BSA Troop 339 Guidebook
BSA Troop 339 Guidebook
BSA Troop 339 Guidebook
The purpose of the guidebook is to provide new and experienced Scouts, Scouters (adult volunteers), and
Scout parents a reference as to how BSA Troop 339 operates within the overall Boy Scouts of America
guidelines. Our goal for providing this information is to enable new Scouts, Scout parents, and new leaders to
come up to speed quickly so they may enjoy all the benefits of being a member of Troop 339. The guidebook
should not discourage questions. It should prompt questions from new Scouts and their parents as well as new
leaders and serve as a reference source for answers or modifications to operational procedures as our troop
grows and changes to constantly improve the program for our youth.
The scope of this guidebooks deals specifically with Troop 339; however other BSA programs are discussed to
show how Troop 339 fits into the overall scouting program.
As modifications are made and approved by the Troop Committee, the revised guidebook will be posted at:
Chartered Organizations
Community-based organizations receive national charters to use the Scouting program as a part of their own
youth work. These groups, which have goals compatible with those of the BSA, include religious, educational,
civic, fraternal, business, and labor organizations; governmental bodies; corporations; professional associations;
and citizens' groups. When community organizations establish a new unit, they must take these two important
actions to ensure a quality Scouting program:
1. Selecting leadership. The head of the chartered organization appoints a chartered organization
representative to provide leadership in the selection of a committee of adults that will provide overall
supervision for the unit's program. The committee selects the adult unit leaders who will work with the
youth. The chartered organization representative is also a voting member of the local council and may
serve as a member of the district committee.
2. Providing a meeting place and promoting a good program. The chartered organization arranges for
adequate meeting facilities for the unit and promotes through its committee the full use of the program,
including outdoor experiences, advancement, recognitions, and, in particular, Scouting's values.
Tiger Cubs is a year-round family- and home-centered program that encourages the ethical decisionmaking skills for first-grade (or 7-year-old) boys. These boys participate in the program with their adult
partners. The program emphasizes shared leadership, learning about the community, and family
Cub Scouts is a year-round family- and home-centered program that develops ethical decisionmaking skills for boys in the second through fifth grade (or who are 8, 9, and 10 years old). Activities
emphasize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness.
Webelos Scouts is a year-round family- and home-centered program that develops ethical decisionmaking skills for fourth- and fifth-grade (or 10-year-old) boys. Webelos Scouts participate in more
advanced activities that begin to prepare them to become Boy Scouts.
Boy Scouting A year-round program for boys 11 through 17 designed to achieve the aims of Scouting
through a vigorous outdoor program and peer group leadership with the counsel of an adult
Scoutmaster. (Boys also may become Boy Scouts if they have earned the Cub Scouting Arrow of Light
Award and are at least 10 years old or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old.)
Venturing A year-round program for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the
eighth grade) through 20 years of age to provide positive experiences through exciting and meaningful
youth-run activities that help them pursue their special interests, grow by teaching others, and develop
leadership skills.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over
their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Vision Statement
The Boy Scouts of America is the nation's foremost youth program of character development and values-based
leadership training. In the future, Scouting will continue to
Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law
A Scout is:
TRUSTWORTHY: A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct.
People can depend on him.
LOYAL: A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.
HELPFUL: A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or
FRIENDLY: A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He
respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.
COURTEOUS: A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners
make it easier for people to get along together.
KIND: A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated.
He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.
OBEDIENT: A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his
community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an
orderly manner rather than disobey them.
CHEERFUL: A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He
tries to make others happy.
THRIFTY: A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He
protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
BRAVE: A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is
right even if others laugh at or threaten him.
CLEAN: A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in
living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.
REVERENT: A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the
beliefs of others.
Scout Motto
Be Prepared
Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily
Adult Volunteers
Thousands of volunteer leaders, both men and women, are involved in the Boy Scouting program. They serve in
a variety of jobs everything from unit leaders to chairmen of troop committees, committee members, merit
badge counselors, and chartered organization representatives.
Chartered Organization
The Charter Organization for Troop 339 is Parents of Troop 339. The Troop Committee approves all adult
leadership in the Troop and Committee and appoints a Chartered Organization Representative to interact with
the Troop Committee.
Adult Volunteers
Troop 339 has many opportunities for adults to get involved in the organization, whether a troop committee
member, Scoutmaster or Assistant, advisory role to a troop position of responsibility, fund raising volunteer, or
simply a provider transportation to events. We encourage both parents and all other willing adults to look for an
opportunity to assist the troop. It will be the best decision you ever make.
Troop Committee
The Troop Committee recruits and supports the Scoutmaster by assisting with troop administration in order to
deliver a quality troop program.
Troop 339
Organizational Chart
All Positions
Reports to scoutmaster
Provide direct leadership to:
Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders
Patrol Leaders
Chair the patrol leaders council
Plan and lead all troop meetings
Preside at all troop activities and events
Appoint youth leaders with the advice and consent of the Scoutmaster
Assign duties and responsibilities to other youth leaders
Assist in training youth leaders
Perform tasks assigned by scoutmaster
Patrol Leader
Troop Guide
Reports to Scoutmaster
Provide direct leadership to the Den Chiefs
Mentor and coach the Patrol Leaders
Help new Scouts get comfortable with their patrol and troop
Introduce new Scouts to Troop operations
Teach basic Scout skills and assist in rank advancement of all new Scouts. (Goal: all new scouts reach
1st class in year one)
Represent new scouts at the patrol leaders council
Perform tasks assigned by Scoutmaster
Assist Senior Patrol Leader as needed
Reports to Scoutmaster
Assist the Scoutmaster, as needed except for duties reserved for adults 18yrs and older
Accomplish duties assigned by Scoutmaster
Positions of Responsibilities
Den Chief
Elected (Troop)
Appt. by SPL
Appt. by SM
Appt. by SPL
Elected (Patrol)
Appt. by PL
Appt. by
1st Class
2nd Class
Previous Leadership
(one of the following)
Pos of Resp.
2nd Class
Appt. by SM
Outings / Events
The active Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) solicits the input of all scouts and adults prior to the annual program
planning session in August of each year. During this program planning session, monthly outings are determined
and placed on the troop calendar. We strive to have at least one troop wide outdoor outing per month and
oftentimes have multiple outings with a given month.
During the annual planning session, general themes are discussed for meeting plans that will support the annual
program plan. The meeting plans are further defined during the patrol leaders council The annual plan is
adjusted as needed.
New Scouts
Troop 339s goal is for every new scout to achieve the rank of First Class within their first year. Patrol Leaders
are challenged to help everyone within their patrol achieve the goal, but in order to accomplish the goal, scouts
must be willing to put forth the effort along with their parents support. History of the troop indicates that if scouts
are active in the troop they easily achieve the goal.
Shortly after joining new scouts will have the opportunity to attend Spring Camporee. Spring Camporee brings
together all troops within the district. The experience is unlike any other troop outing and oftentimes teaches
skills relevant to rank advancement. Most of all it is fun!
Summer Camp is a key outing for a new scout, but certainly not the least. Although this is not a required event, it
has been our experience that Scouts who participate in summer camp advance quicker than Scouts who do not.
Scouts who participate in summer camp tend to stick with the program more often than scouts who do not. And
above all, the Scouts who participate in summer camp have more fun than Scouts who do not.
Board of Review
To ensure a consistent advancement program, Scouts within Troop 339 go through a board of review for each
rank earned in the troop. The intent of this review is not to test Scouts on every detail of the rank but rather to
ensure they have learned the material. Board of Reviews consist of at least two adult leaders within the troop
and can include Junior Assistant Scoutmaster or Eagle Scouts.
Any Scout planning to appear before a Board of Review must inform the Advancement Coordinator at the
beginning of the troop meeting. Scouts should know the material being reviewed prior to signing up for a review.
Scouts going before the Board are required to be in class-A uniform and come with their Scout.
Court of Honor
When a Scout advances rank he is recognized as soon as possible - preferably at the next unit meeting. He is
also recognized a second time at a public ceremony called a court of honor. Merit badges are also awarded at
our court of honor. The main purpose of the court of honor is to formally recognize them for their achievement
and to provide incentive for other Scouts to advance.
The Patrol Leaders council of Troop 339 typically schedules a formal court of honor two times a year. All
families are asked to attend and guests are certainly welcome. Every boy who advances deserves to be
recognized in front of his family. The court of honor is the boy's special night.
Class A
Shirt (official tan w/green shoulder tabs)
Neckerchief and slide
Pants (Olive green required, official scout pants preferred)
Belt (official olive green belt or Philmont leather belt)
Scout Socks (preferred)
Hiking Boots (dark brown is preferred)
Full Class A
Class A + Merit Badge Sash
Class B
Troop T-Shirt
Tan, OD Green or Jean shorts or pants
Hiking boots or Sneakers as appropriate for the event
Damage to Property
Accidents happen and occasionally equipment is damaged through normal use. However, if a Scout damages
any property of the troop, individual, or other willfully and maliciously, the parents of that Scout will be held
responsible for those damages.
The adult leaders within Trop 339 strive to establish a trust between the boys and themselves. Therefore, most
problems are handled individually with a discussion with the scout. We find most of the time just informing the
scout that this is not proper scout behavior resolves it situation. Should a severe problem or repeated situations
arise, And the Ast. Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster believes the Scouts behavior is disruptive to the success or
safety of an outing or meeting and the situation cannot be managed, the Scouts parents will be informed and
required to come pick up their son immediately. The Scouts parents will be asked to attend a conference before
the Scout can come back to any Troop activity.
The following guidelines will be used for sever situations that result in multiple offenses:
1st Offense: The Scouts parents will be informed of the problem and asked to take care of it. The Scout
can return to all activities with no further action by the troop.
2nd Offense: The Scouts parents will be informed of the problem and asked to take care of it. The
Scout will have to be escorted to all troop activities that he attends, including meetings, by a parent.
3rd Offense: A 3rd offense would warrant suspension from the troop.