Literacy Lesson Plan

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Literacy Lesson Plan

Liz Light Kara, grade 1 April 23, 2014

Literacy Lesson Plan for Transitional Reader: Kara is a 7 year old girl in an inclusive first grade classroom. Her characteristics that classify her as a transitional reader are as follows: She reads in phrases She shows adequate comprehension through a retelling. She read through a familiar text with fluency. She asks questions about things she does not understand.

Comprehension and Fluency-18 Minutes Learning Objectives: Objective Standard of Learning -The student will read a book Reading SOLs: aloud 1.5(a, b, and c) -The student will provide a 1.9(f, g, and i) retelling of the book that conveys their understanding of the text.

Assessment I would do this activity one-onone with the student so that I could take a running record of the words that she reads correctly out of the first one hundred, as well as anecdotal records regarding her expression, smoothness, phrasing, and pace to assess Fluency.

Materials needed: o Fox in Socks by: Dr. Suess This book is slightly below my childs instructional reading level so that she will have an easier time reading it, as she will not have the book read aloud to her ahead of time. I chose this because I want the goal to be looking at her fluency in a text that is not going to be too challenging for her. I also want to be able to gain an accurate measure of her comprehension of the text, which may be compromised by picking a text that would be too challenging. Procedure: o I will give my student the book to read to me without reading it for her first. o I will ask her to read the story aloud for me, keeping a running record of the words missed of the first 100 in the story. o After this running record, I will take anecdotal notes of when she asks questions, or has trouble with a word.

o After finishing the book, I will ask her to retell the story to me in her own words, taking notes as she tells me the story so that I can check her comprehension and make sure that she hits all of the important points.

Word Study-6 Minutes Learning Objectives: Objective To look at long vowel sounds and markers

Standard of Learning Reading SOL: 1.6 (with reference to spelling and looking at words)

Assessment I will have the student sort the words provided by short and long vowel sounds as a check for understanding, and then let them take them home. I would give the student a spelling test on the words later.

Materials needed: o Word cards (provided on following page) Words will be chosen from the story: Fox in Socks, that is to be read before doing the word study. Procedure: o I will cut out the word cards to look at with the student. o Then, I will talk about the difference between long and short vowel sounds, stating that a long vowel sound is made when the letter is pronounced like it is said in the alphabet. o We will read through the words together, sorting out the words with long vowel sounds from those with short vowel sounds. o I will ask if she notices a pattern in any of the words. If not, I will help lead them to it by asking if all of the words with a long vowel sound also have another vowel in them. o I will reinforce the pattern that a word with a long vowel follows the pattern of: long vowelconsonant-e * two irregular long-vowel words are included (easy and crow) as well as one irregular short-vowel sound word (some) o Then, I will mix up the words and have the student sort them independently as a check for understanding.

Writing-6 Minutes Learning Objectives: Objective -The student will write a journal entry legibly -The student

Standard of Learning Writing SOLs: 1.12 1.13(d, e, and f)

Assessment I will look at the students journal entry and grade for legibility, and meeting of the

Oral Language SOL: 1.1 (with regard to the recognition of rhyme) Materials needed: o The student will need a journal to write in o She will also need writing and coloring materials

requirements (at least three sentences, use of rhyme as modeled by the story)

Procedure: o I will ask the student if she knows what a rhyme is and ask her to find one in the story o I will point of the rhyme in the title of fox and socks, and ask if they can think of another rhyme with a different animal (provide example of dog and blog if needed) o One they have thought of a rhyme, I will ask the student to use it in a sentence to begin their short story o After this sentence, I will ask the student to add two more rhyming sentences to their story about their chosen animal o They can then draw a picture to accompany their story if there is time, or in their free time later.

Word Study Words
















Running Record Form-100 words

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