07hammel Marcgrav1
07hammel Marcgrav1
07hammel Marcgrav1
During the preparation of the Marcgraviaceae treatment for the Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica, three
new species for the family have come to light. All of
them are woody epiphytes, and are known from and
can even be found locally sympatric in, though not all
are restricted to, the botanically rich pacic coastal
range just south of San Jos, along the border between
San Jos and Puntarenas provinces. The elevational
range within which these species occur [(700) 9001800 m] encompasses that generally cited as highest
in diversity, especially for epiphytes (see Gentry &
Dodson 1987, Zamora et al. 2004: 195-216). Other
epiphytic or climbing species that have recently been
described from this specic region of Costa Rica include: Apocynaceae - Allomarkgraa insignis J.F.
Morales, Araceae - Philodendron dominicalense Croat
& Grayum, Asclepiadaceae - Matelea costaricensis
W.D. Stevens, Bromeliaceae - Werauhia tiquirensis
(J.F. Morales) J.F. Morales, Cactaceae - Weberocereus
frohningiorum Ralf Bauer, Gesneriaceae -Paradrymonia bullata Gmez-Laur. & M.M. Chavarra (= Nautilocalyx biserrulatus Kriebel), Orchidaceae - Kefersteinia orbicularis Pupulin, Macroclinium confertum
Pupulin, Ornithocephalus castelfrancoi Pupulin. New
country records or rediscoveries of rare epiphytic or
climbing species also from this area include: Asclepiadaceae - Marsdenia laxiora Donn. Sm., Gesneriaceae
- Drymonia peltata (Oliv.) H.E. Moore, Lomariopsidaceae - Elaphoglossum moralesii A. Rojas, Malpighiaceae - Stigmaphyllon bogotense Triana & Planch.,
Vol. 6, N 2
Vol. 6, N 2
Vol. 6, N 2
C o s t a R i ca. Vo l . I . I n t r o d u cci n . M o n o g r.
S y s t . B o t . M i s s o u r i B o t . G ar d . 9 7 : 2 1 7 240.
Fig. 1. Marcgravia glandulosomarginata Hammel -A. Branch with mature inorescence just prior to anthesis.
-B. Close-up of calyx showing submarginal rows of glands. -C. Cross section of ovary. -D. Nectary. -E. Fruiting
pedicel with detail of lenticels. -F. Lower surface of leaf with detail showing submarginal glands. E from Hammel
et al. 20205 (INB), all others from Hammel et al. 23714 (INB).
Fig. 2. Ruyschia moralesii Hammel -A. Branch with inorescence prior to anthesis with detail of leaf lower
surface showing hypophyllous glands. -B. Open ower with pedicel and nectary. -C. Ovary with calyx (corolla
removed) and partial corolla showing adnate stamens. -D. Mature ower bud. -E. Cross section of ovary. -F. Open
owers at rachis. -G. Fruit. A from Morales 6297 (INB), B-F from Hammel et al. 24095 (INB), G from Hammel
et al. 23979 (INB).
Vol. 6, N 2
Fig. 3. Schwartzia tarrazuensis Hammel -A. Branch with mature inorescence just prior to anthesis. -B. Lateral,
front and longitudinal section views of nectary. -C. Fruit at top of pedicel. -D. Ovary and top view of stigma.
-E. Stamens. -F. Corolla lobe, showing adnate stamens. -G. Mature bud with calyx and corolla lobes removed.
B from Quesada 1900 (INB), all others from Hammel et al. 20413 (INB).
Fig. 4. Three new species of Marcgraviaceae. -A. Marcgravia glandulosomarginata (Hammel et al. 23714).
-B. Ruyschia moralesii (Hammel et al. 24095). -C. Schwartzia tarrazuensis (Hammel et al. 23996).