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NK Part U Stabilty

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GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
General .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Stability Information ................................................................................................................................................ 1


Marking of draughts

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

................................................................................................................................................. 2
STABILITY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 3


.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
General Stability Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 3


Stability Requirements in Wind and Waves



............................................................................................................... 4

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 1)



Chapter 1




1 The requirements on intact stability (hereinafter referred to as stability in this Part) in this Part apply to ships
which are 24 metres in length for freeboard and over. However, fishing vessels, mobile offshore drilling units and
dynamically supported craft may be excepted.
2 The stability of ships intended for the carriage of cargoes having moisture contents which exceed transportable
moisture limit are to be in accordance with the requirements provided in this Part. In addition, the special
considerations deemed necessary by the Society are to be taken into account.
3 Special consideration may be given to the ships registered for a restricted service.
Special Cases in Application
In case of the ships considered inadequate to be fully and/or directly applied the requirements in this Part
because of some special reasons (e.g. novel design features, unusual form of ships), stability will be individually
determined by the Society.
National Requirements
The Society may make special requirements as instructed by the flag-governments of ships or the governments
of the sovereign nations in which ships navigate.
For the purpose of the application of this part, the following definitions apply.
(1) The definition of downflooding angle refers to the angle of heel at which openings in the hull, superstructures
or deckhouses which cannot be closed weathertight, immerse.
(2) The definition of mobile offshore drilling unit is according to Part P.
(3) Timber deck cargo means a cargo of timber carried on an uncovered part of a freeboard or superstructure deck.
The term does not include wood pulp or similar cargo.

Stability Information

Stability Information Booklet
Ships are to be provided with a stability information booklet approved by the Society, to ensure the enough
stability of the ship under varying conditions of service. Such booklet is to include principal particulars regarding the
ship s stability, the results of stability experiments and information as necessary by the master to verify the ship s
Stability Computer
1 Where a computer for stability calculation is on board the ship as a supplement to the stability information
booklet, such computer is to be approved by the Society.
2 The computer specified in -1 above, is to be provided with an operation manual.
Special Requirements for Bulk Carriers
1 Bulk carriers as defined in 31A.1.2(1), Part C, of less than 150m in length Lf but not less than 500 gross

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 1)

tonnage are to be fitted with a loading computers approved by the Society, as a supplement to the stability
information booklet.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of preceding -1, bulk carriers not engaged on international voyages with Class
Notation Coasting Service , Smooth Water Service or equivalent need not to be fitted with the loading computers.
3 Notwithstanding the provisions of preceding -1, for bulk carriers not engaged on international voyages, where
deemed appropriate by the Society taking account of various conditions of such ships related to the navigation, the
requirements of the loading computers need not to be applied to.

Marking of draughts

Marking of bow and stern draughts
Every ship is to have scales of draughts marked clearly at the bow and stern. In the case where the draught
marks are not located where they are easily readable, or operational constraints for a particular trade make it difficult
to read the draught marks, then the ship is to also be fitted with a reliable draught indicating system by which the bow
and stern draughts can be determined.

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 2)

Chapter 2




1 Stability curves and heeling moment curves are to be prepared by the method deemed appropriate by the Society
for all designed loading conditions and they are to be verified to comply with the requirements in 2.2 and 2.3.
2 Free surface effects are to be accounted for in all conditions of loading.
3 In cases where anti-rolling devices are installed in a ship, the requirements given in 2.2 and 2.3 are to be
satisfied when such devices are in operation and when there is either a failure of power supply to the device(s) or a
failure of the device(s)
4 Influences such as the icing of topsides, water trapped on deck, etc., adversely affect stability and the
Administration is advised to take these into account, so far as is deemed necessary.
5 Provisions are to be made for a safe margin of stability at all stages of the voyage, regard being given to
additions of weight, such as those due to the absorption of water and icing as well as to losses of weight such as those
due to the consumption of fuel and stores.
6 Curves or tables of minimum operational metacentric height (GM) or maximum centre of gravity (VCG) are to
extend over the full range of operational trims.
Calculation on Stability
Stability is to be calculated under the following conditions.
(1) In preparing stability curves, the position centre of gravity is to be determined on the basis of the data obtained
at inclining test required in 2.3.2, Part B of the Rules.
(2) Free surface effects of liquid in tanks are to be of what the stability during navigation under all loading condition
is most severely affected.
(3) Where anti-rolling devices are installed in a ship, the requirements in 2.2 are to be satisfied whether the devices
are in operation or not.

General Stability Requirements

Stability Curves
1 The stability curves are to comply with the following requirements in Fig. U2.1.
(1) A1 is not to be less than 0.055m rad.
(2) A2 is not to be less than 0.03m rad.
(3) (A1 + A2) is not to be less than 0.09m rad.
(4) GZ is to be at least 0.20m at an angle of heel equal to or greater than 30.
(5) q max is not to be less than 25 .
(6) G0M is not to be less than 0.15 m.
A1: Area under stability curve between 0 and 30 (m rad).
A2: Area under stability curve between 30 and q u (m rad).
q u : Heeling angle (degree) to be taken of whichever is less, downflooding angle in the relevant loading
condition or 40 .
GZmax: Maximum righting lever (m).
q max : Heeling angle at which the righting arm reaches maximum (degree).
G0M: Initial metacentric height corrected by free surface effect (m).
2 For ships loaded with timber deck cargoes, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding -1, the stability
curves may comply with the following requirements in Fig. U2.1 in cases where deemed acceptable by the Society.
(1) (A1 + A2) is not to be less than 0.08m rad.

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 2)

(2) GZ max is not to be less than 0.25m.

(3) G0M is not to be less than 0.10m during navigation taking into account the absorption of water by deck cargo
and/or ice accretion on exposed surfaces.
(4) The value of all symbols in this Part is to be one in relevant loading condition except the case that it is
particularly specified.
A1, A2, q u , GZmax, q max and G0M : As given in (1) above.
Fig. U2.1


Stability Curve (General Stability Requirements)

Stability Requirements in Wind and Waves

Stability Curves and Wind-heeling Moment Lever Curves
1 Stability curves and wind-heeling moment lever curves of ships are to comply with the following requirements
in Fig. U2.2.
(1) Heeling angle caused by steady wind is to be less than 16 or an angle corresponding to 80% of immersing angle
of deck edge, whichever is less.
(2) Area b is not to be less than area a .
l w1 : Heeling moment lever caused by steady wind (m) given by the following formula :
0.0514 AZ
A : Projected lateral area of hull and cargoes on deck above waterline (m2).
Z : Vertical distance between the centre of A and the centre of underwater projected lateral area of
hull (m). In general, the centre of underwater projected lateral area may be approximated to locate at
half the draught.
W : Displacement (t).
l w 2 : Heeling moment lever caused by gust (m) given by the following formula :
1.5l w1
a : Area encircled by stability curve, l w 2 and q r (m rad).
b : Area encircled by stability curve, l w 2 and q 2 (m rad).
q r : Angle of rolling stop motion (degree). In general, it may be given by the formula (q 0 - q1 ) .
q c : Heeling angle at the second intersection between heeling moment lever and stability curve (degree).
q 2 : Heeling angle (degree) to be taken of whichever is the least, downflooding angle, q c or 50 .
q 0 : Angle of heel under action of steady wind (degree).
q1 : Angle of roll to windward due to wave action (degree) given by the following formula :
109 x1 x 2 k rs
x1 : Values obtained from Table U2.1 according to the value of B/ d In case the value of B/ d

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 2)

becomes intermediate, values are to be determined by interpolation.

B : Moulded breadth of the ship (m).
d : Mean moulded draught of the ship (m).
x 2 : Values obtained from Table U2.2 according to C b . In case C b becomes intermediate, values are
to be determined by interpolation.
C b : Block coefficient given by the following formula:
1.025 L Bd
L : Length of the ship at waterline (m).
k : Values determined as follows;
For round-bilged ships having neither bilge keels nor bar keels: 1.0
For ships with sharp bilges: 0.7
For ships with bilge keel and/or bar keels: Values obtained from Table U2.3 according to the value
of 100 Ak / L B . In case 100 Ak / L B becomes intermediate, values are to be determined by
Ak : Total area of bilge keels, projected lateral area of bar keels or sum of those areas (m2).
r : Values obtained from the following formula. However, the value of r need not be taken over 1.0.
0.73 + 0.6
OG : Distance between the centre of gravity and the waterline (m), and is taken as positive when
the centre of gravity is above waterline.
s : Values obtained from Table U 2.4 according to the value of T. In case T becomes intermediate,
values are to be determined by interpolation.
T : Rolling period (seconds) obtained from the following formula. However, value of T based on
information considered sufficient may be used instead.
0.373 + 0.023 - 0.043

G0 M

G0 M : As specified in 2.2.1

2 For ships loaded with timber deck cargo, notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding -1, stability curves
may comply with the following requirements in Fig. U2.2 in cases where deemed acceptable by the Society.
(1) q0 is to be less than 16 .
(2) Stability curves and wind-heeling moment lever curves of ships are to comply with -1(2) above.
3 Where the requirements specified in above -1 and -2 apply to the ships registered as restricted service, the values
of lw1 may be reduced when deemed acceptable by the Society.

2015 Rules for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Chapter 2)

Fig. U2.2

Stability and Wind-heeling Moment Lever Curve (Stability Requirements in Wind and Waves)

Table U2.1

Value of x1

B/ d

2 .4











3 .5














Table U2.2

Value of x2















Table U2.3

Value of k

100 Ak / LB







4 .0









Table U2.4

Value of s



















.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
General ................................................................................................................................................................. 1


............................................................................................................................................. 2
STABILITY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 3


Stability Information




................................................................................................................................................................. 3
General Stability Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 4


Stability Requirements in Wind and Waves

Annex U1.2.1

........................................................................................................... 5
GUIDANCE FOR STABILITY INFORMATION FOR MASTER .......................................................... 6

Annex U1.2.2



.......................................................................................... 14
............................................................................................ 18

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U U1)







1 With respect to sailing ships and multihull crafts, special requirements deemed necessary by the Society may
apply in addition to the requirements in Part U of the Rules.
2 With respect to ship stability, consideration is to be given to the dynamic stability phenomena effects in waves.
(1) Excessive stability may produce undesirable effects in ships.
(2) Any ship exhibiting large stability righting lever variations between wave trough and wave crest conditions may
experience parametric roll or pure loss of stability or combinations thereof.
(3) Ships without propulsion or steering ability may be endangered by resonant roll while drifting freely.
(4) Ships in following and quartering seas may not be able to keep constant course despite maximum steering efforts
which may lead to extreme angles of heel.
The special considerations deemed necessary by the Society specified in 1.1.1-2, Part U of the Rules means
to be in accordance with the following (1) or (2):
(1) For ships intended for the carriage of nickel ore with a moisture content that exceeds the transportable moisture
limit, the requirements specified in Guidelines for the Safe Carriage of Nickel Ore
(2) For ship intended for the carriage of cargoes other than nickel ore, evaluation methods deemed appropriate by
the Society
Special Cases in Application
1 For certain ships which have comparatively wider beams and smaller depths than typical ships (about B/D 2.5),
notwithstanding the provisions of 2.2.1-1, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules, stability curves may comply with the
following requirements in cases where deemed acceptable by the Society.
(1) Stability curves are to be comply with the requirements given in 2.2.1-1(1) to (4) and (6), Chapter 2, Part U.
(2) q max is to be comply with the following requirements:
(a) q max is not to be less than 15 .
(b) With respect to the requirements given in Fig. U2.1, Part U of the Rules, the area under a stability curve
between 0 and q max (m rad) is to be not less than:
0.055 + 0.001(30 - q max )
where q max is as given in 2.2.1-1, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules.
2 Intact stability (hereinafter referred to as stability in this Part) of steel barges, which are 24 metres in length
and over and registered for unrestricted service according to Part Q of the Rules, is to be as follows;
(1) The requirements of Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules are to apply.
(2) Notwithstanding above (1), in the case of the steel barges complying with the requirement in 1.1.1-2(2), Part Q
of the Rules and following (a) to (d) (hereinafter referred to as the pontoon barge in this Part), the
requirements of U2.2.1-2 and U2.3.1-5 may apply.
(a) To be non self-propelled and unmanned during navigation
(b) Block coefficient (Cb) is to be not less than 0.9.
(c) The ratio B/D is to be greater than 3.0.
(d) No opening except small manholes fitted with watertight steel covers is to be provided in deck.
3 For container ships of 100m in length and over, notwithstanding the provisions of 2.2, Chapter 2, Part U of the

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U U1)

Rules, Chapter 2.3, Part B of IMO Res. MSC.267(85) International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (2008 IS Code)
may apply.
4 In applying the provision of 2.3.1-1, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules, the value of lw1 may be determined by
model tests using the procedure described in MSC.1/Circ.1200 in cases where deemed acceptable by the Society.
5 In applying the provision of 2.3.1-1, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules, in cases where a ship corresponds to any
of the following (1) to (4), the value of q1 may be determined by model tests using the procedure described in
(1) the ratio B/D is not less than 3.5.
(2) KG/d-1 is equal to or less than -0.3, or equal to or greater than 0.5.
(3) T is not less than 20 (seconds).
(4) Other deemed appropriate by the Society.
For the purpose of the application of this part, timber deck cargo specified in 1.1.4, Part U of the Rules, is to be
stowed complying with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR SHIPS CARRYING
TIMBER DECK CARGOES, 1991 (resolution A.715(17)). Otherwise, special consideration is required.

Stability Information

Stability Information Booklet
The stability information booklet specified in 1.2.1, Part U of the Rules is to be prepared in accordance with
Annex U1.2.1 GUIDANCE FOR STABILITY INFORMATION FOR MASTER . Notwithstanding the above,
for ships applied 1.1.2, Part U of the Rules, the requirements for the booklet may be modified. In cases where
deemed appropriate by the Society, as an alternative to the stability information booklet, a simplified booklet
containing sufficient information to enable the master to safety operate the ship.
Stability Computer
1 The computer for stability calculation and the operation manual specified in 1.2.2, Part U of the Rules is to be
prepared in accordance with Annex U1.2.1 GUIDANCE FOR STABILITY INFORMATION FOR MASTER .
Software for the stability calculation is to be determined corresponding to the stability requirements applied to the
ship and, in general, according with the followings.
(1) For ships other than those specified in (2) or (3) (e.g., dry cargo ships of less than 80m in subdivision length (LS)
defined in 4.1.2(6), Part C of the Rules, ships assigned to B-60 or B-100 freeboard in accordance with the
provisions of Part V of the Rules), software is to be able to calculate intact stability for each loading condition
(Type 1).
(2) For ships subject to the subdivision requirements specified in Chapter 4, Part C or Chapter 4, Part CS, as
applicable, but excluding bulk carriers as specified in (3), software is to be able to calculate intact stability as
specified in (1) and checking damage stability by showing a limit G0M curve or previously approved loading
conditions (Type 2).
(3) For tankers, ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk and ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk, and ships
bulk carriers subject to the requirements of 31A.2, Part C of the Rules and the compliance with the
requirements of 31A.2.1-2, Part C of the Rules has been done for all conditions loaded to the summer load line,
software is to be able to calculate intact stability and damage stability by direct application of pre-programmed
damage cases for each loading condition (Type 3).
2 The case where a computer for stability calculation is on board the ship as a supplement to the stability
information booklet, as specified in 1.2.2-1, Part U of the Rules, means where a computer for stability calculation or
a computer in which a software for stability calculation is installed, is on board the ship for use of the calculation at
the navigation bridge, the cargo control room, etc.
Special Requirements for Bulk Carriers
Stability computers as specified in 1.2.3, Part U of the Rules are to be in accordance with the provisions of

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U U2)





1 With respect to preparing the stability curves and heeling moment curves specified in 2.1.1-1, Chapter 2, Part
U of the Rules, the effects of changes in trim during heeling are to be taken into account.
2 All designed loading conditions specified in 2.1.1-1, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules are to contain the standard
loading condition described in Annex U1.2.1 GUIDANCE FOR STABILITY INFORMATION FOR
MASTER besides loading conditions expected throughout the duration of the voyage.
3 For all loading conditions throughout the duration of the voyage, stability is to comply with 2.2 and 2.3,
Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules. For the conditions other than those during voyage (for example, during cargo
loading), G0M is to be always kept positive.
Calculation on Stability
1 In calculation of stability curves, the following portions may be included in addition to hull below upper deck.
(1) Superstructures of first and second tiers above freeboard deck complying with the requirements in (10) (b) of
Regulation 3, Annex I of Attachment 1 of International Convention on Load line, 1966 (hereinafter referred to as
ILLC in this Part).
(2) Deckhouses of first tier above freeboard deck complying with the requirements in (10) (b) of Regulation 3,
(3) Trunks
(4) Hatchways with effective closing means
(5) Portion of superstructures or deckhouses up to an angle above which seawater will flow-in through openings,
even though the superstructure or deckhouse is not regarded as enclosed.
In a heeled condition exceeding the angle above, the flooded space is to be considered to have no buoyancy.
2 In calculation of stability curves, all openings within any deckhouses may be regarded as closed. However, such
openings within the deckhouse, of which the doors do not comply with the requirements in Regulation 12, ILLC are
to be fitted with closing devices complying with the requirements in Regulations 15, 17 and 18, ILLC.
3 The free surface effect is to be assessed as follows.
(1) For tanks with fixed filling levels (e.g. liquid cargo, water ballast), the free surface correction is to be determined
using the actual filling level of each tank.
(2) For tanks with variable filling levels (e.g. consumable liquids such as fuel oil, diesel oil, and fresh water, and
also liquid cargo and water ballast during liquid transfer operations), except as permitted in (4) and (5), the free
surface correction is to be determined using the maximum value attainable between the filling limits envisaged
for each tank, consistent with any operating instructions.
(3) In calculating the free surface effects in tanks containing consumable liquids, it is to be assumed that for each
type of liquid at least one transverse pair or a single centreline tank has a free surface and the tank or
combination of tanks taken into account is to be those where the effect of free surfaces is the greatest.
(4) Where water ballast tanks, including anti-rolling tanks and anti-heeling tanks, are to be filled or discharged
during the course of a voyage, the free surface effects are to be calculated taking into account the most onerous
transitory stage relating to such operations.
(5) For ships engaged in liquid transfer operations, the free surface corrections at any stage of the liquid transfer
operations may be determined in accordance with the filling level in each tank at that stage of the transfer
(6) Free surface effects are to be considered whenever the filling level in a tank is less than 98% full. Free surface
effects need not be considered in cases where a tank is nominally full, i.e. the filling level is 98% or above.
However, nominally full cargo tanks are to be corrected for free surface effects at a 98% filling level. In doing so,
the correction to initial metacentric height is to be based on the inertia moment of the liquid surface at a 5

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U U2)

heeling angle divided by displacement, and the correction to righting lever is suggested to be on the basis of the
real shifting moment of cargo liquids.
(7) Free surface effects for small tanks may be ignored under the conditions specified in 1.3.10-3(2)(b)ii), Annex
(8) The corrections to the initial metacentric height and to the righting lever curve are to be addressed separately
according to the following (a) to (c).
(a) In determining the correction to initial metacentric height, the transverse moments of the inertia of the
tanks are to be calculated at a 0 angle of heel according to (1) and (2) above.
(b) The righting lever curve may be corrected by any of the following methods in cases where deemed
appropriate by the Society:
i) correction based on the actual moment of fluid transfer for each angle of heel calculated; or.
ii) correction based on the moment of inertia, calculated at a 0 angle of heel, modified at each angle of
heel calculated.
(c) The corrections (a) and (b) above may be calculated according to (6) above.
(9) Whichever method is selected for correcting the righting lever curve is to be clearly specified in the ship stability
booklet. However, in cases where an alternative method for manually calculated loading conditions is specified,
an explanation of the differences which may be found in the results as well as an example correction for each
alternative are to be included.
(10) The usual remainder of liquids in empty tanks need not be taken into account in calculating corrections in cases
where the total of such residual liquids does not constitute a significant free surface effect.
4 For ships without a deck camber, or that have installed gutter bars with a height in excess of the camber, and
tankers that have cargo tanks exceeding 60% of the ship s maximum beam at midships regardless of gutter bar height,
the free surface effect caused by liquids contained by the gutter bars is to be taken into account for compliance with
the relevant intact stability requirements.
5 With respect to icing, reference is to be made to the provisions of Chapter 6, Part B of IMO Res. MSC.267(85)
International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (2008 IS Code) .

General Stability Requirements

Stability Curves
1 For ships applying 2.1.1-2, Chapter 2, Part U of the Rules, stability may be calculated under following
conditions, provided that the requirements in Regulation 44, ILLC are complied with and timber cargoes are stowed
in full breadth of ships. However, when the ship has a rounded gunnel, allowance not exceeding 4 per cent of the
breadth of ships for loading may be given.
(1) 75% of the volume occupied by timber may be added to buoyancy.
(2) In arrival condition, timber weight is to be considered a 10% increase over departure condition due to absorption
of water. However, attention is to be paid to the rate of increase determined by the flag state which ships are
2 Stability curves of the pontoon barge are to comply with the following requirements in Fig. U2.2.1-2.
(1) A is to be not less than 0.08 m rad.
(2) Range of stability is to be not less than following value according to length of pontoon (L).
In case of L 100 m :20
In case of L 150 m :15
In case that L becomes intermediate, the value is to be determined by interpolation.
A : Area under stability curve between 0 and q max (m rad)
q max : An angle at which righting lever reaches maximum ( )
GZ max : Maximum righting lever (m)

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U U2)

Fig. U2.2.1-2 Stability Curves


Stability Requirements in Wind and Waves

Stability Curves and Wind-heeling Moment Lever Curves
1 In applying the requirements in 2.3.1-1, Part U of the Rules, Z, q r , B , d' and immersing angle of deck edge
may be as follows:
(1) With the lower end of Z, the centre of underwater projected lateral area of hull is to be half of the draught.
(2) q r is generally to be ( q0 - q1 ).
(3) B is constant unless the ship has inclined sides.
(4) d' is to be of a corresponding moulded draught.
(5) An immersing angle of deck edge is to be of the angle between the waterline in un-inclined condition of ship and
the line linked deck edge to the point of intersection between the centre line and waterline in un-inclined
condition of ship. Where, deck edge means the point of intersection between the continuation of top of freeboard
deck at ship s side of lowest point of freeboard deck and the outside of side shell, in general. However, in cases
where there are any openings under the deck edge, the lower edge of the opening is to be treated as the deck edge.
In addition, in case of ships having superstructure decks of entire length, deck edge may be either of the
following points.
(a) Where side shells in way of superstructures have no opening or all openings are kept watertight closing
The point of intersection between the continuation of top of superstructure deck at ship s side of lowest
point of superstructure deck and the outside of side shell
(b) Where side shells in way of superstructures have openings with weathertight covers:
The lowest point of such openings
2 Concerning the area between the stability curve and l w1 , if portions within the range of q1 on both sides of
q 0 are significantly different from each other, angle of rolling stop motion is to be determined so that both areas will
be equal. Even in this case, full rolling angle is to be kept to 2q1 .
3 For the pontoon barge, the angle of heel caused by steady wind is to be less than the angle corresponding to a
half of freeboard in relevant loading condition. In this case, lever of heeling moment is obtained from following
0.0551AZ/W (m)
A, Z and W : Value specified in 2.3.1-1, Part U of the Rules.

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)




(1) This guidance gives the standardized form and the items to be mentioned for preparation of Stability Information
for Master (hereinafter referred to as the information in this guidance) of ships which are intended to be built
to the classification with the Society and to which the requirements in Part U of the Rules are applied. The
information for ships registered after construction, etc. is recommended to meet the requirements of this
guidance as far as possible, even if satisfactory data are not available.
(2) The information is to be written in the working language of the ship and any other language which is deemed
necessary by the Society. Reference is also made to IMO Res. A.741(18) If a language other than English is used,
English version is to be attached.
(3) Items deemed necessary for special operating configuration, etc. are to be added.
(4) It is considered beneficial that a computer for calculation of parameters of stability is provided on board.
However, omission of the information is not permitted even in such cases.
(5) Attention is to be paid to the tact that a certain government of flag states may impose additional requirements.
(6) For combination carriers to which 3.2.2-7, Part 3 of Rules for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems apply, in
addition to the relevant requirements in this Guidance, the information for intact stability during the liquid
transfer operations specified in 3.2.2-10, Part 3 of Guidance for Marine Pollution Prevention Systems are to
be added.
(7) For ships loaded with timber deck cargo:
(a) comprehensive stability information is to be supplied which takes into account the timber deck cargo. Such
information is to enable the master, rapidly and easily, to obtain accurate guidance as to the stability of the
ship under varying conditions of service;
(b) the master is to be given information setting out the changes in deck cargo from that shown in the loading
conditions, in cases where the permeability of the deck cargo is significantly different from 25% and
deemed necessary by the Society; and
(c) conditions are to be shown indicating the maximum permissible amount of deck cargo in consideration of
the lightest stowage rate likely during service.

Arrangement of Stability Information

The information is to be generally arranged in the following order, and the details of what is to be contained in each
content are described in the following paragraph 1.3.
(1) Table of contents
(2) Notices on ship operation
(3) Principal particulars
(4) Explanation of symbols used
(5) Stowage data
(6) Results of stability experiment
(7) Method of utilizing information
(8) Applied stability requirements
(9) Stability in standard loading condition
(10) General information

The Details of each Content

Table of Contents
In the table of contents, the title and first page of each data are to be listed to ensure easy access.

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

Notices on Ship Operation
1 The following statement is to be described in the information.
This stability information shows that the ship complies with definite intact stability requirements in all designed
conditions and gives the data deemed necessary for the calculation and evaluation of stability to the master in order
that he can take suitable measures for securing the stability in any service condition.
2 For a ship intended to load ballast during navigation in any particular loading condition, notices on the reason,
timing, method, etc. of loading are to be described. In this case the results of a series calculation from the condition at
the start of ballasting to the condition at the finish of ballasting are to be included in the data for 1.3.9-2(6).
3 If any special operation for keeping ample stability is required during cargo handling (for an example, a
particular compartment selected from compartments for cargo, fuel oil or fresh water is fully or partly loaded), the
procedure is to be stated.
4 If the buoyancy of superstructures of car carriers, etc. having bow doors, side doors and/or stern doors is
included in stability calculation, statement is to be made that those doors must be closed in watertight or weathertight
condition before departure and that the stability curve is prepared under the condition with those doors closed.
5 Notices on loading cargoes (e.g. designed maximum weight and height of cargoes), if any, are to be described.
6 Where the ships are loaded with timber deck cargoes and are applied to the requirements of 2.2.1-2, Part U of
the Rules and U2.3.1-3, the condition that such cargo is stowed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 3 of the
to be described.
7 Where the ships are loaded with timber deck cargoes, notices of paying attention to keep the stability of the ship
positive at all times including during the process of loading and unloading, and that metacentric height should
preferably not exceed 3% of the ships breadth in order to prevent excessive accelerations in rolling, are to be stated.
8 Where the ships carrying oil-based pollutants in bulk, notices of paying attention that the stability criteria given
in 2.2.1, Part U of the Rules should be maintained during all loading and ballasting operations, are to be described.
9 It is essential to keep the ship upright at all times by a symmetrical distribution of masses. A general warning is
to be given of any reduction of stability by a steady angle of heel of the ship.
10 If applicable, the preferred compensation of asymmetrical light ship mass by ballast, consumables or cargo is to
be explained. A warning against compensation by solid bulk cargo is to be given.
11 All relevant operating limits, including allowable values for longitudinal strength and allowable cargo mass,
with regard to loading and distribution of cargo and ballasting are indicated. Reference is to be made to the loading
manual, the damage control plan and the cargo securing manual, if applicable.
12 Guidance for the safe operation of the ship under normal and emergency conditions is to be described.
13 General precautions for preventing unintentional flooding are to be described.
14 For ships in operation, that attention is to be paid so that an inclining test may be carried out according to the
provisions of SOLAS regulation II-1/5 to confirm their stability is to be described.
15 Any other notices deemed necessary for stability are to be described.
Principal Particulars
The following items are to be listed in general.
(1) Name of ship
(2) Builder and yard number of ship
(3) Date of build (keel lay, launch, deliver) or conversion
(4) Purpose of ship
(5) Classification character and notations
(6) Nationality, port of registry, official number and signal letters
(7) Principal dimensions (length, breadth and depth)
(8) Tonnage descriptions
(9) Designed draught and corresponding deadweight
(10) Limitation of draught at bow or stern, if any.
(11) Output of main engine and ship speed.
(12) When load line is assigned, the data stated in (9) may be omitted subject to following data being added.

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

(a) Convention or rules applied

(b) Type of freeboard (A, B, etc.)
(c) List of freeboard, draught, displacement and deadweight corresponding to load line of each season (This
list may be attached to a deadweight scale.)
(13) IMO number
Explanation of Symbols Used
Designations, symbols and abbreviations for various units used in stability information are to be described. The
units used are preferably unified in a single system, and, if plural systems are inevitable, a conversion table between
the systems is to be attached.
Data for Cargoes, Stowages, etc.
1 Stowage list
A list is to be prepared for densities or stowage factors of various cargoes intended to be loaded on board. Blank
space is to be left for additional entries by master. Values assumed at design stage are to be specially mentioned to
that effect.
2 General arrangement
Drawings in a suitable scale, which show the arrangement of cargo spaces, tanks, lockers and stores, machinery
spaces, accommodation spaces, compartments, closing apparatuses and vents together with their name, downflooding
angles, permanent ballast, allowable deck loadings and freeboard, are to be attached.
In case of ships to which the requirements in Chapter 4, Part C of the Rules apply, the plans showing clearly the
boundaries of each compartment (shells, decks and bulkheads), the openings therein with the control positions of
closing apparatuses, and the arrangements of means, if fitted, to ensure the stability of the ship after flooding are to be
attached in addition to above. However, if these plans are permanently posted on the bridge, these requirements may
be waived.
3 Weight and position of centre of gravity
As to weight and location of centre of gravity of following items which are used in stability calculation, assumed
total weight and position of centre of gravity and the basis of assumption are to be listed with, if appropriate.
(1) Passengers and their effects.
(2) Crew and their effects.
(3) Motorcars in case of car carriers or car ferries.
(4) Deck cargoes. If deck cargoes are anticipated to absorb water, the weight of them is to be increased by absorbed
water in arrival condition.
(5) Hanging cargoes.
(6) Container cargoes. For the ships intended to carry containers, the plan of loading arrangement of containers is to
be provided, in which maximum gross weight, tare weight and centre of gravity of each container are described
and each container is numbered in consideration of easy identification.
Results of Stability Experiments
1 The results of inclining tests are to include the undermentioned data. If inclining test has been omitted, the
reason is to be stated. When the data are based on the record of a sister ship, the inclining test report, the builder and
yard number of the ship are to be added to the undermentioned data. If the values different from a sister ship are used,
the reason and a summary of the method used to determine those particulars are to be explained. When any
permanent ballasts are included in light condition, the material, weight and arrangement of them are to be described
by the drawing.
(1) Light weight and location of centre of gravity (in longitudinal direction, vertical direction and, if necessary,
transverse direction).
(2) Place and date of inclining test.
2 When oscillation tests were carried out, the details of test procedures are to be included in the test results. And
an explanation of the relation between rolling period and G0M is to be attached.
Method of Utilizing Information
Explanations for following items are to be stated. For calculations, assumptions are to be added to explanations.
In order that the master calculates stability curves (hereinafter referred to as GZ-curve in this guidance) and

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

evaluates the stability of ship, examples of calculations are to be added and the basis of all data are to be clarified.
Examples of calculations are to include a loading condition which is considered with at least one fuel or fresh water
tank partly filled. In cases where a computer for stability calculations is not on board ship, blank forms for calculation
are to be attached.
(1) Calculation for displacement and location of centre of gravity.
(2) Calculation for draught and trim.
(3) Method of preparation for GZ-curve.
(4) Method of correction due to free-surface effect on GZ-curve and GM.
(5) Method of estimating the effect of wind and waves (For an example, method of preparing wind-heeling moment
lever curves is to be given.)
(6) Method of evaluation for GZ-curve, etc. under the applicable stability requirements.
(7) Method of utilizing the diagram required in 1.3.10-8.
(8) Other items deemed necessary (for an example, when anti-rolling devices, heeling tanks, etc. are installed, the
service procedures for them and operational restrictions thereto are to be explained. Instructions concerning the
operation of means with descriptions of damage conditions which may require it, if fitted, to ensure the stability
of the ship after flooding e.g. crossflooding are to be added.)
Applied Stability Requirements
It is to be described that the ship complies with the requirements in Part U of the Rules which meet the
requirements in IMO Res. MSC.267(85) International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (2008 IS Code) . If any special
requirements are made by the flag state other than the above-mentioned requirements, excerpts or summary of
relevant provisions are given. For ships intended to navigate in area where icing is liable to occur, details of assumed
icing are to be given together with location, weight and centre of gravity of icing.
Stability in Standard Loading Condition
1 Standard loading condition
The undermentioned conditions are to be at least included in standard loading conditions unless they are clearly
inappropriate. A departure condition means a condition in which provisions and fuel are fully loaded and an arrival
condition means a condition in which 90% thereof are consumed. In full load departure conditions, it is to be
assumed that the ship is loaded to its subdivision load line used for damage stability calculations according to
Chapter 4, Part U of the Rules or summer load line or if intended to carry a timber deck cargo, to the summer
timber load line with water ballast tanks empty. In all cases, the cargo in holds is assumed to be fully homogeneous
unless this condition is inconsistent with the practical service of the ship.
(1) Light condition
(2) Docking condition
(3) Ballast departure condition and ballast arrival condition
(4) Full load departure condition and full load arrival condition as following.
(a) In principle, all designed loading conditions are to be included; for example, such special loading
conditions as loading cargoes on decks or in alternate holds, etc.
(b) If a dry cargo ship has tanks for liquid cargo, the effective deadweight in the loading conditions therein
described is be distributed according to the following two assumptions:(1) with cargo tanks full and (2)
with cargo tanks empty.
(5) Loading condition in which the parameters of stability are liable to be changed on a large scale (e.g. ballasting
during navigation, possible icing, etc.)
(6) Where the ships are loaded with timber deck cargoes, the loading condition with the summer timber load line (if
the timber summer draught is not assigned to the ships, summer load line) with cargoes homogeneously
distributed in the holds and with cargoes specified in extension and mass on deck.
2 Following items are to be stated concerning each loading condition. If there are any limitations placed upon
loading, they are to be included.
(1) Arrangement in suitable scale showing distribution of all components constituting deadweight
(2) Light weight, and weight, location of centre of gravity (longitudinal direction, vertical direction, and also
transverse direction, if necessary), and weight moment of all components of deadweight together with
displacement and location of centre of gravity of whole ship as a sum of each component.

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

(3) Effect of free surface within all compartments which are liable to be partly filled.
(4) Mean draught, positions of centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity (directions in longitudinal, vertical, and also
transverse, if necessary), position of centre of floatation, MTC, trim, draughts at forward and aft perpendiculars
(also at draught marks, as needed), GG0, KG0 and G0M.
(5) GZ-curves taking effect of free surface and changes in trim during heeling into account
Values of downflooding angle, maximum righting lever and corresponding angle of heel, and vanishing angle of
stability are also to be entered. Heeling moment lever curve due to external forces such as wind is to be
superposed on the stability curve to verify that applicable stability requirements are complied with. Scale of
these curves are to be the same as far as practicable in all loading condition.
(6) If in any loading condition water ballast is necessary, the quantity and disposition of water ballast.
(7) In all cases, in cases where deck cargo is carried, a realistic stowage mass and the height of the cargo.
3 The following items are to be made into a list for convenience of use.
(1) Displacement
(2) Corresponding draught
(3) Draught at fore perpendicular, aft perpendicular and midship
(4) Draught at the position of fore and aft draught marks, if necessary
(5) Trim
(6) lcf, lcb, lcg
(7) MTC, TPC and TKM (LKM to be included, if necessary)
(8) KG and GM (KB to be included, if necessary)
(9) GG0, KG0 and G0M
(10) Maximum righting lever and corresponding angle of heel and vanishing angle of stability
(11) Downflooding angle
(12) Evaluation of conformity with stability requirements
(13) Others
l cf : Longitudinal centre of floatation
l cb : Longitudinal centre of buoyancy

l cg : Longitudinal centre of gravity

KG 0 :

Moment to change trim one centimeter

Tons per centimeter immersion
Transverse metacentric height above base line
Longitudinal metacentric height above base line
Apparent vertical centre of gravity above base line

General Data
1 As a general data, various data stated in following -2 to -8 are to be presented in numerical tables or curves to
give required values with sufficient accuracy. If any change in trim has a large effect on the values of various data,
additional tables or curves for suitable range of trim is to be prepared or the method of correction to cope with the
change in trim is to be given. With respect to hydrostatic curves or tables and cross curves of stability, each
displacement and the effects of changes in trim during heeling are to be taken into account.
2 Capacity, centre of capacity of compartments and centre of gravity
Capacity and the location of the centre of capacity (in longitudinal and vertical directions, and also transverse
direction, if required) of all compartments such as cargo holds, fuel oil tanks, fresh water tanks and ballast tanks are
to be expressed as the functions of the liquid level or ullage of each compartment. When functions of ullage are used,
reference point for ullage and the lowest point of that compartment are to be given. For deep tanks, side tanks, peak
tanks and other tanks with unusual shape where the change of liquid level or ullage has a large effect on capacity or
center of capacity, holding more than 0.1% of the ship's summer displacement, intervals of the liquid level or ullage
are to be not more than 0.1m. In the range of liquid level or ullage where capacity and center of capacity vary linearly
depending on the tank shape, larger intervals may be adopted. It is preferable that the moment of inertia of free
surface is additionally given for all compartments which may be partly filled with liquied. For car carriers and car
ferries, the location of centre of gravity of a car stowing compartment may be based on the location of centre of

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

gravity of cars rather than the centre of the capacity. Capacity plans or tables showing capacities and centres of
gravity for each cargo stowage space are to be included. Tank sounding tables showing capacities, centres of gravity,
and free surface data for each tank are to be included.
3 Effect of free surface
For cargo holds and tanks which are partly filled with liquid and are also deep tanks, side tanks, peak tanks or other
tanks with unusual shape where the change of liquid level or ullage has a large effect on capacity or center of capacity,
holding more than 0.1% of the ship's summer displacement, the effect given by the free surface on the stability is to
be given as the function of the volume or the liquid level. Intervals of the liquid level or ullage are to be not more
than 0.1m. For tanks with a width of 0.6B or more, to indicate corrections to the righting lever in (2)(b), the angle of
heel ( q ) is to be in the range from 10 to 80 and in intervals not more than 10 .
(1) Compartments where free surface is taken into account;
(a) For compartments containing liquid which may be consumed or discharged during navigation, or for tanks,
such as anti-rolling devices and heeling tanks containing liquid which may be transferred to and from other
tanks, the expected maximum moment of free surface is to be given.
(b) When liquid in a cargo hold or deep tank is maintained constant at partly filled condition during navigation,
the moment of free surface may be calculated on the basis of actual quantity of the liquid.
(2) Free surface moment
(a) Correction to initial metacentric height;
Vertical ascend of centre of gravity is calculated by the following formula:
Sg i
GG0 =
Symbol S means that the values are to be summed up on all compartments having free surface inside.
The same is applied to the subsequent formula (b).
g : Specific weight of liquid (t/m3).
i : Transverse moment of inertia of free surface (m4)
W : Displacement (t).
(b) Correction to righting lever;
i) The righting lever is reduced by the amount obtained from the following formula:
SM fs
M fs = gubK d
Since above-mentioned formula for M fs is prepared for the case where liquid is half filled in a
compartment of approximately rectangular section, direct calculation is required separately for
each compartment if the above condition is not met. For the cases where deemed necessary by
the Society, however, other suitable methods may be applied.
u : Total volume of tanks (m3)
b, l, h : Maximum length (m), maximum breadth (m), and maximum depth (m) of the tank,
K : Value determined by following formulae according to cot q and b/h;
In case of cot q b / h :

sin q
tan 2 q b
1 +
2 h

In case of cot q < b / h :


cos q
tan q
cot q
1 +
b / h 12(b / h )2

cot 2 q
1 +

q : Angle of heel ( )
g , W : As given in above (a)


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)


In the case of tanks, of which M fs specified in above i) complies with following at when angle of
heel ( q ) is 30 , the correction to righting lever may be omitted.
M fs < 0.01Wmin
Wmin : Displacement (t) in light condition, in general.

Hydrostatic values
Hydrostatic values in the range of light draught to 115% of the maximum draught in intervals not more than 5cm
are to be presented on the basis of mean draught above underside of keel in the designed trim condition. Stability
information is to show the influence of various trims on hydrostatic values for a suitable range of trim in cases where
the operational trim range exceeds +/- 0.5% of Ls specified in 4.1.2(6) Part C of the Rules. The following items are
to be included:
(1) Mould displacement and displacement including shell platings, etc. (Specific gravity of sea water is to be
1.025(t/m3). Lower specific gravity may be adopted subject to the approval by the Administration.)
(2) TPC, MTC
(3) TKM (LKM to be included, if necessary)
(4) l cb , l cf (KB to be included, if necessary)
(5) C b
(6) Thickness of keel plates
5 Cross curves
Cross curves showing the relationship between righting lever, angle of heel and displacement or draft is to be
presented considering trim.
When structures and cargoes on the upper deck accepted as reserve buoyancy are included in calculations, data
showing their particulars are to be added.
The cross curves are to cover the following range;
(1) Full range of displacement or draft extending from light draft to 115% of the maximum draught in intervals not
more than 5cm.
(2) The range of the angle of heel extending from 10 to 80 in intervals not more than 10 . (However, closer
spacing may be required according to the ship form and proportions.)
6 Curve of downflooding angle
The angle of heel, ranging up to which the lower edge of an opening without weathertight closing means reaches
water surface, is to be specified as a function of displacement or draft. A diagram showing the position of the said
opening is to be attached.
Curve of downflooding angle may be indicated as tables.
7 Projected lateral windage area
Projected lateral area of hull structure, deck cargoes, etc. above water line receiving wind pressure and the vertical
distance between the centre of its area and the centre underwater projected lateral area are to be given as the functions
of the draught. The centre of underwater projected lateral area may be approximately assumed to locate at half the
8 Maximum permissible height of centre of gravity, etc.
The diagram by which the master is able to confirm easily that the stability of his ship complies with the
requirements in 1.3.8 in any loading condition, given in the functions and format deemed adequate by the Society
taking ship type and service area into account are to be supplied.
For an example, it is to be of the curve of minimum permissible G0M (or maximum permissible KG0) in which
draught and G0M (or KG0) are respectively used as ordinate and abscissa. Where the minimum permissible G0M (or
maximum permissible KG0) is determined from considerations related to the requirements in Chapter 4, Part C of
the Rules, the minimum permissible G0M between the deepest subdivision draught and the partial subdivision
draught and between the partial subdivision draught and light service draught is to be linearly varied respectively and,
for intermediate draughts, values to be used is to be obtained by linear interpolation applied to such G0M value.
Where the subdivision index is calculated for different trims, the minimum permissible G0M (or maximum
permissible KG0) curves are to be established in the same way.
9 Influence of Trims


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.1)

The stability information is to show the influence of various trims in cases where the operational trim range
exceeds +/- 0.5% of Ls specified in 4.1.2(6) Part C of the Rules.


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.2)




This guidance applies to computers for stability calculation on board the ship as a supplement to the stability
information booklet.
General Requirements
1 Stability computers are to be in accordance with the stability information booklet as approved by the Society and
are to perform all calculations as necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable stability requirements.
2 Where ships are to be complying with damage stability requirements by other rules, stability computers for such
ships are to perform all calculations or checks as necessary to ensure compliance with the applicable damage stability
3 Stability computers are to at least include all information as necessary by the applicable requirements specified
in the above -1 and -2.
4 The input/output information is to be easily comparable with approved stability information booklet.
5 An operation manual is to be provided for the onboard stability computer.
6 The language in which the stability information is displayed and printed out as well as the operation manual is
written, is to be the same as used in the ship s approved stability information booklet.
7 Appropriate measures are to be taken for the prevention of imprudent modifications of the programme and the
data for the stability computer.

Software for Stability Calculation

Types of Software
Software for stability calculation is categorized as following (1) to (3), corresponding to the stability
requirements applied to the ship.
(1) Type 1: Software calculating intact stability for each loading condition
(2) Type 2: Software calculating intact stability as specified in (1) and checking damage stability by showing a limit
G0M curve or previously approved loading conditions.
(3) Type 3: Software calculating intact stability and damage stability by direct application of pre-programmed
damage cases for each loading condition.
Functional Requirements for Software
1 The calculation programme of the software for stability calculation is to present relevant parameters as specified
in 1.3.9-3 of Annex U1.2.1 GUIDANCE FOR STABILITY INFORMATION FOR MASTER , of each loading
condition, in order to assist the Master in his judgement on whether the ship is loaded within the approval limit.
2 For the software of type 3, the relevant damage cases according to the applicable rules are to be pre-defined for
automatic check of a given loading condition.
3 Regarding the output on screen and in hard copy printout, the data with units of measurement are to be presented
in clear unambiguous manner with units of measurement and a clear warning is to be given if any of the loading
limitations are not complied with. The data and time of a saved calculation and identification of the calculation
programme including version number are also to be presented.
Computational Accuracy of Programme
1 For the computational accuracy of the stability calculation programme, tolerances of the calculation results from
the approved stability information booklet are, in general, to be zero.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of -1, for programmes which use hull form models as their basis for stability
calculations, the tolerances of the calculation results from the approved stability information booklet may be within
the acceptable tolerances as shown in Table 1.


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.2)

3 The computational accuracy of the programme for the particular ship is to be verified so that the calculation
results are within the acceptable tolerances specified in -1 or -2 as applicable. Such calculation is to be made by using
actual ship data for at least four loading conditions which are selected from the ship s approved stability information
booklet (except the light ship condition) in accordance with the following (1) to (3). Notwithstanding the above, for
programmes approved for not-particular ships in accordance with 1.2.4, such verification may be done for one
loading condition. Where deemed as necessary by the Society, submission of detail data for the verification may be
(1) Loading conditions for the verification (hereinafter, referred to as test loading conditions) are to be full of
variety as possible and include a cargo loaded condition with the deepest draught and a ballast condition with the
lightest draught. For ships carrying liquid cargoes in bulk, at least one of the conditions is to include partially
filled tanks. For ships carrying grain in bulk, one of the grain loading conditions is to include a partially filled
grain compartment.
(2) Within the test loading conditions each main compartment (cargo spaces, ballast tanks, etc.) is to be loaded at
(3) The test loading conditions are to include at least one departure and one arrival condition.
Table 1

Acceptable Tolerances

Hull form dependent



Longitudinal centre of buoyancy, from AP

1% / 50 cm max

Vertical centre of buoyancy

1% / 5 cm max

Transverse centre of buoyancy

0.005B / 5 cm max

Longitudinal centre of flotation, from AP

1% / 50 cm max

Moment to trim 1 cm


Transverse metacentric height

1% / 5 cm max

Longitudinal metacentric height

1% / 50 cm max

Cross curves of stability

50 mm

Compartment dependent
Volume or deadweight


Longitudinal centre of gravity, from AP

1% / 50 cm max

Vertical centre of gravity

1% / 5 cm max

Transverse centre of gravity

0.005B / 5 cm max

Free surface moment


Shifting moment


Level of contents

Trim and stability

Draughts (forward, aft, mean)

1% / 5 cm max

GM (transverse metacentric height from centre of gravity)

1% / 5 cm max

GZ values (righting arm)

5% / 5 cm max

Free surface correction


Downflooding angle

2 degrees

Equilibrium angles

1 degree

Distance to unprotected openings or margin line from WL,

if applicable
Areas under righting arm curve

5% / 50 mm max
5% / 0.0012 m-rad max

Deviation in % means a ratio of the difference between the calculation results and values of the approved
stability information booklet, to the values of the booklet.


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.2)

Approval of Software
The Society may approve software as a stability calculation programme which does not depend on data of a
particular ship. In this case, the Society examines such software in accordance with the procedures specified in the
following (1) to (4) and then, may issue a certificate of approval after success in the examination.
(1) Verify the compliance with the functional requirements as specified in 1.2.2.
(2) Verify the compliance with the requirements of the computation accuracy in 1.2.3, by using at least three data
sets of different types of ship which are containing of four loading conditions selected in accordance with
1.2.3-3(1) to (3). In such case, the tolerances are to be evaluated from calculation results by the stability
calculation programme which is provided by the Society. For the purpose of the verification, the type of ship is,
in general, categorized into the following four types.
(a) Tankers, ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk, ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk and ships
having loading conditions as similar to such type of ship
(b) Bulk carriers and ships having loading conditions as similar to such type of ship
(c) Container carriers and ships having loading conditions as similar to such type of ship
(d) Other cargo ships
(3) Notwithstanding the above (2), for software which applicable type of ship is limited, the verification may be
made by using at least three data sets of ships having different hull forms of applicable type of ship.
(4) For the approval of software, any applicant is to submit the following documents in addition to the software.
(a) Application for approval (including applicable type of ship, where it is limited)
(b) General information of the software (including information regarding its version)
(c) Operation manual
(d) Necessary data regarding displacement, compartmentation, weight, centre of gravity, loaded cargoes and
loading conditions of the ships used for the verification of the computational accuracy (lines, hydrostatic
curves, tank capacity plan, etc.)

Hardware for Stability Computer

Hardware Requirements
1 Hardware for stability computers is recommended to be of approved type in accordance with the requirements of
Chapter 2, Part 7 of the Guidance for the Approval and Type Approval of Materials and Equipment for
2 Where a wide use computer adapts to the use of this purpose, it is recommended to provide two or more
computers on board the ship.

Operation Manual

Contents of Operation Manual
Operation manual for the stability computers is to contain at least the following descriptions and instructions.
(1) General instruction
(2) Instructions for function keys
(3) Instructions for menu displays
(4) Instructions for input and output data
(5) Descriptions regarding required minimum hardware to operate the software, where the software is supplied
separate from hardware
(6) Instructions for use of the test loading conditions
(7) Descriptions regarding computer-guided dialogue steps
(8) List of warnings in operation


Installation Testing
When the stability computer is installed on board the ship or the software is installed the computer or renewed, a

2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Annex U1.2.2)

performance test is to be carried out so as to ensure correct working in accordance with the procedures specified in
the following (1) to (4).
(1) Retrieve at least one condition of the test loading conditions in the operation manual, carry out a stability
calculation and compare stability results with those in the operation manual.
(2) Change several items of input data sufficiently to change the draught or displacement by at least 10%. The
results are to be reviewed to ensure that they differ in a logical way from those of the test condition as
mentioned in (1) above.
(3) Revised the modified load condition as mentioned in (2) above to restore the initial test condition as mentioned
in (1) above and compare the results.
(4) Alternative to the provisions of (2) and (3) above, one or more conditions of the test loading conditions, other
than that mentioned in (1) above, are selected and the test calculation performed by entering all deadweight data
for each selected test condition into the programme as if it were a proposed loading. The results are to be
verified as identical to the results of the test conditions.
Periodical Testing
At each periodical survey of the ship, a performance test is to be carried out in the same manner as the
provisions of 1.5.1. However, at each special survey, the performance test is to be carried out for all test loading


2015 Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships (Part U Appendix U1)



1 A proposed test programme should be submitted prior to the testing.
2 During testing of continuous bollard pull (BP) the main engine(s) should be run at the manufacturer's
recommended maximum torque according to maximum continuous rating. Verification of the actual output should be
requested during the test.
3 During testing of overload pull, the main engine(s) should be run at the manufacturer's recommended maximum
rating that can be maintained for minimum 30 minutes.
The overload test may be omitted.
4 The propeller(s) fitted when performing the test should be the propeller(s) used when the vessel is in normal
5 All auxiliary equipment such as pumps, generators and other equipment which are driven from the main
engine(s) or propeller shaft(s) in normal operation of the vessel should be connected during the test.
6 The length of the towline should not be less than 300 metres, measured between the stern of the vessel and the
test bollard. A minimum length of twice the vessel length might be accepted.
7 The water depth at the test location should not be less than 20 metres within a radius of 100 metres of the vessel.
If the water depth of 20 metres cannot be obtained at the test location, then a minimum water depth which is equal to
twice the maximum draft of the vessel may be accepted. It should be noted that reduced water depth may adversely
affect the test results.
8 The test should be carried out with the vessel's displacement corresponding to full ballast and half fuel capacity.
9 The vessel should be trimmed at even keel or at a trim by stern not exceeding 2% of the vessel's length.
10 The vessel should be able to maintain a fixed course for not less than 10 minutes while pulling as specified in
items 2. or 3. above. Certified continuous bollard pull is the average reading of the 10 minutes period.
11 The test should be performed with a wind speed not exceeding 5 m/sec.
12 The current at the test location should not exceed 0.5 m/sec. in any direction.
13 The load cell used for the test should be approved by a competent body and be accurate within +/- 2% within the
range of loads to be measured and for the environmental conditions experienced during the test.
14 An instrument giving a continuous read-out and also a recording instrument recording the bollard pull
graphically as a function of time should both be connected to the load cell. The instruments should if possible be
placed and monitored ashore.
15 The load cell should be fitted between the eye of the towline and the bollard.
16 The figure certified as the vessel's continuous bollard pull shall be the towing force recorded as being
maintained without any tendency to decline for a duration of not less than 10 minutes.
17 Certification of bollard pull figures recorded when running the engine(s) at overload, reduced RPM or with a
reduced number of main engines or propellers operating can be given and noted on the certificate.
18 A communication system shall be established between the vessel and the person(s) monitoring the load cell and
the recording instrument ashore, by means of VHF or telephone connection, for the duration of the test.


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