2 Marks MPMC QB With Answers

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EC6504-Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Question Bank with answers
UNIT I - The 8086 Microprocessor
1. A.1. What do you mean by Addressing modes? (May/June 2014)
The different ways that a microprocessor can access data are referred to as addressing
1. A.2. What is meant by Vectored interrupt? ( May/June 2014)
When the external device interrupts the processor, processor has to execute interrupt
service routine for servicing the interrupt. If the internal control circuit of the processor
produces a CALL to a predefined memory location which is the starting address of
interrupt service routine, then that address is called Vector address and such interrupts are
called vector interrupts.
1. A.3. Name the hardware interrupts of 8086. (May/June 2013, Nov/Dec 2010)
1. Divide by zero interrupt (Type 0)
2. Single step interrupt (Type 1)
3. Non Maskable interrupt (Type 2)
4. Breakpoint interrupt (Type 3)
5. Overflow interrupt ( Type 4)
1. A.4. What are called as assembler directives? Give two examples. (May/June 2012)
There are some instructions in the assembly language which are not a part of processor
instruction set. These instructions are instructions to the assembler, linker and loader.
These are referred to as pseudo-operations or as assembler derivatives. Example: ALIGN,
1. A.5. What address in the interrupt vector table are used for a Type-2 interrupt in 8086?(Nov/
008H (CS base address) and 00CH (IP offset) are the addresses in the interrupt vector
table are used for a Type-2 interrupt in 8086.



1. A.6. Why do we use Macros? (Nov/ Dec 2012)

Macro is a group of instruction. The macro assembler generates the code in the program
each time where the macro is called. Macros are defined by MACRO & ENDM directives.
Creating macro is similar to creating new opcodes that can be used in the program
data MO V DS
1. A.7. What is BIOS function call in 8086 p? (May/June 2012)
With the software interrupts you can call the desired routines from many different
programs in a system.eg. BIOS in IBM PC. The IBM PC has in its ROM collection of
routines, each performing some specific function such as reading character from keyboard,
writing character to CRT. This collection of routines referred to as Basic Input Output
System or BIOS. The BIOS routines are called with INT instructions.
1. A.8. What are the general purposes registers in 8086? (Nov/Dec 2011)
AX, BX, CX, DX are the general purpose registers in 8086.
1. A.9. Give the importance of the assembler directive EVEN. (Nov/Dec 2011)
The assembler derivative EVEN aligns next variable or instruction to even byte.
1.A.10 Name the registers available in 8086. (April/May 2011)
(i) General purpose registers
(ii) Segment registers
(iii) Pointers and index registers
(iv) Flag Registers.
1.B.1.Explain the register Organization of 8086 processor in detail. (Nov/Dec 2010)
The 8086 has a powerful set of registers. It includes general purpose registers, segment
registers, pointers and index registers and flag register. It is also known as Programmers
General purpose registers:



The 8086 has Four 16 bit general purpose registers.

Each register split into two 8 bit registers
AL Lower byte, AH- Higher byte.
Segment registers: 16 bit address
Code segment
Data segment
Stack segment
Extra segment
Pointers and index registers:
Base pointer
Index pointer
Source pointer
Source index
Destination index
Flag Registers:
Carry Flag
Parity Flag
Auxiliary Flag
Zero Flag
Sign Flag
Overflow Flag
1.B.2 Draw and explain in detail about the architecture of 8086. (Nov/ Dec 2013)
8086 architecture is divided into two separate functional units
Bus Interface Unit (BIU)
Execution Unit (EU)
Bus Interface Unit: It Interface to the outside world. It provides 16 bit bidirectional bus and
20 it address bus.



Execution Unit: It fetches, decodes and executes the instructions. It consists of Instruction
decoder, Arithmetic and Logic unit, Flag registers, General purpose registers, Pointers and
index registers.
1. B.3. Explain any 8 addressing modes of 8086 processor with an example. (April/ May 2011)

Register addressing mode - MOV BX,CX

Immediate addressing mode- MOV BL,26H

Direct addressing mode-MOV AL,[3000H]

Register indirect addressing mode MOV DL, [BP]

Base plus index addressing mode- MOV CX,[BX+DI]

Register relative addressing mode-MOV CX [BX + 0003H]

Base relative plus index addressing mode- MOV AL,[BX+SI+10H]

String addressing mode- MOVS Byte.

1. B.4. Explain in detail about 8086 instruction set. ( Nov/Dec 2010,2012, April/May 2011)
Data transfer instructions
Arithmetic and logical instructions
Shift instructions
Rotate instructions
String instructions
Program control transfer instructions
Unconditional Jump instructions
Iteration control instructions
Processor control instructions
External hardware synchronization instructions
Interrupt instructions
Sign Extension instructions
1.B.5.Explain in detail about Assembler derivatives and operators. (Nov/ Dec 2011,2012, April/
MAY 2011,2013)
There are some instructions in the assembly language which are not a part of
processor instruction set. These instructions are instructions to the assembler, linker and loader.
These are referred to as pseudo-operations or as assembler derivatives.



Commonly used assembler derivatives are ALIGN, ASSUME, END, DUP, EQU,
Variable is an identifier that is associated with the first byte of data item. In
assembly language base of the number is indicated by suffix.

B- Binary



H- Hexadecimal

1.B.6. Explain in detail about Macros. (April/May 2011)

Macro is a group of instruction. The macro assembler generates the code in the
program each time where the macro is called. Macros are defined by MACRO & ENDM
directives. Creating macro is similar to creating new opcodes that can be used in the
data MO V DS
In Macros, Parameters are passed as a part of statement which calls macros.
Passing parameters in Macro
Local variables in Macro
Nested Macros
Placing Macro definition in their own module
Controlled Expansion statements in Macros.
1.B.7. Explain the types of interrupts and ISRSs of 8086. ( Nov/ Dec 2010,2012)

Divide by zero interrupt (Type 0)

Single step interrupt (Type 1)

Non Maskable interrupt (Type 2)

Breakpoint interrupt (Type 3)

Overflow interrupt ( Type 4)

Software interrupts



Maskable interrupts

The event that causes the interruption is called interrupt and the special routine executed
to service the interrupt is called interrupt service routine.
1.B.8.Explain the interrupt structure of an 8086 microprocessor with 8086 interrupt pointer
table.(April/May 2011,2012,2014)
The event that causes the interruption is called interrupt and the special routine
executed to service the interrupt is called interrupt service routine.
When the external device interrupts the processor, processor has to execute
interrupt service routine for servicing the interrupt. If the internal control circuit of the
processor produces a CALL to a predefined memory location which is the starting address of
interrupt service routine, then that address is called Vector address and such interrupts are
called vector interrupts.
In an 8086 system the first 1 Kbyte of memory from 00000H to 003FFH is
reserved for storing the stating address of interrupt service routines. This block of memory is
often called interrupt vector table or the interrupt pointer table.

UNIT II - The 8086 System Bus Structure

2. A.1. What are the advantages of Coprocessor?(May/ June 2014)

i) It is a high performance data processor.

ii) It follows IEEE floating point standard.
iii) It is multibus compatible.
2. A.2.What is meant by loosely coupled configuration? (May/ June 2014 )
Loosely coupled system consists of different modules. Each module may consists of
an 8086, an another processor capable of being a bus master, or processor or closely
coupled configuration. Normally each processor has its own local memory and I/O devices,
to which other processors do not have direct access. But they can share system resources.
2. A.3. What is the function of LOCK and RQ/ GT signals? (May/June 2013)

signal indicates that an instruction with a clock prefix is being executed

and the bus is not to be used by another processor. RQ / GT signals are sampled at the rise
edge of the clock pulse.



2. A.4. How does CPU differentiate the 8087 instructions from its own instructions? (May/June
8087 instructions can be distinguished from 8086 instructions by letter F which
stands for floating point number. All mneumonics in 8087 begins with letter F. It has 68
2. A.5 In what ways are the microprocessor and co-processor differ from each other?
(Nov/Dec 2012 , April/May 2010)
A microprocessor is a multipurpose, programmable logic device that reads binary
instructions from a storage device called memory accepts binary data as input and
processes data according to those instructions and provides result as output .
The Coprocessor is a processor which is specially designed processor to work under the
control of the processor and to support special processing capabilities.
2.A.6 Compare closely coupled configuration features with loosely coupled configuration features.
(May/June 2012, April/May 2010)
closely coupled configuration features:
A multiprocessor system with common Shared memory.
i) Parallelism can be implemented less efficiently.
ii) System structure is less flexible.
Loosely coupled configuration features
i) A multiprocessor system has its own Private local memory
ii) Parallelism can be implemented more efficiently.
iii) System structure is more flexible.
2.A.7 List any four 8087 data formats. (May/June 2012)
i) Word integer
ii) Short integer
iii) Short real
iv) Long real
2.A.8. What are the features of closely coupled multiprocessor systems? (Nov/Dev 2011)
i)A multiprocessor system with common Shared memory.
ii) Parallelism can be implemented less efficiently.
ii) System structure is less flexible.



2. B.1.Explain Min/Max mode of 8086 microprocessor. (April/May 2011)
Minimum Mode:

Signals connect to Vcc.

Its is a single processor system configuration.

The 8086, itself generate system control signal.

Minimum mode signals. eg.HLDA and HOLD

Maximum Mode:

Signal is connected to ground

It is a multi-processor system configuration

External bus controller is required to generate system control signals

Maximum mode signals. eg. LOCK

2. B.2.Describe the minimum mode 8086 system and its timing diagram.(May/June 2013)
Minimum Mode:

Signals connect to Vcc.

Its is a single processor system configuration.

The 8086, itself generate system control signal.

Minimum mode signals. eg.HLDA and HOLD

It is implemented by using two EPROMs and two RAMs. It uses driver circuit to
increase the

current. Timing diagram for read and write operations. The 8284 clock

generator does the following functions:

Clock generation

RESET Synchronization

READY synchronization

Peripheral clock generation

2. B.3.Explain in detail about closely coupled configuration of multiprocessor configuration with

suitable diagram. ( April/May 2010,2011,2014)
Closely Coupled System (CCS) the processor shares clock generator, bus control
logic, entire memory and I/O subsystem. Such system communicate through main memory.
Data communicate in the order of bandwidth of the memory. One of the limiting factor is



performance degradation which occur when two processor access the same memory. CPU is
the master or host and the supporting processor is slave. The CPU provides control logic.
Bus request signal from the supporting processor is connected to the CPU. In closely
coupled system no special instructions like WAIT or ESC is used. Status bit is used.
2. B.4.Explain in detail about Loosely Coupled Multiprocessor configuration. (April/May 2010,
Nov/Dec 2010, 2012, 2013)

A multiprocessor system in which each processor has its own private local
memory is known as loosely coupled system.

Here the information is transferred from one processor to other by messagepassing system.

Parallelism can be implemented more efficiently.

System structure is more flexible.

2. B.5. Discuss the schemes used to solve the bus arbitration problem in multiprocessors
(Nov/ Dec 2011).
Bus Arbitration: The mechanism which decides the selection of current master to access bus
is Known as bus arbitration. The three different mechanisms are commonly used are:

Daisy Chaining


Independent requesting

Daisy chaining: Simple and cheaper method. All masters make use of same line for request.
Polling method: Controller is used to generate address for the masters.
Independent priority: Each master has a separate pair of bus request and bus grant lines.
UNIT III I/O Interfacing
3. A.1.List the features of memory mapped I/O. (April/May 2014)
(i) Maximum number of I/O devices are 1 Mbyte.
(ii) Requires decoding of 20 address lines and hence more hardware involved.
3.A.2.What are the basic modes of operation of 8255? (Nov/Dec 2013)
There are two basic modes of operation of 8255. They are:
(i) I/O mode
(ii) BSR mode



3. A.3.How to change the direction of the stepper motor from clockwise direction to anticlockwise
direction using a program segment? ( Nov/Dec 2012)
By reversing step sequence (excitation code sequence) it is possible to change the
direction of rotation of the stepper motor.
3. A.4.Name the peripheral ICs used for parallel and serial data transfer. (April/May 2010)
8255 and 8251.
3. A.5.What are the advantages of Programmable interval Timer / Counter IC ? ( April/May 2014)
(i)The 8253/8254 includes three identical 16 bit counters that can operate independently.
(ii)The 8254 is a superset of 8253.
3. A.6.What is the function of scan section in 8279 controller? (April/May 2014)
(i) Encoded scan- Scan lines are decoded externally to provide 8 scan lines.
(ii) Decoded scan- internal decoder decodes and provides 4 scan lines.
3. A.7.What is the cascaded mode of 8259 programmable interrupt controller? (April/May 2010)
The mode in which 8259s are interconnected to get multiple interrupt is called cascaded
3. A.8.What is DMA? (Nov/Dec 2011, 2012)
A special control unit may be provided to enable transfer a block of data directly between
an external device and memory without contiguous intervention by the CPU. This approach is
called DMA (Direct Memory Access).
3. A.9.State the advantages of DMA. (Nov/Dec 2011, 2012)
(i) The data transfer is very fast.
(ii) Processor is not involved in the data transfer operation and hence it is free to execute
other tasks.
3. A.10.What is the difference between two key lockout and N- key rollover modes in 8279?
2-Key lock out: Simultaneous key depression is not allowed.
N-key rollover: Each key depression is treated independently from all others.
3. B.1.With a neat diagram discuss the various modes of operation of 8255.(April/May 2011,2012)
There are two basic modes of operation of 8255. They are:

I/O mode



BSR mode

Bit Set-Reset mode: The individual bits of Port C can be set or reset by sending out a
single OUT instruction to the control register. When Port C is used for control/Status
operation, this features can be used to set or reset individual bits.
I/O modes: There are three types. They are

Mode 0 - Simple input/output

Mode 1- Input/output with handshake

Mode 2- Bidirectional I/O data transfer

Mode 0: Outputs are latched. Inputs are buffered. Do not have handshake.
Mode 1: input or output data transfer is controlled by handshake signals.
Mode 2: Bidirectional. Both inputs and outputs are latched.
3. B.2. Explain the parallel communication interface with microprocessor. ( Nov/Dec 2012)
Interfacing 8255 to 8086 in I/O Mapped I/O Mode:
8086 has four special instruction in I/O Mapped I/O Mode: IN, INS, OUT,OUTS
Only 256 address can be generated
Only lower data bus is used as 8255 is 8 bit device
Direct addressing mode is used.
Interfacing 8255 to 8086 in Memory Mapped I/O:
20 address lines to identify an I/O device
I/O device is connected to memory register
Address lines are used by 8255 for internal decoding
Same control signals are used to access I/O as those of memory.
3. B.3.With neat sketch, explain the microprocessor based traffic light control system.(April/ May
2011, Nov/ Dec 2012).
The traffic light should be controlled in the following manner.

Allow traffic from W to E and E to W transitions for 20 seconds.

Give transition period of 5 seconds ( Yellow bulbs ON)

Allow traffic from N to S and S to N for 20 seconds

Give transition period of 5 seconds ( Yellow bulbs ON)

Repeat the process.



Both hardware and software are used , The electrical bulbs are controlled by relays .

I/O map is used in hardware

Control word is used in software.

3. B.4. With the help of block diagram explain the operation of USART(8251A). (Nov/Dec 2011)
The device s which provides synchronous as well as asynchronous
transmission and reception are called Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver
Transmitter (USART)
Features: Asynchronous protocol

5 to 8 bit character format.

False start detection

Break character generation

Features: Synchronous protocol

5 to 8 bit character format.
Automatic sync insertion
Baud rate from DC to 64 Kbaud.
Block diagram: It includes
Data bus buffer
Read/Write control logic
Transmit buffer
Receiver buffer
Modem control.
3. B.5.Draw the functional block diagram of 8254 timer. ( April/ May 2010,2013)
The 8254 Timer includes

Three counters

A Data Bus buffer

Read/ Write control logic

Control register

Counters: Each counter has two input signals CLOCK and GATE and one output signal
OUT. It consists of a single, 16 bit, pre/settable, down counter.
Data bus buffer: Three basic functions



Programming in various modes

Loading the count registers

Reading the count values.

Read/ Write Logic: It has five signals:

RD , WR , CS and the address lines


Control Word register : It is used to write a command word which specifies the counter to
be used, its mode can either read or write operation.
3. B.6. Discuss briefly about Keyboard/Display controller. (April/May 2013)
Keyboard / Display controller consists of four main sections:

CPU interface and control section

Scan section

Keyboard section

Display section

CPU interface and control section : It consists of data buffers, I/O control, Control and
timing registers and control logic. Data buffers are 8 bit bidirectional buffers.
Scan section : The Scan section has a scan counter which has two modes. Encoded mode
and Decoded mode.
Keyboard section: It consists of return buffers, Keyboard debounce and control,
FIFO/sensor RAM and FIFO sensor RAM status. There functions depend on selected
keyboard mode out of three keyboard input modes: Scanned Keyboard, Sensor matrix and
Stored input.
Display section: It consists of display RAM, display address registers and display registers.
3.B.7.With a neat block diagram explain the operation of 8259 PIC. (Nov/Dec 2011)
8259 PIC includes eight blocks:

Data bus buffer

Read/Write logic

Control Logic

Three registers

Priority resolver

Cascaded buffer

Three registers are:

Interrupt Request Register (IRR)



Interrupt Service Register (ISR)

Interrupt Mask Register (IMR)

UNIT IV Microcontroller

4. A.1.Distinguish between microprocessor and microcontroller. (April/May 2014)
(i) It has one or two bit handling instructions.
(ii) Access time for memory and I/O devices are more.
(i) It has many bit handling instructions.
(ii) Less access time for built/in memory and I/O devices.
4. A.2.What is the significance of the EA line of 8051 microcontroller? (April/ May 2014)
It stands for external access. When the EA pin is connected to Vcc, program fetched
to addresses 0000H through 0FFFH are directed to the internal ROM and program fetches to
addresses 1000H through FFFFH are directed to external ROM / EPROM. When the EA pin
is grounded, all addresses fetched by program are directed to the external ROM/EPROM.
4.A.3. List the different types of 8051 instructions. (April/May 2010)
(i) Data transfer instructions
(ii) Byte level logical instructions
(iii) Arithmetic instructions
(iv) Bit level logical instructions
(v) Rotate and Swap instructions
(vi) Jump and Call instructions
4. A.4.What are the addressing modes supported by 8051? (Nov/Dec 2010, April/May 2011)
(i) Register addressing mode
(ii) Direct Byte addressing mode
(iii) Register Indirect addressing mode
(iv) Immediate addressing mode

Register Specific addressing mode

(vi) Index address addressing mode

(vii) Stack addressing mode



4.A.5.What is the difference between MOVX and MOV? (Nov/Dec 2013)

MOV: Copy the byte variable indicated by src-byte into the dest-byte location. Flags are not
MOVX: Copy the contents of the external address to the accumulator, data memory etc.,
4. A.6.What are the advantages of using a microcontroller in place of a microprocessor?
(May/June 2011)
(i) Flexible in design point of view.
(ii) Separate memory map for data and code.
(iii)More number of pins are multifunctioned.
4. A.7.What is the function of RET instruction in 8051? (Nov/Dec 2010)
RET pops the high and low-order bytes of the PC successively from the stack,
decrementing the stack pointer by two program execution continues at the resulting address.
No flags are affected.
4. A.8.What are the various operations performed by Boolean variable instructions of 8051?
(April/May 2010)
(i) Logical-AND for bit variables
(ii) Logical-OR for bit variables
(iii) Move bit data.
4. A.9.Name the flags that are stored in PSW in 8051. (April/May 2011, Nov/Dec 2011)
Program Status Word is also known as Flag register. It has
(i) Carry flag
(ii) Auxiliary Carry flag
(iii) FO
(iv) Register Bank Select
(v) Overflow flag
(vi) Parity flag
4. B.1. List the features of 8051 Microcontroller. ( April/May 2011,2012)
The features of 8051 are:

4096 bytes on-chip program memory

128 bytes on- chip data memory



Four register banks

128 user defined software flags

Direct byte and bit addressability

Binary or decimal arithmetic

Two multiple mode, 16 bit timers/ counters

Hardware multiple and divide in 4 microseconds.

4.B.2 Describe the architecture of 8051 with neat diagram. (Nov/ Dec 2010, April/May 2011)
8051 is a 8 bit microcontroller, It consists of


A and B CPU registers

Data pointer

Program counter

Flag registers

Special Function registers

CPU: It performs ALU operation

Accumulator : 8 bit register. Store the results.
Data Pointer : It holds 16 bit address.
Program Counter: 16 bit. It Holds the address of the next instruction to be executed.
Flag register: Also known as program status word

Carry flag

Auxiliary Carry flag


Register Bank Select

Overflow flag

Parity flag

Special Function Registers: The group of registers implemented to perform special functions
and are located immediately above the 128 bytes of RAM are called special function
4. B.3 Explain the different types of addressing modes in 8051. (Nov/ Dec 2010,
April/ May 2011)



The way using which the data sources or destination addresses are specified in the
instruction mnemonic for moving the data, is called addressing mode. They are

Register addressing

Direct Byte addressing

Register indirect addressing

Immediate addressing

Register Specific addressing

Index addressing

Stack addressing

4. B.4.Explain the arithmetic instructions of 8051. (Nov/Dec 2010)

The arithmetic operations of 8051 include:







Decimal Operations.
UNIT V Interfacing Microcontroller

5.A.1.Write an ALP to receive input from port P1.5 and if it is high then an output 35H is sent to
port 0. (April/May 2013)

: Configure P1.5 as an input

JNB P1.5, LAST: Skip next instruction if P1.5 is low

MOV PO, #35H: Send 35H on P0
LAST: ..
5. A.2.What are the sources of interrupt s in 8051? (Nov/ Dec 2010)
(i) External hardware interrupts 0 (INT0)
(ii) Timer 0 interrupt (TF0)
(iii) External hardware interrupts 1 (INT1)
(iv) Timer 1 interrupts (TF1)



(v) Serial Communication interrupt (RI and TI)

5. A.3.List the applications of Microcontroller. (April/ May 2008)
(i) Robotics
(ii) Embedded Systems
(iii) Automotive applications.
5. A.4.What is the function of SM2 bit in the SCON register of 8051? (Nov/Dec 2007)
SM2- Serial port Mode control bit 2.Set by software to disable reception of frames for which
bit 8 is zero.
5. B.1.Discuss timers of 8051 microcontroller. (Nov/Dec2010)

8051 has two timers, timer 0 and timer 1.

Both are 16 bit registers

8 bit microcontroller, each 16 bit register can be assessed as Low-byte register (TL)
And High byte register (TH)

Structure of TMOD register:

Four different modes of timer. Mode 0,Mode 1,Mode 2, Mode 3



Structure of TCON register:

Start and stop timer 0and timer 1.

Provides status of timer /Counter overflows

Provides status of external interrupts.

5.B.2. Write a program for counter 1 in mode 2 to count the pulses and display the state of TL1
count on PORT 2. Assume that clock input is connected to T1 pin ( P 3.5) ( Nov/Dec 2012).
MOV TMOD, # 01100000B
MOV TH1, # 0







5. B.3. Explain in detail about 8051 serial port.(April/May 2013)

It is full duplex.

It uses registers SBUF to hold data.

Register SCON controls data communication.

Register PCON controls data rate.

SBUF is an 8-bit register dedicated for serial communication.

Operating modes for serialport are mode0, mode 1, mode2, mode3.

It generates baud rate in mode 0 and mode 1.

5. B.4. Explain how an LCD is interfaced with 8051. (Nov/Dec 2012, May/June 2013)

LCD modules are available which have built in drivers for LCD and interfacing circuit
to interface them to microprocessor/microcontroller system.

LCD modules allows display of characters as well as numbers

They are available in 16 x 2, 20 x 1, 20 x 2, 20 x 4 and 40 x 2 sizes.

It requires less power.

The display is organizes as two lines each of 2 characters.

The module has 14 pins.

5. B.5.Explain the interfacing of keyboard with 8015 microcontroller. (Nov/Dec 2010, Nov/Dec

In keyboard interfacing eight keys are individually collected to specific pins of port 1.

Each port pin gives the status of pin .

Logic 1 indicates that the key is open.

Logic 0 indicates that the key is closed.

Keyboard interface requires one input line to interface one key.

This will increase the number of keys.



To reduce the number of connection keys, they are arranged in matrix form.

16keys are arranged in 4rows and 4columns.

It requires two ports-input and output port.

Call debounces are allowed.






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