Afrika Playbook
Afrika Playbook
Afrika Playbook
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 1. 2.
What level of play are you focused on? What are the fundamental principles tankers must know & understand? The four basic functions of armored combat
Shoot- Gunnery & fire planning Move- Formations & battle drills Communicate- Multi-tiered coms Command- Strats & how to document them Find em, Fix em, Flank em, Forget em. Principles of War Principles of Armored Combat.
5. 6.
Tank/team survival
7. 8. 9. 10.
Missions/Plays Operational Art and its application In Clan Wars Murphys laws The After Action Review
Is it drive tanks around and fight as a lone wolf? Is it get with a group of friends and fight as a wolf pack? Is it more of an intellectual challenge to negotiate a new alliance, develop a winning team or develop a killer strat for the new map?
Diplomacy Strategic planning Operational Tactics
Individua l Skills
Team Skills
Operational Skills
Your answer will determine which level of play you are interested in and which skill set you should begin working on.
Confidence- We can win anytime, anywhere, under any conditions Commitment- We are committed to the pursuit of excellence Discipline- We will take the time to practice, train and rehearse whenever possible. Mental agility- We will develop and reinforce innovative thinking Reinforce success- We will seek out opportunities to excel and reward stellar performance Positive attitude- As a team we will maintain a "Can do" attitude
Confidence- We can win anytime, anywhere, under any conditions because we are proficient in a host of sophisticated tools techniques and procedures that describe how we envision fighting tanks. Organization- We are committed to the pursuit of excellence and we have taken the intellectual effort to develop a unifying doctrine that governs how we approach fighting tanks. Discipline- We will take the time to develop focused practice sessions, training events and rehearsals whenever possible. Mental agility- We will develop and reinforce innovative thinking. We will know our doctrine inside & out and apply that to a rapidly changing and dynamic tactical environment. Reinforce success- We will seek out opportunities to excel and reward stellar performance. We will bond as a team of successful clan wars competitors and that cohesion and tactical competence will lead to consistent success in clan wars engagements. Positive attitude- As a team we will maintain a "Can do" attitude. Its not the size of the dog in the fight; Its the size of the fight in the dog!
Technical and tactical proficiency- Through study, training, and practice we will develop a suite of battle drills that will enable us to think, act, and react faster than our opponents.
Mental Agility Synchroniz ation Relative Combat Power Point of Decision Unity of Effort OPTEMPO Stated Objective
Stated Objective- Every battle has an objective, stated or unstated. In order to focus your combat power and the efforts of your team one must envision, describe and articulate that objective to your team. Point of Decision- a point in space and time where the relative strength of the respective sides will decide who wins the battle Relative Combat Power- A comparison of the available number of weapons systems, & crew and equipment capabilities Mass- the density or number of tanks at the point of decision. Can be number of guns, tanks, or size of the units in contact. Synchronization- the degree of coordination and cohesion of your force. The ability to focus combat power in space and time.
Optempo- the rhythm or timing of an operation. Has a direct bearing on how you
obtain mass and synchronize actions at the point of decision. Mental agility- the ability to rapidly and efficiently adapt to a dynamic and fluid battle environment Unity of Effort- All available resources are committed to support the main effort in order to achieve the stated objective. Tactical proficiency-The grasp an individual has on the underlying doctrinal rules of how to fight tanks.
Tank model manipulation complex mixture of eye-hand coordination, visual & audible cueing from your computer(feedback from views, reticle data, map data, sounds, etc.) and your situational awareness of what's going on around you in cyberspace. That 6th sense youve heard about is real; even in cyberspace. If it dont feel right, it aint right learn to trust that 6th sense and see how it saves your bacon. Formation driving- Ability to maintain relative location to a lead tank Use Defilade- Whenever possible shoot from hull defilade or cover The Hide and firing platformuse firing position hide position to protect your tank
Three types of gunnery Long-range- sniping Short-range- Arcade view Melee- Shoot on the move Crew management- Techniques for managing crew skills, and rotating crews ., Consumables management- Techniques for selecting & managing consumables Equipment management- Techniques for selecting & managing special equipment.
The individual skills of basic gunnery, movement, tactical techniques, and crew, equipment, & consumables management become the foundation for the more advanced team skill sets required for team play. Team skill sets include the following:
Coordination- coordinate your actions with other team members in order to achieve synchronization.
Communication- Effective communication between team members is vital. Synchronization- synchronize your actions with other team members in order to focus your combat power in one place and at one time. Missions- Each member must clearly understand his role in the mission as well as what other team members roles and responsibilities are.
Make the first shot count; you may not get a second. Select the right munitions for the selected target Learn each tanks weak points and target them Aim small, Miss small If in doubt; hit it again. Life is precious, ammo is cheap! Continue engaging a target until its destroyed- A dead tank cant hurt you!
Short Range Long Range, Melee Armor piercing- Main anti armor round High Explosive- HE a hardened shell filled with explosive compound. Useful against higher tier tanks or softer tanks Gold Rounds
Sabot- armor piercing discarding sabot APDS Kinetic energy penetrator HEAT- High Explosive Anti-Tank- uses focused jet of an explosive charge to cut through armor
Sight reticles
Sniper vs normal modes Auto aim- Moving targets or in a Melee Aim small; miss small
fire at will The Description- IS-4 at 11:00 oclock, The response- up number 1-4!
When you have seen and IDd the target (Number of tank 1A Section Leader, 2Wingman, 3- B Section Leader 4- wingman) The Command- on Ready 1-
Ready 1
When you hear response from your group of tanks and are ready; issue the command of execution Ready 1
Continue to fire until the target is destroyed. Repeat has a very specific meaning when working with fire support. Repeat means reshoot the previous fire mission, Do not change any data on the guns. So be careful when your talking to the Gun Bunnies If you need them to retransmit the previous message the correct phrase is Say Again Not Repeat!
The response- UP number 14! When you are reloaded and ready to engage. To do it again- Repeat on
Ready 1; Ready 1.
Hide position Engage from cover whenever possible, protect your tank from direct Fire by using your surroundings to mask the vital parts of your tank.
Tank positioning Defilade- the part of your tank masked by the terrain. Cover- Protection from direct fires Concealment- protection from threat observation The Hide & Firing Platform Technique.
Light Tanks- Scouts, Dedicated CAP, Mobile defense, Screening missions, etc. Medium Tanks- Workhorse of the Force/Multirole tanks- Scouting, Dedicated cap, general engagement, Custom missions.
Super Light Tanks- Sub category of lights with unusually high speed, maneuverability, & armor.
Heavy Tanks- They provide the punch and the armor to blaze a trail wherever we as a team need to go. Super Heavy- Behemoth tanks that are slow, ungainly, incredible armor and require special attention to kill. Super heavy Frenchy- A whole new class of tank. Marriage of an autoloading cassette with a very fast chassis, and armored just enough to sustain a few critical hits. Tank Destroyer- A vehicle especially designed and built around a bigger gun than was possible to mount within a turret proper. Kill tanks at extreme ranges. Self Propelled Guns- a specific category of armored vehicles where the guns can hyper elevate to achieve indirect fires. The King of Battle
Super Medium Tanks- Sub category of medium with unusually high speed, maneuverability, & armor. Super Medium Frenchy- A whole new class of tank. Marriage of an autoloading cassette with a very fast chassis, and armored just enough to sustain a few critical hits.
Targeting- A systematic method of analyzing the threat force structure and equipment and assigning engagement priority to specific targets. Priority categories
High Payoff targets- This category is usually assigned to the vital items that comprise the threat Center of Gravity i.e. BFGs, SPGs, Heavys, or fast movers Critical targets- Usually the mediums and TDs. May be area denial, or prepping a choke point prior to an assault. General or Routine targets- the ash & trash Targets of opportunity- a target that develops on the fly. Can be equipment, area denial, or arty prep.
Task Organization
1 Tier 7-8 Gun GS to team 2 Medium to Heavy guns DS to team
Fire Support
General Support (GS) A category of Fire Support where the fires from the SPG are dedicated to a particular mission such as counter battery. Fires from the gun in GS can be requested anywhere on the map. Direct Support- (DS) A category of Fire Support where the fires from the SPG are dedicated to a particular maneuver element. Priority of Fires- a designated list of targets; prioritized in the following manner:
When processing in-coming calls for fire; The gun crew shoots the targets following the priorities developed in planning.
The foundation of Maneuver techniques and formations are either: Two Tank Section- usually called A&B or Red/Blue or Three Tank Platoon Four Tank Platoon. The four tank platoon is made up
of two; two tank sections.
Improved speed of maneuver Enable a formation to move as a team with gun tubes always oriented towards the threat. This system will improve our ability to move rapidly through Battle Space and change orientation very quickly to meet whatever threat with sufficient combat power to dominate that opponent.
The norm in every battle is that you will encounter a threat and must respond to that threat. In order to win you need to think, act, and react faster than your opponent. Youre in the game and moving through the map; all of a sudden you see a threat Icon popup on your right. You must decide quickly and correctly what, how, where, and when to respond to the threat.
Types of responses:
Contact Drill Action Drill Battle/Mission drill.
Movement drills- Cobra-L/R/Front/Box- the team practices formation changes until its automatic and instinctive. Contact drills- Contact L/R/Front/Rear- These drills are for initial contact or enemy sightings. The leader must decide whether to continue on his direction of march, engage with maingun only, deploy or bypass. If he deploys then it becomes an action drill. Action Drill- Action (Threat description- Arty, tank in village tanks on ridgeline, etc.) L/R/Front/Rear -The Action command triggers an immediate turn to face the threat. Usually in anticipation of going to gunline and engaging. With incoming arty a modifier such as prepare to maneuver or give a direction of movement i.e. Section Cobra left
Mission drills- understanding the type of mission your on helps shape your responses and as a result the types of fire and maneuver you will use in that battle.
I propose we focus on the fundamentals first. Movement, Contact and Action drills must be mastered first. But the different phases and considerations of the mission drills can be discussed and phased into the match play now.
This is the most complex Battle drill we will tackle. Getting fifteen tanks, each with specific roles and responsibilities in the drill, to work in concert and putting just the right combat power, at just the right place, at just the right time is our objective. How will we do it? Practice, Practice, Practice! Repetition combined with thorough After Action Reviews is and will remain the key.
Blue Section
Red Section
A section is made up of two tanks led by the most experienced tanker. B section is led by the second most experienced tanker. They can and do operate independently but the real power of this formation is when two sections work together. One covers or supports by fire while the other maneuvers to a flank and assaults the objective by fire and maneuver.
Contact L/R/Front/RearAs an element moves downrange it will spot an enemy unit on the left. The lead must decide whether to engage, deploy or bypass. In this example he decides to engage with main gun and continue his advance. The command is Contact leftTarget- tanks in the wood line Maingun, Identified Engage The section continues on its axis of advance and engages with main gun
As a section moves downrange it detects an enemy unit to its front. The lead must decide whether to continue to march, deploy, bypass or execute a fire on the move technique. In this example he decides to go to guns and initiate Rolling Guns. The go signal is to execute the maneuver. Moving informs the covering tank that movement is in progress. Set means the calling tank is in position and ready to execute the maneuver.
Section! Target- tank in the open! Guns 12 oclock Rolling guns- Go! Moving preset 2. Moving #2 Moving; up! #2 On Fire, Ready, Fire.
The section deploys to gunline and orients in the direction of movement. Upon getting the alert Moving & preset two from his lead. #2 initiates his move and selects speed control #2. He acquires the designated target and waits for the fire command. As the section rolls forward they continue to engage targets while on the move until all targets are destroyed
The norm in match play when faced by a superior tank or Arty is to find and hide behind the biggest rock or duck behind the nearest corner to evade getting hosed by your opponent. Having a plan on when, where and how to position your tank behind that obstruction and how to stack a series of tanks behind an obstruction will be instrumental in deciding the match.
Key Points
initiate the tap-dance Drill as early as possible. i.e a Watch the minimap and keep track of your location and route. Look for cover and concealment both onscreen and on the map. Angle of attack- try and angle your tank so you are not broadside when you pop out to engage. Build the Stack- with multiple tanks align your tank with the lead vehicle. Dont crowd in behind and block the lead from his retreat path. Coordinate- If at all possible cross talk with the other tanks and try and time your pop-out maneuvers so only one tank is exposed at a time. Types- two basic typesVolley fire- all tanks pop-out simultaneously. Fire at will- tanks pop-out independently as they reload.
Quite often in match play when faced by a superior tank or Arty we need to disengage and reposition . Having a plan on when, where and how to disengage while in contact will be instrumental in deciding the match.
situation that will drive a bump and run Drill as early as possible. i.e Watch the minimap and keep track of your location and route. Look for threat disposition and combat power changes both on-screen and on the map. Step 1- mass fires get a good volley on target and the trail tank backs down, spins and moves rapidly to the next position. When he calls set the next tank gets a shot, backs down and moves as rapidly as possible to the next position. Step 2- disengage. As each successive tank fires, backs down and then spins and moves rapidly to the next position this will enable the team to reposition and maintain contact. Step 3- set up new position- As each tank bounds back it assumes its position in the stack and prepares to defend. Coordinate- If at all possible cross talk with the other tanks and synchronize your actions to reduce you exposure to hostile fire and provide covering fire for moving tanks.
Quite often in match play when faced by a tank or Arty on the flank of our formation. We need to secure that flank and suppress or destroy that threat. Having a plan on when, where and how to dispatch an element while on the move will be instrumental in deciding the match. Key Points Trigger- Anticipate changes in the tactical situation that will drive a Flanker Drill as early as possible. i.e Watch the minimap and keep track of your location and route. Look for threat disposition and combat power changes both on-screen and on the map. Step 1- Pre-designate- Develop a plan for and assign two tanks to execute the drill. Step 2- Maneuver- . As the march formation moves through sector the designated flankers watch for and identify likely firing point. Upon Command Action L/R/Front/Rear Flanker the 2 tanks drop from formation move to covered and concealed firing line and engage any targets on that flank. Step 3- Rejoin- Immediately upon destruction of threat thr remaining tanks rejoin the march formation as quickly as possible Coordinate- If at all possible cross talk with the other tanks and keep track of their frontline trace so you can rejoin the main body quickly and efficiently.
enemy unit to its front. The lead must decide ADVANCED ACTION DRILLS
whether to continue to march, deploy, bypass or move by bounds. In this example he decides to move by bounds. There are two types of bounding overwatch. Rabbit 1 is move by bounds. Rabbit II is move by successive bounds. The go signal is to execute the maneuver. Moving informs the covering tank that movement is in progress. Set means the calling tank is in position and ready to execute the maneuver. The commands are Section Rabbit one(move by bounds) # 2 cover my move on Go Let me know when youre Set Set Go, Moving Set #1 cover my move. Moving The section deploys to gunline and orients to the direction of movement. Upon getting a Set from both tanks, #1 initiates the move with go and the command Moving When he reaches the limit of his bound he says set. #2 initiates his move and informs his lead by the command #1 cover my move, Moving. When he comes even with the lead he stops and issues the command Set then the drill repeats
Bandit- Scout inbound StarlightImmediate suppression by arty HammerCoordinated attack Anvil- Hasty Defense Smoke-Frontal Screen Fog- Flank Screen
Backdoor- Reverse slope Defense Strongpointstrongpoint Defense Thor- Time on Target Bounty HunterCounter Recon Gun Runner-Deep zone Recon
Codewords convey a great deal of meaning in simple terms Individual skills form the foundation for more complex team synchronization and coordination traffic. Brevity, clarity, and precision in what you say, when and how you say it makes or breaks a team
Roger- understand your message Wilco- Understand and will comply Phonetic alphabet Keep it short and to the point. One person has the floor at all timesDont be a channel pig. Battle Coms- If it aint relevant keep it to yourself
Battle commands Battle status Intell updates Current situation Movement Instruction s Fire commands Fire Missions routine Logistic or Admin info
Go here, do this, Im in position awaiting orders, Im at guns , ready to engage, what is your current status? Etc. Weve got a strong push developing on the 8 line; Arts up! Force is down, Blue Platoon is at %100 & moving to cap. X Red platoon go Start your movement. Gold Platoon; Target! T1110 on ridge, volley on ! Arty: Fire Mission; T34 in volley West of aquaduct. That @#$* arty just hosed me. What basic load should I take as a TD
The chart to the left depicts some examples of the types of traffic to be passed on a common Task Force suite of channels. We replicate this in team speak by setting whisper lists and combining the Command, Operations and Intelligence, and Admin Log channels into one channel we call Battle Command. *Note the following two slides
Battle commands Battle status Intell updates Current situation Movement Instruction s Fire commands Fire Missions routine
The chart to the left depicts types of traffic to be passed on a common Task Force suite of channels. We replicate this in team speak by setting whisper lists and combining the Command, Operations and Intelligence, and Admin Log channels into one channel we call Battle Command.
Battle commands Battle status Intell updates Current situation Movement Instruction s Fire commands Fire Missions Routine
The chart to the left depicts types of traffic to be passed on a Team Speak Battle Command or Platoon Command channel We plan to have two options for evaluation
Opt I- all members monitor BTL CMD and only Plt Ldrs, arty, scouts and commander may transmit Opt II- All platoon members are on respective Platoon channels and Plt leaders, arty, scouts & Commander are on BTL CMD
3 4 5
2. 3. 4.
Set whisper list to: New Set new Hotkey Set Whisper to:
Channel Commander
channel Family
Go to your name & right click Select: Channel Commander Your transmit button should change to orange when youre not transmitting Your transmit button should change to red when you press the Whisper Group Hotkey
Learn how to follow first. Be Ready. Be able to follow directions and execute your mission with precision and audacity. Master the individual skill sets discussed above Know your tanks inside and out
Be- competent, calm, courageous, honest consistent, authentic Know- leadership principles, basic tactics, relative strengths & weaknesses of all classes of tanks Do- Lead from in front, treat your team with respect, never compromise your integrity. Visualize, Describe and Direct your Team to success.
Types of Commands
Fire commands- general, volley, guns, rolling guns Maneuver commands- Cobra, Action, Contact
Prefix (Squad, Platoon, Section etc.) Type- (Target, FireMission, Guns, Rolling guns, Tap Dance etc.)
can ( tank 2 oclock in treeline, on ridge etc.) Location or orientation- (reference a grid, known location, or target reference point) Command of execution- Go, fire, engage, booty, whatever! Inflection/audible cue- use the inflection or emphasis of your voice to reinforce the importance of your message. Section!;Target!... Tank in treeline at 11:00 oclock; Fire at will
Field commander(FC) Deputy Commander(DC) *Battle Captain (BC) *Logistics Officer(LO) **Net Control Station(NCS) **Tech Support Officer(TSO)
FC- Overall Battle Manager. He is responsible for all actions necessary to achieve victory in designated engagements. DC-stationed in team room. Manages and directs all actions necessary to prepare for, fight and recover from a clan engagement. BC- Coordinate, direct and manage the Teams execution of designated missions while in Battle. Alternative tactical commander. LO- Collects, updates and passes team logistic status to Clan leadership. Excel spreadsheet- Each player who reports for an engagement should fill out and keep current the Team inventory and status spreadsheet. (TBP) . NCS- Monitors, controls and directs traffic on TeamSpeak Channels. Ensure Battle Command, Intell, and Admin/Log traffic channels are free and clear of all unnecessary chatter. TSO- Provides subject matter expert or technical support to the Team i.e. TS3, Graphics T, EXCEL, Twiddle A, 7th ID website, etc.
before, during and after a clan war engagement. They are empowered to perform duties in their functional areas as needed. ** These positions are filled temporarily on an as needed basis before, during and after a clan war engagement. They are empowered to perform duties in their functional areas as needed. They are drawn from the general membership as volunteers to assist in technical skillsets that are required as needed. i.e. Database, TS3, video recording, training preparation etc.
The chart to the left depicts the key positions which must be filled, trained and practiced to ensure successful coordination, preparation for, and conduct of Clan wars Matches. Functional areasBattle Command- This functional area pertains to all command, control, communication & training functions of the team Political- this functional area involves the negotiation, preparation and management of diplomatic operations between other clans, alliances, and strategic level planning. Intell- this functional area is primarily focused on how other clans fight and the preparation of intell summary reports. These reports are focused at the tactical level and educate and inform the players on how their current opponent fights. Logistics- This functional area is focused on the management of the battle roster, preparation of standard load plans for ammunition, equipment & consumables and clan Gold distribution plan for the team
IPB is critical. you must define the threat and your own Center of Gravity (CoG) and develop a plan to protect yours and hammer his. This will drive the rest of your task organization, maneuver, and fires planning. Analyze 1-6 below from both perspectives- threat and friendly. Then you can develop a plan to control the decisive terrain or focus on the force. Defining the Two types of targeting- force oriented or terrain oriented. Which one you pick will determine the rest of your targeting analysis.
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Observation/Fields of fire Cover and Concealment Key terrain & Decisive terrain Obstacles & Engagement Areas Avenues of approach/ Axes of advance Choke points, dominant hills, Exits from broken terrain Targeting drills- High Pay-off, priority, on-call and targets of opportunity.
* Center of Gravity- Those things that a force must have or control to ensure its success.
The ultimate objective of a battle plan is to focus the relative combat power of your team at the point of decision to defeat your opponent. The key to successful execution of a battle plan is each team member must clearly understand their role in the battle strat and know what the other team members roles are as well. Its this knowledge combined with the ability to think on your feet and adapt to a rapidly changing tactical situation that makes for mentally agile and successful teams. Operations or maneuver graphics help describe and define the actions a maneuver force will take to execute a battle plan.
Key Points-
Key Points-
er-reconnaissance is always the most important phase of any operation Dedicate enough resources to achieve this mission Support deep Recon efforts with fast firing arty. Use your assets wisely A dead scout does no-one any good.
Dedicate sufficient
resources to fix the threat with direct or indirect fires. The fixing force must decisively engage the threat and close with him. Support Fixing efforts with DS Arty. Use your assets wisely A dead fixing force does no-one any good.
Key Points-
Key Points-
main maneuver element Dedicate enough resources to achieve this mission Support flanking efforts with fast firing arty and direct fires. Use your assets wisely A dead assault force does noone any good.
Dedicate sufficient
resources to destroy the threat with direct fires, indirect fires and close assault The assault force must decisively engage the threat and close with him in order to overwhelm him Support assaulting efforts with massed fires from all available weapons. Synchronize your assets wisely A poorly coordinated attack is doomed to fail..
Watch both the screen and the minimap. They are your window into Battlespace. Learn to compute the relative combat power at decisive points. The key is to achieve mass at the point of decision. At some point in the match there will be a point in time and space that will give you a decided advantage. You must be ready to act decisively when this occurs.
Look for weaknesses or gaps in the enemies disposition that you can exploit. Also look for changes in the threats force structure where he is weakened by losses. Reinforce success. Identify and define Trigger Points where when the threat forces reach a certain level that event will trigger a response from you like a counter attack or a transition to a hasty defense.
Area of operations Area of influence Area of interest
area in which you conduct operations. Area of Influence- The surrounding area that you can influence by your actions. Area of Interest- The outlying area in which you have an interest
Scenario: Youre in Steppes moving down the 1 line lower road with 3 other tanks. You check the minimap and notice 9 threat tanks moving through the rock garden along the 8-9 line. Those tanks are located in the area of interest. You need to know where the threat main effort is. But they reveal that your 4 tank platoon is probably the strongest force on the east side. This observation influences how you will fight the rest of the battle. This assessment is reinforced when you destroy a 3 tank platoon in short order to your front.
Assault Element
Attack Positio n
Characterized by two attacks First by fires from the support section who use long range gunnery to suppress the defense. The second by maneuver hitting the flank with speed and agility. Run 'in and gun 'in at its best. Use any arty to help suppress the defense This takes a few extra seconds to set up and takes practice to get the choreography right. But when it is done properly it is awesome. Use the terrain to your advantage. Support element goes to gun line ideally on a reverse slope. On the Go signal they move in unison to a hull defilade and start engaging targets. The assault element moves along covered and concealed route to staging area called an attack position. They orient in their designated battle formation and prepares to assault On GO the lead moves rapidly but in unison with his/her wingmen to either flank and Runs And Guns THROUGH the enemy position. Once they are into the position and decisively engaged; the support element assaults into the position and complements the attack by Swarming the defense Learn to fight as a pair, Teamwork and communication can compensate for varying skill levels Battle formation is driven by terrain and will change as both forces move through the landscape. Be flexible and mentally agile.
Hasty Defense Key Points Target Reference Points- Designated terrain features (Trees, rocks, buildings, or destroyed tanks) that are used to coordinate and direct fires. Engagement area- Designated terrain where you want the threat to go. The Kill Zone. OPTEMPO- Be patient, let them come, Use long range direct and indirect fires to attrit him down to to 1/3 of your force. Then Counterattack using the Coordinated Attack system. Mass Fires- The more the merrier; put everything that shoots engaging targets in their sector. Anticipate pushes- As the threat moves to build up sufficient combat power to assault, youll see a bunch of red indicators massing beyond the engagement area. Reposition teams or sections to reinforce that flank. Hammer the assembly area or ATK position with arty. Anything you can do to attrit and disrupt his OPTEMPO will aid your defense. Be patient Be observant Anticipate his moves Use your long range gunnery skills Use the Hide and Firing platform of defilade to conserve your force. Watch force ratios closely- Attrit to 1/3 or of your force and counterattack.
Objective one
at re Th
Massed fires
at re Th at re Th
Engagement Area
Defensive line
Lead scout element should be within one terrain feature in advance of main body. Within range of direct fire supporting fires. Additional scouts may be dropped at key or decisive terrain to provide overwatch and direct observed arty fires on flank avenues of approach. Characteristics Mobile Defense Fluidity of maneuver & action; Stick and move, Avoids decisive engagement. Speed and agility is required of both vehicles and crews. Semper Gumby!!!
Screen Flank A screening mission is usually performed by scouts or Multi-role mediums Key Points: May be performed by Mediums if additional combat power is required. Front Line Trace- A linear description of where the lead elements are on one or several axes of advance. The screening force is organized based on the requirements for combat power to delay and harass the threat.
The screen performs the following tasks; 1. Observe and report 2. prevent threat scouts from observing friendly disposition 3. Deceives the threat by showing a front line trace forward of our main body. 4. prevents or delays a threat penetration on a designated axis. Flank screenLead scout element should be within one terrain feature in advance of main body. Within range of direct fire supporting fires. Additional scouts may be dropped at key or decisive terrain to provide overwatch and direct observed arty fires on flank avenues of approach. Characteristics Mobile Defense centered on getting kills in engagement ares along designated flank Fluidity of maneuver & action; Stick and move, Avoids decisive engagement. Speed and agility is required of both vehicles and crews. Semper Gumby!!!
Invariably, some teams will collapse and we will have to conduct a retrograde or fighting retreat. The fight will be short and decisive. Having a plan on when, where and how to transition from the attack to the retrograde will be instrumental in deciding the match.
Punter Drill i.e a dramatic drop in force ratio, collapse of the main attack, or failed screen etc.
Synchronize and coordinate all fires into a series of designated engagement areas that lead back to your designated Battle position.
those EAs pick two distinctive features that are in the sector of fire. Designate specific tanks to cover sectors or thirds of the engagement areas or sectors of fire.
Quite frequently, we must have a base of operations to start from, or transition to some form of defense overlooking the cap Villages make excellent strongpoints with plenty of cover and excellent fields of fire. Designate interior routes within the ville for repositioning and reinforcing sections of the perimeter. Use terrain, buildings, rocks etc. to mask you from fires to the front. Ensure interlocking fields of fire. Designate target reference points to coordinate and control fires. Each tank covers the front of adjacent tanks and engages threat tanks from the flank.
Key points-
A positional defense whereby the defender occupies a battle position behind a hill mass, chokepoint or other obstacle. The defense uses the terrain to mask his BP and expose the threat advance to concentrated fires as they crest the hill or transition through the chokepoint. Organization-
Encompasses all levels of play in World Of Tanks. It is both a science and an art in its application. Tactics alone cannot accomplish strategic objectives in WoT or win clan war engagements; results of tactical actions are useful only when linked together as a part of some larger design framed by strategy and orchestrated by operational art Operational art sequences and synchronizes a series of tactical actions to accomplish operational objectives through the conduct of major operations. Strategic objectives in clan wars are normally accomplished through a series of what Operational art calls major operations.
Military Science
Military Art
Operational Art
Operational Art
Operational Art is the bridge between strategy, tactics, and diplomacy in the clan wars MetaGame. It describes, integrates and synchronizes a wide range of processes, actions, and theoretical concepts into a cohesive and rational explanation of what we must do to succeed in clan wars. It is both a science and an art and It requires a high level of sophistication to apply successfully.
Sequenced and synchronized employment of all available combat power, diplomatic power and other forms of applied power or influence in pursuit of our goals and objectives. Marked by development of a strategic vision; fully supported by a suite of tactical plans, resources , and capabilities; and executed by resourceful, well-trained, and capable players. Requires a high degree of sophistication, resourcefulness, and mental agility to rapidly identify potential threats, and the ability to translate that recognition into action, i.e. Develop and execute a counter to those threats at the appropriate level of response. This will require carefully crafted strategic plans; to be skillfully executed by the respective divisions and their respective teams; all supported by well-trained and proficient players who are well versed in the playbook tools , techniques and procedures.
You are not superman- Marines, fighter pilots and tank jocks take note! 2. No plan survives the first engagement intact. 3. If its stupid but works it isnt stupid. 4. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. 5. Any thing you do in conflict can get you hurt; Including doing nothing. So, get off your duff and do something constructive. 6. Be mentally agile; Semper Gumby- Always Flexible Semper Durus- Always Tough 7. If both sides are convinced they are about to lose; They are probably both right. Its the little guy at the pointy end of the spear who refuses to lose that has kept us free for the last 200 + years. 8. A medal for valor just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive. 9. Friendly fire - isn't. 10. Suppressive fires - won't. 11. Try to look unimportant; the enemy may be low on ammo and not want to waste a shell on you. 12. If at first you don't succeed, call in an artillery strike. 13. Never forget that your tank was made by the lowest bidder. 14. If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush. 15. The enemy diversion you're ignoring is their main attack. 16. The enemy invariably attacks on two occasions: when they're ready. And when you're not. 17. There is no such thing as a perfect plan. 18. The important things are always simple; the simple are always hard. 19. The easy way is always mined.
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at. Don't look conspicuous; it draws fire. For this reason, it is not at all uncommon for SPGs to be known as priority targets Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you. If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone. When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too. Incoming fire has the right of way. If the enemy is within range, so are you. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire. . If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will get more than your fair share of objectives to take. The Cavalry doesn't always come to the rescue. The one item you need is always in short supply; and its usually time or ammo. It's not the one with your name on it; it's the one addressed "to whom it may concern" you've got to think about. Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep. The complexity of your tank is inversely proportional to your IQ. Battle experience is something you don't get until just after you need it. The newest and least experienced tanker will usually win the Battle
The Plan- Describe the plan which you just executed Performance- Describe how the organization
performed relative to the plan. Document below those tasks, tools, techniques & procedures that need to be improved or sustained.
1. 2.
List those things that need to be improved or deleted. Try and identify the specific tool, technique, procedure or policy which needs to change in order to improve performance. Focus on process not personality.
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List those things that you want to keep doing. Be specific. Again you want to document and ultimately reinforce what's going well.
LESSONS LEARNED- Consolidate & document those things discussed above: organize and articulate the key lessons of this performance iteration. Assign a responsible party to accomplish any specified or implied tasks generated as s result of the discussion, analysis & documentation of the AAR.