MBA FINAL PROJECT Quality and Saftey
MBA FINAL PROJECT Quality and Saftey
MBA FINAL PROJECT Quality and Saftey
Dr M.G.R.
Educational and
Research Institute
(Deemed to be a university)
November / 2022
I Shama Zakir Khan hereby declare that the Project Report entitled
Study on Quality and Safety of Healthcare System in India is
done by me under the guidance of Dr Kasthuri is submitted in
partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree in
To acknowledge here, all those who have been a helping hand in completing
this project shall be an endeavour in itself
I express my sincere thanks to our Secretary Thiru A. RAVIKUMAR and our Vice
Chancellor Dr S.GEETHALAKSHMI I would like to take the opportunity to express
my profound gratitude to Dr S.NIRMALA SUGIRTHA RAJINI, Dean of Online
Programmes and also express my special thanks to Dr G BRINDHA, Professor &
Head Faculty of Management Studies.
ABSTRACT............................................................................................. vi-vii
Research Questions:
1. How long do the patients have to wait in the Out Patients Department?
2. Where are the patients coming from?
3. How many critical patients are being admitted to public hospitals or
private hospitals in India for further treatment?
4. What sorts of preparation for formal quality systems are available for health
5. What evidence is there about the best techniques for preparing
clinicians for quality change? The study covers two hospitals in India:
Samples Taken: 125
The following are the bird’s view of the details included in the chapters of the study
Chapter 2 deals with the review of literature relevant to the topic and the company
Chapter-4 deals with the analysis of the data collected with the help of various
statistical tools and summarizes the entire process of the current research through
a briefing about the various findings and suggestions.
The role of the Indian government in the accountability of hospitals for quality
of care involves shaping the community of those interested in quality,
developing methods and infrastructure, standardizing information, providing
information and technical assistance, and patient care.
Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors, both in terms of revenue
and employment. Healthcare comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials,
outsourcing, telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance and medical
equipment. The Indian healthcare sector is growing at a brisk pace due to its
strengthening coverage, services and increasing expenditure by public as well
private players. India’s healthcare delivery system is categorised into two major
components public and private. The government, i.e. public healthcare system,
comprises limited secondary and tertiary care institutions in key cities and focuses
on providing basic healthcare facilities in the form of primary healthcare centres
(PHCs) in rural areas. The private sector provides the majority of secondary,
tertiary, and quaternary care institutions with a major concentration in metros and
tier-I and tier-II cities.
India's competitive advantage lies in its large pool of well-trained medical
professionals. India is also cost-competitive compared to its peers in Asia
and Western countries.
Indian Healthcare industry is a wide and intensive form of services which are
related to the well-being of human beings. Health care is the social sector
and it is provided at the State level with the help of the Central Government.
The healthcare industry covers hospitals, health insurance, medical software,
health equipment and pharmacy in it.
1. Hospitals
2. Medical insurance
3. Medical software
4. Health Equipment
Different types of health care services are available in India
● Hospitals
● Pathology Clinics
● Blood Banks
● Meditation Centres
● Emergency services like Ambulances, etc.
● Online Medical Services
● Telemedicine
● Naturopathy
● Yoga Centres
● Fitness Centres
● Laughter Clubs
● Health Spas
1) Intangibility:- Intangibility means that a customer would have to visualize the
service offering. Since the offering cannot be seen or felt there would be no
stock and hence one would not be able to keep track of the sales etc. This
characteristic also makes it different to measure the benefits and utilities of the
product. An individual would only be able to experience the same.
In the product service continuum, hospitals fall in the bracket of highly intangible
where the service has credence qualities.
i) The services of a doctor i.e. the consultation provided by the doctor, his
diagnosis etc cannot be touched felt or seen. One can only visualise the
ii) They can also not measure the benefits. These can only be experienced
by the customer.
There is no ownership over the doctor or the services provided by him.
The remedial measures to overcome intangibility are
a) The marketer should visualize the product/service for the patient. In the
case of hospitals, any visual of the hospital displaying the well-maintained
interiors, and the hi-tech equipment used for treatment would help to
tangibles of the product.
For (eg 1)- Hospitals like the Tata Memorial Hospital or the Hinduja Hospital are
associated with Corporate Houses. They are owned by these corporate families.
Hence a customer is sure about the services provided in these hospitals.
(eg 2)The Dinanath Mangeshkar Hospital. Since it is owned by Lata Mangeshkar
the customer is sure to receive quality services.
b) Physical Representation:-
d)Documentation –There are several hospitals which have received ISO 9000
certificates. (Eg) Apollo Hospital.
2) Perishability
A service cannot be stored. So if the service is not consumed immediately then it
loses its value.
For Eg – If a doctor does not reach his dispensary on time or has his clinic locked
for that particular day. He loses all his patients for that day.
A situation may also arise when the doctor may be unable to attend to some of his
patients due to a huge rush. In such a case again the doctor could lose out on all
his patients. The same would be the situation faced by the hospitals. In such a
case the hospital too may lose all its patients for that day.
● To determine whether there are any critical differences in the level and
sort of healthcare administrations In India's public and private
hospitals as recognized by patients.
● To identify the safety and quality dimensions which play an important
role in patient satisfaction
● To test the dimensionality of the healthcare system in India between
public and private hospital.
● In a few studies it was presumed that the exchange capacity of
Service Quality scale to distinctive administration setting required to
be tried. Inquire about on health care industry has demonstrated that
the five nonexclusive sizes of Service Quality were not further affirmed
showing the need for further research directed at examples from
diverse parts of the planet. The project additionally endeavours to form
a key vision to empower India's stroll in public clinic way to convey
larger amounts of patient fulfilment Quality
The role of the Indian government in the accountability of hospitals for
quality of care involves shaping the community of those interested in
quality, developing methods and infrastructure, standardizing information,
providing information and technical assistance, and patient care.
The following are the bird’s view of the details included in the chapters of the study
Chapter 2 deals with the review of literature relevant to the topic and company
Chapter 3 renders the methodology of the research, which includes
objectives, research design, data collection, sampling, analytical tools
adopted in the study and the limitations of the study.
Chapter-4 deals with the analysis of the data collected with the help of
various statistical tools and summarizes the entire process of the current
research through a briefing about the various findings and suggestions.
Finally, it gives the conclusion drawn by the researcher on the study
Consumers’ rights cannot easily be applied in a healthcare context (Carr- Hill,
1992). Greeneich (1993) and Sitzia and Wood (1997) argue, on the other hand,
that the concept of ‘consumer’ dignifies the professional healthcare patient
relationship in a way that the concept of ‘patient’ does not. ‘Consumer’ and
‘customer’ satisfaction are concepts commonly used in economic research. Patient
satisfaction is the concept most often used in research within the healthcare
sciences. Using the concepts ‘consumer’ or ‘customer’ does not automatically give
power to the person in need of healthcare. As is shown in the Norwegian Patients’
Rights Act of 1999 (Ministry of Health and Care Services, 1999), the patient is no
longer looked upon as powerless and passive. Both healthcare authorities and
healthcare personnel expect the patients to be actively involved in their own
healthcare. Boudreaux, Ary and Mandry (2000) view the patient provider
interaction as a dynamic one, during which both the patient and the provider are
constantly giving, receiving, and evaluating information 73about one another.
The research area had never been conducted before in other countries,
and the absence of previous experience especially has created some
difficulties and challenges during research. This study was subjected to
certain limitations which should be pointed out:
Recently hospital wards have been implementing ‘patient-centred’ care
(Olsson, Hansson, Ekman, & Karlsson, 2009). The development of
patient-centred nursing and healthcare changes the focus from the
illness in a person to the person with an illness (Pelzang, 2010). The
term is described as the unique way to care for the individual patient and
is also recognized as a measure of the quality of healthcare and used in
quality research (Robinson, Callister, Berry, & Dearing, 2008). More
recently the concept of ‘person-centred’ care has been introduced in the
delivery of nursing and healthcare (McCormack & McCance, 2006).
Implementing a person-centred approach to nursing and healthcare may
provide a more therapeutic relationship between healthcare personnel,
patients and their families underpinned by the values of seeing patients
as equal partners in planning, developing and assessing healthcare
(McCormack, Dewing, & McCance, 2011).
The term "patient" has historically evoked the picture of a person in some
form of pain who suffers in (patient) silence. Etymologically as it moved
from its Latin roots to the old French and Middle English in the late
1800s, it carried the same meaning of accepting or tolerating delays,
problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Synonyms
associated with the word patient are "forbearing, uncomplaining, tolerant,
long-suffering and resigned.
The debate over using consumer vs. patient has mostly resided within academia
for the last 20-plus years, with concerns tied to the patient relationship becoming
commoditized – treating individuals as objects or goods, thereby reducing the
compassion and care extended to those who are sick or experiencing a health
event. It’s time to change the term – and our thinking – to a consumer mindset.
Today’s consumer is squarely in control and demand to have their elevated
expectations met or exceeded. Consumers outside of healthcare largely have a
better experience than “patients” in the healthcare system today due to the shift
and focus articulated by Gilmore and Pine toward the experience economy. Yet
healthcare still produces woefully lacking experiences and remains behind other
erlessness against the medical establishment (Sitzia & Wood, 1997).
The consumerist
1980s- concept approach to healthcare
‘consumer’ was evident through
began to appear governmental acts and
in quality regulations in different
literature as part countries (Carr-Hill,
of a general shift 1992; Greeneich,
towards 1993; Sitzia & Wood,
consumerism 1997; Ministry of
evident in Health and Care
aspects of public Services, 1999; The
service. Norwegian Directorate
of Health, 2005).
The World Health Organization (WHO) (2009) and The International Council
of Nurses (ICN) (2006) state that the overall goal is the highest possible
health for all people, and providing high-quality care is one approach to
reaching this goal. The Norwegian national action plan on Health and social
care (Ministry of Health and Care Services, 2011) emphasises the
importance of high-quality care through patient-centred care and the
importance of building systems for patients to take part in evaluating the
quality of care regularly.
“Quality of care” is a concept that can be given different meanings,
depending on different cultures, whether it is on an individual level or a social
level, which aspect we are looking at; process, structure or outcome, whether
it is the patients, the relatives, the healthcare personnel, the administrators or
the politicians who define the term and the time at which it is defined
(Donabedian, 1966, 1980; Wilde, 1994; Pettersen, Veenstra, Guldvog, &
Kolstad, 2004)
It is considered by researchers to be a multidimensional concept (Crow, et al.,
2002). Florence Nightingale was the first to organise and structure nursing care in
the middle of the 19th century. Her notes have to be understood in the context of
her time, but much is relevant today in hospitals around the world. She described
in her book, Notes on Nursing (1859/2010), her views of good nursing. Nursing
aimed to place the individual in the best condition for nature to act. She was
concerned about the quality of care given to each patient.
During the Crimean War, she was a proficient bedside nurse with great
concern for the soldiers, an,d she also took systematic notes of the care and
the patient’s reaction to the care to improve nursing (Nightingale, 1859/2010).
She did not explicitly use the concept of ‘quality’, but quality care is what she
implicitly aims at with her notes on nursing. She saw, however, the quality of
care from the nurses’ perspective.
Donabedian (1966) wanted to turn the assessment process from evaluation
to understanding, i.e. from “What is wrong here?” to “What goes on here?”
He claimed that the quality of care is as good as the patients say their
satisfaction with the care received, and stated that patient satisfaction is not
simply a measure of quality, but the goal of health care delivery (Donabedian,
1980). In other words, patient satisfaction is both an outcome and a
contributor to other objectives and outcomes, according to Donabedian
(1980, 2003). This is supported by Zastowny, Stratmann, Adams and Fox
(1995). Donabedian was among the first to make a link between quality of
medical care and patient satisfaction (1966), and to view quality of care from
the patient’s perspective (1980). Based on a literature review, he found that
quality of care from a patient’s perspective is a combination of the quality of
three aspects: technical ward, interpersonal ward and organisational ward
environment (Donabedian, 1980).
Wilde, Starrin, Larsson and Larsson (1993) using a grounded theory
approach developed a theoretical model of quality of care from a patient
perspective. Through this approach, they turned the perspective of quality of
care from that of the healthcare workers to the patients’. Patients’ perceptions
of what constitutes quality of care are formed by their systems of norms,
expectations and experiences, and by their encounters with an existing care
structure. The theoretical model outlined two basic conditions that quality of
care builds on, i.e. ‘the resource structure of the care organisations’ and ‘the
patients’ preferences’. The resource structures are person-related qualities
that refer to the caregivers, and physical and administrative environmental
qualities that in turn refer to infrastructural components of the care
environment, such as organisational rules and technical equipment. The
patients’ preferences consist of a rational aspect that refers to the patient’s
strive for order, predictability and calculability in life, and a human aspect that
refers to the patient’s expectations that her/his unique situation is taken into
account. The patients’ perception of quality of care based on this theoretical
model may be considered from four dimensions: the medical-technical
competence of the caregivers, the identity oriented approach of the
caregivers, the physical-technical conditions of the care organisation, and the
socio-cultural atmosphere of the care organisation
Patient satisfaction, which has its roots in the consumer movement of the 1960s,
has both practical and political relevance in the current healthcare system. It is
commonly used to guide research into patients’ experiences of healthcare (Gut,
Gothen, & Freil, 2004; Danielsen, Garratt, Bjertnes, & Pettersen, 2007). A
commonly accepted conceptual definition has not been established (Merkouris,
Ifantopoulos, Lanara, & Lemonidou, 1999). There are, however, different ways of
looking at the concept of satisfaction. The discrepancy theory, the fulfilment
theory, the equity theory (Lawler, 1971), and the value-expectancy model (Linder-
Pelz, 1982), are alternative approaches to the concept of satisfaction. A tentative
model developed by Larsson, Wilde and Starrin (1996), and further developed by
Larsson and Wilde-Larsson (2010) that views patient satisfaction as an emotion,
presents an alternative approach to the concept.
Issues in regard to public and private health infrastructure are different and
both of them need attention but in different ways. Rural public infrastructure
must remain in the mainstay for wider access to health care for all without
imposing an undue burden on them. Side by side the existing set of
hospitals at district and sub-district levels must also be supported
adequately. This demands better routines, more accountable staff and
attention to promote quality.
More autonomy for large hospitals and district health authorities will enable
them to plan and implement decentralized and flexible and locally controlled
services .Further most preventive Some feasible steps in revitalizing
existing infrastructure are examined below drawn from successful
experiences and therefore feasible elsewhere.
The persistent underfunding of recurring costs had led to the collapse of.
Only genuine devolution or simpler tasks and resources to panchayats,
where there will be a third of women members- can be the answer as seen
in Kerala or M.P. where panchayats are made into fully competent local
governments with assigned resources and control over institutions in health
The Indian commitment to health development has been guided by two
principles with three consequences. The first was State responsibility for
health care and the second (after independence) was free medical care for
all. The ambitious and far-reaching NPP - 2000 goals and strategies have
been formulated in the hope that the gaps and the inadequate would be
removed by purposeful action.
Other achievements include a reduction of mortality among infants through
immunization and nutrition interventions and a reduction of mortality among
young and middle-aged adults, including adolescents getting informed
about sexual reproduction and safe motherhood. At the same time, some
segments will remain always more vulnerable - such as women due to
patriarchy and traditions of infra-family denial), the aged (whose survival but
not always development will increase with immunization) and the disabled
(constituting a tenth of the population).
There have been facility gaps, supply gaps and staffing gaps, which can be
filled up only by allocating about 20% more funds. The initial key mistake
arose from the needless bifurcation of health and family welfare and
nutrition functions at all levels. There has not been enough convergence in
"escorting" children through immunization coverage and nutrition education
of mothers.PHCs and CHCs are funded by States several of whom are
unable to match the Central assistance offered and hence these centres
remain inadequate and operate on minimum efficiency. On the other hand,
over two-thirds of the cost of three-fourths of sub-centres is fully met by the
Center due to their key role m family welfare services.
The difference between rural and urban indicators of health status and the
wide interstate disparity in health status are well known. For the children
growing up in rural areas, the disparities naturally tend to get even worse
when compounded by the widely practised discrimination against women,
starting with the foeticide of daughters.
Not only are the gaps between the better performing and other States wide
but in some cases have been increasing during the nineties. Large
differences also exist between districts within the same better-performing
State urban areas appear to have better health outcomes than rural areas
although the figures may not fully reflect the situation in urban and peri-
urban slums with large migration with conditions comparable to rural
The PHC approach was intended to test the extent to which non-doctor-
based healthcare was feasible through effective down-staging of the
delivery of simpler aspects of care. This may indeed be more acceptable to
the medical profession than the draft NHP proposal to restart licentiates in
medicine as in the thirties. Such a licentiate system cannot now be recalled
against the profession's opposition nor would people accept two-level
(from 25 to 500 beds) account for the remainder. Three private hospital
chains are listed on the Stock Exchange in India.
Since 1985 every public sector hospital has been ‘‘restructured’’—the latter
term referring to the granting of autonomy in operational matters so as to
inject private sector efficiency and financial discipline, but with the
government retaining 100% ownership of the hospitals. Initially managed by a
monolithic government company, the restructured hospitals underwent further
reorganization in 2000, splitting into two competing clusters—the National
Healthcare Group and the Health Services—but ultimately reporting to the
This chapter concerns the methodology that will be used in the study. It includes
the research design, research hypothesis and methodology, sample size and
sampling design, data collection approach, data source and collection procedures
and data analysis techniques that will be used
Research methodology -
Target Population-
Locale of Study
Sample size
1. Primary Sources
Questionnaire - on various aspects of healthcare
The questionnaire was randomly distributed to the five most busiest and crowded
clinics in Indian hospitals.
2. Secondary Sources
Are doctors and nurses familiar with the Duties and Responsibilities
assigned by Public hospitals in India?
Table 5.1
Graph 5.1
From the above graph, it is observed that 84% of the respondents (47%
strongly agreed, 37% agreed) have accepted that they know about their
duties and responsibilities and 8% of respondents are not aware of their
duties and responsibilities
Table 5.2
Strongly agree 40 32
Agree 52 42
Disagree 15 12
Strongly disagree 10 8
Neither agree nor disagree 8 6
TOTAL 125 100
Graph 5.2
From the above graph, it is observed that 74% of the respondents have
accepted that they are assigned the job with authority responsibilities and
accountability to perform well. Around 14% of the respondents have not
accepted the statement.
Identified new diseases and cases by the hospital management.
Table 5.3
Graph 5.3
From the above graph, it is observed that 64% of respondents strongly have
accepted that they are identified new treatments and diseases, especially after
providing some healthcare training to them. Around 23% of respondents have
not accepted the statement
Stress on public hospital employees (doctors and nurses) converts into a
positive manner.
Table 5.4
Graph 5.4
From the above graph it is observed that 64% of respondents have
accepted that they convert stress into positive manner and 20% of the
respondents have not accepted the same.
Introduction: Job rotation refers to health workers moving from one job to
another job and, in this it is to identify whether job rotation leads to individual
improvement and to public hospital benefit or not.
Table 5.5
Graph 5.5
From the above graph, it is observed that 60% of the respondents have
accepted that their job is rotated and led to both individual improvements and
hospital benefits around 28% of respondents have not accepted the statement.
Doctors and physicians identifies patients diseases and treatments
Table 5.6
Graph 5.6
From the above graph, it is observed that 64% of the respondents have
accepted that the concerned in charge identifies their diseases and treatments.
Around 18% of respondents have not accepted the statement.
Public hospitals provide new treatments and researches apart from other
Table 5.7
Graph 5.7
From the above graph, it is observed that 66% of the respondents have
accepted that public hospitals provide new treatments apart from other hospitals.
Around 16% of respondents have not accepted the statement.
Chief Doctors in the Public hospitals guides to their juniors as and when
Table 5.8
Graph 5.8
From the above graph, it is observed that 68% of the respondents have
accepted that they are asked to take decisions and their Seniors guides them as
and when required. Around 21% of respondents have not accepted the
Management of the hospital addresses grievances immediately.
Table 5.9
Graph 5.9
From the above graph, it is observed that 60% of the respondents have accepted
that Management of the hospital addresses grievances immediately. Around 20%
of respondents have not accepted the statement
Public hospitals utilize employee services effectively and efficiently.
Table 5.10
Graph 5.10
From the above graph, it is observed that 56% of the respondents have
accepted that the hospitals utilize their services effectively and efficiently.
Around 29% of respondents have not accepted the statement.
Present job leads satisfaction for the health workers in the public hospital.
Table 5.11
Graph 5.11
From the above graph, it is observed that 72% of the respondents have
accepted that they derive satisfaction in performing the job. Around 18% of
respondents have not accepted the statement.
Seniors and subordinates are very cooperative in the hospitals'
Table 5.12
Graph 5.12
From the above graph, it is observed that 74% of the respondents have
accepted that their seniors and subordinates are very cooperative and they
work as a team. Around 13% of respondents have not accepted the
Doctors, nurses and technicians are recognized and rewarded suitably
by the public hospital.
Graph 5.13
From the above graph, it is observed that 53% of the respondents have
accepted that they have been recognized and rewarded suitably by the
hospital for their performance as per the government policy. Around 30% of
respondents have not accepted the statement.
The public hospital provides compensation based on qualification, and
Table 5.14
Graph 5.14
From the above graph, it is observed that 73% of the respondents have accepted
that they know that the compensation commensurate with the qualification,
experience exposure and especially with their job performance during the period in
delivering results in time. Around 15% of respondents have not accepted the
The public hospital provides job security to the employees.
Table 5.15
Strongly agree 40 32
Agree 55 44
Disagree 9 7
Strongly disagree 16 13
Neither agree nor disagree 4
TOTAL 125 100.0
Graph 5.15
From the above graph, it is observed that 76% of the respondents strongly
have accepted that they feel a sense of job security and sense of social
belongings in the hospital. Around 17% of respondents have not accepted
the statement.
● It is found that 74% of the respondents have accepted that
their seniors and subordinates are very cooperative and
they work as a team
● It is found that 53% of the respondents have accepted that they have
been recognized and rewarded suitably by the hospital for their
performance as per the policy.
● It is found that 73% of the respondents have accepted that they
know that the compensation is commensurate with the qualification,
experience exposure and especially with their job performance
during the period in delivering results on time
● It is found that 76% of the respondents strongly have accepted that
they feel a sense of job security and sense of social belongings in the
public hospital
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1. Are doctors and nurses familiar with their Duties and Responsibilities assigned by Public
hospitals in India?
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree
2.The Public Hospital provides proper Authority, Responsibility, and Accountability to its health
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree
4. Stress on public hospital employees (doctors and nurses) converts into a positive manner
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree
7. Public hospitals provide new treatments and research apart from other hospitals
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree
8. Chief Doctors in Public hospitals guide their juniors as and when required.
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Disagree
● Strongly disagree
● Neither agree nor disagree