Smart Health Individual Policy Wordings
Smart Health Individual Policy Wordings
Smart Health Individual Policy Wordings
Company Limited
[email protected]
Any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been assigned in
any part of this Policy or the Schedule shall bear the same meaning
wherever it appears. For purposes of this Policy, the terms specified below
shall have the meaning set forth:
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Section II
Day Care Treatment
This benefit covers relevant hospitalisation expenses incurred by the
Insured / Insured Person in case of day care treatment (where 24 hours
of hospitalisation is not required) which includes treatments such as
dialysis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, eye surgery, lithotripsy (kidney
stone removal), D & C, tonsillectomy undertaken in a Hospital. The
benefit under this Section is limited to the available Sum Insured under
Section 1a of this Policy as mentioned in the Schedule to this Policy.
Section III
Domiciliary Hospitalisation
This benefit covers payment of expenses incurred for medical treatment
pertaining to domiciliary hospitalisation for a period exceeding three days
for disease, illness or injury, which in the normal course, would require
care and treatment at a Hospital/Nursing Home, but is actually taken
whilst the Insured / Insured Person is confined at home in India, under
any of the following circumstances namely:a. The condition of the patient is such that he/she cannot be removed
to Hospital/Nursing Home, or
b. The patient cannot be admitted to Hospital/Nursing Home for lack of
accommodation therein.
Domiciliary hospitalisation benefits shall be subject to the Sum Insured
as specified in the Schedule to this Policy, and shall, in no case cover
expenses incurred for:
a. Pre and Post Hospital treatment,
b. Treatment of any of the following diseases / illness / injury:
i. Asthma
ii. Bronchitis
iii. Chronic nephritis and nephritic syndrome
iv. Diarrhoea & all types of dysenteries including astroenteritis
v. Diabetes mellitus and insipidu
vi. Epilepsy
vii. Hypertension
viii.Influenza, cough and cold
ix. All psychiatric or psychosomatic disorders
x. Pyrexia of unknown origin for less than 10 days
xi. Tonsillitis and upper respiratory tract infection including laryngitis &
xii. Arthritis, gout and rheumatism.
c. Domiciliary hospitalisation benefits also cover expenses on nurses
engaged on the recommendation of the attending Medical Practitioner. The
benefit under this Section is limited to the available Sum Insured for
Section 1a of this Policy as mentioned in the Schedule to this Policy.
Section IV
Critical Illness
(This benefit provides for coverage of treatment for critical
illness and the coverage depends upon the type of critical illness
cover basis (benefit or hospitalisation reimbursement basis)
selected and mentioned in the Schedule to this Policy.)
a. In case the type of cover opted is benefit basis:
If, 30 days after the inception of this Policy, the Insured /
Insured Person is at any time during the Policy period
(after the above waiting period of 30 days), being diagnosed as
contracting any Critical Illness and surviving for more than 30 days
post such diagnosis, the Sum Insured specified in the Schedule to
this Policy for this benefit shall be payable to the Insured/Insured
Person as compensatory benefit.
This Section operates as a benefit cover and compensation shall be
payable if the Insured / Insured Person is surviving for more than 30
days post diagnosis of any critical illness.
The Sum Insured available for this cover is separate and additional
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10. End Stage Lung Disease: End Stage Lung Disease, causing chronic
respiratory failure. This diagnosis must be supported by evidence of
all of the following:
a. FEVI test results which are consistently less than one litre;
b. Permanent supplementary oxygen therapy for hypoxemia;
c. Arterial blood gas analyses with partial oxygen pressures of
55mm Hg or less (PaO2 <- 55 mm Hg); and
d. Dyspnea at rest.
The diagnosis must be confirmed by a respiratory physician.
11. End Stage Liver Failure: End Stage Liver Failure evidenced by all of
the following:
a. Permanent jaundice;
b. Ascites; and
c. Hepatic Encephalopathy.
Liver disease secondary to alcohol or drug abuse is excluded.
12. Coma: A coma that persists for at least 30 days. This diagnosis
must be supported by evidence all of the following:
a. No response to external stimuli for at least 30 days;
b. Life support measures are necessary to sustain life; and
c. Brain damage resulting in permanent neurological deficit
which must be assessed at least 30 days after the onset of
Coma resulting directly from alcohol or drug abuse is
13. Major Burns: Third degree (full thickness of the skin) burns
covering at least 30% of the surface of the insured person's
14. Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplantation:
The receipt of a transplant of:
a. Human bone marrow using haematopoietic stem cells
preceded by total bone marrow ablation; or
b. One of the following human organs: heart, lung, liver,
kidney, pancreas that resulted from irreversible end stage
failure of the relevant organ.
Other stem cell transplants are excluded.
15. Multiple Sclerosis: The definite occurrence of multiple
sclerosis. The diagnosis must be supported by all of the
a. Investigations which unequivocally confirm the diagnosis
to be Multiple Sclerosis;
b. Multiple neurological deficits which occurred over a
continuous period of at least 6 months; and
c. Well-documented history of exacerbations and remissions of
said symptoms or neurological deficits.
Other causes of neurological damage such as SLE and HIV are
16. Fulminant Hepatitis: A sub-massive to massive necrosis of the
liver by the Hepatitis virus, leading precipitously to liver failure.
This diagnosis must be supported by all of the following:
a. Rapid decreasing of liver size;
b. Necrosis involving entire lobules, leaving only a collapsed
reticular framework;
c. Rapid deterioration of liver function tests;
d. Deepening jaundice; and
e. Hepatic encephalopathy.
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Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Myomectomy, Hysterectomy or menorrhagia or fibromyoma
because of malignancy
Dilation and curettage
Hernia, hydrocele, congenital internal disease, fistula in anus,
Skin and all internal tumors / cysts / nodules / polyps of any
The Company shall not be liable to make any payment for any claim directly
or indirectly caused by, based on, arising out of or howsoever attributable to
any of the following:
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Duty of Disclosure: The Policy shall be null and void and no benefit
shall be payable in the event of untrue or incorrect statements,
misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any
material particulars in the proposal form, personal statement,
declaration and connected documents, or any material
information having been withheld, or a claim being fraudulent or
any fraudulent` means or device being used by the
Insured/Insured Person or any one acting on his/their behalf to
obtain a benefit under this Policy.
22. Any stay in Hospital without undertaking any treatment or where there
is no active regular treatment by the Medical Practitioner.
23. Treatment of mental disease / illness, stress, psychiatric or
psychological disorders.
24. Aesthetic treatment, cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery unless
necessitated due to accident or as a part of any disease/ illness /
injury not excluded hereunder.
25. Any loss, directly or indirectly, due to contamination due to an act of
terrorism or terrorist incident, regardless of any contributory causes (if
the Company alleges that by reason of this exclusion any loss is not
covered by this insurance, the burden of proving the contrary shall be
upon the Insured / Insured Person).
26. Ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear
fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
27. Disease, illness, injury, directly or indirectly, caused by or contributed to
by nuclear weapons/materials or radioactive contamination.
28. Experimental and unproven treatment.
29. Charges incurred primarily for diagnostic, X-ray or laboratory
examinations or other diagnostic studies not consistent with or
incidental to the diagnosis and treatment of the positive existence or
presence of any disease, illness or injury, for which confinement is
required at a Hospital/Nursing Home or at home under domiciliary
hospitalisation as defined.
30. Cost incurred for medicines which are not under the advice of the
Medical Practitioner and which are not consistent with or incidental to
the diagnosis and treatment.
31. Any treatment which is undertaken as an out-patient without any
admission as an in-patient at the Hospital except those that are
specifically mentioned as covered in the Schedule to this Policy.
32. Costs of donor screening or treatment, unless specifically covered and
specified in the Schedule to this Policy.
33. Naturopathy treatment.
34. Any treatment received outside India.
35. Treatment taken from persons not registered as Medical Practitioners
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Contact Details
Areas of Jurisdiction
Shri Amitabh
Shri N.A.Khan
Shri S.K.Dhal
Shri K.M.Chadha
Punjab, Haryana,
Himachal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir,
UT of Chandigarh
Shri K.Sridhar
Shri R.Beri
Assam, Meghalaya,
Manipur, Mizoram,
Arunachal Pradesh,
Nagaland and Tripura
Shri P.A.Chowdary
Kerala, UT of
(a) Lakshadweep,
(b) Mahe - a part of
UT of Pondicherry
Shri K. Rangabhashyam
Shri M.S.Pratap
Shri R.K.
Maharashtra, Goa
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6.10. Overriding effect: The terms and conditions contained herein and in
the Schedule shall be deemed to form part of the Policy and shall be
read as if they are specifically incorporate herein.
6.11. Electronic Transaction: The Insured / Insured Person agrees to
adhere to and comply with all such terms and conditions as the
Company may prescribe from time to time and hereby agrees and
confirms that all transactions effected by or through facilities for
conducting remote transactions including the internet, world wide
web, Electronic data interchange, call centres, teleservice
operations (whether voice, video, data or combination thereof) or by
means of electronic, computer, automated machines network or
through other means of telecommunication established by or on
behalf of the Company for and in respect of the policy or its terms or
the Company's other products and services, shall constitute legally
binding and valid transactions when done in adherence to and in
compliance with the Company's terms and conditions for such
facilities, as may be prescribed from time to time. However, the
terms of this condition shall not override provisions of any law(s) or
statutory regulations including provisions of IRDA regulations for
protection of policy holder's interests.
6.12. Duty of the Insured on occurrence of loss: On the occurrence of loss
within the scope of cover under the Policy, the Insured / Insured
Person shall:
Forthwith file/submit a claim form in accordance with
"Claim Procedure" clause.
Allow the Medical Practitioner or Surveyor or any agent
of the Company to inspect the medical and hospitalisation
records and to examine the Insured / Insured Person
Assist and not hinder or prevent the Company or any of
its agents in pursuance of their duties
In case the Insured / Insured Person does not comply with
the provisions of this clause or other obligations cast upon
the Insured / Insured Person under this Policy or in any of the
policy documents, all benefit under the Policy shall be
forfeited, at the option of the Company.
6.13. Right to Inspect: If required by the Company, an
agent/representative of the Company including a Physician
appointed in that behalf shall in case of any loss or any
circumstances that have given rise to a claim to the Insured /
Insured Person be permitted at all reasonable times to examine into
the circumstances of such loss. The Insured / Insured Person shall
on being required so to do by the Company produce all relevant
documents relating to or containing reference relating to the loss or
such circumstance in his/her possession including presenting
himself for examination and furnish copies of or extracts from such
of them as may be required by the Company so far as they relate to
such claims or will in any way assist the Company to ascertain the
correctness thereof or the liability of the Company under this Policy.
6.14. Position after a claim: As from the day of receipt of the claim amount
by the Insured / Insured Person, the Sum Insured for the remainder
of the period of insurance shall stand reduced by a corresponding
amount. On payment of any claim under Section IV of this Policy (in
case of benefit basis), the Insured / Insured Person shall not be
eligible for any further claim/benefit against the same disease any
further including subsequent renewals.
6.15. Subrogation: In the event of any claim payment under this Policy, the
Period on Risk
Up to 1 month
Up to 3 months
Up to 6 months
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Claim Procedure
Company will work with one or more TPAs for providing
cashless facility to the Insured/Covered person.
List of network hospitals will be provided to the
Insured/Covered person along with the policy and it will be
regularly updated and informed to them. Insured/Covered
person can view the updated hospital list from the website of
the TPA/Company too.
Insured/covered person on admission (emergency) or willing
to admit (planned admission) in the network hospitals a preauthorization request form has to be filled in by the treating
doctor/hospital and the same has to be faxed to the TPA by
the insured/hospital. The TPA after verifying the same will
decide on the issuance of authorization. The action of preauthorization will be done within 6 hours for emergency
admission and 48 hours for planned admission.
The preauthorization request form will be available in the
benefit guide issued along with the policy, available in the
hospitals, can be downloaded from the website of the
TPA/Company, can request for the same to the TPA/Company
via email or fax or can be collected in person from the
branches of the TPA/Company.
Denial of the cashless does not mean the claim has been
rejected. The insured/covered person can send the requisite
claim documents to the TPA/Company seeking
The insured/covered person need not pay any amount to the
hospital if he has received the authorization letter except
If the bill amount is in excess of the sum insured
Non medical expenses
Unrelated treatments
Excess, if any
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The hospital will receive the payment from TPA/Company within
Insured/covered person unwilling to utilize the cashless facility
It is the policy of the Company to seek documents in a single
shot. If any further documentation is required then it will be
sought promptly.
The power to repudiate claims is vested in the corporate
office to ensure transparency and standardization across the
country. This is also with a view to keep the guidelines of
regulator in mind. In the unfortunate event of repudiation, the
retail customers will be informed of the existence of forums
for grievance redressal.
Discharge summary
Others if any
Tick the
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