June-July Newsletter-18-Final

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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

Pastor Scott Schellenberger – (705) 313-0333
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our faith in Christ by
caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person, serving each other and those
beyond our Lutheran community.”


Pastor’s Message - God Does Not Go On Vacation

Summer is an interesting time in the church. Some people are so busy
doing fun stuff with their families that we see very little of them. They
are camping and traveling, at cottages, enjoying the summer weather
and the schedule that is not so demanding as the rest of the year.
Some of us have older kids home from school and enjoy our limited
time with them. So we, who handle summer church schedules, try to
lighten up also. We don’t schedule as many meetings and we put some
weekly things on hold until fall. I hope you enjoy the summer months
and all the benefits that come with it. However, I want to encourage
you to remember that you don’t have to stop growing in your faith
during these warmer months. God does not take a vacation from loving
us so why should we take a vacation from worshiping God? There are
churches all over the world. If you can find one to worship at no matter
what the faith tradition I encourage you to go. Experiencing worship in
a new way can be extremely life giving.
I find spending time in God’s creation to be a wonderfully calming and
at times spiritual experience. I cannot help but reflect on the many
elements of my surroundings while at the cottage. The trees as they
bear green leaves and sway in the wind, remind me of the Holy Spirit
which surrounds us in love no matter where we are. The deer I have
seen running in the bush remind me of the majesty and awe of how
God created beautiful creatures. When I fish in calm waters I am
reminded of Jesus stilling the storm and wishing he was present to help
me with my catch. When I dive into the fresh cold waters at Stoney
Lake for the first time in May I am reminded of my baptism as my body
cuts through the crisp cleansing water. Then I soon laugh as my puppy
Sophie very quickly follows. At the end of a beautiful day as I sit around
a campfire I am reminded of its power and the flames of Pentecost that
stirred people to action. When I am away on vacation, God does not go
vacation but comes with me.
When you are taking a walk or sitting outside, communicate with the
giver of the beautiful world that you are enjoying, (more simply put:
pray). Don’t think of summer as a time to quit church, rather think of it
as a good time to see God in our surroundings and as a time to grow
our relationship with God, preparing for the rest of the year.
As all of us know, summer attendance at Christ Lutheran is always
small during the summer and this has an impact on our offerings. When
we take our vacation from church, the bills do not. They keep arriving. I
encourage you to remember this. You can now give offerings from
anywhere in the world. There is a way you can give while on your
holidays. All you need is access to the internet and do the following:
To make an offering anytime of the year visit CanadaHelps at:
www.christlutheranpeterborough.com/donations.html and click
on DONATE. Have your credit card handy.
Thank you for remembering the church while on your holidays.
Enjoy your holidays. Enjoy God’s presence. Have a safe and joyous
vacation time.
Pastor Scott
Vision Task Force Report - May 6 2018
The asset mapping exercise: We all agreed that the exercise was
helpful for all of us to realize the assets we do have here at Christ and
that there are many gifts we can draw from internally. We believe there
are also needs in the community that could further be investigated and
ministries perhaps formed. This led to a vision task force mission
statement: To build stronger relationships and connections among our
members and with the local community
Several new initiatives were discussed, and the following are the goals
we will currently be striving towards.
In-reach – Creating some visiting teams to visit both shut-ins and
members. On April 22 Rev. Beth Wagshal will be with us to talk to us
about how we can visit people in a positive manner. This will be a jump
off point.
Outreach – Connecting with immediate community

We will be encouraging you to be involved in achieving the following
1. Mom to Mom clothing swap – as summer approaches we are
hoping to arrange with the school a time when parents can swap
clothes for bigger sizes. Pastor will be meeting with the principal to
talk about how this might happen. Reaching young families.
2. Weekly card group and coffee for both members and the
community – making a connection will be important and perhaps
other ideas will grow out of the conversations that take place.
Reaching adults, newly retired, seniors.
3. Creating and maintaining a flower garden at the entrance to the
parkway trail at the corner of Fairburn and Highland Road – Pastor
Scott will be getting in touch with GreenUP Peterborough to
discuss how this might happen. Reaching city of Peterborough.
4. Outdoor family movie night – June 1, 2018 7:30pm at the church
5. Community Garden – this is something that would be created in
our front yard. The plan would be to learn more from GreenUp
Peterborough, learn more about needs and costs, concerns and so
on. They are willing to meet with us to educate us. Once a budget
is created we would apply in the fall for a mission grant from the
Eastern Synod and prepare for 2019. Reaching entire
neighbourhood and One Roof Community Center. There will be a
meeting to talk with Jill Bishop from GreenUp to talk about this
opportunity on June 11 at 6:30pm
6. We also talked about down the road possibly creating full or half
day events directed to the neighbouring community. These would
be similar to the Health and Wellness Events

Health and Wellness Team

We have a few interesting and informative workshops planned for the
fall 2018. Please stay tuned for further details.
Also, we are really looking forward to seeing you all at our upcoming
Senior’s Luncheon on Wednesday June 14th 10 am and
Women’s Day - You are all invited to a Toronto Area Women’s Day
Gathering on Saturday June 16 from approximately 10:00 A.M. until
3:00 P.M. See the sign up on the vestibule door.

Club Saturday June 9 and July 14 8:30 am.
All welcomed!

Slice & Dice last meeting Tuesday June 12th This will
be our last meeting until September. Thanks to all who helped out in
this great mission. We know you are few but mighty!

No Coffee times June/July/August If you wish to host

a coffee time over the summer months please contact Robin or Pastor
and we will announce it for that Sunday. Coffee time does much to
help us get to know each other and draws us closer together. Your
helping to make it possible is a great gift to your church. Thank you!

Bible Study After June Bible study will resume in September.

Stay tuned for date.

Church Council Meeting – May 15, 2018 – 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Present: Milan, George, Connie, Sylvia, Iris, Janice, Scott, Al, Rebecca
Opening Devotion (Pastor Scott):
Minutes of Prior Meeting/ Approve:
Motion to approve - Marlys; Second – Sylvia; Approved
Correspondence: None
Electronic Updates- None

Pastors Report
• Finances during last summer July $9700. August $3620
• Because of this thought best that we don’t go to St. Luke’s this
• Look at other ways to stay connected with St. Luke’s
• Between Mike and Scott we will be covered this summer
• Everyone to St. Luke’s on July 29 this summer
Vision Task Force
• Barry garden possibility support from four households plus four
congregational members
• City will not pay for flowers.
• Janice suggested calling TASS greenhouse for flowers. Michelle
Chambers is her contact there
• People splitting bulbs and getting for free. Think of perennials
people want to split.
• Size of garden to be approx. 10’
Suggested that we have congregation bring a flower to church as
an appeal. Members encouraged to bring 1 four 1 - that they bring
one flower for our garden and one for the community garden.
• Motion by Marlys: for council to give $150 to Barry for vision
task force for flowers if needed. Approved by- Iris; seconded
by- Janice. The motion was approved.
• Information meeting for community garden in partnership with
Green up June 11th at 6:30
• Iris has been beating on doors she thought would be interested in
Women's Day in Whitby as she herself cannot attend. Not too
much interest as of yet.
• Plans may be in the works for worship on the farm day as
discussed between Brenda and Scott. Bishop to be invited, lunch
and social time to follow worship under a tent.
Parish Support
• Roofing postponed by two weeks due to weather. George chose
• Flat carport roof not being done.
• Cleanup day was covered very well. 2 bushes in garden removed
• Sign-up for grass for cutting or covering the $30 to cut. Matthew
has cut the grass once. Budgeted for cuts but people are
encouraged to cover
• George fixed small push mower as there was a loose spark plug

• Enbridge is going to change the gas meter on Church and
Treasurers Report
• Bank balance as of April 30, 2018- $77884.36. Plus outstanding
April 29 deposit of $1005 (Whitby service). Actual $78889.36
• One outstanding GIC of $5000
• Large expense for April (sound system) -$5939.14
• Current offerings in April $8425 (April 15th service cancelled due to
inclement weather)
• Operating expenses April (not including sound system purchase) -
• Parsonage expenses April (utilities/ maintenance) -$502
• Synod Assembly registration -$550
• April was a month that current offerings=operating expenses, we
broke even.
• Fundraising for parsonage roof to begin in May
• The T4 amended for Pastor Scott
• New dates for one roof to be confirmed and then published to rally
for volunteers
Messy Church & Kids Club
Messy Church
• 6 kids and 20 people total. Ages 2 to 10
• Good times had by all. Made a prayer chain that has been
displayed on the alter
• Kid friendly meal served; hot dogs and french fries with
watermelon for dessert
• June 18th next: BBQ Picnic Fun
Kids Club
• Kids club this past month was run by Joanna.
• 5 busy boys had a great time on their PA day.
• Next kid’s club planed will involve archaeological activities
Health and Wellness/ Social Activities
• 14th of June is the next seniors luncheon
• Slice and dice needs some new helpers as they currently are
strapped with demands. Approach St. Luke’s to see if there are
some helpers interested from there, or St. Barnabus
• Muffin mixes could be baked and froze for a few weeks although at
this time we have enough muffins

• Sunday June 10th Dr. Jenny Ingram coming to speak with us
about respite cares and possible use of church space to support
the program. Milan to get details to share with congregation
Stewardship & Fund-raising
• Garage sale raised approximately $1900
• Leftover clothing from the yard sale was taken to Cameron house
which they were very gracious to receive
• Sylvia mentioned getting together another bus trip. Rebecca
suggested a trip to Christmas market in Kitchener
• “Raising the roof”- Connie and Barry working on poster to raise
money for roof shingles. Info to be printed out and given for
congregation as explanation.
Mutual Ministries
• No updates
Old Business
• New model constitution Pastors Scott and Mike will review and
present the summary changes to the congregation for a future
vote to accept the new model constitution
• Scott sent out rental policy and rental agreement.
• River Run Fellowship met with small group from our council
New Business
• Milan got a quote for video screens (Qty 2 x 55” tv) about $3500
as a possible presentation solution for services; to get us specific
details next meeting
Upcoming Events:
• Friday June 1st at 7:30 is Family Movie Night at the church
(Disney's The Incredibles) [A Vision Task Force event] ALL
• Saturday June 9th, 2018 Eastern Lutheran Churches picnic at the
zoo is cancelled
• Saturday June 16th 10-12pm Neighbourhood Children’s Clothing
Swap [A Vision Task Force Event] ALL welcome
• Saturday June 16th from 10 until 2:30 Ladies Day at Christ the
King Church in Whitby for the Toronto East Area Women
• Messy Church June 18th Outdoor Family Picnic/ Games
Next meeting is a finger foods and drinks: Tuesday June 19th at 6:30
with potential to meet prior if River Run Fellowship needs to meet.
Special thanks to Marlys for helping me with these minutes while I was
late and had computer issues!

As we begin hopefully soon to enjoy the summer weather, please
remember your church in your prayers. If you will be away, put a little
extra in your weekly offering, or use post-dated cheques, to maintain
your level of giving, and the church’s cash flow over the summer
months. May God bless you and keep you in his care over your
summer travels.

Wedding Shower Pastor Scott & Sue

We are having a get together for Pastor Scott & Sue on Saturday June
2nd 11 am – 1 pm at the church. Light lunch will be served. Please
come out, share and enjoy with them their upcoming celebration!

Everyone is invited to attend our next Messy Church on Monday June

18 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. An opportunity for families,
grandparents/grandkids, or kids and adults of all ages to spend time in
a relaxed and fun atmosphere, singing, worshipping and then eating a
delicious meal together.
Why not invite your neighbours, grandkids or friends? All are
welcome - - come and join us!


Our final meeting will be on Tuesday June 12th. Thank you to all who
have helped this outreach be a true success. I know Kawartha Heights
Public School really appreciate the dedication of doing up these snacks
for the children. BIG THANK YOU! We will meet again in fall. Stay

Friday June 1: Neighbourhood Movie Night (outdoors unless inclement
weather) start time probably 730pm
June 9 Picnic CANCELLED
Thursday June 14: Senior’s Luncheon
Saturday June 16: Mom-to-Mom Clothing Swap 10am-12
Sunday June 17: Healing Service with Holy Communion
Monday June 18: Messy Church

Pastor Scott will be away June 21-24 at Synod Assembly
Pastor Scott will be going to Camp Lutherlyn to be a chaplain for the
week of July 8-July 13
On Sunday July 29 we will be worshiping at St. Luke’s Anglican Church.
There will be no worship at Christ that Sunday.

New Relationship with River Run Fellowship

River Run Fellowship is a church similar in size to our own that has
been looking for a place to worship and call their home.
Pastor Scott has spoken with their pastor and believes it would be a
good group to work with. Rental negotiations between council
and representatives from their church are happening as we speak. They
would worship on Sunday afternoons.
It is our hope they would begin renting June 1. Stay tuned for more

Information Meeting – All welcomed!

There has been discussion about starting a Community Food Garden
here in the front of Christ Lutheran Church. Jill Bishop from the Nourish
Project and GreenUP Peterborough will be joining us for an information
meeting on Monday June 11, 2018 6:30pm to share information

about what is entailed in starting and maintaining a garden, a mock
budget, and possible grant information. There will be a time for
questions and answers. The goal is to possibly start a community
garden in 2019.

Cards, Coffee, and Conversations

Will return in the fall of 2018. Stay tuned for future dates.

KID’S SUMMER CLUB – August 27 – 31st

9:15 – 11:30 am Stay tuned for more details soon.


We are sponsoring a dinner Tuesday July 10th. A sign-up list is on the
vestibule door.

JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Communion

Ushers Assistant & Reader
June 3 Connie & TBA Iris Gravel
June 10 Barry & Pauline Cal Taillefer
June 17 Glenn & Johanna Marlys Kerkman
June 24 Connie & TBA Johanna Coombs
July 1 TBA Iris Gravel
July 8 Glenn & Johanna Cal Taillefer
July 15 June & Ilse Marlys Kerkman
July 22 Barry & Pauline Cal Taillefer
July 29 Worship will be at St. Luke’s Anglican Church

Altar Care for June- Rosi Kerber Altar Care for July – Connie Baker

Counters for June - Ilse Donnelly & Rosi Kerber

Counters for July – Connie Baker & Marlys Kerkman

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 Wedding

June/July 2018 Movie Night Shower for

7:30 pm Pastor Scott
& Sue 11-1
June 3 4 5 Bible Study 6 7 8 9
Pentecost III 10 am PA Day Men’s
Holy Com.10am Slice & Dice 9 am – Breakfast
noon bible
study 7 pm 3:30 pm 8:30 am

June 10 11 12 Bible study 13 14 15 16

Pentecost IV 10 am 10 am Mom & Mom
Holy Com.10am Last Slice & Dice
Senior’s Clothing
7 pm bible Hymn Sing Swap 10 -
study lunch noon
June 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Pentecost V Messy Bible study 10
Healing & Holy
Communion church 5:30 am
Council mtg
10:00 am – 7pm 6:30 pm

June 24 25 26 27 28 29 June 30
Pentecost VI Last Bible
Holy Com.10am study 10 am
and 7 pm

July 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pentecost VII Holiday
10:00 am

July 9 9 10 One Roof 11 12 13 14

Pentecost VIII supper 3 pm Men’s
Holy at St. John’s
10:00 am
church 8:30 am
July 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Pentecost IX
10:00 am

July 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Pentecost X
10:00 am

July 29 30 31 August 1 2 3 4
Worship at St.


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