Econ Exam 1
Econ Exam 1
Econ Exam 1
Time: The exam will be held on Thursday, October 13 from 8:00-10:30pm. Please get to the
room by 8:00pm, but dont go in. Please bring your student picture ID your MCard so we
can check you in one-by-one. Also, sometimes buildings are locked and youll need your MCard
to get in to the building. Other students will be taking tests in the rooms before you, so please be
quiet in the halls outside the exam rooms. You have 100 minutes to complete the exam. We are
likely to go slightly past 10:00pm, so have flexible plans after the exam.
Location: Locations are assigned by discussion section leader. Make sure you know your section
leaders name and the section number for which you are registered. You must take the exam in
your assigned room with your assigned GSI. These are the assigned exam rooms:
Lorch 140
Guangye Cao
Rosina Rodriguez
Colin Watson
AH Aud A
Elchin Suleymanov
Xienan Cheng
AH Aud C
Chris Proulx
Kookyoung Han
Please note your section number in the chart below. This is very important so that we can get
your question book back to you.
Chris Proulx
Elchin Suleymanov
Colin Watson
Kookyoung Han
Xienan Cheng
Guangye Cao
Coverage: The exam will cover the first eleven lectures and corresponding chapters from Varian,
Chapters 1-10, 14 and 15 and the workbook. There will be no questions on Price Indices
(Sections 7.8-7.9), nor on Hicksian Decomposition and Compensated Demand (Sections 8.8-8.9).
Exam Review: Starting Sunday, October 9 through Wednesday, October 12, the each GSIs
Lecture Office Hours are extended an extra hour. Please consult the schedule online. Lecture
Office Hours are cancelled from Sunday, October 16 through Tuesday, October 18, and resume
normal scheduling on Wednesday, October 19. There will be review sessions conducted by
section leaders on Saturday, October 8, and Sunday, October 9, from 1:00-3:00pm in Angell Hall.
Please consult the schedule online. The sessions will cover different material.
Check In: Visit the restroom before checking in. We will need to clear the room before we
can check anyone in. Show your student ID card (MCard) and your calculator to your instructor,
who will check you off the class role and give you a scantron. Once you are in the room, please
sit every other seat, and sit in columns, directly behind the person in front, starting from the aisle.
Fill in your name, student ID number, and section number on the scantron. Once youve checked
in, you may not leave the test room (not even to visit the restroom) until after the exam has
begun. If you come late, you will not be given extra time to complete your exam. Please remove
ballcaps or headwear with visors.
Format: Please read attached file Exam Instructions which is a facsimile of the exam cover
page. The exam will be entirely objective. We will supply scantrons. The exam will consist of 10
True-False and 22 Multiple Choice questions. For True-False questions, answer A for True and
B for false. Each Multiple Choice question will have five possible responses. Select the best
answer. Each incorrect answer is worth zero points. Answers left blank are worth 1 point. A
correct True-False answer is worth 2 points. A correct Multiple-Choice answer is worth 5 points.
Materials: Please remember to bring your student ID card (MCard). Bring number 2 (HB)
pencils and a good eraser. Use pencil to bubble in your responses on the scantron (pen will not
work). You may bring colored pens to draw pictures in your question book if it helps. Make sure
to keep your scantron neat and clean, and erase stray marks completely. You may use a scientific
or four-function calculator only. You may not bring a graphing calculator, or a complex
computer-like calculator that can solve equations. You may not use an IPod or other electronic
device as a calculator. You may not use notes, a crib sheet, or scrap paper. You must do all your
figuring on the exam booklet. Your cell phone must be put away at all times. In particular, you
may not use a cell phone to keep time, or use it as a calculator. You may not share calculators. If
you do not bring an appropriate calculator, you may not use one on the exam.
Exam Procedures: Fill in your answers on the scantron as you go; you do not get extra time
after the exam to fill in your bubbles. Do not take your question book apart during the exam. Do
not tear off the cover sheet. During the exam, keep your scantron answer sheet tucked under your
question book to minimize visibility. At the end of the exam, we will call time and you must stop
working. Close your question book and place your scantron face down (answers down) on top of
the question book. Stay seated until you are dismissed; do not talk until you are out of the room.
Turn in your question book to the GSI collecting exams. The question book will be returned to
you in section.
Note: Please note your section number before the exam, so you can fill it in on the cover sheet.
We will have a count-down timer projected at the front for the last hour of the exam. You
typically may ask clarifying questions during the exam. We cannot indicate how to solve a
problem, and we may refuse to answer your question. You typically are not allowed to leave
during the last 10 minutes of the exam in order to keep things quiet for people trying to finish up.