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Standard and Specifications FOR Riprap Slope Protection

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Quality Stone for riprap should be hard, durable field or
quarry materials. They should be angular and not subject to
breaking down when exposed to water or weathering. The
specific gravity should be at least 2.5.
Size The sizes of stones used for riprap protection are
determined by purpose and specific site conditions:
1. Slope Stabilization Riprap stone for slope
stabilization not subject to flowing water or wave
action should be sized for the proposed grade. The
gradient of the slope to be stabilized should be less
than the natural angle of repose of the stone selected.
Angles of repose of riprap stones may be estimated
from Figure 5B.26.

Riprap used for surface stabilization of slopes does
not add significant resistance to sliding or slope
failure and should not be considered a retaining wall.
Slopes approaching 1.5:1 may require special stability
analysis. The inherent stability of the soil must be
satisfactory before riprap is used for surface

A layer of stone designed to protect and stabilize areas

subject to erosion.

To protect the soil surface from erosive forces and/or
improve the stability of soil slopes that are subject to
seepage or have poor soil structure.

2. Outlet Protection Design criteria for sizing stone

and determining dimensions of riprap aprons are
presented in Standards and Specifications for Rock
Outlet Protection.

Conditions Where Practice Applies

Riprap is used for cut and fill slopes subject to seepage,
erosion, or weathering, particularly where conditions
prohibit the establishment of vegetation. Riprap is also
used for channel side slopes and bottoms, streambanks,
grade sills, on shorelines subject to erosion, and at inlets
and outlets to culverts, bridges, slope drains, grade
stabilization structures, and storm drains.

3. Streambank Protection Design criteria for sizing

stone for stability of channel bank are presented in
Standard and Specifications for Structural Streambank

Design Criteria
Gradation Riprap should be a well-graded mixture with
50% by weight larger than the specified design size. The
diameter of the largest stone size in such a mixture should
be 1.5 times the d50 size with smaller sizes grading down to
1 inch. The designer should select the size or sizes that
equal or exceed that minimum size based on riprap
gradations commercially available in the area.
Thickness The minimum layer thickness should be 1.5
times the maximum stone diameter, but in no case less than
6 inches.

August 2005

Filter Blanket A filter blanket is a layer of material

placed between the riprap and the underlying soil to prevent
soil movement into or through the riprap. A suitable filter
may consist of a well-graded gravel or sand-gravel layer or
a synthetic filter fabric manufactured for this purpose. The
design of a gravel filter blanket is based on the ratio of
particle size in the overlying filter material to that of the
base material in accordance with the criteria below.
Multiple layers may be designed to affect a proper filter if
A gravel filter blanket should have the following
relationship for a stable design:

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d15 filter 5
d85 base

New York Standards and Specifications

For Erosion and Sediment Control

5 <

d15 filter
d50 base

and filter to the required lines and grades shown on the

plans. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to a
density approximating that of the undisturbed material or
overfill depressions with riprap. Remove brush, trees,
stumps, and other objectionable material. Cut the subgrade
sufficiently deep so that the finished grade of the riprap will
be at the elevation of the surrounding area. Channels
should be excavated sufficiently to allow placement of the
riprap in a manner such that the finished inside dimensions
and grade of the riprap meet design specifications.


d50 filter
d50 base


Filter refers to the overlying material while base refers to

the underlying material. These relationships must hold
between the base and filter and the filter and riprap to
prevent migration of material. In some cases, more than
one filter may be needed. Each filter layer should be a
minimum of 6 inches thick, unless an acceptable filter
fabric is used.

Sand and gravel filter blanket Place the filter blanket

immediately after the ground foundation is prepared. For
gravel, spread filter stone in a uniform layer to the specified
depth. Where more than one layer of filter material is used,
spread the layers with minimal mixing.

A synthetic filter fabric may be used with or in place of

gravel filters. The following particle size relationships
should exist:
1. Filter fabric covering a base containing 50% or less by
weight of fine particles (#200 sieve size):
a. d85 base (mm)
EOS*filter fabric (mm)


b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 36%

2. Filter fabric covering other soils:
a. EOS is no larger than 0.21 mm (#70 sieve size)
b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 10%
*EOS Equivalent opening size compared to a U.S.
standard sieve size.
No filter fabric should have less than 4% open area or an
EOS less than U.S. Standard Sieve #100 (0.15 mm). The
permeability of the fabric must be greater than that of the
soil. The fabric may be made of woven or nonwoven
monofilament yarns and should meet the following
minimum requirements:
Thickness 20-60 mils
grab strength 90-120 lbs.
conform to ASTM D-1682 or ASTM D-177
Filter blankets should always be provided where seepage is
significant or where flow velocity and duration of flow or
turbulence may cause underlying soil particles to move
though the riprap.

Construction Specifications
Subgrade Preparation Prepare the subgrade for riprap
New York Standards and Specifications
For Erosion and Sediment Control

Synthetic filter fabric Place the cloth directly on the

prepared foundation. Overlap the edges by at least 2 feet,
and space the anchor pins every 3 feet along the overlap.
Bury the upper and lower ends of the cloth a minimum of
12 inches below ground. Take precautions not to damage
the cloth by dropping the riprap. If damage occurs, remove
the riprap and repair the sheet by adding another layer of
filter fabric with a minimum overlap of 12 inches around
the damaged area. Where large stones are to be placed, a 4inch layer of fine sand or gravel is recommended to protect
the filter cloth. Filter fabric is not recommended as a filter
on slopes steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical.
Stone placement Placement of the riprap should follow
immediately after placement of the filter. Place riprap so
that it forms dense, well-graded mass of stone with a
minimum of voids. The desired distribution of stones
throughout the mass may be obtained by selective loading
at the quarry and controlled dumping during final
placement. Place riprap to its full thickness in one
operation. Do not place riprap by dumping through chutes
or other methods that cause segregation of stone sizes. Be
careful not to dislodge the underlying base or filter when
placing the stones.
The toe of the riprap should be keyed into a stable
foundation at its base as shown in Figure 5B.27Typical
Riprap Slope Protection Detail. The toe should be
excavated to a depth of 2.0 feet. The design thickness of
the riprap should extend a minimum of 3 feet horizontally
from the slope. The finished slope should be free of
pockets of small stone or clusters of large stones. Hand
placing may be necessary to achieve proper distribution of
stone sizes to produce a relatively smooth, uniform surface.
The finished grade of the riprap should blend with the
surrounding area.

Riprap should be inspected periodically for scour or
dislodged stones. Control weed and brush growth as

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Figure 5B.26
Angles of Repose of Riprap Stones (FHWA)

Figure 5B.27
Typical Riprap Slope Protection Detail


6 Gravel filter
(or geotextile)

2 min

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For Erosion and Sediment Control

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For Erosion and Sediment Control

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Bearing Capacity A minimum factor of safety of 1.5
should be maintained as the ratio of the ultimate bearing
capacity to the designed unit loading. Spread footers and
other methods may be used to meet factor requirements.
Sliding A minimum factor of 2.0 should be maintained
against sliding. This factor can be reduced to 1.5 when
passive pressures on the front of the wall are ignored.
Overturning A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 should
be used as the ratio of the resisting moment (that which
tends to keep the wall in place) to the overturning moment.
Drainage Unless adequate provisions are made to control
both surface and groundwater behind the retaining wall, a
substantial increase in active pressures tending to slide or
overturn the wall will result. When backfill is sloped down
to a retaining wall, surface drainage should be provided.
Drainage systems with adequate outlets should be provided
behind retaining walls that are placed in cohesive soils.
Drains should be graded or protected by filters so soil
material will not move through the drainfill.

A structural wall constructed and located to prevent soil

To retain soil in place and prevent slope failures and
movement of material down steep slopes.

Conditions Where Practice Applies

A retaining wall may be used where site constraints will not
allow slope shaping and seeding to stabilize an area. Slope
areas that demonstrate seepage problems or experience
erosive conditions at the toe can utilize retaining walls to
help stabilize these areas. Retaining walls can be built from
mortared block or stone, cast-in-place concrete, railroad
ties, gabions, and more recently, precast concrete modular
units and segmented walls that form a gravity retaining wall
(see Figure 5B.28 and 5B.29). These precast units allow for
ease and quickness of installation while their granular
backfill provides drainage. Selection of materials and type
of wall should be based on hazard potential, load
conditions, soil parameters, groundwater conditions, site
constraints, and aesthetics.

Design Criteria
The design of any retaining wall structure must address the
aspects of foundation bearing capacity, sliding, overturning,
drainage and loading systems. These are complex systems
and all but the smallest retaining walls should be designed
by a licensed engineer.

August 2005

Load systems Several different loads or combination of

loads need to be considered when designing a retaining
wall. The minimum load is the level backfill that the wall is
being constructed to retain. Its unit weight will vary
depending on its composition.
Additional loads such as line loads, surcharge loads, or
slope fills, will add to make the composite design load
system for the wall.

Construction Specifications
Concrete Walls
1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines
and grades shown on the drawings and removing all
objectionable material.
2. Subgrade will be compacted and kept moist at least 2
hours prior to placement of concrete.
3. Steel reinforcing will be in accordance with the
schedule on the drawings and kept free of rust, scale,
or dirt.
4. Exposed edges will be chamfered inches.
5. Drainfill will meet the gradations shown on the

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New York Standards and Specifications

For Erosion and Sediment Control

6. Weep holes will be provided as drain outlets as shown

on the drawings.
7. Concrete will be poured and cured in accordance with
American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications.

4. Granular fill will be placed behind the segmented wall

to provide drainage. It shall be compacted with a
plate vibrator. A drainage outlet will be provided as
specified on the construction drawings.

Precast Units
1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines
and grades shown on the drawings.

1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines

and grades shown on the drawings.

2. Subgrade will be compacted and trimmed to receive

the leveling beam.

2. Subgrade will be compacted and leveled to receive

first layer of gabions. The first row will be keyed into
the existing grade at the toe, a minimum of 1.5 feet.

3. Precast units will be placed in accordance with the

manufacturers recommendation.

3. Gabions will be placed according to the manufacturers


4. Granular fill placed in the precast bins shall be placed

in 3-foot lifts, leveled off and compacted with a plate

4. Gabions will be filled with stone or crushed rock from

4 to 8 inches in diameter.
5. In corrosive environments, gabion wire should be
coated with Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC).

Segmented Walls
1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines
and grades shown on the drawings.


2. Sub-grade will be compacted and screeded to form the

base for the first course of wall units.

Once in place, a retaining wall should require little

maintenance. They should be inspected annually for signs
of tipping, clogged drains, or soil subsidence. If such
conditions exist, they should be corrected immediately.

3. Units will be placed in accordance with the

manufacturers recommendations, with each
succeeding lift anchored and pinned as specified.

New York Standards and Specifications

For Erosion and Sediment Control

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Figure 5B.28
Retaining Wall Examples

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New York Standards and Specifications

For Erosion and Sediment Control

Figure 5B.29
Segmented Retaining Wall

New York Standards and Specifications

For Erosion and Sediment Control

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Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. 1992. Engineering Field Handbook. Washington, DC.


New York State Department of Transportation. Standards and Specifications. Albany, NY.


North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. 1998. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual.


Schwab, O., et. al. 1955. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Glenn John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York.


Soil Conservation Service, USDA. October 1977. National Handbook of Conservation Practices. Washington, DC.


Soil Conservation Service, USDA. September 1987. Drainage Guide for New York State. Syracuse, NY.

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For Erosion and Sediment Control

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