MATH 2940 Spring 2013: Lec 1, Lec 2

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MATH 2940

Spring 2013

Lectures: MWF
Lec 1, 10:10-11:00AM, Olin 155; Lec 2, 12:20-1:10PM, Upson B17
Lecturer: Professor C.Y. Hui, 322 Thurston Hall, 5-3718, [email protected]
Textbook: Linear Algebra and its applications, 4th edition, David C Lay, Addison Wesley.
Course Website:
There are two Preliminary Exams and a comprehensive Final Exam. The prelims are between 7:30
and 9:00 pm on Tuesday, Feb 19 and Thursday, April 11. Please mark these dates and do not
schedule anything that conflicts with them. In case of unavoidable conflicts (prelims only), make-up
prelims can be taken at an earlier time (typically 1 hour and 45 minutes before the regular prelim). These
early prelims will be identical to the regular prelims. You must contact your TA (by email and in person)
as soon as possible if you need to take a make-up prelim. Locations of the prelims and the final exam will
be posted at the Math 294 course website as well as on the Cornell University website. Please note that
final exam time usually is posted around March so do not make any travel arrangement during the exam
period until you find out your exam dates. If you have a legitimate reason to miss a prelim (including the
early make-up prelims) a comprehensive make-up prelim will be given on the last day of the final exam
period. You also have the option of taking a grade based on averaging your scores on the prelim and the
final you took.
Homework (HW):
Weekly homework assignments will be due on Mondays (total number of assignments = 14) before 7pm.
Put HW in the drop box which has your TAs name on it. These boxes are white and are located on
the basement floor of Upson Hall, between the computer lab door and the front doors of Upson B17. You
may work together on homework, but your write-up must be your own. Selected HW problems will be
graded. Your solution must be clearly written. Illegible homework will not be graded. Supplementary
problems (mostly engineering related problems) will be assigned periodically. These problems will be
labeled as SP. Please download these problems from the course website. Since HW solutions will be
posted in the course Website on Monday between 7 8 pm, no homework will be accepted after the 7
pm deadline on Mondays.
The course grade is based on 450 points. Your grade will be determined by the two prelims, the final
exam, homework and your class participation (clickers). Each prelim will be worth 100 pts, the
comprehensive final exam will be worth 200 points. You are expected to hand in the first 13 homework
assignments, each worth 1 pt. The grades of the 3 worst HW assignments from the 13 required will be
dropped in calculating your overall homework score which will be out of 10 pts. Your participation in class
(answering questions using clicker) is worth a total of 40 points. Your score will be 40pts if you get every
question right. If you get every question wrong, your score is 30 points. If you do not participate, you
will get 0. Just in case you may not be able to attend some lectures, we will drop the first 10 zero scores.
You have until the 27th of January to register your iclicker. Although the homework grade is 2.4% of
the course, they are extremely important since at least 75% of questions in the prelims and the
final exam are homework problems + examples in lectures 1 .
Iclicker: Please register your iclicker remote on blackboard. In case you have a problem with
blackboard, try registration at Please make sure your batteries
are in good condition, otherwise your answers may not be recorded. You have until the 27th of January
to register your iclicker.
Teaching Assistants:
Head TA: Mull-Osborn (ajm389), Hyung Joo Park (hp255),Amy L. Cochran (alc98), Chang.H. Lee (cl429),
Elizabeth A. Ellis (eae49), Tse L. Keegan Kang (tk528)
Office Hours:

Numerical values may be changed and there can be slight changes in the wording of the problem.

The professor will assist you in your HW problems, as well as answer your questions in 102 Thurston
Hall (times to be announced check the course website). Additional office hours may be available by
appointment. The teaching assistants will also have office hours in 102 Thurston Hall. Their office hours
will be posted on the course website. Besides the office hours offered by your TA and the professor, feel
free to attend other TAs office hours.
Additional Help:
In addition to the help provided during office hours, students may register (as soon as possible) and
receive one credit for the Academic Excellence Workshop, meeting two hours weekly, in which problems
relating to the material covered in class are solved. Also, free tutoring may be obtained at the
Mathematics Support Study Center located in 256 Mallott Hall. Interested students should sign up for
time there. Be forewarned: peak demand always occurs just before prelims.
Academic Integrity Academic Integrity is expected of all students; for example, no students may
answer questions for another student in class. Please read Code of Academic Integrity for details.
This code can be found at

SYLLABUS & HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS (SP = supplementary problem)



Topic and Reading*


M 1/21
W 1/23
F 1/25
M 1/28
W 1/30
F 2/1
M 2/4
W 2/6
M 2/11
W 2/13
F 2/15
M 2/18

1.1 (1st HW)

1.1 (1st HW)
1.2(1st HW)
1.3(2nd HW)
1.4(2nd HW)
1.5(2nd HW)
1.6(3rd HW)
1.7(3rd HW)
1.8(3rd HW)
1.8(4th HW)
1.9(4th HW)
1.10(4th HW)
2.1(5th HW)

Systems of Linear Equations

Systems of Linear Equations
Row reduction & Echelon Forms
Vectors Equations
Matrix Equation
Solution of Linear Systems
Linear Independence
Linear Transformation
Linear Transformation
Matrix of Linear transformation
Linear Models
Matrix Operations

1.1: 8,16,27
1.1: 33,34,SP
1.2: 12,16,26,29,31 (due 1/28)
1.3: 6,8,12,24,26,32
1.4: 14,16,22,26,28,34
1.5: 12,14,24,25,27,30,32,37 (due 2/4)
1.6: 8,14,SP
1.7: 14,16,18,20,22,32,40
1.8: 12,18,22,26 (due 2/11)
1.8: SP,31,36,40
1.9: 4,6,10,14,18,22,24,32
1.10: 8,12,14 (due 2/18)
2.1: 6,16,20,22,23,26,27

Tues 2/19 Prelim 1: Covers Sections 1.1-1.9

W 2/20
F 2/22
M 2/25
W 2/27
F 3/1
M 3/4
W 3/6
F 3/8
M 3/11
W 3/13
F 3/15

2.2(5th HW)
2.3(5th HW)
2.5(6th HW)
2.8(6th HW)
2.9(6th HW)
4.1 (7th HW)
4.2(7th HW)
4.3(7th HW)
4.4(8th HW)
4.5(8th HW)
4.6(8th HW)

Matrix Inverse
Inverse matrix characterization
LU Decomposition
Subspace of Rn
Dimension and rank
Vector spaces
Subspaces + linear transformations
Linear Independent sets, Bases
Coordinate systems
Dimension of a vector space
Rank-Nullity theorem

2.2: 7,8,10,20,27,28,33,SP
2.3: 4,8,12,14,18,24,28 (due 2/25)
2.5: 4,12,24,29,SP (use (31))
2.8: 6,8,18,22,24,36
2.9: 6,8,10,14,18,30 (due 3/4)
4.1: 8,11,19,20,22,24
4.2: 6,24,26,28,31,32,33
4.3: 12,14,22,33,37 (due 3/11)
4.4: 4,10,12,14,16,18,20,32,37
4.5: 6,16,18,22,24
4.6: 4,5,12,16,18,20,31,32,33 (due 3/25)

Spring Break (Sat. 3/16 Sun. 3/24)

M 3/25
W 3/27
F 3/29
M 4/1

4.7(9th HW)
4.9(9th HW)
3.1 (9th HW)
3.2 (10th HW)

Change of basis
Applications to Markov chains

4.7: 4,6,10,14,15, SP
4.9: 8,16,18,19,20
3.1:10,12,42 (due 4/1)
3.2: 6,24,28,40

W 4/3
F 4/5
M 4/8
W 4/10

3.3 (10th HW)

5.1(10th HW)
5.2(11th HW)
5.3(11th HW)

Cramers rule + volume

Eigenvalues + Eigenvectors
Characteristic equation

3.3: 6,18,24,30,31
5.1: 13,14,20,22,35,SP (due 4/8)
5.2: 16,18,22,24,25
5.3: 6,14,22,24,27,28

Thursday 4/11 Prelim 2: Covers material from 2/15 4/5

F 4/12
M 4/15
W 4/17
F 4/19
M 4/22
W 4/24
F 4/26
M 4/29
W 5/1
F 5/3

5.4(11th HW)

Eigenvectors & Linear transformations

6.1-2(12th HW) Inner product, orthogonal sets

6.3(12th HW) Projection
6.4(12th HW) Gram Schmidt Process
6.4(13th HW) QR factorization
6.5 (13th HW) Least Square Method
6.6(13th HW) Least square Method
7.1 (14th HW) Symmetric matrices
7.4 (14th HW) Single value decomposition
7.4(14th HW) Single value decomposition & review

5.4: 4,6,8,10,12,16,18 (due

6.1: 14,28,30; 6.2:10,14,16,24,29

6.3: 2,10,14,18,19,22
6.4: 10,18,20,22 (due 4/22)
6.4: 14,16,19
6.5: 12,14,16,19,20
6.6: 6,10,14 (due 4/29)
7.1: 22,24,28,34,SP
7.4: 12,16,18

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