Petrel English
Petrel English
Petrel English
Enable discipline experts to work together and make the best possible decisionsfrom
exploration to production
The Petrel E&P software platform brings disciplines together with best-in-class applied
science in an unparalleled productivity environment. This shared earth approach enables
companies to standardize workflows from exploration to productionand make more
informed decisions with a clear understanding of both opportunities and risks.
We have long known that integration is critical. However, integrating at the data level is just
the start. Enabling critical insight in complex reservoirs requires the integration of work
processes. This allows the capture and preservation of knowledge, from exploration to
productionfrom the petroleum systems modeler to the reservoir engineer and beyond, all
contributing to a shared vision of the subsurface. Whether you are working on your first
deepwater exploration well or delivering a comprehensive drilling program in a shale play,
the Petrel platform enhances multidisciplinary workflows.
Traditionally, applying the right science has meant supporting many disparate applications
isolating the knowledge and disrupting the workflow. The Petrel platform provides deep
science across the spectrumfrom prestack processing to advanced reservoir modelingto
assisted history matching, and much more. Furthermore, the Ocean software development
framework creates advantage by putting the industrys best science inside the Petrel shared
earth modeldirectly into the hands of your teams.
As the industry looks to accelerate reserves replacement and boost recovery in difficult
reservoirs, increasing productivity is essential. The Petrel platform supports automated,
repeatable workflows, to capture best practices and share them across the organization. New
data is easily incorporated, keeping the subsurface live and current. Embedded cross-domain
uncertainty analysis and optimization workflows enable straightforward testing of parameter
sensitivity and scenario analysis. The embedded Studio E&P knowledge environment
improves productivity with multiuser database access and collaborative work sessions with
team members across the enterprise. The Studio environment lets you capture more than just
datait allows you to store and share the knowledge of how a result was accomplished.
PRESTACK SEGY LOADER has been revamped with new functionalities to provide
robust and flexible handling of a wider range of file format descriptions. Main new
features include access to custom trace header attributes; preview plot of seismic data
traces, gather locations, and data grid definitions; support of spare gather geometry;
and gather with variable folds or traces with variable length.
THE MIXER, an intuitive and interactive visualization tool, now supports any type
of interpretation (horizon, faults, and multi-z). A data-weighted blend workflow has
been introduced to enable blending three or more attributes for detailed stratigraphic
and structural interpretation.
INTERACTIVE MESH EDITING now allows editable sphere shape creation and
snap to another editable mesh or surface workflow. Free-directional push and pull is
enabled, ensuring accurate and precise manipulation of the editable triangle mesh.
MICROSEISMIC now has an improved and simplified event filter editor interface.
Three new interactive microseismic events selection modes have been introduced.
SEISMIC WELL TIE has been significantly improved and extended, allowing
wavelet-based filtering and parameter synchronization, signal-to-noise ratio
deterministic wavelet extraction for synthetic goodness of fit, seismic along wellbore
for deviated wells, and multiwell synthetic workflows. Reflection coefficient
generation with and without multiples has been introduced.
WAVELET EQUALIZATION is a wavelet conditioning tool that enables correcting
the wavelet in datasets to true zero phase and stabilizing any residual variation in
WORKFLOW can now be applied to 2D poststack seismic data.
EXTENDED ELASTIC IMPEDANCE (EEI) is now part of Petrel Quantitative
Interpretation module, enabling a comprehensive EEI workflow at log scale and
seismic scale for fluid and lithology prediction. The EEI correlation tool is used for
intuitively exploring the best chi projection angle.
NEW TIME LAPSE ANALYSIS domain tab introduced in the Advanced Geophysics
perspective enables logical work steps for comprehensive Seismic Reservoir
Monitoring workflows.
RESERVOIR ELASTIC MODELING (REM) takes into account pore fluid effects
and calculates elastic properties of fluid-saturated rock from the Simulation case.
analysis tools to improve usability and evaluate progress in history match and
prediction workflows.
RESERVOIR CALIBRATION can use industry-standard and Schlumberger patented
rate transient analysis techniques.
FLEXIBLE UNITS for reservoir engineering enables defining simulation input data
in a different unit system from that in other domains by independently setting or
customizing the unit system in supported dialog boxes and spreadsheets. Laboratory
units are also now supported in Petrel RE.
3D RESULTS ANALYSIS is facilitated by one-button-click generation of multiple
3D windows, based on analysis purpose and based on case.
DUAL-SCALE MODELING has been extended to all stair-step structural grids,
including complex fault cases, and incorporates both blocked well log and layermapped 3D property upscaling.
TRAJECTORY PLANNING replaces the Well Path Design module and now also
includes functionality of Well Positioning, Well Construction, Mud Weight
Prediction, and Relief Well Simulation that enables drilling engineers to collaborate
with G&G staff and deliver a drillable well trajectory suitable for detailed
DIRECT GURU CONTENT ACCESS is now available from the Domain tabs,
linking straight through to key content for the related domain workflow or step being
working on.
QUALITY REPORTING has been enriched to now have more than 50 predefined
tests, across all domains, for conducting quality assurance, tracking, guidance,
auditing, and reporting at all steps of the Petrel workflow.
USABILITY AND REPORTING FEATURES have also been enhanced to filter and
sort reports, link to data objects from reports, output reports in PDF format, use
playlists including queuing, and enable QA/QC workflows.
3D GRIDS AND PROPERTIES are now supported in the Studio environment for
enhanced collaboration between geoscientists and petroleum engineers.
DATA TABLE IMPROVEMENTS bring extended functionality in both the Project
and Repository Data Tables, including a sync status column and synchronize
stratigraphy option.
STUDIO ENVIRONMENT WORK STEPS are now included in the Workflow Editor
to enable automated data tagging and transfers.
NEW WELL MODEL is fully supported, including trajectory types for well surveys
and plans and also new sidetrack or lateral wells.
AND PRODUCTION have been added to the Find workflows.
Studio environment include that horizon interpretation transfers are now 6 to 10 times
faster and indexing large volumes of data is considerably faster.
BLOCKED DATA APP allows the data manager to block data from reentering the
Studio environment.
encountered while drilling previous wells, you can avoid hazard zones while planning the
Pad and well placement can be optimized based on various geological and geographical
constraints. Real-time monitoring of the well being drilled enables rapid updating of the
model, and therefore the planned well, to eliminate or minimize potential risks ahead and
maximize reservoir exposure.
After your wells are planned, you can fine-tune the attributes. Well plans can be adjusted for
cost, directional complexity, and platform locations, while the best-fit workflow ensures
maximum reservoir contact. You can view all changes in a geological context within a 3D
The Drillbench Blowout Control simulatorpowered by the OLGA multiphase simulator
technologyin the Petrel platform gives drilling engineers and well control specialists a
powerful, accurate, and reliable tool for planning and analyzing relief wells. The relief well
plan validation can be made at the design stage, with rapid evaluation of uncertainty within
the parameters. Updates can be made at any timewhether prior to drilling, during drilling,
or in post-well reviews.
The well path design and positioning capabilities in the Petrel* E&P software platform are
now fully coupled to perform wellbore stability evaluation, offset well analysis, and relief
well planning.
The Petrel Trajectory Planning module enables collaboration between geologists and drilling
engineers to efficiently deliver a drillable trajectory with constraints and sensitivity analysis.
This provides a unified visualization, interpretation, and modeling workspace in which teams
can collaborate more effectively to plan wells and evaluate and develop assets. REDUCE TRAJECTORY PLANNING CYCLE TIME
Enhanced collaboration enables multidisciplinary experts to work more effectively to design
the optimal trajectory, run anticollision analysis, and leverage 3D visualization tools.
Extending well path design to geomechanics workflows substantially changes the way well
paths are built, allowing geologists and drilling engineers to select the right trajectory and
mud weight.
Trajectory planning cycle time is reduced by using a shared workspace to design well paths
and run both anticollision and driller target analysis in the context of the earth model. The
multiuser environment in the Petrel platform enables this integration across multiple domain
The well path design and well positioning workflows use industry-standard engines to enable
you to quickly design and validate all well trajectories, drillable wells, sidetracks, and
Av. De la Cultura Nro. 733 Laboratorio de Hidrocarburos Gabinete IG-308 - Pabelln de
ingeniera Geolgica Ciudad Universitaria Perayoc Facebook/ROMULO ESCOBEDO
multilaterals, as well as perform drilling target and anticollision analysisall in the context
of your 3D earth model.
Once the wells are planned, attributes can be adjusted for cost, directional complexity, and
platform locations, while ensuring maximum reservoir contact. All changes are viewable in
geological context within a 3D window.
The well positioning workflow increases confidence in anticollision analysis by visualizing
critical results within a 2D or 3D space: this is especially useful in congested offshore or land
development environments. Calculating the no-go zone for each offset well steps down each
ellipsoid of uncertainty of the offset well trajectory and computes the perpendicular cross
section as well as the minimum allowable separation distance for each direction. The 3D nogo space is constructed by connecting all of the no-go cross sections on each offset well, from
wellhead to TD.
Project or window anticollision scans can be run interactively while planning or drilling.
Collision risk levels are highlighted in a windowhigh-risk level displayed in red, low-risk
level in greenproviding a quick indication of the success of the anticollision scenario. INTEGRATED GEOMECHANICS
The Mud Weight Predictor (MWP) plug-in for the Petrel platform provides advanced
wellbore stability postprocessing for your geomechanical models. The purpose is to assist in
choosing the density of drilling mud to keep the well mechanically stable and avoid influx of
fluids, thus assessing drilling risks on the basis of a geomechanical model.
The workflows incorporate heterogeneous distribution of the mechanical properties and
stresses from a geomechanical model and convert this information into mud-weight window
limits and width for a given well direction. This enables you to choose the most stable path
and, depending on the width of the mud-weight window, safe and unsafe zones for drilling
can be identified, which allows well design to minimize drilling problems and mitigate risks. CONDUCT OFFSET WELL ANALYSIS
Offset performance can be analyzed and optimal drilling parameters identified for a planned
well in a given formation or section by predicting rates of penetration on the proposed
trajectory. Detailed data analysis is facilitated by crossplots, montages, and comprehensive
data filtering tools, for example, by well, bit, depth, or other log data.
For risk management, a risk catalog can be constructed that combines all of the reservoir,
borehole geomechanics, and drilling information, such as lessons learned, best practices, and
risks encountered in offset wells. Events can be used to calibrate your models, which are then
correlated to geology and visualized in both the 3D and well section windows, then migrated
to a planned well so risk mitigation planning can be initiated and incorporated into the drilling
With the Petrel Trajectory Planning module, the technology for validation of relief well plans
is accessible to the drilling engineer early in the trajectory design stage. This shortens the
iteration process by enabling a full range of parameter uncertainties to be used when planning
Av. De la Cultura Nro. 733 Laboratorio de Hidrocarburos Gabinete IG-308 - Pabelln de
ingeniera Geolgica Ciudad Universitaria Perayoc Facebook/ROMULO ESCOBEDO
and testing the well. Thus, rapid evaluation of key uncertainty parameters is possible early in
the well planning processas parameters are confirmed or as new data arrives, the
simulations can be quickly updated. WORK IN A REAL-TIME ENVIRONMENT
The ultimate objective is to reach geological targets safely. The Petrel Trajectory Planning
module helps achieve this by streaming depth-indexed data while drilling and comparing
planned versus actual well paths in real time to immediately determine if there is a risk of
Ensure objectives are met by designing well paths entirely within a shared earth model
Design optimal well paths and reduce cycle time
Ensure maximum reservoir contact using best-fit workflows
Understand challenges facing new well paths by visualizing information in 2D and 3D
Recalculate the mud-weight window interactively as the well trajectory is updated
Perform relief well planning during trajectory design phase FEATURES
Generate well correlation panels and traditional map plots for printing and reporting
Perform stratigraphic interpretation, contouring, map editing, and evaluation of
structural complexity prior to geocellular modeling
Analyze data geostatistically prior to populating the geocellular model with facies
and properties, using a range of deterministic and stochastic algorithms
The Petrel platform delivers workflows that greatly enhance reservoir knowledge.
Construct and automate structural frameworks during interpretation
Accurately represent complex structures with the unique volume based modeling
Rapidly define critical flowing or sealing windows along faults, integration of fault
properties, and geometries
Perform dual-porosity and dual-permeability simulation of fluid-flow on facies such as
carbonates, using modeled fracture networks
Improve prospect definition and well placement, using interpreted data to evaluate
uncertainties in volumetrics, porosity, permeability, structure, or any other relevant
Comprehensive exploration capabilitiesfrom regional evaluations to prospect generation&
the following:
Assessment of play risk when prioritizing opportunities and enabling swift updates
Import and export vertical proportion curves for specific facies and optionally fit all
vertical proportion curves to the histogram for all zones and all facies automatically
and all at once
Prepare input data using transformation sequences (input/output truncations, scale
shifts, and distribution shape options complemented by tools for trend fitting and
removal) prior to petrophysical modeling
Generate variogram maps from your input data to determine major and minor
Use the full declustering option for data analysis of horizontal or clustered wells to
honor global facies and petrophysical proportions
Display rose diagrams and analyze dip and azimuth data in stereonet windows
View simulation summary results using crossplots and histograms in the function
Create functions from crossplots and create raw crossplots and distribution functions
from histograms
Evaluate key uncertainties in a play: trap, reservoir, charge (source rock maturity and
hydrocarbon migration), and seal
Perform rapid initial exploration screening
Build and simulate 1D and 3D petroleum systems models
Create petroleum systems 1D and 3D time maps and time trends
Visualize and plot simulation results using the Geotime player window
Assess play riskdirectly connected to data and interpretations
Generate prospectswith chance-of-success estimates
Fracture models can be distributed and upscaled to 3D grids for simulation, where advanced
permeability options are available including Oda and flow-based methods. The Petrel
Fracture Modeling workflow allows full integration with the ECLIPSE reservoir simulator
and INTERSECT high-resolution reservoir simulator using multiple porosity models for
advanced simulation of naturally fractured reservoirs.
Import, QC, and display fracture interpretations using the well section and stereonet
Utilize dip and azimuth interpretation from image log data, together with fault patches
from ant tracking and other discrete fracture networks
Characterize fractures using either stochastic or deterministic methods
Represent fractures as either discrete planes or implicit properties, or a combination
of both
Calibrate the interpretation to observed fracture data
Upscale the fracture network directly into the geocellular model
Upscaling permeability based on ODA method, taking into account the connectivity
of fracture network
enables the scale-up of high-resolution well log data and point attribute data into the
geocellular grid. With these modeling dialogs open concurrently, the effect of changes to
scale-up parameters, data analysis settings, or property modeling algorithms are visualized
instantaneously in all other dialogs.
Efficient data cleanup and modeling tools improving the ease and accuracy of seismic
interpretation and structural modeling within the Petrel platform
Identification and mapping of critical fault juxtaposition, high-flow zones, or seal
continuity areas
Capability to perform numerous up-to-date or core-calibrated fault seal predictions in
real time or automatically within the workflow to allow calibration and reduce
You can interactively create and share cross sections across projects; the cross sections can
be directly edited in the 2D or map window. Tools for picking markers, for estimating logs
by trained neural networks, and for interactive log conditioning enable a robust stratigraphic
interpretation. Visualization performance is such that thousands of wells can be handled
Subsurface stresses and rock deformations and failure have potential to adversely impact
exploration activities, field development, and production operations. To make optimal
decisions throughout the life of the field and accurately assess risks, engineers and
geoscientists must considerfrom the outsetthe geomechanical behavior of their
reservoirs and the surrounding formations.
Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics software provides an integrated and efficient environment
for 3D preproduction geomechanics modeling or for 4D geomechanics modeling of fields
under operation. The powerful VISAGE finite-element geomechanics simulator is combined
seamlessly with other interpretation and modeling workflows within the Petrel E&P software
This allows geomechanics experts and non-experts alike to incorporate geomechanical
analyses into their reservoir or structural models, or to create new subsurface models for
geomechanics simulation.
During exploration work and in early field life, 3D preproduction geomechanics modeling
enables companies to assess potential for drilling risks, reduce nonproductive time, and avoid
unexpected problems or increased well costs.
When coupled to a reservoir simulation to incorporate time, 4D models allow operators to
predict stress changes, deformation, or rock failure that might occur later in the life of their
field. This allows geoscientists and engineers to assess formation compaction and overburden
movements that may impact on well/completion survivability, potential for solids production,
inadvertent loss of reservoir containment and out-of-zone injection, changes in reservoir
characteristics and performance, and risk of induced rock failure and seismicity from
fracturing or fault activation. The same models can also be used to help optimize recovery
schemes and stimulation.
Assessment and mitigation of geomechanics risks can also be performed, from exploration
to production:
Horizon waveform tracker and automatic fault picker for quick and accurate tracking
of horizons and faults
Seismic reconstruction based on geomechanical principle to reduce geological
interpretation uncertainty and help to obtain confident validated structural
Patented coordinate conversion technology, delivering a step change in spatial
accuracy for 3D seismic data
Comprehensive seismic-to-well-tie tools and velocity modeling capabilities, bridging
the critical gap between time and depth
Robust and comprehensive SEG-Y loaders for increased confidence in data quality
and accuracy
Seismic compression for significant file size reduction and performance boost in daily
use of 3D seismic data
Multiuser database access, notifications, and subscriptions, enabling powerful
collaboration among your asset team through the Studio E&P knowledge
environment Advanced geophysics
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ingeniera Geolgica Ciudad Universitaria Perayoc Facebook/ROMULO ESCOBEDO
A train estimation model is a set of tools for neural network analysis, enabling you to
train an estimation or classification model and store it as an object in the project.
Geometrical trend modeling allows you to create a variety of geometrical properties
from polylines to control the spatial distribution of facies and petrophysical
Combining different fracture drivers, such as geometrical properties and seismic
attributes, you can create a final 3D property trend that will guide fracture distribution
in the 3D grid.
Using polylines to represent centerlines of channel fairways, boundaries between
facies, or any other observed or conceptual linear feature, you can create geometrical
trends for reservoir modeling.
The Controlled-Source Electromagnetics (CSEM) plug-in for the Petrel E&P software
platform provides specific sounding and transmitter windows to efficiently navigate and QC
large datasets and to perform the required preconditioning steps prior to the inversion, using
the interactive and batch methods.
Computation of data residuals, pseudo-sections, and common offset maps are available to
compare multiple soundings and subsurface model scenarios. These features enable
enhanced QC and qualitative data interpretation.
The Petrel CSEM plug-in also provides quantitative interpretation, including 1D CSEM
anisotropic forward modeling and inversion (a dedicated tool to reduce resistivity well logs
to CSEM scale anisotropic 1D models) and multithreaded 2.5D anisotropic forward
The interactive model building tool enables you to build 2D and 3D resistivity models, and
analyze inversion results within the same interpretation platform using all the geology and
geophysics data within the Petrel platform project. The Petrel CSEM plug-in also serves as
front end for 3D anisotropic forward modeling and inversion running in the Omega
geophysical data processing platform for integrated earth model building.
The Petrel CSEM plug-in is part of the WinGLink-IEM family for nonseismic methods.
Tailored CSEM sounding windows, pseudo-sections, and common offset maps for
data QC and preconditioning
1D CSEM anisotropic forward and inversion of layered modelsinteractive or batch,
and both inline and offline data
2.5D CSEM anisotropic forward modelingrunning as an independent
process, allowing you to work on the Petrel platform project seamlessly
3D model-building tool, including advanced property population capabilities and
front end for parallel 3D forward/inversion jobs in the Omega platform
Import of CSEM data in Schlumberger (.nc) and emgs (.nc, .txt) standard formats,
and 3D resistivity models in WinGLink (.out) format
The standard layer-cake approach is used for velocity model construction, providing
the user with the freedom and opportunity to select velocity variations for each
layerpreserving the relationships between faults and horizons.
Velocity functions handled are linear functions such as V=Vo, V=Vo+kZ,
V=Vo+k(Z-Zo), and V=Vo+kT. Average and interval velocity cubes or average grid
properties are accepted as input.
QC tools can be created from the velocity model: point sets, time and velocity logs,
time-to-depth and velocity functions, velocity maps, residual attributes on well tops,
and well reports.
Uncertainty analysis can be performed using different seed numbers and variogram
parameters to gain a better understanding of the structural uncertainty.
Domain conversion can be performed backwards and forwards between time and
depth for any object, including surfaces, horizons, faults and multi-Z interpretations,
points, well data (logs and tops), 2D and 3D seismic data, and pillar and stair-stepped
3D grids.
serves as front end for 3D anisotropic forward modeling and inversion running in the Omega
geophysical data processing platform for integrated earth model building.
The Petrel MT plug-in is part of the WinGLink-IEM family for nonseismic methods.
Tailored MT sounding windows, pseudo-sections, and common frequency maps for data QC
and preconditioning
1D MT forward and inversion of smooth or layered modelsinteractive or batch
2D MT forward modeling and inversion, running as independent process, allowing you to
work on the Petrel project seamlessly
3D model building tool, including advanced property population capabilities and front end
for parallel 3D forward/inversion jobs in the Omega platform
Import of MT data in SEG MT/EMAP EDI format, and 3D resistivity models in WinGLink
(.out) format
Rock physics processes allowing for the estimation of elastic parameters, such as
acoustic impedance, Vp/Vs ratio, Poissons ratio, Youngs modulus, etc. Complete
suite of fluid substitution tools based on Gassmanns equation.
Seismic pore pressure prediction workflow, including rock physics model for pore
pressure calibration at well locations.
Av. De la Cultura Nro. 733 Laboratorio de Hidrocarburos Gabinete IG-308 - Pabelln de
ingeniera Geolgica Ciudad Universitaria Perayoc Facebook/ROMULO ESCOBEDO
AVO modeling processes for the generation of synthetic gathers based on Zoeppritz
and other industry standard algorithms; and AVO reconnaissance for the generation
of AVO attributes from pre- and poststack data.
Seismic conditioning allowing seismic resampling and seismic trace alignment based
on nonrigid matching.
Industry leading colored, deterministic simultaneous, and stochastic inversion for the
prestack and poststack data.
Workflow based on Bayesian lithology classification.
Robust 2D/3D cross plotting tool of seismic and well data to identity and isolate the
anomalous hydrocarbon zones.
Easy and intuitive 2D forwarding modeling workflow (wedge, anticline, and dipping
reservoir models) allowing generation of synthetic seismic response from rock
Import and export data in various formats (SPS, P190, SEGP1, and DIO), including
seismic surveys created in OMNI 3D seismic survey design software.
Quickly create complex acquisition geometries and shooting scripts using predefined
layout and script templates, respectively.
Modify stations using editing tools such as selection/toggle, include/exclude, delete,
move, drag, and project.
Create well-known shooting scripts such as pattern, area, circular, all live, VSP,
streamer lines and coils, as well as customized shooting scripts with template roll.
Employ sophisticated station and script filtering for import, export, and ray tracing as
part of the Petrel Earth Model Building plug-in.
Analyze seismic surveys by generating map plots (fold, unique fold, offset vector tile
[OVT] single fold, and minimum and maximum offset) and statistical charts (rose
plot, offset and azimuth histograms, and offset and azimuth redundancy plots).
Render large seismic attribute volumes in the 3D window using box, horizon, and
well probes
Sculpt seismic attribute volumes using multiple horizons
Perform interactive filtering using opacity and class selections on regional 3D seismic
volumes to rapidly identify areas of interest
Extract single or multiple geobodies with a single click of a rendered seismic data
Extract geobodies directly from seismic intersections
Efficient data cleanup and modeling tools improving the ease and accuracy of seismic
interpretation and structural modeling within the Petrel platform
Identification and mapping of critical fault juxtaposition, high-flow zones, or seal
continuity areas
Capability to perform numerous up-to-date or core-calibrated fault seal predictions in
real time or automatically within the workflow to allow calibration and reduce
Comprehensive scenario analysis tools to illuminate structural and fault seal
Potential flow indicators providing a powerful means of screening the impact of these
parameters on fluid flow
Tuning of faults to dynamic data by applying numerous methods to modify
transmissibilityeither globally per fault or locally along specific sections of
faultsto rapidly achieve accurate history matches
capabilities, this provides a powerful tool for fast and accurate fault interpretation, reducing
interpretation uncertainty and delivering a validated structural framework of the subsurface.
Advanced edge detection and illumination attribute workflows (including ant tracking) can
be used for enhanced structural delineation, or as input to fracture modeling. Additionally,
interpreters can easily understand the trends of fault surfaces and automatically extract fault
patches, instead of creating fault surfaces individually and manuallysignificantly reducing
conventional interpretation time.
Once an image is georeferenced, users can create a surface where the pixel intensity
is used as the elevationenabling images to be displayed together with Petrel
log, well test, and seismic, where the complexity remains in trying to connect and relate these
different resolutions of data.
With the Advanced Gridding & Upscaling module for the Petrel platform, engineers and
geoscientists can manipulate gridding resolution with ease in order to portray either more or
less detailed aspects of the reservoir model at the appropriate scale.
Reservoir models commonly begin as very detailed geological models used to calculate inplace volumes. These models are then frequently coarsened for dynamic flow simulation.
The Advanced Gridding & Upscaling module provides a detailed, yet intuitive workflow to
take the static geomodel structure and property definition to a coarser more simulationappropriate gridding resolution where engineers and geoscientists can ensure correct property
sampling and averaging methodologies are used.
Additionally, this module gives the ability to change the grid resolution locally, where wells
or planar hydraulic fracture events can be gridded in higher resolution where there is crucial
pressure and saturation changes occurring in a very short period of time.
In the Petrel platform, you can build studies around a combination of subsurface, engineering,
and economic considerations:
In this, a truly unique and interconnected environment is established between the geoscience,
engineering, and economic disciplines. This level of integration promotes synergy between
the subsurface and commercial teams by valuing all information for better decisions.
Field development and rejuvenation is becoming increasingly more complex and costly.
Often, the main reason for this is the lack of data and understanding of the reservoir. This
can propagate into doubt, and the potential use of non-representative models to support
investment decisions.
The Geoscreening plug-in for the Petrel platform enables the selection of more representative
geologic models that capture a full range of static and dynamic variability. It also enables the
study of dynamic connectivity across different geologic realizations in tandem with
volumetric calculations.
Models selected in this way have a higher chance of preserving accurate performance ranking
and allow for the optimization of operating modes.
By visualizing connectivity in 3D as flow paths and 2D as maps, clearer and more certain
well locations can be targeted for data acquisition and improved production potential.
Furthermore, the Petrel platform allows the automation of uncertainty studies, thus enabling
productivity gains across the asset team.
The Petrel GeoTesting plug-in maximizes the value of well tests helping you increase
certainty in reservoir models, improve production forecasting, determine reservoir
connectivity, and identify sweet spots. This plug-in supports advanced interpretation and
analysis of the reservoir model provided by GeoTesting geology-based well test design and
interpretation services.
Automatically update reservoir model properties and pressure derivative plots within the
simulation environment by using the built-in optimizer, which enables complete automation
in the matching process without the need for manual updates to the reservoir model.
The naturally fractured reservoir (NFR) pressure transient simulator provides new insight
into the complex transient behavior in fractured reservoirs. This understanding of the real
matrix and fracture behavior is critical for field management in carbonates and
unconventional reservoirs.
Calibrates reservoir models by integrating well test data into reservoir simulation
Enhances automation during the interpretation process
Delivers a seamless G&G interpretation process
The power of reservoir modeling is predictive strength. This is only reached after rigid
screening across the various parameters that affect fluid flow through porous media ranging
from data reliability, to geostatistical property distributions, to combinations of physical
effects occurring between the fluids, reservoir rock, and well infrastructure.
Reservoir engineering focuses on calibrating the reservoir understanding with the production
history that is observed across a field, also known as history matching. With a calibrated
reservoir model, there is greater predictive strength to forecast how production will continue,
thus indicating more efficient recovery schemes for future development.
The History Matching & Production Forecasting module offers a variety of tools inside the
Petrel platform to connect the production data and derived interpretations to reservoir
engineering and simulation workflows. These tools are used to connect production rates and
pressures into the Petrel platform to be used as history-match controls or focal points for
mismatch repair.
Av. De la Cultura Nro. 733 Laboratorio de Hidrocarburos Gabinete IG-308 - Pabelln de
ingeniera Geolgica Ciudad Universitaria Perayoc Facebook/ROMULO ESCOBEDO
This integrated workflow introduces new hydraulic fracture models. These models
incorporate the 3D varying geologic model and natural fracture definition, to calculate how
a hydraulic fracture will propagate fluid and proppant into the reservoir. This hydraulic
fracture understanding is then translated into a reservoir-engineering focused model to
estimate the effect on production.
recovery applications), the Petrel platform offers widespread well and completion design
The interface for building schematics is equally provisional, giving flexibility to build
designs interactivelyin tables, in cross-section, and in 3Dwhere there is clear flow into
simulation application.
There is also the ability to automate design parameters to guide the creation of wells and
completions, the incorporation of multi-segment well models, and the extensibility to
wellbore simulation engines to accurately convey pressure, temperature, and fluid transport
from subsurface to surface.
Provides an automated solution to optimize well pad locations based on surface constraints
such as roads, rivers, proximity to facilities, and available lease acreage, as well as taking
into account various reservoir-level quality targets
Design the optimized pad and well location combining both surface and subsurface
constrains and geological information, ensuring you avoid existing wells.
Design the pad layout and interactively plan pads based on GIS maps
Create no-go zones to ensure that wells are placed in correct locations
The ability to work with and visualize tens of thousands of wells and create correlation
panels at any scale.
A combination of the full list of PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software lithologies
and the ability to create custom lithology mixes for petroleum systems modeling.
1D petroleum systems modeling simulation tools for contextual understanding of the burial
history, source rock maturation, hydrocarbon expulsion potential, and changes to properties
over time from a wellbore perspective.
Play chance mapping for the transformation of property maps of play elements to chanceof-success maps.
Petrel Shale provides streamlined workflows to create maps and cross-well interpretations in
context of local and regional data.
Well correlation tools provide flexibility to rapidly interpret and validate stratigraphic
markers using both raster and digital logs.
Generate isochores and automatically update maps to understand reservoir thickness
and extent.
Both public- and company-specific GIS map services can be streamed, providing
access to other data such as topography, magnetics, and cultural data.
Seismic attribute analysis for volumes and surfaces to aid in understanding reservoir
Petrel Shale contains a multitude of tools that are utilized across the entire well planning and
drilling workflow.
Pad placement provides an automated solution to optimize well pad locations based
on surface constraints such as roads, rivers, proximity to facilities, and available lease
acreage, as well as taking into account various reservoir-level quality targets.
Integration of type production curves into the pad placement workflow, enables the
ability to evaluate the impact of different development scenarios given different
acreage holding and well placement possibilities.
Integration of type production curves into the pad placement workflow, enables the
ability to evaluate the impact of different development scenarios given different
acreage holding and well placement possibilities.
A well design process with a combined focus on geoscience and drilling, ensures
wells are planned in accordance with reservoir sweet spots, structural variations.
Drilling information such as encountered risks and lessons learnt on offset wells can
be shared with newly planned wells to ensure continual improvement in drilling
efficiency and safety.
Real-time geosteering combines well data that can be streamed into a project with
well data from an offset well to ensure reservoir contact can be maximized.
Microseismic visualization for understanding completion quality in the context of all
the available data.
Petrel Shale allows users to integrate production data with geoscience information to gain a
greater understanding of how production relates to geology.
5. manejo de petrel para un proceso de simulacion de yacimientos
6. Petrel Introduction Course. Petrel 2007. Schlumberger
9. Petrel Introduction Course. Petrel 2007. Schlumberger
10. Petrel Geomechanics Software
11. Petrel Seismic Pore Pressure Modeling Multiwell pore pressure prediction model
12. Petrel Geology & Modeling
13. Petrel Well Trajectory Planning
Plan your well paths with confidence
14. Petrel Geophysics