Intelligence Bulletin Feb 1945
Intelligence Bulletin Feb 1945
Intelligence Bulletin Feb 1945
Have You Learned A Lesson
About The Enemy?
The Intelligence Bulletin is anxious to obtain contributions from
units and individuals, especially intelligence agencies, for publication.
Articles that present lessons about enemy tactics, techniques, and ma
teriel are particularly desired, and when it is consistent with security,
credit will be given to the contributing agency or unit. Contributions
may be sent directly to the Supervisor of Reports, Military Intelligence
Service, War Department, Washington 25, D. C.
Readers are urged to comment on the use they are making of this
publication and to forward suggestions for future issues. Reproduction
of material published herein is encouraged, provided that (1) the
source is stated, (2) the classification is not lowered, and (3) one copy
of the publication in which the material is reproduced is forwarded to
the Military Intelligence Service.
By arrangement with the Adjutant General, the Intelligence Bulletin
is distributed in the same manner as is prescribed for field manuals
(see paragraph 6-9, 23a, FM 21-6, List of Publications for Training).
Requests for additional copies should be made through channels.
Notes on Tactics 7
Failure of a Tactic 15
A Delaying Position 16
Combat in Towns 20
Miscellaneous 29
Minefield Marking 39
Southwest Pacific 50
Burma '• ^2
Philippines ^4
Bomb Mines 60
Coconut Mines 62
Box Mines 63
Antiboat Mines 64
Fuel Unit 68
Fuel Hose 70
Flame Gun 70
rartress battalions
... and how they are used
A large number of German "Fortress Battalions", intended
to man the West Wall, were formed during the crucial period
following the enemy's collapse in France, and may be expected
to take an important part in the defense of that fortified line.
A Fortress Battalion may be one of three basic types: the For
tress Infantry Battalion, the Fortress Machine-gun Battalion,
and the Super-heavy (Independent) Machine-gun Battalion. In
the late summer of 1944, General Heins Guderian issued an or
der giving details regarding the various types and discussing
their tactical use. The following notes are based on the most
important parts of his order.
German Fortress Battalions are Army GHQ troops, and are
controlled by the Army High Command. As a rule, they are
meant to be used only in the defense of fortified lines and other
fortified positions. By assignment these Battalions operate un
der local commanders.
If the field troops retire to new positions, the Fortress Bat
talions are withdrawn to the nearest permanent fortifications.
In contrast with the standard 1944 battalion organization in
the German infantry division, Fortress Battalions have less per
sonnel but—as the enemy sees it—greater combat effectiveness
because of a more liberal allotment of automatic weapons and
mortars, and especially because antitank rocket-projector pla
toons are attached.
A thorough knowledge of the terrain, (especially a knowl
edge of the possible avenues of approach and the areas in which
hostile forces are concentrated) and a carefully prepared de
fense plan are regarded as prerequisites for the correct em
placement of the automatic weapons and mortars, and as an
indispensable basis for the tactical employment of the Bat
If time permits, defensive measures are tested, and defensive
action is rehearsed, on the basis of theoretical Allied attacks.
This, of course, is a customary practic efor all units throughout
the German Armed Forces.
The Germans may employ these battalions not only in a for
tified line and in the outer defenses of forts, but in prepared
rear defensive positions, entirely independent of the fortified
line. The Battalions also may be committed as a screening force
in threatened sectors or in sectors which may be tactically im
portant for other reasons.
The enemy believes that Fortress Battalions preferably should
be given missions such as these:
1. To defend against weaker hostile forces which have
broken through unexpectedly.
2. To delay the opposition's advance by forcing its advance
guards to fight before they reach the actual fortified line or
position, and by blocking defiles and other tactically useful cor
3. To allow fighting troops falling back toward the mam
defensive position to be absorbed into that position.
4. To occupy quickly and to defend points or sectors of
special importance.
5. To counterattack with the limited objective of cleaning
up hostile penetrations into a prepared line or position.
The purpose of such missions is to prevent an Allied force
from capturing key defensive points without a battle, and to
gain time and space for subsequent operations by German
The tactical principles that Fortress Battalions will observe
are the same as the standard German principles of defense, and
are not affected by the location and specific combat mission of
any individual Battalion.
Normally, the Battalions will be assigned to existing fortified
lines or positions, or to those under construction. To increase
the effectiveness of their assigned sectors of defense, Battalions
will make use of natural obstacles and will construct additional
blocks. The units are told that they can greatly increase the
defense potential of their positions by the skillful employment
of all available automatic weapons and mortars; interlocking
bands of fire, organization in depth, and flanking fire are
stressed. However, only the local commander is allowed to al
ter the defense lines or to authorize changes in a fortification
Differences in armament, strength, and mobility determine
different special uses for the three basic types of Fortress Bat
talions. Here are General Guderian's comments about the vari
ous types and the ways in which they should be committed.
Fortress Infantry Battalions
1. Bicycle Company
Infantry companies equipped with bicycles are especially suitable
for reconnaissance and mobile warfare. The following missions are
a. Long-range reconnaissance. For combat reconnaissance, all com
panies must furnish patrols because of the small number of mobile
\A well • concealed Ger
ntan pillbox showing
center embrasure with
vision slit at right. This
pillbox for light ma
chine guns was captured
during the assault on
the Siegfried Line. Other
vision slits are on other
sides of the pillbox, af
foraing a wide field of
of an embrasure in •>•
the rear of a German
pillbox used to protect
the^ rear entrance from
assault. The steel plate
with slot is embedded
in the center of the
concrete wall.
measuring 8 by 12 inches,
observation posts are to be situated so that they can maintain com
munication with the company commander in whose sector they are
committed. The firing positions should be close enough to permit
continued observed fire, even if technical means of communication are
destroyed. This can be achieved by situating observation posts close
to the firing positions.
Companies of the German division antitank battalion, as well
as the regimental 14th Company, are employed in support of
the infantry regiments, but their orders for deployment nor
mally come from the antitank battalion headquarters, rather
than from the regiment. The Germans believe that this proce
dure ensures a higher degree of coordination in the antitank de
fense throughout the division sector. However, the following
tactical principles are followed by companies of both types.
The guns are brought into an assembly area, and the com
pany and platoon commanders go forward to make a detailed
reconnaissance of firing positions. If the company commander
has had enough time, he will have made a preliminary survey
of the entire sector, and will have prepared a map designating
areas as Panzersicher (tank-proof), Panzer gefahrdet ^difficult
for tanks), or Panzermoglich (good tank terrain). The over-all
allotment of antitank guns will have been made on the basis of
this map, with the object of covering those areas designated as
Panzermoglich. Great care is taken with the siting of each gun;
whenever possible, this is done by the platoon commander.
The caliber of the guns determines the nature of the positions
which are chosen. The Germans stipulate that the 50-mm anti
tank gun must be sited in defilade and must fire to the flanks.
This is why the Germans choose such positions as the reverse
slopes of hills and the reverse edges of small woods. Houses
are avoided, on the principle that they attract too much artillery
fire. The Germans also prefer flanking fire for their 75-mm
antjtank guns, but the U. S. and British practice of advancing
with infantry in the lead and tanks following in support makes
this difficult to achieve. And since the Germans believe that
these 75's can pierce the front armor of Allied tanks at ranges
up to 2,000 yards, the guns usually are sited to fire forward,
and are well camouflaged instead of being defiladed. Guns of
all calibers are sited in depth, at varying distances behind the
main line of resistance, depending on the situation and the ter
rain. Invariably, the guns have infantry in front of them for
local protection. The positions are arranged so that the guns
can support each other, each gun covering positions from which
other guns might be attacked by Allied tanks in hull-down posi
The enemy's normal practice has been to withdraw the com
pany's prime movers to lines about half a mile to a mile behind
the gun positions, but, because of Allied heavy artillery superi
ority, this is no longer possible. The more usual procedure now
is to send back all but one prime mover out of range of artillery
fire. The remainding prime mover serves for any local changes
of position which prove necessary. Since such changes of posi
tion are likely to be fairly frequent, it is standard enemy prac
tice to prepare alternate positions for the guns as soon as the
original positions have been prepared. Of course, a company
with only one prime mover forward is not able to undertake a
sudden withdrawal. (If the probable necessity for a with
drawal is foreseen, the prime movers are kept near the guns,
and are disposed in whatever cover can be found.)
If the company makes a planned withdrawal, assembly areas
as well as new lines of resistance are reconnoitered to the rear
of the initial positions. The guns then withdraw singly, under
cover of the remaining weapons.
Wherever possible, bazookas are used in groups of three, and
are sited in a V with its prongs toward the opposition.
and their positions are planned for ready withdrawal. For this
reason the infantry engage mostly with frontal fire, and fire
only a few rounds before pulling back. Small groups of tanks
deploy on the flanks of their position, serving both as protec
tion for the antitank guns and as an incentive to hostile armor
to deploy similarly. In retreat, these tanks engage the hostile
armor and afford time for the ground-mount weapons to retire
to their next position.
The mission of the self-propelled guns in an action of this
kind is to remain in the rear, between the antitank guns in the
center and the armor on the flanks. The self-propelled guns
provide fire support, changing position continually and avoid
ing a direct engagement with the hostile armor. The Germans
consider them especially valuable in helping antitank guns to
defend a road block. By changing their positions so often, the
self-propelled guns place interdictory fire of heavy caliber on
the obstacle area without endangering themselves to any appre
ciable extent.
A prisoner declared that the antitank company never was
used in support of advancing tanks; its chief mission was to
attack Allied tanks and cover the German retreat.
The three guns of a platoon were staggered in the following
ill: °° »«»
• JOOy«» —-|
In theory, the No. 1 gun was to start firing so as to attract
return fire from the hostile tanks. As soon as it was feasible to
do so, the No. 1 gun was to change position to the rear. In the
meantime, the No. 2 gun was to fire in order to attract the oppo
sition's attention. As soon as the Allied tanks' fire was directed
toward the No. 2 gun, that gun was supposed to cease firing and
move to the rear, leaving the No. 3 gun to take over until the
No. 1 gun was in position and ready to start firing again.
In actual practice, however, this system seldom worked. Fire
on advancing tanks was opened at 400 yards; the prisoner con
sidered this range much too short to permit a successful change
of position as outlined in the theory. Since the prisoner was
captured by advancing Allied infantry because he had been
unable to move his gun to the rear quickly enough, his conten
tion seems pretty reasonable.
No spare barrels were carried by the enemy, and only the
gun sight was used. The prisoner's platoon once had a range
finder calibrated up to 10,000 meters, but the prisoner had
never seen it in action. Fire control was independent for each
gun, and was handled by the noncom in charge, who relied on
field glasses.
In the prisoner's opinion, the following ranges for the 75-mra
antitank guns were the most effective:
Against tanks or other moving targets 400 yards
Against attacking infantry 1,000 yards
Against strongpoints 1,200 yards
Against houses 1,500 yards
In recent weeks a U. S. armored division has been encounter
ing German delaying positions designed to destroy the leading
tanks of an armored column and to cause confusion and delay.
One type of set-up in particular has been encountered re
peatedly, and evidence shows that the Germans have been prac
ticing and perfecting the technique very studiously indeed.
As shown in the illustration, a covered and perfectly camou
flaged foxhole for a two-man bazooka team normally is dug in
a semicircular pattern around the corner of a house or other
building anywhere from 5 to 50 yards off a road. A camou
flaged escape trench leads from the rear of the bazooka emplace
ment to any nearby place of concealment, such as garden
shrubbery, outbuildings, or woods. Machine guns are placed in
a V, with the prongs of the V about 300 to 400 yards away
from the road and facing the direction from which an Allied
approach is expected.
When an advancing Allied column is preceded by a dis
mounted point, fire is withheld until the bazooka team can be
certain of knocking out the leading vehicles.
When the bazooka fires, all the machine guns open up on the
remainder of the column, not so much to cause casualties as to
create confusion and to make it difficult for the Allied force
to tell the spot from which the bazooka fire has come. In fact,
the Germans rely on a combination of factors—the excellent
camouflage of the positions and the escape trench, besides the
confusion created by the cross-firing machine guns—to make it
difficult for Allied soldiers to determine the points from which
the resistance originates.
"At no time while our outfit was engaged in mopping-up op
erations in Aachen did the enemy fire a shot from behind our
lines. As we went along, we searched every room and closet in
every building, and blew every sewer which might have afforded
the enemy a hiding place. Not only were our fighting men re
lieved of the fear of being sniped at from the rear, but com
mand and supply personnel functioned more efficiently."
came out in answer to his call for surrender, and many similar
experiences occurred elsewhere."
"In the attack the Germans sprayed the area with fire, and
used star shells and flares, in an attempt to frighten our troops.
The enemy tanks didn't stick to the roads, but maneuvered
across country, racing their engines and milling around to cause
confusion among our infantry. Our infantry fired machine
guns in the direction from which the sounds of the tanks came,
and the sparks from ricochets located the vehicles sufficiently
to permit the tank destroyers to fire. Incidentally, a German
self-propelled gun was knocked out as a result of this activity."
behind Allied lines. From small lofts the pigeons fly to larger
and more centrally situated lofts; the latter transmit the infor
mation to Germany by radio. Most of these German pigeons
carry on their leg rings the lettering "Wehrmacht" or "Wehr
macht Brieftaube," as well as several numbers. Birds that the
enemy has commandeered from France, Belgium, and Holland
have other markings." (Personnel of at least one U. S. division
have been ordered to capture or kill pigeons suspected of being
enemy message carriers.)
nearly all pillboxes, are about 2 feet square. They are likely
to be plastered over and hard to detect.
"Pillboxes have been vulnerable to effective demolition when
charges have been placed in the ventilation pipes, which run
vertically through the side walls near the pillbox entrance. First
the bottoms of the pipes are plugged, then 30 to 50 pounds of
TNT are dropped in, primed, and tamped. In one instance,
firing the charge breached the wall completely, and the surviv
ing occupants were either wounded or stunned by the flying
"Embrasure openings have been obstructed by means of ther
mite grenades. If the sliding door of the embrasure is closed,
a grenade is placed on the slideway, is activated, and becomes
a molten mass. Although the door itself is not welded, it is
jammed by the mass, which hardens and thus obstructs the slide-
way. A single grenade is sufficient to jam a small door, but two
grenades are used against large doors with armor plate more
than 2 inches thick. If the grenade cannot be placed on the
slideway, a trough of ^4-inch metal may be used, to cause the
molten mass to run into the slideway. The surface on which
the weld is to be made should be clean and dry. If the door of
a German pillbox works on hinges, jamming cannot be accom
plished by means of thermite grenades, since the molten mass
cannot be controlled sufficiently to create a strong band between
the door and the frame."
\\x)unding up
>by \_raps
"We haven t seen any booby traps for the
past two weeks." That's the kind of statement
that can spell trouble if it leads to any slack
ening of precautionary measures. As soon as
Allied vigilance relaxes, the stage is set for
the Germans to use one of the most vicious
techniques of modern warfare. A technique,
incidentally, at which the enemy is highly
A well-prepared booby trap looks like a perfectly harmless
object, of course. A bicycle resting against a farm house, a
wheelbarrow standing outside the barn, a bucket waiting to be
dipped into the cool well—these are everyday sights in the coun
try, and yet nothing is simpler than for a German soldier to
connect each of these to a pull-igniter before his unit withdraws.
Clearly, certain elementary precautions are necessary when it
is known that the enemy has occupied, or even merely passed
through, a certain area. Trip and tension wires may be present
in what seem to be the least likely places. After all, traps may
be detonated by any normal activity such as opening a door or
window, treading on loose floor boards, or disturbing any inani
mate object indoors or out.
Nothing should be interfered with simply out of curiosity.
In this business, continuous vigilance is the price of safety.
What sort of booby traps has the enemy been using lately?
Here is a roundup, from the Western and Southern fronts, of
typical instances of recent German booby-trapping activity. The
traps may be divided into four categories: those actuated by
pull-igniters, those actuated by pressure, mines with antilifting
devices, and miscellaneous contrivances.
2. Mine in Oven.—A Tellennine'42,
was found secured to the rear of an
oven door in the kitchen of a private
house. A Z.Z. 35 igniter had been in
serted in the mine, with a wire con
necting the igniter to the back of the
oven. The door was slightly ajar; if it
had been opened further, the mine
would have exploded.
3. Corpses.—Egg grenades have been
placed in the pockets of enemy dead.
The actuating cords of the grenades
are tied to strings, and the strings, in turn are tied to inconspicuous
pickets driven into the ground nearby. When the corpse is moved, the
grenade explodes.
4. Fruit Trees.—Fruit trees have
been fitted with wires leading to pull-
igniters and charges of high explo
sive. When Allied soldiers reach for
the lower branches or try to climb
the tree, the charges are detonated.
5. Hedges.—The following instance
of booby-trapping a hedge at a point
where Allied soldiers would be likely
to work their way through is typical
of many others. Three picric blocks
with Z.Z. 35 pull-igniters inserted in
them were covered with stones, and
were connected with wires to a nearby hedge.
6. Fence Posts.—Trip wires lead
ing from the base of fence posts,
and connected to pull-igniters and
large buried charges of TNT, have
been reported. Also, taut wires have
led from fence posts to tension-re
lease igniters (Zu.Z.Z. 35). The lat
ter set off small charges, which fire
detonating fuzes and large buried
7. River Banks.—-The banks on either side of a river ford, usable
only at certain times of the year, were booby-trapped in the following
manner. Three 3-kilogram charges (Geballte Ladung) were laid side
by side in each bank, with two Z.Z. 42 pull-igniters screwed vertically
into the outer charges. Ten-foot length of trip wire led from the igniters
and were secured to wooden stakes. Anyone attempting to use the
banks would have been likely to trip the wires.
8. Roads.—The Germans have tied grenades to trees on each side of
narrow roads, and have strung trip wires across the roads so that the
fish-pole aerials or other parts of vehicles-will trip the wires.
9. Telephone Lines.—An enemy patrol came across an artillery
observation-post line and cut it. In the immediate vicinity, they buried
two S-mines, about 10 yards apart, so that the prongs of the igniters
were about 1 inch above the ground level. Each loose end of the tele
phone wire was attached to a piece of fine cord about 12 inches long,
and each cord led to a mine. The result Avas that, in the dark, a lines
man picked up what he thought was merely a loose end of wire, and an
S-mine exploded. (As the Intelligence Bulletin has previously reported,
this ruse has also been employed by the Japanese.) The potential dan
ger of such booby traps is of course considerably less in the daytime.
10. Rubbish Heaps.—The usual booby trap in a rubbish heap con
sists of an attention-catching object of some value as a souvenir, which
is connected to a pull-igniter and a charge or antipersonnel mine by
means of a wire or cord.
11. Molotov Cocktails as Traps.—
Molotov cocktails may be used as
booby traps when the Germans be
lieve that particularly successful dam
age can be caused by fire. Just such
a trap was found in a lumber yard.
A small explosive charge of cordite
with a detonator and primer had
been attached to a large bottle of
gasoline, which, in turn, had been
lashed to a board. The device was
to have been deton'ated by a pull-igniter, actuated by a trip wire. If
the trap had worked, it 'would have spread flaming gasoline over a
fairly large area, probably inflicting severe burns on personnel and cer
tainly making fire fighting extremely difficult.
a rod, which has been kept down by the weight of the mine, to rite
and release a striker in the E.Z. 44. This sets off the charge in the
igniter and detonates the mine.
1. Abandoned Vehicles.—Aban
doned vehicles, either wrecked or
still intact, often are booby-trapped
so that any movement of the
wheels will result in an explosion.
In the case of a motor vehicle,
the booby-trap may be intended
to function when the engine is
started. The Germans sometimes
use farm wagons in road blocks,
and the possibility that such vehicles may have been booby-trapped
should not be ignored. On a road in Holland, three abandoned farm
wagons had been loaded with 15 cases of grenades and miscellaneous
shells, and left blocking the road in such a manner as to give the
impression that they had been abandoned in haste. Fortunately, a cor
poral inspected them carefully before ordering his detail to move them
off the road. He found ten 200-gram charges on the bottom of one of
the wagons, with a friction igniter (Zdschn. Anz. 29) attached by means
of wire to a spoke of one of the wheels. Any movement of this wagon
would have resulted in detonation.
2. Tellermine Crates. Tellermines in their original packing cases
have been found fitted with igniters to prevent the mines from being
withdrawn and used.
3. Charges Concealed in Weapons.—
The Germans sometimes conceal a small
charge in the mechanism of a rifle or
Luger pistol that they plan to leave be
hind in a farly obvious place, to attract
the attention of Allied soldiers. The
charge, which is sufficiently powerful to
injure a man severely, is detonated if the trigger of the weapon is
4. False Signs.—The Germans have been known to post signs in
English indicating that road shoulders have been cleared of mines,
when mines actually are present in these areas.
Whether dressed in civilian clothes or varied uniforms, Volkssturm
members near the organization s arm band.
German males between the age of 16 and 60 are liable for service
in the nciv national militia.
The rifle is the basic weapon of the Volkssturm, which receives
infantry training, with special emphasis on close combat.
and use will be made of the many thousands of captured Rus
sian rifles and machine guns. Other equipment includes egg
hand grenades and potato-masher hand grenades. For antitank
defense, the Panzerfaust hollow-charge launchers have been
promised to the Volkssturm. (The latest of these recoilless wea
pons has a range of 88 yards; earlier models have a range of
only 33 yards.) German bazookas also may be furnished. In
struction in the handling of antitank and antipersonnel mines
already is being given.
At present any turnout of the Volkssturm is likely to present
a rag-tag-and-bobtail appearance, in dress as well as armament.
The only item of clothing or insignia currently issued is a
black arm band with the lettering "Deutscher Volkssturm" in
a light color and with the word "Wehrmacht" directly
underneath this. The Nazis have asserted that this arm band
officially makes the Volkssturm members a part of the Wehr
macht (Armed Forces). It is left to the individual to provide
the rest of the clothing. Uniforms of the Storm Troopers,
Hitler Youth, and Party territorial leaders will be encountered.
Many men will simply wear civilian clothes. Already the lack
of complete official uniform has caused a great deal of disgrun
tlement throughout the new militia. Many members feel that
they are assuming the duties of soldiers, with none of the privi
leges. (Incidentally, there is no remuneration for service in
Volkssturm, except when a member is taking part in actual
The effectiveness of the Volkssturm remains to be tested. In
the past, organized defense of urban and rural areas by the
local populace fighting in support of regular troops has indi
cated that a people defending their homes under such condi
tions are capable of putting up a most determined defense.
Volkssturm elements were used in combat near Metz, but the
poor showing that they made must be attributed primarily to
the fact that they had only recently been mustered and that most
of their brief time in the militia had been spent in digging for
tifications. In future months the Nazis will discover and try to
correct the outstanding defects of the Volkssturm, and their un
questioned talent for organization and military training must
be expected to show at least a few tangible results. Just how
much success the Nazis will have in using Volkssturm members
as guerrilla fighters after local areas have been overrun by the
Allies cannot be predicted. Much would seem to depend on how
hard a core of Nazi fanatics each element contains.
of the other Platoon's outpost at " B , " and about 300 rounds of
medium artillery fell in the town. This outpost was engaged by
a 10-man enemy patrol just as the- mortar and Nebelwerfer bar
rage was lifted. The patrol withdrew after a brief fire fight.
In the meantime, medium artillery fire continued to fall on
the town. Just before this barrage was lifted, the outpost at
"A" manned by the Platoon headquarters heard someone pound
ing on the door and yelling in very good English, "Let me in,
will you? I want to get out of this barrage!" One of our sol
diers opened the door, and the enemy tossed in a hand grenade,
A U. S. soldier who had been posted outside the house escaped
during the raid, but the remaining officer and nine men were not
seen again. One other American was found dead in the house the
following morning; he had been shot through the head, evidently
while standing near a window. The strength of the raiding
party was not determined.
At about the same time the raid on the outpost-headquarters
was being conducted, trouble was getting under way at the
mortar squad's position. A voice behind the protecting wall
was heard asking, "What have you got on the other side of this
wall?" The mortarmen replied, "Two mortars," whereupon a
hand grenade was thrown over the wall. Another grenade was
dropped into a mortar barrel, and the barrel was blown open.
Obviously the enemy raid had been well planned and co
ordinated. The party had worked its way directly to the out
post they intended to raid. Following closely behind the
German barrage, the enemy soldiers had passed the U. S. out-
guards unobserved. It is clear that the Germans were in
possession of detailed and accurate information regarding the
U. S. dispositions, presumably having obtained it from civilians
in that area. The coordination of the artillery barrage with the
activity of the raiding party was excellent, indicating that the
raiders were continually in contact with their supporting
The exact time of the incident was not determined, but it
occurred in the early hours of the morning. At 0300 the platoon
leader reported by radio, "Nothing unusual."
The enemy unit which perpetrated this raid could not be
identified, but the manner in which it performed its mission
suggests that it must have been a special assault detachment, of
the type organized in each regiment under a policy established
by Kesselring during the Anzio beachhead stalemate.
Although German minefield marking varies at the discretion
of local commanders, a fairly recent set of instructions issued
by an enemy division is helpful in adding to our knowledge of
current practices.
The division or
dered that minefields
more than P/4 miles
behind the main line
of resistance were to
be marked off by
fences 3 feet 3 inches
high, consisting of
three strands of wire.
Intermittent s i g n s
were to bear the fa
miliar "Minen" or "Achtung! MinerC but the skull and cross
bones were to be omitted.
In wooded terrain, minefields in front of the main line of
resistance were to be marked by a fence 3 feet 3 inches high,
without any signs at all.
In open terrain, minefields were to be marked by a low fence,
without signs, on the German side only. The fences were to be
as inconspicuous as possible, so as not to give away the posi
tions of the centers of resistance in the main line.
No special fences were to be erected around wire obstacles
with booby traps or around "ramp" mines (Rampernminen)
on roads.
Minefields at a short distance behind the main line of re
sistance were to be fenced around on all sides, and were to be
marked with unobtrusive signs.
All pickets used for marking minefields were to be provided
with a short verticle length of barbed wire.
Paths through minefields were to be 13 feet wide, with a
central guiding wire suspended loosely between 4-inch stakes
driven into the ground at intervals of 10 feet, to serve as a
guide for reconnaissance parties. Each path was to be covered
by observed or fixed machine-gun fire.
The engineer company in each sector of the line was to
inform all troops in its own sector regarding the position of all
minefields. Local battalion commanders were held responsible
for keeping an up-to-date plan of these minefields, and for
ensuring that all members of their commands were fully in
formed about the locations and boundaries of the fields.
Incidentally, it is reported that in some instances dummy-mine
field signs in any three colors excluding blue, whereas true mine-
fields are identified by any three colors including blue.
from our guns, and they must have been fired by the enemy.
It took some time to convince him of this fact, for the bursts
looked much like those of our 75's and had occurred at the
same time our tanks had fired on the second target.
"This same thing has happened several times—varying
slightly, of course, depending on the situation. We have found
it to be a favorite trick of the Germans. It not only gives them
a sure target and inflicts heavy casualties on us, but also tends
to cause dissension between the tanks and infantry.
"We have learned to expect this return fire immediately after
taking a certain position, and have made sure that the infantry
unit we are working with understands what may happen. In
certain cases we have attempted to keep the enemy confused by
continuing light firing on an objective after having taken it
(where the situation permits), and by keeping the infantry
away from the definite points that we have just captured, such
as buildings and well-defined terrain features."
A new German Flakpanzer, the third and latest type of anti
aircraft tank the Germans have put into action on the western
front, has been captured by U. S. troops during recent combat
in France.
This self-propelled weapon consists of a 4-barrelled 20-mm
antiaircraft gun, the Flakvierling 38, mounted on the standard
Pz.Kpfw. IV chassis. The open-top turret is octagonal in shape,
with each of the eight sides made of two plates or 1.6-inch
armor. The top and bottom plates of each side are slanted
inward at approximately 30 degrees from the vertical, and the
turret has a 360-degree traverse.
It is a further development of the Flakpanzer which mounts
the single-barrelled 37-mm Flak 43 on the same model chassis.
The Flakvierling 38 is a quadrupled version of the single-
barrelled 20-mm Flak 38, a gun that the Germans have
mounted on a modified ex-Czech tank chassis, the Pz.Kpfw.
38 (t), for use as another type of Flak panzer.
An incorrect and dangerous method of throwing the Panzer
wurf mine is illustrated in the photograph on page 79 of Intelli
gence Bulletin, Vol. Ill, No. 3.
The soldier in this photograph is holding the Panzerwurf
mine in the armed condition, with the cloth vanes open. This
is the proper way to handle the weapon: Grasp the grenade,
holding the vanes in the closed position, and remove the cap.
Maintain this grip as the weapon is thrown.
Diversionary tactics—the Japanese version
of commando raids—have become a standard
form of warfare in the Japanese Army. U. S.
troops in action in the Pacific must be pre
pared for harassing raids designed to disrupt
supply lines, to create confusion in rear
areas, and to divert attention from other op
platoon consisting of a first lieutenant serving as platoon leader,
12 second lieutenants serving as squad leaders and assistant
squad leaders, and 18 men. There may be practically no non
coms, since their duties are performed by junior officers. About
half the unit strength may consist of men who have volunteered
for this type of combat.
Although a Diversionary Unit may be employed regularly
in raiding missions against ground positions, headquarters, air
fields, and similar installations, some of their primary missions
are to attack convoys of supply trucks, artillery, or headquar
ters units in transit. Such raids are conducted on the theory
that, during a movement, security is less stringent and the com
bat capabilities of a unit are diminished.
One well-organized Diversionary Unit advocated two methods
of operating against a so-called "moving objective"—the "at
tack in force" and the "concealed attack." Such tactics are
typical of the methods by which a Diversionary- Unit will try
to operate, although in actual combat thev seldom achieve such
smooth operation.
Attack in Force
The attack in force, as the name, implies, is a swift, all-out
attack delivered either from ambush against a moving convoy,
or, by surprise, against a unit in transit which has halted or
bivouacked for the night. In either case, the primary mission
is the destruction of the vehicles and the weapons or supplies
they carry. The common procedure is to deal a hard blow to
personnel, and, in the resulting confusion, to destroy, burn, or
capture equipment.
The preparations for an attack on a motor convoy are essen
tially the same as those involved in an ordinary Japanese as
sault operation. Before a definite plan is made, a detailed
reconnaissance is made. Painstaking care is taken to collect
terrain information and to find the most traveled supply routes,
the customary rest or bivouac areas, the extent of routine
march-security measures, and the type of motor transport oper
ating in the sector.
Along the supply route, an area is selected to offer a mini
mum of cover and protection to a convoy, but to permit the dis
position of ambushing troops so they may fire upon and charge
the convoy effectively. Road blocks or land mines are prepared
to block the front and rear of the column at the moment the
attack begins. If necessary, the flanks of the road may be
mined to prevent the escape of vehicles across country.
The disposition of the Japanese unit will vary according to
the terrain. Usually, it will be concealed along one flank of
the convoy route, either massed or disposed in groups at several
points. The distance between the ambushing troops and the
road will depend upon the terrain and the degree of security
methods expected from the convoy. Fire power is concentrated
in the foremost ranks of the ambush; on occasions when equip
ment is the main objective of the attack, the attackers may be
divided into a covering unit and a demolition unit.
Once the unit has taken its ambush position, every man re
mains on the alert to strike at any moment. Because a large
number of observers might disclose the existence of the ambush,
the unit commander himself watches for a hostile column.
When the convoy enters the ambush, the advance guard is
allowed to pass unmolested, and the Diversionary Unit waits
for the main body. At the most opportune moment, the road
is blocked according to plan, the ambush opens fire, and an
attack is launched at the height of the ensuing confusion. If
the convoy is traveling with a large interval between vehicles,
the ambush may not open fire and attack until the lead vehicle
has been halted and until the following vehicles have been
allowed to close up and shorten the column.
In conducting such an attack, the Diversionary Unit depends
for success upon the total surprise and disorganization of the
convoy. In training instructions, overenthusiastic officers are
admonished "not to foolishly expend your energy to accomplish
the mission if it is perceived that the enemy has prepared for
resistance." Similarly, once the shock of surprise and disorder
has passed, and the immediate mission has been completed as
well as circumstances permitted, the Japanese raiders do not
hang around to mop up isolated elements that have succeeded
in defending themselves. Instead, the attackers withdraw and
proceed to a predetermined assembly point.
Concealed Attack
The so-called "concealed attack" advocated for use by Diver
sionary Units is a Japanese expression for the normal under
cover sabotage of supply lines that might be expected of guer
rilla units operating in enemy occupied territory. In this type
of operation, the Diversionary Unit will try to avoid contact
with opposing troops, and will attempt to operate with secrecy
from a base established behind their opponent's lines.
Great stress is placed on the use of explosives and mines to
destroy vehicles, to block supply routes, and to demoralize
rear-area troops. One Japanese headquarters encouraged the
following methods of concealed attack:
1. A tree on the side of a mountain road is cut almost through. A
steel wire, tied to this tree, is stretched across the road so that a pass
ing vehicle that strikes the wire will fell the tree thus causing damage
I© the vehicle.
2. Vehicles crossing a bridge are destroyed by pressure mines placed
the planking.
A tree on the side of a mountain road is cut almost through. A
steel wire, tied to this tree, is stretched across the road so that a
passing vehicle that strikes the wire ivill fell the tree, thus causing
damage to the vehicle.
The commando unit recommended by the enemy headquar
ters is distinguished by its unusual organization. The military
personnel of the unit are specially selected men—not more
than 30 in number. If possible, however, the unit will have as
many natives as soldiers at its command. When traveling in
the jungle, each man will carry complete equipment, but in
action a commando soldier will carry no more than approxi
mately 40 pounds of equipment, including arms and ammuni
Apparently this recommended Japanese commando unit is
intended to work in close cooperation with friendly natives.
Prior to an operation, the unit will endeavor to set up a spy net
of natives in the operation area.
Its intelligence complete, this commando-native force gen
erally will have some distance to travel before it reaches the
objective to be attacked. Usually this distance will not be more
than 40 miles from the unit's base, but, if necessary, the com
mandos will extend the range of their activity by setting up two
or three advance bases between their main base and the point
of attack. When the unit travels on foot, it will move from
8 to 15 miles a day. By native canoe, the commandos generally
will try to make approximately 20 miles a day when traveling
up a river, or 40 to 50 miles when traveling downstream. When
supply is by manpower, the load should not exceed approxi
mately 40 pounds per man.
Before an attack is launched, an assembly point somewhere
between the advance base and the point of attack is decided
upon. The Japanese describe the ideal assembly point as one
which has natural defensive features, is some distance from
rivers and roads, and consequently is not easily approached by
hostile troops.
Preparations for the attack will be made during the day, and
the attack will be launched at dusk, during the night, or at
dawn. Before attacking, the commandos will attempt to infil
trate to within 100 yards of the objective, provided the situa
tion permits. An attack during a torrential rain or gale is
recommended, but it is pointed out that escape afterward is
sometimes "difficult." The commandos are instructed that when
they attack a headquarters, an effort should be made to capture
codes, new weapons, and documents. However, they are cau
tioned not to lose the opportunity to escape so they may par
ticipate in future action.
Throughout the course of these operations, the unit will keep
in touch with its higher headquarters by radio, or, if necessary,
by runner. Friendly airplanes will be signalled by smoke
candles or fire smoke.
A recent analysis of the infiltration tactics of Japanese troops
in Burma, coupled with information from enemy sources, in
dicates that the Japanese there established three distinct roles
for units assigned to diversionary missions behind Allied for
ward defense positions.
Although the mission of some of these raiding parties closely
paralleled that of more highly trained Diversionary Units, there
is no evidence to indicate that the troops involved in Burma
have been other than the ordinary infantry and engineer sol
diers of the Japanese Army organized on the spot for their
specific missions. Most of the raiding activity was confined to
within a few thousand yards behind the Allied line, and has
been of a type which always must be expected of any Japanese
ground force.
The Japanese have classified raiding parties into three types
according to their general missions—the Teishintai, or raid
unit; the Betsudotai, or flying column; and the Toppatai, or
penetration unit. This seems to be the pattern of diversionary
tactics in Burma.
Raid Unit
Flying Column
Raids of a harassing nature, designed to disrupt rear com
munications temporarily before the raiding party returns to
its own lines, are the function of the Betsudotai, the so-called
"flying column."
Such a Japanese force, of about 150 soldiers and fifth-
columnists, infiltrated through the Allied lines in the Arakan,
Burma, on one occasion. Moving through the hills to a point
10,000 yards in the rear of the Allied forward positions, they
launched an attack upon the line of communication, timing this
assault with a general Japanese attack on the Allied eastern
flank. This attempt to create disorder in the rear area actually
resulted in little more than some slightly damaged bridges and
a few burned trucks.
Penetration Unit
The mission of a penetration unit, the Toppatai, is very
similar to that of the flying column, except that the tactical
employment of the unit is related to offensive operations.
In conjunction with a general offensive, units of a company
or larger will infiltrate, or seize by assault, a key terrain feature
or some other tactically advantageous position in rear of the
forward Allied line. This position, which usually will be on the
line of communication, will be held at all costs until it is
reached by the main Japanese advance.
Two instances of such a maneuver have been reported. Once
a general Japanese offensive in the Arakan opened after a pene
tration unit of about one company with medium machine guns
seized and occupied a hill about 3,500 yards behind the Allied
positions. A similar attempt was made by a penetration unit
which established a strong position in a group of small hills
2,000 yards behind the then-existing forward lines. The posi
tion served as a base for enemy patrols, and at times diverted
some Allied troops in attempts to liquidate it. It was necessary
only to drive the force from the outer edges of the position to
neutralize the tactical value of this penetration.
An enemy source says Diversionary Units may infiltrate ,jby
air—that "parachutes, gliders and transport planes can J>e em
ployed. As landings are to be accomplished at dawn or at dusk,
the location of the landing area, its condition, and the route
of infiltration after the landing must first be investigated
secretly and thoroughly."
Early on the morning of last 27 November, three transport
planes each loaded with from 20 to 25 commandos from a
former Southwest Pacific Diversionary Unit deliberately crash-
landed in U. S. occupied territory. Two of the planes landed
on the beaches on the east coast of Leyte. The third plane was
shot down over an airfield before it could land.
The two planes which crash-landed on the beaches succeeded
in discharging their cargoes of raiders in an area not imme
diately occupied by U. S. troops. Two Japs from one plane
were killed by troops approaching the landing in an amphibious
vehicle, the remainder fled into the jungle, to be tracked down
by U. S. patrols.
exact objective of these airborne raiding parties may
be determined, but apparently they were sent upon a
mission of raiding and destruction to divert attention from the
operations in western Leyte, then entering their final and deci
sive phase. An examination of the equipment of the dead com
mandos disclosed musette bags filled with hand grenades, anti
tank mines, demolition charges, and concentrated rations—the
accoutrements of the diversionary commando.
Traversing gear, shock-absorbers, and
mortar clamps 71.5 pounds
Sight 1.5 pounds
The 150-mm mortar shell weighs approximately 57 pounds. The
bursting radius is reported to be 65 feet.
First reports from Leyte tell of increased
e of land mines by the Japanese defenders.
63 Kg bomb
I • 100 Kg bomb
tire brushing against the fuze, were laid on the surface along
roads and camouflaged with grass.
In addition to the bomb mines, the Japanese on Leyte em
ployed two types of improvised mine that Jfrave not been found
in general use in past operations. These were the so-called
"coconut mine," and an improvised box mine.
The coconut mine was a simple but not particularly effective
device. The Japanese had taken a large quantity of coconut
shells, hollowed them out, and then filled them with black
powder. A Model 91 hand grenade was imbedded in the powder,
with only the grenade's 5-second pressure detonator exposed.
These makeshift antipersonnel mines were used as pressure
detonated booby traps, and were easy to camouflage in natural
surroundings. An observer has reported that these improvised
demolitions also served the enemy as hand bombs when whirled
and thrown at the end of a 3-foot fiber rope. On detonating,
they made a terrific explosion, but did little damage.
Crude, improvised box mines were found to be a fairly com
mon device. Constructed in several sizes, these mines consisted
of a wooden box filled with picric acid or ammonium picrate
explosive blocks. Like the coconut mine, these demolitions
were detonated by a Model 91 or Model 97 pressure-detonated
hand grenade which was set into the explosive, but with the
armed fuze exposed. Many of these mines were found hidden
in the grass along roadsides, or set as booby traps beneath stair
cases and floorboards in houses where the Japanese had been
storing ammunition.
Many different sizes of this box-type mine were found con
structed for time-fuze or electrical detonation. On the Maintez
River the retreating enemy attempted to demolish a bridge with
eight of these mines bolstered by 21 cases of 75-mm shells. The
electric caps used were of a type similar to U. S.- manufacture.
Although improvised mines were most common, many stand
ard Model 93 (tape-measure), Model 99 (magnetic), and
Model 3 (pottery) mines were found stored in ammunition
dumps or emplaced along roads as antivehicle demolitions.
Some Model J-13 antiboat mines also were found on A-day
near the landing beaches ("A-day" for the Leyte operation was
the equivalent of the familiar designation, "D-day").
At one place a tank trap consisting of a ditch 20 feet wide
and 10 feet deep was located 100 yards inland of a landing
beach. This trap was discovered to be heavily mined with this
hemisphere antiboat mine. The enemy had made no attempt
to place these mines according to a definite pattern. Some were
buried completely, some half buried, and others lay exposed
above-ground. But all were scattered haphazardly throughout
the barrier.
Although indications on Leyte are that the Japanese have
tended to use mine warfare to an extent greater than has been
encountered in the past, preliminary reports indicate the Ja
panese are still lacking in adequate land mines and minefield
doctrine. However, as the enemy improves his technique with
time, U. S. troops must be prepared for more effective anti
personnel and antivehicle mining by Japanese units.
iLemote-^ontrol WLines
in Anti-Tank Warfare
officer in command of each squad. Since they must be exper
ienced in minelaying, a good portion of the engineer strength
of a unit is likely to be included in its land-mine squads. One
man in each squad is designated as an "igniter"; presumably his
is the responsibility of exploding the controlled mines at the
proper moment. Actually, a squad must play a dual role: it
not only lays and explodes the land mines, but must engage
hostile supporting infantry as the antitank assault develops.
Consequently, each squad is equipped with two, and sometimes
three, light machine guns.
In preparing to attack hostile tanks, the land-mine squads
plant remote-control mines along a road, defile, or similar cor
ridor through which the advance of tanks is anticipated. These
mines, usually electrically detonated, may be standard Japanese
antitank mines, prepared dynamite charges, or aircraft bombs
•wired for detonation from a safe distance. It is interesting to
note that the Japanese have conducted large-scale experiments
with bombs used in this manner and claim that they are highly
successful. When the mines have been laid, the Close Quarter
Combat Unit takes an ambush position in such a way that the
destruction squads can attack the tanks and the land-mine
squads can engage the supporting infantry.
After the hostile tanks and infantry enter the mined area,
the designated igniters explode the mines at a time when they
will have the greatest effect, and the mine squads engage the
infantry, attempting to separate them from the tanks.
In the resulting confusion, and while the supporting infan
try is supposedly engaged, the destruction squads will rush the
tanks with armor-piercing mines and prepared explosive
charges, to destroy tanks not disabled by the controlled mines.
Throughout this action the reserve squad and the covering
squad give support fire to both the mine and destruction
squads. As the action progresses, personnel of the reserve
squad are used as replacements for the mine and destruction
squads as they are needed.
When the tank-destroying mission has been completed, the
unit withdraws under the protective fire of the covering squad.
The flame-thrower fuel unit consists of two 15-inch cylindri
cal tanks, each of which is 6 inches in diameter. Hemisphere-
shaped at both ends, the tanks are connected at the top and
bottom by a welded pipe which permits fuel and pressure to
flow evenly in both tanks so that they may operate as a single
unit. The total fuel capacity is 3^4 gallons.
The Japanese flame thrower, showing the fuel and pressure tanks,
the flame gun, and the disassembled igniting-cartridge magazine.
A third tank, slightly smaller but of the same shape, is in
cluded in the fuel unit, and contains nitrogen or air under
pressure. This pressure cylinder is attached to the back and
center of the two fuel tanks. Air pressure, which forces the
fuel from the tanks into the flame gun, is let into the fuel
tanks through a tube running from the top of the pressure
cylinder to the top of the left fuel tank. This pressure is con
trolled by a manually operated needle valve, one on the top
of each of these two cylinders. The top of the right-hand
fuel tank is fitted with a screw cap for filling the containers with
This three-tank unit is fitted with straps which permit it to
be carried on the operator's back like an infantry pack.
The fuel hose, 45 inches long, is made of reinforced fabri
cated rubber tubing, with brass fittings on both ends. One
end is attached to the bottom of the right-hand fuel tank, and
the other is fitted to the flame gun.
The flame gun, which is either 3 or 4 feet long, consists of
a fuel tube 1 inch in internal diameter. The fuel ejection
handle is located near the fuel hose connection, and the l/^-inch
nozzle with the firing mechanism is attached to the other end
of the tube.
The firing mechanism is a 10-chamber magazine resembling
the magazine of an ordinary revolver. Loaded with 10 rim-
less cartridges, it rotates around the nozzle, and, when fired,
ejects an ignition flash parallel to the spurt of fuel. The
cartridges are loaded into the front of the magazine, and are
held in place by a threaded retaining cap with holes in line
with the cartridge chambers.
The fuel ejection handle, which fires the cartridges when it
opens the fuel ejection valve, is in the closed position when it
is parallel to the fuel tube. When this handle is turned at
right angles to the tube, a continuous jet of fuel is released
and a cartridge is fired, thus igniting the fuel. When the
handle is returned to its position parallel to the tube, the flow
of fuel stops, and the magazine revolves to place a new cart
ridge in the firing position.
range of 25 to 30 yards. The duration of a continuous dis
charge is from 10 to 12 seconds.
To operate the flame thrower, the operator First opens the
valve on the pressure tank. The valve on the left fuel tank
then is opened, and the gun is ready for firing. To fire, the
operator aims the gun at his target, and turns the fuel ejection
handle on the gun 90 degrees to the right. This simultaneously
ejects the fuel and ignites it when the igniting cartridge fires.
To shut off the fuel, the fuel ejection handle is returned to its
original position.
As the U. S. Pacific offensive draws closer to the Japanese
homeland, American soldiers may find on killed and captured
Japanese a new type of collar and sleeve insignia.
Jjritish jxaid
in T>
Careful Planning and Rehearsal Pay Off
Route of a strong British patrol reconnoitering enemy supply
routes in Burma.
tract the attention of native spies, it was decided to move the
company in parties of six to four men. These parties were
dispatched at irregular intervals over a period of about four
hours. It was hoped that, with the company moving in this
manner, anyone seeing one or more of the parties would sup
pose that they were merely small patrols.
The actual camp site was about half a mile west of the
village. This site was in dense jungle and behind a hill. Sen
tries were posted around the camp to observe and report any
enemy movement into the area.
3. One hour before sunset, and thereafter, lights and smoking
to be forbidden.
4. Pits to be dug for all fires, and roofed over to disperse the
No cooking pots or pans were carried. Each man cooked
his meals in his mess tin.
On the morning of the third day, three reconnaissance pa
trols were sent out.
One patrol, consisting of an officer and an enlisted man, was
ordered to find out whether there were any Japs along the hill
north of stream bed No. 1. The patrol returned early in the
day, and reported that the hillside was very steep and covered
with dense vegetation, and that no Japs had been seen in the
The second patrol, consisting of an officer and an enlisted
man, went down stream bed No. 2. They were ordered to go
as far as point Z, to reconnoiter a Jap position reported to be
there. Returning the same evening, the patrol reported no
Japs along stream bed No. 2. An unoccupied Jap position,
consisting of well constructed trenches and foxholes, had been
found at point Z.
A third patrol, consisting of two officers and three enlisted
men, was ordered to reconnoiter toward point X and was given
the following missions:
1. Find out whether it would be possible to make a two-platoon
frontal attack on the Jap position at point X.
2. Describe the Jap positions at point X. Are they surrounded
by wire or booby traps?
The instructions given to these patrols emphasized that they
were reconnaissance patrols intended for reconnaissance only,
and that they should be extremely careful to avoid getting in
volved with the enemy.
Each man was equipped with a stabbing knife, a rifle, and
50 rounds of ammunition. Faces and hands were painted
jungle green. To ensure complete camouflage, leaves and
branches were sewn to the clothes and tied to the rifles. Each
man took his pay book, haversack, and a native hat with him.
Some native food was placed in each haversack. The idea was
that if it became necessary to fight a small Jap patrol or a Jap
sentry, the British would kill the Japs, leave the native equip
ment, and move out of the area immediately. If other Japs
were to come across the native equipment, they probably would
not suspect the presence of British forces in the area.
The third patrol moved along the foot path to within a few,
hundred yards of the Jap positions at point X. The three en
listed men were stationed in a well concealed position, and
the officers then moved south of point X to an ideal observation
post, from which they could watch Jap activity at a distance
of only 100 yards. One officer then went back for the three
men, and all five hid themselves at the observation post.
Suddenly they noticed a patrol of about 12 Japs approach
ing in their direction, but moving along a course which would
pass the observation post about 100 yards further down the
hillside. Two Japs out on the flank were coming directly
toward them. When the Japs got within several yards, an en
listed man became excited and, rising to his knees, quickly shot
one of the Japs at point-blank range. At once the officers shot
the other Jap. They then fired another round apiece, aiming
at the heads, to make sure that both Japs were dead. Leaving
the native equipment, the patrol left the observation post and
went around to the other side of the hill. The officers re
turned to point C to report; the enlisted men went back to the
observation post to resume observation after the Japs had re
moved their dead.
On the fourth day, orders were issued for an attack on the
Jap positions, and the day was devoted to preparatory man
On the fifth morning, the entire company moved out to
launch the attack. (The leaf and branch camouflage on uni
forms and rifles, as well as the green paint on faces and hands,
was repeated. In addition, each man wore a green wool stock
ing cap and sneakers.) Two platoons moved in a single file
down the trail to within 600 yards of the Jap positions. De
ploying in the jungle, they adopted a two-platoon front at a
distance of 400 yards. They remained in this position during
the night, which passed uneventfully. The third platoon moved
down the No. 1 stream bed and spent the night at point Y.
Contact was made with the three enlisted men who were still
at their observation post and who now rejoined their platoons.
One of these men led a sergeant forward to the Jap sentry in
front of point X. The sentry was quietly killed with a knife
10 minutes before H-hour, which was to be 0630.
At 0630 the 2-inch mortars started firing, and the two
platoons advanced. Enemy resistance was overcome, except
for several machine guns firing from bunkers and occasional
firing from Japanese 4-inch mortars. By 0915 the third
platoon had reached a position 200 yards east of point X.
They had cut the Jap telephone wire, and had booby-trapped
the ends of the cut wire by attaching them to the partly pulled
pins of hand grenades concealed in the grass.
A party of Jap linesmen moved out to restore communica
tions. It was wiped out by the third platoon. The enemy was
expected to counterattack, and did. A Jap platoon moved up—
12 men abreast, almost shoulder to shoulder, and 12 more
men close behind them. Fire was opened on these Japs at a
range of 10 yards, and most of them were killed or wounded.
Also, 35 grenades were thrown at the enemy.
Another Jap platoon in the same formation was coming up
behind the first platoon, now almost entirely wiped out. Not
having seen what had happened to the first platoon, the second
platoon continued to advance. Unwillingly, however. Their
platoon commander was behind them, shouting commands in
Japanese and Urdu, and striking them on the back with his
sword. Suddenly the commander was shot by a British sniper
who had been posted in a tree and instructed to kill enemy
officers. Deprived of their leader, the Japs ran to take cover
in the jungle. Several of them were killed as they ran.
It had been arranged that operations would cease at 1400,
with everyone withdrawing to camp at point C. Therefore, all
the platoons returned to camp, leaving the bunkers still in ene
my hands, but planting a generous number of booby traps be
fore departing.
The two platoons which had made the frontal attack suf
fered 16 casualties—three killed and 13 wounded. The third
platoon, which had done most of the fighting, returned with
nine men missing. The next day seven of these men returned
to the camp. They had spent the night near the enemy bunkers,
watching the Japs taking away their dead and wounded.
The Jap casualties were estimated at between 70 and 80.
The percentage of Japs killed was high.
Ordnance teams are saving lives by master
minding the enemy's weapons. Careless treat
ment of captured materiel may deprive the
U. S. of vital information.
Specifically, where weapons are concerned, it is a job for
Ordnance Technical Intelligence, which must keep the army up
to date in this highly technical aspect of warfare.
Early in the war, the U. S. Army saw the necessity for im
mediate first-hand technical observation, and in December
1942 the first Ordnance Intelligence Team, a handful of spe
cially-trained officers and enlisted men, was dispatched to a
combat zone. Its mission was to procure enemy weapons and
ship them to the United States to be used in a continuous study
of the latest developments and trends in the enemy armament
industry and to rapidly develop counter weapons. Today
teams of trained technical observers work in every theater of
Many times these intelligence teams have landed with the
assault echelon of U. S. invasion, forces, often going in with
the first or second wave. Their work begins immediately, in
asmuch as they must be on hand to gather enemy weapons as
they are captured and before the materiel has been needlessly
damaged or carted away by souvenir hunters. As soon as pos
sible, a field headquarters is, established, and the investiga
tion of captured weapons begins.
Because they are schooled in the intracacies of enemy wea
pons, the personnel of Ordnance Intelligence Teams often have
turned captured weapons against the enemy. Such was the
case recently in France when Ordnance Intelligence men were;
able to "cannibalize" enough from captured German artillery
pieces to equip U. S. artillerymen with 50 German 105-mm
Ordnance Technical Intelligence men reconditioning captured American artillerymen fire a captured Pak 43 at the retreating
German 105-mm howitzers. Over 25,000 German shells were German army in the area around Metz, France. Ordnance Intelli
fired back at the enemy with captured guns of this type during gence Teams often are able to repair weapons damaged by a
initial operations against the Siegfried Line. retreating enemy and turn the guns against the former owners.
The first concern of the intelligence teams is to get posses that will fee of immediate value to the troops operating in that
sion of those captured enemy weapons that are of no imme theater. If a gun under test shows no new characteristics, it
diate value to the combat units. These weapons are inspected, may be sent to a theater training area where replacement
a preliminary report is written, and the guns are then shipped troops use it in pre-combat instruction. Should it be a weapon
to a rear-area proving ground operated by the theater ordnance worth further intelligence analysis, it is shipped immediately
officer. Here the guns, and other captured equipment, are put to the U. S.
through field tests to determine any new tactical information Contrary to a recent G. I. rumor that captured weapons are
sold at War Bond rallies, test-worthy captured guns, tanks,
ammunition, and vehicles procured by Ordnance Intelligence
Teams are sent from every theater to the Ordnance Research
and Development Center at Aberdeen, Maryland. Here they
are started on a routine of tactical and technical analysis de
signed to discover every item of information which may be of
value to our own troops and to our munitions program. The
general performance of the equipment is studied, and a report
of the tests is issued to all interested agencies. Often the equip
ment is broken down, and component parts are shipped to
various laboratories, arsenals, and industries throughout the
country, where they may be studied and tested by highly trained
metallurgists, engineers, and other specialists. The results of
these fine-tooth inspections are submitted to the development
engineers concerned with the design of similar equipment for
the U. S. Army.
Such analysis of enemy equipment has disclosed a wealth
of information of value in the development of U. S. weapons—
a fact which perhaps is not generally known. For years the
enemy prepared for war, and consequently was well advanced
in the development of new weapons and the improvement of
the design and manufacturing technique of old equipment.
In only a very few instances has the enemy introduced a new
type of weapon unknown to American designers. However,
there have been occasions when the discovery of a hitherto
unused manufacturing technique in some piece of German
equipment has proved the reliability of a similar, but untested,
American idea. Such a circumstance often has enabled U. S.
engineers to make short-cuts between the designing and pro
duction of a new or improved weapon.
In addition to disclosing the plausibility of new manufac
turing techniques, the analysis of captured equipment often
has revealed new and improved design in the minor compo
nents of a weapon. U. S. engineers are quick to adopt such
changes in improving our own equipment. More than 50 de
sign features in U. S. ordnance materiel have been adapted
from similar German and Japanese equipment captured by
U. S. soldiers and turned in to technical intelligence men.
Because the enemy continually is developing new equipment
designs and modifications to counter our weapons and to com
pensate for production lost in bombed-out industry, it becomes
increasingly important for technical intelligence men in the
field to procure samples of newly-captured equipment. The
gun which, to an infantryman, appears to be a standard job
the Japs or Jerries have been using all along may actually
be an old design produced under new specifications, and per
haps with an important modification.
Yet a standard answer encountered by Ordnance Intelligence
officers, when requesting that a certain item of enemy ordnance
be turned over to them by combat troops, is: "What does the
Ordnance Department want with that? It's listed in our own
Enemy Weapons Handbook!"
Intelligence Bulletin, Vol. Ill, Nos. 1-6
88-mm Pak 43/41, 3:59-60; 5:52, 88-mm, Model 43 and its carriages,
54. 4:63, 65; 5:52-58.
AT rifles, illus., 3:73-74. Tank destroyers, illus., 3:68-71; 4:63
Bazooka and grenade - discharger 74; 5:52, 54, 55-56.
squads, 6:13-14. ASSAULT DETACHMENT raid on U. S. out
Close combat, 2=26-28; 3:72-79. post, German, 6:37-39.
Glossary of weapon terms, 3:59-64. ASSAULT SQUADS, engineer, German,
Hollow-charge ammunition, 3:71. 3:95-98.
Rocket weapons, illus., 3:74-79. ASSAULT TEAMS, AT, Japanese, 5:12-16.
Stick bombs, 3:72. AUXILIARY TROOPS, German, 1:80-90; 6:
Tactics, 6:10-18. 31-36.
Tank destroyers, illus., 3:68-71;
BAMBOO TRAPS, or panjis, 2:88-92; 3:7.
4:63-74; 5:52,54, 55-56.
Japanese: concealment, illus., 3:17-20.
Assault teams, 5:12-16. BARGES, Japanese, illus., 1:58-60.
AT gun position in Burma, illus., BAZOOKAS, German, 6:13-14.
AT guns: FENSES.
20-mm, Model 97 (1937) rifle, BIAK, Japanese cave defenses, illus.,
illus., 2:58-60. 3:28-37.
37-mm, Model 94 (1934), illus.,
BICYCLE COMPANY, German, 6:3,6.
47-mm Model 1 (1941), illus.,
German, stick, AT, 3:72.
2:61. Japanese, aircraft bombs used as
Close-combat, 1:72, 74. mines, 6:60-62.
Remote-control mines, 6:65-67. BOOBY TRAPS:
New Zealand methods offightingGer German, 2:4-6; 6:24-29.
man Tiger tank, 5:59-63. Japanese, 1:71; 4:24.
Soviet: BOUGAINVILLE, Japanese defenses on
Close combat, 2:25-28. Cape Torokina, 2:69-72.
Methods of attacking Pz.Kpfw.VI, BURIAL CEREMONIES, Japanese, 5:5-6.
2:25-28. BUNKERS, Japanese, illus., 2:69-72.
ARMORED CAR mounting flame thrower,
German, illus., 3:86-88.
British Indian patrols, 2:83-87.
British operations:
Ambushes, 3:5-8.
Orders of colonel on the eve of DUMMY TANKS, German, illus., 4:75-77.
battle, 1:68-69. "ELEPHANT", 88-mm self-propelled gun,
CAMOUFLAGE AND CONCEALMENT, Jap German, 4 : 6 5 ; 5:52-54.
anese: EMPLACEMENTS, Japanese, AT, in Burma,
AT gun position, illus., 1:42-46. illus., 1:42-47.
Barge-unloading points, illus., 3:17-20. ENGINEERS (see also BOOBY TRAPS; DE
Sniper training, 1:54. MOLITIONS; FLAME THROWERS;
6:81-87. MINES ; OBSTACLES ; Organization
German, machine, M.P. 43, illus., German, assault squad for attacking
1:91-92. positions, 3:95-98.
Japanese, 6.5-mm Model 38 (1905); Japanese regiment, 4:37-38.
with grenade launcher Model 100, ENIWETOK ATOLL, Japanese defense
illus., 4:31-34. plans, 1:1-28.
CAVE DEFENSES on Biak, Japanese, illus., FIELD ARTILLERY (see also ASSAULT
SMOKE. Japanese:
Mounted on half-track personnel HOLLOW-CHARGE WEAPONS, German:
carrier, illus., 3:86-88. Ammunition, 3:71.
Japanese, portable, Models 93 and Panzerfaust, illus., 3:75-78.
100,6:68-71. Panzerwurfmine, illus., 3:78, 79.
FORTIFICATIONS (see also DEFENSIVE Stick bombs, AT, 3:72.
POSITIONS ), Japanese : HOWITZERS, Japanese:
Bunkers, illus., 2:69-72. 70-mm, Model 92 (1932), illus., 2:63
Cave defenses, illus., 3:28-37. 64.
Defense position in Burma, illus., 4:27 105-mm, Model 91 (1931), illus., 2 :
30. 50, 53; 3:53-57.
Grenade walls and well, illus., 4:27-30. 150-mm, Model 4 (1915), illus., 2 :
Pillboxes, illus., 1:19-20. 49, 54.
FORTRESS BATTALIONS, German, 6:1-9. 150-mm, Model 96 (1936), illus., 2 :
FRANCE, German operations in: 52, 54.
Mine usage, 2:29-30.
Tactics, 2:1-6. IMPERIAL RESCRIPT, Japanese, 5:28-31.
Model 3, land mine, illus., 4:2-4. PATROLS AND PATROLLING: SNIPERS,
Model 88 for 105-mm and 150-mm guns STREET FIGHTING) :
and howitzers, illus., 3:57. German:
Artillery support, 4:46-47.
Bicycle Company, 6:3,6.
Model 89 (1929), 50-mm, illus., 2:61
Fortress Battalions, 6:1-9.
German comments on their methods,
Model 100, new type, illus., 4:31-34.
Tank-infantry tactics, 2:23; 4:56
German, used in booby traps, 2:4-5.
58; 6:21.
Model 99 (b) (1939), illus., 4:35 United States:
39. Attacking pillboxes in the Siegfried
Smoke, 50-mm, illus., 5:34-35. Line, 5:38-48; 6:22-23.
Used with a number tied together, German estimate, 4:40-43; 5:49-50.
4:20. Patrolling on Guam, 5:76-84.
GUAM, U. S. patrols, 5:76-84. INFANTRY SUPPORT WEAPONS, German^
GUARDS, urban and rural, German, 1:90. 2:15-16.
ANTITANK MEASURES ; A S S A U L T 37-mm AT gun, Model 94 (1934),
ZERS; MACHINE GUNS; MOUNTAIN 75-mm Model 41 (1908), mountain
WEAPONS ; RIFLES ; SUBMACHINE gun, illus., 2:45-46, 72.
German auxiliary troops, 1:81, 82, 84,
85, 87, 88, 90.
mounting flame throwers, German,
Japanese, 6:72-73.
illus., 3:86-88.
ISLAND DEFENSES, Japanese plans to de
fend Eniwetok Atoll, illus., 1:1-28.
ITALY, German operations in: Snipers in machine-gun squads, 1:
Mine usage, 2:37-40. 53-54.
Patrol methods, 2:7-11. 6.5-mm, Model 3 (1914), heavy,
Withdrawal tactics, 3:89-93. illus., 2:55, 56.
JAGDPANTHER, German tank destroyer, 6.5-mm, Model 11 (1922), light,
illus., 3:70,71. illus., 2:47.
JAPANESE SOLDIERS' CHARACTERISTICS, 1: 6.5-mm, Model 96 (1936), light,
29-33, 74; 3:5-8, 24-25; 4:22-23; illus., 2:58-59.
5:1-11. 7.7-mm, Model 92 (1932), heavy,
JUNGLE TRAPS, or panjis, 2:88-92; 3:7. illus., 2:55, 56.
7.7-mm, Model 99 (1939), light, 2:
Ambushes, 3:5-8.
13-mm, Model 93 (1933), heavy,
Raid in Burma, 6:74-80.
dual-purpose, illus., 2:56-57.
British Indian patrols in the Arakan, MACHINE PISTOLS. See SUBMACHINE
Ambushes, 3:1-4. Japanese and Germans acquire inform
Characteristics of soliders fighting ation through U. S. security negli
in jungle, 1:29-33. gence, 5:85-87.
Diversionary tactics, 6:44-56. U. S. Ordnance Intelligence Teams,
Weapons suitable for, 2:62, 65, 67, 6:81-87.
68. MINEFIELD CLEARANCE, Japanese use of
Japanese appraisal of U. S. tactics, human detectors, 4:19.
3:11-14. MINEFIELDS :
LABOR SERVICES, German, 1:80-85. German: '
LANDING CRAFT, Japanese, illus., 1:58 Booby-trapped, 2:6.
60. Markings, 6:39-41.
LEYTE ISLAND, Japanese use of mines Mine laying, 2:35, 37-40.
and booby traps, 4:1-6; 6:60-64. Ruses, 3:90.
Los NEGROS ISLAND. See ADMIRALTY Surrounding defense positions, 2:
ISLANDS. 14-15.
MACHINE CANNON, Japanese 20-mm, Japanese:
Model 98 (1938), illus., 2:59, 60. Beach, 5:36-37.
MACHINE CARBINE, M.P. 43 German, Mine laying, illus., 1:35-39.
illus., 1:91-92. Patterns, illus., 1:40-41.
MACHINE GUNS: Tactics in the Southwest Pacific, 4:
German: 7-15.
Firing by remote control, illus., 4 : MINES :
78-80. German:
Fortress machine-gun battalion, 6: Antilifting devices, illus., 2:38-40;
1-9. 6:28-29.
Tactics, 2 : 1 ; 3:91-92, 94-95. Concrete ball, illus., 1:75-76.
Japanese: "Mustard Pot" antipersonnel, illus.,
Employment, 4:23-24. 2:30, 36-37.
Riegelmine 43 (R.Mi 43, or Spreng MOTOR CORPS, NAZI, 1:85-86.
riegel 43), illus., 2:30-36. MOUNTAIN WEAPONS, Japanese:
Scharniermine (pivot mine), AT, 75-mm gun, Model 41 (1908)] illus.,
illus., 2:26. 2:45-46, 72.
Schii-mine 42, illus., 1:76-79. 75-mm gun, Model 94 (1934), illus.,
S-mines, 2:38-40; 3:98; 4:53-55; 2:51,54.
S-mine discharger on Tiger tanks,
2:21. 90; 6:31-36.
Tellermines, 2:29, 39-40; 6:26-29. NEW BRITAIN, Japanese minefields at
Trends in usage in Italy, 2:37-40. Cape Hoskins, illus., 4:9-11.
Types used in France, 2:29-30. NEW GEORGIA ISLAND, Japanese ground
Use in booby traps, 6:24-29.
tactics, 3:49-50.
Antiboat, hemisphere, 5:36-37; 6: NIGHT OPERATIONS:
64. German, tank-infantry attacks, 6:21.
Antitank or antivehicle mines, illus., Japanese attack tactics, 3:48-49, 50;
1:34-41. 5:23-25.
Beach, 5:36-37. NOEMFOOR ISLAND, Japanese minefields,
Bomb, aircraft, 6:60-62. 4:11-12.
Box, improvised, 6:64-64. OBSTACLES (see also MINEFIELDS;
Coconut, 6:62-63. MINES)]
"Flying pig", 3:50-51. Japanese:
PANJIS, or jungle traps, 2:88; 3:7. German patrols, 2:7, 8.
PATROLS AND PATROLLING : Japanese, direction signs used, 4:38
British Indian in Arakan area, Burma, 39.
U. S. patrols on Guam, 5:78-79.
British raid in Burma, 6:74-80.
"RHINOCEROS", 88-mm self-propelled
German, 1:93; 2:7-11; 3:89-90.
gun, German, illus., 3:68, 70; 5:52
U. S. on Guam, 5:76-84. 54.
SMOKE, 50-mm grenade, Japanese, illus., Infiltration, 3:21-22, 45.
Counterattacks, 2:17.
Defense 5:51.
Flakpanzer, AA guns on tank chas
Fighting in wooded and broken ter sis, illus., 6:42-43.
rain, illus., 5:64-71. Infantry-tank tactics; 2:23: 4:56
Fortress Battalion, 6:1-9. 58; 6:21.
Hilly terrain combat, 3:92. Non-magnetic coating on armor,
Patrol, 2:7-11; 3:89-90. 2:21.
Raid on U. S. outpost, 6:37-39. Pz.Kpfw.IV, 2:19-22.
Tactics against infantry-with-tanks, Pz. Kpfw. V, Panther, 2:19-20, 22.
6:41-42. Pz. Kpfw. VI, Tiger, 2:19-21, 25-28;
U. S. enlisted men report on methods 5:59-63.
used in France, 2:1-6. Royal Tiger (Konigstiger), illus., 5 :
Withdrawal, in Italy, 3:89-93. 52, 54, 56, 58.
VOLKSSTURM, German national militia, German, surrounding defense posi
6:31-36. tions, 2:13, 14-15.
WAFFEN-SS, Nazi Elite Guard, 1:88-89. Japanese, illus., 3:39, 41.
WEAPONS (see also ORDNANCE and indi- WOODED TERRAIN, German method of
vidual weapons), Japanese, general fighting in, 5:64-71.
review, illus., 2:41-68.
AAF ( 3 0 ) ; AGF ( 3 0 ) ; ASF ( 2 ) ; T of Opns (200) except NATO
( 5 0 0 0 ) , ETO ( 1 1 , 5 0 0 ) ; Base Comd ( 1 0 ) ; Island Comd ( 1 0 ) ; Depts
(10) ; Arm & Sv Bd (2) ; Def Comd (10) ; Tech Sv (10) ; SvC (10);
Area A SvC (10) ; H D (10) ; PC&S (1) ; Seattle P E ( 2 0 0 ) ; Repl Dep
(65) ; Gen & Sp Sv Sch (100) ; USMA (100) ; ROTC ( 3 ) ; UTC (30);
RTC ( 1 5 0 ) ; O r d D i s t (10) ; A (10) ; CHQ ( 1 0 ) ; D (2) ; B ( 2 ) ; R (2);
S Bn (2) ; C (2) ; A F (2) ; W ( 2 ) ; G (2) ; S (2) ; F ( 2 ) .