Literacy Lesson Plan For Beginning Reader

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Kaitlyn Rogers
Sally, Kindergarten, and Rainbow Elementary School
December 7, 2016

Literacy Lesson Plan for Beginning Reader:

This child is five years and seven months old. Sally was given a literacy assessment and
scored as being in the stage of an advanced emergent reader. She acquired this score
due to her high scores in rhyme, beginning sounds, lower case letter identification, letter
production, letter-sound production, and concept of word Teddy Bear, but she did not
do as well on the spelling and words in isolation task portions. An emergent reader is a
student who understands pictures, the importance of print, and can retell a story, but is
unable to track print. Although Sally got off track for two lines of the Teddy Bear poem,
she obtained a high score of 20 out of 24 for pointing so it seems that she has almost
fully grasped concept of word. Since Sally did well on the concept of word assessment,
she is far advanced in the emergent reader stage and is beginning to become a beginner
reader. Sally can be categorized as an early beginner reader and should start on this

FluencyLeveled Reading A-I Go by Felicia Brown
Learning Objectives:
Standard of Learning
The student will be able to
K.5: The student will
read a new level A book
understand how print is
with fluency and accuracy.
organized and read.

I will total the number of
words that the student
reads in the story and
compare it to the total
number of words in the
story to get the percentage
of accuracy.

Materials needed:
o I Go by Felicia Brown

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30 minute lesson will be used for this
o 40 percent of the time should be spent on fluency so the time spent on this
section would be about 12 minutes.

o I will go over the sight words with the student. As we go through the words I
will have the student identify the words that she does not know and I will go
over them and explain them. Then I will introduce the title of the story and

do a book walk. As we go through the pages I will ask her questions about
the pictures on each page. Examples of questions I would ask are, Where is
she right now? and, How do you know that is where she is? After the book
walk, I will ask Sally to read the book to me.
Word StudySorting pictures with words that start with the digraph, sh
Learning Objectives:
Standard of Learning
The student will match a
K.7: The student will
picture with the
develop an understanding
corresponding word that
of basic phonetic principles.
starts with the digraph,

I will assess how many of
the pictures the student
correctly matches with its
corresponding word out of
the ten total matches.

Materials needed:
o Laminated pictures cards (fish, shark, shell, sheep, trash, brush, ship, cash,
shoe, bush)
o Laminated word cards with the digraph, sh, underlined (fish, shark, shell,
sheep, trash, brush, ship, cash, shoe, bush)

Time for this part of lesson: What part of 30 minute lesson will be used for this
o About 20 percent of the time should be spent on this section, which is about
six minutes.

o I will explain to the students what the digraph, sh, sounds like. Then I will
give them examples of how this sound can either be at the beginning of the
word or the end of the word. The examples I will give will be through the use
of the word study cards. I will hold up each picture and say the word then
have them repeat the word after me. As I say each of the words, I will
enhance the sh sound so they know whether that sound is at the beginning
or end of each specific word. Once I go through all of the pictures I will tell
them that they need to match the picture with the corresponding word. I will
assess the students ability to match the picture and its word by counting
how many matches they get right out of the ten total matches.

ComprehensionRead-aloud to the entire class: Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan

Learning Objectives:
Standard of Learning
The student will be able to
K.9: The student will
identify the beginning,
demonstrate comprehension

I will assess if the student
can place pictures of the

middle, and end of the


of fictional texts.

beginning, middle, and end

of the story in order.

Materials needed:
o Froggy Goes to School by Jonathan London
o Worksheet that includes the pictures of the beginning, middle, and end of the
story (not in the correct order)
o Pencil (to write their name on the worksheet), scissors, and glue

Time for this part of lesson:

o About 6 minutes will be dedicated to this portion of the lesson.

o First I will introduce the book to the classroom. I will tell them the title of the
book then ask them what they think the main character, Froggy, may do
while he is at school. Then I will read the story and ask questions throughout
each page of the book. Some questions I would ask are, What are some
ways you guys get to school? and, If there are brown and red leaves falling
in the classroom through the window, what season do you think it is? After
we finish the story I will have the students complete an activity where they
would have to but out and put the events of the beginning, middle, and end
of the story together. They would glue these events in the correct order on
the worksheet that they are given. I would collect this activity to assess each
individual students comprehension of these events in the story.
WritingWriting an open-ended sentence
Learning Objectives:
Standard of Learning
The student will write an
K.12: The student will write
I will assess students ability
open-ended sentence. The
to communicate ideas for a
to copy the first part of the
student will copy the first
variety of purposes.
sentence correctly
part of the sentence and
(capitalize the first letter,
then finish the sentence
make all the rest of the
with his/her own word(s).
letters lower case, include a
period at the end of the
sentence). I will also assess
if the student attempts to
sound out and spell the
word(s) they put at the end
of the sentence.

Materials needed:
o Writing journal and a pencil

Time for this part of lesson:

o Around 6 minutes will be used for this part of the lesson.

o I will first introduce the topic that the students will be writing about, which is
the season of fall. We will discuss as a class what we see during fall and what
their favorite part is about this season. Once we are done discussing the
topic, I will have the students copy the sentence, My favorite part about fall
is The students will copy the sentence exactly and then finish the
sentence with their own thought. The students will be assessed on whether
or not they capitalize the first letter of the sentence and write all the rest in
lower case. They will also be assessed on if they end their sentence with a

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