Hiding The Bodies
Hiding The Bodies
Hiding The Bodies
This study identifies artificial patterns and microtechnological structures that may be contained
in the Comirnaty Pfizer vaccine.
For the purpose of this study, several objects visible under an optical microscope were photographed
and analyzed by comparing them with similar objects identified in the scientific literature.
An additional aim of this study was to identify a wide variety of objects compatible with graphene
like structures, given the characteristics and peculiarities of this material, i.e., folds, reliefs, sur-
face tension, etc.
This research is undertaken to characterize these structures through an optical microscopy approach,
taking into account the limitations of the methodology and means used.
The micro-photographs were taken with a magnification factor between 200X-1400X. To draw con-
clusions or to make general statements about the subject being investigated, a more representative
number of samples should be analyzed using the optical technique. However, this report is an ele-
ment to be taken into account and should definitely be complemented and expanded by inde-
pendent scientists and laboratories in order to clarify the composition of this targeted product
which is being globally and simultaneously administered to civil society.
As stated for several years in the scientific literature of this disciplinary field, the scientific objec-
tive has been to use microtechnology and nanotechnology in order to form intra-body nanonet-
works or nanonetworks predisposed to coexist inside living beings.
Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools for the engineering community to design nanoscale
components with unprecedented functionality.
The integration of several nanocomponents in a single entity will allow the development of ad-
vanced nanomachines.
Nano grids, that is, networks of nanomachines, will have a large number of applications in the
biomedical, environmental, industrial and military fields.
Dozens of published scientific papers lay the groundwork for graphene-enabled electromagnetic
communication in nano and micro networks, including intra-body microgrids.
The results obtained in various studies point to the Terahertz Band (0.1-10 THz) as the optimal
operating frequency range for these new nanoantennas.
In addition, graphene is a material with the ability to absorb microwave radiation from telephone
antennas in the GHz band and amplify their signal by 3 wavelengths up to the THz scale.
It has been recognized for many years, that an optimal cut-off frequency for graphene transis-
tors has been achieved at exactly 26GHz, the highest frequency reported using this material.
We also know that our government (in Spain) is awaiting the approval of the tender for the new 5G
technology which will be emitted at a commercial band, of exactly 26GHz.
https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/serviciosdeprensa/notasprensa/asuntos-economicos/Paginas/2021/271221- frecuen-
Likewise, we have already mentioned that graphene has a multiplier effect on the radiation emit-
ted by mobile phone antennas beyond the Cherenkov radiation.
The final part and conclusion of this investigation emphasize that based on this evidence and the
radiation-dependent toxicity of graphene, the so called COVID19 disease is an Acute Radiation
Syndrome (ARS), aggravated by the action of the very toxic that has been introduced in the
“vaccines”. All of this is in fact a side effect of the nano- and micro-technology operation, which in
recent years, has been financed by the Graphene Flagship Project, for purposes unknown to society.
The following scientific article published in PubMed highlights the commonalities between the
COVID19 disease and radiation injuries. This explains that the true etiological agent or cause of
the COVID19 disease is not of biological origin, but emerges from this toxic chemical compound,
graphene, and its derivatives.
- Adjustable Analyzer and compensation slides of ¼ lambda, full lambda and quartz wedge
- 140mm 360º rotating stage for polarization with object holder clamps (forceps)
- Abbe 1.25 n.a. special condenser for polarization with adjustable polarizer, adjustable in height via a
rack and pinion system; it has a diaphragm.
- Lamp holder Block Module with 50W Halogen lamp with external analog 50W power supply.
- Macro Focusing System with tension regulation and height stop to avoid collisions with the objec-
- Micro Focusing System using crowns and pinions with infinite rotation and an accuracy of 2 microns
per pitch, reaching the maximum standardized for the laboratory.
- Köhler Illuminator with Diaphragm and Rubbed Glass Lenses with Adjustable Centering System.
- Internal 30W High Power Halogen Lighting Device with dimmer and safety switch.
3 Comirnaty Pfizer vials, as shown in the attached photograph, have been analyzed using the
techniques described in the introduction.
The samples were obtained from sealed vials of the Comirnaty Pfizer mRNA COVID19 vac-
cines. All vials were sealed at the time of processing. Samples were extracted from the respective
vials using new sterile micro-syringes and needles. Different aliquots of approximately 10μl from
each vial were deposited on the microscope slide.
Throughout the present investigation, the images obtained have undergone an observable evo-
lution during the optical analysis, depending on the time elapsed from the sample exposure
on the viewing slide until their complete evaporation in a weathering environment.
After extended intervals of observation under optical microscope, using different light filters and
magnification qualities, objects compatible with the appearance of graphene have been ob-
served in different layers of the sample (Annex 1).
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
In addition, certain objects with a square appearance and their self-assembly in zig-zag ar-
rangements were observed in real time during the study (Annex 2).
However, after the almost complete evaporation of the samples, this evolution in the samples
exposed more complex structures reminiscent of artificial patterns typical for intra-body
micro-network technology, as reported in various publications from the scientific literature
(Annex 3).
Note: To avoid any type of contamination that could influence the final result of the research,
the samples have been stored in airtight containers during the entire research process and the
strictest hygienic measures have been maintained whilst treating the samples, from their
observation to their storage and custody.
The following is a microscopic photographic report of some of the graphene-like objects obtained
in the different samples. (Photographs 3 – 16)
It is worth noting the degree of similarity with the images obtained by Dr. Campra Madrid in his
"Detection of graphene oxide in aqueous suspension, observational study in optical and
electron microscopy. Preliminary Report" (Dr. Campra, June 2021, photographs 1 and 2)
Photograph 1
Photograph 2
Below we show self-assembly structures in the observed samples and their evolution over time.
(Photographs 17 – 31)
The scientific literature also reports the process of self-assembly of different components to form
more complex structures in the context of micro- and nanotechnology.
"Self-assembly as a key player for materials nanoarchitectonics".
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14686996.2018.1553108. Katsuhiko Ariga, Michihiro
Nishikawa, Taizo Mori, Jun Takeya, Lok Kumar Shrestha y Jonathan P. Hill (January 2019)
Note: The research is presented with a downloadable file in mp4 video format to facilitate un-
derstanding of the observations in this annex.
Photograph 17 Photograph 18
Photograph 19
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 20
Photograph 21
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 22
Photograph 23
Photograph 25
Photograph 27
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 28
Photograph 29
Photograph 31
In this section, we analyze all the structures that could have their origin in a clearly artificial
pattern. (Photographs 32 - 49)
Note: It should be noted that these crystallizations do in no case correspond to any known ones,
such as sucrose.
Photograph 32 Photograph 33
Photograph 34
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 35
Photograph 36
Photograph 38
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 39
Photograph 40
Photograph 42
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 43
Photograph 44
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Photograph 45 Photograph 46
Photograph 47 Photograph 48
Photograph 49
Patterns observed
in the vaccine
Source: https://t.me/c0r0na2inspect/202
Based on the present research and the report of what was observed in the samples, we can draw the
following conclusions:
The graphene present in the vials is intended to amplify microwave signals from the current
GHz range coming from cell phone antennas to the THz scale, which will enable the correct
functioning of all the microtechnology already reported in the scientific literature and most likely
observable in the samples analyzed in this report.
"EEWNSN: Energy Efficient Wireless Nano Sensor Network MAC Protocol for Communications in the Terahertz Band"
https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1007/s11277-017-4517-4. Negar Rikhtegar, Manijeh Keshtgari and Zahra Ronaghi (November 2017)
This explains the fact that most people "vaccinated" with this technology, in addition to having
graphene introduced into them through the vials for electronic power supply, emit MAC ad-
dresses that are registered in the Bluetooth wireless technology, what anyone today can verify, yet
no official authority nor “mainstream media“ are discussing this.
Some of the many scientific publications regarding the use of MAC protocols for micro-networks
using graphene can be found here:
"MAC protocols for Wireless Nano-sensor Networks: Performance analysis and design guidelines".
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7470805?arnumber=7470805. Rawan Alsheikh, Nadine Akkari and Etimad Fadel. (2.016)
"Directional MAC approach for wireless body area networks". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22346602/. Md Asdaque
Hussain, Md Nasre Alam and Kyung Sup Kwak. (2.011)
"A very low power MAC (VLPM) protocol for Wireless Body Area Networks". https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22163818/
Niamat Ullah, and Kyung Sup Kwak . (2.011)
It is very remarkable that Pfizer Group itself states that the vaccines are composed of lipid na-
noparticles, which means that from the microscopy point of view, we should not observe any-
However, the large gallery of micro-photographs recorded in this report shows that a multitude
of microscopic-sized particles are clearly visible through the microscope objective.
The alleged composition of the analyzed vials with the trade name "Comirnaty mRNA COVID19"
published by the European Medicine Agency, the pharmaceutical corporation itself and other regula-
tory "control" agencies does not concord with the findings of this report.
Courtesy translation by the translation team of LA QUINTA COLUMNA.
Link to the original document here: https://www.laquintacolumna.info/docs/docs/delgado-informe-identificacion-micro-tecnologia-patrones-artificiales-en-vacuna-es.pdf
Consulted bibliography
"Radio-frequency characteristics of graphene oxide". https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.3506468
Whan Kyun Kim,Young Mo Jung,Ji Yoong Kang,Ju Yeong Oh,Hosung Kang,Hee-Jo Lee,Jae Hun Kim,Seok Lee, H. J.
Shin,J. Y. Choi,S. Y. Lee,Y. C. Kim,I. T. Han,J. M. Kim,Jong-Gwan Yook,Seunghyun Baik, and Seong Chan Jun (2.010)
"La visión de la nanotecnología para las radiocomunicaciones en los próximos años. Una perspectiva desde la acade-
mia". https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323196338_La_vision_de_la_nanotecnologia_para_las_radiocomunicacio-
nes_en_los_pro ximos_anos_Una_perspectiva_desde_la_academia. Andrés García y Leonardo Betancur (June 2.017)
"CRISPR-Cas9 Activated Graphene Biointerfaces for Capture and Real-Time Monitoring of Cell-Free DNA on a Mi-
croneedle Patch". https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351605243_CRISPR- Cas9_Activated_Graphene_Biointer-
faces_for_Capture_and_Real-Time_Monitoring_of_Cell-Free_DNA_on_a_Microneedle_Patch . Jilie kong (April 2.021)
"Recent Progress in Radio-Frequency Sensing Platforms with Graphene/Graphene Oxide for Wireless Health Care Sys-
tem". https://www.researchgate.net/publication/349912462_Recent_Progress_in_Radio- Frequency_Sensing_Platforms_with_Gra-
pheneGraphene_Oxide_for_Wireless_Health_Care_System. Hee-Jo Lee (March 2.021)
"Synthesis and Toxicity of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles: A Literature Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies".
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2021/5518999/. Asmaa Rhazouani, Halima Gamrani, Mounir El Achaby, Khalid
Aziz, Lhoucine Gebrati, Md Sahab Uddin and Faissal AZIZ (2.021)