Merritt Morning Market-Jun14-10#2025
Merritt Morning Market-Jun14-10#2025
Merritt Morning Market-Jun14-10#2025
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MONDAY EDITION JUNE 14, 2010 #2025
OPEN Summer
Our beat is local... our bend, up! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8
Dresses by
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
NV Better Breathers
The year end potluck luncheon will 11AM-3PM 5PM-9PM
Beautifully be held Wed., June 16, 12noon to 1:30pm
at trinity United Church Hall. Plan to
made in BC
Daily Soup & Sand Combo Steaks, prime rib, pork ribs,
attend this important final social event
starting from $695 salmon, prawns & scallops, Thai
before the summer break. For info, call TUES : Bacon & Mushroom
seafood curry rice, BBQ chick-
Richie 378-6266. Cheeseburger $1195 en, pork cutlets, linguine & more
WED: Monte Crested $995 TUES : Lodge Monster Burger
Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt
(250)378-2753 beside the quilchena hotel
International Knit in Public Day
The Sagebrush Spinners and Weavers THURS: Ultimate Club $1095
host the 3rd Annual Intl Knit in Public
WED: Chicken Cordon Bleu
all occasions!
tell, lunch, hat, chair, etc. There will also be
SAT: Neptune New York Steak
BEYOND THE Run, along with 84 other 10k runners, and Tuesday June 22nd at 6pm, the
80 5k walker/runners. Coldwater Hotel and the Merritt Live
Theatre Society celebrate the 100th Best
Merritt Country Run anniversary of the hotel at the corner of steaks
Sunday morning saw Voght Park full Voght & Quilchena. There will be a slide in town!
of participants of all ages in the 1st annu- show and speeches by some of the com-
2751 Nicola
100-2840 Voght St. (next to Century 21)
al charity fundraiser event. They raised munity notables of old, including two
Closed Mondays Ave., Merritt
Tel: (250)378-5900 Email: [email protected]
$1000 that will go to JumpStart, a commu- speakers who would not have been
BUY nity-based charitable program that helps present at the time but will lend the per-
kids aged 4-18 participate in organized spective of the First Nations and
HOST sports and recreation activities. Chinese communities. There will be
Organizer Mary Jorgensen was speech- music and a singalong with John
Booking parties
less at the level of participation, as she
watched the walkers & runners of all
Allison, and a prize for the best dressed
lady and gentlemen. Dinner baron of 1997 Ford Ranger 4x4
ages cross the finish line, and pleased at beef. Tickets are $15, available at the
pick-up. A/c, extra cab,
Safe Wickless Candles in Merritt, Logan
the success after months of preparation. hotel restaurant and bar, proceeds to the
Flameless, smokeless and soot-free Lake, Princeton,
Merritt Live Theatre Society.
with Scentsys wickless candle bars and electric
Ashcroft &
warmers, you can enjoy all the sensory delights
Species At Risk
$5,000 or best offer
of scented candles without the dangers of an surrounding Centennials Hockey Club AGM
Judy Guichon of Guichon Ranch & Thursday, June 24, 7pm arena mezan-
open flame. Plug it in, turn it on and
areas. Looking for
ENJOY!!! Chief David Walkem of the Cooks Ferry nine. Everyone welcome.
new consultants to Indian Band will sit as members of the
join my team newly-created Species At Risk Task
[email protected] [250]378-6016
Call for artwork - August exhibition
The NV Community Arts Council is
Force, which will make recommenda- looking for artwork for the August show
tions to govt for the continued protec- at the Courthouse Gallery theme is
Breakfast is SPECIAL at Hans
Tropico Spice
LICENSED tion and recovery of species at risk in wild indigenous animals of the Nicola
BC. The 10 members of the new task Valley. Drawings, paintings, photo-
force were selected to reflect a range of Full breakfast menu
graphs, carvings, and sculptures depict- From 7am-11am Seniors menu
regions, backgrounds and sectors. They ing local animals. Artwork will be
will build upon some successful conser- OR book your groups breakfast meetings
accepted July 22-Aug. 5, during regular
vation programs already in place. gallery hours, deadline Aug. 5, 2pm. FMI
Talk to Karen or Sheree about their special breakfast buffet
LUNCH BUFFET $1095 Kathi, 378-6515, [email protected]
DINNER BUFFET $1295 Seniors $1 off
Movie Gallery to close
Movie Gallery Canada announced
Creative Company
Now, more buffet items, fresh fruit, Children aged Merritts local arts and crafts gallery is
salads, mango pudding & jello Friday that it will close 131 Movie
looking for talented new members to join
Open 7am-9pm
4-9 yrs, half price
Gallery and VHQ stores across the daily
their vibrant & exciting store. Stop in for
Tel (250)378-8283 1953 Nicola Ave. country, including the Merritt store on an application at 2074 Quilchena Ave.,
Forksdale Ave. The US parent company call 378-0813 or
filed for bankruptcy in February of this
year. They said the at-home video rental market has become increasingly more chal-
Pole Gates
lenging with the rise of strong competition from cable providers, internet, kiosk
120 Hitachi Excavator
operators and subscription-based mail delivery services. There is no official closing Jerryl McKenzie
date in Merritt as yet and until then everythings on sale. Ph/Fax (250) 378-9451
Cell (250)378-1566
1675 Tutill Court,
New Number
Merritt, BC We telemarketers know we're universally loathed. Still, some people are quite
Admission by donation SPACE FOR YOUR AD
pleasant on the phone. One day I called a number and asked to speak with Mr.
Summer Hrs: Mon. 10am-3pm Morgan. The woman who answered explained that he no longer lived at that
Tel 378-5717 fax 378-4700
Tuesday-Saturday 9am-5pm address, but she did have a number where he could be reached. I thanked her,
Phone 250-378-4145 for rang that number, and was greeted with, "Good morning, Highland View [email protected]
special appts or to book a tour
(250) 378-0349
Baillie House
thinking & social interactions as money-earning efforts, helped in your everyday role. People what truly satisfies and moti-
Saturday, June 26th from
Leo Virgo Libra
not practicable. and take your chances. effect. tional. Live
9am to 3:30pm. Theatre
Stop in at the Baillie
July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 -
House for a Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
TASTE OF SUMMER You'll make new friendships & You'll take a higher profile in You get a fresh perspective on There are fresh developments
light refreshments
associations. Make sure you your work role. Fresh initia- what your values & lifestyle over loans, investments, finan-
Woody James
could pay off for you. should be doing, and then do on what your guiding principles boldness in your work deci-
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
it. and goals in life really are. sions & actions.
JUNE 18 & 19 Karaoke Tuesdays
Texas Holdem
$ 99
Box 2199, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal 00 SATURN 3-dr coupe, a/c, p/w, exc LEATHER chair $80. Tv $50 378-2023
cnd, 90k $5000 378-9472 DBL/sngl bnkbd w/ matt., wht mtl
WILL cln your hse bi-wkly, wkly or 83 F250 4x4, boat rck, 2000lb wnch frame $100 315-5657
1x/mo, as you prfr. Sherrillee 315-0406
$1500obo 280-4559 EXC cnd, off. dsk, 3 drwrs, lrg file drwr
HSE cleaning, 7 days/wk. Car cleaning 16" AMERICAN Racing Carrera mags $50 378-5633
378-2145 w/ lw prof. tires, exc shape/sharp look- FREE: Couch & chair, beige, velvet, gd
Blacks Pharmacy
WRK WTD: I do renos, nw cnstr., roofng, ing $975obo 315-4744 cond. & wood stove 378-4554.
concrete wrk, fncng, auto mech. Can wrk 02 KIA Sportage, 4wd, 123k, stndrd, PINE sngl bed & matt., match. dsk & 6-
unsupervised, always fin. my jobs. 315-0315
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
p/w, cruise, gd cond., 1 ownr, $6000obo, shlf bookcase, all lk nw 378-6787
LOST: mens blk mtrcycle hlmt, btwn (250)982-2776, view in Low. Nic. SOFA set $125. 72x72 blk gls tbl $150.
LN-Merr. Brad 378-0107 97 FORD Ranger, wht, redone mtr, Side tbl $100 378-2906
LOST: keys, rodeo wknd 378-2906 stndrd, gd on gas $3500obo 378-3538 SET 3 glass coff. tbls $150 378-9225 aft 4pm
FOUND: May 25, set of keys nr SELL MY BABY! 83 blue, 4-dr Volvo, LOVESEAT, coff tbl, chair, sngl bd,
Government & Hill St. 378-5988 to claim 240 turbo, grt on gas! gd snowys on, cd, kitch. tbl & 4 chairs 378-4565
FND: keys on rng, Voght Prk 378-9410
BUS. OP: Mbl espresso business ready to go
anywhere theres an event. Compl. slf-contd,
nds batt., p/w $600obo (778)686-5179
4 TRACTION King 235/85/R16 tires
40%tread $50. 378-9225 aft 4pm
DVNPRT lt-col., 3-seat sofa & loveseat
$100obo. 5-slf wd cab., gls dr w/ cstrs
$75obo. Wd cab 25x17.5 w/ cstrs for
60 Minute
all equipt, exc cnd. $6500obo 378-0308 USED auto prts, u name it, we got it Scrapbooker
17 tv & tape rcrdr $40obo 378-5627
psychic nds & readngs, money, love, rela- 07 MTRCYCLE 142km, loaded, mid-
Kit: Everything
tionships, bus., etc. Accurate 378-8326 night blue $4500obo 378-6447, 315-0099 FISHER 201 Futura series stereo w/ 2
help wanted
Acoustic Research spkrs, exc cond $100.
95 BUICK Skylark 4-dr, lw mil, gd cnd
Akai 4 chnnl rcvr mdl AS-980 w/ 4 Sentry you need to create an
ICBC Claims
$3500. Cnpy fits lrg trck $75obo 378-4001
YAKI Joes lookng for mat., rel. kitch.
entire album in an hour: $1995
84 CHEV pck-up 2wd, canopy, teak cabinet spkrs exc cond $150 378-9108
Commercial Residential
hlp, must be able to wrk nights/wknds. 185,000mi., gd shape $1200 315-4689 BELL 3100 sat. rcvr $50, Casio answ.
drop resume in prsn 2190B Voght St. mach. $25, Virgin mbl pay-as-u-go cam-
Automotive Industrial
04 HONDA Accord LX-G 4-dr sedan,
ECONO Lodge: Lookng for gd, cln, rel. auto, i-vtec 2.4L, air, anti-thft, summr + era cellphone $40, Panasonic mini video
prsn for hsekeepng pos. Apply in prsn. wntrs on own rims. 133k, vry cln, n/s, n/p,1 camera $75 378-4227
2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
ownr, drk grey ext/int cloth., serv. rcrds SUPR Nintndo & Mario game $50 378-3554
avail. $10,750obo. Call (250)525-0869 3 GAME Cube games $10ea. 2 Game
FIX IT , can fix most anythng 315-0315
Vintage, antique,
3 10-WK old kittens to give away 378-6603 tips, gd cond $400. More. 378-9461
EXC. stove, hrdly used $35 378-9070 2-MN lake kayak, 17 of fun $200 378-8308
50-GAL fresh water aquarium, fluval filter,
$145. 378-9192 other ass'd fish $300obo 378-3633 380 mag Ruger rifle, sell/trade 378-6789
WATER cooler w/ hot & cold taps, exc. BABY rabbits for sale. Bill 378-6514 TREADMILL, vry gd cnd. Joe 378-2676
Something for
New Construction,
cond., 2 bottles incl. $75 378-9841
SHADE trees, flwrng shrubs & perenn.: KRYSTAL clean salt water pool fltr
DEEP freeze, gd cnd $35 378-6679
Russian olive, ash, pine, birch, mpl, from Can. Tire, used 1 mo. last
Renovations, Additions, DANBY full-sz fridge, no frzr compt.
$100. Kenmore easy-cln b-i ovn $75.
mock orange, etc., etc. 378-9545
LRG pet carrier $70obo 378-4450
yr./LOVED IT but pool popped, pd
$250, sell $150, c/w some pool access.
Finishing Roper cntrtop stove w/ fanb-into cabinet
as stnd-alone island $75. 378-5620 55-GAL. aq, lts, lid & stnd $250 378-6312 315-4493, [email protected]
ODD garage
FREE: Norge washer & gas dryer, wshr has 17 KEIFFER Engl. saddle w/ bridle, & auto; forestry. Will take on any
bit & reins, running martingale, leathrs 80 DODGE Falkland 27' motorhome,
leak/dryer wrks grt, must go as pr 378-6206 many renos, loaded, exc cond must sell of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile,
& irons, girth & pad $750obo 378-0308
GE port. dshwshr, lk nw $200. 2
A keepsake
81 DODGE 4x4 3/4-tn 318, flat dck,
Ellen Norgaard
rv tailgate for GM 00& nwr. 5th-whl trlr sndr $120. 4x8 util. trlr w/ sides $200. Car blck to twn, immed., f/s/w/d for quiet
stndrd, gd cnd $3200obo Lorne 378-3648
for rent
hitch, vhvy duty, lk nw Michael 378-6488 wrkng tenants w/ refs 378-8383
Evelyn Armstrong
hauler trlr, dual axle s/ rmps $1500. 378-5580
94 MAZDA Protege, rns $400obo
wanted/wanted to buy
BABY chng tbl, ST activity mat, Safety 2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, f/w, w/d hk-up,
Bev Veale
Danny 378-7429 sleeper $45obo 378-4461
NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, n/p, n/s. refs 378-6679, (604)502-8238
04 CHEV Aveo, 4-dr, auto, v4, nw tires, nwly renod, nr bus stop, move-in
Georgina Beatty
MOVING: Rototiller $60. Press. cannr GLASS display case for Coq-Gillis COZY 2-bdrm house, lrg bckyrd, appl.
gd rn cond. $3500obo 378-5620
27 local
$30. Bookcase $10. Chst of drwrs $10. House. Lorna 378-3271 bonus (250)378-9880 $800, apply in prsn Econo Lodge Motel
John Taylor
FULL-length Renegade fbrgls canopy, Coff. tbl $5 378-6795 FBRGLS canopy to fit 94 Dakota club RETD/semi-retdcpl, n/s, on comm. priv. 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Jul 1 $800 378-6295
artists a
wht w/ red $50 378-6795
Leonard A. George Jr.
5-STRNG Samick bluegrass style banjo w/ cab. Glenn 315-6054 prop., dwntwn Merritt, 2-bdrm + dn, 2-bth
Available at
4 CONTINENTAL m&s P195/60RS case, grt snd, cln, gd cnd. $700obo 378-0308 home, 5 appl, $975 spec. for right cpl, min. SML 3-bdrm home, lrg yrd, nr
Cindy Trent
PORT. a/c for house, reas. Jamie 315-2071
schls, n/s $850, Jul 1 378-5580
for sale - furniture
tires 75% tread $100.378-6665 maint., reg.$1275. 315-1000, pgr 378-
378-9628 $45 378-4128