Grade 4 Spelling Instructions 2015

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Spelling for Grade 4s Self-Selected


Each week you need to hand in 3 spelling activities one

from each section. Either use your spelling notebook or post
to dropbox.
Through the year you should try all tactivities at least twice.
You can create ideas of your own choice to add to these lists.
Just check with me first.

Section A All About Words

1) Create a word search of your spelling words for your
classmates (get sheet from classroom). Use all words.
2) Write all your words out in alphabetical order.
3) Write out and divide each of the words on your list into
syllables (e.g. fur/ni/ture = 3 syllables).
4) Each spelling list has a phonics pattern. Find as many
other words (not on your spelling list) as you can that show
the same pattern (e.g. ing endings, lone a sound).
5) Type your spelling list on the computer 4 times (try to find a
way to fit it all on one sheet).
6) Play the Spelling Board Game (sent separately). Write a
sentence saying who played and who won.
7) Do your own spelling bee spell all the words aloud
without looking at them. Write a sentence describing
which words you got right/wrong.
8) Make a list for 3 parts of speech in your spelling list. Make
3 columns - for nouns/verbs/other and write all the spelling
words under the correct headings.

Section B Words in Context Around You

1) Go on a spelling scavenger hunt look in books,
magazines and newspapers around the house to see how
many of your words you can find in real life. Write down
where you find each word (e.g. tulip in moms gardening
catalogue, organic on the package of beans in the

2) Choose one of your spelling words to write a poem about

(any style of poem is fine rhyming, shape, Haiku, free
verse etc.).
3) Choose one of your words to write a short story about.
Example: the word is lamb so you write a story about an
imaginary lamb.
4) Choose one of your words and write a paragraph about it (as
a personal narrative/small moment). Non-fiction example:
the word is park and you write about a time you went to the
park with your family.
5) Make your own spelling game using your spelling words.
Bring your game into class (if you make a board or cards) or
write out the rules in your spelling book.

Section C The Meaning of Words

1) Write a sentence using each of your words.
2) Find a synonym for as many words on your list as you can.
3) Choose 3 or 4 of your spelling words and create illuminated
letters for the first letter of each word (remember to write
the whole word, not just the first letter). Try to make the
picture in the letter fit with the word (e.g. illustrate iguana
with an iguana in your letter i) Illuminated letters were used
in medieval times. You can search them quickly on the
internet under google images for ideas.
4) Use a dictionary and copy out the definitions for 5 of the
words on your spelling list (no more than 2 meanings per
word if there are more meanings than that, pick your
favourite two).
5) Pick 5-6 of your words and create a picture dictionary
page for them. Include a simple definition of the word and a
picture to show it.
6) Create a crossword puzzle for your words (get sheet from
classroom). Remember you need clues! Blank out the spaces
on the sheet that you dont need.

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