Technology: The Present of The Future

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Technology: The Present of the Future

Monthly Journal of Information Technology

Issue 1 January/February 2012 this issue
Introduction Present Issues Prediction of the Future

David McCullough, Brave Companions


moral nature, or sense of personal

which they can distance us from our better

modern technical igenuity, but in the extent to

in airplanes or the myriad contrivances of

itself, Lindbergh came to see after the war, not

The evil of technology was not technology

Take a Look into the Future of Technology

The world is changing drastically and at a fast rate all across the world. Technology has made alone in the past year so many advances and improvements. People all over the world, including kids, are technically advanced. People are using their devices, constantly to keep up with the latest trend or gossip, but have you ever stopped to think about whats more important? Technology is a good thing, but have you ever stopped to think how it can also be a bad thing? Technology, something so helpful, can also be the destruction of us! It's taking valuable things away from us, like imagination and creativity. We have stopped thinking for ourselves and have become co-dependent on technology to get the job done for us. What would happen if we didn't have technology? What will happen in the future if we continue to become so engulfed by technology? Will it be the doom of us in the long run? Even now people are starting to realize that technology my not be so wonderful after all. People are so focused on things like updating their status or replying to a text message, that they forget when the light turns green. People are getting hurt and lives are being lost just, because someone thinks its more important to update their status than pay attention to the road. But the big question idea is: Technology is helpful in many ways and can

Time to Start Thinking About the Future.

What we do now will have a long term effect for what we do in the time to come, so we have to make sure what were doing now is the right thing and how it will affect us in the long run. Make things easier for everyone. Technology also has a bad side! Is Technology depriving of from things we used so long ago, like logic, imagination, and creativity? What will be the long term effect? We need to sit down and start thinking about this before more damage is done, due to technology. When was the last time you took time out of your day to just sit down and enjoy a book? Probably not often. Now, think about when was the last time you went on your computer to chat, update your status, or email somebody? Or when was the last time you picked up your phone to text somebody, play a game, or check your email? Quite often! We are forgetting about everything else and letting technology be the center of our life. Present Problems with Technology People are dying every day, because someone refusing to wait until they get home to answer their phone. 16,000 people were killed between 2001 to 2007, because drivers were distracted by their phones. This is too many people to loss over the simple fact that people are putting technology first. Not only cell phones, but people are also using other devices and technologies: surfing the internet and changing their GPS systems are just a few examples. Another problem younger people are faces is the distraction of technology. They spend so much time on the internet and get behind on their school. They lose their priorities and lose focus on what they need to do. They stay on the internet for long hours and when its time to go to school they feel tried and sleepy, so they dont obtain much. One problem people are not aware of is the radiation we get off from our electronic devices. The phone we put up to our ear to answer a call or the alarm by our bed is exposing us to electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Exposure to EMR is very bad for us. Exposure to cell phone radiation is linked to brain tumors, genetic damage and other exposure related conditions. Decades ago we were not being exposed to some of the forces of energy we encounter today.

Technology has already caused us to be less physically efficient. One of the biggest problems we are seeing already is communication. Before technology you had to go up to somebody face-toface and say hello. Now you can chat or email, and you dont always know if that person is even real! Before technology people understood emotion from tone of voice, facial gestures, body movement, and eye contact. Now on the phone all you have to worry about is your voice. Key essentials in talking are being taking away. Each time a new communication technology launches, a piece of human communication is simplified and in some cases thrown out. Technology, something so good for some of us, is being a thief to others. Because of technology jobs are being lost every day. People are no longer needed to run the machines, because they are programmed or operated by a


speaks volumes about his laziness. ~Mark

computer - says little about his intelligence, but

by man - the airplane, the automobile, the

All of the biggest technological inventions created

inhuman void spreads monstrously like a gray vegetation. ~Jean Arp

grinding, and trilling bolster his ego. His anxiety subsides. His

meditation...tooting, howling, screeching, booming, crashing, whistling,

noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation,

silence. Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase

Soon silence will have passed into legend. Man has turned his back on

So What Will Happen.

computer system. Prediction for the Future of Technology when you chat are email somebody you dont have to be face-to-face with them. You dont see their reactions to what Weve talked about all the current they so you dont know how they feel, problems of technology but what does which could lead to being inconsiderate. the future look like for us? We could become a world full with robots doing our dishes, or we could be in a disastrous situation. One of the most important things we have to worry about though is technology becoming a bigger job thief than it already is. We know machines

If technology continues to grow so fast make things faster, but our economy is more and more people will die. Despite still unstable, because everyday people laws being made, not every place in the are losing jobs due to technology. world has laws to prevent accidents from happening. Even with laws being Conclusion

made, that doesnt me everyone will Not just this things are being deprived follow them! Its against the law to go from us, but so many others to! Will let over the speed limit or to not wear your seatbelt, but every day people are pulled over for just that! With so many people using electronics health will probably take a toll for the worst in the near future, since well have more technology. More technology equals more EMR exposure. With technology being the new form of communication, people will eventually loss all the manners where it concerned with talking to other people face-toface. Especially eye contact, because

Questions on EMR
Q: What is electromagnetic radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation is a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.

Q: Are people trying to figure out a way to prevent EMR?

Yes, but there is only so much you can do. Electromagnetic radiation is everywhere. In cell phones, alarm clocks, kitchen appliances, computer, and pretty everything we own that is electronic. Cases have been made to prevent exposure to EMR in phones, but they cant make a case for everything.

Q: Is EMR proof that technology is not such a good thing?

Yes, because decades ago when the technologies we have today werent existent none of these current problems where present.

~Albert Einstein

exceeded our humanity.

obvious that our technology has

It has become appallingly

technology takeover before we finally see that its not such a good thing, or will we stop it our find ways to improve it to where its not such a threat to human civilization. Its up to all of us, so next time read a book instead of surfing the web. Im not saying technology is bad, but dont let it takeover! Technology can be the fall of man itself if we continue to let it make waste of our minds any longer. ~Kayla S. Houston

Article by Kayla Houston

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