Blue:: Mak Advanced Technician Exam

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*This list consists of training that is recommended for MSA-MaK ver. 3 standards improvement. In addition to training, other actions may be necessary for improving MSA scoring.
RED: Mandatory Caterpillar course or equivalent dealer training course
BLUE: Caterpillar training course under development
BLACK: Recommended training
MSA STANDARD MSA DESCRIPTION Caterpillar Training Courses

Customer Service Excellence in Field Service Module 1: Needs and Expectations (44652)
Customer facing personal are trained in “customer relations” to resolve issues. The dealer has formal documented protocol for issue Customer Service Excellence in Field Service Module 2: Habit and Behaviors (44653)
Customer Communication
resolution and communication with the customer. Customer Service Excellence in Field Service Module 3: A Service Mindset (44654)
Customer Service Excellence in Field Service Module 4: Tools of the Trade (44655)

Dealer have implemented a long-term training/ development program for Marine personnel (new coming and experienced) such as
Technician Career Development Program (TCDP) created by Caterpillar or a similar one. This program is a process for evaluating, Dealership has an on-going, long-term (3 or more years) Technician Career Development Program for each
Technician Training and Development
training and developing, which helps recruit and retain technical personnel through career paths. Training programs without marine technician (by name).
structured standards or records,
leads to inconsistent training.

Intro to AFA Management 33400 WBT

Intro to AFA Metallurgy 33407 WBT
Trained technicians are available to perform failure analysis. Initial failure analysis assessment is performed before and during the Intro to AFA Principles of Fractures 33403 WBT
Assessment - Failure Analysis component removal process, using Applied Failure Analysis (AFA) Principles. Technicians are trained by Caterpillar courses or Intro to AFA Principles of Wear 33402 WBT
equivalent dealer training course. A minimum of 80% of dealer MaK marine technicians meet these requirements. Intro to AFA Visual Examination 33401 WBT
Equivalent Hands-on Dealer Training Course

Maritime Engine Technology ILT Courses:

M20C and M25C/E Diesel Engine Type
Master Mechanic trained technicians are available for current MaK inline and Vee engines. At least one dealer technician per M32C/VM32C/E Diesel Engine Type
Master Mechanic engine type successfully completed Caterpillar Motoren approved MaK advanced level course or alternatively passed MaK M/VM43C Diesel Engine Type
advanced technician exam. M/VM46DF Dual Fuel Engine Type
MaK Advanced Technician Exam

Marine Expert Mechanic ILT Courses:

A minimum one Mechanic Expert technician per engine type backed up by one advanced marine technician trained (Master M20C/E and M25C/E Diesel Engine Type
MaK Marine Mechanic Expert Mechanic) on the same model are available at dealership. 30% or more of all marine field technicians completed at least one KEC M/VM32C/E Diesel Engine Type
expert mechanic level course. M/VM43C Diesel Engine Type
M/VM46DF Dual Fuel Engine Type

Marine Technicians trained in Caterpillar Motoren approved control & monitoring expert level courses and at least in one
MaK Marine Control and Monitoring
mechanical expert level course are available to support marine business. A minimum of 20% of dealer MaK marine field technicians
Expert Marine Control and Monitoring Expert (enhanced E-Tech.1)
meet these requirements.

The dealer provides operation and maintenance training to the customer. The customer clearly understands safe operation & and
Customer Training - Operation & Customer training is Dealership responsibility, potentially assisted by Caterpillar Motoren Learning Center
maintenance and demonstrates ability to operate the equipment. Customer training is documented and records are maintained on
Maintenance upon request
file for reference.

Caterpillar: Confidential Green


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