Merritt Morning Market Feb19 10#1981

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Please recycle
2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 2199, Merritt BC V1K 1B8
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
PO Box 313, Merritt, BC, V1K 1B8. Telephone 378-5717 Fax 378-4700
Tropico Spice Flat deck & building Midget Rep play-offs OPEN 7am-9pm DAILY

Restaurant materials recovered Midget Rep play-off game #2 vs South

The Tracker Sportswear Merritt
Full breakfast
On February 11th, Princeton RCMP Okanagan will be played Saturday Feb
Premium 16-item LUNCH & ad proof
recovered a stolen Lode-King “B” train 20, 3:15-6:15pm, at NVM Arena
flat deck semi trailer loaded with build- To
menu available
Fax •Seniors’ menu
WOW!! (Merritt). Food Bank donations will be •From 7am-11am
DINNER BUFFET everyday ing materials. It is valued at $51,500, and From accepted at the door. Bring your noise Get a “jumpstart” to your Dateday — have breakfast at Han’s
Over 200 seats, great for parties and meetings was reported stolen from the Merritt makers to cheer the hometown boys
area in September last year. It was locat- onto victory! Winner of this series goes
Tel (250)378-8283 • 1953 Nicola Ave. ed by the Princeton RCMP as the result onto the Provincials in Juan de Fuca.
of routine police patrols on Snowpatch
Reception &
Rd., just outside Princeton.
T A T T O O A R Please T I S Tadvise us by fax or
No arrests have been made to date
and the file is still under investigation Masons’ art auction Direct from Yonge Street inphone
Toronto of any changes to
by police. Princeton RCMP encourage Saturday, Feb. 20, 4-6pm, there will this ad. home town girl
LUNCH DINNER Clips Hair Studio is please to welcome

Carmin A
anyone with information on this or any be a reception and silent auction with
other crime to call the Princeton RCMP the Masons. Works to be auctioned as a

11AM-3PM 5PM-9PM
Detachment (250)295-6911, or Crime fundraiser are: original paintings by •Professional
Daily Soup & Sand Combo Steaks, prime rib, pork ribs, Stoppers, 1-800-222-TIPS. Arnold Mosely & Roger Kamp, & a •Hygienic proceduresThank you,
print by Opie. The Courthouse Art
Avalanche conditions
starting from $695 salmon, prawns & scallops, Thai •Quality work and custom design
TUES : Bacon & Mushroom seafood curry rice, BBQ chick-
en, pork cutlets, linguine & more
Gallery is open P each Thurs 4-8pm, r Fri & Call for appointment
Kim Leclair
Cheeseburger $1195 The Canadian Avalanche Centre has Sat. 10am-4pm.
o Studio: 250-378-9077 Cell: 647-207-4460
WED: Monte Crested $995
THURS: Ultimate Club $1095
TUES : Lodge Monster Burger
issued a special public avalanche warn-
ing for the backcountry areas Feb 23 of &the Community
24, 2009 • 9am-5pm • Civic Centre
or walk-in Wed-Sat 12-6, 1950 Quilchena Ave
WED: Chicken Cordon Bleu Columbia Mountains from the US bor- NV Women's Institute luncheon
FRI: Steak & Bean Burrito $12 95
THURS: Hazelnut Salmon der to south of Prince George,GUEST and the SPEAKERSThe NVWI s is holding its annual light

SAT: Beer battered Pollock Fillet FRI: Half baby Ribs & Quarter Bird
South Coast Mountains from•Aaron Pemberton luncheon
Marchant, founder First
s Feb. 20, 11am-1:30pm at the
to Lillooet a nd north (not in cluding the Merritt
Nations Snowboard Team
sSeniors Hall. Lunch costs $5,
SAT: Neptune New York Steak
Whistler and Vancouver areas. •Roxanne TheL’Esperance,
tickets at s the door. In-house raffle & and all
and all affiliated
affiliated programs
SUN: Roasted Lamb gambling prevention
LUNCH… $1195 warning is in place through•Felix
t o Monday bake sale.
Delorme, traditional prac- s
s including Housing,
including Housing, Alcohol
Alcohol and and Drug
February 22nd. tices, Children of thePancake
Streets s supper @ Trinity United

services, Community
services, Community Programs,Programs,
They report there are several weak
•Delilah Dick, sexualTuesday, Feb. 23, 5-7pm. Enjoy pan-
s Aboriginal Wellness,
Aboriginal Wellness,Merritt
Merritt Moms
Moms and and
layers in the upper snowpack,exploitation
and theworkshop

Best cakes, bacon,
s sausages, dessert, coffee or
250-378-0822 •Arnold Akachuk & Darlene
weight of a person or a snowmobile will tea. Adults and youth-$6, children $4.
s Families,
Families, Spirit
Spirit of
of the
the Youth
Youth and
and Family
steaks 250-378-0424 Harris, fun & games
trigger avalanches. They've had several Community
Preservation program
Preservation program
in town! 2751 Nicola FREE LUNCH
s Income Tax Program
close-calls reported to their office in
Panago Pizza for lunch Program
both s
s for low- & fixed-income will
will be
Closed Mondays Ave., Merritt recent days. And Wed., one man died in
days. Food, drinks &clients
snacks runs
s each Tuesday
Day 1 8:30am, at 2164 Quilchena
2164 Quilchena Avenue Avenue
an avalanche near Clearwater. provided. NO CHARGE Crossroads Community Church, 2990
s 1st: Digital Camera as of
as of March
March 1, 1, 2010.
They say that so far this winter, the
For info callVoght St. Clients mustGift
s 2nd: Wal-Mart Cardtheir tax
Merritt’s ONLY transmission shop! snowpack has been 'forgiving', (250)but
378-5107 s
packages from Revenue Canada, all "T"
that's come to an end. And what recre- slips, and a copy of&your 2008 tax return. IfIf you
you cannot
cannot contact
contact Conayt's
Organized by Conayt Friendship
Trani Tech Mechanic
ationalists were doing last month may McCreary CentreSociety
funded by TheFebruary programs by by phone/fax/email
Society Month’ programs
•Over 60 plus years experience
no longer be safe to do with current con-
Heart Month volunteers are going after March
after March 1, 1, 2010,
2010, MERRI
• Servicing all makes & models D i a gnosti They recommend that all recreational
door to door for donations. Your sup- drop
drop by
by our
our new
Ad Proof
c port goes to research & public info. FMI,
• Guaranteed prrofessional workmanship Road Te backcountry users stay on simple, low-
call 378-4253 or 378-4033.
location: 2164
location: 2164 "Buying & Selling In You
st angle terrain, avoid avalanche paths, Quilchena Ave.
Quilchena Ave.
and monitor avalanche bulletins during Fundraiser rummage sale Monday to
Monday to Friday
this warning period. Check out their Coquihalla Middle School gymnasi-
website:, or call 1- um, February 27, 9am-3.
800-667-1105. MSS Fiji rugby trip fundraiser Formore
For more information,
The MSS senior girls rugby team is please call
please call 250-378-5107
250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave.
$2 to "Save Winter" holding a steak dinner fundraiser at the
With record temperatures continuing Grand on Sat., Feb 27, with sittings @
to wreak havoc on the Olympics, the 5pm & 7pm. Tickets are $15ea., reserva- P. O. Box 313, Attention: Ron _____________
BC-based environmental watchdog tions are required. For info, contact Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8
group Dogwood Initiative is distribut- Pauline or Mary-Jo, 378-4235, 315-3970. Fax number: 378-3570_____
ing Save Winter toonie decals on $2 coins Linda's Dance Studio open house T (250) 378-5717 Please advise us by fax or pho
in Vancouver throughout the Games. Linda invites everyone interested Fin(250) 378-4700 Vintage, antique,
ad. Thank you, Kim Leclair
SPACE FOR YOUR AD They want to raise awareness about dance to an open house on Sunday, E [email protected] new & used
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 Canada's contribution to global warm- February 28 from 1-5 pm. Come and cel- furniture
[email protected] ing and the threat it poses to Canadian ebrate their 1st anniversary in the Old GST No.:
Something for
winter. "Canada's identity as a northern Courthouse Art Centre. They are 86960 4926 RT0001
nation is threatened by our inaction on proudly supported by the Court House everyone!
global warming and support of dirty oil, Dance Society and want to honour their
particularly the tar sands," said a founding directors. Everyone is wel- 2071 Quilchena Ave •
spokesperson for the Dogwood come to take in non-stop dancing and (250)378-0044
Initiative. refreshments. Linda will be on hand
They’ve been with info about their new courses in jazz
Vegetable &
Bid on asked by the dancing and ballroom for kids. RSVP to
Arnold Canadian Mint Linda, 378-6109. FRI & SAT, 9PM-1:30AM •Karaoke Tuesdays

AUCTIO N to desist from Volleyfest 2010 flower seeds •Texas Hold’em

such activity,
but there is noth-
Planning is under way for Volleyfest
2010, set for: Mixed tourney March 26, 27,
Wed 7pm
•Fun Darts Mondays
in conjunction wi
the Masons’o Nico
Lodge N 53
ing illegal in the
28; ladies tourney April 16, 17, 18. FMI JOHN
ALLISON Olde Barley Market
Beer & Wine
& Liquor Store
Reception and au
ction Opie First I Got Elmer says, "First, I got tonsillitis, followed by appendicitis and pneu- • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
Saturday from 4-6 monia. After that I got erysipelas with hemachromatosis. Following that I got •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
Th e pu bli c is inv ited Thelma poliomyelitis and finally ended up with neuritis. Then they gave me hypodermics
Leaney Butler Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More
and inoculations." Calvin says, "Boy, you had quite a time!" Elmer replies, "I'll say!
I thought I'd never pull through that spelling test."

4th Annual NV community arts

1840 Nicola Ave.
Passwords for Kids My kids love going to the Web, and they keep track of their
passwords by writing them on Post-it notes. I noticed their Disney password was
Community (250)378-6515
[email protected] "MickeyMinnieGoofyPluto," and so I asked why it was so long. "Because,"my son
explained, "they say it has to have at least 4 characters." OLYMPIC HEADQUARTERS
Cure for Lateness Bob had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was
Watch all the events, plus MEN’S &
always late for work. After a few weeks of this, his boss was mad and threatened WOMEN’S HOCKEY on our BIG SCREEN
to fire him if he didn't do something about it. So Bob went to his doctor, who gave
him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. He got a great night's sleep SAT, 9PM
FRI & SAT, PM-1:30AM
and actually beat the alarm in the morning. After a leisurely breakfast, he cheerful- JOHN ALLISON
ly drove to work. "Boss," he said, "the pill my doctor prescribed actually worked!" •• OFFICE
OFFICE 378-2821
378-2821 •• PUB
PUB 378-5711
“Get us online!” "That's all fine," said the boss, "but where were you yesterday?" •RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
Green Tea Extract, 200mg

Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
garage sales
ALL WEEK 2812 Cougar Cresc., Rocky
Pines. Moving out/downsizing: couch,
CUST. alum. hdache rck for 05 & nwr Dodge
shrtbx $500 378-6637, (250)574-2680
89 DYNASTY, $800obo, grt economic
car, lots pwr Barb 378-0471
TO GIVE AWAY: metal futon frame &
mattress, u pck-up 378-0336
MVNG sale: house full of qual. furniture,
lvngrm, diningrm, rec rm, fabric 315-0209
$ 99
dshwshr, more 378-2569, 936-8551
DODGE SX 2.0, lw km., p/wndws/lcks,
am/fm/cd, a/c, $7500. 03 Dodge
TV STND 25"hx16"dx27"w, 5.5" shlf
& 14" cupbrd/drs, oak, on casters for 120’s
Laramie, Cummins diesl 2500 4x4, easy movng $25. Set 4 oak tv port. tbls
FOUND: set keys undr plowed snw loaded, $25,000. 378-2197 eves/wknds. w/ stor. stnd $20. Mpl flr lmp w/ sml
drft, Marshall Rd. call to ID 378-2890
WILL the French Imm. young lady who
95 S10 pck-up, lots wrk done 378-6980 round tbl att'd, trilt $20 378-6217 Black’s Pharmacy
91 MAZDA B2200 ext cab pck-up w/ 3’6” RCKNG loveseat 378-3697 2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
phoned me pls phone again. 378-3697 canopy 378-4478 2 SOFAS, 2 loveseats, computer dsk,
WILL hlp w/ sprng cleaning & othr nds 90 CHEV Impala, 130k, 4-dr, gd wht cabinet 378-4503
378-8383 cnd/rns exc TF gd rn oldr trck 280-0046 KITCH. tbl $10. 2 book shlvs $5 & $10.
HSEKEEPNG. 378-5683
FND: sml fem. shitzu, slvr-grey aftrnoon
AM/fm/cass. Clarion, $40obo 378-3667 Coff. tbl free. 2 chairs. Tim 280-0153 GIFTS for every occasion!
89 ACCURA nds mtr 378-4706 AUTO. elect. adjust. bd, twn-sz 378-5093
SPACE FOR YOUR AD Feb 6, Bann/Scott Plc 378-8680
LOST: blk camera bag w/ mem. crds, mini- 89 CHEV Beretta, nds wrk $500obo
Dave 315-1070
PINE tbl w/ hide-away ext., grt cond., 3 pine
chairs $250 315-4748 days, 378-5590 eves BEYOND THE
tripod @ torch event Voght Prk 378-6678
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
96 CROWN Victoria $1000 280-0153 LOVESEAT 4 yrs old, multi blk/grey, pd
NEED help w/ sprng cln-up? Sherillee $400, sell $100 315-1428
91 CHVTrckr, remov. hrd top, auto, 138k, rns
[email protected] 315-0406
grt $2800 315-4748 days, 378-5590 eves. for sale - electronics/software
LOST: Older style cell phone Jan. 29
Gwen Lk Rd area 378-5072 89 NISSAN Path Finder slvr, tntd
wndws, 4x4, man. hubs, lft kit, DVD player $20. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 CUSTOM FRAMING
ANGIE’S Tea Leaf Reading. Present,
past, future. Money business, relation- 32x11.5x15" tires, xtra stck rims, blk roof 27" JVC col. tv w/ wht pine Palliser
ent stnd, 5 adjust. shlvs, 2 drwrs, side
(Formerly Brookmere Vintage Gallery)
Coquihalla Middle School Team One Students: ships. Accurate, honest. Anytime. Can rcks, 5-spd, am/fm/cd stereo, many nw
find lost pets 378-8326 prts, not wntr drvn $4,500obo 378-9841 drwr for CDs/DVDs $250obo 378-6256
Find us at 2840 Voght St.,
LEARNING WORK ETHIC and RAISING MONEY MAT. lady will do hsekeepng, rn errnds, 95 DODGE auto diesl, hvy duty, 1-tn, blt PANASONIC fax mach. $25. Casio

to attend Silver Lake Forestry Camp pet wlkng/care 378-0904 for snwplwng & sndng, snwblade, hoppr,
dmp bx ready to go $35,000 378-4614
phonemate answrng mach. w/ callr id
& call display $20. Panasonic video
next to Century 21
LOST: tabby, Kengard Schl area 525-0294 OLDS cutlass Supreme w/ 83 body gd camcorder VHSc $85. Bell 3100 sat.
FND: Olympic camera lens @ flag pole rcvr $50. 378-5004

Rummage Sale
cnd & 80 305 GM mtr nds some wrk or 100-2840 Voght St. • (250)378-5900
280-0046 for prts $200obo 315-6091 PLAYSTN 2, 3 cntrlrs, mem. crd & 45
MESSAGES from beyond, psychic ALUM. cnopy fits shrtbx imprt/Amer. games, exc cond. $250obo 315-5971 [email protected]
reading 378-8862 w/ boat rck $200obo. Stock 05 Mazda 6 FREE: Electrohome stereo cabinet
DAD & young sons looking for wntr/ sprng (players records) 378-4554
February 27th, 2010
rims 17” $500 378-6223
yrd cln-up, snw shvllng, rn errnds, garbage 84 CHEV w/ canopy, 2wd, 185,000 TOSHIBA 6-disc chngr for home stereo,
trips, recycling etc. Barney 378-6740 orig. mi., lk nw $1500obo 315-4689 rem. $100obo. Kenwd car stereo syst.
help wanted 81 OLDS Cutlass Brougham 4-dr sedan, w/ 10-disc chngr $100obo. Mon & fri all
gd tires $400 firm. John 378-2559 day, or othr days aft 6pm 315-5690
LABOURER, male or fem., must have
Spring cleaning yet? 4 TIRES P215/70R14 on rims + 2 xtras PLAYSTN 2, cntrlrs, 2 mem. crds, carry case,
drvr’s lic. Glen 378-3554 cntrlr extens., 6 games, rem., etc. 378-04634
JANITORIAL, lt-duty wrk, Road no rims $200obo 378-4581
REAR-proj. tv, Panasonic $900 315-1357 Merritt’s Auto Glass 2001
06 CHEV Equinox, mnt cnd, 35k,
Runner Motel 378-4201 INC.
Items to donate? $16,500 378-7122 IBM comp. W98, dvd drv, 128Ram,
DRVR for chip haul in Merritt. Exper.
necess., cln abstrct a must. Mess./fax 93 BUICK stnwgn, v6, 193k, no rust, stor. 6 MB, flat scrn 17” Acer mntr, Specialists
drv anywhere $1500 378-4315 Canon scannr FB630P & Canon BJ-
resume 378-2827 200e prntr, NIS2003, MS Wrks,
BLK canopy for 95 GMC Sonoma, sml $225obo. IBM Vlue Point comp. w/ 17” ICBC Claims
services trck 280-0857
Call us & we'll pick it up, 250-378-6104 ANGEL TECH. Computer Repair. 79 GMC Rally van, 350 auto, wrks vehicle
col. Acer mntr, W98, 128mb ram, dvd •Commercial •Residential
drv, 6gb hrd drv, CanoScan FB630P
Troubleshoot, repair, install, virus w/ shlvs, gd tires, depend. $750obo 378-5380 scannr & Canon BJ-200e prntr, •Automotive •Industrial
or you can drop it off at removal. 378-3771, [email protected] FBRGLS canopy, 8’, nds tlc w/ stnd NIS2003, MS Wrks $200obo. 378-5627
MOVNG, skid steer, transprtng/haulng, $50. Flo-Thru tailgate for 88-97 Ford XBOX 360 bought 2 mos. ago, 7 M- 2663 Granite Ave. (next to Fountain Tire)
2975 Clapperton Ave. dump trlr 378-3496 $350. Bill 378-5144 rated games, cords, sntrllr, turtle beach
COMPLETE Home Improvement livestock/pets & access. xl headset,e xc cnd $325 378-5044 378-4531
Service. Repairs, add's, nw cnstrction. No BRND nw StarChoice rcvr, still in bx
job too sml, lic'd & ins'd. Jim 378-7200 PAL, oldr ret'd wrkng rnch horse, vry gd $50 315-5569
ROYS’ Home Imprvmnts. Renos & fin- health, exc for yng chldrn. $1200. 378-4955
FREE: 20" RCA TV used as gaming TV
ishng specialist, qual. wrk gar. 378-6454 BORDER collie x puppies 378-6733 for last 5 yrs. 378-6483 eves.
HSEHLD Team. Can’t do it? No time? Let 77-GAL. fsh tnk, all access., stnd w/ 2 TRIPOD camera stnd mdl PV-13CG, alum.,
us hlp you. Res./comm., clneaning, cookng, cupbrds, fluval fltr, etc. $650. 3 lrg oscar $35obo. Tripod camera stnd mdl Opus OT-
shppng, p-u/deliv., men avail. for repairs, fsh, $10ea. 378-2540 S28V w/ Dyna Glide $65obo. 378-5627
elect., plmbng, pntng, outdr wrk, etc., mbl 75-GAL bow frnt aquarium, , incl. Fluval
mech., exc rates 378-3537, 525-1010 405 fltr, htr etc., $625obo. 47-gal bow frnt for sale - recreational
DESERT Perf. & Repair. Oil chnges, aquarium, fluval 305 fltr, htr $525obo. 05 YAMAHA 1100 blk V-star classc,
tune ups, mnr repair, eng. reblds, per- Evrythng u nd & more, incl. some fsh, lt 7000+km, sell/OTFsmlr bike eq. value. •classified deadlines:
blt into tops, w/ b-i timer. 378-9912
formance, etc. 378-6454
PIPE IT Plumbing for all your plmbng PET or feedr mice, var. sz/col. Beaut. 200-
Vic 936-8102 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
YAMAHA XT 500 trade for atv 378-1832
nds, nw const./renovations Brian 378- gal. fsh tnk set-up w/ evrythng only $850. 95 EXCITER 570 skidoo w/ pipes, 2” trck,
•garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
4892, cell 315-9970 Meal worms, giant worms. Angie 378-6312 exc cnd, must sell $1800 firm 378-3583 •to get on the current garage sale
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. 20-GAL. fsh tnk, stnd, all access. & fsh 84 HONDA Slvrwng 500, rns grt, nw email list: email us
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 $150obo. 45-gal. fsh tnk, all access. tires/coolng syst. $2500. 89 Suzuki VR 250
RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care, $300obo Shelley 315-9987 $750. 50cc drtbike, gd shape $500 378-4892
rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, 200 bales alfalfa/orchrd hay 378-8292 Let us know what your think of our new website!
TREADMILL vry gd cnd, Joe 378-2676
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, ORDER baby chicks. Farm-fresh eggs. JOHNSON prof. Univ. gym, wrth Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614 2 rabbits. Bill 378-6514 $4000, sell $800obo 378-3496
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. BLK lab, 2yrs old, all shots, neut’d, hse- LADIES bike, special'd Rockhopper
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- trained $100 378-2067 mtn bike, used vry little $300, Shimano
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit WELL-mannered, kennel/ house-trained, cmpnents.280-2411
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 healthy 11-wk old fem. rottweiler puppy, Now taking
75 ARCTIC Cat Cheetah 400, gd cnd,
to lovng family home $700 378-9841
HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml
rns gd, $350obo 378-4059, 315-3063 garage sale
ECE-cert’d grndmthr will babysit 03 RX1 Turbo sled 05 susp., lt-wt, donations for
dogs $35 378-6289 340hp, 159 trck, lt-wt hood, lots pwr/xtr
chldrn of all ages, also lt hsekeepng, the Spring
cook meals. katherine 378-6472 for sale - miscellaneous prts, more options $9000. 315-1357
BABYSITTER evenings/weekends, FIREWOOD sale, $120/cord 378-5379 02 HONDA CB 900 f sport naked bike. Garage Sale

Baillie House
LN area 378-2221 exc rn cond., cple scratches $4000 OTF
PR women’s Roper boots, sz 6-1/2 $20. Pr quad 315-1055
OUR PLACE, lic'd childcare facility women’s stl-toe boots, sz 6-1/2 $30 378-4876
for children 0-3 yrs. Parent less than 25 DUAL skidoo trlr $1000 378-5265
JOGGING stroller, gd cnd $30 936-8340
yrs old, who are attending schl. We sup- 09 HARO Shift R1 full susp. mtn bike
MVNG sale: couch, loveseat, gls tbl, w/ 1 yr warr., riddn 10x $1300 nw, sacr.
port & encourage parents through chal- chairs, 12’alum boat, 8’boat, elect. mtr, 19”
lenges of parenting. Mon-Fri 8:30am- $900 378-6637, (250)574-2680
lcd rv, ant. wardrobe, lots gd stuff 280-0046 OPEN TUES-SAT., 10AM-4PM
4pm,1721 Coldwater Ave. 315-0248 STARCRAFT tnt trlr, many options incl.
ANTIQUE fire safe $800obo 378-3496 pwr roof, f/s/f/shwr, nw cond. Ideal for sml
WILL babysit after schl/3:30pm.
Justine 280-0046 2 BABY gates 378-5546 vehicle, avoid GST $8000obo 378-3569 Corner of Voght & Mammette
LAPTOP or art dsk, side stor. w/ chair. 95 SPORTSMAN 5th-whl trvl trlr, exc
Phone (250)378-6001 for sale - appliances 6-drwr drssr. Brss lmp, 2 shades, beige. cond, full slide-out, roll-up awning. (250) 378-0349 •
PR match. Frigidaire w&d, frnt load, 3 Loveseat flue/pnk flwrs. Microwave. $10,000obo 378-4199
yrs old $700 378-8689 Lamps, olive grn. Htr w/ fan. Skates, TRAILS West 10-spd bike, exc cnd
WHIRLPOOL b-i dshwshr, top-of- rollerblades 378-8383 $100obo 280-0046
line, gd wrkng cond $50. 378-2530 eves NW violin w/ brnd nw case, bow, ready 09 BRAVO snwmbl, 300km, $4200obo.
SPACE FOR YOUR AD KENMORE hvy duty wshr & dryer,
exc wrkng cnd $300obo 378-5806
to play 1852 Quilchena Ave. 378-2429
CHURCH organ, Lowery Magic Genie w/
80 Dodge motorhome 27', slps 8, gd
wrkng cond. $4200obo. 04 tent trlr, lk
bnch, some music, gd cond $300 378-8331
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700 WHT full-sz fridge 378-9948
4-WHLR Redi-Chair scooter $1000obo.
nw, loaded $9000obo. 378-8380
97 3/4-tn GMC reg. cab, cmpr spec. w/
FREE: 4-brnr Hotpoint stove, gd wrkng
[email protected] ordr, not slf-cleaning. 378-6483 eves. Mini-Baja $300obo. Reg.-sz Baja 5th-whl htch $8500 Dave 315-5510
$400obo 315-8401 aft 6pm
WOODS 16cf upright frzr, 2 yrs old for sale - tools/equipment
$300obo. Doug 378-3554 FREE: fully-built plstc mdls of cars,
ships, planes, etc. 378-5627 CANISTER-style wdwrkng vac w/
PIZZA oven, elect., 4’9”x5’9”, 3 layer,
used/vry gd cnd $7000obo 315-3737 COUCH lk nw floral/blue, nw cnd. Chst hoses/attach., Rider, lk nw $100 378-0842 1675 Tutill Court,
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard,
GAS dryer $50 378-3648
INGLIS stove nw elmnts $75 378-3975
drwrs on whls, solid wd. Lrg indoor hse
plnt, beaut., lrg pot $40. 378-8326
LRG old mtl steamer trnk $150. 4-drwr
USED Husqvarna chainsaw 378-0004
6” JOINTR w/ mtr $150 378-1557
Merritt, BC
Admission by donation
ODD garage & auto; forestry. Will take on any PANASONIC Genius microwave, gd RADIAL arm sw $200 378-2569, 936-8551
hi-boy drssr c. 1960s $40. Chrm wlkr 20 SETS stl scaffoldng, exc cond.
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, cnd. $25. Micrrowave stnd, whte w/ blk w/ hnd brks, exc cnd $55. Cntrtop 5-gal. Hrs: Mon & Fri 10am-3pm;
trim $25. 378-5210 3'wx5'tall sections $140/set firm. 378-0107
wtr coolr $35. 1967 ltd ed. wildlife prnt Tue, Wed, Thurs: 10am-7pm
always available. Reasonable. Refs. INGLIS super hvy duty dryer $50obo ‘Zebras’ by David Sheppard, UK, exc 3000W Coleman generator, dolly-style,
used 1 wknd $400obo 378-8331 1675 Tutill Court
Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398 378-2569, 936-8551 invstmnt, sacr. $2500. (250)458-2298
PANASONIC ovr-the-range microwv, 13 SEALED alum. wndws assort. szs, 48-50” rototillr attach., for sml farm Tel: (250)378-4145
lk nw, wht $125. Kitchen-Aid b-i dshw- patio dr, 1 entrance dr. View 2114 trctr 378-4490
shr s/s inter., wht $125 315-4748 days, Coldwater Ave., 378-8298 WD splittrs: 30” 11hp Honda, 20” 5.5hp 3-BDRM rntd hse 2682 Quilchena 1/2 DPLX $600 Mar 1 Gene 378-3990
378-5590 eves 378-4135 Ave., brnd nw mpl kitch., lndryrm, 3-BDRM apt f/s/w/d 1200sf. 1-bdrm
USED cedar siding, 10", avail. end Feb., hrdwd/tile flrs, dbl gar., 12x16 shd
reg. $1.80/lin. ft, sell 80¢/ft. 315-2508 RADIAL arm sw $200 378-2569, 936-8551 apt f/s/w/d. Util xtra 378-9263, 378-7746
for sale - automotive $325,000 (250)377-0847
Arnold Mosley 2 FLUTE laddrs, wd 8’ $20, 10’ $25. Cd AS NW Poulan chainsaw $125. Nw Mr WTD: someone to lease lrg 2-bdrm
FREE scrap car removal. We buy all Heater Tiger torch $55. Slightly used 3-BDRM home on 1.8 ac. 10 min. from unit dwntwn, prfr wrkng, refs, n/p,
Jack Andreasen scrap metal 378-9241 rck, blk wd, hlds 200 cds $10obo 378-4324 twn, rm for livestck/pets/kids, 1 bth, full
HOSP. bd $150. Nice organ $500. 1200wt gas generator $175. 378-2662 n/s, n/undr 30, cln/quiet 378-8383
Bill Edmonds 99 GMC Sierra 1/2-tn ext. cab, 4X4, 4500W. Champion generator $300obo. bsmt, hrdwd flrs, plenty of wtr, reduced- 1/2 DPLX prfr oldr cpl, inquire @
loaded, leathr, 249k, gd shape, well maint'd, Piano $250. 3-pc chstrfld $150. Sngl $485,000 378-2197 eves/wknds
Roger Kamp matt. $25. Capt bd $100 378-6892 2 1000w lrg rnd floodlts, 24” dia., mtl 378-4471, 2502 Orme St.
nw tranny, all receipts. $6500obo 378-9503 halide $85ea, 2/$150 315-0074 mess. LN 3-bdrm hse, upgraded, 1100sf, .36 RENO’D hse trlr on lrg lot, no pd
Mary Longman 02 DODGE Dakota sport, v6, 5-spd a/c, USED birch bthrm cabinets, 3 secti., ac., dbl drvway, shp, grnhse, outside
attach to wall 57"l. Stdnt dsk, 2-drwr $20. 06 JOHN Deere skid steer mdl 317, lw stor., mun. wtr, $198,000. 378-3648 rntl, Mar 1, lrg shd, lots grdn space,
Opie Oppenheim 192k, nw brks, gd cnd $9,500obo. 4 tires 2 padded kitch. chairs $10/set. Lt grn hrs, a/c & ht $31,000. 05 35D John nr schls, vry nice neighbrhd, cul-de-
245/65R17 50%+ tread $200/all 378-4195 Deere excavator, a/c & ht $38,000. 4-in- .88 FNCD lt. ind. ac. w/ 32'x32'x10' shop sac $850 + dam dep 315-0201
Pius Chong curtains, gd cond., 84"x140" $35. Wht + equipt, 35' trvl trlr + more, brdrng city
87 MAZDA B2600 ext cab 4x4 nds ceramic bathtub 32"x58" $10. 378-5210 1 bucket for skid steer $1600 378-3496 2-BDRM bsmt ste, n/drnkr, n/ prties,
carb/sprngs $500 incl prts trck 378-1904 lmts 3038 Thorpe 280-4653, 280-4650
Doug Strand DRY fir firewd, $150/cord dlvrd 378-9229 94 JOHN Deere grader 6x4, cargo bx, 3 refs req’d, $800 util incl. 378-8862
95 SUNFIRE $1900obo 378-2181 rns $3000 378-4892, 315-9970 PEACEFUL, priv. 1.48ac, 3-bdrm
Cass Dolen WINE making: 2 – 23L + 2 -15L car- rnchr, full bsmt, dbl gar., shp, gncd, 2-BDRM dplx $500 cozy (604)860-3888
89 DYNASTY $800obo, grt econ. car, boys, fermentor, 2 thermometers, bottle STEEL toolbx. Husq. 388 chainsaw 2-BDRM bsmt ste, nrs schl/twn,
Shannon Kilroy lots pwr, must sell/movng Barb 378-0471 trees, 5 min. to twn 378-6027
washer & tap attach. Syphons, stop- lng-bar 378-1832 immed. 1-bdrm ste, f/s 525-0240
BLK cnpy w/ boat rck for imprt trck, off MBL home w/ add., 4-bdrm, 1-bth,
MK Dahlquist-Gray pers/air lcks, Wine Thief, stirring spoon, NW prop. Tiger torch, pd $80+ tax, sell quiet prk w/ dwnpaymnt, fin. avail 2-BDRM hse $675, refs req’d 378-7122
Mazda B2200, 60x90 $75obo 378-5296 corks etc. $65/all 378-4668 $60. Mr. Heater Propane contractor
Jean Kiegerl with oac. 315-1000, 1-800-361-8111 3-BDRM twnhse, 1869 Menzies, 1-
96 AEROSTAR ext van, 7-pass., rns FREE: wht baby change tbl, 2 silk plnt heater, used 1x, pd $140+ tax, sell $90. 1/2 bths, cln, Mar 1 280-5020
Ellen Norgaard well $900 378-7136 trees 378-6483 eves. Poulan chainsaw, as nw $125. 378-2662 for rent
A keepsake Evelyn Armstrong 85 TOYOTA Tercel htchbck, rns gd 3-whl Medi-Chair $1200obo (778)232-5547 STIHL Magnum chainsaw $600 378-2067 MANUF. home 2-bdrm + dn, 2-bth,
IMMED. 1-bdrm daylt bsmt ste, renos,
dwntwn $600 util incl (250)377-1779
book Bev Veale
$700 378-3962
FOUR P185/75R14 Motomstr SE tires &
BLNDR, toaster, tea pot, some dishes papr wanted/wanted to buy sndck, lrg lot, priv. secluded, fncd for SHOP, 1500sf, insul’d, on 2 lots,
towel holdr $60 Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 caretakr cpl, prof. or semi-ret’d $975 commerc. district 378-4195
featuring Georgina Beatty Ford Ranger rims, all-seas., have snwflk,
for sale - furniture
HUSQ. chainsaw prts 378-1832 1-800-361-8111, pgr 378-3082 for info
2-BDRM grnd lvl ste, f/s/w/d, priv.
nr nw/no wear $200 firm 378-0006 MILK crates. Bill 378-5745 NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms,
27 local John Taylor
81 BLUEBIRD bus, nw prop. mtr 8-PRSN gls diningrm tbl $550obo. Sage KID’S wagon, gd cnd. Sml shd w/ lck. nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in
fncd yrd, nr dwntwn $750 util incl
378-6120, mess. 936-8205
Leonard A. George Jr. $3000obo 378-5580 grn rckng chair w/ stool $75. Polished Cabinet on castors for countertop d/w bonus (250)378-9880
artists — a Cindy Trent 2 145R12-72 tires, 4 145R12-80 tires pencil edged glass, 114"x34-1/8", 3/4" 378-2569, 936-8551 ROOMS @ Coldwater Hotel, start-
3-BDRM dplx, 1-1/2 bth, f/s/w/d,
frshly pntd, quiet neighbrhd, fncd
fundraiser Available at Surinder Panghali
gd tread. 378-2569, 936-8551
81 DODGE 3/4-tn 4x4 flat dck, 318
th. $550obo. Lrg blk pntd, oak tv cabi-
net $125obo. Sml tv stnd $15. 2 4-drwr
OLYMPIC glowing coke bottles. Merle
ing from $400/mo 378-2821
BENCH home, 3-bdrm $1500
yrd, $950, Feb 1st (250)769-7243
for the Arts drssrs $25ea. Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 VAR. homes for rent Bobby 525-0402
Baillie House &
Joslyn Freels stndrd $1200. 88 Gmc hvy hlf, nw SMLR kitch. tbl 378-2569, 936-8551 (250)374-6877
tires/cmp. 177k $2000. 378-1832 SOLID wd 5-pc bdrm suite 378-8298 TORCH bearer’s uniform & torch 315-0238 3-BDRM oldr home, Pine St. w/ 25x25 ROOM $300, for quiet prsn 378-8807
Council Les Hampton
93 SUBARU Loyal 4x4, 193k, $1100 COUCH & chair, beige/rose design WD drwrs &/or bookcases 378-6383 shp, quiet neighbrhd, Collettville, pets 2-BDRM ste, immed. 378-4503

Country Bug Books Bobbi Parkes

Gwayne Point
wrth nw prts, gd tires. 378 4177
STUDDED logging truck chains fit
11R24.5 tires, nw/nvr out of bags
$100obo. Grn padded rckng chair (glid-
er) w/ ft stool exc cond $180 378-4554
MPL tbl & 4 chairs, 2 leaves $225 378-4569
INCLINE wt bnch, prfr olympic sz/
may take smlr, $100 range 378-2629
ok, Mar 1 $950 378-9438
RCNT renos, 1150sf, 3-bdrm 2-bth
twnhse, n/s, pets neg. $750 (250)578-7844
2-BDRM hse, lrg fncd bck yrd $850
+ dep. Feb 1 Bobby 525-0402
NWLY reno'd 4-bdrm ste $950, nr
Nancy Saddleman OLD-style crnk-up cmpr jcks 378-5813
This project & $250/pr, nw cost $375. 378-0107 SOLID oak coff. tbl & mag./side tbl $75. 2-BDRM, 1/2 dplx w/ lndry, gar, CMS, bright, lam. flrng in kitch./lvngrm,
NV Arts Council Jana Sasaki 16” 14-spoke Universal Racng rims Solid wd rckng chair $20. 378-2530 eves for sale house/property quiet neighbhd, fncd yrd, Diam V immed., n/s, cat ok, dam. dep. 378-0322
supported by Barbara Rode $500 378-5265 FUTON w/ mtl frame $20obo 936-8340 HOME on 1.8 ac., 3-bdrm, 1-bth, full $775. 3-bdrm, 3-bth, uppr flr, dwn- NW home, 3 bd, 2 bths, open plan,
85 CHEV S10 4x4, lk nw 378-5265 SOFA, gd cnd. Sngl bd 378-0121 bsmt, hrdwd flrs $500,000 378-2197 twn ste, no yrd. $900 378-4789 ±7000sf lot, Norman (250)851-8755

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