Guidance Lesson - Time Management
Guidance Lesson - Time Management
Guidance Lesson - Time Management
Date: 9/20/16
how now that we have talked about how much we all have to do in one day lets think a little bit
bigger. Lets think about all of the things we have to do today and in the next few days and weeks
and maybe even months. Have students write as many of these as they can on their plate. Explain
how now that we know that time has so much value we realize how important it is to use our
time effectively and not waste time. Ask them how they feel looking at everything on their
plates. Explain how looking at things all at once can be overwhelming. Instruct students to: cut
out each thing they have to do on their plates. On the things that they have to do that are time
limited have students draw a star on the back. Next have students flip over all the pieces. Ask
students to pick up one piece with a star and look at that piece. Ask them how it feels to look at
that one thing they have to do compared to how it felt to look at the plate. Explain the importance
of focusing on one thing at a time. Have students complete post assessment.
Plan for Evaluation:
Process Data: Number of students present during the lesson and number of assessments
Perception Data: Students will be able to share the information they learn with others. Students
will use their time more effectively and when overwhelmed focus on one thing at a time.
Outcome Data: Students will respond as follows to the post assessment: true, false/ maybe
something, true, true.
Follow Up: Ask students if they have questions and if they would like to go over anything