LOGSeptember 2015
LOGSeptember 2015
LOGSeptember 2015
And we need your help. We ask you to give this new way of teaching and learning and modeling a
try. We ask you to be involved in the lives of our young people. We ask you to model a life of active
In October, we are launching GIFT Growing in Faith Together.
GIFT is for absolutely everyone our goal is that we all grow in faith
together! We are going to plan GIFT events and services through
December, at which point, we will evaluate and welcome feedback
from all of you.
Here is how GIFT will unfold
First/Third Activity Sundays: On communion Sundays, following worship on the first and third
Sundays, there will be inter-generational activities. These will be introduced in worship and seek to
involve everyone in the fellowship hall. As they have in the past, these activities will be found on the
back tables. Families, come check them out together! Everyone, stop by and see whats up! All
people are welcomed and encouraged to be involved and interact with these activities of faith!
Second Sunday worship: Come and worship on the second Sunday of the month! These
worship services will aim to connect with all ages in ways that are engaging and interactive and
positive. Our goal is to have children and youth involved in ushering, reading, and participating in the
service in different ways.
GIFT Wednesday: On the first Wednesday of the month, we invite everyone to meet at church
for a meal and other activities. For many families, the reality is that Wednesday evenings work better
than Sunday mornings. Were still working out the details of this monthly event. Watch for details in
the bulletin and the next newsletter as the first one October 7th draws near!
Chances are were going to need to tweak things along the way. Chances are all the things we plan
may not always pan out the way we hope. But were going to try and best serve the families and
young people of this congregation. We really hope youll be on board for this new journey with
support, participation, and insight.
Thank you,
Pastor Lindsay
WELCA Minutes
The August 5, 2015 WELCA meeting was held in the church basement. There were 17 members
present, 5 guests, 3 rabbits and 2 dogs. The meeting was called to order by President Pat Hanson.
We read the purpose together. The opening hymn was Jesus Loves Me and devotions were from
Psalm 37:7. A reading from Jesus Calling was given by Nancy Wesely. The Secretarys and
Treasurers reports for July were read with a correction to the circles serving at Prairie Manor August 2nd Rebekah and August 9th Hannah, then approved and placed on file.
Correspondence was a thank you from Emma Weikum and Jessica Ferguson for the quilts they
received for graduation and from Orene Dennis for a floral arrangement she received for her 90th
No unfinished business.
New Business: Fall Convention will be held at Christ Lutheran, Preston, MN, September 19, 2015.
A $30 offering will be sent. It was moved and seconded to have the church cleaned before Guest
Day, October 7, 2015. It was noted that we need ice cube trays for the kitchen. Nancy Wesely
offered to purchase some of these.
There were no committee reports.
The Worship Offering Prayer was given by Nancy Wesely.
We sang the birthday song for Ardell Lindquist and Marlys Peterson.
The next meeting will be September 2, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. Naomi Circle will have the program and
Rebekah will serve.
The program followed the meeting and we were entertained by Ben, Alex and Rachel Riley showing
and explaining their fair projects two puppies and three bunnies.
Respectfully submitted,
Ardell Swenson, acting secretary
Jesus is the bread of life. This was truly the case on Sunday, August 23rd. After we had Gathered
in Grace members took an active part in Baking Bread Together. Twenty loaves of bread were
baked, cards were written and then the loaves of bread were delivered to some of our members that
are not able to be at church on a regular basis. This was definitely a part of our mission To go forth
and serve. A big thanks to all those wonderful helpers that delivered the bread.
Signed, One of Gods helpers.
Thank you to all of the Meal on Wheels Drivers and to the Red Oak Grove Circles for serving
coffee at Prairie Manor during the month of August. Ardell Swenson
The WIT Group will meet at church on September 8th at 1:30 p.m.
The Southeastern Minnesota Synodical Womens Organization Convention will be held on
Saturday, September 19th at Christ Lutheran in Preston, Minnesota. The theme for the convention
will be Building Bridges to Peace.
Parents and confirmation youth (7th 9th grade): We will kick off the confirmation year on
Wednesday, September 9th. We will meet from 6:30 8 p.m. to distribute information and hear about
the upcoming year. Your attendance is very important!
10th grade confirmation students: A mailing is coming your way with information about the fall. We
will meet for the first time on October 4th following worship to discuss projects, the confirmation
service, and wrap up our learning together.
As we prepare to launch GIFT (see pages 1 & 2) in October and because September Sundays are
already super full of events, please note that there will be no education hour during September.
Families, please worship cowboy-style on the 13th and stick around for the free meal. Come on
Sunday the 20th too the annual meeting will feature pictures and stories of CYF ministry throughout
the year. And then stay for brunch!