Campaign Book
Campaign Book
Campaign Book
Ella Story
Erin Riley
Christopher Hernandez
Meet The Team………………………………………………………………3
Background Information…………………………………………………….4
Overview of Services………………………………………………………..5
Audience Research………………………………………………………..….12
Campaign Theme…………………………………………………………..….24
Media Rollout…………………………………………………………………..27
Press Releases………………………………………………………………...47
Nick: [email protected]
Ella: [email protected]
Erin: [email protected]
Christopher: [email protected]
Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. The many
services are very valuable to the families but even more so to the community as a whole. After-
school and summer programs for youths ages 5-18 are enriched with serving the academic,
emotional, cultural, and social needs. Since 1992, the organization has provided quality
programs and services to underserved children, as well as introducing their families to other
resources in the community. The program provides homework help and tutoring, STEM
activities focusing on the future of technology, introduction to the arts, leadership, service
learning, as well as career exploration and development. With the assistance of the Boys &
Girls Club the vision is clear and the vision is to give every member the possibility to achieve
great things and to have a bright future. The time and effort in making the Boys & Girls Club
successful is measured by the members who are successful in school, graduate with a plan for
the future, engage in healthy behaviors to become fit for life, and develop strong character
which will empower them to become productive, caring and responsible citizens. The belief in
the five key features to youth development is essential within the programs to produce
successful members. To Create a safe and positive environment for our members, the Club
generates fun and fosters a sense of belonging, encourages supportive relationships with peers
and adults, provides opportunities and sets expectations, and offers recognition. By embedding
these key youth development strategies into their programs, the Bloomington-Normal Boys &
The services provided by the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal go far beyond the
usual after-school program. The Club does more than watch the kids play; it teaches values.
Developing one's own character and leadership style, exploring a creative side and teaching
members life lessons and healthy habits are values taught at the Boys & Girls Club. These are a
The character & leadership development program empowers youth members to have a
positive influence within the Club and community. The program is built to help members
sustain meaningful relationships with others and help develop a healthy self-esteem. Members
who participate in the character & leadership development learn through projects all year round
that empower them to learn about the people around them as well as learn about themselves.
The Youth of the Year leadership and recognition program is a yearlong program which
supports members who want to apply for scholarships. Members will increase public speaking
The Arts
The arts program allows members to develop creativity and cultural awareness through
knowledge and appreciation of visual arts and crafts, performing arts and creative writing. The
activities provided through the arts program help with self-expression and develop appreciation
of other cultures. Boys & Girls Club hold special events regarding the arts, for example
performances by guest musicians and many more events which expose members to the arts.
Education and career development helps members become proficient in educational discipline,
apply learned skills to everyday life and promotes a successful future in potential careers. The
education and career development program is dedicated to helping members improve their
study habits, do well in school and make good life choices. There are additional education
programs which help build reading proficiency, reduce summer learning loss, and prepare for
college. The standards are set high and peer support among members helps to create a focused
Club members who partake in the sports, fitness and recreation program develop positive use
of leisure time, skills for stress management, appreciation for the environment and social skills.
Through a variety of sports and games, members will learn about teamwork and physical
fitness. Thus, giving members the opportunity to overcome obstacles together. Triple Play is a
comprehensive health and wellness program which strives to improve the overall health of
Club members by increasing their daily physical activity, teaching good nutrition and
The health and life skills learned in the program will help young people to engage in positive
behaviors that nurture their own well-being and to set personal goals for their future. The
health and life skills help to reinforce healthy living in certain age ranges throughout a
member’s life. Healthy habits is another program that emphasizes good nutrition, regular
physical activity and improving overall well-being. There are special events which emphasize
financial literacy and health presentations within the Boys & Girls Club program.
Since January 5, 2023, The average likes per post 852 followers
the organization has is 9.
posted 44 times.
There has been no The average likes per post 759 followers
activity since April 30, is 1.
Since January 2023, The average likes per post 289 followers
the organization has is 5.
posted 10 times.
1. Website
4. Physical mail
6. Advertising
If the Club wants to determine whether these channels are reaching all stakeholders effectively,
it would be necessary to conduct stakeholder surveys or focus groups to gather feedback on the
In terms of whether the channels are appropriate for the type of message and audience, each
channel would need to be evaluated based on its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the
preferences and needs of the target audience. For example, social media may be an effective
way to reach younger stakeholders, while physical mail may be more appropriate for older
The strengths and weaknesses of each channel would also need to be analyzed. Social media
platforms may be a great way to engage with stakeholders in real-time, but they may not be
appropriate for sharing in-depth information. In contrast, email newsletters may be great for
sharing detailed updates, but they may not be as engaging as social media.
The content of the communication would need to be analyzed for tone, messaging, consistency,
and branding. The tone should be appropriate for the audience and the message, while the
messaging should be clear and consistent across all channels. The branding should also be
consistent across all channels, to ensure the Club's brand is recognizable and memorable.
The Club's Facebook has approximately 4,400 followers and the City of Bloomington and the
Town of Normal have a combined population of 131,877. This shows the Club's Facebook
page has only attracted .03% of the population, even less for the other social media accounts
This communication audit can help the Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal to
assess their communication practices, identify gaps, and improve their communication
strategies. By involving the stakeholders in the audit process, the club can gain valuable
insights and feedback which can inform their communication strategy and strengthen their
“Our mission is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach
their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. Our strategic focus is to enhance
the Club’s success by continuing to set the standard of excellence with our exemplary
programming. Community partnerships have been an integral piece in expanding our efforts in
this area. Our Board, our leadership team and our staff are committed to providing a high-
quality Club experience focusing on our core program areas: Education & STEM, Arts &
Culture, Health & Wellness, Leadership & Service, Career Exploration & Development, Sports
& Recreation. Our entire team are leading advocates for our child and youth development
practices. We are sought out for service and support by fellow community leaders in our
aggregate effort to build a stronger community for everyone.”
Problem/Opportunity 1
The Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal holds around 600 children. Based on
their mission, " empower all young people, especially those who need us most...", it shows
the sincerity of wanting to provide help to those who would benefit from it. A current problem
seen at the Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal in regards to this, is the capacity
limit. Due to the capacity limit, it is holding The Club back from being able to support all
children who are in need. While talking with our client, we were informed that there is
currently a waitlist for children wanting to join the club. Clearly this is a problem that is
holding the organization back from being its best self, however there is work being done for a
solution. Good news is, the Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal is in the process
of switching over to a new location with new land that has already been purchased. The new
location will increase the amount of children that The Club can hold, and will overall make
their mission even more successful. Within this problem and opportunity, our job is to promote
the opening of a new and improved location to make the public aware, and boost the number of
satisfied customers and people in the community.
Problem/Opportunity 2
Another area of struggle that the Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal faces is the
lack of social media presence and interaction. The Club made it clear to us that the
implemented campaign should not be based around fundraising. After noticing the lack of your
social media ability, we realized a social media focused campaign around considering all your
wants and needs. We have realized this issue based on inactive accounts, lack of posts across
social platforms, and little to no interaction on posted content. Although this department seems
to be a struggle for the organization at the moment, there is opportunity for growth in this area.
The first step we came up with is to create a stable public relations plan. We hope a plan would
help distinguish a target audience for the organization and further help to break down social
media strategy which will boost brand image across the media. This is important to implement
as social media is a crucial part of an organization's success.
As we familiarize ourselves with the Club, it is important that we also examine the wide range
of publics who the organization reaches. These publics have been ranked by importance by
Director of Philanthropy Kimberly Scheirer.
Supporters are the most involved with the Club as they come in the form of any of the
following publics.
BGCBN depends on donations to promote their programs and reach their financial goals. The
difference between supporters and donors is that donors will always support the Club
Volunteers keep the doors open and enable the Club to deliver vital programs and services.
Media engages supporters, increases brand awareness and promotes fundraising initiatives.
Locals tend to be more involved within their communities because community-led nonprofits
like BGCBN understand their communities best.
Parents are ranked lower in terms of importance and engagement because they pay $25 a year
for their children (K-5) to go to the Club and nothing at all if their kids are in junior high or
high school. They may not support the organization beyond dropping their child off there.
Without youth grades K-12, BGCBN would not have a purpose to serve because their mission
revolves around this particular public.
BGCBN's paid, professionally trained staff are significant to the Club because of their
commitment to supervise youth.
Director of Philanthropy Kimberly Scheirer rated youth and employees as the least important
publics only because there is no need to market to them at the moment.
Based on audience research and faculty input, the three most important publics are...
Donors and volunteers both qualify as supporters of the Club, posing a need to target the
· Age: 19-35
· Race: White
· Gender: Female
· Marital Status: Married or seriously dating (but this may not always be the case)
· Attitudes: Selfless, puts children's interests first (even if they are not her own),
surrounds herself with like-minded individuals, self-proclaimed "mama bear"
We will be conducting a survey that will give us an understanding of our target audience's
background on social media support. We are hoping to gain clarity on the types of followers
and supporters we would receive once we start following a public relations plan. The sample
size of the survey will be 100 participants.
Sampling Frame
The sampling frame for this survey is parents or guardians living in the Bloomington- Normal
community who have an active social media account across any platform.
Our population will consist of supporters of the Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-
Normal. In order to gain feedback regarding social media support for this organization, we will
target this survey towards parents or guardians who live in the community.
Recruitment Techniques
In order to recruit the target population to complete this survey, people will discover it across
multiple channels. The survey is found on social media sites, through mail/ email, and printed
off on flyers. We encourage people to spread the word about this organization and ways to
support it.
1. What is your race?
A. White/Caucasian
B. Hispanic/Latino
C. Black/African American
E. Asian/Pacific Islander
A. Under 18
A. Female
B. Male
C. Non-Binary
D. Transgender Female
E. Transgender Male
F. Different identity (please specify): ______________________
E. Student
F. Retired
G. Self-Employed
B. Married
D. Separated
E. Divorced
F. Widowed
6.What is your current parental status?
A. I am a single provider
C. I am not a parent
A. Mail
B. Email
C. Newspaper
D. Social Media
E.Television/ Advertisements
8.What social media sites do you currently use? (Select all that apply)
D.Tik Tok
A. Not at all likely
B. Not likely
C. Neutral
D. Likely
E. Very Likely
A. Very Important
B. Important
C. Neutral
D. Low Importance
A. Yes
B. No
14.Do you allow your child to be on social media?
A. Yes
B. No
15.Would you be willing to tell a friend about a non-profit organization that you
A. Yes
B. No
A. Yes
B. No
OUTPUT Objectives
2. To keep clients updated on organizational information by providing 1-2 press
releases weekly. This should convert to 4-8 press releases monthly. The timeline
of this output objective is to begin as soon as possible and continue until the
middle of May.
3. To expand to other rapidly growing social media platforms like Tik Tok. This will
help bring in a new target audience that may not be active on Facebook, which is
where the organization is most active when it comes to social media. Once the
account is created, strive to post at least one Tik Tok a week. The timeline to
create a new Tik Tok account and begin creating content is by the middle of April.
OUTTAKE Objectives
1. To track if the target audiences are receiving and retaining press releases and
social media posts by distributing formal surveys to the clients (supporters, donors,
and volunteers). Aim to send press releases to at least 10 journalists and acquire
survey results from at least 30 clients. The timeline of this outtake objective is to
begin as soon as possible and continue until the middle of May.
2. To measure if target audiences understand organizational messages by conducting
focus groups monthly. This can be done by selecting a small group of clients to
interview and discuss their experiences with the organization. The goal for this
outtake objective is to do a trial run at the end of April.
OUTCOME Objectives
1. To increase overall social media engagement by 10% and overall social media
followers by 10%. This will be done by increasing social media posts throughout
the next few months. The timeline of this goal is by the end of 2023.
2. To increase overall donations, fundraising and support of the organization by 5%
or more. The timeline on this goal is by the end of 2023.
The “Strength in Numbers Bingo” is a social media challenge that involves participants to fill
up a bingo card for an opportunity to win a variety of prizes. This challenge will increase the
organization's social media presence and interaction with the hopes of strengthening the overall
support of The Boys & Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal. Some of the bingo squares
include, purchasing an item from partnership organizations such as Jersey Mike’s or Panda
Express, making a donation to The Club, volunteering at The Club, sharing content from the
organizations social media platforms, etc. Prizes to the top participants will include, The Boys
& Girls Club Club of Bloomington-Normal merchandise and accessories, gift cards from
partnerships, and other intriguing bonuses. In order for the organization to keep track of all
who are involved, participants are to take a picture once a square is completed and tag The
Club. Throughout the time span of this social media challenge, there will be a virtual
leaderboard where participants can check their ranking throughout the competition. This effect
will keep participants attentive and eager to fill their cards.
Earned media: PRESS RELEASES
Using press releases as a form of media for
our roll out is crucial to the success of
gaining more supporters. Press releases
grab the attention of journalists, therefore
quickly publicizing information that is of
interest to new advocates for the
organization. Supporters must know what
the Club is currently working on or putting
out into the community before they support
the program.
Budget: $8,000
Shared media: BGC-BiNgo SOCIAL
A unique social media challenge will
encourage both new and current supporters
to get involved with The Boys & Girls
Club of Bloomington-Normal as well as
revolutionize the Club’s social media
game. Ms. Scheirer indicated that the
Club’s social media is in need of serious
work, therefore inspiring our team to pose
this as a step in the right direction of
Tools needed to gain access to public engagement…
SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS (@bgcbn1992 on Instagram, The Boys and Girls Club of
Bloomington-Normal on Facebook)
Instagram and Facebook are two social media platforms where users can
cross-publish account posts and stories without having to log into both apps. Utilizing
these platforms for the bingo challenge allows for a larger participant outreach and
therefore attracts greater numbers of new supporters.
Updated Budget: $8,000
***Example of social media content posted by the organization to announce winner of
Strength in Numbers Bingo
Partners/Sponsors In-Kind Donations for Strength in Numbers Bingo Winners:
● Jersey Mike’s: free sandwich and chips voucher
● Panda Express: free entree
● ROSS Dress for Less: $10 off coupon, $20 off coupon
● Jimmy John’s: free meal
Winners’ Prizes:
There are three prize tiers for the Strength in Numbers Bingo Challenge…
Owned media: MONTHLY
Introducing a more frequently published
newsletter that recaptures that month’s
happenings and updates would be ideal for
BGCBN donor and volunteer growth. TBD
PR will assist in the development and
publication of “Club Recap,” a newsletter
designed for mailed and digital sharing to
allow for peak target publics outreach.
Owned media: SOCIAL MEDIA IN-
As we help the Boys and Girls Club of
Bloomington-Normal rework their social
media, we will be utilizing paid
advertisements via Instagram and
Facebook as a means of connecting with
potential supporters who do not yet engage
with us on our platforms.
**Example of an Instagram ad publics might see while scrolling
Our plan for publication, release, and promotion of both controlled and uncontrolled media is
outlined in this three-month calendar. The calendar extends from March until May.
MARCH 2023
APRIL 2023
MAY 2023
Our theme is “Strength in Numbers” and it can be seen in many different ways. The ability to
collaborate and tag Illinois State University when it comes to volunteers is one way to show
strengths in numbers. Collaborating with our sponsors and getting more community
engagement will drive up our strength in numbers.
Our theme will help to drive a new social media rollout where we gain more social media
engagement with our followers and the communities.
Jersey Mike’s has a history of
promoting an event where 100% of
the day’s sales are donated to an
organization. Partnering with Jersey
Mike’s, the Club could use the
Tortuga Music Festival giveaway to
promote one full day of sales
donated to the Club. The Club
promoting the festival for their
partner will drive more customers to
Jersey Mike and if we can promote
a certain day for the donation, it will
help drive the community to go to
Jersey Mike’s on the specific day
and increase the donation amount.
As stated previously, Jersey Mike’s has a history of promoting an event where 100% of one
day sales is donated to an organization. The partnership we have established with Jersey
Mike’s can help the Club capitalize on these donation opportunities. This post would be an
example of a future post the organization could use to promote their partnership and drive
increase donations.
For Immediate Release Phone: (815) 579-4046
Email: [email protected]
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Hundreds of families will gather at Sunnyside Park for an unveiling
of the new Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal building on Saturday, May 20 at 4 p.m.
The community is invited to watch the unveiling and take a tour of the new facility with
friends and family members. There will be various members of the Club there to welcome the
public and to provide information on services the Boys & Girls Club can offer for community
members and their children.
The event is being held to increase the public’s awareness of the new Club building and
location. Boys & Girls Club purchased the land for the surprising amount of one dollar from
the City of Bloomington.
“We don’t want to lose that amount of recreational property in that neighborhood,”
City Manager Tim Gleason said, “There just happens to be property adjacent to (the club’s
current location) and it becomes the responsibility of the Boys & Girls Club Club.”
There will be activities in and outside the building to include face painting, games and
small sport competitions such as a parent and child team corn hole tournament. All activities
will be monitored by the amazing volunteers who devote much of their time to the Club.
Sunnyside Park is located at 1700-1898 Illinois St, Bloomington, IL, down the road
from the current Boys & Girls Club building. There is no entry fee for the event and all
donations are welcomed.
For more information about this event please contact Laurie Moore at (309) 829-3034.
April 14, 2023 Contact: Christopher Hernandez
Email: [email protected]
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal and Panda Express have
partnered together to raise money and awareness of the Club's new building. On May 15, 2024,
from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. 15% of every purchase at the Panda Express store located at 1901 Market
St. Bloomington, IL will be donated to Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal.
Panda Express has long been a supporter of the Boys & Girls Club and donated 50% of
profits at the ribbon cutting ceremony from their new location this past February. Panda
Express Area Coach of Operations Leonardo Morales said, “Our entire Panda team is grateful
to serve the Bloomington community by providing new jobs and supporting local organizations
through fundraising opportunities,”
Currently the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal serves 1,600 members,
families and other youth throughout the year. With the new facilities built the Club expects to
be able to serve 500 members a day, which is great news for the hundred families currently on
a waitlist to join the Club.