Technology Essay

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Topic: Technology and Mankind

Quote: "Technology is an advancement for the mankind and by the mankind to serve the
purpose of either to warm their room or to burn down the entire house."
Technology made our lives easier than we think of. It helped us to handle our
repetitive and monotonic tasks effectively within no time. To a certain extent, this is good.
But, this nature of dependency gradually poses a threat to the quality of life. It is believed
that in a near future, this nature of dependency will force us into "Techno-Slavery", where
the individual's survival for a day without using technology is hard to expect.
Since the world is running towards to become one global village, not only it is true
that technology made our lives comfortable and easy, but also made the mankind accept
the change and get adapted to it. For example, it was once a tedious task to send a piece
of information to a distant location with conventional methods. But, because of technology,
it became a routine to have long conversations with distant people through emails/
messages/ calls.
Similarly, technology is helping humans to reach the farthest point ever can be
imagined in order to know the unknowns. For example space technology helped in placing
a human on another world. It helped to know about the evolution of Universe and also the
evolution of Human Life itself. In certain ways, technology has become a boon to the
mankind. Thus, some people gravitate towards this view.
On the other hand, technology changed the lifestyle from active to sedentary which
poses a great threat physically and emotionally. For example, lack of physical activity
increases the heart diseases. In the same way, most of the people work with computer
technology which makes them feel tired and stressed out due to the light and other forms
of radiation from such devices which result in the lack of sleep and gradually slides down
into chronic illnesses.
Likewise, technology has its negative impact on individual social and personal lives.
For example, nowadays, a conversation with a friend living in the next door is made using
technology which finally lacks the essence of personal interaction. Also, certain situations
of disturbed marital lives because of usage of certain forms of technology clearly show the
dark effects of the technology on human life.
Therefore, by analyzing these facts, it is clear that technology has become both
boon and bane to mankind. However, the debate about this is an endless task. Thus, it can
be supported that technology is forcing the mankind into a slavery in near future and is
expected to never be realized.

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