Merritt Morning Market-Jun18-10#2027

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2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt

Phone (250)378-9255
NOW Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
MU R R @
Please recycle



Breakfast is SPECIAL at Hans

FULLY Our beat is local... our bend, up! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8

Tropico Spice
LICENSED T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]

Fatal MVA on Hwy 8 Family Fishing Day Full breakfast menu
On Wednesday, about 8:30am, mem- NV Fish and Game Club will host a spe- From 7am-11am Seniors menu
bers of the Central Interior Traffic cial free community fishing event between OR book your groups breakfast meetings
Services Unit in Merritt, assisted by the Kentucky & Alleyne Lakes on Fathers Talk to Karen or Sheree about their special breakfast buffet
LUNCH BUFFET $1095 Lytton RCMP, Ashcroft Traffic Services Day, Sunday, June 20, as part of BC Family
DINNER BUFFET $1295 Seniors $1 off
& the Integrated Collision Analyst & Fishing Weekend. Its a chance to try fish-
Now, more buffet items, fresh fruit, Children aged
Reconstructionist Services, responded ing or introduce the sport to a youngster,
salads, mango pudding & jello 4-9 yrs, half price
to a single vehicle collision, 47km west learn the rules of fishing, and see what's Open 7am-9pm
of town on Hwy 8. being done to preserve fish stocks and their daily

Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave. The investigation determined that a habitat. From June 18-20, residents may


Pontiac Sunfire was westbound, negoti- fish in most of BC's thousands of lakes and
ating a curve when the driver lost con- streams, free of charge, though regs are in
trol. The car went off road left and rolled effect. For info on the event at OPEN Summer
Dresses by
down a very steep embankment. The Kentucky/Alleyne, call Bill 378-4489. ALL YEAR
TEL (250)378-5151 female driver was ejectd from the car ROUND!
Looking for work?
and deceased at the scene. Community
Alcohol, driver inattention and lack
Start here!
Fathers Day breakfast
of seatbelt use are all factors in this inci- June 19, 9am-1pm at Shulus Band
Our services are FREE! dent. The drivers name is not being hall. FMI, call Gloria 378-8322.
released at this time, pending notifica- made in BC
Providing a complete tion of next of kin.
International Knit in Public Day
range of employment The Sagebrush Spinners and Weavers
services to Merritt and the Letter to the editor host the 3rd Annual Intl Knit in Public QUILCHENA STORE
Day, Sat., June 19, 10am-2pm, Baillie

Nicola Valley
Funded in whole or part through

Identity rip-off House. Bring your knitting and show-and- Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt
(250)378-2753 beside the quilchena hotel
the Canada-British Columbia

Become an even
Labour Market Development

This is true, it happened to me today. tell, lunch, hat, chair, etc. There will also be

11.45 AM, the phone rings. I answer and spinning demos. FMI, Sheila 378-4740.

Elvis Festival stronger woman

this mumble-voice individual asks for Wanted: Slo-pitch players

this summer.
Robert , but mis-pronounces my League organizers are looking for
last name. He obviously does not know people whod like to play slo-pitch, for
me. He proceeds to mumble his name, both mens & ladies teams. Contact
June 25, 26, 27 Penticton, BC and states he is calling for ICOR ??? Loretta or Jessica, 378-0925.Natl

with Brandon Bennett &

Would I please give him my date of Aboriginal Day Try our 30-minute circuit that
birth. I said "NO" "Why not " he says, works every major muscle group

Danny Vernon from USA

Conayt Friendship Society is hosting two muscles at a time, and can
and I tell him I might give my date of Natl Aboriginal Day celebrations at burn up to 500 calories. All with
birth if he tells me why he needs it. Monck Park on Monday, June 21, 10am- a trainer to teach and motivate.
Watch for info about Merritts Elvis Show "Only after you give me your date of 4pm. Everyone is welcome, and there
at the Merritt Desert Inn in August. birth" he says. I refuse. He tells me this will be prayers, a round dance, chil- Try us Tuesdays, Free.
FMI E.P. Fan Club Pres., Dolly 378-4710 will impact my credit rating, and I tell drens activities, cultural workshops,
him I very much doubt that it will. I races, rock painting, stick horse races, Check with us for details

hang up the phone. tug-of-war, bingo, and honouring of eld-

60 Minute I googled ICOR and got IQOR which ers. Bring your drums, chairs, sunscreen
is a collection agency. [US and Canada] & umbrellas! Activities are free, and
Scrapbooker So, now I am curious, as we do not owe transportation is available departing
any money, anywhere, to anyone. from Conayt Friendship Centres new 2090-Granite Ave.

Period. I called our credit union, and location at 2164 Quilchena Ave., starting
Kit: Everything TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THE 378-4066 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8

you need to create an spoke to one of the credit / loan officers. from 9am, last ride leaves Monck Park at
She listened to the whole story, asked if 3:30pm. They are also looking for volun-
she could access my credit file. She then teers, and in-kind and monetary dona-
entire album in an hour: $1995 Pole Gates
Your checked on her computer, and assured tions. Please contact the office if you can
120 Hitachi Excavator
me everything was as it should be. No help out, 378-5107. Jerryl McKenzie
credit problems. Good.
She then went on to mention there have been a number of calls made in the Merritt
Ph/Fax (250) 378-9451
Railyard Mall 378-2266 With More
area asking for people's birth dates and then for their [SIN] Social Insurance Number.
Cell (250)378-1566

They already have my name and address, right out of the phone book. It seems that if
the scammer has your name, birth date, and SIN, they can fill out credit card applica-
Lowest cheque cashing rates in Canada,

tions, loan applications, and create all sorts of financial problems for you. By the time
no holds no hassles.
I would have started receiving the bills, I would have been wiped out financially.
Vintage, antique, Do not give out any personal data to anyone over the phone or computer. It can
lead to big-time financial woes, that take way too long to get set straight again.
new & used
Warn your friends and family members. It happened to me today, almost.
furniture Bob, Merritt
Something for
everyone! Start a Flood A lawyer and an engineer were fishing in the sunny Caribbean. They
were discussing their great vacations when the lawyer said, "I'm here because my
2071 Quilchena Ave
house burned down, and everything I owned was destroyed by the fire. The insur-
ance company paid for everything." "That is quite a coincidence," said the engi- 2076B Granite Ave.
neer. "I'm here because my house and all my belongings were destroyed by a
flood, and my insurance company also paid for everything." The lawyer, quite puz-
(250) 378-0349

Baillie House
zled, asked, "How DO you start a flood?"
13 #2-377 Hwy 8, LN, SAT

Visitor Info
Corner Voght & SALES JUNE 18, 19 & 20
Mammette 14 2522 Corkle St.,

1 1575 Main St., FRI & SAT 8am-3pm.
Fshng gear, tools, comp. dsk, more 9am-1pm
2 1201 Hicks Ave., Collettville. SAT.,

ART IN THE GARDEN TOUR 8am-3pmChainsaws, plant, more

3 1415 Fir Ave. SAT 9am-1pm. Tools,
Self-guided tour of 9 gardens with local artwork for the
displayed in each one. appliances, shelving, 5th whl htch,
car dolly, more - the house, too!
Saturday, June 26th from 4 Trinity United Church, 1899
5 Live
9am to 3:30pm. Theatre
Quilchena, SAT 9am-2pm Society
Stop in at the Baillie 5 1802 Juniper, SAT 8am-1pm
House for a 6 2640 Clapperton Ave.,
light refreshments 7 105-1799 Menzies, SAT
$5, 11am & 2pm & SUN, 9am-2pm. NEB
To register & info 8 2895 Cranna Cresc.,

Woody James
250-378-0349 SAT., 8am-12pm 8 9
JUNE 18 & 19 Karaoke Tuesdays
9 1702 Armstrong St., 2 10

Texas Holdem

FRESH STRAWBERRIES SAT 9am-12noon. MF. Wed 7pm

10 2810 Scott Pl., SAT 8am-?
Every 3rd Friday

will be in for Downsizing big time 3 of the month

PICK-UP JUNE 20 11 Hwy 8, Springs, House BARON OF BEEF

For info: 250-378-0349 #26, SAT, 9am-1pm 12-2pm in the pub
12 Scw'exmx Parish Hall, 2158 Neale Rd, OFFICE 378-2821 PUB 378-5711
Shulus, SAT 9am-2pm RESTAURANT 378-4543 BEER/WINE 378-8859
Ross Chocolate
FRIDAY EDITION JUNE 18, 2010 #2027 AR Bars

$ 39
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal 90 CHEV 4x4 $1300obo. 00 Dodge 2 BELL receivers, mdl 2700 & 4700 (has
Neon $800obo 280-6615 wireless remote) w/ smart cards, 1 w/
WTD TO HIRE: homemaker/hse clnr, 4 GOODRICH tires w/ chrm rims, mntng hrdwr, some cbl $100/all. 378-6065
2-4hrs/wk, $15/hr, neg. Rita 1315-1039 p215/70r15 $395obo 315-3135. 19 blk Sony tv, gd shape $20. 2 Citizen
CAN THE LADY who pd for the foos- 98 MAZDA 626 5-spd, grt shape tvs 25 & 32, gd shape $50ea 315-0220
ball tbl pls come pick it up ASAP or it $2500obo 378-5957. FISHER 201 Futura series stereo w/ 2
will be gone by lst wk of June! 378-9192

Blacks Pharmacy
91 CHRYSL. Dynasty, gd shape, nw Acoustic Research spkrs, exc cond $100.
FND: Cannon camera w/ access. in batt./tires/ muflr./alt. 180k $1200 378-9595 Akai 4 chnnl rcvr mdl AS-980 w/ 4 Sentry
case. ID by calling 378-0811 ENCL. 17 dbl-axle trlr $3000. 93 Dodge teak cabinet spkrs exc cond $150 378-9108
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155

Frank's Mechanical Services

WILL CLN your hse wkly. bi-wkly or 1x/ dually pck-up 4x4 $5000. 95 auto 4x4 sander/ BELL 3100 sat. rcvr $50, Casio answ.
mo. which do you prfr? Sherrillee 315-0406 snwblade 3yd dump $20,000 280-1247 mach. $25, Virgin mbl pay-as-u-go cam-
HSE cleaning, 7 days/wk. Car cleaning 89 TOYOTA Tercel $350obo. 91 Mazda era cellphone $40, Panasonic mini video
378-2145 B2200 pck-up $500obo Jim 378-0907 camera $75 378-4227
WRK WTD: I do renos, nw cnstr., roofng, 89 THNDRBRD6-cyl, rns grt $800 378-5022 SUPR Nintndo & Mario game $50 378-3554
concrete wrk, fncng, auto mech. Can wrk 94 VAN, 4x4, gd cnd $500 Claude 280-1440 3 GAME Cube games $10ea. 2 Game
unsupervised, always fin. my jobs. 315-0315 81 DODGE 4x4 3/4-tn 318, flat dck, Cube cntrlrs $15ea 378-0842
LOST: mens blk mtrcycle hlmt, btwn stndrd, gd cnd $3200obo Lorne 378-3648 JVC direct drv fully auto turntbl JL-F45 Quality Auto Service & Repairs for your Car or Light Truck
LN-Merr. Brad 378-0107 $50obo. JVC dbl cass. dck TD-

94 MAZDA Protege, rns $400obo

Merritts Auto Glass

LOST: keys, rodeo wknd 378-2906 Danny 378-7429 W118BK $50obo 378-5627

ANGIES Tea Leaf Reading. All your GAMEBOY Advance Yu gi oh - The

04 CHEV Aveo, 4-dr, auto, v4, nw tires,
psychic nds & readngs, money, love, rela- gd rn cond. $3500obo 378-5620 Sacred Cards Rated E $20obo 315-6647
for sale - recreational
tionships, bus., etc. Accurate 378-8326 Owner Frank Douthwright
FULL-length Renegade fbrgls canopy,
help wanted
ICBC Claims
wht w/ red $50 378-6795 08 FORCE 200 quad, brn nw

Commercial Residential
YAKI Joes lookng for mat., rel. kitch. cnd/10hrs, immac. $3500obo 378-6915
hlp, must be able to wrk nights/wknds. tires 75% tread $100.378-6665 ELECT. boat mtr, 46lb thrust, Motor Guide, Ph 250-378-1322 2026 Mamette Ave

Automotive Industrial
drop resume in prsn 2190B Voght St. 87 TOYOTA xtra cab, 2wd, gd rn cond., exc wrkng cnd $175. 5.5hp Ted Williams air-
ECONO Lodge: Lookng for gd, cln, rel. canopy, 22R mtr, approx 182k $1100obo cooled outbrd mtr $150 378-8156 Fx 250-378-0412 Box 151, Merritt
378-9628 V1K 1B8

2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)

prsn for hsekeepng pos. Apply in prsn. HARVARD hi-end foosball tbl, exc
92 Chev Astro van, 8-pass., gd cond

cond $145. Pool tbl $95. Ten spd bike
$1500. Don 378-5135

$15. Mtn bike $35. Wt set $65. Exerc.
FIX IT , can fix most anythng 315-0315 92 MUSTANG GT convert. 315-2366 bike $15. 378-9192

Great gifts for

LAWNMOWING Diamond Vale / 99 GRND Prix 190k, gd cnd, 2 compl. 16' TRVL trlr gd cnd. $600 378-1832
Menzies area Doug 378-3554 sets tires/rims $2500obo 378-5692 COLEMAN canoe $50 378-2565
YRD WRK, lawn care, sml jobs 525-0402 00 HONDA Civic SIG, 176k, 5-spd man., 4-SEATR chrm moly dune buggy, full

all occasions!
TREE toppng, pruning, removal + sunfoor BCAA immobilizer, p/w, p/l, 17 body, wnch, boat rck $10,000 invested, sell
spring cln-up, etc. Rototilling. 378-2067 mag whls, exc cnd $6250obo 378-4073 due to injury, must see $4800obo OTF

1997 Ford Ranger 4x4

DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. 94 JEEP YJ 2.5l, 4-cyl., 5-spd, 280-0930 WHY. 15' Thermolite fshng/spd boat, 50hp
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 00 SATURN 3-dr coupe, a/c, p/w, exc Mercury, dbl tlt trlr. Selling due to injury

pick-up. A/c, extra cab,

COMPLETE Home Improvement cnd, 90k $5000 378-9472 $1200obo OTF WHY, quick sale 378-6044
Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No 83 F250 4x4, boat rck, 2000lb wnch PING PONG tbl$75 378-0902

job too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200 $1500obo 280-4559 10' DUCK boat, lt-wt , w/ oars, camo

BEYOND THE ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen.
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd-
16" AMERICAN Racing Carrera mags
w/ lw prof. tires, exc shape/sharp look-
color $450 378-4549
06 SALEM trvl trlr, 23, spls 6 378-5018
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit ing $975obo 315-4744

$5,000 or best offer

84 HONDA XR100, nw tires, gd shape
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 02 KIA Sportage, 4wd, 123k, stndrd, $650obo 315-6400

p/w, cruise, gd cond., 1 ownr, $6000obo,

86 CLS C Citation mtrhome, 24, slps 6,
(250)982-2776, view in Low. Nic. evrythng wrks/must see $7500 firm 378-4315
MOM of 2, ECE cert'd, able to look aft 97 FORD Ranger, wht, redone mtr,
your little ones this summer. Days, eves, stndrd, gd on gas $3500obo 378-3538 YAMAHA 570 XRaider snwmbl, 2 trck,

100-2840 Voght St. (next to Century 21)

Saturdays. Lots of fun! Tammy 378-0231 piped w/ cvr, & dbl sled trlr $1500 378-3583
SELL MY BABY! 83 blue, 4-dr Volvo, IMPORT trck canopy, slps 1-2, nw, gd
Tel: (250)378-5900 Email: [email protected]
ECE cert'd 7yrs exper. mom of 1 toddler, 240 turbo, grt on gas! gd snowys on, cd,
space avail. Sept 1, 1-5yrs, Mon-Fri, 7:30am- nds batt., p/w $600obo (778)686-5179 for fshng/hntng $500 378-2759
6pm f- or p-time, reas. rates 378-4187 4 TRACTION King 235/85/R16 tires 89 TERRY Resort 5th whl, 23.5', vry gd
WILL babysit, my home, LN, 40%tread $50. 378-9225 aft 4pm shape, exc inter. slps 6, kitch., dinette, couch,
lrg bthrm, qu-sz bd $6500. Older Vanguard
livestock/pets & access.
days/nights 378-4584
boat & mtr, nds TLC $700. 378-2874
MATURE woman, rcrd chck in plc,
eager to provide aft-schl care for 1-2 3 10-WK old kittens to give away 378-6603 MERCURY 300 quicksilver rigid inflat.
chldrn, sncks incl, reas. rates. 315-0179 PUREBRED Jck Russel puppies, 2 fem boat, Zodiac type, w/ 4-strk Merc 9.9hp mtr,
steerng assembly, paddles, hnd pmp, man.
for sale - appliances
$700ea., 1 male $500 378-9182, 280-0115
& dolly whls affixed to bck, gd used cond.,
50-GAL fresh water aquarium, fluval filter, wear/rub on decals of mtr ovr 9.9 numbers,
DANBY dig. dual zone climate cntrl all access. + fish: 10" iridescent shark, lrg vry stable boat, grt for fshng, ship-to-shore,
wine fridge, 30-bottle cap., gls dr, male marble angel, mated pair of Krebinis,
humidity cntrl $300obo 378-4187 scuba, rivers. $2200 378-6065
other ass'd fish $300obo 378-3633
1675 Tutill Court,
8,000BTU Simplicity a/c w/ rem., only 16 Sangster Craft boat w/ EZ loader trlr, 2
BABY rabbits for sale. Bill 378-6514
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
Merritt, BC
1 yr ol,d pd $360, sell $250 378-6566 50hp Merc mtrs, 1 for prts $1500 378-2559
SHADE trees, flwrng shrubs & perenn.: 7.5HP outbrd Merc mtr $875 378-9738
EXC. stove, hrdly used $35 378-9070 Russian olive, ash, pine, birch, mpl,
[email protected] SPLIT cane fly rod collect.: Thomas &
Admission by donation
ADMIRAL wshr, hvy duty, xtra lrg cap. $145. mock orange, etc., etc. 378-9545
Norge gas dryer, 20lb cap. $135. 378-9192 Thomas "Classic" impregnated split cane
LRG pet carrier $70obo 378-4450
Summer Hrs: Mon. 10am-3pm
WATER cooler w/ hot & cold taps, exc. fly rod, 8', 5 wt, 2 tips, exc.cond $1500.
55-GAL. aq, lts, lid & stnd $250 378-6312
Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm
cond., 2 bottles incl. $75 378-9841 L.C. Parks, 8.6" 6 wt, 2 tips, lk nw $1200.
5 KITTENS nd home, 4-5 wks old, nrly Orvis "Battenkill" impregnated 8.6", 2
Phone 250-378-4145 for
DEEP freeze, gd cnd $35 378-6679 ready to go 315-8676 tips, gd cond $400. More. 378-9461
special appts or to book a tour
DANBY full-sz fridge, no frzr compt. 2 BIRD cages: 1 lrg, 1 med., both vry gd 2-MN lake kayak, 17 of fun $200 378-8308
$100. Kenmore easy-cln b-i ovn $75. cond 378-6787 PRO-Form EKG grip pulse treadmill
Roper cntrtop stove w/ fanb-into cabinet 10-YR old Jck Rssel, spayed/shots, vry $450obo 378-5627
as stnd-alone island $75. 378-5620 calm/lovng, moving. Ed, Lynn 315-0002 380 mag Ruger rifle, sell/trade 378-6789
for sale - miscellaneous
OSTER kitch. ctre incl: blndr, mxr,
grndr, slicr, 120v AC, 400w, 60Hz TREADMILL, vry gd cnd. Joe 378-2676
$100obo 378-5627 FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 KRYSTAL clean salt water pool fltr sincere gent. Home, yard,

ODD garage
ROPER wht ovn, grt cnd $175 378-0836 MOVING: qu-sz bd, 4 oak coff. tbs & 2 end from Can. Tire, used 1 mo. last & auto; forestry. Will take on any
OLDR Maytag wshr & dryer w/ nw elem- tbls, ent. ctre, lots more 378-6607, 280-4900 yr./LOVED IT but pool popped, pd
$250, sell $150, c/w some pool access. of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile,
nt $125. Danby bar fridge $50. 378-6665

JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398

HAND-crocheted oval cream-col. table- 315-4493, [email protected]
SLF-dfrstng Hotpnt 2-dr fridge/frzr w/ cloth $95. Match. qu-sz bespread, cush- always available. Reasonable. Refs.
ice mkr $125obo 378-6256 ions & curtains $15. 378-9192 CMPR prts: sngl st. stl snk. Delta tv
ant., 3 tbl tops, 1 leg & base, 7000btu
FREE: Norge washer & gas dryer, wshr has FRESH morel mushrms $20/lb 378-5158 gravity furnace, gd cnd 378-5813
leak/dryer wrks grt, must go as pr 378-6206 FLAG pole, 18'l, metal, offrs 378-9899 72 CORSAIR mini liner mtrhome,
GE port. dshwshr, lk nw $200. 2 DBL brnr bbq. Over-the-stove lmp & Chev 350, rns gd, slps 6 $2500obo 378-
microwaves $25ea. 315-9044, 378-9022 fan. 8x96 flat dck trlr 378-4101
9432, 280-9432
for sale - automotive PORCH swng seat $60 378-2759 82 SECURITY cmpr $2200, 8' always
WEDD. dress sz12, ivory satin, princess- stored inside, 4-brnr s/furn./3-way f,
90 F150 4x4, 264k, grt shape, 2 sets tires,
drybx, rail caps $2500obo 378-1322
style, lace-up corset bodice, cathedral everythng wrks/no water dam. 378-5370 Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
for sale - tools/equipment
train, strapless, just cleaned, mnt cnd,
16 TIRES on mags fit Honda $650/all
wrth $1600, sell $600obo 378-4187 [email protected]
STL-toe wrk boots, sz 9 378-6236 14 FLAT dck fact.-made sngl axl trlr to
05 DODGE Caravan, 61k, n/s, dvd, rn brds, 06 23' Salem Le Trailer slps 6 378-5018 haul atvs,e tc., exc cnd 41200 378-8156
all pwr opt., mnt cnd, wntr tires w/ rims/hub- GAS heatr, looks lk insrt but is
SPLIT-leaf Philodendron 6' tall, offrs.
caps, orig. stckr decal $11,600obo 315-8676
4 TRCK tires 235/75-17, 90% tread 378-6585
Used railroad ties, offrs 378-2874 freestndng $750. Dremel scroll saw on
stnd $125 (250)523-9640 Logan Lake
1.Get on our email list to receive
WNDWS w/ wd frames, bst offr 378-3513 (TWO WAYS TO GET GARAGE SALE LISTINGS!)
98 CHEV Lumina, exc cnd, lw km, COOLERS: Coleman Voyageur 54 $35obo, LINCOLN wldr AC-225, nwr, 220v,
loaded, must sell $1650obo 378-4190

weekend garage sales each Friday

Thermos 2500 $25obo or $50/ both 378-5627 exc.cond., approx. 60lbs rod. No man.
93 2-DR full-sz Blazer, 350 auto 4x4, wht SET mens med. neoprene hip waders $300 firm. 378-6065
w/ trlr pkg, vry gd cnd $3500obo 378-8156 BISCUIT joiner $80, router & tbl $300,
(You must confirm your address for the new season, or email us to get
$30 378-3554
16" AMER. Racing Carrera mags w/ lw tbl sw $150, planer 12" $250, cmpnd
on the weekly mailing list. Sorry cant respond to individual requests)
prfl tires, exc shape/sharp lookng WHT crib, nr nw $60obo 378-4071
mitre sw $125, air compress. & gun

2.Get your Friday issue from our website

$925obo 315-4744 WD childs rckng chair $20, lrg wd doll $100, jigsaw $25, drill $25 378-8331
96 GRAND Am $2750obo 378-9912 cradle $30. Dbl bd, nr nw $100 378-0838
MAKITA 1/2 plunge router $50. Delta
or every issue!
04 HONDA Accord LX-G 4-dr sedan, FARM-fresh eggs Bill 378-6514 wood band saw, nw $175 378-2759
auto, i-vtec 2.4L, air, anti-thft, summr + HIP waders, sz med $50. Gas hot wtr MSTRCRFT planer, 12.5", brnd nw
wntrs on own rims. 133k, vry cln, n/s, n/p,1 tnk, gd cnd $190 378-0842 $300, nvr out of bx, mtr 120v 15A 60Hz,
ownr, drk grey ext/int cloth., serv. rcrds 3-WHL Medi-chair $1000 (778)232-5547 mtr spd 9000rpm. Earl 378-5311, 315-8492
avail. $10,750obo. Call (250)525-0869 VEGETABLE plnts for sale, 2651 UTIL. trlr, home-made, well-blt deck
4 GOODRICH tires w/ chrm rims, Quilchena Ave 378-3469 10lx6w 378-5052
P215/70R15 $375obo 315-3531 FREE firewood 378-6795 TWO 500US gall. poly water stor. tnks
96 GRAND AM, gd on gas, air, cruise, 8 NUGGET candy machines w/stands $200ea. 378-3633
auto, p/l $2900obo 378-9912
98 DOGE Neon Sport, DOHC 2.0L, 2-
$200. Lrg oak dsk w/ credenza/shelves
$150 378-6665
TRLR molds to bld 2 diff. sizes of fbr-
gls mtrcycle cargo trlrs, sml has 21
dr, sunroof, p/w,p//d, 186k, some rust, FREE: wood pallts, take 1 or all, bhnd whls, lrg has 8 whls, plnty of misc. prts AVOID the HST, quick poss.: 3-bdrm 4-BDRM hse, f/p, pet ok, Log. Lk Jul 1
wntr tires $2000obo 378-4187 Napa Auto Prts. Pls take them away! for both $2500. Snwblwr, Honda, exc 2-bth, full bsmt, sep. gar., lots $1250 (250)523-9408, (604)880-5607
GEO Metro $200 378-6602 for sale - furniture cond $300obo. 378-9108 prkng/stor. areas 378-4473, 378-6793 1-BDRM beaut. newly reno'd ste in
Arnold Mosley
MINT cnd, 78 Ford F150 4x4, 58k/39,000 OLDR M-F backhoe $12,500. 4 8-hole bob- SELL/trade: 4-bdrm rnchr treed lot, gar./ quiet dplx, stor./wrkshp w/ pwr avail.
mi., BC inspect./regd, exc cnd 280-0930 FUTON $50 378-6679 cat rims 10-16.5 $150 ea or $500/4 378-2559 shop trade for 1-2ac in country 378-8326 $650 Collettville area. 2-bdrm hse,
Jack Andreasen 01 CHEV Venture, a/c, vry gd cnd MOVING: 7-pc fam. rm set couch, loveseat, B&D Dewalt 3 cut rad. saw $40. 2 36
chair, ottoman, solid wd coff. tbl & 2 end tbls 4-BDRM + dn 2-storey family home dwntwn Merr, immed. $750, gs f/p.
Bill Edmonds
$2800obo 315-1083 cmnt pwr trowels. Tire chains 5. can- on quiet CDS, bright/open, hrdwd/tile Call collect (604)533-6905
$750. Solid oak din. rm oval tbl, 2 xtra leaves, ning jars $3/doz. 378-6795
Roger Kamp
16 TIRES 80% tread. 13 tires w/ 6 chairs $500. Lrgr solid wd file cab. $50. Lrg on main, all bdrms up, lrg priv. lot w/ RENOD 1-bdrm bsmt ste, f/s/w/d, n/s,
mags fit Honda Prelude. 2.9L mtr for 5 4 fluor. lt fixt $20ea obo Joe 378-2676 lane access, a/c, cntrl vac, u/g irr., dbl n/p, Jul 1 $650 util/cbl incl 378-5172
Mary Longman
3-tier stor. shlf $10. Blk off. chair gd cond $5.
Ford Ranger 378-6602 Cushd lounge patio chair $20. Cushd swing- HD CUST.-MADE mesh canopy gar. $328,800 (403)381-4474 HSE, Mamit Lk area, 4-bdrm fam.
Opie Oppenheim
00 CARAVAN 158k 378-4873 ing dbl patio chair $25. 378-9192 64wx66lx4h, lockable, suit. for sml SPEC. 16x80 mbl. home r222eady for home, lrg shop & brn, on ac., gd setup
trck/flt dck trlr, reduced to$1000, view
Pius Chong
07 HUSUNG mtrcycle, 124k, lk nw, SML oak kitch. tbl 27x27, 2 chairs occ., 3-bdrm, 2-bth. Mbl home 14x56 for horses $1800 neg. (250)453-2498
many xtras $4500obo 378-6447 $45 378-4128 at Best Valu Glass, 378-6001 for relocation, Langley FOB $49,900, 2-BDRM hse, 1430 Collett St., adlt-ori-
Doug Strand 89 HONDA Accord, 2-dr coupe. 340k, SILVR-col. mtl loft bd, Idea $150. UTIL. trlr 10x6w $250obo 378-8308 mbl home lot avail. in Merr. if needed. ented area, suit. for cpls, Jun 1 f/s/w/d,
Cass Dolen
burns no oil, 5-spd stndrd, nw cltch, 17" Matt. $50 315-0223, 315-3937 REGENCY gas f/p insert c/w 16' liner 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082, n/s, n/p $800 + dam. dep 378-1337
alloys on frnt, 19" alloys on rear,300w & cap $325 378-6665
Shannon Kilroy
MOVING: 3-pc sofa set, blk $750obo. 2-BDRM ste LN 378-0990
wanted/wanted to buy for rent
Jensen amp/2 10" subs, 4 Alpine spkrs, 2 drssrs 378-4392 2-BDRM bsmt ste, nw f/s, renod $750
MK Dahlquist-Gray
JVC cd w/ ipod input, 4 summrs/4 wntrs, CHINA cab., solid oak, 500 315-1002
fact. hubcaps $1500 firm 280-0718 cbl/util incl Jul 1 378-6602
HSE/cat sitter, move in for 1 mo. 378-5225 NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms,
Jean Kiegerl 95 CHEV 3/4-tn ext cab 4x4, lngbx BREAKFAST nook, crnr bnch/tbl 378- nwly renod, nr bus stop, move-in RM $400 incl util, n/drgs, n/alch.,
GLASS display case for Coq-Gillis

A keepsake
Ellen Norgaard
$2200obo. 96 Dodge 1/2-tn ext a 4x4 shrt- 4395, 315-5351 bonus (250)378-9880 for wrkng prsn/stdnt 378-5128
House. Lorna 378-3271
FREE: 4x2 dsk to anyone who wishes 2-BDRM hse, pets ok 525-0402
Evelyn Armstrong
bx $3000obo 378-6466, (250)819-2237 FBRGLS canopy to fit 94 Dakota club RETD/semi-retdcpl, n/s, on comm. priv.
MATCHED set of differentials for 1/2- to pick it up 378-5486 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, hot wtr ht, n/p,
cab. Glenn 315-6054 prop., dwntwn Merritt, 2-bdrm + dn, 2-bth
Bev Veale
tn GMC $125obo 378-2874 LEATHER chair $80. Tv $50 378-2023 home, 5 appl, $975 spec. for right cpl, min. w/ hk-up, June 1 378-6524
PORT. a/c for house, reas. Jamie 315-2071
Georgina Beatty
99 FORD Explorer trans., packaged/ DBL/sngl bnkbd w/ matt., wht mtl maint., reg.$1275. 315-1000, pgr 378- LRG 2-bdrm dplx, cln/spacious, 1
USED hosp. bd w/ adjust. hd 315-0179

27 local
frame $100 315-5657 3082, blck to twn, immed., f/s/w/d for quiet
John Taylor
ready for install, offrs378-9070 LRG freezer 378-2124
EXC cnd, off. dsk, 3 drwrs, lrg file drwr ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start- wrkng tenants w/ refs 378-8383

artists a
YAMAHA 1970 vintage, 175cc. always gar.-
Leonard A. George Jr.
$50 378-5633 OLDR bott. kitchen cabinet w/ counter 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, f/w, w/d hk-up,

Available at
kpt, nds TLC have all parts to restore $500. Blue snk, drs, drwrs 378-8326 ing from $400/mo 378-2821
Cindy Trent
FREE: Couch & chair, beige, velvet, gd

Ox Base plate, mdl BX1666 fits 06-07 Chev 1-BDRM lgl ste, f/s/util., nr schl/ n/p, n/s. refs 378-6679, (604)502-8238
cond. & wood stove 378-4554. BELL satellite rcvr 378-1336

Baillie House &

Malibu, hrdly used/exc cond, 1/2 price $250. dwntwn, n/p, n/s, immed 378-2701 COZY 2-bdrm house, lrg bckyrd, appl.
Surinder Panghali
for the Arts
Car bra fits Pontiac G6, exc cond $60. Alum. PINE sngl bed & matt., match. dsk & 6- RED wiggler earth worms 378-5130 $800, apply in prsn Econo Lodge Motel
IMMED. 2-bdrm main flr ste,
Joslyn Freels
rimsfit CJ5 Jeep 15" $100. Trlr hitchfit Pontiac shlf bookcase, all lk nw 378-6787 BUNK bd, reas. Shelley 378-5746 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Jul 1 $800 378-6295
f/s/w/d/util, wrkng prsn only, refs

Country Bug Books
G6 GT & GTP 3500lbs max gross weight, SOFA set $125. 72x72 blk gls tbl $150. BOAT rck for cmpr 378-4191, 378-7496
Les Hampton
reqd $775 378-3466 SML 3-bdrm home, lrg yrd, nr
300lbs max tongue weight, lk nw on car/only 6 Side tbl $100 378-2906 SCRAP car 88-95 Ford Taurus 315-0315 schls, n/s $850, Jul 1 378-5580
2-BDRM grnd lvl, quiet area, n/s,
Bobbi Parkes for sale house/property
mos $120. Truck canopies: sml for S-10 or SET 3 glass coff. tbls $150 378-9225 aft 4pm
small trck $50, lrg for full-sz pck-up slide-in n/p 378-6054 1-BDRM grnd lvl bsmt ste, lndry/cbl/
Gwayne Point
LOVESEAT, coff tbl, chair, sngl bd, 2-BDRM trlr, f/s, wd stove $420 util. nr Cntrl Schl. $650 + dep. 280-0656
wrkng cnpy, alum. ovr wd. $200obo 378-9108 kitch. tbl & 4 chairs 378-4565 BEST buy in Merr.: nwr hse w/ ste, grt
Nancy Saddleman
(778)686-5179 3-BDRM bsmt ste 525-0240, 315-2345
for sale - electronics/software
5 - 32"x15" Gdyr Wrangler AT/S tires, 4 views/neighbrhd. 2810 Scott Pl. $369,900
This project & COTTAGE on ac., Aug 1 $700 incl
Jana Sasaki
tires on 6-bolt chrome rims 11.5" w w/ 4" NWLY up-dated 3-bdrm family home, CLN/quiet 2-bdrm grnd lvl, n/p, n/s,
NV Arts Council backspace. 1 tire on 6-bolt wht spk stl rim, 17" COMP. monitor gd cond $15. Cranna Cresc., incl.: nw kitch. cabinets, util. refs, f/p, etc., etc. 315-0099 n/drnkng, no lndry, suits ret'd cple $650,
supported by Barbara Rode all 5 tires & 5 rims $550obo 378-9841 Lexmark prntrs $7ea. 21" RCA tv $50. lam. flrng, tiled bthrms, big bck yrd, u/g JUL 1 1-bdrm furn'd ste incl. ht/lt/ cbl/ refs/tenant agreement req'd 315-4669
86 FIERO $1800 378-1337 22" RCA Guide Plus tv $200. 378-9192 sprnklrs. View anytime 378-3944 intrnt, n/tel f/s, shared lndry $750 378-7979 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, n/p, n/s, 378-6054

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