n esrIPaBrbs;mnusS
Seljuks / eslcak n RkumCnCatiTYKIEdl)aneFVIGenaRbevsn_
eTAenAcRkPB Ga)asIud enAstvtSr_TI 10 ehIy)anbegItcRkPB
pal;xnrbs;BYkeKenAstvtSr_TI 11.
senate / RBwTsPa n enAr:UmburaN CaGgRKb;RKgCan;x<s; edIm
eLIy ekItecjEtBIBYkGPiCn.
sepoy / TB\Na n kgTB\NaEdlbeRmI edaysitenAeRkam
Sepoy Mutiny / karbHe)arTB\Na n karbHe)arenAqaM 1857
nBYkTBhiN nig m:UsImRbqaMgnwgGg;eKsenA\Na.
serf / kBa n ksikrenAsmykNalEdlCab;kicsnaRsb
Seven Years War / sgam7qaM n CemaHenAGWur:ub Gaemrik
xageCIg nig \Na cab;taMgBIqaM 1756 dl; qaM 1763 EdlkgenaH
TBGg;eKs nig RbUssIu )anRbyuTCamYyTBGURTIs )araMg r:UsSI nig
RbeTs dTeTot.
shah / sSah n raCaEdlbnmrtk nRbeTsGIur:g;.
Scientific Revolution /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

siTe)aHeqat n siTikgkare)aHeqat T> 747.

Sufi / sUhVI n BYkm:UsImEdlRbwgERbgedIm,IseRmcnUvkarTak;Tg
pal;CamYynwgRBH tamrymeFa)ayGbiyCMenOEbbGFmCati.
sultan / GkdwknaMBYkm:UsIm n {GFiraC} b {GkEdlmanGMNac}
maneQaHCaGkdwknaM GUtUemn kgGMLgeBlrIkceRmInncRkPB
Sunna / san;Na n KMrUrs;enArbs;BYkGIusam edayEpkelI CIvit
nig karbeRgonrbs;mhamat;.
Sunni / san;nI n EpknBYkGIusamEdlsmaCikrbs;BYkeK
TTYlsal;RBHecAkalihV4nak;dMbUg CaGkEdlsgeBjsiTrbs;
surrealism / clnasil, n clnaEbbsil,enAstvtSr_TI 20
sustainable growth / karlUtlas;bnrbnab; n kaGPivDn_
esdkicEdltRmUvtamesckIRtUvkarrbs;mnusS b:uEnkarBarbridan
nig GPirkSelIFnFan sRmab;mnusSCMnan;eRkay.
Swahili / sVahIlI n Pasa)anTUEdlTTYl\TiBlBIGar:ab; Edl
RtUv)aneKniyayy:agTUlMTUlayenAGaRhiVkxagekIt nig kNal.
suffrage /

karbHe)artayPIg n karbHe)arenABak;
kNalstvtSr_TI 19 RbqaMgnwgraCvgS eqgenARbeTscin Edl)an
dwknaMeday hug suIvQan.
Taj Mahal / fac mahal n prdsatenAGaRka RbeTs\Na
Edl)anksageday GFiraCmukhal sSah cahan sRmab;RbBn
rbs;Kat; mamtahS mahal.
Taliban / talI)an n RkumGPirkSGIusamEdlRtYtRtaelI
GahanIsanbnab;BIshPaBsUevot)andkkgTBrbs;xn. RtUv)an
beNjecjBIGMNacedaykgkmaMgshrdGaemrikenAExF qaM
2001 edaysarEtCakEngsak;enArbs;CnsgSyePrvkm.
Tamil / tamIl n PasaenA\NaPaKxagt,g. kCaRbCaCnEdl
technology / beckviTanmeFa)ayEdlmnusSeRbIR)as;
cMeNHdwg ]bkrN_ nig karbegItfI edIm,ItRmUvtamesckIRtUvkar
rbs;BYkeK .
Taiping Rebellion /



KWCakmsiTrbs;saFarN ehIyRbtibtiedIm,IsuxmalPaBTaMgGs;
Solidarity / samKIPaB n shCIbBlkmrbs;b:ULjEdlenAkg
GMLgTsvtSr_qaM 1980 )ankayCakmaMgdcMbgnkarRbqaMgkardwk
Songhai / sugh n cRkPBenAGaRhVikxaglic Edlc,aMg
deNIm m:alI ehIy)anRtYtRtaelICMnYjBIqaMstvtSr_qaM 1400 dl;
qaM 1591.
soviet / sUevot n RkumRbwkSartMNagkgRsukmYyEdl)anbegIt
eLIgenArUsSIbnab;BIkardYlrlMn tSar nIkULas II.
Spanish-American War / sgameGs,a:j-Gaemrik n
CemaHenAqaM 1898 rvagshrdGaemrik nig eGs,a:j EdlkgenaH
shrdGaemrik)anKaMRT karRbyuTTamTarkraCrbs;Kuy)a.
specialization / keTskm n karGPivDn_nCMnaj kgRbePT
kargarmYyc,as;las; dUcCaCMnYj b karrkSakMNt;Rta.
sphere of influence / tMbn;TTYl\TiBl n tMbn;enAbreTs
EdlenATIenaHRbeTsmYymankarRKb;RKgelICMnYj nig skmPaB
standard of living / bTdannkarrs;enA n KuNPaBnCIvit
rs;enArbs;buKlmak; b RbCaCnTaMgmUl dUcEdl)anKUsbBaak;tam
ryTMnij esvakm nig PaBRbNit EdlbuKl b RbCaCnTaMgenaH
stateless societies / sgmnrdminpvkar n Rkumvb,Fm
Edl GMNacKWRtUv)anEbgEcktamRtkUlEdlmanGMNacesIKa
CaCagkar eRbIedayrdaPi)alkNal.
steppes / valesAEdlst n valRKbdNb;edayesA st.
strike / eFVIkUdkm ki bdiesFminRBmeFVIkaredIm,IbgM[nieyaCk
stupa / sb n eRKagdMufeKdak;CadMbUk Edl)ansagsg;sRmab;
subcontinent / ]bTVIbndIdFMlVwgelVIyEdlbegItCaEpkdc,as;
Suez Canal / ERBk sUeGhS n pvTwkeFVIedaymnusS Edl)an
ebIkenAqaM 1869 EdlPab;smuRTRkhm nig smuRTemDIETra:eN.
socialism /



RbBnTIvalbI n RbBnnksikmEdl
CaTIvalbIEdlmanTMhMesIKa ehIyTIvalnimYy RtUv)aneKdaMCabn
bnab;nUvdMNaMenArdUvrga dMNaMenArdUvswkeQIRCuH nig Tukecaleday
Tiananmen Square / visaldan FanGanmin n TIkEng
saFarNdFMenATIRkugeb:kaMg RbeTscin. enAqaM 1989 CakEng
tithe / R)ak;cMNaymYyPaKdb; n R)ak;cMNayrbs;RKYsar
Tokugawa Shogunate / tUKUhav:a sUheNt n raCvgSsUKuN
Edl)anRKb;RKgCb:unbRgYbbRgYmBIqaM 1603 dl; 1867.
Torah / tUrah n esovePATaMgR)aMdMbUgnRBHKm<IhIRbUv EdlCa
GtbTdBisid enAkgTMnamTmab;CIhV.
totalitarianism / pac;karniym n rdaPi)alEdlRKb;RKgelI
TidPaBnimYynCIvitrbs;saFarN nig kCn.
total war / sgamsrub nCemaHEdlkgenaHRbeTsEdl)ancUl
totems / tUtim n stVbvtFmCatidTeTotEdleRbIR)as;CasBaa
nkarkPaBnbkSsm<n b RkumnmnusSdTeTot.
tournament / karRbkYtRbECg n karRbyuTEbbcMGkrvagRkum
tragedy / esaFnadkm n TRmg;elanEdlmanlkNFn;Fr
edaHRsayCamYynwgkardYlrlMntYvIrCn b GPiCn.
Treaty of Kanagawa / snisBaa kaNakava: n kicRBmeRBog
enAqaM 1854 rvagshrdGaemrik nig Cb:un Edl)anebIkEpCb:un
cMnYnBIrsMrab;k)a:l;shrdGaemrik ehIyGnuBaati[ shrdGaemrik
begItsanTUtenACb:un .
Treaty of Tordesillas / snisBaa tUedsIuLas nkicRBmeRBog
enAqaM 1494 rvagBrTuyhal nig eGs,a:j EdlRbkasfadIEdl
smuRTGatg;Tik nwgkayCarbs;eGs,a:j ehIydIEdlrkeXIjfIenA
three-field system /

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sm,ftulakaretnIs n karsnaEdl
eFVIeLIgedaysmaCiknsPaCati)araMgenAqaM 1789 EdlkgenaH
terrace / prabesInCMralPM n TRmg;fInksikmenA GksaM
CYyrkSaTwk nig kat;bnykareRcaHdI.
terrorism / ePrvkmniym n kareRbIR)as;kgkmaMg b kar
KRmamkMEhgedIm,IvayRbharRbCaCn b rdaPi)al edIm,Ipas;br
theocracy / eTvaFibety n 1> rdaPi)alEdlkgenaHGk
dwknaM RtUv)aneKyl;eXIjfaCaGaTieTB. 2> rdaPi)alEdlRtYtRta
theory of evolution / RTwsInkarvivtn_ n KMnitEdl)anesIr
eday qal davIn enAqaM 1859 EdlfaBUCnrukCati nig stV ekIt
theory of relativity / RTwsInPaBTMnak;TMng n KMnitrbs;
Galebt Ginsin EdlniyayGMBITMnak;TMngrvageBlevla nig
TIcenaH nig rvagzamBl nig rUbFatu.
Theravada / hinyan n nikaynsasnaRBHBuTEdlepat
eTAelIvinyxagpvcitdtwgrwg EdledImeLIypl;edayRBHBuT.
Third Reich / ricTIbI n cRkPBGalWm:gTIbI Edl)anbegIteLIg
edayGadul GIuEF enATsvtSr_qaM 1930.
Third Republic / saFarNrdTIbI n saFarNrdEdl)anbegIt
eLIgenARbeTs)araMgbnab;BIkardYlrMlMn Nab:UeLGug III nig)an
elakelIkTI 2.
Third World / RbeTsttiyelak n kgGMLgsgamRtCak;
b shPaBsUevot.
Thirty Years War / sgam30qaM n CemaHenAGWr:ubelI
sasna nig bUrNPaBEdndI nig edIm,IGMNackgcMeNamRKYsarEdl
dwknaM cab;taMgBIqaM 1618 dl; 1648.
Tennis Court Oath /

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

RbCahigSk_ n enARkicburaN buKlmanGMNacEdl)an

ykcMeNjelIkarRtYtRtanrdaPi)alRkug-rd edaysMukarKaMRTBI
tyrant /

Gumm:ayads_ n raCvgSEdl)anRKb;RKgcRkPB
mU:sImBiqaM 661 dl; 750 nK>s ehIyeRkaymk)anbegIt
raCaNacRkenA Gal-GandaeLIs.
union / shCIBnsmaKmkmkr Edl)anbegIteLIgedIm,ITamTar
nUvlkxNkargarRbesIrCagmun nig R)ak;ebovtSr_x<s;Cagmun.
United Nations / GgkarshRbCaCati n GgkarGnrCatirkSa
sniPaB Edl)anbegIteLIgenAqaM 1945 edIm,Ipl;nUvsuvtiPaBdl;
Universal Declaration of Human Rights / karRbkasCa
sklnsiTimnusS n esckIEfgkarenAqaM 1948 EdlkgenaH
manCIvit esrIPaB nig suvtiPaB.
unrestricted submarine warfare / navamuCTwkcm,aMgEdlKan
karhamXat; n kareRbIR)as;navamuCTwkedIm,ImuCTwkedayminman
karbMBandl;k)a:l;NamYy rYmTaMgk)a:l;GBaRkit nig navaGk
dMeNIrEdlminmanbMBak;GavuF EdleKrkeXIjenAkgEdnTwkrbs;
urbanization / nKrUbnIykm n karrIklUtlas;nTIRkug nig
U.S.A. Patriot Act / c,ab;GkesharCatishrdGaemrik n
c,ab;RbqaMgGMeBIePrvkmqaM 2001 Edl)anBRgwgsiTirbs;rdaPi)al
kgkarXat;xnCnbreTsEdlmankarsgSyBIGMeBIePrvkm nig
U.S. Civil War / sgamsIuvilenAGaemrik n CemaHrvagrdenA
PaKxageCIg nig xagt,gnshrdGaemrik elIbBaaTasPaB cab;BI
qaM 1861 dl; 1865.
utilitarianism / karKitRbeyaCn_niym n RTwsIEdlelIkeLIg
eday eCer:mI binfam enAcugstvtSr_qaM 1700 EdlfaskmPaB
rbs;rdaPi)almanRbeyaCn_ kgkrNIEdlBYkeKelIkkm<s;TMnijd
Gsar sRmab;cMnYnmnusSdGsarbMput Etb:ueNaH.
Umayyads /



snisBaaRkugevIs n snisBaasniPaB
Edl)ancuHhtelxaedayGalWm:g; nig GMNacrbs;sm<nmitbnab;
trench warfare / cm,aMgelNdan n TRmg;ncm,aMgEdlkg
enaHkgTBnBYkRbqaMgvayKaeTAvijeTAmk BIelNdanEdl)anCIk
enATIlanRbyuT .
triangular trade / CMnYjRtIekaN n bNajCMnYjenAmha
smuRTGatg;Tik EdlBYkTaskr nig TMnijdTeTotRtUv)aneKdwknaM
rvagGaRhVik Gg;eKs GWr:ub \NaPaKxaglic nig GaNaniKmenA
tribune / mnItulakar n enAr:UmburaN mnIEdl)ane)aHeqat
eRCIserIs edayRbCarasedIm,IkargarsiTirbs;BYkeK.
tribute / sYysaGakr n karcMNayEdleFVIeLIgedayGkEdl
manGMNacTn;exSay dl;GkEdlmanGMNacxaMg edIm,ITTYlnUvkar
FanasniPaB nig suvtiPaB.
Triple Alliance / sm<nRtIKuN n 1> smaKmnRkug-rdn
etNucTItLan tiskUkU nig takUpan Edl)annaMdl;karkekIteLIg
ncRkPB GahStik 2> sm<nmiteyaFarvagGalWm:g; GURTIs-hugRKI
nig GIutalIenAbu:nanqaMmunsgamelakelIkTI1.
Triple Entente / karRBmeRBogRtIKuN n sm<nmiteyaFarvag
cRkPBGg;eKs )araMg nig r:UsSI enAb:unanqaMmunsgamelakTI1.
triumvirate / RtICnaPi)al n enAr:UmburaN RkumnemdwknaMbInak;
Trojan War / sgamRtUcan n sgam Edl)anvayRbharenA
qaM RbEhl 1200 munK>s EdlkgenaHkgTBmYyEdldwknaMeday
esc mIesenon )anvayRbharTIRkugCMnYjEdlkraCenA Rty enA
troubadour / cinkvI n kvI nig GktnIenAsmykNalEdl)an
eFVIdMeNIrBIkEngmYyeTAkEngmYyeTot edIm,Ipl;karkMsandl;mnusS
Truman Doctrine / lTiRTUemn n )anRbkaseday
RbFanaFibety EhrI RTUemnenAqaM 1947 EdlCaeKalneya)ay
rbs;shrdGaemriknkarpl;CMnYyesdkic nig eyaFadl;RbeTs
esrITaMgLayNaEdlTTYlkarKRmamkMEhgBIGkRbqaMgxagkg b
xageRkA .
Treaty of Versailles /

EdndIsuxekSmkSan n TwkdIEdlmanEtkgKMnitEdl)an Warsaw Pact / ktikasBaava:sUvI n sm<nPaBeyaFaEdl)an

BiBNnaeday fUm:as mr enAkgesovePArbs;Kat;eQaHfa EdndI
begIt eLIgenAqaM 1955 edayshPaBsUevot nig RbeTsenA
suxekSmkSan dUecHehIy vaCakEngd_viessvisalEdlmanEtkg
GWr:ubxagekIt 7 eTot.
Weimar Republic / saFarNrdvIym:a n saFarNrdEdl)an
begIteLIgenAGalWm:genAqaM 1919 ehIy)anbBab;enAqaM 1933.
Western Front / smrPUmimuxPaKxaglic n enAsgamelak
elIkTI1 tbn;enAPaKxageCIg)araMgEdlCakEngEdlTBsm<nmit
vassal / briva n enAGWr:ubsmykNal CamnusSEdlTTYl)an
nig BYkGMNackNal)anRbyuTKa.
nUvkarpl;[ndIFIBImas;Rsuk edaypas;brCamYynwgkarsnaBIPaB
westernization / kareFVItambswmRbeTs n karTTYleFVItam
esaHRtg; nig karbeRmI.
sabNsgm neya)ay b esdkic nRbeTselakxaglic
Vedas / Km<IevT n GtbTRbmUlpMdBisidTaMgbYnEdlbegIteLIg
CaBiesstam BYkGWr:ub b shrdGaemrik.
edayBYkGaran kgGMLgdMNak;kaldMbUgnkartaMgTIlMenArbs;
vernacular / PasaniyaykgRsuk n PasaRbcaMfrbs;mnusS
yin and yang / yIg nig ya:g n kgKMnitrbs;CnCaticin
enAkgtMbn; b RbeTs.
Vietcong / evotkug n RkumnTBQbkMumynis edaymanCMnYy
CaGMNacBIrEdlRKb;RKgcgVak;nCIvitEbbFmCati yIg tMNag
BIerotNamxageCIg Edl)anvayRbqaMgnwgrdaPi)alevotNam
FatujIenAkgskl nig y:ag tMNagFatueQal.
Yoruba / yUrU)a n RbCaCnGaRhVikxaglicEdl)anbegIt raCaxagt,g enAkgsgamevotNam.
Vietnamization / evotNamPavUbnIykm n yuTsasrbs;
NacRkBIr bI Edl\LvKW ebnIn nig nIehSrIya:xagt,g.
elakRbFanaFibety rIqat nIsun edIm,IbBab;karTak;Tgrbs;
shrdGaemrikenAkgsgamerotNam EdlTak;Tgnwgkardkkg
kmaMgshrdGaemrikCalMdab; nig karCMnYsrbs;BYkeKedayTB
Zapotec / hSapUtik n GarFmGaemrikkNaldMbUgEdlman
evotNam xagt,g.
TItaMgkNalenA eRCaH Gk;sSaka Edl\LvKWmiucsIukU T> 242.
Vishnu / RBHvis n RBHkgsasnahiNEdlRtUv)ancat;TukfaCa
ziggurat / hSikhrat; n sMNg;ragBIra:mIterobCafak; Edl)an
vizier / naykrdmnIBYkmU:sIm n naykrdmnIenAraCaNacRk b
Zionism / clnabegItrdCIhV n clnaEdl)anbegIteLIgenA
TsvtSr_ qaM 1890 edIm,IelIkkm<s;karbegItTwkdIrbs;BYkCIhVenA

eGs,:aj n CemaH cab;BIqaM 1701 dl; 1713 EdlkgenaH
smaCiknrdenAGWr:ub)anvayRbyuTedIm,IbgaRKYsar ebbn BIkar
RtYtRtaeGs,a:j nig )araMg.
War of the Spanish Succession /


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Utopia /



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Page 106

rkdvtmy[kp7elar rklk]k;
rkdvtmy[kp7elar wfh]PCgxao]efa[ 8k,8q;vadlvo 0vC7elarmujle7aos]kpM7e 9kds]kp[qfF I;,maC
7;k,s,kp 0vC,aoD 7e9edaf7;k, muj1j6.orkdvtmy[kp7elar c,jo7emuj.-h 1j6.osoaClnIPosq;oUD rkdvtmy[kp7elar
.shsohkmuj [aopkp7e c8j]t7eD 7esp=h8jkCM mujwfhoe,k.-h c,jo 8+]qCwxoU G

X7e75olar? n. = noun X7eok,? v. = verb X7edyiypk?

Abbasids / lt,k-yyd0vCik-;
n. ik-;qC mujxqd7vClj;o.spj0vCvkok9ad,5l]y, c8jxu 7DlD (&W g4yC !@&)D
Aborigine / vk[=iy9uo n. lt,k-yd0vC-k;gzqjkfACgfu, .ovvlg8g]aPD
absolute monarch / dtlafmujdeveokfmaCs,qf n.


ritik-k s]n ik-y ou muj,uveokf1jkC[+,u0v[g0f9edaf

acropolis / g,nvC[=iy;ko n. xhv,xhvCdao0hkglyd mujlhkCgmyCgouol6C

Angkor Wat / vaCd= ;af n. ;afmujlhkC.o vkok9ad0v, c]t v5myf.shcdj

rit okikp ritg9QkvqCobjC.olklok Iyof6D

a 4n oydkp ;af0vCvaCdyf adj. djP;da[ 7iyl8tlklok

Anglican / zh6mujo[
0vC vaCdyfD

a 4n;yopko n. 7;k,g-njv4n;jk ;yopko ,u.o38lafF

Animism / ]afmyo[
8Qow,hF c]tlyjCma,,t-kfvnjoMD
Annexation / lyjCmuj8nj,g0Qk,k n. dko8nj,r6,yrkdobjC
g0Qk,k.ofyocfo0vC soj;pdkog,nvC muj,u1j6c]h;D
Annul / pqdg]ud v. dko]q[]hkC s]n pqdg]udD

.og,nvC diud l,ap[6IkoD

anti-Semitism / 8+8hko{]afmyloa[lo5o1y; n. vt7t8y8+r;d1y;D

Aksum / vadla, n. ik-vkok9ad va2iydaoF -bjCfP;oUc,jo vumu3vgxaP c]t

apartheid / dkoc[jCcpd-qqo-kkf n. ot3p[kp0vC va2iydk .8h

vuiumgiaPF mujIvf95fl6Cl5f0vCveokf .olaf8t;af mu $D

al-Andalus / vk]{cvofk]al n. r6,yrkd muj1j6.odkoxqd7vC0vC

djP;da[ dko c[jCcpd -qogzqjk1jkClq,[6omkCdqfs,kpF I;,maC

dkoxtdkfshk, [ ,udko8yf8+ it;jkC7qofe c]t 7qo0k;D

,5l]y, muj fP;oU c,jo ltgxoF 9af8AC0bhog,njv laf8t;af muj )D

apostle / lk;qd n. objC.o zh6mujoa[4n ritgp-6 mujltcfCma, c]tgzupczj7e

Allah / vk]k n. ritg9Qk X 7elar vkik[ydF .-h.olklok vyl]k,

lajClvo0vC ritgp-6D

gxaolj;o.spj ?D

appeasement / dkogvqk.9 n. dkopyopv, 8+zh6]5d]ko

Allies / raomt,yf n. .olqC7k,3]d7ACmu objCF xtgmf8jkCM ,u vaCdyfF

grnjvs]ud]jPC[ ,ulqC7k,D

/ iajCF c]t iafg-aPF I;,maCxtgmfvnjoMmuj8+lh61j6 / jkpfP;daoS g-ajofP;daoF

d=,ud5j,xt gmf vnjoM I;,maC vaCdyfF ltstrk[3-;PfF c]t ltstia4 muj
8+8hko veokf 0vC / jkp vadlt .olqC7k,3]d7ACmu lvCD

grnjvlqjCoE wxlj6g0fmuj,uzh67qovk.lD

Almohads / vk]3,Ikfl% n. dj5,7totxt8yI6[ 0vC vyl]k, muj 37jo]Q,

aqueduct / mkCit[kpoE n. m+oE s]n mkCoEws] mujlhkC0bho

aristocracy / dkoxqd7vC3fp05ookC n. ia4[ko

mujveokf1j6.o,n0vCzh6 Ia[veokfln[8+ s]n g-Nvlkp05ookCD

ik-;qC vk]3,ik;uf c]t 9af8AC vkok9ad .ova2iydkgsonv c]t ltgxo .8h

.o laf8t;af mu !@D

Armistice / dko15fiq[ n. laopk15fiq[D

Almoravids / vk]3,ik;ufl% n. 7;k,gxaorujohvCda[lklok vyl]k,

Artifact / ;af45muj,to5fgIaf0bho n. lyjC0vCmuj7qogiafF g-ajo g7njvC,nF vk;5fF

muj wfh8ACvkok9ad .o va2iydkgsonv c]t ltgxo .8h .olaf8t;af mu ly[gvafD

s]n g7njvCgvhD

Amritsar Massacre / dko0hks,j6 .ova,iyf-kk n. dko0hk -k;

vyogfaP gdnv[ $WW 7qo mujmedkoxtmh;C dqfs,kp 3ic]8 3fpmtsko vaCdyf
muj va,iyf-kD

mujgIaflyo7hk fh;p,nD

Anabaptists / vkok c[[8yl n. .odkoxt8yI6[ lklok7iyl8PoF dj5,

x3ic8lc8o8% mujg-njv;jk 7;o9t,urymu 8AC-nj ltgrkt 7qomujvkp5s]kp r=muj9t8af

lyo.9gvCwfh ;jk9tg0Qklklok 7iyl c]t g-njv.odkocpd;af vvd9kd ia4D
Anasazi / vkok-kkly n. -k;gzqjk vyogfaPcfC .op57cid mujvk.l1j6

vtg,iydk 8kg;ao8qd lPC.8hD

Anatolia / 7k[l,5f 0vC gvg-aP ,kpgou n.

lPC.8h 0vCgvg-aP -bjCfP;oUc,jo vk.l1j63fpgvg-aP lj;o objC0vC gmudu{
paCIhvCvud;jk gvg-aP ,kpgouD



Artisan / -jjkC / u,n n. zh6gIaf;Pdmuj-eokoF g-ajo oad8+kzhk s]n oadxAos,=hF

Aryans / -kk;vkit1ao n. 1. -k;c0dxqo-k;153ix mujF xt,ko xu
!F&WW xu djvo 7DlD F g]U,phkpg0Qkwx1jmt;ux vyogfaP 2. leia[r;d ok-uF

-k;g1aPit,ao muj9af8AC <zh6gxao.spj0vCg-Nv-kf <D

assembly line / c4;xtdv[-BBolj;olyo7hk n. .o3ICCkoF
;ymu9aflyo7hk 9kd7qoobjC wxlj6vud7qoobjCF -bjCc8j]t7qo9tgIaf;PdxtgrffP;
.odkoz]yflyo 7hkmujz]yfvvdD
assimilation / dko-bb,-a[ n. 1. dkooegvqk;amotma,0vC / jkp,uwg0Qk,k .-hoe / jkpmujxt]kw- 2. ot3p[kp mujxtgmfobjC [aC7a[ s]n loa[ lo5o

.shzh61j6.8hveokf pv,Ia[ lt4k[ao c]t xtgrou 0vC8qoD

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

adj. = adjective



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Page 107

Assyria / vtg-uugiyP n. ik-vkok9adobjC .o gvg-aP 8kg;ao8qdlPC.8h

mujde veokf 0vCvkok9ad c8jxu )&W g4yC xu *!@ djvo 7DlD
Atlantic Charter / dqfs,kp cvafc]o8yd n. dkoxtdkf dqfs,kp
vto5,af .ogfnvo lyCsk !_$! 3fp okpqdia4,qo8iu vaCdyf ;yol8ao g-u-y]
c]t xtmkokmy[=fu ltstia4 2ciC7iyo i6g-uc;]8%F muj.-hgxaos]ad37Cdko
lao8yrk[ 0vCrao mt,yf grnjvp58y lqC7k,3]d 7ACmulvCD
Atlantic slave trade / dko7hkmkl cvafc]o8yd n. dko-NF 0qolqjCF

c]t 0kp 7qova2iydk grnjv,kgIaf;Pd.o mt;ux vtg,iydkD

Autocracy / gvdkmyxtw8 n. ia4[ko mujzh6oe,uveokf gfaf0kf c]t.-h

Battle of the Bulge / dkolh6iq[ 0vC gfy [a]9% n. dko8+lh6.oxu

!_$${ !_$& mujde]aC0vCraomt,yf wfhw]jda[ dko[5d]5d0vC g1uit,ao

7AC.spgmnjv l5fmhkp 0vClqC7k,3]d7ACmulvCD
Battle of Trafalgar / dkolh6iq[0vC 8ik2k]dk n. dko8+lh6

mkCgInv.oxu !)W& -bjC dvCde]aC0vC ok3x]yvqC wfhglaPw.shcdjdvCma[gInv0vCvaCdyf rkp .8hdko[ao-kdkoiq[0vC 3Igi-y3v

Benin / g[oyo n. ik-vkok9adobjC mujmujgduf0bho .dhxkdc,joE wog9u .o-5,xu
!F#WW c]t dkpwxgxao ia4 le7ao0vC va2iydk 8kg;ao8qd .o-5,xu !F$WWD

veokf 8k,.98qogvCD

Beringia / g[uiyog9aP n. 0q;fyo l,ap[6Iko muj7qog-njv;jk

Axis Powers / veokf vadlt n. .olqC7k,3]d7ACmu lvCF xtgmf

-k;vtg,iydaoc8j fACgfu,X vyogfaPcfC?c,jovqrpq[,k9kdgvg-aP lj6 mt;ux


ayllu / vkp]6 n. .olaC7q, gzqjk vyo7kF xt-k7q,ohvpM s]n 8td6o mujlt,k

Berlin Conference of 1884--85 / dvCxt-55,mujg[u]uo .oxu

!))$--)& n. dkoxt-5, mujzh6cmoxtgmf153ix wfh8aflyo djP;da[

-yd0vCg0qk gIaf;PdIj;,dao grnjvx3pflj;oI;,D

dqfit[P[0vCdkogvqk va2iydk gxaog,nvC0bho 0vC153ixD

Bill of Rights / paf8y djP;da[ lyfmygliurk[ n. dko*=g8u, ly[0=hcid

0vCia4ma,,to6o ltstia4F muj xqdxhvClyfmyrNo4ko c]t gliurk[ 0vC

balance of power / 7;k,lq,f5]0vCveokf n.

lt4kotdkofhkodkog,nvC muj;jk [+,uxtgmf.f ,uveokf

Balkans / [k]dao n. r6,yrkd 8kg;aovvdlPC.8h 0vC153ix

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

fP;oUc,jopbf 7vC 3fp diudl%F va][kgoaPF [6]dkgiaPF 3i,kgoaPF

rkdlj;o153ix 0vC gmuduF c]t vtfuf lkmkitotia4 163dl]kg;aPD
Bantu-speaking peoples / rq]g,nvCmujg;Qkrklk [ao86 n.

r;dmujg;Qkrklk mujF g]U,8Qo xt,ko @FWWW xumujzjko,kF vqrpq[9kd va2iydk

8kg;ao8qd l6j lj;o.spj0vC g7yjCmkC.8h 0vC va2iydkD
Baroque / ly]xtc[[];f]kprylfko adj. mujdjP;da[

Bishop / sq;sohk[kfs];C n. g9Qksohkmuj-Aol6C0vC 7iyl8Po

muj,usohkmuj [=iysko 3[f.omhvC4yjo 9eo;oobjCD

blitzkrieg / []yldiPd n. < lqC7k,lkp2hkc][<{ dkolh6iq[ c[[objC

muj medko96j39,c[[dtmaosao fh;pgInv[yo0a[w]j 8yf8k,fh;p

dko96j39,fh;pde ]aC mtskoik[ -5f.spjD
blockade / xyfdko7q,ok7q, n. dko.-hde]aCmtsko s]n gInviq[

grnjvxhvC dao [+.shdkolao9vo mkCdko7hk wfhg0Qk s]n vvd g,nvC s]n

Boer / -kk;3[gvu n. 7qofa- mujvk.l1j6.o vkokoy7q, .o va2iydk.8hD

c[[co;muj.spjF xtfa[xtfk1jkCs]6s]k mujgxao]adltot I6[c8h,153ixF

fqo8iuF c]t lt4kxa8 ptda, .o-5,xu !*WW c]t-5,8Qoxu !(WWD

Boer War / lqC7k,-kk;3[gvu n. dkoryrkfF c8jxu !)__ g4yC !_W@F

Barter / dkoc]dxjPo n. ;ymudko7hk0kpc[[objC muj7qoc]dxjPolyo7hk

c]t [=iydko 3fp[+.-hgCyo8ikD

Bolsheviks / 3[]g-uu;ydl% n. dj5,0vC 7totxt8y;af ,kd-yl iafg-aP zh6muj

7;[75, ia4[ko iafg-aP .ogfnvo rbflt9ydk !_!(D

Battle of Britain / dkolh6iq[ 0vCvaCdyf n. -5fobjC0vCdkolh6iq[

it;jkC dvCma[vkdkfg1uit,ao c]tvaCdyfF lh6dao.ovaCdyf .oxu !_$W{!_$!D

Boxer Rebellion / dko9tik9q] 0vC oad,;p n.

Battle of Guadalcanal / dkolh6iq[ 0vC dq;fk]dkok] n.

dkolh6iq[ .oxu !_$@{!_$# .olqC7k,3]d7ACmulvCF -bjCdvCde]aC /

jkpraomt,yf 0a[w]jDvCde]ac0vCpujxj5o 9kdgdkt cx-y2yd 0vC

muj -k; 3[gvu c]t vaCdyf lh6iq[dao grnjvg0Qk7;[75,fyocfo .o va2iydk.8hD

dko]5dIN .oxtgmf 9uo .oxu !_WWF

boyars / [vp1kl% n. 05ookC mujgxaog9Qk0vCmujfyo .o iafg-aPD
Brahma / ritrq, n. ritzh6gxaog9Qk .olklok Iyof6 gxaozh6lhkC3]dD

Battle of Midway / dkolh6iq[ 0vC ,yfg; n. dko8+lh6mkCmtg]

c]tmkCvkdkf .oxu !_$@ 0vClqC7k,3]d7ACmulvCF mujde]aC0vC
vtg,iydao ,uw- 8+dvCma[pujxj5o .ocx-y2yddkCD

mujxtdv[fh;p oad[;fD

Battle of Stalingrad / dkolh6iq[ 0vC lt8k]yo7cif n. dkolj6iq[

muj0j6;jk 9tmelqC7k, gxaodko38h8v[ 8+dkoi5diko0vClaf8i6D

xu !_$@--!_$# 0vC lqC7k,3]d7ACmulvCF mujdvCde]aC g1uit,ao wfhx]kw.o 8vomujg0qk9tpbfgvqk g,nvC lt8k]yo7cif .o ltstrk[3-;PfD

Bronze Age / p57 mvCleiyf n. itptg;]k .ox;aflkf,to5fF

Brahmin / rik, n. .olaC7q, vkit1aoF lt,k-yd 0vC-Ao.olaC7q,

Brinkmanship / ot3p[kpdkocdhw0lt4kotdko n. ot3p[kp

g]U,c8jxu #FWWW djvo 7DlD .o[kCcsjCF 0totmuj,to5fg]U,.-h mvCleiyfF

cmomuj9tc,jo mvCcfC s]n syoF grnjvgIafc[[g7njvC,n c]t vk;5fD


g1uit,aoF vu8k]uF c]t pujxj5oF -bjCwfh8qd]qC gxaoraomt,yfdao .oxu !_#*D


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bubonic plague / 3i7it[kf Xsjk? n. 3i7IhkpcIC

Chartist movement / dkog7njvows;0vC -kkd8yl n.

mujczjit[kfwxmqj; gvg-aP c]t 153ix .odkClaf8t;afmu !$F


xtgmfvaCdyf .o laf8t;af mu !_F lt,k-yd -qo-Aozh6gIaf;Pd IpdIhvC

dkoxt8yI6[.oia4ltrk .o dkog]nvd8AC I;,maClyfmy.odkovvdlPC

bureaucracy / it[q[dko[=iyskomuj,u0Ao8vos]kp n. it[q[

dq,dvC c]t vqCdko 8AC0bho,kgrnjvgIaf;Pd.shia4[koD

Chavn / -kk;yo n. 7;k,lu;yw] mujpyjC.spj7Accid 0vCmt;ux

burgher / -kk;g,nvC n. 7qomuj1j6.og,nvC l,apdkCD

vtg,iydk.8hF mujI5jCgInvC.orNomujl6C -bjC xaf95[aooU c,jo xtgmf gxi6

9kdxt,koxu _WW g4yC @WW djvo 7DlD

Bushido / [6-y3f n. dqfit[P[dkoxtrbfmujg7ajC7af g7qkiq[xt8y3fp

checks and balances / d;flv[ c]t 7;k,lq,f5] n.

oadiq[ -k,6wi .opujx5joD

dqfit[P[ mujvvd,k xhvCdao lk0k.flk0kobjC 0vCia4[ko

[,uveokfgsonv lk0k vnjoMD

Cabinet / 7totia4,qo8iu n. 7totmujxbdlk s]n 7totia4,qo8iu

muj4ndg]nvd 0bho,k 3fp zh6oextgmf grnjv,k-j;pia4[ko.odko8aflyo.9D


Caliph / dk]yx n. zh6oel6Cl5fmkCdkog,nvC c]t lklok .oia4[ko


chivalry / 75olq,[af0vCval;yo n.s]addkoxtrbf leia[ val;yo .ol,ap

dkC 0vC153ixF goAo v5fq,dko g-ajo 7;k,dhkskoF -njlafF c]t 9qCiadradfuD
CIS / -uu wv cvl n. xtgmf .og7nv9addtrq[ muj,ugvdikf
lt,k7q,vylit 0vC lkmkitotia4maCs]kp0vC3-;Pf
muj8AC0bho,k s]aC9kddkol]kp380vC ltstrk[ 3-;PfD
city-state / g,nvC{ia4 n. g,nvC c]t 0qCg0fvhv,cvh, mujfegouo8q;gxao

Calligraphy / dkoxtfyf38vadlvo n. ly]xtdko0Povadlvo.shCk,D


Calvinism / ]afmy c7;;yo n. oydkpobjC0vClklok

muj,urNo4ko8k,7;k, obd7yf0vC oadxt8yI6[ 9vo c7;;yoD

civil disobedience / dko[+g-nnjv2aCdqfs,kp n.

Camp David Accords / 0=h8qd]qC0vC c7, gf;yf n. soaCln

g-aolaopk vaocid it;jkC vylikcv] c]t xtgmfvkia[xtgmfobjCF

-bjC xtmkokmy[=fu vu1yx mjko vao;k -kfa8 Ia[I6h vylikcv]
gxaoxtgmfmuj4nd8hvC8k,dqfs,kp c]t okpqd ia4,qo8iu vylikcv] mjko
g,okg-a, [udyo 8qd]qClqjc cs], -uokp 7no.shcdj vu1yxD
canon law / ;ywolklok n. s]addkomujxqd7vC 8k,[aopaf0vClklok

dkoxt8yglf3fpg98ok c]tgxufgzup8+dko[+pv,xt8y[af8k,dqfs,kp
mujg0qkgsao;jk [+p58yma,D
civilization / 7;k,lu;yw] n. ;amotma,vaoobjCmuj,u]adltotryglf 0vC

g,nvCF r;dgIaf;Pd 9egrktF lt4k[ao 8jkCMF dkogda[de0=h,6]F c]t ;ympk

civil service / ia4dkorq]g,nvC n. lk0k[=iysko0vCia4[ko


3fpltgrkt r;dmujg0Qkgiafdko 3fp4nd9hkCphvo,k84ko


capitalism / ]afmymbooypq , n. it[q[gl4dyf muj,urNo4ko1j6muj gvd-qo

gxaog9Qk 0vC c]t dko]qCmbo.om5itdyfgrnjvzq]dewiD

lvCdj5j, muj1j6.oxtgmffP;daoD

;qC c73i]yo9Po n. dkoxqd7vC 0vC

Carolingian dynasty / ik-;

clan / ;qC8td6o n. dj5,7v[7q; mujln[g-Nvlkp,k9kd[aort[5i5ffP;daoD

ik-;qC 2ciC7ylF 9kdxu 7DlD (&! g4yC _)(D

Caste / -aho;aoot n. objC.olju -Ao;aoot 0vC7qo .oit[q[laC7q,0vC-k;
vtit1ao zh6,k8AC4yjo4ko .ovyogfaP{ ,u rik,F oadiq[F -k;ok s]n r+7hkF c]t
zh6vvdcICCko s]n -jkC / u,n muj[+c,jo7qo vkitpaoD
Catholic Reformation / dkoxt8yI6[ c73m]yd n. dkog7njvows;
.olaf8t;af mu !* muj oydkp 3i,ao c73m]yd skmkCxjPocxC grnjv8v[38h
da[dko xt8yI6[0vC ]afmy 3xc8lc8o8%D
Caudillo / 7=fy]3] n. zh6zgfafdkomtsko 0vC xtgmf ]k8yo vtg,iydaoD
centralized government / ia4[kol6odkC n. ia4[komuj veokf

9t [=iydko9t1j6mujl6odkC -bjC ia4[komhvC4yjo9t8hvCxt8y[af8k,D

Central Powers / l6odkCveokf n. .olqC7k,3]d7ACmu objCF xtgmf

g1uit,ao c]t vvlg8^aP{IaCdkiuF c]txtgmf8jkCMmujIj;,iq[da[ / jkpg0qkD

Chaldeans / 9a]fuo n. -k;gvg-aP 8kg;ao8qdlPC.8h

muj-j;p.odkome]kp vkok9ad val-uiPoD

civil war / lqC7k,rkp.oxtgmf n. dkoryrkf it;jkC d5j,dkog,nvC

classical art / ly]xt-AAogvd n. ly]xt 0vC diud c]t 3i,ao

l,ap[6IkoF -bjCgoAo 7;k,dq,dnoF gxaoit[P[F c]t7;k,lq,f5]D
clergy / oad[;f n. 7totg9Qksohkmuj xtdv[dko[=iydkomkClklok g-ajo

[kfs];CF zh6mesohkmujgxaoritF s]n vk9ko.olklok1y;D

cloning / lyjCmujln[rao9kdit[q[[+,ugrf n. dkolhkC8Qow,h s]n laf muj

4jkprao .sh7ndaoda[ 8Qow,h s]n laf muj,u1j6c]h;D

coalition government / ia4[koxtlq , n. ia4[ko muj

7;[75,-qj;7k; 3fpdj5,raomt,yf 0vC raddkog,nvCD

codex / 37gfadl% n. xbh,muj,usohk mujlk,kfgxufwfhF 7ndaoda[xB,mujmjko

de]aC vjko1j6oUD
Cold War / lqC7k,g1ao n. lt4kotdko mujgxaox=itxadmkCdkom6f

it;jkC ltstia4 c]t ltstrk[ 3-;Pf .o-5, ly[xu s]aC9kd

lqC7k,3]d7ACmu lvCD
collective bargaining / dko8+]vC 3fplj;oI;, n. dkog9it9k

it;jkC ]6d9hkC c]t okp9hkCD



Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company




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collective farm / 2ki%, I;,s,j6 n. 2ki%,.spj mujia4[ko gxaozh675,

8AC0bho3fpdkoI;,gvqk 2ki%,ohvpmaCs]kpg0QkdaoD
colony / vkokoy7q, Xg,nvC0bho ? n. fyocfomuj7;[75,3fp

a oypq, n. .og7yjCcid 0vClaf8t;afmu !_F

Conservatives / dj5,vto5]d
-k; 153ix lj;o.sp c,jor;dglf4u g9Qk0vCmujfyo c]t 05ookC mujxtlqC9t
vto5]ad xtgrou dkoxqd7vCit[q[ ik-kmyxtw8 0vC 153ixD


constitutional monarchy /

Colossus of Rhodes / 373]-al vv2 3ifl% n. I6[xAomuj.spj0vC

mujveokf0vCzh6oe4nd9edaf 3fpdqfs,kpD

dkoxqd7vCit[v[dtlafrkp.8hi4a ma, ,to6o n. it[q[dkoxqd7vC

gIg]oyl8yd mujc8jdjvo 1no1j6.dh mjkgInv 3ifl%D

o n.
Columbian Exchange / 37]a,[Po gvadg-o

consul / dqCl5o n. .o lkmkitotia4 3i,aoF objC.olvCg9Qksohkmuj muj,uve

okf 4ndg]nvdc8j]txu grnjv[ao-kdko dvCma[ c]t oerkia4[koD

dko0qophkpmqj;3]d 0vC8Qow,hF lafF c]t 3i7rap mujgduf0bho itptg;]k

muj-k;153ix gvqkmt;ux vtg,iydk gxaovkokoy7q,D

containment / dko9edaf n. ot3p[kp8jkCxtgmf 0vCltstia4

8]qd c[[[+,u ly]xt c]t dkolPfluD

command economy / gl4dyf 8k,[qCdko n. it[q[gl4dyf

mujia5[ko gxaozh68aflyo djP;da[ gl4dyfm5d1jkCD

a mkCdko7hk n.
Commercial Revolution / dkoxt8y;f

oe,k .-h 3fp xtmkokmy[=fu cIiu mi6c,o .o-5,mhkpxu !_$WF -bjC ltstia4
rtpk pk,muj9tp58y dkoczjzkp0vC]afmy 7v,,6oyl 3fpdko9af8AC raomt,yf
c]t -jvpgs]nv xtgmfmujvjvocv .sh8+8hko dkoi5diko 0vC 3-;PfD
Continental System / it[q[ 7vomugoao8k] n. ot3p[kp0vC
ok3x]yvqC muj xhvCdaodko7hk0kp it;jkC vaCdyf c]t mt;ux 153ixF
95fxtlqC muj9tme]kp gl4dyf 0vCvaCdyfD

dkoczjzkp 0vCdko7hk c]t m5itdyf mujxjPocxC gl4dyf 0vC153ix it;jkC

laf8t;af mu !* c]t !(D

Corporation / ;ylkstdyf n. m5itdyf mujg9Qk0vC c,jozh64nIh5o muj,ulj;o

.o zqodewi c8j;jk[+8hvCIa[zyf-v[ .osoUlyo0vC[\iylaf 3fplj;o8q;D

common law / dqfs,kplk,ao n. dkoI;[I;,dqfs,kp

Council of Trent / dvCxt-55, 0vC mgio8% n. dkoxt-5,

muj8AC0bho9kd dqfit[P[0vCzh6ryrkdlk ik-leoad vaCdyf muj.hgxaorNo4ko0vCdqfs,kp .shxtgmf mujxkdrklk vaCdyf

s]kpxtgmf.oxaf95[aoF I;,maC ltstia4D

0vCzh6oe 3i,ao c73m]ydF Ipdxt-5, 3fp lao8txkxk rv] mu #

grnjv8aflyogiNvC7elajC lvo muj / jkpxt8yI6[ x3ic8lc8o8% ;yrkd;y9koD

5 -qoq n. .o 7v,,6oyl 9uoF 2ki%,lj;oI;, muj7qo9eo;o

commune / -5,


coup d'tat / ia4xtsko n. dkopbfveokfdkog,nvC.oxtgmf 1jkC

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

s]kp gIaf;Pd c]t vk.l1j6Ij;,daoD

Communist Party / rad 7v,,6oyl n. raddkog,nvCobjC mujxt8y[af8k,

co;7bf 0vC 7ki%] ,kdl% c]t ;u wv g]oyoS g]U,8Qoc,jo rad 3[]g-;yd 0vC
Communism / ]afmy 7v,,6oyl n. it[q[dko gl4dyf
mujm5dM;ymudko0vC dkoz]yf{mujfyoF [+cIjF 3ICCkoF dkoiq4w2F c]t
[=iylaf8jkCM{c,jo xt-k-qo gxaog9Qk0vCF 9t[+,u-a[lyolj;o8q;F c]t
lyo7hkm5d1jkC c]tdko[=iydko c,jo C[jCxaodao1jkCgmqjkmP,daoD

covenant / 0=h8qd]qC n. laopk s]n 0=h8qd]qC maClvC / jkp{3fpltgrkt

7elao pk it;jkC ritzh6gxaog9Qk da[ -k; Iu[i6 8k,muj[aombdw;h.orit7eruD

Creoles / 7iu3v]yl n. .olaC7q, vkokoy7q,0vCltgxoF -k;vkokoy7q,
mujgduf1j6 ]k8yo vtg,iydk 9kdr+c,j 7qoltgxoD
Crimean War / lqC7k, 7iu,Po n. dkoryrkfF 9kdxu !)&# g4yC

!)&*F -bjC vkok9ad 3vf38,aoF fh;p7;k,-j;pgs]nv 0vC vaCdyf c]t / iajCF

15fdko czjzkp 0vC iafg-aP .og0f mtg] feD

Concert of Europe / 7vogluf 0vC 153ix n. raomt,yf -5fobjC

.odj5, xtgmf 153ix .o laf8t;afmu !_F 7yf0bho,k 3fp g9Qk-kp 7gi,aol%
;vo c,gg8uoyd grnjvxhvCdao dkod+dko xt8y;afD

crop rotation / dkos,5o;Po0vC rn-zqo n.

a pkmkCw,8iu n. laopk1jkCgxaomkCdko{
Concordat / lqomylo

Crusade / lqC7k,lklok n. objC.odkolei;f mujoadiq[ 7iyl8Po

l,apdkC sk;ymu pbfveokf 0vCfyocfoladlyf 9kd ,5l]y,D

3fpltgrkt laopk it;jkC lao8txkxk c]t ia4[koF

djP;da[dko7;[75,;Pddko 0vC lklokD
Congress of Vienna / 7vCdgifl% vv2 ;Pook n.

dkoxt-5,maC-5f .o xu !)!${!)!&F 0tot zh6oe153ix

-vdsk-jvCmkCmuj9t9af8AC lao8yrk[ c]t 7;k,xvfrap mujpk;oko
s]aC9kddko]Q,l]kp0vC ok3x]yvqCD
Congress Party / rad 7vCdgifl% n. raddkog,nvCmujle7ao0vC-kf
.ovyogfaP{ Ipdvud;jk ia4ltrk csjC-kf 0vC vyogfaPD

it[q[dkox6d/a Crn-zqomuj c8d8jkCdao .ol;o c8j]txu grnjvIadlk

7;k,v5fq,lq,[6o 0vCfyoD

cultural diffusion / dkogzupczj ;amotma, n. dkoczjzkpco;7;k,

7bf s]n lyo7hk 9kd ;amotma, objC wxlj6 ;amotma,objCD

a ;amotma, n. dko9t]k9q] .o
Cultural Revolution / dkoxt8y;f
9uo xu !_**{!_(* oe3fp mtskocfCF 3fp,u95fxtlqC muj9t8AC
laC7q,0vC0k;ok c]t -qo-Aoda,,k-u[ mujm5d7qo9t,u7;k,lg,urk[D
culture / ;amotma, n. ;y4u-u;yf 9egrkt0vC7qoF

mujltcfCvvd9kdg7njvC,nF 0oq[ma,oP,F ly]xtF c]t 7;k,obd7yfD

Conquistadors / 7vod;yl8kf=il% n. mtsko ltgxoF oadlei;fF

c]t zh6 8k,]jk-a[lq,[af muj,ulj;o.odko ry-yf mt;ux vtg,iydk .olaf8t;af

mu !*D

cuneiform / 76go2vi%, n. it[q[dko0Po 3fp.-hg7njvCs,kp

gxaoI6[lyj;F 7bf7Qo0bho,k 3fp-k; -6g,iPo xt,ko #WWW xu djvo 7DlD



Comedy / giNvC8]qd n. ]t7vo-;osq; muj lj;os]kp9t,udkoltcfC



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cyberterrorism / ]afmy0j6.sh1hko3fp.-hh0=h,6] n. dko[5di5dmkC0=h,6]

dictator / zgfafdko n. .od5C3i, l,ap[6IkoF zh6oedkog,nvC


mujwfhIa[ve okf-U0kf muj9t8Acdqfs,kp c]t[ao-kdkodvCma[


iu]]yd n. vadlvo muj.-h.odko0Po

Cyrillic alphabet / vadlvo w-i
rklk l]k;ydF7bf7Qo0bho .o laf8t;af mu _ 3fp oad[5o w-iy] c]t g,3mfyvalD
czar / -kki% n. 9addtraf iafg-aP X 9kd8ecsojC -u-ki% 0vC 3i,ao ?D

direct democracy / xt-kkmyxtw8 3fpdqC n. ia4[ko mujxt-k-qo

,uveokf3fpdqC cmomuj9tzjkozh6cmoD
dissident / [+gsaorhvC n. / jkpdqCdao0hk,da[ot3p[kp s]n dkoxt8y[af

0vC ia4[koD

daimyo / gf,u31 n. 05ookC0vCpujx5jo mujgxaozh6[ao-kdko dvCma[ -k,6wi

c,jozh6cmo0vC ritg9Qk 1j6.oznoczjofyo c]tfajCoAo


Daoism / ]afmy g8qJk n. xialpkobjC muj,urNo4ko8k,7;k,7yf0vCoad7yf


-k;9uo -nj;jk ]k;-bF zh6mujlvo;jk 7qo7;o9t4ndcotoe 3fpde]aC9addt;ko

mujIPd;jk g8qJk XmkC?D

domestication / dkooe,k]hPC.sh7h5o n.

dkooelaf,kcv[.sh75hogrnjv .sh7qooe,k.-h;PdwfhD
dominion / veokfvtmyxtw8 n. .ovkok9ad vaCdyfF xtgmfobjC Xg-ajo

D-Day / fu{gf n. ;aomu * ,y45ok !_$$ gxao,Nmuj / jkpraomt,yf g]U,96j39,

c7okfk? 4ndvto5pkf.shxqd7vC;Pddkorkp.o0vC8qogvCwfhD

153ix czjofyo.spj .o lqC7k,3]d 7ACmulvCD

domino theory / mylfu 3f,u3o n. 7;k,7yfmuj;jk

Declaration of Independence / dkoxtdkf gvdikf n.

4hkxtgmfobjC 8qdwx1j6 rkp.8hdko7;[75,0vC 7v,,6oylF

xtgmf.dh7PCd=9t8qdwx1j6dhvCveokf0vC 7v,,6oyl g-ajofP;daoD

soaCln muj[vddjk; gsfzqo muj vkokoy7q, vtg,iydao 8af0kf9kd vaCdyfF

vto5,af 3fp dvCxt-5, ia4ltrk mqj;mt;ux 7ACmulvC .oxu !((*D
Delta / xkdoE n. r6,yrkd mujgxaosovC gduf0bho9kd0U8q,mujovodQo1j6

Demilitarization /[+,umtsko n. dko]qf7;k,lk,kf0vC

xtgmf muj9t8aflqC7k,F gduf0bhofh;pdko xqfmtsko vvd9kdxt9edko

Democracy / xt-kkmyxtw8 n. ia4[ko muj7;[75,3fp xt-k-qoF

3fpdqC s]n zjkozh6cmoD

democratization / gIaf.shgxaoxt-kkmyxtw8 n. ;ymu

lhkCia4[kog]nvd 8AC 3fp xt-k-qoD

Department of Homeland Security / dt-;
Iadlk7;k,xvf wr 0vC[hkog,nvC n. vqCdko ia4[kodkC 0vC
ltstia4 8AC0bho.oxu @WW@ grnjv xtlkoCko rtpkpk, 8+8hko zh6d+dkoIhkp
Dtente / dkozjvo7kp7;k,g0ajC8bC n. ot3p[kp ]qf7;k,g-ajC8bC

0vC lqC7k,g1ao muj ltstia4 wfhgvqk,k.-h .og;]k muj iu-ki%f oydlao gxao
xtmkok my[=fuD
developed nation / xtgmf ramok n.

xtgmfmuj,ulyjCveo;p7;k,lf;d muj9egxao leia[ dkoz]yf lyo7hk

v5flkstda, c[[maol,apD

Dorians / f=iPol% n. dj5,7qomujxkdrklk diud

mujF8k,xtgroumujln[8+dao,kF wfhphkp9kddiud czjofyo.spj
s]aC9kddko me]kp 0vC vkitptma, ,kp g-uoPoD
Dreyfus affair / giNvCdjP;da[ fikp26l n. dko38h4PC .o / iajC
.o-5,xu !)_WF ,u95fl6odkC1j6muj dkory9kitok7tfu c]tdkodad0aC
okpmtsko 1y;F ihvpgvd va]2gif dikp26lF muj4nd.ljIhkp;jk
wfh0kp7;k,]a[mkCmtsko .shcdj g1uit,aoD

a fa- vul8% vyogfaP n.

Dutch East India Company / [=iylf
[=iylaf muj 9af8AC0bho3fp -k; I=c]of% .o8Qolaf8t;afmu !( grnjvlhkC
c]t7hk0kplyo7hkmqj; gvg-aPD
dynastic cycle / ;qC9vo 0vC0af8ypt;qC n. c[[ xt;aflkf

0vC7;k, 9giuoF 7;k,g-njv,F c]tdkola[xjPo 0vC ik-;qC8jkCMD

;Cq n. -5f zh6xqd7vC muj,k9kd7v[7q;fP;D

dynasty / ik-;

Eastern Front / co;sohk g0fmyf8kg;aovvd n. .olqC7k,3]d
7ACmuobjCF .or6,yrkd 8k,co;-kpcfo g1uit,ao{iafg-aP lt4komuj muj iafg-aP
c]t -k; g-ui%[ 8+lh6da[ g1uit,aoF vvlg8a^PF c]t gmudD

devshirme / gf2g-uui%, n. .ovkok9ad 3v88k,aoF ot3p[kp

muj9a[gvqk]6d 0vC-k;7iyl8Po mujx]kw- wx /bdsafgxaomtsko ,5l]y,D

Edict of Nantes / xtdklyf 0vC oaC8l% n. xtdklyf .oxu !&_) muj

lqfgfafritg9Qk gIaoiu mu $ 0vC / iajC wfhlaopk8+-k; x3ic8lc8o8% ;jk
.shvk.l1j6.oxtgmf / iajC 1jkClao8yrk[ c]t lk,kf8ACgInvoleia[dkorymu
laddkit .o[kCg,nvC .oxtgmf / iajCwfhD

Diaspora / fuvkl3xik n. dkodt9afdt9kp 0vC-k;1y; 9kd[hkogduf

Emancipation Proclamation / xtdkfdkoxjvpgxaovylit n.

g,nvCovo0vCg0qk muj xkc]lw8{3fpltgrkt .oitptg;]k d;jk !F)WW xu muj

s]aC9kddkome]kp;af muj g9i6-kg]a, 3fpr;d 3i,ao .o 7DlD (WD

7elaC vvd3fp xtmkokmy[=fu ltstia4 mjko gv[ikcI, ]yo7vo .oxu

!)*#F ;jk mkl m5d7qo .og0fia4 7vog2gfugif ,ugliurk[D
emerging nation / xtgmfmujde]aC9txkdqf n. xtgmf

mujdkogIaf.shgxao v5flkstda, paC[+legiafIP[IhvpD



Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company


divine right / lyfmy ,k9kdl;ao n. 7;k,7yfmuj;jk dtlaf


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Page 111

migrs / zh6mujvqrpq[wx1j6mujvnjo n. zh6mujsou9kd[hkogdufg,nvCovo0vC8qo

phvo [aoskdkog,nvCF g-ajo r;d05ookC c]t vnjoM mujsou9kd / iajC

itptdko9t]k 9q] 0vC-k;-qoot[qf .odkoxt8y;af / iajCglfD
empire / vkok9ad n. soj;pdkog,nvC mujs]kp7qo s]n s]kpxtgmf

1j6.8h veokf 0vCzh6xqd7vC zh6fP;D

enclosure / dkoxyf]hv, n. objC.omqjCmuj,uIQ;]hv, s]n IQ;8Qow,hg8AP
vhv, lhkC0bho,k 3fp g9Qk0vCmujfyo vaCdyf mujIajC,u gmyCznofyo mujc8jdjvo
,u-k;[hko wfhgIaf;Pd .ofyocxCoAoD
encomienda / vaC3d,Pofk n. dko,v[ 3fp ltgxo

cdjzh6muj,k 8AC4yjo4ko .ovtg,iydkF I;,maC lyfmymuj9t.-h -k;vyogfaPcfC

gxaozh6vvdcIC Cko 1j6mujoAoD
English Civil War / lqC7k, rkp.oxtgmf 0vC vaCdyf n.

dkoryrkfF pnfgpNv c8jxu !*$@ g4yC !*$_F mujr;d loa[lo5o r6iy8ao .o

ia4ltrk wfh 8+lh6 da[zh6loa[lo5o ik-kmyxtw8 0vCvaCdyfD
enlightened despot / zh6dqf0uj mujIv[Ih6 n. objC.o ik-k 0vC 153ix

.o laf8t;af mu !) wfhIa[dkofqo[aofko.9 9kd7;k,obd7yf Ih6c9hC

grnjvdkoxqd 7vC 1jkCp58yma, c]t .sh7;k,oa[4ncdj zh6.8h[aC7a[[ao-kD
enlightenment / dko8alih6 n. .o lklokr5mF ltrk[0vCdkoI6hc9hC
3fplq,[6o -bjC 8qo 8hvCg0Qk.9 rNo4ko7;k,9yC djP;da[ 9addt;koD
Enlightenment / 7totIh6c9hC n. dkog7njvows; .o 153ix

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

.olaf8t;afmu !) mujoadxik- rtpkpk,9t.-h s]ad0vCgsfzqo c]t ;ymu

mkC;ympklkf .sh gxaox3pf8+laC7q,D
Entrepreneur / oad;ylkstdyf n. [577qozh6hobjC muj9af8ACF [=iyskoF c]t

Ia[zyf-v[ 8+dkoljPC 0vC m5itdyfD

Epics / giNvCik;csjC7;k,dhksko n. 7edvopk; [a]pkp

lg]u,l]vC 7;k,legiaf 0vCzh6dhksko -bjCgxaooymkog]qjkln[8+dao,kD

Estate / 4koaofvo n. objC.olk, -qo-Ao .o;qClaC7q,0vC / iajC

djvodko xt8y;af{ -qo-AomujobjC ,u ritS -qo-AomulvC c,jor;d05ookCS c]t

-qo-Ao mulk, c,jor;dmujgs]nv0vCrq]g,nvCD
Estates-General / -qqo-AAo muj,uveokf.odkoxqd7vC n. ltrkzh6cmo

9kdmaClk,-qo-AoF s]n -AolaC7q,F .oxtgmf / iajCD

ethnic cleansing / dkod;kf]hkC-qqo-kkf-qqogzqjk n. ot3p[kp

0vCdko xtsko c]t rbf8yda,3sfIhkpvnjoM 3fpmuj -k; g-ui%[ s;aC9tde9af

rq]g,nvC ,5l]y, 0vC [vlgoaP s]aC9kdmujxtgmf 163dl]kg;aP wfhc[jCcpdD
excommunication / dkow]jvvd9kdlklok n. dkogvqklyfmymujgxao

lt,k-yd0vC3[f 7iyl8Po vvd9kd[577qoobjCD

existentialism / ]afmydko7qC-uu[ n. xia-pk

muj,urNo4ko.o7;k,7yfmuj;jk ,to5f .sh7;k,s,kpcdj-u;yf

3fpzjkodkog]nvd c]tdkoxtrbf0vCg0qkgvCD
extraterritorial rights / dko,ulyfmy 1j6ovddqfs,kp n.

dkopqdg;Ao -k;8jkCfhk; 9kddqfs,kp 0vCxtgmfD

factors of production / 8q;xtdv[0vCdkoz]yf n. -arpkdvo{
I;,maC mujfyoF cICCkoF c]tgCyombo{muj9egxao.odkoz]yflyo7hk c]tdko
Factory / 3ICCko n. 8bds]aC.spj muj.-hg7njvC9ad grnjv z]yflyo7hkD
fascism / ]afmy zgfafdko n. dkog7njvows;mkCdkog,nvC mujloa[lo5o
c[[Iad-kf mujgduo0v[g0fF dkoxt8yglflyfmylj;o[577qoF dkoxqd7vCc[[
radfP; zgfafdkoD
Fatimid / 2k8y,yf n. lt,k-yd 0vC ik-;qC ,5l]y, mujln[g-Nvlkp,k9kd
]6dlk; 0vC ,6sts,af okC 2k8y,k c]tmujwfhlhkCvkok9ad .o va2iydk
gsonvF vkikg[aPF c]t -ugiaP .o laf8t;afmu !W{!@D
favorable balance of trade / 7;k,lq,f5]
0vCdko7hk mugxaomujoypq, n. lt4kotdko mkCgl4dyf

mujxtgmfobjC0kplyo7hkvvd8jkCxtgmf s]kpd;jk -N9kd8jkCxtgmfD

federal system / it[q[ ia4[kodkC n. it[q[0vCia4[ko mujveokf
wfh c[jC it;jkC ia4[kodkC c]t veokfsohkmuj0vCc8j]t ia4D
Fertile Crescent / g2uwm] 7gilg-yyom% n. fyocfox6d

/aCmujv5fq,lq,[6o gxao I6[37hC .ogvg-aP 8kg;ao8qdlPC.8hF it;jkC vjk;

gxug-aP c]t mtg] g,fugmugioPoD
Feudalism / ]afmy ladfyok n. it[q[dkog,nvC muj05ookC wfhIa[lyf
.-hmujfyo mujgxao da,,tlyf0vCdtlafF .odkoc]dxjPo grnjv7;k,l;k,yradF
dkoIa[.-h mkCmtskoF c]t dko7h5,7vCxt-k-qo mujvk.l1j6.oczjofyoD
Fief / mujfyoladfyok n. mujfyomujpqd.sh0hkik-[=iyrko 3fp05ookC-Aozh6.spj

rkp .8hit[q[ladfyok .o 153ix la,pdkCD

filial piety / 7;k,oa[4n0vC]6d,u8+r+c,j n. 7;k,oa[4nmujltcfCvvd

0vC ]6d muj,u8+ r+ c,j c]t zh6l6Cvkp5D

Final Solution / ;ymudko gfaf0kf n. 37Cdko Iyfg]u

muj0hk7qo1y;maCs,qf 1jkC,uit[q[D
Five-Year Plans / 37Cdko & xu n. 37Cdko mujIjkC3fp 39g-r

lt8k]yo .oxu !_@) grnjvdkoramok gl4dyf 0vC ltstrk[ 3-;PfD

Four Modernizations / dkogIaf4nd8hvC8k,l,ap $ 1jkC n.

95fs,kp maC-5f mujoe,k.-h 3fp zh6oe9uo g8YC lP;zyC .omhkplaf8t;afmu @WF

mujrq;raog4yC 7;k,dhk;sohk mkC dtlyda,F v5flkstda,F xhvCdaoxtgmfF
;ympklkf c]t gmad3o3]9uD
Fourteen Points / !$ 95f n. dkolgoumaC-5f muj xtmkokmy[=fu

ltstia4 ;6f3i;% ;y]lao wfhIjkCczodko0bho grnjv[ao]5 lao8yrk[ mujpk;oko

s]aC9kd lqC7k,3]d 7ACmuobjCD
Franks / 3ciC7%l n. -k; g9u,koyd muj8AC4yjo4ko1j6 c7;ho 3i,ao 0vC
3d] Xxt,ko goNvmuj c,jo / iajC7v[7vC1j6fP;oU ?c]t 9af8AC vkok9ad
muj.spj38 .oitpt l,ap dkCD
free trade / dko7hk gliu n. dko7hk0kp it;jkC xtgmf

3fp[+,u0=h9edaf mkC gl4dyf s]n g7njvCduf0;kC Xg-ajo vaf8ik rklu ?D





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French and Indian War / lqC7k, / iajC c]t vyogfaPcfC

n. dkory rkf it;jkC vaCdyf c]t / iajC grnjv 7;[75, fyocfo.o

vtg,iydkgsonvF c8jxu !(&$ g4yC !(*#D

Great Schism / dkoc8dcpd.spj .ooydkplklok n.

gender inequality / 7;k,[+lg,urk[mkCgrf n. 7;k,c8d8jkC

Greco-Roman culture / ;amotma, 7gi3d 3i,ao n. ;amotma,muj

it;jkC z6j-kp c]t z6jpyC 3fpvyC.lj 7;k,IajC,u c]t 4kotD

genetic engineering / ;ylt;tda, raomtlkf n. dkoxjPorao
9kdlyjC,u -u;yfvaoobjC wxvudvaoobjC grnjv9twfhz]yf lyjC,u-u;yf muj,u]adltot.s,jD
genocide / dkome]kpg-NNvrao n. dko0hk7qomaCdj5,1jkC9qC.9D
gentry / -qqo-AAol6C n. -qo-Ao0vC7qo,uveokfF ,ugCyo ,u7;k,l50leiko


Great Purge / dkod;kf]hkC 7AcpyjC.spj n. dko0qo0;kpmujsohk1hko

dq; .oltstrk[3-;Pf .o-5,xu !_#WF muj 39g-2 lt8k]yo skmkCde9af
lt,k-ydraadmaCs,qf c]t xt-k-qovnjoM muj75d7k,8+veokf0vCg0qkD

dkoc[jCcpd.o ;af 3i,ao c73m]yd .ol,apdkCF .oitptoAo 7j6c0jC0vC

lao8txkxk wfh4nd c8jC8AC0bho muj vk;upqC c]tmuj d5C3i,D
gdqjk cdj -bjC ramok 9kddkozlq, ;amotma, diudF gIg]ooyl8ydF c]t 3i,aoD

a lu0P; n. 7;k,rtpkpk,
green revolution / dkoxt8y;f
.olaf8t;afmu @W muj9tgrU, -arpkdvo vksko mqj;3]dF I;,maC
;ymudko.-hx5Jp c]t 1k0hk c,Cw,h c]tdkoramok rn-zqo mujmqo8+g-Nv3i7D
a 8 n. 7qog]qjkoymko 0vC va2iydk 8kg;ao8qd zh6objCD
griot / 7iuvv


guerrilla / dvCs]vo n. lt,k-yd 0vCde]aC8+8hko muj9af8AC0bhoc[[

geocentric theory / mylfu djP;da[l6odkCrNo3]d n. .op57dkCF

s];,M mujg0Qk9j639,dvCde]aC0vClaf8i6 mujg0Qk7v[7vC[hkog,nvC0vCg0qk


7;k, gsao;jk 3]dgxao.9dkC0vC9addt;ko mujzh6Iv[Ih6 g-njv;jk

3]dgxaolyjCmujgsoaC 8yCwx,k[+wfh c]t8AC1j6.9dkC0vC9addt;koD
geopolitics / r6,ylkfdkog,nvC n. ot3p[kpdkog,nvC8jkCxtgmf

muj,urNo 4kooedko ry9kitok 0vCrNomujp5mlkf s]n lyo7hk 9kdfyovnjoD

Ghana / dkok n. ik-vkok9adobjC.o va2iydk 8kg;ao8qd mujIajC,u0bho phvo
dko gda[rklu c]t 7;[75,dko7hk c]t wfh9af8Acvkok9ad .o laf8t;af mu _
g4yC laf8t;afmu !!D
Ghazi / dk-uu n. oadiq[ 0vC vyl]k,D
Ghettos / g0fl]a, n. g0f75h,.og,nvC muj-k;1y; .o153ix

guild / lt,k7q,vk-uu[ n. lt,k7q, 0vC 7qo.ol,apdkC

mujgIaf;Pdvk-u[ fP;daoF muj7;[75,gCyo8ik c]tik7k 0vC lt,k-ydD
guillotine / cmjo8af7= n. g7njvC8af7=7qoF .-hgxaog7njvC,nxtsko-u;yf
.oitpt dkoxt8y;af / iajCD
Gupta Empire / vkok9ad 75xt8t n. vkok9admulvC 0vCvyogfaPF
8AC0bho 3fp 9aomik 75xt8t muobjC .o 7DlD #@WD

Glasnost / d]klovl%8 n. ot3p[kpobjC 0vC3-;Pf

djP;da[dkogxufdt cl7;k,7yfgliu c]t0jk;lkoF oe,k.-h .oxu

!_)& 3fp ,yc7] d=[k-Hv2D
global economy / gl4dyf mqj;3]d n. dko,uzqodtmq[-bjCdaoc]tdao

habeas corpus / s,kplkomujIPd8q;[577qo n. soaCln

mujdesoqf.shoe oad3mf,klko s]n,k8+sohkzh6ryrkdlk grnjv9twfh8aflyo;jk

oad3mf4nddad0aC 4nd8hvC8k,dqfs,kps]n[=D
Hagia Sophia / IkgdaP 3-gg2aP n. 3[f.spj 3I]u ;ylfq, .o

7volc8o8u 3ox]%F lhkC8k,7elaC0vC 9addtraf 9al8uoPo 0vC [u-aC8uoD

mkCdkogCyo djP;raoda[7qoF m5itdyfF c]t ia4[ko muj0hk,g0fcfookok-kfD

a mujl;pCk, n. dko]q[]hkCi
Glorious Revolution / dkoxt8y;f

Haiku / Ikvud5 n. dk[dvoc[[objC 0vC pujxj5oF xtdv[fh;p lk,c4;

muj,u ^F *F c]t & rtpkCD

k-[ao]aCg9Qk-u;yf vaCdyf g9,l% mulvC 3fp[+glaPg]nvfgoNv c]t zh60bho,kcmo

c,jo ;y]]P, c]t c,iuD

Hajj / Ik99% n. dkogfuomkCwxot,afltdkomuj g,dtF xt8y[af8k,sohkmuj

Glyph / I6[laopk]ad n. I6[mujgxaolaopk]ad 3fpltgrkt

co;muj.-h.oit[q[ dko0Po leia[dko7;afcdt0=h7;k, w;h.odhvosyoD

Gothic / 3dmyd adj. mujdjP;gonjvCda[ lt4kxa8ptdaa, 0vC3[f mujramok.o


;qC Iao n. ik-;qC 9uo mujxqd7vC c8jxu @W@ djvo

Han dynasty / ik-;
7DlD skxu 7DlD _ c]t xqd7vCvud c8j 7DlD @# g4yC 7DlD @@WD

Great Depression / dko8qd8+k1jkC.spjs];C n. dko8qd8+k0vC

Harappan civilization / 7;k,lu;yw] 0vC Ikiaxrao n. vud-njobjC

0vC 7;k,lu;yw] 0vCs5[g0qk vyofal mujI5jCgInvC 8k,c7,c,joE vyofalF
vkf9t 8AC c8j8vo8Qo0vCxu (WWW djvo 7DlDS ]adltotryglf c,jo
dko;kCczozaCg,nvC muj l]a[-a[-hvoD

gl4dyf1jkCI5ocIC 8yf8k,dko]Q,]t]kp0vC8]kfIh5o ltstia4 .oxu


Hausa / Ik;lk n. -k; va2iydao 8kg;ao8qd mujvk.l1j6.os]kpMg,nvC

153ix l,apdkCF ,u]adltot gxaoI6[37hCF xjvCvhP,dt9qdluF w,h7Emuj]vp8q;F

37hC-h5,xt86F c]tpvfcs],0vC8bdmujl6CD

Great Fear / 7;k,1hkodq;mujpyjC.spj n. 7NodkoglaP0;ao1jkC[+,ult8y

mujczjwxmqj;-qoot[qf0vC / iajC s]aC9kddko39,8u0vC [kl8y] .oxu !()_D

s]kpia4 -bjC xaf95[aoc,jo mkCgsonv 0vC wo9ugiaPD

heliocentric theory / mylfu f;Cvkmyfgxaol6odkC n. 7;k,g-njv4n

muj;jk 3]d c]tfk;rtg7ktvnjoM s,5oIv[f;CvkmyfD



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Hellenistic / 8giuoc[[diud adj. djP;da[7;k,lu;yw]F rklkF ly]xtF

;ympklkfD c]t ;aoot7tfu 0vCdiud 8ACc8j ia-dko 0vC vkg]ad-kogfu gfy

dgif 9qog4yC [Aomhkp0vClaf7t;af mulvC djvo 7DlD
Helot / mkl n. .olaC7q,0vC ltxkd8k c8j[6IkootdkoF -k;ok

mujz6d,af 1j6da[znofyoD
Hieroglyphics / vadlvo vu1yx [6Iko n. it[q[dko0Po0vC vu1yx

[6Iko -bjC I6[ 9t4nd.-hcmo 7;k,7yf c]t lPCD

Hijrah / Iu9iks% n. dkovqrpq[ 0vC ,6sts,af 9kd g,dt wx 1kmiu[
X g,fuok ?.o 7DlD *@@D
Hittites / Iuw88% n. -k;vyo3f{153ix muj8AC4yjo4ko .o vkok38g]aP

xt,ko @WWW xu djvo 7DlD

Holocaust / 3I3]7vlm% n. dkolaCskos,j6 -k;1y; c]t xt-k-qovnjoMF

3fp7elajC0vCia4[ko ok-u csjC g1uit,ao djvo c]titptlqC7k,3]d7ACmu lvCD

Holy Alliance / 3I]u vt]kpvaol% n. laooy[kf 0vCxtgmf153ix
9af8AC 0bho3fp zh6oe iafg-aPF vvlg8^aPF c]t xialg-aP s]aC9kd 7vodgil
0vC ;PookD

a lyf n. vkok9ad
Holy Roman Empire / vkok9ad 3i,ao mujld

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

muj8AC0bho .o 153ix .olaf8t;afmu !WF c8jgfu, xtdv[fhvp fyocfolj;o.spj

mujxaf95[ao c,jo g1uit,ao c]t vy8k]uD

Ice Age / p57 oEdhvo n. itptg;]kmujsok; -bjCczjooEdhvoczjo.spj
wfhdt 9kpvvdwx 9kdg0f0qj;3]dF vaol5fmhkp c,joxt,koxu !F*WWFWWW
djvo 7Dl g4yC xu !WFWWW djvo 7DlD
I Ching / wv 9yC n. xB, gmrpkdvo 0vC9uoF .sh7exbdlk

g,njv8vo1kdwfh 0=hcdhw0[aosk 8k,s]adma,,t c]t s]adxt8y[afD

Icon / I6[[6-k n. I6[9e]vCmkClklok muj.-h3fp-k; 7iyl8Po 8kg;ao

Imperialism / ]afmy 9addtrafoypq, n. ot3p[kpobjCmujxtgmfmuj,uveokf

-vdsk;ymu 7;[75,xtgmfvnjo fhkodkog,nvCF gl4dyfF s]n laC7q,D

impressionism / ]afmydkoc8h,I6 [ n. dkog7njvows;.olaf8t;afmu
!_ djP;da[dkoc8h,I6[F -bjC ly]xyo ltcfCdko38h8v[8+
I6[]adltotgs,nvo9yC 3fpdkoltcfC7;k,Ih6lbdmqj;wx0vC[577qo s]n
Indo-Europeans / vyo3f{153ixPo n. dj5,0vC7qomuj[kC7AC ,adrtgo

9voF xt,koxu !(WW djvo 7DlF g]U,vqrpq[ 9kdmujxaf95[aooUc,jo iafg-aP

rkd.8h wxlj6 mt;ux vyogfaPF 153ixF c]t gvg-aP 8kg;ao8qdlPC.8hD
Indulgence / dkozjvozao n. dkopqd3mf.sh7qorQo9kddko]qC3mf

home rule / dkoxqd7vCmhvC4yjo n. dko7;[75,;Pddkorkp.o

,v[.shrq]g,nvC 0vC r6,yrkd 3fp ia4[ko xqd7vCD


hominid / lt,k-yyd8td6]7qo n. lt,k-yd 0vCdj5, -u;t;ympk

dkorasmokv5flkstda, grnjv.-hg7njvC9ad z]yflyo7hkD

mujI;,maC7qo c]t laf -toyf mujcpd,k9kd8td6]djP;raodao mujpjkC8AC8q;-njD

a v5flkstda, n. dkoxjPoF
Industrial Revolution / dkoxt8y;f
g]U,.o vaCdyf c8j laf8t;afmu !)F 9kddkoz]yflyo7hkfh;p,n ,kgxaodkogIaf

Homo sapiens / lafmuj]hPC]6dfh;poq , n. rao-u;t;ympk

muj,to5fl,ap.s,j laCdaf1j6D
House of Wisdom / leoad csjC7;k,Ih6 n. l6odkC7;k,Ih5

industrialization / gIaf.shgxaov5flkstda, n.

Inflation / gCyog2U n. 75o7jk0vCgCyo]qf]qCF 8yf8k,fh;p ik7klyo7hk c]t

muj8AC0bho.o c[dcff .o-5,xu )WWD

dko[=iydko crC0bhoD

Humanism / ]afmy,to5lma, n. dkog7njvows;mkClt8yxaopk

Inquisition / lko0vCritltgxo.ol,apdjvo n. lko 3i,ao c73m]yd

grnjvlv[l;o c]t fegouodko2hvCIhvC fhko7;k,zyfs]ad0vClklok 3fp
ltgrktz6hmuj ,urbf8ydko .oltgxo -5,xu !$WWD

0vCitpt dko2No26 ly]xt ;ympk .omt;ux 153ix mujzh6Iv[I6h lbdlk

;aoot7tfu[6Iko c]t 95fI;,.lj0ufcsjC7;k,lk,kf

Institution / l4k[ao n. c[[czomuj,u,kc8jfqooko 0vC vaCdko .o

Hundred Days / Ihvp,N n. itptg;]kvaolAo .oxu !)!& g,njv


ok3x]yvqC wfhIa[veokf7ACl5fmhkpF wfh0a[w]j g9Qk-u;yf / iajC c]t0bhogxao

9addtraf 0vC / iajC vudD

dko n. g9Qksohkmuj0vCia4[ko / iajC

intendant / zh6d;fik-d
mujc8jC8AC3fp ritik-k grnjvgda[rklu c]t fegouodkofhkop58yma,D

Hundred Years' War / lqC7k, Ihvpxu n. dkoryrkf muj vaCdyf c]t

/ iajC wfh8+lh6daogmyCfyo / iajC gxaoitpt itpt oa[c8jxu !##( g4yCxu !$&#D

International Space Station / lt4kou vk;tdkf okok-kkf n.

hunter-gatherer / ]jklaf{gda[rn- n. lt,k-yd 0vCdj5,mujrtgo9vo

-bjC lt[Pcvksko0vCg0qk c,jo0bhooedko]jklaf c]t gda[rn-zqo


dkoIj;, xtlkoCko v5x4a, 3fp ltstia4F iafg-aPF c]t vud !$ xtgmf grnjv
9af8AC c]t Iadlk shvCmqf]vCmuj.-hwfh8]vf grnjvdkomqf]vCmkC;ympklkf
Internet / vyogmuco8 n. dkoxtlkoCko 7v,ry;g8u mujvto5pkf.sh7qo

Hyksos / Ikp3dl n. d5j,0vC-k;rtgo9vo muj[5di5d 9kd gvg-aP

mqj;3]d wfhc]dxjPo 0=h,6] c]t 8yf8+-bjCdaoc]tdaoD

8kg;ao8qd lPC.8h mujxqd7vC vu1yx 9kdxu !*$W g4yC !&(W djvo 7DlD

Intifada / vyomy2kfk n. dko0qo0;kp0vC xkc]l8uoPo da[dko 0af0no

0vCrq]g,nvC 8+dkopbf7vC /ajC8kg;ao8qd c]t dk-k l8iux 0vC vylikcv]F
-bjCln[8+wx9qoIvf-5,xu !__WD





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Irish Republican Army (IRA) / mtsko0vC wviyl

iur[a iydoa Xwv vki% gv ? n. dvCma[csjC-kf muj[+gxaomkCdko

mujlc;Cskgvdikf.shcdj vkpc]of% 9kdxtgmf vaCdyfD

kamikaze / dkolh6iq[c[[lt]t-uu[0vCpujxj5o n.

iron curtain / zhkdAC gs]ad n. .oitptlqC7k,g1aoF

.olqC7k,3]d 7ACmulvCF dkolt]t-u;yf 0vCoad[yopujxj6o mujwfh4nd

/bdlvo.sh4]qj,gInviq[0vC / jkpraomt ,yf
3fpdkogvqkgInv[yomuj,uitg[ufg8a, g0Qk-qogInvr;doUD

g0fcfo mujcpd xtgmf7v,,6oyl 0vC153ix 8kg;aovvd

9kdxtgmflj;o.spjmujgxaoxtgmfgliu 0vC 153ix 8kg;ao8qdD
Iroquois / vy3idq; n. dj5,-qogzqjkvyogfaPcfC mujxkdrklk7hkp7ndaoF

vk.l1j6 /ajC8kg;aovvd 0vCr6,yrkd dgif g]d 0vCmt;ux vtg,iydk gsonvF

c]t lhkCraomt,yf .omhkp-5,xu !&WWD

karma / da, n. .olklok Iyof6 c]t lklokr5mF dkoI;,maCs,qf0vC

dko dtmefu c]t -qj; muj7qoobjCwfhgIafF g-njv;jk9tdesoqf
3-d-t8k0vCg0qk.o-kf sohkD

vkitg[aP .o laf8t;afmu (D

Khmer Empire / vkok9ad 0v, n. vkok9adobjC .ogvg-aP 8kg;aovvd

lPC.8hF l6odkCc,jo xaf95[aooUIPd;jk xtgmf0g,oF wfhg4yC95fl5fpvf0vC
veokf .oxt,koxu 7DlD!@WWD

Isolationism / ]afmydko1j63fffjP; n.

Khmer Rouge / 0g,ocfC n. d5j,dt[qf 7v,,6oyl

ot3p[kpmujs]uddkorq;raofhko dkog,nvC s]n dkomtsko da[xtgmfvnjoD

mujpbfveokf.o0g,o xu 7DlD !_(&D

Israel / vylikcv] n. ik-vkok9ad mujxqd7vCfh;pg9Qk-u;yf0vC-k;1y;

muj 8h5,]5,dao.o xkc]lw8F c8jxu !W@W g4yCxu _@@ djvo 7DlDS 8+,kF
mkCgsonvl5f 0vCik-vkok9ad lvCcsjC 0vC-k;1y;S xaf95[aoF xtgmf1y;
wfh8AC0bho.o xkc]lw8 .oxu !_$)D

knight / val;yo n. .o153ix l,apdkCF oadiq[,uvk;5flh6iq[3fp0uj,hkD

Islam / vyl]k, n. lklok mujg-njv.oritzh6gxaog9QkvqCfP; muj8AC0bho.o


Kaiser / w7g-uu n. 9addtraf g1uit,ao X 9kd7e3i,ao 8ecsojC-u-ki% ?D

o n. lklokmuj7Qorq[.o vyogfaP .olaf8t;afmu *
Jainism / lklokg-o
djvo 7DlDF -bjClt,k-ydg-njv;jk m5dlyjC.o9addt;ko ,u;yopko fajCoAo
9bjC[+7;o9t mevao8ikp8+r;dg0qkD
iu n. lt,k-yd0vCzh6fu-Aol6C 0vCdvCma[mtsko
janissary / c9oylc-i

;qC 37iyv5 n. ik-;qC mujxqd7vCgdqks]u c8jxu

Koryu dynasty / ik-;
7DlD #& g4yC !#_@D
Kristallnacht / 7iyl8v]oadm% n. <7nomujdt9qdc8d< { 7no0vC;aomu _

rbl9ydk !_#)F 7nomujmtsko,hkok-u [5dgInvo-k;1y;F m5itdyfF c]t 3[f

0vClklok 1y; mqj;g1uit,aoD
Kuomintang / 3dt,yo8aC n. rad9uo7tot-kfF 8AC0bho

s]aC9kddkos]qj, l]kp 0vCik-;qC -yC .oxu !_!@D

Kush / 75f-%% n. ik-vkok9ad o6[Po .ol,apdjvo mujxqd7vC vu1yx it;jkC
xu @WWW g4yCxu !WWW djvo 7DlD

.o vkok9ad 3v38,aoD
jazz / fqo8iu c9l n. fqo8iu vtg,iydaoc[[objC mujoypq, .olaf8t;afmu @W

ramok 0bho,k 3fpoadfqo8iu va2iydao vtg,iydaoD

Jesuits / lt,k-yydoydkpobjC0vC3i,ai c73m]yd n.

laissez faire / c]lg- c2i% n. 7;k,7bfmuj;jk ia4[ko

lt,k-yd0vClaC7q,0vC ritgp-6F lklok 3i,ao c73m]yd 8AC0bho3fp

vydok8yval csjC 3]31]kD

[+7;o9twxsph5CdjP; s]n vvddqfit[P[ djP;da[ v5flkstda, c]t m5itdyfD

"jewel in the crown" / "grafrvp.o,qCd5f" n. vkokoy7q, vyogfaP

3fpc[jC mujfyozno.spj c]t gvqk2ki%,ohvpgs];okD

0vC vaCdyfF IPd1jkCoU grkt 7;k,le7ao0vCvyogfaP 8+ vkok9ad vaCdyfF maC

gxaozh6lqjClt[PC 0vC;af45fy[ c]t maCgxao8]kf .shlyo7hk0vCvaCdyfD

La Reforma / ]k iu2=,k n. dkog7njvows; xt8yI6[ c[[d;hkC0;kC

.o c,ad-y3d laf8t;af mu !_F oe3fp g[ou38 Iq;giD

a I;,Ih5o n. m5itdyf mujzh6]qCmbo

joint-stock company / [=iylf
oegvqk-a[ lq,[af,kIj;,dao grnjvzqox3pffP;daoF c]tc[jCxaodewiD
Judah / 96fk n. ik-vkok9ad 0vC1y; .o xkc]lw8F 8AC0bho xt,ko xu

_@@ djvo 7DlD

Justinian Code / s]adgdo 9almuoPo n. xt,;]dqfit[P[rq]g,nvC
3i,ao I;[I;, c]t 9af0bho3fp 7elajC 9kd 9addtraf 9almuoPo csjC d5C
w[c-o8yo xt,ko xu 7DlD &#$D

Kabuki / dk[6du n. [qf]t7voc[[objC0vCpujxj5o muj.-hfqo8iuF dkog8Ao]eF
c]t ]t7vow[h grnjvg]qjkgiNvCD



land reform / dkoxt8yI6[mujfyo n. dkoc9d1kpfyogIaf2ki%,

mko n. dkoc8jC8AC
lay investiture / dkoc8jC8AC 3fpritik-m
g9Qksohk muj mkClklok 3fpg9Qk-u;yf s]n 05ookC-Aozh6.spjD
League of Nations / xtgmf laooy[kf n. lt,k7q, okok-kf

muj8AC0bho s]aClqC7k,3]d 7AcmuobjC ,u95fxtlqC grnjv Iadlklao8yrk[

lebensraum / g]g[ol3i, n. <lt4komujfeiqC-u[< g0fcfogrU,g8u,F

8k, vkfav2 Iygg]uF g1uit,ao 8hvCdko grkt7;k,cvvafD

Legalism / ]afmydko4ndqfs,kpgduolq,7;o n. xia-pk

dkog,nvC0vC 9uo muj,urNo4ko 8k,7;k,gsao muj;jk ia4[ko ,uxtlyfmyrk[l6C

c]t ,uveokf c,jo d5oc9 0vC it[P[.olaC7q,D

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company



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Legion / dvCmtsko 3i,ao n. soj;pmtsko 0vCdvCma[ 3i,ao l,ap

[6IkoF ,umtskopjkC xt,ko &FWWW 7qo c]t mtsko,hkdj5,objCD

Mandate of Heaven / dkowfhveokf9kdl;ao n. .ox;aflkf9uoF

a paf n. ltrk
Legislative Assembly / dkoxt-55, ltrkoy8y[o

d-tt8kmuj-fa g9o n. 7;k,7yfF

manifest destiny / 3-d
mujgxaomujoypq,0vC xt-k-qovtg,iydao .odkC laf8t;afmu !_F muj;jkc,jolyf
c]tsohkmuj0vC ltstiaf muj9txqd7vC mt;u[ vtg,iydk gsonv c8j ,tskl,5f
cvafc]o8yd sk ,tskl,5f cx-y2ydD

7vCdgil / iajC muj,uveokf vvddqfs,kp c]t vto5,af dkoxtdkflqC7k,F

9af8AC0bho 3fp ia4ma,,to6o xu !(_!D
Legitimacy / 4nd8hvC8k,dqfs,kp n. lyfmy8k,8td6] 0vC ritik-k

dkovto5,af,k9kdl;ao mujg-njv;jk c,jorNo4ko0vCveokfik-;qCD


manor / [hkos]aC.spj n. mujfyo0vC05ookC it[q[ ladfyok .o153ixD

Liberals / gliuoypq, n. .o8Qolaf8t;af mu !_F -k;153ix

Maori / gzqjkg,qkiu n. lt,k-yd-qo-kf 3r]uoug-aP muj8AC4yjo4ko.o

lj;o.spj c,jozh6oe mkCm5itdyf itfa[-qo-AodkC c]t r+7hk

muj1kdgvqkveokfmkCdkog,nvC 8nj,.sh ltrkzh6cmoD

oy;-uc]of% xt,ko xu 7DlD )WWD

N lkp n. dj5,7qo muj,u-u;yfF 8kpF c]t [+gduf{mujln[lkp,k9kd

lineage / g-Nv
[aort[5i5f zh6fP;daoD

gl4dyf cdjxtgmf .o153ix grnjv-j;pg0qk.odkolhkClk.s,j s]aClqC7k,3]d


loess / fyogs]nvC n. fyomujv5fq,lq,[6o muj4nd]q,raf,kdvCw;hD

martial law / dqf wvptdkoglyd n. dqf[aC7a[-qj;7k; 0vCmtsko

Long March / dkogfuomkCmujpk;oko n. dkogfuomkC *FWWW w,]%

8+ xt-k dvo rq]gInvoF lj;os]kp oe.-h.oit;jkC lqc7k, s]n

7;k,[+lCq[0vC rq]g,nvCD

mujgduf 0bho.oxu !_#${!_#& 3fp-k;7v,,6oyl 9uo mujsou9kd

dvCde]aC9uo7tot -kf 0vC 9PC g9aPt-uD

mass culture / ;amotma, dj5,.spj n. dkoz]yfCkoly]xt c]

lord / 05ookC-AAozh6.spj n. .o153ix ]afmyladfyokF [577qomuj7;[75,mujfyo

c]t lk,[=iy;kowfhD

a n. lt,k-yd ;af x3ic8lc8o8%

Lutheran / ]6gmyio
9af8AC0bho8k,7elvo 0vC ,k8yo ]6gmuD
lyce / ]ug- n. 3ICIPo lkmkitot mujfegouodko3fp ia4[ko .o / iajCD

Marshall Plan / czo ,k-== n. 37Cdko0vC ltstia4 grnjvlqCg7kt

7;k,[aogmuC vvdc[[ grnjv gxaomujfbCf6f zh6-q,}zh62aC dj5,.spjD

materialism / ;af45oypq, n. dko8uik7kl6C 8+;af45 lyjC0vC mujwfh,k

matriarchal / grfpyCgxaosq;sohk7v[7q; adj. djP;da[it[q[laC7q, muj


Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

matrilineal / 8k,mkCc,j adj. djP;da[it[q[laC7q, mujdkoln[mvf

Macedonia / ,kg-uu3fgoaP n. ik-vkok9ad .ol,ap[6Iko 1j6gsonv 0vC
diudF zh6xqd7vC c,jo 2u]yx mulvC mujwfhry-yf diud .oxu ##) djvo 7DlD
Maghrib / c,7iu[ n. r6,yrkd .orkd8kg;ao8qd 0vC va2iydk gsonvF

muj,ug0fc7, mtg] g,fugmugioPo -bjCl,apxaf95[ao c,jo ,=iavd3dF m6oug-aPF

c]t va]g9giaPD

7v[ 7q; c]tlyfmyryoa[da, desoqf8k,8td6]mkCc,jD

a n. vkok9adcid.ovyogfaPF
Mauryan Empire / vkok9ad g,qkiu1o
8AC 0bho3fp 9aomik75xt8t g,qkiy1k .oxu #@! Djvo 7DlD
May Fourth Movement / dkog7njvows;0vC;aomu $ rblrk n.

dko xtmh;C mqj;xtgmf .o 9uo xu !_!_F -bjC xt-k-qo xtmh;CgiNvC laopk

c;d-kp c]t dkoc-dc-C0vC8jkCxtgmfD

u n. -qogzqjk gvg-aP 8kg;ao8qdlPC.8h muj-j;pme]kp vkok9ad

Medes / ,ufl

Magna Carta / c,adok 7kmt n. <.[laopkmujpyjC.spj< gvdlkoxtdao


lyfmyrNo4kodkog,nvC .o vaCdyfF 0Po0bho,k 3fp dj5,05ookC c]t vto5,af

3fp 7yC 9vo .oxu !@!&D

Meiji era / p57 g,9y n. itptg;]k .ox;aflkfpujxj5o c8jxu !)*( g4yC

Mahabharata / ,tskrkit8t n. 37Cdvo,tskdk[vaopyjC.spj0vC

vyogfaPF g]qjkg4yCdko8+lh60vC-k; vkit1ao 0totmujphkpwxmkC.8hlj6 vyogfaPD

Mein Kampf / ,kp c7,2% n. < dkofYo]qo0vC0hkrtg9Qk<

Mahayana / ,tskpko n. oydkpobjC 0vClklok r5m

mujveo;pdko-j;p gs]nv;yopko .shrQo9kd vt[kp,5d cdjm5d7qo
c]t pv,Ia[dkoladdkit 9kdx;C-qoD
Maize / s,kdlk]u n. rn--toyfg,af mujx6dc]h;gda[djP;g,afvvd,kgxao

I;C.spj{lj;os]kp IPd;jk s,kdlk]u .oltstia4D

Mali / ,k]u n. vkok9ad va2iydk 8kg;ao8qd muj9giuoI5jCgInvC c8jxu !@#& sk

-5,xu !$WW c]t wfhIa[7;k,IajC,u 9kddko7hk0kpD

Manchus / c,o96 n. 7qoF 7qorNog,nvC0vC c,o96giaPF

mujxqd7vCxtgmf9uo .oit;jkC ik-;qC -yC X !*$$--!_!@ ?D

!_!@F mujxtgmf1j6rkp.8hdkoxqd7vC 0vC 9addtraf ,a8-6Iu38tD

soaClnmuj0Po3fp vtfav2 Iyfg]u .o0totmuj4nd0aC1j6.o75d xu !_@#{!_@$F -bjC
g0qkwfh[a]pkp 7;k,g-njv0vCg0qk c]t 95fxtlqCmujg0qk,u8+ g1uit,aoD
Mercantilism / 7;k,gxaor+7hk n. ot3p[kp gl4dyf
-bjCxtgmfmaCs]kp sk;ymu 0pkp7;k,IajC,u c]t veokf
3fpdv[3dpgvqk 7e c]t gCyo 9eo;o ,kd c]t3fpdko0kplyo7hkvvd
Mercenary / mtskoIa[9hkC n. mtsko mujIa[9hkC8uglyd.shdvCma[

Mero / g,u3i n. l6odkC 0vCik-;qC d5- c8jxt,koxu @&W sk !&W xu

djvo 7DlDS ,u-njlPCfh;pdko xtfyfvk;5fgs]ad c]tg7njvC,nD





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Mesoamerica / c7;ho g,3lvtg,iydk n. g0fcfo mujd;,8ACc8jrkd

dkC 0vC c,ad-y3d wxsk Ivof6ikl%F mujlaC7q,gdqjkcdj c]t -a[-hvo
s]kplaC7q, .o mt;ux vtg,iydk wfhramok ,k9kdcsjCoUD
Mestizo / g,l8y3- n. ]6d-vfzlq, ltgxo c]t g-Nvlkp vyogfaPcfCD
Middle Ages / p57dkC n. p57.ox;aflkf 153ix s]aCdkos]Q,l]kp

0vC vkok9ad 3i,aoF 9kdxt,koxu &WW g4yC !&WW{IPdvud;jkp57 g,fu;k]D

middle class / -qqo-AAodkC n. -Ao0vClaC7q, muj,urtoadCkomuj-eokoF

oad;y-k-u[F oadm5itdyfF c]t -k;l;omujIajC,uD

middle passage / sh;CdkogfuomkC8vodkC n. dkogfuomkC

mujoegvqk 7qo va2iydk muj4nd9a[,k c;l8% vyoful%F c]t 8+,k wx

vtg,iydkgsonv c]t .8hF grnjv9twx0kpgxaomkl{IpdfajCoU grkt4n;jk
c,jo-j;CdkC0vCglAomkC dko7hk lk,s]jP,D
migration / dkovqrpq[ n. dkophkp9kd[jvoobjC



Mujahideen / ,69kIufuo n. .o va2dkoyl4koF oadiq[ladlyf

mujIj;,d5j,dao 8+lh6ia4[komujloa[lo5o 3fp3-;Pf .omhkp-5,xu !_(WD

Mulattos / ,6]8a 38 n. ]6d-vf 153ix c]t g-Nvlkp va2iydaoD
Mummification / Iadlklq[[+.shgsoqjkgxnjvp n. ;ymudkofvC

c]t8kdlq[ .shcshC grnjvxhvCdao[+.shgsoqjkD

Munich Conference / dkoxt-55, muj ,6poyd n. dkoxt-5, .oxu
!_#) 0vC zh6cmo9kd vaCdyfF / iajCF vy8k]u c]t g1aPit,aoF -bjC vaCdyf c]t
/ ia j C 8qd ]qC .sh ok-u g1uit,ao pbfgvqklj;oobjC0vC g-ad3dl3];kgdaP
gxaodko8v[cmo muj Iyfg]u pv,g-aolaopk oa[4ng0fcfo.s,j0vC
Muslim / ,5l]y, n. zh6oa[4n lklok vyl]k,D
Muslim League / laooy[kf ,5l]y, n. vqCdko9af8ACobjC muj8AC0bho .oxu

!_W* grnjvxqdxadIadlk zq]x3pf 0vC ,5l]y, .ovyogfaPF 8+,k wfhlgou

.shvyogfaP c[jCg0fvvdgxaoxtgmf ,5l]y, c]t xtgmf Iyof6D

militarism / ]afmymtsko n. ot3p[kp mujlaoitgluoveokfmtsko c]t

dko8P,mtsko.shrhv,lg,u 8+dkomelqC7k,D

Mutapa / ,68kxk adj. djP;da[ vkok9ad va2iydk rkd.8h 8AC0bho 3fp

;qC ,yC n. ik-;qC 9uo mujxqd7vC.oxu !#*) g4yC

Ming dynasty / ik-;

Mycenaeans / ,kpg-uuoPo n. dj5,7qo vyo3f{153ix muj8AC4yjo4ko.o

diud czjofyo.spj xt,koxu @WWW djvo 7DlD

Minoans / ,u3ovaol% n. dj5,7qo mujmjvCmjP;wx8k,mhvCmtg] c]t

Myths / gm[oypkp n. oymko 8k,xtgrou mujdjP;da[gmrg9Qk8jkCMF [aort

medko 7hk -bjC vk.l1j6gdkt dgi8 9kdxu xt,ko @WWW g4yC !$WW djvo 7DlD

[5i5fF s]n zh6dhkskoF g]qqjk,k grnjv vtmy[kp ma,-kf0vC3]d s]n 0oq[ma,oP,

c]t 7;k,g-njv4n 0vC laC7q,D

Mississippian / ,y-y-y[xPo adj. djP;da[ ;amotma, g,qk[y;gfu

mujI5jCgInvC .omt;ux vtg,iydkgsonv it;jkC xu )WW c]t xu !&WWD

Mita / ,u8k n. .ovkok9ad vyo7kF dko[aC7a[.shm5d7qo muj,u7;k,lk,kf

8hvCgiaf;Pd.shia4 9eo;o9ad,N8+xuD
Moche / 3,- n. 7;k,lu;yw] .og0f mujxaf95[aooUc,jog0f mtg]fhkogsonv

0vC gxi6 8ACc8jxu 7DlD !WW g4yC (WWD

Monarchy / ik-kkmyxtw8 n. ia4[ko mujveokf1j6.ode,n0vC7qo zh6fP;D
monastery / ;af n. dj5,-5,-qozh6-kp .olklok XIPd;jk rit?zh6mujwfhglaP

,6388k .o 7iyl8% laf8t;af mu !&D

Napoleonic Code / s]adgdo 0vC ok3x]yvqC n.

it[q[dqfs,kpmujd;hkC 0;kC c]t lvf7jvCdao c8jC0bho3fp ok3x]yvqC

leia[ / iajCD
National Assembly / ltrkcsjC-kkf n. ltrk 7vCdgif 0vC /
iajC muj 9af8AC0bho3fp zh6cmo 0vC gmuf cvlg8f .o;aomu !( ,y45ok !()_ grnjv
vvd dqfs,kp c]t fafcxC .ook,xt-k-qo / iajCD

lt]t lq,[af0vCg0qk grnjv g0Qklj6-u;yf[egraolyo c]t rk;tokD

monopoly / gvdlyf n. dko7;[75,dkoz]yfmaCs,qf0vCdj5,objC c]t

Nationalism / ]afmy-kfoypq, n. 7;k,g-njv4n muj;jk rq]g,nvC 7;o9t

9esojkp lyo7hk[kC1jkCD

9qCIadradfu 8+xtgmf0vC8qogxao.spj s,kpg4yCF rq]g,nvC muj,u;amotma, c]t

x;aflkffP;dao{cmomuj9tc,jo 8+g9Qk-u;yf s]n vkok9adD

monotheism / ]afmy ritg9QkvqCfP; n. dkog-njv.oritg9QkvqCfP;D

nation-state / g,nvC{ia4 n. soj;pgvdikf mkCdkog,nvC mujvyC.lj r6,y

Monroe Doctrine / s]ad ,vo3i n. ot3p[kp0vC ltstia4

djP;da[ dko8+8hko dkosph5CdjP;m5d1jkC 0vC-k; 153ix .o ]k8yo

vtg,iydkF xtdkf 3fp xtmkokmy[=fu g9,l% ,vo3i .oxu !)@#D
Monsoon / ,=itl5, n. ]q,mujxjPomyfmkC.o[kCg;]k .oc8j]txuD
Mosque / l5gs]qjk n. lt4komuj grnjvladdkit[6-k0vC vyl]k,D
movable type / 38ry, mujphkpwfh n. c,jry, gs]ad s]n w,hF c8j]tvao
,u38 soaCln 38fP;F mujlk,kf 9af]PC grnjvmuj9t9afsohk leia[ry,D
Mughal / ,6dk] n. objC.o-k;rtgo9vo muj16j[+gxao[jvo muj[5di5dmt;ux
vyogfaP .olaf8t;afmu !* c]t 9af8AC vkok9aad mujg0A,c0C1j6csjCoAoD



lkf gxaos]ad 0vC7qomuj,u ;amotma, c]t gvd]ad fP;daoD

NATO / ok38 n. vqCdko lqomylaopk 0vC cvafc]o8yd gsonvF raomt,yf

8hkodkoi5diko mkCmtsko 8AC0bho .oxu !_$_ 3fp !W xtgmf .o 153ix

8kg;ao8qdF ltstia4F c]t c7okfkD
Nazca / okldk n. ;amotma,mujI5jCgInvC .og0fmuj xaf95[aooU IPd;jk c7,

mt g] mkC.8h 0vC gxi6 c8jxt,koxu @WW djvo 7DlD g4yCxu 7DlD *WWD
Nazism / ]afmy ok-uu n. ot3p[kp zgfafdko 0vC rad laC7q,oypq,

csjC-kf 0vC7qoCko g1uit,aoF 8AC1j6[qorNo4ko iafmy I;[I;,veokfF

g-njv4n.ogzqjkrao mujgsonvd;jkF c]t ia4 7;[75, v5flkstda,D

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company




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Negritude movement / dkog7njvows; godiu86f n.

Olmec / 3v]g,7 n. 7;k,lu;yw] mujIh6;jk c8jcid0vC g,3-vtg,iydaoF muj

dkog7njvows; muj 7qoxkdrklk / iajC -kf va2iydk c]t vyofPo 8kg;ao8qd

XvyogfaPcfC?l]vC ,=itfqd 0vC ;amotma, va2iydk mujfACgfu, c]t ,u75o7jk.

9giuo I5jCgInvC xt,koxu !@WW djvo 7DlDF c]t ,uvyfmyrqo8+laC7q, 8+,k 8]vf

neoclassical / lt4kxa8ptda,c[[.s,j adj. djP;da[]adltotmujCjkpF

Open Door Policy / ot3p[kp 3vgxyo f= n. ot3p[kpF lgou3fp

ltstia4 .oxu !)__F -bjCxtgmf m5dMxtgmf 9twfh,u3vdkfgmqjkmP,dao .o

a 0afg7njvC,nsyo n. p57djvox;aflkf
Neolithic Age / l,apmuj ,to5fIh69d
muj g]U,c8j xt,ko )WWW xu djvo 7DlD c]t.o[kCg0f lYol5f]qC.o8Qoxu #WWW
djvo 7DlDF0tot mujzh67qoIPoIh6;ymu 0afg7njvC,nsyoF gIafs,=hfyoF x6drn-F c]t
]hPClaf{IPd;jk l,apsyo.s,jD

a l,apsyo.s,j n. dkoxjPocxC
Neolithic Revolution / dkoxt8y;f
muj le7ao.o-u;yf0vC,to5f gduf9kddkog]U,8Qo 0vCdkox6d / aC]hPC
laf{s,kp 7;k,;jkF dkoxjPocxC0vC7qo 9kddkodv[3dpvksko
,kgxaodkoz]yf vkskoD
New Deal / 0=h8qd]qC .s,j n. 37CdkoxjPocxC fhkogl4dyf 0vC
xttmkok my[=fu ltstia4 2ciC7]yo i6lc;]8% vvdc[[grnjvcdh[aosk
muj,k9kdgl4dyf muj 8qd8+k 7AC.spjD

vkok9ad.s,j n. itptg;]k.ox;aflkfvu1yx
New Kingdom / ik-v
c8j [6Ikootdko muj8yf8k,dko37jo]Q,0vCzj6oe Iud3-l%F c8jxt,koxu !&(W
g4yC xu !W(& djvo 7DlD
nirvana / oyrrko n. .olklokr5mF dkorQo9kd7;k,g9a[ c]t

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

m=it,ko s]aC9kd [ao]5dko 8alih6D

Nok / oHvd n. -k;va2iydk mujvk.l16j 0bjCxaf95[aooUc,jo wo9ugiaP it;jkC xu
&WW djvo 7DlD g4yC xu 7DlD @WWD
Nomad / z6hmjvCmjP; n. lt,k-yd0vCdj5,muj[+,u[hkogxaomuj1j64k;voF mjvC

mjP; 9kd[jvoobjCwxvud[jvoobjC grnjvlc;Cskvksko c]t oED

a pk [+i5dikodao n. laopk
nonaggression pact / lqomylo
mujxtgmf8qd ]qC;jk 9t[+i5diko-bjCdaoc]tdaoD
nonaligned nations / xtgmfmuj[+g0QkIj;, / jkp.f n.

xtgmfgvdikf muj7qC7;k,gxaodkC .odko8+lh6 lqC7k,g1ao it;jkC ltstia4

c]t ltstrk[ 3-;PfD

a g[ud n. it[P[dko
Nuremberg Trials / dkory9kitok7tfu o6i,
ry9k itok 0vClkomAC-5f muj,u0bhomuj o6ia,g[udF g1uit,aoF s]aClqC7k,3]d
7ACmulvCF -bjCzh6oe ok-u 4ndry9kitok fhkodkoi5dikoF me]kp
dqfit[P[0vClqC7k,F c]t7;k,zyfmkCvkpk 8+ ,to5f-kfD

Obsidian / syor6g0qkw2 n. syomujc0CF 7ncdh;F .-h3fp7qol,apgdqjkcdj

Old Regime / it[q[dkoxqd7vCc[[gdqjk n. it[q[dkog,nvC c]t

laC7q, muj.-h1j6.o / iajC djvodkoxt8y;af / iajCD

Oligarchy / 7tokmyxtw8 n. ia4[ko mujveokf1j6.o,n0vC7qosohvp7qo{

3fpltgrkt dkoxqd7vC vyC.lj7;k,IajC,uD

Opium War / lqC7k,1k / yjo n. dkoryrkf it;jkC vaCdyf c]t 9uoF

8ACc8j xu !)#_ g4yC !)$@F giNvCdko7hk / yjo0vC vACdyf .oxtgmf 9uoD
oracle bone / dtf6d gmrpkdvo n. objC.odtf6d0vClaf s]n vvCg8qjk
muj.-h 3fprit9uo l,ap[6Iko .odko8yf8+da[ gmrg9QkD
Oslo Peace Accords / dkog9it9k lao8yrk[ muj 3vl3] n.

laopk .o xu !__# muj okpqdia4,qo8iu vylikcv] ik[yo

xkc]lw8 wfhxqd7vC 8qogvC .og0f dk-k c]t /ajCoE 8kg;ao8qdD

o n. -AogmyC0vCvkdkf 0vC3]dF
ozone layer / -AAo 3v3-o
mujxhvCdaolyjC muj,u-u;yf 9kdclCiaClu lu,j;CD

c[[ IP[IhvpX8k,c[[7;k,7yf c]tcdjolko9kfdiud c]t3i,?

mujc,jo]adltot ryglf0vCly]xt .o153ix .omhkp-5,xu !(WWD

Pacific Rim / cx-yy2yd iy, n. mujfyomujvhv,,tskl,5f cx-y2ydF

3fpltgrkt fyo.og0f gvg-aPD

Paleolithic Age / l,ap syo n. -j;Cg;]kdjvoxt;aflkf mujd;,c8jxu
@F&WWFWWW g4yC )WWW xu djvo 7DlDF 0totmuj,to5f gIafg7njvC,n c]t
vk;5fsyo{Ipdvud;jk l,apsyogdqjkD
Panama Canal / 7vCoE xkok,k n. mkCoE muj7qolhkC0bho

g-njv,3pC8yf 8+da[ ,tskl,5f cvafc]o8yd c]t cx-y2ydF lhkCmuj xkok,k

3fp ltstia4 c]tgxuf.-h .oxu !_!$D
Papyrus / g9AP0PosoaCln-oyfobjC n. 8Qov=hl6C
mujgduf1j6c4;xkdc,joE0vC c,joEwo]F muj-k; vu1ux l,apdjvo
parliament / ia4ltrk n. lt4komuj mujzh6cmovvddqfs,kpleia[xtgmfD
partition / lj;o n. dkoc[jCgxaolj;oF g-ajo.oxu !_$( cpdvkokoy7q,

vyogfaP 0vCvaCdyf vvdgxaolvCxtgmf gxao vyogfaP c]t xkdult4koD

pastoralist / 7qo]hPClafgxaovk-uu[ n. lt,k-yddj5,7qomjvCmjP; muj]hPC

paternalism / ;ymuxqd7vCc[[r+ n. ot3p[kpdkoxt8y[af8+7qo

.o[aC7a[ [ao-k 7ndaoda[]6dF 9afsklyjCmujg0qk0kfc7o

patriarch / sq;sohkrit n. vk9ko.spj .olk0k8kg;aovvd 0vC


a ]6d adj. djP;da[ it[q[laC7q, mujr+ gxaosq;sohk

patriarchal / c[[r+d[
patrician / g9Qkokpzh6l6Clad n. .od5C3i, l,ap[6IkoF
lt,k-yd0vC-qo-Ao glf4uF ,uveokfgxao7qo-Aol6CD




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patrilineal / 8k,mkCr+ adj. djP;da[ it[q[lAc7q, mujdkoln[g-Nvlkp

7v[7q; c]t lyfmkCryoapda, 3fpoemkCg-Nvr+D

Pilgrims / zh6lc;C[5o n. dj5,7qoF muj.oxu !*@WF 9af8AC vkokoy7q,

r]u,6fm% muj ,k-k96c-fl% grnjvsoudkoxtsafxtskomkClklok .o vaCdyfD

patron / zj6v5x4a, n. [577qomuj.shdkoloa[lo5ovh5,-6 ly]xyoF

3fpltgrktfhko dkogCyoD

Plebeian / lk,ao-qqo n. .od5C3i, l,ap[6IkoF objC.o-k;l;oma,,tfkF

Pax Mongolica / lao8yrk[ ,qC3d]ydk n. <lao8yrk[ ,qC3d]<

itptg;]k 9kd-5,dkCxu !#WW g,njv ,qC3d] desoqf .sh,u7;k,s,Ao7qC
c]tdqfs,kp c]t 7;k,IP[Ihvpmqj; 153ix c]t gvg-aP I;,daoD

plebiscite / dko]qC7tcoolPC0vCxt-kk-qqo n. dko]qC7tcoolPC

3fpdqC muj7qo.oxtgmf ,u3vdkf ltcfC7;k,r=.9 s]n [+r=.9 8+0=hlgouD

Pax Romana / lao8yrk[ 3i,kok n. itptg;]k lao8yrk[ c]t

9af8AC 0vCia4gvdikf leia[-k; xkc]l8uoPo .o8kg;aovvddkCD

7;k, 9giuo mqj; vkok9ad 3i,aoF c8jxu @( djvo 7DlD g4yC 7DlD !)WD

-jkCsaf4tda,F c]t r+7hk mujxtdv[gxaoxt-kdvo lj;o.spjD

PLO / ru cv] 3v n.vqCdko xqfxjvp xkc]lw8{ vqCdkomujv5myf.shcdjdko

Peace of Augsburg / lao8yrk[ vvlg[ud n. laopk.oxu !&&&

polis / g,nvC{ia4 0vCdiud n. soj;pdkog,nvCrNo4ko 0vC diud

l,ap[6Iko s]aC9kdxu (&W djvo 7DlD

mujvvd ,k;jk lklok 0vCc8j]tia4 .og1uit,ao


Politburo / dq,dkog,nvC n. da,,tdko xqd7vC 0vCrad7v,,6oyl .o

ltstrk[ 3-;PfD


$#! g4yCxu $W$ djvo 7DlDF muj gvgmo c]t raomt,yf0vCg0qk wfh4ndry-yf 3fp
lxkd8k c]t raomt,yfD

political dissent / dko[+gsaorhv,mkCdkog,nvC n.

dko,u7;k,gsao c8d8jkCdao .o[aoskdkog,nvCD

penal colony / 3mfvkpk vkokoy7q, n. fyocfomujoad3mf4ndlqjcwx

polytheism / ]afmy ritg9Qks]kpvqC n.



peninsulares / groyo-66]ki%l n. lqC7q, vkokoy7q, ltgxoF -k;vkok

pope / lao8txkxk n. ritlaC7tik- 0vC3i,F sq;sohk 0vClklok

oy7q, mujgduf.o ltgxoD


Peninsular War / lqC7k, grouo-66]ki% n. dkoryrkfF c8jxu !)W) g4yC

xu !)!#F mujoad9t]k9q] ltgxo fh;p7;k,-j;pgs]n 9kd dvCma[vaCdyfF
0a[w]j mtsko / iajC vvd9kd ltgxoD

djP;da[dko lhkC3]dD

Perestroika / gxgil8q^;dk n. dkofafcxC gl4dyfc[[.s,j0vC

3-;Pf grnjvloa[lo5odko8aflyo[aosk1j6mhvC4yjoF g]U,3fp ,yc7] d=[k-av2

.oxu !_)&D
Persian Gulf War / lqC7k, vjk; gxug-aP n. dkolh6iq[.oxu !__! muj

dvCma[ ltstxt-k-kf wfhw--tot dvCma[ vuiad mujwfh[5di5d 76g;f

c]t0qj,06j 9ti5diko -kv5fu vkikg[aPD
Persian Wars / lqC7k, gxug-aP n. -5flqC7k, .o laf8t;afmu & djvo

7DlD muj g,nvC{ia4 0vC diud 8+lh6da[ vkok9ad gxug-aPD

Popol Vuh / 3r3r] ;6 n. xbh,muj[ao95giNvCoymko0vC ,k1ao

popular culture / ;amotma,mugxaomujoypq , n. lj;o8jkCM0vC

;amotma,{ dy]kF fqo8iuF -ygo,kF g7njvCo5jCF c]tvnjoM{

mujltcfCvvd-bjCg[NvCs]aC muj7ndao 0vCdj5,
potlatch / rvfc]8-%% n. rymudkol]vC .-hleia[ grnjvv;f-Ao c]t7;k,
IajC,u 0vCgzqjkvyogfaPcfC g0fc7,mtg] 8kg;ao8qdlPCgsonvD

d-kk8k n. s]addkomuj;jk
Predestination / desoqf3-d
ritzh6gxaog9Qk wf h dtdko]j;Csohkw;djvos,qfc]h;F I;,maC;jk
zh6.f9twfh4ndoewx.shrQo[k[ -qj;dk]okoD gsaowfh-af;jk,u # ,y8y gmyCczjocxD

[ucmiPo n. lt,k-yd0vCoydkp x3ic8lc8o8%

Presbyterian / rgi-[
xqd7vC3fp rgil[ugmui Xzh6l6Cvkp5? c]t 9af8AC8k,7elvo0vC 9vo oavd-D

Phalanx / co;mtsko n. dko9af8AcmtskopjkC muj4nvk;5f gxaosvd

PRI / ru vki% wv n. rad lt4k[ao xt8y;af 0vC c,ad-y3d {

c]t 3]h[aCD

raddkog,nvCmujle 7ao 0vC c,ad-y3dD

pharaoh / 2k3i n. g9Qk-u;yf vu1yx l,ap[6IkoF oa[4ngxaogmrg9Qk maCgxao

Proletariat / lk,ao-qqo n. .omylfu ,ki%d-yl8%F dj5,da,,tdvo 9t

zh6oemkCdkog,nvC c]t zh6oemkCmtskoD

37jo]Q, 9addtraf csjCiafg-aP c]t 9tdeveokfxqd7vC iafg-aPD

v2 n. objC.odj5, oad7yf0vClaC7q, .o / iajC

philosophe / 2u3]-v

Proliferation / dkogzupczj n. dkog8u[38 c]t czjzkp{3fpltgrkt

dkogzupczj0vC vk;5foy;7g]aP 8+xtgmf mujxaf95[aooUpaC[+,uD

a lj;o n. gmadoyd ly]xt

Perspective / gmadoyddko0Po.shwfhlf

.oit;jkC g;]k dkoIv[Ih6D

philosophers / oadxia-pk n. oad7yf muj.-hgsfzqo c]t lt8y
grnjvln[lk; djP;da[ 9addt;koF laC7q,,to5fF c]t ly]ma,D

;og-nnjv n. 0=h,6] s]n v5xdvo

Propaganda / dko37ltok-;

Phoenicians / 2you-Pol% n. 7qogInv mujmjvCmjP;wx8k,mtg] .o gvg-aP

Protestant / x3ic8lc8o8% n. lt,k-yd0vC;af 7iyl8Po

8kg;ao8qd lPC.8h muj xt,koxu !!WW djvo 7DlD g]U, gIafdko7hk c]t 9af8AC
vkokoy7q, mqj;fyocfo g0f g,fugmugioPoD

muj8AC1j6[qorNo 4ko s]addko 0vC dkoxt8yI6[D



dt9kpvvd grnjv]5dsohk s]n d+.shgduf7;k,glaPskpcdj / jkpdqCdao0hk,D

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Peloponnesian War / lqC7k, gx3]xvoou-Po n. lqC7k, c8jxu


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provisional government / ia4[ko-qqj;7k; n. ia4[ko-qj;7k;D

realism / ]adltotgs,nvo9yC n. dkog7njvows;mkCly]xt .olaf8t;af

psychology / 9y8;ympk;D

mu !_F mujoad0Po c]t oadc8h, lc;Csk dkoltcfC-u;yf 8k,ltrk[gxao9yC

cmomuj9tc,jo -u;yfmuj7;o9tgxaoD

psychology / 9y8;ympk n. . dkolbdlkdjP;da[9y8 c]t

pueblos / s,6j[hkovyogfaPcfC n. s,j6[hkomuj,u8bd 7n vtrkfg,ao gIaffh;p

realpolitik / iy;r=]u8yd n. < ;y-k dkog,nvC 8k,7;k,gxao9yC< {

dkoxt 8y[af ;y-kdkog,nvC fh;pveokfI5ocIC

fyo soP; c]t dhvosyoF lhkC3fpgzqjk vkok-k-y c]t 8+,k c,jo-k;

vtg,iydao 8kg;ao8qd lPC.8hD

recession / gl4dyf8qd8+k n. dko-hk]qC0vCgl4dyf.oxtgmfD

7;k,xtrbf0vC ,to5fD

Punic Wars / lqC7k, r6oyd n. lqC7k, # 7AC it;jkC 3i, c]t 7kgm9
Xxu @*${!$* djvo 7DlD?S ,uzq] 7n 7kgm9 4ndme]kp c]t 3i, ,uveokf
gsonv g0f 8kg;ao8qd 0vC g,fygmugioPoD

Reconquista / iu7vo7;yl8k n. 7;k,rtpkpk,0vCzh6oe 7iyl8Po

muj9t0a[w]j ,5l]y, vvd9kd ltgxoF c8j-5,xu !!WW 9qog4yC xu !$_@D

a n. dj5,7qo mujlc;Csk gliurk[

Puritans / r6iy8o

8AC0bho3fp-k; soj5, 9uo .oxu !_** .odkoltcfC8v[8+dkoIPdIhvC0vC

g,qkg9u85C grnjvdko xt8y;aflaC7q,c]t ;amotma,D

sou9kddkoxtsafxtsko mkClklok .ovaCdyf 3fp9af8AC vkokoy7q,

.ovjk; ,k-k96c-8l% .o8vo8Qo -5,xu !*WWD
push-pull factors / dkoph5{fbC n. ltrk[dkomujfbC7qowxg0fvnjo

Xd=itoufbC? s]n gIaf.sh7qosou9kd[hkogdufg,nvCovo c]t vqrpq[wxg0fvnjo

Xd=itou ph6?D
pyramid / ruit,yf n. lyjCd+lhkCmuj.spjcsohosok ,u4ko lujs]jP,pk;

c]t gxaolk,s]jP,maClujfhkoF 7nlyjCmujlhkC.o vu1yx gxaomuj /aClq[0vC

ik-vkok9ad gdqjk 2k3iD

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

;qC 0yo n. ik-;qC 0vC9uo muj1j6wfh[+fqo muj,kcmo

Qin dynasty / ik-;
ik-;qC 39 .o laf8t;afmu # djvo 7DlD

;qC 0yC n. ik-;qCmujl5fmhkp 0vC9uoF mujxqd7vC

Qing dynasty / ik-;
c8jxu !*$$ g4yC !_!@D
Quetzalcoatl / gdaf-kk]378]% n. < C6 muj,u0qoc[[oqd < gmrg9Qk

0vC-k; 38]g8adl% c]t rq]g,nvC g,3lvtg,iydao vnjoMD

Quipu / dux6 n. dko9afg-nvd.shgxao0vfF .-h3fp-k; vyo7k

grnjv[aombd0=h,6] gxao38g]dD
Qur'an / d5s]jko n. 7erumujladlyf 0vC vyl]k,D

Red Guards / mtskocfC n. soj;pmtsko vklkl,ad

Reformation / dkoxt8yI6[ n. dkog7njvows; .o laf8t;af mu !*

leia[ Dkoxt8yI6[ lklokF oe,k-bjCdko 9af8AC ;af7iyl8Po .s,j
muj[+pv,Ia[ veokf [aC7a[ 0vC lao8txkxkD
Refugee / zh6]Uwr n. 7qomujsou9kd[hkog,nvC mujphkpwx[jvo.s,j grnjvskmuj

Reign of Terror / dkoxqd7vCmujsohk1hko n. -j;Cg;]kF c8jdkCxu
!(_# g4yC dkCxu !(_$F g,njv c,ad-u,u]Po 3ic[lxucvi% xqd7vC / iajC
gdnv[gxao zgfafdko c]t xt-k-qo oa[ raoM7qo 4ndxtsko-u;yfD
Reincarnation / dkogduf.s,j n. .o lklok Iyof6 c]t
lklok r5mF co; mkCmuj;yopko 9tgduf.s,jg]NvpMwx
religious toleration / dkopv,mqomkClklok n. 7;k,Ia[Ih6
;jk7qo,u lyf muj9t,u7;k,g-njv4n mkClklok c8d8jkC9kdzh6vnjoD
Renaissance / p572No26 n. itptg;]k.oxt;aflkf153ixF 9kdxt,ko
xu !#WW g4yCxu !*WWF 0totmuj7qo da[7no,k.sh7;k,lqo.9 ;amotma,-Aogvd
gIaf .sh,udkoxjPocxC .ofhkoly]xt1jkC.spjs];CF maCfhkoIPoIh6 c]t
malot 0vC3]dD
Republic / lkmkitot n. I6[c[[ia4[ko mujveokf1j6.o,n0vCzh6cmo
c]tzh6oemuj4ndg]nvd8AC 3fp iklfvoD
Restoration / dkolhkC7no.s,j n.

itptg;]k0vCdkodkoxqd7vC0vC -k]l% mu @ 1j6 vaCdyfF

s]aC9kddkos]Q,l]kp0vCia4[ko v=]ug;u 73i,c;]l%D

Racism / ]afmyg-NNv-kkf n. 7;k,g-njv;jk g-Nv-kfobjC l6Cd;jk-kfvnjoMD

reunification / dkoI;,8q;.s,j n.

radicals / r;dsq;I5ocIC n. .og7yjCcid 0vClaf8t;af mu !_F

dkoI;,gvqklyjCmujc8dcpddao,kg0QkdaovudF g-ajo
dkoI;,g1uit,ao8kg;aovvd da[ g1uit,ao 8kg;ao8qd .oxu !__WD

-k;153ix mju loa[lo5odkoxjPocxCc[[I5ocIC grnjv0pkp xt-kmyxtw8


romanticism / c[[3ic,o8yd n. .o[Ao8Qo 0vC laf8t;afmu !_

radioactivity / rk;tda,,ao8trk[iaClu n. c[[r]aCCkomuj4ndxjvp

7No2vC ly]xt c]t 7;k,obd7yfF mujgoAog4yC7;k,Ih6lbd c]t ma,,t-kf

cmomuj9tc,jo gsfzqo c]t laC7q,D

g,njv xtit,ko6 glnjv,]qCD

Raj / ik9 n. g0f0vCvyogfaP mujvACdyf7;[75, .oxu !(&({!_$(D
Rationing / dkoxaolj;o n. dko9edaf9eo;olyo7hk muj7qo9t-Nwfh{
lj;o s]kp c,jo gvqk,k.-h3fp ia4[ko .oitpt lqC7k,F g,njvlyo7hk,usohvpD

Roosevelt Corollary / i6lc;]m% 373ic]iu n. dko8nj,.ljs]ad

,vo3i .oxu !_W$ 0vC xtmkokmy[=fu gm3vf= i6lc;]m%F -bjCxtdkf;jk

ltstia4 ,ulyf muj9t.-h <veokf 8ei;f< 8]vfg0f-ud3]d fhko8kg;ao8qdD






4:12 PM

Page 120

Rowlatt Acts / dqfs,kp 3i;%c]8 n. dqfs,kp mujvto5,af .oxu !_!_

scientific method / ;ymu mkC;ympklkf n. co;mkC 8k,s]ad

muj ia4[kovaCdyf .o vyogfaP 9a[0aCr;dmujxtmh;C vaCdyf

3fp[+8hvC 0bholko wfhg4yC @ xuD

;ympk lkf grnjvgvqk0=h,6] djP;da[ 3]dma,,t-kfF -bjC dkomqf]vC

c]tdkolaCgdf 9t.-hw;h grnjv ryl6f 0=hlq,,5fD

leoad n. 4oqoglAoobjC.o vkok9ad gxug-aPF

Royal Road / 4oqo ik-l

a fhko;ympklkf n.
Scientific Revolution / dkoxt8y;f

pk;d;jk !F*WW w,] goajC9kd -6-k .o gxug-aP wx -kdful .o vkok38g]aPD

dkoxjPocxC mujpyjC.spj .o7;k,7yf-k;153ixF g]U,c8jdkC-5,xu !&WWF

-bjCdkolbdlk0vC 3]dma,,t-kf g]U,9t,u ]adltot
wxmkCdkolaCgdf1jkCitvPf c]t dko lv[4k,

Russification / ial-uu2ug7-ao n. co;mkCmuj9tpaf1Pf ;amotma,

iafg-aP .shcdjdj5,-qogzqjk8jkCM .o vkok9ad iafg-aPD
Russo-Japanese War / lqC7k, iafg-aP{pujxj5o
n. .oxu !_W${!_W& Dko8+lh6it;jkC iafg-aP c]t pujxj5oF

gduf9kd7;k,rtpkpk,0vCmaClvCxtgmf muj9tpbf7vC
c,o96giaP c]t gdqks]uD

scorched-earth policy / ot3p[kp me]kpm5d1jkC n.

dko.-h;ymu gzqk rn-zq] c]t0hklaf]hPC .oitpt lqC7k, laf8i6

[+lk,kfvk.l1j6.o fyo c4[oAowfhD

Sacrament / rymu.olklok7iyl8% n. objC.orymu 0vC 7iyl8Po


mujgvqk7;k, dti5ok0vCritg9Qk czjzkpwx.sh7qoD

secular / .omkC3]d adj. sj;Cc8jmkC3]d cmomuj9tmkC9yf.9D

Safavid / -kk2k;uf n. lt,k-yd 0vCik-;qC -y vk ,5l]y,

segregation / cpd38vvd n. dkoc[jCcpdmkCdqfs,kp s]n laC7q,

mujlhkCvkok9ad 0bho .o gxug-aP .o laf8t;af mu !* g4yC !)D

Sahel / -kkcIo n. r6,yrkd .o va2iydk g]kt8k,-kpcfomkC.8h 0vC


secede / cpdvvd v. dko4vo1jkCgxaomkCdko 9kdlt,k7q, s]n

0vC7qo 9kds]kpg-Nv-kfD
self-determination / dko8aflyo.9fh;p8qogvC n. gliurk[0vC7qo

muj9t8aflyo;jk ia4[ko c[[.f mujg0qkxik4ok9t1j6oeD

salon / dko-55,o5, grnjvlaClao n. dkolaClao 0vC laC7q, xaopk-qo c]t

ly]xyoF g-ajor;dmujgIaf1j68k,gInvo0vCglf4uou .od5C xkiul c]t 8k,g,nvC
8jkM .o153ix .o-j;Cg;]kdkoIh6c9hCD

]95dl% n. dj5, gmudyl mujphkp,k8AC4yjo4ko1j6 vkok9ad

Seljuks / g-]

v]m% n. laopk p5m;ymu dko9edaf vk;5f{ xt-5,maC-5f .o-5,xu

SALT / -v

senate / ltrkl6C n. .od5C 3i, l,ap[6IkoF

!_(WF mujzh6oe0vC ltstia4 c]t ltstrk[3-;Pf 8qd]qC muj9t9edaf dko

ltlq, vk;5f oy;7g]aP xtgmf0vCg0qkD
Salt March / dkogfuoxtmh;C gdnv n. dkoxtmh;C1jkClao8y 8+dqfs,kp

gdnv .oxu !_#W .o vyogfaP -bjC 3,Iaofkl 7aomu oerk zh6mujloa[lo5o pjkCwxlj6
mtg] itptmkC @$W w,]F otmujoAo d=wfhrkdaogIafgdnv
Samurai / -kk,6wi n. objC.o oadiq[vk-u[ mujIa[.-h 05ookCpujxj5o .o]afmy


a 8l% n. .odkoxt8y;af / iajCF

sans-culottes / -kkol%{d6]v
d5j,sq;I5ocIC muj,u r;dgIafdko-k;xkiu-Po c]tg9Qk0vCIhko7hkohvp
muj1kd,ulPC .oia4[ko s]kp0bhoF 1kd.shik7klyo7hk8+k]qCF c]t

vt[klyf .o laf8t;af mu !W c]t9af8AC vkok9ad0vCg0qkgvC .o laf8t;af mu

ltrkxqd7vCmuj,uveokfl6Cl5fF g]U,8Qo c,jo,uc8j -qo-Aol6CD
sepoy / mtskoc0dvyogfaP n. mtsko vyogfaP Ia[.-h

rkp.8h[aC7a[[ao-k 0vC vaCdyfD

Sepoy Mutiny / mtskoc0dd+dko0[qf n.

dkod+dko0[qf0vCmtsko c0dvyogfaP .oxu !)&( 0vCmtsko

Iyof6 c]t ,5l]y, 8+ vaCdyf .o vyogfaPD
Serf / 0hkczjofyo n. -k;-qoot[qf .ol,apdkC mujz6d,af1jkCgxaomkCdko
muj9t 8hvC1j6da[znoczjofyo 0vC05ookCD
Seven Years' War / lqC7k,g9afxu n. dko8+lh6 .o153ixF vtg,iydk

gsonvF c]t vyogfaPF c8jxu !(&* g4yC !(*#F mujde]aC 0vC vaCdyf c]t
xiafg-aP 8+lh6da[de]aC vvlg8a^PF / iajCF iafg-aPF c]t xtgmfvnjoMD

satrap / -kk8cix n. g9Qkg,nvC .osq;g,nvC 0vCvkok9ad gxug-aPD

shah / dtlafvyiko n. dtlafmujln[8+,k9kd[aort[5i5f0vC vyikoD

j Ik[ n. mqjCIk[muj,usphkD
savanna / mqC

shari'a / -kkiu vk n. 8q;dqfs,kpmujxqd7vC-u;yf0vC ,5l]y,D

Schlieffen Plan / 37Cdko l]y2g2o n. 37Cdkomtsko0vCg1uit,ao

Shi'a / -uu vk n. lk0k 0vC vyl]k, mujlt,k-ydIa[Ih6 vk]u c]tzh6ln[ltd5o

0vCg0qk ;jkc,jozh6ln[8ecsojC 1jkC4nd8hvC0vC ,6sts,afD

8vog]U,8Qo 0vClqC7k,3]d 7ACmuobjCF 8k,37Cdko mtskog1uit,ao 9tgvqk

-tot / iajC c]h;phkpwx mkC8kg;aovvd grnjvwx8u iafg-aPD
scholastics / zh67qCcdjIPo n. oad;y-kdko mujg8Qk3I, c]t lvo1j6

,tsk;ympk]ap .o153ix l,apdkCD



y 38 n. lklok rNog,nvC 0vCpujxj5oD

Shinto / -yo
Shiva / ritly;t n. gmrg9QkvqCobjC 0vC Iyof6 muj4n;jk gxaozh6me]kp3]dD

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company


scribe / oad[aombd n. objC.or;d9qf[aombdvk-u[ .ol,aplu;yw]



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Page 121

"shock therapy" / dkoIadlk3fp;ymugIaf.shltfh5C n.

a -kkf n. dj5,;amotma,
stateless societies / laC7q,wIhlo

37Cdkogl4dyf mujoe,k.-h.o iafg-aP 3fp [=iyl cp]-yo .o-5,xu !__WF

muj.-hdkoxjPocxC 1jkC dtmaosao 9kdgl4dyfveokf7;[75, ,kgxao gl4dyf

mujveokfc,joc[jC xaodao8k,g-Nvlkpmju,uveokfgmqjkdao
cmomuj9tc,joxtdv[3fp ia4[kodkCD

do5 n. it[q[ladfyok .opujxj5oF zh6[ao-kdkomtskol6Cl5f muj

shogun / 3-d
xqd7vC .ook, 0vC 9addtraf pujxj5oD

y s% n. lt,k-yd0vCd5j,lklok muj[+I5ocIC mujg-njv.o [aopafxtlq,

Sikh / -yd
0vC lklokr5mF Iyof6 c]t ]afmy-62uD
Silk Roads / glAomkCzhkws, n. it[q[4oqoleia[

0[;opkorkstot.o l,apdjvo mujzjko gvg-aPdkCF -bjC

r+7hkwfh0qolqjczhkws, c]t lyo7hkvnjoMD
simony / -yy3,ou n. dko-N s]n 0kp8ecsojC .o;af 7iyl8PoD
skepticism / 7;k,lqC.l n. xia-pk muj8AcrNo4kow;h .o7;k,7bfmuj;jk

strike / 15fCkoxtmh;C v. dko[+pv,gIaf;Pd grnjv0qj,06jokp9hkC .sh8v[

lovC 8k,7;k,IpdIhvC[kC1jkCD
stupa / mkf n. lyjCmujlhkC0bhofh;psyo gxao3ood;, ritmkfXdtf6d? mujlad
lyf 0vClklokr5mD
subcontinent / mt;uxohvp n. czjofyomuj.spj -bjC9afgxaolj;oryglf0vC

Suez Canal / 7vC -55gvf n. mkCoE muj7qogIafF gxuf.-h.oxu !)*_F
8+mtg]cfC ,k.lj mtg] g,fugmugioPoD

[+,u spaCmuj9tIh6wfh1jkCcojovoD

Suffrage / lyfvvdlPC n. lafmy.odko]qC7tcoolPCD

slash-and-burn farming / dkogIafwIj n. ;ymugIaf2ki%, 3fp7qo9t

6 u n. 7qo ,5l]y, mujlc;Csk mkC[ao]5 dkola,zafda[ritzh6gxaog9Qk

Sufi / -62
3fpmkC ]bd]a[D

4kd4kCmujfyo 3fpdko8af c]t gzqk 8Qow,h c]tsphkF 0Ugmqjk0vC,ao-bjC.-hw;h


sultan / l5]8k] n. < g9Qkgsonvsq;< s]n <zh6,uveokf<F 7e.-hcmo-nj0vC

Slavs / l]k2l% n. 7qomuj,k9kdxjkmkCgsonv 0vC mtg]feF

zh6xqd7vC 3vf38,ao .oitptdkoz5f0bho0vC vkok9ad 3vf38,aoD

gxao[aort[5i5f 0vC-kfs]kpM-kf 0vC153ix 8kg;aovvd .oxaf95[aoD

5 ot n. c[[1jkCdkofeiqC-u;yf c[[ vyl]k,F ,urNo4ko1j68k,

Sunna / -5o
-u;yf c]t7elajClvo0vC ,6Ia,s,afD

social contract / laopk laC7q, n. 0=h8qd]qC muj7qodesoqf c]t

9edaflyfmy lj;o[577qoF fajCoAo 9bjClhkC 9af8AC laC7q, s]n ia4[koD

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

steppes / mqjC.spj n. mqjCmujcshC c]t,usphk75,D

Social Darwinism / laC7q, ]afmy fki%;yo n. dko.-h7;k,7yf0vC

-k] fki%;yo djP;da[ ;y;amokdko c]tdko1j6]vf0vC7;k,gs,ktlq,
,k.ljlaC7q, ,to5f 3fpltgrkt gxaodko.shgsfzqo.odkoczjveokf0vC
socialism / ]afmylCa 7q,oypq , n. it[q[gl4dyf muj8q;xtdv[dkoz]yf

c,jo gxaog9Qk0vCIj;,dao c]t fegouowx grnjv7;k,zkl500vCm5dM7qoD

]yfkiu8u n. ltstraocICCko 0vC 3r]yl it;jkC -5,xu

Solidarity / 3-]
!_)W mujwfhdkp,kgxaoveokfvaole7ao 0vCdko8+8hko 8+dkoxqd7vC
7v,,6oyl .o 3xc]of%D

vCIkp n. vkok9ad va2iydao 8kg;ao8qd mujry-yf ,k]u c]t

Songhai / -v
7;[75,dko7hk c8j-5,xu !$WW skxu !&_!D

5 ou n. objC.olk0k vyl]k, mujlt,k-ydIa[Ih6 zh6ln[8ecsojC0vC

Sunni / -5o
,6Ia,s,af $ 7qocid ;jkgxaozh6ln[ mvfmuj4nd8hvCD
Surrealism / ]afmygsonv7;k,gxao9yC n. dkog7njvows; mkCly]xt .o

laf8t;afmu @W mujgoAodkomeCko0vC7;k,Ih6lbdrkp.o0vC,to5fD
sustainable growth / dko7E95o.shg8u[38 n.

dkoramokmkCgl4dyf mujgs,ktda[7;k,8hvCdko0vC7qo c]t

IadlklyjCc;f]hv, c]tx1af -arpk dvo w;h.sh7qo]h5os]aCD
Swahili / l;kIu]u n. rklk [ao86 mujwfhIa[vyfmyrqo 9kdrklk vkik[yd muj
.-h.odkoxkdg;Qk 1jkCd;hkC0;kC .o 8kg;aovvd c]t .9dkC va2iydkD

;Pf n. objC.o 7totda,,tdkoltrkzh6cmomhvC4yjo 8AC0bho .o

Soviet / 3-;
iafg-aP s]aC9kd -ki% oy3d]al mu @ s,qfveokfD

Taiping Rebellion / dko9]k9q] wmxyC n. dko9]k9q]

a n.
Spanish-American War / lqC7k, ltgxo{vtg,iydo

Taj Mahal / ma- ,kIko n. l5lko mujl;pCk, .o vt7ikF xtgmf

vyogfaPF lhkC3fp 9addtraf ,adIko -ks% 9kIko grnjv ,tgslu ,5,8a- ,kIkoD

dko8+lh6.oxu !)_) it;jkC ltstia4 c]t ltgxoF -bjCltstia4

wfhloa[lo5odko8+lh60vC-k; 7y;[k grnjvgvdikfD

eokogxaoryglf n. dkoramok
Specialization / ,u7;k,-e
7;k,-eoko .o;Pddkovao.fvaoobjCF g-ajo 7hk0kp s]n [aombd0=h,6]D
sphere of influence / ;qCvyfmyrqo n. r6,yrkd 8jkCxtgmf

mujxtgmfobjC ,uveokfd;,dko7hk c]t dy9da, gl4dyfvnjoMD

standard of living / -uu;yfdkogxao1j6c[[,k84ko n.

75ootrk[0vC -u;yf 0vC7qo s]n rq]g,nvCF vyC8k,lyo7hkF dko[=iydkoF

c]t 0vC25,g2nvp muj[577qo s]n rq]g,nvC9tskwfhD

.odkClaf8t ;af mu !_ 8+ik-;qC -yC .o 9uoF oe3fpIqC -y;d;oD

a n. dj5,vyl]k, 9kIufoypq, mujwfh75,veokf

Taliban / mk]y[o
va2dkoyl4ko s]aC9kd ltstrk[3-;Pf 4vode]aCmtskoS
4nddvCde]aCmtsko ltstia4 0a[w]jvvd9kdveokf .ogfnvo mao;k @WW!F
grktdko.shmujradryC cdjzh6muj4nd lqC.l;jk gxaozh6d+dkoIhkpD
Tamil / mt,y] n. rklk0vCmkC.8h 0vC vyogfaPS vud1jkCF

Technology / ;ympkdkol,ap.s,j n. ;ymumuj7qo.-h7;k,Ih6F g7njvC,nF
c]t 0vCmujxtfyf0bho,k grnjvlovC7;k,8hvCdko0vC,to5fD






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Tennis Court Oath / 7elk[ko lok,gmaooyl n.

total war / lqC7k, maCs,qf n. dko8+lh6mujxtgmfmuj,ulj;oIj;,vto5,af

7ext8ypko 8+lt,k -yd 0vC ltrkcsjC-kf0vC / iajC .oxu !()_F

mujr;dg0qklk[ko;jk9txt-5,8+wx 9qod;jk 9tIjkC ia4ma,,to6oc]h;D

-arpk dvomaCs,qf .shcdjdkomelqC7k,D

Terrace / dkox6d / Ca c[[gxao-AAo n. ;ymudtlyda,c[[.s,j.o vad-a,F

mujlao gxao0AoM gmyC7hvpr6-jvp.shdadoE c]txhvCdaooEg-ktD

Terrorism / ]afmyd+dkoIhkp n. dko.-hde]aC c]tdko06j grnjv0qj,06j7qo

s]n ia4[ko .shxjPoot3p[kpD

totems / 3mgma,l% n. laf s]n 0vCma,,t-kfvnjoM

muj.-hgxaog7njvCs,kp0vC 7;k, lk,ad7u 0vC ltd5] s]n dj5,7qovnjoMD

tournament / dkoxt]vC / u,n n. dkoxt]vCp5m it;jkCdj5,val;yoD
tragedy / ]t7vomuj3ldglQk n. dkolcfC]t7voc[[9yC9aC

djP;da[dko 7;k,skptot 0vC ;uit[5i5f s]n 05ookC-Aol6CD

Theocracy / dkoxqd7vC3fprit n. 1. ia4[ko

mujzh6oe4n;jkgxao[577qo,k 9kdritg9QkD . 2. ia4[ko muj7;[75,3fp

zzh6oemkC lklokD

a okdko n. 7;k,7bfF lgou3fp

theory of evolution / mylfu dko;y;m

theory of relativity / mylfu la,raomtrk[ n. 7;k,obd7yf0vC

va]g[u8 wvlw8 djP;da[7;k,la,rao it;jkCg;]k c]t-jvC;jkC c]tit;jkC
r]aCCko da[ ;af45D

a pk m=fu-uila n. laopk .oxu

Treaty of Tordesillas / lqomylo
!$_$ it;jkC x=85dk] c]t ltgxoF xtdkf;jk fyocfo mujskd7Qorq[1j6
/ajC8kg;ao8qd 0vCglAolq,,5f .o,tskl,5f cvafc]o8yd 9tgxao0vC ltgxo
c]t fyocfo muj7Qorq[.s,j 1j6 /ajC8kg;aovvd0vCglaho 9tgxao0vC x=85dk]D
a pk c;-kkpl% n. lqomylaopk lao8yrk[
Treaty of Versailles / lqomylo
g-ao3fp g1uit,ao c]t veokfraomt,yf s]aClqC7k,3]d 7ACmuobjCD

Theravada / oydkp g4it;kf n. oydkp0vCritr5mlklok goAogiNvC

Iadlk ;yoap mkC9y8.9 1jkCg7ajC7af mujloa[lo5o,kc8jcid 3fpritr5mg9QkD

trench warfare / dkolqC7k, 7ao76 n. lqC7k,-toyfobjC mujmtsko

/ jkpdqC dao0hk, 8+lh6dao 9kd7ao76muj05f]qCwx.olok,iq[D

Third Reich / ia4mulk,0vCg1uit,ao n. vkok9admulk,

0vCg1uit,aoF 8AC0bho3fp vtfav2 Iyfg]u .o-5,xu !_#WD

triangular trade / dko7hk lk,s]jP, n. it[q[dko7hk0hk,mt;ux

Third Republic / lkmkitotia4 mu lk, n. lkmkitotia4

muj0hkmkl c]t lyo7hkvnjoMwfh4nd0qolqjC it;jkC va2iydkF vaCdyfF 153ixF c;l

vyoful c]t vkokoy7q, .omt;ux vtg,iydkgsonvD

muj9af8AC0bho .o / iajC s]aC9kddko lYol5fdkoxqd7vC0vC ok3x]yvqC mu #

c]t g-qk]qCfh;p g1uit,ao g0Qkpbfgvqk / iajC it;jkC lqC7k,3]d 7ACmulvCD

tribune / zh6xhvCdaoxt-kk-qqo n. .o 3i, l,ap[6IkoF g9Qksohkmuj mujwfhIa[

g]nvd8AC 9kdlk,ao-qo grnjvxhvCdao lyfmy0vCr;dg0qkD

Third World / 3]dmulk, n. .oitpt lqC7k,g1aoF

xtgmfmujde]aCramok muj[+wfhgxaoraomt,yfda[ ltstia4 s]n ltstrk[ 3-;PfD

Thirty Years' War / lk,ly[xu csjCdkolqC7k, n. dko8+lh6.o153ix

giNvClklok c]t fyocfoF c]tmkCfhkoveokf it;jkC7v[7q;mujxqd7vCF

c8j xu !*!) g4yCxu !*$)D
three-field system / it[q[ mqjC # cxC n. it[q[dkogIaf2ki%,
mujramok .o153ix l,apdkCF muj fyo2ki%, 4ndc[jCvvdgxao # cxC
muj,u0okffP;dao c]t c8j]tcxC 9t4ndx6d /aC wx8k,]efa[
fh;prn-itf6sok;Frn-itf6.[w,hxqjCF c]t xjvp [+.shx6dlyjC.fD
Tiananmen Square / mPovaogs,yo lt7c;I% n. gfujolkmkitot muj
d;hkC.spj .o xaddyjCF xtgmf9uoS .oxu !_)_F l4komujxtmh;C0vCoadlbdlk
grnjv loa[lo5o dkoxt8yI6[ xt-kmyxtw8D
Tithe / dkogda[lj;p-ttoyfobjC n. dko9jkp0vC7v[7q; 9eo;o !W

gxug-ao 0vC ikpwfh ;afD

d5go8 n. ik-;qC 3-d5o

Tokugawa Shogunate / 38d6dk;t 3-d

tribute / [aookdko n. dko9jkp 3fpzh6,uveokf fhvpd;jk .shcdjzh6,ude]aC

veokfgsonvd;jk grnjvIa[xtdao lao8yrk[ c]t 7;k,xvfwrD
Triple Alliance / raomt,yf # 8+ n. 1. lt,k7q, 0vC g,nvC{ia4 0vC
g83o-my]koF gmad3d3dF c]t m]k3dxkoF mujoe,k-bjCdko9af8AC 0vC vkok
9ad va-g8adD . 2. raomt,yf mkCmtsko it;jkC g1uit,aoF vvlg8a^PF IaCdkiuF
c]t vy8k]u .os]kpxu djvolqC7k,3]d7ACmuobjCD
Triple Entente / 7;k,g0Qk.9it;jkCxtgmf # 8+ n. raomt,yf

mkCmt sko it;jkC vaCdyfF / iajC c]t iafg-aP .os]kpxu

triumvirate / zh6,uveokf # 7qo n. .o 3i, [6IkoF dj5,zh6oe # 7qo mujc[jC

xaoveokf 0vCia4[koD
Trojan War / lqC7k, m3i9ao n. lqC7k,F .oxu !@WW djvo 7DlDF
mujmtsko oe3fp dtlaf ,kpg-uoPo wfh39,8u g,nvCdko7hkgvdikf 0vC
mivp .o vkok38g]aPD

mujxqd 7vC pujx5jo mujIj;,dao 8ACc8jxu !*W# g4yC !)*(D

Troubadour / oadc8jCdvoIhvCgrC n. oadc8jCdvo c]t oadfqo8iu .o

Torah / 3miks% n. objC.o & 7eru 0vC Iu[i6{soaClnmujgxaomujladdkit mujl5f

l,apdkC mujgfuomkCwxc8j]tl4komujF .sh7;k,[aogmuCcdjzh67qofh;pgrC 7;k,

Iad c[[l5rk[IP[IhvpD

.oxtgrou 1y;D
Totalitarianism / ]afmyxqd7vCc[[zgfafdko n.

ia4[ko7;[75,m5dcCj 0vC-u;yf maC0vC-5,-qo c]t gvd-qoD



Truman Doctrine / s]addko mi6c,o n. xtdkf3fp xtmkokmy[=fu

cIiu mi6c,o .oxu !_$(F djP;da[ ot3p[kp0vC ltstia4 muj.shdkoj;pgs]nv fhkogl4dyf c]tdkomtsko cdjxtgmf gliu muj4nd0qj,0j6 9kdlaf8i6
rkp.o c]t rkoovdD

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company


-k]l% fki%;yo .oxu !)&_F ;jk -oyf8Qow,h s]n laf gduf0bho phvo;ymudkog]nvd

a pk dkokdk;t n. laopk .oxu !)&$

Treaty of Kanagawa / lqomylo
it;jkC ltstia4 c]t pujxj5oF .odkogxufmjkgInv 0vCpujxj5o @ csjC .shcdjdexajo
0vC ltstia4 c]t ltstia4 8AClt4kom6f .opujxj5oD



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uBH w ucL WOOzd ULKJ s dOJ b_ VOd V X WLzU u dNH c
tO c qJA vK XI UNd dNH c w WbL U .UNOUF dOH l
:WOU UB Xb .ULKJ s qJ wdB uM dNH wDF .UJ c w ULKJ
qF = v.
r = n.
WH = adj.
sOOJd s WuL .UU / n. Anasazi
Uu d uM w uU )dL uM( sOOK
.WOJd bL
d rEF XLJ W .uOUF / n. Abbasids
1258 v 750 U s WO Wud
d uM w de t .u{U / n. Anatolia
UC vL - UOd s uO rI UNKGA UO
uF s VF s d .sOu / n. Aborigine
.qz_ UOd
w wbM bF . uJG / n. Angkor Wat
WJK pK .oKD pK / n. absolute monarch
dUE q vK dDOK vF b dO WO
WOMJ v wLM .wUJOKJ / adj. Anglican
WMb w WMB WFK .fOud_ / n. acropolis
uu d U UI .WO / n. animism
cM U UK WU WMb .u / n. Aksum
v U WIDM r{ WU{ .r{ / n. annexation

OS uO dF .OL bF sU v dI
.WLzU WOUO b w{
jOL dL d d UNFu V d
.U TA WUN lC .wGK / v. annul
.uNO b{ eO .WOU b{ / n. anti-Semitism
uLKL UNLJ WIDM .fb / n. al-Andalus
uM w WUO .eOOL WUO / n. apartheid
.O sU dI w XQ .UOUS uO dF
c qLA UOuU UU B d_ qBH UOId
w uLKL UNKLF WOd WLK( t .tK / n. Allah
.iO u sO WOUL U lM
.)v Wb
dA k `OL U b .u / n. apostle
,v_ WOLUF d w .UHK / n. Allies
d_ b pc UO Ud vLEF UOUDd
Wb UM rbI .U{d / n. appeasement
rC - b WuL ,UC ;UNU v XU w
.d u VM q s WbF
bL Uu wOu U vLEF UOUDd
UOL d XOM UM u .UO UM / n. aqueduct
.WOU WOLUF d w uL u X{U w
sOKBL s WuL .b
uL / n. Almohads
UNO uJ WuJ .WOdI / n. aristocracy
Wud u sODdL W uK sOO
. s WLU WI s Wu WDK
.dA wU dI w UOU uM UOId UL w
.UI nu UH .Wb / n. armistice
sOLK u WuL .uDdL / n. Almoravids
w UOU uM UOId UL w Wud u
WP U lM s w .wFM U / n. artifact
.O dA U dI
.du WFD
Wc .Ud Wc / n. Amritsar Massacre
UH lU pzUU dU qU .wd / n. artisan
b uU bM 400 UI U WOUDd u UN XK
.tbO tUM lMB
.X sOu vK U Ud w uFL
U s dU WOd WuL -1 .u / n. Aryans
WuL .ULF bb ub / n. Anabaptists
XMu vDu UO d UO uM u
sR XU WOUd WHzUD s bN w
WMU -2 .OL q 1500 U WbMN UI t w
."bO dF" X WOUd uF - sOUMK uU ddI rNu s r s jI bOLF V tQ
.Wb s

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UF WKK .UOUDd WdF / n. Battle of Britain

.1941 - 1940
.UMIu WdF / n. Battle of Guadalcanal
1943 - 1942 w WOU WOLUF d w WdF
de s WOUUO uI UHK u UN Xd
.UN jOL w UMIu
Wd WdF ."bO" WdF / n. Battle of Midway
Xe ,WOU WOLUF d UM 1942 w Wu
WdF ."dGMOU" WdF / n. Battle of Stalingrad
UNO Xe 1943 - 1942 w WOU WOLUF d w
.wOu U w dGMOU
WdF .ZK WdF / n. Battle of the Bulge
wUL ud d UHK UNO ` 1995 - 1994 U
WdF .d_ dD WdF / n. Battle of Trafalgar
UOI wUDd uD UNO e 1805 U Wd
.uOKU u uKO uOu
w dUM dN U d QA WJKL .sOM / n. Benin
.1400 u_ w WOOz W X 1300 u_
Q bIF rb d d ."UOMdO" / n. Beringia
v UO s rNd UM d qz sOOJd
sOd dLR / n. Berlin Conference of 1884-85
WO wKL t oH UL .1885 - 1884 UF
.UOId w_ ULF bu vK
bF dAF .uI UO / n. Bill of Rights
XL w wJd_ ub vK Xd w v_
.rNUd WOU_ sOMuL uI
WOM WdL wO .dD nI / n. bishop
.WOKL fzUMJ s b vK dA WOU
s u .WHU d -oU u / n. blitzkrieg
lML sH uI b .UB / n. blockade
.U WIDM s d u s WU sH
.UOId uM w bMu dLF ."du" / n. Boer
1899 U s d .du d / n. Boer War
rJ vK sOOUDd du VF t UM 1902 v

U lMB w dOb .lOL j / n. assembly line

q uI YO d v qU s WML WFK tO qIM
U qd s b WKd b WHOu h
.WFK c
uKG VF rKU -1 .UFO / n. assimilation
W l
UO d uM w WJKL .u WJKL / n. Assyria
q 612 v 850 wu s WF Wud XLJ
U .wK_ UO / n. Atlantic Charter
fOzd qdA s wUDd u fOz UN
UHK eJ .1941 w XK sOKJd wJd_
d WUN w jD l{u UL c vK
d oOd U / n. Atlantic slave trade
w qLFK sOOId lO qI d .wK
UNO uJ WuJ .oKDL dH rJ / n. autocracy
.b qJA UNb b dO WDK rUK
WOLUF d w .uL u / n. Axis Powers
WOU WuL - bM lL ." uK " / n. ayllu
WKBL q s iF l Ud qL dOG

WOUO WU .uI u / n. balance of power
.d b
U d uM w WIDM .UIK / n. Balkans
.UIU UOuu UuNL UOd s w
WIU uF / n. Bantu-speaking peoples
cM UOId s wuM rI rEF v UOId d
.U 2000 Wd
s uK U r ."U" s / adj. baroque
w U ULF vIOuL rdU w wMH dOF
.dA lU dI qz dA U dI
tO U U UJ s qJ .WCUI / n. barter


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db sOu WuL .wOMJ uUI / n. canon law

tU UB UE .WOULd / n. capitalism
.WOMUJ W / n. Carolingian dynasty
.O 987 v 751 s X Zd U W
s b .bMN bM WOUL WI / n. caste
UM UL U u - uU - WMN - bMN
.sO dO
.wJOuUJ / n. Catholic Reformation
WOMJ UN dA U dI w Wd
UJdQ bK w dJ uU ."uKU" / n. caudillo
.Wed WuJ / n. centralized government
d UM .WedL uI / n. Central Powers
.UNU v XU d l
d uM w uF .uObKJ / n. Chaldeans
.Wu Wud vK UCI w bU UO
s d .WOIOu Wd / n. Chartist movement
o p w UL UU ULd w US
.Ud qJ XuB
UJd w WU UC .sOU / n. Chaven
s "dO" rU uO dF UFHd w d WOuM
.OL q 200 v 900 wu
.WU UFd / n. checks and balances
.sOd_ sODK vK
UdH wJK UE .WOdH UE / n. chivalry
WUAU UOU d U w vDu uBF
UuNL s WuL .d Uu U / n. CIS
)1049 ( .wOu U
WDOL oUML WMb .W - WMb / n. city-state
U i .wb UOB / n. civil disobedience
.U dO uU WU bLF

u s WuL .pOHAu / n. Bolsheviks

w WOd WuJ vK uu d sOOUL
.1917 dLu / _ sdA
w dL ."fu dL" / n. Boxer Rebellion
vK WOM_ dDO UN v b 1900 U sOB
M w{_ U s WI .Uu / n. boyars
.UO w
dF wbM t .UOKF c "ULd" / n. Brahma
.uJ oU
s nI lLL w .wULd / n. Brahmin
WUO .d dOH WUO / n. brinkmanship
.b vK d sA bbN UNu
aU s WI .ed dBF / n. Bronze Age
U sU w OL q 3000 U wu b dA
UM s U{u ed ULFU UM UN b
XOL d .wKb uUD / n. bubonic plague
,dA ld dI nBM w U UO w dA
.UM s sO t U
vK wM UE .WOddO / n. bureaucracy
uBF w WMbL w rOI .su / n. burgher
tF U w uU ."bOu" / n. Bushido
.UUO w uU uUL

sUAL s WuL .u fK / n. cabinet
U vK tbUL U W fOz rU u
.WbU WU d
w wM wUO vK bzU .WHOK / n. caliph
WbO WUJ s .b jOD / n. calligraphy
rOUF WuL .sOOMOHUJ Vc / n. Calvinism
.bOH VU UOUH / n. Camp David Accords
UN d wd bK qOzd sO XF WOUH
WOd Wb qOzdS U u dBL fOzd
t bOF sGO rOUM wKOzd u fOz o
.UMO de

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sOu WuL .dA uU / n. common law

w ,uOJK UC dKJ rJ UbM XKJA bu
.bL Uu UNO
sOB w WOUF We .uOLJ / n. commune
.UM s dO b UNO gOF qLF WOuOA
e .wuOA e / n. Communist Party
e - sOOMO fU U UJ oD wUO
.oU wd wHAu
tO uJ UB UE .WOuOA / n. communism
pJ lUBL rUML _ - U qzU q
.U qJA Ub lK lOL rUI
WuL .w_ UH / n. Concert of Europe
dA lU dI w WO_ b sO U
.u UH lML ZOdO u fMOLK dO_ UdJ
WU - wL UH .WuU WOUH / n. concordat
WKK .UMOO dLR / n. Congress of Vienna
UI UN U 1815 - 1814 w UUL
WLe bF b_ wKu s UAS uO_
wUO e .dLRL e / n. Congress Party
wMu dGuJ rS UC dF - bMN w U wM
- U uM .uUH / n. conquistadors
e w ud - d s uU - uHAJL
.dA U dI w sOJd_
s _ nBM w .uEUL / n. conservatives
s UU - sOO_ s WUL dA lU dI
.U w WbOKI
UE .Wu WOJK / n. constitutional monarchy
.uUIU b rU WDK tO uJ rJ
s b WOUd WuNL w .qBM / n. consul
WOU WOJd WUO .u / n. containment
XU UMOF_ d w Ud U fOzd UUM
p WOuOA UA nu bL Uu UN

,bL w qL WUI u .UC / n. civilization

w W dzb .WOb Wb / n. civil service
U vK UNOHu sOF w pK WU - U WuJ
.uH w rNU uL
sOe sO e .WOK_ d / n. civil war
.b W sL{ sOOUO sOuL
b s b UM s WuL .dOA / n. clan
.b V
U UuO uM .wJOJ sH / n. classical art
.u dD U vK e WLbI
uuI sOHuL s WuL .sb U / n. clergy
UU oK b .UM / n. cloning
WuJ .WOz WuJ / n. coalition government
.bF WOUO e s XR nU Udb
,tUH VKI sJL U .WuD / n. codex
. dI c UJU
WOUuK b WU .U d / n. Cold War
w uM w wOOu U bL Uu sO
.WOUL U{UH / n. collective bargaining
dO We .WOUF We / n. collective farm
.dOGB eL s b rC XKJA Wb Udb
.UNM bOF W UNLJ .dLF / n. colony
UL . UL / n. Colossus of Rhodes
. Qd d UBM oUU U r{ wMOKO
WOKL .wuuJ U / n. Columbian Exchange
.sOJd w_
UUO sLC WOe WOd .UbOuJ / n. comedy
s tu UB / n. command economy
dI q Wb tO c UB UE .WuJ
lu .WU u / n. Commercial Revolution
.dA lU dA U sOdI



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UU UAO U wUU wUD .uOL / n. daimyo
.uU s
dJHL UJ vK WOM WHK .Wb / n. Daoism
sdO UM uJ V t rK c wMOB
.)WIdD( "" vL WOu uI
b c uO ,1944 de 6 ."" uO / n. D-Day
d UM WO_ w{_ vK rNu UHK t
/ n. of Declaration Independence
U wU UI dGuJ d UOUDd s WOJd_
Ud s XKJA UFIM WIDM .Ub / n. delta
.dNM VB w wL
WOUJ s b . e / n. demilitarization
uB s UNFM UNu q p d sA U W
. vK
Udb WuJ .WOduLb / n. democracy
.u s dU U UuMu
,WdIb / n. democratization
s_ / n. Department of Homeland Security
WOb .)Wb s ( wKb wMu
b{ WOb uN oOM 2002 U XQ WOJd
WUO .WOb UF w dH / n. detente
bL Uu UNF U d uG{ nOH
q UNb W .WbI W / n. developed nation
UM XQ WUO .WUAJ / n. devshirme
w rN{ s uNO XOA .UA / n. Diaspora
bF b XK WM 1800 d UuB sODK
.WO 70 U Ud q s bI
U w .b rU - uUJ / n. dictator
sOuI s WIKD WDK wD wUO bzU ,WLbI
.b dH gO UO
UE .dU WOduL / n. direct democracy
.sOKL od s fO dU VFA tO rJ rJ


WUO .UI UEM / n. Continental System

U qL .WLU Wd / n. corporation
.ub s sOR
UL .wMJ Xd fK / n. Council of Trent
rJ UE VK v R Wd .I / n. coup detat
- U b UH - UO .bN / n. covenant
w uc u UL wdF VFA tK sO bN WU
- dLF wU lL .uOudJ / n. creoles
.sOOU q s WOMO UJd w b dLF
1853 s e .dI d / n. Crimean War
b WOULF Wud d vK XH 1856 v
UOUDd bUL p u_ d oUM v UO
W UE .WUM W / n. crop rotation
._ WuB
w L b .WOOKB WKL / n. Crusade
UNO uF vDu uBF w uOO uKUI UN U
s WbIL w{_ vK dDO Ud v
UJ UA .wUI UA / n. cultural diffusion
.d v UC s UM
w W{UH .WOUI u / n. Cultural Revolution
UNU dL_ d UOI 1976 - 1966 sO sOB
,bO WAOF jL .UC - .WUI / n. culture
.rUJ rNuM rNU UM w vK
UJ u .w
MOH qJA / n. cuneiform
.OL q 3000 U wu udu UNd
Uu .wUuKF U / n. cyberterrorism
WOJOKdO Wb_ / n. Cyrillic alphabet
w UdJ WO UGK WUJ d .)WO(
.uuO qdO O lU dI
VIK s( UO w ud .dBO / n. czar
.)dBO wUd

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UNO rJ WOUO WuL .Wud / n. empire

. uFA s b b bzU
WOL uI b .WO / n. enclosure
v UOU UN .bMOOuJ / n. encomienda
b o tM sOJd_ b w su
.tO UL )dL uMN( sOOK_ UJd_
.WeOKJ WOK_ d / n. English Civil War
sc UuO t U 1649 v 1642 s e
b .uML bL / n. enlightened despot
UJ tLN dA sU dI w sOO_ uKL
.tU uI d bF rJ Q dOM
WLJ WU Wu w .duM / n. enlightenment
.WOU_ uJ ozUI UN s dH rNH WU
Wd .)w wUI( duM / n. Enlightenment
UN U dA sU dI w U w XU
db rEM h .UI ,bNF / n. entrepreneur
UD dPL vMG qu wH dF .WLK / n. epics
.sObOKI UD_ dOU_
UI s b .WOUL WI / n. estate
WID nQ - WOdH u q Ud w WOUL
wU s WU M s WOU sb U s v_
UIDK U fK / n. Estates-General
.Ud w
q WUO .wd dOND / n. ethnic cleansing
vK uCI dB UNO qQ d nM UL
.UOuu Wze bF WMu w rKL VFA
uI V .wM d / n. excommunication
.WOO WOM v tU s U h
b vK WOM WHK .Wuu / n. existentialism
VU_ uI / n. extraterritorial rights
.bK sOu s sOLOIL VU_ UH .WUB

WuJ UUO UF .oAM / n. dissident

uKL r UJ dJ .wN o / n. divine right
.tK U jI uR r wUU _ vK tK
w UuO id .sOb / n. domestication
.U UNb
s WKI W .uOM qOQ / n. dominion
UNUL db UN `L ) bM( wUDd U
t UNu dJ .uMOb WdE / n. domino theory
WOUuO WGKU oU VF .ub / n. Dorians
UC UON bF UuO v dU rN bIF
w qB b .uH WOC / n. Dreyfus affair
jUC s WLU vK e 1890 u_ w Ud
d lO rN c uH bdH sUJ uNO
bMN d Wd / n. Dutch East India Company
dI qz w ubMuN UN Wd .WbMuN
.UO d U fOQ dA lU
wU uL .w rJ / n. dynastic cycle
.WLU qbb uNM
.b WKzU s UJ WK .w rJ / n. dynasty

d UM .WOdA WN / n. Eastern Front
UL_ l dB d UF YO WOd
.d_ sOULM
1598 rK ."XU"ud / n. Edict of Nantes
gOF ld dM wdH pKL t b
U UM rN `L Ud w uOUd
.WOdH bL iF w
dd / n. Emancipation Proclamation
w suJM Ud wJd_ fzd b UO .bOF
Uu w suuL bOF q tO sK 1863
.d u WU
UNO uJ W .WU W / n. emerging nation
.bF WU dO lOMB WKd
wK_ rbK ud U .dUNL / n. emigre
Ud ud sc rdO MU WOUO U_


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b sO U U .d U / n. free trade
.) udU( ozu WUB uO v uC
WOdH d / n. French and Indian War
vK dDO u UOUDd Ud sO e .WbMN
.1763 v 1754 s ,UJd UL w


.sOOM sO UH / n. gender inequality

.wuUI l{u d UL UM Ud sO WdH

WOu WbMN / n. genetic engineering
U d v w szU s UMO qI WOKL .)WOMO(
.bb UL eOL w szU
qJA tKLQ VF q .WOUL U / n. genocide
,uH VFA s WI .UOKF WID / n. gentry
uBF w .WedL WdE / n. geocentric theory
bI YO edL _U WIKFL rUF dE ,vDu
.uJ j w WF{
bM WOU WUO .WOUOuO / n. geopolitics

U WOOd luL U sOF c_ v

s XM UOId d w WJKL .UU / n. Ghana
.O dA U lU dI sO Wud
. q s U .U / n. ghazi
uNO d - WMbLK U oUM .uO / n. ghettos
.UNO gOF vK uO_
UNU UH WOOu WUO .UH / n. glasnost
qOzUO UNb ,UuKFL UJ d ob
.1985 U uAUu
UFL .wLU UB / n. global economy
.WOb b vD w UuJ
WU .bOL u / n. Glorious Revolution
pK WU We u .WuIM u / n. glyph
vK qzUd XM WU WId s e qLF w
UL s uK v wLM .wuG / adj. Gothic
Vd d vDu uBF w U w uD fzUMJ
nB( d WuK WOU cu Wub dL
.WOU d U dUM )b UN rb dUM

UBL .U qu / n. factors of production
tO b dO UM .lMB / n. factory
dD u eF WOUO Wd .WOUH / n. fascism
b e rJ ,dH uI dJ ,WOMu s
WLU WLK W s d .w
LUH / n. Fatimid
Wud QA bL wM WM WLU v VM
dI Uu WuF WOdF ,UOId UL w
.dA wU v dUF
.` U eO / n. favorable balance of trade
d U v lzUC lO bB U bK UB WU
.u UL
tO u rJ UE .wb UE / n. federal system
.WKIL Uu s b Wed WDK sO WDK
WO .vOB N / n. Fertile Crescent
ZOK sO UO d uM w u qJ vK WOM
.juL iO_ d wUH
M U wUO UE .UD / n. feudalism
rNJK UNJKL w w{_ b o uDF tuL
._ c u uAOF sc U_
UM lU v bO UNN WFD .WUD / n. fief
.vDu dI w UQ bzU wUD UEM
v _ tb d .sbu WU / n. filial piety
.sOML rN
q qI dK ZUd .wzUNM q / n. Final Solution
UNL WD .WOL WD / n. Five-Year Plans
U UB duD 1928 U w sOU nu
.WF_ Ub / n. Four Modernizations
w mMUO m wMOB bzUI UUM b WuL
We U w bI sLC sdAF dI d
WuL .dA WF_ UIM / n. Fourteen Points
WD sK wJd_ fOzd UN r Ud
.v_ WOLUF d bF rz rK U
WFUI w sJ wUd VF .Zd / n. Franks
.vDu uBF w vLE Wud f

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.sOLKL vK d WJ v Z .Z / n. hajj
WOMO W .WLU U W / n. Han dynasty
d O 9 v OL q 202 U s XLJ
.O 220 U v 23 U s d
d r .UUN UC / n. Harappan civilization
b dN u vK d b UC
b rOEM eOL ,OL q 7000 U cM UdI
U UOId d w VF .UN VF / n. Hausa
.WOULA UdOU vL b - bL s b w
dJ .b WdE / n. heliocentric theory
.fLA u b d_ VuJ _
s WG UC oKF .wMOKON / adj. Hellenistic
v dOJ bMJ rJ cM wId rUF uK
.OL q wU dI d
,WLbI WU lL w .uKN / n. helot
._U jd
bM WU uK .WOHOKdO / n. hieroglyphics
UJ s dOFK uB tO Xb UbI sOdBL
d v WJ s bL wM d .dN / n. Hijrah
.O 622 U )WMbL(
su bM - w VF .uO / n. Hittites
.OL q 2000 U wu u{U_ w
uNOK WOUL e .WdL / n. Holocaust
UM q UM UOUL rJ UN U sd sOOb
s WO .bIL nK / n. Holy Alliance
WOUd Wud / n. Holy Roman Empire
dUF dI w U w XQWud .WbIL
s q_U XHQ OL
u_ vK dDO o .wK rJ / n. home rule
qLA WOuuO WuL uC .bOMOuN / n. hominid
Uu tHu( U / n. Homo sapiens
U UNO wLM w WOuuO u_ .)UOuuO
rOKFK ed .WLJ XO / n. House of Wisdom
.800 u_ w bG w TA

U ub .dOJ UJ / n. Great Depression

U UJd w Wu u UON WO UB
UN vMF u Wu .dOJ dc / n. Great Fear
w qOU vK uN d vK wdH nd XU
.1789 U
w U WKL .dJ WOHB / n. Great Purge
sOU nu UN U UMO w wOu U
uU sc wuOA e UC q s hKK
.tLJ vK dD uKJA
w UIA .dOJ UIA / n. Great Schism
.U uOM w UUM UuU
- WOUd UC / n. Greco-Roman culture
XL WU .dC u / n. green revolution
U q w WOzcG uL Ue sdAF dI w
.d WUI U duD dA
d WOdG UOId w h .wuJ / n. griot
WU u s d .WUB w qUI / n. guerrilla
sc bF u vK WUH UG uI WLEM t
. uK
dI w UM s WuL .WUIM r / n. guild
d_ V Vd XU WMNL fHM uKLF vDu
UM UN lDI W .WKBI / n. guillotine
wU .Uu Wud / n. Gupta Empire
320 U _ Uu bU UN bMN w Wud

sO Ub WIO .u d / n. habeas corpus
U dI w sOHKL U uL WLJL v
. wuU tM
WLJ WOzbU .UOu U lU / n. Hagia Sophia
W s nQ wUU dF u .uJU / n. haiku
WL s nR dD q ,WIUM dO dD WL


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Page 132

tDB ,UL WLO ub .rC / n. inflation

.Ub lK UF w UH
WOJOuU WLJ .gOH rU / n. Inquisition
.1400 u_ UOU w UNM
c a rEM jL .U - d / n. institution
.U lL w
wd wuJ nu .vzd{ wU / n. intendant
.bF WU VzdC WU pKL tMO
WOzUCH WDL / n. International Space Station
qL d WUO fOQ d W 14 UO
`L duOL UJ UB .Xd / n. Internet
l UB UuKFL U rUF U q w UMK
WOMODK wb UOB WKL .W{UH / n. intifada
e UD WOdG WHC w wKOzd b{
.1990 u_ b vK dL
uL gO / n. Irish Republican Army (IRA)
XF WOL dO WOb WdJ u .bMd
.vLEF UOUDd s bMd I
d .bb U / n. iron curtain
U w WOuOA b qB eU v_ WOLUF
uF s WuL .ud_ / n. Iroquois
UG uLKJ uU )dL uMN( sOOK_ sOOJd_
vLEF dO WIDM d w uU ,ud
.1550 u_ d w U uKJ ,UJd ULA
w uD b tS sR WU . / n. Islam
.O lU dI w WOdF de
VM UNu WUO .WOeF / n. isolationism
.d l dJF wUO u
sODK w sbL uNO WJKL .qOzd / n. Israel
,bF ULO .OL q 920 v 1020 wu s X
Wb ,uNO wJKL s wULA rI rEF
.1948 U sODK w XQ w WuNO

dI w bMN w XQ WU .WOUO / n. Jainism
t uJ w w q Q UNK bI OL q U
.Q t b V wUU
s WM u s d .UAJ bM / n. janissary
.WOULF Wud w uM

U WOUI Wd .WOU Wd / n. humanism

.tU U u vK
eOu dH .u WL / n. Hundred Days
Ud U dP uOKU U UbM 1815 U
d d tH dB
.Ud vK ud
e .WM WL d / n. Hundred Years War
.1453 v 1337 U s lDI
s WuL .lL - UO / n. hunter-gatherer
lL vK UuO bO vK rNzc w bLF b
s b eG s WuL .uJN / n. Hyksos
q 1570 v 1640 s dB uLJ UO d uM

dAM U WOM d .bOK dBF / n. Ice Age
.OL q 10[000 v 1[600[000 s d d
tO ld wMO w U .mMO / n. I Ching
WOMJ uOO UNKL WOM u .WuI / n. icon
W UNO Y WUO .WOUd / n. imperialism
dI w Wd .WOUD / n. impressionism
sOUMH qF d XU we rdU oKF dA lU
s rNUUD qI v uF YO WOFu b{
.Ue w UE s U_
WuL .uO_ uMN / n. Indo-Europeans
dNU OL q 1700 vu b b nB uF
bMN jOL t v WOuM UO uO u U s
.UO d uM U
UI s h oF uH .dH / n. indulgence
V UUMB uD .lOMB / n. industrialization
. WDu lK U
u .WOUMB u / n. Industrial Revolution
lK WUM s dA sU dI dKJ w b

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fQ wMO wM e .mUOu / n. Kuomintang

.1912 w WLU mMOJ W uI bF
UNU rJ ,WLb WOu WJKL .u WJKL / n. Kush
.OL q 1000 2000 U sO dB

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

UNu dJ .d u_ d / n. laissez faire
UL_ UUMB qb b WuJ vK
w{_ lu U ._ / n. land reform
UU WOdO Wd . / n. La Reforma
.pOJL w dA lU dI w eu uOMO
sOHu sOOF .vBM bOKI / n. lay investiture
.M uKL q s sOMb
WO WLEM .r_ WB / n. League of Nations
.b sO
w{_ - "uO UJ" .dM / n. lebensraum
- dK n V - UOUL XU w WOU{
WOMO WOUO WHK .uUIU bOI / n. Legalism
w Wu WOU Wb WUF WuJ dJ vK XU
,WLbI U gO w WdJ b .oKO / n. legion
UAL Wd s dJ 5000 wu s WuJ
.wFdA fKL / n. Legislative Assembly
vK WIuL sOu s WDK t wd dGu
.1791 U u VuL qJA - d
.rJ w pKLK u o .WOdA / n. legitimacy
dI s _ nBM w .uOdOK / n. liberals
U s rNK - sOO_ WuL ,dA lU
dO u UO u d_ .q / n. lineage
.dA b s b - bF suu
s qJA WB V .wUHD Vd / n. loess
.Ud t nBF d
WUL dH .WKuD dOL / n. Long March
uOMOB uOuOA 1935 1934 U UN U qO 6000
.WOuI "wAOO mUO" u s uUN

dI w WOFA vIOuL s u .U / n. jazz

- uOJd_ uOIOuL v_ WbU Uu sdAF
WUL ,`OL WOFL UC .wu / n. Jesuits
dLF .U du / n. jewel in the crown
U u U u eL WOUDd Wud
U u .WLU Wd / n. joint-stock company
b q s rNd uLN ,dLL UNO uI
.U_ uLUI r b
XQ sODK w WOd WJKL .uN / n. Judah
.OL q 922 U wu
wOzd e .UOM uU / n. Justinian Code
s dQ tLOEM tFL r wUd wbL uUI s
.O 534 U wu UOM wDeO ud

b ,WOUU WOd u .WOuUJ / n. kabuki
dF WOzUL Ud hd vIOuL UNO
wUd VIK s( wUL ud .eU / n. kaiser
,WOU WOLUF d UM .UJOU / n. kamikaze
UHK sH d u uOUU uU UO
.uuU WOK dzUD UNbB p
uL ,Wu WbMN WUb w .UU/ n. karma
bIF ,U h UN uI w WO bO UL_
.bb s bu bF b b UN
Wud .dOL Wud / n. Khmer Empire
XK ,UuL uO u ULO ed UO d uM w
.O 1200 U wu UNu WL v
sdL WuL .dL dOL / n. Khmer Rouge
.1975 U UuL w rJ vK uu sOOuO
,U w vDu uBF w .U / n. knight
.UB dN vK U `K U
W .WLU uu W / n. Koryu dynasty
.1392 v 935 U s Uu XLJ
Ue WKO " .UdJ WKO / n. Kristallnacht
u UNO XLU 1938 dLu s lU WKO ,"uJL
.UOUL U q w




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WdJ UDK rJ .wd uU / n. martial law

w d s w U oD sOOb UJ vK XR
.wb du U
WOM UL U .dOUL s / n. mass culture
dJH dO WLO UD .WU / n. materialism
UE v wLM s ._ rJ / adj. matriarchal
.d_ _ tO uJ wUL
v wLM s ._ d s W / adj. matrilineal
._ v Wu uI VM tO uF wUL UE
.WOUuL Wud / n. Mauryan Empire
321 U Uu UubU UN bMN w Wud
.OL q
.uU s ld Wd / n. May Fourth Movement
VFA UNO dUE 1919 U sOB w WOF dUE
.wM_ qb b{ Ud bUF b{
bU UO d uM w VF .fbOL / n. Medes
.Wu Wud UI vK
UUO aU w WKd .wOLdBF / n. Meiji era
ud UN bK rJ 1912 v 1867 s
dKO n t U ."wUH" / n. Mein Kampf
tO d 1924 - 1923 u_ w tM d UM
.UOUL q s tb bzUI
WUB WUO .WU d / n. mercantilism
s d lK WOL lO WCH Vc s dO UOL
.UdA w
w UIK dQ bM .edL / n. mercenary
.wM gO
wu s WOuJ WJKLL w ed ."dO" / n. Mero
WK_ WUMB dN .150 v OL q 250
.Wbb _
s bL WIDM ."UJd eO" / n. Mesoamerica
s Ze s bM h .sON / n. mestizo
aU s WI .vDu dI / n. Middle Ages
s X WOUuO Wud uI XK w_
dI d UC vL 1500 v 500 U wu


vK rJ h ,WOUD U w .u / n. lord
.tU v `M s wUU sJL
XKJA WOUd WOM uC .du / n. Lutheran
.du sU rOUF V
.Ud w WOuJ Wb .Wb - tOO / n. lycee

UuO UL WLb WJKL .UObI / n. Macedonia
.OL q 338 U UuO wU VOKO UbzU e
UOId d UL w WIDM .dGL / n. Maghrib
dF U juL iO_ d qu s nQ
.dze fu dGL rS uO
- "dJ bUFL" .dOJ UOL / n. Magna Carta
.O 1215 U u pKL Ud M
bM wLK dF .UUNUU / n. Mahabharata
u UuM rNUI UM sO Ud uB rOE
`ML Wu s d .UUUUL/ n. Mahayana
WML UeL s u ."eU",c / n. maize
Uu w c U vL qL uK
.WCd u vK Uc.bL
s d UOId d w Wud .wU / n. Mali
.U s XM 1400 u_ v 1235
UuAM s tK VF .uuAML / n. Manchus
.)1912 - 1644( "mMOJ" W sOB rJ
w .UL s uHL / n. Mandate of Heaven
UJd w dJ .bI UO / n. manifest destiny
s t UNu ,dA lU dI nBM dA
UJd UL rJ UN s bL Uu o
.UN jOL v wK_ jOL s
U w bO We .We , / n. manor
su eOMOu VFA s d ."U" / n. Maori
.O 800 wu bMKuO w
wJd ZUd .UU WD / n. Marshall Plan
U s sJL w UUB WO_ b bUL

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t e b UUL b .uGL / n. Mughal

.Wu Wud
uU ,UUG w .bUL / n. mujahideen
.UMOF d w
s bM U .buL ,w / n. mulattos
.wId w Ze
dODF jOM WOKL .jOM / n. mummification
r UL .auO dLR / n. Munich Conference
b dU dK n b UI UOUuKuJOA s
. oMF s .rKL / n. Muslim
WLEM .WO WBF / n. Muslim League
Xd ,bMN sOLK `UB WUL 1906 U XQ
uM w Wud v wLM .UUuL / adj. Mutapa
.O dA fU dI w UUu UN UOId
w - bM VF .uOMOOL / n. Mycenaeans
.OL q 2000 wu UuO d w su
s WbOKI hB .Ud ,dOU_ / n. myths
rUF WFO dA vJ ,UD_ b_ WN

sOu UE .uOKU uU / n. Napoleonic Code
.Ud q s uOKU UN bu qU
fK .wMu fKL / n. National Assembly
de 16 w WU WID s u t wd
.wdH VFA rU U sOu s 1789
vK Q UL .WOMu ,WOuI / n. nationalism
uJ U{u ,aU WUI tuUA sc
.ud pKL r
s WKI WuL .WOuI Wb / n. nation-state
U .wK_ UL nK bUF WLEM / n. NATO
U WOdG U s dA tKJ wU dJ
.bM WOJd_ bL Uu 1949

lLL s WI .vDu WID / n. middle class

sOe UL U ,sOOd dN UL s nQ
w dH .wDOu dL / n. middle passage
WOdG bMN e v d_ uOId UN dC
lKC d UN_ r cN XOL - bOF uUO
.WO U s j_
UJ s UI WOKL .d / n. migration
.d UJ w UDO
uI rOEF WUO .UUdJF / n. militarism
W .WLU "mO" W / n. Ming dynasty
.1644 v 1368 U s sOB XLJ
UU qG VF ."uOuMOL" / n. Minoans
wu s Xd de vK U Wd WL
.OL q 1400 v 2000
UC v wLM .wOOOL / adj. Mississippian
U sO WOULA UJd w d w "bKO bUL"
.1500 800
q vK d ,UJM Wud w ."UO" / n. mita
U_ s UMOF b WbK qLF WOM u h
u ULO d UC ."guL" UC / n. Moche
.700 v 100 U wu s dO wULA qU
bQ WDK tO uJ rJ .WOJKL / n. monarchy
.b h
Ud s wM lL .WUL ,d / n. monastery
rNH c rNUJKL q s uUM )U uL(
U vK U WuL dDO .UJ / n. monopoly
.lK iF lu
.b tS UL .bOu / n. monotheism
W{UF WUO .du UO / n. Monroe Doctrine
UNMK ,WOMO UJd w w qb _ WOJd
.1823 U du fLO fOzd
UNU dOG VN U .WOLu U / n. monsoon
.WM s WMOF U w
bM U UJ .bL ,lU / n. mosque
.pdK WKU WOFD d / movable n. type



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s WK .du ULU / n. Nuremberg Trials

bF ,UOULQ du w d WOzUC U d
b{ rNLzd ,d sOuI rNd rNzb


wU wU wUd d .Z / n. obsidian
.U WK lMB vbI uOzb UM tKLF
wUO UEM .rbI UEM / n. Old Regime
u q Ud w bzU U c wUL
WDK tO uJ rJ .WOK_ rJ / n. oligarchy
tO uJ c rJ WU - UM s qOK b bQ
j w WdF UC b .pOL_ / n. Olmec
dOQ UN U OL q 1200 wu d UJd
.WIDML U q w UNK w UC vK
WUO .uHL U WUO / n. Open Door Policy
uJ YO 1899 U WOJd_ bL Uu UNd
.sOB l UK WU d b qJ
UOUDd sO e .uO_ d / n. Opium War
UOUDd U u 1842 v 1839 U s sOB
.sOB w uO
UuO UE b .wu WLE / n. oracle bone
.WN l UB
.K uK UOUH / n. Oslo Peace Accords
u fOz UN `M 1993 U d UH
e UD w wc rJ sOOMODKH sO wKOzd
G vK WI ._ WI / n. ozone layer
fLA WF s UMzUJ wL , vK_ u

.UN jOL TU w{ / n. Pacific Rim

uuL pK WU UN jOLU WDOL w{_

.UO w
d wuOU dBF / n. Paleolithic Age
v 2500000 wu s X aU q WKd .rbI
- WK UN UM qLF ,OL q 8000
.rbI d dBF UC vL

u ULO d UC .UUM UC / n. Nazca

OL q 200 wu s dO wuM qU uO
.O 600 v
ULF e WOUH UUO .WUM / n. Nazism
WuUb vK WOM ,wMu wd wUL_
vK Wb dDO d vK d uH UI
Wd .ue Wd / n. Negritude movement
W t .bb wJO / adj. neoclassical
s lO{u UJ vK wM( lz jO uKS
d w U w uMH n )WLbI U UuO
.1700 u_
Wb dB( wOuOM dBF / n. Neolithic Age
OL q 8000 wu b aU q d .)dC
rKF ,O 3000 wu XN oUML iF w
,UH lM ,Wd _ uKIB UN UM
.WOOuOM u / n. Neolithic Revolution
- We w qLF b s QA dA UO w UdOOG
uL U v WOzcG uL lL s UM u
fOzd ZUd .bb ZUd / n. New Deal
q rL UB XK sOKJd wJd_
.dOJ UJ s XL w qUAL
aU WKd .bb WJKLL / n. New Kingdom
.OL q 1075 v 1570 wu s X
r_ s ,Wu w .UUdOM / n. nirvana
.duM bF r c cF
u ULO U wId VF .uM / n. Nok
.OL q 200 500 sO UdOU
UN fO WuL s d .q - b / n. nomad
cG s U UJ v UJ s qIM ,rz su
.b b bUF / n. nonaggression pact
.d_ vK bu u bF b tO bNF UH
.UO b / n. nonaligned nations
.wOu U bL Uu

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d .de t d / n. Peninsular War

U dLL tO U ,1813 v 1800 s
WOdH uOKU uO d WOUDd u bUL
.UOU s
UB UM U .UL U / n. perestroika
`LO 1985 U nOAUu qOzUO Ub wOu
.l qJ vK WOK d US
d .wUH ZOK d / n. Persian Gulf War
uI bL r_ u t Xe 1991 U
s WKK .WOUH d / n. Persian Wars
UN XU OL q fU dI w d
.dH Wud WOUuO WMbL
rd WOM WOMI .uEML rd / n. perspective
`D vK UF_ WO u b YO UO_
uM dJ qOJA .WdJ WO / n. phalanx
. Ud sOK UA
UN dF U ,WLbI dB pK .ud / n. pharaoh
sdJH WuL s d .uKO / n. philosophe
.duM d UM Ud w
ub dJH .WHH / n. philosophers
WUMB qLF VF .uOIOMOH / n. Phoenicians
q 1100 wu UU b ,UO d uM w U
iO_ d WIDM u vK dLF f OL
U u UM s WuL .U / n. Pilgrims
s Ud fuAUU W w uLOK dLF 1620
.dKJ w wMb UND{
sOH WU s d .wUd wUF / n. plebeian
wDF dU XuB .U UH / n. plebiscite
.tC d vK WIuLK U W VFA WdH
bu ,WLbI UuO w .WMbL W / n. polis
q 750 U bF WLbI UuOK WOU_ WOUO

lM s wzU d .UUU UM / n. Panama Canal

tdH UN wK_ sODOL sO qB U
.1914 U ` UUU w bL Uu
dN U w uLM qu VB .d / n. papyrus
u tA U lMB UbI udBL tKLF qOM
s )u( sOKL WO .ULd / n. parliament
.Wb sOu
c rOIU e v rOI .rOI / n. partition
w v bMN w WOUDd dLFLK 1947 U qB
vd b WuL s d .u / n. pastoralist
.WMb UuO
d UM WKUF WUO .Wu_ / n. paternalism
ruDF rNUU uMR ,r uU u UL
WOMJ w wOz nI .ddD / n. patriarch
uJ wUL UE v wLM .u / adj. patriarchal
.WKzUF _ tO
s d ,WLbI U w .wU qO / n. patrician
wUL UE v wLM .Wu W / adj. patrilineal
._ v Wu uI VM tO uF
qHJ vd h .wd ,dONE / n. patron
nBM sO dH .UOuGM / n. Pax Mongolica
dI uGML UN d 1300 nBM v 1200
.UO s d_ e w UEM uUI
w U WKd .U / n. Pax Romana
OL q 27 s X ,WOUd Wud U q
.O 180 v
U WOUH .d / n. Peace of Augsburg
.UNU b WOUL W q bzU vK XB 1555
.WeOuuKO d / n. Peloponnesian War
UN Xe OL q 404 v 431 s X d
qd dLF .UIF dLF / n. penal colony
.s s b uuJL UNO
lL w .de t UJ / n. peninsulares
w b sc dLFL ,WOU dLFL



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Page 138

s WuL .dNDL - uOUuO / n. Puritans

dKJ w WOMb WIL s d bA UM
qz w fuUU ZOK w dLF u
.1600 u_
d .c - l qu / n. push-pull factors
w V )c qU( d lu v UM lb
qu( d WIDM v dN rUb UM d
WKOD bU t r{ UM .d / n. pyramid
sb dB w XOM w pK ,qJA WK Vu WF

w W .WLU "sO" W / n. Qin dynasty
w "u" W q XK dOG d XLJ sOB
.OL q YU dI
w WKU W d ."mMO" W / n. Qing dynasty
.1912 v 1644 U s XLJ ,sOB
VF bM t ."gd UF" / n. Quetzalcoatl
.UJd j w d uF pOu
vK uIFL uO s n ."uu" / n. quipu
.bIL sOLKL U .dI / n. Qur'an


s vK U d Q UI .WdBMF / n. racism
.d_ d_
nBM w .udDL - uOUJd / n. radicals
b sc udDL ,dA lU dI s _
.VFA q vK WOduLb dAM c dOOG
w WUD s u .wUF UA / n. radioactivity
.c qK dAM
X bMN UN uOUDd rJ d . / n. Raj
.1947 v 1857 s WM 90 wu
w lK WOL bb .b lu / n. rationing
w UUO WuJ tID dOb - UM UNdA sJL
.duL lK WOL iHM UbM d d
dA lU dI w WOM Wd .WOF / n. realism
fO w UL UO UN v uUd UJ vF
.uJ V UL
oOD ."lu WUO" .uI WUO / n. realpolitik


.wuOA e w WedL WMK / n. Politburo

.wOOu U w wuOA eK WLU WMK

.WOUO W{UF / n. political dissent
.WOUO lO{u u
.WN bF UL .tKU d / n. polytheism
.WOJOuUJ WOMJ fOz ,U nI .UU / n. pope
dOH vK u U .wM U / n. Popol Vuh
- WOUI quF .WOF WUI / n. popular culture
WOHK fJF w ....a ,U , vIOu ,W{U
t qH bO .uMN bM UA UdN / n. potlatch
dL uMN qzU iF bM U du dF
.WOdG WOULA qu uMJ sc
UI .bI UCI bOI / n. predestination
w uFA p w UL UHK T q dOB d tK Q
.b qJA cIM
WOUd WOM uC .wOA / n. Presbyterian
.fu u rOUF vK XQ )uN( uO Udb
wUO e .wUL u e / n. PRI
.pOJL w wOzd
WdEM w ,ULF WI .UUOd / n. proletariat
.UO w rJ uLK
U qJA - UA uL .UA / n. proliferation
XuU UNJKL w b v WuM WK_ UA
dAM u UuKF .WUb / n. propaganda
WOC w b U_ v U WOC lb
WOO WOM uC .wUd / n. Protestant
.wMb U vK XQ
UL .WR WuJ / n. provisional government
.WLz WuJ qOJA r
uK qIF W .fHM rK / n. psychology
wUL tA U UNO d ."uKu" / n. pueblos
r UU_ VF UUM ,d sOD s WOM dOJ
.wJd_ wdG uM v bF ULO U w uFA
WuL .WUd d / n. Punic Wars
)OL q 146 - 264( WUd U sO d
d d vK U dDO WUd dOb XN
.juL iO_

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Wud w od .wJKL odD / n. Royal Road

w Uu s qO 1600 s d vK b dH
.u{U_ w fU v U
WOKL .WOd WUI d / n. Russification
w WOdF UuLL q vK WOd WUI d
.WOd Wud
- WOd d / n. Russo-Japanese War
QA UUO UO sO 1905 - 1904 U e .WOUUO
.Uu UuAM vK dDOU sbK uN s

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

UH b .bIL UdI / n. sacrament
.UM v tK WL t qIM WOOL
WLKL WFOA W s d .wzUHB / n. Safavid
U sOdI UM U w Wud XM
.dA sU dA
vK bL w WOId WIDML .qU / n. Sahel
.dBK WOuM b u
sOUMH U_ UL .w_ uUB / n. salon
.dJH duM d d WO b fU w
.WOOd WK_ s b UU / n. SALT
UNuL o ,1970 u_ UUL WKK
s b vK wOOu U bL Uu wOz
.WuM WK_ s rN e
b{ WOLK dUE .`KL dO / n. Salt March
bMu UN U 1930 U bMN w `KL sOu
d UU O 240 b dO w tU bU
.d UO dO od s `KL uFM YO
sOdL sOUL b .uU / n. samurai
WdD WuL .ud / n. sans-culottes
U bL qb s WOdH u U
w u uB uU sOOU dOGB L
.cG w hIMK b l{ ,UF_ iOH ,WuJ
UFUI b w rU .UdL / n. satrap
.UA_U uJ jM qN .UUU / n. savanna
dJ jD ."sHOK" WD / n. Schlieffen Plan
tuL eN ,v_ WOLUF d uA UM wUL
rN dA u t r Wd Ud WOUL_ uI
.UO vK

W UB w u .UB u / n. recession
UI uN .O U / n. Reconquista
s X ,UOU s sOLKL d sOOOL
.1492 v 1100 u_
UOAOKO b .dL_ d / n. Red Guards
b vK 1966 U sOOMO U s XKJA
.WOUI WOUL u mu wU
dI w XU Wd . Wd / n. Reformation
fzUM Ud vK XQ wMb dA U
bK v qIM bK d h .T / n. refugee
.U_ s U d
nBM sO dH .U bN / n. Reign of Terror
UdI Ud dOO UN rJ 1794 nBM 1793
sOMu WOUO UOBA s u b bL
Wu WbMN WUb w .hLI / n. reincarnation
.ULJ v qB v WOU d bb s d bu
o d .wM `U / n. religious toleration
aU s WKd .WCNM dB / n. Renaissance
UN 1600 v 1300 wu s X w_
.rUF v dEM rOKF sH w bL bOF
WDK tO uJ rJ UE .WuL / n. republic
U UNO rJ d .bb bN / n. Restoration
.qud dHO uJ uI bF dKJ wU
UNCF l UO lL .bOu U / n. reunification
.1990 U WOdG UMUL
w WdJ WOM Wd .WOUd / n. romanticism
WFOD dUAL vK e ,dA lU dI qz
.lLL qIF s d
bL oK .XK W / n. Roosevelt Corollary
d 1904 U XK uO fOzd b "du"
" UL w o bL UuK t
.wdG WO{_ dJ nB U q w "wdA
b sOu ."" sOu / n. Rowlatt Acts
s bMN w WOUDd WuJK XL 1919 U





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Page 140

wK Q d bIF s d .WFOA / n. Shi'a

.sOOdA bL wM UHK r tU
.UUO w wK_ sb .uMA / n. Shinto
.rUF db t bIF wbM t .UHO / n. Shiva
ZUd .WbBU / n. "shock therapy"
u_ w UO w sOK fu tI UB
UB v dOL UB s U qu tu ,1990
.d u
bzU ,WOUD UUO w .su / n. shogun
.ud rS rJ vK dJ
WHOM dO WOM WuL s d .aO / n. Sikh
WObM Wu U s Ze s U UNbIF
WLb qu d UE .dd d / n. Silk Roads
.d lK dd U tOK qL ,UO j d
w U VBM d lO .WOuLO / n. simony
t dJ vK uI WHK .WOuJA / n. skepticism
.bO qJA T WdF sJL
.d lD W / n. slash-and-burn farming
lDI p rNuI ueL UNO nEM W WId
bOL ZUM Ud uI .UNd UA_ U_
u_ d UL UU UJ .uO / n. Slavs
.uO WOdA U UJ s dO b r
w WOUH .wUL bN / n. social contract
pc sOHR ,WdH rNuI UN s VFA b
oOD .WOUL WOb / n. Social Darwinism
w "u UI" uD WdE u UJ
pKL UB UE .WOd / n. socialism
.lOL WOUd .U qu tO VFA
` UOuu w wUL e .sUC / n. Solidarity
wuOA rJK WOOz W{UF u 1980 u_
.UOuu w
w Wud .UGu Wud / n. Songhai
u_ s U vK dDO wU e UOId d
.1591 v 1400
WOKL uM fU b .XOOu / n. soviet
.wU uJO dBOI uI bF UO w XKJA


ULKF .uOuJ WHH / n. scholastics

uBF w WO_ UFUU u uFL sc
WOIDM WOKL .WOLK WId / n. scientific method
dO dOOG .WOLKF u / n. Scientific Revolution
,1500 u_ nBM s b ,w_ dOJH w
_ WUO / n. scorched-earth policy
wuL q UeL d WOKL .WdL
gOF s bF sJL w d d UM sb
._ UM s
w sOdL wb b .aUM/ n. scribe
.WO_ UC d
WOFL s UOL VM .VM / v. secede
s d WuOb u_U rN .uO / adj. secular
wuU eOOL .dBM eOOL / n. segregation
.WHK d s U_ wUL
VFA Wd .dOBL ddI / n. self-determination
.t uAOF bd c rJ u ddI
v dU WOd WuL .sOOuK / n. Seljuks
X dUF dI w WOUF Wud
.dA U dI w WU Wud
WON ,WLbI U w .uOA fK / n. senate
UO X rJ bM bM .wU / n. sepoy
t U dL .sOOU u / n. Sepoy Mutiny
sOOUDd b{ 1857 U sOLKL bMN uM
.bMN w
eK vDu uBF ._ b / n. serf
.bO We w gOF UOuU
w e .WF sOM d / n. Seven Years' War
,1763 v 1756 s bMN WOULA UJd U
.d u WOd WOdH
.d w u pK .UA / n. shah
UO tu sOu WuL .WFdA / n. shari'a

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w dL .mMOU dL / n. Taiping Rebellion
W b{ uuO mu U dA lU dI nBM
.sOB w WLU mMO
bMNU d w WKOL dI .q U / n. Taj Mahal
.q UL te UU U uGL ud UUM
WEU WO WuL .UU / n. Taliban
uI U bF UUG w rJ vK Xu
w WDK s WOJd_ uI rN ,UNM WOd
.rN tA sOOU rNzu V ,2001 dL
vK UC oKD ,bMN uM WG .qOU / n. Tamil
.WGK c rKJ w uFA r
_ dD .UOuuMJ / n. technology
bNF .fM VFK r / n. Tennis Court Oath
1789 U WOMu Ud WOFL UC c c
s uNM v ULU dL vK t uL
.bb u WUO
u w We w bb qJ .WDB / n. terrace
._ qP nOH UL u vK
bbN uI b .U / n. terrorism
.rNUO dOG w UuJ UM nu
v UNO dEM WuJ -1 .WOduO / n. theocracy
U Udb WuJ -2 .WbI u tQ rU
dJ .uD WdE / n. theory of evolution
UM UNu ,1859 U U UNd
UJ .WOM WdEM / n. theory of relativity
sO UJL Ue sO UF u sUAM d
e Wu WHzU .UdO WHzU / n. Theravada
. u Ub UB wUd UC vK
WOUL_ Wud .YU ad / n. Third Reich
.UMO w dK n UN WU
WuNL .WU WuNL / n. Third Republic
XN YU uOKU jI bF Ud w XKJA w
,U d UM .YU rUF / n. Third World
l bL Uu l nU r w WOUM b
.wOu U

- WOU d / n. Spanish-American War

U U UOU bL Uu sO e .WOJd_
s sOOuJ UHJ bL Uu bU V 1898
.I q
u w UNL uD .hB / n. specialization
. sb UU qLF s sOF
WIDM .uH WIDM / n. sphere of influence
.d WUB
UO u .WAOFL u / n. standard of living
UuL .W u / n. stateless societies
.Wed WuJ q s WuJ UNu s U{u
uJ WU t uN .uN / n. steppes
qLF dO qLF id .dC / v. strike
u wM W qJ vK d UM .WD / n. stupa
.bI u d
WF WFD .UI t / n. subcontinent
.U s `{ e qJA
lM s wzU d .fu UM / n. Suez Canal
dU dL_ d qB ,1869 U ` U
.juL iO_
.U o .XuB / n. suffrage
l dU UB WU vF rK .wu / n. Sufi
.WOMU WOu qzU s tK
VI ,oKD rU vK bO .UDK / n. sultan
WAOFLK w uL .WuM WM / n. Sunna
.bL wM rOUF UO vK wM
Q d bIF s d .WM q / n. Sunni
.bL wMK uOdA UHK r sO_ WF_ UHK
dI w XU WOM Wd .WOUd / n. surrealism
.w qIF UL vK e sdAF
uD .jI WUHJK uL / n. sustainable growth
WOdFU dQ uU q WG .wKOu / n. Swahili
.l qJA UOId j d UJ UNLKJ





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d U WJ .WKL U / n. triangular trade

dKJ UOId sO bOF lK qI UN r jOL
U w .vFA uI s lbL / n. tribune
.rNuI WUL WUF tM nu WLbI
v nOF{ h tFb mK .U ,We / n. tribute
.tM W ULC u h
- U -1 .w nK / n. Triple Alliance
fOQ v UL Uu uuJJ ,OuMO b
- UOUL sO dJ U -2 .pO Wud
w u_ UOUD ,dL - ULM Wud
.v_ WOLUF d XI
dJ U .w rUH / n. Triple Entente
XI w u_ UO Ud UOUDd sO
.v_ WOLUF d
,WLbI U w .W WuJ / n. triumvirate
.rJ U uUA U W s WuL
wu XU d .d d / n. Trojan War
uK UOI gO UN rU OL q 1200
.u{U_ w d WU d WMb sOOMOO
uBF s wIOu dU .Ud / n. troubadour
s tOUQ UM dDO d v UJ s qIM vDu
.gzU V
WOJd WUO .Ud bOI / n. Truman Doctrine
UN s Xb 1947 U Ud U fOzd UNMK
b w d bK WdJ WUB bU
h ,WLbI UuO w .b ,WOU / n. tyrant
s tKD W - WMb WuJ vK dDO w ` u
.bU dIH

Wud XLJ W .uu_ / n. Umayyads
WJKL bF ULO X 750 v 661 U s WO
.fb_ w
UHK XKJA UL WOFL .WUI ,U / n. union
.vK V qC qL d q s
WO WLEM .bL r_ / n. United Nations
w s_ oOI 1945 U XQ kH
/ n. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
r_ tb UO .U uI wLUF
o rN dA q t s XMK 1948 U bL
.s_ Wd UOU

d .UU sO d / n. Thirty Years' War

sO WDK q s ,w{_ sb u w
.1648 v 1618 s WLU zUF
w W uI UE / n. three-field system
,vDu uBF w U w uD W UE .We
WU uI W v WOe w{_ XL YO
Wu UeL wUU b q X WUL
. d vI r WOFO Ue
WU WU .sLUUO WU / n. Tiananmen Square
W{UH lu ,1989 U w ,sOBU sOJ w WL{
.WOduLb U bOQ XU w WOD
UNK s WKG dAF WKzUF l .dAF l / n. tithe
- Uuu W / n. Tokugawa Shogunate
.1867 v 1603 s
qO s qz_ V fL .u / n. Torah
.WuNO rOUF w WOb UUJ d - wdF
WuJ dDO .Wb / n. totalitarianism
.WU WUF UO dUE s dNE q vK
b tO uI d .WOK d / n. total war
.wd uNLK Uu q fdJ WUML
d WOFO UJ UuO .ruD / n. totems
s d UuL dzUAF bu ud qLF
sO Wu UF .UU WK / n. tournament
.Ud UuL
Ub s b qJ .UQ ,UbOd / n. tragedy
.WKO WOB qD uI w Y
WOUH .UUU bUF / n. Treaty of Kanagawa
X ,UUO bL Uu sO 1854 U XL
.Ou bUF / n. Treaty of Tordesillas
w wL j d UNUA r w bb w{_
bb w{_ UOU WFU uJ wK_ jOL
.UGd l j c d UNUA r w
bUF .Ud bUF / n. Treaty of Versailles
d s u .UM d / n. trench warfare
.WdFL qI w

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d / n. War of the Spanish Succession
,1713 v 1703 s d .UOU w W
dDO s "uu" WKzU lML WO t XKU
.Ud UOU vK
qJA dJ U .u nK / n. Warsaw Pact
U s WF wOOu U sO 1955 U
w WuJ ."ULO" WuJ / n. Weimar Republic
.1933 U XN 1919 U UOUL w XQ
d w .WOdG WN / n. Western Front
.WedL uI l UHK
UO jL U .VdG / n. westernization
.WOJd_ WO_ b WU

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

wMO UI .mU sO Uu / n. yin and yang
dcL UHB mU u qL ,WRL UHB sO u
.)rUF w
UOId d w VF ."Uu" VF / n. Yoruba
UdOU sOMO rS dF UJKL b u

uM q UC .pOue UC / n. Zapotec
dF UU w ed pOJL
b s nR wd UM .uGe / n. ziggurat
.du bF s e U uH
u_ w XKJA Wd .WOuONB / n. Zionism
.sODK w uNOK bK fOQ eeF 1890

d / n. unrestricted submarine warfare

d UuG b .bOHL dO UuG
.bF UO w b )WKL dO sdUL
UM d bL uL .bL / n. urbanization
.WOJd_ WOMuL uU / n. U.S.A. Patriot Act
Wb uI r 2001 U b U b{ uU
d rNLU rN tA sOOU vK iI UI
d .WOJd_ WOK_ d / n. U.S. Civil War
u{u u WOuM WOULA WOJd_ Uu sO
.1865 v 1861 U s d
UNd WdE .WFHML WdE / n. utilitarianism
UUA UNu 1700 u_ d w UNM wLdO
b d_ lH d eF UbM jI bOH uJ WuJ
.UM s
u Uu UNH WOUO WMb .UOuu / n. Utopia
.wUL UJL UNQ "UOuu" tU w

,WOUD U w .wUD lU / n. vassal
uU t bNF qUI WFD bO tML h
.Ub rbI
WbI UUJ UuL l .bOH / n. Vedas
.bMN w rNUDO d qz w u UNb
UNLKJ w WOUF WGK .WUF WG / n. vernacular
UUB WuL .muJOO uU / n. Vietcong
UA fOzd WD .WLMOO / n. Vietnamization
hM ,UMOO d w wJd_ d UN uJO
UNb wb qJA WOJd_ uI U vK
kU bMN dF t ."uMAO "t / n. Vishnu
Wud WJKL w u fOz .d / n. vizier






6:58 PM

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Glos a se yon lis ki nan ld alfabetik ki genyen anpil nan tm enptan ki nan chapit
yo, ak tout definisyon yo. Definisyon ki liste nan Glos a se yo ki aplike pou jan mo
yo svi nan liv sa a. Glos a bay klasifikasyon chak mo. Abrevyasyon sila yo itilize:


Abbasids / Abasid n. yon dinasti ki te dirije pi f
nan anpi mizilman an de 750 a 1258 apre Jezikri.
Aborigine / Aborijin n. yon manm nan nenpt ki
pp natif Ostrali.
absolute monarch / monak absoli n. yon wa
oubyen yon rn ki gen pouvwa san limit e ki ap chche
kontwole tout asp nan sosyete a.
acropolis / akwopolis n. yon som ftifye nan
yon ansyen vil grk.
Aksum / Aksm n. yon wayom afriken, ki kote
Etyopi ak Eritrea ye kounyela a e ki te rive nan tt
pouvwa li nan katriym syk apre Jezikri.
al-Andalus / al-Andalis n. yon rejyon dirije pa
Mizilman kote Lespay ye kounyela a, e ki te etabli nan
witym syk apre Jezikri.
Allah / Ala n. Bondye (yon mo arabik, itilize
prensipalman nan Izlam).
Allies / Alye yo n. nan premye G Mondyal la,
nasyon Grann Bretay, Lafrans, ak Larisi, ak lt nasyon
tou ki te goumen sou b yo; epi tou, gwoup nasyon
ikonpri Grann Bretay, Linyon Sovyetik, ak Etazini ki te
kont pouvwa Aksis yo nan dezym G Mondyal la.
Almohads / Almowad n. yon gwoup refmis
izlamik ki te f koudeta sou dinasti Almoravid la e te
etabli yon anpi nan n Lafrik ak nan Lespay disid nan
12ym syk apre Jezikri.
Almoravids / Almoravid n. yon fratnite relijye
izlamik ki te etabli yon anpi nan n Lafrik ak Lespay
disid nan 11ym syk apre Jezikri.
Amritsar Massacre / Masak Amritsa n.
asasina pa twoup britanik yo de prske 400 Endyen ki te
rasanble nan Amritsa pou pwoteste Lwa Rowlatt yo.
Anabaptists / Anabatis n. pandan Refmasyon
an, yon gwoup pwotestan ki te kw nan batize slman
moun ki te vye granmoun ase pou deside pou yo Kretyen
e te kw nan separasyon legliz ak leta.
Anasazi / Anasazi n. youn nan premye pp
ameriken endyen ki te viv nan sidws ameriken an.
Anatolia / Anatoli n. penensil sidws Lazi ki
kounyela a okipe pa pati azyatik nan Latiki ki rele tou
Lazi Min.



n. = non

v. = vb

Angkor Wat / Angkor Wat n. yon konplks tanp

ki te konstwi sou anpi Khmer a e ki te konsakre a dye
Endou Vishnu an.
Anglican / Anglikan adj. ki gen pou w ak legliz
Anglet a.
animism / animis n. kwayans ke espri yo prezan
nan bt, plant, ak lt obj natirl.
annexation / anksyon n. aksyon ajoute yon
rejyon a teritwa yon inite politik ki egziste deja.
annul / anile v. dekmande oubyen mete fen a.
anti-Semitism / anti-semitis n. prejije kont
apartheid / segregasyon n. yon politik Afrik
disid ki mande separasyon de ras total, ikonpri
entdiksyon tout kontak sosyal ant nwa ak blan.
apostle / apot n. youn nan disip Jesikri yo ki te
preche e simaye ansyman ni yo.
appeasement / apzman n. f konsesyon ak yon
agres pou evite lag.
aqueduct / akedik n. yon kanalizasyon oubyen
yon kannal konstwi pou pote dlo nan zn peple.
aristocracy / aristokrasi n. yon gouvnman kote
pouvwa nan men yon klas oubyen nobls ki eritye li.
armistice / amistis n. yon ak pou sispann
artifact / obj fabrike n. yon obj ke imen f,
tankou zouti, zam oubyen yon pys bijou.
artisan / atizan n. yon travay ak konpetans, tankou
yon tisran oubyen yon potye, ki f machandiz ak men ni.
Aryans / Aryen n. 1. yon pp endo-ewopeyen ki,
ozalantou 1500 avan Jezikri, te kmanse emigre nan
soukontinan endyen an. 2. pou Natzi yo, pp jmanik ki
te fme yon ras sipery.
assembly line / chenn montaj n. nan yon
faktori, yon aranjman kote yon pwodwi deplase de
travay a travay, ak chak moun ki ap f yon sl travay
nan fabrikasyon ni.
assimilation / asimilasyon n. 1. adopsyon kilti
yon konkeran pa pp konki a. 2. yon politik kote yon
nasyon fse oubyen ankouraje yon pp soumi a adopte
etablisman ak koutim ni.
Assyria / Asyri n. yon wayom sidws azyatik ki te
kontwole yon gwo anpi de apepr 850 a 612 avan

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adj. = adjektif


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Atlantic Charter / Ak Atlantik n. yon

deklarasyon prensip pibliye an out 1941 pa premye
minis britanik Winston Churchill ak prezidan Etazini
Franklin Roosevelt, ki te svi km baz pou plan lap
Alye a nan fen dezym G Mondyal.
Atlantic slave trade / koms atlantik
esklav n. acha, transp ak vant afriken pou travay nan
Lamerik yo.
autocracy / otokrasi n. yon gouvnman kote
dirijan an gen pouvwa san limit e itilize li yon fason
Axis Powers / Pouvwa Aksis n. nan dezym
G Mondyal la, nasyon Almay, Itali, ak Japon, ki te
fme yon alyans an 1936.
ayllu / ayilou n. nan sosyete enka, yon ti kominote
oubyen klan kote manm yo travay ansanm pou byennt

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balance of power / balans pouvwa n. yon
sitiyasyon politik kote okenn nasyon gen ase pouvwa
pou poze yon menas a lt yo.
Balkans / Balkan n. rejyon sids Lewp ki okipe
kounyela a pa Lagrs, Albani, Boulgari, Woumani, pati
ewopeyen Latiki, ak ansyen repiblik Yougoslavi.
Bantu-speaking peoples / pp ki pale
Bantu n. moun ki pale menm gwoup lang ki, nan
kmansan prske 2.000 ane de sa, te emigre de Lafrik
delws pou etabli nan majorite pati sid Lafrik.
baroque / bawk adj. ki gen rap ak yon gran
estil ak dek, ki te karakterize penti, mizik ak achitekti
ewopeyen nan ane 1600 ak kmansman ane 1700 yo.
barter / echanj n. yon kalite koms kote moun f
echanj machandiz ak svis san yo pa itilize lajan.
Battle of Britain / Batay Bretay n. yon seri
batay ant lame nan l alman ak britanik, ki te ft anl
Bretay an 19401941.
Battle of Guadalcanal / Batay Guadalkanal
n. yon batay 19421943 pandan dezym G Mondyal,
kote twoup Alye yo te repouse fs japon yo de il
Pasifik Guadalkanal la.
Battle of Midway / Batay Midway n. yon
batay 1942 nan lanm ak nan l pandan dezym G
Mondyal la, kote fs ameriken yo te bat fs japon yo
nan Pasifik santral la.
Battle of Stalingrad / Batay Stalingrad n.
yon batay 19421943 pandan dezym G Mondyal la,
kote fs alman yo te pdi nan jef yo pou kaptire vil
Stalingrad nan Inyon Sovyetik la.
Battle of the Bulge / Batay Adn n. yon batay
19441945 kote fs Alye yo te repouse dnye gwo atak
Alman an pandan dezym G Mondyal la.

Battle of Trafalgar / Batay Trafalgar n. yon

batay naval 1805 kote fs Napoleon yo te pdi devan yon
flt britanik anba dirijans Horatio Nelson.
Benin / Benen n. yon wayom ki devlope toupre
bouch Flv Nij nan ane 1300 yo e te tounen yon gwo
eta Lafrik delws nan ane 1400 yo.
Beringia / Berenji n. yon ansyen pon ft ak t kote
yo kw ke premye ameriken yo te pase pou emigre de
Lazi a Lamerik yo.
Berlin Conference of 188485 / Konferans
Blen 188485 n. yon reyinyon kote reprezantan
nasyon ewopeyn yo te dak sou rgleman pou
kolonizasyon Lafrik pa Ewopeyen.
Bill of Rights / Deklarasyon Dwa Delm n.
dis premye amannman nan Konstitisyon Etazini an, ki
pwoteje dwa ak libte fondamantal sitwayen.
bishop / evk n. yon ofisye kretyen ki wo plase e ki
sipvize plizy legliz lokal.
blitzkrieg / blitzkrieg n. g zklyon kalite
batay kote atak masiv ak fs enfantri swiv atak sipriz ak
avyon rapid.
blockade / blokay n. l fs ame oubyen navi itilize
pou anpeche transp machandiz rantre oubyen soti nan
yon vil oubyen yon rejyon.
Boer / bow n. yon kolon oland nan Lafrik disid.
Boer War / G Bow n. yon konfli, ki te dire de
1899 a 1902, kote Bow ak Britanik yo te goumen pou
kontwl teritwa Lafrik disid.
Bolsheviks / bolchevik yo n. yon gwoup ris
maksis revolisyon ki te pran kontwl gouvnman Larisi
an novanm 1917.
Boxer Rebellion / Rebelyon Boks n. an 1900,
revlt nan Lachin, ki te genyen km objektif pou li
sispann enfliyans etranje nan peyi a.
boyars / boya n. nb ki pwopriyet t nan Larisi.
Brahma / Brama n. yon dye endou ki konsidere
km kreyat lemonn.
Brahmin / Bramin n. nan sosyete aryen, yon manm
klas sosyal ki konsiste de prt.
brinsksmanship / estrateji nan direksyon
tchouboum n. yon politik f menas f lag pou
reponn a agresyon nenpt enmi.
Bronze Age / Epk Bwonz n. yon peryd nan
listwa imanite, ki te kmanse anviwon nan 3.000 avan
Jezikri nan sten zn, kote moun te kmanse itilize
bwonz, olyede kwiv oubyen wch, pou fabrike zouti
ak zam.
bubonic plague / ps bibonik n. yon maladi
mtl ki te pwopaje atrav Lazi ak Lewp nan mitan
14ym syk, ki te touye milyon moun.
bureaucracy / biwokrasi n. yon sistm depatman
ak ajans fme pou antreprann travay gouvnman an.




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burgher / bg n. yon abitan medyeval nan yon vil.

Bushido / Boushido n. kd estrik pou konptman
ke gerye samuray swiv nan Japon.


cabinet / kabin n. yon gwoup konseye oubyen
minis ki chwazi pa chf yon peyi pou ede pran desizyon
caliph / kalif n. yon chf siprm politik ak relijye
nan yon gouvnman mizilman.
calligraphy / kaligrafi n. la bl ekriti.
Calvinism / Kalvinis n. yon seri ansyman relijye
baze sou ide refmis John Calvin.
Camp David Accords / Ak Kan David n.
premye ak siyen ant Izrayl ak yon peyi arab, kote
prezidan ejipsyen Anwar Sadat te rekont Izrayl tankou
yon eta legal e premye minis izrayelyen Manchem Begin
te dak pou remt penensil Sinay la bay Lejip.
canon law / lwa kanonik n. seri lwa ki gouvne
pratik relijye nan yon legliz kretyen.
capitalism / kapitalis n. yon sistm ekonomik
baze sou pwopriyete prive ak sou envestisman lajan nan
antrepriz biznis pou f yon pwofi.
Carolingian dynasty / dinasti Kawolingyen
n. yon dinasti dirijan franch ki te dire de 751 a 987 apre
caste / kas n. youn nan kat klas moun nan sistm sosyal
aryen yo ki te etabli nan Lend prt, gerye, peyizan
oubyen komsan, ak travay oubyen atizan non-aryen.
Catholic Reformation / Refm katolik n.
yon mouvman 16ym syk kote Legliz Katolik te chche
f chanjman nan repons a Refm pwotestan an.
caudillo / kdiyo n. yon diktat milit nan yon
peyi Lamerik latin.
centralized government / gouvnman
santralize n. yon gouvnman ki gen pouvwa li
konsantre nan yon otorite santral kote gouvnman lokal
yo soumt a li.
Central Powers / Pouvwa santral n. pandan
dezym G Mondyal la, nasyon Almay ak Otrich-Ongri,
ak lt nasyon ki te goumen sou b yo.
Chaldeans / Chaldeyen n. yon pp sidws Lazi
ki te ede detwi anpi asiryen an.
Chartist movement / Mouvman chatis n.
nan 19ym syk nan Bretay, manm yon klas ouvriy ki
te egzije refm nan Paleman ak nan eleksyon, ikonpri
sifraj pou tout m.
Chavn / Chavin n. premye gran sivilizasyon
Lamerik disid, ki te devlope nan mn kote ki Pewou
kounyela a de apepr 900 a 200 avan Jezikri.


checks and balances / tchk ak balans n.

yon seri mezi ki deziyen pou anpeche yon branch nan
gouvnman an domine lt yo.
chivalry / chivalri n. yon kd konptman pou
chevalye nan Lewp medyeval, ki te aksantye ideyal
tankou kouraj, lwayote, ak devosyon.
CIS / KEE n. Kominote Eta Endepandan yo yon
asosyasyon detache de ansyen repiblik sovyetik ki te
fme apre disolisyon Inyon Sovyetik la.
city-state / vil-eta n. yon vil ak t ozalantou li ki
fonksyone tankou yon inite politik endepandan.
civilization / sivilizasyon n. yon kalite kilti ki
gen karakteristik vil, travay espesyalize, etablisman
konplks, sistm pou kenbe dosye ak teknoloji avanse.
civil service / svis sivil n. depatman
administratif yon gouvnman espesyalman sa ki
gen anplwaye ke yo angaje selon nt egzamen yo.
civil war / g sivil n. yon konfli ant de gwoup
politik nan yon menm peyi.
clan / klan n. yon gwoup moun ki se desandan yon
zanst komen.
classical art / la klasik n. la ansyen Grs ak
Wm, kote yo te aksantye sou amoni, ld, ak balans
clergy / klje n. yon ganis fonksyon ki te f svis
relijye tankou prt, past, oubyen raben.
cloning / klonin n. kreyasyon plant oubyen bt ki
jenetikman idantik a yon plant oubyen yon bt ki deja
coalition government / gouvnman
kowalisyon n. yon gouvnman kontwole pa yon
alyans tanpor de plizy pati politik.
codex / kodks n. yon liv ak paj ki ka vire, tankou
liv wap li kounyela a.
Cold War / G Frt n. kondisyon ostilite
diplomatik ant Etazini ak Inyon Sovyetik nan deseni
apre dezym G Mondyal la.
collective bargaining / negosyasyon
kolektif n. negosyasyon ant travay ak patwon yo.
collective farm / fm kolektif n. yon gwo fm
kontwole pa gouvnman fme pa konbinezon plizy ti
fm ansanm.
colony / koloni n. yon t kontwole pa yon nasyon
ki lwen.
Colossus of Rhodes / Kols Rhodes n. yon
estati elenistik enm ki te kanpe anvan toupre p Rhodes
Columbian Exchange / Echanj kolonbyen n.
transf global plant, zannimo ak maladi ki te ft pandan
kolonizasyon Lamerik yo pa Ewopeyen.
comedy / komedi n. yon kalite dram komik ki tr
souvan enkli anpil fas ak sati.

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command economy / ekonomi kmann n.

yon sistm ekonomik kote gouvnman an pran tout
desizyon ekonomik yo.
Commercial Revolution / Revolisyon
komsyal n. ekspansyon koms ak biznis ki
transfme ekonomi ewopeyen yo pandan 16ym ak
17ym syk yo.
common law / lwa ki baze sou lakoutim
n. yon seri lwa inifye fme apatide desizyon jij wayal
Anglet ki svi tankou baz pou lalwa nan plizy peyi
kote yo pale angle jodiya, ikonpri Etazini.
commune / komin n. nan Lachin kominis, yon
fm kolektif kote yon gran nonm moun travay ak viv
Communist Party / Pati kominis n. yon pati
politik ki pratike ide Karl Marx ak V.I. Lenin;
inisyalman Pati Bolshevik Ris.
communism / kominis n. yon sistm ekonomik
kote tout mwayen pwodiksyon yo t, min, faktori,
chemennf, ak biznis se pwopriyete pp la,
pwopriyete prive pa egziste, e tout machandiz ak svis
pataje egalman.
Concert of Europe / Kons Lewp n. yon seri
alyans ant nasyon ewopeyen nan 19ym syk, devlope
pa Prens Klemens von Metternich pou anpeche
deklanchman revolisyon.
concordat / konkda n. yon ak ofisyl
patikilyman youn ant pap la ak gouvnman an, ki
konsne kontwl zaf legliz.
Congress of Vienna / Kongr Vyn n. yon
seri reyinyon an 18141815, kote dirijan ewopeyen yo te
chche etabli lap ak sekirite pmanan apre deft
Congress Party / Pati kongr n. yon pati
politik nasyonal enptan an Nend ki rele Kongr
Nasyonal Endyen tou.
conquistadors / konkistad n. solda panyl yo,
eksporat, ak chas ftin ki te patisipe nan konkt
Lamerik yo nan 16ym syk la.
conservatives / konsvat n. pandan premye
mwatye 19ym syk la, ewopeyen sitou pwopriyet t
ak nb rich ki te vle prezve monachi tradisyonl
Lewp yo.
constitutional monarchy / monachi
konstitisyonl n. yon sistm gouvne kote pouvwa
chf la limite pa lalwa.
consul / konsil n. nan repiblik women an, youn nan
de reprezantan pwisan eli chak ane pou kmande lame ak.
containment / frenay n. yon politik etranje
Etazini adopte pa prezidan Harry Truman nan fen ane
1940 yo, kote Etazini te eseye bloke dispsyon kominis
ak kreyasyon alyans e eseye ede peyi fb reziste avans
sovyetik yo.

Continental System / Sistm kontinantal

n. politik Napoleon pou anpeche koms ant Grann
Bretay ak Lewp kontinantal, ki te gen km objektif pou
li detwi ekonomi Grann Bretay la.
corporation / kporasyon n. yon biznis ki se
pwopriyete aksyon ki pataje pwofi m ki pa responsab
psonlman pou dt li yo.
Council of Trent / Konsy Trent n. yon
reyinyon ant dirijan Katolik yo, ganize pa Pap Paul III
pou pran desizyon sou doktrin kritike pa refmis
pwotestan yo.
coup dtat / koudeta n. yon kapti souden
pouvwa politik nan yon nasyon.
covenant / angajman n. yon pwoms mityl oswa
yon ak espesyalman yon ak ant Bondye ak pp
ebre a dapre ekriti nan Labib.
creoles / kreyol n. nan sosyete kolonyal panyl,
kolon ki te ft nan Lamerik Latin de paran panyl.
Crimean War / G Krimeyn n. yon konfli ki
te dire de 1853 a 1856, kote anpi Otoman nan, ak d
Bretay ak Lafrans, te sispann ekspansyon ris nan rejyon
Lanm Nwa.
crop rotation / wotasyon rekt n. sistm
kiltive diferan kalite rekt sou yon chan chak ane pou
prezve ftilite t a.
Crusade / Kwazad n. youn nan ekspedisyon kote
gerye kretyen medyeval te chche repran kontwl T
Sent nan men Mizilman yo.
cultural diffusion / difizyon kiltirl n.
pwopagasyon ide oubyen pwodwi de yon kilti a yon lt.
Cultural Revolution / Revolisyon kiltirl n.
yon soulvman an 19661976 nan Lachin dirije pa Gad
Wouj yo, ki te gen objektif etabli yon sosyete peyizan ak
travay kote tout moun egal.
culture / kilti n. yon md devi inik yon pp, ki
reflete nan zouti, koutim, la, ak ide li.
cuneiform / kuneyifm n. yon sistm ekriti ak
senbl ki gen fm iregilye, envante pa Simeryen nan ane
3000 avan Jezikri yo.
cyberterrorism / teworis atrav sistm
enfmatik [sibteworis] n. atak politik sou
sistm enfmatik.
Cyrillic alphabet / Alfab sirilik n. yon alfab
pou ekriti lang slavik yo, envante nan nevym syk apre
Jezikri pa Sen Cyril ak Methodius.
czar / tza n. yon anpr ris (de tit Women Seza
[Caesar] a).

daimyo / daimyo n. yon chatlen feodal japon ki te
kmande yon ame samuray prive.


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Daoism / Dawoyis n. yon filozofi baze sou ide

pans chinwa Laozi, ki te anseye ke moun dwe swiv yon
fs inivsl ki rele Dao (Metd).
D-Day / Jou J n. 6 jen, 1944 jou Alye yo te anvayi
teritwa prensipal ewopeyen an pandan dezym G
Mondyal la.
Declaration of Independence / Deklarasyon
Endepandans n. yon dokiman ki bay rezon pou
separasyon koloni ameriken yo ak Bretay, apwouve pa
Dezym Kongr Kontinantal la an 1776.
delta / dlta n. yon rejyon ak marekaj fme pa depo
limon nan bouch yon rivy.
demilitarization / demilitarizasyon n. yon
rediksyon nan kapasite yon peyi pou f lag, ki rive apre
disolisyon fs ame li yo ak anpechman pou li resevwa zam.
democracy / demokrasi n. yon gouvnman ki
kontwole pa sitwayen ni yo, swa dirkteman, oubyen
atrav reprezantan.
democratization / demokratizasyon n.
pwosesis kreye yon gouvnman eli pa pp la.
Department of Homeland Security /
Depatman Sekirite Entery n. yon ajans federal
Etazini kreye nan ane 2002 pou kowdine jef nasyonal
kont teworis.
dtente / detant n. yon politik ke Etazini te adopte
pou diminye tansyon pandan G Frt la pandan
prezidans Richard Nixon.
developed nation / nasyon devlope n. yon
nasyon ak tout fasilite neses pou avansman nan
pwodiksyon machandiz fabrike.
devshirme / devshim n. nan anpi Otoman, politik
kote yo pran timoun de pp kretyen ke yo konkeri pou
antrene yo km solda mizilman.
Diaspora / Dyaspora n. dispsyon Jwif yo de t
natif yo nan Palestin patikilyman pandan peryd ki
te dire plis pase 1.800 ane ki te swiv destriksyon Tanp la
pa Women yo nan Jerizalm nan ane 70 apre Jezikri.
dictator / diktat n. nan peyi Wm nan tan lontan
yo, yon chf politik ki te resevwa pouvwa absoli pou f
lwa ak kmande lame pou yon tan limite.
direct democracy / democrasi dirk n. yon
gouvnman kote sitwayen yo dirije dirkteman olyede
atrav reprezantan.
dissident / disidan n. yon moun ki kont politik
oubyen aksyon yon gouvnman.
divine right / dwa diven n. ide ke monak yo se
reprezantan sou lat Bondye e als dwe reponn slman a
domestication / domestikasyon n. aksyon
aprivwaze zannimo pou pou imen ka svi ak yo.



dominion / dominyon n. nan anpi britanik la, yon

nasyon (tankou Kanada) ki gen dwa gouvne pwp zaf
domestik li.
domino theory / teyori domino n. lide ke si
yon peyi tonbe sou kontwl kominis, peyi tou pre li yo
ap tonbe sou kontwl kominis tou.
Dorians / Doryan n. yon pp ki pale grk ki dapr
tradisyon, emigre nan t prensipal Lagrs apre
destriksyon sivilizasyon Misenayen an.
Dreyfus affair / Af Dreyfus n. yon konfli
nan Lafrans nan ane 1890 yo ki te baze sou jijman ak
anprizonman yon ofisye ame jwif, Kapitn Alfred
Dreyfus, ki te fosman akize de vann sekr milit bay
Dutch East India Company / Konpayi
Oland Lend dels n. yon konpayi fonde pa
Oland yo nan kmansman 17ym syk pou etabli ak
dirije koms atrav Lazi.
dynastic cycle / sik dinastik n. modl istorik
devlopman, deklen, ak ranplasman dinasti yo.
dynasty / dinasti n. yon seri dirijan ki soti nan yon
sl fanmi.

Eastern Front / Fasad s n. pandan premye G
Mondyal la, rejyon ki te chita sou fwonty alman-ris
kote Ris ak Sb yo te goumen kont Alman, Otrichyen,
ak Tik yo.
Edict of Nantes / Dekr Nant n. yon
deklarasyon ane 1598 kote wa frans a Henry IV te
pwomt ke pwotestan yo te kapab viv an p nan Lafrans
e te kapab etabli lokal pou priye nan sten vil frans.
Emancipation Proclamation /
Pwoklamasyon delivrans n. yon deklarasyon
prezidan Etazini, Abraham Lincoln te pase an 1863, ki te
deklare ke tout esklav nan Eta Konfedere yo te lib.
emerging nation / nasyon an devlopman n.
yon nasyon kote pwosesis endistriyalizasyon an poko fin
migrs / emigre n. moun ki kite peyi natif yo
pou rezon politik, tankou nb yo ak lt ki te kouri kite
Lafrans pandan soulvman peyizan yo nan Revolisyon
frans a.
empire / anpi n. yon inite politik kote yon sten
nonm moun oubyen peyi kontwole pa yon sl dirijan.
enclosure / kloti n. youn nan chan ki gen kloti
oubyen fmen ak bary ke pwopriyet rich t britanik te
envante e mete sou t kote fmye zn yo te konn travay.
encomienda / enkomyennda n. yon sibvansyon
t ke Lespay te bay kolon Lamerik yo, ki te enkli dwa
pou itilize ameriken natif yo km travay sou t sa a.

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English Civil War / G sivil angl n. yon

konfli, ki te dire de 1642 a 1649, kote patizan Piriten
Paleman yo te goumen ak patizan monachi Anglet a.
enlightened despot / despt eklere n. youn
nan monak ewopeyen 18ym syk ki te enspire pa ide
Eklsisman yo pou dirije ontman ak respekte dwa sij yo.
enlightenment / eklsisman n. nan relijyon
Boudis, yon kondisyon sajs konpl kote yon moun
konprann verite prensipal sou iniv a.
Enlightenment / Eklsisman n. mouvman
ewopeyen nan 18ym syk l filozf te eseye aplike
prensip sou larezon ak metd syantifik sou tout asp
sosyete a.
entrepreneur / antrepren n. yon moun ki
ganize, jere, e pran ris nan biznis.
epics / epik n. powm resite ki long e ki selebre
aksyon ewo lejand oubyen tradisyonl.
estate / domn n. youn nan twa klas sosyal nan peyi
Lafrans avan Revolisyon Frans a Premye Domn nan
te genyen klje; Dezym Domn nan, nobls, e Twazym
Domn nan te genyen rs popilasyon an.
Estates-General / Domn Jeneral n. yon
asanble ak reprezantan de touletwa domn yo, oubyen
klas sosyal, nan peyi Lafrans.
ethnic cleansing / netwayaj etnik n. yon
politik touye ak lt zak brital kote Sb yo te espere
elimine popilasyon mizilman Bosni an apre disolisyon
excommunication / ekskominikasyon n.
aksyon retire dwa yon moun pou li vin manm nan yon
legliz kretyen.
existentialism / egzistansyalis n. yon filozofi
baze you lide ke moun bay vi yo enptans selon chwa ak
aksyon yo.
extraterritorial rights / dwa andey teritwa
n. yon egzonerasyon rezidan etranje de lwa yon peyi.

factors of production / fakt pwodiksyon
n. resous tankou t, travay, ak kapital ki neses
pou pwodwi machandiz ak svis.
factory / faktori n. yon batiman byen gran kote yo
itilize machin pou fabrike machandiz.
fascism / fasis n. yon mouvman politik ki
ankouraje yon fm nasyonalis ekstrm, yon refi de
dwa endividyl, e yon rg otorit yon pati.
Fatimid / Fatimid n. yon manm yon dinasti
mizilman ki trase zanst li jiska pitit fi Muhammad ki te
rele Fatima e ki te konstwi yon anpi nan Lafrik din,
Arabi, ak Siri nan 10ym ak 12ym syk yo.

favorable balance of trade / ekilib

komsyal favorab n. yon sitiyasyon ekonomik
kote yon peyi vann plis machandiz aletranje ke li achte
de peyi etranje.
federal system / sistm federal n. yon sistm
gouvnman kote pouvwa a divize ant yon otorite santral
ak yon nonm eta endividyl.
Fertile Crescent / Kwasan Ftil n. yon chan ki
rich ak rekt nan sidws Lazi, ant Glf Psik ak Lanm
Mediterane an.
feudalism / feodalis n. yon sistm politik kote
nb yo gen dwa svi ak t ki legalman se pwopriyete wa
yo, annechanj pou fidelite, svis milit, ak pwoteksyon
abitan ki viv sou t a.
fief / fif n. yon abitasyon ke yon chatlen bay yon
vasal nan sistm feodal la nan Lewp medyeval.
filial piety / devosyon filyal n. resp ke timoun
akde paran ak moun ki pi gran pase yo.
Final Solution / Solisyon final n. pwogram
Hitl pou otomatikman touye tout pp jwif la.
Five-Year Plans / Plan Senkan n. plan ke
Joseph Stalin te etabli an 1928 pou devlopman ekonomi
Inyon Sovyetik la.
Four Modernizations / Kat Modnizasyon
n. yon seri objektif ke chf chinwa Deng Xiaoping te
adopte nan fen 20ym syk la, ki te konsiste de progr
nan agrikilti, endistri, defans, ak lasyans ak teknoloji.
Fourteen Points / Katz pwen n. yon seri
pwopozisyon kote prezidan Etazini an Woodrow Wilson
te rezime yon plan pou rive genyen lap toutan apre
premye G Mondyal la.
Franks / Franks n. yon pp jmanik ki te etably nan
pwovens women Gaul (preske zn ki kounyela okipe pa
Lafrans) e te etabli yon gran anpi pandan aj mwayen yo.
free trade / koms lib n. yon koms ant nasyon
san restriksyon ekonomik oubyen bary (tankou tarif).
French and Indian War / G frans ak
endyen n. yon konfli ant Bretay ak Lafrans pou
kontwl teritwa Lamerik din, ki te dire de 1754 a 1763.

gender inequality / inegalite seksyl n.
diferans ant gason ak fi depandan de richs ak pozisyon
nan sosyete a.
genetic engineering / manipilasyon jenetik
n. transf jn de yon t vivan a yon lt pou pwodwi yon
ganis ak nouvo tr.
genocide / jenosid n. asasina otomatik de tout yon



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gentry / moun wot sosyete n. yon klas moun

pwisan, ki ap viv byen e ki ap jwi yon gwo pozisyon nan
sosyete a.
geocentric theory / teyori jeosantrik n. nan
Aj Mwayen yo, opinyon ki santre sou t a sou liniv a
kote filozf te kw ke lat a te yon obj ki pa bouje e ki
sitiye nan sant iniv a.
geopolitics / jeopolitik n. yon politik etranj
baze sou yon konsiderasyon plizy kote oubyen pwodwi
estratejik lt peyi.
Ghana / Gana n. yon wayom Lafrik oksidantal ki
te vin rich nan enpoze enpo ak kontwole koms e ki te
etabli yon anpi nan 9ym ak 11ym syk apre Jezikri yo.
ghazi / gazi n. yon gerye nan Izlam.
ghettos / geto n. katye nan vil kote yo te fse Jwif
ewopeyen viv.
glasnost / glasnos n. yon politik sovyetik ke
Mikhail Gorbachev te entwodwi an 1985 ki te ankouraje
echanj ide ak enfmasyon lib.
global economy / ekonomi mondyal n.
tout entaksyon ki gen rap ak moun, biznis, ak
gouvnman ki travse fwonty entnasyonal.
Glorious Revolution / Revolisyon Laglwa n.
koudeta ki te ft sou wa angl James II san okenn san
pat koule, e ranplasman ni pa William ak Mary.
glyph / glif n. yon imaj senbolik sitou youn ki
svi tankou pati yon sistm ekriti pou grave mesaj sou
Gothic / Gotik adj. ki gen rap ak yon modl
achitekti legliz ki te devlope nan Lewp medyeval, e ki
te genyen kavo manbre, fent ak vit souye, kontref
volan, vout pwenti, ak plafon wo.
Great Depression / Gran Depresyon n.
resesyon ekonomik grav ki te swiv chit bous Etazini an
an 1939.
Great Fear / Gran Krent n. yon seri panik san
rezon ki te devlope atrav andey Lafrans apre
anvayisman nan Bastiy an 1789.
Great Purge / Gran netwayaj n. yon kanpay
ter nan Inyon Sovyetik pandan ane 1930 yo, kote
Joseph Stalin te chche elimine tout manm Pati Kominis
yo ak lt sitwayen ki te menase pouvwa li.
Great Schism / Gran Shis n. yon seksyon nan
Legliz Katolik medyeval la, l pap an opozisyon te etabli
nan Avinyon e nan Wm.
Greco-Roman culture / kilti greko-women
n. yon ansyen kilti ki te devlope apatide yon melanj kilti
grk, elenistik, ak women.
green revolution / revolisyon vt n. yon
tantatif 20ym syk pou ogmante resous manje atrav
lemonn, ki te konsiste de itilizasyon angr ak pestisid ak
devlopman yon rekt ki kapab reziste maladi.


griot / griyo n. yon Afriken delws ki rakonte istwa.

guerrilla / gerila n. yon manm yon fs konba mal
ganize ki f atak sipriz sou twoup enmi ki okipe peyi li.
guild / gild n. yon asosyasyon medyeval de moun ki
nan menm metye, ki kontwole sal ak pri manm ni yo.
guillotine / giyotin n. yon machin pou koupe tt
moun, ki te pou egzekite moun pandan Revolisyon
Frans a.
Gupta Empire / Anpi Gupta n. dezym anpi nan
Lend, ki te fonde pa Chandra Gupta I nan 320 apre

habeas corpus / habeas corpus n. yon
dokiman ki dekrete ke yo dwe mennen yon prizonye
nan tribinal oubyen devan yon jij pou yo ka deside si
anprizonman ni an legal.
Hagia Sophia / Hagia Sophia n. Katedral
Lasajs Sent nan Konstantinp, konstwi anba ld anpr
bizanten Justinian.
haiku / haykou n. yon fm pwezi japon, ki
konpoze ak twa liy ki pa rime e ki gen senk, st, ak senk
hajj / hajj n. yon pelerinaj rive Meka, ki se devwa
Mizilman yo.
Han dynasty / dinasti Hann n. yon dinasti
chinwa ki te dirije de 202 avan Jezikri jis 9 apre Jezikri
e ank de 23 jis 220 apre Jezikri.
Harappan civilization / sivilizasyon Arapan
n. yon lt non pou sivilizasyon Vale Endis ki te devlope
sou tout long Flv Endis, pett depi 7000 avan Jezikri;
karakterize pa planifikasyon vil sofistike.
Hausa / Haoussa n. yon pp Afrik oksidantal ki te
viv nan plizy vil-eta kote ki kounyela a Nijeri din.
heliocentric theory / teyori elyosantrik n.
ide ke lat a ak lt plant yo vire toutotou soly la.
Hellenistic / Elenistik adj. ki gen rap ak
sivilizasyon, lang, la, lasyans, ak literati nan sosyete
grk depi peryd dirijans Alexann Le Gran [Alexander
The Great] jis nan fen dezym syk avan Jezikri.
helot / elo n. nan sosyete ansyen Spata, yon peyizan
ki atache a t a.
hieroglyphics / yewoglifik n. yon ansyen sistm
ekriti ejipsyen kote yo te itilize imaj pou reprezante ide
ak son.
Hijrah / Ijra n. deplasman Muhammad de Meka a
Yatrib (Medina) an 622 apre Jezikri.
Hittites / Itit n. yon pp endo-ewopeyen ki te etabli
nan Anatolya nan anviwon 2000 avan Jezikri.

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Holocaust / Oloks n. yon masak anpil Jwif ak lt

sivil, ke gouvnman Natzi a te f avan e apr dezym G
Holy Alliance / Alyans Sent n. yon lig nasyon
ewopeyen fme pa chf Larisi, Otrich, ak Prisi apre
Kongr Vyn nan.
Holy Roman Empire / Anpi Women Sen n.
yon anpi etabli nan Ewp nan 10ym syk apre Jezikri,
ki te konpoze prensipalman nan kmansman an de t
nan kote ki rele Almay ak Itali kounyela a.
home rule / dirijans lakay n. yon kontwl sou
zaf entery ke yon gouvnman anchf bay rezidan yon
hominid / ominid n. manm yon gwoup biyolojik ki
enkli t imen ak menm kalite esps sa yo ki mache tou
Homo sapiens / Omosapyen n. esps biyolojik
ki enkli t imen.
House of Wisdom / Chanm Lasajs n. yon
sant ansyman ki te etabli nan Bagdad nan ane 800 yo.
humanism / imanis n. yon mouvman entelektyl
Renesans la kote filozf yo te etidye tks klasik e te
konsantre sou potansyl ak akonplisman imen.
Hundred Days / San Jou n. peryd brf an 1815
l Napoleon te f dnye f pou pouvwa a, rejte wa frans
a e te vin anpr Lafrans ank.
Hundred Years War / G Santan n. yon konfli
kote Anglet ak Lafrans te goumen sou t frans
detanzantan de 1337 a 1453.
hunter-gatherer / chas-ramas n. yon manm
yon gwoup nomad kote pwovizyon manje li depann sou
chase bt ak ranmase manje plant.
Hyksos / Iksos n. yon gwoup anvayis nomad ki te
soti nan sidws Lazi ki te dirije Lejip de 1640 a 1570
avan Jezikri.

Ice Age / Peryd Glasy n. yon peryd fredi kote
gwo kouch glas te etann v ekstery de rejyon pl, kote
dnye a te dire de apepr 1.600.000 a 10.000 avan Jezikri.
I Ching / I Ching n. yon liv revelasyon chinwa, ke
yo konsilte pou reponn pwoblm moral ak pratik.
icon / ikn n. yon imaj relijye itilize pa Kretyen
oryantal yo.
imperialism / enperyalis n. yon politik kote yon
nasyon pwisan ap chche domine lt peyi nan politik,
ekonomi, oubyen zaf sosyal.
impressionism / enpresyonis n. yon mouvman
nan penti 19ym syk, l atis te reyaji kont reyalis nan
chche reprezante enpresyon yo de sij oubyen moman
nan letan.

Indo-Europeans / Endo-Ewopeyen n. yon

gwoup pp seminomad ki, nan anviwon 1700 avan
Jezikri, te komanse deplase kite kote ki kounyela a sid
Larisi pou ale nan soukontinan endyen, Ewp, ak sidws
indulgence / endiljans n. yon padon ki sove yon
moun de pinisyon poutt yon peche.
industrialization / endistriyalizasyon n.
devlopman endistri pou pwodiksyon machandiz nan
Industrial Revolution / Revolisyon
endistriyl n. chanjman, ki te kmanse nan peyi
Anglet pandan 18ym syk, de fabrikasyon machandiz
alamen a fabrikasyon ak machin.
inflation / enflasyon n. yon deklen nan val lajan,
ki akonpaye pa yon ogmantasyon nan pri machandiz ak
Inquisition / Enkizisyon n. yon tribinal katolik
pou envestige e pouswiv nan lajistis akizasyon blasfm
patikilyman sa ki te aktif nan peyi Lespay nan ane
1400 yo.
institution / enstitisyon n. yon modl
ganizasyon ki dire pandan lontan nan yon kominite.
intendant / entandan n. yon fonksyon
gouvnman frans ki deziyen pa monak la pou kolekte
enpo ak administre lajistis.
International Space Station / Estasyon
espasyal entnasyonal n. antrepiz kowoperativ
ke Etazini, Larisi, ak 14 lt nasyon te parene pou etabli
e mentni yon laboratwa ki fonksyone pou eksperimantasyon syantifik nan lespas.
Internet / Entnt n. yon chn koneksyon rezo
konpit ki pmt moun atrav lemonn echanje
enfmasyon e kominike youn ak lt.
intifada / intifada n. kanpay dezobeyisans sivil
palestinyen kont okipasyon izraelyen de b oksidantal ak
bann Gaza yo, ki te kontinye jis ane 1990 yo.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) / Ame
Repibliken Iland (ARI) n. yon fs milit
nasyonalis ki pa ofisyl ki ap chche endepandans pou
Ilann de Gran Bretay.
iron curtain / rido f n. pandan G Frt la, limit
ki te separe nasyon kominis Ewp oryantal de majorite
nasyon demokratik Ewp oksidantal la.
Iroquois / Iwokwa n. yon gwoup pp ameriken
endyen ki te pale lang ki sanble, te viv nan rejyon
oryantal Gran Lak yo nan Amerik din, e te fme yon
alyans nan fen ane 1500 yo.
Islam / Izlam n. yon relijyon monoteyis ki te
devlope nan peyi Arabi nan setym syk apr Jezikri.
isolationism / isolasyonis n. yon politik kote yo
evite patisipasyon politik oubyen milit ak lt peyi.




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Israel / Izrayl n. yon wayom ebre ini nan Palestin,

ki te dire de apepr 1020 jis 922 avan Jezikri; pita, pami
toulede wayom ebre yo se li ki te sitiye pi wo pase lt yo
nan rejyon n a; kounyela, se nasyon jwif laki te etabli
nan Palestin an 1948.

Jainism / Jenis n. yon relijyon fonde nan peyi Lend
pandan 6ym syk avan Jezikri, ki te gen manm ki te
kw ke tout bagay nan iniv a te genyen nanm e akoz de
sa pa dwe domaje.
janissary / janisri n. yon manm yon fs solda elit
nan anpi Otoman nan.
jazz / djaz n. yon estil mizik popil nan 20ym syk ki
te devlope prensipalman ba mizisyen afriken ameriken.
Jesuits / Jezwit n. manm yon Sosyete Jezi, yon d
katolik relijye ke Ignatius de Loyola te fonde.
jewel in the crown / bijou nan
kouwn n. koloni britanik End lan ki rele konsa,
poutt enptans li nan anpi britanik la tankou yon
founis maty premy e tankou yon mache pou koms
joint-stock company / sosyete pa aksyon
n. yon biznis kote moun ki envesti yo mete richs yo
ansanm pou yon objektif komen, e apre yo pataje pwofi
Judah / Jida n. yon wayom ebre nan Palestin, ki te
etabli nan anviwon ane 922 avan Jezikri.
Justinian Code / Kd Jistinyen n. gwoup lwa
sivil women ki te kolekte ak ganize sou ld anpr
bizantin Justinian apepr nan ane 534 apre Jezikri.


kabuki n. yon kalite dram japon kote mizik, dans ak
pantomim itilize pou reprezante istwa.
kaiser / kayz n. yon anpr alman (tit sa a soti nan
tit women Seza [Caesar]).
kamikaze / kamikaz n. pandan dezym G
Mondyal la, pilt japon swisid ki te antrene pou koule
bato Alye yo ak kraze yo ak avyon ki te chaje ak bonm.
karma / kama n. nan relijyon Endouis ak Boudis,
totalite bon ak move aksyon ke yon moun f, ke yo kw
detmine desten ni apre renesans.
Khmer Empire / Anpi Khmer n. yon anpi sids
Azyatik, nan kote ki Kanbj kounyela a, ki te rive nan pi
wo pwen nan pouvwa li apepr nan ane 1200 apre Jezikri.
Khmer Rouge / Khmer Wouj n. yon gwoup
revolisyon kominis ki te pran pouvwa a nan Kanbj an



knight / chevalye n. nan Ewp medyeval, yon

gerye ame ki te goumen sou chwal.
Koryu dynasty / dinasti Koryu n. yon dinasti ki
te dirije Kore de 935 a 1392 apre Jezikri.
Kristallnacht / Kristallnacht n. Nwit Vit
Kraze nwit 9 novanm, 1938, l twoup anvayis natzi
yo te atake kay, biznis, ak sinagg Jwif nan tout peyi
Kuomintang / Kuomintang n. yon Pati
Nasyonalis Chinwa, ki te fme apre dinasti Qing nan te
tonbe an 1912.
Kush / Kush n. yon ansyen wayom Nibyen ki te
genyen chf ki te kontwole Ejip ant ane 2000 ak 1000
avan Jezikri.

laissez faire / kite sa ft n. ide ke gouvnman
pa dwe entfere ak oubyen rglemante endistri ak
land reform / refm t n. redistribisyon yon fm
kote yo separe gran plantasyon yo e remt moso pi piti
yo bay peyizan yo.
La Reforma / La Reforma n. yon mouvman
refm liberal nan 19ym syk nan Meksik, ki te dirije pa
Benito Jurez.
lay investiture / etabli envestiti n. l wa
oubyen nb yo deziyen fonksyon relijye nan ps.
League of Nations / Lig Nasyon yo n. yon
ganizasyon entnasyonal ki te fme apre premye G
Mondyal la ak objektif kenbe lap ant nasyon yo.
lebensraum / lebensraum n. espas vivab
teritwa adisyonl ke, dapr Adolf Hitler, Almay te
bezwen poutt li te chaje ak twp moun.
Legalism / Legalis n. yon filizofi politik chinwa
baze sou ide ke yon gouvnmen ki tr efikas e ki gen
pwisans se li ki kle pou ld sosyal.
legion / lejyon n. yon gwoup milit ansyen ame
women an, ki te genyen apepr 5.000 slda apye ak yon
gwoup solda sou chwal.
Legislative Assembly / Asanble lejislatif n.
yon kongr frans ak pouvwa pou kreye lwa e apwouve
deklarasyon deg, ki te etabli pa Konstitisyon an an 1791.
legitimacy / lejitimite n. dwa pou dirije ke yon
monak erite.
liberals / liberal n. nan premye mwatye 19ym
syk la, Ewopeyen ki pi f nan yo se dirijan biznis ak
komsan klas mwayen te vle bay paleman eli yo plis
pouvwa politik.
lineage / liye n. moun vivan, mouri, e ki poko ft
ki se desandan yon anst komen.

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loess / los n. yon kouch t ftil ke van bwote

Long March / Mach Long n. yon traj 6.000 mil
ke kominis chinwa ki tap sove kite fs nasyonal Jiang
Jieshi yo te f an 19341935.
lord / sey n. nan Ewp feodal, yon moun ki te
kontwole t e ki ak tit sa a te kapab bay vasal yo
Lutheran / Literan n. yon manm yon legliz
pwotestan ki te fonde sou ansyman Martin Luther.
lyce / lise n. yon lekl leta an Frans.

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Macedonia / Masedoni n. yon ansyen wayom ki
sitiye pi wo n peyi Grs, ki te genyen dirijan Philip II ki
te pran Lagrs ak fs an 338 avan Jezikri.
Maghrib / Maghrib n. yon rejyon Afrik din
oksidantal, ki te konsise de t sou kt Mediterane yo,
kote ki kounyela a Mawk, Tinizi ak ak Aljeri.
Magna Carta / Magna Carta n. Grann Chart,
yon dokiman ki garanti dwa politik fondamantal nan
peyi Anglet, e ki te apwouve pa rwa Jean nan ane 1215
apre Jezikri.
Mahabharata / Mahabharata n. yon gran pwezi
epik endyan, ki te reprezante lit pp Aryen an pandan yo
te ap deplase sid pou rantre nan Lend.
Mahayana / Mahayana n. yon skt Boudis ki ofri
delivrans bay tout moun e pmt adorasyon popil.
maize / mayis n. yon grenn sereyal kiltive ki gen
grenn ni sou gwo fy ki tr souvan rele mayi nan
Mali / Mali n. yon anpi Afrik delws ki te fleri de
1235 jis 1400 yo e ki te devlope apatide koms.
Manchus / Manchus n. yon pp natif peyi
Manchiri, ki te dirije Lachin pandan dinasti Qing nan
Mandate of Heaven / Manda Paradi n. nan
listwa chinwa, aprobasyon diven ki konsidere km baz
otorite wayal la.
manifest destiny / desten manifs n. ide, ki
te popil ant Ameriken 19ym syk yo, ke se te dwa ak
responsabilite Etazini pou dirije Lamerik din depi
Oseyan Atlantik jouk Oseyan Pasifik la.
manor / manwa n. plantasyon yon chatlen nan
Ewp feodal.
Maori / Maori n. yon manm nan yon pp polinezyen
ki te etabli nan Nouvl Zelann nan aviwon ane 800 apre
Marshall Plan / Plan Machal n. yon pwogram
d ekonomik Etazini pou ede peyi ewopeyen yo
rekonstwi apre dezyn G Mondyal.

martial law / lwa masyal n. l otorite milit

tanporman anchaj yon popilasyon sivil, sitou nan epk
g sivil oubyen nan epk dezd.
mass culture / kilti an mas n. pwodiksyon zv
nan la ak amizman pou atire yon gwo odyans.
materialism / materyalis n. mete anpil enptans
sou rive genyen posesyon materyl.
matriarchal / matriyak adj. ki gen rap ak yon
sistm sosyal kote manman an se chf fanmi an.
matrilineal / matriliney adj. ki gen rap ak yon
sistm sosyal kote desandan fanmi ak dwa eritaj trase
sou b manman.
Mauryan Empire / Anpi Mauryen n. premye
anpi nan peyi End, ki te fonde pa Chandragupta Maurya
nan ane 321 avan Jezikri.
May Fourth Movement / Mouvman kat me
n. yon manifestasyon nasyonal nan Lachin an 1919,
kote moun te f demonstrasyon kont Trete Vsay la ak
entferans etranj.
Medes / Medz n. yon pp sidws Azi ki te ede
detwi Anpi Asiryen an.
Meiji era / epk Meiji n. peryd nan listwa
japon de 1867 jouk 1912, l peyi a te dirije pa Anpr
Mein Kampf / Mein Kampf n. Konfli Mwen
yon liv ke Adolf Hitler te ekri pandan li te anprizone
nan ane 19231924, kote li te dekri kwayans ak objektif
li pou Lalmay.
mercantilism / mkantilism n. yon politik
ekonomik kote nasyon yo chche ogmante richs ak
pouvwa yo nan jwenn l ak ajan epi nan vann plis
machandiz ke yo te achte.
mercenary / msen n. yon solda ke yo angaje
pou goumen nan yon ame etranje.
Mero / Mewo n. sant dinasti Kush la de apepr
250 avan Jezikri jis 150 apre Jezikri; ki popil pou
fabrikasyon zam ak zouti an f.
Mesoamerica / Mezoamerik n. yon zn ki
etann depi Meksik santral jouk Ondiras, kote plizy nan
ansyen sosyete konplks Lamerik yo te devlope.
mestizo / mestizo n. yon moun ak zanst ki gen
melanj Panyl ak Ameriken Endyen.
Middle Ages / Laj Mwayen n. epk nan istwa
ewopeyen ki te swiv deklen Anpi Women an, e ki te dire
de apepr 500 jis 1500 li te rele peryd medyeval tou.
middle class / klas mwayn n. yon klas sosyal
ki konsiste de travay ak konpetans, pwofesyonl, moun
nan biznis, ak agrikilt rich.





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middle passage / pasaj mwayen n. vwayaj ki

te mennen Afriken an kaptivasyon nan Antiy yo, e apre
nan n ak sid Lamerik, pou yo te kapab vann yo tankou
esklav li te rele konsa poutt li te konsidere pati mitan
nan koms triyangil a.
migration / migrasyon n. deplase de yon kote
pou ale etabli nan yon lt.
militarism / militaris n. yon politik glorifye
pouvwa milit e kenbe yon ame an pmanans ki toujou
pare pou lag.
Ming dynasty / dinasti Ming n. yon dinasti
chinwa ki te dirije depi 1368 jouk 1644.
Minoans / Minoen n. yon pp navigat ak
komsan ki te viv sou il Krt la depi apepr 2000 jouk
1400 avan Jezikri.
Mississippian / Misisipyen adj. ki gen rap ak
yon konstrikt mon ki te fleri nan Lamerik din ant 800
ak 1500 apre Jezikri.


mita / mita n. nan anpi Enka a, obligasyon ke tout

moun ki gen lasante dwe travay pou leta pandan yon
sten nonm jou nan ane an.
Moche / mch n. yon sivilizasyon ki te fleri depi
apepr 100 jouk 700 apre Jezikri, nan kote ki kt din
Pewou kounyela a.
monarchy / monachi n. yon gouvnman kote
pouvwa a rete nan men yon sl grenn moun.
monastery / monast n. yon kominote relijye
kote gason (ke yo rele monk) nye tout posesyon yo pou
dedye tt yo a yon vi lapriy ak adorasyon.
monopoly / monopoli n. kontwl eksklisif ke yon
gwoup genyen sou fabrikasyon ak distribisyon sten
monotheism / monoteyis n. kwayans nan yon
sl bondye.
Monroe Doctrine / Doktrin Monroe n.
yon rgleman opozisyon peyi Etazini kont entferans
Ewopeyen nan Lamerik Latin, ke prezidan Monroe te
anonse nan ane 1823.
monsoon / mouson n. yon van ki chanje
direksyon pandan yon sten tan chak ane.
mosque / msk n. yon tanp adorasyon izlamik.
movable type / tip mobil n. blk metal oubyen
bwa, ak yon karakt patikilye a yo chak, ki kapab ranje
pou f yon paj pou enprime.
Mughal / Mugal n. youn nan nomad ki te anvayi
soukontinan Endyen an nan 16ym syk e ki te etabli
yon anpi byen pwisan la.
mujahideen / mujahideen n. nan peyi
Afganistan, gerye relijye mete ansanm pou goumen kont
patizan gouvnman sovyetik la nan fen ane 1970 yo.
mulattos / milat n. moun ki gen zanst ak melanj
ewopeyen e afriken.


mummification / momifikasyon n. yon metd

kote yo boure e seche k moun pou anpeche ke yo pouri.
Munich Conference / Konferans Munik n.
yon reyinyon an 1938 ak reprezantan Bretay, Lafrans,
Itali, ak Almay, kote Bretay ak Lafrans te aksepte
pmt ke Almay Natzi anekse pati nan Tchekoslovaki
annechanj pou pwoms ke Adolf Hitler dak respekte
nouvo fwonty Tchekoslovaki yo.
Muslim / Mizilman n. yon disip relijyon Izlam.
Muslim League / Lig Mizilman n. yon
ganizasyon ki te fme an 1906 pou pwoteje enter
Mizilman End yo, ki te apre pwopoze ke End divize
an nasyon separe Mizilman ak Endou.
Mutapa / Mutapa adj. ki gen rap ak anpi Lafrik
disid ke Mutota te atabli nan 15ym syk apre Jezikri.
Mycenaeans / Misenayen n. yon pp endoewopeyen ki te etabli an Grs nan anviwon 2000 avan
myths / mit n. istwa tradisyonlsou divinite, zanst,
oubyen ewo, ke yo rakonte pou eksplike lemonn natirl
oubyen kilti ak kwayans yon sosyete.

Napoleonic Code / Kd Napoleyonik n. yon
sistm lwa konpreyansif ak inifm ke Napoleon te etabli
pou Lafrans.
National Assembly / Asanble Nasyonal
n. yon kongr frans etabli pa reprezantan Twazym
Domn 17 jen, 1789, pou pase lwa ak refm nan non
pp frans a.
nationalism / nasyonalis n. kwayans ke moun
dwe fidl a peyi yo ki vle di, ak moun ke yo pataje
yon kilti ak istwa olyede yon wa oubyen yon anpi.
nation-state / nasyon-eta n. yon gwoup moun
jeopolitik endepandan ki genyen kilti ak idantite an
NATO / OTAN n. ganizasyon Trete Atlantik din
[NATO] se yon alyans milit ki te fme nan ane 1949 pa
dis peyi nan lws Lewp, peyi Etazini, ak Kanada.
Nazca / Nazka n. yon sivilizasyon ki te fleri sou sa
ki kounyela a kt Pewou, de apepr 200 avan Jezikri jis
600 apre Jezikri.
Nazism / Natzis n. politik fasis pati Sosyalis
Nasyonal Travay Alman yo, ki baze sou totalitaryanis,
yon kwayans siperyorite rasyal, ak endistri kontwle pa
Negritude movement / mouvman negritid n.
yon mouvman kote Afriken ak Antiy ki te pale franse te
selebre eritaj kilti ak val afriken tradisyonl yo.

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neoclassical / neoklasik adj. ki gen rap ak yon

estil senp, elegan (baze sou ide ak tm ki soti nan ansyen
Grs ak ansyen Wm) ki te karakterize la nan Lewp
pandan fen ane 1700 yo.
Neolithic Age / Epk Neyolitik n. yon peryd
preistorik ki te kmanse nan anviwon 8000 avan Jezikri
e ki nan sten zn te fini byen bon nan anviwon 3000
avan Jezikri, l moun te aprann sire zouti ft ak wch, f
potri, f elvaj bt epk sa a te rele Nouvo Epk Wch
la tou.
Neolithic Revolution / Revolisyon Neolitik
n. gwo chanjman nan lavi imen ki te koze pa kmansman
kiltivasyon ki vle di, ki te koze pa chanjman moun te
f de ranmase manje a pwodwi manje.
New Deal / Nouvl Dn n. pwogram refm
ekonomik Prezidan Etazini Franklin Roosevelt ki te
deziyen pou rezoud pwoblm ke Gran Depresyon an te
New Kingdom / Nouvo Wayom n. peryd nan
ansyen istwa ejipsyen ki te swiv koudeta chf Iksos yo,
ki te dire depi apepr 1570 jouk 1075 avan Jezikri.
nirvana / nivana n. nan Boudis, delivrans de doul
ak soufrans ki atenn apre eklsisman.
Nok / Nk n. yon pp afriken ki te viv nan kote
Nijeri sitiye kounyela a ant 500 avan Jezikri a 200 apre
nomad / nomad n. yon manm nan yon gwoup ki pa
gen kay pmanan, ki deplase de yon kote a yon lt pou
chche manje ak dlo.
nonaggression pact / ak non-agresyon n.
yon ak kote nasyon pwomt pa atake youn lt.
nonaligned nations / nasyon non-aliye n.
peyi endepandan ki te rete net nan konpetisyon G Frt
la ant Etazini ak Inyon Sovyetik.
Nuremberg Trials / Jijman Nuremnberg n.
yon seri jijman nan tribinal ki te ft nan Nuremberg,
Almay, apre dezym G Mondyal la, kote chf Natzi yo
te jije pou agresyon, vyolasyon rgleman lag, ak krim
kont limanite.

obsidian / obsidyen n. yon wch vlkanik ki di e
ki klere, ke pp tan lontan yo te itilize pou f zam file.
Old Regime / Ansyen Rejim n. sistm politik e
sosyal ki te egziste nan Lafrans avan Revolisyon Frans a.
oligarchy / oligachi n. yon gouvnman kote
pouvwa nan men detwa moun sitou youn kote
pouvwa a baze sou richs.
Olmec / Olmk n. premye sivilizasyon
mezoameriken ki koni e ki te fleri nan anviwon 1200
avan Jezikri yo e ki te enfliyanse lt sosyete apre li yo
atrav zn nan.

Open Door Policy / Politik pt louvri n. yon

politik, peyi Etazini te pwopoze nan ane 1899, kote tout
nasyon tap gen menm optinite nan koms ak Lachin.
Opium War / G Opym n. yon konfli ant Bretay
ak Lachin ki te dire depi 1839 jouk 1842, sou koms
opym Bretay nan Lachin.
oracle bone / zo orak n. youn nan zo bt oubyen
karapas tti ki te itilize pa ansyen prt chinwa pou
kominike ak divinite yo.
Oslo Peace Accords / Ak Lap zlo n. yon
ak an 1993 kote premye minis izraelyen Rabin, te bay
Palestinyen dirijans tt yo nan bann Gaza ak Bank
oksidantal la.
ozone layer / kouch ozn n. yon kouch sou anl
nan atmosf a ki pwoteje t vivan kont reyon iltravyolt
danjere soly yo.

Pacific Rim / Bdi Pasifik n. t ki ozalantou
Oseyan Pasifk la sitou sa ki nan Lazi.
Paleolithic Age / Peryd Paleolitik n. a yon
peryd preistorik ki te dire depi apepr 2.500.000 jouk
8000 avan Jezikri, l moun te itilize zouti ak zam brit an
wch li te rele Ansyen Epk Wch la tou.
Panama Canal / Kannal Panama n. yon pasaj
pou bato ke imen te konstwi ki konekte Oseyan Atlantik
ak Pasifik yo, ke Etazini te konstwi nan Panama e ki te
louv an 1914.
papyrus / papiris n. yon wozo ki wo ki grandi nan
bouch Nil lan, ke ansyen Ejipsyen yo itilize pou fabrike
yon materyl ki tankou fy papye ki svi pou ekri.
parliament / paleman n. yon ganis reprezantan
ki f lwa yon nasyon.
partition / patisyon n. divizyon an pati, tankou
divizyon 1947 koloni britanik End lan an de nasyon End
ak Pakistan.
pastoralist / pastoralis n. yon manm yon gwoup
nomad ki f elvaj bt domestik.
paternalism / patnalis n. yon metd trete pp
soumi tankou yo se timoun, bay yo sa yo bezwen yo m
san bay yo dwa.
patriarch / patriyak n. yon evk nan branch
oryantal kretyanis lan.
patriarchal / patriyak adj. ki gen rap ak sistm
sosyal kote papa a se chf fanmi an.
patrician / patrisyen n. nan ansyen Wm, yon
manm klas wot ki rich, e privilejye.
patrilineal / patriliney adj. ki gen rap ak yon
sistm sosyal kote desandans fanmi ak dwa eritaj trase
sou b papa.





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patron / mesn n. yon moun ki sipte atis, sitou

Pax Mongolica / Pax Mongolica n. Lap
Mongol peryd depi mitan ane 1200 yo jouk mitan
ane 1300 yo l Mongol yo te enpoze estabilite ak lalwa
ak ld atrav anpil nan Erazi.
Pax Romana / Pax Romana n. yon peryd lap
ak pwosperite atrav Anpi Women an, ki te dire depi 27
avan Jezikri jis 180 apre Jezikri.
Peace of Augsburg / Ak Lap Augsburg
n. yon ak ane 1555 ki te deklare ke chf lan ap deside
relijyon chak eta alman.
Peloponnesian War / G Peloponezyen n.
yon g, ki te dire depi 431 jis 404 avan Jezikri, kote Atn
ak alye li yo te pdi nan men Espata ak alye pa li yo.
penal colony / koloni penal n. yon koloni ki
svi tankou yon altvi tankou yon altnatif pou prizon ;
se la yo voye prizonye yo.
peninsulares / peninsulares n. nan sosyete
panyl kolonyal, kolon ki te ft nan Espay.
Peninsular War / G Penensil n. yon konfli ki
te dire depi 1808 jis 1813, kote rebl panyl, ak d fs
britanik yo te goumen pou repouse twoup frans
Napoleon yo pou soti nan Lespay.
perestroika / perestwoika n. yon restriktirasyon
ekonomi sovyetik la pou pmt plis desizyon lokal ; li te
kmanse pa Mikhail Gorbachev an 1985.
Persian Gulf War / G Glf Psyen n. yon
konfli 1991 kote fs UN yo te kraze fs Irakyen yo ki te
envayi Kuwait e te menase pou yo envahi Arabi Sawoudit.
Persian Wars / G Psik n. yon seri g nan
senkym syk avan Jezikri, kote vil-eta Grk yo te
goumen kont Anpi Psik la.
perspective / pspektiv n. yon teknik atistik ki
kreye aparans twa dimansyon sou yon sifas plat.
phalanx / falanks n. yon fmasyon milit ak slda
ame ki apye e ki gen lans ak bouklye.
pharaoh / farao n. yon wa ansyen Ejip, ki te
konsidere yon bondye tankou tou yon chf politik ak milit.
philosophe / filozf n. youn nan gwoup pans
sosyal yo nan Lafrans pandan Eklsisman an.
philosophers / filozf n. pans ki itilize lojik ak
larezon pou envestige nati iniv an, sosyete imen an, ak
Phoenicians / Fonisyen n. yon pp navigat
sidws Azi, ki nan anviwon 1100 avan Jezikri te
kmanse f koms e te etabli koloni atrav rejyon
mediterane an.
Pilgrims / Pilgrim n. yon gwoup moun, ki an 1620,
te fonde koloni Plimout nan Masachoust pou echape
psekisyon relijye nan Anglet.



plebeian / plebeyen n. nan ansyen Wm, youn

nan kiltivat komen yo, atizan, ak komsan ki f pi f
nan popilasyon an.
plebiscite / plebisit n. yon vt dirk kote pp yon
peyi gen optinite apwouve oubyen dezapwouve yon
PLO / OLP n. ganizasyon Liberasyon Palestin
yon ganizasyon dedye a etablisman yon eta endepandan
pou Palestinyen nan Mwayen Oryan.
polis / polis n. yon vil-eta Lagrs inite politik
prensipal nan ansyen Grs apre apepr 750 avan Jezikri.
Politburo / Politbouwo n. komite dirijan nan Pati
Kominis Inyon Sovyetik la.
political dissent / dezak politik n. diferans
nan opinyon sou zaf politik.
polytheism / politeyis n. yon kwayans nan plizy
pope / pap n. evk Wm, chf legliz katolik la.
Popol Vuh / Popol Vuh n. yon liv ki gen yon
vsyon istwa kreyasyon Mayen nan.
popular culture / kilti popil n. eleman kiltirl
esp, mizik, fim, abiman, elatriye ki montre milye
komen ak chanjman enter yon gwoup.
potlatch / potlatch n. yon ft seremonye ki svi
pou montre ran ak pwosperite nan sten tribi Kt
ndws Ameriken Endyen yo.
predestination / predestinasyon n. doktrin ke
Bondye prevwa tout bagay annavans, ikonpri kils moun
ki ap sove etnlman.
Presbyterian / Prezbit n. yon manm legliz
pwotestan ki gouvne pa prezbit (ene yo) e ki te fonde
sou ansyman John Knox yo.
PRI / PRE n. Pati Revolisyon Endistryl pati
politik prensipal Meksik.
proletariat / pwoletarya n. nan teyori Maksis,
gwoup travay ki tap f koudeta sou tza e ki tap rive
dirije Larisi.
proliferation / pwoliferasyon n. yon
devlopman oubyen yon distribisyon sitou distribisyon
zam nikley bay nasyon ki pa genyen yo kounyela a.
propaganda / pwopagann n. enfmasyon
oubyen materyl ke yo dispse pou avanse yon kz
oubyen pou domaje kz yon opozisyon.
Protestant / Pwotestan n. yon manm nan legliz
kretyen ki fonde sou prensip Refm nan.
provisional government / gouvnman
pwovizwa n. yon gouvnman tanpor.
psychology / sikoloji n. etid svo ak konptman

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pueblos / pweblos n. vil ak gwo batiman ki sanble

batiman ki gen apatman ki ft ak ajil, ke Anasazi yo te
konstwi e pita pp ameriken sidws yo.
Punic Wars / G Pinik n. yon seri g ant Wm ak
Katajn (264146 avan Jezikri) ; ki te koze destriksyon
dirijans Katajn ak Wm sou Mediterane oksidantal la.
Puritan / Piriten n. yon gwoup moun ki te ap
chche libte de psekisyon relijye nan peyi Anglet l
yo fonde yon koloni nan B Masachoust nan
kmansman ane 1600 yo.
push-pull factor / fakt pouse-rale n.
kondisyon ki rale moun v yon lt zn (fakt rale)
oubyen ki f moun kite t natal yo pou emigre a yon lt
rejyon (fakt pouse).
pyramid / piramid n. yon estrikti imans ak yon baz
rektangil e kat reb triyangil, tankou sa ki te konstwi
nan Lejip kote farao Ansyen Wayom yo te antere.

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Qin dynasty / Dinasti Kin n. yon dinasti chinwa
ki pa viv lontan ki ranplase dinasti Zhou nan twazym
syk avan Jezikri.
Qing dynasty / Dinasti King n. dnye dinasti
peyi Lachin, ki dirije de 1644 a 1912.
Quetzalcoatl / Kwetzalkoatl
[Quetzalcoatl] n. Span a Plim nan yon dye
Toltk yo ak lt pp Mezoameriken yo.
quipu / kipou n. yon jan fil mare nan yon kd ke
Enka yo te itilize pou anrejistre enfmasyon nimerik.
Quran / Kuran n. liv sen Izlam nan.

racism / rasis n. yon kwayans ke yon ras sipery
pase lt yo.
radicals / radikal n. nan premye mwatye 19ym
syk la, Ewopeyen yo ki te favorize chanjman drastik
pou blayi demokrasi nan tout pp.
radioactivity / radyoaktivite n. yon fm enji
ki lage l atm yo ap pouri.
Raj / Raj n. pati peyi Lend ke Britanik yo te kontwole
nan ane 18571947 yo
rationing / rasyonnman n. l yo met limit sou
machandiz moun kapab achte souvan se gouvnman
yo ki enpoze li pandan peryd lag, l pa gen anpil
machandiz sou mache a.
realism / reyalis n. yon mouvman atistik nan
19ym syk kote ekriven ak pent te chache montre lavi
jan li ye olyede jan li ta dwe ye.
realpolitik / vrepolitik n. politik reyalite yo
pratik politik pouvwa sev ki pa kite plas pou ideyalis.

recession / resesyon n. yon ralantisman nan

ekonomi yon nasyon.
Reconquista / Rekonnkista n. jef ke lid
kretyen yo te f pou f Mizilman yo soti nan peyi
Lespay, ki dire de lane 1100 jouk lane 1492.
Red Guards / Gad Wouj n. gwoup milis yo ki te
fme pa jenn Chinwa nan ane 1966 pou reponn Mao
Zedong ki te mande yon revolisyon sosyal ak kiltirl.
Reformation / Refm n. yon mouvman pou refm
relijye nan 16ym syk, ki mennen fondasyon legliz
Kretyen yo ki rejte otorite pap la.
refugee / refijye n. yon moun ki kite peyi li pou li
ale nan yon lt pou li sa jwenn sekirite.
Reign of Terror / Ry Later n. yon peryd,
de mitan ane 1793 a mitan ane 1794, l Maximilien
Robespierre tap dirije Lafrans prske tankou yon diktat
epitou plizy milye moun ki te nan politik ak senp
sitwayen te ekzekite.
reincarnation / reyenkanasyon n. nan Endouis
ak Boudis, metd kote yon nanm reviv toutan jouk li rive
konprann toutaf.
religious toleration / tolerans relijye n. yon
rekonesans dwa ke yon moun kapab genyen lt kwayans
Renaissance / Renesans n. yon peryd nan istwa
ewopeyen, ki dire apepr de 1300 a 1600, kote enter
nan kilti klasik te renouvle e sa te mennen yon chanjman
pwofon nan la, konesans ak jan yon moun w lemonn.
republic / repiblik n. yon fm gouvnman kote
pouvwa a chita nan men reprezantan yo epitou lid yo
eli pa pp la.
Restoration / Restorasyon n. peryd pandan
Charles II tap dirije Langlet, apre chit gouvnman
Olivye Cromwl la.
reunification / reyinifikasyon n. aksyon mete
ansanm ank bagay ki te separe, tankou l yo te reyini
Almay dels ak Almay delws nan ane 1990.
romanticism / womantisis n. yon mouvman ki
te ft nan kmansman 19ym syk la nan la ak lide, ki te
fikse sou emosyon ak lanati olyede rezon ak sosyete.
Roosevelt Corollary / Korol Roosevelt n.
ekstansyon prezidan Theodore Roosevelt te bay Doktrin
Monroe a nan ane 1904, kote li te deklare ke Etazini te
gen dwa pou li egzse pouvwa lapolis nan tout Emisf
Oksidantal la.
Rowlatt Acts / Lwa Rowlatt n. lwa yo ki te pase
nan ane 1919 nan peyi Lend ki te pmt gouvnman
Britanik la mete nan prizon tout moun ki te pwoteste
kont Britanik, san jijman pou yon peryd maksimm de
de zan.
Royal Road / Chemen wayal n. yon wout nan
Anpi Psan an, ki lonje sou 1.600 mil depi Susa nan peyi
Ps jouk Sardis nan peyi Anatoli.




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Russification / Risifikasyon n. fason ke yo te

fse kilti Ris sou tout gwoup etnik nan Anpi Larisi a.
Russo-Japanese War / G Riso-Japon n.
yon konfli nan ane 19041905 ant Larisi ak Japon, ki te
deklare l de peyi sila yo tap f jef pou domine
Mannchouri ak Kore.


sacrament / sakreman n. youn nan seremoni
Kretyen yo kote lagras Bondye te transmt bay moun.
Safavid / Safavid n. yon manm dinasti Mizilman
Shia ki te bati yon anpi nan peyi Ps nan 16ym18ym
syk yo.
Sahel / Sahl n. yon rejyon afriken ki chita sou tout
long pati sid fwonty Sahara a.
salon / salon n. yon reyinyon sosyal entelektyl ak
atis, tankou sa ki te konn ft lakay fanm rich nan vil Pari
yo epitou nan lt vil ewpeyen yo pandan Eklsisman an.
SALT / DLEZ n. Diskisyon sou Limitasyon Estratejik
Zam yon seri reyinyon ki te ft nan ane 1970 yo kote
lid Etazini ak Inyon Sovyetik te dak pou yo limite
estk zam nikley nasyon yo a.
Salt March / Mach Dlez n. yon manifestasyon
pasifik kont Lwa Dlez yo nan ane 1930 nan peyi Lend l
Mohandas Gandhi te kondwi apye moun ki tap swiv li
yo sou yon distans 240 mil rive b lanm, kote yo te f
pwp sl yo ak evaporasyon dlo lanm.
samurai / samouray n. youn nan grye
pwofesyonl yo ki te svi chatlen feyodal japon yo.
sans-culottes / san-kilt n. pandan Revolisyon
frans a, yon gwoup radikal ki te konpoze ak Parizyen
salarye ak ti boutikye ki tap mande gen plis pawl nan
gouvnman an, pri ki pi ba epitou yon fen nan
rasynnman manje yo.
satrap / satrap n. yon gouvn pwovens nan anpi
Psan an.
savanna / savann n. yon plenn plat, kouvri ak zb.
Schlieffen Plan / Plan Schlifen n. plan milit
Almay l Premy G Mondyal la tap deklanche, dapr li
twoup alman yo tap kale Lafrans rapidman epitou tap
pran direksyon ls pou atake Larisi.
scholastics / skolastik n. entelektyl ki te
rankontre epitou ki te anseye nan inivsite Ewopyen
medyeval yo.
scientific method / metd syantifik n. yon
pwosedi lojik pou ranmase enfmasyon sou monn natirl
la, kote yo te itilize eksperimantasyon ak obzvasyon
pou teste ipotz yo.



Scientific Revolution / Revolisyon syantifik

n. yon chanjman maj nan panse Ewopeyen, ki derape
nan mitan ane 1500 yo, kote etid lemonn natirl te
kmanse karakterize pa obzvasyon pridan epitou pa
keksyonnman kwayans ki deja aksepte.
scorched-earth policy / politik t boule n.
pratik boule rekt epitou touye betay pandan peryd lag
pou lenmi pa kapab viv de resous peyi a.
scribe / eskrib n. youn nan pwofesyonl ki kenbe
achiv nan kmansman peryd sivilizasyon yo.
secede / f sesesyon v. rale k w ofisylman de
yon asosyasyon oswa yon alyans.
secular / sekil adj. konsne sou keksyon mondyal
olyede keksyon espirityl.
segregation / segregasyon n. separasyon legal
oswa sosyal diferan ras pp.
self-determination / auto detminasyon
n. libte yon pp genyen pou li deside anba ki fm
gouvnman li vle viv.
Seljuks / Seljouk n. yon gwoup Tik ki vin viv nan
Anpi Abasid nan 10ym syk epitou ki te etabli anpi pa
yo nan 11ym syk.
senate / sena n. nan ansyen Wm, yon k
gouvnman siprm, ki te genyen ladann lli te fk
komanse aristokrat slman.
sepoy / sepoy n. yon slda endyen ki te svi anba
kmandman britanik.
Sepoy Mutiny / Rebelyon Sepoy n. yon 1857
rebelyon slda Endou ak Mizilman kont Britanik yo nan
peyi Lend.
serf / sf n. yon peyizan medyeval ki oblije viv
legalman sou pwopriyete yon chatlen.
Seven Years War / G st an n. yon batay nan
peyi Lewp, Amerik din, epitou Lend, ki te dire de
1756 a 1763, kote fs Britanik ak Pris yo te goumen ak
Otrich, Frans, Larisi ak lt peyi.
shah / cha n. monak eredit peyi Iran.
sharia / charia n. yon gwoup lwa ki dirije lavi
Mizilman yo.
Shia / Chia n. branch nan Izlam kote manm yo
rekont Ali ak desandan li yo km veritab sikses
Shinto / Shinto n. relijyon nasyonal peyi Japon.
Shiva / Shiva n. yon dye Endou ke yo konsidere
tankou destrikt lemonn.
shock therapy / tretman chk n. yon
pwogram ekonomik enplemante nan peyi Larisi pa Boris
Yeltsin nan ane 1990 yo, ki mennen yon chanjman
drastik de yon ekonomi de kmann a yon ekonomi
mache lib.
shogun / chogoun n. nan Japon feyodal, yon
kmandan milit siprm ki tap dirije nan non anpr a.

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Sikh / Sik n. yon manm yon gwoup relijye non vyolan

ke kwayans yo se yon melanj Boudis, Endouis ak Sifis.
Silk Roads / Chemen Swa n. yon sistm wout
kote ansyen karavan te konn travse Azi Santral e kote
komsan te konn pote swa ak lt machandiz pou koms.
simony / simoni n. aksyon vann oswa achte yon
pozisyon nan yon legliz Kretyen.
skepticism / skeptisis n. yon filozofi ki baze sou
lide ke yo pa kapab konnen anyen ak stitid.
slash-and-burn farming / agrikilti koupeak-boule n. a yon metd agrikilti kote moun pou yo
debarase teren yo, yo koupe ak boule pyebwa ak zb yo,
l konsa sann yo svi pou ftilize t a.
Slavs / Slav n. yon pp ki sti nan for yo ki nan n
Lanm Nwa, ki se zanst anpil pp Ewp dels jodiya.
social contract / kontra sosyal n. ak kote pp
defini epitou limite dwa endividyl yo ; sa vin kreye yon
sosyete osinon yon gouvnman ganize.
Social Darwinism / Dawinis Sosyal n.
aplikasyon lide Charles Darwin sou evolisyon ak se sa
ki pi kapab la ki siviv nan sosyete imn nan
patikilyman tankou jistifikasyon ekspansyon enperyalis
socialism / sosyalis n. yon sistm ekonomik kote
fakt pwodiksyon yo se pwopriyete piblik la epitou
opere pou byen tout moun.
Solidarity / Solidarite n. yon sendika Polon ki
pandan ane 1980 yo te tounen fs prensipal opozisyon
kont pouvwa Kominis nan peyi Poly.
Songhai / Songhai n. yon Anpi Ws Afriken ki te
konkeri peyi Mali epitou ki te kontwole koms de lane
1400 yo a lane 1591.
soviet / sovyet n. youn nan reprezantan lokal
konsy yo ki te fme nan peyi Larisi apre chit Tza
Nikola II.
Spanish-American War / G PanylAmeriken n. yon konfli nan ane 1898 ant Etazini ak
Espay, kote Etazini te sipte lit Kiben pou endepandans.
specialization / espesyalizasyon n.
devlopman aptitid nan yon kalite travay patikilye,
tankou koms oswa konsve dosye.
sphere of influence / esf enfliyans n. yon
rejyon etranje kote yon nasyon genyen kontwl sou
koms epitou lt aktivite ekonomik.
standard of living / estanda devi n. kalite lavi
yon moun oswa yon popilasyon, dapre byen yo, svis, ak
lix ki disponib pou moun oswa pp sa a.
stateless societies / sosyete san eta n.
gwoup kiltirl kote otorite pataje pa liye pouvwa egal
olye ke li egzse pa yon gouvnman santral.
steppes / estp n. plenn sch, ki kouvri ak zb.

strike / grv v. refize travay pou fse yon patwon

reponn a sten demann.
stupa / estoupa n. yon estrikti an wch ki gen fm
yon ti mn ki te bati sou relik sen Boudis yo.
subcontinent / sou-kontinan n. yon gwo mas t
ki fme yon pati apa yon kontinan.
Suez Canal / Kanal Suz n. yon vwa navigab
atifisyl, ki te louvri nan ane 1869, ki konekte Lanm
Wouj ak Lanm Mediterane.
suffrage / sifraj n. dwa pou vote.
Sufi / Soufi n. yon Mizilman ki chche jwenn
kontak dirk ak Bondye pa mwayen mistik.
sultan / siltan n. gransey, osinon sa ki gen
pouvwa ; tit dirijan Otomann yo pandan kwasans Anpi
Otomann nan.
Sunna / Suna n. yon modl izlamik pou viv, ki baze
sou lavi ak ansyman Muhammad.
Sunni / Souni n. yon branch Izlam kote manm yo
rekont kat premye kalif yo km veritab sikses
surrealism / sireyalis n. yon mouvman atistik
20ym syk la ki fikse sou travay svo enkonsyan an.
sustainable growth / devlpman soutnab
n. devlopman ekonomik ki rankontre bezwen pp yo
men ki prezve anviwonman an epitou ki konsve resous
pou generasyon ki ap vini yo.
Swahili / Swaili n. yon lang Bantou ki sibi
enfliyans Arab ki pale anpil nan Afrik dels ak santral.

Taiping Rebellion / Rebelyon Tayiping n. yon
rebelyon nan mitan 19ym syk kont dinasti King nan
peyi Lachin, ke Hong Siukan te dirije.
Taj Mahal / Taj Mahal n. yon bl tonm nan Agra,
nan peyi Lend, ke anpr Mughal, Shah Jahan, te bati pou
madanm li Mumtaz Mahal.
Taliban / Taliban n. yon gwoup konsvat Izlamik
ki te pran kontwl Afghanistan apre Inyon Sovyetik te
retire twoup li yo; Etazini te f yo kite pouvwa a ak fs
an desanm 2001, paske li tap sere moun ke yo te sispk
te teworis.
Tamil / Tamil n. yon lang Lend disid; epitou, pp ki
pale lang sa a.
technology / teknoloji n. jan pp aplike
konesans, zouti ak envansyon pou satisf bezwen yo.
Tennis Court Oath / Sman Teren Tenis n.
yon pwoms ke manm Asanble Nasyonal peyi Lafrans
yo te f an 1789, kote yo jire pou yo kontinye rankontre
jiskaske yo pwodwi yon nouvo konstitisyon.





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terrace / teras n. yon nouvo fm agrikilti nan

Aksoum, kote art sou fm eskalye ki te bati sou pant
mn yo ede kenbe dlo epitou diminye ewozyon.
terrorism / teworis n. izaj fs oswa menas pou f
pp oubyen gouvnman yo p pou yo sa chanje politik yo.
theocracy / teokrasi n. 1. yon gouvnman kote yo
konsidere dirijan an tankou yon imaj diven. 2. yon
gouvnman kontwole pa lid relijye.
theory of evolution / teyori evolisyon n.
lide, pwopoze pa Charles Darwin nan ane 1859, ke
esps plant ak zannimo part pa mwayen yon pwosesis
seleksyon natirl.
theory of relativity / teyori relativite n. lide
Albert Einstein sou entrelasyon ant tan ak espas epitou
ant enji ak maty.
Theravada / Teravada n. yon sk Boudis ki
konsantre sou disiplin espirityl estrik ke Bouda a te
sipte depi nan kmansman.
Third Reich / Twazym Reich n. twazym Anpi
Alman, ke Adolf Hitler te etabli nan ane 1930 yo.
Third Republic / Twazym repiblik n. repiblik
ki te etabli nan Lafrans apre chit Napoleon III epitou ki
te fini ak okipasyon alman nan Lafrans pandan dezym
G Mondyal.
Third World / Ty Monn n. pandan G Frt la,
nasyon an devlpman yo ki pat alye ak Etazini oswa
Inyon Sovyetik.
Thirty Years War / G trant an n. yon konfli
ewopeyen sou relijyon ak teritwa, epitou pou pouvwa ant
fanmi ki tap dirije yo, ki dire de 1618 a 1648.
three-field system / sistm twa teren n. yon
sistm agrikl devlope nan Lewp medyeval, kote t
rekt te divize an twa teren egal epi yo te plante nan
chak youn apre lt, rekt iv, rekt prentan, epitou yo
te rete san plante.
Tiananmen Square / Plas Tyananmenn n.
yon gwo plas piblik nan Beijing, nan peyi Lachin; nan
ane 1989, kote te gen yon soulvman etidyan pou sipte
refm demokratik yo.
tithe / dim n. yon peman bay yon legliz, ki
reprezante yon dizym revni yon fanmi.
Tokugawa Shogunate / Tokugawa
Shogunate n. yon dinasti shogun yo ki te dirije
peyi Japon ki te inifye de 1603 a 1867.
Torah / Tora n. senk premye liv Bib Ebre a ekriti
ki pi sakre nan tradisyon jwif la.
totalitarianism / totalitarianis n. kontwl
gouvnman sou tout asp vi piblik ak vi prive.
total war / g total n. yon konfli kote peyi ki ap
patisipe yo mete tout resous yon nan jef pou lag a.
totems / totm n. zannimo oswa lt obj natirl ki
svi km senbl pou inite klan yo oubyen lt gwoup moun.


tournament / tounwa n. yon fo batay ant gwoup

tragedy / trajedi n. yon esps dram serye ki
prezante decheyans yon karakt ewoyik oswa nb.
Treaty of Kanagawa / Trete Kanagawa n.
yon ak 1854 ant Etazini ak Japon, ki te louvri de p
Japon bay bato ameriken epitou pmt Etazini mete
yon anbasad nan peyi Japon.
Treaty of Tordesillas / TreteTodesillas n. yon
ak nan ane 1494 ant Ptigal ak Espay, ki deklare ke t
ki te fk dekouvri alws yon liy imajin nan Oseyan
Atlantik la, ta dwe apateni a peyi Lespay e t ki te fk
dekouvri als liy la ta dwe apateni a Ptigal.
Treaty of Versailles / Trete Vsay n. trete de
p ke Almay ak fs Alye yo te siyen apre premye G
Mondyal la.
trench warfare / g tranch n. yon fm lag kote
ame opoze yo batay youn kont lt apatide fose ki fouye
nan chan batay la.
triangular trade / koms triyangil n. yon
rezo koms transatlantik kote yo te trennen esklav ak lt
byen atrav Afrik, Anglet, Ewp, Antiy yo, ak koloni
Amerik din yo.
tribune / tribin n. nan ansyen Wm, yon
reprezantan gouvnman an eli pa plebeyen yo pou
pwoteje dwa yo.
tribute / tribi n. yon peman ke yon pouvwa pi fb
bay yon pouvwa ki pi f pou li jwenn asirans lap ak
Triple Alliance / Alians Trip n. 1. yon
asosyasyon vil eta Tenochtitlan, Tekskoko ak Tlakopan,
ki te mennen a fmasyon Anpi Aztk la. 2. yon alyans
milit ant Almay, Otrich-Ongri, ak Itali nan ane ki
presede premye G Mondyal yo.
Triple Entente / Antant Trip n. yon alyans
milit ant Grann Bretay, Frans, ak Larisi nan ane ki
presede premy G Mondyal yo.
triumvirate / trioumvira n. nan ansyen Wm,
yon gwoup twa lid ki te pataje kontwl gouvnman an.
Trojan War / G de Twa n. yon g ki te ft apepr
nan ane 1200 avan Jezikri, kote yon lame dirije pa wa
Misn [Mycenaean] yo te atake vil komsyal
endepandan Troy la nan peyi Anatl.
troubadour / twoubadou n. yon powt ak
mizisyen medyeval ki te vwayaje de yon zn a yon lt,
pou amize moun ak chante damou pou koutizan yo.
Truman Doctrine / Doktrin Truman n. anonse
pa Prezidan Harry Truman nan ane 1947, yon politik
Etazini pou bay nasyon lib ki menase pa lenmi entn
oswa ekstn d ekonomik ak milit.
tyrant / tiran n. nan Grs antik, yon moun pwisan
ki vin gen kontwl yon gouvnman vil eta, paske li te
chache sip pv yo.

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Umayyads / Umayyad n. yon dinasti ki te dirije
Anpi Mizilman an de 661 a 750 apre Jezikri epitou ki te
etabli pita yon waym nan al-Andalus.
union / inyon [sendika] n. yon asosyasyon
travay, ki fme pou negosye pou pi bon kondisyon
travay epitou pi gwo sal.
United Nations / Nasyonzini n. yon
ganizasyon entnasyonal pou mentni lap ki te fonde
an 1945 pou bay nasyon ki nan lemonn yo sekirite.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights /
Deklarasyon Inivsl dwa delm n. yon
deklarasyon ki ft an 1948 kote Nasyonzini deklare ke
tout moun gen dwa lavi, libte ak sekirite.
unrestricted submarine warfare / g
soumaren san restriksyon n. itilizasyon
soumaren pou koule san preavi nenpt batiman (ikonpri
batiman net yo ak batiman pasaje ki pa ame) ke yo te
jwenn nan dlo lenmi yo.
urbanization / ibanizasyon n. kwasans vil yo ak
migrasyon moun ladan yo.
U.S.A. Patriot Act / Lwa Patriyt Etazini
n. yon lwa antiteworis nan ane 2001 ki ranfse dwa
gouvnman an pou kenbe etranje yo sispk ki se teworis
epitou pou jije krim teworis yo.
U.S. Civil War / G Sivil Etazini n. yon konfli
ant eta N ak eta Sid nan Etazini sou kesyon esklavaj, ki
dire de 1861 a 1865.
utilitarianism / itilitarianis n. teyori ke Jeremy
Bentham te pwopoze nan fen ane 1700 yo, ki deklare ke
aksyon gouvnman yo itil slman si yo ankouraje pi gwo
byen pou pi plis moun.
Utopia / Itopi n. yon t imajin ke Thomas More te
dekri nan liv li a Itopi als, yon kote ideyal.

vassal / vasal n. nan Ewp feyodal, yon moun ki
resevwa yon sibvansyon de yon sey, an echanj pou yon
pwoms lwayote ak svis.
Vedas / Vedas n. kat koleksyon ekriti sakre ke
Aryen yo te pwodwi pandan kmansman peryd yo tap
enstale yo nan peyi Lend.
vernacular / vnakil n. langaj de touljou pp
nan yon rejyon oswa yon peyi.
Vietcong / Vytkong n. yon gwoup gerila
kominis ki, ak ld Vyetnam din, te batay kont
gouvnman Vyetnam disid nan G Vyetnam nan.

Vietnamization / Vietnamizasyon n. estrateji

prezidan Richard Nixon pou mete fen a patisipasyon
Etazini nan lag Vyetnam nan, kote twoup ameriken yo
te retire k yo pezape epitou te ranplase pa fs
Vyetnamyen disid yo.
Vishnu / Vishnou n. yon dye Endou ke yo
konsidere tankou pwotekt lemonn.
vizier / vizi n. yon premye minis nan yon waym
Mizilman oswa yon anpi.

War of the Spanish Succession / G
Siksesyon Panyl n. yon konfli, ki te dire de 1701
a 1713, kote yon kantite eta ewopeyen te goumen pou
evite fanmi Boubon an kontwole Espay ak Lafrans.
Warsaw Pact / Pak Vasovi n. yon alyans milit
ki te fme nan ane 1955 pa Inyon Sovyetik ak st peyi
Ewp dels.
Weimar Republic / Repiblik Weimar n.
repiblik ki te etabli nan peyi Almay nan ane 1919
e ki te fini nan ane 1933.
Western Front / Fwon Oksidantal n. pandan
premye G Mondyal la, rejyon nan N Lafrans kote fs
Alye yo ak Pouvwa Santral yo tap batay youn kont lt.
westernization / oksidantalizasyon n. yon
adopsyon enstitisyon sosyal, politik oswa ekonomik peyi
oksidan yo espesyalman peyi ewopeyen oubyen

yin and yang / yin ak yang n. nan panse chinwa,
de pouvwa ki gouvne ritm natirl lavi (ak yin ki
reprezante kalite feminen nan iniv a, e yang kalite
maskilen yo).
Yoruba / Yowuba n. yon pp Afrik Delws ki te
fme plizy waym nan sa ki kounyeya Benen ak Nijeri

Zapotec / Zapotk n. yon sivilizasyon
Mezoameriken ki te la nan kmansman an e ki te
santre nan vale Oaksaka ki se yon pati nan kote yo rele
Meksik kounyeya.
ziggurat / zigourat n. yon estrikti an graden ki
genyen fm yon pyramid ki se yon pati nan tanp
Simeryen an
Zionism / Ziyonis n. yon mouvman ki te fonde nan
ane 1890 yo pou ankouraje etablisman t natal Jwif yo
nan peyi Palestin.





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. , ,
, .
. =

. =

Abbaid / , ., ,
1258 . . .
Aborigine / , .,
abolute monarch / ,
., ,

acropoli / , .,
Akum / , ., ,
. . ., .
al-Andalu / -, ., ,
VIII ..., .
Allah / , ., ( ,
Allie / , ., ,
, ,
, ; ,
, ,
Almohad / , .,

XII . . .
Almoravid / , .,
, XI . . .
Amritar Maacre / , .,
, ,

Anabaptit / , .,
, , ,
, ,



. =

Anaazi / , .,
, - .
Anatolia / , ., ,
Angkor Wat / , ., ,

Anglican / , .,
animim / , ., ,
annexation / , .,

annul / , .,
anti-emitim / , .,
apartheid / , .,

apotle / , .,
appeaement / ,
., , .
aqueduct / , .,
aritocracy / , .,

armitice / , .,
artifact / , ., ,
, , ,

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artian / , ., ,
Aryan / , ., 1.
, 1500 . . .
. 2.
, , " ".
aembly line / , .,


aimilation / , ., 1.

Ayria / , ., ,
850 . 612 . . .
Atlantic Charter / , .,
1941 -

Atlantic lave trade /
, ., ,

autocracy / , .,

, .
Axi Power / , .,
, , ,
1936 .
ayllu / , ., ,

balance of power / , .,

Balkan / , ., -
, , , ,
, ,

Bantu-peaking people / ,
, ., ,
baroque / , .,
1600- . 1700- .
barter / , ., ,

Battle of Britain / , .,
19401941 .
Battle of Guadalcanal / ,
., 19421943 .

Battle of Midway / , .,

1942 .,

Battle of talingrad / ,
., 19421943 .

Battle of the Bulge / , .,
19441945 .,

Battle of Trafalgar / ,
., 1805 ,

Benin / , ., ,
1300- .,
1400- .
Beringia / , .,
Berlin Conference of 188485 /
1884-85 , .,

Bill of Right / , .,




7:13 PM

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bihop / , ., ,
blitzkrieg / , .,

blockade / , .,

Boer / , .,
Boer War / , ., ,
1899 . 1902 .,

Bolhevik / , .,
1917 .
Boxer Rebellion / ()
, ., 1900 ,

boyar / , .,
Brahma / , ., ,
Brahmin / , ., ,
brinkmanhip /
, .,
Bronze Age / , .,
3000 . . .

bubonic plague / , .,
XIV .,
bureaucracy / , .,

burgher / , .,
Buhido / , .,
, -



cabinet / , .,

caliph / , .,
calligraphy / , .,
Calvinim / , .,
Camp David Accord / -
, .,
canon law / , ., ,
capitalim / , .,

Carolingian dynaty / ,
., ,
751 . 987 . . .
cate / , .,
, ,
Catholic Reformation /
, ., XVI .,

caudillo / , .,
centralized government /
, ., ,
Central Power / , .,
, , ,
Chaldean / , ., ,

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Chartit movement / ,
., XIX . ,
Chavn / , .,
900 . 200 . . .
check and balance /
, .,
chivalry / , .,

, .
CI / C, .,

city-tate / -, .,
civil diobedience /
, .,

, .
civilization / , ., ,
, ,
civil ervice / , .,
, .
civil war / , .,
clan / , ., ,
claical art / , .,
clergy / , .,
, , ,
cloning / , .,
coalition government /
, ., ,


codex / , ., , ,
Cold War / , .,

collective bargaining /
, .,
collective farm / , .,

colony / , ., ,
Colou of Rhode / , .,
Columbian Exchange / ,
., ,

comedy / , .,
command economy / ,
., ,

Commercial Revolution /
, .,
common law / , .,
, .
commune / , .,
Communit Party / ,
., ,
. . ;

communim / , .,
, , , ,




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Concert of Europe / ,
XIX .,

concordat / , .,
, ,
Congre of Vienna / , .,
Congre Party / , .,

conquitador / , .,
, ,
conervative / , .,
XIX ., ,
contitutional monarchy /
, ., ,
conul / , ., ,
containment / , .,
1940- .,

Continental ytem /
, .,

corporation / , ., ,
Council of Trent / , .,


coup dtat / , .,
covenant / ,
., , ,
creole / , .,
, ,
Crimean War / , .,
, 1853 . 1856 .,

, ,
crop rotation / , .,

Cruade / , .,

cultural diffuion / ,
Cultural Revolution / ,
., 19661976
, ,

, .
culture / , .,
, , .
cuneiform / , .,
3000 . . .
cyberterrorim / , .,
Cyrillic alphabet / ,
., , IX .
czar / , .,
( ).

daimyo / , ., ,
Daoim / , ., ,

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7:13 PM

Page 167

D-Day / "", ., 6 1944 ,

Declaration of Independence /
, ., ,

1776 .
delta / , ., ,
demilitarization / , .,

democracy / , ., ,

, .
democratization / , .,

Department of Homeland ecurity /
., ,
2002 .
dtente / , .,

developed nation / , .,
, ,

devhirme / , .,
, ,
Diapora / , .,
, ,
1800 ,

70 . . .
dictator / , ., ,

direct democracy / , .,
diident / , .,

divine right / , .,
dometication / , .,
dominion / , .,
, ( ),

domino theory / , ., ,
Dorian / , ., ,

Dreyfu affair / , .,

Dutch Eat India Company /
- , ., ,
dynatic cycle / , .,
, ,
dynaty / , .,

Eatern Front / , .,
, .
Edict of Nante / , .,
1598 ,

Emancipation Proclamation /
, .,

1863 .,
emerging nation / ,
., ,




7:13 PM

Page 168

migr / , ., ,
, ,
, ,

empire / , ., ,

encloure / ,
encomienda / , .,


Englih Civil War /
, ., , 1642
1649 , ,
enlightened depot / ,
., XVIII ,

enlightenment / , .,
, ,
Enlightenment / , .,

entrepreneur / , .,
, ,
epic / , .,
etate / , .,

, .
Etate-General / , .,
ethnic cleaning / , .,





excommunication / , .,

exitentialim / , ., , ,
extraterritorial right /
, ., ,

factor of production / ,
., , ,
factory / , ., ,

facim / , .,
Fatimid / , .,
, X-XII .,
favorable balance of trade /
, ., ,
federal ytem / , .,

Fertile Crecent / ,
., -

feudalim / , .,

fief / , ., ,

filial piety / , .,
Final olution / ,

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7:13 PM

Page 169

Five-Year Plan / , .,
, 1928 .
Four Modernization / ,
., ,
XX ,
, , .
Fourteen Point / ,
., ,
Frank / , ., ,

free trade / , .,

( ).
French and Indian War /
, .,
, 1754 1763 .

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

gender inequality / , .,

genetic engineering / , .,

genocide / , .,
gentry / , .,
geocentric theory / ,
., ,
, ,
geopolitic / , .,

Ghana / , .,
ghetto / , ., ,

glanot / , .,
1985 . .
global economy / ,
, ,
Gloriou Revolution / ,
glyph / , .,

Gothic / , .,
, .
Great Depreion / ,
., ,

1929 .
Great Fear / , .,
1789 .
Great Purge / , .,
1930- oa,

, .
Great chim / , .,


Greco-Roman culture / -
, ., ,
, .
green revolution / , .,
XX .,
griot / , ., .
guerrilla / , .,





7:13 PM

Page 170

guild / , .,
, ,

guillotine / , .,

Gupta Empire / , .,
I 320 . . .

habea corpu / , .,

Hagia ophia / , .,

haiku / , ., ,
hajj / , ., ,
Han dynaty / , .,
, 202 . . . 9 . . .
23 . . . 220 . . .
Harappan civilization /
, .,
, ,
, 7000- . . .,
Haua / , ., ,
heliocentric theory / ,
., ,
Hellenitic / , .,
, , ,

II . .
helot / , .,
, , .
hieroglyphic / ,
., ,

Hijrah / , .,
622 . . .


Hittite / , ., ,
2000 . . .
Holocaut / , .,
, ,

Holy Alliance / , .,
, ,
Holy Roman Empire /
, ., , X .
. ., ,
home rule / , .,

- .
hominid / , .,
Homo apien / , .,
Houe of Widom / , ., , 800- .
humanim / , .,

Hundred Day / , .,
1815 .,
Hundred Year War / , .,
, 1337. 1453 .
hunter-gatherer / -, .,
Hyko / , ., - ,
1640 1570 . . .

Ice Age / , .,
1600000 10000 . . .

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7:13 PM

Page 171

I Ching / , ., ,

icon / , .,
imperialim / , .,

impreionim / , .,
XIX .,

Indo-European / , .,
, 1700 .
. .
- .
indulgence / , .,
indutrialization / , .,

Indutrial Revolution /
, ., XVIII
inflation / , .,
Inquiition / , .,

1400- .
intitution / , ., ,

intendant / , .
International pace tation /
, .,
, 14

Internet / , .,
intifada / , .,

1990- .

Irih Republican Army (IRA) /

(), .,

iron curtain / " ", .,
, ,

Iroquoi / , .,
, ,

1500 .
Ilam / , . ,
VII . . .
iolationim / , .,

Irael / , .,
, -
, 1020 . 922 . . .;
1948 .

Jainim / , ., ,
VI . . .,
, ,
janiary / , .,
jazz / , .,
XX- ,
- .
Jeuit / , .,
jewel in the crown /
, ., ,
joint-tock company / ,
., ,

Judah / , .,
922 . . .




7:13 PM

Page 172


Jutinian Code / , .,

I 534 . . .

kabuki / , .,
aier / , .,
( ).
kamikaze / , .,
, -,
karma / , ., ,
Khmer Empire / , .,
- ,
, ,
1200 . . .
Khmer Rouge / " ", .,
1975 .
knight / , ., ,
Koryu dynaty / , ., ,
935 . 1392 . . .
Kritallnacht / " ", . "
" 9 1938 ,

, .
Kuomintang / , .,
1912 .
Kuh / , ., ,
2000 .
1000 . . .

laiez faire / , .,
, ,




land reform / , .

, .
La Reforma / , .,
XIX . ,
lay invetiture / .,
League of Nation / , .,
lebenraum / , .,
, ,
- .
Legalim / ,
., ,

legion / , .,
, , , 5000
Legilative Aembly /
, ., ,

1791 .
legitimacy / , .,
liberal / , .,
XIX , ,
, ,

lineage / , ., , ,
loe / , ., ,
Long March / , .,
6000 (9600 ),
19341935 . ,

lord / , ., ,
Lutheran / , .,

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7:13 PM

Page 173

lyce / , .,

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Macedonia / , .,
II 338 . . .
Maghrib / , .,

, .
Magna Carta / " ",
., ,
1215 .
Mahabharata / , .,
Mahayana / , . ,

maize / , .,
Mali / , ., ,
1235 . 1400 .,
Manchu / , .,
(16441912 .).
Mandate of Heaven / , .,
, ,
manifet detiny / ,
., , XIX

manor / , .,
Maori / , ., , 800 . . .
Marhall Plan / , .,

martial law / , .,
, ,

ma culture / , .,

materialim / , .,
matriarchal / , .,
matrilineal / , .,

Mauryan Empire / , .,
321 . . .
May Fourth Movement /
" ", .,
1919 .,

Mede / , ., ,
Meiji era / , .,
1867 1912 .,
Mein Kampf / , ., ,
19231924 .,
, .
mercantilim / , .,

mercenary / , .,
Mero / , ., ,
250 . . . 150 . . .,
Meoamerica / , .,
metizo / , .,
, .
Middle Age / , .,
500 .
1500 ., .




7:13 PM

Page 174

middle cla / , .,
middle paage /
, .,
migration / , .,
militarim / , ., ,

Ming dynaty / , .,
, 1368 . 1644 .
Minoan / , ., ,
2000 .
1400 . . .
Miiippian / , .,
1500 . . .
mita / , ., , ,

Moche / , ., ,
100 .
700 . . .
monarchy / , ., ,
monatery / , .,

monopoly / , .,
monotheim / , .,
Monroe Doctrine / ,

1823 .
monoon / , ., ,
moque / , .,


movable type / , .,
Mughal / , ., ,
mujahideen / , ., ,
, 1970- .
c ,
mulatto / , .,
- .
mummification / , .,

Munich Conference /
, .,
, ,
1938 .,


Mulim / , .,
Mulim League / , .,
, 1906 .

Mutapa / , .,
- ,
XV . .
Mycenaean / , . ,

2000 . . .
myth / , .,
, ,

Napoleonic Code / , .,
National Aembly / ,
., ,
17 1789 .


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7:13 PM

Page 175

nationalim / , .,
, .
nation-tate / -, ., , .
NATO / , ., ,
1949 .
, .
Nazca / , ., ,
200 . . . 600- . . .
Nazim / , .,
, ,

Negritude movement / , .,
, - -

neoclaical / , .,

1700- .
Neolithic Age / , .,
, 8 .
3 . .,
Neolithic Revolution /
, .,
, , . .
New Deal / , .,
, .
New Kingdom / , .

Hyko (),
1570 . 1075 . . .
nirvana / , ., ,

Nok / , ., ,
500 . . . 200 . . . ,
nomad / , ., ,
, .
nonaggreion pact / ,
., ,
nonaligned nation /
, ., ,
Nuremberg Trial / ,
., ,
, ,


obidian / , ., ,
Old Regime / , .,
oligarchy / , ., ,

, , ,
Olmec / , .,
1200- . . .
Open Door Policy /
, ., ,
1899 ,

Opium War / , .,
, 1839 .
1842 .,
oracle bone / , ., ,
Olo Peace Accord / ,
., 1993 ,





7:13 PM

Page 176


ozone layer / , .,


Pacific Rim / , .,
, ,
, .
Paleolithic Age / , .,
2,5 . . .
8000 . .,

Panama Canal / , .,
1914 .
papyru / , .,
, ,

, .
parliament / , ., , .
partition / , ., ,
, , 1947 . ,
patoralit / (), .,
paternalim / , .,
patriarch / , .,
patriarchal / , .,
patrician / , ., ,
, , .
patrilineal / , .,

patron / , ., ,



Pax Mongolica / Pax Mongolica, .,

Pax Romana / Pax Romana, .,
27 . . .
180 . . .
Peace of Augburg / ,
., 1555 ,

Peloponneian War / ,
., , 431 . 404 . . .,

penal colony / , .,
, ,
peninulare / , .,
Peninular War /
, ., 1808 1813

peretroika / , .,

1985 .
Perian Gulf War /
, ., 1991 ,

Perian War / , .,
V . . ., .
perpective / , .,
phalanx / , .,
, .
pharaoh / , .,
, ,
philoophe / , .,


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Page 177

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

philoopher / , ., ,

Phoenician / , .,
- , XI .
. .
Pilgrim / , ., ,
1620 .
plebeian / , .,
, ,
plebicite / , .,
- .
PLO / , .,

poli / , ., -,

750 . . .
Politburo / , .,
political dient / ,
polytheim / , .,
pope / , ., ,
Popol Vuh / , ., ,

popular culture / , .,
, , ,
potlatch / , .

- ,
predetination / , .,
, ,
, .
Prebyterian / , .,
() .

PRI / , .,

proletariat / , .,
, ,
proliferation / , .,
, , ,
propaganda / , .,
, .
Protetant / , .,
, .
proviional government /
, ., .
pychology / , .,
pueblo / , .,
Punic War / , .,
(264146 .
. .),

Puritan / , ., ,

1600- .
puh-pull factor / -
, ., ,
pyramid / , .,
, , ,


Qin dynaty / , .,
. .
Qing dynaty / , .,
, 1644 1912




7:13 PM

Page 178

Quetzalcoatl / , .,

quipu / , .,
Quran / , ., .

racim / , ., ,
radical / , .,

radioactivity / , .,
, .
Raj / , ., ,
18571947 .
rationing / , .,
realim / , .,
XIX , , , ,
realpolitik / , .,

- .
receion / , .,
Reconquita / , .,

, 1100- 1492 .
Red Guard / , .,
- .
Reformation / , .,
refugee / , ., ,




Reign of Terror / , .,
1793 1794,

reincarnation / , .,
religiou toleration / ,
Renaiance / , .,
, 1300 1600

republic / , ., ,
, .
Retoration / , .,
II ,
reunification / , .,
, ,
1990 .
romanticim / , .,
, .
Rooevelt Corollary / ,
., ,
1904 ,

" "
Rowlatt Act / , ., ,
1919 ,

Royal Road / , .,
, 1600
(2600 )
Ruification / , .,


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Page 179

Ruo-Japanee War / - ,
19041905 , -


Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

acrament / , .,
afavid / , .
ahel / , ., ,
alon / , .,
, ,

ALT / , .,

1970- ,

alt March / , .,
(387 ) ,
, .
amurai / , .,
, .
an-culotte / , .,

atrap / , .,
avanna / , ., ,
chlieffen Plan / , .,

cholatic / , ., ,


cientific method / , .,

cientific Revolution / ,
1500- ,

corched-earth policy /
, .,
cribe / , .,
ecede / , .,
ecular / , .,
, .
egregation / , .,

elf-determination / , .,

eljuk / , ., ,
XI .
enate / , .,
epoy / , ., ,
epoy Mutiny / , .,

1857 .
erf / , .,
even Year War / , .,
, ,
1756 1763,
, ,
hah / , ., .
haria / , ., ,
hia / , ., ,





7:13 PM

Page 180

hinto / , ., ,
hiva / , ., ,
hock therapy / " ", .,
, 1990-

hogun / , .,
ikh / , .,
ilk Road / ,
imony / , .,
kepticim / , ., ,
lah-and-burn farming / -
, ., ,

lav / , .,

ocial contract / , .,
ocial Darwinim / ,
" "
, ,
ocialim / , .,
, .
olidarity / , .,
, 1980-

onghai / , ., -
, 1400 1591 .


oviet / , ., ,
panih-American War / -
, ., 1898

pecialization / , .,
, ,
phere of influence / , .,

tandard of living / , .,
, .
tatele ocietie /
, .,
teppe / , ., ,
trike / , .,

tupa / , .,
ubcontinent / , .,
uez Canal / , .,
, 1869 ,
uffrage / , .,
ufi / , ., ,

ultan / , ., " "
", ";

unna / , .,
unni / , .,

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7:13 PM

Page 181

urrealim / , ., XX
utainable growth / , .,

wahili / , ., ,

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

Taiping Rebellion / ,
., XIX

Taj Mahal / -, .,
, ,
- .
Taliban / , .,

, .
Tamil / , .,
; ,
technology / , ., ,

Tenni Court Oath /
, ., ,
1789 ,

terrace / , .
, ,
terrorim / , .,

theocracy / , ., 1. ,

. 2. ,

theory of evolution / , .,
, 1859
, ,
theory of relativity / ,

Theravada / , ., ,

Third Reich / , .,
1930- .
Third Republic / , .,

Third World / , .,
, ,

Thirty Year War / ,
., ,
, 1618
1648 .
three-field ytem / ,
., ,

Tiananmen quare / ,
., , ; 1989

tithe / , .,
Tokugawa hogunate / ,
., ,
1603 1867 .
Torah / (), .,

totalitarianim / , .,

total war / , .,





7:13 PM

Page 182

totem / , .,
tournament / , .,
tragedy / , .,
Treaty of Kanagawa /
., 1854

Treaty of Tordeilla / ,
., 1494
, ,
, ,
Treaty of Veraille / ,
., ,

trench warfare / , .,
triangular trade / , .,
, ,
, -
tribune / , ., , .
tribute / , .,

Triple Alliance / , .,
1. - ,
. 2.
, -
Triple Entente / , .,
triumvirate / , .,



Trojan War / , ., ,
1200 . . ., ,
troubadour / , .,
Truman Doctrine / , .,
1947 ,

tyrant / , ., ,

Umayyad / , ., ,
661 750 . . .,
union / , ., ,

United Nation /
, .,
, 1945
Univeral Declaration of Human Right /
, .,
1948 ,
unretricted ubmarine warfare /

, .,

urbanization / , .,
U..A. Patriot Act / ,
., 2001 ,

, ,

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7:13 PM

Page 183

U.. Civil War / ,

1861 1865 .
utilitarianim / , ., ,
Utopia / , ., ,

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company

vaal / , .,

Veda / , .,
vernacular / , ., .
Vietcong / , ., ,

Vietnamization / , .,


Vihnu / , ., ,
vizier / , ., -

Wetern Front / , .,

weternization /
, ., ,

yin and yang / , .,
, ).
Yoruba / , ., -


Zapotec / , ., ,
ziggurat / , .,
Zionim / , ., ,

War of the panih ucceion /
, ., 1701
1713 ,
Waraw Pact / , .,
, 1955
- .
Weimar Republic / ,
., ,
1919 1933 .





7:15 PM

Page 184

O Glossrio uma lista alfabtica de muitos dos termos chaves dos captulos, junto
com seus significados. As definies listadas no Glossrio so as que se adequam
maneira como as palavras so usadas neste livro. O Glossrio indica a classe
gramatical da palavra. As seguintes abreviaes so usadas:


Abbasids / Abssidas s. dinastia que dominou
muito do imprio muulmano de 750 a 1258 D.C.
Aborigine / Aborgene s. membro de quaisquer
dos povos nativos da Austrlia.
absolute monarch / monarca absoluto s. rei
ou rainha que tem poder ilimitado e busca controlar
todos os apectos da sociedade.
acropolis / acrpolis s. colina fortificada numa
antiga cidade grega.
Aksum / Aksum s. reino africano, no que agora a
Etipia e a Eritria, que atingiu o mximo de seu poder
no sculo 4 D.C.
al-Andalus / Andaluzia s. regio dominada pelos
muulmanos no que agora a Espanha, estabelecida no
sculo 8 D.C.
Allah / Al s. Deus (palavra rabe, usada
principlamente no Islame).
Allies / Aliados s. na Primeira Guerra Mundial,
as naes da Inglaterra, Frana e Rssia, mais as que
lutaram do lado delas; tambm, o grupo de naes
incluindo Inglaterra, Unio Sovitica, e os EUA que
se ops aos poderes do Eixo na Segunda Guerra
Almohads / Almodas s. grupo de reformistas
islmicos que derrubou a dinastina Almorvida e
estabeleceu um imprio no norte da frica e no sul da
Espanha no sculo 12 D.C.
Almoravids / Almorvidas s. irmandade
religiosa islmica que estabeleceu um imprio no norte
da frica e sul da Espanha no sculo 11 D.C.
Amritsar Massacre / Massacre de Amritsar
s. assassinato pelas tropas inglesas de quase 400 hindus
reunidos em Amritsar para protestar contra as leis
Anabaptists / Anabatistas s. na Reforma, grupo
Protestante que acreditava no batismo somente daquelas
pessoas crescidas o suficiente para decidirem serem
crists, e acreditava na separao entre igreja e estado.
Anasazi / Anasazi s. povo ndio americano
primitivo, que viveu no sudoeste da Amrica.
Anatolia / Anatlia s. pennsula do sudoeste da
sia, agora ocupada pela parte asitica da Turquia
tambm chamada de sia Menor.


s. = substantivo

v. = verbo

Angkor Wat / Angkor Wat s. complexo de

templos erigido no Imprio Khmer e dedicado a Vishnu,
deus hindu.
Anglican / Anglicano adj. relativo Igreja da
animism / animismo s. crena de que os espritos
esto presentes nas plantas, animais e outros objetos
annexation / anexao s. o acrscimo de uma
regio ao territrio de uma unidade poltica existente.
annul / anular v. cancelar ou por um fim a.
anti-Semitism / anti-semitismo s. preconceito
contra judeus.
apartheid / apartheid s. poltica sul-africana de
total separao legal das raas, incluindo o banimento de
todos os contatos sociais entre brancos e pretos.
apostle / apstolo s. um dos seguidores de Jesus,
que pregaram e espalharam seus ensinamentos.
appeasement / apaziguamento s. abrir
concesses a um agressor para evitar guerra.
aqueduct / aqueduto s. tubulao ou canal para
transportar gua para reas populadas.
aristocracy / aristocracia s. governo em que o
poder est nas mos de uma classe dominante
hereditria ou nobreza.
armistice / armistcio s. acordo para cessar-fogo.
artifact / artefato s. objeto manufaturado, como
uma ferramenta, arma ou artigo de joalheria.
artisan / arteso s. operrio habilidoso, como um
tecelo ou poteiro, que faz mercadorias com suas mos.
Aryans / Arianos s. 1. povo indo-europeu que,
em cerca de 1500 A.C., iniciou sua migrao para o
subcontinente indiano. 2. para os nazistas, os povos
germnicos que formavam uma raa superior.
assembly line / linha de montagem s. numa
fbrica, um plano em que um produto move-se de
trabalhador em trabalhador, e cada pessoa realiza uma
nica tarefa em sua manufatura.
assimilation / assimilao s. 1. adoo da
cultura de um conquistador pelo povo conquistado. 2.
poltica pela qual uma nao fora ou encoraja um povo
sujeitado a adotar suas instituies e costumes.
Assyria / Assria s. reino do sudoeste asitico que
controlou um grande imprio de cerca 850 a 612 A.C.

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adj. = adjetivo


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Atlantic Charter / Carta do Atlntico s.

declarao de princpios emitida em 1941 pelo primeiroministro ingls Winston Churchill e pelo presidente dos
EUA Franklin Roosevelt, sobre a qual o plano aliado de
paz no fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial se baseou.
Atlantic slave trade / comrcio escravagista
do Atlntico s. a compra, transporte e venda de
africanos para trabalhar nas Amricas.
autocracy / autocracia s. governo em que o
dirigente tem poderes ilimitados e o usa de maneira
Axis Powers / Poderes do Eixo s. na Segunda
Guerra Mundial, as naes da Alemanha, Itlia e Japo,
que haviam formado uma aliana em 1936.
ayllu / ayllu s. na sociedade inca, uma pequena
comunidade ou clan cujos membros trabalhavam juntos
para o bem comum.

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balance of power / equilbrio do poder s.
uma situao poltica em que nenhuma nao tem poder
suficiente para ser uma ameaa s outras.
Balkans / Blcs s. regio do sudeste europeu
agora ocupada pela Grcia, Albnia, Bulgria, Romnia,
a parte europia da Turquia e as antigas repblicas da
Bantu-speaking peoples / povos de lngua
banta s. falantes de um grupo relacionado de lnguas
que, iniciando h cerca de 2000 anos, migrou da frica
ocidental para a maior parte da metade sul da frica.
baroque / barroco adj. relativo a estilo grandioso e
ornamentado que caracterizava a pintura, msica e a arquitetura europias nos anos 1600 e incio dos anos 1700.
barter / permuta s. forma de negociar em que as
pessoas trocam mercadorias e servios sem o uso de
Battle of Britain / Batalha da Inglaterra s.
srie de batalhas entre as foras areas de Alemanha e
Inglaterra, travada sobre a Inglaterra em 194041.
Battle of Guadalcanal / Batalha de
Guadalcanal s. uma batalha de 194243 da Segunda
Guerra Mundial, em que tropas aliadas expulsaram
foras japonesas da ilha Guadalcanal, no Pacfico.
Battle of Midway / Batalha de Midway s.
uma batalha aero-naval de 1942, na Segunda Guerra
Mundial, em que as foras americanas derrotaram as
japonesas no Pacfico central.
Battle of Stalingrad / Batalha de
Stalingrado s. uma batalha de 194243 da Segunda
Guerra Mundial, em que tropas alems foram derrotadas
em sua tentativa de capturar a cidade de Stalingrado na
Unio Sovitica.

Battle of the Bulge / Batalha do Bulge

(Batalha das Ardenas) s. batalha de 194445,
durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na qual os Aliados
repeliram a ltima grande ofensiva alem na guerra.
Battle of Trafalgar / Batalha de Trafalgar
s. uma batalha naval de 1805 em que as foras de
Napoleo foram derrotadas por uma frota inglesa
comandada por Horatio Nelson.
Benin / Benin s. reino que surgiu perto do delta do
Rio Niger cerca de 1300, e tornou-se um dos principais
estados afro-ocidentais nos anos 1400.
Beringia / Beringia s. antiga ponte de terra sobre a
qual acredita-se que os primeiros americanos tenham
migrado da sia para as Amricas.
Berlin Conference of 188485 / Conferncia
de Berlim de 188485 s. reunio na qual os
representantes das naes europias concordaram com
regras para a colonizao europia da frica.
Bill of Rights / Declarao de Direitos e
Garantias s. primeiras dez emendas Constituio
dos EUA, que protege os direitos e liberdades bsicos
dos cidados.
bishop / bispo s. alto posto na hierarquia crist,
cujo detentor supervisiona vrias igrejas locais.
blitzkrieg / blitzkrieg s. guerra relmpago
forma de guerra em que ataques de surpresa com avies
rpidos so seguidos por ataques macios das foras de
blockade / bloqueio s. uso de tropas ou navios
para evitar que o trnsito comercial entre ou saia de uma
cidade ou regio.
Boer / Boer s. colono holands na frica do Sul.
Boer War / Guerra dos Boeres s. conflito,
durando de 1899 a 1902, em que os boeres e os ingleses
lutaram pelo controle territorial da frica do Sul.
Bolsheviks / Bolcheviques s. grupo de russos
marxistas revolucionrios que assumiram o controle do
governo russo em novembro de 1917.
Boxer Rebellion / Rebelio dos Boxers s.
uma revolta na China de 1900, que intencionava
terminar com a influncia estrangeira no pas.
boyars / boiardos s. nobres donos de terras na
Brahma / Brahma s. deus hindu considerado o
criador do mundo.
Brahmin / brmane s. na sociedade ariana, um
membro da classe social composta de padres.
brinkmanship / cortejo do perigo s. poltica
de ameaar ir guerra em resposta s agresses





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Bronze Age / Idade do Bronze s. perodo da

histria humana, iniciando cerca de 3000 A.C. em
algumas reas, durante o qual as pessoas iniciaram a
usar o bronze, mais do que cobre ou pedras, para
modelar ferramentas e armas.
bubonic plague / peste bubnica s. doena
mortal que espalhou-se atravs da sia e Europa em
meados do sculo 14, matando milhes de pessoas.
bureaucracy / burocracia s. sistema de
departamentos e agncias formados para realizar o
trabalho do governo.
burgher / burgus s. habitante de um burgo
Bushido / Bushido s. o estrito cdigo de
comportamento seguido pelos guerreiros samurai no

cabinet / gabinete s. grupo de assessores ou
ministros escolhidos pelo chefe de um pas, para ajudlo a fazer as decises governamentais.
caliph / califa s. lder supremo poltico-religioso
num governo muulmano.
calligraphy / caligrafia s. a arte de escrever-se
com lindas letras, mo.
Calvinism / calvinismo s. corpo de ensinamentos
religiosos baseados nas idias do reformista Joo
Camp David Accords / Acordos de Camp
David s. o primeiro acordo assinado entre Israel e um
pas rabe, em que o presidente egpcio Anuar Sadat
reconhecia Israel como um estado legtimo e o primeiroministro israelense Menachem Begin concordava em
retornar a Pennsula do Sinai ao Egito.
canon law / direito cannico s. o corpo de leis
que governam as prticas religiosas de uma igreja crist.
capitalism / capitalismo s. sistema econmico
baseado em propriedade privada e no investimento de
dinheiro em empresas de negcios com a finalidade de
Carolingian dynasty / dinastia Carolngia s.
dinastia de governantes francos, que durou de 751 a 987
caste / casta s. uma das quatro classes de pessoas
no sistema social dos arianos que se estabeleceu na ndia
padres, guerreiros, camponeses ou mercadores, e
trabalhadores ou artesos no-arianos.
Catholic Reformation / Reforma Catlica
s. movimento do sculo 16 em que a Igreja Catlica
Romana procurava fazer mudanas em resposta s
Reformas Protestantes.


caudillo / caudilho s. ditador militar de um pas da

Amrica Latina.
centralized government / governo centralizado s. governo em que o poder est concentrado numa
autoridade central a que governos locais esto sujeitos.
Central Powers / Poderes Centrais s. na
Primeira Guerra Mundial, as naes da Alemanha e
ustria-Hungria, junto com as que lutaram de seu lado.
Chaldeans / Caldeus s. povo do sudoeste da sia
que ajudou a destruir o imprio assrio.
Chartist movement / movimento Cartista
s. na Inglaterra do sculo 19, membros da classe
trabalhadora exigiram reformas no Parlamento e nas
eleies, incluindo sufrgio para todos os homens.
Chavn / Chavin s. a primeira grande civilizao
sul-americana, que floresceu nas terras altas do que
hoje o Peru, de cerca de 900 a 200 A.C.
checks and balances / pesos e contrapesos
s. medidas desenhadas para evitar que qualquer dos
ramos do governo domine outro ramo.
chivalry / cavalheirismo s. cdigo de
comportamento dos cavaleiros na Europa medieval,
enfatizando ideais como coragem, lealdade e devoo.
CIS / CEI s. Comunidade dos Estados Independentes
associao livre de antigas repblicas soviticas,
formada depois do fim da Unio Sovitica.
city-state / cidade-Estado s. cidades e as terras
que a circundam funcionando como uma unidade
poltica independente.
civil disobedience / desobedincia civil s.
recusa deliberada e pblica em obedecer uma lei que
considerada injusta.
civilization / civilizao s. forma de cultura
caracterizada por cidades, trabalhadores especializados,
instituies complexas, registros e tecnologia avanada.
civil service / servio pblico civil s. departamentos administrativos de um governo-especialmente
aqueles em que os empregados so contratados na base de
seus escores em exames especializados.
civil war / guerra civil s. conflito entre dois
grupos polticos dentro do mesmo pas.
clan / clan s. grupo de pessoas que descende do
mesmo ancestral comum.
classical art / arte clssica s. a arte das antigas
Grcia e Roma, em que a harmonia, a ordem e o
equilbrio eram enfatizados.
clergy / clrigo s. corpo de representantes que
executam servios religiosos tais como padres,
ministros ou rabinos.
cloning / clonagem s. criao de plantas ou
animais que so geneticamente idnticos a uma planta
ou animal existentes.

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coalition government / governo de

coalizo s. governo controlado por uma aliana
temporria de diversos partidos polticos.
codex / cdice s. livro com pginas que podem ser
viradas, como este que voc est lendo agora.
Cold War / Guerra Fria s. estado de hostilidade
diplomtica entre os EUA e a Unio Sovitica, nas
dcadas que se seguiram Segunda Guerra Mundial.
collective bargaining / barganha coletiva s.
negociaes entre trabalhadores e empregadores.
collective farm / fazenda coletiva s. grande
fazenda controlada pelo governo, formada atravs da
combinao de muitas pequenas fazendas.
colony / colnia s. terra controlada por nao distante.
Colossus of Rhodes / Colosso de Rodes s.
enorme esttua helenstica que antigamente ficava perto
do porto de Rodes.
Columbian Exchange / Intercmbio
Columbino s. a transferncia global de plantas,
animais e doenas que ocorreu durante a colonizao
europia das Amricas.
comedy / comdia s. forma humorosa de drama
que freqentemente inclui cenas de pastelo e stira.
command economy / economia de
comando s. sistema econmico em que o governo
faz todas as decises econmicas.
Commercial Revolution / Revoluo
Comercial s. a expanso de comrcio e negcios que
transformou as economias europias durante os sculos
16 e 17.
common law / jurisprudncia s. corpo
unificado de leis, formado das decises dos juzes reais
ingleses, que serve como base para a lei em muitos dos
pases de lngua inglesa atualmente, incluindo os EUA.
commune / comuna s. na China comunista,
fazenda coletiva em que um grande nmero de pessoas
trabalham e vivem juntos.
Communist Party / Partido Comunista s.
partido poltico praticando as idias de Karl Marx e V.I.
Lenin; originalmente o Partido Bolchevique russo.
communism / comunismo s. sistema econmico
em que todos os meios de produo terras, minas,
fbricas, ferrovias e negcios so de propriedade do
povo, no existindo a propriedade privada, e todos os bens
e servios so compartilhados igualmente.
Concert of Europe / Concerto da Europa s.
srie de alianas entre as naes europias no sculo 19,
imaginada pelo Prncipe Klemens von Metternich para
evitar o surgimento de revolues.
concordat / concordata s. acordo formal
especialmente entre o papa e um governo, lidando com o
controle dos negcios da Igreja.

Congress of Vienna / Congresso de Viena

s. srie de encontros em 18141815, durante a qual os
lderes europeus buscaram estabelecer paz duradoura e
segurana depois da derrota de Napoleo.
Congress Party / Partido do Congresso s.
grande partido poltico nacional indiano tambm
conhecido como o Congresso Nacional Indiano.
conquistadors / conquistadores s. soldados,
exploradores e caadores de fortuna espanhis, que
tomaram parte da conquista das Amricas no sculo 16.
conservatives / conservadores s. na primeira
metade do sculo 19, os europeus principalmente
ricos donos de terras e nobres que queriam preservar
as tradicionais monarquias da Europa.
constitutional monarchy / monarquia
constitucional s. sistema de governar-se em que o
poder do dirigente limitado pela lei.
consul / cnsul s. na repblica romana, um dos
dois poderosos representantes eleitos para comandar o
exrcito e dirigir o governo.
containment / conteno s. poltica externa dos
EUA adotada pelo presidente Harry Truman no final
dos anos 1940, em que os EUA tentaram parar com a
expanso do comunismo atravs da criao de alianas
e ajudando os fracos pases a resistir aos avanos
Continental System / Sistema Continental
s. poltica Napolenica de evitar o comrcio entre a
Inglaterra e a Europa continental, intencionando destruir
a economia inglesa.
corporation / corporao s. negcio de
propriedade dos acionistas, que compartilham seus
lucros mas no so pessoalmente responsveis por seus
Council of Trent / Conclio de Trento s.
reunio de lderes Catlicos Romanos, convocada pelo
Papa Paulo III para decidir sobre doutrinas criticadas
pelos reformistas Protestantes.
coup dtat / golpe de estado s. apreenso
sbita do poder poltico numa nao.
covenant / promessa s. promessa mtua ou
acordo especialmente acordo entre Deus e o povo
hebreu como registrado na Bblia.
creoles / crioulos s. na sociedade colonial
espanhola, colonos que nasceram na Amrica Latina,
de pais espanhis.
Crimean War / Guerra da Crimia s. conflito,
que durou de 1853 a 1856, em que o imprio otomano,
com a ajuda de Inglaterra e Frana, freou a expanso
russa na regio do Mar Negro.
crop rotation / rotao de colheita s. sistema
de cultivar-se um diferente produto a cada ano num
campo, para preservar a fertilidade da terra.




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Crusade / Cruzada s. uma das expedies em que

guerreiros cristos medievais buscaram recuperar o
controle da Terra Santa dos muulmanos.
cultural diffusion / difuso cultural s. o
divulgar de idias e produtos de uma cultura para outra.
Cultural Revolution / Revoluo Cultural s.
uma insurgncia de 1966-1976 na China, liderada pelos
Guardas Vermelhos, tendo como meta o estabelecimento
de uma sociedade de camponeses e trabalhadores na
qual todos fossem iguais.
culture / cultura s. modo de vida nico de um
povo, demonstrado por suas ferramentas, costumes, artes
e idias.
cuneiform / cuneiforme s. sistema de escrita
com smbolos em forma de cunha, inventado pelos
sumerianos cerca de 3000 A.C.
cyberterrorism / ciberterrorismo s. ataques
politicamente motivados a sistemas de informao.
Cyrillic alphabet / alfabeto Cirlico s.
alfabeto para a escrita de lnguas eslavas, inventado no
sculo 9 por So Cirilo e So Metdio.
czar / czar s. um imperador russo (derivado do ttulo
Romano, Csar).

daimyo / daimi s. senhor feudal japons que
comandava um exrcito privado de samurais.
Daoism / Taosmo s. filosofia baseada nas idias
do pensador chins Laozi (Lao Tzu), que ensinou que as
pessoas deveriam ser guiadas por uma fora universal
chamada de Dao (Tao) (o caminho).
D-Day / Dia-D s. nome dado ao 6 de Junho de 1944
o dia em que os Aliados lanaram uma invaso do
continente europeu durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Declaration of Independence / Declarao
de Independncia s. declarao das razes do
rompimento das colnias americanas com a Inglaterra,
aprovada pelo Segundo Congresso Continental em 1776.
delta / delta s. regio pantanosa formada por
depsitos de aluvio na boca de um rio.
demilitarization / desmilitarizao s. reduo
da capacidade de um pas em guerrear, conseguida pela
dispensa de suas foras armadas e proibindo-as de
adquirir armas.
democracy / democracia s. governo controlado
por seus cidados, seja diretamente ou atravs de
democratization / democratizao s. o
processo de criar-se um governo eleito pelo povo.



Department of Homeland Security /

Departamento de Segurana Interna s.
Agncia federal americana criada em 2002 para
coordenar os esforos nacionais contra o terrorismo.
dtente / distenso (dtente) s. poltica de
reduo das tenses da Guerra Fria, adotada pelos EUA
durante a presidncia de Richard Nixon.
developed nation / nao desenvolvida s.
nao com todas as facilidades necessrias para a
produo avanada de bens manufaturados.
devshirme / devshirme s. no imprio otomano,
poltica de pegar-se os filhos dos povos cristos
conquistados para serem treinados como muulmanos.
Diaspora / Dispora s. a disperso dos judeus de
sua terra natal na Palestina especialmente durante o
perodo de mais de 1800 anos que se seguiu destruio
pelos Romanos do Templo em Jerusalm no ano 70 D.C.
dictator / ditador s. na antiga Roma, lder poltico
a quem era dado completo poder para fazer leis e
comandar o exrcito, por um tempo limitado.
direct democracy / democracia direta s.
governo que os cidados dirigem diretamente ao invs
de atravs de representantes.
dissident / dissidente s. oponente das polticas e
aes de um governo.
divine right / direito divino s. a idia de que
os monarcas so representantes de Deus na terra e,
portanto, s respondem a Deus.
domestication / domesticao s.
amansamento de animais para uso humano.
dominion / domnio s. no Imprio Britnico, uma
nao (como o Canad), a quem se permite governar
seus prprios assuntos domsticos.
domino theory / teoria do domin s. a idia
de que se uma nao cair sob o controle comunista, os
pases vizinhos tambm cairiam sob controle comunista.
Dorians / Drios s. povo de fala grega que, de
acordo com a tradio, migrou para a Grcia continental
depois da destruio da civilizao miceniana.
Dreyfus affair / o caso Dreyfus s. controvrsia
na Frana nos anos 1890, enfocando a priso e o
julgamento de um oficial judeu do exrcito, Capio
Alfred Dreyfus, falsamente acusado de vender segredos
militares para a Alemanha.
Dutch East India Company / Companhia
Holandesa das ndias Orientais s. companhia
fundada pelos holandeses no incio do sculo 17 para
estabelecer e gerenciar o comrcio atravs da sia.
dynastic cycle / ciclo dinstico s. o padro
histrico da ascenso, declnio e susbtituio das dinastias.
dynasty / dinastia s. srie de governantes de uma
nica famlia.

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Eastern Front / Frente Oriental s. na Primeira
Guerra Mundial, a regio ao longo da fronteira russogermnica, onde russos e srvios combateram alemes,
austracos e turcos.
Edict of Nantes / Edito de Nantes s.
declarao de 1598 em que o rei francs, Henrique IV,
prometia que os protestantes poderiam viver em paz na
Frana e poderiam abrir casas de orao e culto em
algumas cidades francesas.
Emancipation Proclamation / Proclamao
da Emancipao s. declarao emitida pelo presidente Abraham Lincoln em 1863, afirmando que todos os
escravos nos estados Confederados estavam libertos.
emerging nation / nao emergente s. nao
em que o processo de industrializao ainda no est
migrs / migrs (refugiados) s. pessoas que
abandonam seus pases nativos por razes polticas,
como os nobres e outros que fugiram da Frana durante
as insurreies camponesas da Revoluo Francesa.
empire / imprio s. unidade poltica em que um
sem nmero de povos ou pases so controlados por um
nico governante.
enclosure / cercado s. um dos campos murados
ou confinados criados pelos ricos donos de terra
ingleses, em terras que eram antes cultivadas por
lavradores das aldeias.
encomienda / encomienda s. concesso de
terras feita pela Espanha a um colonizador na Amrica,
incluindo o direito de usar ndios americanos para
trabalharem nelas.
English Civil War / Guerra Civil da
Inglaterra s. conflito que durou de 1642 a 1649, em
que os Puritanos partidrios do Parlamento combateram
os partidrios da monarquia inglesa.
enlightened despot / dspota esclarecido
s. um dos monarcas europeus do sculo 18, que era
inspirado pelas idias do Iluminismo, para reinar com
justia e respeitar os direitos de seus sditos.
enlightenment / iluminado s. no budismo,
estado de sabedoria perfeita em que se compreende as
verdades bsicas sobre o universo.
Enlightenment / Iluminismo s. movimento
europeu do sculo 18 em que pensadores tentaram
aplicar os princpios da razo e os mtodos cientficos a
todos os apectos da sociedade.
entrepreneur / empreendedor s. pessoa que
organiza, gerencia e suporta os riscos de um negcio.
epics / picos s. longos poemas em narrativa,
celebrando os feitos de heris legendrios ou

estate / estado s. uma das trs classes sciopolticas na Frana antes da Revoluo Francesa o
Primeiro Estado, consistia do clero; o Segundo Estado,
da nobreza; e o Terceiro Estado, do resto da populao.
Estates-General / Geral dos Estados s.
assemblia de representantes de todos os trs estados,
ou classes sociais, na Frana.
ethnic cleansing / limpeza tnica s. poltica
de assassinato ou outros atos de brutalidade pela qual os
srvios esperavam eliminar a populao muulmana da
Bsnia, depois da separao da Iugoslvia.
excommunication / excomungao s.
retirada do direito de uma pessoa de ser membro de
uma igreja crist.
existentialism / existencialismo s. filosofia
baseada na idia de que as pessoas do significado s
suas vidas atravs de suas escolhas e atos.
extraterritorial rights / direitos
extraterritoriais s. iseno, para estrangeiros
residentes, das leis de um pas.

factors of production / fatores de produo
s. recursos incluindo terras, trabalho e capital
necessrios para a produo de bens e servios.
factory / fbrica s. amplo edifcio em que se usa
maquinrio para a manufatura de mercadorias.
fascism / fascismo s. movimento poltico que
promove uma forma extrema de nacionalismo, negao
dos direitos individuais e o domnio ditatorial
Fatimid / Fatmida s. membro de uma dinastia
muulmana que traava sua ancestralidade at Ftima,
filha de Maom; construram um imprio no norte da
frica, Arbia e Sria nos sculos 10-12.
favorable balance of trade / balana
comercial favorvel s. situao econmica em
que um pas vende mais bens do que compra no exterior.
federal system / sistema federal s. sistema de
governo em que o poder dividido entre uma autoridade
central e um nmero de estados individuais.
Fertile Crescent / Crescente Frtil s. um arco
de rico solo agricultvel no sudoeste da sia, entre o
Golfo Prsico e o Mar Mediterrneo.
feudalism / feudalismo s. sistema poltico no
qual o rei permite aos nobres o uso de terras legalmente
suas em troca de sua lealdade, seus servios militares e
proteo das pessoas vivendo na terra.
fief / feudo s. propriedade concedida a um vassalo
por um senhor, sob o sistema feudal na Europa




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filial piety / piedade filial s. respeito mostrado

pelos filhos por seus pais e antepassados.
Final Solution / Soluo Final s. programa de
Hitler de matar sistematicamente todo o povo judeu.
Five-Year Plans / Planos Qinqenais s.
planos idealizados por Josef Stalin em 1928 para o
desenvolvimento da economia da Unio Sovitica.
Four Modernizations / Quatro
Modernizaes s. conjunto de metas adotadas
pelo lder chins Deng Xiaoping no final do sculo
20, envolvendo progressos na agricultura, indstria,
defesa e cincia e tecnologia.
Fourteen Points / Quatorze Pontos s. srie
de propostas em que o presidente Woodrow Wilson
delineou um plano para atingir-se a paz duradoura
depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial.
Franks / francos s. povo germnico que se
estabeleceu na provncia Romana de Glia (a grosso
modo a rea ocupada pela Frana hoje), e estabeleceu
um grande imprio durante a Idade Mdia.
free trade / livre comrcio s. comrcio entre
naes, sem restries ou barreiras econmicas (tais
como tarifas).
French and Indian War / Guerra FrancoIndgena s. conflito entre Inglaterra e Frana pelo
controle de territrio na Amrica do Norte, que durou
de 1754 a 1763 .

gender inequality / desigualdade de gnero
s. a diferena entre homens e mulheres em termos de
riqueza e status.
genetic engineering / engenharia gentica
s. a transferncia de genes de um ser vivo para outro,
para produzir um organismo com novos traos.
genocide / genocdio s. a matana sistemtica de
um povo inteiro.
gentry / pequena nobreza s. classe de pessoas
poderosas e ricas, que tem um alto status social.
geocentric theory / teoria geocntrica s. na
Idade Mdia, a viso geocntrica do universo em que os
estudiosos acreditavam que a terra era um objeto imvel
localizado no centro do universo.
geopolitics / geopoltica s. poltica externa
baseada na considerao de localizaes estratgicas ou
em produtos de outros pases.
Ghana / Gana s. reino africano ocidental que ficou
rico cobrando impostos e controlando o comrcio, e que
estabeleceu um imprio nos sculos 911 D.C.
ghazi / gazi s. guerreiro do Islame.



ghettos / guetos s. bairros dentro de cidades, nos

quais os judeus europeus eram obrigados a viver.
glasnost / abertura (glasnost) s. poltica
de abertura sovitica para o fluxo livre de idias e
informaes, introduzida em 1985 por Mikhail Gorbachev.
global economy / economia global s. todas as
interaes financeiras envolvendo pessoas, negcios e
governos que atravessam as fronteiras internacionais.
Glorious Revolution / Gloriosa Revoluo
s. a derrubada sem sangue do rei ingls James II e sua
substituio por William e Mary.
glyph / hieroglifo s. figura simblica
especialmente a usada como parte de um sistema
de escrita que entalhava messagens em pedra.
Gothic / Gtico adj. relativo a um estilo
arquitetnico desenvolvido na Europa medieval,
caracterizado por abbadas ogivais, janelas de vitrais,
arcobotantes, arcos ponteagudos e altas espirais.
Great Depression / Grande Depresso s.
a severa queda brusca da economia que se seguiu ao
colapso do mercado de aes dos EUA em 1929.
Great Fear / Grande Medo s. onda de pnico
insensata que se espalhou pelos campos franceses depois
da tomada da Bastilha em 1789.
Great Purge / Grande Expurgo s. campanha de
terror na Unio Sovitica durante os anos 30, em que
Josef Stalin procurou eliminar todos os membros do
Partido Comunista e outros cidados que ameaassem
seu poder.
Great Schism / Grande Cisma s. diviso na
Igreja Catlica Romana medieval, durante a qual papas
rivais se estabeleceram em Avignon e Roma.
Greco-Roman culture / cultura GrecoRomana s. cultura antiga que desenvolveu-se de uma
mistura das culturas grega, helenstica e romana.
green revolution / revoluo verde s.
tentativa no sculo 20 de aumentar os recursos
alimentares em mbito mundial, envolvendo o uso
de fertilizantes e pesticidas, e o desenvolvimento
de cultivares resistentes s doenas.
griot / griot s. um contador de histrias afroocidental.
guerrilla / guerrilha s. membro de uma fora de
combate livremente organizada, que faz ataques de
surpresa sobre as tropas inimigas ocupando seu pas.
guild / associao (guilda) s. associao
medieval de pessoas trabalhando na mesma ocupao,
que controla os salrios e preos de seus membros.
guillotine / guilhotina s. mquina para degolar
pessoas, usada como meio de execuo durante a
Revoluo Francesa.

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Gupta Empire / imprio Gupta s. o segundo

imprio da ndia, fundado por Chandra Gupta I em
320 D.C.

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habeas corpus / habeas corpus s. documento
requisitando que um prisioneiro seja trazido perante uma
corte ou juiz, de modo que possa ser decidido se sua
priso legal.
Hagia Sophia / Hagia Sophia s. Catedral da
Santa Sabedoria (Santa Sofia), em Constantinopla,
construda por ordem do imperador bizantino Justiniano.
haiku / haicai s. forma japonesa de poesia, consistindo
de trs linhas de cinco, sete e cinco slabas, sem rimas.
hajj / hajj s. peregrinao a Meca, executada como
um dever pelos muulmanos.
Han dynasty / dinastia Han s. dinastia chinesa
que governou de 200 A.C. a 9 D.C. e novamente de 23 a
200 D.C.
Harappan civilization / civilizao Harapan
s. outro nome para a civilizao do vale do Indus que
surgiu ao longo do rio Indus, possivelmente to cedo
quanto 7000 A.C.; caracterizada por sofisticado
planejamento urbano.
Hausa / Hausa s. povo africano ocidental que viveu em
diversas cidades-Estados no que hoje o norte da Nigria.
heliocentric theory / teoria heliocntrica s.
a idia de que a terra e os outros planetas giram em
torno do sol.
Hellenistic / Helenstico adj. relativo
civilizao, lngua, arte, cincia e literatura gregas, desde
o reino de Alexandre o Grande ao fim do sculo 2 A.C.
helot / hilota s. na sociedade da antiga Esparta, um
campons que arava a terra.
hieroglyphics / hieroglfica s. sistema de escrita
do antigo Egito, em que figuras eram usadas para
representar palavras e sons.
Hijrah / Hgira s. migrao de Maom de Meca a
Yathrib (Medina) no ano 622 D.C.
Hittites / Hititas s. povo indo-europeu que se
estabeleceu em Anatlia cerca de 2000 A.C.
Holocaust / Holocausto s. massacre de judeus e
outros civis realizada pelo governo nazista da Alemanha,
antes e durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Holy Alliance / Santa Aliana s. liga de naes
europias formada pelos lderes da Rssia, ustria e
Prssia depois do Congresso de Viena.
Holy Roman Empire / Santo Imprio
Romano s. imprio estabelecido na Europa no sculo
10 D.C., consistindo originalmente, principalmente, de
terras onde hoje so Alemanha e Itlia.

home rule / governo local s. controle sobre

assuntos internos concedido aos residentes de uma
regio pelo governo dominante.
hominid / homindeo s. membro do grupo
biolgico que inclui os seres humanos e espcies
relacionadas, com o andar ereto.
Homo sapiens / homo sapiens s. espcie
biolgica a que pertence os seres humanos modernos.
House of Wisdom / Casa da Sabedoria s.
centro de aprendizado estabelecido em Bagd nos anos
humanism / humanismo s. movimento
intelectual do Renascimento, em que os pensadores
estudaram os textos clssicos e enfocaram o potencial e
as conquistas humanas.
Hundred Days / Os Cem Dias s. o breve
perodo em 1815 quando Napoleo fez sua ltima
tentativa para deter o poder, depondo o rei francs e
tornando-se novamente imperador da Frana.
Hundred Years War / Guerra dos Cem
Anos s. conflito em que Inglaterra e Frana lutaram
em solo francs intermitentemente de 1337 a 1453.
hunter-gatherer / caador-colhedor s.
membro de grupo nmade cujo alimento depende da
caa aos animais e coleta de vegetais.
Hyksos / Hyksos s. grupo de invasores nmades
do sudoeste da sia, que dominaram o Egito de 1640 a
1570 A.C.

Ice Age / Idade do Gelo s. perodo frio em que
enormes camadas de gelo espalharam-se a partir das
regies polares, a ltima durou de cerca 1600000 a
10000 A.C.
I Ching / I Ching s. livro chins de orculos, consultados para achar respostas a problemas ticos e prticos.
icon / cone s. imagem religiosa usada pelos cristos
imperialism / imperialismo s. poltica em
que uma nao forte procura dominar outros pases,
politicamente, economicamente e socialmente.
impressionism / impressionismo s.
movimento da pintura no sculo 19, em que artistas
reagiram contra o realismo, buscando transmitir suas
impresses de sujeitos ou momentos no tempo.
Indo-Europeans / Indo-Europeus s. grupo de
povos seminmades que, cerca de 1700 A.C., iniciaram
a migrao do que hoje a Rssia para o subcontinente
indiano, Europa e sudoeste da sia.
indulgence / indulto s. perdo liberando uma
pessoa de punio por um pecado.




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industrialization / industrializao s.
desenvolvimento de indstrias para a fabricao
automtica de bens.
Industrial Revolution / Revoluo
Industrial s. a mudana, comeando na Inglaterra no
sculo 18, de fabricarem-se produtos mo ou faz-los
com maquinrio.
inflation / inflao s. uma diminuio no valor do
dinheiro, acompanhada de um aumento no preo de bens
e servios.
Inquisition / Inquisio s. tribunal Catlico
Romano para investigar e processar acusaes de heresia
especialmente a que esteve ativa na Espanha duante
os anos 1400.
institution / instituio s. padro de organizao
de longa durao numa comunidade.
intendant / intendente s. oficial do governo
francs apontado pelo monarca para coletar impostos e
administrar justia.
International Space Station / Estao
Espacial Internacional s. empreendimento
cooperativo patrocinado pelos EUA, Rssia e 14 outros
pases, para implementar e manutenir um laboratrio
funcional de experimentao cientfica no espao.
Internet / Internet s. encadeamento de redes de
computador que possibilita s pessoas ao redor do
mundo a troca de informaes e comunicaes uns com
os outros.
intifada / intifada s. campanha palestina de
desobedincia civil contra a ocupao israelense da
Margem Ocidental e da Faixa de Gaza, que continuou
atravs dos anos 90.
Irish Republican Army (IRA) / Exrcito
Republicano Irlands (IRA) s. fora militar
nacionalista no-oficial buscando a independncia da
Irlanda da Gr-Bretanha.
iron curtain / cortina de ferro s. durante a
Guerra Fria, a fronteira separando as naes comunistas
da Europa Oriental das mais democrticas naes da
Europa Ocidental.
Iroquois / Iroqus s. grupo de povos ndios
americanos que falavam lnguas correlatas, que viveram
na regio oriental dos Grandes Lagos da Amrica do
Norte, e formaram uma aliana no fim dos anos 1500.
Islam / islame s. religio monotesta que
desenvolveu-se na Arbia no sculo 7 D.C.
isolationism / isolacionismo s. poltica de
evitar-se envolvimento poltico ou militar com outros
Israel / Israel s. reino dos hebreus unidos na
Palestina, que durou de 1020 a 922 A.C.; mais tarde, o
reino mais ao norte dos dois reinos hebreus; atualmente,
a nao dos judeus estabelecida na Palestina em 1948.


Jainism / Jainismo s. religio fundaada na ndia
no sculo 6 A.C., cujos membros acreditam que tudo no
universo tem uma alma e, portanto, no deveria ser
janissary / janzaro s. membro de fora de
soldados de elite no imprio otomano.
jazz / jazz s. estilo de msica popular do sculo 20,
desenvolvido principalmente por msicos afro-americanos.
Jesuits / Jesutas s. membros da Sociedade de
Jesus, ordem religiosa catlica romana fundada por
Igncio de Loyola.
jewel in the crown / jia da coroa
s. a colnia inglesa ndia assim chamada pela sua
importncia no imprio ingls, tanto como fornecedor
de matria prima quanto como mercado para os
britnicos comerciarem seus produtos.
joint-stock company / sociedade por aes
s. negcios em que os investidores juntam sua riqueza
para um propsito comum, para depois dividirem os
Judah / Jud s. reino hebreu na Palestina,
estabelecido em cerca de 922 A.C.
Justinian Code / Cdigo de Justiniano s.
corpo de leis romanas civis, colecionado e organizado
por ordem do imperador bizantino Justiniano, em cerca
de 534 D.C.

kabuki / kabuki s. tipo de drama japons em que
msica, dana e mmica so usados para a apresentao
de histrias.
kaiser / kaiser s. um imperador alemo (derivado
do ttulo Romano, Csar)
kamikaze / camicase s. durante a Segunda
Guerra Mundial, pilotos suicidas japoneses treinados
para afundar navios aliados, trombando avies cheios
de bombas contra eles.
karma / karma s. no hindusmo e no budismo, a
totalidade dos feitos bons e maus praticados por uma
pessoa, o que se acredita determine o destino dele / dela
depois do renascer.
Khmer Empire / imprio Khmer s. imprio do
sudeste da sia, centrado no que hoje o Camboja, que
atingiu seu apogeu cerca de 1200 D.C.
Khmer Rouge / Khmer Vermelho s. grupo de
rebeldes comunistas que assumiram o poder no Camboja
em 1975.
knight / cavaleiro s. na Europa medieval, um
guerreiro em armadura que lutava a cavalo.

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Koryu dynasty / dinastia Koryu s. dinastia que

governou a Coria de 935 a 1392 D.C.
Kristallnacht / Kristallnacht s. Noite do Vidro
Quebrado a noite de 9 de novembro de 1938, em
que as tropas de assalto nazistas atacaram os lares,
negcios e sinagogas judeus atravs da Alemanha.
Kuomintang / Kuomintang s. o Partido
Nacionalista Chins, formado depois da queda da
dinastia Qing em 1912.
Kush / kush s. antigo reino nbio cujos governantes
controlaram o Egito entre 2000 e 1000 A.C.

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laissez faire / deixar fazer s. a idia de que o
governo no deveria interferir com ou regulamentar
indstrias e negcios.
land reform / reforma agrria s. redistribuio
de terra de fazenda atravs da diviso dos grandes
latifndios, e dando os resultantes minifndios aos
La Reforma / A Reforma s. movimento
reformista liberal no Mxico do sculo 19, liderado por
Benito Jurez.
lay investiture / investidura leiga s. a
indicao de oficiais religiosos por reis ou nobres.
League of Nations / Liga das Naes s.
associao internacional formada depois da Primeira
Guerra Mundial, com a meta de manter a paz entre as
lebensraum / lebensraum s. espao para viver
territrio adicional que, segundo Hitler, a Alemanha
necessitava por estar superpovoada.
Legalism / Legalismo s. filosofia poltica chinesa,
baseada na idia de que um governo altamente eficiente
e poderoso a chave para a odem social.
legion / legio s. unidade militar do antigo exrcito
romano, com cerca de 5000 soldados a p e um grupo de
soldados a cavalo.
Legislative Assembly / Assemblia
Legislativa s. congresso francs com o poder de criar
leis e aprovar declaraes de guerra, estabelecido pela
Constituio de 1791.
legitimacy / legitimidade s. o direito hereditrio
que um monarca tem de governar.
liberals / liberais s. na primeira metade do
sculo19, os europeus principalmente os lderes
de negcios de classe mdia e os mercadores que
queriam dar mais poder poltico aos parlamentos eleitos.
lineage / linhagem s. grupo de pessoas
viventes, mortas ou no nascidas descendentes
de um ancestral comum.

loess / loess s. depsito frtil de solo trazido pelo

Long March / Longa Marcha s. jornada de 6000
milhas feita em 19341935 pelos comunistas chineses,
fugindo das foras nacionalistas de Jiang Jieshi.
lord / senhor s. na Europa feudal, pessoa que
controlava terras e, portanto, podia conced-las aos
Lutheran / Luterano s. membro de igreja
protestante fundada com base nos ensinamentos de
Martinho Lutero.
lyce / liceu s. escola pblica dirigida pelo governo
na Frana.

Macedonia / Macednia s. antigo reino ao norte
da Grcia, cujo governante Felipe II conquistou a Grcia
em 338 A.C.
Maghrib / Maghreb s. regio do oeste do norte da
frica, consistindo das terras costeiras mediterrneas de
Marrocos, Tunsia e Arglia.
Magna Carta / Magna Carta s. Great Charter,
documento que garantia direitos polticos bsicos na
Inglaterra, idealizado pelos nobres e aprovado pelo rei
Joo em 1215 D.C.
Mahabharata / Mahabharata s. grande poema
pico indiano, refletindo as lutas dos arianos enquanto se
moviam para o sul em direo ndia.
Mahayana / Mahayana s. seita do budismo que
oferece salvao para todos e permite o culto popular.
maize / milho s. gro cultivado de cereal que traz
as sementes em grandes espigas usualmente chamado
de corn nos EUA.
Mali / Mali s. imprio afro-ocidental que floresceu
entre 1235 e 1400 D.C., e enriqueceu com o comrcio.
Manchus / Manchus s. povo nativo da Manchria,
que governou a China durante a dinastia Qing
Mandate of Heaven / Mandato do Paraso
s. na histria chinesa, a aprovao divina que se pensava
ser a base da autoridade real.
manifest destiny / destino manifesto s. a
idia, popular entre os americanos em meados do sculo
19, que era o direito e o dever dos EUA governar a
Amrica do Norte do Oceano Atlntico ao Oceano
manor / solar s. a propriedade de um senhor na
Europa feudal.
Maori / Maori s. membro do povo polinsio que se
estabeleceu na Nova Zelndia cerca de 800 D.C.





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Marshall Plan / Plano Marshall s. programa

americano de ajuda econmica aos pases europeus, para
ajud-los na reconstruo depois da Segunda Guerra
martial law / lei marcial s. domnio temporrio
por autoridades militares sobre a populao civil,
usualmente imposto em tempos de guerra ou
perturbao civil.
mass culture / cultura de massa s. produo
de arte e entretenimento desenhados para conquistar
grandes audincias.
materialism / materialismo s. colocar alto valor
na aquisio de posses materiais.
matriarchal / matriarcal adj. relativo a um
sistema social em que a me a chefe da famlia.
matrilineal / matrilinear adj. relativo a um
sistema social em que a descendncia familiar e os
direitos de herana so traados atravs da me.
Mauryan Empire / Imprio Maurya s. primeiro
imprio da ndia, fundado por Chandragupta Maurya em
321 A.C.
May Fourth Movement / Movimento
Quatro de Maio s. protesto nacional na China em
1919, em que as pessoas protestaram contra o Tratado de
Versailles e a interferncia estrangeira.
Medes / Medes s. povo do sudoeste da sia que
ajudou a destruir o imprio assrio.
Meiji era / era Meiji s. perodo da histria japonesa
de 1867 a 1912, durante o qual o pas foi governado pelo
imperador Mutsuhito.
Mein Kampf / Minha Luta s. livro escrito por
Adolf Hitler durante sua priso em 19231924, em que
estabeleceu suas crenas e seus objetivos para a Alemanha.
mercantilism / mercantilismo s. poltica
econmica onde as naes procuram aumentar sua riqueza
e poder com a obteno de grandes estoques de ouro e
prata e estabelecendo uma balana comercial favorvel.
mercenary / mercenrio s. soldado que pago
para lutar num exrcito estrangeiro.
Mero / Mero s. centro da dinastia Kush (frica)
de 250 A.C. a 150 D.C., conhecido por sua manufatura
de armas e ferramentas de ferro.
Mesoamerica / Mesoamrica s. rea
estendendo-se do Mxico central at Honduras, onde
diversas antigas e complexas sociedades das Amricas
mestizo / mestio s. pessoa de ancestralidade
mista de espanhol e ndio americano.
Middle Ages / Idades Mdias s. a era na
histria europia que se seguiu queda do imprio
romano, durando de cerca de 500 a 1500 D.C.
tambm chamado de perodo medieval.


middle class / classe mdia s. classe social

composta de trabalhadores qualificados, profissionais
liberais, homens e mulheres de negcio e ricos
middle passage / passagem do meio s. a
viagem que trazia africanos capturados para as ndias
ocidentais, e mais tarde para as Amricas do Sul e do
Norte, para serem vendidos como escravos assim
chamada porque era considerada a perna do meio do
comrcio triangular.
migration / migrao v. o ato de mover-se de um
local para estabelecer-se em outro.
militarism / militarismo s. poltica de
glorificao do poder militar, mantendo-se um exrcito
sempre pronto para a guerra.
Ming dynasty / dinastia Ming s. dinastia
chinesa que governou de 1368 a 1644 D.C.
Minoans / Minicos s. povo navegador e mercador
que viveu na ilha de Creta de cerca de 2000 a 1400 A.C.
Mississippian / Mississippiano adj. relativo
cultura de Construtores de Colinas que floresceu na
Amrica do Norte entre 800 e 1500 D.C.
mita / mita s. no imprio Inca, o requisito de que
todos os sditos em boa forma corporal deveriam
trabalhar para o estado alguns dias por ano.
Moche / moche s. civilizao que floresceu no que
hoje a costa norte do Peru, de cerca de 100 at 700 D.C.
monarchy / monarquia s. governo em que o
poder est nas mas de uma nica pessoa.
monastery / monastrio (mosteiro) s.
comunidade religiosa de homens (chamados monges)
que desisitiram de suas posses para devotarem-se a uma
vida de preces e culto.
monopoly / monoplio s. grupo que tem o
controle exclusivo sobre a produo e distribuio de
determinados produtos.
monotheism / monotesmo s. crena num nico
Monroe Doctrine / Doutrina de Monroe s.
poltica de oposio dos EUA interferncia europia na
Amrica Latina, anunciada pelo presidente James
Monroe em 1823.
monsoon / mono s. vento que muda de direo
em algumas pocas do ano.
mosque / mesquita s. lugar islmico de culto.
movable type / tipo mvel s. blocos de metal ou
madeira, cada um com um nico caracter, que pode ser
arranjado em ordem para montar uma pgina para
Mughal / mughal s. um dos nmades que
invadiram o subcontinente indiano no sculo 16 e
estabeleceram um poderoso imprio l.

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mujahideen / mujahedin s. no Afeganisto,

guerreiros santos que se juntaram para lutar o governo
apoiado pelos soviticos no final dos anos 70.
mulattos / mulatos s. pessoas de ancestralidade
mista europia e africana.
mummification / mumificao s. processo de
embalsamao e secagem de cadveres para evitar que
se decomponham.
Munich Conference / Conferncia de
Munique s. reunio de 1938 de representantes de
Inglaterra, Frana, Itlia e Alemanha, onde Inglaterra
e Frana concordaram em permitir que a Alemanha
Nazista anexasse parte da Checoslovquia, em troca da
palavra de Adolf Hitler de respeitar as novas fronteiras
da Checoslovquia.
Muslim / Muulmano s. seguidor do Islame.
Muslim League / Liga Muulmana s.
organizao formada em 1906 para proteger os
interesses dos muulmanos da ndia, que mais tarde
props que a ndia fosse dividida em naes muulmana
e hindusta separadas.
Mutapa / Mutapa adj. relativo ao imprio africano
do sul estabelecido por Mutota no sculo 15 D.C.
Mycenaeans / Miceneus s. povo indo-europeu
que se estabeleceu na Grcia continental em cerca de
2000 A.C.
myths / mitos s. histrias tradicionais sobre deuses,
ancestrais ou heris, contadas para explicar o mundo
natural ou os costumes e crenas de uma sociedade.

Napoleonic Code / Cdigo Napolenico s.
sistema compreensivo e uniforme de leis estabelecido
para a Frana por Napoleo.
National Assembly / Assemblia Nacional
s. congresso francs estabelecido por representantes do
Terceiro Estado em 17 de junho de 1789, para passar leis
e reformas em nome do povo francs.
nationalism / nacionalismo s. a crena de que
as pessoas deveriam ser leais principalmente s suas
naes-isto , s pessoas com quem compartilham
cultura e histria, mais do que a um rei ou imprio.
nation-state / nao-Estado s. unidade
geopoltica independente de pessoas que tm uma
cultura e identidade comuns.
NATO / OTAN s. Organizao do Tratado do
Atlntico Norte uma aliana militar defensiva
formada em 1949 por dez pases da Europa ocidental, os
EUA e o Canad.
Nazca / Nazca s. civilizao que floresceu no
que hoje a costa sul do Peru, de cerca de 200 A.C.
at 600 D.C.

Nazism / Nazismo s. polticas fascistas do Partido

Nacional Socialista dos Trabalhadores Alemes,
baseadas no totalitarismo, crena na superioridade
racial, e controle estatal da indstria.
Negritude movement / movimento
Negritude s. movimento em que africanos e indianos
ocidentais de fala francesa celebraram sua herana de
tradicionais cultura e valores africanos.
neoclassical / neoclssico adj. relativo a um
estilo simples e elegante (baseado em idias e temas das
antigas Grcia e Roma), que caracterizou as artes na
Europa durante o final dos anos 1700.
Neolithic Age / Idade Neoltica s. perodo
pr-histrico que comeou em cerca de 8000 A.C. e
em algumas reas terminou to cedo quanto 3000 A.C.,
durante o qual as pessoas aprenderam a polir ferramentas
de pedra, fazer cermica, cultivo de vegetais e criao
animal tambm chamada de Nova Idade da Pedra.
Neolithic Revolution / Revoluo Neoltica
s. a principal mudana na vida humana causada pelos
incios da agricultura isto , pela mudana dos
hbitos das pessoas, de colhedores de alimentos a
produtores de alimentos.
New Deal / Novo Acordo s. programa de reforma
econmica do presidente Franklin Roosevelt, desenhado
para solver os problemas criados pela Grande Depresso.
New Kingdom / Novo Reino s. perodo da
antiga histria do Egito que se seguiu derrubada dos
governantes Hyksos, durando de 1570 a 1075 A.C.
nirvana / nirvana s. no budismo, a liberao da dor
e do sofrimento atingida depois da iluminao.
Nok / Nok s. povo Africano que viveu onde agora a
Nigria, entre 500 A.C. e 200 D.C.
nomad / nmade s. membro de um grupo que
no tem lar permanente, viajando de lugar para lugar
buscando gua e alimentos.
nonaggression pact / pacto de no
agresso s. acordo em que duas naes prometem
no atacar uma outra.
nonaligned nations / naes no-alinhadas
s. pases independentes que permaneceram neutros na
competio da Guerra Fria entre EUA e Unio Sovitica.
Nuremberg Trials / Julgamentos de
Nuremberg s. procedimentos jurdicos realizados
em Nuremberg, Alemanha, depois da Segunda Guerra
Mundial, nos quais os lderes nazistas foram julgados
por agresso, violaes das regras da guerra e crimes
contra a humanidade.

obsidian / obsidiana s. rocha vulcnica dura e vtrea
usada pelos povos primitivos para fazer armas afiadas.




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Old Regime / Velho Regime s. sistema poltico e

social que existia na Frana antes da Revoluo Francesa.
oligarchy / oligarquia s. governo em que o poder
est nas maes de umas poucas pessoas especialmente
aquele cujo domnio baseado em riqueza.
Olmec / Olmec s. a mais antiga civilizao mesoamericana conhecida, que floresceu em cerca de 1200 A.C. e
influenciou, mais tarde, sociedades atravs da regio.
Open Door Policy / Poltica da Porta
Aberta s. poltica, proposta pelos EUA em 1899, pela
qual todas as naes teriam oportunidades iguais de
comerciar com a China.
Opium War / Guerra do pio s. conflito entre
Inglaterra e China, que durou de 1839 a 1842, sobre o
comrcio ingls de pio na China.
oracle bone / osso orculo s. um dos ossos de
animais ou cascos de tartaruga usados pelos antigos
padres chineses para comunicarem-se com os deuses.
Oslo Peace Accords / Acordos de Paz de
Oslo s. acordo de 1993 em que o primeiro-ministro
israelense Rabin concedeu o auto-governo palestino na
Margem Ocidental e na Faixa de Gaza.
ozone layer / camada de oznio s. camada da
atmosfera superior da terra, que protege os sres vivos
dos nocivos raios ultravioletas do sol.

Pacific Rim / Borda do Pacfico s. as terras em
torno do oceano Pacfico especialmente as da sia.
Paleolithic Age / Idade paleoltica s. perodo
pr-histrico que durou de 2.500.000 at 8000 A.C.,
durante o qual as pessoas fizeram uso de primitivas
ferramentas e armas de pedra tambm chamada de
Antiga Idade da Pedra.
Panama Canal / Canal do Panam s. via
aqutica feita pelo homem ligando os oceanos Atlntico
e Pacfico, construdo no Panam pelos EUA e
inaugurado em 1914.
papyrus / papiro s. junco alto que cresce no delta
do Nilo, usado pelos antigos egpcios para fazer um
material como papel, onde escreviam.
parliament / parlamento s. corpo de
representantes que faz as leis de uma nao.
partition / repartio s. diviso em partes, como
a diviso em 1947 da colnia inglesa ndia em duas
naes, ndia e Paquisto.
pastoralist / pastoralista s. membro de grupo
nmade que pastoreia animais domesticados.
paternalism / paternalismo s. poltica de tratarse povos sditos como se fossem crianas, suprindo as
suas necessidades materiais, mas sem dar-lhes direitos.


patriarch / patriarca s. um bispo principal no

ramo oriental da cristianidade.
patriarchal / patriarcal adj. relativo a um sistema
social em que o pai o chefe da famlia.
patrician / patrcio s. na Roma antiga, um membro
da rica e privilegiada classe superior.
patrilineal / patrilinear adj. relativo a um
sistema social em que a descendncia familiar e os
direitos de herana so traados atravs do pai.
patron / patrono s. pessoa que suporta os artistas,
principalmente financeiramente.
Pax Mongolica / Paz Mongol s. perodo de
meados de 1200 a meados de 1300 quando os mongis
impuseram estabilidade e leis e ordem atravs de muito
da Eursia.
Pax Romana / Paz Romana s. perodo de paz e
prosperidade atravs do imprio Romano, que durou de
27 A.C. a 180 D.C.
Peace of Augsburg / Paz de Augsburgo s.
acordo de 1555 declarando que a religio de cada estado
alemo seria decidida por seu governante.
Peloponnesian War / Guerra do Peloponeso
s. guerra que durou de 431 a 404 A.C., em que Atenas e
seus aliados derrotaram Esparta e seus aliados.
penal colony / colnia penal s. colnia para a
qual os condenados so enviados como alternativa para
as prises.
peninsulares / peninsulares s. na sociedade
colonial espanhola, colonos que nasceram na Espanha.
Peninsular War / Guerra Peninsular s.
conflito, durando de 1808 a 1813, em que os rebeldes
espanhis, com o auxlio de foras inglesas lutaram para
expulsar as tropas francesas de Napoleo da Espanha.
perestroika / perestrica s. reestruturao da
economia sovitica para permitir mais tomadas locais de
decises, iniciada por Mikhail Gorbachev em 1985.
Persian Gulf War / Guerra do Golfo Prsico
s. conflito de 1991 em que as foras da ONU
derrotaram as foras do Iraque que haviam invadido o
Kuwait e ameaavam invadir a Arbia Saudita.
Persian Wars / Guerras Persas s. srie de
guerras no sculo 5 A.C., em que as cidades-Estados
gregas combateram o imprio persa.
perspective / perspectiva s. tcnica artstica que
cria a aparncia de trs dimenses numa superfcie
phalanx / falange s. formao militar de infantaria
armada com lanas e escudos.
pharaoh / fara s. rei do antigo Egito, considerado
um deus assim como lder poltico-militar.
philosophe / filsofo s. um de um grupo de
pensadores sociais na Frana durante o Iluminismo.

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philosophers / filsofos s. pensadores que usam

a lgica e a razo para investigar a natureza do universo,
a sociedade humana e a moralidade.
Phoenicians / fencios s. povo navegador do
sudoeste da sia, que cerca de 1100 A.C. iniciou o
comrcio e estabeleceu colnias atravs da regio do
Pilgrims / Peregrinos s. grupo de pessoas que, em
1620, fundou a colnia de Plymouth em Massachusetts,
para escapar perseguio religiosa na Inglaterra.
plebeian / plebeus s. na antiga Roma, um dos
lavradores, artesos e mercadores comuns que
compunham a maioria da populao.
plebiscite / plebiscito s. voto direto em que o
povo de um pas tem a oportunidade de aprovar ou
rejeitar uma proposta.
PLO / OLP s. Organizao para a Libertao da
Palestina organizao dedicada ao estabelecimento de
um estado independente para os palestinos no Oriente
polis / plis s. cidade-Estado grega unidade
poltica fundamental da Grcia antiga depois de cerca de
750 A.C.
Politburo / Politburo s. o comit governante do
partido comunista na Unio Sovitica.
political dissent / dissidncia poltica s. a
diferena de opinio a respeito de assuntos polticos.
polytheism / politesmo s. crena em muitos
pope / papa s. o bispo de Roma, chefe da Igreja
Catlica Romana.
Popol Vuh / Popol Vuh s. livro contendo uma
verso da histria Maia da criao.
popular culture / cultura popular s. os
elementos culturais esportes, msica, cinema,
vesturio e etc. que refletem o fundo cultural comum
de um grupo e suas mudanas de interesses.
potlatch / potlatch s. festa cerimonial usada para
demonstrao de posio e prosperidade em algumas
tribos de ndios americanos da costa noroeste.
predestination / predestinao s. doutrina de
que Deus decidiu todas as coisas de antemo, incluindo
que pessoas sero eternamente salvas.
Presbyterian / Presbiteriano s. membro de
igreja protestante governada por presbteros (mais
velhos) e fundada com base nos ensinamentos de John
PRI / PRI s. Partido Revolucionrio Institucional
o principal partido poltico do Mxico.
proletariat / proletariado s. na teoria marxista,
o grupo de trabalhadores que iria derrubar o tsar e
governar a Rssia.

proliferation / proliferao s. crescimento ou

difuso especialmente a difuso de armas nucleares
s naes que atualmente no as tm.
propaganda / propaganda s. informao ou
material difundido para introduzir uma causa ou para
danificar a causa de um oponente.
Protestant / protestante s. membro de igreja
crist fundada com base nos princpios da Reforma.
provisional government / governo
provisrio s. um governo temporrio.
psychology / psicologia s. o estudo da mente
humana e do comportamento humano.
pueblos / pueblos s. vilas de grandes edifcios como
apartamentos, feitas de argila e pedra, construdas pelos
anasazi e povos posteriores no sudoeste da Amrica.
Punic Wars / Guerras Pnicas s. srie de
trs guerras entre Roma e Cartago (264146 A.C.);
resultaram na destruio de Cartago e no domnio de
Roma sobre o Mediterrneo ocidental.
Puritans / Puritanos s. grupo de pessoas que
buscava a liberdade das perseguies religiosas na
Inglaterra, fundando uma colnia na Baa de
Massachusetts no incio dos anos 1600.
push-pull factors / fatores de atraoafastamento s. condies que levam pessoas para
outro lugar (fatores de atrao) ou causam as pessoas a
abandonar suas terras natais e migrar para outra regio
(fatores de afastamento).
pyramid / pirmide s. estrutura macia com base
retangular e quatro lados triangulares, como as que
foram construdas no Egito como tumbas para os faras
do antigo Reino.

Qin dynasty / dinastia Qin s. dinastia chinesa de
curta durao, que substituiu a dinastia Zhou no sculo 3
Qing dynasty / dinastia Qing s. a ltima
dinastia chinesa, que governou de 1644 a 1912 D.C.
Quetzalcoatl / Quetzalcoatl s. A Serpente
Emplumada deus dos toltecas e outros povos
quipu / quipo s. arranjo de cordas com ns presas
num cordel, usado pelos incas para registrar informaes
Quran / Alcoro s. o livro santo do Islame.

racism / racismo s. crena de que uma raa
superior s outras.




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radicals / radicais s. na primeira metade do sculo

19, os europeus que favoreciam mudanas drsticas para
estender a democracia a todas as pessoas.
radioactivity / radioatividade s. forma de
energia liberada com a decomposio dos tomos.
Raj / Raj s. as pores da ndia controladas pelos
ingleses nos anos 18571947.
rationing / racionamento s. a limitao das
quantidades de mercadorias que as pessoas podem
comprar freqentemente imposto pelos governos em
tempo de guerra, quando o fornecimento de mercadorias
est fraco.
realism / realismo s. movimento artstico do
sculo 19 em que escritores e pintores procuraram
mostrar a vida como ela mais do que como deveria ser.
realpolitik / realpolitik s. poltica da realidade
a prtica de duras polticas de poder, sem lugar para o
recession / recesso s. desaquecimento da
economia de um pas.
Reconquista / Reconquista s. esforo dos
lderes cristos para expulsar os muulmanos da
Espanha, de 1100 a 1492.
Red Guards / Guardas Vermelhos s. unidades
milicianas formadas por jovens chineses em 1966 em
resposta convocao de Mao Zedong para uma
revoluo social e cultural.
Reformation / Reforma s. movimento do sculo
16 de reforma religiosa, levando fundao de igrejas
crists que rejeitavam a autoridade papal.
refugee / refugiado s. pessoa que deixa seu pas e
muda-se para outro para achar segurana.
Reign of Terror / Reino do Terror s. perodo,
de meados de 1793 a meados de 1794, quando
Maximilien Robespierre governou a Frana quase como
um ditador e milhares de figuras polticas e cidados
ordinrios foram executados.
reincarnation / reencarnao s. no Hindusm
e no Budismo, o processo pelo qual uma alma renasce
continuamente at que atinge o entendimento perfeito.
religious toleration / tolerncia religiosa s.
reconhecimento do direito das pessoas a terem crenas
religiosas diferentes.
Renaissance / Renascimento s. perodo da
histria Europia, que durou de cerca de 1300 a 1600,
durante o qual o renovado interesse na cultura clssica
levou a mudanaas de longo alcance na arte, no
aprendizado e nas vises do mundo.
republic / repblica s. forma de governo em que o
poder est nas mos de representantes e lderes so
eleitos pelo povo.



Restoration / Restaurao s. perodo do

governo de Carlos II na Inglaterra, depois do colapso do
governo de Oliver Cromwell.
reunification / reunificao s. juntar novamente
coisas que estiveram separadas, como a reunificao da
Alemanha Oriental e da Alemanha Ocidental em 1990.
romanticism / romantismo s. movimento do
incio do sculo 19 na arte e pensamento, que enfocou as
emoes e a natureza mais do que razo e sociedade.
Roosevelt Corollary / Corolrio de
Roosevelt s. extenso de 1904 pelo presidente
Theodore Roosevelt da Doutrina Monroe, em que ele
declarou que os EUA tinham o direito de exercer o
poder de polcia atravs do hemisfrio Ocidental.
Rowlatt Acts / Leis Rowlatt s. leis passadas em
1919 que permitiam ao governo ingls na ndia a
prender manifestantes anti-Inglaterra sem julgamento
por at dois anos.
Royal Road / Estrada Real s. estrada no imprio
Persa, estendendo-se por mais de 1,600 milhas de Susa
na Prsia a Sardis na Anatlia.
Russification / Russificao s. processo de
forar a cultura russa sobre todos os grupos tnicos do
imprio russo.
Russo-Japanese War / Guerra RussoJaponesa s. conflito de 19041905 entre a Rssia
e o Japo, iniciada pelos esforos dos dois pases para
dominar a Manchria e a Coria.

sacrament / sacramento s. uma das cerimnias
crists em que a graa divina transmitida ao povo.
Safavid / Safvida s. membro de uma dinastia
muulmana Shia que construiu um imprio na Prsia nos
sculos 1618.
Sahel / Sahel s. regio africana ao longo da
fronteira sul do Saara.
salon / sarau s. reunio social de intelectuais e
artistas, como as realizadas nas casas de mulheres ricas
em Paris e outras cidades europias durante o
SALT / SALT s. Conversas sobre a Limitao de
Armas Estratgicas srie de encontros nos anos
70, em que lderes dos EUA e da Unio Sovitica
concordaram em limitar os estoques de armas nucleares
de seus pases.
Salt March / Marcha do Sal s. protesto
pacfico contra as Leis do Sal em 1930 na ndia quando
Mohandas Gandhi liderou seus seguidores numa marcha
de 240 milhas ao mar, onde fizeram seu prprio sal a
partir de gua do mar evaporada.

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samurai / samurai s. um dos guerreiros

profissionais que serviam aos senhores feudais japoneses.
sans-culottes / sans-culottes s. na Revoluo
Francesa, grupo radical feito de assalariados parisienses
e pequenos donos de lojas, que queriam maior voz no
governo, preos baixos e um fim carncia de alimento.
satrap / strapa s. governador de provncia no
imprio persa.
savanna / savana s. pradaria plana com muita
Schlieffen Plan / Plano Schlieffen s. plano
militar alemo no incio da Primeira Guerra Mundial,
segundo o qual as tropas alems derrotariam rapidamente
a Frana e seguiriam rumo leste para atacar a Rssia.
scholastics / escolsticos s. estudiosos que se
reunam e ensinavam nas universidades medievais
scientific method / mtodo cientfico s.
procedimento lgico para reunir informaes sobre o
mundo natural, em que a experimentao e a observao
so usadas para testar hipteses.
Scientific Revolution / Revoluo
Cientfica s. grande mudana no pensamento
europeu, comeando em meados dos anos 1500, em que
o estudo do mundo natural iniciou a ser caracterizado
pela cuidadosa observao e pelo questionamento das
crenas at ento aceitas.
scorched-earth policy / poltica da terra
calcinada s. prtica de queimar-se colheitas e matar
o gado durante os tempos de guerra, de modo que o
inimigo no possa viver da terra.
scribe / escriba s. um guarda-livros profissional
nas civilizaes primitivas.
secede / separar v. retirar-se formalmente de uma
associao ou aliana.
secular / secular adj. preocupado mais com as
coisas mundanas do que com matrias espirituais.
segregation / segregao s. separao legal ou
social de pessoas de raas diferentes.
self-determination / auto-determinao s.
a liberdade de um povo de decidir sob que forma de
governo deseja viver.
Seljuks / Seljuks s. grupo turco que migrou para o
imprio abssida no sculo 10 e estabeleceu seu prprio
imprio no sculo 11.
senate / senado s. na antiga Roma, o supremo
corpo governante, originalmente feito s de aristocratas.
sepoy / sepoy s. soldado indiano servindo sob
comando ingls.
Sepoy Mutiny / Motim Sepoy s. rebelio de
1857 de soldados hindus e muulmanos contra os
ingleses na ndia.

serf / servo s. campons medieval legalmente

obrigado a viver nas terras de um senhor.
Seven Years War / Guerra dos Sete Anos s.
conflito na Europa, Amrica do Norte e ndia, que durou
de 1756 a 1763, em que as foras da Inglaterra e da
Prssia combateram aquelas da ustria, Frana, Rssia,
e outros pases.
shah / x s. monarca hereditrio do Iran.
sharia / sharia s. corpo de leis qur governam as
vidas dos muulmanos.
Shia / Shia s. ramo do Islame cujos membros
reconhecem Ali e seus descendentes como os sucessores
de direito de Maom.
Shinto / Shinto s. a religio nativa do Japo.
Shiva / Shiva s. deus hindu considerado o destruidor
do mundo.
shock therapy / terapia de choque s.
programa econmico implementado na Rssia por Boris
Yeltsin nos anos 90, envolvendo mudana abrupta de
uma economia de comando para uma economia de
shogun / xogum s. no Japo feudal, um comandante
militar supremo que governava em nome do imperador.
Sikh / sikh s. membro de um grupo religioso noviolento cujas crenas misturam elementos do budismo,
hindusmo e sufismo.
Silk Roads / Rotas da Seda s. sistema de antigas
rotas de caravanas que atravessava a sia Central, ao
longo da qual mercadores carregavam seda e outros bens
de comrcio.
simony / simonia s. compra ou venda de posies
numa igreja crist.
skepticism / ceticismo s. filosofia baseada na
idia de que nada pode ser dado como certo.
slash-and-burn farming / agricultura do
corte e queimadas s. mtodo agricultural em que
as pessoas limpam os campos cortando e queimando
rvores e arbustos, cujas cinzas serviro para fertilizar o
Slavs / eslavos s. povo das florestas do norte do
Mar Negro, ancestrais de muitos povos da Europa
ocidental hoje.
social contract / contrato social s. acordo
pelo qual os povos definem e limitam seus direitos
individuais, criando assim uma sociedade ou governo
Social Darwinism / Darwinismo social s. a
aplicao das idias de Charles Darwin sobre a evoluo
e sobrevivncia do mais forte s sociedades humanas
particularmente como justificativa para expanso





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socialism / socialismo s. sistema econmico em

que os fatores de produo so de propriedade pblica e
operam para o bem-estar de todos.
Solidarity / Solidariedade s. sindicato trabalhista
polons que durante os anos 80 tornou-se a principal
fora de oposio ao governo comunista da Polnia.
Songhai / Songhai s. imprio afro-ocidental que
conquistou o Mali e controlou o comrcio de 1400 a 1591.
soviet / soviete s. um dos conselhos locais
representativos formados na Rssia depois da queda do
Tsar Nicolau II.
Spanish-American War / Guerra Hispanoamericana s. conflito de 1898 entre os EUA
e a Espanha, em que os EUA apoiaram a luta de
independncia dos cubanos.
specialization / especializao s. o
desenvolvimento de habilidades num particular tipo de
trabalho, tal como comerciar ou manter registros.
sphere of influence / esfera de influncia
s. regio estrangeira na qual uma nao tem controle
sobre o comrcio e outras atividades econmicas.
standard of living / padro de vida s.
qualidade de vida de uma pessoa ou populao, como
indicado pelos produtos, servios, e artigos de luxo
disponveis para essa pessoa ou povo.
stateless societies / sociedades sem
estado s. grupos culturais em que a autoridade
compartilhada por linhagens de igual poder, ao invs
de ser exercida por um governo central.
steppes / estepes s. plancies secas, cobertas de
strike / greve v. recusar-se ao trabalho para forar
um empregador a cumprir certas exigncias.
stupa / stupa s. estruturas de pedra empilhada
construdas sobre relquias santas budistas.
subcontinent / subcontinente s. grande massa
de terra que forma uma parte distinta de um continente.
Suez Canal / Canal de Suez s. via aqutica feita
pelo homem, inaugurada em 1869, conectando o Mar
Vermelho ao Mar Mediterrneo.
suffrage / sufrgio s. o direito ao voto.
Sufi / Sufi s. muulmano que busca atingir contato
direto com Deus atravs de meios msticos.
sultan / sulto s. suserano, ou o que tem poder;
ttulo de governantes otomanos durante a ascenso do
imprio Otomano.
Sunna / Sunna s. modelo Islmico de vida, baseado
na vida e ensinamentos de Maom.
Sunni / Suni s. o ramo do Islame cujos membros
reconhecem os primeiros quatro califas como os
sucessores de direito de Maom.


surrealism / surrealismo s. movimento artstico

do sculo 20 que enfoca os processos da mente
sustainable growth / crescimento
sustentvel s. desenvolvimento econmico que
atende s necessidades das pessoas mas preserva o
meio-ambiente e conserva os recursos para as futuras
Swahili / Suali s. lngua banta influenciada pelo
rabe que falada largamente na frica oriental e central.

Taiping Rebellion / Rebelio Taiping s.
rebelio de meados do sculo 19 contra a dinastia Qing
na China, liderada por Hong Xiuquas.
Taj Mahal / Taj Mahal s. bela tumba cerimonial
em Agra, ndia, erigida pelo imperador Mughal Shah
Jahan para sua mulher Mumtaz Mahal.
Taliban / Talib s. grupo conservador Islmico que
assumiu o controle do Afeganisto depois que a Unio
Sovitica retirou suas tropas; derrubados do poder pelas
foras dos EUA em Dezembro de 2001, por causa de sua
proteo a suspeitos de terrorismo.
Tamil / Tamil s. lngua do sul da ndia; tambm,
o povo que fala essa lngua.
technology / tecnologia s. maneiras em que
as pessoas aplicam conhecimentos, ferramentas e
invenes para atender s suas necessidades.
Tennis Court Oath / Juramento da Cancha
de Tnis s. compromisso jurado pelos membros da
Assemblia Nacional Francesa em 1789, em que juraram
continuar o encontro at que tivessem redigido uma nova
terrace / terrao s. nova forma de agricultura
em Aksum, em que degraus graduais construdos em
encostas de montanhas ajudavam a reter a gua e reduzir
a eroso.
terrorism / terrorismo s. o uso da fora ou
ameaas para amedrontar pessoas ou governos, para
mudar suas polticas.
theocracy / teocracia s. 1. governo em que o
governante visto como uma figura divina. 2. governo
controlado por lderes religiosos.
theory of evolution / teoria da evoluo s. a
idia, proposta por Charles Darwin em 1859, de que as
espcies de plantas e animais surgem por meio de um
processo de seleo natural.
theory of relativity / teoria da relatividade
s. idias de Albert Einstein sobre o interrelacionamento
entre tempo e espao e entre energia e matria.

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Theravada / Theravada s. seita do budismo que

enfoca na estrita disciplina espiritual originalmente
defendida pelo Buda.
Third Reich / Terceiro Reich s. o terceiro imprio
alemo, estabelecido por Adolf Hitler nos anos 30.
Third Republic / Terceira Repblica s. a
repblica que foi estabelecida na Frana depois da queda
de Napoleo III e acabou com a ocupao alem da
Frana durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Third World / Terceiro Mundo s. durante a
Guerra Fria, as naes em desenvolvimento no aliadas
nem dos EUA nem da Unio Sovitica.
Thirty Years War / Guerra dos Trinta Anos
s. conflito europeu sobre religio e territrio, e por poder
entre as famlias reinantes, que durou de 1618 a 1648.
three-field system / sistema trs-campos s.
sistema agricultural desenvolvido na Europa medieval,
em que as terras eram divididas em trs campos de igual
tamanho, e cada um desses campos era plantado
sucessivamente com uma colheita de inverno, uma
colheita de primavera e / ou deixado sem plantar.
Tiananmen Square / Praa Tiananmen
(Praa da Paz Celestial) s. enorme espao pblico
em Beijing, China; em 1989, lugar de uma insurreio de
estudantes em apoio a reformas democrticas.
tithe / dzimo s. pagamento de um dcimo da renda
familiar para uma igreja.
Tokugawa Shogunate / Xogunato
Tokugawa s. dinastia de xoguns que governou um
Japo unificado de 1603 a 1867.
Torah / Tor s. os primeiros cinco livros da bblia dos
hebreus os mais sagrados escritos da tradio judia.
totalitarianism / totalitarismo s. controle do
governo sobre todos os aspectos da vida pblica e privada.
total war / guerra total s. conflito em que os
pases participantes devotam todos os seus recursos ao
esforo de guerra.
totems / totens s. animais ou outros objetos
naturais que servem como smbolos da unidade de clans
ou outros grupos de pessoas.
tournament / torneio s. batalha faz-de-conta entre
grupos de cavaleiros.
tragedy / tragdia s. forma sria de drama lidando
com a queda (figurada) de um caracter herico ou nobre.
Treaty of Kanagawa / Tratado de
Kanagawa s. acordo de 1854 entre os EUA e o
Japo, que abriu dois portos japoneses a navios
americanos, e permitiu o estabelecimento de uma
embaixada americana no Japo.

Treaty of Tordesillas / Tratado de

Tordesilhas s. acordo de 1494 entre Portugal
e Espanha, declarando que terras recentemente
descobertas a oeste de uma linha imaginria no oceano
Atlntico pertenceriam Espanha, e as descobertas a
leste a Portugal.
Treaty of Versailles / Tratado de Versailles
s. acordo de paz assinado pela Alemanha e os poderes
aliados depois da Primeira Guerra Mundial.
trench warfare / guerra de trincheiras s.
forma de guerra em que exrcitos opostos combatem
entre si a partir de trincheiras cavadas no campo de
triangular trade / comrcio triangular s.
rede de rotas comerciais transatlnticas em que escravos
e outras mercadorias eram transportados entre frica,
Inglaterra, Europa, ndias Ocidentais e as colnias na
Amrica do Norte.
tribune / tribuno s. na Roma antiga, representante
eleito pelos plebeus para proteger seus direitos.
tribute / tributo s. pagamento feito por um poder
mais fraco a um poder mais forte para obter a certeza de
paz e segurana.
Triple Alliance / Triplce Aliana s. 1.
associao das cidades-Estados de Tenochtitln, Texcoco
e Tlacopan, que levou formao do imprio Azteca. 2.
aliana militar entre Alemanha, ustria-Hungria e Itlia
nos anos que precederam a Primeira Guerra Mundial.
Triple Entente / Tripla Entente s. aliana
militar entre Inglaterra, Frana e Rssia nos anos que
precederam a Primeira Guerra Mundial.
triumvirate / triunvirato s. na Roma antiga,
grupo de trs lderes que compartilhavam o controle do
Trojan War / Guerra de Tria s. guerra travada
cerca de 1200 A.C., em que um exrcito liderado por
reis micenos atacou a cidade comercial independente
de Tria, na Anatlia.
troubadour / trovador s. poeta e msico medieval
que viajava de lugar em lugar, entretendo as pessoas
com canes de amor nas cortes.
Truman Doctrine / Doutrina Truman s.
anunciada pelo presidente Harry Truman em 1947,
poltica dos EUA que dava ajuda econmica e militar
s naes livres ameaadas por oponentes internos ou
tyrant / tirano s. na Grcia antiga, poderoso
indivduo que assumia o controle do governo de uma
cidade-Estado apelando para o apoio dos pobres.





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Umayyads / Omadas s. a dinastia que governou
o imprio muulmano de 661 a 750 D.C. e mais tarde
estabeleceu um reino na Andaluzia.
union / unio s. associao de trabalhadores,
formada para barganhar por melhores condies de
trabalho e maiores salrios.
United Nations / Naes Unidas s.
organizao internacional mantenedora da paz, fundada
em 1945 para fornecer segurana s naes do mundo.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights /
Declarao Universal dos Direitos
Humanos s. documento de 1948 em que as Naes
Unidas declararam que todos os sres humanos tm
direitos vida, liberdade e segurana.
unrestricted submarine warfare / guerra
submarina irrestrita s. uso de submarinos para
afundar sem aviso qualquer navio (incluindo navios
neutros e navios desarmados de passageiros)
encontrados pelos inimigos em suas guas.
urbanization / urbanizao s. o crescimento das
cidades e a migrao das pessoas para elas.
U.S.A. Patriot Act / Lei Patriota dos EUA
s. lei antiterrorista de 2001 que fortaleceu os direitos
governamentais para deter estrangeiros suspeitos de
terrorismo e processar crimes terroristas.
U.S. Civil War / Guerra Civil Americana s.
conflito entre os Estados do norte e do sul dos EUA sobre
o problema da escravido, que durou de 1861 a 1865.
utilitarianism / utilitarismo s. a teoria, proposta
por Jeremy Bentham no final dos anos 1700, de que as
aes do governo so teis apenas se promovem o maior
bem para o maior nmero de pessoas.
Utopia / Utopia s. terra imaginria descrita por
Thomas More em seu livro Utopia da, um lugar

vassal / vassalo s. na Europa feudal, pessoa que
recebia uma concesso de terra de um senhor em troca
de uma promessa de lealdade e servios.
Vedas / Vedas s. quatro colees de escritos
sagrados produzidos pelos arianos durante o primeiro
estgio de seu estabelecimento na ndia.
vernacular / vernacular s. a lngua do cotidiano
das pessoas de uma regio ou pas.
vietcong / vietcongue s. grupo de guerrilheiros
comunistas que, com a ajuda do Vietnam do Norte,
lutaram contra o governo sul-vietnamita na Guerra do


Vietnamization / Vietnamizao s. estratgia

do presidente Richard Nixon para acabar com o
envolvimento dos EUA na Guerra do Vietnam,
incluindo a retirada gradual das tropas americanas
e sua substituio por foras sul-vietnamitas.
Vishnu / Vishnu s. deus Hindu considerado o
preservador do mundo.
vizier / vizir s. o primeiro-ministro num reino ou
imprio muulmano.

War of the Spanish Succession / Guerra da
Sucesso Espanhola s. conflito, que durou de
1701 a 1713, em que vrios Estados europeus lutaram
para evitar que a famlia Bourbon controlasse a Espanha
e a Frana.
Warsaw Pact / Pacto de Varsvia s. aliana
militar formada em 1955 pela Unio Sovitica e sete
pases Europeus orientais.
Weimar Republic / Repblica de Weimar s.
repblica que foi estabelecida na Alemanha em 1919 e
acabou em 1933.
Western Front / Frente Ocidental s. na
Primeira Guerra Mundial, a regio do norte da Frana
onde as foras Aliadas e os Poderes Centrais
combateram entre si.
westernization / ocidentalizao s. adoo de
instituies sociais, polticas ou econmicas de pases
ocidentais-especialmente europeus ou americanos.

yin and yang / yin e yang s. no pensamento
chins, os dois poderes que governam os ritmos naturais
da vida (com o yin representando as qualidades
femininas no universo, e o yang as qualidades
Yoruba / Ioruba s. povo afro-ocidental que formou
diversos reinos no que agora o Benin e o sul da Nigria.

Zapotec / Zapoteca s. civilizao mesoamericana
primitiva que era centrada no Vale Oaxaca, no que
agora o Mxico.
ziggurat / zigurate s. estrutura em camadas na
forma de pirmide que formava uma parte de um templo
Zionism / Sionismo s. movimento fundado nos
anos 1890 para promover o estabelecimento de uma
ptria judia na Palestina.

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