mmm1916 Sept2
mmm1916 Sept2
mmm1916 Sept2
Back to School
Please recycle
Black’s Pharmacy
SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
of turquoise
T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
& silver
8AM TO 6:30PM
Gwayne Point
Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More
Paintings by Christ, & to continue through thick & thin? Who but the Holy Spirit gave them the
boldness to preach the gospel of truth, & to work miracles? Those who know Him,
value Him, welcome Him & invite Him.
Chris Neels
Photos by May the Holy Spirit be with you until you have perfect comfort, joy & peace
with God in heaven, forever.
—Pastor John Rankin, Merritt Baptist Church, 378-2464, [email protected] SEPT. 3, 4 & 5
Texas Hold’em
Wed 7pm
EXHIBITION Not a Sensitive Response
August 14-Sept. 5, 2009
he manager at the restaurant was a friendly, jovial man, but there was one sub- We do STEAK
3 15" Michelin tires on rims, all good 6 PCS wht wckr furn. $5-$50. Wrought
employment $50/all. 378-0325 iron shlvng unit, 4 gls shlvs $75 525-0135
5’ LNG rckr chstrfld w/ gd floral
EXPER’D fruit grower for Riverbend
Gardens & Fruit Stand, Merritt. Paul 378-2337
07 CHEV Silverado 3500 crew cab
lngbx, Duramax diesl, lthr, loaded, CC upholst., casters $10 378-3697 Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
1 BEDROOM ground level apt. F/S coin-op laundry avail. COMPANION care aide person to Ind. cab guard & rails, Armothane bx
lnr, aftr-mrkt tires & whls, bug dflctr &
3-PC sofa set, brwn microfbr, recliners,
exc cnd $1500. Kitch tbl w/ 6 chairs, [email protected]
Sept. 1st. ...........................................................$550/month sit/visit eldrly gntlmn, no hvy care, must blk/grey $100 315-8676
be hnst, knd, friendly, upbeat, outgoing. wndw drip cvrs, 80k $37,700 378-3494
2 BEDROOM bsmt suite - F/S shared laundry- avail. ESTATE sale: 00, 300M, v6, 61k, lthr, SOLID wd dining set $149.99 378-4345
Must have exper. w/ dementia/
immed...............................................................$750/month Alzheimer's. Must compl./pass crmnl p/sunroof, alrm, air, nw batt., Infinity 80 VINYL-covr’d stckng chairs $3ea.,
2 BEDROOM ground level suites – F/S large units - avail. rcrd chck. Resume & fefs req'd. Approx snd syst., chrm whls & spr, gar. stored, 10/$25 378-6217
10hrs/wk. 378-9841, fax 378-9846 A+ BC gvt insp. done $7500 378-6962 SOLID wd kitch. tbl & 4 chairs $120.
Sept. 1st ..........................................$750/month incl. heat. Lrg coff. tbl $25. 6’ mantle & 2 pillars
LOOKNG for lvl 3 Firs Aid attndnt & PLYM.Acclaim, 4-cyl. 2.5Lturbo-charged,
2+ BEDROOM main floor home with yard-near-new renos class 4 drvrs. Millco Safety Services, fas econom./lots pwr,p/s, p/b, batt. saver/anti- $50. 6’ mantle for firepl $30 378-3466
5 appl. avail. Sept. 1st .....................................$725/month. resume 378-2223 theft syst., cruise, nw tires, many xtras, mnt for sale - electronics/software
cond., view 1814 Juniper Dr. 378-0902
THE Honest,
1 BDRM bsmt suite, F/S, avail. immed ..$575/mo incl. util. EXPER. stylist, apply @ Zone 2 315-0010
95 MERC. Topaz, 4-dr, 3l v6 $600 378-1907 23" SAMSUNG HDTV flat screen tv, GENERAL CONTRACTOR
2 BEDROOM gr. level suite in duplex – F/S laundry HANDYMAN w/ plmbng & sml bck- Energy-save w/ wall mount & stnd, 1 yr
hoe exper., for emergency serv., must be 4 - 17" summer tires $200obo 378-1340 sincere gent. Home, yard, garage
old, mnt cond. $350 firm. (250)571-6190
ODD needs.
hookups, avail. Sept. 1st ..................$700/month incl. util. dependable Pls fax resume & refs 78 454 w/ turbo 400 trnas. w/ free Chev & auto; forestry. Will take on any of your
2 BEDROOM cabin/guest cottage just reno’d! - rural set- (604)985-2508 3.4-tn lots gd prts $1000 315-1073 14" TOSHIBA tv, JVC vcr. 378-3755
Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, always
services 4 MICHELIN all-seas tires 245/75R16 2 NINTENDO DS games: Kirby &
ting-F/S, laundry hookups, electric & wood heat, avail.
JOBBER Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398
$100 315-2829 Pokemon Ranger $20ea, 2/$30 378-9443 available. Reasonable. Refs.
immed...............................................$700/month incl. util. TINKER Extraordinaire, semi-ret’d PANASONIC 27" TV 378-3766
2 JEEP Cherokees, 1 red, 1 blue, both
5 BEDROOM 3 bath home with garage - F/S dishwasher jack-of-all-trades seeks sml repair & rn. Chuck, Sandy 378-0971 ONVANCE surrnd sound syst., w/ 5' twr
avail. immed. ..................................................$1500/month maint. jobs, reas. rates. 378-9626 CANOPY, wht, fits 98 F150, now spkrs, b-i subs, Harmen Karbon amp. Avr
PIANO/keybrd/singing lessons avail., wndws on sides, prfct for cntrctr, exc 230, pd $3500+, sell $2500obo. Ed 315-1355
NICOLA WYND – 2 bedroom immaculate home, A/C, strtng wk of Sept 15. Beg.-grd 5 incl. LRG spkrs, lk nw $25 378-6758
master suite with ensuite, gas fireplace, 6 appl., U/G sprin- cnd, $300obo 378-6005
Olivia 378-6608 89 TRANS Am, wht, no rust $900 315-2283 32" JVC tv, w/ sat. dsh & rcvr $200 378-3987
klers, garage and more ...................................$1500/month PROFESS’L TILE SETTER, 20+ yrs 98 JEEP Cherokee 2-dr hrdtop, grt SEARS elect. port. typewriter w/ b-i
1 BEDROOM upper floor suite in heritage house-F/S base- exper. Plse visit websiteat www.Nicola shape, 200k must sell $5500 378-2667 correct., 115 ac & 60 Hz, w/ case & 280-5335 man. $60obo 378-5627
board heat-avail. Sept. 1st ................................$700/month 00 CHVMalibu, 97k $5000 378-9882, 315-7481
4 BEDROOM home with sub-lettable suite – F/S, dshwshr
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting.
Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066 89 DODGE Caravan, 4-cyl $650 378-0868
AC/DC 13" tv w/ b-i vcr $50obo 378-5036
20" tv, 6 mos old, vcr & 25 VHS movies
PLYM. Acclaim 4-cyl. 2.5l turbo-chrgd,
W/D avail. immed. ........................................$1200/month.
4 BEDROOM house (2 up, 2 down) 2 bath 5 appl. garage –
RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care,
rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, economical, lots pwer, P/S + P/B, batt.
$150 Tyler, Jamara 250-315-0266
NW tv dish w/ tripod $20 378-0325
“Get us online!”
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, saver/ anti-thft syst., cruise, nw tires
avail. Oct. 1st .................................................$1200/month extras, mnt cond. view @ 1814 Juniper Dr GATEWAY laptop, 2 gig $900 315-2283
int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614
2 BEDROOM suite in Lower Nic. – F/S huge yard, . avail. BRICKLAYER/stone mason. Walls, patios, 86 CHRYSLER Nw Yrkr, rns gd, tires for sale - recreational
lk nw. $1000obo 378-9694
Sept. 1st..............................................$575/month incl util all brck/tone wrk, complete Joe 378-9421 12’ALUM. boat, 7.5hp Johnson, rod hldrs,
93 MERC. Sable, auto, loaded, 172k, dpth soundr, rns grt/no leaks $2000obo. 05
4 BEDROOM house (2 up) has sub-lettable suite in bsmt – MR. Mobile Mechanic. I’ll come to you, vry gd cnd, 1 ownr $2500obo 378-5087
grt rates. Jerry 378-3537 Yamaha WR450 rns grt/mnt cnd, some
avail. Oct. 1st .................................................$1300/month 94 FORD Tempo, 4-dr, 222k, nds wrk xtra prts $4500obo. 79 Suzuki VR500, rns
PIPE IT Plumbing for all your plmbng $300 378-6097
HUGE 5 BEDROOM (2 up, 3 down) house – new paint & needs Brian 378-4892, (250)936-8330
grt $900obo. 378-5881
flooring – avail. Sept. 1st .............................. $1200/month FBRGLS canopy fits 68-96 Ford pck- 91 WLDRNSS 28’ 5th-whl, slide, wntr
PAINTER 35+ yrs exper., inter./exter. up $100 378-5401, 315-8401 pkg, awn., rear kitch. $8000obo 378-
livestock/pets & access.
2 BEDROOM suite in ground level complex – F/S w/d Bob McBee 378-2164 3616, 280-1550
hookups avail. immed ......................$675/month incl. util. ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. 2 KAWASAKI quads, 12v for 2-5 yr
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- 2 FERRETS w/ cage $300 378-5556 olds 378-4053
scp, forestry, irrig. etc., outdrs/home/gar., Mr. MALTESE/shitzu puppies, ready Sept 1
TREE toppng, pruning, removal, lnd- LRG cage suit. for lizrd, etc $20 378-2618 protectors $5ea. 378-3583
scpng 378-2067 3 KITTENS: ornge tabby, peach tabby, 02 HONDA CB900 f sprt bike, 22k, vry
ornge kittn 315-2278 fun bike, was layed dwn/minor damage,
Several units to choose from: 240 sq. ft… $250/mo. CHIHUAHUA/pom pups, lng & shrt rns exc $3000 315-1055
1200 sq. ft.… $1100/mo. TONS OF FUN daycare, DV area. Bft hair, male & fem., vet chck’d, 1st shots MOVING: Hi-end Harvard foosball tbl,
and more! Month-to-month or lease terms & aft schl care, morn. dlvry & aft. schl $500 378-0938 prfct cond. $195obo. 4x8 wd pool tbl, gd
pck-up, 6am-6pm, nutrcious lnch/sncks, shape w/ some access. $185obo 378-9192
MOVING, nd loving homes for vry well- MERRITT BAPTIST CHURCH
Call for all your residential or commercial am & aftnoon kndrgrtn wlcome, subsidy
wlcome. Karen 280-0512
beh'd: 14-mos old neut'd, seal pnt Siamese MOTORHOME 19' Dodge 318 $2000
property management needs!
Homelife Merritt Real Estate Ltd.
13-YR OLD will babysit eves., wknds,
LN area. 378-2221
cat, grt w/ kids $100. 14-mos old spayed seal
pnt Siamese cat, grt w/ kids $100. 378-9841
cash 378-9023, 280-1440
MERC. 300 quicksilver rigid infl. 4-strk Christian & Loving it
1988 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC
KITTENS 5 wks old, litter bx trained, Merc. 9.9 mtr, steering cntrls, dolly
for sale - appliances ready to go 315-9635 whls, man. strt, mtr man., gd used cond
Baillie House
RENOVATING, must sell: LG S/S next year now, $120/cord 378-5379 s/ovn, fridge/frzr, solar pnls, re-cert'd tnks, wanted
stove w/ convction ovn, ceran top, JUPITER alto sax $300. Ant. 4-pstr mpl thermopane wndws, factory tiedwns,
match. micro range hd, used 1.5 yrs, exc bd frame $200. Rad. arm saw, Delta hydr. jcks etc. exc. cond. $ 6900 378-6848
cond w/ 3 yr ext'd warr. $1250obo. $20. Ant. min. bicylce $150 378-3554 13' CMPR wrks grt $3000obo 378-1340
Kenmore hvy duty dryer $50. 378-3766 6' PATIO door, beige vinyl,1 yr old 02 WR Yamaha 426, exc. shape, recluse
WHIRLPOOL Ultimate Care II wshr $650 378-6758 cltch, brk bstrs, rns grt $3800. Ed 315-1355
& match. dryer, nw in 02 $325 280-3157 MIRRORS 16"x36" & 15"x30". Plate 83 YAMAHA 3-whlr, 200cc w/ access., rns
WHT fridge, vry cln, vry gd wrkng ordr glass 20"x20". 2 glass shelves grt $950 firm. 96 Yamaha Vmax 600, twn
$100obo 378-6620 1/4"x6"x50" & 2 glass shelves 6"x44", pipes, 136x2” trck, rns gd $2100obo 378-4416
STOVE/ovn evrythng wrks $150obo slightly thinner. Closet dr mirror
KITCHENAID wshr, xtra lrg cap., gd call Donna to ordr (250)458-2208 89 HONDA CBR 600, new paint, new
cnd $90 378-1336 THE WOOD Man, fir, pine 378-4053 tires only 40k $3,000obo 315-9441
K -
sell $325 378-2488
m&s 90% tread on 2/60% tread on 2, GRACO "Sweet Peace" baby swng, 2- WHY RNT? Gldn opp: 10 units avail., bdrm cute grnd lvl hse nr Aq Ctr. Tv,
wnter rms $300. Set 4 195/70R14 90 % spd vibration, 4 positions, reclines, 6 spds, BAND saw 5.5" clearance, xtra 1/4hp sngl & dbl-wide manuf’d home in mbl priv. tel., w/d, homecooked meals.
mp3 plug-in, canopy, interchanges w/ mtr, on moveable stnd $65obo 378-6001 home prk, ready to move in. Our own fin. $750. Reply w/ prsnl info incl. credit &
- B
tread summr tires Nokian $200 315-1055
carseat, nw $249, sell $150obo 315-3124 PROP. furnace 315-0099, 315-4954 avail. for serious ownr w/ dwnpaymnt oac. refs. Box 2277, Merritt BC V1K1B8
PLYMOUTH Acclaim, a/c ,4-cyl., Pls call for info 1-800-361-8111, pager 378-
turbo-chrgd, stndrd, nw tires/batt., BABY Einstein "Neptune" ocean play- ROTOTILLER $50 378-8326 2-BDRM bstm ste, abv grnd, quiet
Available at
97 PONT. Sunfire, nds mtr, must sell ELECT. weedeater, nw 378-4569 55+ or adults w/ disability needing 3-BDRM w/ bsmt, gar., sndck, immed.
$300 378-4395 DR $25. Bar $50. Exerc. bike $20 378-1832 affordable housing. Rnt is 30% of 2-bdrm grnd lvl ste, hot wtr ht, prkng,
GAS lwnmwr rear bag, 3.5hp b&s
Arnold Mosley Evelyn Armstrong 88 CHRYSL. Nw Yrkr, rns gd v6 NW scrn dr $75. Nw bth tub w/ srrnd, nvr engine, exc. rn cond. $95obo. Fertilizer income. 1-800-834-7149, 378-4040 immed, n/p Bann St. 378-2047
95 JEEP YJ 4x4, grt cnd, no leakes/rst, ROPER gas lwnmwr w/ 20" cut, quan-
Roger Kamp John Taylor blck/blue details/beige hrdtop, wnch, ANTIQUE glassware 378-8326 tum III B&S engine, c/w hrd case rear RMS Coldwtr Htl, $375+/mo 378-2821 prsn/stdnt/ cntrctr 315-5400, 378-9599
Mary Longman Leonard A. George
2-BDRM bsmt ste, w/d, util incl
1-BDRM ste, n/p, n/s Sage St. 378-5695
Pius Chong Surinder Panghali
4 STUDDED tires on rims for Chev ANTIQUE radio/record player 378-1832 3-BDRM twnhse, 1869 Menzies St.,
Canyon 378-5004 8 PLC setting Royal Albert ‘American TO RNT: 2-bdrm hse or dplx w/ fncd 1.5 bth, fncd yrd Oct 1 280-5020 2-BDRM bsmt ste nr Cntrl Schl,
Doug Strand Joslyn Freels
Courthouse Art Gallery
97 WINDSTAR $2800, nds some Beauty’ + many xtras $300 378-4141 yrd. for senior w/ obedience-trained GS, 1-BDRM ste, f/s, nr schl/dwntwn Sept 1 315-2366
Cass Dolen Les Hampton
wrk/rns well 378-6016 HI-SPD internet sat. dish, prfct cnd $150obo. have own furn. & f/s/w/d 378-3983 util incl., Sept 30 378-2701 3-BDRM uppr flr, Aug 1 378-4503
Barbara Rode
mnt cnd $5500obo 315-4686 3/4"thck $600 obo Tyler, Jamara 315-0266 4-DRWR filing cab., gd cnd 378-6217 immed, n/s, n/p $650 378-2683 2-BDRM bsmt ste, Aug 1 378-6268
supported by 72 FORD F250 wrk trck, 360 mtr $700 PLYWD gls rck $400. 2 tackle boxes, lk nw 14’ W oldr mbl home to buy, pls email pics LRG 2-bdrm bsmt ste, f/s/w/d $400 for shared accomm. in 2-bdrm hse,
firm (250)801-3791 $5ea. 2 chainlink gates $30ea. 378-5424 [email protected], 1-800-361-8111 cbl/util. incl. lrg yrd $975 378-1360 must be wrkng, rnt neg. (250)574-1616