ABS Stability Guidance

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Copies of each of the following:
1. Trim and stability Booklet
2. Hydrostatic Curves or Tables
3. Cross Curves of Stability
4. Tank Capacities and Free Surface Corrections
5. Downflooding Angle vs. Draft Curve

6. Lateral Profile of Ship with containers on Deck
7. Lightship Particulars Estimated or Actual
8. Lifting Operation Information
9. General Arrangement Plan



a. The area under the righting lever curve (GZ curve) should not be less than 0.55 meter-
radians up to = 30 angle of heel and not less than 0.09 meter-radians up to =40 or then
angle of downflooding, if this angle is less than 40.
Additionally, the area under the righting arm curve (GZ Curve) between the angles of heel
of 30 and 40 or between 30 and the angle of downflooding if this angle is less than 40
should not be less than 0.03 meter-radians.
b. The righting lever GZ should be at least 0.20m at an angle of heel equal or greater than 30.
c. The maximum righting arm should occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30 but
not less than 25.
d. The initial metacentric height GM
should not be less than 0.15m


This criterion supplements the stability criterion given above, and applies to all loading
conditions. The more stringent of the two criteria should govern the minimum requirements.
The weather criterion is usually more stringent when a large lateral profile exists, i.e., at light
drafts or when large amounts of deck cargo are carried.


The VCG used in calculating the righting lever curve (GZ Curve) should be corrected for the
free surface effects of liquids in tanks in every loading condition, including departures.


For lifting operations, we recommend the following:
The maximum heeling moment developed by multiplying the weight of the hook load and boom
by the horizontal distance to port or s d of the hook load and boom center of gravity from
centerline, considering the full range of crane elevations and weights, is to be determined. The
resulting heeling moment is to be converted to a heeling arm at zero degrees of inclination by
dividing by the barge's displacement. The heeling arm thus achieved is to be superimposed on
the righting arm curve and is to be taken as a horizontal line.

The righting arm curve is to be corrected for the increase in the vertical center of gravity due to
the load.
(a) For any condition of loading, the first intercept of the heeling arm curve with the righting
arm curve (equilibrium point) is to occur prior to submergence of the deck edge, or
downflooding point.
b) The residual area between the first intercept and the angle of downflooding, the second
intercept or 40, whichever occurs first, is not to be less than 0.03 meter-radians.


A Trim and Stability Booklet is to be provided to enable the operating personnel to assess the
stability of the barge with ease and certainty in different service conditions. This information
should be in the form of tables or diagrams which will enable them to quickly assess the
conditions differing from the standard ones. It should include a curve or -table giving, as a
function of draft, the maximum allowable cargo VCG (or other stability parameter) which
ensures that the stability is in compliance with the criteria given above.

For details on the Trim and Stability Booklet format and required information see Appendix 3.


The Trim and Stability Booklets are approved and returned to the submitter by a stability
approval cover letter. One stamped copy of the Trim and Stability Booklet is required to be
placed on board the vessel in addition to supplementary information (e.g., hydrostatic curves,
etc.) that is not contained in the booklet.

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