Sample Paper IGIDR

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THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH The written examination will comprise two multiple choice objective tests as shown below. Sr. I. Test Comprehension, Reasoning and Analytical Ability Mathematics Questions 1 100 Time 90 Min.

MARKING OF ANSWERS How to show your answer : Each question is followed by answers which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Select the most appropriate answer. Then by using HB Pencil blacken the oval bearing the correct answer number against the serial number of the question. For example, if the answer to Question Number 2 is answer number 5, it is shown as follows 2. 1 2 3 4

( I. G. I. D. R. )
Written Examination for Admission to M. Sc./M.Phil./Ph.D. Programme

1. This booklet contains details pertaining to various aspects of the examination you are going to take and important instructions about the related matters. The assessment of answersheets will be done by a computerised machine; hence you should carefully read instructions regarding handling of the answersheet and the method of marking answers. You are advised to study this booklet carefully as it will help you in preparing yourself for the examination. 2. Before appearing for the written examination you should strictly ensure yourself that you fulfil the eligibility criteria in all respects. IGIDR will reject, at any stage, any candidate who does not satisfy the eligibility criteria. 3. Please note that you will have to pass in each of the tests. However, since this is a competitive examination, mere passing is not adequate. You have to obtain a high rank in the order of merit. You should, therefore, put up your best efforts in the examination.


101 150

90 Min.

Please note that each test is separately timed. You are not supposed to utilise the time saved on one test to solve the questions from the other test. There will be a separate answersheet for indicating your answers. A specimen answersheet is provided at the end of this handout.

Please note that the oval should be dark enough and should be filled in as completely as possible. You need not make special efforts to darken any oval artistically. How to change your answer : If you wish to change your answer ERASE completely the already darkened oval by using good quality eraser and then blacken the new oval bearing your revised answer number. While changing the answer, erasing the earlier answer completely is extremely essential. If it is not erased completely, smudges will be left on the erased oval as shown below and the question will be read as having two answers and will be ignored for giving any credit. 1 2 3 4

(Smudge left in oval no. 3 due to bad eraser and the fresh answer in oval no. 5 will be read as two answers 3 & 5 and therefore no credit will be given even if the answer no. 5 happens to be the correct answer.)







GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Particulars to be noted : Please note carefully your Roll Number, date, time and venue for the examination given in the call letter. Please also note that this call letter does not constitute an offer of admission. Punctuality in attendance : You should be present at the examination hall at the time given in the call letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall. Call letter to be surrendered : You should bring your call letter with you, when you come to the venue for the examination, with a recent passport size photograph of yourself, firmly affixed in the space provided for it. You will be required to sign in the space provided for candidates signature on your call letter in the presence of the invigilator in the examination hall. If you come to the examination hall without the call letter or without the photograph affixed on it, you will not be permitted to appear for the examination. You should hand over your call letter to the invigilator in the examination hall, when he collects the call letters from the candidates. Compliance with instructions : You should scrupulously follow the instructions given by test administrators and the invigilators at the examination venue at all the stages of the examination. If you violate the instructions you will be disqualified and may also be asked to leave the examination hall. Use of calculators, books, notes and copying or receiving/giving assistance not allowed : No calculator, separate or with watch, books, note-books

or written notes and cell phones will be allowed inside the examination hall. Any candidate who is found either copying or receiving or giving assistance will be disqualified. 6. Sample answersheet and how to fill information on it : A sample answersheet is attached to this booklet. Fill in the required biodata and other information on this answersheet for your practice and bring it with you to the examination hall. You will get a similar answersheet in the examination hall, on which you will have to copy the biodata and other information already filled in by you on the sample answersheet. How to fill in the information on the answersheet is explained later in this handout. Use of HB pencil and ball pen : You are required to fill in the information on the answersheet which you will get in the examination hall, by HB pencil and ball-point pen. You are required to mark your answers by the HB pencil. Therefore, you should bring with you two HB pencils, a good quality eraser, a sharpener and a ball-point pen. You are advised to bring two pencils to avoid mending a pencil during the examination as you may lose time. Handling answersheet : Please handle your answersheet with extreme care and keep it dustfree. If it is mutilated, torn, folded, wrinkled or rolled, it may not be valued. Answersheets and question papers will be supplied by IGIDR. After the test is over, you should hand over both the answersheet and question paper to the invigilator before leaving the room. Any candidate

who does not return the question booklet and/or answersheet or is found to attempt to take or pass on the question booklet or answersheet inside or outside the examination hall will be disqualified and IGIDR may take further action against him/her as per rules of IGIDR. 9. Rough work to be done on the booklet : You are advised to do all the necessary rough work on test booklet/question paper itself. You SHOULD NOT do your rough work on the answersheet or on any other paper. If any rough work is done on the answersheet, your answersheet will not be assessed. 10. One single answersheet : For all objective tests there will be a single answersheet. 11. Method of showing answers : All your answers must be marked in the answersheet only. The method of indicating answers as described and illustrated must be followed. If this is not done the answersheet will not be assessed by the computerised machine. 12. Write roll no. on the test booklet : You should write your Roll No. in the space provided on the cover page of the test booklet. If you do not write your Roll No. on the test booklet your answersheet will not be assessed. 13. Information on the answersheet : You should write all the information required on the answersheet such as Roll No., Name, Test Form No., etc. If you do not write your Roll No., Name and Test Form No. etc. your answersheet will not be assessed.













Use ball pen for filling up information in boxes in 1 to 11. (Box No. 1) Full name of the candidate : You have to write in CAPITALS your full name in English as given in the call letter. (Boxes Nos. 2 to 5) Other information : You will find that the information asked for in the boxes from 2 to 5 can be filled in easily. Fill in this information by using ball-point pen. (Box No. 6) Post : Write the name of discipline of your study as explained in box no. 15. (Box No. 7) Category : Write the name of the programme for which you have applied as explained in Box No.16. (Boxes No. 8-10) Test booklet serial No., test battery no. and test form no. All these Nos. are printed on the cover page of test booklet, which you will receive at the time of the examination. You have to copy these numbers on your answersheet, using ball point pen. (Box No. 11) Candidates signature : You should sign in the space provided. Your signatures on the application form, call letter and answersheet should be identical. (Box No. 12) Invigilators signature : Invigilator will sign in Box No.12 in the examination hall. (Box No. 13) : Name of the candidate : There is a row of 10 boxes for writing the name. Just below each box you will find a column of 26 ovals each containing a letter of the alphabet. The top oval in each contains a letter A whereas the last oval bears Z. Write your name in CAPITALS by entering one letter in each box using HB pencil and blacken the appropriate oval under each box. If your name contains more letters write only the first

letters which you can accommodate in the Boxes provided. Begin writing your name as given in the call letter. (Box No. 14) : Roll number You will be assigned an eight digit Roll Number. There is a row of 8 boxes provided to write the Roll Number. Just below each box there are 10 ovals numbered from 1 to 9 and 0. Enter one digit in each box and also blacken the appropriate oval under each box by using HB Pencil. NOTE : DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGE in your Roll No. on your own. (Box No. 15) Post applied : Darken the oval corresponding to the discipline of your study for the last qualifying degree as follows : Discipline Economics Science Code 1 3 Discipline Engineering Others Code 2 4

Agriculture, Science, Engineering/Technology, Management. If the faculty studied by you is other than these, then indicate as Others. Indicate the faculty studied by you and leave other faculties blank. (Box No. 22) Medium of instruction : In this box, the information about medium of instruction at various levels of study, viz. SSC (X Std.), HSC (XII Std.) Graduation (DEG) and Post Graduation (PG) is to be indicated. The language codes are English - 11, Hindi - 12 & Other languages -23 (Box No. 23) Percentage of marks : In this box percentage of marks obtained at each level of examination (rounded off to two digits) is to be indicated. In case grades are given, convert the same into equivalent percentages and indicate as above. (Box No. 24) Place of school & college : In this box, the candidate has to indicate, by blackening the appropriate oval, his place of study (Village, Tehsil, District, State Capital, Metropolis) for each level of examination (SSC, HSC, Degree, Post Graduation). (Box No. 25) Annual family income : You should blacken the appropriate oval. (Box No. 26) Parental education : In this box the column 1 indicates level of education, column 2 and 3 indicate fathers and mothers education respectively. You should blacken the appropriate ovals correctly. (Box No. 27) Religion : In this box indicate your religion by darkening the appropriate oval using HB pencil. (Box No. 28) Sex : You should blacken the appropriate oval correctly.

(Box No. 16) Category : Darken the oval corresponding to the programme for which you have applied as follows : Programme M.Sc. M.Phil./Ph.D. Code 1 2

(Box No. 17) Test Form No. : Write and darken the appropriate ovals of the test form no. of the test booklet you will receive. (Box No. 18) Language & (Box No. 19) FOR OFFICE USE : May be kept blank. (Box No. 20) Date of birth : Please remember that if the date and the month are single digit numbers they are to be prefixed by zero. (Box No. 21) Discipline : Under discipline the candidate has to indicate his faculty of study viz. Arts, Commerce,


You have to mark all your answers on side 2 by HB pencil only.






(5) 16

SAMPLE QUESTIONS Test of Comprehension, Reasoning and Analytical Ability This test of Comprehension, Reasoning & Analytical Ability will be of 90 minutes duration. This test is designed to examine the candidates verbal ability, analytical reasoning and quantitative skills. Of the 197 million square miles making up the surface of the globe, 71 percent is covered by the interconnecting bodies of marine water; the Pacific Ocean alone covers half the Earth and averages nearly 14, 000 feet in depth. The continents - Eurasia, Africa. North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica - are the portions of the continental masses rising above sea level. The submerged borders of the continental masses are the continental shelves, beyond which lie the deep-sea basins. The oceans attain their greatest depths not in their central parts, but in certain elongated furrows, or long narrow troughs, called deeps. The profound troughs have a peripheral arrangement, notably around the borders of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The position of the deeps near the continental masses suggest that the deeps, like the highest mountains, are of recent origin, since otherwise they would have been filled with waste from the lands. This suggestion is strengthened by the fact that the deeps are frequently the sites of the worldshaking earthquakes. For examples, the tidal wave that in April, 1946, caused widespread destruction along Pacific coasts resulted from a strong earthquake on the floor of the Aleutian Deep.

Ans. : (1)

You have to write your Roll Number on Side 2 also, (Box No.29) at the bottom left hand corner in the space provided using HB Pencil.

Test I

1 . Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage? (1) Features of the Earths Surface (2) Marine Topography (3) The Causes of Earthquakes (4) Primary Geologic Considerations (5) How to prevent Erosion. 2. According to the passage, the peripheral furrows or deeps are found (1) only in the Pacific and Indian oceans (2) near earthquakes (3) near the shore (4) in the centre of the ocean (5) to be 14,000 feet in depth in the Pacific. 3. From this passage, it can be inferred that earthquakes (1) occur only in the peripheral furrows (2) occur more frequently in newly formed land or sea formations. (3) are a prime cause of soil erosion (4) will ultimately make mountains level (5) are caused by the weight of the water II. The letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G, not necessarily in that order, stand for seven consecutive integers from 1 to 10. D is 3 less than A., B is the middle term. F is as much less than B as C is greater than D. G is greater than F.
Ans. : (3)

If A = 7, the sum of E and G is (1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 12 (4) 14 Ans. : (2)

III. If Elaine is on the steering committee, then she is

Ans. : (2)

on the central committee. This statement can be logically deduced from which of the following statements? (1) All members of the central committee are on the steering committee. (2) Elaine is on either the central committee or the steering committee. (3) Everyone who is on the steering committee is also on the central committee. (4) Some members of the central committee are on the steering committee. (5) Elaine is on the steering committee. Ans. : (3) IV (1) A causes B or C, but not both ,(2) F occurs only if B occurs, (3) D occurs if B or C occurs, (4) E occurs only if C occurs, (5) J occurs only if E or F occurs, (6) D Causes G or H or both, (7) H occurs if E occurs, (8) G occurs if F occurs. 1. If A occurs, which may occur ? I. F and G II. E and H III. D (1) I only (2) II only (3) III only (4) I & II or II & III, but not both (5) I, II, and III Ans. : (4) 2. If J occurs, which must have occurred ? (1) E (2) Both E and F (3) Either B or C (4) G (5) Both B and C Ans. : (3)

The fifth integer is (1) A (2) C (3) D (4) E (5) F Ans. : (2) 2. A is as much greater than F as which integer is less than G ? (1) A (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E Ans. : (4)











Test II
Test of Mathematics The test of mathematics will be of 90 minutes duration. This test is designed to examine the candidates mathematical abilities. The sample questions given below are suggestive. Q.1. For each set A, (1) {A} 2A (4) A 2A Q.2. xex dx is (1)
2 x x e + xe

Q.5. Given (x) = 2x3 3x2 36x 10, the function attains (1) minimum at x = 4 (2) maximum at x = 3 (3) minimum at x = 2 (4) maximum at x = 6 (5) None of the above

(1) 0 (4) 1

1 1 1 1 1+a 1 = 1 1 1+b (2) (1 + a) (1 + b) (3) ab (5) None of the above

5x + 2



Q.10.When the mean of a binomial distribution is 12 and the s.d. is 3, the probability of success, p is , (1)

Q.6. If (2) {A} 2A (3) A 2A (5) None of the above

(1 + 3x) (1 + 2x)

1 + 3x

1 + 2x

then (1) A = 1, B = 1 (3) A = 2, B = 0 (5) None of the above

3 4 1 8


1 4


1 2

(2) A = 1, B = 1 (4) A = B = 1


(5) None of the above

(2) ex (x + 1) (4) logx (x 1) Q.7. x +

2 (3) ex (x 1) (5) None of the above e x

1 2

x +

1 3

x + ........... is 1

Q.11. The mean wage and s.d. of 150 men were Rs.60 and Rs.4 per week respectively and that of another 200 men were Rs. 90 and Rs.3 per week. The s.d. of the work force of 350 men considered as one group is

Q.3. limx 0

1 is x
(2) 1 (3) 1 (5) None of the above

(1) log (1 x) (3) (1 x) 1 (5) None of the above

(1) Not defined (4) 0

1x (4) e 1

(2) log

l ogx
Q.4. The slope of f(x) = 5 x




x 5

3x 1


5 2


ex 3 1

Q.8. The values of K for which the system of equations x+y = 4 Kx + 2y + 3z = 1 2x + y + Kz = 5 does not have any solution, are (1) 1, 3 (2) 3, 1 (3) 3, 1 (4) 1, 3 (5) None of the above

32 (3) 15.5 7 (4) 21.1 (5) None of the above Q.12. A candidate is selected for interview for three posts. For the first post there are 3 candidates, for the second there are 4 candidates and for the third there are 2. The chance of him getting at least one post is
(1) 9 (2) (1) 0.75 (4) 0.25

1 1 (3) 24 8 (5) None of the above


1. (1), 2.(3), 3. (2), 4. (3) 5. (5), 6. (4), 7 (2), 8 (3), 9. (3), 10. (2), 11. (3), 12. (1)

(4) 10 x 2 2 x 3x (5) None of the above (3)









Bring two HB Pencils, a ball pen and an eraser on the day of examination. Bring your call letter with your recent photograph affixed on it. Without these documents you are not permitted to appear in the examination. Use of calculator is NOT NOT allowed. Before appearing ensure that you fulfil the eligibility criteria in all respects.
16 17 18

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