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End of Unit Test (Levels 3-5)


Name ___________________________________Class _______________


Here are the names of five elements and one compound.




magnesium oxide



a Which element is a gas in air?____________________________________

b Give the name of a metal. _______________________________________
c Which element is a solid non-metal? _______________________________
d Which substance is a chemical compound? ___________________________
[4 marks]

The lists below show some metals and their uses.

Draw lines to link each metal to its use.


Used for

Copper is a good conductor of


building steel bridges

Iron is strong

making rings and necklaces

Aluminium is light and can be made

into thin sheets

electrical wires in houses

Gold is shiny

kitchen foil

[3 marks]

Exploring Science 8

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Pearson Education Limited 2002


End of Unit Test (Levels 3-5) (continued)

Below is a list of properties. Some of them are properties of metals and some of
them are properties of non-metals. Write them in the correct columns in the table.
bad conductors of electricity

good conductors of heat

high melting point

Properties of metals


Properties of non-metals

[2 marks]

Bruce was having a barbecue. He used charcoal as a fuel. The tongs that Bruce was
using were made of metal, with wooden handles.

a Why are the handles of the barbecue tongs

made of wood and not metal?
___________________________ [1 mark]

Exploring Science 8

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Pearson Education Limited 2002


End of Unit Test (Levels 3-5) (continued)

b Bruce dropped one of the pieces of charcoal and it broke when it hit the ground.
Tick the word that describes things which shatter in this way?

q brittle

q flexible

q strong

q hard

[1 mark]

c The four statements about charcoal are true. Tick one box which shows a
property that is more like a metal than a non-metal.

Charcoal is a dull black solid

Charcoal burns when you heat it
Charcoal has a high melting point
Charcoal has a low density
[1 mark]

Exploring Science 8

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Pearson Education Limited 2002


End of Unit Test (Levels 3-5) (continued)

Look at the speech bubble. The words in bold are Platos elements.
We now know that the Greeks idea of only four elements is wrong.

I am Plato. I believe that everything

is made from the four elements:
Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

a Approximately how many elements do we know about today?

____________________________________________________ [1 mark]
b Which two of Platos elements are actually mixtures?
______________________ and ________________________

[1 mark]

c Which one of Platos elements is a compound?

____________________________________________________ [1 mark]

Exploring Science 8

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Pearson Education Limited 2002

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