Lessons Learned in Combat by 34 TH Infantry Division
Lessons Learned in Combat by 34 TH Infantry Division
Lessons Learned in Combat by 34 TH Infantry Division
APO 19
U.S. AllMY
In the Field
16 June 1944
353/91 (OG)
Lessons Learned.
f. In the long run, speed was made over the high ground, not over
the roads or flat lands,
- 1 ...
C 9 ?J 7
a -, -I L
2 I *i
- .-a-U- --
2., We MUst be, prepared mentAlly and tactically for a cMn~e in the
cMracte,r of combat when we next go into the line for we may encounter strong
and bitter resistance. At Borne date or place the German may ssekto make ~
stand but our constant preuure should greatly hamper him from getting sot.
The main bo~ieB following our mobile advan~ detachments must be kept 80 in :
hand that they can be employed rapidly in ace~rdauce with Simple and prepared
16 June 1944:
- 2.
! ! I _ 7!!I::::IZ! i .!)!
0 ~ IT':+V,
~I '4
u s 'oI...rmy
8 October 1944
;,G 334-Y
See Distribution.
1 Incl:
lEol #1-1138sons Lee.rnod in Ccr:~~JC!.t_ /
.34 Inf Div.
.:FHQ. (2)
;~.I (2)
G-3 (12)
85th Div
88th Div
91st Div .
92nd Div
BocU'a (2)
Eq Repl Cmd (2)
Ti Corps
Sev3nth ~.rruy
:F;j ghth
13 C91'PS
Bri& Stayner
leG (Less I)lCl)
43-3- 105
! ,
, ' - , ,.
i; II
i _ !? 2
I :-
.1 (\,J,' .'
- ..:.
~~s LEf\R}JED
~I '/t:"":SSiNQ~ANZIO-~OrvE'
HtLL6C9 SfJ'JEVENTO.%iM . . ~
V:JLTURNO RtVER ~ l{ll;'
'\ I
' . ._~. _ __
Thi~ summary of "Lessons Lac-rnod in Comr ..t" hf3 been written by the
iDen of the 3t,th Infantry Division f,nd is pre,sentsG. in their words.
ALGIE1l.S, at
Chapt.er I ........................................
.1 ..................................... ..
Shock Action
b ..................................... .
Street Fighting
c ..................................... ..
. ..................................... .
Lountain l'iarfare
~ ...................................... .
i'ight Attack
f ........................................
River Crossings
!Z ..................................... ..
Patrol Operations
11 ......................................
Defensive Operations
1. ...................................... .
CP - OF Operations
j ..................................... ..
Air - Grot:.nd Liaison
~ ........................................
Cover, Concealment and Disperaitffl
1 .................................... ..
Infan~ry reapons
Machine Gun
(2 f'iiort.ars
(3) Infantry Cannon
(5) Grenades
E). , ...................................... ..
1J ...................................... ..
Remarks (Mise)
Chapter I I
.... .. ,,-It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2- ........................................ ..
" (1) Employm~nt of Liaison Officmrs
(2) ForrJard Obs ervers
(3) Reconnaissance
\if} Se1ection and Occup.u,ion of
(5) Observed Fires
Indirect Fire
Intelligence - Counterbattery
(1) Shellrepa
(2) Counterbattery
(J) 1-'0 Fire Line
(4) Observation
.Q ...................................... ..
Sroploymem of Artillery by the Infantry
2 .......................................
. .'.
;Jefens i ve Fires
12 .........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
.................. .
........... .. .... ..
. .
Chapter V
,"[",,1 Comr.lUnicutions
iJ. ....................... ..
-~;8sJ.ge Center
. H:-idio Communications
,. ,. . Lers Communications,
........................ .
,s. - ............... .
. . ~ _
CLa pt or VII
........................ .
.......................... .
ill Interrogation
Plwto Intelligence'
. ................................ ..
Partisan Corrtr'ol
Q ..................................... .
Psychological. Warfare'
Ord~ of Battle
~ ....,
, ... -; ..., ............ .
................................ .
. ~
........................ .
a room ;'-nd ti!~,n to Get into +,:c:,-' ro:)m ",-:-ith ~" 1fommy-gun r1ght after
t~~:.. ,.;'rU1l.-J.dc 1.7(.nt. off.
If t~~, :!",'-. ~,-'r:.:~"~<:_~ :~,_ny Gcrmr :18 in th( roor:1, tLose
;:Ti-:6 \.~rrL still :.lbt" ,_;,",~-:,,~: f01U":i J~,-ir,.g 0n ttc floor r:i+,h r::o fight
J~ccft. 11
"-;~-:t~nr: ::!i~C') cf
Itnly has ;)''-c,~ '~~1:'-'~ ~.h{.i ,~:n,mJ d.c~!'cr.,Js ~o--'ns ~.Dd ino(lrpor~,tr::s bu11diY2gs into his
defenso sys-~":];'li3 ',:"!LCl1('Ncr :;:::'()sf.ibl<;,. '~:_:hil'~-, t!:.) co.rdinl"'.l principle is to b;'fr-i)2;SS
and cut off ',:,,'j(: d8i'::,lxli.nr; fo~('cris, the D7i~;cnci0s 0":" 'tb-; s:i.twJt-ton may dCmen(1 a
frontal att,-"c];-. If trw l~:lttc:r' h:.:: t!'~:~,:, tl:.u.tG is no oas:" 8.nS";7Cr to ttl'.; problom.
Tho 8nemy cen only be uvict(;d Ly b?Td ~:~ork.
date other bu:i..ld~.;:1Ei:J n::i:lr 1);,"', ~i,::'lile beir.:; covored -:)y f~T8 from
tLc ~~\tronG po:~nt. _'~s ~:,O('l: as [,11 hu:i.ldi~:;~s in the; vicinity ]~2V(~"
boon thorouch1y cJ.car~d 0:: tnt'; ("P8my '~bCD the- platoon yen rncroup
at another stro:lp;' ~o:1:'1t "'~~d ernt~nuf.' 'tho .~o'b . This '.7.;'8 tL:; method
cmployod by OHr pJ.atccm in t~l:' 2.tt:lek on ?J~G=Gn t, EO and provcll to ;)0
very sucCCSSf'll. In this ~:c:,mc (;r~gnF;cmq1t ',7.0 (.',180' found tr-r t t.~-'.0
usc of to.nl:D t:.ro 8,- 3rc..--"t ~J,~~l~:~, i::: stro(;t fightjng. A fCYT blast;:;
fro!;;. D. 75 b::to r: b:dldlne- l.-,ril} eit'Jer kill the enemy or shake '~;'-lom
up so b(~dl;:r t~lr't t.h__ ::lr c<-j.'t.'J.r(~ bCCOID(')S quit '._) L.:?SY provided r,7C 1'01
101.7 up closcl-.r. Of co'C.~rs(>, it, rf"-.st te rCnl( ~nf)crc:,d th[l'~ tre.n1::s Arc
""lury e;OOu. teTccts .Lor tJ ,:'! '_::1CTa~_1 bazqok::. m~.n, arid 80
rosult. t~'Hjy
IDnS-c. Lc given f!dr--;cj"lJ"1tn r'I'ot~;ctj or.... b:Jr tb(- infantry. 11
SC;rt;02r.,:~ l\P,TELJE R.
a~-~(-n ~.-O-l go up
,;_J..'C! "cl,o fc:.'c;:;,~
,n:r:h'is" irlcidsnt to~}~ 1Jl;-0':~ 'le the bt?t~lc: fo~.:' C.;~SSINO eround t~G
r.rl.dc11o.. Of::'0.-C:"v;-~"y 194":". --r1 11:./t'c '.'TC'TO tncnt-;t of Uf.:' gro-J.pcd toccGr:cl'"
in ouo bl':iJ.di:~rr. It':3 f:iX!'-~ t;) h'lVi; H f:''''icl-::.d dr' t,'.70 1,7ith ~;-ou, ;)rJt
in t~:i. s C'::-~DC, t::.JY'0 1'.'?:':-; -l~.l:-=-,': too rr:.].ny for on') building.. ~to 0'~'d_ld
i:lg ~:T\S f:.:;lic.lluc. :';" t~jU \~;L"" ~)lJryir;g all of '18. I ~:.T.S poarL'}? my
hnlm<;'c, ll:cki:ly, n'C t:- t.i.:';;,. -.--Lien Sfl-;od niy lifo. r_~:r friC':'1Js
rlorcn't so fO-;,."'tl~~f~tC. e!f tl~'~ t;.-:-urty, about one-thIrd ::ot Oilt :'1lj.vc.
- :?
the IT,:;'',ldle of -J(,_tobcr 19/..3. ~~.1r; h,:,.Q !"<..:.liIost cJonrcd th(~ toy;n ftnd
built ovr li~;; "n its no:rtb ~:I'n ":;d[fO., S OT-:(-:10~-, someone; i'r:.ilod t.o
r021izc the 'r,'1'Oortr1!1c. O~: n. ro~d block., E'lrl~T the! a,"-'xt Il0rt!ing,
tr.ro Jerry hCt:'Lf l:.:Lc'cks ,'_~rd on.:; 2-}~ ton -;:..rucl.r: ro:Ll"d ~_::-/(.O J~l1c- rr5.ddle
of to-::n 1.7i til t':1e int.~Dtio:;. of "o~:_oY~~~_ng D. bridgQ ~ TJ.-.lQ t:r"'.ck nE'S
lo;~.dcd ,l.i ~.''1 'T'~,~.~ ~
~ T.C~ iJ 7; .L.L"Y ~-:[;.s & S j;lU-Jli S"J.:::/ri. ~cd (i. G -:10 ",,'oro,
:::0 ]-:0 ;-:itbdrr,,-- :"_,-, ~o_ hi ~ h -,l-r",r"lck'"' af'ter 'f'""-' Cr:-..-'t1U'r-,~ ~-11'\ tr"rk
neFF J
135'::.,h I:"1.1'nntry"
nCc:at.J.ct b:~ T.'"j ~YJal 'l~:"!.l:"S '>1:' ;.~;:-.'-lio 1-s ~;8snntit;,1 in strnct
fightiLg "us ~" .T'r'::L ~'l~it;::; r1-:'.'~: -:'L{! ".:,r.ro1_" ~7il "toy"n J n (tf::""~: [''''nt sector s.
At ,~jf~~J V~'l'T,r!KS Cc:mlC'.,~~:;" Hr i l,',:;,s told "'up 4 bo:'T'S by friendly fil"e
from Company TlXI1 Ir
rubLl,-) prosuP.1B.bl,y Gr'Jf..~t,:;c:. b;'l Our o,;-:n <r-d,l~ ~rJ ~ll1d tf;.r~-;: f_:2.~o" Their
fires f.-ere ~:;GIJ. pliJ.r.?}:X~ &nd coordi!:.'1tcd so -:',hr'.t (;r..ch gu..t1 1'i:,':'.S ~ov~',rod
by n)1othor.
':'0 gain our r'j.r8'-::~ f0ot:lcld in t!lC to:-m ,:;1'") used smo1(o dnd tcmks
support8d by inf'J.ntry. J.-~v.> i :-:-/--'o.n-':,ry unncr uno-usorv0d firo rOillovod
n:.inC:':1 Lna. fi~~l;::c.~ lL nr~t:i.-t~~Lk :::"i'tc.'r]()~; to &3sist ~he advancQ 01 tho
On r[;,i',in~ the r'::'J~3t 'ootb..clJ ',?C got tbo men in. hailjj,nr,n
and. cons01ic.n:!>~;d OY,T po Git~_0r: ~j ~.-_-i
prxt:1_ ell: '?_r attnntion to gotting
b2~,-:ool;:ns :' ~1 1,q...~pc: nll;::b~;-:':- pl.',;.,:;--::d. it. tL3 r.o.:;t fOT:7crd p0;Jit.::l_on;::.;.
G(.n-m~.n tenks i~! t~:_~ s scctoJ' l-=. <~ c''';cn gi"',Tinq us trm.J.~)lG,. but tllO
G::;rr-'."n nrmor ,'_n_c~! t i~otr:.:- r "'..~s ~_!: :-::.l~SSlN() becr,usn ',-,TC~ h"d S:") rr~_n~r
h:1 z,coL_- S v:'32.1 fu:::""'r.:i"rl
~'h,:" ::"',~;00~:_:' rlro7c'd to be e. vGr:i c.-r'f ('cti vo
r.~c;['.pon in strc-,"-;t .r'ighti'1[',.
It 1.':".5 tIle ;3CUJG. lr-r.QC23I d:trcct fire
o.r-'~il::"()r:r n,nd -:'Ji t::-) V:-1'7' J.:.-'-.:, '1:,1~; i~':!i3tl"uction ;- nd DJq: ('~rion(!o C[:i1 to
, ..... -'~'r'c-,.
,C'.,l'nC( . .-.:]
~nd lO","or
.'. v_. '-'v
J.. .... _
r. ....
..... _
__'--" 0.001"8 <,.
l,-.~crc covcr(:d by l'i-~" D.-:~ t.i~c;-3 ~'~':::' L:-~d to m.. . . kc':-: ot!FT cntr2ncoS t.o
t~1(;SO -~"J.ildirgs ttrc'-_:~'h ~J:ic}': stor:.::' ~:."e.l~s.
If tZiYlks coulr"} co manou
vored to shoot tc:'_._- s in tlv:c,::' '.',-.'--115 , it ';-,','J..:) d.)Jl.c.. Otb..::r;:isc.1 t.hu
b8.zooka Y,;~'-:8 u,;'Y'.d. I~;, O~'l,_, ~LL2tnrC'.t..: it, took r.il'h .['ounds to !,(:t 2. hole
big onol\;h to ;;0 :'hr.n.-,g~"l. :"_f':.cr en cr.tr,'-'TIcn -17".8 fo~md or I"'cudo a
gron-,,~do o_lrm,ys rrGc;:'l~_'d t.h,_: i::.lJ';-:,ntrymr.n i!'!to tI-:;t~; rOOD if t:::or'J rrr.s
cny 'l'Jossibility of G-C!"IT:':r:G ~':--,i~:g the'ro. 1;-1 ccso..<j ~,:huro a llOU:-:iC
cOU1d not bo ";'rroGch(d, t"rJ<: ;-i.r.; ',ins -Jsod to L;vcl tho building
to thn grounci.- Of course, this s~_~vo th,_ G0rrn.~:n8 SOr:lC \,vondurful
j __'
rubble piles to huild c~mouflrg~d cmplncoments but thoy lost the
overhend cevGr "'or crtLllc:r:y rnd mortar fire. 710 "Iso used nn 8"
h{H7itzor on sornj buildings,.
cni!' bo fired ,"dt:b. precision 2nd
chnngos as small os ten ~>c,:'ds c".n be mrde so ',70 used it on t",rgots
uithin 50 yards of 01T 0',[; troo)'s. '10 onlloo. it sniping "lith nn
Sf! hOT;. ~':lorto.rs c-rQre not .too effoctiVa :c,gr.inst the buildings and
Horo used m,".inly ~,~ ho:cr:ss end Ld:erdict pr,ths.
Snip8rs nerc; ,jf:ploy:;d fI'c(>ly by .poth sid8S nnd sometimes I
em inclined to tl~.:~~J.~ th~ -1:.. th8 GormClns h~d morc SUCCess than v,e did.
During the lulls our mon "ot c".roless Qnd b'ec"mo excGllent targets.
On the beachhead at 1',EZrO th,c opposite soemod to hold true.
In tho house-:~o-hollse fil!?hting or room-to--room fighting most
of tho fil8n preforrod the Tomrry.gun "nO. because of its size profor
rod tho cc.rbine to thr rifL for ,.;orking in close qutcrtcrs. For
didcnso, mQchinu G11ns, Goth light tend hCC0cVy, and Bfll's '.7e1'O pltcced
'.7ith tho for'72rJ. eloments.
",ne n '.70 VI8rc in C!,SSINO the nights \Vere very d"l:'k so l it1ile
offensive 2ction 1,7CS attomptcd. At times VIe vtould have
vc,iy ..
limitod objective of S'lY the next houso. In mnny cuses 'No I,bn's
Lnnd l consisted of about n liJ-yard spewe between t",ro houses; this
YJns ic.oal for playing cntch ',lIth gronc.dos. A grcne.de th"t; oxplodos
on' in:pact could heve boon usee" tit night we r;ould make rcndjust...
ments, l"olioj's, brin!; up sU'P?lios, nnd Dv['.cunto killod Rnd \"Jourldod.
Th8)~1J'_:'1d cnrry ~7D.S onJy 8.~out 200 yr.rds.
Except in tho most fOr\7nrd
positions movcrecnt :ms compocl'r,tivcly snfe.
C1e hnd no 3,00 rocdios r,t this time end the 536 17ns usoless but
~'.ro us_ed sotmd po'::or peones to nIl pl,'ltoons and outposts,
'Hiro nuS
being knocked out contir:Clclly by "'rtillory nnd mort:cr fire so line
men end 'runnoro T!Cre; kopt busy.lI
- 4
lIlt is roc()r:~cndcd th . -d~ i:::-~edi ...., tnly follo;':ing '""!ny' such spoil..
ins 2.t':c.r:ks the n!lUP'-"Y ho:, f1:r[lW:.:d -\d.gorousl:7 either by lJf'.Ssi.r:g
t!1I"ou;;h t.h(; disorg~~l:izod ,,-'ss,'.ultine troops ',':ith ,1, reserve or by C'.
r:'.~id rcorg,<:'"niz,..-,tioc.
7his!, I b-:12.cnTO, r.lill ('n",b~_c us to P('ss
thl'ouGh, in, or ~!.rol.md tho rotrc'nting enemy forcos ':.nd '.~:ill prevent
hiD f'rOl'l cstc.blish:n2' hiT"1so:'i' on r.. nt)y{ torrr,.:In i,'r)!".t"(;ro. Such
" " " t? 0 f iL_.':>J..
C' ~,
m:l d 0 \oy t",,hlS ',' ror;-';" rf!C'~1 t "In ~h
..... C VlClnl
~lL "0 reS1}1'"t.re d
in our troops '__.r~~1k:i~g tt.Y'Ol"t), ,_"-,, CDC:r1Y position "'.Yld cstf'_hlish:1.ng
thatl-!solvG(J upon th(' h-ir;:t rrov...rld to the QYlC:Yl:r rC'-',r r:ithout s-L:fi'ori:'1g
one. cr:.su:clty., \':h(.~L"'~Y.G it h,'"]d :::ccn j.rlposs5_o1c to gr.,in nn:r grolL""ll~
\':h,~.tsoQvGr d'urir:g th-' h()~'-:::,;?~ of li,-S!t. 1I
g. r.tountr.in ~"l['.rr[lr~: lli.vc::vnc Yl() T1' _Y.f ';:)~~,ic principlc$ "rid in r:1ost in
stnnces in It[tl~T htl.s not required Gr(-~cj -"-~l troops. It cions rc~cp1.iro SOlJG spcc,i~l
oquipJ!lcnt - particulr.x'l;r ,.r~rr.:c:: c] ()t~-:i.nG f'_~d light Vdf~pons. The Gxtr(;~Gly
- :5
difficv~ t tcr:r." in .-- r ~':J','!1t':"r .)0. in th !")0~J:t" i:cs re:l1Ji2:"OS nC'~ to vnclcrgo c}:
trono h' rdf,}!:L'~'; ."y:d r:cc:-;~JS~:.. t-:tc.G t.:!:~ ~hy~;ic'-',l c(\r.di tion.
liThe ~r tt"ll_on rc:~ j.Vi .,J. til' ~-:'!1.G01.on of t.---king Ht. P/}TT~'~:\TO ~~nd
it:. It -'<'-'s to 'l.Y
dr.~.';_: ..-~tt,~'_ck.
r',::.: oxpl."-l1&tion 1"_r:LII st.::'.rt
r~X'tLr t}.!~~ obj, Ct:i_V0 :b~d bf<:lJ. t,,:~>:nn.
Inllortr,nt f oct;] obs-;J.'v (~ ,~.:r'-'t,,~;r ob5ect,i~J:_: h,"-,d heen t".l;;:cn~
(,r:.) ,',F"':tmition ':m 8 'l( r::.r 1iY"1tc.'d~ of)r~cict:LJy hlne Grcl1':'.c1,. f: o.t:.c:
to the fc:ct th"""t, clir::oiri t; :ld "!Jr'.~n~ c'-usr~s the r:cn to lose tl::~)]".
(t) }'OClG. '.7.'":'.8 r:.ot n 7':lnjor ~.tcr_ 'ur'C,'~J.H::;C m~-n h .... d. no desire: to
o['.t in -l:::;rr"".J c:"tv,.:;:.ti-tic[) '.. :1-_iJ f:! g:hting&'
W,').t~r 2~.:prlv r_:,o"1.:; V,.. I';,T J5:]jt d due to In.ck of ,::,".t:-;r c,"-x::s
:'hllJ" i."ound,....:d I:";!1 :r..,:",dcd ',7r.ter for Tlcd.lc--:.l trcv.i:.-
in 8:',ch cor.~p'''''.ny.
tiELtod. In this ~~Yr:~ 0', t\-_':~rr'_in GnorlY aro concQ0.J.cQ -,:nd G:::,~,-ct
p07,rcr :'::0 nevor knO-,.m -~mt.tl cl..ose cont"'ct is g-'linc~d.
OnE' o1:s(;r"'i-:)(~ i'''"l:lt. .:':lie}l ',-_~nS navor cor}.~ectnd on thio !:Lis$ion
\7-~,S the, USc of :,(l."Cti-rl<) i;~~X.. D.
Tho h0T!Y ~:~c::rpont; comp2,ny shoulrl
i"J,~.7r',:YS h~~vc; Guft'ic:l.\:-nt r.:':, .113 for trf"I:sport'L1f t~"oir ~'1CC;V~-.f ric:.-:pons.
In this
L.. . '.TD
is no
nCf'.l1S of tl'.:;.nsport-.~ng -:.-c- pons cxc'~mt to :-crrry tLQn, tton the: hc(t.vy
lfc::-'.l)OtlS cOrlpnny El:orlJ C~l"TI.fu \")"'lcT i'ror.--.. ~f,-t0.r cool()d gun~ to the
light J:"c1::j_!},.:; 6{,; :--':3 ['uch '~.;"-~ the rii'll. Gomprm5,(;E h~~vG. 1fl'hcn the bf'.t...
tc.l:i.CJ'r1 j S 0:1 -tb.-) defonci1/I'; i~l I~:Ol:.r.t[:.i;J. to.r~r:.in th~n hu,-V)'"" [~uns might
bo nGed ~: :,.~ _in.
T~l(; l.':-.tt~~l:,o:n 8-.4 ,s'"1orlcl ~l,'-'V':: one lieht T:l:' chino glUl p'-=.r CC"JE
pr-,n:- on n'''nd --t n.Jl t.inen" ;','lr.~'}y "1'C lest due. to CDom;? ,'-\ction e
'.r:-w ob5~J~t~.vo \,'GS t_''..k,.r, -.-.ith very littl rGsict.<'~tlce. Thio ''-;:'3
duo t.o r 3l-:rnT'irx; ;-,;t.tnck .' :r:ld tIl') C'meJ:lV Y!C;ro not in t~(;ir pon:i.tionB.
l!..bout r'_Y:. hcu~ :-:l'to~ ob.~ L'(;'~i v,.' '-.'~',n :':'0,'" ~chod. f:nd secured, ',::,h(' lX<)I-.'iJT"
cQuntorc.tt,LC1Ai t.o rep;;~i1[ th~'_ n~::,~o'!.lnd but f'"'.iled" Th,.::y :'11:-,':'.1 .;it,h
drO'.7 to tl:,_) b:-:.so 0:"" th(~ l'ji21 ""~<l -':JlJ DODn rccci-v(':d :--D nrtillory b:--.r
r~,g() follorJcd by morto.r r'j r':' , They then tricd to rCW'i!' 't;,d,r lost
ground, cur.tlnuin[i t1.1_:ir ""tt'_CY.. G Boven J.lffot',::nt t:i;r'.CD dr'I'ing tbo
dey on tho S,:1rlG P:Tt, of' o:1.r, line.
We r'lr;ost lO[it ou::, o'::;jc)cti.rc: {'or scvor."l .!.'o-;,sons: l::-r;k of
,~~T!1r:.1mition :~.l'}cl h::l'ld f!~~urc.dos ,"n.d t'~dJ.ilr:c
cc,'lT'luni~,--:tion8 to tho
.o.rtHl.ory. For niGht ',',brk 010 " Fount::cin, it is .vGry-ir.portc,nt to
hevo flo,rcs.
- 6
AftGr "',11 '.Jt"-,('.kG h" d f- il,'d for tnc- C;'lorrr i!'l this GC1'?,tor, tho,,;r
triad to out-fl",r2, the; 'nozt po"mt.in 'nd th',n put rnchi,;o :;un ~,nd
theroforo, to ,'_~l:-,-r;ys ::[:.v,- r.o!';-,v;et~YJZ:: files 1.7.Lth ".11 fl'"lnk uni-Gs :J.nd
troublQ .
The elo~hir:.g,. y-'h'::n -:{(!t, sl:ould be ~;rrung ou-f:. f' or. 0. d- ,::-,p picco
of clothing' is net ~:::Lr 2i~j l!lis,'T'"Li.-;lt; '-'cd disc:)?,:fort,i~g "::; n. oo('.ki~g
not, pineo.
I~or the tod, inst.c2d of 1;,'"tn:1 on the cold, dr.I"lp g:rOUD(I., ~,~OU
"l' gotb
,. -r~'
"'+ ... ~, 1_ong gra ..c,.J 0 __ . C~l.... (l)(),- .... ,.-\. lJ'l-'O~n -'-hl'
C '_.~
'-' '~L-'T up dv>"\~
",J 1"
'. .c
\ '.
tlC'.r:.kots c::-:.n t.:~ pl':euL, Tt.~.3 >80~JS tbc: cold from P:~;llc~r,~,ting tho
j u.
,,~ ......,-.'
. .J_,,)
~ U
--, ,'-'.,
01"; II
~: T'10U,..,,,tl'
Corpo;rlCl CH:.RES
qCii,'; ':', 135th In1'~ntTY.
IIIn the h:.r,dl~,xs~ of "~;~l>"~~~ 1r: th~~ ffiountnins, they should. hover
bo rlwhcQ -{.'horo t:1C gOf~2:: i;] t;JP~-::l1.. Th3 r.'_ul.;~,: r.:111 'J.su:-:11:,'" slip
und '0.11, U:1scttJn,:,,' til':' ,,,,,t.ol,:, lo'J.ci ..
During- on{-) 8X!-~LTicnc,; of tti s ki!'"d, ':"JG :;:e!"e t~k~"ng P. rnulG
t.ro..i.n ,'-'.cross c.. !"1udd~" strC"'tch of grol;nc1 ':7hich, ['~t one tir.'}c, h:-f1 eGcn
r:. cord"To:r rond. r+t~~:-tj.-"-"g ;cross nt ,~ hurY'i"'rl I':'Ge, !"'. Yll~rr.1J8r of
tho 1:1U1('8 \"Jore pusl:cd of:'. 7,'1(- ::'0.:1::1 n.::xl bec~m(; I::irocl rC8\J_ltLr,,~ in
J:lll.cll t.ime boing lo~t in I'C'1.no"'d:~r.9: i,nd getting unjer Wt:l.y.H
!tCf '"'.11 t:iJo" Ie'soons l~;'~rn':-cl on tho fiol;~. ~Jf co~brtt, cr.,en only'
cm~l::',sj.Z8t': th.:.: t(j,'1(::h'"ir~gs fo"~d ire the 'field rr:~1.Lu:tl8.
EYDry tir::o ("
cr.rciinr 1 I'ul~_ _ ".i~,2 broknn .:: C:'"',3-:1'---.1t.~.r resulted.
!)"L~rine on,:,' r~Y'.3'G of t~l' J~ol1.nt~,in flcLting my plr,tbon (.h.~;~~in
in the v~_ci~j_t"/ (;'~ r. nroninn::t tr~il ~uneti()n. T}::.:-,t CV"mi!lE; ',Jetty
thrcF some 170":0 :-,.+, ~ h,~..:t tr,-;.il ">~rrGt i;!1 ~ r'.II~~ ul['.toon. s-;..~-f' c"od threo
C(',su~lt,iG}3. Rr.;2ults could }V-':'-.r,"]"cc!un \-.'orsc. Lecsor:. lc ..,;,.. Y'.c;c1 - ['.void
:""'Cl' "".' 'T"'o<::""'~'ol" ",,'J '-rC"IJ'V"\"l'1t lO-l,J ~.
;,1. ,...lrs
'J ~"hich
0'. i-}j,((1t
I zcro,:::c. iIi', s\ll~l:. G'[' Grose. rc-~,.J3, trr~il. '"'.L.d ro~.d j"L:,:clctib~r:.s, 'm".in
.. ;
. . d'~_.'
,,.,c,,... CCL1
out. 11
Tochnic[',l 30rgo:1nt
P. SYl:'JI, 135th
!tIf the tcrr'dn is (.. sp':::'c1"J.l~:r stecp end the going conpIicr.tod
by ~. Duddy tr-.il, th~ DQ!l"rC 'rot to 10s8 conto,ct, This esrccinlly
npplios to r!8~~.paY.!s plo:tooY:s "'vi conpf~!lie$. Unit CODY:1D.nctors s'10uld
tccko into conciderc.tion hu,-,~n linit,to.o!lS on such difficult """rehos
~. ,Nir;l1t !~tt2C!s..
ISxtrorncly (~i:f'ficult to c~,rry out., G niGht "".ttc~ck is
nevertheless -c.hc only T:lotllOd "ss1Jrcd of rn6.-:;AYl'R.blB SUcCess ncrass opel:. croUllC1 ~.nd
Ggninst tho Gcrr.}:'n m'"'_stcrs ~).f't.~::!'rni!.:. Tho Division, onCQ br'ttJ.c S(;Qsonoo., ~-!['.s
nlwo,ys prcfc:!-"l'cd this type of' ':.tt,~~ck ~Jdor t~l_e ,':'.bO"J8 circumstf1:lces, Clut ec.rJh ~2n
queried onph"s:LzGs tho necessity for strict control to losson the possibility of
lost contt~ct >[/(,' "een ::::tto.cki:lf:; (::lomf;n-:'s. ~"_ttnck pl',_ns must be the 8$SSDCC of siro..
plicity. He otGr::':r concoi vod double cnvelop'.1(,nts gor.or;elly only r8cult in friendly
forces shooting i-l!=, 8~.ch ott:E]r"
I'.':inG Fields.
(d) CO::lJ~.unico.tiQns.
Yh h,']ve found it sor:".;";timos ~JivC'.nt~gcov.s to lo.uncp..:} night
nttack in 8. coluFn of cO!'".p,~.:aics. TLis method h'ls been q...lito 8f
factivo whon the, roginc,Lt ho.d 'ocen stoppod in d"ylight o,tk,cko, ;end
['.ftor the en071.Y opposition h".cl :,ec~~iv(;d '\ PUT::'r.181ing from our c.rtil
lery, cr-,nr.on T'.nd mort'1r fir0 du~ing the dnyligl--.:t :"tt,'lck. L s~ocific
oxc.TJplo of this type of nttc.ck \;- s th,', .,,-ctian of' tho bO,ttc,lion
"gcdnst L!.IWVIO. The b,tkHon f'orl'cd UP'lt night, moved off using
,.., ro~'_d cs its guiding [txis for ;.dvo.ncc, sr_oulder8d it.s pry througb
opposi t.ion to tbe high grour:d in b".ck of LLNUVIO bcforo dr.ylight.
Tho r'.ction cctught tl:c cnc::-:.y :T:l surpris8, iI,nd by rapid d8plo:yr.~orlt,
1'!0 '"lora c.:-)lo to button u? the obje,ctivo rend hold it GfliJc othcr
friondly troops ~jopPQd up ,md !:loved into position to continuo the
,~.c1vc.nco upon nO!'lli.
/i!lotbcr ()xClmpl., of' this tctt-.lion using the se.r.l0 ",(,ttod oc~
clJ.rTQd in its nigr,t ilction ~.gr,inst COLLE /~LD:RTI (high eround (;r'_st
of LCR:L~HZ!~i';/~). Pric,fly, -t-,hc sitU("tion for this r.ction '.7",8 C.S fo1
101:S: The' 3rd B",tklion, 168th Infnntry RCcgimont hn.d been stopped
in its ctt[Lck on LCEE~~ZI;],'" by cnorlY opposition locr.tod in I,ORE:i.\TZf.. Hf..
r-.llct tlL; high ground or: COLLE tLBrnTI. In thi s instnnco tho h'--',ttn.l
ion gc.in ,~ttc.ckcd :i.n 0 colu",l1 of canpe.nics, shouldering its He,y
through to tl,,, obJ:,cti vc, cCltcrcing tho cnol'W by surprise '~.nd o.t
d[,yUght buttoninc: HD the ob}, ctivc~. Tho criticrl timn for both of
those: ".tt:lcks \"P"'.s" t):_~t pc:::iod. \7~1Cn lcadin~ clomonts of the b,"',ttc.lion
ly"d ro,'--',chcd tho ob}::octi ~~ -; '--l1c1 orgn.nized '_', rapid deployncnt to mop
up cGhc cncomy th~t hod h"I' b:7 -p".fJsed or th"t rrd.ght be locded iCl
ccny direction. Upor; thc' cir.'3t r,ws of sunlight thee bC,ttcclion
- 8
- 9
" ":rt is 'tl'IY' l?ol1a:t:. and others share the some opinion, thnt some
men are afraid of the dark. To belei't(".lone and lout ill nerve ,
T'o estnbU...h collfidenee in personnel, sm,,,l1 ,groups should, "tart
out into the h1l1~ unfAiUlhr,to thf111'. and indi1!ciud;lybe sent oo.clt'
to 8 dU'f'erent place., this will notanly inilttil dOnfid~coin men
but will t.Fain them in 'rounding up'
the detaU;s thtit lIIl'ke for
individual trcJ.n1ng."
" ,
(0.) . If poasj,ble se.e the ground in. lk.yl1gbt. before ,moving over
(b) If 1101'king
mo.pe, 0. l/25000is. much better tillUll/50000
. (c) It is n.ecesso.ry to a llow ample tiMe. .
.' .
(d), . The rOOl" must keep oontMtwith tho front,..
(e} It. ia hol'fU.y possib;Le in hetlVY underbrush. to put, out flOllk
c ,,;;rr'
nigr;t. If youeari get a man to pull the trigger, the sound or his
rifle c.nd the rifle on the right and on the loft v!ill give him
sufficient confidence to pUll him right up to.-the objoctive."
- 11
USe of sand t"blos so ttnt every man knmi drlily the situn.tion. With
nny of the :.oove missing I'm .n.lmost sure the crossing "/ould not have
r d scvc~r"J_ r1E":n.
T'lC th:l.rd pl,~toon In linc t1:()n took the lc-d end s'71mg "-lry
irol:] th-.t "rece moving :l.n .' ,,):l.do circle "nd nfter moving apuroximate
lr 1000 ynrds this platoon ~lso ran into minos, wounding tiL pln
toon lerder, killin" t}".: conpr.r", 'cor:;:\~nding officer nnd rloundd
. . J:d killed !!loro T!:fn
.'.t this point, r:h\t \,,.s left of tho ".ss-.ult compnny reverted to
o.-.tk.lion roser';c' ".nd ".r.ot],er ccr.:p',r.y took t;:lC lead. Th"y strung
'Go th0 right .".nd Ggr.in oncounto:rud mlnr" ".101Ulding 3 officers ,".nd
s~voral <enlisted men.
It rinG then diy,idod to pull b'\ck 0. little
o.nd try to get through on the Lft, but once moro tho lend plGtoon
rr:n irto minos, vlOundinf mora enl ist-od m.:..-:n.
Tl1f: t.nt kHon c01:1r:lt.nd1ng officer so.\1 th~.t dnylight nns not
far off nnd docidod to du." b'.ok c.:ld try ',nother route far off to
tho ll;ft. In this "re'1 t'18 bn"tt,lion moved to the b::.se of the obo
jective cmd cnmo 1-1nder mnchine gun fire. FhE)n tho mrtchino gun nns
he~.rd Q sigh of rolief ,'E)l)t throng'" all the men e.s they kno1J the.t the
battnlion he,d clec.red tl!o mi.ned '~!'oe. nnd lias st:->rtQd.up into high
Tho b~.ttalion cont':.nucd up the hill in tho face of this mGchine
gun cnd mortar fire "nd scctJrcd its ob.iective, cD.pturing 15 enlisted
men r.1l1d 1 officer. Tho r'.;nson the bette.lion "ttcck vms so fierce
we.6 thnt nIl mon "!ore "nxio1J.s to be on the high ground nnd get into
the onell\Y's positIon, for they knrJ'CT there ,;oren't .nny' mines there.
The opinion ,;116 thnt '.f r:e had h9.d more time to prepGro for the
~,ttack, po.trols could hr.ve f'oclXd thu mined flrU1S '1nd m".rked them.
\7e could hnve then .k.d sC)mc lr,r.es cleared by the; engineers c.nd L &
P plntoon or hr,d 60110 trclcs prc-;Gcde 1:8 witl, the inff\l1try follol1tng
in tho tr.nk trr.eks, ,:itJ-; t.ho !:lined nref, cll'l1red the bntklion could
h:-o.ve s.:!ovc:d mnny of the cas1.:.oJ.tics that we rccedvod. 1I
tho pl,~toon luC'dur
- 13
q-F(r~_ir -:.';-,f; """~('n '~"1.~,"f, J.." O~-tC'Xj:r ~lo43. Tho batt~-tIi "i'l :~10vod
au';::. from:::'to bi V01bC 2)..r('"j~~_ e. J.:,. c..usk 12 Octobor c,l1d rlovod ir:t ... a i"G..:'T
D.8sombly urea. Ec.re tho of':f'icors chdcked t~Gir men and (;quip-t,;o!r~~
for such t1:iT2G"S t~o-: ~~r,~t,[:;-~_;~ to a y-j.F:;ht opr;T t:ton. Rl.dios ',:,-.TQ
cl:ocl;:ud ':::.lso.
Tho r}[!:. -')f ,,:'::,t::'-.cl..:: '.~.-:t.G for 111.'~n Com:pn.ny, fol1o"l,-'cd by l1CII .z:.nd
to w<>-__ ': tf:.0 ;,:; in ,):t:,"'ort. 'IB't Company ~:'r,s to cross
$,')(1 y'i.rds sP.st of bB-t.:tJlion and cr-G8.to a disturb:.~cG
H~:[j Cu~.~-",:_:,,"d'.. :J
.: -,_.
s-, ......
1f;:Ff, 3r(
c~.c; <fOD
TriG crossir.:g ~-:e.s t<~ ~(; n:Ldo --~i th the assistance' of infan-cry
,',s::ault. bosts.
J~s it turn'_x} 0:'t, these; bOr:'l-ts :7oron 1t necessary ~ as
i":, -'-.f;-l_G fO".lnd tb::lt tLc: r::'vcr U:)').. J1 '0(; _forded.
OncD t~;() \'>j."I,r~r '.: _.s crc,s::__ ~(l t11c comro.niU8 -.-TQTC to follor: C,n
,"',zin-..: th to a prcdcsi.gnC'.t :~c. ~"1-r!:1 ~;.:juc'C), 'l".hicb ':_'[' S en [.,sscmblJ,r ~")oi2.!t.
t]~c o.'~
'" ,"
L:" c...~lc;:::,"' CT!"',-:)~,:;: SCl'" ..r. ~f.~ld do~::n on O"Ll!' left fl~nk CC: 1.1Se:d
sor_~.O c~nCory;. ,2nd th::; ~;j ~"'rJ ~[,. ,~b-'i_f'_0 r;uns
;'To c~:nrgc;d to covor t!2is
t~_~Tr..: :-t., ;::-'fc.
c;1-;nt:.::'ru""' t~ c}: d "Il.::::lopcd.
Gor:.PQnir-~o Hi'fI ,.::}"} IJ'"r, 1--:~.'" -\'":--:,ri'1.:s llG.hc:'I"tOr's dtxiDC '~h0 day,
fGrc<;:: ':~h(_ unGutV
,.-:ithd:-.- .'.-" to -the.: hi:.~hc::, g:r'C't:!xl. This Elc.tion took
'~~itL; Dome: tl:!lC: ::',5 tlL _,n,.,r--:~r r~::-'c:-::in0 guns 1-07"0 '.'_'011 :plncod -:nd could
;~':'''\/'::"l'' iJ.is front vc'r:. T -::oll.
Durint; this period W)!l CO:!1:pany .f11.:~:3h.,d L group of (.'cbov.t 40
:In\...;!''.l\r iP":-:') tho o~c:<_:n. Th,:,;!.: th~ ~~_lf G T.Tcnt to ':.-:or!.;: and vur:l I(rt of
t:_~o Cl!U-;TI"J
got 2..::o.y.
"I' or th.. crossing of tho VOLTUKW "i vor, Uctob:or 13, llt 0200
hO'J.rs, F got svorything .orrc'1god end drill"d th.) pl~nned ,.Vcnck
or~~Clr iLto every ;n:;n IS rlind on 12 October.
c',lJ, Sllpp0rt r.,:,.cLin~; )~l:J1S
':.'0": p)1lcod n.r:d rr,y sectior, ~ttocho,~ to the "ss"ult cmp''.llY of riflc~
r.'en. ':','"c cro3scr~ t~8 riv8r '.-,rbich 17[1,S ['.bout 15(') y[trds ~,-Tido .".nd up to
4l feet deep. It 17-\S ~lC'lrY' s',7ift c'.u'r'Jnt 'l.cI ':.'0 li,'1U to string ~ Ii:::._',:
to 'kcop from r,ottinc "il'" shed CW";",I'11 str'J'~.r.,. The M"in tiling 1.78 gninLc1.
't7r.s ~u1!2,riso.
M{'st~y by cro~'slne 'diu]"; ~TE:rry m[.snft cxpcctj,l1E;' US
,-,nee C10E:8 artillery S1l}:po"t, -,m5.cb fell ,.,ithin 10'1 y.~rds u!,strect\
fro;: us [',11 the tfhtlr: ~~;c crar,SDrl ..
It r:tl8 ver;/ succ~saf1;J. and we b~d gained the ob5ective about
1500 y:::rds on tlle otl:Jr 3'.de of th,-, d ver, "llthout Jerry getting
cor.1plot81y organ] zer1. F 1st Movement rmd very good contr01 of c.rtll~
lory uith cloDe in suprort, to kee,p Jorr~T dorm unt:tl r:e ~-.erc r~gl-.:t
on him, ';7ns mr.inly rosponsiblo for t]l,:: s'~ccc;Jsf'1.i.l I;d.soion. Tho
no.chino [(un pIe,toons' cnrrl.ed bec.vy mnchina g1lns ct t~at tiTT!C ""~ld. it
'\1::1.$ very harr.l t.o keep up to n fast movj ng f.t3SnuJt te,~n.
L~t.or "'.:8
chc.nred to lid-:t ~.ncr..in(. gvns for B8so:!11t l.nd ,.. ttnck rl07Gr.:ents
and the~l' V1L~~!'e mu~h (~D.si(;r to l:'lndle anc~ j'_~st r..S good fire parler 11
v70 UGe ther~ nIl ~,he ti''10 !}Q1,7.
Thu h:nvy m'-~chinG ,t!UTIS .:Ire co:rri-d in the clnttr lion supply
trc.in r.nc1, TIC [J,ctur'll;r }y'.vo ncve.t~ usee.. tr.OI11 sir.ce, ()}::cept on de.r cn
siv(J lCos;.tions ',C; the bCSlc!-b('rd ,".t tNZIO. ThGre ,;8 corld h,'vG 1.'Sec1
l1.g:l1ts jli.St P.S i:;nll- rLncl it seeMS th.'":! hanvy m,'1ch{ne guns PTG jns~"
e:-:eC3S lug8nge in this typu o..:~ war. n
E.. r.t,E.Qd J-rQ;:,'"',i.~~"2!l2. Th,--, I;Cl.tr:Jl in t::K, "'''ir.tr1,:_ nn'11;rs Lfl is th(: m~ j or
source of' enCJi1,\' il~forr-;"t2.o:n, l:1ti.l(~ t.l.d)Y'(; r<,re lini,!,,-,tioLs it is tlv r,...~,trol ':7no
verifi(;s tho En.' ~T,j 1'1 re'Oorts or. t,1~('; t~r01JIld. Irl the curly (:nys on t::1C .'l~ZIO
Ber~ch~efl.d, Tlho<:'c '~ILtr{Jllin~ lP"1;;; 'most G1!:"~,pn'1iv-), ;.t ~.7ns i'o'lnc.1 th~t ~\..thx:s used
18ft mFc~1 to b.~ c:ucircc1. V(jr~J f3W D:ci50!"'r::..\.-~ Il.~'i br.,'!? tr.k:-n '1nd th'3I'c ',:ore
large ~(a:~-r'O.c8 'Jr. 'tJrB di\risior:.'Y front" for ,hiC'h }';C1 ~_n.f0rmr-tion hrj b3en fortpcofIill{
for as m1l~h --'s T,l::'[,cc ':'60k,s~ :1:0 rfn~e:t\Y tL? citJ..:.F1.t:::'on r'- SpGCii'c:.. pn.tro::' ,'!I'OUP rf[,S
orgc.~ni~.,jGQ in 2r.c> :c~eg:.rn(c;t of 701~.:nt''-:'Qr [~on. GivC:D lwmC2 ;;UC!:' [\.8 t~c lC8tL
ln~nntry hct-~l(::Gn'"'.LC's, tllO l33:L"d Inf,'lnt'.~ :lad Lr:',_.ers "'Xtd thr; 13~th 1nPr.~-::.ry
BIilG Dovll.:;, t-:ll. ::tl::!J J.5v<.Jcl ;-"nd reh0nrscJ. tl1('ix' c':Ier:.itions if' ttc: rOf'..r ,:-'.re:.:::.. In
n relntiv':'l;J sllOr't time tree new or[:r,nizections rr;.wcd their r:orth end provided
tho di"is;on y,itL " ',7GL.lth of ir.i'OI'M"Ctior,.
Fh',,'::' LLoutun,mt HfJWLD C. BIGEOP, lG8th Inf::mtrJ.
1. C'lre1ussncss in moving for;~rJ, resulting in discover;: ty
R,:::con~l~iss'1rlCe. pn;:"'rols of ;; to 4 men, combn.t pf:l.trols or
mo.jority of cn~ies.
"On M['.~r 13, It.'4,~, I r.ovrd ou~ \7it,. r. fiv.G-r:.:"~'1 p:'"'-:202., C~O'71'~ I"',
deep JY"['.-:; TJ.nr.ing. !Jcr"'cnrl:tcu..l~r to thr" 8:!"l8i:1:" lines. '1:1.15:::; :::x,trcl
i,"'Q.S DO+ n bntt.J. 1.io'1 O'Y'\~,J~"'" but iL,J,0"t:en(~pn~~ !"1.cttop of "the pl.. . . -;,ot)n.
r:e ~'_OV" d n ..:.t in f'"1. ~lr_"":.-_r ,,;hic'1 r:~_r: -.~ri~~i'1 rnJ Gffol"c1eJ good CO:1C6,"'.1
l.t;"_" -1..... "1" .. ':~J-_'C.i.~li_.1,
I irLe:'p- If-d Ly rtc.?l thnt OlT r-i;:!zior \/r'[; +,0 in
V8,3"~i.~~,t'J t~i:.;: d:L'(,,.' for .n.~rl'OYi..'1r_tol:f Bnp y!:tr(:s r,.nd fighc on!;l if
ne~eS3nr~/ ..
It .-:,~,C my r1csir8 to .i,...:l.P~"JrL n GO:Y'mn:r.., jf possiblG, .~~nd I b.e
lic1!od oot tb~t ~iElq of' d~.y hu ;'oul(L !:.ct -De ~1,lG:::"t 3ince there neve:;,.'
~f) 1tJW' dfl~rti;je r.ct2.vity on tL-::-~ lJG~/.::t'1o,.,d.
\"0 pI'ocoocitJd iT'. a:tnt;ID fjlc Q.o,:n tho d.rrYf for . .:pptorir.t~.toly
600 ~!'-'.r(}s until i.<le C'1me to n. Lenc: 1.r. tL,G c.rr.n,~r nfter whic'h it
- 16
Btr::.i[fhtr>nod OlJt ::' :'l?:" ,~'C;01~t 15'1 ~r'"'-rds... .'.t th:)_G point, I observod n
Gormeu":. cr,.'l'_'] inr. .i.x~~o .., ~~."C~::Lll'-' G~1:1 ro,si tim: "lP on tht) side of the
bnnk rtbout 151) ;/ _:.~- :~3 r:_, __ ~.y. I J.r:.:'t three :::on be~l:i..n:t ,,,t this point
in position to p.?J~cr; fi_l'C O!l th-;.t ~~_m 8hol~J.d th<r open up. ~:ly
to:n, t~lC. !."'ight conp"''',n;; f'J~ 1,Y';cj th(; Sr:L,~; ::-outo. Tl-.e onony h,,,.d
con c(;ntr: tuc-1. m0n In th t. .'Ject, or. T~l\)Y stopp'::::d. '"'.n entire C01!1pc.ny
in <i:)1c first st"_gc. of [lttl.ck.
O~_l!" :r,ft comp,'"'.ny noved QV'Jr 110177
territor;y" ,:-dthout rcceivi!1_:.: fire or cont'"'ct."
- 17
lilt hr.s b~on !Tf ozporL.l'co th.-.t in t':!o' tYre of -ction enCOD.n
te!'ou in tho lClst phC'.so. i. G., r del ~yi.ng nction by c. snell Dedy
or 1y ". lone snipar, th"t to scouts nre not stl'ficicnt. I used
fror' thruc to five ,"on lS".n ",dVCl"CO pc.trol, pic':ed for thoir
coolnosE "-nd '::':!~T(~csi-:,~'.:n'-':'8~, in p-octic'.l:L:r e"'lcr"'j' f"I.dv".uco r.1,.... d.c ~
!Tf plntoon
. E'or ,'n :i,nstc:'lce, r s ...." cntro!'od tbe torin of. (JR'.TORIO, bordE;r~
inL; OIl the ~:HNO E:;:vc.;r, an tr,.( ?L~th of J1..J.:!.Y, '"::(~ were .in G. colunn of
plc.toons, my pl"t-oC'n, thn ")":'!G., lo"'ding. ThE,; "\f('J~cror..tionBc1 point
pO-trol of, fi'ro !"fCD, 2~rr'8d ,:,ith ~uo-mc,.chin( c:uns nnd tto rC1'lc.inder
r:ith II,'I-l ri.fles, eL'-:>jro~l tho tur:-n :':1p:)ro:~in2~tsly 40 ynr.;is. ,. . . he'J.d of <
the pletoon. /.8 "'c~':oy n'-~;:',r0d t~J; ~o-:.rn sqv.-:.re, th:.oy wore fired 1.:pon
by f'. sniper ""r:':1r.c:. . i~jh '1 p"'-;cl:i:-;c pi.st('l. Ir.T"l8ci--:.toly., they took
cover r.nd 1 ~id "r ~C.'. l-.,wy volus8 e>f fire on th8 ponition forcio:1g
the sniper to wj.tlY~r.'"':l" ~=i' th(: C'_ls:tOl:l~~' 'J. scoutc hf.'.d be-en uced,
it Trould n.ot h:-~,;ro be,.,.]"'.. :Y'Issi..!J].') .to b'.lilr1 'up s::lffi_ci911t fireporrer
d.thout duployir:g -:b p]" .tu,,~ 'ndlocin" vc,lLi""lblo time.
This fort'l"',tjo.:~ is . . lr,o tls::.yful i!l hOf'.viIy J100dcd soctions,
'.7hero t\,:o men C.""T.l1ot m;:p.iy r(;cor~noiter r9utos 'for17flrd, thereby'
c101~~,ying thu ndvr.. nce .. If
Skff 8ercennt >~IC::.'.EI, D. C')1jRTEil.'_Y, 13Jrd Inf,{ntry.
"Dur.in, tlJe perioc. of J1'ly 7 to July la, ISM, ilL" conp-.ny
WC.G moving thr'Jug~1 r.ttr.ck <"\~:Cter '1ttf!.C'lr., ~::e kert i.cv1.ng ~.S these
nCV';-.ncc~ 'r/err:; r . . . pid.
Llse 't7C 'l.!"lre c :ught"in quito 0. ferl t~:-;-.p:J.
This brings up tho point of scouts. Tho scouts, in t;l' :point of
vioi.- r,tp;r,e no"':.:f~~r .c!::")"lJ.gh out r;.ncl 1icn't rc~Jl:T t::.ke time to look
Extrr.ct Hietori.ccl
/ C of S, G-.3,
"Tho 34ti1 Inf Div '7[\5 ~:hoJ.ly on the defensive '~hr,'ug:1out April.
At no time in itc combc.t 'cistor" .r'.d '1.0 '':'i'!ision be3n on t:l0 defensive in
such unfcvor.':\blo torTnin. rkC.C.:l~~ o:~ th': c::;rr:"' E r.dYm:k.e8 jn obsorvction,'
movement in tho regi~ont"l nrrcc:3 'T.e .'"st-rictEd. to tho ho1:I's of dr:rkncss, und
even the most ror.:Y":'nrd ollJ1'2nt,: cf t'h8 Di"i.,i.on ,;eC'8 dug in."
t L'"
l.e'!vcnc,n: r..:.:..
,~, '-..I. n:"CHCP
'i ..P-' ~ ,
_ '- 1..;' T'"
r.. . . nnt z:y:..
F lrs
in ".
- 19
r'w', liN) of
fire ~nc~ nft(;]" sond..r np f,"'r the G,~1;_~:~1 Ic~~rlcrs, h~~:t thr:i'1 :nl.f".CC tLoir
sq:),.. . . (~S in tl1::;~;_O rosi.tiQn~~.
~l.'~l'(. hC:n'1,-::i "1'\r'.cJ~i.:n'3 -'J,It ;::;(.ct-:~c'n' c ..... :::c f()r.1~.rd . . . nd I split it,
plr.cin:: one gun 01:. tl::, l:-Jf-t. l~,';r,-" trey cOlll_~ cross f ire ~:.it.h_ the
l;l!.it on our loft (80"':p ...-,.r:y i!111, 1../ Q t}! Irf) n.ncT CO"'lor Oil!' front. The
ot'b.or I put o:r tr(..: 'f'i :,;llt -,-,'hrn'(; it CC-U~I~,: COV(or OlIT' front '''.IlIJ ::'.180
crosr:; fire nith both -t,l..':: ~.j~~ht i1.!'c~'ll~n g'll1S'- on ny rigLt ".nd t,'::_
othor henV'J. The hill slop.,.., T,ry ur.'fo~Mly '1'.:1 I estinc.to thnt
tl::oy h:J.d ;:rrnzin~ fire for II. ,'In Y'lrdn i~l .'1~_1 'Jir8ctions but our right,
','Jlore :~~ nosn inturf orr-;d -:.~ i ;,h our fire,.
We; au ~'F03tod e.':wh of tl1n str':)n:'~ p0ints, '~r:r t1l1!"!CU visitint.;
p~,trols, ,~n., sport '11 ni.,);t rQst:;",;:; "loi ',',~i ting. f()r "n ,".tt:'.ck.
:'10 cnony :- ct ~_ vity '1.ur~.ng th~_t night.
nozt Jl1_o~;--'ning n.h01lt tY;~OO hours anery r".trols of :-!.:"1out :[ iva
or six non h0gen hittine us ::tt G<,vC'rrl points in the c')mp"n;r linG.
Tho sqUf'c"i 1(j~d8r cf' ry '(-.~i:rc1 i:3qurd c~_m'~ rllnni.ng to TTJ OP, rd.'ter ono
p".rticul.-:rly !1e;,r':v:r n.tt, .": on !Y!y l'i/S:1t n.nd repor"tcd th.. . ,t his Gqtlr,c}
rr's rin:~Gd dO': 711 hy firs <"DC: onC' of ovr li;;ht !n'1chine :~uns h~',(~, '.x~Gn
Jiri::'.:~: on it.
',:T O i:1VC-[3ti'~r-,.t-:,:j. "thr L"'chinc Z-u.TI first "'nd .fo"UD(~ tJ:-.~.t
{".n Gl1GTl"::' - pEtro].. ~Jf"'.d kr. 1c1< "il it out ':.ri th '1 hnnd gronc.de ':.nd, ~.7C
bnlieY8, fir'- c1 it for ,r,. ''-:'~-ltJ ,; ::'I.;forn bt.'inrs discovorcd I".nd driven
;-"r., n('":,'X'C took b."llf nf tb0 sqy!.pJ forning the CB!lter strons
POi:"l'S "n(~ pJ..::.r:sl.l tL-:;n ~7it,l-t roy ::Jr:;jE,l]np:er "',~1d rr~dio "rl,-'.n ,."..here "Ljley
C'. 11.1\.~ cover 1;.s
!lci the.: tr".pr,~d C',qyn.c1. Tho scp.J.lJ..J l,=,[+,der ~n:-1~ I
t~2("11 J:':':"OCO:)~1.C_~ c1(Y-'fl 'I-,C t,l-..:.", s:llX",-l.
Or. th'.' T~ny l.-n SL10t tv.'O JeT-Tics
J. en
The obj r.cttvo one, ""'tornoon y:r.G to attack nnd clerer three
buildings, nnc1 hold.~'hf3 atk.ck '.'lent beautifully with. su;:,port
ing light tanks an:, rnccdiums be'lLni th"m. Our objoctive ':!rlS
rec,ched in loss them 15 m4.nutcs. Our mistnko',xes In setting up
- 20
135','3 Infantry.
.1. :,ir - Ground Linison. Close support .~8r:Fl bOMbardment. hr.s not in
all cases proved. completely sntisfnctory, b'.lt tho pot:mticUtics' of the VICapOl1
for infdntry sUpport are' great.
LioutEinnnt C~lon81 l;l:~'lK T. Il"RTIli, JR., fcC of S, G~3. 34th Infr.n~
t").'Y Division.
"I reported on 6 [,pril 1944 for duty uith 445t.h Bonbnrdmcnt
Squadron (I'l), 321st BOl,bnrd!!lont Group (11).
During tour of c:uty I 0.ttcn0.ou thr(3C 'briefings' prior to
missions, nccomp~niGd OGe mission t.o its ter;;et'16 n [llSsenger in
.tho leading' elemont of threo pl".llon, c.ccO',1p r niod th:' Squ~dron
Commc.ndor on ".. I chn.pcfon I flight to t;-,c "1o<"b S"fo Line on r second
mssion nnc1 took p'1rt in. informd disouscions \iith the SqUQdron
- 22
O~.sf;rv~,ti0n3 r:~.~;.c; (~uI'ih,_~ tl-.:is ~)rj C"f por:ioc~ St;.~f.,;c3t thr.t t~c
prc~cr.:.t c;xchr!.::'l;-;'-:' .of '_ir ~-n.l (:-'-:-11.-.~.~: T'orco porsonl1"'l IX,; contl':11J.(~d ,~n(1
01' ti'f'.i:i1:ine i~.l L'P "'n( ,..G)... i<~. pboto r8"'.c~ing; ". CirC1)m8tr:nce no
in. tr.8 Gro'_F:d 1Torces.. UnIikG grou'1xl officors., i":ho r.,':'.Y
81":.. nd :' cCllsidorlJ.~.-:-J. .:: :-TIOt~nt ot t:1.r"lt"C! in m.r'<p stud:! to dcrL8I'"I:d:'1.G
loc:~,tiorw, L(J'?'~J v,:1r, .Jr Co::ps ofti cars nr,. por~i tt3d C:OL:P.'''T,~~ti velJ'"
C'. to
s:;c(-~cls to rccogniz:J t~.1,::i-r' t".rr-et n"l1'::~. ;:'0 ;.;et "x:f1..y, tr,ci::;o oorr.D3.
It 18 r,!:?ri.y~i~l.t''d tlYi.t upon r.;:"'.ny occ~cior,s l].ndcr conc1it.io~l3
0-:'': f'll::.i~l. 1",-.rf.:-:~!'f; th,..: szet :ego of :.ir '1,ne: Gr01J.!ld p3rEonr.01 before
missions is i~:rr'.'"ctic~'.l. ?1'1~~ in(!.ic... to~l. m-;"::.horl is r0commOEaCc.1 for
tried, p:ej,or to rl)s-"']"lFtion "f thr offon"iv0 in the present s:ctor,
the graun;:; ,,1'.1' ).C:ViD(! :,0'''' for"1u1c.tcd c.nJ tho initir.l c,llotl'lO'1t
of ./.~2..:r. GUrI)Ort }:,,,-vj ~g tOC~l n!:':'.c:c:
It is su:::rootcc..1:
(c,). T:r,~.~ 'flie~1t L0f~(:'(~r[; Diyl Nnvir:;ntors visit tll:; :Jivision to
bo sU:Fportud prior to f"tnd -:-lll.r:_ng [''cir opor."ti~wtS r'.nr1 tl:~.t ttLis p(;r
sonnel be orier:.tcc: 02': t}:;c~ L;rOl"Jld [lnc1 b~t flig::lts in Di 7i.sion air
l(;~_is tr"Ll~"
- 23
First Lie"tenp,nt 3URTO}T E. IS;::T':r:RG, J68th Infantry.
"In January lC;44 the liSPtt Infantrv was in the vic-tnity of
CERVAIW, aft0r "'Eking SPAct'lCuler progres", l'rom just north of V8i.J~FIW.
On 11.January I was on i:1_~_1 o')serv&tion post on Hill 496, a~]Jroximately
1500 yards east of CE.:'lV,'RO. 0;: t11e Darning of the 11th, we received
y/ord tl1c:.t, at l?nn hours thp Air force ~,'r('uld strafe ~nd bomb the to'i."m
of CEHV!.;J.LtO, also th;- t frior::dJ-y art~_11pry WOL:ld Iny red smo~;:~ 111cl.r~;::Gr:3
on tbe tar(;et to aid the f~ir Corps. That morning I observed enemy
activity iI' the town of CEWT!;;:O. I adjusts,; Slmm mortsl' firn on
ene:;ry perconlCel mo'ri,ng ~ bout t'le town. I c Iso observed patrol" of
ou.1' regimelCt moving about in t,CJE' olive orchards north and e"st of the
town. At approximately 1155 hOllrs 01Jr oem ",rtillery fi~ed 1'e,2 smoko
nlal'kers on the town. FX8ctly Rt 1?00 hours the first formation of
11-3C:, 1 s Pl'peared iror1 til" south ond circled &round to OUi' rear nnd
st[w08d their dive on CERVAHD from the east" 'i:hey strafed pnd
l)om'-'ed sir",ltaneot'sly. .uter the first flight had pas sed ov,,"o the
t,,'r:;(;t they owung I1ro md to th8 south and cirded back to the east
[>~~.iDinc.~ e.ltitnde.
t:.. . Ch
this time, they strafed only and did r..ot homb. Each succeodi:1()
fl:lZ"t rJp.pt trrour:h the SEem" procRdure. The closoo:lr support at
tack on CEEV~lW lasted for approximately one-t,alf h01Jr. All ~JOm0S
"FTCl."C released with cxtl1eme :!.CC:lracy and found the target wi tl1
me.ximl:rn eff0ct~ Aided by t:!is bombing, the second battalion of the
l~'~;'Gh Infantry attacked the town.
On tho fonowing day C:3P,VARO
off eet ~
- 24
135th Infantry.
- 25
p;'t Gf\.SSINO onn niv,ht '70 !11oved our o.nti-t2~k platoon lor\,'ard,
i'~"ir}-y close to the front li:!cs,
Ol:.r guns '.7oren Tt n'2oded t:12.t
n_izl_d~, so ~-.T0 01.U; in behind a si"x-fnot bnnk.
Tl1Dro ~-.~(}ro trG':s on
"COP (;f the: b~',l:lk, so "'.,T'? dug do'--n . . . !!d 1-"lndor t~lC ':;~'_r:k b(Jc[,~.J..so if sb81::,
h~:d hit i:'! the treos it ',::onlJ br.'ve 'be:::!! -tb8 snl':O ;)0 !:terial imrsts,
c'.hll by liigging thc_:t ~.''1Y 1;;0 ~lso 1"<:"1.d oV"r;rhc'ad pr0tnctior. :~:--.Gbine
e:;l;n l~~tJ_IJ ct:.c ~..rcr() bu?'zing oVe!"f.:cnd, '.ihich gr.vc 11[:, morc -.-.ril1poomr to
:'1r'ny T:'ont!-13
of 8ct,:nl opore_tion
,Serf! :r,r..t
HICH~~D ~.:-r.
IIp,$ a f:1gchin.' :~lln sccti on l,adnr, it };8 boen ~2.ny times ~l1J1'
to 'bo f'.ttr.ch:'d to ~1. rifln unit, SOIi.Gtin::;s uEDccom~';:"'"~niQd
b' [:'1 oC-rieur, Althc)ugl) i:lt. ;cdbg to inpl.y no criticisM of the
rii Ie l..mi t! S ,h..o,C;L;r;nt or "\~W inn'Jili ty on its p2rt, I be! fOl.:'nd.
t:-:t;---:G occ".sioTl".lly Q clrtsb i2 unnvoidr.blo concernil:g cort,-d.r: dcciz
ii):-::s:, S('T'lutinc8 J:.hc rifle unit con!";l,.. . r~der is not t.hormJ;~t.I:;?' c!'cc..l~2.i:;:Y:
od l:-:l"::.h tn, tnctic:_1.1 l;m~loY'Tjj - nt of h'JQ',,,;/ 1.'.Tonpons (' .".e;c,j.n, (' cUff Lr
(;nco of opinion on ~ !:!:i_nor !:l(~ttet"; ':lsu,:,~lly QS n. Yi0n-cf'\~_TlizsiQllCd
oLI.icor ::rJ opinion holds littl(; ~-Toight in sll'cL CC.8.'J$. I bB.v,::.. lc;[;r~-,
ad t: l':l.t IJ.n NCO ':.-i th ~1. soct~:,:'on ;;.ttnc;1<,d to f', riflo unit J1Itwt JO
d.ouLl~T D.r;grrissivc, coT1e o"Li-t ~"dth l:'is docisioDS ar opinions, C'.nd
many tim:,;-s ~ct on his 0-:-.11 iLit:5.fltivc or judgment bsforo roccivins
orders, D.-S it is rir,t'Jrr~l t11.':",t Go~(;times hn '.'ill ~JQ forgottun (;n'circ~
10' or neglocted; Qsp~clul:r ic; the nttnck."
- 26
in t}F:
_~fric,':-.n C;lmp8~tgn
th'"',t if YlO
:'.1"c in cloG~) support o~ ,'1.. x'ifl'_~ ~lG.toon [.nd nrc cnllc:d on to fire G
-;'"J~.r(?ct Coucr. ,'"',S '''!. Ik~~~lltl l'~ne:':':::_'UJ gun that .not morc than 2 m:..n
carryinG tho gun erL '1 chest of rmm11ni tj.on should crrF:l- to (', svi t
Lblc positio;."! f!:"oITI. ~_-."hici"'-. to fl:r:'o to try for accu'rRcy end sur-prise.
LftL,r f'i.ripp; ~:TC th(~l1D.('lV'-_l L/,.CY SOOYl t'.S 'possible to cover fS in most
cases. tT(~)rry soon cov.--rs t21-~ r.ref~ rrith :[,1.ro. tile have dono this
on numerous OC~8rlOr:S ',"HI: good effect. Shortly before LE'~liOr'i~, '::0
pickod" up a 'kr,'1"kt 1 m'i,c:h::LU gun by sOl~nd End observ[tt:i,on that hrd
r\ rifle p12toon I=i1-J.T::~/_ '~io~-:-r:. ';\-; ,:,tntched th8 position until the
'krr,uts i GUUf'!.ed j.ntcE.l~ C!'l ;,; '~utbi:;}g 01s8 to tbei -y. front, t.~1cn
quickly S9t up our ['1'1 ",r:d:'ir~d S8v,)rnl long burst~ \:hich silenced
tho t krtJ.:tl"'c. I gl:_n. Our {~l;:nr".~rs inT1lodiatoly \}('nt ta:ck to bottor cov(:r.
In b. very short t:~mc IJLrn-,.J,t l fire r.r.qs pl~~cod on our YScs.tod posi
tion. Surprise firo on n (~ount(;r~J.ttack by 1,-,7aiting lUltil you C[.l1
firo on s.omo of
"-rClt s! f'lrthcr back first hc.s provod to bG
quite domorp,lizi.ng, ~:-L~rticularly if ::"OU arc; firing from rc fle.nk :l,S
:-r..:, bD.d occDsicn to do l_tCr: Cc::-rpc.ny !I.t." on onr loft ~7:,:,:G being cOVl:.tcr
nttacl<;:cd. ':Lh~~ qr::'-'''l~tGr 3CnnCQ r.t a 1()8G.,.~bt~tto do [nd ~:K;rG soon dis
l-';:~~:'2Ld by c~:r or:t. o.rt:tl} l~~r flr0. r1
. ,
, ..
"Combine th.; lig}lt ;::1pchino gun and Bfll best-: {'~;nturos to mt.kc
r. lit~:'rt rnn,chiDc, gun (s:-:oul:ior T.70rrpon t, belt fed, cmployir g n ',Jipod)
c,-,.,t. Cf!.n be cc.:.-riud 'uy one men. Tho GermPD mo.chinc elm 43 is c
C],.':)f.iC '- nproximE1tion :".8 fC1T flG looks ~:.rG GonccrLcd but tho nen dc
ci:n sl!ould rot",in the rr:r,[,:c ccnd Ilccuracy of the light m!lcl1i.ne gun.
_~liT~li:nr,tc ths ~3.';H and L?,,~S from ttl) infantr:r comp~.ny f.1.!'d give uC',ch
scrl(~d ono L~m of the n.e':! d(".'s:ign.
FoOrf!nnize the r!onpons plo.toon t.o
:i nclvdo fotU' 60nm r'10rtrrs only. ,TI":o to be GJll.ployod on tho attack,
four to bo employed on tho defcnso."
gun. Second, rt night lighting dovice, both for thcsight c.nd for
'ell, <iming stnkDs. I.t present, '.:0 nr,' improvising ,.,ith flc.shlights,
but they cut dO'.;n tho rtccur"cy "nd sp,'od of, th" gumior becauso tho
f:uni1~r nust hold ono light in his hand \7hilo opcro.ting tho gun 1',1. th
tho either. J\ 'nlght sight sir-dlnr to crmnon company would bo suit
ablo. Occasion"ll:' one of tho micromctor knobs 'slip' and do not
r/- :'-(,
~ h~-_
t:,.- _
~,~nc..LI.~. Ll,'
bcc8,use the knob' turns '&00 easily but' som 0 times not before hn;'i.ng"
fired part of the mission. Possibly a lock washer thRt r:ould hold
these knobs secure could be made.
Fire Control -"We have been very successfully using n method of
fire contrel and direction similar to that of nn artillery fire
control center. Our' first' attempt with this method. was fln exper..
iment at AN'ZIG Beachhead ana. it proved itself so sffective that
Vie have been using it ever since. The only two items necessary to
operate thisC~P. set-up "hieh are not T/E are 1/25000 artillery
grid sheets and a 1/25000 rangefan.
As soon as our g\lIls lire in polition, the position 111 plotted
on the grid sheet lInd II base-point registered for all guns. It is
then unbelievably simple for the platoon C.P. to fire on any given
coordinate quickly and accurately Qy using the' range fan which i~
mediately gives the true range of the target and correct defluction
from the base-point. Therefore, any p",rson in the battalion can
call in the map coordinates of a'target and the' target can be fired
.E.,curately and' immediately. This method has bren extremely valuo,ble
in firing targets where observation WIlS difficult nnd even more so
for night firing. All of our NCO' 5 h.v" worked wi tb this metbod and
ATe thoroughly trCcined to tClke OVGr op6ratio~ of the C.p., if the
plc,toon sergeant should become 0 c,:sunlty."
Mouton/mt 'Colonel JOE L. BOURlm, 168th Infantry.
"It .ls suggested that at least" platoon or company of the
chemice.l morters (4.2) be provtd8d for each infe,ntry r8gimont Y'hilo
in combat in tcrr'linsuch "s ',7e hf1Ve in ItalY I And for terrain tJ:ll'.~
TiO Fill undoubtedly have to conduct, future operatione over.
TIK chemical marter proved itllolf q.highlY valunble ,>,bapon on
thG /.:17IO Beachhoad. It hae gIl' atcr, rangG thEn ,our 8lrrn ma~tllr.
T:"". result of its fire is high4" deJIloN!l~zJng ta ellcmytroOpEl.
Garre,cn pri.sonor/j refer ttl tho 412 JIlori;ar a~ the ! silent doa,th!,
bcco.u.so the frngments of thee shell npPElI'cntly splinter up much'
finor than our 81mm mort"rs nnd a ~JlIf\lJ. sliver cian pass th;'>''Igh a '
man's bcicl;y nlmost Vii thollt IBrwing n mnrk, 'j'ho 'Qorrnr'.lls do no~ like
the chomioal'mortar. .
Iti~rGa+izedthat the oJlOJ'lical r:ort"r i~p.n organic part
of' Qur arm,vcher.uonl, ;;:e,rfllro section" but 71e are firmly convincod
ii< ~all llo useq to g~c3t advantage tlith tho infantry rogir.lOnt
oithei' uttachedor preferEbl.' to bncome 0. pnrt of the TIE orgnm..
zntiQ!wl ~ct-up ot: nil, infantry regiment ,"
28 ..
- 29
.,~u :d. 1I
qui.cli: to return
o~r fire.
E11_t,~;:!:"nn.t;" .f ir ~
prc.fc:rI'c~c1 r'nd
UIn nw opin:l.on th,; 75!:'J':, l;~.~.ck H~'Y;itzcr is th" ?1.1n ~o:'? r.:1.1 cr.n
non cOP.1prmins. ~his f~l.ct CC'.:1 8::\sily bi~ confirmed 'oy Si:11"Jy chock
ing Ot'.!' rOGords. II
1< i...:(;[t C~.L110n co~:rp"'.!i::": l..rhcl~,r ',-i e~ntr,J. cOlJ.trol. ".l1y ho."\te hr.lf
tho g1.1'~;3 idle, (".Thon th,.:.::),' ClOl.!.~d be l::.s{:d. ;'~ Dimple FDC '.7i11 \.:'o:rk
Th,.~ p,'1ck 75n:m EO~.'.~itr:c-r bn~s 200() Yrir(ls [:.or~, r:-:-.ng,; ,:,nd .200
mils lJO:'.~C ,-,lcv[;.t.-Lon ~hnn t:J.:, =.05Y.1r1 !{3. 2000 y,':'!.:rds rnon:us ttrJ c1.iffer
G~CG of cov>..:ring the snctol' or not. Ttis ~,TI.S ~~ruc at MONTIQUILA,
- 30
liAs soon liS the battalion wit.h nhich you are working takes a
nel1 pooition it is our job to, register several points around the
position ,at once and :1;0 get eoncentrationnUlllberll on the point!!. If
you do this it will enable you to get firo on almost any'point in the
battuUoll. sector in about one,.half' the time it "auld te.kc if' you
called, for the fire by co-ordinateB~ This procedure haa helped me
quite a few times in,oounterattacks."
ably nn oflpty shell CM!;), in order that no time be lost ana nou
'fire lJll.ss.ion.Jn, which another charge or two is req,rirod. If' \"e are
!iring say char~e onu and have tl19nty rounds prepared. to fire, I
mGke surc,llV ammunition 1l'<81;l ~f! t\7entyeharge two, three and f01.1r
tho" shell cr ~:tng if needed, ~nd get the r,ounds out there in the
shortest~possible, '\;iDEl.
.. '
~:~~i~Q;t'tf~~i~fe~!~ 'tfhi~~:~~t~6~;~ei~e:Ii;d
country '~lw1111.mq:r'l,f~v~l;ab,l'f,.,peIT~il'j~, tn the campaign bel,tipning
e.round the first p~.rt"~f "rrU:&',' -tltt-ough' 'the' hlllsto the, ple~n beo
, forotl;le IJlN(J River, I \Ws an observer for acOl!t))lll'lY of 75mm cnn
nons, Time and again units on tho right and left reported thom..
selvqa. ah,e,ed df vtherq, t.nw !lctually were. BY taking their given ,
positiollil and !lllciiving'l'
t.qUi'l'W safety miJJ;'g:!.n
for firing a lot 01'
. . .'
, -
( 5) Grone.do s.
First Lirutcnnnt JOHN C. ,',rL":2, l33rd Infantry.
"It is !'V opinion thc,t moro onphasis should br plac<'Jd on the
usc of the rifl" grenc.do. On ,,'oout 28 June, tienr C!.STLGNETO, c,
right fl:crlk platoon ,;,as pnrtinl1.y surround:d l:(y nbout 50 Gormr.!ls
o.r1Kd '.lith machine funs, nachino pistols "end rifles. This plf1toon
\"ICeS in a dry rivel' bod" n!).d tho a,\lrroundl;ng cou.'1try TIaS very flat
uitl~ a netrlOrk of draillflge and irrigation ditches' thc,t ,~org somo\7hct
groml up "ith brush. Th,~ Gerf.!ClnS were abort 100 yctrds from our
positions flO thnt we were \ill[(ble to ol'lploy our mortars. Tho pla
toon hed no grenede lnt'llch'_'rs, ~,nd ,me unablo to dislodgo the Ger
r.lnnsby smell "-I'l"S firo. It is lI\V opinion that these, machinG Guns
could have been knocked out Or forced to withd:r'm7 if rifle grelli'Bes
hnd beon used on them. n
Captain /,LBE1l1' J. HOIHJELIE, 135th Infantry.
"A "hito phosphorus rifle eren!'lde can bo lI1D,de from a rcgul~r
LT rifle gr0l1cde "no. " ''1' hand ::;renade. Those "ere used to e, good
advantage at :.NZIO. TLoy should be m'lde by an ordnr.!\ce compo.ny. If
"The b"ttdion Lid ~-::."tion mr.rks tho point v:here first echelon
medic"l service erds"ud second echelon r.1edicr.l servtcr, beg:i.ns. In
;peacutime on mr,net:vers, in barrflcks 11f0 1 and during rest periods,
this is a logical definition of c.et:!.vity. In combat, hO'70v"r,
tHs &yctcm 1'11.11 not c,nd he.s lievor r;o~ked out. Collecting comprn
ics, <'s constitut0d, do not ;cerform t"e func-cion outlined for
them in thu field m,muc.ls. In ord9r 'GO SQI"TG the. traops most
offici, ntly within the frnr.e'iork of the, prescnt Tlo .'lnd tactical
doctrinos, t110 follor:ing he.s been nacoss,~_rry:
. (0.) Glose liaison bct,';ccn t.be rcgim~ntc.l surgeo:! and tho col..
l"cting cO!:1tll'tny com.'1V'nQor
(b)'.inbull'lncos rr,ew be()Bpl(jY;'d~sfnrll~ns bnttnlien dd
. ,
sk.'.;ions, or it r;lf'Y b~ j.m1Jo~s:_b!o to got ,m "rnbul'lnce to uithin
miles of the' brtklion "id sl;:-.tlon, Enoh of theso bituations poses
a difforE.nt t"cticnl prooLm nnd ch".ngc(s the rol~.tionshi,:, oDtweon
first, nnd scc0nd echLlon l'wdical ,s<Jl'vioes, and: thus c~l\nges tho
rQsponsibllit;: of tllC rogimc~tc,l SU.l'g"on n.nd the; c0JI.:cttn;:; compc,ny
con'mc,)ldol". . Tho tpctic.,,J situation itsulf che;r-goB rrpicUy 'c.nd for
o8,ch batt~lion lid st~tion, tho situction nay be difforont. Thus
it cnn be soon th,.- t thcl old d'.vi(lien b,)tw00n fi ~st Dnd second
ocholon ncdical s0rvice is ~n "rbit""l':i' one, ,In tho p';st; mc,ch .dis
ngrcomc}1t '1.nd dishnrmc..u- dovelQ1)c:d br.o':l.tlsQ o~ this. Tho reo.l
sepl'lrntion betm)~n :irst "nd S,'ce)nd ochelon medicr,l service hns
boen found to be at thi:ct point v:h~re n casualty ceases to be
- 33
tro.nsportcd by }1,'l.nd end ('D.n be' put, into nn f'nlml -:ncn. No nr:t'~cr c.t
uhc,t point fl2.ong tl-'.n rOute ':1i' r:vnr:un::':'ion this OCC1;:-L'S, -!.t is ~. cloer
cut n~_'lcl dcfhli"L .jl~nctioL" 'r~
cc:J J .. ct~.ng CO:JP'1:1Y thw.7J b~;co:J.CG in
ror.li ty, {'!.n tLIi.hul . . . l1cG (;(" ;p"r::;.~. It ~ringA it.s ."m(JuL1Yl.CUf:: e.o closo to
tho field of' h,.ttlc :~S ros3iclG~ rr!;c rcgimcn-Gc.l Gv:~~cr:;on ,"',~d ~!is
o.sststnnts tl,us h,'l'.cl:' t.tL" rG~1:QY1f.ibiJ5ty of c\!~~.cuD.ting tht3 1cttlc
field, rend:~r1r1[" thJ ~\;it~l ~u::"l.c;~1 o.~"d !l.ocQssr~_r:T itt th'J nid st,':'.tioYlS,
2nd t1-)cn brir;.gir:g t1108u Fot~.e!1'~'S ~o tho \"J.r:.iting ~mb~llnncos ..
In ordor to :::=,crfor rr, t,1::..L.[! job, the: reg~imentnl s,urgGon must
boyo in his cO!""1t:;--')l -:-.].2. thc"") littsr bOQrers ~orP.1,'l.lJy nss5"gl1r:d to the
collecting conp'-'~n~,~, pl"t.13 r;;:1<'J,tovor (,delitiortfll_ Iitt,'r bearers he Cnn
ObtC.1.L. Fe 1"1ust. p,'-'}::,:: [: t,hO!'C1~}?h st1Jdy of the tncticn1 situr.tion
c1d ~.n QCC"Jl~~t(; cst:;.;rt__ t,: cf' ~--'hrt r:il: be; needod ~.nd then n.et LC....
coy'dingl:,r, ,~.r.d ~':~~ rms'0 do t~lis, not c;ft,:::r.the casunltir::s occur, but
IJ.C~r,(i' l 1C 'U:'"'8 l)(;f . . n-'e
?iLi (3 D'.~ vis5_o:~ h~',G :f'ol~CLt in mo:mt':!,inou8 tcrrnin during mostof t,~~1 ItclL-m Co.:--;p-":ip:n,, On mal::.:'" occ{',si.O::1S, it hr-s beer: ir:po.ssii,)lc
to Dripg f'n ,""m,__ :':l~-';'lc'_' '-n~7,:",-11nr.5 norror thnn 2 - 5 milos to tho bnt
t~lj_on ,~:id staV_ons for ":8:::>1-:'8 r',t .-. time.
It h~s been nccessQI'Y to
or.'::::-,nizo ';"l "(,~~or !';:)~ [-,Y8 c~1ns::_st:.r,~ of t'.S Jl1[1ny ns 16 rel,"'.ys, orr:ploy
in:; ~-::',1~dY'cd~;: of litt01' bCJc'Y'8rs, bctnben ttr.;: fr0ntlino t.nd tho \7r5t
in' G'Td':_;;': DO;0G. On ";V(1~":.' 'Jnc of th8S0 OCC:_'.fJiQr:s, it has boen t:1(:
r81,:,;iillo.__ ntr.1 ;3'Jr~:,~'on ~nd i'd_G ::.s~]l,~_,-:"r,_nt8 ':TflO org::'mizod 'UJC~lC relr,ys c..Dd
kept '~b8m funCt7011~.ng, u;:',inr~ t~c litter LC[,rCrs assignGd to the;
col1G8~_,inc: cor:lp--n'I v!hcn_.:"?ct' [1::: Sf'---; fitQ
Y!Q of t:'1is ref:!'iment. hevo
boon f'ort~0.to- in'" ULV,:..] or;in~; ::t. ci~sc li,,:ison '__, :it:'} o'ur ~upportir..z
collucting COfrlI""n:r so th' t "~h~ fUl}ct:~on of CGsu~'.lty ;;vncuo.tion hr.s
procooded sYJoC~jhl~r r~nd ':::dTieir-mtly.
If tbo rcg:inont:"l.l J1.1r,~.,';on tr'.d tr.k~m the E'.ttitl1doto !!',~!cll~ th~_;
F~'-l E'-:tys tL'1t th:: c911cct:'_11P,' cO!'"tpnny ""ill (!v[~cunt~ the: f1.id stC!.tionll,
end then tad S,'It beck r~n':l :::'.it,~ d for thnm, t'r..oro Y,rQ'Jld h:-,_vo been
tho o.d"'rnnco frot'. ':}I~ CSSBT0 to tbo PJGJO ,-:;rr; il~Lustrct lons of th,:,
ilIt is
i.nf~.ntry troops to
tl'lcy ;;0 into corbnt t\.... t if ~_:l1C~y ~,rc ',:'oun.dcd they v.ri:l not bnvG to
}.:"1 out or: the fi.::~:l ~" ~X't';l ,', 1'01' :, long period of time.
'LVo:Cr',f;C ir,f,':'.:1tr:,~::1"'ll h:,s .-~ fco:i.'" of this '"Tbich .is so stronr: :.j,t,hin
hir:. t:-:,t t tl~' T::l_::-ll,t,:, 11C 1.;.; 1.-.;Ul)nu~:d ]-10 t.hink's only of yelling 'medics 1
or Il~. t'\JT sq'l::.D.!. fI
sto,tior.. 0, c~Jrtain nl],r1~Y';r c, !:'~cr;, "'.l'e) on duty ('ct r.~ cr"rt:::5'11 ti:~IC. If
- 34
J', good 8xR.oplG of tr'e; oit,,,o.tion took ';)1c'co 6 Novembor 1943.
T-,;o soldiors ':.'pr,,; s(,vor01~,r '.'ioun.drd i:t1 n mir.~diold" Thr,:'B litt r
"ocnrors ViorA sent into t}-J\; I"'.ir:.p.field t.o bring them out. "'-.t1ilc in
tho ['.ct of doir:.;; to, t':"JO of tl-"J~ ~?0rC {:Iso scv8:L..... el:r "\:;ro1.mded. E8t~er
than sC'.cr:ifice more Ii tt" .r LeDr'(TS in thr "" ttr~l?1pt to bring the:n
out (~n ordor ~aa3 sc~t tc the ::',~;tt2,lion P al-:d L st,~tion for uine
S1-;GCp8rS ':,it,o ;-:~r:; 8t t>: t. ~ rT,'~ ):,_~pV'" il :1l]l-; bOCt'_~130 of oth8r rTcrk.
Thore '.-]as fl dcl,::y ai' ."':" :-j ll:T -,)c::oro p. pc,tb to thr ''ounded cocld be
cloared . ',11 of thi.c :.ct~!ic:, took pIc.ce vithin 2nD :'flrcls 01 C.n
[tid stn tioD ',":r:e:t8 tho:-. -:-'o~,nc\:d ~01].lJ. hG-:,?o 1'8coivod proT1pt p.t-:'ention
ii' there bn.d beon i!lin8R'_-;E'~cr:crs {>."',~c;ilublc.!l
fI~"~ ['"."'11 "tdr;inistcrirr nid j.!1 '_isur>ll:.r n'}t drm7 fire oven tho:Jgh
he '.x~ in open t,~]r:-:-o>iL.. On. tiv:,', othnr h, nd) t;1rco or four men gc:tho:c
in?; 0Vor Q, r.round .~d cOT:lpLtdon oftc:'; :-c-;su] tJ~; il~ thf', entire ~:roup bo
cC'Hi:r..g C1J..sr,['t1tios. 11
1J7t:crl3 ly,.v(: l:',-' -r.. too r:-,--_n.:r instr:r:.ccc of :r'1.}srd!1e into, :- si tw--:
tion \,tith01..:t ';ulJ._ k-,m-;J.ed,:;': of ",}bat is rnppsnjng.
',:.;(3 ha'vc cJg!(,Jri.:l!ccd 3~tun,tiorlG Y:~10re a Tittle eorc tim~ ;'..ll1d
pr!?~)nration "..,~ould npvo s,:---,v,'d tiT7Jc, r:,~tcrj ~1 !'nd lives"
F.:)r instA.nce:,. I:1plOPCr.. roc()nneisSancE) causing ~. bnttalion 011
~rucks, to dQt,r~J,r.Y '7',Ld fi,~tt f():", ,'1:!l P.sC8ITlt.ly areA::.
Or: The difL,rGlct rmDl)'C1. not: J:~ving tine to rimch their
(iGsie;nated nro[\s prGpnr9.t::-:ry to tt_: ettr:~k. Tl1cn ttG ettaci{. is
"........... T'" t.1.1..-,
~ '-.
to be sot -:Jrtck as r.r'JcY: [tG six
, x~u'
....... 1:), ~t nd t'}
., '--.'
1 ."t'::;
or oight hours.
:l.rc treated.
hE:VG seen vch'i_clcs :"nd c>::;"1ipPlcnt oloY,'n lJ~ on ro,:'.ds Dnd trcils SD2.t
If "littl( cc.ution
r0ad ho.s iJ;:'8D
- 35
13_~rc1 Il1fr.,nt~J.
- 3(
"r"ly cor'pany 17GS ordor,~d to "dvanco ono Ilftornoon and along '::i th
th" order came InfoI'l1l\tion thrtt the high ground to our l~ftm'.$
occupied 1:1<.( friendly troops. ,'Ie n.dvllncfld with thllt assurl1ncc, cnd
1701'0 caught in " hc'lVy fbnking fire from that supPQsedly occupiod
grot1!ld ~.nd had to dthdrm: or to trapped.
Tho lesson I lonrncd ;Prom th,,1; on.. sxperi8nce is never dqpond
on reports, no m~.tter hOfl off~.cir.l, for protection of your flonks.
f,lTlays tuke it for granted th,o,t both flanks aro open and occupied
by enomy."
First Lieutonant .TOHN V. PEfu"J.!lRG!.3T, 1.35th
Captain WOODP.OW
,.. 38 ..
3. Reconnaissance:
Reconnaissances ":ere as varied as they
support artillery~
prQctice is fr.ovmed upon in the texts but it worked out very sat
.Ituly are extremely sturdy :1nd are so numerous that they have lost
.... 39
T "'j}':"
"o:d l--:"'c,['si"g fir]s 'Ire definitely 17orth17hile.
:J.t CL=1.\il-~>\ r,riticf',l points '.:,-erc s81~cted from map and ::Lir' photo
study: ~,nd from 8 -2 re"lerts. ;:l'lmps, 'mloading <points ,defiles. ,
critic",'l int"rS0ct:i,en~ dc! n',anr.td:1 rC):;d", transf,t>T points (truck
to p~c:: 'O'),Jo; were OlE qoyered. 3xper.dhures for ,the Division
,~rUllcry varied from I,ood to 6000 rocmJs' per nigt>t~or :f01:ir
nighto. P;:' s te.kon 3.fter ~orr::plction of the progra:mJ. .st:ited they
ha=:J y~,)t b".c: p,nytbing to eat fO,r severc.l days.
7. Tan::s and tan!\: destroyers for indirect fire:' Fe used'
r<ttachod tan's".nd tank dostro:;ors mainly for interdiction and'
hnrc.Gsing. ~hey '3.re excellent for tho roving-gun type of harassing.
Only limited USe 'CIUS made, of tLom for pr8paration fires because
of thoir extremely fla.t t,Y'l,i cct.Dry at the shorter ranges ,"
lery channels.
" (1) She ' ,lro]::s: ,n'ob~b1;;' 0110 of tr,'e. most uncomfortabl", son
sa-:}.;)~S ~rou '~:'ill 3VCT expor-i.s:'1CC if t.}-,:1t of' b~i~ spottod in tho
.ofcrn b~rJ crry art:'J.l:.JTY. Yo~:t f8el QS thoufSh there :i,!3'I'. n:othing y~u
C::t:~ do nbo'lt it buts'C',+ it out.
Your first rO,<Bt,10n ~7ill bo t'!l
1:.ug thE; -grouL:l Gnd pr'_-,y -l:.h'1t .nJth:.ng C0!I18S ,yo'J.r'~r~~y.",. .T'hut mistake
'o.'.7a.:r f:ro:n '.:her J ~. ),1 q:r.? b:::.f.Jr-::. tbc K:-:'El.ut i3 rGgistered on you. ..Hs
" is g~!for~ll:r 0. r[L"'-'t.h0di~al ..j 0(3 '.'xi pill ccntil:rll,e t.Q regis tor on tho
. ~ Q:J.O -pi.1.ce ~1hGn. [.f~u::r, tj]()1- _) .:" 3 Lotr-~ing there. , 'npe. ~SJxt thing to
do is lco11Sr for' ;c'lp." cTy:lxD YO',l h:h'e ; the ,JerrY,gun s,potted cold
.'thoro is cnl:,r O~'1b
in t; .:)- AY'I':_:/ r.:bo :C 'J.rl , heJp you sii~rlCo thiJ.=t
so-nnd-so r.lho SOG21~; t'J c.->.Y;~- '.'. IJerso:121 gr;J.dgG a,s;ainst you" That
D3.n. is the countc:r,,":b(1'tt.e:;:~,~ o:'f.Lcer...
From tho ."Q0gin!i5_ng 0.: ..>.t . CJpGr'1ticin the C.B. O. keeps' track of
,~.ll the o.htics of eLJ~1Zl .::tr:.:.:.ll.0ry by' r:Jear~s '"Of PW into~r6g.[ltion,
p:1rtlsn.n rG~)'Qrts, ~i,r"'l=-'hctos ',?r.d ,:.etG~l.:tgg roports. .~Ie ,;g~norD.lly
.. 40..
has a pretty good idea '"h:rre Jerry has leis artillery or llbere be
has his e,lternc.te p0fJ it i'.:;np. ~ You 3.rc the cnl:.- man T.7ho can tell
hiT:. ',7Len Jc:-:ry is actlV<.), In or0_er t,o pi~ dorm the offending bat
(a) PtE:L rJiI'C'ctlon i~~ [>0 f:l.ri.:lf '.I... o:J.? Tnis -.JJ.1.1 indicate
the e:etore.l o.rea"
('1tl5 iLfOJ.'I",t:lt; Ob ia of no value unless the
CEO knu.i's ',;rh9re ;~(2q ure). If yOl] Can see-' the flD-sh yon C(ln !'e'"
port a fair=_y eccurate d:~_roc'i:j.o-:l t.o the encm3r gun or your trainod
ear .1.1ill en~~.bl.e you' to :-:!st:_fila-:'e the direction if a flash cannot
be GqGn~ If you get a ('.l:f:i:.i.(~8 to eX:':~Iili;'10 +,he shell cr,'1ter the furrml
nay indica ~e tLP Gir8c~::"cn of ill'8 G cp-.JciallJ if tDe shell has
gone through SOE'3 fO~jC.s8 bC';OX'8 J.anr~n~.-. '~Dnds I tJill sometin.es
'give yOJ. rret'l:::r a::-::::p-r-'(;,t,e dir-actio!: of' fi.re ..
(b) l7hat tiP.lc d..t d the ror,nois _come in? T'Il e CEO needs this
reports on the S2.Le Gt'e::.J.L:,g ;:iay l~)cate- t;18 ene:n;;r gU]J,s 8,ccur,J,i'ely
positioJ1 [-:l Of-:~E~ t:::n.t t}-'3 eBD caD~ ('. keep +beffi loca1:,edl\
(c) r;~'ler8 are tLe l'c)~lLds landing? ThG-'G.ns~.i,el" --to ttr:i,S" -keeps
tho eDO pOS~:8? on r,'h:lt. n~o 8n,"~!.'Y is .lcr:"'ing to do~' FiX'3 falling on
our frcnt~'l::_ne t:"OOpG Of+,Oi-:' r:' ')r:.:.":des 8. c011nteratiiaiJh:: and inforrna
tion a:'iou't it, rfill 811able OL;'J.' rmit CUi S to al.ert the artiD.Gry to
be preparsd -to fire in tt3.l sector... :i':'ire falJin~ on roads and
trails indic-5. t,8 t!Flt -eYe; Cl1CI[."'/ rrr'obably th:_nks onr froY:t~line
troops aTe br)i!":g t~o ",,01': 8l:TI)~,j.oc.l i7:' t"h !C i Tnti,:::ms, If the
Jorr:'r:s r at+,en-t.ion io di.X'-:J~t(:rl, t!") Ollr arti:::'Jery :rou can b~1t that
SOfie t=r8'rt dog-facG ~'Wf:, C'aJloJ 'l-lp his artill'8TY and nsked t.hem '.Jbat
in holl t_~re yO'll S()inl~ t,:) do about t:10SG SOE~ s y;no are C"l"Ltt~Dg us to
pieces" The 'an's-:]e:-:.~ p:r'J1y_t;].~,.. \'I'r's, ! :~~or: in hell do youse guys expoct
(cl) Hm',,; ~:<;::,~.r:';,~ r(n~nds ttl ~/e co:ao in? i::'o want to kn01'! this so ne
C8,Y' T1c.~_:T'-,a-:~ tf:JT 2. f:-:,r :_ ::=','ltio and a180 t.o fi.lld out just 11m'} ser-
Ho\": E1CcllY gn:)s :.,ToJ .1. (i, ~1f! UL-1 1,Jla.t kir.d of guns are they?
You Can tell ho\"; m;-.;.flY g-lJ.;.J.s -'_tre fir::cg by' 'J ist<:;r:ing to the guns re
port or the rOl'i1ds stri:<:cng" If +,110:" a)"Cl rigl't tog Jtle'3r or if the
ti"'8 b8'~+";ee'1 h'u",-I--~
mO:'~e fbao ann
'v.L. ..','10"
_.. . tortlJn' becat:.se yO'J. Je;.n Y:t fire Elfi n.r'sjJ.18J';.:" pioe:) like an !V~-l GV8r~ tJ:_ough it
::.:oniotiIT!88 880ms tl.:~~t 1,-.'((1_ EV'.J:('yonG kLO~-;G, tr;'Jt the round thJ.t lands
clo,s,a !:;O!J!1.d;s ljJ-':G thi) ';'~PZi0 E:V},1,t'8SS f but dO:1':t lot' t:n.t fool you.
Expc;:.ci"onc:c hc.s taught yC".1 to d~.Gt:,LG"li'3b t~3'~'.-,TGon l:lSht, mediu!u', or
heavy o.rt.iIlsr:.r ~ ~ t,~~ s i ;-:c: of t.~_:(j .'::..~r, ;:':i.~ 'or sr:elJ: fr'<::lC'10nts sent,' in
ni11 ',-~na.:-'lo th~J CT~C t.e, '-~'jt,';:::-'r:iL'3 c.iCC'llJ'''~''.;oly the, Giza nnd typ-J of
r,l0GpOn that is G~lJ,~)~,::,!':Z :-~t 7'':u~
Ii' tl:-J S'hcli comes labhing il1
s.lovdy t:te c~:B,n'~~7;~ r'~rG t'r'~-G it colee;:; f.ror.:'.,a hm-;2.tz-3:'. Fast. travol
ing Ghcl2..s cc::E-) f_:.~~,rE .~. f[tT:.. Tho !.:ind tl"v;.t. zip ovor your head before
YOli hr:ar tnG - rei-or,1.: o' t{'G Lun car: CO::~-:O frO-ffi-:'lfl ~- ,..~ -i..'J.tili:..
p0rt thoFle f;tG h:gh v01oe~~tyo ~hc r'.J,:r3)OC0 of this is to enablu tho
CEO to tio '~hG fi!'i~E~ in ~'.ith "tr:G T)fl.r'C";'culnr one of our friends (1),
so -that hG ~a!1 bl-"l p::::;pE.:r:J..y !'erriLll:lbBred i7ith e bOUqV..9t of shells ..
__ c
- 41
"I. The enemy has made effective use of his mortars on for
ward instalJ.ations, relieVing his artillerJ for other missions.
This may be duo:
To a desire to conserve artillery ammunition to coun
ter a major attack.
J2. To utilize the relative mobility of mortars as com
pared to artiller-J
.. To the relative affiency of our counter-battery organ
ization as compared to our counter-mortar or~~nization.
2. Each inLllltry regiment will establish a counter-mortar
section to utilize the methods developed by the field artillery.
One officer "ill be detailed as regimental counter-mortar officer
.il.. A counter-mor+ar chart (Scale 1/12500 or larger) will
be set up at regimental headquart"rs.
- 42
count0r-Elortr.r, chart.
A i'orL for rO!."3-;::J 1,.: .'Iort:lr Reports s~_f11ile_r to the
OF's must bo oql:ippc](i pith some dovicc to perait 3C
CUI'.'It.O ;r,.oasUre::1GIit of fln.s~~~, sound, or sIT,oka azimuth to ODO!:1J1"
mort8.rs. A circlo of dc["r.J6s or nils inscri.h3d on '1 s;r,Qoth ~:~urfacG
o:nd OqUi?D8d 11ith f';. movablo ~r::,on to indicJ.te di::-ection and or
icmtCld by mo"ns of direction to '.' knonn point m8:lS Ul'Ed on the] n':lp
is more n.CC1l1\1tc t1;;ln n compass. Th() :lccurncy of loc~tion of
G:1env'" i:nsto.l1ations Ynries di:-:'octly as tho a~curacy of loci~ti('D
0/ OP' '3. OP's should b" 10c ~: ,-,d by survey. Thoy may be locnted by
inspoction if sufficiont map dntn.:il is pr0sent.
f. OP loc'ltions nro nlottod on the chart. Whon 8. ;30U11d
Toccivod r.'~ short li~8 c.bout o.n inch in Ivngth is dra'lln
at that azimuth fro:n tho OF reporting. An arrm; is drmJl1 to ind
icato the dirGction of tho en',my mo-tar a'1d the number of the report
entered above 'U!-:: line; A. hmg rae' is dralrll: fot' nt'.Sll 01' snoke
reportslj.nd tho Umo'o': r,)port :.8 ntored in addition 'b the report
numb"r. Two or lilore) rays are nJ<"dJd to locate an er."my nnctar
positbn but a."1ingleiray ofGon .. ill indicate an aetive knorm lo
cation. Generally, a ooanb:'--v)r{al' m ss:.on will not be in:.tiated
on the basIs of a S:!t,g'.6 soune repolt. A n':unber of sound reports
may iJ;ldicate 'the ar"a t;hil+, i.s active. If enemy If.o:;:t~ing becomes
serious, a ganerw. couliter-mort8l" p:ro~ram Jllay 0<:) Started.
s; TLcre is a t"l'!d.3I1c;r. for observers to 'report only the
mortEr fire .:'allir.g upon theln. Pers onnel must be trained to report
all mort-ur fir" observed, As the observer gains confid(ll1Ce in tho
pC'ssibilitJes of CO'.Ultor-mortar 1'1re the flor, of information ,Iill
become moro rogular.
h. '. The di;,~ction ot fire Or 3n el:l(lmy lllOt'ta:r O!lll be de
termined from hnexamination of thO) orater. This <will be of SORe
assistance :!,h locating mortar positions.
" i," . Patrols, PW's; 'and. civilians. furnish much valuable
information re~arding mort':r positions. Air photosand . . mosaic~
are the beet ~edfum for eztracting accur~te lqoations received
from thcseliouro;;,s.
j.Betllj,uS"b! the tendency of :nortars t;:, move frequent];\"
they rarely ar.e in tl'!e same position reported by phto interpreta
tions. !$pcrt.s fr?m PI; however, are valuable for determin!ng
Hkely' are a.s. .'
k. The Air' 01' can spot only :tn nctive morhr ,ma the
appelil:'ance of ai::-cn.ft often oauses theoortar to ce"lse firirg.
As enenv 1II0rt"r concentrattons are f;enec Illy of D'"01'.t c'ure.ti.on it
is not practicable to fly spedallliork;c tlls~iot'.s . Alr OP's:e,re
.at preaont Wlder Div::sicn Lrtilloty Hec.dquar"':ers control ,wd many
times it b POi,,~.w.G toc<'>l+1;a<Jt plat.es iIi th" air'to obs;)rv, by ...
calling Divis:..on Artillery lieadquarters.'
1. As enemy ;;lor(;ar cr;jVrs aro known to liye av:,ay frem
their mort"l"S .i.t 1.11 :\mport~.n,t to' eng"'J0 them ~,h5.1e tl18Y are c"ctive.
Spf)ed is es~en1:ia,1 to cO\Ulre,,-mortal" Mt.ion. Tte CMO ,Illust have
affici.,nt. ,commUnications an4cirvct call on 17ea56ns.best suited.
tC' dei!i:lwitl'.enamy ~rl;ur~; II.:; _
(3) A '!T6' nre Ltne',llil habitu'Il:lyesta':l:Hhed Oil th:., iiv
i~ion.f:ront~; Thil!l rer4dt~ b"tta;.iollB othar than thG i:i.1'3Ct.
3ttpC'ort J:)'J:tt.,,1i9lle to fir" br gGts ofopport\Ulity. beyond thflt Une
,Ii.thout obtaining a cle&ra,r,ce from 1nfr.ntry comma!\el'8. The im
portanco of maintaining ri.gid control over all artillory, c~;nnon
compnni()s. TD ~ 8 nm tanks in rS./Jpect to g~tting clearance to fire
within the 'No Fire Line' is best illnstrat<;ld by the following
Extract, Journal, S-? 34t1'!
- 1.4 ;.
for best QPoration ev{)ry man should bave some kno111edge of' the subject.
1.35th Infantry.
.. 45 :"
th"t I \'Iould CD,ll for it ~nd relay his senstng. His answer was
tha,t he didn't kn(')w ho>! to adjust fire, By the time I reached his
position, it was too l~te to call for the fire.
On nnothtlr oec!)'sil;m, I \;US able to w~thdrnw two plClto,'ns rlhich
ho.d been pinned down by enemy mahcine gun '100 mort~,r f:j.re by callini,
fornrtill~ry, fire.
The division is nt the present time scheduling
periods for of C'ice1."s Clnd non-cooniosioncd offic,Jro in adjustmont of
-r'.;illery fire ctnd I b"liovo is mO('lting 1'!ith the utmost success."
, the oillY reserve, tbe art'ill-ery has an<:Lthe',r CQst sweat and blood.
A single Heinl.e 8unningMmself Cl"r an Eyetie mule and cart is not
wo;rth B,n artillery conoentmtion. ' There' will: JllQst likely 'be an
artillery forward obServer somewhere' in your oompany area who is
in contact with the g'~' Look him UP, giVe ~imyourmtssion and
he will fire it fOl: you if it is htUnanly possible. Remember, he
is just as interested tn -k!1lil'g Krauts as you an~. Get acquainted
with :Your art~llery FO aY!d his detail, Keep yeurself posted as to
his location f,t all times so you can find him when y,ou needbim.
He will fire fer t':1elo1'lliest dogface as quickly as for t,ho ragi
mentd CO Or allJloet, If sometbing has happened tohiu ,r you can't
find hiln:mq you c~m get. to your battlllion CP by radio or telephone
the nrtiUery lia;i.son on-ieer there oan get fire on your target for
.,' '
Back in mediev,.l days when the artillery man wC,s ' iJ. civili(Ul
mechanic with an eye for W'lr loot th"y tried to keep out;liders out
of their union by covering up their activities with a lot of senrl.
scientific mumbo-jumoo just like some professions still do. Artil
len- singe thot day has become still morE) complicated and there are
some teohnical problems that need special truining to h'lndlG.
This need no'\; bothe. YO'lbec").tUlG 9.11 you want to do is 'loy :l lot
of' scrap-iron on tl:ie pre'tizc,l-bEinders 100 you can qo it.
The first th:!,ng to do is get a few rounds out in front of
you where you can see them, The easiest '!lay to do th"t is by giv
ing the artillery 11 point on the way at which to sheot. ('l'nis i"
where the maF re':lding you le'lrn'3d in busic-training would come in
hrcndy). The. nrtillar1 will com;;> oloser t,o hitting thr;t point
than you thf/lk; S9 if the !rounds suddenly o.ppear about two milss
to the right den' t !I'l5S out those SOB' s w~o can't re"d 0. map
better take another look at your ewn mup. If the rounds l~nd close
but still not wh",re you wllnt them try to put yourself where you
thinl; Ue gun position is and sense th" ronnds accordingly - over
e1' short, rIght or left. If you are using the battalion in direct
support of your outrit it will normally be right behind you soIte
wheN but it' your target is fln enemy gun or something that re
- 46
quires medium or heaver ca".iber artillery the chances are that you
'lion't kno", wherE' they aro f~.ring from. If tha-t is the case or i f
for any reason yo'.1 are not sure of the gU!2 location:, the safest
thing to do is ce.ll for a rnnge change. This. will do two tl:ings
for y()U - first, by l'ell'Sl;lbsrj ng '!Illere the prev:!.ous r()unds fell
. you v/ill have an .idea of tl:le direction of fire, and s ecotluly,
you will have a unH of measure out tter", by remembering how much
of an increa.~e ~"n ::ange :rcu as1--:ed for. When you tel::!. the gunners
thA.t you are within 50 Y2rds of tbe targ@t, the fire dir _,ct\.Ol1
Hill most lilcely" orde.' fire fo::- effect. IT:lless you are tmcom
fortably close to ;r01J.l' t :"..::;:,+. it. is going -to be h"lrd i'01' you to
judge hO\7 closs yOU!' adjllftir.g rour.da are. Ulnd'.ng. It is very
important th~.t you \;r".cket tl':e target; get rounds that are over
Elnd short, of the t(trget. Y->u will Jrncm then t)",at the correct
l.'unge is somewhere betwe()U your over ahd e!lorl rounds."
- 1.{1
Th~ offcctivenos'" of tLis t0~m \'0.S been demonstrnt"d ti'1c c.nd tin"
F~..l..rs t
__ ,
G _:.J, 1 33rd I'"
11~ an t ry.
tnllics. 1f
.!l;~. Comoir;od tr~ininG is " l'rnrom:isito to the suc~ess of an infnntry
tn,rlk opornc:::.on. It connot be oX?oct..cd thnt inf""'.ntry, kno':ring r..rmor draws encmy
fire, r;j,ll rcork successf"lly Tlith tc.rill:s "i tbout being femiUrr ';;itb tbem.
- 48
A J8,yonet on t:'10
mcdc it difficmlt t:J cbtc.in C ",ood p(1siticlD on the back of~hG Gi:.nk
"r.d:'ll [: trav0r;3ing turrwt. :.~."3aFons ~,.:ere h(:;:.ld tOl"mrd tly'~ center of
tilL k.lli<: to minim:Lz8 loss i.n trc,nsit. t, tgrpaulin fraIl'. n 2-lr-ton
t:;~",.-cl.: 1.iyc 8 tb.r"';7n 0VOl" the: :"JR,c}l: of t~G t[.nk
m.~.k0 it <..8s'::er t,o st~.'::lY
on" '.dtLout th0 tarpn.ulin, '?lstO},"' ~3:nd :zrt".n?S8 II1:"do thlj metE;]. BurL,.. " '000 diffiCc'lt to hold to. On the, 3rd and fin"l ciao' of train
i:"1.r; -~1),-, ccmpl,..;tt.: dr~].ss r'-.~~1(A3.rsa.1 ':"it.}1 ",... 11 tho trirn;nings WP-.S mE.c~v.
1"1:, 1"fap, l;d tnc'.ss.:::d by re:giIl.3ntal and ,mttalicn com!'1anr:l~3rs ",'Tho c1f1.imod
t:.:~t rt that t'.m8 (mnrntng's first light) the infantry cOll1cl not be
S(; . . . D on oack of t[tn}~3 pl"'oviddd t:-to..,.:y r,:~m[:dnc.(l motionleSs.
- 49
The morning of the attack tho souad th".t '7D.6 to act as baso
of fire moved up u!1der cover of darjnless, took up their position to
left of tho house, "nd cstaolished commuriication with the b&ttalion
Ur. At 0540B, the tanks 17armcd up t',eir motors, At tho same time
thero VISS a 10-miilUte crtillory proparation to sofkn tho eno!1\)'
position and covor the no:1,se of our tanks. Smoke was a.160 firod
to mask enomy observation~ At 0550B, the tanks movod out through
friendly Y4ro that had boen proviously cut qy the A & P platoon
and over a route that had b"en s,""pt for mines to Viithin 200 yards
of the house. The instant that hOllse 'Y' came into vicw the tanks
opened up 17ith 75' sand LllG' s and continued firing through the whole
operation. Upon raising my head, just onough to take a look around,
I could see a perfect semi~circlo of smoke laid by .our artillory end
mortnrs that hid hOllse 'Y' frem view of main onnmy line. The 1st
t.nk "loved acrose an anti~porsonnel mine field detone.ting several
0;1.' same cnd cloe.red a path tl'l.rough a heavy barbc..q wire onto.ngloment
that ht\d been expected in the front of the house. Within aboclt 50
ya:;.'cls 0;1.' the flOuse tho load tank hit an AT mine which caused it to
throF a 'to'eck e.nd tor~ out tho trnllsm:ission, but nopersonllel were
i;ljUl'cd. Tho possibility 6': tl?l.s accident occurring had bean 'cx
pockel f'.nd plans had boen [~'1de e,ccordingJy. The crew of the tank
continued firing with 75' sand 30' s while Vl'3 jumped off the tnnlc am.
skrtGd looking for tho OP0llT'J'. Tho 2nd Hnd 3rd knk3 CrlmG up a.s
T,lo,mooel even though the '-ncl tF:nk had become wlmpor8rily stuck in a
sboll :'010 and a man fell off. This man, hm:evor, recovored his
pcsition on tho tank. From the timo Vie got v;ithin 100 yards of
thQ houso thore rras a continual enor.(\' concentration of mortar firo.
Tho tank killed anD en,;my who triod toescapo, one of our men killed
>:motber with a hand grenade and six wc.re talwn prisoner. Tbo:'
appeared to oe completely domoralized, undoubtodly b cause of the
noise and fire power of tanks. Whon ,.'0 were certain that all Gnomy
wore cloared we gave the signal for the petrol to nithdrcw \"lith tho
prisoners. Whon thoy reached tho ditch 300 yards from ttlG bouso
tho squad acting as baso of fire guve tho sign~l for th~ tquks to
1".1. thdr3,w. 1'11.J crew of the tEnk which vms disabled by thf) min~ got in
tho otllOr tanks and. Lt. LIl'GLE, tho tank platoon commnnder, des
troyed tbo disabled tank nth thormito grtnadps and thon witbdrew.
Wh~n tho patrol got in th<e covol:' of tho ditch the squad acting as
b~,so of fire 1~as wi thdra':m. Durinz tho entire operation tbis. squad
kopt up constant comnnmic"tion ,'dth battalion giving thorn "- nord by
'.70rd do scription of the asss:ult. 7he ontiro operation from tho time
17e 10ft and the. tanks mdirod through our front lin" until tho red
siS'nd for tanks to withdrcri ',',as given took ,1lm;i.nutGs. Spoud, flO
foul suro, T7aS onoo! tho mninfnctors in making this a succ()ssf1)~
rcdd c.na which coUld 'only .havG been obtfl.ined,through cerqful r0- .
h"ars21. In unde:rtukirig this "p0ration the first tbing ,-;e thought
of '"ie,S teet tho t"nkl'!i'lOuld drc,v/ a lot of firo "'nd that no, riding
on tb0 b[.ckS, rmuld. havo nochanc6.' Whilo ,thut feeling was nOVGr
comp10tdy ovorcomo, .incr(Xs:tn~'C6nfid()no,j inuach.othor camo as
O'L1r cssocic.tion gro\"!. n
- 50 _.
.'lppro.o cb';8 to tho RAPIDO River, and (}.lso tll, crossin" sit~s us ,d ::.y
th~ 1st ,~nd 3rd Il"tklions. Addition".l p'J.trols contr ctcd cOln:r[nj-~s
- 51
- 52 ..
ground beside it. Som" of the n".mbers I recall 'irere G-23. G-24
On the crest of the hill was another band of doublo cpron
wJ.re. On the west slope of' the. hil], were numerous dugouts, nppr,r
cntly used for sleeping quarters for the garrison.
The first lesson I learned from the operation was the neces
sity of adequate enginear support for tanks in an action of this
kind. Attempts were made by the tanks to get across tb,e river by
their own means. At one point oVer one thousHnd 75mm HE shells
VlGre fired point blank by various tanks in an Httempt to brosl, down
the far bank sufficiently to form a ramp. This was unsuccessful. .
The final crossing was at last prepAred by improving an old ford
with rocks dumped in the stream. This work uas done by the 235th
Engineers under heavy s.rtillery and small arms fire.
As I see it, there were three main functions performed by the
tanks of the ?56th Tank B~ttalion. The first was to provide a pas
scgeway through the anti-personnel mine fields by driving through
t;1Cffi s.nd exploding the AP mines.
Tho infantry cOlUd follow the tank
trTcks without setting off more minps. The Germans had apparently
plQced considerable confidence in the ~APIDO as aR anti-tank obstacl~
8.nd ,-,hile some anti-tank mines wore encountered and some tanks dis- '
abled, many of the tanks which succeeded in reaching the river,
crossing it under artDlery fir". and escape bogging down in the
marshy ground~ alsp succeeded in reaching the base of Hill 213. The
second main function of the tanks was to get the infantry through
tho high barbed wire. Tho third and probably most important uas
to scare 'hell' out of the Jerry machine gunners to such an extent
tbey fired little for fear of' catching a 75mm shell at point blank
rt.nge The1I)f'al1~ry In.turn aide~ the. tank.s by,giving..thqnpro- .
tection agai~t.Sf'. gun.8 ~nd AT gUnF. Once an SP .was. <}efinit",ly
lo.cated and foot. troops clolledinitdid not stay in tpat lo?ality
.1'..$ SI rf>llult .. of thecomPined, i.nf'antry-t!lnkaQtion~ coinpeny "Eu
liaS I'lt8,rting up ttJ.e.~11 just,aeti;,Oecamedark. Compapy "En rras_
closoJ followed.by Company "F ". . Company." I" follow0d Coinpe.ny !IF If
with 8. com!llBn(j. group of fourtern ofi'icers alld )ll"n: By that. timo..
J"erryvlas well. zeroed on thr. crossing ll."d: ",sS pIe.ciug . considcr.cble
artilleI"Jfire. on :the .flat gr9=d at the base of the hill. Of the
fourteen in th",. command grqup, fiv.e of us rell.cha the bill, Com
pany "G", the. reserve COmpllny, fo1lowedth" cOIlllll8J?d group. By mid
night, wehad.tlie hill.pretty'~ll oran~zep.altho1.lgh tbere wore,
still quite a few Germans still in. their. bupkers and holes "Iithin
tho position. lboutan hour before daylight the. Jorriesskrted
comit:tg ol,1't of their liOles, throwing hand grenades,!,nd doing some
firing, $lld fo~ the next.two or throe hours wewereprotty bv.sy
round.ing them up.ShQrtlyafter.daylight the tanks kn~?ked out o~!'
or tuo SPguniS rtl1ich>rere til buildings on th~ plain b('h~nd us.
',''hilettose things were going 0;0 Jerl""J added to the. gene:-91 fe~-
tivities .by dropping plenty of artiU.ery fire on th" plnJ,l1 behwd
us - ~pparently dire.cted at the numarousdisabled tank.~ sprel!d out.
a~d G-25.
- 53
on it,
T11u live tnnks ':I"r,' h"ddl;,fI leT' n,t the b,-s," of thu hill d1"rt
he coulon I t q'_"!i t\~, get ~,_t t!h-:-~.. EO--'Gv',-:r, he aid d1:"op co~sidGrc.~~ll()
Hort,.. r firo or. th; cr,_ st ,- nd ......, r_~t, :"31opo of tho hill.
COf.1Jl1.unir:c.t ions to tb r:... ~_r '-.. Ol"o (P'i. tc diffi. cu] t.. 3,-;t, ,'c,:..::1
fri, ndly t~I:~(S "'.Let -er,r;r1Y ;~rt-.~' 1,::ry, ',-drc just didn r t Gt~.l in. Th~;
511 ..r...,::Uo
""i"t(.'r t;'-,jr
_. ...
~- .v
""-~ ,~"'"-., w..
.... e,
.... n .,t.hu ,::! nl'''IDO
~\. r'_
.L J'
t.~:_;o p rtil:,.cr:'" rr-.di.oL .-.( TO l~-rine; soncplr-,ce out on tho pl,: in
'~cgeth(;r ':":J_~.h their cpc::-.'"1.torr (Y:~ t~:c~' '.,odios of th,: opor.qt.ors. For
Be,,?",' r'"l hr.l'~rs tb-' anl,v !Yl\..JlY.:S of cO'!Y'1unicr:ting t.o tho Toa!' :.IC D tl:o
81 . '.. .' T<tC.r pJ'1tor:m lord.url ~ SGP, ::;..05 tb bis guns. MCS3n.~;OS l.'CI'l; re
layed .:X'n'-<1 t:1e 'lort.~r positlor.. by snund p0.'{.'cr phone to COnp~!1Y ;<HiI
. '1: .... ~,d from t:re~'e ~r t,":lcnLo!;r: to b[~ttD.l::Lon r.~.!J.r .CF or rG.(?i.1"~811~.
:("l0j r . . rt of tJ;, ::tlTlQ t~, l,rirn frOM bn.ttHlion ra:-.r to r\~'~::ir:,U2 .. t '..'0.
orc.. . .-:'10n thr:t '.':0S so, th'" ~,L'R 51,1 r;.'-'s used to commlmice,tQ r.:i.. th
::u;)_r,~'.8nt.. .
'That rfter'1oo'1, light tonks crossed t.hc river carrying ~'P.s ('nd
;".T,1T"''nition for the r.1cdi1;InS. Jorry still heG thi: c:,ossin::~ COViT0d
r.ftt~.l ~'n !"--T gun :JC'!1l.0 pIreo do':rn to tl-::.~ south of Hill 213..
T',,'o l_ight
trn!:~ ':;cnt up in fIc.mos i!!. P.b..,ut thirty soconds..
!l"hr:.nks to th - SCR
1S' 5 "'0 Leld the crossing snok0d by nur 81 mortars in 'ClbnClt threG
T"!<., impaT't~_ricu of c0:1rr.'.1J;.~.cf'.tion b8t~:T,;en thc~ sppporti..nc; t:~.nk
unit c;,r.not ~JC over strci3s,-:-.d. In this pnrt:tculn.r .e.ction, r-, lii",ison
officor cq1'iprod "ilth r, sen 510 roport,~d to me fror; th,. tnn;:'x.:t..
tr.lion. Whorl I r.1ov(;d out ~J"\t~7<.:;.:m thr- n.ss".ult. qnd rOSG.rvc cc!,"~p''''.nL:.' s
I loft him Dt the bnttr'lion :!:'"cc:-,r C? ~;tit}:; ITOr S-3 for twp rc.r:so!ib
one, to h~)ld doym the 3i z(:: of the: CO~)"'1.f".nd group End" to :n~lkc f;,UrG
th~.t hD c.~d obis redia h[:d IJ. i'nir chrnco of cr1ntinJ.inG'to rom";il}
operationn,l. S,')cGDcll:r, I L'd .~,lr"od;r providod mys:.li' 'lith r;y',m
511, tj'y mort:--.1' Sell 1~?5} t~-o f:t-ti11crt seE ()l nT S f1,nd 'tYJO '.:.'ir,-:, :.~(;,~,!:-!S
lr.yi:r:C 130 '.-:ir() folJ o':.;(:d
"8y lJ{)'
t~is ~7P"'T
1" h?,d
(t:.'} r,~;::.r
.DirQ,fJ-G COTtllWno. lirdu':n bct"!~'8.:,'n mysclf B.nd the tan]: hIt -1:.:;.11.0':1 COli:...
n:'::T.C!.cr pe3 o,lso or.played i~t !'!.~J f'1ry,:;>d tis COrnIflf.'1rld t:.. r,i': a~:.:(}:-.t fj.J~ty
~~r'r(':J froL1 trfJ C? on t~" bstSG of EilJ. 213..
D~.rect r-ontact u ;t",:C0~,}
pJ.c:tCLO}) end c0IDppn:;r cOJ"'JGf'.::c:.ers J1nd in(ii vidu~l te.nk 3nd tcn:.1< UL_~'~
cc,r:r'~lr,ndc:rs r:ae 3: co ('mpl07"nd .. "
.. 1:tl tOfl.n oporati01l t:'10 -(,~nl\ dostrC0,T.-)r shouJ.d DC-.'7C! ,~s its prii1~;:.'ry
mission - ~]1.~F "urt oJ' tho tnrJ:s. p;";C[,'J80 of tt.e essig:C~Gd priMO,:!;';.' :nissi.on it, is
Glll~~'.lJ.y f'-,1}.a~5_ou0 ;. or th.) tank Qc.strovcrs to assume t~Gy cr.rr,ot 9.ct ir. 0t:.2~;'L"
r'Jl S D.S i'c i(~: J, 'I' .;~:~(; inf,~~t""Y corn:m!"",ndLr to G.isrogtTd th,. primu:;! I;li~jsion .. (JD
If in~Ci~: oPf'ra-:-:ion ann elc.!"lect clf t~1(:: te"rm is r::bSO:1t or is forced to
wit,hl~:'(J.~7, t:~o b:;'~1g:1~. :'f cnary pressU1:'e Inl1st be tnken up b~,T the other e1e!t1onts
reg&!'d':;',~3.S of l.'~in:r!'Y' role.
It"'. tr~9 LAl'JUV:LO [:'..ction the.191st Tank Be.ttr-:,lion
and 894th T,::<.~~.: Dos'T,royor Ee:ttalioll were at.tnchod to. the ,Di7iB,i''")ntlt !hH 191st.
lJ'ank Bat-Gali-on b3.75_iJ:SI lost r,,:-)st of its :"ff:i.cers 'o.!ld 8Y.'~:viqPpedc tt~n1~ c!:'o'.":~
in :'. previous notion "DeS unt.\b'l ;:-1 t.o. f1_1n~ti[)r. r,..m daring the 894th, ~n.pk' Dostr-oyer
B;3.tt"'tllC:~l ::illc1 "tho .34tth fJnv('.l;""'J: RUC(:rll1[J.iss::,,~nce Troop tp.Q ,o.nly ~v:).i~.ll)10' fore OS
in 2 situc.ti-on dc:nnnding he:.IiTJ .armor..
- 54 ..
~V+tl, c,~
H:Jco!'l:.~,(::.sra],:1r:~) 1\-oc.n t"J '>:0';<-" th,'" Jiviston r s J.eft f'J..;:-.n1:: o.PQ 1-.'0
develop (;l"'HEly rs~i ::;'~'P!i'~::-' '_!1
L,:-_-;-. 'uhi~~b anpea:'("3d :l1i.l'inC tLe C.c_;,' 27
?-:ay bet';7W;~, t.; ;~- I-ft fIF"r..~_~ ":'.l;':-~_ c}'r:; i)-5th I:r:.f~1ntr~,'" Di,1: lsion", Kht.le
not ~J,-cle -:'0 ao:>;.:-<:;nr'-8 ( ..:.'T ... ~~< th~'. (i:-::r ?~'- ~':e.;r,r ;;V0r ter"ain Et"jboltrcr;ly
. . OJ. I"',(JVFI' +;
. .
d- ev():-',G.
,.,;-~() .i.:rooi"": eLIe'. 09,:0:"1:"7 0'10 l'S De~-;'r]_\,y ill") S;..lJ.O::l, 3:;~
POS8(-1_, ;":!.nd in th'-~ ':JC;:---:-, 0:' IT;?:..:- ~.1E-~e,yy C'1.8r1:i seJf-propel] ed, C:f,_-t.i
G::':.8 m.;-
lil':;:, ul: c
.~,E.:.ll;_ - .).f;C0~S2~:':"Y"
':"-'.s cI\inrs,j t . : 3'-~.n:/;:'~(. t.n,:l a~~l;3.,~k of +';.,8 3rd P~-Lta=-i.on, 1?3i'l'::. .:Ln
(:'ar=.:/ ;-::9 ;1t.cy. :rell 8'.H'-I'::' 0:"" i~,:,s vulner"')t:.dlity, it moy::..d
'~.;_.(-'l.c oi the irf8.nt:L"'~'" ~.r.d. succeecled i~ destroyin~~ four t.o s:b: e~:.emy
'~k- c"-;:',_]_,-: g~2HL' EL.:1 J ::ll'~ tct.:::d ::-,.n estil:1Fted I':?f-J::,~" CP,sur',lt1_8s lr~ Id.:.led
[-1",(: c-)L,urecl.
It, f'~1.rtJ-.,3~, lE.d t.he infan~ry ba:,t(-~lio~ t(.1 i-::"8 o~.,_
j('C-~,jV8 ~,~d. \'1]"[1_[;, tb'~s, ~:,irf.;ctly respons:i.ble for th.; only substan
tJal :: d~.rr':r.GA ,~[,d0 t2- tro -:1&\'3.
e,Y": ]n ~""":/ t:-:,-" ~ro':JP ';;:::8 3.::o;;omblG::!. on the- In'-:' flnrk 23 8:jcrrit:y
T:'; ;",;..f tsrYJ)')n. of ':;.1 ;"ky 2~'T\T the 1':oop arc,in o:-de:,:",Bd to le-?d
-e)-r ;l1:J P[J.ttuJ.ion, 1';);- IrSantr::- i1: o.n nSSRrJ:G in tho s'~',me C/cnerc-.l
r,r~ r;$ on :::'9 r-,:~,:.r.
I"rn '.eGG:!.-'g in the fn~8 0),'--' o0sel'v~'d d::'r5::t rire
hst:.vy c-,neJJY 8c.:_i ->ro:'..',e] ;.td g'"l)::1S -1:.1"18 ~lroor ''n,'1.~;J.0d t!1G
ntr;{ to move;; f O;.-->l!T", :,_~c, ,~Yld :.trnpro','-e its pcsitions end -e.o }~oJ d the
gro~Jnd gained.
~.fct\;.r:til'2tf!~~i:i:ng ,.. l:r10Ert fQ1.;r d-::-~:lR of cOEtin'....lOl':.S cc
-):,iol1, tho 34 tYJ Cr:V,_}lr~r :=-: '<'C('.l'1m'.ifj;::B.n~e 'rY'00p ".Tl.S di..... ectly 1'8 spon
s:l_bl,,,; for thE' o_::l:tj m,..,.~,:,oli:.::,: 8'Lin m",,-':e ;i.cros stile: D:" vL:;iq:n L::-o::Jt J~
J 1. Ve
Er:,d .31
!~ay. If
c.(' +
'Blu It:;;:.
F8.r-I~ic-;11&r intE.::.-'('G~1
'+ +"
C.-, "';:
C94th Tarle r: 0stro~Tei:-' ~D t tn.} 1.0Y' i.'!:: S r;mp~_oyr' :'. ~ n p tpnk role. T}:c:
Sl'.ccpss vrith ,.thiel: tLe 89L-~h ':'8.nk DGstrn7l:r =,atte1~.on pl~~'{:-~ i-ss
pert 8.i(l,ed m&-~',er5_al!,-y i.e trit; c,~,~tu.Te of tl~8 7~iy:;.sion obl:=~ctLI:;O-.
Conti,l'll.).::~llr C!.i;jpoG~d in th'_' f""ont lines r s clos0 sUi)port iJf
t.r.e inf <.:r:try , tho bdtt(;:i.J iO::l J...""1dDrt,)ok ma::'l-Y smtlJ. 'Un~.t cpor,--:-.. t~_or:c
cun:pJ.ot81;r foreigT: c(' it.s !':orma.l roJ.e. r.Y! t.he ir.l ~i;::l as,sc.l1:::':iJ en
VIL~I\_ CRCCE~i:'A, T'lc..y ;:S, or-; c~ atoon of Corr:pany "C n cr5"ss-cI"'lGSC;cl
r.n 0r:1.~;rr Z:i_,S-~o.6 trrn.ch ~"rft"T. ,f:.ri..rlg :.ts I!1,q~~bir~n J;UTIJ dOlNn "Lt,:;
t,:~2iJ'_'~h ;~1"'id ki~li:1,7 ~'n ~"stir,;8-t:.(;d 8 il (I20;JV for th:; loss of on:; _C-10
t..::..r\ dcstTOYSl' r,it!1 crs1r .; EleJY.'.:mts of Comr-any liP" on Jun(~ 1 movc;.,J.
for-:":-:..rd. cf the f::"r)I;.t line.:; 01: thf: }'~ft fl~,r.>: of tIl'" Di"",;-ision :'~1:J. .
-St. ~c ~-;,''',ct dir.rt fire_ on nnerrr:/ g-"(lns, 'Obse~v;:'ltion post,s -n(~ oi'lb'.'.r
i::,::-,t,[1_11::.,tions. Or.;: .hine; 3,' Co~'::!''';;' HE;'.,; _d~.S.!)OSl~d 'rlan::; 2. liYle '.'lith
8,"'~'1."',}::;.:i::1rtGly 4(1 Y[lI'G.f', ',jet'ij0r;n T,_qr"'lIJ tn::r.k destro~lf~r;J, cr.Tric:'.-1 t>.o
8.c~:->&ncc elcme:"lts of it,,; .1 33rd ._InCi 8.n~r:..' on th0 destroyers to th~,
- 55
- 56 .
In a static sitw,tion I,7hGreby mine fields are used
in a. ~tensi"e position it is nec3ssary that inf~ntry security
parties be obtained for. (ingine'lr working parties. On the A;<IZIO
Beacr.hed. it n.S found th",t it "las necess".;t'7J to obtain both Security
and carrying parties from the infantry as the amount of work WaS
so grent that enginoer personnel alone could not have accomplished
the work .in the allotted time.
12. The; bull-'dozer is a valuable piece of equipt\GntJ1~
great,. care must be ()xercised in the UBe '1l1d maintolmnce of it.
Spare p~rts should be mad" a'!ailable hy higher headquarters so
that in ellse of damage to tho b'ul-dozer it Can be readily re
paired. Each compaq), sbould haye a loast three good bull-dozer
oPerators so th:lt .the buU-doz'lr can be worked constantly.
By-p.'lsSNl should never be constructed ;l.i.thout
culverts. It is much mere difficult to put a culvel'~ in a by
paSS that has been \?ashed out than it is to put one in originally."
"hile no startlingly new methods of engineer proceduro,lerD evoivod
during the campaign many 1iffic1ut probJ.9ins presented themselves. The solution
to the following enabled the 34th Infn>,try Division to emplo;)' armor with a
mimimum exposure to AT fire in CASSn,C without which the position gained in the
town could not hairs baen held.
. 58
. h. ,Tnf, 1'E:z :.
z, P.11 ato~.
"Some 0.' m,; Q':1X:/~S: .":" i" :,.ctU:lJ. combat lire that'men, or I't\1'.rols
mine fields shoUld give :l""1J1C1:'G detuiled
1. 'l1his su'bj :)ct 'i~ill hi') 3pbd~,virl.c.d into tLrn0 si.:.ct.io~~. T!10Si:? C.Y'C ffi0SS. ~go
cO!1"Gcr, ~ l.io, ';Fd ':.'ir.:: corrlimUlic'1.t~'_onft tll1(~ "11'0 furth',]l' subdivided to bri.ng out
sp'Jcific lessGns loarnod by
~. ~':D.J1U:~..
Sig!1tJ. CO~ll.tJc.ny oper:.lt.i',-~,:)s ~.'ero pn.tt~"'!rned quito
cl0301:/ o.ftor princip,_os se':, fori 11. in B:wic Fi.u]d Fcnuo.l Flvl 24-5, ISigml
C0n11111:-nic'l.-t,i0n t No pnrtieul"'r pI'ob18PlS ~oro unColUltnred and tL-: succesci\l.l
ol')ro:tic-ns crm best bG oxpla5,ned by er:uInur"t,ing t.he; specific tLi,'lgs ~ho.t be
c"c'() SOP .",S oJl3l'-ticns prcceeded.
- 61
T/O for sus~,niYlc;d ope::'T~ions. (11 L uniLs ~vlVe tr'?ined reldio oper~
- 62
7hG rogim'J~t'.-J
- 63
First all officors ShO'lld racdvo more trc.ining of the sub;! act hefore
coming ~_nto _:lction. T!'is shcm1d be live and practical tr".ining and
not thoClry or a 1ec+,urD. Socon:ily by Commnnd Action they should
bo m:-_do to US3 tho r_1dio during trcd_ning periods and at regular
intorvC\ls so th,-,t ':J10n the emorgency arose they lIould be prepared.
Tbis should D0 fo110,cod UD c1cso1y by disciplinary _:lotion for
SGouri ty bru,'J,r:< '.;,3.;1
First Liouton:-nt HOBERT J. CORR<;, 34th Signal Company.
"Division oOT;1r''1nd net 'B t is not. normnlly operated oxcopt Ylhen
-:ir-::hUs or t!-o r()c_r echelon is out of range of field ,lire. A
:lOtC1blo USe of t:'is r.et c:aE from the ANZIO Beachhead to the NAPLES
T,::o SCH-193 1 s ~'_'DrC used 11ith Iflo.t top1 ~Lntcnntls. An ::tvor:J.gc
of ton r.!esc~1gC1::~ ;-:Gr:3 h[',nd~Jjd OVer 1:.;1:i8 not per day, for u period
in 'J:-~CCSS of tl!O months. 'lhJ only other method of communica.tion ViTaS
a t,,',-~t.Jr mossc;ngcr' r8q!~irlng thro0 daj-T's to make tho round trip.
Tho not lias continued during tho breakout from the Beachhe"d and
actuall:T ~\1ndj.onod lie11 bot'"ic;en ROfJE an,d NAPLES, _'1 distnnco far in
o:::".eoss of th,-; sot.s !1crmal r::ttings. t1
Division Artillery.
":Iho infa.:1tr:' is m"k; "r-- -:_xi:"n t'3U 0;: the SCR-300 1 s. All
attached t,nlc, t:mk destr0Y:-:::, ~);e'llical battalion or other support
ing troops must bo -3~Uj_l);: lc1. "lith thdr own SeE-300 1 s for infantry
-support. ';:ho ;_lli"_n-try T/:' Gor,s not a11e-., sets boing. supplied by
thorn. t1
First Li.out-cnoht LiJr};,n 1'. i.DL:J', 135th In:'c.ntry.
"Th3 SSh-JGOt S :111VC} '_-"~!-i:J(\ oxcclJ ently bctt/cen tanks and in
fnntry. 'l-;10 SCR-~09 rclTLisl:8d by the: tenk bc.ttalions to the irfan
try is tC'o he'I'_'Y nnd have !'_ot lwrksd out nell. Onc regiment opor
at-cd on S:;R-3'!O not CQmpos}d 'Of inf"ntry, tanks and a Cub plane for
obs~rvation. haS'Ll] ts y} . . . r.;; V"Jed.
In m:J' rogiment thruc_ of tPG SCR-536' s in the heavy \7ec.pons com
p~ny arc oach on 3 cliffel' )rrt frequoncy (thf'.t of [1. rifle comp"ny).
'lInus 'TJhen r'~ 1'Tl.i,:_ch~ t",:} gl1~l p~_ :toon is .:?t-l-':1.ched to suppo:-t ,:"ny one com
P=-l1Y, it dr:l.1iS tl:..a ~ ~R~ 53{ to -\;wyk i-}i-"'~h thc.t c0mpnny., This in
sures much closP1' sl~p:?Ort.. lJ..'he other three SCR-.. 5'-::6~:3 of tho hon-vy
~'-oapons COIr.j9.'1DY ar;:; ',:.50:3 ~)y thn m01.' [9.:1' sections,.!1
~J) +'
i~c-a\.iY ~n,'ch::lJG
I'uJ.nd ttat
Q-::t:,_~.r:hed W'38.pons.
Qctio!l f::com
tim3 py.:....vious1y. II
5 minutes to
IlThc; cmn.TIlon SCii - 3nc cr'1m:cl fer ~,-1 8.ntj.-t-'J.n.l{ compani38 has
viit!-ont dift' :_clllty
COT:7i.., ve::.', ':: 9.ch rCJ!inont. shou:td ~la.v3
:f'i'T,-; chal1'.-:"!el:-.~"
C;ui to l'rCOI1..Jllt.].J- q:Ll tbrLO t8.f-,"~,al~ons aTe com~nitted,
tl-::(; c '_:' _Don C;~'i-;-I'pJ.ny ITt" Jt 11:-,,"\:"",;; n S Cp.:1:r:J.-i.:e Or'8 !?nd ?lJ regiments OX8
usin[ the SeIi.-3CQ ler an A_dJ.~tior~:3.2. ~orrc.:1and tl3t,lir::kl'n
~-'C:. 1. ~d
Lioutennnt Colonel
(::,) I.oc:'.tior.. nE:.aT" a \i:)r-thr,lhll..:: target :::.:3 ::: gun position
or prominerlt croGsrc::d"
. (c) ~r?.nEmiss=-o!l in t;-F:' C2.C f 1::' of frie::c~~y locat:~on;3 OJ:' mOVG
lIfo~ir8 ,'":.nd T'1r:1.io men a:':"c, h'1rrpCTed :::'o.'ltIv \,rh:?n carrying tho
a'.f,}1orizGd M-2. rifle. :it is r.8~o:rrT:,<t.. :-::ied th'1t carbines 3.110 pistols
h,; i':'s"Qcd as suboti tutGS ~ Also tJ:-J use of 3. rr:usset.tc baG il1St8Ud
0:( tlco full field p::tc:{ ",auld ccid the cOlnIDunic.st'Lons men who l1suc\lly
h:Y"I"lC morc: equipillent to cG.rry than thv rii'lBmen.ll
- 65
.Q. Ril'_C0.!!1!El1'2:j.~;;t'V."
Tho sig~.11 col'lpa~ywiro personnel followod basic
principles for ',liro conml1.:11icnti,ou. rtot.c,'mr,. itwB.s. loarned thnt ilidoly varying
practices l'-nd to be ut3.cr~';";0d cLe'pQnd~J1g upon th0_ :~<...e2:':t8.:LD) rate of movement, number
of units being sorvod end tnG r"ad n'l ~"ilo.,.k. This reu1l1tGd in tho I'.Gcessity for
the devo~.\)pmont of c. v."):r:7 :C.iex.i'cle rtl!,J. <'i.zgras-Dive orgrn.i7Jo..tion. The no)d for
very C].OB .. C00r,,;Tntio'{} t<;',~7':CiO~: l,j ::"0 ccn2 GTuc'tiol1 ~TI8n ,',nd srd tchbo~rd oporators
was recogniZCld at rtn G~1.r:ty (i'Lt3~ IJ'bo 'Icnlint. G,-"'r:J.~'Yj_::;n to do.te has offorGd us
four quito distinco tYIc~ oft w::'1'8 p1'obb:.1S. Those lIill be ha!ldled by phQSOS and
the rrobloms "ill be dcs0rl: j .,,;od then tr"e Ill0 ~hod ,,;od to 801.\Ie each will be
explained. In all casas good ',=-re C08!ll'mic.,tion rescli1;ed, although our mthods
wero quito di.fforent in cnch,
Di\T~"s ion.
''t'om tho point whero tlee Cliv~sbn rlUS first conmlittod south of
BE\iEVlGi,l'O, through throo CY.:J3J::'ngs of the VOLTURNO River and on up
to COLLI thGre VleTG :er good ro~.d3. Us,",,~lly not more than ono good
road rlas found in t1:3 ~ntire Cli '."islo!} aTcn. Ofton this waS supplo
mOlft3u by t.co.ils a:nd E.':::J.g:tn\1Gr~b1:.ilt Ioads. BGcause of mountainous
tG~I."rain 'I!.d ['11 gr:)unc. 8~:S.,::;~:-,t T'oar1.s being D. mire of mud (from heavy
rainfalls) r)::'.'8 l'lYlllg l.J~~'1r.le '.-ery roadbound. IV'h"3S \Jsre cncountered
in gront quant'.ty ani ro,'c u8ua:' ly cleared only from t:1e MSR. It
is os~im"ted that 90% of tho "irG construction wns confinGd to the
'-'ben tho si.tu"tion "CiS sloy,' r.loving 0.11 lines \7ere ovorheadod
1iJhonevor possible:. '2. his t,ini..!l2.zed tro1.1.ble from vohicula.r traffic,
road ropuir "ork, E'ho~'t, cj.rc';c.~s 01' lino 108sos due to howy rains.
F.h;:;n ~if'.o permit toe. thf.: origirLi] ipsc;,1~t_ti0n '7u.S ovorbeGded o.S
laid but Ylhon ti.'llJ did not aJ.lm7 tris prnctico it "ss overhoaded
at tho fh's t opportun.i.ty.
Orly wiro ~'~IJ03 o;"s used by the cot8~ruction platoon. This
type ui=o !Hope:i.'ly cons t:,,'uilted c.nd u%d II.\. ell r"'ilclllte:rS lJll!;..89 gave
sufficient r"nge fc.>r overy problem that was encountered. On Jlk~ny
occasions lines from tt"ont.y to t.w,inty six milGs long were made to
t8..lk satisf'1ctorily. The ~lpO D.+: Spir{l.l :f:'Ol..U' 0J' long range field
wire, ospociall:" in h(~r.vtly she::'led '1"8".8. is considered not practi
cal bcco.usc of -',:,he difficulty ?f t;pl.ici:.lg ~s camp2.red to Y'!-J~OB.
The J./4 ton '"ldele WIG used to 10J virtu"lly all the '"ire
during tr'is phase. It woe,S tl,) ol"'~Y vel:icl(l that c',uld ope):"te on
the highly congost.od and narrow roaqs ,iithout. causing trLCfi'i.c tie
UpD, cenfus ion and I:cc:'.dents. Etlan"' L"rroW ruads rlOre mude ono way
excopt for 1/4 ton ':,ire and mesEenger vehicles.
Throughout this "nt"ire phase it was possible to maintain two
liner to ",ach o~ the infantry r()gimon~s and to Divis ion Artillery.
As tho Division Command Post, moved fon;ard the two trunks bost lo
cated und thut hud given tha lenst trouble wore usod to connect a
reur s,liten to handle . servico elemonts.
Tho sO"0~,d phnsa c.nd 0.08 Bhich presented different problems uus
that from CEPFAGNA thro):lghS;,N KIE~HO, SAN VJ;T'IORS, CBRVARO and into
CAL'RA and CASSINO . In 'this-' sector ~. good road was available only
- 66
~.fu."l.G J-,,~"~'-;.113
eY'.tgin8a:r'3 "buG ~::, "c- l::.].:~ ~_'::rgee 'Grs.ll a i'ec:}J could travel these;)
tr.::!.ils.. Or_';! '-:;.:,:it(]8~: ;:. '~.. ,:~rt ri..:;h-t-, c-;cr" u _r~_,I_ Gh ani rnE,'ged mountain
rr:cn;;8., TLI:~' QD,i~;- t "[!,,-U. 11-.-: ~.\..~ '~'I;3.S A. ~j'J(~Ol:'~'t "["2, te ).r.~.le pack onB
DL'(,-~TI\. i-<ln (r '~'.'1.:.;; pr-,:::'.: f_'d. -U~,8 D:~v::.i.J~_(j.~:; :'1dd ~n additional reginent
a"" ene"n6d J-J':) J:IJ '"
':\-~3 r',:';-i.~,~,.l "":;.~.ile f :.H:.. d_~") 1I'1(n'8 6JK::oU1l'(,;ered.
.At the
b0,~ir:ni!:!g '.... t' J,):, '.8 }J:~2";;~ P.,:.. ::'~-'e'.' .IJ,:.'J.i.~1i.'~_~1 Vt'Et8 I'ulj,G7ed and an
of lines h~~d c0Bn irs-ballc~t e:'ong th:-, .,: route and c&.bled togo~,hor~
'Ir,;11 jJ.:.J shootiLg ~'Ja8 li2""('Y s.L'':;~"i r.:.nd d' ~.ficul't,.. Ne~,," l::1.nes r~Gl'e in',:,
S-'':;H' i..~;d to OU.i"? !!lb.jOl' :;:\uborlj,;"lRv(;:;: l.:'i1:L~B~ d:::'essed 1(1811 aw3..Y from. the
o::.i.gL"'ll ir.:s::2~la"ti(l~j~ F02"G"ULately t.hiti YJa,:3 d~":.l'ing a sloY\l moving
opeI'r !.,ion Bnd we "{w! .~! abJJ.3 i:U d.,ras8 :lP and re::labilitate some of
tha o:6c;ioal system for '~3" (,.r S(J'CvJ_ce elellents and a-ttacl:od units.
~he 1//, -:"J)n vehicle C0J:;tJ. ."~1':~8d to b,::; ti1G only practical one
for vdre 18,JTing., ii~l.:Lch ';~.ire r."1"1.5 J.8,~:.d. ,;..c...2'3B cou:r..t~~r b:T ha.nd ~':;'l1d
gave good sen1ice ci'"Le1" heir!g ili.S-+.Js.i.J.6CL Tr:-ubJ.e $ho:Jting on font
'cre.S slo',:} bUi.:, the abnen:.e of VS'l.i.cu.ti.r t:raff:!.c ~er'1sQ to keep -;-dre
l'ailurc.:~! 10;,.1.,
C~,.sS~:J\jO t~'I~:J
1:1f8.:ntl"'Y positj.ons
se!JDr,.lted from
val.ley Vl_~'tjh the RAP=::00 R.i.\~~JY' runc:L:~g through it,) '!'here \";~ere fre
quen't a:r~~1..1J.o:::, y CO!1'~et:. tT~:l';"lf)L3 c:-~ t certain poJ.r~ts }~n the valley.
Tbese criticeJ. flPO-t< . .'or. E,Dr i.e!::.!'nod a.~l:' the i'::l.re rG""Tou-ced
uriay frcm t.b\.:m TO,:: .1.lt:")Q ~n :::::"~~ ".:.:_;.).t:L1g' muo~ troL"'.. ble, The re-rout.
ing ~ 'f) don8 on ::.:'0;,.,
,,,,~sL1f. :c'c(:.i -:"':".. . --2'7 ..
Com'TIul;ieat -: .~n. ~y r:,-~ i'C 8,C ros 3 t,ha vp..l].8;f 'i-/ns 8xtremely difficult.
F~.ve ~"!"C11u.:~ ::"~~ni..::i r:.. cri7~ :.0: 1.'1 frcn U:.a ~jv:i . .J ir::;'[l Co:yeYland Post near
C]j:s.~r.L.i.l.C to C~!t acl.vane.) DJ.-Jis:i.cn S"l7i':,::Jh:'ng c(;:n:.r0.J. locatod in CATIL!.\.,
one and onG hal:' IT, '.lu8 Il()rt~ o.f (;:.~,S I~JG, :Sach line folloTIed "the
samG gO!l8:;:'al :t:~ute cu-:;) ";.".13 se~:},ratcd fiVG to t1;:enty ygrds from the
nC1.:ces t one of the fi'Tn. T8St polnt3 l.":erc ir..atalled in th:ree places
alo.r.g thooe "t,l'1.P!ks r::' "G:t a ~.',dY'o ::hl'~'f, t.r~:ub:J'; ,,:",OO~?S and '[,ire :?er
"7ir0 1:'-~J t,h rJ8Ys .'roi:'! that po.L1.t a i."lrl aded -:J:"on8.1 -tro:'lblo porso:nnel
Tlor-}:oa from ihe .!..l_",.;.~:::U_on Cc.~:J;~;and PO.3t ;::.. _:"d t~le a,-=l. v &nco s1~it'J~1 ..
After the fi~,:-e 1:Ll:38 ~ler:.; i:1f:t,:119d C()):'illlmicaticD 'J our ar}-:;J.ncG
s"f..d.tch VIas IJst ohly OlJGO d.lt:'i.ng a. po:,,-:.od cf n0arly thirty days"
Tb'.'j ~78.S for a pcr.Loc1. of less the.!J ti '.J hOU."(,B~ O::J.c test po~.r:.t
Fa::.; ].o.2:a.tcd nalh75,Y be'hlGOn tile CClr.m.;.;.yld Post anel th8 advc.ricG
At t):.i$ 10c2,i.io';1 r-elJenteTs KS-89 \1GTe il:stallod and mon
itc}r,~.1 for CC!'"['l)(";t [_i,justLl8J:1.te
l'his onqblsi.l tho Di\T:'sion Staff to
t8:~~;: to tho advilHco R0gime~~a.1. CO!!L:2.~1d PO&'Gs of the 14.2nd, 135th
and lcCth Inf:";.;tr:tt?s, 3.11 t"'lI'eO 0:: 1.7!lic!1 'r-GTe tlac. into tho CAlM
bon,rd.. Wi.:::'Q distances of these uaits c.ver1.ged t",;enty millJs'l After
8. pG'l::'iod of a ~,"Jcok i:~lG fenTe' most sui-c,.:.ble Ii.nos woro continl.18.d and
tno rel'l(l:ining one abc,'lC.'jo-yL '['n,'oq,;hout th~ entir8 pGriod three
lines r:e;.3 kt.~pt in L:}S"C of' th3 timo.
- 67
Tho usu of .!~hc) tf""::it ~oLTts ~ T.""riro chi8fs;1 ~nd trouble teams
mr.d8 the di.:fe:'C"-;;llCG bu::'r:r.'< ~ :~El.i~::U:"3 ~L1C. 3-~-_ece,ss C!1 this operation.
I:.~uch t:':'('Iuhl3 Eh~:.:tL1\:; ",JW: dGiie 0:) fuo"L f.t:'cTii these rojpts as oven
the mO"'lo.fl)']11r, of u
_ t
Iloh~_c:J8 -,,'0'L::"C (lr9X.1 riTe.,
W~_~e W-IJO
~.a.s :30~_r1.c ti:,"'~3 U:::I":" f.t J:'l~~, t t,() l'6p.: nco 0')01:1 d0;;'lH?;od sections in
n 11", ).. :!t ',',i:~
i'.',LC:(~ a:' ti:Cl f.i.:t:'},;:; o:ur.;or";:,u;lj.ty 'by Vl~llO ..
ttis i,.-"\st
:,~_cu "',1 i
.-~~'-i~.C; ~C01_-.t,-s
'rhe avoidance
of sr)GC~."::"
..C).:C"; J[
. .',:'1:I.e 1.::1d1' t1'3.f:'1_:; &ud a sl1ull amount o.f
s:racin," -tJ:.~ f,.} :::>(.!\l ~.::;.~\-,;_, r,'o~:"l,~cd "'/8'l"Y .~oJ.:, ri'-~-:-c18 tho Same troublo
toans c:tLd ~;oilit 3 CJuLl -t;,; '.13L~:d 011 3l.1 J..;.!:lCS ~
TJlC! 1'~S..l.-::-_"'H1i<1~:" t~>-T':1;,3 '"0"!"C ",y[:..)Y'c.:ting 0V0r very rugged torrain
brt by' il:~_GT',J2.E i;:;t": ~;-Jl-'8(il to ~-, ~~.t'.h (J lI!en o:l.ch and pUHhing the advanco
s'..'itC:1 up to CAIF.A -L>J;Y- ;,\'C:"3 8'-:-~2.0 to k88~) ~:.i~:_!'8 in at all times. n
HAt tho ANZIC Bi..,[tcl-,-h,:?~.d ':.l8 '..'orD f:l.vored 1,,;d~r., 0; good road not
dry \/8"11::.t en' ~ .::'I;..... . -.-,h(j h8.'~2.rQs '1'0'::1 rr::~!l<:-' fiolds "..:ere min
'i"~orJ{ n:~1d
imized af"t-Jol' th:} r8;~ ~ -:'ir.-'.; !1c:..c1 ~,.c'rJLl occu!Jj ':Jd for Q S~lort poriod.
'1'1-.0 Divjsion took JVCI' :7_~1'r~r::.ct, "t.;'lC '.,':::ro sVft(~m 0:," tho nnit ro
li'3"TJ("'2,., It '.1"8 ~',." '-,-,5 to h',:; "_A,::; -~:J:1,\'3 fa:!:"' 01:(1' needs o.nd l1carly
h,'.).lf or tho 108R r;J~~.iab18 ~~~;.~8S trn:,:,o '-:rJ!1'-lG8;-"};;C~) Tho o.reJ.S of he,1.VY
sholling hH\.."_i'l C1\:.-' r(x~d ::1...... ti~)n8 3n] g-m l)CS_~:~~ions soon bec:)IDo ap
p2xont to \,;:i;~8 nC:-'30~~~',)1. ~~nd J L.lGS 1.:3:CG .)5,t~'lGr re-routcd or buried.
llIany O~""" the _~OT",-:,':U~il :.. ',DCS coaId rot bo mu,iYlt.cinc2 during d-l~Tlight
dvo to cnor1Y Obi3Gi: ']~,tj.cn 1.L:1 firo.
Un0.0l'rrOl.'!ld or Qvr'i'3d l~',nes ;,'QYO l.~scd for ths first t5.::10 J~nd
rJorkcd very '-'pJ l~ Lftcr i:'. s\ort poriod ~rouLd8 do--,:'olopod which pro
hitdted t:-.l_~~,:,:, :,Ging :~impl;)Aad .r'--~'l~ teJ,OiIJ:"!~r41 "t":'lt they iiorlcod vary ;Jel'_
lor tolGpIlYQ8
'.i.-oct pointa "..'el~;J inst1,11ed eVGry q"x~l'tGr L!ilo c~nc1 T~', ,.
I&:. Tcrnin".l S ,,-'J'-'_~:J;J ne ed. 1l1:' s p::rGQ.tJ." r f:l.cili i:,-:::ted tr(~ub10 shooting ~
Burial l.-;r'lS "~',-~omp15_3.t,_c:d b;:r 1..:3 ....; of 3. cable p] O~'T borror:G~:3. from
tho Corps Rigr!9.l battalion. It pr0\:"t~d 3. very .'3.rd-iJ.":)us and ttE10
CCT1Sl.1mir:g t.~s~\. Ot~t p{:lid divirlords cc-.---~idor1-n.F the tiY.l8 tilcl.t '.:0.8
r::'iJ~' . t. -';.n t,l:..o pos:."..ti','DS"
Lll li:108 t~~_lt could!:"l.! t bu ro-rO"ctod
,~.- ':~~.,. f!"om sJY3c'~:f'ic t~=,rgct3 ,-;cr'a b:..ried.
Or~l;r i~port':',nt t<:;.cticnl
lin~:';;:: -.1Cr3 b:..rriod:t
- E8
- 69
communication both ~iays. j,t this time it became imposRible for Corps
to keep their circu~t.s up to us so v'e displac,,-;d forv!ard using our
oCin 1!~110 lines b",ck to ?\ll" re'1r Command Post and from there on into
Corps on their circuit.
At n !Joint .-:bout t 1:.;enty IlljJ.GS north of Rom3 the 17ire short
age devoloped and t!1e pace of adv.3.nce increased. It rms decided
to lay only one circuit for.7Qrd abng Higrl1'~Y #1. At this ti.me tl70
regiments rlore adv'Incing in colLlllln ahead of the Division Commcmd
Post and the other t,-:o r': '0 located ne"r Division. The ti70 le2,ding
regiments '/ere tee-splic~d onto the single trunk and the two nOflrby
regiments uere 12id to by a Division "iro team. At 0600 bours
one morning wo U0ro told the,t tho Command Post Hould movo fiftoen
miles that morning. By h~ving aggressively pushed our'"irehead foro:
ward along pith ti'e TD nnd tal"k lmits ne had t'ilenty~siX mileD of
17-110 laid M01:d of us. lis it dovoloped t.ho Command Post that day
moved forty-one miles and right into CIVITAVECCHIA. Communication
\ms maintained during this snit!'D day beti1een Corps, Division Command
Post, four infantry rog.Lmsnts and the adv~nco Division Comm.cmd Post. :
Prior to moving into CIVITAVECCHIA the advance Division Com.mrmd Post
nas tnent.y-six miles f'roDl chG min Command P.-,st. An EE-89 repeater
17[1S installed on this c~r'Ouit anC. it talked well.
The Deputy Corps
Commandor talked over this t,'lonty-six r.li:J,e Division circuit back to
our main Comm:md Post then through Corps circuits to tbe Corps CDm~
mnnder nnd reported the ilivi sian! s capturo of CIVITAVECCHIA. Af'ter
the.t the advance group moved into town' completing a forty~on8 mil a
movo for the day, actually the time inv0lved \Jas from 0700 hours in
the morning until about 1500 hours in the fifternoon - ei"ht hom's.
1,"hile tho town Has bdl1f: cleared the DiVision wire team com?lotod
the last f:iteen miles Clnd whon the Commanding Goncn'al arrivod an
EE.8 telephone was waitine for him and cOll1l"unic::ltion tins still in
to all four r3giments.
In constructing this circuit each regimontal kam had a 1/4
ton and 3/4 ton vohicle. These 'Jere used to mako the tie-ins. Tho
actual forty-one mile circuit \'las laid by fOllr 1/4 ton poops f'rom
the signal company gr()up. Tho highrmy t'as divided .into t7JelvG mile
s3ctions and each peep assicned three miles. The Division wiro
officer and his assistant coordinated the joining of tho circuits
and the tying-in of ":hoY )giments
A wire dUl'lp of tVJenty-five to
fifty miles Has kept as ",0ar to the wirOO83d as possible. The linos
wero ,Jell dressed, as laid and very little trouble developed.
Trouble shooters were stntirned at test points along tho line 1>8 1181]
as at both ends. This enabled them to roach any trouble in :J. mini
mum of time. Tba Division .!ire officer kept his reconnaissanco as
far fornard [lS possible so th'lt he would bo porsonnlly infor::lGd of .
movement, by-pass8s or anything thnt might alter tho wiro plan.
From CECI~m through LEGHORN and up to PISA the Divjsion had
five infantry regiments 1 t ..o t.nnk and two tcnk dostroyer bGttr.lions.
One tr'\lrlt Has insk,llod and maintainod to o1lch of theso units in
addition to artillery nnd service tmit comnmnicat.ions. During this
period IIire supply bocaIne criticnl -end recovery ~as reqlured.
ttIssUIj nf
to l:o:r
kneri it 1101].16.. directl:;~ a,1:"':;'ect t1:e amount of nark tr..at would follow.
Using tL,) 83.1:',,, men for a considerable length of time to maintain
a group of c5_rcuits resuJ,tei 1'1 their becoming very familiar 17i th
every -,'ea'-ners, nnd l1':ely trcu'?le point. Thus they could easily
lociote tr,.. uble 'Lha-c did c,(Jv,Jlop e.n d they made ilnprovements each
time 3. C'~"G of tro'clble apf<oQrej. After a fe\7 days, the ,circuit
~,?"8' trovblc freo .. U
board" and tier" plugged into the circuit to boost calls from dis
tant points.1I
- 72
133rd :nflll'try.
Std'f Sergoant LEWIS E. McKENZIE, 135th Infantry.
Staff Sergc6nt JAMES R. GAV'.:3KE, 135th Infantry.
"On tho first crossing of the VOLTURNO River '.Ie cnJr.e up after
dark to the regimental CP end fOl'nJ thoro was no ',1ny to cross the
river by truck, but r'ltions, Hater and ammunition hnd to get
across. First ne tried a peep to carr;l a cable ovor, but the
peep ,'mnt down stream,
The next thing we tried nas '1
ton 6x6 cargo truck by its
winch, It ,"Jorked OK so we loo.dod a peep ".nd supplies 011 anel then
dragged it across. l"8 kept that up until rle held four peeps across
to haul the supplies out to the companies which l"'ere nbout n. mile
auay. ~Te moved all of the r",tions and ammunition that night by
the same process. "'e dsc took all of the casualties back across. 1I
."A bottor rat5.on should bo given t'1e f:."hting mon r;hen they
. are able to get a hot moal instead of the usual hash or stew menus.
Pork and gra~- o~ beef and gravey takes no more time to prepare
and is much better."
Staff Sergo,,-nt DELBERT F.LEET, 1:;3rd Infantry.
"When bringing ratif)"s up to the company al\lnys be sure not
to bring fire down upon ,.ne ar<Ja, or vicinity of the company, by;
pulling in too fast \lith the vehicles. Al",,-ys pick a secluded spot
where the enemy cannot observe your moveIilent."
- 74
G. ~'J'3 r3sec:-ve 'e' cr 'K' rat.ion cel'ried in the infantry
kitchens eli;n:inated c:mfusion in cas" the unit is ordered into combat
after a IB' rcti~n r."s t: ' j l i.53',,,d to the companios f~r the ne:,t
dey's consnmption 0' the 'c81'Jh~",m has g0'18 in for the IB' r:ltion.
111 such C1.S0S tho uui t us ,lS its reaerve ration and puts tho nonper:'. 'h'\b18 portic., "f tre ''3' rdtion in :'os"rV3, When the unit is
again out of cC1.1bnt tho c,~'r-_pG.ni8r:; aro r.bIo to serve a 'B"' rntion
even if the uni L hClc' dI'& c" Cl LJrr.al issue of h.'1rd ration.
b. The r8~erve r4t~0n is ;.,130 to be used in emergency
if for any reGs on tl"t(: uni-:' is lL'1ub2.e to riraIV t!:t8ir daily ration.
l68th Ini'ar;t:,:,y.
- 76
nr'CV8 ~,
[1 ;:.:C'3:~C
"DiSlJOS8 01' tho b1r:nJeot roll In tic.8 daytime and let the kitchen
force bring 1.]:"" u at nigh":.. 'fhe blanket is too bundlosome Gnd
. p",vidcs Cc l:lrgcr target. Tho roll hinders movement going donn
11')T017trr.lls flud thrOllgl; b:~sh8s. 11
Li..)lttJno,::lt 8obnol JOE L. "lQL'Ri!.1E, 16"th Infl'cntry.
";'1'02.1"" ,'.' '--::;:. 1:. ,.,-.DC>, Clen r:ith fl rif10.
It is be1ievGd
t,h-'.t n. 1Jistol for tho r~-'s~"')o=':i !':l::'D'is much moro desir[~ble. Y:-c hl1ve
:-:ctllccl::'j' C;.:"'l -:::lcc bCJsc'<;l~c. ;X:D pl.JtOc.s to cnrry fr= time to time.
'l'l18 oojGcti',)ll of .tho ri.fle :,:_8 .!0h1. t it is a little too cumbersomo'
to be C':1.::".i:'i"JCt ~'Y "J. r'1n ",11:0 ir .'lJ..sa c'~rrying tho b~zook8., ~nd, cs..
:coci,nlJy so rhJn you cons::'j"r thnt the bD.zoeka lll"ln has a little
(Ufforont nmnunHion
ordinnry rifleman."
n::bo rTC: c,L,~or or s,r-;'pl:, sorge':n't should stay with the COHl
}Y\ll:r C? ~:o l~,s:::. itot.3 c..osir-::c.1 for tho next ovening's distribution.
T:.:oSG itOLS CQ.I~O forr;'2.rd frr)J::. -1:,1'18 \i":.chan l.reQ with the folloHing
Q,,"S r:,t;,c::B.
r,~tionJ "d. 3up;>lLs for' detached pIa.toons should
1:8 sc,nt :'):.th tho r,tion t.o".:,] 0:: the compllnyto which they are at
tncbed. 1h'.s ?elf,S '003n o"r st'Ondal"d eperating procedure since 1'Ie
- 77
able trouble at first in handling and use of the foreign pack
trains. E~perience has shown that these Italian or other foreign
pack kairrs can render valu~ble service i f handled properly and in
turn Oew ;,e a lot of trouble i f not. The follol"dng ~ystem is used
in the 34th Division.
1. Upon attachment of a pack train, an officer is sent to
the train "s liaison and if it is a foreign organization an inter
preter is sent ,lith him. All dealings between units and pack train
commanders are transacted through this liaison officer.
2. These pack mule trains are commanded by competent officers
and non-commissioned officera and are organized as any other unit
into sub-divisions of squads, sections, etc. and work best uhen
oper6ti~g under their own co~anders.
Orders and instructions.
therefore "re given to th" co=mer of the detail and not to ind
Unsatisfactory rosults have occurred in almost every
instance TIhere units attempted to take command of the mule leaders
individually and not go through the cOlDl!iander as would be the case
of a normally attached American unit.
3., AWl generous act on the pert of units using attached fol'
Gign pack trains, such as giving surplus candy and c~;rettes to
the train, pays dividol'.ds.
4. The pack train commander should be informed of the tact
ical situation, just us any other attached unit, to enable him to
intelligontly plan tis opcratiol'~."
"In tl:.e past W<l hilYC beon marking and breaking trails, hours
before the ration train leaves the ration dump. This is a.very
good idea, and sr.ould be used in the future. 11
LieutOllant Colonel IVAN G. 'i'ALZ, Headquarters 34th Infantry
,S. . lror!7,!,ll;d
"During the .campaign due to terrain and traffic difficulties it
- 78
T!~~S u.b~1:ndo:r18~.L.
It. ~as b2,)~ fOlJl1d th-:-.t TIDCn 7eS:3rvo d'.lLlPS f;.l1.".1st be ostab
- 79
ch:1t iWa.P0T"i'3
This lo~d h'\s proved adequ,:;to at all ti::1011 nnd in' OVGr 300
dJ.Ys of actual comb"lt tho troops of this rcgir:tent helve nover b~on
OUt. of" unrrl.Ll'lition of any t7J)G.
It j.B reCOIlllllGndnQ t1l-' the
- 81
1. Ex-perience ha.s sheJ':m t,hc;,t not on1y m1l2t the intelligence ar..d operations
officers work in close cooperation, but t"cey MUS+' work at the same desk for best
results. This applies to divlsion, reg5,mel't3! .',no. ~)"ttalion stnffs.
!!. f.lLJ:J:l:!&r.r,o,aatiqp"
Much he.s been le"rned in the employment of in
terrogators and by the ;nterrogation p<3rBonnl'll ia the performance of "their
job. In this division it has be~n i'etognizeJ that the closest cooperation must
e7.ist between the comb'!t elements for whom informat:i.on is obt.ained and t.he
interrogators obtaining that ir..format.ior... To be of the mnst value the ir..ter
rogator must at all times be well inforL,ed as to the t"ctical situation and
haye a good knowledge of i'utu:re plans. He must be able to seCUrO information
as sreedily as possible and sse that it is promptly diss31ID.nated. The sooner
the PW gets back to the interrogator the faster information ce.n be gotten and
disseminated. This is comddered so impol,tant that lectures on this subject
to all troops in this division are included in every training program.
n.f ~'S r:::.d t,o br: (~VQcnu.tcd to di v~.sion beforo being interrogated.
It ,7ail also ,,'GCElcl tk:t in t><s SGt-UD much detailsd information of
tactic,'),l '\ral '.~'? tn rogih8n-{' -J.~ld lovwr -.wi ts -~-Je.s not exploited. An
int(Jrror:t~_~-:r ~.:ork~::1g '()l' or] !,8gim~)nt only, can certainly do a more
6Gta.:i.100 ,-'.T!d nccura.te :lc'2.~ C:1 the tacttcal situation in his regi
mantel [,Gctor ,t~e"r:. a d:Lv':'f.lio~l interrogator ".7ho handles PFI s from 3
r8gir.:.:3nts t'~.nd SOLlctimos 3".~EJn 5 rer;;::l.I!;9~ts" In our present set-up
r.c hc~v'J 1 offic,er vri t.~:'l 2 :Clon-co;~uniGsiGned o:'ficers interrogating
2~t o~.c!"'~ r3gj.-~n~t. :?~nd 1 or 2 ufflc'3r~ YJ5.t:h 2 non-commissioned officers
at tbo di7ision cage~ 'I~e il1terrogc,tor at regiment YJorks strictly
fer r".3.CO 2,'1d is dirGe'll:, respor.sitle to 3-2, Tho interrogator
cL eli vis ion :.8 u:1der G-2 .' rid ,lOrks on all information of interost
at tris lGV8J,. The"re ;'i.E bo some duplications and overlap, but it
ht.;d knr. :i'u::nr..' tha,t th::,s ; appens rfrther seldom, and if it does a
clouble-cD..')e;\: never hurts ~ The :i.r..formation obtainGd at regime'nt
1:ill i,l1!;iG Untol:' b3 diss'3m:i.ndod. first to the battalion "ho cap
tUT8d tto I'articular FW, t,,)n to the other battalions and to div
ision. T:""c.lJ;' by ~he tiJ19 the P7' s get to division the interro
rGgh'le~t 'Jr,ich "ill givo him an idea of riha:; else that particular
PF can knon. T'1is sys"':",m ,;o::ck>3 out very well as long as 3-2' s,
S ...Jt s, G--2, G-3 ar_./J t~:c i:::t:.rrog~.ctors at regiment and division work
to nco at tl-e civ:'csion C'P r.t leaDt onc') a day and preferably more
.. 2-3
.,:iOll got:':.e1'l from PW's g'1d air photos ohooked. A comparison of the
1.!lE. r,ll tt.e ANZ:() Beach"leac. an gotten from photos with the one ob
occ:u~ion, a PEt s p:!;r"0.ook r!0,S cxar:i.r-E:d an~ the P.'! was rop0rtod ,~s
be1.onging "GO a di;]j.:ii;-~n ",~;hi8h n t. -the t.:i.:n(;! "7aS sup:)osod to be in
=ilis rIe,: idG2"ltif:1_c'~i.'t.:i6n ~'lbd e'rJ81'~!l:oj;T UD to co:r-ps c:'.nc1 h?-gher
h02JJjl 1.fli."'':'''',_ '''1 J ~: 0:,";"-;_ t-~;,..~.:,. '.I,Jl.. ~;~'- -)-,he 28e~_j~F-jnt.sl intel"""'rcgJ.tor found
out "ella s
95 :;th IR
",J. '~"'j:l
, ~.'--J.l
to this uni+,
1-.~ -Tn 'h"~t -.-Jor~'l'nu"!=!'"
nOiJ in the
n, 1)::::S 11kR,~IS,
I ]
c'.~b:-::t.::!:le ~
Ga'4 h['l,b us,~d "V-';Y i. c;.l.D ;3;" ~dio8 to very good ,;,dv.~.LnCrtge. in detor
mining '..'1--31".1'.18,(' ~15"8 SI1-Pp\y 0~nd' EY~7"~,cu:..tion ;-iill b9 D;!" truck, rule or
mo.n. PF ir..-tf1:!.70g.. ~\:-,.:s n.ra oh'Co::..inj1.1g o.c0ur~,;.to iufo:'lYJ..':1.tion bo;y"'ond bG-'
I'ief b:cT tho liS'3 0:' '1i..:' ph.:.:p~os, ,'J:id 5.n par-(,ie.-111.1!' the US;) of obliques.
Tho use' of ''lir I11-:otot~, bv t:h -Vcyt:"cJ,l o.nd- oblique j 1,'!ith our o':Jn
p.':'.trols c::.t.-:1;1.C"1t 1:-e over3~!lfhnsi3ed" ',TlJ.3Y p-::oovi,i2 b!y~h :J. good r.:ediu~'l
for the rU0St::,oni' " of' tho p'l'crol upon its roturn, 'end for d'Wlight
pe.trols to rccorc th.9ii.. routo Q.nd observ'ltions 1,7hilo on their f!:is;:1ion .. ,i
- 85
Major ARTHL'RJ. I'ETERSON, 31+th D1.vision 'l.rtillory.
A tr'1""nod air cor;:>s photo int8rprGter ':lns uttnched to divisi,:m
c.rtillor" hoadqu"r'c,ers uJr1.ng t.ho oporatior.f, at, CASSINO. This in
nov.:.i,tior:, .]Ol"~,\.(~d :-. ce.11C'lltJ.y T:com it.s i.nception :::nd definitely r-,roved
tho V,"1'-'0 of }-;::lYing the plato ir:t81'pr(,tor in r:,ysical cont .'.ct c;ith
t..~_O i:'-)opln ',;~~o GCGTd rC:lCt r.':~"'th mi~lirl}llir. del::::.y on his intorpreta.,.
tions , A!'o,,,.,q m"'.0.8 susjJ8r;T.. by shellreps lJero r(~fc::rr8d ').t once to
- the ph0to intoriJrotGr an-4 i~1 s-:)mo C'1SGS fir8 :72,S urought to bCQr
on the onorrry b~'(:" tG.l~,T (Je.t\; "-8 it :~<ld c0'1.s;Jd firingn Tho intGT
FcotGr \7 '.c nls0 of gN.ot \''111'3 to t.h3.S-2 in sclocti1'lg harf\ssing
miSG~~ 'Jns, locat.1.~'.,; r. ')rt~).rs > (-:n,'.~_ in m:"l,k.ing torro.in studiGS for
futur:J positiol1F .. !J
"Ever sirJce the ,,?'try of the 3!.th Divis:'on into ROME it bocnx.1(l
npP2rJht tL l"t tl'8 Ptlrtisl'.r..s r.:ero n. probl~ to be dealt ii'ith if SGCu:r
i ty :1.nc lex; [',.r.J" order f\lere to be t'.uintnined in di visional ~rClflS.
Very little \,!l~ k~1'::~";,:1 of th0Jl1 ''l.t -the ti,,1G. They r.. erG ~n ovcrz0,,11ous
group} CtlrrY'ing v'.ri0us seyts of arr.:18 ::~Yld without propor h'J.r:d.ling
might be a Y:1en::tce to our s:)curit J" cor":unico.tions o;~ suppl)! as woll
C'.S R. SOUTce of ter:::-or to civilians. .'.t becun'io necesso.ry therofore
to d:.nl vith thorn 'cS suer.
On or '1bOi~t 30 Jme 19M. t.ho CO'.lffia!'lding C:encr'l.l, 34th Infantry
Diitisic!1, "Q.tL,:t~hod A"<Jnt GEL'RGE IV1E}GiI?~A.~J cl t:lO 34th Division CIC
as 1Li~30n t'liGh MID Section, 34th Division, both to r.'ork dir(lctly
nitl: the P'lrt.iJans through C;-.2 and Q-1 m:d to deal \Iith them ~s nn
ind.ividuQI cU.I'isionalproclom. Tho method ~nd plc.n of procedure ,IUS
l::lid do-m 'It 'l conference b0tY,een G-2 ::Ind G-1. It ~I:"S considered
thr.t this urr::lngomcnt \1ould help t'.3.inta:.n security '::ithin di'.risional
bour..d"'_ric~!< ri':1~.d: :"-"'18 Il'"'.t'Cl,l"'[,:.J..::l.: n. GIG function, o.nd would Q$c:;ist in
m,int~injl1g l'",",nd ordor ~ruo:1g th" civil popul'ltion, Vlhich ;Jrs a
nl1turlO.1 AUG f"Inct5.on. The Si,ihrity of coverage between AEG and
GIe made 'Lhis an idec.l ::~T'r:.111g:-1ent"
As soon as '] COF.;J:une .:.5 t .....'ken by our inf.. .ntry J :1nd in many
c,';.ses sop3r~t8 frr.c't).ons :::~ corrrr'.1Jr..Js, rye hC':ld a TJ8eting '.-:ith 0.11
re!C'lining offit'ia.ls '"s \"ell ClS ;,ith profess,ior,::\l men and othor 1cnd':'
ing c i tiZOllS of .(,~.. .. u:-J[~u.n'J ~ Ii1c~nded in this twet.ing etra the
leGdo,"G of the Pnr~i8,"ns '1r.d the CL:.T to whoM pe express the Commnnd
ing GGnOl'~l' e ,'1Pl. .J.'G\..~i3tic1. fo:."' their o.ssist'1nco rtnd the hope th.':l.t
they tJill co:rcinuo to 'lssi;::;t. -JS.. r'G explain our rasp8ctive mis
sions, solicit t~'1eir c'.')op:3r;~,tion .'!nd tJ.k(~ the necessary d~.ta re
quisit.o to the propoS/." functlo'1ing of hot:1 LiVe 1:nd GIG. 170 oxpl:.::.in
th-.t tho C on"lu'1(~:;'ng Gener"l em} th" h11ied lJi1.li'cary Government ClrG
responsible for tLe Government of thail' pe[>p'Q ".t this time and that
tho P,'J.!"t,is."cG arq to 1 ny down th8il' a.rn~ in ordor th:\t penc3 rr,'lY
bo rostcrGd once' :\gain to th'Jir peopl'3.. It is recognized 1 hOPGver,
thnt in all ins ..:tnC3S in which 110 enter :l town there arE) eitl10r
Gormnns in the urol] in hiding or Fascist enemies. Conscquently, wo
- 86
l:e.vo kken '\ prr'octical vie,v Clf the problem rndh~ve permitted tho
l' .'.rtisc.ns, for tactic,""l and military roasons, to retain their nrns
u.ntil our CP moves be,'ond their town; On 9 July we inspectod tho
entire roar bound,..ry of the LIVORNO Province nccompaniod by the lea..
der of the P~rtis~ns and h'\ve found the Parti~ans in the rear arona
dis2.rmed nnd without insignia, leading fairly normal lives, yet re
taining their org::mizntion '."Thich enn be called into exiatence 2.ta
moment's notice. However, most of their arms have been taken up and
t,hoy do not ho.ve nccess to them. We have found, though, th~.t in
communes closer to our fory,ard CP the Pr'ortisans in many instances
rotc.in their r'ome in spite of the proclamation and the notices to
tho contrc.ry. This should ]x, no cauae for nlarm, aince lllc".ny of
'~hese l'r.rtisans nre c:ll18d upon for tactical missions with our
combat troops or to mcJ<:c security nrrests. Moreover, the armed
PC.rtis;cl1s J;!ove forrrrd ns tacticnl troops advance leaving merely a
,3!ne.ll skeleton policing g:"oup "Ihich IGys doml its nrms when the
Carabinieri nre cstablishod.
Aid given.us qy Partisans.can be divided into two phases:
(1) Civilian; (2) Military. Under the civilian phase the Partisans,
n:i. t;l the cooperation of the CLN, maintain an intermal police force.
They make security e~rests ,and report known Fascists and suspects
dan:;erous to the security nftha division. They sen4 squads behind
our infantry or 1'Iith our infantry into embattled towns to prepare '
the T:ay for us. In many instances they inf'iltrate into the towns
under cover of darkness before the infantry arriveo, assist the
infantry in their tactical mission, and thereafter maintain inter
nal order. 'I';~e Pertisans and the eLN maintain offices in the com.
J1ll.Ules'l.nd in eacn tOlm, for it is a rare occasion when the regular
. officials are present. In short, the only government we meet as
we enter newly fallen cOlD)Jl1.Ules is tbe goverruaent created by the
Partisans and the CLN. The Committee of Liberation aelects the
:nayor and supplies .us with t'Ce essential dnta. The Partisans
assist ,dth the evacuation of civilfans fl'om embattled towns; they
disinfest the civiliens; they bur,r the dead; they distribute food
s>Gores and aid in the resettl?lTl13nt'of refugees. They assist in
taking Care of thdr O"n: i';~unded and infirm by establishing and
maintaining emergel"!.cy ini'irnari.es. They check on all refugees
within a tOml rpr securHy purposes; they maintain lists of refu
gees so that they rr~y be properly housed, fed, and given modical
attention. While most of their 1"IOrk is not a highly finished type
17hich l.s mtural to cont8lr.platc ina .\1e11 organized group, they
successfully perform the set-vices we ,ask.
From thfl mili+;ar:r sknrlpoint thoy. have boon of recognil!!ed as
eis'i;anceto our dtvisiol1. TLo Partisans are selected by US to con
tact their groups in ter:'itor;<r oc oU:;',i.vd by the Germans and inci
dentally to gather positivo jnteEig~nce for our division. They
~,dvil3e the' :for':lprd PartisLns t.o, e;wect the coming of the Allied
1'ili kry Government inth, fu.ture und they explain our mission so
tI12.i; thEN n,.." preparciJ. ..'h',n '.".'e arrive. The Partisans h(lve
..gona 1'6ruaJ:'d u:1.th our tacticnlunitl): "I) ;3cQ1lts"fl-nd gtUtl~,
nndmany np 1l"!.terProters . They 1!l!lintain gu,ei.'!illa, utdts itr
tho mO\W.'tnins all, Il1!ss~or~ npo.rt i"rcm our otlO .d1visiontl3.
t~ctical mission.
to!J!lS'1g~inst the
Psychological Warfnre.
Major ARTHUR J. PETERSON, 34th Division Artillery.
liThe division was comerned roth psychological warefare
through the distribution of 1J'{'opaganda leaflets by light artillery,
British 2-inch mori;nrs) Air- OP, and 9~tr,ols. Beginning shortly
after the first -crossing 'Jf 1o"e VOL'! URNO hundreds of propaganda
filled shells were directcd~t enemy positions with ,not'iceable re
sults. A good percentage of P'J's had leaflets in their possession
':hen c3.ptured. In addition to direct!\ppeal leaflets, a weekly
- 88
":> ':':',:--r of pdtl8 3:,eci3H~~; s;oends all his" working t.ime learn
in;:: '/;Y:'J.t th3 -cner:-;:r, ~)ut in. tl"<3 31~t:h Division the chief lesson
]:G,rnod by tha.t earnostst:ldentconceI'rling his metrods has. beon
tho obvious one - namel:', tS focus. all intelligel)C8 sources on him
.. ~JGlf :.:!.7.1d then to chcc~ onb. a~-::ai.nst: anctb8r~.'' "The second most impor
t,:;.. :'lt J.3S8 on bas bea!~ t.o'l'l-:alize nO"':1 nbc,::ssai7' .it- is"; on occasion,
to 812..:1 I I dontt kh~'!!i' ~ ;
",.' ....
. ...
.~t tha A}'ZIO B<:'achhead it is considered that the high degree
q~' accuracy in the final !,ict-brG sho.cel'lthe soundness of these state
~10',t". start-tng .'dith th" information 'tl!ikenover, f:rom the relieved
d:vkion ever;/ item vrt:'.ch could amplif,y 'our cknoViledge of. the enemy
on 01];:" :'ror't r:as studied. F'rom th:> first, the closest contact lias
kopt.:! b tb~ ;;hoto ~ntor2TGtors. Tho offices of tho two sections
adj oinod and the pel's~nal frien,dship of the persons ooncerned "as
a great help. A cheerful yell from- the photo man' I've found tuo
very h8fl-V;)" mortell's!' \lOuld at once stillll.llate the OB man to ans\"ler
(if ho cou:I,d), 'Yeah, I told 'you the 8th Company of the 956th GR
just mo-,:ed intb that aTea I . If he could ~ give ,such an answer,
it u-,s un to hiE to find out, so he Vlent to see his pals in tho P1'I
interrogation tG(\l1S, who 'Ciore frequellt callers, and briefed them on
the dosired infon:::1tionagainst ,th8 time when the infantry c",ught a
:->i80n;,r from tl:l<':i sector concerned. Radio intercepts, agent I s reo
,nr"i;n, inform tioll from 'pc;trols ,',nd 'deserttl"Swero sifted '"nd, by
,~H:mination, the gGpS in allr ltnowledgowere est{l.blished.
In the couree of mnny conversations with G-3 personnel, missions
rere arranged to find the m:i,ssing' items, and it 'ilas during th"," e
talks that the phrase 1 I don't kmm' came most frequently from the
OB man. Finally, as the time car;,3 to prepare the plans ~for the
breakout, from, A:1Z:tO, the gaps had beon narror;od. 'I"donlt knOYi l
had become 'I tilink so', and tbe final estimate of the f-inal esti
mate of the sH'latiori ,;"8 publicbod.
Puzzles were plentiful - ,chiefly, that furnished by, a drunkard
from tho 9th )"GR, 26 J'G Dj'Tision phose statements, 'under interroga
tLm, on the movc;';~nt of his unit r1y,coda question mark on the map
for Y'eeks.Y Jt on tJ::(l stre:Jgth m2rGly of' such' a report. it ,"auld
have been hig\Jly dangero'.ls ,to nss;me as some did. that a Panzer
division- h~vJ..on+.,::!'ed the line. "
By good luck, tll" fir;',l result obtain0d Came very near t,he ,
true pj.cture. as shown incQ ptured documents after the attack. E:ach
sktemcnt or estimate mnde had S0::13 ovidence to support it and
GuesserJ "~lore plainly stated to be 3'.1"h;
Undoubtedly the most encQur,igitJg feature of the mole, phase
,-'as that, 'by. CO'1stant sr:appiDg of informatipn and b;y-frank discus
sions ~'Jith all sorts of people', for example, ,battalion COl:llllanders
and patrol leaders, some not fntellige'nce special-ists at all, it was
pospible'to fallaH-up leads andqu'ite often, to arriVe at the cor
roct ansrJer.
By contrast with the jJg-saw puzzle method, outlined, above,
at TJi.C(QUH1'lA 11e had adomomtre:ti<m of- the sudden death method.
Eero, the origin 1;'lS a ";arning from higher hc"dquarters based on
secret information, that the 20th Luft,laffe Division (a nel"; arrival)
",3 expectud to 0ppOS8 us.
1"::thin a fo'il hours, prisoners had been
.,)mn from almost 'every' cOJ:l::tpn,' in the one. regiment which was oper
,"ting in our sector and the Order of Battle picture ',Jas completed
soc.ely from PW inter~og'ltion rJports overnight."
.. SJ ..
Replac3mont Procedure.
Lieutenant Colonol HfffiOLD L. 8T IPP, Headqunrters 34th Infantry
"Just prior to the st,"rt. of t.ho offe!lS',":,'1 to break out of the
ANZIO Be'l.cbhead an ()ver-streagt:l of 150 officers and 750 enli~ted
men was ass~gned to tho Diyision ine>nticip8.tion ot' fu1"i.tro lGf'ses.
The purpose ,WetS to qeter:ni!:.3 1:co+lur this would ftlcilo.ta'c,e ):'c.pid
repln.c8ment of br::.ttlo :.tosses ;-l21:1 t'1 dote,r'Y:::i.ne ,inet}-~e".:" cl1sh '1 mGt-hod
of replacement rwuld bo nrnTe effGc'c,iv,~ ratllGI' ~hD.n reC:E;:i)t ai' ;;.:wall
shipnents of green recrui+,s, Viith the resulting imme6,;,e to u:cili:OEl'
tion in combC\t 'mits. Tho 750 onlistod. men >:ore nss'lg!l.ed G'{h".:~y to
each infantry regimGnt ;:i th il)structions thC\t they be pl:\ced Ina",n:;.~'
in rifle compnnies to insure battle innocubtion du:r:ing the Q(,foJls::'ve
phasG, uoo just prior to the opsnl.ng of the offcnsi,0, inskuc;',ions
wera issued to e'lch ragimentnl cotnmnndar to form El replacam':n+' co.:!..
pany. Thosa replacoment co!opanies consisting of ap"roxim"t0Jy 25Q
!Jon ,:ore withdra'.1n to regir.3nt L'').r ochelons, to bo held in redd
inoss for L~ediate replacement of battle losses. Vhen bc.ttla losses
occurrad, the regi::l8Ltal c cmr;u-,ndcr then drew upon his re'}lilccments,
alwll;'s l'laintaining t.ho fiS'ht.ing stron"th of his regimont at or very
noar tho authorized tabla of organiza.tion st"ongili.
The extrn officors, consisting of about 40 per infantry regi
mont, Vlor8 not a. prtrt. of tho reple,cement compc,ny but. were assigned
to comp::tnics a.nd c..ct1:ally ntJ'+i3:Jd r.rith the companios in COrtlDc''j ..
Th1.''!'ty "dditional offic8I'3 ino:'.uOing 20 arcillcrym3n, "Jero ,,-ssigned
on tho basis of 5 f~:. 'J cutt<,bu; the otbor 10 being utiJ.b3d ::'n
sorvice 01mnent.fl of '\~r:3 >:'CIL"!!~'1d -.Jt:cro thG need n.:J.d becoELo GVldo~lt.
T110 numbor of u:Jliti,):l:,i oiY i 'lCl'S assig;:!ed to riflo cO!Jpani,)s should
3 :frG~)~.rod,.
::f cr.Tlc:~v"'~_~.,'; .}~~Q i~;di~Tid'J~,l in D.ct"L:.o.l c0nb<1t for
0. short period vlhor3 t~:J' +,~TPG of ,:tc+,l'Jn permits and then 'i.dtb-~:"a1J
ing him to the regi'1c:~kl n,r ochelons for 'cltiliza,tion CIS loss ro
pl~\corllB:1ts J; provGc:1. :)xt:ror,"'Jly s'].tie f;:l("toT.r and secIDGd to bo an iI::
p:::rto.;J.t ndV[li1CG in rG:[lnc.JIDcnt p.rc,coduc.
First, i-" is an i.w"ln'1blo 'l':'tl in tho training of roplacements
in thGt. it providos then tr(\il'j,De ',1nd conditioning in the p:rusonco
of bc.ttlG itself, co,:J!]on to t.he, conditions in lvhich thoy 1/ill fight.
be 2
triini'".1.l'l[} --;;":""1;..,1
~bis by~tD:;n
- 91
attack .. ' vrren '-it is mest n8COG ~id!'Y t:;' r... ninta.:i.n d.r~';',9 a.nd momen-GUID.
S8.ry for th:J.t :'egimont: "j, t. the t.i::'i.c; hO~;8or.1'3r, tbe unit r8Ir!13.71'...i!lg
fhct Ir,np '';0 jomjlouT, - snd he,d the:issaul:t of tI:o r0gil,).JI;t on Hill
~ Ump cy .,:'JmrJ i."
. '~ "
.:'~0 ::':i~?Cr:t.Llg ~-.i!1i 1/';, to '0,::3 Er:1.Jt1 :;.s ho is nnd qs SCJ.rod ns
hq '. i~h L'(7. ~'1il!. . bo h;:>/t;ing "tJ:,:; g~outl.d overy tiFO he hears r:. srel1
:g') over:,un~il.somCi b-"ck ",:c':'.v:te ~ c;isu:tlly ffi~ntior.s "It's OK Lieu
,tCinant'-.thoso o.~'e cn:.'6 '~s':.'r". "';J:" to 'gl'Get Jorry", Fell' bottor
- 92
lot. hi;:;J. .... 'trl,ko' '1 df)Op br..::;:..;th - ST"'11!_O',i ha.rd for fi,re mtlutos
forgot all the sal'~ting - 8.nci Gating outs and ohm,ings - ho usod to
bo so good CIt hick in th,; Skt.os - Gnd tknk tho Ind. Lot him find
out nho ~mcnf{ tis n0:1-C()[1S [:'-""': thn most combat exporienco - '1:;ld
loetrn U.oir sscr ,t.s. l~iYJ t!'om fn:}. ~'. - donI t bo :.fraid to
t:J.::o and ask th',,:'.r ,~dv:'.c:,.Donl t try to' be ::1 ;:orld buettor - tho
first for'! dnys" - tl.ke it o,:.~.sy - .~Sk 3 lot of quest.ions ~1nd leo.rn ns
f.:'.i'.n::r <111Sr,''Jrs n,s po::wiblc. V,fit;1 luc1'" on his sido ho m~J,y -l".st th(j r.:ook
out. If ho le.st" tho r:cck - he; 7:Hl h::w suuneno.ugh- lo.wned
onough - md d 0l'.O onough - :en U [l O,1n nn.tur'll ':lay - to c;,rry him
tLrnugh - from then on ind'Jf',.ni:':ol;'."
- 93
94 ..
- -;5 ..
- - - ....
96 ..