Reaction Paper of The Flight From Conversation
Reaction Paper of The Flight From Conversation
Reaction Paper of The Flight From Conversation
A well written article titled “The Flight From Conversation”, written by author named
Sherry Turkle and posted it in The New York Times. It is about how technology specifically
gadgets changed our communication to other people and what are the effects of gadgets in terms
of communication that affected not only adults but also to those young people. Also, it tackles
the overuse of communication in almost everywhere to the point that we prefer to use it for
communicating instead of communicating personally. Gadgets is a gift, that is why it depends on
our hands whether this can make or break us, this can make us if we use it in the right way and
this can also break us if we use it in the wrong way.
Albert Einstein stated that “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has
exceeded our humanity” and in my opinion, yes, technology may have been an exceedingly great
help to us because we reached greater heights and achievements because of this, but we cannot
deny that technology has also altered human nature in a negative way. Because even though
gadgets were made for us humans to help us and to make our lives easier, ironically, it made
humans isolated. Interaction personally became more rare and when you go in a crowd of people,
it is not shocking to see that most of the people there are just holding their phone, and in simple
words, personal interaction became less and rare. Not only that, the majority of humans became
more dependent with their technologies or gadgets that they can’t live a day without using
technology and they cannot even go outside without their gadgets that is why numerous people
prefer to just stay indoors and just use their technology.
On the other hand, Alan Moore stated that “Technology is always a two-edged sword. It
will bring in many benefits but, but also many disasters”. And in my opinion, I could not agree
more because technology is indeed, and always will be a two-edged sword that only depends on
our hands, decisions, and usage whether we can use it for our benefits or use it to destroy us.
Because as we all know, technology itself was created with the main purpose of helping us
humans in our everyday lives to make our lives easier and to live with ease. We do not need to
do all the hardworking stuff because there is technology present in our lives to help us. However,
in terms of the other edge of the sword, if we will use technology unwisely, this could lead into
something bad and even worst. As we see or observed in our surroundings, many people overly
depend on technology to the point that they prefer to be lazy inside their homes and just depend
to technological equipments or materials. And there are many people that are addicted to their
gadgets and as the article wants to portray, instead of going outside, communicating personally
or having that interaction face to face, people nowadays prefer just to use their gadgets to talk or
have a conversation online.
But technology is not always our worst enemy, it is ourselves just like what Christian
Lous Lange stated, he stated that “Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master”.
Many people will agree to this because technology is indeed useful and in fact, it is very useful
to make things faster, easier, and it is more convenient. From transportation, to education, to
entertainment and so many more and in fact, almost all things are now used with technology.
And in terms of communication, technology gave us great help because today, you can now send
and receive messages from other people in matter of seconds unlike before that you should wait
weeks or even months before you can receive telegrams or letters. Moreover, communication
became more convenient for us because you can exchange messages even though you are far
from each other that is why hindrance like distance is now not a problem. However, it can be a
dangerous master not only sometimes but most of the times. Because you see, it should be
“humans control technologies” but in reality and nowadays, it is like “technologies control
humans”. And that is our problem, instead of doing our part and let the technologies just help us,
it became the other way around that we abuse it and use it in the wrong way. Hence, it is like the
more you depend on technologies, the more you like become the servant of the technologies
itself because if we will depend too much on the technology, we will forget how to do things and
that is why it is a dangerous master.
Overall, technologies or gadgets is a gift, that is why it depends on our hands whether this
can make or break us, this can make us if we will use it in the right way and this will break us if
we use it in the wrong way, so use wisely. Because if humanity will not change their lifestyle
that their lives are depending on their precious technology, then maybe in the future the
technologies will literally control us and we the humans are going to serve them instead of the
other way around.