Petrel RG Visage 2014
Petrel RG Visage 2014
Petrel RG Visage 2014
Incorporates existing reservoir models
in the Petrel* E&P software platform
Modeling of complex structures
including multiple faults and fractures
Local grid refinement (LGRs)
Exploits GPU and CPU technologies
to run faster parallel simulations
Populate properties from seismic,
geological models, logs, cores,
and test data
One-way and two-way coupling
with the ECLIPSE simulator
Supports multimillion-cell models
Advanced VISAGE* geomechanics
simulations within a fully-integrated
Petrel platform workflow
Permeability, porosity,
and property updating
An existing geological model used with full-field geomechanical simulation in the Petrel platforms 3D window.
Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics
Geomechanics model creation and preprocessing A choice of basic or advanced rock behavior models
The robust and intuitive environment of the Petrel platform provides and failure criteria are available to satisfy different
users with an end-to-end workflow for creating geomechanical applications and user requirements. These range from
simulation grids within their subsurface models. This permits simple linear elasticity to more complex responses such
geomechanics to be included in new models, added to existing as nonlinear, anisotropy, critical state (modified cam-clay),
models, or used in coupled simulations using models migrated compaction, and unified models for shear, compaction,
from existing reservoir simulations. creep, and softening in chalks and other weak rocks
(including one developed by ISAMGEO Engineering GmbH).
An easy-to-use workflow makes it simple to include or add additional
regions of interest and features in the geomechanics analyses, such Fracture and fault data from seismic, well logs, or discrete
as over- or side-burdens, horizons, and faults. If required, LGRs fracture network (DFN) modeling may also be incorporated
can provide increased resolution in the regions of the model in the geomechanics model. LGR can provide increased
around any faults or wells. resolution in the regions around faults and wells,
and the software is able to handle multiple intersecting
Host grids and any LGRs are populated with geomechanics properties faults and DFNs.
from a variety of sources, such as seismic, logs, core, and well test
data, or single-well geomechanics models created and validated
in the Techlog* wellbore software platform. The full range
of geostatistical and other techniques available in the Petrel platform
allows users to populate their models with geomechanics properties
across selected regions, cell by cell, or with combinations of both.
Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics
At any level of modeling and analysis, the integration For large models, such as those containing tens of millions of cells,
of the geomechanics workflows with those from other oilfield or those coupled to an ECLIPSE reservoir simulation, users are also
disciplines in the Petrel platform ensures that the geomechanics able to perform parallel geomechanics simulation runs using local
models remain consistent with other subsurface interpretations or remote CPU clusters. The entire process, for single machines
and modelsfrom petroleum systems modeling at an exploration or multicore clusters running Windows or Linux, is managed
phase through to history matching in reservoir management by the Petrel platform reservoir geomechanics module.
and field optimization.
Petrel Reservoir Geomechanics
Planning efficient, safer, and more productive wells by taking into account full-field stresses and complete geological context.
*Mark of Schlumberger.
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
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