mmm1916 Sept2

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Back to School

Please recycle

Black’s Pharmacy
SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155

OPEN A new order

Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 313, Merritt BC V1K 1B8

of turquoise
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]

Cocaine trafficking Zokol inducted into


& silver
8AM TO 6:30PM

On Saturday at 11pm, Merritt RCMP


executed a search warrant at a residence BC Golf Hall of Fame


bracelets & pendants

on Houston St., after information was Dick Zokol, whose Sagebrush Golf
obtained of suspected trafficking there. and Sporting Club at Quilchena was
•Custom framing A large quantity of cash, cocaine, recently named best new course in has arrived!
•Original artwork ecstasy pills and paraphernalia were Canada, along with Jackie Little of Port
& prints… at seized from the residence, as well as a Alberni, Alison Murdoch of Victoria and
Steve Berry of Sooke, will be inducted
BROOKMERE VINTAGE GALLERY smaller quantity of marijuana & mush-
this fall into the British Columbia Golf
rooms. Two Merritt men are charged Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt •
OPEN 7 DAYS • 378-2753 • [email protected]
2001 Voght St. • (250)378-5900 •
with trafficking in controlled substances. Hall of Fame. This bringss the number of
The 20- & 21-year olds were realeased on hall of famers to 25.
bail in front of a justice of the peace, and TRUCKLOAD SALE
are scheduled to appear in court in mid- Community COMPOST
October. Labour Day Rodeo/Fall Fair Days Wednesdays & Saturdays
Pancake breakfast by the Cents 10am - 12noon
$30,000 for Merritt Booster Club, Sat., 8-11am, at Quilchena Airport Rd. at the yellow gate
Square/Pharmasave parking lot. Nicola
1675 Tutill Court torch celebration Valley Pro Rodeo, Sat. & Sun, starting YOUR LAWN & GARDEN WILL LOVE IT
(formerly 2201 Coldwater Ave.) Merritt will receive $30,000 to hold a 1pm at the rodeo grounds on Lindley
Slowly Releases Fertilizing

celebration on Feb. 6, 2010, when the

Nutrients Into The Soil
Admission by donation Crk Rd. Fall Fair displays Sat., 12noon-
Olympic torch relay will come through
Increases Water Retention
Summer Hours: 8pm & Sun 9:30am-2:30pm, adjacent to 250-315-4932
Weed Free Bark Mulch
Monday 10am – 3pm town. The bulk of the funds, some the rodeo grounds. The Fall Fair dance Also available at
Locally Produced
Tues-Sat 9am – 5pm $20,000, will cover the out-of-town is 9pm-1am Saturday.
Finely screened compost for fill
(bucket full or truck full)
(250)378-4541 country music headliner entertainment.
Merritt is 1 of 50 ‘celebration communi-
MMHA hockey equipt sale & swap
Next swap date is Saturday Sept. 5,
ties’ along the torch’s route, and will
WE’RE LOOKING FOR also receive a $15,000 federal grant to
11-2pm at NVM Arena, main entrance
area. If you have equipment to sell, swap
25 TO 30 BUSINESSES cover hard costs of the event. or donate please bring it priced. If you
The total provincial expenditure for
Crafters, web designers and builders and these 2010 Olympic Torch Relay celebra-
are looking for used equipment, this is a
great economical way to outfit your chil-
more to bridge the gap between tions is over $2.86 million. dren! Tables will be provided, but you SPACE FOR YOUR AD
home-based business and retail storefront [Ed.: This on the heels of yesterday’s must look after your own equipment.
budget update which announced revised
Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
Rep try-outs begin Sept 8 & 9, depend-
deficit forecasts of $2.8 billion in 2009-10, ing on the age group of your player.
[email protected]
$1.7 billion in 2010-11, and $945 million in House league begins Sept 18, directors
2011-12 — and where sports & arts funding will let you know the exact date & time.
has been drastically cut!] —KL Ref clinic on Sun. Sept 20, 8:30am at
Central School, contact Kerry Ashley
Storefront start-up opportunity Q101-FM Merritt 378-2805. You must be at least 12yrs by
Merritt Broadcasting Ltd. has
If you produce or manufacture a product or launched Q101 – Merritt’s Music Mix, the
Dec 31/09, to take the course, you don’t
have a service that you are interested in first 24 hrs/day, 7 days/wk local radio
have to be a MMHA player or parent to
ref. Further info call Tammy 378-6206.
expanding to a storefront location we can service in Merritt and the Nicola Valley.
It is officially CKMQ, at 101.1 on the FM
assist you. Cost share space available from
Spanish Creek Insulator Show
radio dial, and considered “a main- Bob & bev Scafe invite you to their
annual insulator show Sat. Sept 12 &
100 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. (all inclusive), stream adult contemporary sound”.
Sun. Sept 13, with Bev's world famous
From 10pm-6am, the Casey Clarke show
business license included. will be aired featuring continuous coun- chili & rolls being served up for lunch
on Sat., about 12:30pm. Rub shoulders
try music; through the day there’s local
DON’T HESITATE TO CALL newscasts, sports results, weather fore-
with famous personalities like Kim and
Deanne Parise Economic Development Officer casts and community info.
Renee, the Insulator Gurls, and check up
on what the neighbours have been
Mae Ketter: Economic Development Assistant After a 3-month simulcast on both
doing. Everything you ever wanted to
their old & new spots, the transition will know about insulators, and more. 3045
CFDC Economic Development Office be complete and 1230AM will revert to
250-378-3923 Spanish Creek Place, off Coldwater
full time re-broadcast of CHNL in Road, 1 block south of Pooley. For more
Kamloops. info, call 378-2787.
Pastor John’s Sixty Second Sermon
Saying you love someone without action is as empty as a gong. It becomes just •classified deadlines:
noise, empty words. After Peter betrayed & denied Christ three times, Jesus asked 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
2099 Quilchena Ave. • him three times, “Do you love me?” When Peter said yes, Jesus asked him to prove •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
it by his actions.
•to get on the current garage sale
And Jesus asks the same of us. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my
email list: email us
commandments.” In order to follow the Lord in obedience to his commands, it must Let us know what your think of our new website!
not just come from a sense of duty, but rather from love put into action. If there is Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
not love first, then obedience amounts to very little.
NICOLA VALLEY COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL Be diligent by exercising your faith in godliness. That is where our comfort &
peace lie. Those who have Christ’s love & comforting Spirit in them, also have a
great unspeakable blessing!
To all those who truly love the Lord, there is the promise of having another
Comforter; another Helper; another Advocate; another Master; another Teacher
who will excite & encourage us in our service to God, just as Jesus did while He was
here on earth. The Father will give this blessing. He gave His Son to be our Saviour,
& He will give His Spirit to be our comforter.
The comforter is the Holy Spirit who will do His work in a spiritual way, inward-
ly & invisibly, by working on people’s hearts, or spirits. He will be true to us & Your
never lie, for He is truth. He will strengthen & confirm our belief, & increase our
love. The gift of the Holy Spirit is the fruit of Christ’s mediation on our behalf.
What an amazing gift for everyone who believes in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who but the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to leave everything & follow

Gwayne Point
Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More
Paintings by Christ, & to continue through thick & thin? Who but the Holy Spirit gave them the
boldness to preach the gospel of truth, & to work miracles? Those who know Him,
value Him, welcome Him & invite Him.

Chris Neels
Photos by May the Holy Spirit be with you until you have perfect comfort, joy & peace
with God in heaven, forever.
—Pastor John Rankin, Merritt Baptist Church, 378-2464, [email protected] SEPT. 3, 4 & 5
Texas Hold’em
Wed 7pm
EXHIBITION Not a Sensitive Response
August 14-Sept. 5, 2009
he manager at the restaurant was a friendly, jovial man, but there was one sub- We do STEAK


T ject you didn't dare discuss in front of him: his height, or rather, his lack of it. FUNDRAISERS

August 15, 4-6pm

He was very short and apparently sensitive about the subject. One day he call the office
Supported by stormed through the kitchen doors and announced angrily, "Someone just picked
BRITISH COLUMBIA my pocket!" Everyone was speechless, except for one waitress who couldn't help • OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
ARTS COUNCIL 1840 Nicola Ave.
•RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
herself as she blurted out, "How could anyone stoop so low?"
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal 06 DODGE Grnd Caravan, stow & go for sale - furniture
seating. only 77k. $12,000obo 315-9441
ND help for elderly? Perpetual patient 4 YOKAHAMA Avid ST tires, 215\70- 4 QU bds $100ea. Twn bd $25obo 378-3602
care, cookng, hsecleaning, grdning, 14, gd shape $40ea. obo 378-8265 QU-sz bd $300obo 315-5900
trasp. $15/hr 378-8102 03 FORD Taurus wgn, loaded $5900obo. 95 TALL blue drssr $10, 2 mpl fin. Ikea
FND: sml beaded evening purse w/ gld Ford 4x4 ext cab, a/c, gd cnd $300 378-2832 bookshelves, gd cond. $10ea. Diningrm
hndle 378-0349 to ID specifically FLO-Thru tailgate for 94-98 Ford trck. tbl & chairs, drk wd fin., nw $700, sell
FND: blk LG phone, Blair/Nicola, Aug Trlr mirrors. Levellng jcks 315-9317 $400obo. More furniture & lrg, framed
29 ID @ 104 Sandpiper pictures. 378-3755
2049 Nicola Ave., Merritt • Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255
94 FORDAerostar, 4x4, 315-3189, 378-7041
ANGEL TECH Accptng cntrcts for 92 B2200 Mazda pck-up, rblt mtr, gd tires, KITCH. tbl & 4 chairs, 36"x46", mahog.
Network Admin. Ed Orange, Administrator. no rust. View @ #10-3260 Sunset, price brwn, nw cnd. $150obo 378-6098
[email protected] 315-6063 neg. George 378-3952 CRIB, brwn, gd cond. $20. 378-7763
FND: Samsung cell phone/camera, nr 08 CHEV Silverado crew cab 4x4, 25k, SOLID oak Prestonia 5'6"x3' 6-drwr dsk
Post Off., Granite Ave 378-9270 custom blk/slvr pnt, cust. whls,Chrm w/ solid top gls top $525obo 378-9192
TEA Leaf Reading, accurate, present, access., nw $46,000 sell $35,000. 378-9696 HSE full of furn: diningrm, lvngrm, rec
future, money, love 378-8326 HEADACHE rck for full-sz pck-up rm, 5 bdrms. Moving 315-0209
DAD & YOUNG sons looking for yrd $150. Tailgate for Dodge $100 378-1832 COFF. tbl wrought iron w/ leaf motif &
cln-up, odd jobs, run errnds etc, have 80 CHEV hvy hlf-tn 4x4, no eng., lots gls top $40. Qu-sz brass hdbrd & frame
Homelife Merritt Real Estate Ltd.
trck for dmp trips, moving, recycling nw prts $200 38-2543 $50.378-3766
etc. Barney 378-6740 leave msg.

3 15" Michelin tires on rims, all good 6 PCS wht wckr furn. $5-$50. Wrought
employment $50/all. 378-0325 iron shlvng unit, 4 gls shlvs $75 525-0135
5’ LNG rckr chstrfld w/ gd floral
EXPER’D fruit grower for Riverbend
Gardens & Fruit Stand, Merritt. Paul 378-2337
07 CHEV Silverado 3500 crew cab
lngbx, Duramax diesl, lthr, loaded, CC upholst., casters $10 378-3697 Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
1 BEDROOM ground level apt. F/S coin-op laundry avail. COMPANION care aide person to Ind. cab guard & rails, Armothane bx
lnr, aftr-mrkt tires & whls, bug dflctr &
3-PC sofa set, brwn microfbr, recliners,
exc cnd $1500. Kitch tbl w/ 6 chairs, [email protected]
Sept. 1st. ...........................................................$550/month sit/visit eldrly gntlmn, no hvy care, must blk/grey $100 315-8676
be hnst, knd, friendly, upbeat, outgoing. wndw drip cvrs, 80k $37,700 378-3494
2 BEDROOM bsmt suite - F/S shared laundry- avail. ESTATE sale: 00, 300M, v6, 61k, lthr, SOLID wd dining set $149.99 378-4345
Must have exper. w/ dementia/
immed...............................................................$750/month Alzheimer's. Must compl./pass crmnl p/sunroof, alrm, air, nw batt., Infinity 80 VINYL-covr’d stckng chairs $3ea.,
2 BEDROOM ground level suites – F/S large units - avail. rcrd chck. Resume & fefs req'd. Approx snd syst., chrm whls & spr, gar. stored, 10/$25 378-6217
10hrs/wk. 378-9841, fax 378-9846 A+ BC gvt insp. done $7500 378-6962 SOLID wd kitch. tbl & 4 chairs $120.
Sept. 1st ..........................................$750/month incl. heat. Lrg coff. tbl $25. 6’ mantle & 2 pillars
LOOKNG for lvl 3 Firs Aid attndnt & PLYM.Acclaim, 4-cyl. 2.5Lturbo-charged,
2+ BEDROOM main floor home with yard-near-new renos class 4 drvrs. Millco Safety Services, fas econom./lots pwr,p/s, p/b, batt. saver/anti- $50. 6’ mantle for firepl $30 378-3466
5 appl. avail. Sept. 1st .....................................$725/month. resume 378-2223 theft syst., cruise, nw tires, many xtras, mnt for sale - electronics/software
cond., view 1814 Juniper Dr. 378-0902

THE Honest,
1 BDRM bsmt suite, F/S, avail. immed ..$575/mo incl. util. EXPER. stylist, apply @ Zone 2 315-0010
95 MERC. Topaz, 4-dr, 3l v6 $600 378-1907 23" SAMSUNG HDTV flat screen tv, GENERAL CONTRACTOR
2 BEDROOM gr. level suite in duplex – F/S laundry HANDYMAN w/ plmbng & sml bck- Energy-save w/ wall mount & stnd, 1 yr
hoe exper., for emergency serv., must be 4 - 17" summer tires $200obo 378-1340 sincere gent. Home, yard, garage
old, mnt cond. $350 firm. (250)571-6190

ODD needs.
hookups, avail. Sept. 1st ..................$700/month incl. util. dependable Pls fax resume & refs 78 454 w/ turbo 400 trnas. w/ free Chev & auto; forestry. Will take on any of your
2 BEDROOM cabin/guest cottage just reno’d! - rural set- (604)985-2508 3.4-tn lots gd prts $1000 315-1073 14" TOSHIBA tv, JVC vcr. 378-3755
Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, always
services 4 MICHELIN all-seas tires 245/75R16 2 NINTENDO DS games: Kirby &
ting-F/S, laundry hookups, electric & wood heat, avail.
JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398
$100 315-2829 Pokemon Ranger $20ea, 2/$30 378-9443 available. Reasonable. Refs.
immed...............................................$700/month incl. util. TINKER Extraordinaire, semi-ret’d PANASONIC 27" TV 378-3766
2 JEEP Cherokees, 1 red, 1 blue, both
5 BEDROOM 3 bath home with garage - F/S dishwasher jack-of-all-trades seeks sml repair & rn. Chuck, Sandy 378-0971 ONVANCE surrnd sound syst., w/ 5' twr
avail. immed. ..................................................$1500/month maint. jobs, reas. rates. 378-9626 CANOPY, wht, fits 98 F150, now spkrs, b-i subs, Harmen Karbon amp. Avr
PIANO/keybrd/singing lessons avail., wndws on sides, prfct for cntrctr, exc 230, pd $3500+, sell $2500obo. Ed 315-1355
NICOLA WYND – 2 bedroom immaculate home, A/C, strtng wk of Sept 15. Beg.-grd 5 incl. LRG spkrs, lk nw $25 378-6758
master suite with ensuite, gas fireplace, 6 appl., U/G sprin- cnd, $300obo 378-6005
Olivia 378-6608 89 TRANS Am, wht, no rust $900 315-2283 32" JVC tv, w/ sat. dsh & rcvr $200 378-3987
klers, garage and more ...................................$1500/month PROFESS’L TILE SETTER, 20+ yrs 98 JEEP Cherokee 2-dr hrdtop, grt SEARS elect. port. typewriter w/ b-i
1 BEDROOM upper floor suite in heritage house-F/S base- exper. Plse visit websiteat www.Nicola shape, 200k must sell $5500 378-2667 correct., 115 ac & 60 Hz, w/ case & 280-5335 man. $60obo 378-5627
board heat-avail. Sept. 1st ................................$700/month 00 CHVMalibu, 97k $5000 378-9882, 315-7481
4 BEDROOM home with sub-lettable suite – F/S, dshwshr
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 89 DODGE Caravan, 4-cyl $650 378-0868
AC/DC 13" tv w/ b-i vcr $50obo 378-5036
20" tv, 6 mos old, vcr & 25 VHS movies
PLYM. Acclaim 4-cyl. 2.5l turbo-chrgd,
W/D avail. immed. ........................................$1200/month.
4 BEDROOM house (2 up, 2 down) 2 bath 5 appl. garage –
RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care,
rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, economical, lots pwer, P/S + P/B, batt.
$150 Tyler, Jamara 250-315-0266
NW tv dish w/ tripod $20 378-0325
“Get us online!”
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, saver/ anti-thft syst., cruise, nw tires
avail. Oct. 1st .................................................$1200/month extras, mnt cond. view @ 1814 Juniper Dr GATEWAY laptop, 2 gig $900 315-2283
int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614
2 BEDROOM suite in Lower Nic. – F/S huge yard, . avail. BRICKLAYER/stone mason. Walls, patios, 86 CHRYSLER Nw Yrkr, rns gd, tires for sale - recreational
lk nw. $1000obo 378-9694
Sept. 1st..............................................$575/month incl util all brck/tone wrk, complete Joe 378-9421 12’ALUM. boat, 7.5hp Johnson, rod hldrs,
93 MERC. Sable, auto, loaded, 172k, dpth soundr, rns grt/no leaks $2000obo. 05
4 BEDROOM house (2 up) has sub-lettable suite in bsmt – MR. Mobile Mechanic. I’ll come to you, vry gd cnd, 1 ownr $2500obo 378-5087
grt rates. Jerry 378-3537 Yamaha WR450 rns grt/mnt cnd, some
avail. Oct. 1st .................................................$1300/month 94 FORD Tempo, 4-dr, 222k, nds wrk xtra prts $4500obo. 79 Suzuki VR500, rns
PIPE IT Plumbing for all your plmbng $300 378-6097
HUGE 5 BEDROOM (2 up, 3 down) house – new paint & needs Brian 378-4892, (250)936-8330
grt $900obo. 378-5881
flooring – avail. Sept. 1st .............................. $1200/month FBRGLS canopy fits 68-96 Ford pck- 91 WLDRNSS 28’ 5th-whl, slide, wntr
PAINTER 35+ yrs exper., inter./exter. up $100 378-5401, 315-8401 pkg, awn., rear kitch. $8000obo 378-
livestock/pets & access.
2 BEDROOM suite in ground level complex – F/S w/d Bob McBee 378-2164 3616, 280-1550
hookups avail. immed ......................$675/month incl. util. ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. 2 KAWASAKI quads, 12v for 2-5 yr
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- 2 FERRETS w/ cage $300 378-5556 olds 378-4053
scp, forestry, irrig. etc., outdrs/home/gar., Mr. MALTESE/shitzu puppies, ready Sept 1


95 EXCITER 570 skidoo, 136x2” trck,
378-1996 Direct line to the Property Mgt Dept Fix-it, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit $400 280-0914, 378-8326 exc cnd $2200obo. 4 pr sz 3 youth CCM
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 2 55-gal. fsh tnks w/ fish $300 280-1327 skates, exc cnd $10ea. 2 youth lrg chst

TREE toppng, pruning, removal, lnd- LRG cage suit. for lizrd, etc $20 378-2618 protectors $5ea. 378-3583
scpng 378-2067 3 KITTENS: ornge tabby, peach tabby, 02 HONDA CB900 f sprt bike, 22k, vry
ornge kittn 315-2278 fun bike, was layed dwn/minor damage,
Several units to choose from: 240 sq. ft… $250/mo. CHIHUAHUA/pom pups, lng & shrt rns exc $3000 315-1055
1200 sq. ft.… $1100/mo. TONS OF FUN daycare, DV area. Bft hair, male & fem., vet chck’d, 1st shots MOVING: Hi-end Harvard foosball tbl,
and more! Month-to-month or lease terms & aft schl care, morn. dlvry & aft. schl $500 378-0938 prfct cond. $195obo. 4x8 wd pool tbl, gd
pck-up, 6am-6pm, nutrcious lnch/sncks, shape w/ some access. $185obo 378-9192
MOVING, nd loving homes for vry well- MERRITT BAPTIST CHURCH
Call for all your residential or commercial am & aftnoon kndrgrtn wlcome, subsidy
wlcome. Karen 280-0512
beh'd: 14-mos old neut'd, seal pnt Siamese MOTORHOME 19' Dodge 318 $2000
property management needs!
Homelife Merritt Real Estate Ltd.
13-YR OLD will babysit eves., wknds,
LN area. 378-2221
cat, grt w/ kids $100. 14-mos old spayed seal
pnt Siamese cat, grt w/ kids $100. 378-9841
cash 378-9023, 280-1440
MERC. 300 quicksilver rigid infl. 4-strk Christian & Loving it
1988 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC
KITTENS 5 wks old, litter bx trained, Merc. 9.9 mtr, steering cntrls, dolly
for sale - appliances ready to go 315-9635 whls, man. strt, mtr man., gd used cond

Angela Texmo & Cathy Magnus property managers

MALTESE x puppies, 3 fem., 1 nale, ready except for wear/rub on decals of 9.9 on Sunday Services 10:30am
FRIGIDAIRE w & d $400obo 315-5900 Sept 1, no papers $400 378-8326, 280-0914 mtr, vry stable boat grt for ship-to-shore,
LRG Kenmore bbq, brnd nw w/ nw full tnk HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml fshng, dvng $3000 (250)370-6065 Pastor John Rankin
$100. Wrought iron/slate fire pit $50 525-0135 dogs $35 378-6289 85 YAMAHA Virago 1000 nds pnt/elec-
for sale - miscellaneous
GE 4-brnr stove, gd shape 378-4053 trcl $1000 315-5556
KITCHENAID wshr & dryer, exc cnd PORT. NBA bsktball hoop $50 280-3157
$300 378-6825 FIREWOOD sale, get your wood for 93 8.5' Caribou cmpr by Fleetwd, 4-brnr Worshipers

Baillie House
RENOVATING, must sell: LG S/S next year now, $120/cord 378-5379 s/ovn, fridge/frzr, solar pnls, re-cert'd tnks, wanted
stove w/ convction ovn, ceran top, JUPITER alto sax $300. Ant. 4-pstr mpl thermopane wndws, factory tiedwns,
match. micro range hd, used 1.5 yrs, exc bd frame $200. Rad. arm saw, Delta hydr. jcks etc. exc. cond. $ 6900 378-6848
cond w/ 3 yr ext'd warr. $1250obo. $20. Ant. min. bicylce $150 378-3554 13' CMPR wrks grt $3000obo 378-1340
Kenmore hvy duty dryer $50. 378-3766 6' PATIO door, beige vinyl,1 yr old 02 WR Yamaha 426, exc. shape, recluse
WHIRLPOOL Ultimate Care II wshr $650 378-6758 cltch, brk bstrs, rns grt $3800. Ed 315-1355
& match. dryer, nw in 02 $325 280-3157 MIRRORS 16"x36" & 15"x30". Plate 83 YAMAHA 3-whlr, 200cc w/ access., rns
WHT fridge, vry cln, vry gd wrkng ordr glass 20"x20". 2 glass shelves grt $950 firm. 96 Yamaha Vmax 600, twn
$100obo 378-6620 1/4"x6"x50" & 2 glass shelves 6"x44", pipes, 136x2” trck, rns gd $2100obo 378-4416
STOVE/ovn evrythng wrks $150obo slightly thinner. Closet dr mirror

Now accepting donations for the

88 GLASTRON 16’ Bowrider w/ 115hp
378-1340 18"x78". Best offers. 378-6001 Merc, nw pnt/uphost./stereo $6000 315-3177
APT.-sz fridges $50ea, wrk well 378-4016 OLD piano, cheap 378-3697

fall garage sale at Baillie House

10’ all-cedar gazebo w/ flr, prfct shape
PORT. apt wshr $200obo 378-2618 BEEFSTEAK & roma tomatoes 50¢/lb $2500 378-2337

KITCHENAID wshr, xtra lrg cap., gd call Donna to ordr (250)458-2208 89 HONDA CBR 600, new paint, new
cnd $90 378-1336 THE WOOD Man, fir, pine 378-4053 tires only 40k $3,000obo 315-9441

Giant Baillie House Garage Sale,

MINI fridge w/ frzr 24x24x24 $50 525-0135 DILL weed for pcklng to give away, 50CC ZEMINI pocketbike rns well/exc
FRIDGE, wht, gd cnd 378-9948 315-2535 aft 6pm cond. $200obo 378-4913

October 3rd, 9am to 12:30pm

NORGE 22cf s-x-s dbl dr fridge, looks nw, STORM dr, 33"x80" rh hinge, 1/2 slide gls 99 KAWASAKI zrx1100, 38k, 2
wtr/ice disp $150obo Tammy 378-6206 w/ guard & closer, gd scrn $40 378-9507 Brothers slip-on, K+N filter, jet kit,
KITCHENAID b-i dshwshr w/ st. stl FRESH garlic $4/lb 378-4199 swingarm stnd, med. Joe Rckt jckt, med.
tub, wht exter., grt cond $150. Ovr the EXERSAUCER, baby strollr, children HJC hlmt, nr mint cond. OTF cln
drz400s or 450mx bike $4700 378-8265
Corner of Voght & Mammette
rnge Panasonic microwave, wht, lk nw bikes, submersible pump, lwnmwr,
$200. Kenmore fridge, wht, gd cond. exter. 30" mtl dr, fridge, 378-5004 WESLO fold-up treadmill, lk nw, pd

(250) 378-0349 •

$100. 315-4748 days, 378-5590 aft 6pm WHT dbl snk, xtra dp bowls w/ faucet & $799 sell $350obo 378-6492
CROSBY Shldn, wht, s-x-s fridge/frzr steaming wtr dspner $50, incl. counter- GIRL’S figure skates, sz 3, 4, 5 378-9168
w/ ice mkr, exc. cond. $600.Whirlpool top. Large Brent Heighton "Loons in the 96 POLARIS Trail Blazer 250 quad, 2499 Coutlee Ave (Just south of Aspen Planners)
stckng Thin Twin w/d, gd cnd. $300. Mist" picture framed w/ non glare glass elect. strt, bck rck, nw batt./tires/rims,
Kenmore stove, wht, not slf-cln $100. $75. 3 wall sconces $25. 378-3766 vry gd cnd $1650obo 378-6915
Frzr, oldr, wht $20. 378-0259 14K gld chain & 10k gold St. Christopher, 16’ fbrgls canoe w/ trnsm $60 378-9099 for sale house/property SCHL 1 blck away, 3-bdrm main flr, priv
entr. & lndry, fencd yrd, off-st prkng,
for sale - automotive together or sep. Darlene 378-8109 BELLY boat nds tube $75 378-8326 3-BDRMhse, f/s, 2-storey, Bnch 378-8102 shared util, refs req’d $750 (250)295-6904
SHOPRIDER elect. scootr, med-sz 340 skidoo, nw mtr $350 378-1832 BRND nw rntd hse, Merr., 3-bdrm, gas 3-BDRM twnhse, Merritt, 1.5 bths, sml
95 GMC blk cnpy, for sml trck 280-0857 $1200 378-5430 BIKE rck $10 378-0325 f/p, 2 full bths, dbl gar., tile/hrdwd flrs, yrd, quiet, pets neg., $800 (250)682-0844
REDUCED more: 92 Chev Cavalier convert., BABY crib, exc. matt. $70 378-2618 shd, 4 appl $325,000 (250)377-0847
196k, 3.1 v6, 5-spd man., brnd nw top/tires/ 01 TAHOE Transprt Toy haulr, 21', huge LRG 2-bdrm 1-lvl dplx, f/s/w/d, prfr
mfflr, a/c, cd, p/l, p/w exc cnd, w/ xtra 3.1L mtr BABY & toddler clothing: girls/boys 0- wtr tnk, wntr pkg $16,500. 378-3494 MBL home, 14;w w/ add., reno’d quiet adlts, n/p Sept 1 378-8383
for sale - tools/equipment
gd cnd. $4500obo 315-5400, 378-9599 24 mos, & maternity clothes sml-lrg, $220/mo. pad rnt 315-7069 2-BDRM bsmt ste, nr twn, Sept 1
cheap, nd to sell 315-3124 LRG fam. home, 3 bdrms, 3 bths, gas 378-5271, 525-0240, 315-2345
92 GRND Prix,4-dr, 160k, nds trans./
have 1, 1st offr 378-4157 FREE spider plants. Kitch. tbl w/ 2 CRFTSMN 10” hvy duty tbl saw, f/p, 2 din. areas, fam. rm + 2-bdrm ACCOMM. avail. Active n/s fem. sen-
chairs on casters $60obo. 378-6001 27”x44”, hrdly used, exc cnd, nw $1100, ste, 2-cr gar, nr schl/shppng 378-4503 ior req'd for companionship, sharing 2-
SET 4 235/75R15 on Ford 1/2-tn rims,

K -
sell $325 378-2488

m&s 90% tread on 2/60% tread on 2, GRACO "Sweet Peace" baby swng, 2- WHY RNT? Gldn opp: 10 units avail., bdrm cute grnd lvl hse nr Aq Ctr. Tv,

wnter rms $300. Set 4 195/70R14 90 % spd vibration, 4 positions, reclines, 6 spds, BAND saw 5.5" clearance, xtra 1/4hp sngl & dbl-wide manuf’d home in mbl priv. tel., w/d, homecooked meals.

mp3 plug-in, canopy, interchanges w/ mtr, on moveable stnd $65obo 378-6001 home prk, ready to move in. Our own fin. $750. Reply w/ prsnl info incl. credit &

- B
tread summr tires Nokian $200 315-1055
carseat, nw $249, sell $150obo 315-3124 PROP. furnace 315-0099, 315-4954 avail. for serious ownr w/ dwnpaymnt oac. refs. Box 2277, Merritt BC V1K1B8
PLYMOUTH Acclaim, a/c ,4-cyl., Pls call for info 1-800-361-8111, pager 378-
turbo-chrgd, stndrd, nw tires/batt., BABY Einstein "Neptune" ocean play- ROTOTILLER $50 378-8326 2-BDRM bstm ste, abv grnd, quiet

Visual Artists of the Nicola Valley

mat/ activity ctre, classical music, babies 2 WHL servicing lathes, 1 for rotors, 3082, www.buyandsellmobile area Sept 1 378-6659
cruise, mnt cond., xtras $2500 view @
1814 Juniper Dr. 378-0909 0-6 mos. Nw $100, sell $30obo 315-3124 for brk drms $200. 378-1832 for rent ROOM quiet area, cln, suit for
4 TIRES & rims VW $100/all. Canopy TBL & 6 chairs $65. Dbl bd $150. Comp. 2 GAS f/p insrts w/ fncng 378-3466 stdnt/wrkng prsn 378-8807

Celebrating Art and Culture in our Community

dsk $50. Baby bouncy chair $10. Lrg rnd B.C. HOUSING now accepting
for 3/4-tn lngbx $200 280-1440 TRLR axel $20 378-0325 applications for wait list for seniors 2-BDRM bsmt$650 util incl 378-2591
coff. tbl $125. 19” tv w/ stnd $25 378-2694

Available at
97 PONT. Sunfire, nds mtr, must sell ELECT. weedeater, nw 378-4569 55+ or adults w/ disability needing 3-BDRM w/ bsmt, gar., sndck, immed.
$300 378-4395 DR $25. Bar $50. Exerc. bike $20 378-1832 affordable housing. Rnt is 30% of 2-bdrm grnd lvl ste, hot wtr ht, prkng,
GAS lwnmwr rear bag, 3.5hp b&s
Arnold Mosley Evelyn Armstrong 88 CHRYSL. Nw Yrkr, rns gd v6 NW scrn dr $75. Nw bth tub w/ srrnd, nvr engine, exc. rn cond. $95obo. Fertilizer income. 1-800-834-7149, 378-4040 immed, n/p Bann St. 378-2047

Jack Andreasen Bev Veale

$1000obo OTF sml pck-up 280-0914, used, rt-handed $50. Lrg china cabinet, spreader $10. Sears submers.1/6hp util. NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms, 2-BDRM ste, LN 378-0990

Country Bug Books

gls drs & shelves, lighted, $100. 378-6758
Bill Edmonds Georgina Beatty
280-0046 sump pump $90obo 378-5004. nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in WTD: rm mate for 2-bdrm hse dwntwn,
DECORATIVE iron railing 280-0431 bonus (250)378-9880 w/d, fncd , pets neg, for wrkng

95 JEEP YJ 4x4, grt cnd, no leakes/rst, ROPER gas lwnmwr w/ 20" cut, quan-
Roger Kamp John Taylor blck/blue details/beige hrdtop, wnch, ANTIQUE glassware 378-8326 tum III B&S engine, c/w hrd case rear RMS Coldwtr Htl, $375+/mo 378-2821 prsn/stdnt/ cntrctr 315-5400, 378-9599
Mary Longman Leonard A. George
2-BDRM bsmt ste, w/d, util incl

Baillie House Info Booth

gof lts, radio/cd, alrm, gd tires/inter., 4- VINTAGE straight wndshld for 1920s bag, gd cnd. $40 378-9507 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Oct 1 $600 378-
wanted/wanted to buy
Opie Oppenheim Cindy Trent
cyl., gd on gas $7500 525-0374 car. Canning jars. Hse fan $5 378-6795 3531, 378-6899 Sept 1 $800 378-6295, 315-9397

1-BDRM ste, n/p, n/s Sage St. 378-5695
Pius Chong Surinder Panghali
4 STUDDED tires on rims for Chev ANTIQUE radio/record player 378-1832 3-BDRM twnhse, 1869 Menzies St.,
Canyon 378-5004 8 PLC setting Royal Albert ‘American TO RNT: 2-bdrm hse or dplx w/ fncd 1.5 bth, fncd yrd Oct 1 280-5020 2-BDRM bsmt ste nr Cntrl Schl,
Doug Strand Joslyn Freels
Courthouse Art Gallery
97 WINDSTAR $2800, nds some Beauty’ + many xtras $300 378-4141 yrd. for senior w/ obedience-trained GS, 1-BDRM ste, f/s, nr schl/dwntwn Sept 1 315-2366
Cass Dolen Les Hampton
wrk/rns well 378-6016 HI-SPD internet sat. dish, prfct cnd $150obo. have own furn. & f/s/w/d 378-3983 util incl., Sept 30 378-2701 3-BDRM uppr flr, Aug 1 378-4503

1840 Nicola Ave., Merritt, BC Shannon Kilroy Bobbi Parkes

4 STUDDED wntr tires P175/65/R14, 5’x7’ India rug, grn/beige $70 378-6915 ROOF rck for boat, detach. 280-0914 WNTR rntl, fully-furn'd hse, Oct 1- RMS: furn'd/ unfurn'd $400/$450 incl.
gd shape $150 378-6769 BELL rcvr, any mdl 315-1447 cbl/lndry/util., priv. entr., suit. for
MK Dahlquist-Gray Gwayne Point
ENCYCL. Britannica 1981 prnt ed., col- Mar 15, $900 + D/D, refs req'd, suit.
85 FORD LTD $500obo 378-2048, 315-6021 lector’s item, 19 Macropaedia, 10 2+ dp freezes, free or reas., any size, for for ret'd cple. Email only stdnt/wrkng prsn, on bus route 378-5128
Jean Kiegerl Nancy Saddleman
low income homes. Kerry 378-3694 [email protected] BDRM in lrg 3-bdrm trlr, n/s, n/drnkng,
This project &
85 CHYSL. 5th Ave., collctr’s, 70% micropaedia, 8 yr books $150obo 378-5627
Ellen Norgaard Jana Sasaki
6 DOZ. wide mouth can. jars 378-9841 SNDPIPER f/s/dw, a/c, w/d must lk cats, priv. bth 525-0135
NV Arts Council
rest’d $1300obo. 02 Chrysl. Sebring, POLISHED pencil glass 114"x34-1/8"x

Barbara Rode
mnt cnd $5500obo 315-4686 3/4"thck $600 obo Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 4-DRWR filing cab., gd cnd 378-6217 immed, n/s, n/p $650 378-2683 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Aug 1 378-6268
supported by 72 FORD F250 wrk trck, 360 mtr $700 PLYWD gls rck $400. 2 tackle boxes, lk nw 14’ W oldr mbl home to buy, pls email pics LRG 2-bdrm bsmt ste, f/s/w/d $400 for shared accomm. in 2-bdrm hse,
firm (250)801-3791 $5ea. 2 chainlink gates $30ea. 378-5424 [email protected], 1-800-361-8111 cbl/util. incl. lrg yrd $975 378-1360 must be wrkng, rnt neg. (250)574-1616

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