Flowers For Algernon Multiple Intelligences Project
Flowers For Algernon Multiple Intelligences Project
Flowers For Algernon Multiple Intelligences Project
Visual/Spatial (Picture Smart)Create an inkblot (poster sized) and write a 600+ word creative story about what you see in
the inkblot.
To present: You will display the inkblot and read your story in class.
Bodily/Kinesthetic (Body Smart)Create a script for an important scene in the play. Perform a puppet show or skit using that
script. Your show should have puppets, costumes, and a stage. The show/skit show must
last at least 5 minutes.
To present: You may either perform this live in class or pre-record and play for class.
Musical (Music Smart)Write song lyrics about the main plot of "Flowers for Algernon." You may base your song's
style off a popular song and set your song to the beat of that song. The song should have a
chorus and at least three versus.
To present: You will perform the song for the class. This can be just reading it.
Write two letters, one as Charlie writing to Ms. Kinnian and one as Ms. Kinnian responding to
Charlie's letter. The letters need to take place after Charlie has left New York. Each letter
must be at least 300 words and represent the tone, style, and intellectual level of each
To present: You will read each letter to the class.
Intrapersonal (Self Smart)Write a 600+ word perspective diary from another character's viewpoint. Choose any dated
entry from Charlie's journal and rewrite that same entry from another character's point of
To present: You will read the entry to the class.
Naturalistic (Nature Smart)Research organizations that are for OR against animal testing. Create a flyer for one of the
organizations. Include important information like founder(s), mission statement, logos,
events, etc
To present: You will give a 1-2 minute overview of the organization