April Newsletter 2017

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Fountain Hills, AZ April 2017


Our Vision:
Living Gods love. calls us to . . .
Our Mission:
Reach out to all with faith and love.

Jack Reynolds, Elder

Sharing Gods Love Wow, what a trip Pastor Ken, Roger Bates and I had in
by Giving & Doing. January to Pwoje Espwa (Project Hope) in Haiti. Its al-
Maybe youve seen some ways a memorable experience. To turn a phrase, Haiti is the
members of the Mission best of places, the worst of places. The poverty was uni-
Committee sport- maginable before the hurricane. Since Hurricane Matthew
ing their royal hit last October, it has become intolerable.
blue tee-shirts Homes destroyed, food being rationed and elec-
with the new mis- tricity still unrestored. But through an enormous
sion statement of faith in God and the promise that their heavenly
the Committee. life will be better, the people remain upbeat and
We plan to wear hopeful: amazing to witness.
these at all church
related group functions. But heres the good And a huge thank you to our congregation for
news. The shirts are not reserved just for com- their prayers and support. Please remember Mat-
mittee members. Theyre available for anyone to thew 25: 35-40 closing with Whenever you did it
purchase at the reasonable price of $20. An order for any of my people, no matter how unimportant
form will be available soon and it will be in the they seemed, you did it for me.
Sunday bulletin.
May God bless us all on our spiritual journey.
- Jack

In Touch page 2

OUR CHURCH STAFF Focus on Finance

Rev. Bill Good
Pastor/Head of Staff
Pastor Ken Brown Feb. Income $ 32,022 Budget $ 36,771
Associate Pastor Feb. Expenses $ 38,603 Budget $ 36,404
Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator
Yr to date Income $ 69,581 YTD Budget $ 74,942
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry Yr to date Expense $ 76,697 YTD Budget $ 75,303
Dorothy Parris
Caryl Bates
Organist February income came in below budget by $4,748.
Lynn Medley February expenses exceeded budget by $2.200. We
Custodian continue to have expense related to replacing the air-
CHURCH TREASURER conditioners. Some of this expense came out of the
Linda Lull operating budget, although it was not a budgeted item.
CHURCH SESSION We appreciate your faithfulness in keeping your
Class of 2017 pledges up-to-date. We need to be prepared for the slow
Mary Alice Bivens summer months.
Bonnie Hollabaugh
Aleyne Larsen-Craig Respectfully,
Helen Roesch Linda Lull, Treasurer
Ron Waldo
Class of 2018
Yvonne Ellingson What a caterpillar calls the end of the world,
Jerry Miles the Master calls a butterfly.
Helen Quigley -Richard Bach
Jack Reynolds -The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc.
Class of 2019
Maria Berry
John Brockelman On the Inside:
Tim Halchuck Jack Reynolds, Elder .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. 1
Bob Lull Focus on Finance.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2
Terri Schmidt Upcoming Events: .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . 3
Carol Skewes Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . 4
From the Finance Committee.. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . 5
BOARD OF DEACONS Mens Fellowship . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 5
Moderator: Linda Warren Fear of Missing Out .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. 5
Class of 2017 Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. 6
Michele Hasley Evening Womens Circle .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. 7
Mary Lee Lehrich Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . 8
Bonnie Matty Pat Covault Memorial Concert Series 2018. .. .. .. .. 9
Linda Warren Mary & Martha Quilted Heart Tea .. . .. .. 10
Class of 2018 Christian Formation .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. . 12
Mary Martinson AED & CPR Classes .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . 12
Elvira Ruiz National Day of Prayer.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 13
Ray Schmidt Music Ministry .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. 14
Bob Titus Lockboxes for Seniors. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. 15
Class of 2019 Not Yet a Member? .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 15
Louise Jones FHPC Foundation.. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . 16
Dorothy Rudack Facebook. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . . .. 16
Clarence Utter Fourth Annual Foundation Meeting .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. 17
Nancy Wulfmeier Member Spotlight...Did you Know? .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ... 18
Necrology for 2017 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . 19
****** Thank You Note .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 19
April Birthdays .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... 19
Mayor Linda Cavanagh Proclamation .. .. . . .. . . . 20
page 3 April 2017

Upcoming Events


Sunday, April 23, 2017

10:00 am
Fellowship Center
Palm Sunday
April 9, 2017
9:00 AM & 11:15 AM

Maundy Thursday
Tenebrae Service
April 13, 2017
7:00 PM
Sunday, April 16 10:00 am
Good Friday Service
At Mtn View Presbyterian Church
April 14, 2017
12:00 to 1:00 PM

Easter Vigil
Saturday, April 15, 2017
7:00 PM Easter lifts the fog
A friend stood one day where he could view the
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. At first it was
EASTER completely shrouded in early morning fog. But as
the sun rose, the fog lifted between the upright piers
April 16, 2017 of the bridge, leaving the land anchors still unseen.
Is it not so with life? We see only what is between
6:00 AM Sunrise Service at Fountain Park the great piers called birth and death. But Easter lifts
9:00 AM Traditional Celebration the fog from both. Easter is the time when we see
more completely the anchorages that sustain life.
10:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt - George Mecklenberg
11:15 AM Casual Celebration -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
page 5 November 2012
In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry
Pastor Bill and Gary Oakeson bantering about Blankets Plus
The Mission Committee has wel-
comed new members this year. In
addition to our current team of
Donna Sims, Susan Owens, Jack
Reynolds, Terri Schmidt, and Vivian
Virden we have now been joined by
new or returning members Jane Al-
len, Rita Applegate, Mary Alice
Bivens and Carol Jenkins. All mem-
bers of FHPC are invited to attend
Jack Reynolds, Elder our monthly meetings (usually the
second Monday of the month at
4:00 pm) and consider joining this Committee.
Blankets Plus Mission Project Blanket Sunday was March
5. To date, $2896 has been collected for blankets and support
for this initiative sponsored by Church World Services. This
marked our 20th year. In total over $46k has been collected.
What a marvelous outreach to those in need locally and Devastation in HAITI
around the world. Thank you to Gary and Barbara Oakeson
for championing this effort.

The Committee approved the annual One Great Hour of

Sharing collection on Easter Sunday. One Great Hour of
Sharing stipulates that donations flow
through one of their partners. This
year the donation will flow through
Church World Service and the funds
will be dedicated to disaster relief.
Please give generously according to
your ability.
We know there are many snow birds
leaving around the end of March into
April. The Extended Hands Food Bank will accept refriger-
ated and frozen foodstuffs that are in sealed containers, as
well as dry goods and canned goods. Art Spalding has of-
fered to pick up and deliver any foodstuffs that snow birds or
others may want to have delivered to the Bank. Please con- Your dollars at work!
tact the church office to make arrangements.


This is a friendly reminder that donations are collected throughout the year of toiletries, magazines, puzzle books, games, books,
dvds, etc., to send to the Veterans Hospital/home. Deliveries are made when there are enough items collected to do so. You can
place your donations in one of the two collection boxes, one located in the Narthex on the table and/or floor and the other one is
located in the Fellowship Center on the left side as you enter, or you may drop off any items at the Church office and they will
call me.

A delivery was made recently to the Veterans Hospital/Home of 9 boxes of items collected. We are also in the process of prepar-
ing and mailing out Easter cards to all of our Church-connected military. I would appreciate receiving any updated mailing ad-
dresses and/or rank changes. These cards will be filled with hand-written notes from many of our Deacons and Mission Commit-
tee members.

- Donna Sims, Mission Committee

In Touch
page 5 April 2017
page 4

From the Finance Committee

Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) - IRA
If you are required to make minimum distributions from your IRA accounts,
please consider using these distributions to meet your pledge or church con-
tribution. Generally minimum distributions are treated as taxable income,
but by having your distribution sent directly to the church from your invest-
ment firm, you avoid paying taxes on the amount sent to the church. The
money needs to be transferred directly from the IRA to FHPC in order
to be tax-free.

If you itemize your deductions, when you withdraw it from the IRA first, and then make a contribution to the
church, you can still deduct the gift as a Charitable Contribution because the withdrawal will be included in
your Adjusted Gross Income. However, the money transferred directly from the IRA to FHPC cannot be
claimed as a "charitable tax deduction" because the amount is simply excluded from your taxable income.

Congress has passed the law that permanently extends the Qualified Charitable Distribution provision so you
can now transfer money anytime during the year. You can determine the amount of the distribution that would
go directly to FHPC each year to satisfy your pledge. The Giving Statement you receive from FHPC will show
the amount of funds paid toward your pledge.

Please consult an independent legal and/or tax advisor for specific advice about your individual situation."

Mens Fellowship Do You Have

Regular breakfast meeting Saturday,
APRIL 8; 8:30 coffee, 9:00 program. The Urban Dictionary
Jack Reynolds will engage us with his defines fomo as the
fear of missing out. If
knowledge of the Haiti Project. you are not receiving
FHPCs weekly e-news, The Weekly, you are
Also to ALL church members, especially definitely missing out! The Weekly is emailed
snowbirds leaving: out every Thursday, usually around noon. In it
Extended Hands needs food donations and you will learn who is preaching on Sunday, the
title of the sermon and related scripture read-
Art Spalding (480 837 1781) is willing to even take ings. You will learn how you can participate in
unopened refrigerated and/ or frozen foods to mission, social gatherings, classes and other
Extended Hands in a timely manner. events, and find out who needs our prayers.
Reading The Weekly is for everyone mem-
Just make sure he knows you have cold stuff for bers, regular attendees, occasional attendees,
guests and our extended families. It is great for
him to deliver. our winter visitors who want to stay in the loop
year-round. Send your email address to Carol
Skewes at [email protected] to get on the mail-
ing list! Our mailing list remains with the
church and is not shared with others.
page 7 December 2011
In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women
April 4 1 p.m. Afternoon Circle, Fountain View Village
April 4 5:30 p.m. M&M Ministry Meeting (Fireside Room)
April 6 10 a.m. Womens Bible Study Guide with Pastor Bill
April 13 9 a.m. Morning Circle (Adult Center)
April 17 7 p.m. Evening Circle, home of Maria Berry
April 19 9:30 a.m. Hooked on Books
April 19 12 noon Out N About

events. Michele Hasley kept us on Facebook and de-

signed nametags for our events. Choir members joined
Peg making a quartet to aid her hymn program, Margie
Brown kept notes on our meetings and donated her
collection of 50 tea pots for fresh floral displays at the
tea. Jane Allen, Sandy Larson, Ilene Berg, Monique
Reynolds, Sandi Thompson, Leanne Reynolds, Dawn
Lau, Judy Irvin, Mary Lee Lehrich all lent their hands
and hearts to help get the Mary and Martha Ministry
The Mary and Martha Ministry closed their three-event sea- on its feet.
son with 84 women in attendance for Tea Time. Speaker A giant merci beaucoup to Marta who wove every
Mona Hodgson encouraged the women with a talk on Romans event together as only Marta can do contacting and
8:28 And I know that God works all things together for those encouraging and guiding as we went along.
who love Him and are called by His Name. Life does not al- The Mary and Martha Ministry belongs to the women
ways go according to our plans but God can take all the broken of FHPC. All women of FHPC are welcome and en-
dreams and pieces of our lives and like the Great Quilter put couraged to aid in the M&M events.
them together to make a beautiful life. Her talk on The A further thanks to Ron Waldo for his technical assis-
Quilted Heart encouraged us all. Debbie Fisher, Jackie Miles tance. We will finish our season
and Dorraine Aggen played music from the civil war period to hosting Womens Sunday, March
match the time period of the authors series. 19.
Beginning in December with our Christmas Event with mis- There would be no success without
sionary speaker Marietta Bell, Peg Inglis Hymnology pro- all the Mary Prayer Angels and the
gram in February and finally, Tea Time the M& Ms began a many helping hands of the Marthas.
new womens ministry.
Thanks, many thanks, to all who participated: Arlene Stewart, God bless you all.
Linda Warren, Maria Berry for handling all the food and deco- Sylvia Burke,
rations from quiche to multiple creations of sweetness for the the birth mother of the
tea. Carol Skewes did an amazing job developing the M&M Mary and Marthas
logo and letting the church know through The Weekly of our (see photos on Page 10-11)

HOOKED ON BOOKS Out n AboutOut to Lunch

Hooked on Books will meet on April 19 at 9:30 a.m. at Out n' About will be having lunch at Flapjacks next
the home of Donna Yordy. Donna will month, April 19th at noon. It is located in the Basha's
be reviewing the book "Where the Shopping Center, 16605 Pali-
Wind Leads" by Vinh Chung. sades, #162.
Please contact Nancy Wulf-
For further information call Elsie Hof- meier for reservations or ques-
farber at 480-837-4518 or Carol Fuls tions at 480-837-3021.
at 480-836-2346.
page 7 April 2017

Presbyterian Womens ing the lesson and the scripture references to each lesson.
Each member relates a personal experience as it relates
Evening Circle to the topic. This format has allowed us to be very
Throughout 1995 meetings were held connected to each other and close bonds have formed
at FHPC regarding the forming of a over the years. In our early years, we were very fortu-
Womens Fellowship organization. nate to have women who became our mentors. The ex-
In November of 1996 meetings and perience and commitment of Peg Tibbets, Blanche Bris-
planning sessions began with repre- bane, Cathie Cunningham and Beth Shafe was so valu-
sentatives of PCUSA PW at the Pres- able and even though the core of the circle has been to-
bytery level. A decision was made to gether for 20 years, it is always so refreshing to have
become a chartered organization here new members join us along the way. An infusion of new
at FHPC and the first gathering was ideas and perspectives makes for growth and renewal for
held on January 20, 1997. We be- us all.
came officially chartered in April of In December our meeting is a Potluck Christmas celebra-
1997. tion at the home of Donna Yordy. It is such a fun and
It was decided to form 3 circles happy event and Donna and her Christmas home is a
Linda Capron which could serve the needs of every- real treat. We also have had each year a Bible study
one. The Circles were a Morning leader on loan to us from the Morning Circle. Thank
group, an Afternoon group and an Evening group. Those 3 you Mary Alice Bivens.
groups met individually for 9 months of the year and joined 3 We have had our own Mission project for 15 years. In
times a year for a Gathering with a program and a meal to- August of 2002 we adopted a young girl in Haiti and
gether. The individual circles each did their Bible Study, each member took a turn in pro-
Mission projects and business meetings according to the viding the monetary contribution
needs and wishes of the members and took turns in planning for her support to attend a Chris-
and hosting the Gatherings. tian school and get an education
In January of 2017 FH Presbyterian Women as an organiza- that she would not have gotten
tion was officially disbanded due to the departure of our without our support. Our total
church leaving PCUSA and joining ECO. However, the 3 support has amounted to $6,120
Circles are still intact and functioning as usual. Mary and plus additional support for her
Martha was formed and that group birthday and Christmas presents.
is now planning and hosting the We sponsored her through Com-
Gatherings. passion International and now
The Evening Circle meets on the 3rd that she is 20 and we have final- Judy Irvin
Monday of the month at 7 PM at the ized our commitment to her we
home of Maria Berry. Our mem- will go on to another Mission Project. We have decided
bers take turns as co-hostess and to continue our journey with support to Haiti in connec-
provide the evening dessert refresh- tion with Rev. Ken Brown and Jack Reynolds work to
ments. feed the children. It has been a rewarding experience to
Barbara Oakeson, the church librar- support our little girl to Womanhood and we have en-
ian, is a member of our circle and joyed the pictures and letters throughout the years.
she always brings a selection from During our summer hiatus we choose a movie that is a
the library of new books and books Maria Berry fun and appealing to women (in other words a chick flick
that are topical and relate to the with some class.) We choose a Sunday afternoon for
church season. She is our human bookmobile. How lucky for lunch and a movie outing after church. Do you get the
us. idea that we dont do anything without eating???
Our Bible Study leader each month is Circle Chair, Judy If you have questions, need directions or need a ride,
Irvin. We have been studying Who is Jesus? authored by please contact Judy at 480-215-0827 or Maria at 480-836
Judy Yates Siker and have enjoyed it very much. We have -2424. Guests are ALWAYS welcome! To quote our
just voted to stay with the Horizons Bible Study series for enthusiastic circle leader, Judy, EVENING CIRCLE
next year which is Cloud of Witnesses The community of ROCKS!
Christ in Hebrews authored by Melissa Bane Sevier. - Submitted by Linda Capron
We have very relaxed and conversational discussions regard-

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say thank you?
-William Arthur Ward

-The Newsletter Newsletter

In Touch page 8

Library Footnotes
Building Empathy, One Book at a Time ten for The Washington Post, I began to understand
By Amy Starr Redwine, pastor of the Church of the Cove- her motive. In the article, she wrote about the years
nant in Cleveland, Ohio she spent as a teacher and a childcare provider, and
the rare but not unique children she encountered who
For my daughters first Christmas in 2005, my struggled to understand how their words and actions
mother-in-law gave us a book called Llama Llama Red impacted their peers.
Pajama by Anna Dewdney. We all loved the story of the These experiences impressed upon Anna the
little llama who becomes distraught after being put to bed, critical importance of building empathy in children
because his mother doesnt hear him calling her. She is and how reading to a child can help do just that.
one floor away and doesnt hear him calling She writes. We learn empathy as chil-
because she is washing dishes while talking dren, through our interactions with the
on the phone. (How dare she?!) people in our lives and by experiencing the
When Mama Llama finally comes world around us. When we read books
upstairs, she teaches me a thing or two by with children, we share other worlds, and
meeting Llama Llamas hysteria with calm. even more importantly, we share our-
Baby llama, what a tizzy! Sometimes selves. Reading with children makes an
Mamas very busy. Please stop all this llama intimate, human connection that teaches
drama and be patient for your mama. Little that child what it means to be alive as one
llama, dont you know, Mama Llama loves of many beings on the planet. We are nam-
you so. Mama Llamas always near, even if ing feelings, sharing experience, and ex-
shes not right here. pressing love and understanding, all in a
Over the next few years we ex- safe environment. When we read a book
panded our collection of Llama Llama books. with children, then childrenare drawn
Each of them offering a situation we could relate to. out of themselves to bond with other human beings,
Llama Llamas first day of school, Llama Llama being and to see and feel the experiences of others. I believe
dragged along on a day of errands that climaxes in an all- that it is this moment that makes us human.
out tantrum in the middle of the supermarket, Llama In Jesus, we discover the depth of Gods
Llamas sleepover at his grandparents house where he desire to teach human beings empathy by practicing
must endure being without his beloved stuffed llama, left empathyby being with us as one of us. As we re-
in the car. flect on the teachings and actions of Jesus, we learn
Im not sure what it was exactly that caused the the importance of being with others, not just doing for
books to get under my skin. That they felt so real certainly them. Jesus life calls us to get to know those who are
had something to do with it, and of course that Mama different from us, to work to understand them, to
Llama seemed to always respond as her best parenting self overcome our assumptions about who they are and
- something I do not always manage to do, but wish I what matters to them.
could. With is risky, it is dangerous, it is transfor-
Anna Dewdney died in September at just 50 mative, and it is how we engage in what matters
years of age after an 18 month battle with brain cancer. I mostrelationships. Being with our children (in all
read the articles about her death and marveled at her won- kinds of different ways) not only satisfied their deep
derful request that, in lieu of flowers, adults read a book to need for our attention and affection, it models for
a child, in her honor. them the kind of empathy and presence they can dem-
When I came across an editorial Anna had writ- onstrate to others.


Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members of the Presbyte-
rian church through the governing bodies to participate equally, responsi-
bly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of coordination and evalua-
tion of mission; and of performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial
functions that identify a Reformed Church, while at the same time strength-
ening the sense of community among all Presbyterians.
page 9 April 2017

Pat Covault Memorial Concert Series 2018

January 9, 2018 todays world. STOP YOUR SEARCH FOLKS---YOU
Lasting Impressions HAVE NOW FOUND IT!!!
Born in Indiana, this extremely inventive and uniquely
starring Karen Grainger clever young comedian travels the world bridging many
*Female Vocal Impressionist with Musical Trio * gaps by his presentation of humor. Hysterically bringing
Enjoying a successful career impersonating such greats as together his realistic thoughts on the diversity of our multi-
Reba, Celine Dion, Cher and Shania Twain, she cultural society in North America today. With special
realized her talent had no boundaries which lead her to guest.Priyanka The Doc Wali, a rising San Fran-
create a fresh new show entitled Lasting Impressions. cisco based stand-up comedienne, who routinely performs
Audiences are always spellbound by Karens skill at recre- throughout the Bay area, including venues such as the
ating such diverse characters, capturing their voices as Punchline Comedy Club, Yoshis and The Purple Onion.
well as their mannerisms. Karen will take you on a jour- Not only is she hilarious, she is also a practicing Internist
ney from today's new voices such as Lady Gaga, Katy (yes, a real medical doctor!) in the San Francisco area and
Perry, Pink and Adele, all the way back to Barbra truly believes that laughter IS the best medicine.
Streisand and Willie Nelson. You wont believe what March 6, 2018
youll be witnessing when she performs her signature Keyboard & Komedy
duet featuring Michael McDonald and Patti LaBelle!
starring Deborah Offenhauser
January 23, 2018 *Concert Pops Pianist with musical trio *
The Tom & Shondra Show in Ready for clean humor and Piano with Pizzazz? When
A Musical Extravaganza renowned pianist, Deborah Offenhauser takes the stage,
*along with additional musician Pianist / Vocalist* people take notice!!!
Some of what you will enjoy will come from the Ameri- Her talent, smile, stage personality and over 20 years of
can Songbook 40s era of Frank Sinatra & Cole Porter, experience, will keep you engaged throughout her show.
cool 50s favorites, rockin 60s & 70s with some songs Youll be thoroughly entertained with her full range of
from Sonny & Cher, Nancy Sinatra, Neil Diamond and musical styles from classical to jazz, from easy listening to
Tina Turner, to name a few. Add in a bit of country with country, all while taking a familiar tune and giving it new
Johnny Cash, a few beloved show tunes from the Broad- life.
way stage and a sprinkle of comedy and youll have a Deborahs music has been heard on the new hit TV
complete fun & family-friendly experience in LIVE show Madam Secretary and The Big Bang Theory
entertainment. Itll leave you cheering for more! as well as an old favorite, Desperate Housewives plus
February 6, 2018 The Weather Channel. Since her music can be heard
The Doo Wah Riders all across the world on various radio airwaves, be aware
*High Energy Country with a Cajun Twist* when traveling as you might just hear a familiar sound.
There is no one else like The Doo-Wah Riders. For over March 20, 2018
40 years they have been riding their own patch of the mu- New Odyssey
sical range throughout the west.well actually..they *3 Guys 30 Instruments *
cant just say its only been the west coast anymore as The When New Odyssey hits the stage be prepared for a pol-
Doo Wah Riders are no strangers to being a part of per- ished trio thats versatile, funny, novel, talented, family-
forming for audiences all over the country sharing their oriented and awesome in presentation. New Odyssey has
sincere enjoyment for connecting and having fun using the been together for over 30 years and has performed at liter-
gift of music. ally thousands of functions, always to complete satisfac-
The Doo-Wah Riders are country, with a unique original tion and rave reviews from every audience. They say the
sound. They define their sound as "high energy country secret for their success has been their ability to adapt to
with a Cajun twist". Their tight musicianship and power- any audience.
ful arrangements of classic and original songs have made Watching New Odyssey is an all-encompassing experience
them favorites everywhere they go. presenting outstanding arrangements of almost every style
February 20, 2018 of music while all performed on 30 different musical in-
Dan Nainan ( Worlds Cleanest struments. With a unique combination of great music,
audience participating, sheer zaniness, mayhem you wont
Comedian) find in most shows, along with a few surprises during this
*with opening female comedienne Dr. Priyanka Wali * show.every audience member will walk away want-
ing more!
The only half-Indian, half-Japanese comedian in the world
offering up the diverse content and delivery this performer 2018 Season Tickets on Sale Now!
presents. Clean comedy is next to impossible to find in
Touch page
page 10

Mary & Martha Quilted Heart Tea

page 11 April 2017

Mary & Martha Quilted Heart Tea

In Touch page 12

Christian Formation
Christian Formation Opportunities: Youth Rehearsal on Wednesdays Easters dawn
4:00 PM Preteen/teen Choir On the third day, the friends of
Christ coming at daybreak...
Sundays 5:00 PM Childrens Choir found the grave empty and the
10:15 AM Sabbath Day Bible Study stone rolled away.
10:15 AM Elementary Life with God Womens Bible Study Circles In varying ways they realized
(Sept thru May) the new wonder; but even they
11:15 AM Blessed Beginnings Nursery hardly realized that the world
11:15 AM Preschool Life with God 9:00 AM 2nd Thursday had died in the night.
1:00 PM 1st Tuesday What they were looking at was
7:00 PM 3rd Monday the first day of a new creation,
Wednesdays with a new heaven and a new
earth; and in a semblance of the
The Way on Wednesdays Mens Bible Study on Thursdays
gardener, God walked again in
(Sept-May) 7:00 AM in the Adult Center the garden, in the cool not of
12:00 PM Lunch & Bible Study the evening but of the dawn.
5:00 PM Elementary Big God Story -G.K. Chesterton
6:00 PM Bible Study
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc

Do you know what to do in the case of an emergency?

Come and find out!
The CPR / First Aid classes will be held on

Saturday, April 8 at 9:00 a.m.

Tuesday, April 11 at 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 22 at 9:00 a.m.

in the narthex for anyone who wants to come in and learn what to do in
case of an emergency.

This class will last approximately 3 hours. Topics covered will in-
clude CPR and AED information for adults, children and infants. The
First Aid section of the course will cover a variety of topics, including
heat-related illnesses, poisonings, burns, choking, etc. Certification is
through the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) and will be
done by ASHI certified instructor Bonnie Hollabaugh. The cost for the course is $20, which
FHPC will cover. Please dress comfortably because we will be practicing the various skills
learned. Certification cards will be given at the end of the class which are good for two years.

Space is limited so please RSVP to Marta at the church office by Wednesday, April 5!
page 13 April 2017


Thursday, May 4, at Fountain Park amphitheater

The sixth annual Fountain Hills National Day of Prayer gathering will be Thursday, May 4, at Fountain Park amphitheater.
The NDOP theme for 2017 is For your great name's sake! Hear us...Forgive us...Heal us. The Bible scripture is Daniel 9:19: O
Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive. O Lord hear and act! For your sake, O my God. National Day of Prayer central organization re-
ports that there is a national law requiring the president to proclaim a National Day of Prayer each year on the first Thursday in
Guests are invited to enjoy complimentary hot dogs, beverages, and desserts from 5:00 to 5:45 pm at the park before the pro-
gram. The local NDOP committee continues to encourage individuals to join together in a monthly common prayer focus. The
focus for April is the family. The committee issued the statement , In a world of turmoil and uncertainty, it is important that
our churches defend the value of the family and model the priority of the family. Family is the first learning place of an individ-
ual. Parents are the most important teachers a child will have. Starting from childhood until old age, the family is the source of
guidance, care, and encouragement.Ask God to give parents strength and patient wisdom as they bring up their children. Help
teach families to love and respect each other. Show them how to support and encourage each other. Thank you for the work you
do to give young persons strength to hold their faith in God as they meet life's challenges. Pray for those who live alone that
they will find fulfillment in loving God and their neighbors. The elderly are the guardians of our traditions and memories. They
are the link to different generations. Let us care for, spend time with, and learn from them.
The local group suggests reading Biblical verses about the family: Mark 3:25, Romans 12: 9-13, Malachi 4:5-6, and Proverbs
Prayer for the Family for April

Heavenly Father, please shine your light upon our families.

We ask you to strengthen the relationship between parents and children and return us to
the biblical and family values that are pleasing to you.

Planning the local National Day of Prayer May 4 at Fountain Park amphitheater are, from left, Bob Hubley,
Karen Anderson, "Mike" Crichfield, Rose Gibson, Ilene Berg, Cheryl Ponzo, Sue Bye, Sue Horn, David Kinder-
father and Nate Van Keuren.
In Touch page 14

Music Ministry
What a wonderful time The Celebration Singers were very present in their
we've been having, sing- performance at the FHCCA Choirfest 2017. They
ing, playing, and being performed a lovely Mark Hayes arrangement, "And
involved with our church the Father will Dance" along with the beautiful
programs and worship composition of Rosephanye Powell's "Come Unto
services. We have so Me". This annual event brings choirs from all over
many wonderful musical town including Ft. McDowell and Rio Verde, to-
people who are in- gether to perform separately, then together on the
volved. I would like to "Hallelujah Chorus". It's magnificent.
add a special thanks to
those who were able to Well, soon the wonderful smell of lilies will be filling
sing in our "Vesper Choir" the sanctuary, and our hearts will be full of Easter,
Debbie Fisher, Director of Music during our intimate ser- and a shared experience of Christ's love, peace
vice, providing moments and promise. We will then lose a few of our friends
for the congregation to reflect as we individually jour- and relatives that will need to return to their other
ney through this Lenten Season. I also want to take homes, and more friends and family that miss them
this moment to thank Dorraine Aggen for her rever- when they are away. We look forward to
ent selections and careful accompaniment to our your promise of return, as well.
Vesper Choir. Also, having the Pearwood Record-
ers provide music that fit so well into the moments of "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and
quiet worship. whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a
tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its
The Celebration Singers will be presenting "Come roots by the river, and will not fear when heat
Touch the Robe" composed by Pepper Choplin, comes; But its leaf will be green, and will not be
on Sunday, April 9, in the 9:00 am service, with a anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease
modified version presented in the 11:15 am service from yielding fruit."
by "Hilltop", the band. You will hear the solo voices
of Mary Lee Lehrich, and Margie Brown in this Jeremiah 17: 7-8
touching Cantata which will allow us to encounter
the Christ of healing, the Christ of glory, the Christ of Deborah Fisher
authority, humility and victory. Director of Music Ministries
We will then travel through Holy Week with music on
Maundy Thursday, Saturday Vigil and Easter Morn-
Thank you to all who have helped within our Music
Ministry to provide music that so greatly reaffirms
the truth of our Risen Lord.

Curing vs. healing

In We Know How This Ends (Univ. of Minnesota Press), Bruce Kramer writes about living while dying from Lou Gehrigs
disease. While not denying his impending death, Kramer focuses on getting as much out of life as possible. Part of that involves
the following distinction:
Know the difference between curing and healing, he writes. Curing implies that things will be brought back to the way they
were. ...Expecting a cure will only result in frustration and disappointment. But healing can take place.
In Scripture, curing and healing are generally used interchangeably, yet one can happen without the other. We know people with
disease or disability whose spirits are vibrant and faithful. Though they havent been cured, their lives are marked by Gods
healing touch. Even in the Gospels, Jesus curing of ailments was often a sign of his greater healing; sins forgiven, community
restored, faith embraced.
For what have you prayed for a cure? Might healing be the greater need?
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc
page 15 April 2017

How can you help? Lockboxes for Seniors

Fry's Community Rewards Program
The more our church family shops at Fry's, the more mone-
tary support our church will have. Won't you consider reg-
istering to allow Fry's to donate a portion of your grocery
expenditures to our church programs?
How to Re-Enroll for the
Frys Community Rewards Program
1. * Go to www.FrysCommunityRewards.com
2. * Click on Sign-In.
3. Enter your email and password, click on sign in.
4. Click on your name (top right hand corner),
under Account Summary scroll down to
Community Rewards.
5. Click on Edit under Community Rewards.
6. Under Find Your Organization: Enter the NPO
number or name of organization then select ** FREE **
search. (You can get the NPO number from JUST CALL
your organization.) It is #84123
7. Under Select Your Organization, click on the THE CHURCH
circle next to your organization. OFFICE
8. Click on Enroll 837-1763
If you have re-enrolled correctly, you should see a
green box with Your enrollment in the Community
Rewards Program has been updated. Thank you for
participating! You will also see the information listed
under Community Rewards on your Account Sum-
mary page.

Interesting questions to keep you busy:

- If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, then doesn't it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians
denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?
-Why is it that when someone tells you that there are one billion stars in the universe you believe them, but if they tell
you there is wet paint you have to touch it to check?
-Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
-Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Not Yet A Member?

*If you are attending our church and dont have membership in another church, you can join our church by profession
of faith and receiving the Sacrament of Baptism or, if youve already been baptized, you can join by reaffirmation of faith in
Jesus Christ.
*If you belong to another church, but would like to transfer your membership to
our church, we can arrange for a letter of transfer from your current membership church
to ours.
*If you are a winter visitor and are an active member of another church back
home, you can become an affiliate member at our church here and maintain your full
active membership there.

For additional information, please contact Aleyne Larsen-Craig at 602-625-6201,

Yvonne Ellingson at 480-471-1027 or call the church office at 480-837-1763. Aleyne Larsen-Craig Yvonne Ellingson
In Touch page 16

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation

An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow


The Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation welcomes bequests and/or gifts, both monetary and non-monetary. Non-
monetary gifts may, however, not be accepted if the Foundation Board determines that it would not be fiscally prudent to accept
such a gift. For example, a bequest or gift that requires maintenance, additional investment or a gift that has no apparent market-
able value will not be accepted.

The donor has the right to identify a Bequest or gift DESIGNATED when specifying a purpose or function for the use of the
bequest or gift. The bequest or gift must fall within one or more of the twelve Ministry Units of the Church. These areas are:
Christian Formation (Education); Outreach (Membership); Communications; Mission Outreach; Hilltop Hospitality; Worship &
Music; Technical Support; Columbarium; Finance; Stewardship; Personnel and Building & Grounds.

Example: Designated: Mission Outreach- - -Purpose or Function: Extended Hands Food Bank, Mission Ministry Unit.

The designated gift shall be deposited in the Foundation bank account or invested until it is used. Bequest Gift information
Forms are held with the Foundation until executed and then are archived.

Non-designated gifts may be used for the benefit of the Church in any manner determined by the Foundation Board of Trustees.

The members of the Board of Trustees are available to answer your questions and to assist with completing the necessary infor-
mation required for the Foundation.

Foundation Board of Trustees

Gary Oakeson 480-837-5563 Jean Ipema 480-837-1770

Matt Jefferson 480-837-6001 Dawn Lau 480-837-2607
Roy Nickel 480-688-8392 Ben Fast 480-837-1119
Tim Halchuck 978-618-7150

The FHPC Foundation is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to the FHPC
Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The Foundations tax ID number is 46-2970452

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it
icon. When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is
added. It is just another way to stay connected.
page 17 April 2017

Fourth Annual Foundation Meeting

Matt Jefferson, Vice Chairperson Dawn Lau

Ben Fast, Chairperson

Expanding our view of service

We often think of serving in terms of Matthew

25: supplying food and clothing; caring for the
sick, incarcerated and other least of these Jack Reynolds, Mission Elder
members of societyserving Jesus in the proc- Recipient of Foundation Award
ess. But we also can serve him with our unique
talents and by doing things we love.
For example, Ged King, a barber in England,
devotes some of his time off to giving home-
less people free haircuts. Imagine Jesus saying,
For my hair was long and scraggly, and you
cut it or My heart was lonely, and you U.S. Military Medallions for our Veterans
played music to lift my spirits. I could no for our Columbarium niches and for the
longer read small print, and you read to me. I Wall of Remembrance are now available. Please call or stop by the
have to work two jobs, and you invited my church office for more information.
child to spend afternoons crafting with you.
My car broke down, and you repaired it.
Then the King will say, Come, you who
are blessed by my Father...whatever you did
for one of the least of these brothers and sisters
of mine, you did for me
(Matthew 25:34, 40, NIV).

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc
In Touch page 18

Member Spotlight . Did you know?

Rose Marie Kramer was born on February 16, 1922 on a Rose Marie went back to Kansas for about two weeks
North Central Kansas farm. She attended Dentonia grade to get the farmhouse ready to sell. She then moved
school and Mankato Kansas High School and went on to into the house that Ray had built. The next year after
Brown Mackie Business College in Salina, Kansas. After Milt died Rose Marie drew plans for a triplex and Ray
college she worked for Kane Power for 6 and a friend built it.
years. She had first hand experience with the A couple of years later Carl Ha-
Dust Bowl in the 1930s. The Dust Bowl yungs and Rose Marie got married
lasted for seven years and killed a lot of ani- - and Carl will finish their story.
mals and some people. The dust would be so
bad at times that you couldnt see across the Carl, was born December 22, 1930
road and there was no rain for the seven in a farm house in North Central ,
years. Iowa . His growing up was on a
Rose Marie married Milton Kramer in April farm north of Ft. Dodge, Iowa
of 1942. Milt was overseas in the 82nd Air where his father always found work
Born for 3 years and came home in October for the kids. Carl graduated from
of 1945. Ft. Dodge High School in 1948. He
Milt went to work for Sears and was trans- then graduated from Iowa State
ferred a lot for several years. They lived in College in 1954, and then served
Hutchinson, Kansas for several years and three years in the Air Force, sta-
Rose Marie worked for a Government furni- tioned on Okinawa. He flew a single
ture building as a cashier and accountant. engine, a one seater on missions
They moved back to the farm in North Cen- from Okinawa to Korea, Formosa
tral Kansas and thats where their 3 sons were and Japan. In August of 1956 Carl
born. Milt went back to work for Sears and started his 30 year career with
they lived in Great Bend, Kansas for the
Rose Marie Kramer & Carl Hayungs TWA. In 1957 he married Nell
next 30 years. Rose Marie ran Kramer Polsen and they lived in the Kan-
Pre School in Great Bend for 30 years sas City area. In 1994 they moved
and had over 3,000 different students to Fountain Hills and joined the
enrolled during those 30 years. Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church; that same year
They retired, and moved back to the farm in North Central Nell was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Nell passed
Kansas for a couple of years and then Milt got called back to away in March 1999. There was a group of Presbyteri-
Sears in Great Bend, Kansas. ans that would go out to eat after church and Rose
In 1971 Milt and Rose Marie took a 3 week trip around the Marie was among the group. (Carl thought she was too
world on TWA, compliments of son, Robert who worked for high-falutin for him). But, if you know someone and
TWA on a commuter line out of Great Bend, Kansas. feel the urge to touch base, DO IT! They became better
Their youngest son, Ray, was living and working in Fountain acquainted and Pastor Ewen married them in April of
Hills, Arizona. They moved here after one trip out here. The 2001. They both enjoy traveling in their motor home,
low humidity was good for Milt. They moved here in 1985 dancing, visiting and just being together.
and unfortunately Milt died in 1986 after only one year.

The role of the cross

If the cross is the place where the worst thing that could happen happened, it is also the place where the best thing that could
happen happened. Ultimate hatred and ultimate love met on those two crosspieces of wood. Suffering and love were
brought into harmony.
To be saved requires a severance from the former life as clean and sharp as though made by a knife. There must be a wall
of separation between the old life and the new, a radical break. That means deathdeath to the old life, in order for the
new to begin This wall of separation, this barrier, is the cross.
- Elisabeth Elliot, A Path Through Suffering

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc
page 19 April 2017

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-
ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-
gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply
With deepest sympathy we list vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and
those members who have passed we are not aware of it.
away in 2017. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your
situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to
Norma Boysen the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by com-
Harry Grider municating your situation.
Mary Braund
Russ Larson

I want to thank everyone who

jx wx? g{ zw tw yt|{y xtA has helped make the Pat Co-
Xx { | {x } by { _wA vault Memorial Concert Series
Matthew 25:21 a real success this year! It does
take many hands to keep this
program running smoothly. Thanks to National
Performing Artists, Linda and Bill Covault, the
set up crews, the ushers, the ticket takers, the
ticket sales ladies. Marta Ludwig, Lynn Medley,
Chris and Jen Young and the Hilltop Hospitality
Crew and to each and everyone who bought tick-
ets for the concerts.
We are looking forward to another season of great
entertainment in 2018!! Again, a BIG THANK
YOU to all of you.!!

- Mary Ann Nickel

I think I love you!


04/01 Gary Oakeson 04/08 Jo Strehlow 04/25 Karen Ford

04/01 Madison Reynolds 04/10 Peg Inglis 04/25 Bob Titus
04/01 Donna Ryan 04/10 Robert Larson 04/25 Linda Warren
04/03 Nate McGuire 04/19 Patricia Tuttle 04/26 Douglas Busche
04/03 Robert Thompson 04/20 Irene Cain 04/27 Debby DeBernardi
04/04 Helen Roesch 04/22 Paula Eberspacher 04/28 Ron Christie
04/04 Natalie Vitellaro 04/23 Althea Halchuck 04/29 Peter Carillo
04/05 Kristi Robinson 04/29 Amy Martinson
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to
[email protected] Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Readers: Phyllis Rapp & Helen Roesch; Staff Pho-
tographers: Gary Oakeson & Michele Hasley;

Mayor Linda Cavanagh with her husband State Senator John Cavanagh came to our March 12 Friend Sunday
service with a Proclamation concerning the generosity of the FHPC congregation towards the children of Haiti.

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Office Hours: Monday Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. www.fhpresbyterian.info
Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: [email protected] cell phone: 480-329-8090

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